CABI Books 2013
knowledge for life 1
contents 05 agriculture and international development 11 plant sciences 26 microbiology and parasitology 28 environmental sciences 36 animal and veterinary sciences 47 human health, food and nutrition 52 leisure and tourism 59 title index 65 author index
CABI is a leading not-for-profit publisher, providing over 100 years of scientific information through high value scholarly databases and books to meet the needs of the scientific community. CABI’s commitment to publishing high-quality databases, books and other information resources is driven by a mission that has scientific research and international development at its core. Every purchase or subscription helps CABI improve lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. To find out more about the development work we do visit
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Spotlight on… Forestry CABI’s growing list of publications in environmental sciences cover globally important topics including climate change, invasive species and forest conservation and use. Building on CABI’s strength in forest science resources, new books in 2013 provide information at research, practice and policy levels, from both an industry and development perspective. A major new reference work, The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees, and an updated new edition of The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry address the biology and ecology of trees of major economic importance.
Environmental Sciences pages 28-35
Veterinary Science CABI brings a fresh approach to veterinary publishing with concise, practical books. In addition to titles on a broad range of clinical subjects, 2013 also sees the publication of professional resources for vets and students including Veterinary Treatment of Pigs and Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People. CABI’s books in animal and veterinary sciences cover the full scope of animal health, from the field to the surgery of companion and farm animals. At the interface of animal and veterinary sciences, CABI publishes titles on animal behaviour and welfare, which in 2013 include the reprinting of Animal Machines, Ruth Harrison’s seminal work on animal welfare in intensive farming systems.
Animal and Veterinary Sciences pages 36-46
Crop Protection To complement the principle of food security at the heart of CABI’s development mission, our 2013 publications have a focus on crop and plant protection. Providing students and researchers with core information, CABI’s expanding book programme in plant protection addresses nutrient deficiency, major diseases threatening plants worldwide and integrated pest management, and includes a new edition of a major graduate textbook, Plant Nematology. CABI’s books also address the full spectrum of plant science topics, from breeding and genetics to horticultural best practice.
Plant Sciences pages 11-25
major reference works new for 2013
Page 28
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Sustainable Animal Agriculture Edited by Ermias Kebreab, University of California Davis, USA Increasing global demand for meat and animal by-products is necessitating increasingly intensive animal production. Creating a sustainable system of animal agriculture that works in different production environments is a major challenge for animal scientists. This book draws together themes on sustainability that have emerged as the most pressing in recent years. It addresses practical topics such as air quality, manure management, animal feeds, production efficiency, environmental sustainability, biotechnology issues, animal welfare concerns, societal impacts and an analysis of the data used to assess the economic sustainability of farms.
Rural Women in Leadership Positive Factors in Leadership Development Lori Ann McVay, Independent Consultant, USA Rural women and leadership have, in recent years, come to be the focus of development initiatives in many countries. To date, however, much of the writing on this topic has leaned more heavily on structure than agency as influencing attainment of leadership. Citing examples from a case study in Northern Ireland, this book gives agency an equal voice to structure, and pursues both as vital, positive elements in leadership development. October 2013 / c.184 pages / HB / 9781780641607 £75 / €100 / US$145
Banana Systems in the Humid Highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa Enhancing Resilience and Productivity Edited by Guy Blomme, Bioversity, Uganda, Bernard Vanlauwe, Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme, Nairobi, Kenya and Piet van Asten, IITA, Uganda Banana Systems in the Humid Highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa: Enhancing Resilience and Productivity addresses issues related to agricultural intensification in the (sub)humid highland areas of Africa, based on research carried out in the Great Lakes Region by the Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA). This book is a valuable resource for researchers, students and policymakers in agricultural economics and international development, covering agronomic, economic, policy, extension, and communication dimensions. August 2013 / c.192 pages / HB / 9781780642314 £75 / €100 / US$145
Agricultural Markets in a Transitioning Economy An Albanian Case Study Edited by Catherine Chan-Halbrendt and Jean Fantle-Lepczyk, University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA This book presents major challenges and opportunities facing agriculture sectors following transition from a planned to market economy. Using Albania as a case study, the transition and lasting effects of such change on agricultural production and education are examined. The book reviews primary research sources to give readers an accurate portrayal of the path that lies ahead for many developing countries, and the future of agriculture in transitioning economies. February 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780641003 £85 / €110 / US$160
Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise Edited by Marco C S Wopereis, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Benin, David E Johnson, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, Nourollah Ahmadi, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), France, Eric Tollens, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and Abdulai Jalloh, West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), Senegal
agriculture and international development
September 2013 / c.352 pages / HB / 9781780640426 £95 / €125 / US$180
At a time when Africa’s food security stands threatened, Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art research and recommendations for dealing with future challenges. With contributions from the key scientists working on rice in Africa, this volume addresses policy, genetic diversity and improvement, sustainable productivity enhancement, innovations and value chains. This book is useful for researchers, policy makers, agricultural ministries, donors, regional and sub-regional organizations, non-governmental development organizations and universities. September 2013 / c.400 pages / HB / 9781845938123 £95 / €125 / US$180
Living with the Trees of Life
Developing Successful Agriculture
Towards the Transformation of Tropical Agriculture
An Australian Case Study
agriculture and international development
Roger R B Leakey, James Cook University, Australia Based on the career of Roger Leakey, former Director of Research at the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, this book presents real life situations in rural villages that demonstrate how agroforestry can offer hope from the doom and gloom often emanating from the tropics. Written in an accessible and engaging style, this book highlights an innovative approach to resolving the big issues of poverty, malnutrition, hunger and environmental degradation including climate change. July 2012 / 224 pages / PB / 9781780640983 £27.50 / €35 / US$52.50
Australia’s agricultural system has developed from almost non-existence 220 years ago to one of the most advanced and efficient in today’s world. It is also one of the least distorted, receiving little government assistance. This book provides a comprehensive account of this agricultural success story, which can stimulate policy makers, researchers, agribusiness consultants and students to relate the Australian experience to their own agricultural development. December 2012 / 233 pages / HB / 9781845939458 £75 / €100 / US$145
July 2012 / 224 pages / HB / 9781780640990 £59.95 / €80 / US$115
Shifting Cultivation and Secondary Succession in the Tropics
Productivity Growth in Agriculture
Albert O Aweto, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Edited by Keith O Fuglie, Sun Ling Wang and V Eldon Ball, USDA
Shifting cultivation is the predominant system of arable farming in the humid and sub-humid tropics, where several hundred million people depend on this system of agriculture for their livelihood. This book documents findings in shifting cultivation from over the last six decades, including characterizing secondary succession and relating the changes that fallow vegetation undergoes to the process of soil fertility restoration. November 2012 / 208 pages / HB / 9781780640433 £75 / €100 / US$145
An International Perspective
Increasing food prices have renewed concerns about long-term agricultural demand and supply in the global economy. This book looks at methods and results on international agricultural productivity for a better understanding of long-term trends and the policies that determine them. Presenting an international assessment of total factor productivity growth in agriculture, including up-to-date empirical analysis for developed and developing regions, it provides a response to the rising global scarcity of agricultural production. September 2012 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845939212 £95 / €125 / US$180
Sustainable Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
Farm Incomes, Wealth and Agricultural Policy, 4th Edition
Katrien van’t Hooft, ETC Foundation, The Netherlands, Terry Wollen, Livestock Advocacy, Heifer International, USA and Dilip P Bhandari, Heifer International, USA
Berkeley Hill, formerly University of London, Imperial College, UK
This practical learning manual is a realistic guide for those who are responsible for training farmers in poor countries, taking into account traditional farming systems, existing inputs and resources, sustainable farming initiatives and advising on the right approaches to training. The overall aims are to improve the condition and health of livestock in poor countries and the lives of the people in these countries. April 2012 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845938277 £75 / €100 / US$145
Zhang-Yue Zhou, James Cook University, Australia
Filling the CAP’s Core Information Gap
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has supported the income of farmers in the EU for half a century. This book examines the evidence and concludes that in nearly all member states, they are not generally a poor sector of society. In this updated edition, the author discusses the latest evidence, makes recommendations for gathering better information, and considers the implications for the future of the CAP. July 2012 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845938475 £95 / €125 / US$180
Innovation in Agri-food Clusters: Theory and Case Studies
Farm Business Management: The Core Skills
Peter W B Phillips, Jeremy Karwandy, Graeme Webb, Camille D Ryan
Peter L Nuthall
December 2012 / 240 pages / HB / 9781780640419
August 2010 / 318 pages / HB / 9781845936679
£65 / €85 / US$125
The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture: Compliance with Public and Private Standards
Agri-food Chain Relationships Christian Fischer, Monika Hartmann
July 2010 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845936426 £85 / €110 / US$160
Serbia on the Road to EU Accession: Consequences for Agricultural Policy and the Agri-food Chain Siemen van Berkum, Natalija Bogdanov
May 2012 / 232 pages / HB / 9781780641454
£75 / €100 / US$145
Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction Jonathan Brooks
March 2012 / 192 pages / HB / 9781780641058
£75 / €100 / US$145
£29.95 / €40 / US$55 £65 / €85 / US$125
The Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa: Origins, Impacts and Policy Implications David R Lee, Muna B Ndulo
December 2011 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845938284 £85 / €110 / US$160 Restoring Community Connections to the Land: Building Resilience through Community-based Rangeland Management in China and Mongolia María E Fernández-Giménez, Xiaoyi Wang, Batkhishig Baival, Julia Klein, Robin Reid
£30 / €40 / US$55 £65 / €85 / US$125
Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming Systems Peter L Nuthall
September 2011 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845938390 £95 / €125 / US$180 Food Security in Africa and Asia: Strategies for Small-scale Agricultural Development Henk Bakker
June 2011 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845938413
£75 / €100 / US$145
£85 / €110 / US$160
African Seed Enterprises: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security Paul Van Mele, J W Bentley, Robert G Guéi
£85 / €110 / US$160
Labels of Origin for Food: Local Development, Global Recognition Elizabeth Barham, Bertil Sylvander
May 2011 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845933524
£75 / €100 / US$145
Organic Farming: An International History £35 / €45 / US$70 £85 / €110 / US$160
Agrobiodiversity Management for Food Security: A Critical Review Jillian M Lenné, David Wood
March 2011 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845937614
£75 / €100 / US$145
Small-scale Fisheries Management: Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World Robert S Pomeroy, Neil Andrew
January 2011 / 258 pages / HB / 9781845936075
Greg R Halseth, Sean Markey, David Bruce
Peter L Nuthall
November 2009 / 232 pages / HB / 9781845935986 £80 / €105 / US$150 Biofuels: Production, Application and Development Alan Scragg
October 2009 / 256 pages / PB / 9781845935924
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Agro-industries for Development Carlos da Silva, Doyle Baker, Andrew Shepherd, Chakib Jenane, Sérgio Miranda-da-Cruz
August 2009 / 296 pages / PB / 9781845935771 August 2009 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845935764
£45 / €60 / US$85 £70 / €90 / US$135
Prioritizing Agricultural Research for Development: Experiences and Lessons David A Raitzer, George Norton
July 2009 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845935665
£80 / €105 / US$150
Rangeland Degradation and Recovery in China’s Pastoral Lands Victor R Squires, Xinshi Lu, Qi Lu, Tao Wang, Youlin Yang
June 2009 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845934965
£90 / €115 / US$170
Intellectual Property Rights and Food Security Michael Blakeney
May 2009 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845935603
£90 / €115 / US$170
Rainfed Agriculture: Unlocking the Potential £90 / €115 / US$170
Sustainable Farmland Management: New Transdisciplinary Approaches R Fish, S Seymour, M Steven, Charles Watkins
December 2008 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845933517 £80 / €105 / US$150 Environmental Impacts of Pasture-based Farming Richard McDowell
November 2008 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845934118 £85 / €110 / US$160 Globalization and the Least Developed Countries: Potentials and Pitfalls David Bigman
William Lockeretz
March 2011 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845938765 October 2007 / 282 pages / HB / 9780851998336
£15.95 / €20 / US$30 £39.95 / €55 / US$75
The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in Global Economies
January 2009 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845933890
Dagmar Mithöfer, Hermann Waibel
June 2011 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845938437
June 2010 / 208 pages / PB / 9781845937041 June 2010 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845937058
S Wani, J Rockstrom, T Oweis
Vegetable Production and Marketing in Africa: Socio-economic Research June 2011 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845936495
Thomas R Sinclair, Carol J Sinclair
Farm Business Management: The Human Factor
Benoît Thierry, Brett Shapiro, Harifidy Ramilison, Andrianiainasoa Rakotondratsima, Assefa Woldeyes
November 2011 / 260 pages / PB / 9781845938956 November 2011 / 260 pages / HB / 9781845938949
Bread, Beer and the Seeds of Change: Agriculture’s Imprint on World History
December 2009 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845935818 £80 / €105 / US$150
Nourishing the Land, Nourishing the People: A Madagascar Success Story
January 2012 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845937409 October 2010 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845937393
£85 / €110 / US$160
£75 / €100 / US$145
African Smallholders: Food Crops, Markets and Policy Göran Djurfeldt, Ernest Aryeetey, Aida Isinika
December 2010 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845937164 £85 / €110 / US$160 Industrial Crops and Uses Bharat P Singh
September 2010 / 528 pages / HB / 9781845936167 £115 / €150 / US$220
November 2007 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845933081 £85 / €110 / US$160
agriculture and international development
Floor Brouwer, Glenn Fox, Roel Jongeneel
October 2012 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845935573
£85 / €110 / US$160
Impact of Science on African Agriculture and Food Security Ponniah Anandajayasekeram, Mandivamba Rukani, Suresh Babu, Frikkie Liebenberg, C L Keswani
September 2007 / 310 pages / HB / 9781845932671 £85 / €110 / US$160 Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Less Favoured Areas Ruerd Ruben, John Pender, Arie Kuyvenhoven
September 2007 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845932770 £95 / €125 / US$180 Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development: Lessons from Kenya Christopher B Barrett, Andrew G Mude, John M Omiti
July 2007 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845932695
£85 / €110 / US$160
Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change Jay Kesan
June 2007 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845932015
£95 / €125 / US$180
The Public, the Media and Agricultural Biotechnology Dominique Brossard, Thomas C Nesbitt, James Shanahan
May 2007 / 405 pages / HB / 9781845932046
£95 / €125 / US$180
Multifunctional Agriculture: A Transition Theory Perspective Geoff Wilson
April 2007 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845932565
£85 / €110 / US$160
Global Supply Chains, Standards and the Poor: How the Globalization of Food Systems and Standards Affects Rural Development and Poverty Johan F M Swinnen
agriculture and international development
February 2007 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845931858
£80 / €105 / US$150
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs £85 / €110 / US$160
Going Organic: Mobilising Networks for Environmentally Responsible Food Production
September 2005 / 380 pages / HB / 9780851990828 £90 / €115 / US$170 The CAP and the Regions: Territorial Impact of Common Agricultural Policy Mark Shucksmith, Kenneth Thomson, Deborah Roberts
August 2005 / 250 pages / HB / 9780851990552
£65 / €85 / US$125
Starter Packs: A Strategy to Fight Hunger in Developing Countries? Sarah Levy
August 2005 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851990088
£90 / €115 / US$170
Joe Outlaw, Keith Collins, James Duffield
July 2005 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851990187
£90 / €115 / US$170
Stewart Lockie, Kristen Lyons, Geoffrey Lawrence, Darren Halpin
Turkey in the European Union: Implications for Agriculture, Food and Structural Policy
October 2006 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845931322
Alison Burrell, Arie Oskam
£65 / €85 / US$125
The Common Agricultural Policy and Organic Farming: An Institutional Perspective on Continuity and Change Kennet Lynggaard
August 2006 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845931148
£65 / €85 / US$125
£95 / €125 / US$180
E’ Issues in Agribusiness: The What, Why and How Kim P Bryceson
July 2006 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845930714
£35 / €45 / US$70
An Introduction to Economics, 3rd Edition: Concepts for Students of Agriculture and the Rural Sector Berkeley Hill
July 2006 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845931278
£38 / €50 / US$72.5
The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirstrom, Rolf Larsson
May 2005 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851999982
July 2006 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845930387
Policy Reform and Adjustment in the Agricultural Sectors of Developed Countries David Blandford, Berkeley Hill
£60 / €80 / US$115
WTO Negotiations and Agricultural Trade Liberalization: The Effect of Developed Countries’ Policies on Developing Countries Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla, Soren E Frandsen, Sherman Robinson
£80 / €105 / US$150
Bekele Shiferaw, H A Freeman, Scott M Swinton
December 2004 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851998282 £90 / €115 / US$170 A Bond Scheme for Common Agricultural Policy Reform Alan Swinbank, Richard Tranter
August 2004 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851997445
Niels Halberg, Hugo F Alroe, Marie T Knudsen, Erik S Kristensen
£70 / €90 / US$135
November 2003 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851996639 £80 / €105 / US$150 Organic Fruit Growing Karl Lind, Gottfried Lafer, Karl Schloffer, Georg Innerhofer, Hans Meister
September 2003 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996400 £90 / €115 / US$170 Nutrients for Sugar Beet Production: Soil-Plant Relationships A P Draycott, Donald R Christenson
June 2003 / 400 pages / PB / 9780851997407
Robert E Rhoades
March 2003 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851996370
The Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance: Concepts, Issues and International Case Studies
£90 / €115 / US$170
Organic Agriculture: Sustainability, Markets and Policies
Banana Wars: The Anatomy of a Trade Dispute
£80 / €105 / US$150
£35 / €45 / US$70
Michael N Cardwell, Margaret R Grossman, Christopher Rodgers
Development with Identity: Community, Culture and Sustainability in the Andes
£65 / €85 / US$125
Timothy E Josling, Timothy G Taylor
£75 / €100 / US$145
Local Partnerships for Rural Development: The European Experience Malcolm J Moseley
Stephen R Koontz, Dana L Hoag, Dawn D Thilmany, John W Green, Jennifer L Grannis
March 2006 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851990774
£65 / €85 / US$125
Agriculture and International Trade: Law, Policy and the WTO
July 2003 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851996233
Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects April 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845930783
£45 / €60 / US$85
Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts
March 2004 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851998312 £70 / €90 / US$135
June 2006 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845930332
April 2005 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851990286
J Brian Hardaker, Ruud B M Huirne, Jock R Anderson, Gudbrand Lien
Georgina Holt, Matthew Reed
£70 / €90 / US$135
Rural Gender Relations: Issues and Case Studies
March 2003 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851996578
£75 / €100 / US$145
Persistence and Change in Rural Communities: A Fifty Year Follow-up to Six Classic Studies Albert E Luloff, Richard S Krannich
Bettina Bock, Sally Shortall
February 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851990309
£90 / €115 / US$170
Coping with Risk in Agriculture
Sociological Perspectives of Organic Agriculture: From Pioneer to Policy
June 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845930509
£90 / €115 / US$170
Paul Van Mele, A Salahuddin, Noel P Magor
Paul Kristiansen, Acram Taji, John Reganold
August 2006 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845931698
June 2005 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851990941
Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh
Organic Agriculture: A Global Perspective
April 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851999494
£70 / €90 / US$135
Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture: Social Research for International Agricultural Development Michael M Cernea, Amir H Kassam
December 2005 / 480 pages / PB / 9780851990262 £45 / €60 / US$85 December 2005 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851990033 £105 / €135 / US$200 8
Stephen J Essex, Andrew W Gilg, Richard Yarwood, John Smithers, Randall Wilson
Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
Robert Blair
February 2007 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845931919
Rural Change and Sustainability: Agriculture, the Environment and Communities
November 2002 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851995212 £75 / €100 / US$145 The Dynamics of Hired Farm Labour: Constraints and Community Responses Jill L Findeis, Ann Vandeman, Janelle Larson, Jack Runyan
November 2002 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851996035 £90 / €115 / US$170
Sugar and Related Sweetener Markets: International Perspectives
CAP Regimes and the European Countryside
Andrew Schmitz, Thomas H Spreen, William A Messina, Charles B Moss
Floor Brouwer, Philip Lowe
November 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851996448 £105 / €135 / US$200
April 2000 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851993546
Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
A History of Farming Systems Research
September 2002 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851995755
£40 / €55 / US$75
Michael P Collinson
April 2000 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851994055
£105 / €135 / US$200
Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization
Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union
Derek Byerlee, Ruben G Echeverria
Stefan Tangermann, Martin Banse
July 2002 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996004
£90 / €115 / US$170
Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello, David Zilberman
July 2002 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851996189
£115 / €150 / US$220
Contracting for Agricultural Extension: International Case Studies and Emerging Practices William M Rivera, Willem Zijp
March 2000 / 216 pages / HB / 9780851994253
The National Farm Survey 1941-43: State Surveillance and the Countryside in England and Wales in the Second World War Brian Short, Charles Watkins, William Foot, Phil Kinsman
December 1999 / 264 pages / HB / 9780851993898 £75 / €100 / US$145 Agrobiodiversity: Characterization, Utilization and Management David Wood, Jillian M Lenné
May 2002 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851995717
£75 / €100 / US$145
June 1999 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851993379
Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices
Reshaping the Countryside: Perceptions and Processes of Rural Change
Christopher B Barrett, F Place, A A Aboud
Nigel Walford, John C Everitt, Darrell E Napton
May 2002 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851995847
£90 / €115 / US$170
Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods Vittorio Santaniello, Robert E Evenson, David Zilberman
March 2002 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851995731
£100 / €130 / US$190
Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade Floor Brouwer, David E Ervin
February 2002 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851995861
£90 / €115 / US$170
Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in Sub-Saharan Africa Bernard Vanlauwe, J Diels, N Sanginga, R Merckx
February 2002 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851995762 £105 / €135 / US$200 Rural Aquaculture £90 / €115 / US$170
Sayed N Azam-Ali, Geoffrey R Squire
£35 / €45 / US$70
The Sustainable Management of Vertisols John K Syers, Frits W T Penning de Vries, Phibion Nyamudeza
August 2001 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851994505
£105 / €135 / US$200
Food Safety and International Competitiveness: The Case of Beef John Spriggs, Grant E Isaac
July 2001 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851995182
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture: Invention, Innovation and Investment in the Canola Sector Peter W B Phillips, George G Khachatourians
May 2001 / 376 pages / HB / 9780851995137
£90 / €115 / US$170
Planning Agricultural Research: A Sourcebook Govert Gijsbers, Willem Janssen, Helen Hambly Odame, Gerdien Meijerink
December 2000 / 368 pages / PB / 9780851994017
£40 / €55 / US$75
Employment Dynamics in Rural Europe £75 / €100 / US$145
Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights: Economic, Institutional and Implementation Issues in Biotechnology Vittorio Santaniello, Robert E Evenson, David Zilberman, Gerald A Carlson
July 2000 / 280 pages / HB / 9780851994574
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Biology of Animal Stress: Basic Principles and Implications for Animal Welfare Gary Moberg, Joy A Mench
June 2000 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851993591
£75 / €100 / US$145
Agriculture and World Trade Liberalisation: Socio-environmental Perspectives on the Common Agricultural Policy Michael Redclift, Joseph Lekakis, George P Zanias
November 1998 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851992976 £75 / €100 / US$145 The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy: The Case of the MacSharry Reforms Adrian Kay
October 1998 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851992983
£75 / €100 / US$145
Science Under Scarcity: Principles and Practice for Agricultural Research and Priority Setting June 1998 / 624 pages / PB / 9780851992990
£65 / €85 / US$125
Andrew Dorward, Jonathan Kydd, Colin Poulton
June 1998 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851992778
£90 / €115 / US$170
£75 / €100 / US$145
Maize Technology Development and Transfer: A GIS Application for Research in Planning in Kenya R M Hassan
June 1998 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851992877
£75 / €100 / US$145
Cattle, Deforestation and Development in the Amazon: An Economic, Agronomic and Environmental Perspective Merle D Faminow
March 1998 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851992303
£90 / €115 / US$170
Against the Grain: Agri-Environmental Reform In the United States and European Union Clive Potter
February 1998 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851992280
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Economics of Landscape and Wildlife Conservation S Dabbert, A Dubgaard, Martin Whitby
February 1998 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851992228
Ida J Terluin, Jaap H Post
October 2000 / 253 pages / HB / 9780851994994
April 1999 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851993430
Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberation: A New Institutional Economics Perspective
Principles of Tropical Agronomy December 2001 / 256 pages / PB / 9780851991368
£110 / €140 / US$210
Julian M Alston, George W Norton, Philip G Pardey
Peter Edwards, Harvey Demaine, David C Little
January 2002 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851995656
£75 / €100 / US$145
agriculture and international development
David Bigman
£90 / €115 / US$170
£90 / €115 / US$170
Climate Change Mitigation and European Land Use Policies Neil Adger, Davide Pettenella, Martin Whitby
November 1997 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851991856 £100 / €130 / US$190 The Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition Christopher Ritson, David R Harvey
September 1997 / 448 pages / PB / 9780851989884 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 Biodiversity Information: Needs and Operations David L Hawksworth, Paul M Kirk, Stella Dextre Clarke
July 1997 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851991832
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Transformation of the Agri-food System in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States Jill E Hobbs, William A Kerr, James D Gaisford
June 1997 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851991764
£105 / €135 / US$200
Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability: A Geographical Perspective
agriculture and international development 10
Feeding and Greening the World: The Role of Internationl Agricultural Research £40 / €55 / US$75
The Economics of Organic Farming: An International Perspective Nicolas H Lampkin, Susanne Padel
December 1994 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851989112 £90 / €115 / US$170
C Pankhurst, B Doube, V Gupta
£115 / €150 / US$220
Conserving Soil Resources: European Perspectives R J Rickson
Rural Employment: An International Perspective
December 1994 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851989488 £105 / €135 / US$200
Ray D Bollman, John J Bryden
March 1997 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851991986
£90 / €115 / US$170
December 1994 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851989204 £105 / €135 / US$200
Biological Indicators of Soil Health April 1997 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851991580
March 1995 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851989518
Derek E Tribe
Brian Ilbery, Quentin Chiotti, T Rickard
April 1997 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851991658
Agribusiness Reforms in China: The Case of Wool John W Longworth, Colin G Brown
£105 / €135 / US$200
Agro-food Marketing
Agricultural Management Economics: Activity Analysis and Decision Making
Daniel I Padberg, Christopher Ritson, Luis Miguel Albisu
Allan N Rae
February 1997 / 512 pages / PB / 9780851991443
September 1994 / 384 pages / PB / 9780851987682 £39.95 / €55 / US$75
£45 / €60 / US$85
Cucurbits R W Robinson, D Decker-Walters
January 1997 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851991337
£40 / €55 / US$75
Cereals Sector Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe Lawrence D Smith, Neil Spooner
November 1996 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851991573 £75 / €100 / US$145 Driven By Nature: Plant Litter Quality and Decomposition Georg Cadisch, Ken E Giller
November 1996 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851991450 £115 / €150 / US$220
September 1994 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851988979
£40 / €55 / US$75
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, Volume 1: Agriculture and Environment Ian R Bowler, Christopher Bryant, Duane Nellis
January 1992 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851988115
£75 / €100 / US$145
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, Volume 2: Economy and Society January 1992 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851988122
Martin Whitby
£90 / €115 / US$170
Julian Dunster, Katherine Dunster
£90 / €115 / US$170
£75 / €100 / US$145
Colletotrichum: Biology, Pathology and Control J A Bailey, Michael J Jeger
January 1992 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851987569
Dictionary of Natural Resource Management April 1996 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851991481
Martin Whitby
Ian R Bowler, Christopher Bryant, Duane Nellis
The European Environment and CAP Reform: Policies and Prospects for Conservation May 1996 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851991061
Incentives for Countryside Management: The Case of Environmentally Sensitive Areas
£115 / €150 / US$220
Farming and the Countryside: An Economic Analysis of External Costs and Benefits Nick Hanley
January 1991 / 340 pages / HB / 9780851987132
£75 / €100 / US$145
Principles of Horticultural Physiology Edward F Durner, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA Understanding the physiology of plants is fundamental to horticultural studies and practice. Aimed at undergraduates, this major textbook covers applied aspects of physiology related to horticultural crops. The author discusses specific physiological processes in relation to horticultural management, maintaining a focus throughout on how horticultural practices influence plant productivity and quality. Principles of Horticultural Physiology begins by guiding students through the basics of plant physiology, plant anatomy and plant classification, before covering plant hormones, growth and development, and factors related to the external environment including water, light, temperature and soil. Greenhouse culture is also discussed, as well as practical management techniques including seeding, pruning and grafting. The book concludes with real-world horticultural considerations of harvesting crops, packaging and transportation, postharvest physiology and marketing plant products, as well as a fascinating chapter on plants and human nutrition. One of the text’s chief virtues is the accessible way the author conveys sometimes complex information in an easy to follow style. An ideal resource for undergraduate students of horticulture, this book will act as a guide throughout the entire course. June 2013 / c.440 pages / PB / 9781780640259 June 2013 / c.440 pages / HB / 9781780643069
£45 / €60 / US$85 £95 / €125 / US$180
Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No. 25 Leo G Albrigo, Lavern W Timmer and Michael Rogers, University of Florida, USA, Citrus, 2nd Edition covers the biology and cultivation of citrus and considers the citrus industry from an international perspective. Fruits including oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, grapefruit and hybrids such as tangelos are covered and the fundamental topics of taxonomy, cultivars, breeding, husbandry, weeds, pests and diseases are also addressed in detail. This updated new edition includes coverage of new cultivars, advances in the molecular approaches to taxonomic studies, new findings in the physiological understanding of key citrus fruits, recent research into environmental factors affecting external and internal fruit quality and expanded coverage of pests and diseases. The fusion of scientific coverage and practical management make the text suitable for a range of horticulturalists including breeders, growers, researchers and academics. September 2013 / c.400 pages / PB / 9781845938154
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
plant sciences
Citrus, 2nd Edition
Raspberries Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No. 23 Edited by Richard C Funt, Ohio State University, USA and Harvey K Hall, Shekinah Berries Ltd., New Zealand Raspberry production and consumption is increasing steadily worldwide, and the potential health benefits of the fruit are becoming more widely known. Providing an international overview of the modern raspberry industry, this book covers North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It discusses all aspects of raspberry growing, including plant growth and development, cultivar description and selection, site selection and preparation (including soil and drainage), climate, pest control, irrigation, shipping, economics, harvesting and the marketing of the final product. Taking a global perspective, this book provides a comprehensive yet concise reference for all horticulture students, raspberry growers, producers and fruit industry personnel looking for the latest information in raspberry production. April 2013 / c.304 pages / PB / 9781845937911
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Vegetable Production and Practices Gregory E Welbaum, Virginia Tech University, USA Successful vegetable production in a modern competitive market requires an understanding of many more factors than the biology of crops and the production techniques involved. This major new textbook brings the science and practice of vegetable production up to date by addressing modern culture techniques and the recent challenges of consumer demand facing producers today. It introduces vegetable production from the perspective of producing high quality produce that satisfies the needs of the modern consumer. Beginning with the basics of how vegetables are grown using high and low input methods, including organic and sustainable production techniques, the book goes on to introduce and discuss many topics covered less comprehensively in older texts, including Good Agricultural Practices to improve quality, reduce biological contamination and secure food safety. Water management, cropping systems, plasticulture, protected culture and mineral nutrition are also addressed, as well as the use of molecular biology for genetic improvement of crops. Issues specific to individual vegetable crops are addressed by family, including their diseases, harvesting, quality attributes and other issues of increasing importance to consumers, including the role of vegetables in human health.
plant sciences
August 2013 / c.400 pages / PB / 9781845938024
The Potato
Botany, Production and Uses
Botany, Production and Uses
Atul Bhargava and Shilpi Srivastava, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
Edited by Roy Navarre, USDA-ARS and Washington State University, USA and Mark J Pavek, Washington State University, USA
Quinoa is an invaluable crop, highlighted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as one of the world’s main crops for future food security. The first comprehensive review of quinoa, this book includes four sections covering the history of the crop, phylogeny and systematics, botany and agrotechnology, and the qualitative aspects, economics and marketing of quinoa, making it a vital resource for students and researchers of crop science. August 2013 / c.300 pages / HB / 9781780642260 £95 / €125 / US$180
Potatoes are a staple crop around the world. Covering all aspects of botany, production and uses, this book presents a comprehensive discussion of the most important topics for potato researchers and professionals. It assesses the latest research on plant growth such as tuber development, water use and seed production; covers all aspects of pest management; and reviews postharvest issues such as storage, global markets, and of course, nutritional value and flavour. October 2013 / c.450 pages / HB / 9781780642802 £95 / €125 / US$180
The Avocado, 2nd Edition
Botany, Production and Uses
Industrial Production and Uses
Edited by Bruce Schaffer, University of Florida, USA, B Nigel Wolstenholme, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa and Anthony W Whiley, Sunshine Horticultural Services Pty Ltd, Australia
Edited by Pierre Bouloc, La Chanvrière de L’Aube (LCDA), France
Although avocado has been cultivated and consumed for more than 9000 years near its centre of origin in Latin America, world production and trade has increased dramatically over the past few decades. The avocado is now a widely traded fruit between warmer and colder countries as a result of the global community becoming increasingly aware of the versatility and nutritional value of this crop. For the past decade, the world avocado industry has been going through a period of rapid technological change and innovation. The dietary value of “the most nutritious of all fruit” is also receiving more attention. This fully updated new edition of the successful 2002 book will provide a comprehensive review of avocado production, science and technology. 12
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
January 2013 / 584 pages / HB / 9781845937010 £115 / €150 / US$220
Hemp production for industrial purposes continues to grow, and is used for many applications including house insulation, paper making, animal bedding, fabric, rope making and also as a biofuel. This book examines all aspects of industrial hemp production, including its origins, botany and anatomy, genetics and breeding, quality assessment, regulations, and the agricultural and industrial economics. A translation of Le Chanvre Industriel, this book has been revised and updated for an international audience. February 2013 / c.320 pages / PB / 9781845937935 £45 / €60 / US$85 February 2013 / c.320 pages / HB / 9781845937928 £85 / €110 / US$160
Plant Nematology, 2nd Edition Edited by Roland N Perry, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK and Maurice Moens, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium Plant-parasitic nematodes devastate crops worldwide, in turn impacting international trade, and social and economic development. Effective control of nematodes is essential for crop protection and requires an understanding of nematode biology, taxonomy, population dynamics and sampling methods. Providing a broad introduction to nematodes as plant parasites, this book begins by describing nematodes by genera, and builds on this foundation to detail nematode biology and pest management, including biological and chemical control. Chapters are authored by international experts and enhanced by extensive illustrations and focus boxes. Fully updated throughout, this new edition is an essential resource for postgraduate students, extension officers, researchers and crop protection scientists. Praise for the first edition ‘At a time when a clear understanding of nematode pests has never been more important, this book is an excellent guide to the topic.’ European Journal of Plant Pathology September 2013 / c.512 pages / PB / 9781780641539 September 2013 / c.512 pages / HB / 9781780641515
£49.95 / €65 / US$95 £95 / €125 / US$180
Edited by Martin A Lainsbury, Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC), BCPC for the UKPG The UK Pesticide Guide is the most authoritative source of information on pesticides and adjuvants for UK agriculture, horticulture, forestry and amenity use. Edited by a leading authority in the field, this new edition is thoroughly updated with new active ingredient listings, including some new combinations of existing actives. Many products due to expire in 2012 or 2013 that have now been granted extensions are listed, and hundreds of new SOLAs, now known as Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMUs), essential for protection of less mainstream crops, are included. New for 2013: improved indexing of products also registered (PARs), inclusion of biodiversity information, hundreds of new EAMUs listed and revised active ingredient listings. This information is also available as part of an online resource. For more information and to subscribe, visit For non-trade orders of The UK Pesticide Guide, please visit January 2013 / c.700 pages / PB / 9781780642772
£47.50 / €62.50 / US$90
Cotton Pesticides
The Pesticide Manual, 16th Edition
Use, Evolution and Prospects
A World Compendium
Muhammad Afzal, BayerCropScience, Pakistan
Edited by C MacBean
Covering the development of pesticide use over the last 30 years, this review assesses current practices and the impacts of pesticide regulation. Including resistance development, pesticide residues, changes in pesticide application techniques and classification of pesticides, it considers the impact pesticides have upon global markets, as well as future prospects for the cotton industry. Information on recent changes in regulations also provides a useful overview for organizations and individuals in the field. August 2013 / c.52 pages / PB / 9781780642253 £29.95 / €40 / US$60
plant sciences
The UK Pesticide Guide 2013
The sixteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, the latest edition contains 1,436 profiles and over 2,600 products, details of 45 additional synthetic molecules and the first approvals under EU 2011 legislation. For non-trade orders, please visit November 2012 / 1440 pages / HB / 9781901396867 £275 / €360 / US$525
Seedlings Biology of Plant Establishment Modular Texts Series
Stephen W Adkins, University of Queensland, Australia, Ilse Kranner, Matthew Ian Daws and Wolfgang Stuppy, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK Seedling establishment is the most critical phase in plant development, making the seedling an important area in basic and applied research. This new graduate-level textbook presents key topics such as different types of germination, the transition from seed to seedling, hormonal regulation of trophisms and morphogenesis and autotrophy acquisition, going on to consider seedling ecology, how seedlings survive in extreme environments and the seedling stage in weeds, agriculture and environmental plants. Written by authors from diverse fields of study and research, this textbook is an essential resource for students and researchers in plant ecology, botany, agriculture, conservation and restoration ecology.
plant sciences
November 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781845937904
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Seeds, 3rd Edition
Fruit Ripening
The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities
Physiology, Signalling and Genomics
Edited by Robert S Gallagher, formerly of The Pennsylvania State University, USA The third edition of Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities, highlights the many advances in the field of seed ecology and its relationship to plant community dynamics that have taken place in recent years. The new edition also features chapters on seed development and morphology, seed chemical ecology, implications of climate change on regeneration by seed, and the functional role of seed banks in agricultural and natural ecosystems. September 2013 / c.400 pages / HB / 9781780641836 £95 / €125 / US$180
Edited by Pravendra Nath, National Botanical Research Institute, India, Mondher Bouzayen, INRA, France, Autar K Mattoo, USDA and Jean Claude Pech, ENSA, France Fruit ripeness is closely related to spoilage, which has a major financial impact on agricultural industries. Currently there are fast moving developments in knowledge of the factors affecting fruit ripeness, and this up-to-date monograph draws together disparate research in this area. The book provides a comprehensive account covering almost every area related to fruit ripening, including molecular mechanisms regulating fruit ripening, its impact on human nutrition and emerging research and technologies. September 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845939625 £85 / €110 / US$160
Biofuel Crops Production, Physiology and Genetics
Plant Adaptation to Environmental Change
Edited by Bharat P Singh, Fort Valley State University, USA
Significance of Amino Acids and their Derivatives
Providing comprehensive coverage on biofuel crop production and the technological, environmental and resource issues associated with a sustainable biofuel industry, this book is ideal for researchers and industry personnel. Beginning with an introduction to biofuels and the challenges they face, the book then covers crops of current importance or with high future prospects, including algae, sugar crops and grass, oil and forestry species. Chapters focus on the genetics, breeding, cultivation, harvesting and handling of each crop. May 2013 / c.548 pages / HB / 9781845938857 £125 / €165 / US$240
Edited by Naser A Anjum, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Sarvajeet Singh Gill and Ritu Gill, MD University, India Plants constantly cope with unfavourable ecosystem conditions, which often prevent them reaching their full genetic potential in terms of growth, development and productivity. This book covers plants’ responses to these environmental changes, namely the modulation of amino acids, peptides and amines to combat both biotic and abiotic stress factors. Bringing together the most recent developments, this book is an important resource for researchers and students of crop stress and plant physiology. September 2013 / c.424 pages / HB / 9781780642734 £125 / €165 / US$240
Diseases of Temperate Horticultural Plants Roland T V Fox, formerly University of Reading, UK and Raymond A T George, formerly FAO, Rome, Italy Containing an extensive range of photographs and authored by leading horticultural experts, Diseases of Temperate Horticultural Plants is an indispensable reference work for horticultural professionals, academics, students, crop producers as well as amateur horticulturists. The diseases of major crops are presented according to their classification, and the symptoms of each disease, causal pathogen and control measures for each condition are described. The crops covered include the major temperate horticultural crops, organised into easy to navigate sections divided into fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. Within fruits, apples and pears are discussed, as well as ribes and berries, cherries, peaches and plums, nut crops and rhubarb. The vegetable section covers salad crops, brassicas and crucifers, cucurbits, root vegetables, bulb crops, solanaceous vegetables and some herbs. The section on ornamental plants includes a wide range of ornamental garden plants, while a further section discusses diseases of turf grass and ornamental lawns. The book is user-friendly with practical, accessibly written entries organised into discrete sections. The comprehensive nature of this work makes it an invaluable addition to any horticulturist’s library with content that will remain current for years to come. October 2013 / c.480 pages / HB / 9781845937737
£145 / €190 / US$275
A Global Perspective CABI Plant Protection Series, No. 2 Edited by Kurt Lamour, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Members of the genus Phytophthora cause serious damage to a huge array of plants. From the nineteenth century Irish potato famine to current widespread threats to forests and ecosystems in North and South America, Europe and Australia, the genus lives up to its reputation as the plant destroyer. This book provides an overview of Phytophthora species impacting crops, forests, nurseries, greenhouses and natural areas worldwide. Chapters cover major hosts, identification, epidemiology, management, current research, future perspectives and the impacts of globalization on Phytophthora. This authoritative resource is essential reading for researchers, policymakers and extension workers in plant pathology and crop protection. March 2013 / c.264 pages / HB / 9781780640938
Plant Genetic Resources and Climate Change CABI Climate Change Series Edited by Michael Jackson, formerly International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, University of Birmingham, UK and Martin L Parry, Imperial College London, UK This book addresses the current state of climate change predictions, and how climate change will affect conservation and use of crop germplasm, both ex situ and in situ. In addition, specific examples of germplasm research related to ‘climate change threats’ are highlighted. Such activities need to take place under a regime of access to and use of germplasm through international conventions and treaties.
£85 / €110 / US$160
plant sciences
Plant Sciences Reviews 2012 Edited by David Hemming, CABI, UK Plant Sciences Reviews 2012 provides scientists and students with analysis on key topics in current research, including plant diseases, genetics, climate impacts, biofuels and postharvest. Experts such as Frances Seymour, Roger Jones, Paul Christou and Errol Hewett provide incisive reviews of their fields. Originally published online in CAB Reviews, this volume makes available in printed form the reviews in plant science published during 2012. February 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780643007 £95 / €125 / US$180
November 2013 / c.320 pages / HB / 9781780641973 £85 / €110 / US$160
Tropical Fruit Flies of South-East Asia (Tephritidae: Dacinae) Richard A I Drew and Meredith C Romig, Griffith University, Australia As global warming and species migration become more prevalent issues, there is an urgent need for a text that provides comprehensive taxonomic details and geographic distributions of Dacinae fruit flies within south-east Asia. Some of the major pest species of this region are being introduced to new geographical areas, causing widespread food security issues and economic hardship. This work is written and illustrated by experts with over 80 years’ combined research experience and details the taxonomic research into the subfamily Dacinae, providing complete descriptions and artwork of all species. Areas covered include: India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. April 2013 / c.856 pages / HB / 9781780640358
£135 / €175 / US$260
Nutrient Deficiencies of Field Crops
plant sciences
Guide to Diagnosis and Management Prakash Kumar, District Agriculture Office, India and Manoj Kumar Sharma, Department of Agriculture, India Nutrient imbalance in soils is an emerging threat to sustainable agriculture: intensive cultivation, use of poor quality groundwater, depletion of soil organic matter and excessive use of fertilizers are major reasons for poor soil fertility worldwide. This necessitates correct diagnosis of plant nutrient deficiencies to avoid further use of pesticides in cases where pests or pathogens are not in fact the cause of poor crop health. Richly illustrated with 600 colour photographs, this book is a visual field identification guide for symptoms of most common nutrient deficiencies in field crops, covering all their stages of occurrence. Detailed descriptions and suggested management practices are given with each entry. September 2013 / c.400 pages / HB / 9781780642789
Plant Pest Risk Analysis
Pest Management and Regulation
Concepts and Application
Alastair Bailey, Imperial College London, UK, David Chandler, Warwick HRI, UK, Wyn P Grant, University of Warwick, UK, Justin Greaves, University of Warwick, UK, Gillian Prince, Warwick HRI, UK and Mark Tatchell, University of Warwick, UK
Edited by Christina Devorshak, USDA-APHIS-PPQ
Biological control utilizing natural predation, parasitism or other natural mechanisms is an environmentally-friendly, sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides. Now available in paperback, this book addresses the challenges of insufficient information and imperfectly understood regulatory processes involved in biological alternatives through an interdisciplinary approach, providing an internationally comparative analysis on the registration of biopesticides and approaches for the future. An essential read for researchers, students and policymakers in pest management. November 2012 / 240 pages / PB / 9781845939779 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
£125 / €165 / US$240
October 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845935597 £75 / €100 / US$145
This book provides a solid foundation in pest risk analysis and its application to regulatory plant protection. Basic methods are addressed, including how they can be used to solve real-life problems in the context of national and international rules and regulations. Enhanced with examples of methods and applications, the book details basic tools and methods to encourage the reader to prepare, review and develop scientifically sound pest risk analyses. November 2012 / 312 pages / HB / 9781780640365 £75 / €100 / US$145
Natural Antioxidants and Biocides from Wild Medicinal Plants
Biological Control Programmes in Canada 2001-2012
Edited by Carlos L Cespedes, University of Bio Bio, Chile, D A Sampietro, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, D S Seigler, University of Illinois, USA and Mahendra Rai, SGB Amravati University, India
Edited by Peter G Mason and David R Gillespie, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Plants produce secondary metabolites with herbicidal, insecticidal, fungicidal and antioxidant activities. This book provides an up-to-date treatment of antioxidant and biocidal compounds mainly from Latin American plants. New antimicrobials, insecticidals, and antioxidants are covered in three sections: a general overview and perspectives on antioxidant, medicinal and biocidal plant compounds; details of plant antioxidants isolated from a wide range of species; and insecticidal, antimicrobial and other biocidal activities based on peptides, phytoecdysteroids, alkaloids, polyphenols, terpenoids and other allelochemicals.
Canada is a world leader in biological control research. Reporting the status of biocontrol agents released in Canada over the last decade, this book presents case studies by target pest that evaluate the impact of biocontrol and recommend future priorities. In addition to a new chapter on future targets and an appendix listing established agents, this edition contains information of interest to a global audience, and chapters that address effects of invasive species and climate change. August 2013 / c.504 pages / HB / 9781780642574 £115 / €150 / US$220
Arthropod Pests of Horticultural Crops in Tropical Asia
Tropical Fruits, Volume 2, 2nd Edition
Rangaswamy Muniappan, IPM CRSP, USA, B. Merle Shepard, Clemson University, USA, Gerald R Carner, Clemson University, USA and Peter Aun-Chuan Ooi, AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Thailand
Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No. 24
Arthropod pests are major constraints to agricultural production in tropical Asia. This book consolidates the research on pests of South and Southeast Asia, providing useful data for the establishment of sustainable pest management programs. It covers the main arthropod pests of 25 major crops, with colour photographs of their adult and immature stages, their distribution, biology, disease vectors, symptoms of the damage they cause and their natural enemies. October 2012 / 184 pages / HB / 9781845939519 £75 / €100 / US$145
Molecular Plant Breeding Yunbi Xu, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Mexico Now available in paperback, Molecular Plant Breeding provides an integrative overview of basic theories and their application to crop improvement. Chapters discuss breeding methodology, quantitative genetics, genomics and bioinformatics and present statistical issues related to gene mapping, marker-assisted selection and genotype-environment interactions in clear and concise language. An essential resource for researchers and students involved in plant biology and breeding, genetics and applied genomics. January 2012 / 752 pages / PB / 9781845939823 £59.95 / €80 / US$115 February 2010 / 752 pages / HB / 9781845933920 £125 / €165 / US$240
Robert E Paull, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA and Odilo Duarte, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana – El Zamorano, Honduras Volume 2 of this revised edition of Tropical Fruits examines the more specialist tropical fruits such as guava, durian, mangosteen, passion fruits and palm fruits. With growing interest in the cultivation, production, study, sales and marketability of these specialist fruits, this is a timely and informative book. Topics like botany, soil and climate requirements, cultivar development, world production and harvesting and postharvest handling are covered in-depth for each crop.
plant sciences
March 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780642338 £95 / €125 / US$180
November 2012 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845937898 £45 / €60 / US$85
Plants, Biotechnology and Agriculture Modular Texts Series
Denis Murphy, University of Glamorgan, UK Beginning with an overview of plant biology, this textbook outlines the human exploitation of plants from domestication to scientific manipulation. Further chapters describe the technologies applied to improve crops, society’s responses to these technologies, and how they are modified as a result. The book concludes with a discussion of future challenges for biotechnology in the face of rapid population growth, depletion of non-renewable resources and climate change. November 2011 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845936884 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 November 2011 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845939137 £75 / €100 / US$145
Greenhouse Technology and Management, 2nd Edition
Alfalfa and Relatives: Evolution and Classification of Medicago
Nicolas Castilla, Esteban J Baeza
Ernest Small
December 2012 / 312 pages / HB / 9781780641034 £95 / €125 / US$180
May 2011 / 850 pages / HB / 9781845937508
Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology
Turfgrass Physiology and Ecology: Advanced Management Principles
Qing-Yao Shu, Brian P Forster, Hitoshi Nakagawa
October 2012 / 616 pages / HB / 9781780640853
£125 / €165 / US$240
Ratikanta Maiti, Pratik Satya, Dasari Rajkumar, Allam Ramaswamy
August 2012 / 328 pages / HB / 9781780640198
£75 / €100 / US$145
F Ross Wylie, Martin R Speight
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £85 / €110 / US$160
November 2010 / 336 pages / PB / 9781845935016 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 Robert E Paull, Odilo Duarte
November 2010 / 408 pages / PB / 9781845936723
Integrated Pest Management: Principles and Practice
Natural Products in Plant Pest Management
Dharam P Abrol, Uma Shankar
Nawal Kishore Dubey
£125 / €165 / US$240
Plant Stress Physiology May 2012 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845939953
November 2010 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845936716 £85 / €110 / US$160 Rajesh Arora
£85 / €110 / US$160
Disease Resistance in Wheat
November 2010 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845936785 £95 / €125 / US$180 Principles of Ecology in Plant Production, 2nd Edition
Indu Sharma
May 2012 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845938185
Thomas R Sinclair, Albert Weiss
£95 / €125 / US$180
October 2010 / 192 pages / PB / 9781845936549 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Peppers, 2nd Edition: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums
Bananas and Plantains, 2nd Edition
Paul Bosland, Eric Votava
John C Robinson, Víctor Galán Saúco
April 2012 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845938253
£45 / €60 / US$85
Plant Sciences Reviews 2011
Clive Ireland
£140 / €180 / US$265
Fungal Plant Pathogens Charles R Lane, Paul Beales, Kelvin J D Hughes
March 2012 / 324 pages / PB / 9781845936686
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Modeling Physiology of Crop Development, Growth and Yield Afshin Soltani, Thomas R Sinclair
March 2012 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845939700
£99.95 / €130 / US$190
Jorge B Retamales, James F Hancock
£45 / €60 / US$85
Vincent M Russo
£85 / €110 / US$160
Martin A Lainsbury
£44.50 / €62 / US$85
Fungicide Resistance in Crop Protection: Risk and Management Tarlochan S Thind
December 2011 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845939052 £85 / €110 / US$160 Crop Stress Management and Global Climate Change Jose Luis Araus, Gustavo A Slafer
November 2011 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845936808 £75 / €100 / US$145
£65 / €85 / US$125
Urban Pest Management: An Environmental Perspective Partho Dhang
£85 / €110 / US$160
The Soybean: Botany, Production and Uses Guriqbal Singh
£115 / €150 / US$220
Coffee Wilt Disease Julie Flood
£75 / €100 / US$145
Citrus Mites: Identification, Bionomy and Control Vincenzo Vacante
Phytoplasmas: Genomes, Plant Hosts and Vectors Phyllis G Weintraub, Philip Jones
November 2009 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845935306 £90 / €115 / US$170 The Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th edition: A World Compendium Leonard G Copping
November 2009 / 852 pages / HB / 9781901396171 £175 / €225 / US$335 The Pesticide Manual, 15th edition: A World Compendium
Phytobacteriology: Principles and Practice Jacob D Janse
October 2009 / 368 pages / PB / 9781845936006
£49.95 / €65 / US$95
Vegetable Seed Production, 3rd Edition Raymond A T George
Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes
October 2009 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845935214
Aditya Pratap, Jitendra Kumar
September 2011 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845937669 £115 / €150 / US$220
£70 / €90 / US$135
Insect-resistant Maize Jürg Bürgi
Plant Sciences Reviews 2010
October 2009 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845935696
David Hemming
June 2011 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845938789
£85 / €110 / US$160
November 2009 / 1457 pages / HB / 9781901396188 £265 / €370 / US$500
Raymond A T George
October 2011 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845938031
August 2010 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845936464
Clive D S Tomlin
Agricultural Seed Production October 2011 / 216 pages / HB / 9781845938192
A Keith Thompson
November 2009 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845934989 £90 / €115 / US$170
The UK Pesticide Guide 2012 January 2012 / 700 pages / PB / 9781780640105
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables, 2nd Edition
April 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845936419
Peppers: Botany, Production and Uses February 2012 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845937676
October 2010 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845935375
July 2010 / 512 pages / HB / 9781845936440
Blueberries February 2012 / 336 pages / PB / 9781845938260
October 2010 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845936587 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 Experimental Statistics for Agriculture and Horticulture
David Hemming
April 2012 / 272 pages / HB / 9781780640150
£45 / €60 / US$85
Medicinal Plant Biotechnology
Sergey Shabala
plant sciences
David I Jackson, Norman E Looney, Michael Morley-Bunker
Tropical Fruits, Volume 1, 2nd Edition
£85 / €110 / US$160
£65 / €85 / US$125
Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production, 3rd Edition
James F Hancock
July 2012 / 512 pages / HB / 9781845938086
Raymond A T George
Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species, 3rd Edition July 2012 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845938017
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Tropical Vegetable Production December 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845937539
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition July 2012 / 376 pages / PB / 9781845936358 July 2012 / 376 pages / HB / 9781845936365
Gregory E Bell
January 2011 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845936488
Crop Plant Anatomy
£110 / €140 / US$210
£140 / €180 / US$265
£80 / €105 / US$150
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Guide to Cultivated Plants
Kamal Bouarab, Normand Brisson, Fouad Daayf
A T G Elzebroek, K Wind
September 2009 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845935740 £90 / €115 / US$170
July 2008 / 496 pages / HB / 9781845933562
Plant Cold Hardiness: From the Laboratory to the Field
Chemistry of Spices
Lawrence V Gusta, Michael E Wisniewski, Karen K Tanino
V A Parthasarathy, B Chempakam, T John Zachariah
July 2009 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845935139
July 2008 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845934057
£90 / €115 / US$170
£105 / €135 / US$200
£105 / €135 / US$200
Manual of Leaf Architecture
Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums, 2nd Edition
Beth Ellis, Douglas C Daly, Leo J Hickey, Kirk R Johnson, John D Mitchell, Peter Wilf, Scott Wing
James L Brewster
£19.95 / €25 / US$40 £45 / €60 / US$85
Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Mic H Julien
June 2009 / 768 pages / PB / 9781845935023
£65 / €85 / US$125
Biorational Tree Fruit Pest Management £90 / €115 / US$170
The Lentil: Botany, Production and Uses William Erskine, Fred J Muehlbauer, Ashutosh Sarker, Balram Sharma
June 2009 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845934873
£100 / €130 / US$190
The Mango, 2nd Edition: Botany, Production and Uses Richard E Litz
April 2009 / 696 pages / HB / 9781845934897
£140 / €180 / US$265
Potatoes Postharvest £95 / €125 / US$180
Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops February 2009 / 440 pages / HB / 9781845934095 £100 / €130 / US$190 Grapes
May 2008 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845934026
£95 / €125 / US$180
Global Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods Mark E Whalon, David Mota-Sanchez, Robert M Hollingworth
April 2008 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845933531
£85 / €110 / US$160
Parwinder S Grewal, R Ehlers, D I Shapiro-llan
March 2008 / 528 pages / PB / 9781845934545
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Plant Genotyping II: SNP Technology Robert J Henry
March 2008 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845933821
£80 / €105 / US$150
Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation Opender Koul, Gerrit W Cuperus, Norman Elliot
February 2008 / 608 pages / HB / 9781845933722 £105 / €135 / US$200 Neil Heather, Guy Hallman
January 2008 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845933432
£85 / €110 / US$160
Jules Janick, Robert E Paull
January 2008 / 800 pages / HB / 9780851996387
£205 / €265 / US$390
Plant Names, 3rd Edition: A Guide to Botanical Nomenclature
G L Creasy, L L Creasy
January 2009 / 312 pages / PB / 9781845934019 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 Tropical Root and Tuber Crops: Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids
Roger Spencer, Robert Cross, Peter Lumley
December 2007 / 160 pages / PB / 9781845933746 £19.95 / €25 / US$40 Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics: Domestication, Utillization and Commercialization
Vincent Lebot
December 2008 / 440 pages / PB / 9781845934248 US$72.50
£37.50 / €50 /
Festus K Akinnifesi, Roger RB Leakey, Oluyede C Ajayi, Gudeta Sileshi, Zac Tchoundjeu, Patrick Matacala, Freddie R Kwesiga
December 2007 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845931100 £95 / €125 / US$180
Olives Ioannis Therios
December 2008 / 432 pages / PB / 9781845934583 US$72.50
£37.50 / €50 /
Non Chemical Weed Management: Principles, Concepts and Technology Mahesh K Upadhyaya, Robert E Blackshaw
November 2007 / 239 pages / HB / 9781845932909 £85 / €110 / US$160
RNA Interference: Methods for Plants and Animals Tim Doran, Chris Helliwell
December 2008 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845934101 £49.95 / €65 / US$95 Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Mic H Julien
November 2008 / 768 pages / HB / 9781845935061 £90 / €115 / US$170
Citrus Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology Iqrar Khan
November 2007 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851990194 £95 / €125 / US$180 Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management Zamir K Punja, Solke De Boer, Helene I Sanfacon
October 2007 / 580 pages / HB / 9781845932886
£105 / €135 / US$200
Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism
Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice
Rosemary Black, Alice Crabtree
Ronald Watson, Victor R Preedy
November 2008 / 944 pages / HB / 9781845934132 £220 / €285 / US$420
September 2007 / 520 pages / HB / 9781845932374 £75 / €100 / US$145 Seed Dispersal: Theory and its Application in a Changing World
Root Feeders: An Ecosystem Perspective Scott N Johnson, Phillip J Murray
£85 / €110 / US$160
The Peach: Botany, Production and Uses
Andrew J Dennis, Ronda J Green, Eugene W Schupp, David A Westcott
August 2007 / 720 pages / HB / 9781845931650
£75 / €100 / US$145
Biological Control: A Global Perspective
Desmond R Layne, Daniele Bassi
September 2008 / 632 pages / HB / 9781845933869 £145 / €190 / US$275 Herbal Radiomodulators: Applications in Medicine, Homeland Defence and Space Rajesh Arora
July 2008 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845933951
Pawan K Jaiwal, Rana P Singh, Om Parkash Dhankher
The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts
Natalie Ferry, Angharad M R Gatehouse
October 2008 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845934613
Plant Membrane and Vacuolar Transporters
Pest Management and Phytosanitary Trade Barriers
R T Pringle, C F H Bishop, R C Clayton
February 2009 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851995021
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Nematodes as Biological Control Agents
Martín Aluja, Tracy C Leskey, Charles Vincent
June 2009 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845934842
June 2008 / 448 pages / PB / 9781845933999
plant sciences
June 2009 / 220 pages / PB / 9781845935856 June 2009 / 220 pages / HB / 9781845935849
£85 / €110 / US$160
Charles Vincent, Mark S Goettel, George Lazarovits
August 2007 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845932657
£105 / €135 / US$200
Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice Juming Tang, Elizabeth Mitcham, Shaojin Wang, Susan Lurie
July 2007 / 350 pages / HB / 9781845932527
£95 / €125 / US$180
Aphids as Crop Pests Helmut F van Emden, Richard Harrington
July 2007 / 752 pages / HB / 9780851998190
£175 / €225 / US$335
Kip Panter, Terrie L Wierenga, James Pfister
£115 / €150 / US$220
£95 / €125 / US$180
Postharvest: An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruit, Vegetables and Ornamentals, 5th Edition Ron Wills, Barry McGlasson, Doug Graham, Daryl Joyce
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Chickpea Breeding and Management Shyam S Yadav, R R Redden, W Chen, Balram Sharma
March 2007 / 638 pages / HB / 9781845932138
£120 / €155 / US$230
February 2007 / 496 pages / HB / 9781845931971 £105 / €135 / US$200
plant sciences
January 2006 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851990590
£80 / €105 / US$150
Valuing Crop Biodiversity: On-Farm Genetic Resources and Economic Change Melinda Smale
December 2005 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851990835 £80 / €105 / US$150
December 2005 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851990170 £115 / €150 / US$220 Ep Heuvelink
Petr Pysek, Matthew J W Cock, Wolfgang Nentwig, Hans P Ravn
£90 / €115 / US$170
November 2005 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851993966
£45 / €60 / US$85
Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment Tom Addiscott
Ecologically-Based Integrated Pest Management
July 2005 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851999135
Opender Koul , Gerrit W Cuperus
£95 / €125 / US$180
Mathematical Models in Agriculture, 2nd Edition: Quantitative Methods for the Plant, Animal and Ecological Sciences John H M Thornley, James (Jim) France
December 2006 / 928 pages / HB / 9780851990101 £185 / €240 / US$350 Landscape Trees and Shrubs: Selection, Use and Management Mary Forrest
£30 / €40 / US$55
£40 / €55 / US$75
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, 2nd Edition Michel Luc, Richard A Sikora, John Bridge
May 2005 / 896 pages / HB / 9780851997278
£135 / €175 / US$255
The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization Basil G D Bartley
April 2005 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996196
£105 / €135 / US$200
Litchi and Longan: Botany, Production and Uses Christopher Menzel, Geoff K Waite
Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers
March 2005 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851996967
Geoffrey R Dixon
£105 / €135 / US$200
November 2006 / 416 pages / PB / 9780851993959 £38 / €50 / US$72.50
Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment
Microbial Ecology of Aerial Plant Surfaces
Pierre M Forget, Joanna E Lambert, Philip E Hulme, Stephen B Vander Wall
Mark J Bailey, Andrew K Lilley, Tracey M Timms-Wilson, Peter T N Spencer-Phillips
November 2006 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845930615 £95 / €125 / US$180 The Encyclopedia of Seeds: Science, Technology and Uses Michael J Black, J D Bewley, Peter Halmer
October 2006 / 900 pages / HB / 9780851997230
£210 / €275 / US$400
Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives Susette Biber-Klemm, Thomas Cottier
August 2006 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851990330
£105 / €135 / US$200
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
£65 / €85 / US$125
Robert J Henry
December 2004 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851999043 £105 / €135 / US$200 Flower Seeds: Biology and Technology
Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops
Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production November 2004 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851999814 £75 / €100 / US$145
Jacob D Janse
£95 / €125 / US$180
The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Flowering, 2nd Edition Brian R Jordan
£95 / €125 / US$180
International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello
March 2006 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851990569
Plant Diversity and Evolution: Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation in Higher Plants
Oliver Cheesman
Phytobacteriology: Principles and Practice
May 2006 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845930424
December 2004 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851998176 £105 / €135 / US$200
December 2004 / 768 pages / HB / 9780851996622 £170 / €220 / US$325
Roland N Perry, Maurice Moens
May 2006 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845930257
Stefan Vidal, Ulrich Kuhlmann, C R Edwards
Richard E Litz
Plant Nematology May 2006 / 480 pages / PB / 9781845930561
Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management
December 2004 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851999067 £125 / €165 / US$240
G Wiecko
June 2006 / 208 pages / PB / 9781845930301
December 2004 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851998060 £105 / €135 / US$200
Miller B McDonald, Francis Y Kwong
Fundamentals of Tropical Turf Management
Tony H H Chen, Matsuo Uemura, Seizo Fujikawa
Ecology and Management of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
November 2006 / 224 pages / PB / 9781845930547
Cold Hardiness in Plants: Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology
Parwinder S Grewal, R Ehlers, D I Shapiro-llan
Sheldon C Navie, Stephen W Adkins, Sarah Ashmore
January 2007 / 462 pages / HB / 9781845930646
£70 / €90 / US$135
Nematodes as Biological Control Agents
Seeds: Biology, Development and Ecology
January 2007 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845932060
Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses: Principles and Protocols January 2006 / 268 pages / HB / 9780851990163
Jim M Waller, M Bigger, Rory J Hillocks
March 2007 / 252 pages / PB / 9781845932275
£95 / €125 / US$180
Sven E Albrechtsen
Coffee Pests, Diseases and their Management: April 2007 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845931292
Angelika Hilbeck, David A Andow, Eliana M G Fontes
March 2006 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845930004
Poisonous Plants: Global Research and Solutions June 2007 / 570 pages / HB / 9781845932732
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 2: A Case Study of Bt Cotton in Brazil
£70 / €90 / US$135
Saving Seeds: The Economics of Conserving Crop Genetic Resources Ex Situ in the Future Harvest Centres of CGIAR Bonwoo Koo, Philip G Pardey, Brian D Wright
October 2004 / 232 pages / HB / 9780851998596
£70 / €90 / US$135
Ecological Engineering for Pest Management: Advances in Habitat Manipulation for Arthropods Geoff M Gurr, Steve D Wratten, Miguel A Altieri
October 2004 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851999036
£80 / €105 / US$150
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 1: A Case Study of Bt Maize in Kenya Angelika Hilbeck, David A Andow
October 2004 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851998619
£100 / €130 / US$190
£105 / €135 / US$200
Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives Hans C M den Nijs, Detlef Bartsch, Jeremy Sweet
£115 / €150 / US$220
Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena
Mites of Greenhouses: Identification, Biology and Control Zhi-Qiang Zhang
August 2003 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851995908
£75 / €100 / US$145
Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North August 2003 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996752
Gary M Barker
£185 / €240 / US$350
Postharvest Physiology and Hypobaric Storage of Fresh Produce Stanley P Burg
£25 / €32.50 / US$47.50
Opender Koul, Gurmail S Dhaliwal, Gerrit W Cuperus
£105 / €135 / US$200
Nematode Behaviour £115 / €150 / US$220
£125 / €165 / US$240
Regulating the Liabilities of Agricultural Biotechnology Stuart Smyth, Peter W B Phillips, William A Kerr, George G Khachatourians
£70 / €90 / US$135
Phoma Identification Manual: Differentiation of Specific and Infra-specific Taxa in Culture Gerhard H Boerema, J de Gruyter, M E Noordeloos, Maria E C Hamers
May 2004 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851997438
£115 / €150 / US$220
Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello
April 2004 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851997476
£90 / €115 / US$170
July 2003 / 1071 pages / HB / 9780851996912
£205 / €265 / US$390
Quality Control and Production of Biological Control Agents: Theory and Testing Procedures June 2003 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851996882
June 2003 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851996394
£110 / €140 / US$210
£115 / €150 / US$220
Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops Randy C Ploetz
June 2003 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851993904
£135 / €175 / US$255
Apples: Botany, Production and Uses D C Ferree, I Warrington
May 2003 / 672 pages / HB / 9780851995922
£135 / €175 / US$255
Weeds and Weed Management on Arable Land: An Ecological Approach Sigurd Håkansson
April 2003 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851996516
£100 / €130 / US$190
Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems February 2003 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851995281
Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Constituents of Medicinal Plants: An Introduction to the Chemistry and Therapeutics of Herbal Medicine Andrew Pengelly
February 2004 / 184 pages / PB / 9780851998077
Advances in Stored Product Protection
Barbara D Booth, Stephen D Murphy, Clarence J Swanton
The Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology March 2004 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851997421
£90 / €115 / US$170
Peter Neuenschwander, Christian Borgemeister, Jurgen Langewald
Zhongxiao X Chen, Senyo Y Chen, Donald W Dickson
May 2004 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851998152
July 2003 / 302 pages / HB / 9780851996806
Biological Control in IPM Systems in Africa
Nematology : Advances and Perspectives Vol 1: Nematode Morphology, Physiology and Ecology June 2004 / 640 pages / HB / 9780851996455
David L Ebbels
J C van Lenteren
Randy Gaugler, Anwar L Bilgrami
June 2004 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851998183
Principles of Plant Health and Quarantine
Peter F Credland, David M Armitage, Christopher H Bell, Paul M Cogan, Ed Highley
Integrated Pest Management: Potential, Constraints and Challenges June 2004 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851996868
£100 / €130 / US$190
plant sciences
July 2004 / 640 pages / HB / 9780851993195
£19.95 / €25 / US$40
Cycad Classification: Concepts and Recommendations Terrence Walters, Roy Osborne
January 2004 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851997414
£125 / €165 / US$240
Ismael Serageldin, Gabrielle J Persley
Natural Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs
June 2004 / 672 pages / PB / 9780851998015
October 2003 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851996530
September 2003 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851996523 £125 / €165 / US$240
Zhongxiao X Chen, Senyo Y Chen, Donald W Dickson
July 2004 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851998169
Gregorio Nicolas, Kent J Bradford, Daniel Come, Hugh W Pritchard
Karim M Maredia, David Mota-Sanchez, Dona Dakouo
Nematology : Advances and Perspectives Vol II: Nematode Management and Utilization October 2004 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851996462
The Biology of Seeds: Recent Research Advances
£90 / €115 / US$170
Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control Lester E Ehler, Rene Sforza, Thierry Mateille
December 2003 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851997353 £90 / €115 / US$170 Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia
December 2003 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851997391 £100 / €130 / US$190 Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species, 2nd Edition James F Hancock
November 2003 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851996851 £105 / €135 / US$200 Water Dynamics in Plant Production Wilfried Ehlers, Michael Goss
November 2003 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996943 £105 / €135 / US$200 Poisonous Plants and Related Toxins
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Crop Variety Improvement and its Effect on Productivity: The Impact of International Agricultural Research Robert E Evenson, Douglas Gollin
February 2003 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851995496 £115 / €150 / US$220 Seeds of Concern: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants David R Murray
January 2003 / 158 pages / PB / 9780851997254
£40 / €55 / US$75
The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses Duane P Bartholomew, Robert E Paull, Kenneth G Rohrbach
November 2002 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851995038 £110 / €140 / US$210 Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding Manjit S Kang
September 2002 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851996011 £115 / €150 / US$220 Rice Almanac, 3rd Edition Jay L Maclean, D C Dawe, Bill Hardy, G P Hettel
August 2002 / 270 pages / HB / 9780851996363
£90 / €115 / US$170
Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries Robin B Matthews, William Stephens
July 2002 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851995632
£100 / €130 / US$190
Global Rangelands: Progress and Prospects Anthony C Grice, Ken C Hodgkinson
July 2002 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851995236
£105 / €135 / US$200
Thomas Acamovic, Colin S Stewart, Tom W Pennycott
November 2003 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851996141 £115 / €150 / US$220 21
Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses
Plant Pathologists’ Pocketbook, 3rd Edition
Anthony W Whiley, Bruce Schaffer, B Nigel Wolstenholme
Jim M Waller, Jillian M Lenné, Sarah Waller
July 2002 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851993577
November 2001 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851994581 £105 / €135 / US$200
£135 / €175 / US$255
Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control Jorge E Peña, Jennifer Sharp, Manes Wysoki
July 2002 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851994345
£135 / €175 / US$255
Haim D Rabinowitch, Lesley Currah
£135 / €175 / US$255
September 2001 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851993188 £145 / €190 / US$275 Plant Genotyping: The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants
James L Starr, Roger Cook, John Bridge
Robert J Henry
£90 / €115 / US$170
August 2001 / 344 pages / HB / 9780851995151
£105 / €135 / US$200
Desiccation and Survival in Plants: Drying without Dying
Fungi as Biocontrol Agents: Progress, Problems and Potential
Michael J Black, Hugh W Pritchard
Tariq Butt, Chris Jackson, Naresh Magan
May 2002 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851995342
£115 / €150 / US$220
Spice Crops May 2002 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851996059
£115 / €150 / US$220
Michael J Jeger, Nicola J Spence
£120 / €155 / US$230
Verticillium Wilts
July 2001 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851995120
£110 / €140 / US$210
Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Cropping Systems, 2nd Edition
George F Pegg, Beryl L Brady
May 2002 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851995298
August 2001 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851993560
Biotic Interactions in Plant-Pathogen Associations
Edward A Weiss
plant sciences
Josef Nösberger, Hartwig H Geiger, Paul C Struik
Gary M Barker
£100 / €130 / US$190
Plant Resistance to Parasitic Nematodes
Ken E Giller
£150 / €195 / US$290
July 2001 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851994178
£115 / €150 / US$220
Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives
Insects on Palms
Turlough M Finan, Mark R O’Brian, David B Layzell, J K Vessey, William Newton
Forrest W Howard, Robin Giblin-Davis, David Moore, Reynaldo G Abad
April 2002 / 576 pages / HB / 9780851995915
£135 / €175 / US$255
Molluscs as Crop Pests March 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851993201
£115 / €150 / US$220
Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization £115 / €150 / US$220
Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade: Regulatory Barriers to GM Crops February 2002 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851995809
£110 / €140 / US$210
Healing Plants of Peninsular India June 2001 / 944 pages / HB / 9780851995014
£135 / €175 / US$255
Durian: King of Tropical Fruit Suranant Subhadrabandhu, Saichol Ketsa
Rory J Hillocks, J M Thresh, Anthony Bellotti
March 2002 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851995243
June 2001 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851993263 John Parrotta
Gary M Barker
Grant E Isaac
£90 / €115 / US$170
Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
May 2001 / 248 pages / PB / 9780851994963
£60 / €80 / US$115
The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies Laurence H Field
March 2001 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851994086
£150 / €195 / US$290
Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production H D Cooper, Toby Hodgkin, Charlie Spillane
January 2001 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851994116
£115 / €150 / US$220
February 2002 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851995250 £115 / €150 / US$220
Seeds, 2nd Edition: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities, 2nd edition
Entomopathogenic Nematology
December 2000 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851994321 £90 / €115 / US$170
Douglas J Levey, Wesley R Silva, Mauro Galetti
Randy Gaugler
January 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851995670
£115 / €150 / US$220
Michael Fenner
Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control Eric Wajnberg, John K Scott, Paul C Quimby
Managing Plant Genetic Diversity
December 2000 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851994536 £90 / €115 / US$170
Johannes Engels, V R Ramanatha Rao, Anthony H D Brown, Michael Jackson
Nutrient Elements in Grassland: Soil–Plant–Animal Relationships
December 2001 / 512 pages / HB / 9780851995229 £110 / €140 / US$210 Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981-2000 Peter G Mason, J T Huber
December 2001 / 608 pages / PB / 9780851995274 £140 / €180 / US$265 Plant Pathologists’ Pocketbook, 3rd Edition November 2001 / 528 pages / PB / 9780851994598
£55 / €70 / US$105
Securing the Harvest: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops Joseph deVries, Gary Toenniessen
November 2001 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851995649
David C Whitehead
October 2000 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851994376
£105 / €135 / US$200
Insect Pest Management, 2nd Edition David R Dent
August 2000 / 432 pages / PB / 9780851993416
£45 / €60 / US$85
Insect Pest Management, 2nd Edition
Jim M Waller, Jillian M Lenné, Sarah Waller
£60 / €80 / US$115
Agricultural Biotechnology: Country Case Studies – A Decade of Development Gabrielle J Persley, L R MacIntyre
Crop Science: Progress and Prospects
The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs
David A Cleveland, Daniela Soleri
May 2002 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851994666
£35 / €45 / US$70
September 2001 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851995304 £105 / €135 / US$200
Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice June 2002 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851995854
David R Dent, Christopher Lomer
September 2001 / 64 pages / PB / 9780851995779
Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances July 2002 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851995106
The Convention on Biological Diversity and Product Commercialisation in Development Assistance Projects: A Case Study of LUBILOSA
November 2001 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851988160 £75 / €100 / US$145
David R Dent
August 2000 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851993409
£115 / €150 / US$220
Fire Blight: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Erwinia amylovora J Vanneste
August 2000 / 370 pages / HB / 9780851992945
£110 / €140 / US$210
Chemical Pesticide Markets, Health Risks and Residues Jeremy Harris
July 2000 / 90 pages / PB / 9780851994765
£30 / €40 / US$55
Priorities in Biopesticide Research and Development in Developing Countries Jeremy Harris, David R Dent
July 2000 / 80 pages / PB / 9780851994796
£35 / €45 / US$70
£100 / €130 / US$190
Hemp Diseases and Pests: Management and Biological Control John M McPartland, Robert C Clarke, David P Watson
June 2000 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851994543
£75 / €100 / US$145
£105 / €135 / US$200
Bioassays of Entomopathogenic Microbes and Nematodes Amos Navon, K R S Ascher
£110 / €140 / US$210
£145 / €190 / US$275
Sampling and Monitoring in Crop Protection: The Theoretical Basis for Designing Practical Decision Guides Michael R Binns, Jan P Nyrop, Wopke van der Werf
£105 / €135 / US$200
September 1998 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851992952 £90 / €115 / US$170 Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development
Thysanoptera: An Identification Guide, 2nd Edition Laurence A Mound, Geoffrey Kibby
July 1998 / 70 pages / PB / 9780851992112
£40 / €55 / US$75
Take-All Disease of Cereals: A Regional Perspective July 1998 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851991245
£115 / €150 / US$220
Fungicides in Crop Protection H G Hewitt
June 1998 / 232 pages / PB / 9780851992013
£45 / €60 / US$85
Plant Breeding and Whole-System Crop Physiology: Improving Adaptation, Maturity and Yield Don H Wallace, Weikai Yan
Biological Control in the Tropics
June 1998 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851992655
Loke W Hong
£40 / €55 / US$75
Biotechnology in the Developing World and Countries in Economic Transition George T Tzotzos, K G Skryabin
January 2000 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851993317
Robert E Evenson, Douglas Gollin, Vittorio Santaniello
£80 / €105 / US$150
Tropical Fruits H Y Nakasone, Robert E Paull
May 1998 / 464 pages / PB / 9780851992549
David R Jones
£45 / €60 / US$85
Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops Dennis B Egli
May 1998 / 184 pages / HB / 9780851992419
Diseases of Banana, Abaca and Enset
£115 / €150 / US$220
£75 / €100 / US$145
December 1999 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851993553 £135 / €175 / US$255
African Cereal Stem Borers: Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control
Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums
Andrew Polaszek
May 1998 / 592 pages / HB / 9780851991757
Paul Bosland, Eric Votava
November 1999 / 216 pages / PB / 9780851993355
£40 / €55 / US$75
April 1998 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851992273
James F Hancock
£40 / €55 / US$75
Managing Agricultural Biotechnology: Addressing Research Program Needs and Policy Implications Joel I Cohen
October 1999 / 340 pages / HB / 9780851994000
£100 / €130 / US$190
V E Rubatzky, Carlos F Quiros, Philip W Simon
£45 / €60 / US$85
Pheromones of Non-Lepidopteran Insects Associated with Agricultural Plants Jim Hardie, Albert K Minks
September 1999 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851993454 £135 / €175 / US$255 Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production, 2nd Edition David I Jackson, Norman E Looney
June 1999 / 336 pages / PB / 9780851992716
£45 / €60 / US$85
Coffee, Cocoa and Tea £50 / €65 / US$95
Inducible Gene Expression in Plants £90 / €115 / US$170
Insecticide Resistance: From Mechanisms to Management Ian Denholm, John A Pickett, Alan L Devonshire
March 1999 / 144 pages / HB / 9780851993676
April 1998 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851992242
£135 / €175 / US$255
Principles of Ecology in Plant Production Thomas R Sinclair, Franklin P Gardner
£35 / €45 / US$70
Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals Robert R Brooks
January 1998 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851992365
£110 / €140 / US$210
Plant Clinic Handbook Jim M Waller, B J Ritchie, Mark Holderness
December 1997 / 104 pages / PB / 9780851989181
£30 / €40 / US$55
Temperate Forage Legumes J Frame, J F L Charlton, A S Laidlaw
December 1997 / 336 pages / PB / 9780851992143
£45 / €60 / US$85
Daphne T Fairey, John G Hampton
December 1997 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851991900 £110 / €140 / US$210 The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes
Paul H S Reynolds
March 1999 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851992594
J S Gladstones, C Atkins, John Hamblin
Forage Seed Production, Volume 1: Temperate Species
Ken C Willson
March 1999 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851989198
£90 / €115 / US$170
Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and Utilization
February 1998 / 208 pages / PB / 9780851992204
Carrots and Related Vegetable Umbelliferae September 1999 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851991290
Grassland Dynamics: An Ecosystem Simulation Model John H M Thornley
Strawberries October 1999 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851993393
£105 / €135 / US$200
plant sciences
Michael J Black, Kent J Bradford, Jorge Vázquez-Ramos
January 2000 / 155 pages / PB / 9780851994628
Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources
David Hornby
Seed Biology: Advances and Applications
March 2000 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851993478
Distribution Maps of Quarantine Pests for Europe
September 1998 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851992785 £105 / €135 / US$200
Keith S Delaplane, Daniel R Mayer
April 2000 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851994048
£40 / €55 / US$75
Catherine Ives, Bruce Bedford
Crop Pollination by Bees
April 2000 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851994222
February 1999 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851992853
December 1998 / 768 pages / HB / 9780851992921 £190 / €250 / US$360
Jean D Viemont, Jacques Crabbé
June 2000 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851994482
Edward J Ryder
I M Smith, L M F Charles
Dormancy in Plants July 2000 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851994475
Lettuce, Endive and Chicory
£90 / €115 / US$170
David J Allen, Jillian M Lenné
December 1997 / 768 pages / HB / 9780851991665 £145 / €190 / US$275 Termites: Biology and Pest Management M J Pearce
November 1997 / 192 pages / HB / 9780851991306
£70 / €90 / US$135
Plant Nematode Control
Cherries: Crop Physiology, Production and Uses
Alan G Whitehead
A D Webster, Norman E Looney
November 1997 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851991887 £115 / €150 / US$220
December 1995 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851989365 £145 / €190 / US$275
Thrips as Crop Pests
Soybean: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Trevor Lewis
Desh P S Verma, Randy C Shoemaker
November 1997 / 736 pages / HB / 9780851991788 £150 / €195 / US$290
October 1995 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851989846
Intensive Sugarcane Production: Meeting the challenges beyond 2000
Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia A T Barrion, Jim A Litsinger
September 1995 / 736 pages / HB / 9780851989679 £195 / €255 / US$370
Brian A Keating, John R Wilson
August 1997 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851991931
£115 / €150 / US$220
July 1995 / 448 pages / PB / 9780851989631
H C Wien
£145 / €190 / US$275
Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources: Conservation and Use J A Callow, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, H J Newbury
July 1997 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851991429
£105 / €135 / US$200
£115 / €150 / US$220
Wheat Production and Utilization: Systems, Quality and Environment Mike J Gooding, W P Davies
plant sciences
£90 / €115 / US$170
D J Greenland
£85 / €110 / US$160
Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops Ken E Cockshull, D Gray, B Thomas
April 1997 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851992815
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions Ian R Crute, Eric B Holub, Jeremy J Burdon
April 1997 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851991641
£115 / €150 / US$220
Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology David R Dent, M P Walton
March 1997 / 400 pages / PB / 9780851991320
£40 / €55 / US$75
May 1995 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851989723
Edward A Weiss
I M Smith, Peter R Scott, Mark Holderness, D G McNamara
December 1996 / 1440 pages / HB / 9780851991542 £225 / €295 / US$430
Thomas A Lumpkin, Dean C McClary
December 1994 / 260 pages / HB / 9780851987651
R L Geneve, John E Preece, Scott A Merkle
Diseases of Tropical Pasture Plants Jillian M Lenné, P Trutmann
Ornamental Bedding Plants Allan M Armitage
August 1994 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851989013 Roger L Blackman, Victor F Eastop
June 1994 / 1024 pages / HB / 9780851988771 Leo G Albrigo, Frederick S Davies
May 1994 / 272 pages / PB / 9780851988672 William A Adams, Richard J Gibbs
£35 / €45 / US$70
Rodent Pests and Their Control Alan P Buckle, Robert H Smith
£90 / €115 / US$170
Potato Genetics John E Bradshaw, George R Mackay
Robert E Paull, John W Armstrong
January 1994 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851988726
Mark Cooper, Graeme L Hammer
£120 / €155 / US$230
£90 / €115 / US$170
Short Fibre Content and Uniformity Index in Cotton Hassan M Behery
Rice Research in Asia: Progress and Priorities
December 1993 / 48 pages / PB / 9780851987811
Robert E Evenson, R W Herdt, Mahabub Hossain
£115 / €150 / US$220
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Ecology of Marine Parasites, 2nd Edition Klaus Rohde
The Biology of Grasses
September 1993 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851988450
Geoffrey P Chapman
£100 / €130 / US$190
£40 / €55 / US$75
Application Technology for Crop Protection Graham A Matthews, E C Hislop
Biotechnology and Integrated Pest Management
August 1993 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851988344
Gabrielle J Persley
£115 / €150 / US$220
£105 / €135 / US$200
Ornamental Bulbs, Corms and Tubers Alun R Rees
Viruses of Plants Alan A Brunt, Karen Crabtree, Michael J Dallwitz, Adrian Gibbs, Leslie Watson
£205 / €265 / US$390
Bananas and Plantains
December 1992 / 220 pages / PB / 9780851986562
£40 / €55 / US$75
Busseola Fusca (Fuller), The African Maize Stalk Borer: A Handbook of Information Keith M Harris, K F Nwanze
John C Robinson
December 1995 / 256 pages / PB / 9780851989853
£40 / €55 / US$75
Natural Turf for Sport and Amenity: Science and Practice
Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement
March 1996 / 1488 pages / HB / 9780851987941
£190 / €250 / US$360
Insect Pests and Fresh Horticultural Products: Treatments and Responses
March 1996 / 512 pages / HB / 9780851989303
£40 / €55 / US$75
Aphids on the World’s Trees: An Identification and Information Guide
November 1996 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851991108 £115 / €150 / US$220
June 1996 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851991115
£70 / €90 / US$135
February 1994 / 576 pages / HB / 9780851988696 £135 / €175 / US$255
Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants
July 1996 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851989976
£135 / €175 / US$255
Azuki Bean: Botany, Production and Uses
March 1994 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851988207
Quarantine Pests for Europe, 2nd Edition
August 1996 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851991085
£75 / €100 / US$145
Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines
March 1994 / 416 pages / PB / 9780851987200
Essential Oil Crops December 1996 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851991375 £120 / €155 / US$230
George T Tzotzos
November 1994 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851989174 £115 / €150 / US$220
The Sustainability of Rice Farming April 1997 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851991634
Genetically Modified Organisms: A Guide to Biosafety
May 1995 / 750 pages / HB / 9780851989648
Rory J Hillocks, Jim M Waller
May 1997 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851991559
£105 / €135 / US$200
Luigi Guarino, V R Ramanatha Rao, Robert Reid
Soilborne Diseases of Tropical Crops June 1997 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851991214
Host Plant Resistance to Insects Niranjan Panda, Gurdev S Khush
The Physiology of Vegetable Crops August 1997 / 672 pages / HB / 9780851991467
£100 / €130 / US$190
£40 / €55 / US$75
January 1992 / 80 pages / PB / 9780851988054
£55 / €70 / US$105
Principles of Acarology Gwilym O Evans
January 1992 / 576 pages / HB / 9780851988221
£135 / €175 / US$255
F W G Baker, P J Terry
£65 / €85 / US$125
Progress in Agricultural Physics and Engineering John Matthews
January 1991 / 350 pages / HB / 9780851987057
Gabrielle J Persley, L R MacIntyre
January 1991 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851986432
Tropical Grassy Weeds January 1991 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851987095
Agricultural Biotechnology: Opportunities for International Development
£100 / €130 / US$190
French-English Horticultural Dictionary, 2nd Edition D O'D Bourke
January 1989 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851986265
£75 / €100 / US$145
White Clover M F Baker, W M Williams
January 1987 / 534 pages / PB / 9780851985299
Rice Biotechnology
£115 / €150 / US$220
£110 / €140 / US$210
Gurdev S Khush, Gary Toenniessen
£100 / €130 / US$190
plant sciences
January 1991 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851987125
Plant Nematology, 2nd Edition Edited by Roland N Perry, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK and Maurice Moens, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium Plant-parasitic nematodes devastate crops worldwide, in turn impacting international trade, social and economic development. Effective control of nematodes is essential for crop protection, and requires an understanding of nematode biology, taxonomy, population dynamics and sampling methods. Providing a broad introduction to nematodes as plant parasites, this book begins by describing nematodes by genera, and builds on this foundation to detail nematode biology and pest management, including biological and chemical control. Chapters are authored by international experts and enhanced by extensive illustrations and focus boxes. Fully updated throughout, this new edition is an essential resource for postgraduate students, extension officers, researchers and crop protection scientists.
microbiology and parasitology
September 2013 / c.512 pages / PB / 9781780641539 September 2013 / c.512 pages / HB / 9781780641515
Parasitic Nematodes, 2nd Edition
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology
Biology and Applications
Edited by Malcolm W Kennedy, University of Glasgow, UK and William Harnett, University of Strathclyde, UK Covering a broad range of rapidly developing research into parasitic nematodes, this comprehensive volume discusses the genetics, biochemistry and immunology of nematode parasites of humans, domestic animals and plants. This fully-updated new edition covers new advances including horizontal gene transfer, immune expulsion mechanisms, genetics of human susceptibility, nematode protein structures, role of bacterial symbionts, intrinsic immune response, host immune system modulation, modulation of allergic and autoimmune diseases and use of parasitic nematodes or their products as therapeutics. April 2013 / c.432 pages / HB / 9781845937591 £120 / €155 / US$230
Microbial Metabolomics Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series, No. 23 Edited by Silas Villas-Bôas and Katya Ruggiero, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Focusing on analysing different small molecules produced or modified by living cells in a high throughput fashion, metabolomics plays an essential role in functional genomics and systems biology studies. Starting with a general introduction to the field, this book addresses the unique challenges associated with microbial metabolomics, such as low biomass concentration and distinction between intra- and extracellular compounds, covering the latest developments before discussing data generation and analysis and applications of quantitative metabolomics. October 2013 / c.304 pages / HB / 9781845939427 £85 / €110 / US$160
£49.95 / €65 / US$95 £95 / €125 / US$180
Edited by Prasun K Mukherjee, Benjamin A Horwitz, Uma Shankar Singh, Mala Mukherjee and Monika Schmoll, Central Institute for Cotton Research, India Trichoderma are biotechnologically significant fungi, widely used in both agriculture and industry. Divided into three sections, covering taxonomy and physiology, interactions with plants and applications and significance, this book discusses topics that have seen rapid developments in recent years. Various aspects of Trichoderma including molecular taxonomy, sexual and asexual developments, secondary metabolism, beneficial interactions with plants, applications as cell factories and harmful interactions with humans are discussed. August 2013 / c.275 pages / HB / 9781780642475 £85 / €110 / US$160
The Human Microbiota and Microbiome Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series, No. 25 Edited by Julian R Marchesi, Cardiff University, UK Thousands of different microbial species colonize the human body, and are essential for our survival. This book reviews the current understanding of human microbiomes, the functions they bring to the host, how we can model them, their role in health and disease and the methods used to explore them. Current research into areas such as the long-term effect of antibiotics makes this a subject of considerable interest. August 2013 / c.280 pages / HB / 9781780640495 £85 / €110 / US$160
Microbial Biotechnology
Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Energy and Environment Edited by Rajesh Arora, Defence Research and Development Organization, Delhi, India
November 2012 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845939564 £95 / €125 / US$180
Edited by Ingvar Sundh, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, Andrea Wilcks, Danish Working Environment Authority, Denmark and Mark S Goettel, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Canada Microorganisms are widely used in various beneficial applications, including food, pest control, bioremediation, biodegradation, and biofuel processes. This book provides an overview of available methodology for safety assessments of microorganisms, including determination of their infectivity and whether they produce toxic or sensitising substances. Also covered are the regulatory systems in risk assessment and management of microbial products, quarantine legislations, international treaties, the importance of public risk perception and risk reduction behaviour. November 2012 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845938109 £95 / €125 / US$180
Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th Edition
Tylenchida: Parasites of Plants and Insects, 2nd Edition
Paul M Kirk, Paul F Cannon, J A Stalpers, D W Minter
Maqsood R Siddiqi
September 2011 / 784 pages / PB / 9781845939335 £49.95 / €65 / US$99.95 September 2008 / 784 pages / HB / 9780851998268 £95 / €125 / US$180
December 2000 / 848 pages / HB / 9780851992020 £190 / €250 / US$360
Molecular and Physiological Basis of Nematode Survival
The Physiology and Biochemistry of Free-living and Plant-parasitic Nematodes
Roland N Perry, David A Wharton
Roland N Perry, Denis J Wright
March 2011 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845936877
£95 / €125 / US$180
Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens
November 1998 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851992310 £115 / €150 / US$220 Molecular Variability of Fungal Pathogens
Arun Omprakash Arya, Analiá Edith Perelló
Paul Dennis Bridge, Yvonne Couteaudier, John Clarkson
February 2010 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845936037
£95 / €125 / US$180
August 1998 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851992662
£105 / €135 / US$200
Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Supplementary Volume
Potato Cyst Nematodes: Biology, Distribution and Control
Lynda M Gibbons
R J Marks, Bill B Brodie
December 2009 / 424 pages / HB / 9781845935719 £95 / €125 / US$180
January 1998 / 424 pages / HB / 9780851992747
Advances in Mycorrhizal Science and Technology
Meliolaceae and Asterinaceae of the Shimba Hills, Kenya
Damase P Khasa, Yves Piché, Andrew P Coughlin
David L Hawksworth
October 2009 / 212 pages / HB / 9781845935863
£65 / €85 / US$125
Applied Mycology
January 1997 / 108 pages / PB / 9780851982380 D Smith, A H S Onions
August 2009 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845935344
£90 / €115 / US$170
August 1994 / 132 pages / PB / 9780851989020
Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Archival Volume
International Mycology Directory, 3rd Edition
Roy C Anderson, Alain G Chabaud, S Willmot
Geoffrey S Hall, D W Minter
£100 / €130 / US$190
Mycotoxins: Detection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade J Leslie, R Bandyopadhyay, A Visconti
May 2008 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845930820
£105 / €135 / US$200
£120 / €155 / US$230
Eyualem-Abebe, Istvan Andrassy, Walter Traunspurger
£150 / €195 / US$290
R L Peterson, Hugues B Massicotte, Lewis H Melville
£65 / €85 / US$125
Edwin E Lewis, James F Campbell, Michael V K Sukhdeo
£110 / €140 / US$210
£35 / €45 / US$70
Meliolina and its Excluded Species January 1993 / 300 pages / PB / 9780851987347
£65 / €85 / US$125
Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems January 1992 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851987866
£115 / €150 / US$220
The Coelomycetes January 1980 / 696 pages / HB / 9780851984469
£135 / €175 / US$255
More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes M B Ellis
Tropical Mycology: Volume 2, Micromycetes Roy Watling, Juliet C Frankland, M Ainsworth, Susan Isaac, Clare H Robinson
£70 / €90 / US$135
January 1976 / 507 pages / PB / 9780851983653
£85 / €110 / US$160
Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes M B Ellis
Tropical Mycology: Volume 1, Macromycetes Roy Watling, Juliet C Frankland, M Ainsworth, Susan Isaac, Clare H Robinson
February 2002 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851995427
Mitosporic Fungi from Malawi
B C Sutton
The Behavioural Ecology of Parasites
April 2002 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851995434
December 1993 / 656 pages / HB / 9780851988085 £125 / €165 / US$240
D J Read, D H Lewis, A Fitter, I Alexander
Mycorrhizas: Anatomy and Cell Biology
July 2002 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851996158
Ken Evans, David L Trudgill, John M Webster
Stanley J I Hughes
Freshwater Nematodes: Ecology and Taxonomy
August 2004 / 196 pages / PB / 9780851999012
£40 / €55 / US$75
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture
January 1993 / 93 pages / PB / 9780851988610
Paul F Cannon, Paul M Kirk
March 2006 / 752 pages / HB / 9780851990095
January 1994 / 160 pages / PB / 9780851989471
£40 / €55 / US$75
B C Sutton
Fungal Families of the World August 2007 / 456 pages / HB / 9780851998275
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
The Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi, 2nd Edition
Mahendra Rai, Paul Dennis Bridge
August 2009 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845935726
£115 / €150 / US$220
microbiology and parasitology
Human actions across the past few centuries have led to a depletion of the world’s natural energy sources, as well as large-scale environmental degradation. In the context of these current global issues, this book covers the latest research on the application and use of microbes in topical areas such as bioremediation and biofuels. With chapters covering environmental clean-up, microbial fuel cells and biohydrogen, it provides a comprehensive discussion of the latest developments in the field.
Safety Assessment and Regulation
£70 / €90 / US$135
January 1971 / 608 pages / PB / 9780851986180
£95 / €125 / US$180 27
The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees provides an overview of 300 of the world’s most important forest trees based on datasheets from CABI’s Forestry Compendium. Tropical, subtropical, temperate and boreal trees of major economic importance are included covering species used in both forestry and agroforestry practices around the world. Comprehensive information is presented on each tree’s importance (a summary is provided of the main characteristics of the species, its potential and any disadvantages), botanical features (habit, stem form, foliage, inflorescence, flower and fruit characters and phenology), distribution, silvicultural characteristics and practices (seed sowing, nursery care, planting, thinning, and harvesting), and pests and diseases. Many of the species covered are considered to be ‘multipurpose’ trees with uses extending beyond timber alone; the many land uses such as watershed protection or provision of windbreaks, and non-wood uses such as the production of medicines, resins, food and forage, are also detailed. For each entry, references for further reading are provided.
environmental sciences
September 2013 / c.600 pages / HB / 9781780642369
£175 / €225 / US$335
The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry, 2nd Edition Peter S Savill, British and Irish Hardwoods Improvement Programme, UK Fully updated throughout, this new edition provides a detailed guide to the biological suitability for all important native trees and the most extensively used exotics to different sites and soils. Apart from physical difficulties such as steepness and stoniness, forest soils may also suffer from waterlogging, drought, extremes of acidity or alkalinity, or have compacted layers. Providing information on species’ suitability for different purposes, this book includes details of the origin and introduction (where applicable) of each species, as well as their climatic and soil requirements among other silvicultural characteristics. Information about provenance, yield and timber is also provided. Detailed drawings and simple keys for identification are included. February 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780640266 £75 / €100 / US$145
Infectious Forest Diseases Edited by Paolo Gonthier, University of Torino, Italy and Giovanni Nicolotti, formerly University of Torino, Italy Today, forest health and the management of threats towards it are attracting more and more attention on a global scale. This book covers the most recent advances in the management of forest diseases, including the epidemiology and infection biology of forest pathogens, and forest protection based on integrated pest and disease management approaches. A comprehensive range of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other organisms are discussed in detail, making this book essential reading for forest managers and extension specialists. Written by recognised authorities in the subject of forest health, this book also provides a wealth of information useful for researchers and lecturers in forest pathology and ecology. May 2013 / c.704 pages / HB / 9781780640402 £145 / €190 / US$275
Forestry in a Global Context, 2nd Edition Edited by Roger Sands, New Zealand School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, New Zealand From the time of hunter-gatherers to the present day, forests have played a vital role in the development of humanity and society. This broad introductory textbook sets world forestry in a social, environmental, historical, and economic context. The development of forests, grassland and humans is described from the Devonian through to the Age of Agriculture, covering the factors determining the distribution of forests, the classification of forest types, the value and benefits of the forest and the products of the forest and their associated trade. The book also explores issues such as sustainable forest management, current patterns of deforestation and reforestation, and future challenges facing our forests. Fully updated throughout and with new contributions from international experts, this second edition includes new chapters on climate change and international forest policy, and expanded coverage of forest products and bioenergy production.
Poplars and Willows
£45 / €60 / US$85 £85 / €110 / US$160
Trees for Society and the Environment
Managing Water and Agroecosystems for Food Security
Co-published with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 10 Edited by Eline Boelee, Water Health, The Netherlands
Edited by J G Isebrands, Environmental Forestry Consultants, LLC, USA and J Richardson, J Richardson Consulting, Canada Poplars and willows form an important component of forestry and agricultural systems, providing a wide range of wood and non-wood products. This book synthesizes the latest research, providing a practical worldwide overview and guide to basic characteristics, cultivation, use and issues, problems and trends. Prominence is given to environmental benefits and the importance of poplar and willow cultivation in meeting the needs of people and communities, sustainable livelihoods, land use and development.
Changes in the global water cycle are affecting human wellbeing in many places, while widespread land and ecosystem degradation, driven by poor agricultural practices, is seriously limiting food production. Understanding the links between ecosystems, water, and food production is important to the health of all three, and sustainably managing these connections is becoming increasingly necessary. This book shows how sustainable ecosystems, especially agroecosystems, are essential for water management and food production. August 2013 / c.200 pages / HB / 9781780640884 £75 / €100 / US$145
August 2013 / c.624 pages / HB / 9781780641089 £135 / €175 / US$260
Invasive Species and Global Climate Change
Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops
CABI Invasives Series
CABI Invasives Series, No. 3
Edited by Lewis Ziska, USDA-ARS, USA and Jeffery Dukes, Purdue University, USA
Edited by Jorge E Peña, University of Florida, USA
This book examines what will happen to global invasive species, including plants, animals and pathogens with current and expected man-made climate change. The effects on distribution, success, spread and impact of invasive species are considered for a series of case studies from a number of countries. This book will be of great value to researchers, policymakers and industry in responding to changing management needs. November 2013 / c.288 pages / HB / 9781780641645 £85 / €110 / US$160
environmental sciences
August 2013 / c.288 pages / PB / 9781780641584 August 2013 / c.288 pages / HB / 9781780641560
Invasive arthropods cause significant damage in agricultural crops and natural environments across the globe. Potentially threatened regions need to be prepared to prevent new pests from becoming established and information on pest identity, host range, geographical distribution, biology, tools for detection and identification are essential to researchers and regulatory personnel. This book focuses on the most recent and potential invasive pests of agricultural crops in temperate subtropical and tropical areas, discussing their spread, biology and control. March 2013 / c.496 pages / HB / 9781845938291 £115 / €150 / US$220
Plant Genetic Resources and Climate Change
Plant Adaptation to Environmental Change
CABI Climate Change Series
Significance of Amino Acids and their Derivatives
Edited by Michael Jackson, formerly International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, University of Birmingham, UK and Martin L Parry, Imperial College London, UK This book addresses the current state of climate change predictions, and how climate change will affect conservation and use of crop germplasm, both ex situ and in situ. In addition, specific examples of germplasm research related to ‘climate change threats’ are highlighted. Such activities need to take place under a regime of access to and use of germplasm through international conventions and treaties.
environmental sciences
November 2013 / c.320 pages / HB / 9781780641973 £85 / €110 / US$160
Ecological Remediation of Degraded and Contaminated Land Nicholas Dickinson, Lincoln University, New Zealand This book is about remediation: the healing or repair of sites impacted by wastes, fallout and pollution from industry, agriculture, mining and urbanisation. Ecological remediation is a technology developed to reverse environmental damage and restore ecosystem services. The book will focus on the science of land restoration, revealing how associated threats to health, crops and biodiversity have been the driving force for major advances in soil science, chemistry and biology. October 2013 / c.208 pages / PB / 9781780640969 £35 / €45 / US$70
Edited by Naser A Anjum, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, MD University, India and Ritu Gill, MD University, India Plants constantly cope with unfavourable ecosystem conditions, which often prevent them reaching their full genetic potential in terms of growth, development and productivity. This book covers plants’ responses to these environmental changes, namely, the modulation of amino acids, peptides and amines to combat both biotic and abiotic stress factors. Bringing together the most recent developments, this book is an important resource for researchers and students of crop stress and plant physiology. September 2013 / c.424 pages / HB / 9781780642734 £125 / €165 / US$240
Plastics Waste Management Muralisrinivasan Natamai Subramanian, formerly Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Jalgaon, India Plastic waste has steadily increased due to the rising human population, and is generated by manufacturing and packaging industries. Plastics waste management differs between developed and developing nations, and also between urban and rural areas, and residential and industrial areas. This book examines how plastics waste is produced, the environmental hazards it presents, and means of waste reduction. It addresses the increasingly important role of recycling, and future directions to reduce waste. August 2013 / c.336 pages / HB / 9781845939175 £85 / €110 / US$160
October 2013 / c.208 pages / HB / 9781780640952 £70 / €90 / US$135
Biofuel Crops
Sustainable Forest Industries
Production, Physiology and Genetics
Opening Pathways to Low-carbon Economy
Edited by Bharat P Singh, Fort Valley State University, USA This book provides a comprehensive coverage of biofuel crop production and the technological, environmental and resource issues associated with a sustainable biofuel industry. Beginning with an introduction to biofuels and challenges they face, the book details crops of current importance or with high future prospects, including algae, sugar crops and grass, oil and forestry species. The chapters focus on the genetics, breeding, cultivation, harvesting and handling of each crop. May 2013 / c.548 pages / HB / 9781845938857 £125 / €165 / US$240
Co-published with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Jukka Tissari, FAO Forestry Department, Italy, Sten Nilsson, Independent consultant, Sweden and Hannu Oinonen, Independent consultant, Finland The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has a clear strategy to recognise the importance of the forestry industry and its role in promoting and achieving sustainable production and consumption practices. This book provides a strategic outlook for the future of forest industries, covering aspects such as climate change, forest-based carbon trade, carbon-constrained economy, forest industries and bio-energy and innovation pathways. April 2013 / c.184 pages / HB / 9781780640488 £75 / €100 / US$145
F Ross Wylie, Queensland Government, Australia and Martin R Speight, University of Oxford, UK The management of tropical forest ecosystems is essential to the health of the planet. This book addresses forest insect pest problems across the world’s tropics, addressing the pests’ ecology, impact and possible approaches for their control. Fully updated, this second edition also includes discussions of new areas of interest including climate change, invasive species, forest health and plant clinics. This work is an indispensable resource for students, researchers and practitioners of forestry, ecology, pest management and entomology in tropical and subtropical countries. May 2012 / 336 pages / PB / 9781845936358 £39.95 / €55 / US$75
Life at Extremes Environments, Organisms and Strategies for Survival Edited by Elanor M Bell, Australian Marine Mammal Centre, Australia From icy poles to arid deserts, boiling pools to the depths of the sea, this exciting work studies the remarkable lifeforms that make these inhospitable environments their home. Ecological, biological and biogeochemical challenges that higher-level plants and animals, microorganisms and viruses face are detailed, and unifying themes found between environments discussed. A fascinating, comprehensive resource, this book is packed with colour photos showcasing extreme environments and organisms adapted to living in them. March 2012 / 576 pages / HB / 9781845938147 £95 / €125 / US$180
May 2012 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845936365 £65 / €85 / US$125
Introductory Probability and Statistics Applications for Forestry and Natural Sciences
Temperature Adaptation in a Changing Climate Nature at Risk CABI Climate Change Series, No. 3
Antal Kozak, Robert A Kozak and Susan B Watts, University of British Columbia, Canada and Christina L Staudhammer, University of Alabama, USA Growing interest in forestry and conservation has made the organization and analysis of large amounts of information a necessary skill. Now available in paperback, this textbook presents statistical methods relevant to forestry and the natural sciences. Basic descriptive statistics, probability and commonly used statistical inferential tools are used to introduce topics commonplace in a forestry context, including hypothesis testing, experimental design, sampling methods, and statistical quality control, supported by examples from the fields of forestry, wood science and conservation.
Edited by Kenneth B Storey, Carleton University, Canada and Karen K Tanino, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Improving shared knowledge of the biological mechanisms of temperature adaptation in plants and animals will help prevent major losses of crops and genetic resources in the future. This book focuses on mechanistic similarities between species in their responses to temperature in a multi-organism approach. Challenges and impacts of climate change on micro-organisms (including pathogens), invertebrates, economically and scientifically important plants and vertebrates in both terrestrial and marine environments are discussed. November 2011 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845938222 £85 / €110 / US$160
January 2012 / 448 pages / PB / 9781780640518 £35 / €45 / US$70
environmental sciences
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
June 2008 / 448 pages / HB / 9781845932756 £55 / €70 / US$105 Invasive Plant Ecology and Management: Linking Processes to Practice Thomas A Monaco, Roger L Sheley
Biology of Hevea Rubber P M Priyadarshan
March 2012 / 216 pages / HB / 9781845938116
September 2011 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845936662
£75 / €100 / US$145
Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Nigel Maxted, Mohammad E Dulloo, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, Lothar Frese, José M Iriondo, Miguel A A Pinheiro de Carvalho
December 2011 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845938512
£95 / €125 / US$180
Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent J R Bhatt, J S Singh, S P Singh, R S Tripathi, Ravinder K Kohli
£85 / €110 / US$160
Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Agriculture: Measurement and Modelling Manoj K Shukla
August 2011 / 448 pages / HB / 9781845937973
£95 / €125 / US$180
Climate Change Biology Jonathan A Newman, Madhur Anand, Hugh A L Henry, Shelley L Hunt, Ze’ev Gedalof
December 2011 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845939076 £95 / €125 / US$180
July 2011 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845936709 July 2011 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845937485
The Architecture and Biology of Soils: Life in Inner Space Karl Ritz, Iain M Young
Irrigation Systems: Design, Planning and Construction Adrian Laycock
October 2011 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845935320
March 2011 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845938741
£85 / €110 / US$160
Grassland Productivity and Ecosystem Services Gilles Lemaire, John Hodgson, Abad Chabbi
October 2011 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845938093
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £75 / €100 / US$145
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Innovation in Forestry: Territorial and Value Chain Relationships Gerhard Weiss, Davide Pettenella, Pekka Ollonqvist, Bill Slee
£85 / €110 / US$160
February 2011 / 344 pages / HB / 9781845936891
£85 / €110 / US$160 31
Invasive Plant Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems, 2nd Edition Barbara D Booth, Stephen D Murphy, Clarence J Swanton
September 2010 / 224 pages / PB / 9781845936051 US$72.50
£37.50 / €50 /
Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones: Food Production, Communities and Environment at the Land–Water Interface Chu T Hoanh, Brian Szuster, Suan-Pheng Kam, Abdelbagi Ismail, Andrew Noble, Md. Jahangir Alam
June 2010 / 496 pages / HB / 9781845936181
£120 / €155 / US$230
Climate Change and Crop Production Matthew P Reynolds
May 2010 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845936334
environmental sciences
November 2007 / 270 pages / HB / 9781845932831 £85 / €110 / US$160 Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries B van Koppen, Mark Giordano, J Butterworth
November 2007 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845933265 £85 / €110 / US$160 Forestry and Climate Change Peter H Freer-Smith, Mark S J Broadmeadow, Jim M Lynch
October 2007 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845932947 £85 / €110 / US$160
Irrigation Management: Principles and Practices Martin Burton
March 2010 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845935160
International Research on Natural Resource Management: Advances in Impact Assessment Hermann Waibel, David Zilberman
Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice François Molle, Jeremy Berkoff
October 2007 / 360 pages / HB / 9781845932923 £85 / €110 / US$160
£95 / €125 / US$180
Soil Ecology and Management Joann K Whalen, Luis Sampedro
Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America Adrian C Newton
December 2009 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845935634 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
October 2007 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845932619
Forestry and Climate Change Peter H Freer-Smith, Mark S J Broadmeadow, Jim M Lynch
Irrigation Systems: Design, Planning and Construction Adrian Laycock
October 2009 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845935962
August 2007 / 290 pages / HB / 9781845932633
£35 / €45 / US$70
Planted Forests: Uses, Impacts and Sustainability Julian Evans
Forest Genetics Timothy L White, W T Adams, David B Neale
September 2009 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845935641 £80 / €105 / US$150
June 2007 / 704 pages / PB / 9780851993485 June 2007 / 704 pages / HB / 9781845932855
The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks, 2nd Edition Paul S Johnson, Stephen R Shifley, Robert Rogers
September 2009 / 600 pages / HB / 9781845934743 £105 / €135 / US$200 River Basin Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development François Molle, Philippus Wester
August 2009 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845935382
£90 / €115 / US$170
Nematodes as Environmental Indicators Michael J Wilson, Thomais Kakouli-Duarte
June 2009 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845933852
£90 / €115 / US$170
Ecohydrology: Processes, Models and Case Studies David M Harper, M Zalewski, Nic Pacini Microbiological Methods for Assessing Soil Quality Jaap Bloem, David W Hopkins, Anna Benedetti Conserving Land, Protecting Water Deborah Bossio, Kim Geheb
£85 / €110 / US$160
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 4: Challenges and Opportunities with Bt Cotton in Vietnam David A Andow, Angelika Hilbeck, Van Tuat Nguyen
£95 / €125 / US$180
Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities Christopher Scott, Naser Faruqui, Liqa Raschid-Sally
February 2008 / 208 pages / PB / 9781845934514
£35 / €45 / US$70
The Ecological World View Charles Krebs
January 2008 / 558 pages / PB / 9781845933760 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 Conserving Plant Genetic Diversity in Protected Areas José M Iriondo, Nigel Maxted, Mohammad E Dulloo
January 2008 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845932824
£90 / €115 / US$170
£130 / €170 / US$250
Integrated Watershed Management: Connecting people to their land and water Hans M Gregersen, Peter F Ffolliott, Kenneth N Brooks
November 2007 / 288 pages / PB / 9781845932817 US$72.50
£50 / €65 / US$95 £100 / €130 / US$190
June 2007 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845932541
£105 / €135 / US$200
Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry Yves C Dubé, Franz Schmithüsen
May 2007 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845932503
£85 / €110 / US$160
Wildlife Damage Control: Principles for the Management of Damage by Vertebrate Pests Jim Hone
£45 / €60 / US$85
Greenhouse Gas Sinks David Reay, Nick Hewitt, Keith A Smith, John Grace
£95 / €125 / US$180
Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science Keith Reynolds, Alan Thomson, Margaret Shannon, Michael Kohl, Duncan Ray, Keith Rennolls
February 2007 / 576 pages / HB / 9781845931742 £100 / €130 / US$190 Transfrontier Conservation in Africa: At the Confluence of Capital, Politics and Nature Maano Ramutsindela
January 2007 / 192 pages / HB / 9781845932213
£70 / €90 / US$135
The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Mark Giordano, Karen G Villholth
January 2007 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845931728
£85 / €110 / US$160
Forests and Society: Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes Kristina A Vogt, Daniel J Vogt, Robert L Edmonds, Jon M Honea, Toral Patel-Weynand, Duncan Ray
November 2006 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845930981 £39.95 / €55 / US$75
Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use Nigel Maxted, Brian V Ford-Lloyd, Shelagh P Kell, José M Iriondo, Mohammad E Dulloo, Jozef Turok
December 2007 / 720 pages / HB / 9781845930998
£80 / €105 / US$150
Insect Conservation Biology Alan J A Stewart, Timothy R New, Owen T Lewis
February 2007 / 448 pages / HB / 9781845931896
October 2008 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845935009 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
July 2008 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845933876
£105 / €135 / US$200
April 2007 / 180 pages / PB / 9781845932459
November 2008 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845930028 £90 / €115 / US$170
July 2008 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845933906
No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture, 2nd Edition C J Baker, Keith E Saxton, William R Ritchie, W C T Chamen, Don C Reicosky, Fatima Ribeiro, Scott E Justice, Peter Hobbs
November 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845931162
October 2006 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845930745 £37.50 / €50 /
£95 / €125 / US$180
The Conservation of Cultural Landscape Mauro Agnoletti
£80 / €105 / US$150
Molecular Approaches to Soil, Rhizosphere and Plant Microorganism Analysis J E Cooper, J R Rao
October 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845930622
£90 / €115 / US$170
£95 / €125 / US$180
Climate Change in Developing Countries Michiel A van Drunen, R Lasage, C Dorlands
September 2006 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845930776 £80 / €105 / US$150 Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution in River Catchments: Measurement, Modelling and Management Philip N Owens, Alison J Collins
July 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851990507
£95 / €125 / US$180
Integrated Resource and Environmental Management: The Human Dimension Alan W Ewert, Douglas C Baker, Glyn C Bissix
September 2004 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851998343
£35 / €45 / US$70
Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities Christopher Scott, Naser Faruqui, Liqa Raschid-Sally
June 2004 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851998237
£65 / €85 / US$125
Environmental Impact of Invertebrates for Biological Control of Arthropods: Methods and Risk Assessment Franz Bigler, Dirk Babendreier, Ulrich Kuhlmann
Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research R Stern, R Coe, E Allan, I Dale
May 2006 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851990583
May 2004 / 416 pages / PB / 9780851997223
£75 / €100 / US$145
Soil Biodiversity in Amazonian and Other Brazilian Ecosystems Fattima M S Moreira, Jose O Siqueira, Lijbert Brussaard
February 2006 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845930325
£80 / €105 / US$150
Land Use Changes in Tropical Watersheds: Evidence, Causes and Remedies Ian Coxhead, Gerald E Shively
December 2005 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851990989 £90 / €115 / US$170 Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management M R Mosquera-Losada, A Riguerio, Jim McAdam
December 2005 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845930011 £105 / €135 / US$200 Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions John L Innes, G Hickey, H F Hoen
£70 / €90 / US$135
The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios Matthew A Fonseca
£100 / €130 / US$190
Biodiversity of West African Forests: An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species Lourens Poorter, Frans Bongers, Francois N Kouamé, William D Hawthorne
January 2004 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851997346
£125 / €165 / US$240
Forests at the Land–Atmosphere Interface Maurizio Mencuccini, John Grace, J Moncrieff, K McNaughton Managing Soil Quality: Challenges in Modern Agriculture Per Schjønning, Bent T Christensen, Susanne Elmholt
December 2003 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996714 £115 / €150 / US$220
£75 / €100 / US$145
December 2003 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996837 £115 / €150 / US$220
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
Introduced Mammals of the World: Their History, Distribution and Influence John L Long
£105 / €135 / US$200
The Ecology of Soil Decomposition Sina M Adl
£105 / €135 / US$200
Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics: With Case Studies on Plantations Alfred E Hartemink
Forestry in a Global Context Roger Sands
August 2005 / 272 pages / PB / 9780851990897 Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield David Hammond Rust Diseases of Willow and Poplar Ming H Pei, Alistair R McCracken Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa: Diversity, Ecology and Management Frans Bongers, Marc P E Parren, Dossahua Traoré
June 2005 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851999142
October 2003 / 590 pages / HB / 9780851997360
£90 / €115 / US$170
September 2003 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996615 £105 / €135 / US$200
September 2003 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851996707 £105 / €135 / US$200 Modelling Forest Systems Ana Amaro, David Reed, Paula Soares
£90 / €115 / US$170
Irrigation and Drainage Performance Assessment: Practical Guidelines Marinus G Bos, Martin Burton, David J Molden
September 2003 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851996936 £115 / €150 / US$220 Invasive Plant Species of the World: A Reference Guide to Environmental Weeds Ewald Weber
£65 / €85 / US$125
Valuing Mediterranean Forests: Towards Total Economic Value Maurizio Merlo, Lelia Croitoru
£105 / €135 / US$200
Irrigation and River Basin Management: Options for Governance and Institutions Mark Svendsen
February 2005 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851996721
March 2004 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851998022
Fluorides in the Environment: Effects on Plants and Animals Leonard H Weinstein, Alan Davison
October 2005 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851990798
April 2005 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851999975
£115 / €150 / US$220
December 2003 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996776 £105 / €135 / US$200
October 2005 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851990026
April 2005 / 176 pages / HB / 9780851999678
May 2004 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851996738
environmental sciences
£70 / €90 / US$135
Microbiological Methods For Assessing Soil Quality Jaap Bloem, David W Hopkins, Anna Benedetti
July 2005 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851999999
Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components Meine van Noordwijk, Georg Cadisch, Chin K Ong Forest Biodiversity: Lessons from History for Conservation Olivier Honnay, Kris Verheyen, Beatrijs Bossuyt, Martin Hermy
December 2005 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851999128
July 2005 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851995366
£40 / €55 / US$75
£75 / €100 / US$145
Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins: Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and Environment Jeroen Aerts, Peter Droogers
September 2003 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851996950 £115 / €150 / US$220 Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement Jacob W Kijne, Randolph Barker, David J Molden
August 2003 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996691
£100 / €130 / US$190
Integrated Natural Resources Management: Linking Productivity, the Environment and Development Bruce M Campbell, Jeffrey A Sayer
July 2003 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851997315
£55 / €70 / US$105
Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods Goetz Schroth, Fergus L Sinclair
December 2004 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851998350 £75 / €100 / US$145
February 2003 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851995939 £110 / €140 / US$210
Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources: A West African Case Study Keith M Moore
Forest Policy for Private Forestry Lawrence D Teeter, Benjamin Cashore, Daowei Zhang
December 2004 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851999487 £75 / €100 / US$145 Organic Phosphorus in the Environment Benjamin L Turner, Emmanuel Frossard, Darren S Baldwin
December 2004 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851998220 £105 / €135 / US$200
December 2002 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851995991 £105 / €135 / US$200 Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis: A Practical Handbook Nigel T Faithfull
October 2002 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996080
£100 / €130 / US$190
Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality Philip Haygarth, Steven C Jarvis
October 2002 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851995458
Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development Martin Price, Nathalie Butt
£135 / €175 / US$255
Forest Conservation Genetics: Principles and Practice Anthony Young, David Boshier, Timothy Boyle
September 2002 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851995984 £90 / €115 / US$170
July 2000 / 360 pages / HB / 9780851995045
Responsible Marine Aquaculture Robert R Stickney, James P McVey
Methods and Approaches in Forest History Mauro Agnoletti, Steven Anderson
£105 / €135 / US$200
£135 / €175 / US$255
June 2000 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851994208
£90 / €115 / US$170
Trees on the Farm: Assessing the Adoption Potential of Agroforestry Practices in Africa Steven Franzel, Sara J Scherr
Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries John L Innes, Abu H Haron
March 2002 / 208 pages / HB / 9780851995618
June 2000 / 264 pages / HB / 9780851994819
£70 / €90 / US$135
Pines of Silvicultural Importance CABI
January 2002 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851995397
£120 / €155 / US$230
Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle in Sub-Saharan Africa Pay Drechsel, Dagmar Kunze
environmental sciences
£115 / €150 / US$220
Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests Roy C Sidle
June 2002 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851996042
June 2000 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851994192
April 2000 / 488 pages / HB / 9780851994390
November 2001 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851994413 £105 / €135 / US$200
Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management Xavier Font, John Tribe
Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices R Wittenberg, Matthew J W Cock
Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems David C Coleman, Paul F Hendrix
£45 / €60 / US$85
£100 / €130 / US$190
Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity K R Reddy, Harry F Hodges
Competition and Succession in Pastures Philip Tow, Alec Lazenby
September 2001 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851995694
£90 / €115 / US$170
Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change Mauro Agnoletti, Steven Anderson
November 2001 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851995489 £75 / €100 / US$145
£115 / €150 / US$220
January 2000 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851994147
January 2000 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851993942
£75 / €100 / US$145
£105 / €135 / US$200
Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control James S Shortle, David Abler
Modelling Soil-Biosphere Interactions Christoph Müller
September 2001 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851993997 £75 / €100 / US$145
December 1999 / 360 pages / HB / 9780851993539 £100 / €130 / US$190
The Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems David Karnosky, Reinhart Ceulemans, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, John L Innes
Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions John L Innes, J Oleksyn
September 2001 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851995519 £105 / €135 / US$200 Forestry Budgets and Accounts G Bright
August 2001 / 384 pages / PB / 9780851993287
£40 / €55 / US$75
October 1999 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851993768
£90 / €115 / US$170
Tree Ring Analysis: Biological, Methodological and Environmental Aspects Rupert Wimmer, Roland E Vetter
June 1999 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851993126
£105 / €135 / US$200
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management R J Raison, Alan Brown, David Flinn
Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition William Linnard, David Darrah-Morgan
August 2001 / 427 pages / HB / 9780851993928
May 1999 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851993218
£120 / €155 / US$230
Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises Udo Mantau, Maurizio Merlo, Walter Sekot, Borris Welcker
Japan and World Timber Markets Peter Blandon
July 2001 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851994802
May 1999 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851993270
£115 / €150 / US$220
£70 / €90 / US$135
£90 / €115 / US$170
Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation Arild Angelsen, David Kaimowitz
Forest Policy: International Case Studies Bill Wilson, G C van Kooten, Ian Vertinsky, Louise Arthur
April 2001 / 440 pages / PB / 9780851994512
December 1998 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851993096 £90 / €115 / US$170
£70 / €90 / US$135
Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics Stephen R J Sheppard, Howard W Harshaw
The Silviculture of Mahogany John Mayhew, Adrian C Newton
December 2000 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851995007 £100 / €130 / US$190
November 1998 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851993072
Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter Robert M Rees, B Ball, C Watson, C D Campbell
The Dictionary of Forestry John A Helms
December 2000 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851994659 £115 / €150 / US$220
October 1998 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851993089
Tradeoffs or Synergies?: Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment David R Lee, Christopher B Barrett
Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales: Principles and Methods for Assessing Causes and Impacts Frits W T Penning de Vries, Fahmuddin Agus, John Kerr
November 2000 / 560 pages / HB / 9780851994352 £105 / €135 / US$200
September 1998 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851992907 £110 / €140 / US$210
Grassland Ecophysiology and Grazing Ecology Gilles Lemaire, John Hodgson, Anibal de Moraes, P C F Cavalho, C Nabinger
The Ecology and Management of Grazing Systems John Hodgson, Andrew W Illius
November 2000 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851994529 £110 / €140 / US$210 Grazing Ecology and Forest History Franciscus W M Vera
September 2000 / 528 pages / HB / 9780851994420 £100 / €130 / US$190
July 2000 / 624 pages / HB / 9780851994468
July 1998 / 480 pages / PB / 9780851993027
£50 / €65 / US$95
£45 / €60 / US$85
£45 / €60 / US$85
European Woods and Forests: Studies in Cultural History Charles Watkins
July 1998 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851992570
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Ecology and Management of Grazing Systems John Hodgson, Andrew W Illius
£105 / €135 / US$200
Heterobasidion annosum: Biology, Ecology, Impact and Control Steven Woodward, J Stenlid, R Karjalainen, A Hüttermann
July 1998 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851992754
£135 / €175 / US$255
The Ecological History of European Forests Keith Kirby, Charles Watkins
June 1998 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851992563
£100 / €130 / US$190
£105 / €135 / US$200
December 1997 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851991894
£45 / €60 / US$85
Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use D J Greenland, I Szabolcs
£90 / €115 / US$170
Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water H Tunney, P C Brookes, A E Johnston
£115 / €150 / US$220
Tree-Crop Interactions: A Physiological Approach Chin K Ong, P A Huxley
June 1996 / 416 pages / PB / 9780851989877
September 1995 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851989150 £105 / €135 / US$200 Measuring Trees and Forests, 2nd Edition Michael S Philip
Controlling Mineral Emissions in European Agriculture: Economics, Policies and the Environment Eirik Romstad, Jesper Simonsen, Arild Vatn
May 1997 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851991825
Grassland Nitrogen David C Whitehead
£45 / €60 / US$85
Temperate Agroforestry Systems Andrew M Gordon, Scott M Newman
September 1997 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851991474
The Environmental Heritage of Soviet Agriculture Bo Libert
September 1995 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851989617 £75 / €100 / US$145
Agroforestry for Soil Management, 2nd Edition Anthony Young
May 1997 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851991566
Forestry, Economics and the Environment Wiktor L Adamowicz, P C Boxall, M K Luckert, William E Phillips, William White
November 1995 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851989822 £105 / €135 / US$200
Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management: A History of Success and Failure H C Dawkins, Michael S Philip
June 1998 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851992556
February 1996 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851989945 £115 / €150 / US$220
£50 / €65 / US$95
January 1994 / 336 pages / PB / 9780851988832
January 1994 / 576 pages / HB / 9780851988719
£45 / €60 / US$85
£105 / €135 / US$200
Bioconversion of Forest and Agricultural Plant Residues J N Saddler
July 1993 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851987989
£115 / €150 / US$220
Computer Assisted Identification Scheme for Terverticillate Penicillium Isolates Paul Dennis Bridge, Z Kozakiewicz, R R M Paterson, A Penimat
January 1992 / 64 pages / PB / 9780851987965
£35 / €45 / US$70
The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry Peter S Savill
January 1991 / 160 pages / PB / 9780851987392
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
environmental sciences
July 1998 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851991078
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests: An Integrated Approach to Sustainability Eberhard F Bruenig
Animal Machines Ruth Harrison, Animal welfare author (1920 – 2000), UK
animal and veterinary sciences
With new chapters by Marian Stamp Dawkins, University of Oxford, UK, John Webster, University of Bristol, UK, Bernie Rollin, Colorado State University, USA, David Fraser, University of British Columbia, Canada, Donald Broom, University of Cambridge, UK. With a foreword by Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring First published in 1964, Ruth Harrison’s book Animal Machines had a profound and lasting impact on world agriculture, public opinion and the quality of life of millions of farmed animals. Concerned with welfare standards at a time when animal production was increasing in scale and mechanisation, Ruth Harrison set about investigating the situation in a fair and evenhanded way. Reporting her findings in Animal Machines, Harrison alerted the public to the undeniable suffering of calves living in veal crates and birds in battery cages. Animal Machines provides a fascinating insight into the system we are living with today and must continue with as the global population increases. Harrison’s work brought about legal reforms, a greater understanding of farm conditions for animals and increased public awareness. Animal Machines is reprinted here in its entirety, accompanied by new chapters by world-renowned experts in animal welfare discussing the legacy and impact of Animal Machines 50 years on. March 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780642840
£27.50 / €35 / US$52.50
Animal Health Economics An Introduction
Jonathan Rushton, Royal Veterinary College, University of London, UK Considering individual animals and herds as economic units makes health an economic consideration. Animal health economics is principally concerned with the economic decision making behind controlling animal diseases, from individual animals and local herds to the national herd and international disease control efforts. Climate change, the spread of exotic diseases, changes in national policies and the emergence of new diseases all impact upon animal health. This book discusses the tools and analysis behind measuring and evaluating animal health at various levels. September 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781845939595 September 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845939588
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £75 / €100 / US$145
Beef Cattle Production Systems Modular Texts Series
Andy D Herring, Texas A&M University, USA This textbook provides an integrated view of beef cattle production with a systems based approach, discussing the interrelationships of a broad range of aspects with the overall goal of optimising cattle production. This book provides the background to allow cattle producers to match their production environments with genetic, management, and marketing opportunities for sustainable beef production globally. This logic and resulting considerations can then be tailored to address specific regional challenges and opportunities worldwide. Considerations and examples for extreme situations will be provided, such as very small herds, very large herds, communal-group situations, and minimal artificial input systems. This practical book is important reading for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students in animal and veterinary science, producers, extension workers and veterinarians. September 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781845937959
£39.95/ €55 / US$75
Exotic Pet Medicine and Surgery Volume 1: Mammals
The first of two volumes on veterinary medicine and surgery for exotic species, and focusses on mammals: Myomorph and Scuiromorph rodents (mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, chipmunks, duprasi and squirrels), Hystricomorph rodents (guinea pigs and chinchillas, degus), rabbits, ferrets, and other small mammals such as hedgehogs, sugar gliders, skunks, prairie dogs, meerkats, opossum, and small primates. The first part of the book covers the anatomy, physiology and husbandry of each species. The second describes medical treatment and common surgical procedures for each species, as seen in everyday veterinary practice. Part three addresses general topics applicable to all exotic species, including therapeutics, pathology, imaging techniques (including radiography, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans), anaesthesia and endoscopy. Authored by an expert team of surgeons familiar with the demands of busy veterinary practice, it is an ideal resource for veterinary students and general practitioners needing a quick reference to support their clinical work. September 2013 / c.352 pages / PB / 9781780640440 September 2013 / c.352 pages / HB / 9781780640457
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £75 / €100 / US$145
Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians An Introduction Evan Sergeant and Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services, Australia Intended as an introduction for veterinarians and other animal health professionals interested in and wishing to apply epidemiological methods in their day-to-day work, this book provides a practical guide for those new to the field. Its applied focus covers the principles of epidemiology in real-world situations and practical implementation of disease outbreak investigation, for both emerging and endemic diseases. Techniques and methods are discussed, supported by case studies and practical examples to illustrate their application. The book is clearly written and accessible, providing readers with practical information and encouraging the development of problem-solving skills. It is an essential handbook for veterinary surgeons and students and those involved in animal health, food safety and epidemiology. October 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781845936914 October 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845936839
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 £65 / €85 / US$125
Animal Abuse
animal and veterinary sciences
Kevin Eatwell, Gidona Goodman, Emma Keeble, Anna Meredith and Joanna Hedley, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Helping Animals and People Catherine Tiplady, Animal Welfare League Community Veterinary Clinic and University of Queensland, Australia Animal abuse affects everybody working in animal-related industries, and constitutes a significant part of veterinary caseloads and animal shelter work. Beginning with definitions and types of abuse that occur worldwide in domestic, industry, leisure and cultural settings, this book details current topics of debate such as foie gras production, pedigree dog breeding, links between animal abuse and domestic violence, and the fascinating subject of veterinary forensics. The book’s practical focus is developed through interviews, case studies, and discussion of difficulties that arise and how to deal with them. With contributions from worldrenowned experts including Phil Arkow and David Bailey, and an introduction by Professor Clive Phillips, this book builds on the author’s experience as a shelter worker and veterinarian to provide practical advice on this emotional subject. April 2013 / c. 232 pages / HB / 9781845939830
£65 / €85 / US$125
The Encyclopedia of Medical and Veterinary Entomology Richard C Russell, University of Sydney, Australia, Domenico Otranto, University of Bari, Italy and Richard Wall, University of Bristol, UK
animal and veterinary sciences
Arthropod-transmitted infections in humans and animals continue to be a front-line issue in all regions of the world. Understanding the insects that transmit diseases, the mechanisms of infection and the resulting diseases is vital to doctors, veterinarians, public health workers, disease control agencies and students in these disciplines. The second edition of Medical and Veterinary Entomology was a seminal work providing an easily accessed overview of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance. This work from 1995 has been reformatted, updated and developed by expert new authors into an encyclopedic format to provide more information in an accessible way. The encyclopedia examines the biology, classification and control of species of fleas, flies, lice, mites, midges, mosquitoes and ticks, and a thorough examination of their morphology, taxonomy and phylogeny. The diseases these pests cause are also described, such as Rickettsial Diseases, Plague, Babesiosis and Leishmaniasis. This comprehensive resource provides readers with a new organization of content and the latest information on insect distribution and disease spread, presented in an A-Z encyclopedic format with line drawings and colour images. April 2013 / c.480 pages / HB / 9781780640372
Mononegaviruses of Veterinary Importance
Animal Nutrition with Transgenic Plants
Pathobiology and Molecular Diagnosis
CABI Biotechnology, Series No.1
Edited by Muhammad Munir, Swedish University of Agricultural Science
Edited by Gerhard Flachowsky, FLI Braunschweig, Germany
Mononegavirales is a family of viruses affecting large, small and marine animals. Discussing the pathology and laboratory diagnosis of important viruses, this book covers those that cause a significant threat to animals in terms of their severity and epidemiological risk, as well as those which are used as models in the study of infectious disease. Also including viruses with zoonotic potential, this book reviews the literature for Rhinderpest, Rabies, Ebola and more.
Transgenic plants are cultivated on a large scale worldwide, and most of the harvested products are fed to domestic animals. By gathering together more than 150 feeding studies with food-producing animals, and covering both first and second generation transgenic plants, this book is the first central resource of this information for researchers, students, policy makers and all those who are interested in future developments in the field.
September 2013 / c.300 pages / HB / 9781780641799 £95 / €125 / US$180
September 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780641768 £85 / €110 / US$160
Salmonella in Domestic Animals, 2nd Edition
Rodent Pests and Their Control, 2nd Edition
Edited by Paul Barrow, University of Nottingham, UK and Ulrich Methner, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
Edited by Alan P Buckle, ZENECA Public Health, UK and Robert H Smith, University of Leicester, UK
Salmonella remains a major cause of economic loss in domestic livestock and human food poisoning worldwide. In the last 10 years there have been major advances in understanding the salmonella organism, meaning a compiled source of the new research is urgently needed. With fully updated chapters and new coverage of genome structure, virulence, vaccine development, molecular methods for epidemiology and exotics, this second edition is an invaluable resource for researchers of animal and human health. June 2013 / c.520 pages / HB / 9781845939021 £125 / €240 / US$165
£125 / €165 / US$240
The most numerous of the world’s invasive species, rodent pests have a devastating impact on agriculture, food, health and the environment. In the last two decades, the science and practice of rodent control has faced new legislation on rodenticides, the pests’ increasing resistance to chemical control and the impact of these chemicals on non-target species, bringing a new dimension to this updated second edition. September 2013 / c.400 pages / HB / 9781845938178 £95 / €125 / US$180
Equine Learning and Behaviour Evelyn Hanggi, Equine Research Foundation, USA This book provides an up-to-date account of the behavioural biology of horses. The author examines the mechanisms and cognitive functions behind individual and social behaviour, as well as tackling the experimental methodology behind the accurate interpretation of equine behaviour and cognition. The book also addresses the learning abilities of horses and demonstrates the applicability of learning theory to training and handling. Also covered are temperament, management and some of the behavioural issues that arise primarily as a result of human contact. £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 £75 / €100 / US$145
Horse Genetics, 2nd Edition Ernest Bailey, University of Kentucky, USA and Samantha A Brooks, Cornell University, USA This essential textbook describes the basic genetics of the horse including coat colour, parentage, medical and population genetics, cytogenetics, performance, breeding systems and genetic conservation, and new advances such as micro-satellite testing. The authors have updated Dr. Ann T. Bowling’s seminal work in light of the sequencing of the complete horse genome, and in addition to the basic genetic principles and their specific applications to the horse, new and revised topics include the development of genomics, gene expression, the relationship of the genome to physiological function, blood groups, transfusion medicine and haemolytic disease of new-born foals. It also includes a greater description of the diversity of breeds of horse in the world, and equid evolution. July 2013 / c.208 pages / PB / 9781845936754 July 2013 / c.208 pages / HB / 9781780643298
£35 / €45 / US$70 £70 / €90 / US$135
Veterinary Treatment of Pigs
animal and veterinary sciences
September 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781780640396 September 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780640389
Graham R Duncanson, Westover Veterinary Centre, UK Written from a practitioner’s viewpoint, this book covers the everyday veterinary care and treatment of pigs for the large animal veterinarian. Beginning with basic husbandry, maintenance and nutrition, the book then moves onto diagnosing conditions, the necessary equipment and medicines in a veterinarian’s arsenal and different treatment options, before describing diseases by body system to create an easy-to-use, practical guide to pig treatment. Equally suitable for veterinarians, veterinary students and pig industry personnel, this book takes a worldwide approach covering notifiable diseases as laid out by the OIE, poisons and diseases beyond the UK and a full chapter on the dangers and control strategies of zoonotic diseases. September 2013 / c.250 pages / HB / 9781780641720
£75 / €100 / US$145
Farm Animal Medicine and Surgery For Small Animal Veterinarians Graham R Duncanson, Westover Veterinary Centre, UK Small animal veterinarians are increasingly taking on caseloads that include farm animals, with cases being presented by local hobby farmers, smallholders, and novelty pet owners. Recognising this trend, this book provides a quick reference guide for small-animal trained veterinarians in the basics of surgery and treatment of farm animals. Popular animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, camelids and backyard poultry are covered, and basic techniques such as anaesthesia, clinical examination techniques, breeding, surgery and euthanasia are discussed. The book is an essential resource for practising small animal veterinarians, veterinary and animal management students, for continuing professional development and as a refresher guide.
animal and veterinary sciences
February 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781845938833 February 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845938826
Rabbit Behaviour, Husbandry, Health and Welfare Marit Emilie Buseth, Independent Consultant, Norway and Richard Saunders, Highcroft Veterinary Referrals, UK Developed from the successful Norwegian book Den Store Kaninboka (The Big Book of Rabbits) this book covers all aspects of rabbit behaviour, welfare, health and husbandry, with updated and expanded content now also made relevant to veterinarians. The focus is on explaining normal behaviour as a basis for describing optimal welfare, with an emphasis on rabbits in the domestic setting. Information regarding wild and laboratory rabbits is also included to show how behaviours such as socialisation, learning and communication can differ depending on environment. Health matters relating to welfare such as nutrition and oral health are also covered in detail, and case studies from around the world give this valuable resource an international perspective. September 2013 / c.225 pages / PB / 9781780641904
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Rabbit Production, 9th Edition
Animal Science Reviews 2012
James I McNitt, Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, USA, Steven D Lukefahr, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA, Peter Robert Cheeke and Nephi M Patton, Oregon State University, USA
Edited by David Hemming, CABI, UK
This new edition of Rabbit Production is fully updated throughout. Mainly covering rabbits bred for meat and fur, it addresses the core topics for any rabbit specialist, including genetics, reproduction, health and diseases, behaviour, welfare, fur and meat production, rabbit production in developing countries, slaughter and the marketing of rabbit products. Current areas of interest such as animal welfare and coat colour genetics have been expanded upon from earlier editions. February 2013 / c.296 pages / PB / 9781780640112 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 February 2013 / c.296 pages / HB / 9781780640129 £85 / €110 / US$160 40
£45 / €60 / US$85 £85 / €110 / US$160
Animal Science Reviews 2012 provides scientists and students with analysis of key topics in current research including breeding, animal behaviour, zoonotic diseases and environment. Experts such as Mike Stear, James France, Phillip Klesius and Frederick Silversides give essential overviews of their fields. Originally published online in CAB Reviews, this volume makes available in printed form the reviews in animal science published during 2012. February 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780643021 £95 / €125 / US$180
John W S Bradshaw, University of Bristol, UK, Rachel A Casey, University of Bristol, UK and Sarah L Brown, University of Southampton, UK Domestic cats behave in ways that set them apart from other domestic animals, epitomised by their unique compromise between living with humans and an independent existence. Bringing together disparate studies, this book synthesises mechanistic approaches (how do patterns of behaviour come about?) with functional ones (what are those patterns for, and how do they benefit the animal?), to present an engaging overview of cats across all their current lifestyles, from neutered pets to feral cats. November 2012 / 256 pages / PB / 9781845939922 £35 / €45 / US$70
Feline Behaviour and Welfare Andrew F Fraser, formerly Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Providing a veterinary perspective as well as an ethological one, this book looks at the feline genus as a whole and how our understanding of the domestic cat can help explain wild cat characteristics, and vice versa. Different behaviours are described to indicate what constitutes good welfare in the cat, while the origins of cat behaviour are discussed from an evolutionary basis. This book also covers current topics such as welfare issues with feral cats and human-cat interactions. August 2012 / 216 pages / PB / 9781845939274 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 August 2012 / 216 pages / HB / 9781845939267 £75 / €100 / US$145
Veterinary Practice Management
Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
Catherine R Coates, University of Bristol, UK
Donald Yool, Edinburgh University, UK
Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.
This practical textbook provides essential information and easy to follow instructions for performing everyday surgeries. Common procedures are detailed as well as instrument preparation and use, theatre preparation, tissue handling, antibiotics, sutures and nutritional support, with a best practice approach. Guidance on crucial issues such as patient assessment and when to refer patients is also provided. This book provides a practical and accessible resource with step-by-step diagrams and photographs. January 2012 / 402 pages / PB / 9781845938215 £49.95 / €65 / US$99.95
November 2012 / 192 pages / PB / 9781845939809 £35 / €45 / US$70
Dairy Herd Health Edited by Martin Green, University of Nottingham, UK Dairy herd health is an important and universal topic in large animal veterinary practice and farming. With the move towards largescale farming, herd health is important as an economic unit and to promote the health of individuals within it. This book focuses on diseases within herds, herd husbandry practices, youngstock management and environmental issues. Major diseases and conditions are covered, including mastitis, lameness, nutrition and metabolic and common infectious diseases from a herd health perspective. November 2012 / 328 pages / HB / 9781845939977 £75 / €145 / US$100
A Handbook for the Sheep Clinician, 7th Edition
animal and veterinary sciences
The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat, 2nd Edition
Agnes Winter and Michael Clarkson, University of Liverpool, UK An established favourite with veterinary and agricultural students and a valuable addition to the library of any veterinarian or sheep farmer, this handbook covers the basics of sheep medicine and production. Geared at being an on-farm reference, it concisely conveys all of the fundamental information for the treatment of sheep worldwide. In this fully updated and revised seventh edition, topics covered include reproduction, vaccination, pregnancy and newborns, lameness, parasites, diseases, neurology and health promotion. February 2012 / 202 pages / PB / 9781845939748 £35 / €45 / US$70 February 2012 / 202 pages / HB / 9781845939731 £75 / €100 / US$145
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases: Geographical Distribution and Control Strategies in the Euro-Asia Region Mo Salman, Jordi Tarrés-Call
December 2012 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845938536 £95 / €125 / US$180
£140 / €180 / US$265
Farm Animal Behaviour: Characteristics for Assessment of Health and Welfare Ingvar Ekesbo
November 2012 / 232 pages / HB / 9781780641010 £85 / €110 / US$160
March 2011 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845937706
Radar Entomology: Observing Insect Flight and Migration Alistair Drake, Don R Reynolds
The Economics of Animal Health and Production Jonathan Rushton
October 2012 / 496 pages / HB / 9781845935566
March 2011 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845938758 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 December 2008 / 364 pages / HB / 9781845931940 £95 / €125 / US$180
July 2012 / 368 pages / PB / 9781845935580 July 2012 / 368 pages / HB / 9781780641461
£155 / €200 / US$295
£49.95 / €65 / US$99.95 £115 / €150 / US$220
Veterinary Treatment of Llamas and Alpacas Graham R Duncanson
July 2012 / 272 pages / HB / 9781780640068
animal and veterinary sciences
May 2011 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845938802
Camel Meat and Meat Products Isam T Kadim, Osman Mahgoub, Bernard Faye, Mustafa Farouk
Growth of Farm Animals, 3rd Edition Tony L J Lawrence, Vernon R Fowler, Jan E Novakofski
£75 / €100 / US$145
Veterinary Treatment of Sheep and Goats Graham R Duncanson
April 2012 / 344 pages / PB / 9781780640044 April 2012 / 344 pages / HB / 9781780640037
£45 / €60 / US$85 £75 / €100 / US$145
Alternative Systems for Poultry: Health, Welfare and Productivity Victoria Sandilands, Paul M Hocking
April 2012 / 376 pages / HB / 9781845938246
£85 / €110 / US$160
Animal Science Reviews 2011 David Hemming
April 2012 / 256 pages / HB / 9781780640174
£140 / €180 / US$265
The Genetics of the Dog, 2nd Edition Elaine A Ostrander, Anatoly Ruvinsky
March 2012 / 536 pages / HB / 9781845939403
£115 / €150 / US$220
External Parasites of Small Ruminants: A Practical Guide to their Prevention and Control Peter Bates
February 2012 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845936648
£65 / €85 / US$125
Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection Patrick T K Woo, Kurt Buchmann
December 2011 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845938062 £95 / €125 / US$180 Goat Meat Production and Quality Osman Mahgoub, Isam T Kadim, Edward Webb
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Cattle Robert Blair
March 2011 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845937584
February 2011 / 944 pages / HB / 9781845935542 £165 / €215 / US$315 The Genetics of the Pig, 2nd Edition Max F Rothschild, Anatoly Ruvinsky
January 2011 / 520 pages / HB / 9781845937560
December 2010 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845936730
November 2010 / 312 pages / PB / 9781845936631 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 November 2010 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845937553 £85 / €110 / US$160 Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition Michael R Bedford, Gary G Partridge Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals, 3rd Edition Stephen C Bishop, Roger F E Axford, Frank W Nicholas, John B Owen
November 2010 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845935559 £95 / €125 / US$180 Mineral Nutrition of Livestock, 4th Edition Neville F Suttle
September 2010 / 608 pages / HB / 9781845934729 £115 / €150 / US$220
Veterinary Treatment for Working Equines Graham R Duncanson
July 2010 / 352 pages / PB / 9781845936310
December 2011 / 592 pages / HB / 9781845932428 £145 / €190 / US$275
June 2010 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845936556
Deafness in Dogs and Cats George M Strain
Nutrition of the Rabbit, 2nd Edition Carlos de Blas, Julian Wiseman
£35 / €45 / US$70 £75 / €100 / US$145
September 2011 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845939557 £29.95 / €40 / US$55 August 2008 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851990545 £85 / €110 / US$160 Rabbit Production, 8th Edition James I McNitt, Nephi M Patton, Steven D Lukefahr, Peter Robert Cheeke
£45 / €60 / US$85
Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology, 2nd Edition: Genetic Approaches Rex A Dunham
September 2011 / 504 pages / HB / 9781845936518 £75 / €100 / US$145 Animal Welfare, 2nd Edition Michael C Appleby, Joy A Mench, I Anna S Olsson, Barry O Hughes
£37.5 / €50 / US$72.50
A Dictionary of Entomology, 2nd Edition Gordon Gordh, David H Headrick
May 2011 / 1536 pages / HB / 9781845935429
£65 / €85 / US$125
Applied Animal Endocrinology, 2nd Edition E James Squires
The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 3: Transmission of Viruses and Interactions with Bacteria Alan N Clements
June 2011 / 344 pages / PB / 9781845936594
£115 / €150 / US$220
Human-Livestock Interactions, 2nd Edition: The Stockperson and the Productivity and Welfare of Intensively Farmed Animals Paul H Hemsworth, Grahame J Coleman
Comparative Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Peter Robert Cheeke, Ellen S Dierenfeld
September 2011 / 508 pages / PB / 9781845939441
£75 / €100 / US$145
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, 2nd Edition Patrick T K Woo, David W Bruno
December 2011 / 376 pages / HB / 9781845938499 £95 / €125 / US$180
October 2011 / 160 pages / PB / 9781845939373 October 2011 / 160 pages / HB / 9781845937645
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
November 2010 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845936747 £85 / €110 / US$160
Domestic Duck Production: Science and Practice Peter Cherry, Trevor R Morris
Animal Science Reviews 2010 David Hemming
June 2010 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845936693
£70 / €90 / US$135
£85 / €110 / US$160
The Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse, 2nd Edition Andrew F Fraser
April 2010 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845936280 April 2010 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845936297
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 £75 / €100 / US$145
Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds, 2nd Edition Roger Blowey, Peter Edmondson
April 2010 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845935504
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Finfish Aquaculture Diversification Nathalie R Le François, Malcolm Jobling, Chris Carter, Pierre Blier
April 2010 / 704 pages / HB / 9781845934941
£135 / €175 / US$255
Phosphorus and Calcium Utilization and Requirements in Farm Animals Dorinha M S S Vitti, Ermias Kebreab
March 2010 / 192 pages / HB / 9781845936266
£85 / €110 / US$160
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Non-infectious Disorders, 2nd Edition John F Leatherland, Patrick T K Woo
March 2010 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845935535 £99.95 / €130 / US$190
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
£95 / €125 / US$180
March 2010 / 704 pages / HB / 9780851997247
£195 / €255 / US$370
The Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries Evelyne Meltzer
February 2010 / 496 pages / HB / 9781845935832
£95 / €125 / US$180
Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach Temple Grandin
December 2009 / 336 pages / PB / 9781845935412 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 Principles of Cattle Production, 2nd Edition Clive J C Phillips
November 2009 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845933975 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 Aquaculture, 2nd Edition: An Introductory Text Robert R Stickney
July 2009 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845935436 July 2009 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845935894
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £75 / €100 / US$145
Biostatistics for Animal Science, 2nd Edition Miroslav Kaps, William R Lamberson
July 2009 / 520 pages / PB / 9781845935405
Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis in Animals, 2nd Edition Joel Ira Weller
March 2009 / 288 pages / PB / 9781845934675
March 2008 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845934033
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
£80 / €105 / US$150
Dairy Goats, Feeding and Nutrition Antonello Cannas, Giuseppe Pulina
December 2007 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845933487 £90 / €115 / US$170 Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare, 4th edition, 4th Edition Donald M Broom, Andrew F Fraser
October 2007 / 540 pages / PB / 9781845932879
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms Volume 3: Methodologies for Transgenic Fish Anne R Kapuscinski, Keith R Hayes, Sifa Li, Genya Dana
October 2007 / 305 pages / HB / 9781845932961
£85 / €110 / US$160
Redesigning Animal Agriculture: The Challenge of the 21st Century David L Swain, Ed Charmley, John W Steel, Shaun G Coffey
£85 / €110 / US$160
Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection of Farm Animals, 2nd Edition John M Forbes
£95 / €125 / US$180
Livestock Handling and Transport, 3rd Edition Temple Grandin
June 2007 / 400 pages / HB / 9781845932190 £100 / €130 / US$190
£130 / €170 / US$250
Long Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals Michael C Appleby, Victoria A. Cussen, Leah Garcés, Lesley Lambert, Jacky Turner, Xavier Manteca
August 2007 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845932794 £29.95 / €40 / US$55
Biology of Breeding Poultry Paul M Hocking
May 2009 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845933753
April 2008 / 640 pages / HB / 9781845933548
August 2007 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845932237 £45 / €60 / US$85
The Ethology of Domestic Animals, 2nd Edition Per Jensen
May 2009 / 264 pages / PB / 9781845935368
Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition James (Jim) France, Ermias Kebreab
£85 / €110 / US$160
Dietary Supplements for the Health and Quality of Cultured Fish: Heisuke Nakagawa, Minoru Sato, Delbert M Gatlin III
May 2007 / 244 pages / HB / 9781845931995
£85 / €110 / US$160
Insect Pathogens: Molecular Approaches and Techniques S Patricia Stock, Itamar Glazer, Noel Boemare, John Vandenberg
Protozoal Abortion in Farm Ruminants: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Control Luis Ortega-Mora, Bruno Gottstein, Franz Conraths, David Buxton
March 2009 / 440 pages / HB / 9781845934781
April 2007 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845932114
£100 / €130 / US$190
£85 / €110 / US$160
Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production Wendy Mercedes Rauw
Animal Welfare and Meat Production, 2nd Edition Neville G Gregory, Temple Grandin
December 2008 / 344 pages / HB / 9781845933944 £90 / €115 / US$170
March 2007 / 400 pages / PB / 9781845932152
The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries G Bianchi, H R Skjoldal
China’s Livestock Revolution: Agribusiness and Policy Developments in the Sheep Meat Industry Scott Waldron, Colin G Brown, John W Longworth, Zhang G Cungen
December 2008 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845934149 £95 / €125 / US$180 Mycoplasma Diseases of Ruminants: Disease, Diagnosis and Control Robin Nicholas, Roger Ayling, Laura McAuliffe
November 2008 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851990125 £85 / €110 / US$160 Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior Edward O Price
October 2008 / 352 pages / PB / 9781845933982
£35 / €45 / US$70
Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management, 3rd Edition, 3rd Edition Mina C G Davies Morel
October 2008 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845934507
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
March 2007 / 192 pages / HB / 9781845932466
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
£80 / €105 / US$150
The Behavioural Biology of Dogs: Per Jensen
January 2007 / 288 pages / PB / 9781845931872
£35 / €45 / US$70
Stereotypic Animal Behaviour, 2nd Edition: Fundamentals and Applications to Welfare Georgia Mason, Jeffrey Rushen
December 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851990040 £75 / €100 / US$145 Inositol Phosphates: Linking Agriculture and the Environment Benjamin L Turner, Alan E Richardson, Edward Mullaney
December 2006 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845931520 £75 / €100 / US$145
Stereotypic Animal Behaviour, 2nd Edition: Fundamentals and Applications to Welfare Georgia Mason, Jeffrey Rushen
Avian Gut Function in Health and Disease Graham C Perry
September 2008 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845934651 £39.95 / €55 / US$75
December 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845931803 £90 / €115 / US$170
Animal Nutrition Science Gordon Dryden
Applied Nutrition for Young Pigs Ioannis Mavromichalis
August 2008 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845934125
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
£80 / €105 / US$150
September 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845930639 £95 / €125 / US$180
£95 / €125 / US$180
Animal and Human Health and Welfare: A Comparative Philosophical Analysis Lennart Nordenfelt
Aquatic Insects: Challenges to Populations Jill Lancaster, Rob A Briers
July 2008 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845933968 Poultry Production in Hot Climates, 2nd Edition Nuhad J Daghir
May 2008 / 464 pages / HB / 9781845932589
November 2006 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845930677 £80 / €105 / US$150 Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates: From Structure to Behaviour Vincent Bels
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry Robert Blair
July 2008 / 300 pages / HB / 9781845934064
animal and veterinary sciences
The Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare Daniel S Mills, Jeremy N Marchant-Forde, Paul D McGreevy, David B Morton, Christine J Nicol, Clive J C Phillips, Peter Sandøe, Ronald R Swaisgood
£100 / €130 / US$190
August 2006 / 208 pages / PB / 9781845930592
£35 / €45 / US$70
Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts Chu T Hoanh, To P Tuong, John W Gowing, Bill Hardy
July 2006 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845931070
£80 / €105 / US$150 43
Mechanistic Modelling in Pig and Poultry Production Colin Fisher, Rob Gous, Trevor R Morris
Measuring and Auditing Broiler Welfare Claire Weeks, Andrew Butterworth
July 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845930707
August 2004 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851998053
£95 / €125 / US$180
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and Metazoan Infections, 2nd Edition Patrick T K Woo
June 2006 / 800 pages / HB / 9780851990156
Poultry Behaviour and Welfare Michael C Appleby, Joy A Mench, Barry O Hughes
£150 / €195 / US$290
Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health Sava Buncic
May 2006 / 416 pages / PB / 9780851999081
£45 / €60 / US$85
Tilapia Culture Abdel F M El-Sayed
April 2006 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851990149
£80 / €105 / US$150
animal and veterinary sciences
Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches Ermias Kebreab, Jan Dijkstra, André Bannink, Walter J J Gerrits, James (Jim) France
April 2006 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845930059
£95 / €125 / US$180
The Oestrid Flies: Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact and Management D D Colwell, M J Hall, P J Scholl
April 2006 / 376 pages / HB / 9780851996844
£105 / €135 / US$200
Fishery Co-Management: A Practical Handbook Robert S Pomeroy, Rebecca Rivera-Guieb
December 2005 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851990880
£50 / €65 / US$95
Marine Parasitology Klaus Rohde
December 2005 / 592 pages / HB / 9781845930530 £80 / €105 / US$150 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrition of Cattle Ernst Pfeffer, Alexander Hristov
July 2004 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851996677
£45 / €60 / US$85
Welfare of the Laying Hen Graham C Perry
July 2004 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851998138
£115 / €150 / US$220
The Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Nutrition Malcolm F Fuller
May 2004 / 800 pages / HB / 9780851993690
£175 / €225 / US$335
Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals: A Practical Identification Manual Nicky B Buller
February 2004 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851997384 £100 / €130 / US$190 Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches Rex A Dunham
February 2004 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851995960 £115 / €150 / US$220 Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture Mette Vaarst, Stephen Roderick, Vonne Lund, William Lockeretz
December 2003 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851996684 £90 / €115 / US$170 Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos, 2nd Edition, 2nd Edition Ian Gordon
September 2003 / 592 pages / HB / 9780851996660 £190 / €250 / US$360 Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology William M Muir, Samual E Aggrey
June 2003 / 744 pages / HB / 9780851996608
December 2005 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851990132 £90 / €115 / US$170
Crocodiles: Biology, Husbandry and Diseases Fritz W Huchzermeyer
Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism, 2nd Edition Jan Dijkstra, John M Forbes, James (Jim) France
Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition J P F D'Mello
May 2003 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851996561
December 2005 / 736 pages / HB / 9780851998145 £170 / €220 / US$325
April 2003 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851996547
Periphyton: Ecology, Exploitation and Management M E Azim, Marc C J Verdegem, Anne A van Dam, Malcolm C M Beveridge
Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem Michael Sinclair, Grimus Valdimarsson
£190 / €250 / US$360
£145 / €190 / US$275
£145 / €190 / US$275
November 2005 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851990965 £105 / €135 / US$200
February 2003 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851996332 £115 / €150 / US$220
Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values, 2nd Edition Raphael A Mrode
Animal Domestication and Behavior Edward O Price
October 2005 / 368 pages / PB / 9780851990002
£60 / €80 / US$115
Hormonal Regulation of Farm Animal Growth Kim L Hossner
September 2005 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851990804 Insect Evolutionary Ecology Mark DE Fellowes, Graham Holloway, Jens Rolff
£105 / €135 / US$200
Mammalian Genomics Anatoly Ruvinsky, Jennifer A Marshall Graves Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals Ian Gordon
£45 / €60 / US$85
£100 / €130 / US$190
Sheep Nutrition Mike Freer, Hugh Dove
September 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851995953 £115 / €150 / US$220 Poultry Feedstuffs: Supply, Composition and Nutritive Value J McNab, Neil Boorman
£115 / €150 / US$220
Mason’s World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties, 5th Edition Valerie Porter
March 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851994307
£70 / €90 / US$135
February 2002 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851995199 £115 / €150 / US$220 The Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management Mike A Varley, Julian Wiseman
Dairy Sheep Nutrition Giuseppe Pulina
October 2004 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851996813
£45 / €60 / US$85
Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaculture Carl D Webster, Chhorn E Lim
GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science Peter Durr, Anthony Gatrell
October 2004 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996349
Growth of Farm Animals, 2nd Edition Tony L J Lawrence, Vernon R Fowler
July 2002 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851994642
December 2004 / 624 pages / HB / 9780851999104 £165 / €215 / US$315
November 2004 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851998626
Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics Max F Rothschild, Steven Newman
September 2002 / 368 pages / PB / 9780851994840
Urban Aquaculture Barry A Costa-Pierce, Alan Desbonnet, Peter Edwards, Dale Baker
June 2005 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851998299
November 2002 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851995977 £75 / €100 / US$145
November 2002 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996417 £100 / €130 / US$190 £40 / €55 / US$75
September 2005 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851998121 £125 / €165 / US$240
£105 / €135 / US$200
Muscle Development of Livestock Animals: Physiology, Genetics and Meat Quality Marinus F W te Pas, Henk P Haagsman, Maria E Everts
September 2004 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851998114 £115 / €150 / US$220 44
£90 / €115 / US$170
November 2001 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851995328 £105 / €135 / US$200 The Genetics of the Dog Anatoly Ruvinsky, Jeff Sampson
October 2001 / 576 pages / HB / 9780851995205
£145 / €190 / US$275
Digestive Physiology of Pigs Jan E Lindberg, Brian Ogle
£115 / €150 / US$220
June 1999 / 720 pages / HB / 9780851992587
Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences Ian P Woiwod, Chris D Thomas, Don R Reynolds
Equine Artificial Insemination Mina C G Davies Morel
May 2001 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851994567
May 1999 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851993157
£115 / €150 / US$220
Social Behaviour in Farm Animals Linda Keeling, Harold Gonyou
April 2001 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851993973
£90 / €115 / US$170
Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops Julie Flood, Paul Dennis Bridge, Mark Holderness
December 2000 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851993881 £105 / €135 / US$200 Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition Michael R Bedford, Gary G Partridge Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research L t’Mannetje, Richard M Jones
£110 / €140 / US$210
Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals John P McNamara, James (Jim) France, David E Beever
September 2000 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851994499 £115 / €150 / US$220 Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction Pierre Cronje
September 2000 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851994635 £135 / €175 / US$255 Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition J P F D'Mello
May 2000 / 448 pages / PB / 9780851993782
£45 / €60 / US$85
£135 / €175 / US$255
The Genetics of the Horse Ann T Bowling, Anatoly Ruvinsky
May 2000 / 512 pages / HB / 9780851994291
£135 / €175 / US$255
Salmonella in Domestic Animals Clifford Wray, A Wray
March 2000 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851992617
£145 / €190 / US$275
Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models Michael K Theodorou, James (Jim) France
December 1999 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851993461 £120 / €155 / US$230 Livestock, Ethics and Quality of Life John Hodges, In K Han
November 1999 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851993621 £90 / €115 / US$170 Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals, 2nd Edition Roger F E Axford, Stephen C Bishop, Frank W Nicholas, John B Owen
November 1999 / 424 pages / HB / 9780851993256 £120 / €155 / US$230 Experimental Design and Analysis in Animal Sciences Trevor R Morris
September 1999 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851993492
£35 / €45 / US$70
Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour David E Walter, Heather C Proctor
September 1999 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851993751 £115 / €150 / US$220 The Ostrich: Biology, Production and Health Denis C Deeming
August 1999 / 360 pages / HB / 9780851993508
£105 / €135 / US$200
Regulation of Feed Intake Daan van der Heide, E A Huisman, E Kanis, J W M Osse, M Verstegen
July 1999 / 248 pages / HB / 9780851993614
£90 / €115 / US$170
Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests: The History of Myxomatosis - an Experiment in Evolution Frank Fenner, Bernardino Fantini
June 1999 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851993232
£105 / €135 / US$200
February 1999 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851992938
£90 / €115 / US$170
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections Patrick T K Woo, David W Bruno Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Sheep Geoff Simm
December 1998 / 446 pages / PB / 9780851996424
£45 / €60 / US$85
Grass for Dairy Cattle Jerome H Cherney, Debbie J R Cherney
November 1998 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851992884 £110 / €140 / US$210 Response in the Yield of Milk Constituents to the Intake of Nutrients by Dairy Cows Geoffrey Alderman
October 1998 / 106 pages / PB / 9780851992846
£40 / €55 / US$75
Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants Tam Garland, Alberto C Barr
£135 / €175 / US$255
Human-Livestock Interactions: The Stockperson and the Productivity of Intensively Farmed Animals Paul H Hemsworth, Grahame J Coleman
March 1998 / 176 pages / HB / 9780851991955
£55 / €70 / US$105
Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals Kelvin J McCracken, E F Unsworth, A R G Wylie
March 1998 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851992761
£115 / €150 / US$220
Comparative Avian Nutrition Kirk C Klasing
February 1998 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851992198 £105 / €135 / US$200 Animal Welfare Michael C Appleby, Barry O Hughes
August 1997 / 336 pages / PB / 9780851991801
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
The Behaviour of Cattle Jack L Albright
July 1997 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851991962
£105 / €135 / US$200
The Genetics of Sheep Laurie Piper, Anatoly Ruvinsky
June 1997 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851992006
£145 / €190 / US$275
Selection Indices and Prediction of Genetic Merit in Animal Breeding Neil D Cameron
May 1997 / 208 pages / PB / 9780851991696
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Milk Composition, Production and Biotechnology Robert A S Welch, Donald J W Burns, Stephen R Davis, A I Popay, Colin G Prosser
April 1997 / 592 pages / HB / 9780851991610
£125 / €165 / US$240
Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crops/Livestock Farming Systems C Renard
March 1997 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851991771
£100 / €130 / US$190
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 4: Controlled Reproduction in Horses, Deer and Camelids Ian Gordon
February 1997 / 232 pages / HB / 9780851991177 £100 / €130 / US$190 Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 3: Controlled Reproduction in Pigs Ian Gordon
December 1996 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851991160 £90 / €115 / US$170
Poultry Meat Science R I Richardson, C Mead
June 1999 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851992372
Transgenic Animals in Agriculture James D Murray, Gary B Anderson, Anita M Oberbauer, Martina M McGloughlin
June 1998 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851992631
Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition D I Givens, Emyr Owen, Hussain M Omed, Roger F E Axford
May 2000 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851993447
£135 / €175 / US$255
February 1999 / 896 pages / HB / 9780851991948 £165 / €215 / US$315
December 2000 / 432 pages / HB / 9780851993935 £105 / €135 / US$200
October 2000 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851993515
£150 / €195 / US$290
animal and veterinary sciences
June 2001 / 476 pages / HB / 9780851995175
The Genetics of Cattle Ruedi Fries, Anatoly Ruvinsky
£115 / €150 / US$220
Principles of Poultry Science S P Rose
November 1996 / 144 pages / PB / 9780851991221 £29.95 / €40 / US$55 45
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 2: Controlled Reproduction in Sheep and Goats Ian Gordon
November 1996 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851991153 £115 / €150 / US$220 Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 1: Controlled Reproduction in Cattle and Buffaloes Ian Gordon
November 1996 / 512 pages / HB / 9780851991146 £115 / €150 / US$220 The Immunology of Host-Ectoparasitic Arthropod Relationships Stephen K Wikel
October 1996 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851991252
£115 / €150 / US$220
Horse Genetics Ann T Bowling
April 1996 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851991016
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Progress in Dairy Science Clive J C Phillips
animal and veterinary sciences
December 1995 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851989747 £110 / €140 / US$210
Reproduction in Poultry Robert J Etches
October 1995 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851987385
£50 / €65 / US$95
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd Edition D S Kettle
October 1995 / 720 pages / PB / 9780851989693
£60 / €80 / US$115
The Neonatal Pig: Development and Survival Mike A Varley
September 1995 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851989259 £105 / €135 / US$200 Tropical Legumes in Animal Nutrition J P F D'Mello, C Devendra
June 1995 / 350 pages / HB / 9780851989266
£115 / €150 / US$220
The Development of Brain and Behaviour in the Chicken Lesley J Rogers
February 1995 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851989242 £105 / €135 / US$200 Livestock Housing Christopher Wathes, David Charles
August 1994 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851987743
£105 / €135 / US$200
Directory of Chinese Agricultural and Related Organizations Zhang Qiaoqiao
January 1994 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851987897
£80 / €105 / US$150
Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants Geoffrey Alderman
December 1993 / 176 pages / PB / 9780851988511 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 Growth of the Pig Gilbert R Hollis
December 1993 / 256 pages / HB / 9780851988566 £75 / €100 / US$145 Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae: Their Systematics and Bionomics David J Hunt
September 1993 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851987583 £105 / €135 / US$200 The Advancement of Veterinary Science – Volume 1: Veterinary Medicine Beyond 2000 A R Michell
January 1993 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851987590
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Advancement of Veterinary Science – Volume 4: Veterinary Science - Growth Points and Comparative Medicine A R Mitchell
January 1993 / 225 pages / HB / 9780851987620
£75 / €100 / US$145
Pork Quality: Genetic and Metabolic Factors E Puolanne, D I Demeyer, M Ruusunen, S Ellis
January 1993 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851988368
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat John W S Bradshaw
January 1992 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851987156
£35 / €45 / US$65
Manual of Pig Production in the Tropics H Serres
January 1992 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851987842
£45 / €60 / US$85
Fruit Flies of Economic Significance: Their Identification and Bionomics Ian M White, Marlene M Elson-Harris
January 1992 / 600 pages / PB / 9780851987903
£85 / €110 / US$160
The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 1: Development, Nutrition and Reproduction Alan N Clements
January 1992 / 532 pages / HB / 9780851993744
£120 / €155 / US$230
Climate Change and Global Health Edited by Colin D Butler, University of Canberra, Australia There is increasing understanding, globally, that climate change will have profound and mostly harmful effects on human health. This authoritative book brings together international experts to describe both direct (such as heat waves) and indirect (such as vector-borne disease incidence) impacts of climate change, set in a broad, international, economic, political and environmental context. This unique book also expands on these issues to address a third category of potential longer-term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, and conflict. This lively yet scholarly resource explores these issues fully, linking them to health in urban and rural settings in developed and developing countries. The book finishes with a practical discussion of action that health professionals can yet take.
Disaster Management Medical Preparedness, Response and Homeland Security Edited by Rajesh Arora, Defence Research and Development Organization, India and Preeti Arora, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India Effective management of natural and manmade disasters is essential to save lives and minimize casualties. This book discusses the best practice for vital elements of disaster medicine in both developed and developing countries, including planning and preparedness of hospitals, emergency medical services, communication and IT tools for medical disaster response and psychosocial issues. It also covers the use of state-of the-art training tools, with a full section on post-disaster relief, rehabilitation and recovery. June 2013 / c.624 pages / HB / 9781845939298 £115 / €150 / US$220
Geographic Health Data Fundamental Techniques for Analysis Edited by Francis P Boscoe, New York State Cancer Registry, USA This book provides an accessible overview of recurring global problems in the display and analysis of health data involving a geographic component. It provides clear, straightforward explanations of these issues accompanied by worldwide examples and solutions. Focusing on proven techniques that have been recognised as sufficient for real-world data sets, this book provides a comprehensible introduction to geographic information systems (GIS) and also includes information on GIS applications in disaster response. August 2013 / c.352 pages / HB / 9781780640891 £95 / €125 / US$180
£85 / €110 / US$160
Natural Environments and Human Health Alan Ewert, University of Indiana, USA, Denise Mitten, Prescott College, USA and Jill Overholt, University of Indiana, USA The role natural environments play in human health and wellbeing is attracting increasing attention. There is growing medical evidence that access to the natural environment can prevent disease, aid recovery, tackle obesity and improve mental health. This book examines the history of natural environments being used for stress-reduction, enjoyment, aesthetics and catharsis, and traces the development of the connection between humans and the environment, and how they impact our personal and collective health. August 2013 / c.224 pages / HB / 9781845939199 £75 / €100 / US$145
Biological and Environmental Control of Disease Vectors
human health, food and nutrition
September 2013 / c.304 pages / HB / 9781780642659
Edited by Mary Cameron and Lena Lorenz, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Concerns over rapid development and spread of insecticide resistance and long-term environmental impacts have seen resurgence of the research and utilisation of non-insecticidal control measures for vectors of human disease. Covering the theory and practice of non-insecticidal control including the use of botanical biocides and insect-derived semiochemicals, this book details the theory of how each method works, provides examples of successful applications in the field and recommendations for future use in vector control programmes. May 2013 / c.232 pages / HB / 9781845939861 £85 / €110 / US$160
Genetic Epidemiology Methods and Applications Modular Texts Series
Melissa A. Austin, University of Washington, USA
human health, food and nutrition
Genetic epidemiology plays a key role in discovering genetic factors influencing health and disease, and in understanding how genes and environmental risk factors interact. Following an overview of the field, this textbook reviews key genetic concepts, provides an update on relevant genomic technology, and describes methods for assessing the magnitude of genetic influences on diseases and risk factors. Specific applications of each research method are illustrated using a variety of diseases and risk factors relevant to public health. Concluding with a review of ethical issues and a framework for translating human genomics research to clinical practice and public health benefit, this textbook is an essential new resource for graduate students in epidemiology and public health genetics. July 2013 / c.320 pages / PB / 9781780641812
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, 2nd Edition
Improving Diets and Nutrition
Edited by Duane J Gubler, Eng Eong Ooi and Subhash Vasudevan, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore and Jeremy Farrar, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam
Co-published with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
More than 20,000 deaths are associated with dengue virus infections annually, and DF/DHF is one of the most important emerging tropical diseases in the world. Recent exciting research on dengue viruses has resulted in major advances in our understanding of all aspects of the biology of dengue viruses. This updated second edition brings together leading research and clinical scientists to review the latest findings on dengue virus biology, epidemiology, entomology, therapeutics, vaccinology and clinical management. September 2013 / c.448 pages / HB / 9781845939649 £95 / €125 / US$180
Food-based Approaches
Edited by Brian Thompson and Leslie Amoroso, FAO, Italy Nutrition-sensitive, food-based approaches towards hunger and malnutrition are effective, sustainable and long-term solutions. This book discusses the policy, strategic, methodological, technical and programmatic issues associated with such approaches. Best practices for the design, targeting, implementation and evaluation of specific interventions, and improved methodologies for evaluating their efficacy and costeffectiveness are presented. This book also provides practical lessons for advancing nutrition-sensitive, food-based approaches at policy and programme level. September 2013 / c.408 pages / HB / 9781780642994 £95 / €125 / US$180
Cellular and Molecular Basis
Laboratory Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies
Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series Edited by Myron Christodoulides, University of Southampton, UK Examining meningitis mainly from a bacterial perspective, but also including an overview of viral, fungal and chronic meningitis, this book describes the anatomy of the meninges and clinical signs and symptoms of meningitis. Individual organisms that cause meningitis worldwide are dealt with in specific chapters, describing in detail how these pathogens interact with the human host at both a molecular and cellular level, providing a thorough understanding of bacterial virulence factors and host cell response. August 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780641621 £85 / €110 / US$160
Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series, No. 21 Edited by Timothy D McHugh, University College London, UK The unique features of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and emergence of drug-resistant strains highlight the global health challenge tuberculosis presents. Covering a wealth of state-ofthe-art knowledge from international experts, this book captures the latest developments in the advent of bacteriological, immunological and molecular tools for diagnosis and the development of new drugs. It shows how the challenge of tuberculosis is currently being met, providing insight into the evidence base underlying new developments in diagnosis, drug development and treatment. February 2013 / c.296 pages / HB / 9781845938079 £95 / €125 / US$180
Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series, No. 25 Edited by Julian R Marchesi, Cardiff University, UK Thousands of different microbial species colonize the human body, and are essential for our survival. This book reviews the current understanding of human microbiomes, the functions they bring to the host, how we can model them, their role in health and disease and the methods used to explore them. Current research into areas such as the long-term effect of antibiotics makes this a subject of considerable interest. August 2013 / c.280 pages / HB / 9781780640495 £85 / €110 / US$160
Statistical Epidemiology
Microbial Metabolomics Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Series, No. 23 Edited by Silas Villas-Bôas and Katya Ruggiero, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Focusing on analysing different small molecules produced or modified by living cells in a high throughput fashion, metabolomics plays an essential role in functional genomics and systems biology studies. Starting with a general introduction to the field, this book addresses the unique challenges associated with microbial metabolomics, such as low biomass concentration and distinction between intra- and extracellular compounds, covering the latest developments before discussing data generation and analysis and applications of quantitative metabolomics. October 2013 / c.304 pages / HB / 9781845939427 £85 / €110 / US$160
Communicable Diseases, 4th Edition A Global Perspective
Graham Law, University of Leeds, UK and Shane Pascoe, University of New South Wales, Australia This textbook introduces students to statistical epidemiology methods in a carefully structured and accessible format. The book covers study design, disease measuring, bias, error, analysis and modelling, illustrated with figures, focus boxes, study questions and examples. Drawing on the authors’ extensive teaching experience, the text provides an introduction to core statistical epidemiology that will be a valuable resource for students and lecturers in health and medical sciences. November 2012 / 232 pages / PB / 9781845937966 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 November 2012 / 232 pages / HB / 9781845938161 £85 / €110 / US$160
Modular Texts Series
Roger Webber, formerly London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Introducing both basic principles and more advanced concepts of epidemiology, this textbook examines communicable diseases at the community level, combining theory and practice into a systematic and globally comprehensive overview. Diseases in developed and developing countries are addressed, grouped by means of transmission and illustrated with focus boxes, bullet lists and figures. Fully updated throughout, this fourth edition includes new chapters on integrated disease management and the increased risks of disease among pregnant women. July 2012 / 344 pages / PB / 9781845939380 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 July 2012 / 344 pages / HB / 9781845939397 £85 / €110 / US$160
Pandemic Influenza, 2nd Edition
Health Promotion
Modular Texts Series
Global Principles and Practice
human health, food and nutrition
The Human Microbiota and Microbiome
Modular Texts Series Edited by Jonathan Van-Tam, City Hospital, Nottingham, UK and Chloe Sellwood, NHS (National Health Service), London, UK Following recent avian and swine influenza outbreaks, preparedness against pandemic influenza on national and international scales is of vital importance. With a strong emphasis on practicality, this book covers areas such as influenza epidemiology, virology and immunology, vaccinology, pharmaceutical and public health countermeasures, policy issues, biomathematical modelling, ethics and many more. This is an essential text for students in virology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, public health and medical sciences, and for all those involved in pandemic preparedness. December 2012 / 264 pages / PB / 9781845938574 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 December 2012 / 264 pages / HB / 9781845938567 £85 / €110 / US$160
Rachael Dixey, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Covering key concepts, theory and practical aspects, this textbook focuses on the themes central to contemporary health promotion practice on a global scale. Social determinants, equality and equity, policy and health, working in partnerships, sustainability, evaluation and evidencebased practice are detailed, and the critical application of health promotion to practice is outlined throughout the book, finishing with a summary of the future directions of professional health promotion practice. November 2012 / 240 pages / PB / 9781845939724 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health, 2nd Edition
human health, food and nutrition
Edited by Calum N L Macpherson, Windward Islands Research and Education, Grenada, West Indies, François-Xavier Meslin, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland and Alexander I Wandeler, OIE Reference Laboratory for Rabies, WHO Collaborating Centre, Ontario, Canada This book details viral, bacterial, protozoan and helminth parasites transmitted between humans and dogs, discussing population management and the control of disease agents in the context of global human-dog relationships. Incorporating important advances made in the fields of genetics, molecular biology, epidemiology, speciation and immunology, this fully updated new edition also includes new chapters on the benefits of the human-dog relationship and non-infectious disease issues with dogs.
Edited by Julia Hussein, University of Aberdeen, UK, Affette M McCaw-Binns, The University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica and Roger Webber, formerly London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Promotion of maternal health and mortality reduction is of worldwide importance, and a vital part of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The highest maternal mortality rates are in developing countries, where global and regional initiatives are needed to improve the systems and practices involved. Taking a practical policy approach, this book discusses concepts underlying efforts to improve maternal and perinatal mortality, the current global situation, and problems that prevent progress, with examples of successful strategies. June 2012 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845937454 £85 / €110 / US$160
December 2012 / c.304 pages / HB / 9781845938352 £95 / €125 / US$180
Nutrition and Physical Activity in Inflammatory Diseases Manohar L Garg, Lisa G Wood
Helicobacter pylori in the 21st Century Philip Sutton, Hazel Mitchell
December 2012 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845939106 £115 / €150 / US$220
June 2010 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845935948
Bacteriophages in Health and Disease Paul Hyman, Stephen T Abedon
The Psychology of Food Choice Richard Shepherd, Monique Raats
September 2012 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845939847 £85 / €110 / US$160
February 2010 / 416 pages / PB / 9781845937232 £32.50 / €42.50 / US$62.50
Antimicrobial Drug Discovery: Emerging Strategies George Tegos, Eleftherios Mylonakis
The Glycaemic Index: A Physiological Classification of Dietary Carbohydrate Thomas M S Wolever
August 2012 / 376 pages / HB / 9781845939434
£115 / €150 / US$220
Amino Acids in Human Nutrition and Health J P F D'Mello
November 2011 / 584 pages / HB / 9781845937980 £125 / €165 / US$240 Health-promoting Properties of Fruit and Vegetables Leon Terry
October 2011 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845935283
£95 / €125 / US$180
Natural Antimicrobials in Food Safety and Quality Mahendra Rai, Michael Chikindas
October 2011 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845937690
£115 / €150 / US$220
Lyme Disease: an Evidence-based Approach John J Halperin
August 2011 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845938048 Stress Response in Pathogenic Bacteria Stephen Kidd
June 2011 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845937607
May 2011 / 760 pages / HB / 9781845938338
£85 / €110 / US$160
£125 / €165 / US$240
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Antimicrobial Peptides: Discovery, Design and Novel Therapeutic Strategies Guangshun Wang
November 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845936570 £85 / €110 / US$160
January 2010 / 392 pages / HB / 9781845936136
£75 / €100 / US$145
Introduction to Pandemic Influenza Jonathan Van-Tam, Chloe Sellwood
November 2009 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845935788 November 2009 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845936259
£35 / €45 / US$70 £65 / €85 / US$125
Meat Science, 2nd Edition: An Introductory Text Paul D Warriss Root-knot Nematodes Roland N Perry, Maurice Moens, James L Starr
£105 / €135 / US$200
Peptides in Energy Balance and Obesity G Frühbeck
May 2009 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845934071
£90 / €115 / US$170
Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Control, 3rd Edition: A Global Perspective Roger Webber
April 2009 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845935047 April 2009 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845935054
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £70 / €90 / US$135
Giardia and Cryptosporidium M G Ortega-Pierres, S Cacciò, R Fayer, T Mank, H Smith, R C A Thompson
February 2009 / 520 pages / HB / 9781845933913 £105 / €135 / US$200 Nutrition Promotion: Theories and methods, Systems and Settings Tony Worsley
Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain Denis O Krause, Stephen Hendrick
November 2010 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845936815 £85 / €110 / US$160 Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies: Food-based Approaches Brian Thompson, Leslie Amoroso
November 2010 / 432 pages / HB / 9781845937140 £95 / €125 / US$180
October 2008 / 448 pages / PB / 9781845934637
£45 / €60 / US$85
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 3 Rodney A Bray, David I Gibson, Arlene Jones
October 2008 / 848 pages / HB / 9780851995885
£175 / €225 / US$335
Health Benefits of Organic Food: Effects of the Environment D I Givens, Samantha Baxter, Anne Marie Minihane, Elizabeth J Shaw
Nutrition, Immunity and Infection Prakash Shetty
July 2010 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851995311
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
Paratuberculosis: Organism, Disease, Control Marcel A Behr, Desmond M Collins
October 2009 / 520 pages / HB / 9781845934927
Chemical Food Safety Leon Brimer, Mette Tingleff Skaanild
April 2011 / 296 pages / PB / 9781845936761
January 2010 / 240 pages / PB / 9781845937225
£85 / €110 / US$160
November 2009 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845935931 £37.5 / €50 / US$72.5 £85 / €110 / US$160
Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins, and Related Toxins Franklin Riet-Correa, James Pfister, Ana Lucia Schild, Terrie L Wierenga
Maternal and Perinatal Health in Developing Countries
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
September 2008 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845934590 £90 / €115 / US$170
School Health, Nutrition and Education for All: Levelling The Playing Field Matthew C H Jukes, Lesley J Drake, Donald A P Bundy
Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture Patrick T K Woo, David W Bruno, L H S Lim
December 2007 / 160 pages / PB / 9781845933111 £29.95 / €40 / US$55
December 2002 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851994437 £125 / €165 / US$240
The Encyclopedia of Vitamin E Victor R Preedy, Ronald Watson
Nutrition and Immune Function Philip C Calder, Catherine J Field, Harsharnjit S Gill
£220 / €285 / US$420
October 2002 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851995830
£90 / €115 / US$170
Home Parenteral Nutrition Federico Bozetti, Michael Staun, Andre Van Gossum
Lyme Borreliosis: Biology, Epidemiology and Control Jeremy S Gray, Olaf Kahl, Robert S Lane, Gerold Stanek
September 2006 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845931568 £75 / €100 / US$145
October 2002 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851996325
Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health Narender K Jain, Mohammad Siddiqi, John Weisburger
Taenia solium Cysticercosis: From Basic to Clinical Science Gagandeep Singh, Sudesh Prabhakar
September 2006 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845931124 £80 / €105 / US$150
October 2002 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851996288
The Psychology of Food Choice Richard Shepherd, Monique Raats
Giardia: The Cosmopolitan Parasite Barbara E Olson, Merle E Olson, Peter M Wallis
August 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9780851990323
£95 / €125 / US$180
The Glycaemic Index: A Physiological Classification of Dietary Carbohydrate Thomas M S Wolever
June 2006 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845930516
£75 / €100 / US$145
Parasitic Flatworms: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Physiology Aaron G Maule, Nikki J Marks
June 2006 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851990279
£105 / €135 / US$200
Protein Turnover J C Waterlow
May 2006 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996134
£95 / €125 / US$180
£95 / €125 / US$180
Nutrition and Behavior: A Multidisciplinary Approach John Worobey, Beverly J Tepper, Robin Kanarek
April 2006 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851996745
£35 / €45 / US$70
£95 / €125 / US$180
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2 Arlene Jones, Rodney A Bray, David I Gibson
June 2005 / 768 pages / HB / 9780851995878
£110 / €140 / US$210
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 1 David I Gibson, Arlene Jones, Rodney A Bray
May 2002 / 544 pages / HB / 9780851995472
£130 / €170 / US$250
Worms and Human Disease, 2nd Edition Ralph Muller
December 2001 / 320 pages / PB / 9780851995168
£45 / €60 / US$85
Nitrate and Man: Toxic, Harmless or Beneficial? Jean l’Hirondel, Jean-Louis L l’Hirondel The Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections M W Service
October 2001 / 608 pages / HB / 9780851994734
£175 / €225 / US$335
£130 / €170 / US$250
Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology Malcolm W Kennedy, William Harnett
April 2001 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851994239
Toxocara: The Enigmatic Parasite Celia V Holland, Huw V Smith
February 2006 / 324 pages / HB / 9781845930264
£135 / €175 / US$255
November 2001 / 184 pages / HB / 9780851995663 £90 / €115 / US$170
Olive Oil and Health Jose L Quiles, Carmen Ramirez-Tortosa, Parveen Yaqoob
May 2006 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845930684
August 2002 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851996127
£115 / €150 / US$220
£120 / €155 / US$230
Carbohydrates in Grain Legume Seeds: Improving Nutritional Quality and Agronomic Characteristics Cliff L Hedley
December 2000 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851994673 £105 / €135 / US$200 Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health Calum N L Macpherson, François-Xavier Meslin, Alexander I Wandeler
December 2000 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851994369 £110 / €140 / US$210
Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products Henk W Hoogenkamp
Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates, 2nd Edition: Their Development and Transmission Roy C Anderson
December 2004 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851998640 £90 / €115 / US$170
February 2000 / 672 pages / HB / 9780851994215 £150 / €195 / US$290
Fetal Nutrition and Adult Disease: Programming of Chronic Disease through Fetal Exposure to Undernutrition Simon C Langley-Evans
Egg Nutrition and Biotechnology Jeong S Sim, Shuryo Nakai, Wilhelm Guenter
August 2004 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851998213
£105 / €135 / US$200
The Trypanosomiases Ian Maudlin, Peter H Holmes, Michael A Miles
July 2004 / 624 pages / HB / 9780851994758
£135 / €175 / US$255
Molecular Nutrition Janos Zempleni, Hannelore Daniel
August 2003 / 432 pages / PB / 9780851996790
£45 / €60 / US$85
Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory Methods and Research Applications Steven A Abrams, William W Wong
April 2003 / 192 pages / HB / 9780851996769
£75 / €100 / US$145
£115 / €150 / US$220
Health, Nutrition and Food Demand Wen S Chern, Kyrre Rickertsen
March 2003 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996479
£90 / €115 / US$170
Disease-related Malnutrition: An Evidence-based Approach to Treatment Rebecca J Stratton, Ceri J Green, Marinos Elia
January 2003 / 848 pages / HB / 9780851996486
The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 2: Sensory Reception and Behaviour Alan N Clements
June 1999 / 752 pages / HB / 9780851993133
£150 / €195 / US$290
Macrocyclic Lactones in Antiparasitic Therapy J Vercruysse, R S Rew
December 2002 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851996172 £120 / €155 / US$230
£130 / €170 / US$250
Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease Tapan K Basu, N Temple, Manohar L Garg
May 1999 / 464 pages / HB / 9780851993348
£115 / €150 / US$220
Fasciolosis John P Dalton
March 1999 / 552 pages / HB / 9780851992600
Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins J P F D'Mello
April 2003 / 480 pages / HB / 9780851996073
December 1999 / 512 pages / HB / 9780851993300 £135 / €175 / US$255
human health, food and nutrition
April 2007 / 960 pages / HB / 9781845930752
£135 / €175 / US$255
Tsetse Biology and Ecology: Their Role in the Epidemiology and Control of Trypanosomosis Stephen G A Leak
December 1998 / 592 pages / HB / 9780851993003 £115 / €150 / US$220 Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS in the Tropics Om P Arya, Charles A Hart
October 1998 / 448 pages / HB / 9780851992624
£110 / €140 / US$210
Occupational Blood-borne Infections: Risk and Management Christopher H Collins, D A Kennedy
November 1997 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851991672 £105 / €135 / US$200 Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Duane J Gubler, Goro Kuno
October 1997 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851991344
£120 / €155 / US$230 51
Tourism Peter Robinson, University of Wolverhampton, UK, Michael Lück, AUT University Auckland, New Zealand and Stephen L J Smith, University of Waterloo, Canada Introducing tourism as an academic subject, this book is equally relevant to leisure, events, transport and travel, hospitality and business studies courses, and uses pedagogic features and informative industry case studies to help reinforce important concepts and aid learning. Tourism begins by addressing tourism perspectives – defining tourism and setting it in a real-world business and economic context, before considering tourism people with a two-pronged approach – those employed in the tourism sector and travellers, visitors and holidaymakers who consume tourism products. Thereafter the operational elements of tourism are described in depth: the infrastructure, facilities, legislation, financing, destination management and destination strategy that support tourism operations. Tourism development is the theme of the next section, introducing the concepts of planning, the role of organizations, tourism impacts, rural tourism, resources and sustainability. The book concludes with a discussion of tourism futures – tourism research, change, postmodernism and globalisation, and describes emerging tourism trends such as space tourism, virtual reality and the slow movement.
leisure and tourism
May 2013 / c.544 pages / PB / 9781845939762 May 2013 / c.544 pages / HB / 9781780642970
£45 / €60 / US$85 £99.95 / €130 / US$190
Entertainment Management Towards Best Practice CABI Tourism Texts
Edited by Stuart Moss and Ben Walmsley, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Following on from The Entertainment Industry: An Introduction, Entertainment Management takes the next step in the development of entertainment as a practice and academic subject. The book discusses best practices in the entertainment industry, profiling a different discipline per chapter. Areas of the industry discussed include marketing, PR, the media, live events, artist management, arts and culture, consultancy and visitor attractions. The book reflects the knowledge students need for the real world of entertainment management such as technical standards, business management, people management, economic aspects and legal issues. Each chapter discusses the background, best practice management principles, case studies and future trends. August 2013 / c.256 pages / PB / 9781780640235 August 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780640228
£39.95 / €55 / US$75 £85 / €110 / US$160
Facilities Management and Development for Tourism, Hospitality and Events CABI Tourism Texts
Edited by Ahmed Hassanien, Edinburgh Napier University, UK and Crispin Dale, University of Wolverhampton, UK Facilities planning for tourism, hospitality and events (THE) is an important subject from both theoretical and applied perspectives, as land, property and resources represent major components of the foundation of the industry. As future managers, it is imperative that students have a sound basic knowledge of property and the various resources, systems and services associated with it. Covering important contemporary subjects such as sustainable planning and environmental management, this book considers the planning, development and management of facilities operations from several key perspectives, drawing upon the expertise of complementary experts in the design, management and development of THE facilities. June 2013 / c.328 pages / PB / 9781780640341
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Garden Tourism Richard W Benfield, Central Connecticut State University, USA Garden visitation has been a tourism motivator for many years and can now be enjoyed in many different forms. Private garden visiting, historical garden tourism, urban gardens, and many festivals, shows and events all allow the green-fingered enthusiast to appreciate the natural world. This book traces the history of garden visitation and examines tourist motivations to visit gardens. Useful for garden managers and tourism students as well as casual readers, it also examines management and marketing of gardens for tourism purposes, before concluding with a detailed look at the form and tourism-based role of gardens in the future. £35 / €45 / US$70
Nautical Tourism Edited by Tihomir Lukovic, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia Nautical tourism encompasses sailing, yachting, cruising and diving, as well as harbour-side developments, coastal water sports, port tours, and marine heritage destinations. It is an industry that has been developing rapidly in scope and economic status and continues to do so. By considering economic growth, sustainable development, international policy, consumer demand and the world market, this book provides a timely analysis of nautical tourism in Europe, examining the provision and expansion of nautical tourism in economies at different stages of development. It also covers nautical tourism in the Pacific, providing an interesting analysis of two very different markets. Written by international contributors, the book features case studies that further explore current concepts within nautical tourism. June 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780642444
International Volunteer Tourism, 2nd Edition Research, Theory and Practice Stephen Wearing, University of Technology, Sydney and Nancy Gard McGehee, Virginia Tech, USA Volunteer tourism has increased in popularity and is no longer considered only a small section of alternative tourism. Concentrating on the experience of the volunteer and the host community, this new edition builds on the view of volunteer tourism as a positive and sustainable form of tourism to examine a broader spectrum of behaviours and experiences and consider critically how the tourist experience compliments and collides with host communities, using multiple case studies. August 2013 / c.208 pages / HB / 9781845936969 £65 / €85 / US$125
£75 / €100 / US$145
leisure and tourism
May 2013 / c.272 pages / PB / 9781780641959
Research Themes for Events Edited by Rebecca Finkel, Queen Margaret University, UK, David McGillivray, University of the West of Scotland, UK, Gayle McPherson, University of the West of Scotland, UK and Peter Robinson, University of Wolverhampton, UK Research Themes for Events builds on the practical study of events management by examining aspects of the events industry from a research perspective. Authors from across the globe present snapshot treatments of different features of the events sector to act as a reference point for choosing topics of further study and to provide a useful starting point for most tourism and events modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. August 2013 / c.272 pages / HB / 9781780642529 £85 / €110 / US$160
Cultural Tourism
Transformational Tourism
Edited by Razaq Raj, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, Kevin A Griffin, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland and Nigel D Morpeth, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Tourist Perspectives
This book provides a broad discussion of cultural tourism as a concept and the way it is implemented in diverse regions around the world. It addresses the notion of cultural tourism, what it means to tourism as an industry, and types of cultural tourism. Many international case studies on specific aspects are included, and current topics such as the relationship between cultural tourism and sustainability are discussed. February 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781845939236 £75 / €100 / US$145
Edited by Yvette Reisinger, James Cook Australia Institute of Higher Learning, Singapore Transformational Tourism deals with the important issue of how travel and tourism can change human behaviour and have a positive impact on the world. The book focuses on human development in a world dominated by post-9/11 security and political challenges, economic and financial collapses, and environmental threats. It identifies various types of tourism that can transform human beings, such as educational, volunteer, survival, community-based, eco, farm, extreme, religious, spiritual, wellness, and mission tourism.
leisure and tourism
April 2013 / c.256 pages / HB / 9781780642093 £75 / €100 / US$145
The Host Gaze in Global Tourism
Cultural Tourism Research Methods
Edited by Omar Moufakkir, Group Sup de Co La Rochelle, France and Yvette Reisinger, James Cook Australia Institute of Higher Learning, Singapore
Greg Richards, Tourism Research and Marketing, Barcelona, Spain and Wil Munsters, Zuyd University, The Netherlands
Most tourism theories are developed from the tourists’ perspective and focus on the Anglo-American experience. This book is the first to look at the host gaze: how it is constructed, how it has developed, how it varies between countries and how the tourism industry can affect it. By looking at the gazes of both Western and non-Western hosts, this book analyses the consequences such a gaze can have upon the tourist.
Cultural tourism applies to tourism activity based on visitors’ experience of local culture, traditions and lifestyle, participation in artsrelated activities, and visits to amenities such as museums and galleries. Now available in paperback, this book provides a practical guide on how to conduct the research as well as a discussion and evaluation of the methods, making it an ideal resource for students and researchers in leisure and tourism.
December 2012 / 280 pages / HB / 9781780640211 £85 / €110 / US$160
November 2012 / 248 pages / PB / 9781780642291 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 June 2010 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845935184 £65 / €85 / US$125
Responsible Tourism
Managing Outdoor Recreation
Concepts, Theory and Practice
Case Studies in the National Parks
Edited by David Leslie, formerly of Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Robert E Manning and Laura E Anderson, University of Vermont, USA
Responsible tourism is concerned with the effects of tourism on people, ecology, and communities, and seeks to ameliorate these impacts by providing tourism which benefits host communities, improves working conditions, involves the local community, promotes cultural heritage, and benefits the environment. This book discusses responsible tourism as a whole, including the politics, policy and planning behind it, and the major subject sub-topics, such as poverty reduction, the environment, transport, governance, wildlife tours and heritage. September 2012 / 192 pages / HB / 9781845939878 £65 / €85 / US$125
The popularity of outdoor recreation and ecotourism continues to grow worldwide, but there is little systematic information on successful management practices in National Parks. This book presents the issue of how to manage outdoor recreation in ways that protect the integrity of park resources and the quality of the visitor experience. Using case studies drawn from the U.S. National Park System, it illustrates a range of successful management approaches that can be applied worldwide. August 2012 / 256 pages / PB / 9781780641874 £35 / €45 / US$70 August 2012 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845939311 £75 / €100 / US$145
Frameworks for Tourism Research
Rethinking Park Protection
Douglas G Pearce, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Treading the Uncommon Ground of Environmental Beliefs
Frameworks structure, organize and communicate research, underpin individual studies and shape the field of study as a whole. This book provides the first comprehensive and systematic review and critique of frameworks for tourism research. Theoretical, conceptual, analytical and integrative frameworks are all covered in detail, with the features, use, strengths and limitations of each form discussed and illustrated using a wide range of examples and applications across the field of tourism studies. May 2012 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845938987 £75 / €100 / US$145
Will LaPage, former Director of New Hampshire State Parks and Historic Sites, USA Outdated belief that parks are non-essential leisure services rather than necessities for modern life influences park management in today’s society. They are treated as natural resources rather than national assets. These current management approaches often lead to deferred maintenance on park infrastructure, causing inadequate protection from vandalism, poaching, and theft of artefacts. This book aims to challenge readers to reconsider their beliefs about parks and their purpose in modern life. May 2012 / 224 pages / PB / 9781780640013 £25 / €32.5 / US$50
Controversies in Tourism Omar Moufakkir, Peter M Burns
December 2011 / 280 pages / HB / 9781845938130
Conservation Tourism Ralf C Buckley
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Business and Management of Ocean Cruises Michael Vogel, Alexis Papathanassis, Ben Wolber
November 2011 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845938451
£65 / €85 / US$125
Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications Youcheng Wang, Abraham Pizam
£85 / €110 / US$160
Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Muzaffer Uysal, William E Hammitt, Jerry J Vaske
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Tourist Destination Governance: Practice, Theory and Issues Eric Laws, Harold Richins, Jerome F Agrusa, Noel Scott
May 2011 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845937942
£65 / €85 / US$125
Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Muzaffer Uysal, William E Hammitt, Jerry J Vaske
May 2011 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845938918
£75 / €100 / US$145
Strategic Management in Tourism, 2nd Edition Luiz Moutinho
March 2011 / 328 pages / PB / 9781845935887
£39.95 / €55 / US$75
Medical Tourism John Connell
March 2011 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845936600
£65 / €85 / US$125
Island Tourism: Sustainable Perspectives Jack Carlsen, Richard W Butler
March 2011 / 264 pages / HB / 9781845936792
£75 / €100 / US$145
Research Themes for Tourism Peter Robinson, Sine Heitmann, Peter U C Dieke
January 2011 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845936846
£75 / €100 / US$145
Disappearing Destinations: Climate Change and Future Challenges for Coastal Tourism Andrew L Jones, Michael Phillips
December 2010 / 296 pages / HB / 9781845935481
September 2010 / 208 pages / PB / 9781845936617
£35 / €45 / US$70
Events Management Peter Robinson, Debra Wale, Geoff Dickson
September 2011 / 360 pages / HB / 9781845937423 £85 / €110 / US$160
May 2011 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845937638
£65 / €85 / US$125
Food and Wine Tourism: Integrating Food, Travel and Territory Erica Croce, Giovanni Perri
Planning for Tourism, Leisure and Sustainability: International Case Studies Anthony S Travis
August 2011 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845937621
October 2010 / 232 pages / HB / 9781845936655
£65 / €85 / US$125
Tourism and Inequality: Problems and Prospects Stroma Cole, Nigel Morgan
November 2010 / 248 pages / PB / 9781845936907 £35 / €45 / US$70 November 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845936624 £80 / €105 / US$150
September 2010 / 256 pages / PB / 9781845936822
£35 / €45 / US$70
Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 3rd Edition A J Veal
September 2010 / 472 pages / PB / 9781845935238 £39.95 / €55 / US$75 Giants of Tourism Richard W Butler, Roslyn Russell
July 2010 / 312 pages / HB / 9781845936525
£70 / €90 / US$135
Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 2: Methods and Cases Peter M Burns, Jo-Anne M Lester, Lyn Bibbings
June 2010 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845936112
£75 / €100 / US$145
leisure and tourism
May 2012 / 224 pages / HB / 9781845939991 £55 / €70 / US$105
Tourism, Progress and Peace Omar Moufakkir, Ian Kelly
May 2010 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845936778
£65 / €85 / US$125
Practical Tourism Research Stephen L. J. Smith
April 2010 / 272 pages / PB / 9781845936327
£35 / €45 / US$70
Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 1: Theories and Concepts Peter M Burns, Catherine A Palmer, Jo-Anne M Lester
April 2010 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845936099
£75 / €100 / US$145
Tourism and Generation Y Pierre J Benckendorff, Gianna Moscardo, Donna Pendergast
December 2009 / 184 pages / HB / 9781845936013
£60 / €80 / US$115
City Tourism: National Capital Perspectives Robert Maitland, Brent W Ritchie
November 2009 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845935467 £80 / €105 / US$150 The Entertainment Industry: An Introduction Stuart Moss
October 2009 / 400 pages / PB / 9781845935511 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.5 Event Management and Sustainability Razaq Raj, James Musgrave
September 2009 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845935245 £65 / €85 / US$125 Contemporary Tourist Behaviour: Yourself and Others as Tourists David Bowen, Jackie Clarke
August 2009 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845935207
£35 / €45 / US$70
People and Work in Events and Conventions: A Research Perspective Thomas Baum, Margaret Deery, Clare Hanlon, Leonie Lockstone, Karen A Smith, Charles Arcodia
June 2009 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845934767
£60 / €80 / US$115
November 2007 / 368 pages / PB / 9780851998091 £37.50 / €50 / US$72.50 November 2007 / 368 pages / HB / 9781845933463 £75 / €100 / US$145
Tourism Strategies and Local Responses in Southern Africa Petri Hottola
Tourism and Gender: Embodiment, Sensuality and Experience Annette Pritchard, Nigel Morgan, Irena Ateljevic, Candice Harris
June 2009 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845935085
August 2007 / 352 pages / HB / 9781845932718
£70 / €90 / US$135
Marine Ecotourism: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Carl I Cater, Erlet Cater
April 2009 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845934828
June 2007 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845932596
£80 / €105 / US$150
£75 / €100 / US$145
Tourism Behaviour: Travellers’ Decisions and Actions Roger StG March, Arch G Woodside
Understanding Western Tourists in Developing Countries Ton van Egmond
March 2009 / 228 pages / PB / 9781845935870
May 2007 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845931957
£35 / €45 / US$70
February 2009 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845935030
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
£65 / €85 / US$125
Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective Razaq Raj, Nigel D Morpeth
May 2007 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845932251
River Tourism Bruce Prideaux, Malcolm J M Cooper
February 2009 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845934682
£65 / €85 / US$125
£65 / €85 / US$125
Prospects for Polar Tourism John Snyder, Bernard Stonehouse
May 2007 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845932473
Ecotourism: Principles and Practices Ralf C Buckley
November 2008 / 384 pages / PB / 9781845934576 £29.95 / €40 / US$55
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Global Theme Park Industry Salvador Anton Clavé
April 2007 / 480 pages / PB / 9781845932084
Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability, 2nd Edition: Linking Culture and the Environment Stephen F McCool, R N Moisey
£37.50 / €50 / US$72.50
Tourism and Protected Areas: Benefits Beyond Boundaries Robyn Bushell, Paul F J Eagles
November 2008 / 320 pages / HB / 9781845934705 £75 / €100 / US$145
March 2007 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851990224
The Tourism Society’s Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, 3rd Edition Verite Reily Collins
Tourism, Culture and Regeneration Melanie Smith
October 2008 / 152 pages / PB / 9781845934491
December 2006 / 240 pages / PB / 9781845931308 £38 / €50 / US$72.50
£14.95 / €20 / US$30
£60 / €80 / US$115
Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver
Crisis Management in Tourism Eric Laws, Bruce Prideaux, Kaye Chon
August 2008 / 224 pages / PB / 9781845934552
December 2006 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845930479 £80 / €105 / US$150
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism Ralf C Buckley
Tourism in Peripheries Dieter K Muller, Bruno Jannson
August 2008 / 416 pages / PB / 9781845934569
£35 / €45 / US$70
November 2006 / 288 pages / HB / 9781845931773
Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development Gianna Moscardo
Adventure Tourism Ralf C Buckley
August 2008 / 200 pages / HB / 9781845934477
October 2006 / 336 pages / PB / 9781845931223
£60 / €80 / US$115
Ecotourism and Conservation in the Americas Amanda Stronza, Wiliiam H Durham
August 2008 / 208 pages / HB / 9781845934002
£75 / €100 / US$145
August 2008 / 336 pages / HB / 9781845934255
£80 / €105 / US$150
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments Michael Lück
May 2008 / 880 pages / HB / 9781845933500
£105 / €135 / US$200
Free Time and Leisure Participation: International Perspectives Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, Jiri Zuzanek
March 2008 / 320 pages / PB / 9781845934538
£35 / €45 / US$70
Journeys of Discovery in Volunteer Tourism: International Case Study Perspectives Kevin D Lyons, Stephen Wearing
February 2008 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845933807
October 2006 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845930653
£40 / €55 / US$75
£65 / €85 / US$125
Tourism in the New Europe: The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement D Hall, Melanie Smith, Barbara Marciszweska
September 2006 / 352 pages / PB / 9781845931179
Tourism and Mobilities: Local Global Connections Peter M Burns, Marina Novelli
July 2008 / 248 pages / HB / 9781845934040
£65 / €85 / US$125
Growing Older: Tourism and Leisure Behaviour of Older Adults Ian Patterson
Tourism Development: Growth, Myths and Inequalities Peter M Burns, Marina Novelli
£40 / €55 / US$75
Tourism, Consumption and Representation: Narratives of Place and Self Kevin Meethan, Alison Anderson, Steve Miles
September 2006 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996783 £65 / €85 / US$125 Global Wine Tourism Jack Carlsen, Stephen Charters
September 2006 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845931704 £70 / €90 / US$135 Managing Tourism and Hospitality Services: Theory and International Applications Bruce Prideaux, Gianna Moscardo, Eric Laws
September 2006 / 384 pages / HB / 9781845930127 £75 / €100 / US$145 £65 / €85 / US$125
Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management James E S Higham, Michael Lück
December 2007 / 416 pages / HB / 9781845933456 £85 / €110 / US$160 Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and Strategy Arch G Woodside, Drew Martin
December 2007 / 592 pages / HB / 9781845933234 £95 / €125 / US$180
Leisure in Contemporary Society, 2nd Edition Ken Roberts
August 2006 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845930691 £27.50 / €35 / US$52.50 Pink Tourism: Holidays of Gay Men and Lesbians Howard L Hughes
August 2006 / 256 pages / HB / 9781845930769
£65 / €85 / US$125
Indigenous Ecotourism: Sustainable Development and Management Heather D Zeppel
August 2006 / 272 pages / HB / 9781845931247
£75 / €100 / US$145
Agritourism Michal Sznajder, Lucyna Przezborska-Skobiej, Frank Scrimgeour
Operations Management in the Travel Industry Peter Robinson
leisure and tourism
The Olympic Games, 2nd Edition: A Social Science Perspective Kristine Toohey, A.J. Veal
£70 / €90 / US$135
August 2006 / 304 pages / HB / 9781845930660
£75 / €100 / US$145
Ecotourism in Scandinavia: Lessons in Theory and Practice Stefan Gössling, Johan Hultman
August 2006 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845931346
£75 / €100 / US$145
Cruise Ship Tourism Ross K Dowling
August 2006 / 480 pages / HB / 9781845930486
£95 / €125 / US$180
Multiple Dwelling and Tourism: Negotiating Place, Home and Identity Norman McIntyre, Daniel Williams, Kevin McHugh
July 2006 / 368 pages / PB / 9781845931209
£70 / €90 / US$135
Destination Recommendation Systems: Behavioural Foundations and Applications Daniel R Fesenmaier, Karl W Wöber, Hannes Werthner
July 2006 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851990231
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and Their Cultures Laurence A G Moss
July 2006 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851990842
£75 / €100 / US$145
Vacation Decision-Making Alain Decrop
April 2006 / 240 pages / HB / 9781845930400
£65 / €85 / US$125
A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism Terminology, 2nd Edition Allan Beaver
November 2005 / 384 pages / PB / 9780851990200
£35 / €45 / US$70
Tourism Behaviour: Travellers’ Decisions and Actions Roger StG March, Arch G Woodside
October 2005 / 228 pages / HB / 9780851990217
£75 / €100 / US$145
Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators Graham Miller, Louise Twining-Ward
September 2005 / 368 pages / PB / 9780851990514
Volunteering as Leisure/Leisure as Volunteering: An International Assessment Robert A Stebbins, Margaret Graham
April 2004 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851997506
£70 / €90 / US$135
The Family Business in Tourism and Hospitality Donald Getz, Jack Carlsen, Alison Morrison
April 2004 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851998084
£70 / €90 / US$135
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure: Volume 3 Geoffrey I Crouch, Richard R Perdue, Harry J P Timmermans, Muzaffer Uysal
January 2004 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851997490
£100 / €130 / US$190
Destination Benchmarking: Concepts, Practices and Operations Metin Kozak
December 2003 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851997452
£70 / €90 / US$135
Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver
October 2003 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851997322
£70 / €90 / US$135
Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis: A Strategic Marketing Approach David Beirman
July 2003 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851997292
£35 / €45 / US$70
Case Studies in Ecotourism Ralf C Buckley
April 2003 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851996653
£70 / €90 / US$135
Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism Christine Williams, John Buswell
March 2003 / 256 pages / PB / 9780851995410
£40 / €55 / US$75
The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism David B Weaver
March 2003 / 688 pages / PB / 9780851996820
£60 / €80 / US$115
Ecotourism Policy and Planning David A Fennell, Ross K Dowling
£40 / €55 / US$75
February 2003 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996097
Tourism Research Methods: Integrating Theory with Practice Brent W Ritchie, Peter M Burns, Catherine A Palmer
Tourism in Destination Communities Shalini Singh, Dallen J Timothy, Ross K Dowling
June 2005 / 256 pages / PB / 9780851999968
January 2003 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996110
£29.95 / €40 / US$55
Tourism SMES, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness Eleri Jones, Claire Haven-Tang
Ecotourism Programme Planning David A Fennell
June 2005 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851990118
October 2002 / 304 pages / PB / 9780851996103
£80 / €105 / US$150
The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective J RB Ritchie, Geoffrey I Crouch
A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism Terminology Allan Beaver
May 2005 / 304 pages / PB / 9781845930103 £32.50 / €42.50 / US$62.50 July 2003 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851996646 £80 / €105 / US$150
August 2002 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851995823
£90 / €115 / US$170
£70 / €90 / US$135
£35 / €45 / US$70
£80 / €105 / US$150
Free Time and Leisure Participation: International Perspectives Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, Jiri Zuzanek
Benchmarking in Tourism and Hospitality Industries: The Selection of Benchmarking Partners Karl W Wöber
March 2005 / 320 pages / HB / 9780851996202
August 2002 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851995533
£70 / €90 / US$135
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World Graham M S Dann
Improving Tourism and Hospitality Services Eric Laws
October 2004 / 224 pages / PB / 9780851999951
£35 / €45 / US$70
June 2002 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851996066
£75 / €100 / US$145
New Horizons in Tourism: Strange Experiences and Stranger Practices Tej V Singh
Tourism in Western Europe: A Collection of Case Histories Richard Voase
September 2004 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851998633 £70 / €90 / US$135
November 2001 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851995724
Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism Ralf C Buckley
Volunteer Tourism: Experiences that Make a Difference Stephen Wearing
August 2004 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851998107
£100 / €130 / US$190
October 2001 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851994338 £40 / €55 / US$75 £90 / €115 / US$170
Tourism and Transition: Governance, Transformation and Development D Hall
June 2004 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851997483
£70 / €90 / US$135
Tourism and the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies David Harrison
May 2004 / 288 pages / PB / 9780851998305
October 2001 / 240 pages / HB / 9780851995335
£70 / €90 / US$135
£65 / €85 / US$125
Tourism and the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies David Harrison
Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas: Planning and Management Paul F J Eagles, Stephen F McCool
July 2004 / 336 pages / PB / 9780851999098 July 2004 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851995892
leisure and tourism
Tourism and Welfare: Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainable Well-being D Hall, Frances Brown
£90 / €115 / US$170
Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice Lesley Roberts, D Hall
August 2001 / 272 pages / PB / 9780851995403
£35 / €45 / US$70
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 2 Josef A Mazanec, Geoffrey I Crouch , Arch G Woodside
June 2001 / 368 pages / HB / 9780851995359
£75 / €100 / US$145
£35 / €45 / US$70 57
Cultural Attractions and European Tourism Greg Richards
Tourism and Cultural Conflicts Michael Robinson, Priscilla Boniface
March 2001 / 272 pages / HB / 9780851994406
£75 / €100 / US$145
Tourism Ecolabelling: Certification and Promotion Xavier Font, Ralf C Buckley
March 2001 / 392 pages / HB / 9780851995069
Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism Luiz Moutinho
£90 / €115 / US$170
The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism David B Weaver
March 2001 / 688 pages / HB / 9780851993683
September 1998 / 224 pages / HB / 9780851992860 £65 / €85 / US$125 Ecotourism in the Less Developed World David B Weaver
£120 / €155 / US$230
March 1998 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851992235
£75 / €100 / US$145
Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism William C Gartner, David W Lime
Leisure Management: Issues and Applications Michael F Collins, Ian S Cooper
August 2000 / 496 pages / HB / 9780851994031
December 1997 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851992150 £90 / €115 / US$170
£90 / €115 / US$170
Strategic Management in Tourism Luiz Moutinho
May 2000 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851992822
Tourism Information Technology Pauline J Sheldon
£30 / €40 / US$55
Leisure Education, Community Development and Populations with Special Needs Atara Sivan, Hillel Ruskin
May 2000 / 216 pages / HB / 9780851994444
£75 / €100 / US$145
Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions Pamela Godde, Martin Price, F M Zimmermann
January 2000 / 352 pages / HB / 9780851993911
£90 / €115 / US$170
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure,: Volume 1 Arch G Woodside, Geoffrey I Crouch, Josef A Mazanec, Martin Oppermann, Marcia Sakai
November 1997 / 240 pages / PB / 9780851991818
September 1997 / 416 pages / HB / 9780851991849 £100 / €130 / US$190 World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village Grant Cushman , Jiri Zuzanek
July 1996 / 288 pages / HB / 9780851989754
April 1996 / 304 pages / HB / 9780851989990
Sustainable Tourism Management John Swarbrooke
June 1993 / 352 pages / PB / 9780851989501
Electronic Information Distribution in Tourism and Hospitality Peter O’Connor
March 1999 / 176 pages / PB / 9780851992839
£45 / €60 / US$85
£75 / €100 / US$145
The Language of Tourism: A Sociolinguistic Perspective Graham M S Dann Tourism, Technology and Competitive Strategies Auliana Poon
£30 / €40 / US$55
£35 / €45 / US$70
Tourism and Sustainability: Principles to Practice M J Stabler
December 1999 / 400 pages / HB / 9780851993225 £100 / €130 / US$190
June 1999 / 384 pages / PB / 9780851993140
December 1998 / 336 pages / HB / 9780851992723 £100 / €130 / US$190
£75 / €100 / US$145
£35 / €45 / US$70
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, 2 Volume Set Ian R Bowler, Christopher Bryant, Duane Nellis
January 1992 / 624 pages / HB / 9780851988139
£135 / €175 / US$255
title index Advancement of Veterinary Science, Volume 1, The
Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae
Biotechnology and Integrated Pest Management
Advancement of Veterinary Science, Volume 4, The
Aphids as Crop Pests
Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management
Advances in Mycorrhizal Science and Technology
Aphids on the World’s Trees
Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources
Advances in Stored Product Protection
Apples 21
Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
Adventure Tourism
Application Technology for Crop Protection
African Cereal Stem Borers
Applied Animal Endocrinology, 2nd Edition
Biotechnology in the Developing World and Countries in Economic Transition
Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops
Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants
African Food Crisis, The African Seed Enterprises
8 7
Applied Mycology Applied Nutrition for Young Pigs
27 43
African Smallholders
Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology, 2nd Edition
Against the Grain
Aquaculture, 2nd Edition
Agribusiness Reforms in China
Aquatic Insects
Agricultural Biotechnology
Architecture and Biology of Soils, The
Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property
Areawide Pest Management
Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade
Arthropod Pests of Horticultural Crops in Tropical Asia
Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development
Avian Gut Function in Health and Disease
Agricultural Groundwater Revolution, The
Avocado, 2nd Edition, The
Agricultural Management Economics
Azuki Bean
Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization
7 9
Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability
Banana Wars
Agricultural Seed Production
Bananas and Plantains, 2nd Edition
Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights Agriculture and International Trade
34 23 9 8
Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse, 2nd Edition, The
44 50 8 18 42
Behaviour of Cattle, The
Behaviour of the Domestic Cat, 2nd Edition, The
Behavioural Biology of Dogs, The
Agriculture and World Trade Liberalisation
Behavioural Ecology of Parasites, The
Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems
Benchmarking in Tourism and Hospitality Industries
Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality Agri-food Chain Relationships
34 7
Agritourism 56 Agrobiodiversity 9 Agrobiodiversity Conservation Agrobiodiversity Management for Food Security
31 7
Allium Crop Science
Alternative Systems for Poultry
Amenity Migrants, The
Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition
Amino Acids in Human Nutrition and Health
An Introduction to Economics, 3rd Edition
Animal and Human Health and Welfare
Animal Domestication and Behavior
Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture
Animal Nutrition Science
Animal Science Reviews 2010
Animal Science Reviews 2011
Animal Welfare and Meat Production, 2nd Edition
Animal Welfare, 2nd Edition
Antimicrobial Drug Discovery
Antimicrobial Peptides
Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease
Bread, Beer and the Seeds of Change
Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals, 3rd Edition 42 Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production
Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development
Business and Management of Ocean Cruises, The
Busseola Fusca (Fuller), The African Maize Stalk Borer
Camel Meat and Meat Products
CAP and the Regions, The CAP Regimes and the European Countryside
8 9
Carbohydrates in Grain Legume Seeds
Carrots and Related Vegetable Umbelliferae
Case Studies in Ecotourism
Cassava 22 Cattle, Deforestation and Development in the Amazon
Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union
9 10 50
Bioconversion of Forest and Agricultural Plant Residues
Chemical Pesticide Markets, Health Risks and Residues
Chemistry of Spices
Biodiversity Information
Biodiversity of West African Forests
Chemical Food Safety
Alfalfa and Relatives
Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice
Bond Scheme for Common Agricultural Policy Reform, A
Bioassays of Entomopathogenic Microbes and Nematodes
Agroforestry for Soil Management, 2nd Edition
Blueberries 18
Cereals Sector Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe
Agro-food Marketing
Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries
Biotic Interactions in Plant-Pathogen Associations
Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture, Food and the Environment 27
Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes 32
Agro-industries for Development
Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture, The
Biofuels 7 Biological Control
Biological Control in IPM Systems in Africa
Biological Control in the Tropics
Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests
Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981-2000
Biological Indicators of Soil Health
Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes
Biology of Animal Stress, The Biology of Breeding Poultry
9 43
Biology of Grasses, The
Biology of Hevea Rubber
Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 1, The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 2, The
46 51
Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 3, The
Biology of Seeds, The
Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs, The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies, The
22 22
Biopesticides 16 Biorational Tree Fruit Pest Management Biostatistics for Animal Science, 2nd Edition
19 43
Cherries 24 Chickpea Breeding and Management
China’s Livestock Revolution
Citrus 24 Citrus Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology
Citrus Mites
City Tourism
Climate Change and Crop Production
Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity
Climate Change Biology
Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins
Climate Change in Developing Countries
Climate Change Mitigation and European Land Use Policies
Coelomycetes, The
Coffee Pests, Diseases and their Management
Coffee Wilt Disease
Coffee, Cocoa and Tea
Cold Hardiness in Plants
Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity
Colletotrichum 10 Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies
Common Agricultural Policy and Organic Farming, The
Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition, The
Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Control, 3rd Edition
Communicable Diseases, 4th Edition
Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries 32
Ecotourism and Conservation in the Americas
Dairy Sheep Nutrition
Ecotourism in Scandinavia
Deafness in Dogs and Cats
Ecotourism in the Less Developed World
Ecotourism Policy and Planning
Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development
Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes
Ecotourism Programme Planning
Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Egg Nutrition and Biotechnology
Competition and Succession in Pastures
Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, 2nd Edition
Competitive Destination, The
Desiccation and Survival in Plants
Electronic Information Distribution in Tourism and Hospitality ??????
Destination Benchmarking
Comparative Animal Nutrition and Metabolism Comparative Avian Nutrition
Computer Assisted Identification Scheme for Terverticillate Penicillium Isolates
Destination Marketing and Management
Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources
Destination Recommendation Systems
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests
Development of Brain and Behaviour in the Chicken, The
Conservation of Cultural Landscape, The
Development with Identity
Conservation Tourism
Dictionary of Entomology, 2nd Edition, A
Conserving Land, Protecting Water
Dictionary of Forestry, The
46 8 42 34
Employment Dynamics in Rural Europe
Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare, The 43 Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections, The
Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, The
Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Nutrition, The
Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts, The
Encyclopedia of Seeds, The
20 56
Conserving Plant Genetic Diversity in Protected Areas
Dictionary of Natural Resource Management
Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments, The
Conserving Soil Resources
Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th Edition
Encyclopedia of Vitamin E, The
Constituents of Medicinal Plants, The
Dictionary of Travel and Tourism Terminology, 2nd Edition, A
Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants
Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods
Dietary Supplements for the Health and Quality of Cultured Fish
Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals
Entertainment Industry, The
Entertainment Management
Entomopathogenic Nematology
Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 3
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 2
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, 2 Volume Set
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, Volume 1
Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition, Volume 2
Contemporary Tourist Behaviour
Contracting for Agricultural Extension
Digestive Physiology of Pigs
Directory of Chinese Agricultural and Related Organizations
Disappearing Destinations
Disease Resistance in Wheat
Disease-related Malnutrition
Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture
Diseases of Banana, Abaca and Enset
Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests 34 Environmental Heritage of Soviet Agriculture, The
Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops
19 33 56
Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables, 2nd Edition
Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops
Environmental Impact of Invertebrates for Biological Control of Arthropods
Diseases of Tropical Pasture Plants
Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 1
Distribution Maps of Quarantine Pests for Europe
Environmental Impacts of Pasture-based Farming
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 2
Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health, 2nd Edition
Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 3
Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare, 4th Edition
Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control
Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 4
Domestic Duck Production
Controlling Mineral Emissions in European Agriculture
Dormancy in Plants
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 1
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 2
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 3
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 4
Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition
Equine Artificial Insemination
Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management, 3rd Edition
Essential Oil Crops
Ethology of Domestic Animals, 2nd Edition, The
European Environment and CAP Reform, The
European Woods and Forests
Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control
Event Management and Sustainability
Events Management
Experimental Design and Analysis in Animal Sciences
Experimental Statistics for Agriculture and Horticulture
External Parasites of Small Ruminants
Family Business in Tourism and Hospitality, The
Farm Animal Behaviour
Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition
Controversies in Tourism
Convention on Biological Diversity and Product Commercialisation in Development Assistance Projects, The 22 Coping with Risk in Agriculture
Crisis Management in Tourism
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
Crocodiles 44 Crop Plant Anatomy
Crop Pollination by Bees
Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crops/Livestock Farming Systems
Crop Science
Crop Stress Management and Global Climate Change
Crop Variety Improvement and its Effect on Productivity
Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use
Crop-Soil Simulation Models
Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry
Cruise Ship Tourism
Cucurbits 10
Dairy Herd Health
Cultural Attractions and European Tourism
Cultural Tourism Research Methods
Cycad Classification
Dairy Goats, Feeding and Nutrition
Driven By Nature
Durian 22 Dynamics of Hired Farm Labour, The
E’ Issues in Agribusiness
Ecohydrology 32 Ecological Engineering for Pest Management Ecological History of European Forests, The
20 35
Ecological World View, The
Ecologically-Based Integrated Pest Management
Ecology and Management of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) 20 Ecology and Management of Grazing Systems, The
Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks, 2nd Edition, The
Ecology of Marine Parasites, 2nd Edition
Ecology of Soil Decomposition, The Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology Economics of Animal Health and Production, The Economics of Landscape and Wildlife Conservation, The Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance, The Economics of Organic Farming, The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture, The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, The
33 9 42 9 8 10 7 43
Ecotourism 56
Farm Business Management: The Human Factor
Farm Business Management: The Core Skills
Fungi as Biocontrol Agents
History of Farming Systems Research, A
Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming Systems
Fungicide Resistance in Crop Protection
Home Parenteral Nutrition
Farm Incomes, Wealth and Agricultural Policy, 4th Edition
Fungicides in Crop Protection
Hormonal Regulation of Farm Animal Growth
Horse Genetics
Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding
Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops
Farming and the Countryside
Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions, The 24
Host Gaze in Global Tourism, The
Fasciolosis 51
Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops 24
Host Plant Resistance to Insects
Feeding and Greening the World
Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization, The
Human-Livestock Interactions, 2nd Edition
Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates
Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Sheep
Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models
Genetically Modified Organisms
Immunology of Host-Ectoparasitic Arthropod Relationships, The 46
Feline Behaviour and Welfare
Genetics of Cattle, The
Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems, The
Fetal Nutrition and Adult Disease
Genetics of Sheep, The
Impact of Science on African Agriculture and Food Security
Genetics of the Dog, 2nd Edition
Improving Animal Welfare
Genetics of the Horse, The
Improving Tourism and Hospitality Services
Genetics of the Pig, 2nd Edition, The
Incentives for Countryside Management
Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control
Indigenous Ecotourism
Giants of Tourism
Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics
Giardia 51
Inducible Gene Expression in Plants
Giardia and Cryptosporidium
Industrial Crops and Uses
GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science
Innovation in Agri-food Clusters
Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research
Finfish Aquaculture Diversification
Fire Blight Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1, 2nd Edition
22 44
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2, 2nd Edition
Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 3, 2nd Edition
Fish Parasites Fishery Co-Management
42 44
Flower Seeds
Fluorides in the Environment
Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Food and Wine Tourism Food Safety Food Safety and International Competitiveness Food Security in Africa and Asia
7 55 9 9 7
Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition
Forage Seed Production, Volume 1
Forest Biodiversity Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa
33 33
Forest Conservation Genetics
Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions
Forest Genetics
Forest History
Forest Policy
Forest Policy for Private Forestry Forest Tourism and Recreation
33 34
Forestry and Climate Change
Forestry and Environmental Change
Forestry Budgets and Accounts
Forestry in a Global Context
Forestry in a Global Context, 2nd Edition
Forestry, Economics and the Environment
Forests and Landscapes
Forests and Society
Forests at the Land–Atmosphere Interface
Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development
Frameworks for Tourism Research
Free Time and Leisure Participation
French-English Horticultural Dictionary, 2nd Edition
Freshwater Nematodes
Fruit Flies of Economic Significance
Fundamentals of Tropical Turf Management
Fungal Families of the World
Fungal Plant Pathogens
34 7
7 7
Global Development of Organic Agriculture
Global Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods
Innovations in Rural Extension
Global Rangelands
Inositol Phosphates
Global Supply Chains, Standards and the Poor
Innovation in Forestry
31 8
Insect Conservation Biology
Global Theme Park Industry, The
Insect Evolutionary Ecology
Global Wine Tourism
Insect Movement
Globalization and the Developing Countries
Insect Pathogens
Globalization and the Least Developed Countries
Insect Pest Management, 2nd Edition
Glycaemic Index, The
Insect Pests and Fresh Horticultural Products
Goat Meat Production and Quality
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry, 2nd Edition
Insecticide Resistance
Insect-resistant Maize
Grapes 19
Insects on Palms
Grass for Dairy Cattle
Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health
Grassland Dynamics
Integrated Natural Resources Management
Grassland Ecophysiology and Grazing Ecology
Integrated Pest Management
Grassland Nitrogen
Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena
Grassland Productivity and Ecosystem Services
Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in Sub-Saharan Africa
Grazing Ecology and Forest History
Integrated Resource and Environmental Management
Greenhouse Gas Sinks
Integrated Watershed Management
Greenhouse Technology and Management, 2nd Edition
Intellectual Property Rights and Food Security
Growing Older
Growth of Farm Animals, 3rd Edition
Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition
Growth of the Pig
Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics 44
Guide to Cultivated Plants
Intensive Sugarcane Production
International Mycology Directory, 3rd Edition
Healing Plants of Peninsular India
International Research on Natural Resource Management
Health Benefits of Organic Food
International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products 20
Health Promotion
Health, Nutrition and Food Demand
Health-promoting Properties of Fruit and Vegetables
Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control
Helicobacter pylori in the 21st Century
Going Organic Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research
Handbook for the Sheep Clinician, 7th Edition, A
7 21
Introduced Mammals of the World
Introduction to Pandemic Influenza
Introductory Probability and Statistics
Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives
Hemp 12
Invasive Alien Plants
Hemp Diseases and Pests
Invasive Alien Species
Herbal Radiomodulators
Invasive Plant Ecology and Management
Heterobasidion annosum
Invasive Plant Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems, 2nd Edition
Invasive Plant Species of the World
Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods
Mason’s World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties, 5th Edition
Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems
Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds, 2nd Edition
Irrigation and Drainage Performance Assessment
Maternal and Perinatal Health in Developing Countries
Irrigation and River Basin Management
Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition
Irrigation Management
Mathematical Models in Agriculture, 2nd Edition
Irrigation Systems
Measurement of Roundwood, The
Irrigation Water Pricing
Measuring and Auditing Broiler Welfare
Island Tourism
Measuring Trees and Forests, 2nd Edition
Japan and World Timber Markets
Meat Science, 2nd Edition
Journeys of Discovery in Volunteer Tourism
Mechanistic Modelling in Pig and Poultry Production
Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd Edition
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 1
Medical Tourism
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2
Medicinal Plant Biotechnology
Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 3
Meliolaceae and Asterinaceae of the Shimba Hills, Kenya
Meliolina and its Excluded Species
Labels of Origin for Food
Methods and Approaches in Forest History
Land Use Changes in Tropical Watersheds
Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis
Landscape Trees and Shrubs
Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology
Language of Tourism, The
Microbial Biotechnology
Microbial Ecology of Aerial Plant Surfaces
Microbiological Methods For Assessing Soil Quality
Leisure Education, Community Development and Populations with Special Needs, 2nd Edition
Leisure in Contemporary Society
Milk Composition, Production and Biotechnology
Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 3rd Edition 55
Mineral Nutrition of Livestock, 4th Edition
Lentil, The
Mites 45
Lettuce, Endive and Chicory
Mites of Greenhouses
Life at Extremes
Mitosporic Fungi from Malawi
Modeling Physiology of Crop Development, Growth and Yield 18 44
Modelling Forest Systems
Litchi and Longan
Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals
Livestock Handling and Transport, 3rd Edition
Modelling Soil-Biosphere Interactions
Molecular and Physiological Basis of Nematode Survival
Molecular Approaches to Soil, Rhizosphere and Plant Microorganism Analysis
Livestock Housing Livestock, Ethics and Quality of Life Living with the Trees of Life Local Partnerships for Rural Development
46 45 6 8
Long Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals
Lupins as Crop Plants
Lyme Borreliosis
Lyme Disease
Macrocyclic Lactones in Antiparasitic Therapy
Maize Technology Development and Transfer
Mammalian Genomics
Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens
Managing Agricultural Biotechnology
Managing Outdoor Recreation
Managing Plant Genetic Diversity Managing Soil Quality
22 33
Managing Tourism and Hospitality Services
Mango, 2nd Edition, The
Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th Edition, The
Manual of Leaf Architecture
Manual of Pig Production in the Tropics
Marine Ecotourism Marine Parasitology Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management
56 44 56
Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management 56
Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos, 2nd Edition
Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values, 2nd Edition
Natural Turf for Sport and Amenity
Nematode Behaviour
Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates, 2nd Edition
Nematodes as Biological Control Agents
Nematodes as Environmental Indicators
Nematology Advances and Perspectives Vol I
Nematology Advances and Perspectives Vol II
Neonatal Pig, The
New Horizons in Tourism
Next Rural Economies, The
Nitrate and Man
Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrition of Cattle
Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Cropping Systems, 2nd Edition
No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture, 2nd Edition
Non Chemical Weed Management
Nourishing the Land, Nourishing the People
Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals
Nutrient Elements in Grassland
Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaculture 44 Nutrients for Sugar Beet Production
Nutrition and Behavior
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Cattle
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry
Nutrition and Immune Function
Nutrition and Physical Activity in Inflammatory Diseases
Nutrition of the Rabbit, 2nd Edition
Nutrition Promotion
Nutrition, Immunity and Infection
Occupational Blood-borne Infections
Oestrid Flies, The
Olive Oil and Health
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Flowering, 2nd Edition, The
Olives 19
Molecular Nutrition
Olympic Games, 2nd Edition, The
Molecular Plant Breeding
Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums, 2nd Edition
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Operations Management in the Travel Industry
Molecular Variability of Fungal Pathogens
Organic Agriculture
Molluscs as Crop Pests
Organic Farming
Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition
Organic Fruit Growing
More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes
Organic Phosphorus in the Environment
Multifunctional Agriculture
Ornamental Bedding Plants
Multiple Dwelling and Tourism
Ornamental Bulbs, Corms and Tubers
Muscle Development of Livestock Animals
Ostrich, The
Mycoplasma Diseases of Ruminants
Pandemic Influenza, 2nd Edition
Mycorrhizas 27
Parasitic Flatworms
Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems
Parasitic Nematodes
Mycotoxins 27
Paratuberculosis: Organism, Disease, Control
National Farm Survey 1941-43, The
Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes, The
Natural Antimicrobials in Food Safety and Quality
Peach: Botany, Production and Uses, The
Natural Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs
People and Work in Events and Conventions
Natural Products in Plant Pest Management
Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums
Natural Resource Management in Agriculture
Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums, 2nd Edition
Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture
Peptides in Energy Balance and Obesity
Periphyton 44
Poultry Behaviour and Welfare
Reshaping the Countryside
Persistence and Change in Rural Communities
Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production 43
Poultry Feedstuffs
Pest Management and Phytosanitary Trade Barriers
Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology
Pesticide Manual, 15th Edition, The
Poultry Meat Science
Response in the Yield of Milk Constituents to the Intake of Nutrients by Dairy Cows
Poultry Production in Hot Climates, 2nd Edition
Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem
Practical Tourism Research
Responsible Marine Aquaculture
Responsible Tourism
Pheromones of Non-Lepidopteran Insects Associated with Agricultural Plants
Phoma Identification Manual
Phosphorus and Calcium Utilization and Requirements in Farm Animals
Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water
Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi, 2nd Edition, The Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior
27 43
Principles of Acarology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Free-living and Plant-parasitic Nematodes, The 27
Principles of Cattle Production, 2nd Edition
Physiology of Vegetable Crops, The
Principles of Ecology in Plant Production, 2nd Edition
Phytobacteriology: Principles and Practice
24 18, 20
Principles of Plant Health and Quarantine
Phytoplasmas 18
Principles of Poultry Science
Pineapple, The
Principles of Tropical Agronomy
Pines of Silvicultural Importance
Priorities in Biopesticide Research and Development in Developing Countries
Pink Tourism
Planning Agricultural Research
Prioritizing Agricultural Research for Development
18 21 45 9 23 7
Planning for Tourism, Leisure and Sustainability
Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement
Productivity Growth in Agriculture
Plant Breeding and Whole-System Crop Physiology
Progress in Agricultural Physics and Engineering
Plant Clinic Handbook
Progress in Dairy Science
Plant Cold Hardiness
Prospects for Polar Tourism
Plant Diversity and Evolution
Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health
Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species, 3rd Edition
Protein Turnover
Plant Genotyping: The DN A Fingerprinting of Plants
Protozoal Abortion in Farm Ruminants
Plant Genotyping II: SNP Technology
Psychology of Food Choice, The
Plant Membrane and Vacuolar Transporters
Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology
Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade
Plant Names, 3rd Edition
Public, the Media and Agricultural Biotechnology, The
Plant Nematode Control
Plant Nematology, 2nd Edition
26 20
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture
Plant Pathologists’ Pocketbook, 3rd Edition
Plant Pest Risk Analysis
Plant Resistance to Parasitic Nematodes
Plant Sciences Reviews 2010
Plant Sciences Reviews 2011
Plant Stress Physiology
Planted Forests
Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals
Plants, Biotechnology and Agriculture
Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins, and Related Toxins
Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis
Rethinking Park Protection
Rice Almanac, 3rd Edition
Rice Biotechnology
Rice Research in Asia
Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia
Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge 20
Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, 2nd Edition
Restoring Community Connections to the Land
19 6
River Basin Trajectories
River Tourism
RNA Interference
Rodent Pests and Their Control
Root Feeders
Root-knot Nematodes
Ruminant Physiology
Rural Aquaculture Rural Change and Sustainability Rural Employment Rural Gender Relations
9 8 10 8
Rural Tourism and Recreation
Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition
Rust Diseases of Willow and Poplar
Salmonella in Domestic Animals
Sampling and Monitoring in Crop Protection
Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism, 2nd Edition 44
Saving Seeds
Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding
School Health, Nutrition and Education for All
Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis in Animals, 2nd Edition
Science Under Scarcity
Quarantine Pests for Europe, 2nd Edition
Securing the Harvest
Seed Biology
Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops
Rabbit Production, 9th Edition
Seed Dispersal
Radar Entomology
Seed Dispersal and Frugivory
Seed Fate
Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism
Quality Control and Production of Biological Control Agents
Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries, The Rabbit Production, 8th Edition
Rainfed Agriculture Rangeland Degradation and Recovery in China’s Pastoral Lands
Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises
Poisonous Plants
Redesigning Animal Agriculture
Poisonous Plants and Related Toxins
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, The
Seeds 20 7
Seeds of Concern
Selection Indices and Prediction of Genetic Merit in Animal Breeding
Serbia on the Road to EU Accession
Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism
Regulating the Liabilities of Agricultural Biotechnology
Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS in the Tropics
Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology, The
Sheep Nutrition
Regulation of Feed Intake
Shifting Cultivation and Secondary Succession in the Tropics
Postharvest 20
Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management
Short Fibre Content and Uniformity Index in Cotton
Postharvest Physiology and Hypobaric Storage of Fresh Produce 21
Reproduction in Poultry
Silviculture of Mahogany, The
Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry, The
Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism
Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management
Research Themes for Tourism
Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
Policy Reform and Adjustment in the Agricultural Sectors of Developed Countries Pork Quality
Potato Cyst Nematodes Potato Genetics
8 46
27 24
Potatoes Postharvest
Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops
Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture
Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberation
Small-scale Fisheries Management
Tourism and Transition
Understanding Western Tourists in Developing Countries
Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 1
Urban Aquaculture
Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 2
Urban Pest Management
Soil Biodiversity in Amazonian and Other Brazilian Ecosystems 33
Tourism and Welfare
Vacation Decision-Making
Soil Ecology and Management
Social Behaviour in Farm Animals Sociological Perspectives of Organic Agriculture
Tourism Behaviour
Valuing Crop Biodiversity
Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution in River Catchments 33
Tourism Development
Valuing Mediterranean Forests
Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales
Tourism Ecolabelling
Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers
Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics
Tourism in Destination Communities
Vegetable Production and Marketing in Africa
Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Agriculture
Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas
Vegetable Seed Production, 3rd Edition
Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use
Tourism in Peripheries
Verticillium Wilts
Soilborne Diseases of Tropical Crops
Tourism in the New Europe
Veterinary Practice Management
Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products
Tourism in Western Europe
Veterinary Treatment for Working Equines
Soybean: Botany, Production and Uses, The
Tourism Information Technology
Veterinary Treatment of Llamas and Alpacas
Spice Crops
Tourism Management
Veterinary Treatment of Sheep and Goats
Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition
Tourism Research Methods
Viruses of Plants
Starter Packs: A Strategy to Fight Hunger in Developing Countries? 8
Tourism SMES, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness 57
Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection of Farm Animals, 2nd Edition
Statistical Epidemiology
Volunteer Tourism
Stereotypic Animal Behaviour, 2nd Edition
Tourism Society’s Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, 3rd Edition, The
Volunteering as Leisure/Leisure as Volunteering
Strategic Management in Tourism, 2nd Edition
Tourism Strategies and Local Responses in Southern Africa
Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture
Tourism, Consumption and Representation
Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture
Tourism, Culture and Regeneration
Water Dynamics in Plant Production
Tourism, Progress and Peace
Water Productivity in Agriculture
Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability, 2nd Edition
Weaner Pig, The
Tourism, Technology and Competitive Strategies
Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems
Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World, The
Weeds and Weed Management on Arable Land
Tourist Destination Governance
Welfare of the Laying Hen
Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants
Western Corn Rootworm
Wheat Production and Utilization
White Clover
Transformation of the Agri-food System in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States, The 10
Wildlife Damage Control
Transfrontier Conservation in Africa
World Leisure Participation
Worms and Human Disease, 2nd Edition
Tree Ring Analysis
WTO Negotiations and Agricultural Trade Liberalization
Tree-Crop Interactions
Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain
Trees on the Farm
Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility
Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones
Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield
Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators
Tropical Fruits
Tropical Fruits, Volume 1, 2nd Edition
Tropical Fruits, Volume 2, 2nd Edition
Tropical Grassy Weeds
Tropical Legumes in Animal Nutrition
Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management
Tropical Mycology, Volume 1, Macromycetes
Tropical Mycology, Volume 2, Micromycetes
Tropical Root and Tuber Crops
Tropical Vegetable Production
Trypanosomiases, The
Tsetse Biology and Ecology
Turfgrass Physiology and Ecology
Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism
Strawberries 23 Stress Response in Pathogenic Bacteria Sugar and Related Sweetener Markets Sustainability of Rice Farming, The Sustainable Farmland Management Sustainable Forest Industries Sustainable Forestry Sustainable Livestock Management For Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter
50 9 24 7 30 32
Toxocara 51 6 34
Sustainable Management of Vertisols, The
Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Less Favoured Areas
Sustainable Tourism Management
Taenia solium Cysticercosis
Take-All Disease of Cereals
Temperate Agroforestry Systems
Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production, 2nd Edition Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production, 3rd Edition
23 18
Temperate Forage Legumes
Temperature Adaptation in a Changing Climate
Termites: Biology and Pest Management Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses Thrips as Crop Pests
23 20 24
Thysanoptera 23 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases Tilapia Culture
42 44
Tomatoes 20 Tourism and Cultural Conflicts Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions
58 58
Tourism and Gender
Tourism and Generation Y
Tourism and Inequality
Tourism and Mobilities
Tourism and Protected Areas
Tourism and Sustainability Tourism and the Less Developed World
58 57
Tradeoffs or Synergies?
Transgenic Animals in Agriculture
Turkey in the European Union
Tylenchida 27
8 50
author index Abad, R Abedon, S Abler, D Aboud, A Abrams, S Abrol, D Acamovic, T Adamowicz, W Adams, W Addiscott, T Adger, N Adkins, S Adl, S Aerts, J Afzal, M Aggrey, S Agnoletti, M Agrusa, J Agus, F Ahmadi, N Ainsworth, M
22 50 34 9 51 18 21 35 24, 32 20 9 14, 20 33 33 13 44 32, 34 55 34 5 27
Bartsch, D
Brimer, L
Bassi, D
Brisson, N
Basu, T
Broadmeadow, M
Bates, P
Brodie, B
Baum, T
Brookes, P
Baxter, S
Brooks, R
Beales, P
Broom, D
36, 43
Beaver, A
Brossard, D
Bedford, B
Brouwer, F
Beever, D
Brown, C
Behery, H
Bruce, D
Behr, M
Bruenig, E
Beirman, D
Bruno, D
Bell, C
Brunt, A
Bellotti, A
Brussaard, L
Bels, V
Bryant, C
Bryceson, K
8 7, 9 10, 43 7 35 42, 45, 51
Ajayi, O
Benckendorff, P
Akinnifesi, F
Benedetti, A
Alam, M
Benfield, R
Albisu, L
Bentley, J
Buckle, A
Albrechtsen, S
Berkoff, J
Buckley, R
Albright, J
Bewley, J
Buller, N
Albrigo, L
24, 11
Bhandari, D
Buncic, S
Alderman, G
45, 46
Bhargava, A
Bundy, D
32, 33
Bryden, J Buchmann, K
8 10 42 24, 38 55, 56, 57
Alexander, I
Bhatt, J
Burdon, J
Allan, E
Bianchi, G
Burg, S
Allen, D
Bibbings, L
Bürgi, J
Alroe, H
Biber-Klemm, S
Burns, D
Alston, J
Bigger, M
Burrell, A
Altieri, M
Bigler, F
Burton, M
32, 33
Aluja, M
Bigman, D
7, 9
Buseth, M
Amaro, A
Binns, M
Bushell, R
42, 45
Buswell, J
Butler, R
Butt, T
Amoroso, L Anand, M Anandajayasekeram, P Anderson, S Andow, D
48, 50
Bishop, S
Bissix, G
Black, M
20, 22, 23
Blackman, R
Butterworth, A
20, 21, 32
Blackshaw, R
Buxton, D
8, 42, 43
Byerlee, D
Andrassy, I
Blair, R
Angelsen, A
Blakeney, M
Blandford, D
Anton Clavé, S Appleby, M
42, 43, 44, 45
Cacciò, S
Blandon, P
Calder, P
Callow, J
32, 33
Cameron, N
Campbell, C
Cannas, A
Cannon, P
Araus, J
Blier, P
Arcodia, C
Bloem, J
Armitage, A
Blomme, G
Armstrong, J
Blowey, R
Bo, L
Arora, R
18, 19, 27, 47
Arthur, L
Bock, B
Arya, O
Boelee, E
Carlsen, J
Cardwell, M
8 55, 56, 57
Boemare, N
Carlson, G
Ascher, K
Boerema, G
Carner, G
Ashmore, S
Bogdanov, N
Carson, R
Ateljevic, I
Bollman, R
Carter, C
Atkins, C
Bongers, F
Casey, R
Austin, M
Boorman, N
Cashore, B
Aweto, A
Castilla, N
Axford, R
42, 45
Ayling, R
Aryeetey, E
Booth, B
21, 32
Borgemeister, C
Cater, E
Bos, M
Cavalho, P
Boscoe, F
Cernea, M
Azim, M
Boshier, D
Cespedes, C
Babendreier, D
18, 23
Azam-Ali, S
Bosland, P
Ceulemans, R
Babu, S
Bossio, D
Chabaud, A
Baeza, E
Bossuyt, B
Chabbi, A
Bailey, J
Bouarab, K
Chamen, W
Baival, B
Bouloc, P
Chan-Halbrendt, C
Baldwin, D
Bouzayen, M
Chandler, D
Ball, B
Bowen, D
Chapman, G
Bandyopadhyay, R
Bowler, I
Charlton, J
Bannink, A
Bowling , A
Charmley, E
Banse, M
Boxall, P
Charters, S
Barham, E
Boyle, T
Cheeke, P
Barker, G Barr, A
21, 22 45
Bradford, K Bradshaw, J Brady, B
45, 46
21, 23 24, 41, 46 22
16, 18
56 40, 42
Cheesman, O
Chempakam, B
Chen, Z
Barrett, C
7, 9, 34
Barrion, A
Bray, R
50, 51
Chern, W
Barrow, P
Bridge, J
20, 22
Cherney, D
Bartholomew, D
Briers, R
Cherry, P
Bartley, B
Bright, G
Chikindas, M
Chiotti, Q
Denholm, I
Chon, K
Dennis, A
Fairey, D
Christensen, B
Dent, D
Faithfull, N
Christenson, D
Desbonnet, A
Faminow, M
Christodoulides, M
Devendra, C
Fantini, B
Clarke, R
Devonshire, A
Fantle-Lepczyk, J
Clarkson, J
Devorshak, C
Farouk, M
deVries, J
Farrar, J
Clayton, R
9 45 5 42 48
Clements, A
42, 46, 51
Cleveland, D
Dhaliwal, G
Faye, B
Coates, C
Dhang, P
Fayer, R
Dhankher, O
Fellowes, M
Fennell, D
Cock, M
20, 34
Dextre Clarke, S
Faruqui, N
32, 33
Cockshull, K
Diaz-Bonilla, E
Coe, R
Dickinson, N
Fenner, F
Coffey, S
Dickson, D
Ferree, D
Cogan, P
Dieke, P
Ferry, N
Cohen, J
Diels, J
Fesenmaier, D
Cole, S
Dierenfeld, E
Ffolliott, P
Coleman, D
Dijkstra, J
Field, L
Collinson, M
Dixey, R
Finan, T
Colwell, D
Dixon, G
Findeis, J
Come, D
Djurfeldt, G
7, 8
Finkel, R
Connell, J
Doran, T
Fischer, C
Conraths, F
Dorlands, C
Fish, R
Cook, R
Dorward, A
Fisher, C
Copping, L
Doube, B
Fitter, A
Costa-Pierce, B
Dove, H
Flachowsky, G
Cottier, T
Dowling, R
Flinn, D
Coughlin, A
Drake, L
Flood, J
18, 45
Couteaudier, Y
Draycott, A
Fonseca, M
Coxhead, I
Drechsel, P
Font, X
Crabbé, J
Drew, R
Fontes, E
Crabtree, A
Droogers, P
Foot, W
Creasy, G
Dryden, G
Forbes, J
Credland, P
Duarte, O
17, 18
Croce, E
Dubé, Y
Forget, P
Croitoru, L
Dubey, N
Forrest, M
Cronje, P
Dubgaard, A
Forster, B
Cross, R
Duffield, J
Fowler, V
42, 44
Crouch, G
Dukes, J
Crute, I
Dulloo, M
Cungen, Z
Duncanson, G
Cuperus, G Currah, L Cushman, G
19, 20, 21 22 56, 57
Cussen, V
D’Mello, J
45, 46, 47, 50, 51
Daayf, F Dabbert, S
Dunham, R
Ford-Lloyd, B
Fox, R
9 43, 44 15, 24, 30, 31, 32
31, 32
Frame, J
39, 40, 42
France, J
20, 43, 44, 45
42, 44
Frandsen, S
Dunster, K
Frankland, J
Durham, W
Franzel, S
Durner, E
Fraser, A
Freeman, H
Durr, P
Eagles, P
56, 57
34 41, 42, 43 8
Freer, M
Eastop, V
Freer-Smith, P
Daghir, N
Eatwell, K
Frese, L
Dakouo, D
Ebbels, D
Fries, R
Dale, I
Echeverria, R
Frossard, E
Dallwitz, M
Edmonds, R
Frühbeck, G
Dalton, J
Edmondson, P
Fuglie, K
Daly, D
Edwards, P
Dana, G
Egli, D
Daniel, H
Ehler, L
Dann, G
Darrah-Morgan, D Davies, F Davies Morel, M
22, 23, 24
9, 44
Fujikawa, S
Fuller, M
Funt, R
Ehlers, W
Gaisford, J
Ekesbo, I
Galán Saúco, V
El-Sayed, A
Galetti, M
Elia, M
Gallagher, R
43, 45
Davis, S
Elliot, N
Garcés, L
Davison, A
Ellis, M
Gard McGehee, N
Dawe, D
Elmholt, S
Gardner, F
Daws, M
Elson-Harris, M
Garg, M
de Blas, C
Elzebroek, A
Garland, T
De Boer, S
Engels, J
Gatehouse, A
de Gruyter, J
Erbisch, F
Gatlin III, D
de Moraes, A
Erskine, W
Gatrell, A
Decker-Walters, D
Ervin, D
Gaugler, R
21, 22
Decrop, A
Essex, S
Gedalof, Z
Deeming, D
Etches, R
Geheb, K
Deery, M
Evans, K
Geiger, H
Delaplane, K
Evenson, R
Demaine, H
Everitt, J
Demeyer, D
Everts, M
den Nijs, H
Ewert, A
23 50, 51
9, 20, 24
Geneve, R
George, R
15, 19, 18
Gerrits, W
Getz, D
33, 47
Gibbons, L
Hartemink, A
Gibbs, R
Hartmann, M
Innerhofer, G
Giblin-Davis, R
Harvey, D
Innes, J
Gibson, D Gijsbers, G Gilg, A Giller, K Giordano, M Givens, D
50, 51
Hassan, R
8 33,34
Ireland, C
Iriondo, J
31, 32
Haven-Tang, C
Isaac, G
9, 22
Hawksworth, D
9, 27
Hassanien, A
8 10, 22 45, 50
Illius, A
Isebrands, J
Hawthorne, W
Isinika, A
Hayes, K
Ismail, A
Gladstones, J
Haygarth, P
Ives, C
Glazer, I
Headrick, D
Jackson, C
Goettel, M
19, 27
Heather, N
Jain, N
Gollin, D
21, 23
Hedley, C
Jaiwal, P
Gonthier, P
Heitmann, S
Jalloh, A
Gonyou, H
Helliwell, C
Janick, J
Gooding, M
Helms, J
Jannson, B
Goodman, G
Hemming, D
Gordh, G
Hemsworth, P
Gordon, I
44, 45, 46
Hendrick, S
15, 18, 40, 42 42, 45 50
Janse, J Janssen, W
56 18, 20 9
Jarvis, S
Jeger, M
10, 22
Goss, M
Hendrix, P
Gössling, S
Henry, R
19, 20, 22
Jenane, C
Gottstein, B
Herdt, R
Jensen, P
Gous, R
Hermy, M
Jirstrom, M
Gowing, J
Herring, A
Jobling, M
42 32
Grace, J
32, 33
Hettel, G
Johnson, P
Graham, M
Heuvelink, E
Johnston, A
Grandin, T
Hewitt, H
Jones, A
Grannis, J Gray, J Greaves, J Green, C
Hickey, G
Jongeneel, R
Higham, J
Jordan, B
16, 18
Highley, E
Josling, T
Hilbeck, A
20, 21, 32
Joyce, D
6, 8
Jukes, M
20, 22, 24
Julien, M
Justice, S
Kadim, I
Kahl, O
Kaimowitz, D
Kakouli-Duarte, T
Greenland, D
24, 35
Gregersen, H
Hillocks, R
Gregory, N
Hislop, E
19, 20
Hoag, D
Grewal, P
Hill, B
Grice, A
Hoanh, C
32, 43
Griffin, K
Hobbs, J
Grossman, M Guarino, L Gubler, D Guéi, R
35 50, 51 7 20
Hocking, P
42, 43
Hodges, H
Kam, S
48, 51
Hodgkin, T
Kanarek, R
Hodgkinson, K
Kang, M
31, 34
Kanis, E
Kaps, M
Kapuscinski, A
Guenter, W
Hodgson, J
Gupta, V
Hoen, H
Gurr, G
Holderness, M
Gusta, L
Holland, C
Karnosky, D
Haagsman, H
Hollingworth, R
Karwandy, J
Håkansson, S
Hollis, G
Kassam, A
Holloway, G
Kay, A
Hall, G
Holmén, H
Keating, B
Hallman, G
Holmes, P
Kebreab, E
Halmer, P
Holt, G
Halperin, J
Halpin, D
Halberg, N
23, 24, 45
9 24 5, 42, 43, 44
Keeble, E
Holub, E
Keeling, L
Hone, J
Kell, S
Halseth, G
Honea, J
Kelly, I
Hamblin, J
Hong, L
Kennedy, D
Honnay, O
Kerr, J
Kesan, J
Hambly Odame, H
Hamers, M
Hoogenkamp, H
Hammer, G
Hopkins, D
Hammitt, W
Hornby, D
Ketsa, S
Hammond, D
Horwitz, B
Kettle, D
Hampton, J
Hossain, M
Khachatourians, G
Han, I
32, 33
Keswani, C
7 7 22 46 9, 21
Hossner, K
Khan, I
18, 21, 23
Hottola, P
Khasa, D
Hanggi, E
Howard, F
Khush, G
24, 25
Hanley, N
Hristov, A
Kibby, G
Hanlon, C
Huber, J
Kidd, S
Hardaker, J
Huchzermeyer, F
Kijne, J
Hancock, J
Hardie, J
Hardy, B
21, 43
Huisman, E
Kirby, K
Harnett, W
26, 51
Huirne, R
Kinsman, P
9 35
Hulme, P
Kirk, P
Haron, A
Hultman, J
Klasing, K
Harper, D
Hunt, D
Klein, J
Harrington, R
Hussein, J
Knudsen, M
Harris, J
Hüttermann, A
Kohl, M
Harrison, D
Huxley, P
Kohli, R
Harshaw, H
Hyman, P
Koo, B
Hart, C
Ilbery, B
Koontz, S
9, 27 45 7 8
Kouamé, F Koul, O
33 19, 20, 21
Lu, X
Mench, J
9, 42, 44
Mencuccini, M
Menzel, C
52, 56
Merckx, R
Kozak, M
Luc, M
Kozakiewicz, Z
Lück, M
Kranner, I
Luckert, M
35 40, 42
Merkle, S
Merlo, M
33, 34
Meslin, F
50, 51
Krannich, R
Lukefahr, S
Krause, D
Lukovic, T
Krebs, C
Luloff, A
Meredith, A
9 37
Kristensen, E
Lumley, P
Messina, W
Kristiansen, P
Lumpkin, T
Methner, U
Kuhlmann, U
20, 33
Lund, V
Michell, A
Kuno, G
Lurie, S
Miles, M
Kunze, D
Lynch, J
Miller, G
Lynggaard, K
Mills, D
Minihane, A
Kuyvenhoven, A
Kwesiga, F
Lyons, K
Kwong, F
MacBean, C
Minks, A
MacIntyre, L
22, 25
Minter, D
Kydd, J l’Hirondel, J Lafer, G Laidlaw, A Lainsbury, M
Mackay, G
Miranda-da-Cruz, S
Maclean, J
Mitcham, E
20 46
23 13, 18
Macpherson, C
50, 51
Mitchell, A
Magan, N
Mithöfer, D
Lamberson, W
Magor, N
Lambert, J
Mahgoub, O
Moberg, G
Lamour, K
Maitland, R
Moens, M
15, 20, 26, 30
Lampkin, N
Mank, T
Moisey, R
Lancaster, J
Mantau, U
Molden, D
Lane, R
Manteca, X
Molle, F
Langewald, J
March, R
Monaco, T
Langley-Evans, S
Marchant-Forde, J
Moncrieff, J
LaPage, W
Marchesi, J
Moore, D
56, 57 43 26, 49
Mitten, D
47 9
Larson, J
Marciszweska, B
Moreira, F
Larsson, R
Maredia, K
Morgan, N
55, 56
Lasage, R
Markey, S
Law, G
Marks, R
Morpeth, N
Lawrence, T Laws, E Laycock, A
42, 44
Morley-Bunker, M
Marshall Graves, J
Morris, T
55, 56, 57
Martin, D
Morrison, A
31, 32
Mason, P
17, 22
Morton, D
18 54, 56 42, 44, 45, 54 57 43
Layne, D
Massicotte, H
Moscardo, G
Layzell, D
Matacala, P
Moseley, M
Lazarovits, G
Mateille, T
Mosquera-Losada, M
Lazenby, A
Matthews, G
Moss, C
Le François, N
Mattoo, A
Mota-Sanchez, D
19, 21
Maudlin, I
Moufakkir, O
54, 55
Maule, A
Mound, L
Mavromichalis, I
Moutinho, L
Mrode, R
Leak, S Leakey, R Lebot, V Lee, D
6, 19 19 7, 34
Lefebvre, F
Maxted, N
31, 32
55, 56 8 33 9
Mayer, D
Muehlbauer, F
Mayhew, J
Muir, W
31, 34
Mazanec, J
Mukherjee, P
7, 9, 22, 24
McAdam, J
Mullaney, E
Leskey, T
McAuliffe, L
Muller, R
Leslie, J
McCaw-Binns, A
Müller, C
Lester, J
McClary, D
Muniappan, R
Levey, D
McCool, S
56, 57
Munir, M
Lekakis, J Lemaire, G Lenné, J
Levy, S Lewis, D
McCracken, K
Munsters, W
McDonald, M
Murphy, S
21, 32
Li, S
McDowell, R
Murray, D
McGillivray, D
Musgrave, J
Liebenberg, F
McGlasson, B
Mylonakis, E
Lien, G
McGloughlin, M
Nabinger, C
Lilley, A
McGreevy, P
Nakagawa, H
Lim, C
McHugh, K
Nakai, S
McIntyre, N
Nakasone, H
McNab, J
Napton, D
Nath, P
Libert, B
Lin, W Lind, K
Lindberg, J
McNamara, D
Linnard, W
McNaughton, K
Litsinger, J
McNitt, J
Little, D Litz, R Lockeretz, W
Navarre, R
40, 42
Navon, A
McPartland, J
Ndulo, M
19, 20
McPherson, G
Neale, D
7, 44
McVay, L
Nellis, D
McVey, J
Nentwig, W
Lockstone, L
Mead, C
Nesbitt, T
Lomer, C
Meethan, K
Neuenschwander, P
Lockie, S
Long, J
Meijerink, G
New, T
Longworth, J
10, 43
Meister, H
Newbury, H
Looney, N
18, 23
Meltzer, E
Newman, S
Melville, L
Newton, A
Lorenz, L
Lowe, P
35 32, 34
Nguyen, V
Ni, D Nicholas, F
42, 45
Pennycott, T
Reganold, J
Perdue, R
Reicosky, D
Perelló, A
Reid, R
Nicol, C
Perkins, N
Reily Collins, V
Nicolas, G
Perri, G
Reisinger, Y
Nicolotti, G
Perry, R
13, 20, 26, 27, 50
Renard, C
Nilsson, S
Persley, G
Rennolls, K
Noble, A
Peterson, R
Retamales, J
Noordeloos, M
Pettenella, D
Nordenfelt, L
Pfeffer, E
Reynolds, D Rhoades, R
Norton, G
21, 22, 24, 25 27 9, 31
7, 9
Pfister, J
20, 50
Nösberger, J
Philip, M
Novakofski, J
Phillips, C
Novelli, M
Piché, Y
Nuthall, P
Nwanze, K
Nyamudeza, P
Rew, R
51 42, 45 8
Ribeiro, F
Richards, G
Richardson, R
56, 57
Richins, H
Pickett, J
Rickard, T
Pinheiro de Carvalho, M
Rickertsen, K
Pickering, C
43, 46 27
Nyrop, J
Piper, L
Rickson, R
O’Brian, M
Pizam, A
Riet-Correa, F
O’D Bourke, D
Place, F
Riguerio, A
Oberbauer, A
Ploetz, R
Ritchie, W
Ogle, B
Polaszek, A
Ritson, C
Pomeroy, R
7, 44
Oi, F
Ritz, K
Oinonen, H
Poorter, L
Rivera, W
Oleksyn, J
Popay, A
Rivera-Guieb, R
Ollonqvist, P
Porter, V
Roberts, K
Olson, M
Post, J
Robinson, J
Olsson, A
Potter, C
Rockstrom, J
Omed, H
Poulton, C
Roderick, S
32 9, 10 31 9 44 56 18, 24 7 44
Omiti, J
Prabhakar, S
Rodgers, C
Ong, C
33, 35
Pratap, A
Rogers, L
Rohde, K
24, 44
Onions, A
Preece, J
Ooi, E
Preedy, V
19, 51
Ooi , P
Price, M
Rohrbach, K
Rolff, J
Rollin, B
Romig, M
Romstad, E
Rose, S
Ortega-Mora, L
Prideaux, B
Ortega-Pierres, M
Prince, G
16, 18
Osborne, R
Pringle, R
Oskam, A
Pritchard, H
21, 22
Osse, J
Rothschild, M
Ostrander, E
Proctor, H
Rubatzky, V
Otranto, D
Prosser, C
Ruben, R
Outlaw, J
Przezborska-Skobiej, L
Ruggiero, K
Overholt, J
7 26
Pulina, G
43, 44
Rukani, M
Oweis, T
Punja, Z
Runyan, J
Owen, E
Puolanne, E
Rushen, J
Owens, P
Pysek, P
Rushton, J
36, 42
Padberg, D
Qiaoqiao, Z
Russell, R
Padel, S
Quiles, J
Russo, V
Quimby, P
Ruusunen, M
Quiros, C
Ruvinsky, A
50, 51
Page, T
Palmer, C
55, 57
Panda, N
Raats, M
Ryder, E
Pankhurst, C
Rabinowitch, H
Saddler, J
Panter, K
Rae, A
Salahuddin, A
Papathanassis , A
Raghubanshi, A
Salman, M
42, 44, 45
Pardey, P
9, 20
17, 27, 50
Sampedro, L
Parren, M
Raison, R
Sampietro, D
Parrotta, J
Raitzer, D
Sampson, J
Sandilands, V
Parry, M Parthasarathy, V Partridge, G
15, 30 19 42, 45
Rai, M
Raj, R Rajkumar, D Rakotondratsima, A
54, 55, 56 18
Sandøe, P
Sands, R
43 29, 33
Pascoe, S
Ramanatha Rao, V
Patel-Weynand, T
Ramaswamy, A
Paterson, R
Ramilison, H
Ramirez-Tortosa, C
Sarker, A
Ramutsindela, M
Sato, M
Rao, J
Satya, P
Patterson, I Patton, N Paull, R
40, 42 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24
22, 24
Sanfacon, H
Sanginga, N
Santaniello, V
19 9 9, 20, 21, 23
Pavek, M
Raschid-Sally, L
Pearce, M
Rauw, W
Savill, P
Pech, J
Ravn, H
Saxton, K
Pegg, G
Ray, D
Sayer, J
Pei, M
Read, D
Scarascia-Mugnozza, G
18, 22, 29
Reay, D
Schaffer, B
Peña, J Pender, J
32, 33
Saunders, R
40 28, 35
34 12, 22
Redclift, M
Scherr, S
Pendergast, D
Redden, R
Schild, A
Pengelly, A
Reddy, K
Schjønning, P
Penimat, A
Reed, M
8, 33
9, 34
Rees, A
Penning de Vries, F
Schloffer, K Schmithüsen, F
8 32
Schmitz, A
Stalpers, J
Travis, A
Schmoll, M
Stanek, G
Tribe, D
Scholl, P
Starr, J
Trudgill, D
Schroth, G
Staudhammer, C
Trutmann, P
Schupp, E
Staun, M
Tunney, H
Scott, J
Stebbins, R
Tuong, T
Steel, J
Turner, B
33, 43
Scragg, A Scrimgeour, F
Stenlid, J
Turok, J
Seigler, D
Stephens, W
Twining-Ward, L
Sekot, W
Stern, R
Tzotzos, G
23, 24
32 57
Sellwood, C
49, 50
Steven, M
Uemura, M
Serageldin, I
Stewart, C
Unsworth, E
Sergeant, E
Stickney, R
34, 43
Serres, H
Stock, S
Uysal, M
55, 57
Service, M
Stonehouse, B
Vaarst, M
Seymour, S
Strain, G
Vacante, V
18 44
Upadhyaya, M
Sforza, R
Stratton, R
Valdimarsson, G
Shabala, S
Stronza, A
van Asten, P
Struik, P
van Berkum, S
Stuppy, W
van Dam, A
Shanahan, J Shankar, U Shannon, M
8 18, 26 32
5 7
Subhadrabandhu, S
van der Heide, D
Shapiro-llan, D
19, 20
Subramanian, M
van der Werf, W
Sharma, B
19, 20
Sukhdeo, M
van Drunen, M
Sharp, J
Sundh, I
van Egmond, T
Shaw, E
Suttle, N
van Emden, H
Sheley, R
Sutton, B
Van Gossum, A
Shepard, B
Svendsen, M
van Kooten, G
Swain, D
van Koppen, B
Shepherd, R
50, 51
Sheppard, S
Swaisgood, R
van Lenteren, J
Shetty, P
Sweet, J
Van Mele, P
Shiferaw, B
21 7, 8
Swinbank, A
van Noordwijk, M
Shifley, S
Swinton, S
Van-Tam, J
Shively, G
Syers, J
van’t Hooft, K
Shoemaker, R
Sylvander, B
Vandeman, A
Szabolcs, I
Vandenberg, J
Shortall, S
Sznajder, M
Vander Wall, S
Shortle, J
Szuster, B
Vanlauwe, B
Shu, Q
t’Mannetje, L
Vanneste, J
Short, B
Shucksmith, M
33 49, 50 6
20 5, 9 23
Taji, A
Varley, M
44, 46
Shukla, M
Tang, J
Vaske, J
Siddiqi, M
Tangermann, S
Vasudevan, S
Sidle, R
Tanino, K
Vatn, A
Sikora, R
Tarrés-Call, J
Sileshi, G
Tatchell, M
Silva, W
Taylor, T
Sim, J
Tchoundjeu, Z
Simm, G
te Pas, M
Simon, P
Simonsen, J
Sinclair, T Singh, G Singh Gill, S
7, 18, 23 51 14, 30
9 19, 31 42
Vázquez-Ramos, J
16, 18
Veal, A
55, 56, 57
Vera, F
Vercruysse, J
Verdegem, M
Teeter, L
Verheyen, K
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Verma, D
Temple, N
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Tepper, B
Vertinsky, I
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Siqueira, J
Terry, P
Vetter, R
Sirakaya-Turk, E
Theodorou, M
Vidal, S
Skjoldal, H
Therios, I
Viemont, J
Skryabin, K
Thierry, B
7, 21
Slafer, G
Thilmany, D
Villholth, K
Slee, B
Thind, T
Vincent, C
Smale, M
Thompson, A
Visconti, A
Smith, L
Thomson, K
Vitti, D
20, 23
Voase, R
Smithers, J
Thornley, J
Villas-Bôas, S
23 26, 49
Smyth, S
Thresh, J
Vogel, M
Snyder, J
Timmer, L
Vogt, D
Soares, P
Timmermans, H
Vogt, K
Soleri, D
Timms-Wilson, T
Votava, E
18, 23
Timothy, D
Waibel, H
7, 32
Tingleff Skaanild, M
Waite, G
Soltani, A
22, 50
Speight, M
18, 31
Spence, N
Tiplady, C
Wajnberg, E
Spencer, R
Tissari, J
Waldron, S
Spencer-Phillips, P
Toenniessen, G
Wale, D
Spillane, C
Tollens, E
Spooner, N
Tomlin, C
Wall, R
Spreen, T
Toohey, K
Wallace, D
Spriggs, J
Tow, P
Waller, J
20, 22, 23, 24
Squire, G
Tranter, R
Waller, S
Squires, E
Traoré, D
Wallis, P
Srivastava, S
Traunspurger, W
Walmsley, B
22, 25
Walford, N
9 38 23
Walter, D
Woldeyes, A
Walters, T
Wolever, T
Wollen, T
Walton, M Wandeler, A
50, 51
Wolstenholme, B
7 50, 51 6 12, 22
Wang, G
Wong, W
Wang, S
Woo, P
Wang, T
Wood, D
Wang, X
Wood, L
Wang, Y
Woodside, A
56, 57 35
Wani, S
51 42, 44, 45, 51 7, 9 50
Woodward, S
Warrington, I
Wopereis, M
Warriss, P
Worobey, J
Waterlow, J
Worsley, T
Wathes, C
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7, 9, 34, 35
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Watling, R
Wray, C
Watson, L
Wright, B
Watson, C
Wright, D
Watson, D
Wylie, A
Watson, R
19, 51
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Xu, Y
53, 56, 57
Yan, W
56, 57
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Watts, S Wearing, S Weaver, D Webb, E Webb, G Webber, R
Yaqoob, P
Yarwood, R
49, 50
Yool, D
7 51 8 41
Weber, E
Young, A
Webster, A
Zachariah, T
Webster, C
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Webster, J
27, 36
Zanias, G
34, 35
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Zempleni, J
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Zeppel, H
Zhang, D
Weinstock, J Weintraub, P
Zhang-Yue, Z
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Zilberman, D
Weiss, E
22, 24
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Welcker, B
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Wester, P
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Whalon, M
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Whiley, A
12, 22
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9, 10
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White, T
White, W
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Whitehead, D
22, 35
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20 24 20, 50
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Williams, D
Williams, W
Willmot, S
Wills, R
Willson, K
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Wing, S
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41 42, 44
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Wittenberg, R
Wรถber, K
Woiwod, I
Wolber, B
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6 9 9, 32 29 56, 57
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