Leisure Tourism the complete online leisure and tourism information service that covers leisure, recreation, sport, hospitality, tourism and culture what is the Leisure Tourism Database? Updated weekly, the database supplies bibliographic information and abstracts for all aspects of leisure and tourism, including policy and planning, education and training, travel, sports, hospitality, the arts and entertainment. The natural environment and ecotourism, recreational activities and cultural heritage are key areas covered by the resource. The Leisure Tourism database (a subset of CAB Abstracts) contains: • over 118,000 research summaries covering the last 30 years, sourced from over 6,000 serial publications, plus books, reports and conference proceedings • weekly updates, with over 25,000 new records added in the past three years • literature from all over the world (84 countries) • Records taken from 3,033 serials in 2011 • 2,129 full text records (plus 1,866 eBooks and chapters)
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CAB eBooks content now included CABI’s Leisure and Tourism eBooks collection has now been added to this resource. This new addition provides 90 books with over 1,400 searchable chapters from 2000 – present. Books are presented in easy-to-navigate PDF files. The dynamic file continues to grow year on year ensuring up-to-date high quality content. You can search across all content including eBooks within the Leisure Tourism resource.
who uses it? An essential resource for anyone in the tourism industry, including researchers working in academic and corporate organizations, students, teachers and trainers, consultants and advisers, industry professionals and decision makers in tourism associations and government departments.
why use it? • you don’t have to scan the ever-increasing scientific literature or all the news sources – we’ve done it for you • you’ll find it easy to track down research that matters to you, because we’ve tagged all the important concepts • as well as the best-known journals, we cover publications that other databases do not include • news articles and short reviews help make sense of the vast amount of data
subscribe to the Leisure Tourism database and benefit from • up-to-the-minute access to research developments in leisure, recreation, sport, hospitality, tourism and culture • incisive overviews of critical topics • news reports on scientific, business and political issues affecting you • eBook collection of 90 books offering over 1,400 searchable chapters
take advantage of • flexible searching and browsing options to help users carry out the search most suited to their needs and levels of expertise, including “Quick”, “Advanced” and “Expert” searches, and a browse function for users without a specific search in mind • enhanced search-management functions, so users can improve search results using “Refine” and “Related records”. Additionally, users can mark specific records to refine, export to disc, email, print or export to bibliographic software such as EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager • CAB Thesaurus, the essential tool for indexing and retrieving information that allows users to search the database in a far more systematic and specific way than simply searching on free text • navigating from abstract to CABI Full Text in just one click • users can also link to full text journal articles though CrossRef and PubMed Central, link to articles via PubMed and Google, or link to document-delivery suppliers such as the British Library, CISTI and Infotrieve
contact our Sales team for more information and to request a free trial: CABI Head Office, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. T: +44 (0)1491 829313, E: sales@cabi.org
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