Banksy is known for his satirical, thought-provoking work in the medium of graffiti. The British born artist has now embarked on a month long trip of New York City, ‘the home of modern art’ coincidentally. Now twenty-one days into his trip, Banksy already has revealed twenty-one items via an instagram account named “banksyny” and his own website “”. Interestingly Banksy has used different mediums than graffiti this time around, resulting in a van full of stuffed toy farm animals and videos. This different approach to his work can only encourage us to look forward to his future pieces as he continues to surprise the general public. Despite his affiliation with different mediums, Banksy has held an exhibition of two pieces on West 24th Street and made the statement on his website “People ask why I want to have an exhibition in the streets, but have you been to an art gallery recently? They’re full.” Fox news claimed he paid $50,000 for the exhibition space to which he rubbished and suggested it was “kindly donated” by the owner of the property. The future projects of Banksy remain unknown, much like himself, although if they remain at the same standard at which this and previous projects have attained then i’m sure I could be forgiven for saying Banksy’s identity is unimportant.
By Ryan Harvey