La Consolites' Newsette 2023-2024 | Volume 28 | Issue No. 1

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LCCD Community gives Thanks to Santacruzan Reinas; Enhances St. Ambrose Hall

As 5:00 in the afternoon strikes on February 9, 2024, Juniors and Seniors dressed in lavish ball gowns and tuxedos arrive at the Wiltan Hotel for the Junior and Senior Promenade. Excitement and joy fill the air, but there’s a tinge of sadness behind the smiles. This promenade, the most awaited event, followed hours of preparation, training, and memorizing dance steps. While movies depict promenades as magical, nothingcomparestobeingpart of it. Smiles, laughter, and cheers truly shine throughout the evening, yet the night carries a bittersweet undertone, symbolizing “see younextschoolyear,ornot.”

Dressed elegantly, bonding withfriendsonthedancefloor, the night forged irreplaceable memories. A phrase echoed repeatedlywas, “CoreMemory ko to forever!” Reflecting on friendships formed since Elementary, now moving closer to the real world, brings a mix of excitement and fear. Though we cherish the people in our beginnings, they may not be with us at the end. During the promenade, those

thoughts were set aside, choosing “see you soon” over “goodbye,” as Mr. Franz Bencent A. Bilo said in his Bequeathal of Knowledge Speech: “Good Luck and Goodbye.”

New adventures await, and while the thought of leaving familiar faces is daunting, it’s also thrilling. The night itself wasahighlight,butthejourney leadinguptoitwasevenmore memorable. Despite academic and extracurricular exhaustion, students dedicated time to dance practices. Initially shy, they embraced the moves by the final rehearsal, replacing tirednesswithenthusiasm.The shared efforts and support during preparations were the true highlight. A night symbolizing both goodbye and see you later, it will be remembered at alumni homecomings and batch reunions.

Though this marks the end of Junior or Senior High School, do not worry. There’s more ahead, a longer journey with greater challenges and milestones that God has plannedforusall.

As one of the most significant traditions of Filipino culture, the La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. (LCC-) held the Santacruzan parade last May 2, 2024, headed by Mr. Hector A Alegre, Coordinator of Student Activities. As the Santacruzan parade concluded, the LCC-D Community continued on a path of gratitude, thanking the queens who participated in the event: Franz Kirsten B. Dating as Reina Elena, Antonette R. Torres as Reina de las Flores, Francesca C. Ong as Reina Mystica, Aira Isabel S. Villan as Casa de Oro, Shiloh A. Delos Santos asReina de Los Angeles, Lei-D Dea P. Penales as Reina de las Estrellas, Cindy B. Otilla as Reina de las Virgines, Thanya Kassandra V. Adea as Reina de las Propetas, Maria Fatima M. Balon as Reina de las Patriarcas, Giselle L. Gastaldi as Reina de los Apostoles, Fienne Chaise B. Alvarez as Reina de los Confesores, Miyuki C. Hiroses as Reina de los Martires, Frenchisca Y. Gadil as Reinade los Santos, Allysa Ashley C. De Jorres as Reina Del Santisimo Rosario, Angella U. Luzarraga as Reina de la Familia, Francesca Rhianna D. Lua as Reina Concebida Sin Pecado Original, Alyssa Mary S. España as Reina Asunta Al Cielo, and Athena Noryn C. Merilla as Reina Del Cielo.

The proceeds of their contribution are used for the installation of 8 Air Conditioning Units 4HP Tunner type, 200 Monoblock Chairs, 8 Window type Air Conditioning Units 2.5HP, 1 Double Swing Door with Fixed Glass, and 1 Set 2 Sliding Panels in LCC-D's Function Hall, the St. Ambrose Hall.

CAPTURED ELEGENCE. Even after the sky darkens, the glistening twirls of Consolites lighten up the dance floor along with their heart that screams the joy of an unforgettable night. (Photo by: Ms. Ma. Janine Canitan)
Christine Gold Ibasco

La Consolites' Newsette partakes in BACS Journalism Summit 2024

Twenty-five La Consolites' Newsette journalists participated in the recently concluded three-day Bicol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS) Journalism Summit 2024 held at the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary in Naga City.

The BACS Journalism Summit was hosted by Catholic Educational AssociationofCaceresand Libmanan (CEACAL) from March 1-3, 2024, with a total of 696 campus journalists from across the Bicol Region, with the theme "Youth on Mission: BearersofLoveandTruth."

The La Consolites' Newsette participants were accompanied by Ms. Ma. Janine Canitan, School Paper Adviser, Ms. Imie Manzano, Feature Writing Coach, and Christine Gold Ibasco,CEADPresident.

Most notably, La Consolites' Newsette brought home a totalof8awardsattheBACS JournalismSummit2024.

Here are the other participants who represented LCN: Joachim Mikael C. Sarical (Sports WritingEnglish), Loren Ibasco (SportsWriting - Filipino),Aira IsabelS.Villan(NewsWriting - English), Jan Raphael B. Echano (News WritingFilipino), Thamara Kane V. Adea (Column WritingFilipino), Angel Abina (Editorial Writing - English), Maria Althea C. Ravago (Feature Writing - English), Jeduard Anjelo V. Abad (Photojournalism - Filipino), Joelle Casie G. Oblina (Photojournalism - English), Jorge Francis Y. Yaneza (Photojournalism - English), Isis Helena M. Oblina (Editorial CartooningFilipino),andSeanAndrewL. Yanto (Editorial CartooningEnglish).



Best Output in Evangelization in Journalism (Teachers' Category)


3rd Place, Feature Writing (Filipino)


3rd Place, Best Anchor (Radio Broadcasting - English)


4th Place, Copyreading and Headline Writing (Filipino)


5th Place, Column Writing (English)


RADIO BROADCASTING TEAMEnglish (Ahmad Kleeb M. AlKhaldi, Rhianna P. Iglesia, Jahred Aloixius Q. Alvarez, Gabriel Austin Delos Reyes, and Joseph D. Pioquinto)

3rd Place, Best Infomercial 5th Place, Best Radio Production

RADIO BROADCASTING TEAMFilipino (Vincent Best G. Remoroza, Samantha C. Estrada, Jeff M. Quibral, Jasmine E. Dasco, and Mixim O. Malaluan)

2nd Place, Best Infomercial

SALUTE. The La Consolites' Newsette (LCN) BACS Journalism Summit participants pose in front of the Naga Cathedral, flashing their signature "L" hand gesture as a tribute to LCN.

La Consolites’ Newsette Brings Pride and Honor in the DSPC 2024 After Years

s the Division School Press Conferences 2024 recently concluded in the Camarines Norte National High School (CNNHS) last March 78, 2024, twenty-five journalists from La Consolites' Newsette (LCN) participated in various events, with the theme Campus Journalism in the Digital World: Upholding Truth in Schools and Societies.

Ms. Deauna will also be competing in the Regional School Press Conference (RSPC) in Iriga City, representing La Consolacion College ofDaet.

The participants were accompanied by Ms. Ma. Janine Canitan, the School Paper Adviser; Ms. Imie O. Manzano, the Feature Writing Coach; and Ms. Danica A. Barlizo, a faculty member from the BED department.

As Mr. Crestito M. Morcilla, the Schools Division Superintendent, emphasized, “There is only one truth, there is only one fact,” a reminder of the core values of good and responsible journalism. His words inspire the participants to pursue accuracy, integrity, and professionalism in their craft, reflecting the true essenceofjournalism.

Deauna Takes on RSPC Challenge, Continues Her JOURNey of Excellence


Joyce P. Deauna, a feature writer inFilipino,representsLa Consolacion College of Daet and the Division of Camarines Norte in the recently concluded Regional Schools Press Conference at Iriga Central School, Iriga City,heldlastMay8-11, 2024.






3rd Place, Pagsulat ng Lathalain


4th Place, Editorial Writing



Ahmad Kleeb M. Al-Khaldi

Christine Gold D. Ibasco

Shanley Jared Obona


Athena Heart P. Iglesia

Joseph Christian D. Pioquinto


Vincent Best Dominique G. Remoroza

Samantha Raine C. Estrada

Jeff M. Quibral

Jasmine Marie E. Dasco

Mixim Ferlin O. Malaluan

Joachim Mikael C. Sarical - Sports Writing (English), Loren Ibasco - Pagsulat ng Balitang Isports, Aira Isabel S. VillanNews Writing (English), Jan Raphael B. Echano - Pagsulat ng Balita, Neila Athena O. Boado - Column Writing (English), Thamara Kane V. Adea - Pagsulat ng Kolum, Maria Althea C. Ravago - Feature Writing (English), Amarra Victoria F. Calimlim - Copyreading and Headline Writing (English), Angelie R. San Juan - Pagwawasto ng Sipi at Pag -uulo ng Balita, Sean Andrew L. Yanto - Editorial Cartooning (English), Isis Helena M. OblinaPaglalarawang Tudling, Jorge Francis Y. YanezaPhotojournalism (English), Angelo Jeduard V. AbadLarawang Pampahayagan.

After qualifying for the Division Schools Press Conference, the Associate Editor of La Consolites' Newsette, Ms. Deauna, took the challengeandcompeted in RSPC. Though she could not make it to NSPC, Ms. Deauna, with her love for writing and desire to improve herjournalisticskills,will keep the fire burning and continue her JOURNey.

TO HONOR MAN. La Consolites' Newsette journalists proudly celebrate their achievements at the Division Schools Press Conference 2024, held at Camarines Norte National High School.
WRITE ON! Chariemel (right), together with LCN School Paper Adviser, Ms. Ma. Janine Canitan (left), at RSPC 2024 in Iriga City.


by Christine Gold Ibasco

The Catholic Educational Association of Daet (CEAD) sports players gathered at the campus of La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc., bound for Sorsogon CityfortheBicol Association of Catholic Schools Meet 2023 with the theme, "BACS Meet: Forging Synodality & Synergy through Sports", this November 30 to


The schools of CEAD participating are: La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. (LCC-D), Capalonga Parochial School (CPS), Saint John the Apostle Academy (SJAA), San Vicente Parochial School (SVPS), and Saint Francis Parochial School (SFPS). Theywillbeplaying sports with the following

Pabirik Festival 2024: Persevere

The La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. CTP, DBC, and Twirlers showed courageousness once again in the Pabirik festival held at Paracale, Camarines Norte, last Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

TheMarchingUnit,School Disaster Risk Reduction Management CouncilLife Support Team (SDRRMC-LST),

accompanying parents and alumni gathered on campus to travel to their destination at 5:00 AM by bus. While travelling, they were met with heavy rainfall and strongwinds.

They arrived at the Paracale terminal at around 6:30 AM, but due to the weather, the parade was momentarily postponed. After some time, it was announced that the parade was cancelled because of therain.

However, some time later, thecancellationoftheevent

associations: Catholic Educational Association of Virac (CEAV), Masbate Catholic Educational Association (MACEA), Catholic Educational Association of Sorsogon (CEAS), Catholic Educational Association of Caceres and Libmanan (CEACAL), and Catholic Educational Association of Legazpi(CEAL).

and Represent

was revoked, and the Unit members then readily proceeded to the waitingarea.TheParade started at around 9:30 am. The downpour did not weaken, but with the grit of the constituents and the help of their colleagues, they successfully got through theroute.

The Pabirik Festival honors the gold town's history and its patron, Nuestra Señora de Candelaria or “Inay Candi,” thanking her for abundantblessings.

LCCD: Paving the Way for a Zero-Plastic Environment

La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc., through a school memorandum dated last January 5, 2024, had implemented the “NO PLASTIC, NO STYRO” policytoensurethezero -plastic waste inside the schoolpremises.

As stated in the notice,

thepolicyaimstominimize waste and promote the avoidance of single-use disposable products and packaging materials inside the school campus. During the past years, single-use plastics have been in the spotlight because of its impactontheenvironment. The use of Styrofoam or polystyrene if disposed

improperly, can leach chemicals into the environment and harm watersources.

In relation to that, the harmfuleffectsofplastics and Styrofoam outweigh its cheap and convenient use, drawing significant cause for a ban on the said products. As an

alternative, students and school personnels are highly encouraged to bring their personal food andsnackcontainers,as wellaspersonaldrinking containers to lessen the use of plastic bottles, which will have the potential to contaminate theenvironment.

Aira Isabel Villan, Khristel Anne Omaña
GODSPEED! The Catholic Educational Association of Daet (CEAD) poses for a picture before setting off to Sorsogon city. (Photo by:
TESTAMENT. LCCD CTP, DBC, and Twirlers defy the relentless rain and winds during the Pabirik Festival 2024 in Paracale, Camarines Norte. (Photos by: Danica Ricario, Maria Fe Decena, and Lance Echano)

LCN Team Enhances Journalism Skills with Seminar-Workshop by Rappler Journalist Paolo Cootauco

The La Consolites' Newsette (LCN) EditorialBoardandStaff attends a SeminarWorkshop about News Writing and Mobile Journalism given by the Guest Speaker and Rappler Journalist Mr. Paolo Antonio Cootauco.

The Seminar-Workshop began in the SRA

Eucharistic Mass Starts Off the Feast of Sto. Nino

La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. commenced its celebration of the Feast of Sto. Niño through a Eucharistic Mass, which was presided over by Rev. Fr. Ernesto “Dohn” Corre, Jr. and concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Jumbim Torres, OSA, at the Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, at 8:00 am,January31,2023.

The feast of Sto. Niño is the continuation of the Christmas Story.

said Father Torres to remind the LCCD community of the essence ofthesaidfeast.

Laboratory at exactly 1:05 PM with an Opening Prayer led by Mr. Joachim Mikael Sarical, the LCN Sports Editor. This was followed byanIntroduction oftheGuestSpeakergiven byMs.Ma.JanineCanitan, the School News Paper Adviser.

discussion, the workshop started with news writing activities.

EMPOWERING MINDS. Rappler Journalist and Former Editor-in-Chief of La Consolites’ Newsette, Mr. Paolo Cootauco, shares insights about the fundamentals of news writing. (Photo by:

Mr. Cootauco discussed the fundamentals of News Writing and Mobile Journalism. After the

After these, the Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Mr. Cootauco, given by Ms. Canitan and Ms. Christine Gold Ibasco, the LCN Editor-in-Chief, for sharing his journalistic knowledge and skills during theSeminar-Workshop.The program then ended at exactly4:32PM.

To make way for the procession, the images of the Sto. Niño, brought by the students, was blessed byRev.Fr.Corre.

After the mass, a procession was held in honor of the Saint, with the route from St. John Church to the LCCD campus. Afterward, the students presented their vibrant and cheerful Sinulog festival dances as they entered the schoolquadrangle.

This event not only showcased the cultural richness, but truly manifested the high spirit of the Consolites, being steadfast in their faith and devotion to the ChildJesus.

ThefeastofSto.Ninois celebrated every 21st of January to remind the devotees of humbleness and gratefulness for the Lord'sgifts.

The Bikol Association of Catholic Schools Holds 3-day Journalism Summit by

Through the BACS member school heads, the Bikol Association of catholic schools (BACS) sent a memorandum announcing the first BACS Journalism Summit last Tuesday, February6,2024.

“The organization and the officers believe that youth empowerment and leadership are vital in community development and in promoting the role of campus journalism as a way of molding positive values, enhancing critical and creative thinking, becoming bearers of truth, and developing the moral character and selfdiscipline of students.”

As said in the memo, the event aims to promote the fair and ethical use of social media, counter misinformation and disinformation, and improve a student journalist’s ability to write, analyze, think critically, anddraw.

The summit was held at the Naga Parochial School and Holy Rosary Minor Seminary in Naga City fromMarch1to3.

Ms. Janine Canitan)
SPIRITUAL JUBILATION. La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. marks the Feast of Sto. Niño with a Eucharistic Mass and procession. (Photo by: Joelle Casie Oblina)

Student Coordinating Body Officers: Ready to Lead the S.Y. 2023-2024

TElections (COMELEC).


Shortly after, Sr. Angelita J. Sagun, OSA, President and Principal of LCC-D, WITH Mr. Franz Bencent A. Bilo, the Academic Coordinator, and Assistant Principal, awards the COMELEC and other facilitators with Certificates of Appreciation.

Thomas Gabriel Fabricante

Vice President:

Ahmad Kleeb Al-Khaldi


Christine Gold Ibasco


Mikaela Jocelle Sarical Auditor:

Third Christian Pineda


he elected Student Coordinating Body (SCB) Officers of La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. (LCC-D) were announced at the Mother Andrada Stage onWednesday, September 7, 2024. This was conducted by Ms. Rachel Ann Bacuño, the Head of the Commission on LCC-D STUDENT COORDINATING BODY S.Y.

The elected SCB Representatives from gradelevels4-12were firstannouncedbyMs. Bacuño, followed by the SCB Major Officers, respectively: Public Information Officer (PIO), Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President.

SHS Convention STRANDscenders’ 2024: Show your BEST

The Senior High School students of La Consolacion College Daet, Inc., showcased their B.E.S.T., brilliance, excellence, skills, and talents on January 11–12, 2024, attheSHSConvention, STRANDscenders’ 2024, held at the St. AmbroseHall.

The Day One of the ceremony started with an Opening Prayer led

by Ms. Sabina L. Yet, SCB Grade 11 Representative. It was then followed by the singing of the National Anthem, conducted by Mr. Thomas Gabriel R. Fabricante, the SCB President. This was followedbyanOpening Remarks from Mr. Filipino Y. Doctor, SHS Coordinator, and a message from Sr. Angelita J. Sagun, OSA, the School PresidentandPrincipal.

At 8:30 a.m., The Strands Pep Talk started with Mrs. Rowena B. Flores, the BED Guidance Counselor, followed by Career Guidance with Ms. Charmaine B. Ignacio from BSN, Ms. Marinella Ibasco from CHTM, and Mr. Christian Custudio from CCS. After that, the Strand Events started, and each team from SHS, which are the Starks (Grade 12 STEM), Targaryen (Grade 11 STEM), and Lannister (Grade 11 and 12-ABM, HUMSS, and GAS), showcased theirboothsandBazaar Bonanzas. Each team also prepared different strand events in which the SHS students participated.

Gabriel Austin Delos Reyes

Grade 12 Representatives:

Angel Ayessa Cacho

Chloe Mae Vizcaya

Grade 11 Representatives:

Jahred Aloixius Alvarez

Sabina Yet

Grade 10 Representatives:

Jorge Francis Yaneza

Iliana Marie Nasol

Grade 9 Representatives:

Joachim Mikael Sarical

Sophia Amaris Jalgalado

Grade 8 Representatives: Ellyza Margarette Navajas

Carl Dominic Morena

Grade 7 Representatives:

Dysnie Miel Belarma

Hendrick Allen Lazo

Grade 6 Representatives:

Bea Czarmaine Francisco

Mary Belle Evano

Grade 5 Representatives:

Angella Luzarraga

Edwin Don Bertillo

Grade 4 Representatives:

Kier Aryan Galleta

Mkralj Njorn De La Peña

Mr. Hector A. Alegre SCB ADVISER

CAPTURING BRILLIANCE. The Targaryens (GRADE 11 STEM) emerges victorious as they claim their well-deserved accolades for being the overall champion. (Photo by: Christine Gold Ibasco)

SHS Convention STRANDscenders’ 2024: Show your BEST

From page 6

On the Day 2 of the event, each team continuously participated and showcased their skills as they continued their Bazaar Bonanza, which was opened in the morning for different gradelevels.They'vealso created Strandscenders’

video promotions and EFlyers.

At 2:00 in the afternoon, the awarding started with Mr. Thomas Gabriel R. Fabricante, the SCB President,andMr.Hector A. Alegre, Coordinator of Student Activities, as the Masters of Ceremony. The Opening Prayer was

LCC-D Reverently Joins Diocesan March of Saints 2023

The students and personnel of La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. participate in the yearly March of Saints celebration organized bythe Diocese of Daet, on Tuesday, October31,2023.

Every year, the diocese conducts the March of Saints as a means of celebrating the Western Holiday which is known as Halloween, that incorporates a way of teaching young children aboutthelivesofdifferent saints.

The participants were calledtoheadtoSt.John the Baptist Church at exactly2:00PM,wherean Opening Liturgy was conducted. This continued until 3:15 pm. After a change of plans due to heavy rain, the organizers advised everyone to take available vehicles as transportationtotheMost HolyTrinityCathedral.

While the other participantswerearriving,


as a way to honor the Saints,the LCC-D’s Drum and Bugle Corps (DBC) started playing their usual procession songs, such as “Immaculate Mother” and “Restless is my Heart”. After this, the Saint John the Apostle Academy DLC also played and presented differentsongs.

The DBC and DLC stopped playing their music at around 5:00 pm for the Pontifical Concelebrated Mass that was attended by many priests from our diocese and waspresided overby the Bishop of Daet, Most Rev. Rex Andrew C. Alarcon,DD.

initiated by Ms. Ayessa O. Cacho, SCB Grade 12 Representative, and thereafter the actual awarding started, and the awards were presentedbyMr.Filipino Y. Doctor and Mr. Franz Bencet Bilo, Assistant Principal/Academic Coordinator. Afterwards,

Mr. Jahred Aloixius Q. Alvarez, Grade 11 Representative and the overall event coordinator, gave his Closing Remarks. The event ended with a closing prayer led by Ms. Mikaela Jocelle Sarical, the SCB Treasurer.

LCC-D Unites in Prayer with the Living Rosary

On October 27, 2023, La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. organized a Living Rosary event at the School Campus Quadrangle with the theme "Journeying With The Blessed Virgin Mary in Participation,Communion&Mission."

At 3:00 PM, each grade level and section of Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High SchoolpresentedchoralesinhonoroftheVirginMary.

A Eucharistic Celebration followed at 5:15 PM at the Saint John the Baptist Parish Church, presided by Rev.Fr.RonaldAnthonyP.Timoner,V.G.

Post-mass,aprocessioninhonoroftheBlessedVirgin Mary moved from the church to the LCC-D Campus. The procession order included the DBC, Mother Mary's image carried by the CAT, Altar Servers and Priest, Lectors of St. John the Baptist, the Barangay Pastoral Council, Eucharistic Ministers, LCCD Family Council, students, faculty, personnel, and Church Communitymembers.

The Living Rosary, commencing at 6:30 PM after the procession, featured an introduction bySr. Angelita J. Sagun, OSA, the President and Principal. Despite being held on a Friday, participants gathered to pray the Glorious Mysteries instead of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Each mystery had different intentions: "For WorldPEACE"intheFirstMystery,"Vocation,Priests, Bishop,Pope,ReligiousMen&Women"intheSecond Mystery, "Different Sectors, Fisherfolk, Farmer" in the Third Mystery, "For the Sick" in the Fourth Mystery, and"DiocesanGoldenJubilee"intheFifthMystery.

Rev.Fr.RonaldAnthonyP.Timoner,V.G.,assistedby Sr.AngelitaJ.Sagun,OSA,performedtheCoronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Living Rosary concludedaround7:40PMwithaFinalBlessing.

Participants gathered at the Most Holy Trinity Cathedral (Photo by: Christine Ibasco)

LCC-D conducts the First General Assembly for Parents

As the first three weeks of classes started last August 16, La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. held the first Parents’ General Assembly on Saturday, September 2, 2023, on the 4th Floor, Saint AmbroseHall.

The assembly includes the Homeroom Meeting, which gives parentsabriefingabout classroom concerns and conducts an election of the Homeroom Officers inside the classrooms. Afterward, the parents

PARENTAL SERVICE. The event culminates with the election of Family Council Officers for the school year 2023-2024. (Photo by: Christine Gold Ibasco)

gathered at Saint Ambrose Hall to conduct the orientation of the


Educational Service Contracting(ESC)ofthe Junior High School, the orientation of the VoucherProgramforthe SeniorHighSchool,and the election of the FamilyCouncilOfficers.

During the election, the homeroom-elected presidents were qualified as candidates for Family Council Officers. The nominationsanddivision of houses started, and the officers for the school year 2023-2024 wereintroduced.



Mrs. Ma. Eloisa Belarma Mrs. Cecil Ibasco

Mrs. Jemalyn Blanco

TREASURER: Mrs. Joanna Canaria


Mrs. Gwen Galleta

P.I.O.: Mr. JM Carretero

BUSINESS MANAGERS: Mrs. Florence Llagas

Mrs. Joy O. De La Peña BOARD

Mrs. Maricar Palma

Ms. Valery Malaluan

Mrs. Janet Raro

Ms. Niel Corongay

Mrs. Gwen Galleta

Mr. Roberto Canaria

Mrs. Spalcita M. Espina

Mrs. Cherry Y. Naperi

Mrs. Mona Ocampo

Mrs. Nena Delos Santos

Mrs. Maria Gracia F. Baluca

Mr. Ferdinand C. Labrador

Mrs. Olvina Gracia Curtina

Mrs. Myrna Borjal

Mrs. Sharon Sayno

Mrs. Ma. Angelica C. Frialde

Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake jolts

Surigao del Sur

A magnitude 7.4 earthquake jolts Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur, on Saturday,December 2, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said in abulletin.

The epicenter was located 42

by Jan Raphael Echano

kilometers northeast of Hinatuan.

Theearthquake,which istectonicinoriginand struck atadepthof25 kilometers, affected parts of Mindanao and some parts of Visayas at around 10:37 P.M. onSaturday.

PHIVOLCS initially placed the earthquake at 6.9 magnitude but

Mr. Carlos G. Olivario

Mr. Arsenio P. Pronda

Mrs. Mary Ann C. Mejia

Mrs. Ophelia B. Vasquez

later revised it to 7.4magnitude.

The agency also issued a tsunami alert warning signal after the tremor.

“Based on the local tsunami scenario database, it is expected to experience wave heights of more than one meter

Turn to page 9

Mr. Aquiles B. Balon Jr.
Mrs. Lilibeth G. Orbeta

Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake jolts Surigao del Sur

From page 8

above the normal tides and may be higher on enclosed bays and straits. Destructivetsunamiisexpectedwithlife -threatening wave heights, Phivolcs said.

Raymark Gentallian, local police chief of the town of Hinatuanneartheearthquake’s epicenter,saidpowerhadbeen knocked out since the quake. Still, disaster response teams have not monitored any casualtiesordamageyet.

Following the possible tsunami warning, some residents of Hinatuan town left coastal areas and evacuated to the town’sdisastercenter.

The whole city of Butuan, AgusandelNorte,wasplunged into darkness and was not yet restored as of 11:00

Indonesia Election: Massive Gathering as Candidates Wrap Up Campaigns

Indonesia’s presidential contenders geared up for their last campaign rallies days before the world’s largest single-day vote, which will take place on Wednesday, February 14.

The said election will

replace the incumbent president, Joko Widodo, who, according to their constitution, is prohibited from seeking re-election a third time. Just days before the polls, over 100,000 people filled Jakarta’s main stadium last Saturday for a

P.M. Many residents of Butuan suffered from hyperventilation. Some of them had to be rushed to the hospital.

The tremors were also felt in some parts of Visayas and Mindanao, with some Cebu netizensreportedtouching the groundshaking.

Significant shaking was felt in severalareas,withIntensityVI reported in the City of Bislig, Surigao del Sur, and Intensity VII reported in Tandag, SurigaodelSur.

massive demonstration supporting Prabowo Subianto, the frontrunner in the country’s presidentialelections.

Supporters flocked in their tens of thousands to witness the closing ralliesofhisrivalsinthe race to lead a sizable country with a majority of Muslims, Anies Baswedan and former Central Java governor GanjarPranowo.

Prior to Wednesday’s election, polls show that incumbent defense minister Subianto, a three-time contender, is aheadofBaswedanand Pranowobyasignificant margin.

People praised his tenacity in running for the presidency for the third time. The national stadium’s audience applauded as 72-yearold Subianto began his vehementspeech.

He declared, “We willstruggletodeliver prosperity to all Indonesians. We shall carry on the work that other presidentsstarted.”

During his campaign trail,Subiantopromised to end severe poverty, give pregnant women and children free milk and school meals, and carry-on outgoing President Joko Widodo’sinitiatives.

On February 14, more than 204 million Indonesians will cast ballots to select thousands of local authorities, lawmakers, and the country’s next chiefexecutive.

Votingwilloccuratover 800,000 voting places located throughout the archipelago studded withvolcanoes.

EVACUEES. (Photo Courtesy of HINATUAN LGU via Rappler)
AHEAD. Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is joined by Gibran Rakabuming Raka as his running mate in the presidential race. (Photo courtesy of Reuters)

LCCD’s High School Students attend the Acquaintance Party and Induction Ceremony

La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. celebrates the Acquaintance Party and Induction Ceremony of the Junior High School and Senior High School students on the afternoon of September 15,2023,attheschoolcampus quadrangle and MotherTeresa Andrada Stage, facilitated by the Student Coordinating Body (SCB), and with Mrs. Jielyn J. Jamito as the Master of the Ceremony.

Officially starting the program, Ms. Christine Gold D. Ibasco, the SCB Secretary, led the Opening Prayer. Then, Mr. Thomas Gabriel R. Fabricante, the SCB President, conducted thePhilippineNationalAnthem. This was followed by the Opening Remarks delivered by ourPresidentandPrincipal,Sr. AngelitaJ.Sagun,OSA.

The Grade 7 Students, with their theme Dark Academia, then presented their intermissionnumber.Afterthis, Mr.LemuelC.SanGabriel,the former SCB President of the S.Y 2017-2018, delivered his message as the Guest Speaker.

The Induction Ceremony then began with the Induction of Faculty Officers with Sr. AngelitaJ.Sagun,OSA,asthe Official Inducting Officer. This was then followed by the induction of the class officers and then the club officers with Mr. Lemuel C. San Gabriel as theOfficialInductingOfficer.

The Grade 8 Students then presented their performance with a theme inspired by the movieBarbie.

The former SCB President of

the S.Y. 2022-2023, Ms. Mikylla Kim Marcelo, then delivered and expressed her feelings with her message on transferring responsibility and wishing good luck to the SCB Officers. The newly elected SCB Officers then recited their oath with Ms. Mikylla Kim Marcelo as the Official Inducting Officer.Aftertheyfinished, Ms. Marcelo, along with Mr. San Gabriel and Sr. Angelita J. Sagun, OSA, did the official Sashing of theSCB.

Moments later, each grade level chose their representative to participate in Ramp Modeling. All the students then showed their support for the aspiring King and Queen of the Night through the “One Peso, OneVote.”

The event continued with the performance of the Grade 9 students with the themeRedCarpet.

The most anticipated part of the ceremony commenced with the giving of the awards for thevariouscontests.

After Mrs. Jamito, the host, announced the winners of each contest, the program ensued with anintermissionnumberby theGrade10students.

Up next, the presentation of performances from Grade 11 students with the theme Retro, and the Grade 12 students with thethemeHollywood.


Grade 10


Grade 8


Grade 11 -

St. Liberatus of Gafsa CLEANEST CLASSROOM

School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council - Life Support Team (SDRRMC-LST)


Grade 8 -

St. Alonso of Orosco

Most Participative Class

Grade 7

Best in Table Set Up

Grade 10

Best Presentation

Zane Ezekiel P. Tenorio (Grade 7)

King of the Night

Trisha Ann Villagracia (Grade 12)

Queen of the Night

King and Queen of the Night

LEADER TO LEADER. Newly elected Student Coordinating Body (SCB) officers take their oath during the induction ceremony. (Photo by: Joelle Casie Oblina)

La Consolites’ Newsette


Ourplanetisblessedwith giftsofnaturesuchas land,forests,andbodiesof water.Becauseofthese,our planetsustainslife,createsa beautifulhomeforthelivingand non-living,andprovides importantsourcesoflife.Mother Nature'skindnessiswhatmakes thisworldalive.Butinevery kindness,thereisabuse.Cruelty andignorancecreatedbythe mistakesofhumanbeingscan triggernatureandwillcausea massivethreat.Itisscary,itis powerful,itisdestructive.So, whennaturemakesacall,are youreadyforit?

Ifinddisastermoviesfascinating asitprovidesmeknowledge aboutdifferentcalamitiesin everypartoftheworld.Ihave watchedmoviessuchasSan Andreas,Tunnel,TheTower, Sinkhole,TheImpossible,etc. whichareaboutearthquakes, floods,tornadoes,andtsunamis. Andonewordtodescribe those?Terrifying.Eventhinking ofithappeninginreallifemakes mewanttoinventadvanced technologythatcouldprotect peoplefromthosecalamities.It isfrighteningtothinkthatnature canbeofgreathelpintoour everydaylife,butshecanalso beourgreatestenemythat takesmillionsoflives.Witha growingpopulation,crueltyand abuseofhumanbeingscannot beeasilytreated;nature'scallis inevitable.Thismademerealize thatanytime,hercold vengeancecancomeandallwe candoistoprepareandcope upwithwhateverchangesitmay bring.

Oneofthemostdestructive calamitiesthatnaturecouldgiveis atsunami.Tsunamiisaseriesof wildcurrentscausedbyanylarge andsuddendisturbanceofthesea surfacethatcoulddestroybig areasandproperties,notto mention,drownpeople,inasnap. Tsunamiisinevitablewhen triggered,thatiswhyawareness aboutthiskindofcalamityisa must.ThepurposeofTsunami Awarenessistoeducatepeoplein identifyingthewarningsignsof tsunamisuchasanunexpected riseorfalloftheocean,hearinga loudroarlikeajetortrainfromthe ocean,televisionandradiowarning broadcasts,andemergencyalerts fromphonecallsandtext messages,andutilize precautionarymeasuressuchas communityevacuationplans, especiallytocoastalcommunities andtsunami-proneareasto mitigatetheimpactofthe catastrophicwaves.

Wedonotliveinaperfectworld. Weliveinaworldwhereinorderto live,wemustsurvive.Inevery

mustbeprepared,wemusttake action,andwemusttakesolutions topreventthem.Andinorderto fightnature'sdestructivecall,we mustworktogether.Youcanhelp spreadawarenessabout tsunamis,oranytypeofcalamities inanyform.Itcanbethrough creatingarticlessuchasthis,or makinginfographics,slogans, essays,andleafletscontaining informationaboutcalamities; throughjoiningawareness campaigns;andthroughusing socialmediaasaplatformto promotetsunamiawareness globally.Anyonehasthepowerto takeaction,becausewearealla partofthis.JustlikefromwhatI havereadinabooktitledTasteof SkybyVentreCanard, “During calamities,youshouldn'tthinkon howtosurvivealone.Butstart thinkingonhowtosurvivewitha lotofpeople."Withoutadoubt,the mostimportantweapontoa destructivecalamityisunity, courage,andhumanity.

Whennaturemakesa call,bemorethanready.Respond withawareness,preparedness,

Because in this world of chaos, to live is to survive.
La Consolites’ Newsette
(Illustration by Ahmad Al-Khaldi)

As seen today, many candidates use credentials which we do not often connect with great leadership and ambition. Society's current situation exposes how far eligibility is from ability as even if they have the ability to run for candidacy, they do not have the eligibility and capacity to perform their future duties.

As the youth assess candidates through their critical lens, it is notable that what the youth looks for are true leaders who are not only courageous enough to face their community's problems, but also sincere enough to serve their people.

Swiftlyemergingasa powerfulandinfluentialforcein thesecoming Barangay & Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE),theGenerationZormost knownasGenZ,arebecominga significantplayerinshapingthe country'spoliticallandscape.

Unlikeeverbefore,weareseeinga changingshiftintheirdistinct politicalpreferencesasthey becomekeenlyawareofthe challengesbeingfacedbytheir generation.Throughthefaster spreadofinformationinsocial mediaplatforms,theirvoicegrows louderasthepeoplebecomemore understandingofhowasvoters,our futureliesinourhands.

Itisundeniablethatinthe previouselections,mostpolitical candidatesdependontheirphysical attributestogaintheattentionofthe voters.Flauntingtheirgoodlooks, popularfamilynames,orunrelated credentials,theyuseitastheir marketingtoolstoovershadowtheir lackofqualificationsand competence.

Withtheriseofsocial media,candidatescandothis easiernow.However,GenZis becomingcriticalwiththeirappetite forgenuinesubstanceandgrowing intoleranceforshallowness.

Astheyquicklyspot instancesofcandidatesboasting suchunrelatedcredentials,they expresstheirskepticisminto amusementbyturningitinto memes,whichhavebecomea powerfultoolforpolitical commentary.

Withhumorandsarcasm, mockingelectionpostershas becomeacommononlinepastime, andthecandidateswhooftencite suchaspectsarenowundergreat pressuretoprovetheir competence.

addressissues.Thus,everyoneisin highhopesthattheobservantand criticalGenZdemographiccan pushcandidatestoredefinetheir campaignandurgeindividualswho areactuallycompetenttostandout.

Analyzingthesetrends,it wouldseemthatthereisreallya significantshifttowardsamore perceptivevoterbasewhoexpect theirleaderstodemonstratemore thanjustemptypromisesand cosmeticappeal,butwith knowledge,competence,andthe capacitytoaddressissues.Thus, everyoneisinhighhopesthatthe observantandcriticalGenZ demographiccanpushcandidates toredefinetheircampaignandurge individualswhoareactually competenttostandout.

It is high time for us to vote for people with qualified written all over their faces. May the candidates and voters of today prove that the saying

Astheyquicklyspotinstancesof candidatesboastingsuchunrelated credentials,theyexpresstheirskepticism intoamusementbyturningitintomemes, whichhavebecomeapowerfultoolfor politicalcommentary.

Withhumorandsarcasm, mockingelectionpostershasbecomea commononlinepastime,andthe candidateswhooftencitesuchaspects arenowundergreatpressuretoprove theircompetence.

Analyzingthesetrends,itwould seemthatthereisreallyasignificantshift towardsamoreperceptivevoterbase whoexpecttheirleaderstodemonstrate morethanjustemptypromisesand cosmeticappeal,butwithknowledge, competence,andthecapacityto

(Illustration by Chariemel Joyce Deauna)


Amplifying Voices, Connecting Communities

Doesn’t it feel nice to hear the laughter and see the students’ smiles as we witness them walk with and through a path of vibrant colors? As the sun arose, the gleaming dyes in their outfits and water guns, accompanied by the thrilling screams and laughs from the students, were apparent as the playful day awaited them

As the event started at 5:30 AM, excitement in the beaming eyes and smiles of the students was evident as after they had lined up for the registration, they proceeded in the row of their respective grade levels, then Ms. Anthea Añora, YES-O’s Club President lead the prayer of a vivid trail ahead, which was followed by Consolites preparing to hold onto their water guns, ready to blast the vivid hues and anticipate the bright path that they would walk onto as their journey began.

determination to reach their destination!

Eventually, after overcoming the fading brilliance of their track, waves of hues suddenly approached them as they felt the breeze of the comforting sea and heard the energetic notes of the songs for the Zumba dance, which seemed to have called them to dance along the vibes and rhythm!

Every year on February 13th, the world comes together to celebrateWorld RadioDay, recognizing the enduring power of this timeless medium. Since its invention, radiohas served as a beacon of information, entertainment, and connection, connecting borders and languages to reach every corner of the globe.

One of the most remarkable aspects of radio is its ability to amplify diverse voices and promote inclusivity. From community radio stations in remote villages to international broadcasters reaching millions, radio provides a platform for voices thatmay otherwise go unheard. It celebrates cultural diversity, linguistic richness, and the unique perspectives of individuals from all walks of life.

Through the journey from La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc.,

This significant program has been going on for years, making it into the list of events for the 76th Founding Anniversary of La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc., and this year’s Color Fun: Walk, Run, Ride was organized by the YES-O (Youth for Environment in Schools Organization) club headed by Mr. Christopher E. Bacurin, Club Moderator, and Ms. Anthea Añora, Club President, with the assistance of the SDRRMC- LST (School Disaster Risk Reduction

Radio remains a vitalsource of information, particularly in regions where access to other forms ofmedia is limited.Whether delivering breaking news, educational programs, or health advisories, radio stations play a crucial role in keeping communities informed and empowered. During times of crisis, such as natural disasters or pandemics, radio serves as a lifeline, providing essential updates and connecting people in need.

Beyond its role as an informationprovider, radio fosters dialogue and understanding across diverse communities. Through talk shows, interviews, and call-in programs, listeners have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations,share their perspectives, and build bridges of understanding. In a world often divided by politics, religion, and ideology, radio serves as a unifying force, promoting empathy and mutual respect.

While radio has a rich history spanning over a century, it continues to evolve in the digital age. Online streaming, podcasts, and social media integration have expanded the reach and accessibility of radio, allowing listeners to tune in anytime, anywhere. Despite these advancements, the essence of radio remains unchanged a medium thatspeaks directly to the heart and soul of humanity.

As we celebrateWorld Radio Day, let us pause to appreciate the enduring legacyof this remarkable medium. From its humble beginnings to its global reach today, radio continues to inspire, inform, and unite people around the world. So, whether you are tuning in to your favorite station on the airwaves or streaming online, take amoment to celebrate the magic of radio and the countless voices it to life.

La Consolites’ Newsette

La Consolacion College - Iriga recently marked a major milestone as it celebrated its 75th Diamond Jubilee with the 'Mr. and Ms. ASAS 2024' pageantlastMarch19,2024. The stage was set, the lights were on, and candidates arrived from various Augustinian schools, including Saint Francis Parochial School, La ConsolacionCollegeofBaao, and La Consolacion College of Daet, each exuding poise and prowess withtheirsteps, movements,andvoices.

Keeping with the theme, “LCCI@75:WalkingTogether with a Grateful Heart,” the

Joachim MikaelSarical(Grade 9) and Iliana Marie Nasol (Grade 10) proudly representedLCCDinCategory B, displaying their will and glamcenterstage.CategoryC welcomed 12th graders Kian NicandroandKyukoTachihara with a tandem of greatness andbeauty.

The atmosphere indeed held much anticipation and each candidate placed their efforts to win awards. However, the ‘Mr. and Ms. ASAS 2024’ became more than just winning awards. It is a testament to the beauty in every person, the humility in every stride, and the intelligence and awareness in advocating issues surrounding the world. Each candidate had an undeniable presence that ticked off all these values, commanding attention and respect. This event truly pushed everyone to be their best selves, and despite the pressure, it allowed them to shine like real diamonds firm andbright.

Joachim (Grade 9) Iliana (Grade 10) Kyuko (Grade 12)
Kian (Grade 12) Aianah (Grade 6)

La Consolites’ Newsette

Nine students from La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. (LCC-D) showed how their promising minds contributed to the future of biology as they took part in the highly anticipated 1st Regional Biology Quiz Bee last April 13, 2024, with the University of Nueva Caceres as its host.

Ninety-eight teams across Bicol Region joined this prestigious competition, each yearning for the glory of victoryandrecognition.

The three teams, composed ofSenior High School students who represented LCC-D and whose brilliance added to the lusteroftheevent,were:

The three teams representing LCC-D were: Team 40, which was composed of Grade 11 students from St. Boniface of Gafsa Lhian Faye C. Gomez, Mary Faith Ara Pantalla, and Irish Queen A. Uchi; Team 41, also Grade 11 students from St. Liberatus of Gafsa Marie Angel Abina, Mary Hope Gicel Pantalla, and Marl LouizA. Rada; andTeam 42, a combined team from St. Liberatus and St. Boniface of Gafsa Lyka Angelica A. Advincula, Charles Gian R. Cabanela,andJeffM.Quibral.

These consolites studied hard and instilled a mindset that even if theywere first-timers, just bybeing firm on their goal of representing LCC-D with pride and honor, they still had a chanceofwinning.

TheseConsolitesstudiedhardandembracedthemindset that,evenasfirst-timers,theirgoalofrepresentingLCC-D withprideandhonorgavethemafairchanceofwinning. JeffM.Quibral,oneoftheparticipants,sharedon Facebook, "Despite not being able to get the top spot in the biology quiz bee, I’m taking a moment to appreciate this journey. It’s easy to get caught up in the disappointment of failing and falling short of victory, but looking back, there’s so much more to be grateful for." Similarly,MaryFaithAra Pantallaexpressedhergratitudetotheircoach,Mr. ChristopherE.Bacurin,saying, “I am forever grateful to my Adviser/Biology Teacher, Sir Christopher Bacurin, for giving us the opportunity to participate in the 1st Biology Regional Quiz Bee. Although our teams did not win, the experience was truly precious for us."

Despitethepressurefromseasonedcoaches,Mr. ChristopherE.BacurinandMrs.VirginiaD.Pasatiempo remainedcommittedtonurturingthestudents'minds throughouttheevent,fromthepreparationstagetothe competitionitself.Mr.Bacurinreflected, "Pero ‘yong kaba ko, napalitan [ng saya] nung nakita kong nag-enjoy naman kayo. Nakita ko na [our participants] were not just aiming for the win, but were after the experience," emphasizingthat therealprizewastheknowledgeandexperiencegained fromtheevent.

As the event concluded, a promise hung in the air the promise of more stimulating intellectual contests that will enrich the future. The exceptional performance of Bicolanos, highlighted by all participants, sent a clear message: the future of biology in the region is indeed in capablehands.



From the moment individuals venture into the busy roads outside the comfort of their homes, their eyes will eventually meet multicolored, bright, and vibrant jeepneys. The jeepney is not just a mode of transport it is a part of our culture and heritage and is often dubbed as the “King of the Philippine Road.”

For decades, it has served Filipino citizens and is considered the backbone of our public transportation system. While modernization is necessary, it should not completely eliminate jeepneys from our roads. Instead, we can make efforts to modernize them by adhering to the basic standards for a public transport vehicle that ensures the comfort of both drivers and commuters while still maintaining their traditional look.

As such, the jeepney phaseout should not continue. First, according to a Rappler article, Jeepneys only make up 2% of the total registered vehicles in the Philippines. This means that although traditional jeepneys contribute to the negative environmental and health impact of carbon emissions, jeepneys are not the main nor the only source of these emissions.

Secondly, many drivers may risk losing their means of living and possibly being buried under a massive debt. Rappler’s coverage on this topic states that compared to a traditional jeepney’s price range of P150,000 to P250,000, a modern e-jeepney costs as much as P2.8 M, which is a 1,766.7% increase from a traditional jeepney’s usual price. Seeing the economic state of our country and how it affects the day-to-day life of our jeepney drivers, it is not a stretch to say that they cannot put together a large sum without reliable and adequate aid.

Thirdly, as a result of the reason that drivers who cannot keep up with the taxing requirements will lose their jobs, dependable public utility vehicles will be reduced, resulting in difficulties also for commuters. Despite the often stuffy, noisy, and bumpy experience hitching a ride in a jeepney provides, it is still a preferred mode of transportation by commuters because it is cheap, convenient, and takes them wherever they need to go, may it be to schools, offices, or establishments. For the true kings of our roads, if there is a route, there is a way to get you to your destination. That is why it comes at a loss for many individuals if traditional jeepneys are phased out.

Although the underlying objective of modernization is to remove smoke from traditional jeepneys, it also brings a sense of alarm from the public. The jeepney phaseout should not be pushed without a clear action plan for affected jeepney drivers and operators. The absence of alternative jobs and the potential poverty outbreak should be prioritized.

It is vital for the government to critically consider and give enough time for jeepney drivers to brace for an impending modernization. It is an unjust move to fulfill a tight and swift deadline that could lead to long-term poverty and lack of livelihood. Rather than imposing an inflexible deadline, the government should provide support and possible solutions to maintain the safety and well-being of jeepney drivers, as well as the citizens. Failure to provide adequate time leads to unfair treatment and violation of their rights.

In the government's lead, we demand that our jeepney drivers be considered partners in promoting sound public transportation. The government must have a proper support system and cooperation for an effective modernization that does not jeopardize the well-being of the jeepney drivers who serve their purpose in this country. Instead of phasing them out, the solution is to help our jeepney drivers and upgrade our very own traditional jeepneys to accompany the fast-changing technology. It also serves as a lifeline to our schools, enabling us to access education.

The jeepney is not just a mode of transport, but it has always been an iconic symbol of resilience and accessibility for commuters. Removing these vehicles kills a piece of our culture that we have taken pride in for many years. It traverses routes that other modes of transport may not cover.




Ms. Ma. Janine Canitan School Paper Adviser

Sr. Angelita J. Sagun, OSA School Principal

by Precious Anne Despi)


The “Mindanao Republic” InitiativeSparksNationalDialogue

In the Philippines, there's talk about a separate place called the "Mindanao Republic" or the "Federal Republic of Mindanao." Mindanao is a big island with many different cultures, but it also had a lot of fighting for many years because of problems with who gets to make decisions, how much freedom they have, and who they are as a group.

The idea of the Mindanao Republic is about giving Mindanao more control or even making its place separate from the rest of the Philippines. People who like this idea say it could make things like running the place, growing the economy, and protecting the rights of different cultures there work better. They also talk about how Mindanao has had a tough time with things like not getting enough help from the government and not being treated fairly.

One big reason for wanting the Mindanao Republic is to try to stop the fighting and trouble in the area. Mindanao has had a lot of problems with groups fighting each other and with the government, like the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). Those who support more control for

The idea of the Mindanao Republic shows how complicated things are in the Philippines regarding who gets to make decisions, how places are run, and how people want to live.

Mindanao think it could help fix the reasons behind these fights and bring lasting peace.

People who want more independence for Mindanao also talk about how the island has a lot of valuable natural things like land for farming, minerals, and different kinds of plants and animals. They say that if Mindanao had more say in how these things are used, it could help everyone there have a better life.

However, not everyone agrees with the idea of the Mindanao Republic. Some worry it could break up the Philippines and make it harder for everyone to get along. Others wonder if it's even possible to make Mindanao its place, with questions about how it would be run, kept safe, and able to support itself economically. There's also concern that trying to separate could worsen the fighting and problems in the area.

Recent efforts have been made to fix some reasons why people in Mindanao want more control.

One example is the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) 2, passed in 2018, which created the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). This is seen as a significant step toward giving the Moro people more freedom to govern themselves and is hoped to bring more peace to the area.

Overall, the idea of the Mindanao Republic or the Federal Republic of Mindanao shows how complicated things are in the Philippines regarding who gets to make decisions, how places are run, and how people want to live. Even though there are concerns and problems with trying to give Mindanao more control, it's important to talk openly and include everyone in finding solutions that can bring peace, prosperity, and fairness to everyone in the country.


DepartmentofEducationlaunches MATATAG Curriculum

Some students and parents would like to take a stand against the new curriculum of the school system in the Philippines, which was launched on August 10, 2023.

We, the students, struggled when the K-12 curriculum was released. Almost all of the students expressed dissatisfaction with the curriculum. Now that the K10 Curriculum (MATATAG Curriculum) is back, many people have had a lot to say about the situation.

The MATATAG Curriculum is a revised curriculum for kindergarten through grade 10 in the Philippines that will go into effect in the 20242025 school year. It was primarily designed to address the challenges, difficulties, and struggles of the current K -12 curriculum. The K to 12 Curriculum content is congested, causing stress for students and teachers and resulting in learning difficulties and issues. Due to a lack of time, the teacher had little time to teach, so students did not meet the curriculum content standards.

Some students were overjoyed to hear this, while others were disappointed. Students' main concerns are a lack of knowledge, difficulty understanding, overloaded with too many lessons or subjects.

That is why the MATATAG Curriculum was created. The curriculum focuses on literacy and numeracy skills. They reduced the number of learning competencies while balancing cognitive demand. It strengthens peace education. This can help Filipino learners who are having difficulty understanding English. Learners in this curriculum are more attentive, participate, and volunteer more. This improves their comprehension while

studying. This encourages students to enjoy reading while helping them develop the skills necessary to become confident and proficient readers. They want to emphasize GMRC, or Good Manners and Right Conduct. This is to teach students how to interact respectfully in various relational dynamics.

It is also stated that DepEd will implement the curriculum gradually so that students and teachers can adjust perfectly and carefully and prepare the necessary learning materials for the curriculum.

I believe implementing this Curriculum is critical for all Filipino students. It can improve our literacy and numeracy skills. It represents a significant step towards a brighter future for students. It also helps us understand, love, and serve our country. This curriculum encourages students to strike a balance between mental intelligence and emotional maturity.

“MAkabagong kurikulum na napapanahon, TAlinong mula sa isip at puso TApang humarap sa ano mang hamon, Galing ng Pilipino, Nangingibabaw sa Mundo” is the definition of the MATATAG Curriculum. We believe that every student is capable of doing a variety of things. This Curriculum teaches us that pure beauty comes from the heart. Every student is unique and has their own talents, just as everyone has differences and skills. Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa.

Itrepresentsa significantstep towardsabrighter futureforstudents.

OPINION La Consolites’


We live in a democratic country where people can unite their voices to uplift and stand for what they are fighting for and what they think is right for the betterment of the nation. The communication venue to express ideas is through the freedom being provided. We all have the right to be part of the press in ways that we are capable of and in the availability of sources. In expressing our thoughts and opinions on certain current issues and events happening in the world, we first check the news and articles linked to the topic and verify the authenticity of the sources that's where the media plays a huge role in assessing issues and events. Media is a form of mass communication and a source of information. This includes radio, television, newspapers, published articles, the internet, etc. These media cannot be formed without our brave writers, journalists, media workers, and the network that helps journalists provide sufficient news worldwide. According to Reporters Without Borders 2022 World Press Freedom Index, Norway ranked as the freest media in the world, which features public solid service broadcasters and offers extensive editorial independence.

Dear Editor,

Locally speaking, the Philippines ranked 147th in the said index. Despite the government's vivid threats and harassment like the controversial ABS-CBN network shutdown, The Percival "Percy Lapid" Babasa incident, and the recent killing of the Calamba Gold FM's radio anchor Juan "DJ Johnny Walker" Jumalon, the Philippine media is still standing strong, giving the public the necessary information that they need daily. According to the article in East Asia Forum, the Philippine press is commonly perceived as the "freest media" in Asia, but despite the bright perception, our country is one of themost dangerous places in the world to practice journalism.

The 1987 Constitution guarantees press freedom, but Philippine law neither states nor acknowledges giving protection to journalists to work freely. With this generation, we are eager to achieve things and fight for what is right, and we do not easily fall for something unless it is verified and fact-checked.

The people are essential to a country; without them, the country would be voiceless. Every voice has a story to tell, and we need to ignite the fire within us, stand together, and voice out what we are fighting for because the louder the sound we make, the more it will get heard and make achange.


A pleasant day to you and all your fellow writers of La Consolites’ Newsette, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my appreciation for the efforts made to improve the cleanliness of our school. The new rule regarding single-use plastics and Styrofoam, along with the encouragement for students to clean up after themselves, has led to a noticeably cleaner environment compared to previous years. I believe

that this change has had a positive impact on our school community, as a clean environment can contribute to a more pleasant and conducive learningenvironmentforall.

I would like to suggest the implementation of more frequent cleaning efforts, such as the spring cleaning event held last year. Assigning each grade to a specific area of the school to clean at least twice a year could help maintain the cleanliness of our school and instill a sense of responsibility and


Dear fellow Consolite, Good Day!

The La Consolites' Newsette Editorial Board and Staff would like to express our sincerest gratitude to you for being a student willing to speak up with their suggestions to improve our Augustinian Community.

Your suggestions will surely be proposed to

our Administrators and the Coordinator of the Student Activities Office. I will pass on your message to make sure that your concerns are addressed.

I would also like to add that a previous platform called “LacoGreen” was done by the Student Coordinating Body (SCB) with the DBC (Drum and Bugle Corps), Twirlers, and CAT as the participants last November 10, 2023, with

pride in the students. This could also serve as an opportunity for students to bond with their peers and develop a greater appreciation for their schoolenvironment.

In addition to regular cleaning activities, I believe it would be beneficial to educate students about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and the impact of their actions on the overall cleanliness of the school. By fostering a culture of cleanliness

and responsibility, we can ensure that our school remains a clean and inviting place for all, students, faculty, and guests alike. Embodying being an EcologicalSteward.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I look forward to seeing further improvements in our school's cleanliness and overallenvironment.


A Concerned Student

the approval of the Coordinator of Student Activities. The “LacoGreen” wasaproject wherein the participants, the SCB, CAT, DBC, and Twirlers, cleaned all around the campus quadrangle, including the quadrangle drainage system.

We will surely suggest the idea of every student participating in the “LacoGreen” on our

campus be facilitated. There is nothing more educating than experiencing it ourselves so hopefully, the request will be approved. As a student, I too am looking forward to improvements in our school done with the help of each of us. As a journalist, I will make sure that your voices willbeheard.

With Sincerest Appreciation, Editor

Philippine Senate Approves SIM Registration Law

The Senate has approved a new law, designatedasRepublic ActNo. 11934ortheSubscriberIdentity Module(SIM)RegistrationAct.

TheSenatorsratifiedtheBillon the Senate’s 25th regular sessionheldlastSeptember27, 2022.

The law states that mobile deviceusers mustregistertheir prepaid or postpaid SIM cards. This new law started taking effect on December 27, 2022, and was to be ended on April 26, 2023. However, it was moved to July 30, 2023, to allow those with unregistered SIMcardstodoso.

If your SIM card is not registered or you somehow failed to register your SIM card before July 30, 2023, your SIM card will be deactivated. Once deactivated, the user won’t be able to make calls, receive calls, and send or receive text messages.

The main reason why SIM cards are being registered is to enhance the Philippines' nationalsecurity.

The thought of having to registerourSIMcardsmaybea hassle. Still, the good thing about this law is that the government is finally taking action on the numerous spam messages sent to different people across the country and outside.Filipinoscanfinallyfeel therelief of havingtheirprivacy protected from scammers and criminals with just some clicks. We should do our part in protecting ourselves by registering our SIMs within the submissiondates.

Uncovering the Dangers of Information Manipulation in Journalism: A Call for News Literacy and Reliable Sources

Information Manipulation is undertaken to shape publicopinionorunderminetrust intheauthenticityof information. It refers to the intentional distortion of information to influenceordeceiveothers.

Journalism has long been regarded as a cornerstone of democracy, providing citizens with accurate and reliable information. However, in recent years, the rise of information manipulation has threatened the integrity of journalism and journalists. The spread of misinformation has become increasingly prevalent, with some individuals and organizations intentionally spreading false information to further their agendas. This has led to decreased public trust in journalism and a rise in skepticismtowardsnewsources.

One of the main ways in which information manipulation occurs in journalism is through the use


Informationmanipulationcanhavea significant impact on journalists and their work. The reliance on social media as a source of information and a lack of resources for revising can make journalists susceptible to manipulation. This is especially concerning given the current criticism in journalism, where previously established notions of trustworthy sources are being altered.

Additionally, social media has made it easier for false information to spread quickly and widely, often without being fact-checked or verified.Newsorganizationsneedto prioritizeaccuracyandfact-checking over clicks and views. Journalists must also be aware of the tactics used by those who spread false information and be vigilant in verifyingtheirsources.

Information manipulation is not exclusive to any actor or group, nor is it essentially good or bad. By working together to combat

With the ever-evolving world, many are worried that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will steal our jobs and take over our population as technology advances rapidly, which urges us all to sharpen our consciences concerning our inventions.

On the contrary, studies have found thatAIisunreliablebecausetheyare trained on a particular data set. Thus, ifthedata wereincomplete or biased, it would produce faulty results.

It is well-known that today's machines significantly help with our work tasks, such as solving math equations, programming code, and generatingideas.Itisundeniablethat the world would not be the same nowifitwerenotfortheroboticswe engineered. Many of which promise total efficiency and accuracy. As a result, countless people praise the new-foundtechnology.

Furthermore, an issue is present with them lacking originality and ethical standards, attributes seeminglyonlyahumancanprovide.

For example, the widely-used AI generative art applications found online, which are often accessible to use, were created by feeding artworks from unconsenting artists to be able to train its program. In addition, some users sell merchandise with art output instead of commissioning underpaid artists

Thisevidentlyraisesaconcernwith the principles regarding those who useandprogramAI.

With that in mind, the determination of our future ultimately falls in our hands. Computersmaynotbeasadvanced right now, but that won't happen as time passes. They will not overtake us if we do not let them.

As we have the gift to be able to create, we must know our limits and take responsibility in a society where we may be easily influenced topartakeinwrong-doings.Striving for progressiveness has to come withregardforothers.

Evenifitismoreaccessible,itdoes notnecessarilymeanitisbetter.

Successful Ball Games in line with Santo Niño Fest

L a Consolacion College of Daet, Inc., organized ball games for
(Illustration by Ahmad Kleeb Al-Khaldi)

LCCD Basketball Team vanquish MCHL Basketball Team

On the second day of the Camarines Norte Association of Private School (CANAPS) Meet, the La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. Basketball Team broke the defense of the Montessori Basketball Team, attaining 31-17 final score, a 31-point lead. The team played the fifth and last play of the day yet still managed to heat the court. This event occurred on the first Thursdayof January 2024, in Devs Court in DaetCamarinesNorte.

Both teams finally filled the floor before their much-anticipated match to warm up and prepare for another's impending game. The much-awaited game finally started at around 5:30 p.m. The starting lineups for both teams were then presented. The LCCD Basketball Team bravely went onto the court as representatives of their team.


La Consolacion College of Daet accepted the challenge with courage and delivered the game's first point by (15) Nicandro. Although the other side struggled to gain momentum and attempted player substitutions and timeouts, LaCo persevered in playing. LaCo led 12-3 in the first quarter and outscored the opposition 15-8 in the second, 2212 in the third, and 31-17 in the fourth. Eventually, the opposing team could not keep up, and the LCCD Basketball Team eventually grabbedcontrolofthecourttoclaim victory.

The jersey numbers (0) Palma, (15) Nicandro, (21) Yet, (28) Parlero, and (29) Regondola made up the starting lineup for the La Consolacion College of Daet basketball team. The starting lineup for the other team was as follows: (8) Johnson, (9) Cana, (11) Melendres, (16)

The La Consolacion College of Daet faced the challenge dauntlessly and showed their tenacity by being named the MVP and match top scorer. Jersey number (21) Yet who scored seven points, which was the highest point total for the LCCD Basketball Team. De Leon, wearing jersey number 4, leads the other team in scoring with seven points.

The La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. The Basketball Teamhasachievedvictory.

LCCD’s Volleyball Girls Team: CANAPS Double

LCCD’s player performed numerous service aces. LCCD Volleyball Girls were full of communication while playing and helping each other. LCCD Volleyball Girls excelled at receiving and serving, allowing us to score 30 first. The opposing team to score in predictable patterns.

In the first game, Mabini Colleges won against La Consolacion College of Daet Volleyball Girls with a score of 40 second game, La Consolacion College of emerged victorious against Montessori House of Learning as they returned in the game with a 13

The Match Point is when our hearts started racing, and our excitement grew apparent. The atmosphere became more intense. Everyone on the court is affected by the tense atmosphere. The last match is still up to 40 points, and the LCCD Volleyball Girls are gaining ground. And, to our luck, La Consolacion College of Daet Volleyball Girls triumphed! The previously tense atmosphere has now subsided. After the match, everyone shook hands. LCCD has achieved victory.

FOCUSED PRECISION. the game unfolds.

DRIBBLING DREAMS INTO REALITY. Mr. Jeston Langub imparts wisdom and skill during an intense match of the basketball game against MCHL. (Photo by: Precious Despi)

Capalonga Institute triumphs over LCCD Volleyball Team

The La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc., Female Volleyball Team lost after the match with Capalonga Institute with a final score of 40-28 at Bagasbas Covered Courtonthefourthdayoftheyear.

The first 20 points favored LCCD, but astheirmomentumgrew,thepressure rose,whichsetfiretothewholegame as Capalonga snatched their momentumandmaintainedituptothe


The LCCD Volleyball Girls' MVP of the match is Player #07(Lara),whoscorednearly half the total points and had numerous successful service aces.

After making it through the opening round of the double elimination round on the first day, the school's female volleyball team retook the court. They are scheduled to playinthesecondgame.

Shortlyafterwarmingup,both teams are on the court. Capalonga Institute was the first to serve but did not receive a point because the ball went out of bounds. Both teams lose points in the middle of the game, primarily duetorotationerrors.

La Consolacion College of Daet Volleyball Girls

experienced numerous service errors and failed receives. As a result, Capalonga Institute was the first to score 20 points in the game.

As the game continued, LCCD called a timeout because they were 7-points behind the opponent.(30-23)LaConsolacion VolleyballGirls’ Coachexclaimed, “Kaya niyo ‘yan!” to ease and boost the players to do and fight until the end. Following this, the players’ dedication and focus are evident. Students' and teachers’ cheersechoedinsidethecourtas theywitnessedthegirls'play.

Despite their dedication, the Capalonga Institute retained their 11-pointleadandendedthegame with a dropball that landed on the LCCD's side of the court, making themclaimtheirvictory.

San Miguel Beermens rebounds in finals game 5 against Magnolia Hotshots NATIONAL

S an Miguel Beermens (SMB) bounced back against Magnolia Hotshots, securing game five, 108-98 in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) Commissioner's Cup Season 48 at Araneta Coliseum last February11,2023.

June MarFajardo,Jericho Cruz, CJ Perez released multiple 3point shots securing a 10-point lead, in 32 seconds of the last and final quarter, in the last 7 seconds Cruz wasted the time by dribbling the ball and ended thefinalgame5,3-2.

Perez closed the game with a total of 16 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists getting his first bestplayerafterasubstitutionto the injured import player Terrence Romeo last finals game.

SMBSimonEncisodrewthefirst blood with the 3-point shot, Jio Jalaon rebounded, straight, and shot the ball into the 3-point area, Enciso in play answered withanother3-pointat9minutes and52seconds,6-3.

Hotshot Tyler Bey delivered hot powerful lay-ups trying to clutch

(Photo courtesy of PBA Images)

the game on SMB in the first quarter at 2 minutes and 30 seconds,34-41.

Beermen Fajardo spiced up the 3rdquarterbystartingitwithspicy 2-point shots, 48-43, Fast Andy Barroca passed the ball to Calvin Abueva and dribbled it to Bey releasing a 2-point shot trying to close with SMB 54-47 score at 9 minutesand23seconds.

Timplanados Ian Sangalang tied thegameafteranunsuccessful3point shot of Jalaon firing the ball with a jump shot in the third

Turn to page 23

TRANSCENDING SCORES. Despite the setback, LCCD Volleyball Girls Team with Coach, Mr. Kenneth Navea, radiates positivity. (Photo by: Joelle Casie Oblina)

San Miguel Beermens rebounds in finals game 5 against Magnolia...

From page 22

quarter at 7 minutes and 7 seconds,56-56.

SMB Cruz in hot hands delivered a 3-point shot cementing a 10-point lead against Magnolia, at 32 secondsofthefinalquarter,9787, a quick dodge and smart2point shot answered by fiery Sangalang,89-97.

CLARKSON’S 3 POINTS SHOTS with Decisive Win in FIBA World

Cup 2023

hilippines took its dramatic first win in nearly a decade.

Gilas Pilipinas made their dramatic first win in nearly a decade against China (96 -75) for FIBA BasketballWorld Cup 2023 last September 2 at the Araneta Coliseum.

Jordan Clarkson’s numerous 3-point shots led his team to the top and opened a huge gap against China, making the team lead; he contributed the most points (34) for Gilas Pilipinas.

The first quarter started with Roger Pogoy’s effortless 3-point shot followed by a 2-point shot that June Mar Fajardo initiated; Pogoy once again made his shot by quickly stealing the ball (7-0).

China took the lead by 2 points after Zhang Zhenlin followed his slam dunk with a 3-point shot; Zhenlin was once again on the ball after making another 2point shot, making them lead by 4 points (10-14).

China was in the lead. However, its consecutive points were destroyed by Clarkson’s 2 points shot, bringing the ball alive once again by adding another 2 -point shot that was scored by Kai Sotto’s follow-up, but China scored once again and made a tie at the end of the quarter, (16-16).

The second quarter was on, and Pogoy

delivered a successful 2-point shot; now the ball was on Clarkson’s hand, and the three players guarded him from China, but AJ Edu was there to pick up the ball, and he then added two 2-point shots. (20-16).

Gilas Pilipinas tricked their rival by quickly passing the ball to Rhenz Abando, who was perfectly in place to make a 3-point shot; this tactic was successful, putting them in the lead (24-18).

China is now 3 points lead (37-40); Jordan Clarkson managed to make a tight but impressive 2-point shot with just a split second, ending the second quarter with a close gap with China (39-40).

Magnolia tried to clutch the game but Cruz in hot hands consistent with a 3-point shot, attempted to stop SMB's momentum but Perez snatched and straight to a quick 2-point shot, as Bey got the ball he dribbled and directed to the basket leading to an unsuccessful shot, 98108.

memorable win for Gilas Pilipinas as it made them secure their spot for the bronze medal and made their slot for the 2024 Paris Olympics Qualifying Tournament

3rd quarter started tight, but for Gilas Pilipinas, it was a never-say-die; they made consecutive points, making it hard for their rival to recover (59-48).

All eyes are on Clarkson after making the court rain with his marvelous and unbelievable successive 3-point shots, making a huge gap to China (73-50).

China dribbled the ball in the fourth quarter. However, Dwight Ramos performed a good defense by stealing the ball from the rival’s hand, and it was then passed to Abando, who made an effortless 2-point shot (81-57).

Philippines is in the lead while China tries to recoup by trying to score 3 points, but the time is running out. Finally, the match ended with Ramos’ 2-point shot; this was a




WATCH THIS. San Miguel point guard Simon Enciso marks the occasion in Game 5 against the Magnolia Hotshots with a celebratory display. (Photo courtesy of Marlo Cueto -
(Photo courtesy of FIBA BASKETBALL)

The Official Student Publication of La Consolacion College of Daet, Inc. Basic Education Department

DLSU Salvages

DOMINANT OPENER. Angel Canino prepares to serve during DLSU's dominant win over Adamson in the UAAP Season 86 opener. (Photo courtesy of Mark AbergosThe LaSallian)

De La Salle University (DLSU) Lady Spikers dominated Adamson University (AdU) Lady Falcons in the UAAP Season 86 opener, winning 25-16, 25-16, 25-18 at the Mall of Asia (MOA) Arena in PasayCityon February17.

BLOCKEDYOURWAY. Carla Mee, Greyhounds player, blocks the way of a scheming Purple Panther, securing their ultimate win. (Photo by: Danica Ricario)

Senior Chloe Vizcaya quickly passed the ball to Ayessa Cacho, who tossed it successfully to the net, delivering 2 points for her team, 2 minutes and 41 seconds, 6-0.

Queen Angel Canino led the charge with powerful attacks, securing an 8point lead early in the first set (11-3), maintaining dominance in the second set (23-15), and finishing strong in the third set with a 25-17 victory. Canino delivered an impressive 14 points with 11 attacks and 3 blocks, earning the Player of the Game title.

Taft Giant Thea Gagate set the tone with a powerful quick attack, destabilizing Adamson’s defense early. Canino and Patrice Dabao kept the momentum, with Shevana Laput denying a key hit from Lucille Almonte during a heated rally, leading to a 15-6 advantage in the first set. Despite AdU's reputation as top diggers and receivers, their shaky floor defense allowed La Salle’s attacking spree.

Canino closed the first set with a decisive open hit, capitalized by flawless receptions from Leiah Malaluan and Dabao, ending it at 2516. Archer Amie Provido stunned Adamson with a cross-court shot in the second set, pushing the score to 8 -6 by the first technical timeout. AdU’s poor reception further weakened their response, reducing their ability to activate middle attacks.

In the third set, Gagate once again shattered Adamson’s defense with a quick attack, bringing the score to 3-1. Despite a brief resistance from Falcon Tower Jen Villegas, who blocked Provido’s shot, AdU couldn’t maintain their footing. Falcon Ancheta's serve into the net sealed the game, marking DLSU’s 300th win under coach Ramil and a triumphant start to UAAP Season 86.


Carla Mae Olivario’s hot hands turned the table for the Greyhounds, gaining momentum from the third up to the last quarter. Anyson Lara’s three-point shot in the early fourth quarter pressured the Panthers, who struggled to shoot,17-16.

Olivario, the skipper of the Greyhounds, unleashed a total of12 points, boosting her team by serving as an example and securing a championship match. “Rebounds are the key to my energetic play today, snatching the game from the Seniorbatch,” Olivariosaid.

Panther Yasmin Vasquez drew first blood with a swift 2-point shot assisted by Kate Octa, 3 minutes and 38 seconds, 2-0.

Lara passed the ball to Olivario for a quick shot but missed. Olivario rebounded, giving anotherchance.Larareceivedthe ball from Olivario, returned it, and Olivario successfully shot, 1 minuteand54seconds,6-2.

Joan Morandarte’s solid defense in the second quarter gave the Panthers a huge advantage by torturing the Greyhounds’ offense. Lara turned over theball toOlivario,whoreleasedaswift2 -point shot, turning the tables, 3 minutesand57seconds,16-10.

Lara’s hot hands unleashed a 3point shot, taking a one-point advantage from Grade 12 in the early fourth quarter, 17-16. The Panthers tried to catch up in the remaining time, but their eagerness led to Cacho’s injury, allowing the Greyhounds to extend their game to the championship.


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