2 minute read


This autumn brings a change for you. You may be moving to a city that you have never visited before and maybe you know no one who lives here. Lappeenranta isn’t Paris, everyone knows that, but I would argue that people is the thing that make a place that feel like home. We offer many ways to meet new people and make friends and I encourage every one of you to participate everything that our freshmen weeks have to offer. LUT has a vibrant student culture and there is everything for everybody. You can participate in organizing events, singing at a choir and just partying with your fellow students. During freshmen weeks, many organizations will tell themselves.

To us business students, most important organizations are Enklaavi, NESU, LTKY and of course Suomen Ekonomit, which student contact person I am. The most important function of Ekonomit is that we will take care of that things go well in business students’ professional life, both during studies and after graduation. In practice this means that we have different events from resume workshops to wine tastings, and everything in-between.


I am active participant of student life at our Skinnarila campus, so I’m pretty sure that we will meet multiple times during next fall. Have a good summer and we will see at freshmen weeks!

Find me on Instagram: @enklaavinkylli @suomenekonomit Anselmi Auramo Student Contact Person

Student Contact Person, aka Kylli is business student who works at Suomen Ekonomit. Their job is to share information to student about Ekonomit, and vice versa. Kylli is in close co-operation with Enklaavi. Current Student Contact Person is Anselmi Auramo aka Ansu.

Hey freshman, welcome to Ekonomit!

We �usiness school �raduates ran�e �rom math �eniuses to creati�e t�pes and �rom leaders to e�perts and entrepreneurs. We represent the core o� sustaina�le �inancial and �usiness competence in Finland.

�uomen ��onomit is the union o� �usiness school �raduates. We ha�e o�er ������ mem�ers and �e are the �ourth lar�est mem�er or�anisation under ��a�a.

We promote thin�s that are important to �ou and ad�ocate on �our �ehal� � no one else �ill do that. With us� �ou �ill thri�e and societ� �ene�its.

Read more: ekonomit.fi/students


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