CABI-China joint laboratory

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location Beijing, China dates September 2008 – ongoing project team Zhang Feng Li Hongmei Luo Shuping Zhang Jinping Wan Huanhuan

joint laboratory for biosafety in China

In 2008, CABI and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture established the Joint Laboratory for Biosafety at the Institute of Plant Protection at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IPP-CAAS) in Beijing – a milestone in China–CABI collaboration.

what is this project doing? The Joint Laboratory provides a platform for research collaboration for both CABI and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. It is also a training centre, a place where scientific exchanges can take place, and a consultancy service. An open platform for collaboration and joint research for CABI’s member countries, international organizations and regional bodies, the Joint Laboratory helps organize national, regional and international training, as well as scientific exchange and cooperation on biosafety. Its ultimate aim is to become a base for both parties. The Joint Laboratory generates novel technologies in biosafety, including prevention and control of invasive alien species, introduction and development of biopesticide resources, and integrated pest management (IPM) technologies. These activities are supported by funding from international and regional donors. It also provides consultancy services on policy, as required by the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as making appropriate recommendations on cooperation in biosafety between China and other countries.


IPP-CAAS, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, is responsible for hosting and day-to-day administration of the Joint Laboratory, while governance and management are undertaken jointly with CABI. The Steering Committee (four from China and three from CABI), is responsible for review and approval of research activities, working plans and finance of the Joint Laboratory. Two Co-Directors from China and CABI are responsible for overall management of the Joint Laboratory and report to the Steering Committee. Two liaison secretaries, one from China and one from CABI, are responsible for the relationship between China and CABI and for implementation of the working plan. Senior scientists and technicians from both parties work at the Joint Laboratory, and are deployed according to the needs of specific projects. Current research staff include one project scientist, one postdoctoral researcher, one research assistant, one visiting scientist, one technician and between five and seven undergraduate students.

results so far The team is working together on invasive species, IPM technologies and developing biopesticides. We have been able to initiate and implement projects, organize workshops and conferences, and have developed relationships with other experts and organizations as a result. We are currently studying biological control of mirid bug (Apolygus lucorum), box tree caterpillar (Diaphania perspectalis), brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) and Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense). Potential efficient biocontrol agents have been screened and cultured for further respective study at the Joint Laboratory. And two of our latest projects are helping smallholder farmers in the Greater Mekong subregion strengthen their food security by improving both rice and maize crops. IPP-CAAS is leading these projects, CABI is the major partner and the Joint Laboratory is providing project support. Biocontrol agent production facilities are being established throughout the region, using adapted technology from China. Seven undergraduate students have recently been trained in weed biological control, IPM and biological invasion. In recognition of the Joint-Laboratories outstanding achievements, the Co-Director from CABI, Dr Ulrich Kuhlmann has been granted the Chinese government’s Friendship Award in 2012; the highest honour awarded to foreign experts who’ve made outstanding contributions to China’s economic, scientific and social progress. This indicates strong partnership between CABI, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, CAAS and IPP.

partners Institution of Plant Protection Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences sponsor Chinese Ministry of Agriculture

contact CABI, Internal Post Box 56, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 12 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing 100081, China T: +86 (0)10 82105692 F: +86 (0)10 62197032 E:


Zhang Feng, Project Manager

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