Frecu 4
La Primera
encia The first frequency is the accumulations of project of
Leodan A. Castillo
2006 - 2010
I believe that architecture is the optimum euphoria that a man could ever experience. The single thought I could create, a space that has never existed—it’s what interests me. Driven by ideas, dreams, art, knowledge, spirit, and emotions architecture completes my life. “All things have sprung from nothing and are borne forward to infinity. Who can follow out such an astonishing career? The Author of these wonders, and He alone, can comprehend them.” - Blaise Pascal The first frequency is a publication that exhibits some of my undergraduate works from 2006 - 2010. It examines the way I experience architecture, that is base in frequencies. Design projects are conceive in my mind and they respond to high and low frequencies, they also correspond with programmatic conditions or what I refer to as the range in the code of the frequency. Based on my architectural principals and approaches I understand and think in terms of frequencies.
1 Design
pp 08 _ 15
Introductory course to architectural design, its scope, methods and vocabulary interfacing graphics and design as a means towards an awareness and understanding
2 Design
pp 16 _ 33
Continuation of architectural design 1, design 2 has an emphasize on the application of ordering concepts, aspects and determinants of form and space.
3 Design
pp 34 _ 51
Integration of the natural and built environment with physiological, functional, organizational, spatial and environmental forces.
4 Design
pp 52 _ 89
A continuation of design 3. Introduction to programming and design methods in architecture. Applications of building technology in the design process.
Personal Work Personal showcases a few projects that were produced out of school in my own time. Two of the projects Navio 90 Degrees , and House DMX.
pp 90 _ 100 7
D e s i g n
1 Miami Dade College Fall 2008 Introductory course to architectural design, its scope, methods and vocabulary interfacing graphics and design as a means towards an awareness and understanding of basic organizational principles. Design concepts analyzed through graphical representation and modeling. This was my first encounter with the academics of architecture. The beginning of the semester was organized and developed to teach the fundamentals and basics theories. Towards the last six weeks I was introduce to my first design project Room and Garden, for the first time I had a site and a problematic design condition.
The Matrix
pp 10
The Spatial Composition
pp 11
Room and Garden
pp 12 _ 15
The exercise of the Matrix is an important stepping stone for any architecture student. With the use of linear elements I created a matrix system that represents the connection of three dimensional spaces within themselves and the matrix. This project was completed in one week.
For these exercises there is not too much time to think about what to do next. I have only two days to complete the matrix as well to map on vellum. “The professor say if you find your self thinking for more the five minutes you are doing something wrong, remember rotate, rotate and rotate.�
Project view 001 angle 0 degrees
Project view 002 angle 90 degrees
The Matrix Design 1
Project view 003 angle 180 degrees
Digital resource composing the matrix
Spatial Composition
How many of these cubes do I have to do before I can fully comprehend the message. “Well I get it! I wonder if this is what architecture is all about?”, I hope there is something more.
View of threshold connection of the cubes
The Spatial Composition Design 1
The Spatial Composition was a series of exercises that allowed me to comprehend spatial qualities. I started with sketches and continued with the drafting of a cube of 9” x 9” x 9”. The next excise was to complete a rough model as a continuation of the drafting exercise. The last exercise in the Spatial Compositional series was to design two 9” x 9” x 9” cubes and join then with a spatial threshold. The project was completed in two weeks.
Design process, 1st drawing, 2nd chipboard 9” x 9” cubes
“What can I say this project was a fast ball�. The only time we were given to complete the study of the site, the ground plane, model, and drawings was less that three weeks. Not to mention the small set back we had because of the holidays.
Room and Garden Design 1
Room and Garden
Room and Garden is last project for Design 1, I was given three weeks to complete a series of exercises that encompassed a study of the site, the completion of a model, a ground plane, and an exploration axonometric.
Explode axonometric detaching the project from ground plane
Photography of buildings on the site
The project is running on a connection frequency, here is evident that one of the principal Domain signal is to unify four buildings in the south portion of Kendall Campus. Now is evident that the concept of threshold is a principal that one must comprehend in architecture.
Room and Garden Design 1
Room and Garden For this design composition I had different programs to meet. I had to think about the interconnection for a pedestrian path between four buildings that were already on site. I also needed to create individual and public spaces. As the name suggest it, every space has different qualities, some spaces needed to be open public areas were the ground has been manipulated to create different level of gardens, or enclose private areas were student could study.
Project over view 0 degrees
Project location over view site
Project over view 180 degrees
D e s i g n
2 Miami Dade College Spring 2008 Continuation of architectural design 1, design 2 has an emphasize on the application of ordering concepts, aspects and determinants of form and space. An individual design process is developed by the student. At this level I was very critical and motivated to continue my architectural training. The first haft of the semester was devoted to study and comprehend Villa Savoye and Villa Rotonda, continued with a critical design exercises, and finalized with a new design project named the Space of exhibition and the exhibition of space.
The Study of the villas
pp 18 _ 21
The Threshold Composition
pp 22 _ 25
The Space of Exhibition
pp 26 _ 33
Why is it that symmetric, asymmetrical, and program connectivity is that important?
Villa Savoye floor plan 2nd level
Villa Savoye section
Villa Savoye North elevation
Study of the Villas Design 2
Floor plan space connection
Section Space connection study
The study of Villas The study of Villa Savoye and Villa Rotonda are the first projects of Design 2. As part of an analytical study I had to research about the two villas. Villa Savoye designed by Swiss architect Le Corbusier was completed in 1929 and Villa Rotonda designed by and Italian architect Andrea Palladio completed in 1591. Two different architects two different philosophies one with high classical
orientation and values for symmetry and repetition Andrea Palladio and the other one a modernist and pioneer for high design concepts dedicated to provide better living conditions Le Corbusier.
The exercise encompasses a series of drawing such as floor plans, sections, and elevations to understand the structures. Also a series of diagrams were completed to understand the symmetry, hierarchy, program and repetition of the villas. The last design exercise was to complete a matrix that represented the previews drawings.
Photo from Internet source of Villa Savoye
Elevation Space connection study
Floor plan proportion study
Section proportion study
Elevation proportion study
Villa Rotonda floor plan 2nd level
Villa Rotonda section
Villa Rotonda North elevation
Study of the Villas Design 2
Floor plan space connection
Section Space connection study
Photo from Internet source of Villa Rotonda
Elevation Space connection study
Floor plan proportion study
Section proportion study
Elevation proportion study
The Threshold Composition The Threshold Composition is the continuation of the studies of Villa Rotonda and Villa Savoye. The purpose of the exercise was to create a habitable threshold between the two previous analytical matrixes of the villas.
Circulation is one of the primary conditions that stimulate my cortex thinking during the production of this prime exercise. “How do people move?� I must say that for the most par is horizontal, making vertical circulating an anti human paradox.
Project View 001 0 degrees
Project View 002 90 degrees
Project View 003 180 degrees
The Threshold Composition This Exercise is a detail model of the Threshold Composition. Designed to be ¼” = 1’-0” the purpose is to elaborate more details than in the preview model as well to show a better understanding of the vertical circulation.
Project View 001 0 degrees
Project View 002 90 degrees
The Threshold Design 2
Now I am lost, what does double the scale means? I have the notion that the previous project was done at 1/8” and this one is supposed to be double. “Oh”, I got it has to be 1/4”.
Project View 003 180 degrees
The Space of Exhibition The Space of Exhibition and the Exhibition of Space is a design project that encompasses as series of design exercises. Its programs was about designing an exhibition for artwork such as paintings and statues; but, the building itself was supposed to be an space of exhibition that showcased its own spatial qualities. Part of the design problem was to use two datums along the composition one was a solid datum and the other was a translucence datum. I started with developing sketches that later became a rough model. The next exercise was to complete a 1/8” = 1’-0” model of the exhibition.
The Space of Exhibition & The Exhibition of Space Design 2
The design of this project works with a high frequency in structures. I have to find the way to attach a translucent datum made of glass 1/4� thick. That datum will be a billboard system to inform the pedestrians about the exhibits.
D a The situation of the project is not located in the best of interest. “Why do I placed it in the meddle?� Now I must find a position that will make more sense to the project.
The Space of Exhibition & The Exhibition of Space Design 2
It is very important that the displacement of the billboard will express the compromise within the space and the exhibition. It must be a pure communication of ideas, in that way the pedestrian will be aware of what is awaiting inside of the building.
Every time I see this perspective rendering I did I cant forget what my design professor told me. “I hate that guy� And I asked which guy?
The Space of Exhibition & The Exhibition of Space Design 2
The Space of Exhibition This is a detail sectional model of The Space of Exhibition and The Exhibition of Space. The purpose of this design exercise is to further develop the previews model. Constructed to ¼” = 1’- 0” it shows spatial qualities as well as internal circulation. Included with the models the design exercise includes a set of drawings for the sectional model.
Project Floor plan 001 1st level
Project Floor plan 002 2nd level
Project North Section 001
D e s i g n
3 Miami Dade College Fall 2009 Integration of the natural and built environment with physiological, functional, organizational, spatial and environmental forces. This is the first orientation in which I was given a more open design aperture. Now I had the freedom to communicate the Ideas of projects in the format of my choosing. The exploration of new techniques and materials was a strong force in design 3. I had the particular interest for fast angular conditions that would brake away from the linear conditions that I was required to use in the past. New techniques formed new design concepts as well as new challenges and problems. Studies
pp 36 _ 39
The Intervention
pp 42 _ 51
1st level floor plan
Study : Crawford Residence Design 3
Study : Crawford Residence The Crawford Residence designed By Morphosis architect is the first assignment of design 3. A study that encompasses the drafting of a floor plan and a series of diagrams were also completed to understand the symmetry, hierarchy, program and repetition of the residence.
Mass and proportion analysis
Geometry analysis
Program analysis
Program analysis
Mass and proportion analysis
Geometry analysis
Study : Lyon Train Station Design 3
Study : Lyon Train Station The Lyon Train Station designed by Santiago Calatrava is a continuation of the study of the Crawford Residence by Tom Maine. The study encompasses the drafting of a section and a series of diagrams were also completed to understand the symmetry, hierarchy, program and repetition of the train station.
South section
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces The Intervention of High Velocity Forces was the first design exercise of design 3. Along with the requirements of the design studio this project was also submitted to the “dawntown 2009 competition� for designing a metro mover station in downtown Miami, FL. I start it analyzing and mapping the site to understand how this very dynamic site responded to its forcers.
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces In continuation to the mappings a series of folding planes exercises were completed to understand the forces acting on the site and how their intervention was going to help me to design in proper response to its dynamic orientation.
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
I must say that some of this techniques are not making too much sense. I have been doing close to 20 folding plane exercises looking for conditions that will answer how to articulate the train station. The program is complex enough and very specific about how many ramps and platforms are require for the building.
Folding plane analysis with intervention
Folding planes analysis
The technicality of this frequency operates on a low complexity mode. The program is honored, the code gets developed and implemented to work as both ways co-receiver and as a co-sender of pedestrians.
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
Structural Tensional Support Tensional Support with high strength steel lines will not distress the interior of the metro mover station with the interruption columns.
Glass Curtain Skin The use of a translucent material such as acetated tempered glass will allow for natural light to filter thru without transferring heat to interior spaces.
Structural Support Mid level Structural Support along the main platform is crucial to be highly reinforced with light and high strength steel.
Circulation Platforms Arrival and departure platforms that occur along the metro mover axis; these serve as transitional levels between the metro mover and the levels below.
Original Platform Pillars The pillars and the main metro mover platform will serve as a datum; collecting numerous spaces that happen below and above the project.
Exploded axonometric of train station
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
The locations is very dynamic, there is a park and two museums to build in the next year or so. “Its what I call as an international playground, there is so much controversy and speculations about the museums.” Or what I have gotten to name them as the fat white elephants, they don’t respond to the site and have no regards to any of conditions of the site.
Site model view 001 45 degrees rotation
Site model view 002 top view
North section
East section
Superimposition, this is the first time that I take this approach to make the project feel real. With the use of pictures taken from the site the exercise consist of over placing the image of your project to see how it belongs. “I must say that its quite old fashion and primitive, but works.�
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
West section
The Intervention of High Velocity Forces Design 3
The best part of this project was the end of it. Well you see at the end of the semester along with the summit of the project to the “downtown 2009 competition� committee there was a reception that took place at the Marquis tower. Very nice event that marked the beginning of the grand finally.
Site plan
South section
D e s i g n
4 Miami Dade College Spring 2009 A continuation of design 3. Introduction to programming and design methods in architecture. Applications of building technology in the design process. I knew what I wanted to get out architecture and the class, the exploration component is very high, at one point I was composing models only using computer parts as the only principal material allowed in the design process. The projects were more real than ever, the client was the professor who has given us problematic conditions in which one needed to operate based on. The constrains of the design, square feet, program, budget, and design techniques. Freedom was in the creation that allowed me to find techniques that were comfortable using. Urban + Space occupant one
pp 54 _ 61
Newsstand Buss Shelter
pp 62 _ 69
Freedom Museum
pp 70 _ 89
Urban + Space occupant one Design 4
I remember this day, I had mix feelings about my personal interests. My design professor give a speech the first day of the semester that almost make me retreat from his class. “What to do, wait for next semester to take design 4 or continue.�
Urban + Space Occupant One Urban + Space Occupant One is the first project of design 4. The project began with the study of Miami Beach. This study encompasses analytical diagrams and a 3 dimensional analytical mapping of the site that was constructed using computer parts. For the final model was also mandatory to utilize computer components to enhance the scale factor of the construct. Urban
+ Space Occupant One is located on the water’s edge of South point in Miami Beach; the program was to create an optic lookout point for the entrance of the cruise terminal of the port of Miami. As the name suggest it “occupant one” the program was to make the spaces personal to the degree that at times only one occupant could be per space.
Urban + Space occupant one Design 4
Complexity and extraordinary design techniques were developed in this project that only lasted for two weeks. In the process of completing all the models and site analysis I put apart two computers, three monitors, and six radios. As you can imagine I learned that computers are not only valuable for computing data abilities; but, as well very valuable for model making.
Project view 001 angle 0 degrees
Project view 002 angle 45 degrees
Project view 003 angle 90 degrees
Project view 004 angle 135 degrees
At this point I was unable to cut any other computer part, there was absolutely nothing more for me to cut. My family had hidden all the electronic components that I could use.
Urban + Space occupant one Design 4
Process models 1/16� scale
South section
Consecutive frequency in a low spatial condition. This project is design as a combination of spaces that will only be used by one occupant at the time. There is no mass gathering halls or open circulation circuit. The platforms are narrow and spaces are secluded and at times they feel as compressed.
East section
Urban + Space occupant one Design 4
Today I am highly stimulated, there is so much to do, but its a brand new project. Most of my classmates are also in the field taking pictures and documenting the site. I also remember the get together some of us had that night. The single most stimulating time I had in weeks. Of course that make us to fall behind, as a result we had to work double shift to make up the work.
Newsstand Buss shelter Design 4
Newsstand Bus Shelter Newsstand Bus Shelter is the second project of design 4. Located in the heart of the art-deco district of Miami Beach Florida the project was to design a newsstand / bus shelter for the residents of the area.
That I mentioned that most of this work was done in a night. It happens when you decide to take a break and then the professor says that he will fail the entire class if we didn’t produce what we were supposed to produce.
Site building integration
Easy, fast, not too complicated. This time I am using a tool that is making my life easy. I am using photography to understand the scale components of the site. So far I must say that the highest that I feel I need to develop this project is no more than 30’ high.
Proportion Analysis south view
Newsstand Buss shelter Design 4
Proportion Analysis north view
It feels mechanical, not symmetrical, not human alike. “I love ti.� Finally a product of pure imagination and investigation. For the first time I have gotten fulfilled by the results. The frequency is completely mechanical, the project represents the idealistic phenomenon of the automobile or the buss.
Site vertical analysis 001
Site vertical analysis 002
Newsstand Buss shelter Design 4
Site vertical analysis 003
Project site plan
Volumetric and proportion analysis
Freedom Museum
“Museo de la libertad� Freedom Museum will become the anti dogmatic gas mask that the city of Havana so desperately needs. The building will stand as a symbol of freedom to humanity and as a remainder to future generations of the miserable history of the people of Cuba. If one must understand the reason why I decided to place the museum in the location that it is; one needs to un-
derstand the location is in front of the presidential palace making its location a strategic position in the contest of the city . The museum will be the center of democracy; citizens will express their ideas without reprehension alike to speaker’s in London.
This image, from a promotional postcard originally published by Casa Morris, Havana, depicts the Focsa building and surrounding neighborhoods in early 1956, just before construction of the building was completed.
Freedom Museum Design 4
Grand Prix once some time ago “Gran Premio de Cuba” - Grand Prix of Cuba; run 50 years ago, in a sunny February day, 1957. The Quirogas had the next-best-thing to a grandstand view of the ongoing action at the Malecon circuit, witnessing the driving finesse and performance of great, classy drivers such as Juan Manuel Fangio and Alfonso “Fon” de Portago - or as my uncle Prego always respectfully referred to him, “el Marques de Portago,” “the Marquis of Portago.”
Fangio knew how to work his Maserati 300S’s accelerator, brake, and clutch pedals skillfully. He was racing for a Brazilian team, Scuderia Madunina. This is a pre-race photograph; Fangio seems quite relaxed, sporting a confident look - that of a man convinced he will be the victor.
Fantastic action image of “The Marquis” powering by in his Ferrari 860S - one can almost hear the warbling roar of the powerful engine, producing close to 300 HP - that’s some knightly steed! Below is a happy Eugenio Castelloti.
Freedom Museum Design 4
The Marquis pressed on. Here he powers by Jean Lucas. One can’t help notice how close the spectators were to the action; this is great for immersing oneself in the sights and sounds of the race. But there is danger, and this would become obvious the following year.
When the race was over, President Batista, his entourage, and his escort, traveled on 19th street in order to turn left on “O” and 23rd streets, get on the Malecon road, and return to the Presidential Palace. However, they got held up in the heavy post-race traffic on 19th and “O” streets.
Gomez Mena was not the only native driver that February day. The tobacco firm of Trinidad Y Hermano - “Trinidad and Brother” sponsored a Mercedes 300SL “Gullwing,” driven by Modesto Bolanos, a model by “Bang” being available if you wish for an affordable race memento, as it will “only” set you back US $45.
Freedom Museum Design 4
Map of city of Havana
Freedom Museum Design 4
Havana has a special place in my heart. As a kid I remember walking with my grandfather through the streets of “Old Habana�. This project is bringing very emotional memories to my self.
Hard Waters edge Pedestrian Connection
Hard Waters edge Pedestrian Connection
Significant Symmetry
Significant Symmetry
Significant Systems
Composition of systematic conditions
West section
Freedom Museum Design 4
Something is happening to me. I am doing research on the site and I am remembering the name of all the streets. Today I corrected my professor with the name of a street and what was there. “Its very clear to me�, I would play everyday from my way from school in el Prado.
1st level floor plan
Site plan
North section_2nd 2nd level floor plan
Freedom Museum Design 4
The organizational sequence of how the spaces interlock and galleries become unaffected as a whole was one of my primary concerns.
Space developmental diagrams
In this project I have compromised my emotions, I want to be rational; but, the component of breaking the rules is evident in my design process.
Freedom Museum Design 4
Two weeks working on the site model. The entire class was involved on the construction of the model. “Details are the only thing that determine how the project was going to react in real life.�
Freedom Museum Design 4
mask 86
Freedom Museum Design 4
for the city of Havana
Freedom Museum Design 4
Conclusive program, intervention for the masses. “Could such a fanatic ambition happen any time soon.” The air could be filtered and the people could take their masks off, that will be a moment of joy and contentment. “I realized that in the would there are bigger implications for mankind, like freedom.”
1_Urban Condition
Exploded axonometric
2_Ground Plane 3_Intervention
P e r s o n a l Personal showcases a few projects that were produced out of school in my own time. Two of the projects Navio 90 Degrees , and House DMX were hosing proposals for residential areas in Miami, Florida. The interesting part of these projects is how fast they were developed and what did the clients thought of them. On my first accouter with the private sector I realized how the vision of the majority of individuals is compromised with the classical orders. They have no regards towards new ideas and ways of designing projects.
Navio 90 Degrees
pp 92 _ 95
House DMX
pp 96 _ 97
Body’s in motion
pp 98 _ 99
Navio 90 degrees Navio 90 degrees is a residential design project that takes place in the suburbs of Miami Dade-Florida. Composed of a very generic program rooms, living areas, a pool, etc; I initiated a search for a true design concept. Inspired by the notion that a house is a machine that use to live in, I studied the machines that I consider to be most amazing in terms of space, functionality, and
tectonics the ( Airplanes and Ships). Becoming my main force and the birth of NAV 90 Degrees. The house is composed of two primary programs, one main pavilion at the ground level that will accommodate all the public general spaces, and another on the upper level with a program more reserved that will give privacy to its residents.
Navio 90 degrees Personal work
Navio 90 degrees The location where the project takes place is extraordinarily rectilinear a system that has been established by the city grids. This however presents me with the opportunity to respond to the 90 degrees horizontally of the site.
Over view of the city of Miami
Zoom in into the site of the property
See and be seen, the main space of the home was a perfect example of full disclosure of habitat spaces. I had the purpose of making the space a complete condition for the sharing situation. The people that would share this space will be connected instead of been segregated by walls.
Navio 90 degrees Personal work
House DMX
House DMX is a residential project that was conceived in four hours. The client Daniel Marlse had a lot in South Miami with access to a water channel. The project was to design his house for a budget of $150,000 U.S dollars. The program was developed with the client as well as sketches of how some of the profiles he wanted.
House DMX Personal work
House DMX has a high mass construction frequency, the idea to reduce the cost of constructions was to fast track the project along with the idea of prefabricating some of the parts to reduce the over all cost.
Indoors and outdoors in a perfect extend of one another, that was the approach that I directed toward the more privates areas of the house.
Body’s in motion
Body’s in motions is a small watercolor and sketches selegraphy I did about the human conditions of motion and static positioning. It was fully developed in a summer afternoon when there was not much to do and the only thing I had on hand was a roll of tracing paper and watercolors.
Body’s in motion Design 4