MasterFreshmenKyylef 2022

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Editor in Chief Katri MeerimariaNESU-Enklaavikyylef@enklaavi.fiSeppäläinen0452770837EditorialStaffEnklaavi’22’22AnselmiAuramoTutors’22PicturesNelliKaasalainenKatriSeppäläinenAnselmiAuramoKetokultaMiikkaHämäläinenLottaHyppänen LinkedIn:Instagram:53851LaserkatuEnklaaviPublisherry10Lappeenrantawww.enklaavi.fiEnklaavi’

Contents New Freshman, welcome 4 Greetings from chairman 6 Greetings from vice-chairman 8 Map of Lappeenranta 10 Board of Enklaavi 12 Tutors 16 Kyllicorner 20 Get to know the overalls 24

Freshman, WELCOME.

Many of you are no facing something brand new. A new place to live, a new school, new everyday life. You might not know anyone. You are allowed to be excited and even maybe a bit scared. No need to worry at all however, you are soon to be part of one of the best student communities in entire Finland (maybe in the entire world, who knows!) It has been now three years, when I was in a situation similar to yours. I had spent entire summer working abroad, and I came back to Finland only three days before the beginning of the freshmen weeks. While working, I did not have really time to be scared, but on the weekend when I packed my bags and finally moved to my shared flat on Väinölänkatu, it really hit me, that I was beginning a whole new chapter in my life. All possible negative feeling disapperad completely by the first night, when we were spending time as a group and everyone was really nice. During the first fall it did become quite clear, that I was in the right place. When the new year starts, I highly recommend being openminded and take all the chances offered! It is not said in vain that university years are the best time of one’s life; enjoy them fully! The idea of this magazine is meant to be the first touch to the world of Enklaavi. You will meet this autumns tutors, the board of Enklaavi and learn maybe a bit about Lappeenranta. I hope this can bring something new to everyone!


Greetings FROM chairman


Ahugecongratulationsonyournewplaceofstudy!MynameisIdaMattila,Istartedmystudiesin2019so I’m starting my fourth school year this autumn and I’m also acting as the chairperson of Enklaavi 2022. Enklaavi is the student association for business students at LUT University and our purpose is to serve the interests of students and organize all sorts of common activities. Therefore I want to welcome each and everyone of you into our neon yellow community <3 Now begins a new phase in your life. Starting this spring with a new school, a new city and for some, a new country. You might be asking yourself a plethora of questions: Where do I sign up for my classes? Where can I find class 2310, how about the Exam rooms? Don’t worry, your tutors will brief you on all things LUT! During the upcoming school year you will get to experience much more then studygroups and exams if you actively participate in everything you possible can and remember to keep an open mind. Get to know your fellow peers and make the most of your time here at LUT! During the orientation weeks you will most likely here about Skinnarilan henki, the spirit of Skinnarila. At its core this is the welcoming and accepting atmosphere we have at LUT. A friend, a stranger or something in-between, we help each other no matter the situation. See you during orientation!

Greetings from vice-chairman Hi you Enklaavi’s freshman!

I am Olivia Valorinta and I am starting my fourth year in LUT. I am Enklaavi’s vice chair this year. My responsibilities include cooperating with our stakeholders as well as Enklaavi’s Firstmasterstudents.ofall,congratulations to everyone starting their studies here in LUT! Your first year in Lappeenranta is about to start and I hope you feel excited already. I advice you to be active and participate to everything that interests you. I remember a couple years back when I came to Lappeenranta I knew nobody and I was sure I will never find friends or will never want to join any LUT’s or Enklaavis activities. Now, after three years of studies in Lappeenranta, I can prove those thoughts wrong. Just be openminded and active in participating student events <3 As I said, my responsibilities include our master’s students. Please join Master Freshmen of 2022 - Enklaavi Facebook group to get information of events, freshmen weeks etc. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me ( or come to talk to me at school or events!! I am excited to meet you and can’t wait for the freshmen weeks! Welcome to Enklaavi, see you soon<3 - Olivia Vice-chairmanValorinta2022

13. LAS PALMAS Legendary karaokebar, where sometimes student events can be held. 14. ARMADA Most of night life is held in here. Giggling Marlin, Enklaavi’s partner bar, is the place for student parties ever since first week. In the same complex there are other bars as well, for example karaokebar Wallis.



8. PUNKKERIMÄKI A hill located between campus area and Punkkerikatu. Every wappu all the different logos of different clubs and others are painted on the asphalt.

5. KELLARI Kellari is located in the cellar of YO-house. Many parties and sits are hosted here, and it will definetly become familiar soon after beginning of studies. Kellari was renovated during the summer 2022.

The most imporant; the university. Here you can find lecture halls, two student restaurants, the library and the school gym. In the lobby you can find Meidän Kioski, where you can buy snacks, LUT-merch and study supplies.

11. LIDL & RAJAMARKET Both in the same building. Rajamarket is mostly targeted for Russian turists, and it holds a lot different items. Usually one cant leave Rajamarket without buying at least one item.

Here you can find help to anything living related. Here you pick you keys as well before moving. It is recommended to get to know the internet page of LOAS as well.


10. STORES OF SAMMONLAHTI S-Market and K-Supermarket are located right next to each other in Sammonlahti and they have a lot broader selection than the campus store. Next to S-Market there is a pharmacy and next to K-Supermarket is a Subway.


Also known as Yolo and YO-house. Utilities include things such as student restaurant and campus store Sale. From the second floor you can find Enklaavi’s guild room, where every member is welcome to come for example for a cup of coffee, study or even to marvel the gigantic television Enklaavi has.

15. KAUPPATORI Market place has different booths where you can find all sorts of products. One can even buy the local food, vety and atomi.

LAB University of Applied Sciences is located right next to university. For example all language courses are organized together with LAB and LUT.


There is lot of possible parking spaces near university. Some of these require parking permit, but there are free parking spots also, for example from Laserkatu next to YO-house. Remember to use parking disc.


9. SELAM The closest kebab-pizzaplace, where you can get food with delivery even after a little wilder evening.

12. PRISMA & ALKO Easily reached by bus, the closest megamarket to the university. Many different stores found in the same building, most imporants probably Prisma, Alko (alcoholic beverage retailing monopoly) and pharmacy.

6. CAFE BAR G G-bar aka Gee is the only bar in the Skinnarila area.



As a bonus, we’ll mention some of the LOAS apartment complexs, that will probably be mentioned sooner or later and some of you might even live in some of these!

19. KONTTI A fleamarket, which has both clothes and furniture and books. If one needs for example attire for sits party, this might be a good place to work!

Port of Lappeenranta is a visit worthy place definetely. There are a few student events beginning in the port.

20. TRAVEL CENTER Here you can take a bus or train towards any destination. Bus number 5 will take students from the travel center to campus and other way around, and journey can continue forward.


TEKNO. Teknologianpuistonkatu 2-4 shortens often to just Tekno and often refers to LOAS buildings Skinnarila 2 ja 3. Next to Tekno is also the Skinnarila Garden, which you might run into during the freshmen weeks.

The Shopping Centre. There is restaurants, movie theather, clothing stores and other possible essentials. In downstairs there is also Alko, pharmacy and foodstores.


Historic place, the building of Linnoitus goes back to the 17th century. Linnoitus is as well a worth a visit, one can find museums and idyllic coffeeshops here. From the high hill there is also a very nice view of the city.

TIMPPA & SEPPO. The highest houses in the campus currently and the number one target of many who are looking for a studio apartment. Timppa A refers to green ja Timppa B blue building, and often these are talked about with these colours (for example ”green Timppa”). The office of Loas can be found in the blue Timppa.

SK28. LOAS house known as Skinnarila 1. Nowadays the address is no longer Skinnarilankatu, but Yliopistonkatu, but many might still refer to Skinnarila 1 as SK28.

ORIONS. Despite their name, the Orions are not located on Orioninkatu, but on Korpimetsänkatu, Kaivosuonkatu and Korpisuonkatu. The complex holds altogether six houses (Orion I, Orion II and so on)

PK. Punkkerikatu goes on Punkkerimäki and LOAS has several apartment houses on this very street. Usually the houses are refered to with their number, such as PK5, where they hold the weekly sauna nights as well.


Hi new freshmen! We are the Board of Enklaavi 2022. We are in charge of running this organisation; 11 persons taking care of both strategic and operative actions. Enklaavi ry was founded in 1991 and ever since then, it has looked after the wellbeing and rights of its members. You will meet us all during the freshmen weeks, and there is absolutely no reason to be afraid of any of us, you can always come to us and ask every question you might have. The best way to recognize is by our dark blue sweaters and black t-shirts!

VICE-CHAIRMAN Hello! I am Olivia, the current vice.chairman..My job includes communication between stakeholders and our alumni, in addition I am the right hand of our chaurman Ida. Master stundets are also big part of my job! I cant wait to meet all of you soon!

Playmates for padel or beach volleys, hit me up :)



Board of enklaavi 2022

CHAIRMAN Hi :) My name is Ida and I am beginning my 4th year in LUT and this year I am the Chairman of Enklaavi. This means that I run the board of 11 members and together we run this organisation and its everyday activities. In addition to this, I represent Enklaavi to different stakeholders and if needed, give the official statements. I am also in charge of preparations of our meetings. I am currently 23 years old and originally from Hamina.

FINANCE Hi! I am Tino, charge of finances this year. I am 24-years-old and originally from Lahti. I am starting my 3rd year now and can’t wait to enjoy the athmosphere of LUT with all you during autumn. My job includes being in charge of finance and everyday money related things, like budgeting and bookkeeping. I am the person, who needs to sometimes to say no for somethings, if they get too wild ideas! In addition to my own work, I amd very happy to work closely with other members of the board, so we can ensure the best possible events for every member of Enklaavi. The events of Enklaavi are very close to my heart and every one of you will soon be able to enjoy them as well! It is very cool to be part of the crew, which is making everything happen for you members this year - you are the ones we do this for! You can always come ask questions or tell us if we can do something better. Congrats on the neon yellow place of study <3! See you in the autumn!

AFFAIRS Hejsan! I am Maria (pronounced Mariia, last name can be a bit harder, try it: Tawaststjerna). I am head of academic and international affairs and known as well as Kopo, so if you have any issues with your studies, come talk to me! Positive feedback is well appriciated as well. You can often find me from our guild room (endless coffee break) or from the SYKE gym working out!

Hi everyone and welcome to Lappeenranta! I am Arttu Hyttinen and in charge of corporate relations this year. Naturally my job includes corporate relations and for example partners for our events.I am originally from Espoo and start now my 3rd year of studies in Lappeenranta. Can’t wait to meet you soon!

FRESHMEN AND SPORTS Hi, this is Ria and I am in charge of freshmen and sports :) I am 22-years-old and originally from Vantaa. I am now starting my third year of studies here in LUT University. In addition to working with you lovely freshemen, I am part of sports committee of all guilds here in LUT, which is in charge of the wellbeing and sports opportunities the in Skinnarila! I am head ot Enklaavi Sport as well, and with them we arrange amazing sport trials and sport events, I hope yo meet all of you there as well! <3

PROJECT Greetings! I am Anton and currently hold the position, where I am in charge of different projects and events. I am the senior of board measured in years of studies, as I am starting my 5th year in LUT now. I am 24 years old. I am originally from Tuusula and ended up in Lappeenranta after a few turns. I ensure with my commitee and others in the board, that our members and other students in Lappeenranta can enjoy the best possible events! I have been part of Enklaavi’s affairs already 3 years so this is fairly familiar to me and of course one has the energy to work with this as one enjoys this as much as me! You can find me in the events wearing a tiger jacket, so it is fairly hard to miss me there!

Hi all new non yellows and welcom to Lappeenranta! I am Clara, freshman of ’21 and I am from Helsinki. I am the other of two annual ball managers and also the other harrasment contact persons for autumn 2022, so for me you can come talk about anything. Hello! I am Mari and I currently work in Enklaavi as the designer of the 2022 anniversary party! I am starting the second year of my studies here in Lappeenranta, but I have gained experience of studying for five years from The University of Tampere, where from I graduated last spring! Studying business became more interesting than my previous subject, so I decided to work hard for this dream and it definitely paid off! The main function of myself and Clara is the organizing the 31st annual ball. Thankfully we are being helped by the annual ball committee. Besides the annual ball we are in charge of the shared saunas of teekkarit and kylterit. They are also known as saunanights. In top of all this we are in charge of maintaining the guild room and making sure that it never runs out of coffee. You can find us in all events of Enklaavi, and feel free to come talk to us :)

COMMUNICATIONS Hello to everyone! I am head of commucations Lotta, 24-years-old and originally from Kouvola. I have found home in Lappeenranta better than well during these past years. It is no surprise, because the is amazing common spirit both in the guild and LUT altogether. I am starting my 3rd year, so writing my bachelor’s thesis is next up for me. For my ”everyday” job I am in charge of social media and communications, and I am the secretary in our meeting as well. If you have feedback or ideas for social media or something, feel free to hit me up with a message or talk to me wherever you might see me! Welcome to Rannat <3!

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hola!!! Here is Katri, Enklaavi’s 22-years-old editor-in-chief :) I am starting now my 4th year of studies here in Lappeenranta. I am originally from Kauniainen, the other Finnish enclave! I am in charge of the graphic desing of Enklaavi and for example this entire magazine you are reading this very moment. I am the other of two harrasment contact persons.


Missing from the photo: Maria Tawastjerna, Anton Harju ja Clara


I’m starting my 4th year at LUT and my master’s studies in Business Analytics. I am originally from Espoo and I have really enjoyed my time here in Lappeenranta. I can’t wait to meet you all and I hope you enjoy your time here!

Elviira and I’m 4th year student and my major is business analytics. I moved here from Espoo and I love it here! My interests are painting and cooking and i love going to the gym. Feel free to ask me anything and I’m so exited to meet you all!

Elisa HeidyGianaElviiraKallelaKairamoOrtizMontero

Hi everyone and welcome to Lappeenranta. My name is Elisa and I’m 22 years old.

I’m Giana Ortiz from Orlando, Florida. I am a Master’s student studying Strategic Finance and Analytics. One of my favorite things to do is watch sports, especially American football and hockey. In Finland, I have grown to enjoy nature and sauna culture more and more. I look forward to being a tutor in the fall and introducing people to LUT University. My name is Heidy Montero, a second-year student in the Master’s in Business Analytics Programme. Orginally, from Ecuador and living in Finland since 2018. In my free time I enjoy drawing, having coffee with friends, and reading.


Heikki Helppi Ilona Suppola Jonas Papathemelis Kaisa Mankki Leena Närväinen

Heya! I’m Jonas and I am a second-year Bachelor’s student majoring in Business Analytics and minoring in Technical Mathematics and Software development. I’m originally from Espoo, Finland, and my mom’s Finnish and dad’s German-Greek. I speak Finnish, English, and German fluently. I like to play video games, do photography, and go out cycling in my free time. I’m excited to get to meet you this fall and show you all the fantastic things LUT and our fantastic student community has to offer.

Hey everyone! My name is Heikki, and I want to start off by welcoming you to an excellent university and student culture, hosted right here in Lappeenranta. I’m a 20 year old second year student, and I moved to Lappeenranta from Helsinki where I’m originally from. My pastimes include playing video games, D&D, listening to music, and of course taking part in different student activities. Congrats once more on your acceptance, hope to see you soon on campus!

Teksti: Mirka Kaljunen, kuvat: Katri Seppäläinen

A warm welcome to LUT-university! My name is Ilona, I’m 21 years old and starting my second year of business studies. I moved from Tampere to Lappeenranta a year ago. At first, I felt nervous moving to a smaller city, but the awesome student community spirit has really made me feel at home here. During my first year, I have enjoyed my studies and meeting new friends. I highly recommend taking part in the activities LUT has to offer, especially during orientation week. Can’t wait to meet you all in the Hiautumn.everyone, and welcome to Lappeenranta! My name’s Kaisa, I’m 22 years old and I will be starting my third year at LUT. I was born and raised in Luxembourg, and after graduating high school I moved to the United Kingdom, where I completed my bachelor’s degree in psychology. After that, I decided to start a new bachelor’s degree here at LUT, and I have not once regretted my decision! I enjoy going for walks with my dog (whom you might meet at some point!), doing hand embroidery and playing video games in my free time. I cannot wait to meet you all and to help you makes your year(s) in Lappeenranta unforgettable! x Hey! Happy to have you here at LUT! My name is Leena and I am starting my third year of bachelor studies in business administration. My ultimate tip: Attend and enjoy all of the unforgettable events, then balance it out by taking a stroll in our beautifull nature. I wish you the best of times and hope to meet you soon!

Hi everyone! My name is Veeti I’m 21 years old. I’m starting my second year of B.Sc. studies this fall. I didn’t know anything about Lappeenranta before I moved here last year. Lappeenranta has exceeded my expectations, especially the LUT spirit. The student events made my first year unforgettable and I hope to see you all having fun in our student events too. See you soon!

Hi!! My name is Wilma and I am now starting my second year of master studies in International Business and Entrepreneurship. Before moving to Lappeenranta last autumn I spent three years in Estonia to complete my bachelors. I’ve enjoyed studying and living in my home country again, and am excited for you to get to know LUT as well. See you around!

Hi everyone! My name is Wilma Jalonen and first of all,I would like to congratulate you all for your acceptance to LUT University. I’m a third year student and my major is supply management. Lappeenranta has became my second home and I hope it will become that for you as well. I can’t wait to meet all of you, see you soon!

Matteo Bulleri

Teksti: Mirka Kaljunen, kuvat: Katri Seppäläinen Miira Jokela Veeti Kokotti Wilma Jalonen Wilma Korkeela My name is Matteo, I am from Italy and in September I will be a second year’s Master’s student in International Business and Entrepreneurship at LUT. I love playing beach volley, hiking and training in the gym. If you play your cards right, you’ll have a lot of fun in


uudesta opiskelupaikasta ja tervetuloa Lappeenrantaan! Olen Miira, ja tulen toimimaan Laskentatoimen maisterivaiheen tuutorina. Olen itse 21-vuotias neljättä vuotta seuraavaksi aloittamassa oleva opiskelija. Alunperin olen kotoisin Valkeakoskelta, mutta olen saanut asustella jo kolme hauskaa vuotta Lappeenrannassa, joka on tietenkin paras opiskelijakaupunki koko Suomessa!! Siis, tervetuloa mukaan Lappeenrannan opiskelijoiden mahtavaan yhteishenkeen ja nähdään syksyllä! :)

Riku Jäppinen

Hi! I’m Riku, 24 years old and starting my 5th year of studies and my master’s program is supply management. I’ve lived in Lappeenranta for the duration of my studies, but originally I’m from Lahti. I’m into sports and would like to see many of you taking advantage of the great facilities we have on the campus. Waiting to see you all and wish you have a nice stay!


Student Contact Person, aka Kylli is business student who works at Suomen Ekonomit. Their job is to share information to student about Ekonomit, and vice versa. Kylli is in close co-operation with Enklaavi. Current Student Contact Person is Anselmi Auramo aka Ansu. Find me

on @enklaavinkylliInstagram:@suomenekonomit

Anselmi Auramo Student Contact Person

This autumn brings a change for you. You may be moving to a city that you have never visited before and maybe you know no one who lives here. Lappeenranta isn’t Paris, everyone knows that, but I would argue that people is the thing that make a place that feel like home. We offer many ways to meet new people and make friends and I encourage every one of you to participate everything that our freshmen weeks have to offer. LUT has a vibrant student culture and there is everything for everybody. You can participate in organizing events, singing at a choir and just partying with your fellow students. During freshmen weeks, many organizations will tell themselves.

To us business students, most important organizations are Enklaavi, NESU, LTKY and of course Suomen Ekonomit, which student contact person I am. The most important function of Ekonomit is that we will take care of that things go well in business students’ professional life, both during studies and after gra duation. In practice this means that we have different events from resume work shops to wine tastings, and everything in-between. I am active participant of student life at our Skinnarila campus, so I’m pretty sure that we will meet multiple times during next fall. Have a good summer and we will see at freshmen weeks!

Congratulations for being admitted to LUT - You are now one of us!

We �usiness school �raduates ran�e �rom math �eniuses to creati�e t�pes and �rom leaders to e�perts and entrepreneurs. We represent the core o� sustaina�le �inancial and �usiness competence in Finland. �uomen ��onomit is the union o� �usiness school �raduates. We ha�e o�er ������ mem�ers and �e are the �ourth lar�est mem�er or�anisation under ��a�a. We promote thin�s that are important to �ou and ad�ocate on �our �ehal� � no one else �ill do that. With us� �ou �ill thri�e and societ� �ene�its. Read more: welcome Ekonomit!to Hey freshman,


– Business and Management, neon yellow overalls



Sätky –

– Computer science, red overalls

Hospitality management, turqoise overalls

LaKu – black

GET TO KNOW OVERALLSTHE There are 14 different overalls in Lappeenranta, which of nine are part of the university and five are part of the LAB. The color of the overalls can tell one, what are they studying! Check the different colors here: Armatuuri – Energy technology, white overalls

Environmental techonology, grey overalls



– Industrial engineering and management, dark blue overalls

– Mechanical engineering, orange overalls

Lateksii –

Computational engineering, fuchsia overalls

Electrical engineering, green overalls


– Chemical engineering, black overalls


LaGeR –

Pelletti –

Lakoste –

Social and health industry, dark green overalls

LapIO –

and white overalls

Technicals, red and black overalls

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