1 minute read

New Freshman, welcome

Many of you are no facing something brand new. A new place to live, a new school, new everyday life. You might not know anyone. You are allowed to be excited and even maybe a bit scared. No need to worry at all however, you are soon to be part of one of the best student communities in entire Finland (maybe in the entire world, who knows!)

It has been now three years, when I was in a situation similar to yours. I had spent entire summer working abroad, and I came back to Finland only three days before the beginning of the freshmen weeks. While working, I did not have really time to be scared, but on the weekend when I packed my bags and finally moved to my shared flat on Väinölänkatu, it really hit me, that I was beginning a whole new chapter in my life. All possible negative feeling disapperad completely by the first night, when we were spending time as a group and everyone was really nice. During the first fall it did become quite clear, that I was in the right place.


When the new year starts, I highly recommend being openminded and take all the chances offered! It is not said in vain that university years are the best time of one’s life; enjoy them fully!

The idea of this magazine is meant to be the first touch to the world of Enklaavi. You will meet this autumns tutors, the board of Enklaavi and learn maybe a bit about Lappeenranta. I hope this can bring something new to everyone!

CONRATULATIONS! Katri Seppäläinen Kuva: Elisa Kallela EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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