CABI Africa Centre Flyer

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CABI in Africa CABI implements development and research projects that improve the lives of communities in Africa Over 80% of people living in rural areas of Africa rely on the crops they grow for food and for income. They face many challenges in growing enough good quality produce. We work in partnership to provide the solutions that farming communities need, enabling them to adapt to improved ways of growing their crops, managing their environments and accessing markets.

our focus areas commodities CABI works with smallholder commodity growers and traders in Africa to help them respond to commodity challenges thus enabling them to compete in local and global markets. This is done through improving quality, productivity and profitability; enhancing commodity value-chain efficiency and market access; management of pests and diseases; and through provision of appropriate technologies to enable farmers rehabilitate or restore their crops. invasive species CABI supports invasive species management in agriculture, trade and environment through research, education and capacity building, awareness creation and policy development. We help countries comply with international agreements and conventions on trade and phytosanitary issues which aim to stop the spread of invasive species. CABI supports governments and regional organisations to develop and implement invasive species management strategies and action plans, to reduce their effects on biodiversity, food security, health, economic development and livelihoods. CABI also helps to solve particular invasive species problems through promoting the use of integrated pest management (IPM) and biological control. knowledge management Our knowledge management work underpins research and development activities through development of products and processes to support information and knowledge sharing. We use information and communication technologies to provide farmers, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders, with the information they need to make informed decisions and to lift people out of poverty. We translate information into formats that are suitable for communicating to different users.


knowledge for development CABI promotes rural innovation. We identify barriers that hinder accessing and sharing of knowledge among stakeholders in the agricultural-sector and help them to develop effective linkages and partnerships. We use multi-stakeholder participatory approaches to build the capacity of our partners to use specific knowledge (“research into use”) and to respond to emerging problems (“innovation capacity”).

our staff Our main offices are in Nairobi, Kenya, but we also have an office in Accra, Ghana, and project staff in other countries. We have expertise in both the biological and social sciences, and in applying science for development. We work closely with a range of groups including farmers’ organisations, research centres and businesses, and our staff are skilled in forging the effective partnerships that ensure sustainable development. CABI’s work in Africa is supported by CABI’s network of scientific centres around the world. Morris Akiri, Regional Director, CABI

our sponsors and partners include: African Governments / universities / national research and extension institutions / development agencies / the private sector / charities and foundations / farmers’ and non-governmental organizations / regional bodies / international research centres. Contact us today to find out how CABI can help you.



Cote d’Ivoire








Sierra Leone

South Africa





African member countries

contact CABI, ICRAF Complex, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, PO Box 633-00621, Nairobi, Kenya T: +254 20 72 24450 E: CABI, CSIR Campus, No.6 Agostino Neto Road, Airport Residential Area, PO Box CT 8630, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana T: +233 302 797 202 E:

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