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FENIKSOT GO POBEDI OGNOT 1944-2004 - 60 godini postoewe na Evrejska zaednica vo Republika Makedonija
THE PHOENIX DEFEATED THE FIRE 1944-2004 - 60 years of existence of the Jewish Community of Republic of Macedonia
Megu neboto i mo}ta e istorijata na iljadnici nesre}i.Holokaustot be{e poraz na voljata,za potoa da svatime deka samo `ivotot e toj {to ja negira prazninata na univerzumot. Mudrosta doaga po vremeto,a dobitnicite odat zaedno so nego.
Between the sky and the power the history of thousands accidents exists. The holocaust was a destruction of the will to understand later on that only the life itself denies the emptiness of the Universe. The wisdom comes after the time and the winners go together with it.
Skopje, noemvri 2004 Skopje, November 2004
So radost i so gordost, bele`ime 60 godini od obnovuvaweto na
With joy and proud we celebrate the 60 anniversary of the renewing of the
rabotata na Evrejskata zaednica vo Republika Makedonija, iako
work of the Jewish Community of Republic of Macedonia, even though in
vo Vtorata svetska vojna bugarskiot okupator sobra 98% od
the Second World War the Bulgarian occupier collected 98% of the Jewish
evrejskoto naselenie na teritorijata na RM, a potoa ovie 7200
population from the territory of Republic of Macedonia, and then these 7200
bea predadeni na germanskite sili i odvedeni vo logorot na
were given to the German forces and taken to the death camp of Treblinka
smrtta Treblinka, za nikoga{ ve}e da ne se vratat. Feniksot go
and have never returned.
pobedi ognot - onie malkumina {to go pre`iveaja Holokaustot, uspejaa vedna{ po osloboduvaweto da se reorganiziraat i vo dekemvri 1944 godina da ja obnovat Evrejskata verska
The phoenix defeated the fire - the small number of those who survived the Holocaust managed immediately after the liberation to reorganize themselves and in December 1944 renewed
op{tina vo Skopje. Malku potoa za`ivea i
the Jewish Community in Skopje. Soon after that the
Op{tinata vo Bitola, koja prestana da
community in Bitola became into life, but stopped
funkcionira vo 1947 godina.
functioning in 1947. Za `al, ne raspolagame so dovolno analizi i dokumenti {to }e svedo~at za prvi~-
Unfortunately, we don't have enough analysis
niot period od postoeweto na vozob-
and documents that will testify for the first peri-
novenite op{tini. Dol`ni sme im ogrom-
od of the existence of the renewed communities.
na po~it na site onie poedinci - Blaer,
We owe them a great respect and all those individuals-
Pijade, Saporta, pa sé do Samokovlija,
- who have contributed the survival and the develop-
{to pridonesoa za opstojuvaweto i razvojot na
ment of our Community. Specially for that it will be need-
na{ata Zaednica. Osobeno zaradi toa, }e bide potrebno Zaednicata da vlo`i dopolnitelen napor so po-
Samokovlija, sadikario, Sion, Mladenovski, Mizrahi
Sadikarijo, Sion, Mladenovski, Mizrahi -
ed to be given an additional effort by the Community with the
mo{ na postojnata dokumentacija i so svedo~ewata na svoite ~le-
help of the present documentation and according to the testimony of its
novi, da ja prika`e vistinata za celokupniot povoen period, za
members to show the truth of the whole after war period, to show our respect
da mo`eme taa na{a po~it da ja iska`eme i so ime i so prezime.
with name and surname.
Ovaa publikacija pretstavuva eden ~ekor vo taa nasoka.
This publication is a step forward in that direction.
Zdravko [ami
Zdravko Sami
Pretsedatel na EZRM
president of JCRM
1944 god - Zavr{uva tragi~nata istorija na Evreite od Makedonija
1944 - The end of the tragic history of the Jews in Macedonia
Iako, obremeneti so neizvesnosta za sudbinata na deportiranite bliski, so raskrvavena du{a od grabe`ot i rasproda`bata na celokupniot evrejski imot, preostanatite makedonski Evrei, so golem `ar se vklu~uvaat vo re{itelnite bitki na edinicite na Narodnoosloboditelnata vojska, za osloboduvaweto na Makedonija. Tie, zaedno so ostanatite narodi i narodnosti od Jugoslavija na svoite pleki go donesoa zrakot na slobodata.
Burdened with the uncertainty for the destiny of the deported close people, with deeply hurt soul from the robberies and the sale of the whole Jewish property, the rest of the Macedonian Jews with a great zest involved themselves in the final battles of the units of the National Liberation Army for the liberation of Macedonia. They together with the other nations and nationalities from Yugoslavia brought the liberation ray on their shoulders.
Na 9 septemvri 1944 godina, bugarskata fa{isti~ka vlada kapitulira. Site nejzini organi vo okupiranite teritorii se raspagaat. Fa{isti~kite vojski na Germanija na site frontovi vo Evropa se povlekuvaat.
On September 9 1944, the Bulgarian fascist Government capitulated. All its organs on the occupied territories collapsed. The German fascist armies on all fronts in Europe started withdrawing. The National Liberation Struggle notes down biger successes
Odred Dame Gruev, 1943, gore ~etvrti od levo Viktor Me{ulam, @amila Kolonomos, Salomon Sadikario, dole vtor od levo Beno Ruso, Adela Faraxi, Murdo Nahmijas Unit Dame Gruev, 1943, second row fourth from left Viktor Mesulam, Zamila Kolonomos, Salomon Sadikario, first row second from left Beno Ruso, Adela Faradzi, Murdo Nahmijas
Narodnoosloboditelnata borba, bele`i se pogolemi uspesi vo osloboduvaweto na teritorijata na cela Jugoslavija, kako i na proteruvaweto na okupatorite. Vo Makedonija, se vodat sna`ni ofanzivi za sozdavawe na slobodni teritorii. Vo pove}e voeni formacii, borci Evrei zavzamaat politi~ki i voeni funkcii. Vo borbite protiv fa{isti~kata okupacija zaginale pove}e Evrei borci: Od Bitola-Estreja Ovadija-Mara ( 1944), Mordehaj Nahmijas-Lazo ( 1944), Rafael Batino ( 1942), Isak Sarfati ( 1943), Salomon Sadikario-Mo ( 1944), Samuel Sadikario ( 1945), Marsel Demajo ( 1944), Jako Bitol~anec ( 1943) Aron Aruesti ( 1942), Leon Faraxi ( 1943), Izako Faraxi ( 1943), Murdo Todolanu ( 1942), Pepo Peso ( ?), Lazar i Josif ( 1942), Anaf Bato ( 1945); i dr. Od Skopje-Mois Bahar ( 1943), Josif [urna-Skipo ( 1944), David Navaro ( 1945), Tuli ( 1944), Emanuel Kamhi ( ?), Luiza Kamhi ( ?), Nikola [paj (1944), Bukica Konfino ( 1943), Dezi Menahem ( ?), Adolf Pisker, Rebeka Sason, Ra{ela Sason, Bela Sason, Duka Vaj{paj, Izidor Altaras (“crveniot {najder”) i dr. 4 noemvri 1944 godinaosloboduvawe na Bitola 8 noemvri 1944 godinaosloboduvawe na [tip 13 noemvri 1944godinaosloboduvawe na Skopje Krajot na noemvri 1944 godina, Makedonija bila oslobodena, i na celata teritorija bila vospostavena narodna vlast. 15tiot korpus bil sozdaden od makedonski voeni edinici, koi ja prodol`ile borbata na Sremskiot front, se do krajot na vojnata.
Murdo Nahmijas, Rafel Batino, Salomon Sadikario - Mo Murdo Nahmijas, Rafel Batino, Salomon Sadikario - Mo
liberating the whole territory of Yugoslavia as well as expelling the invaders. In Macedonia there are severe offensives for creating free territories. In many of those military formations there are Jewish fighters who have political and military functions. In the battles against the fascist occupation many Jewish fighters were killed: From Bitola: Estreja Ovadija-Mara ( 1944), Mordehaj Nahmijas-Lazo ( 1944), Rafael Batino ( 1942), Isac Sarfati ( 1943), Solomon Sadikario-Mo ( 1944), Samuel Sadikario ( 1945, Marcel Demaio ( 1944), Jako Bitolcanec ( 1943), Aron Aruesti ( 1942), Leon Faragi ( 1942), Isaco Faragi ( 1943), Murdo Todolano ( 1942), Pepo Peso ( ?), Lazar and Josif ( 1942), Anaf Bato ( 1945) etc. From Skopje: Mois Bachar ( 1943), Josif Surna-Skipo ( 1944), David Navaro ( 1945), Tuli ( 1944), Emanuel Kami ( ?), Luisa Kamhi ( ?) Nikola Spai ( 1944), Bukica Konfino ( 1943), Desi Menachem ( ?), Adolf Pisker, Rebeka Sason, Raschel Sason, Bela Sason, Duka Vajspaj, Isidor Altaras (“the red tailor”)etc. 4 November 1944-liberation of Bitola 8 November 1944-liberation of Stip 13 November 1944-liberation of Skopje At the end of November 1944, Macedonia was liberated, and a popular government at the whole territory was established. The 15th corps was created from Macedonian military units, that continued the struggle at the Srem front till the end of the war.
Estreja Ovadija Mara Estreja Ovadija Mara
Makedono - evrejska verska Op{tina Skopje -1944
Macedonian - Jewish religious community - Skopje - 1944
Vedna{ po zavr{uvaweto na vojnata vo Makedonija, u{te vo tekot na noemvri 1944god, pre`iveanite Evrei se vra}aat na svoite ogni{ta. Tie pristignuvale od edinicite na Narodnoosloboditelbnata vojska, od bugarskite zatvori i internacii, od fa{isti~kite logori vo Germanija, od ilegalniot prestoj i u~estvo vo antifa{isti~ki dvi`ewa vo Grcija, Albanija, Bugarija i Italija. Od 8000 Evrei, kolku {to `iveeja vo Makedonija vo 1941 god, po genocidot pre`ivuvaat samo okolu 200. Iako malubrojni, tie u{te vo po~etokot na dekemvri 1944god. se sobrale vo Bitola i Skopje, i vedna{ re{ile da ja prodol`at dolgata istoriska tradicija za sozdavawe na evrejski op{tini. Na 26 dekemvri 1944 godina, vo Skopje bil formiran Makedonsko-evrejski narodnoosloboditelen odbor, koj na svojata prva sednica formiral Makedono-evrejska op{tina. Na osniva~kata sednica prisustvuvale: Gorgi Blaer, Benjamin Kolonomos, Leon Alagem, d-r. Bora Varon, in`. Gros, Elena Blaer i Berta Noah. Za predsedatel na vozobnovenata evrejska Op{tina bil izbran Gorgi Blaer, za sekretar Berta Noah, a za blagajnik Benjamin Kolonomos. Za funkcionirawe na novata op{tina vedna{ bile postaveni konkretni zada~i : Dobivawe na zgradata na biv{iot evrejski klub-za smestuvawe na kancelarii za Evrejskata op{tina, za da mo`e da se otpo~ne so rabota. 27. dekemvri 1944god. Dodelena bila od strana na Stanbenata komisija pri Gradskiot narodnoosloboditelen odbor, zgradata na ul. 370 br. 7 vo staroto Evrejsko maalo , za smestuvawe na Makedonskata evrejska op{tina. Bidejki od Albanija i od drugi mesta sekojdnevno se vra}ale Evrei bez nikakvi sredstva, bila donesena odluka od strana na Op{tinata da im se dade prva pomo{. Sinagogata Bet Jakov, vo Evrejskoto maalo, da se popravi i prisposobi za molitven dom. Da se zapo~ne so popis na onie Evrei koi ve}e se naogale vo Skopje i Bitola, kako i na onie koi sekojdnevno pristignuvale. Prepora~ano bilo, site lica od evrejsko poteklo i tie so {pansko podanstvo {to podle`at na voena obvrska da se prijavat vo odredenite slu`bi pri Narodniot odborSkopje
After the end of the war in Macedonia, during November 1944, the surviving Jews came back to their homes. They were coming from the National Liberation Army units, from the Bulgarian prisons and internments, from the fascist camps in Germany, from the illegal stay and from the anti-fascist movements in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Italy. From 8000 Jews, that lived in Macedonia in 1941, after the genocide only about 200 of them survived. Even they were a small number even at the beginning of December 1944 they gathered in Bitola and Skopje and decided to continue the long historical tradition for establishing Jewish community. On 26 December 1944 in Skopje the Macedonian-Jewish National Liberation Committee was established, and on its first meeting they established the Macedonian-Jewish Community. At the inaugural meeting Gorgi Blaer, Menjamin Kolonomos, Leon Alagem, d-r Bora Varon, ing. Gros, Elena Blaer and Berta Noah. were present. Georgi Blaer, as a president, Berta Noah as a secretary and Benjamin Kolonomos as a treasurer were elected at the renewed Jewish Community. For the functioning of the new community certain tasks were set: Obtaining of the building of the ex Jewish club for the offices of the Jewish community so they could start the work. 27 December 1944. It was given the building with the address st. 370 No 7 by the Housing commission at the Town National Liberation Committee in the old Jewish neighbourhood for lodging of the Macedonian Jewish community. As from Albania and other places Jewish without money were coming back, a decision was made by the Community those people to be given a first financial help. The synagogue Bet Jakov in the Jewish neighbourhood to be repaired and to make it for prayer house. To start registration of those Jews who have already been in Skopje and Bitola as well as of those were arriving every day. It was recommended that all the people with Jewish origin and those with Spanish citizenship who are under military duty to register at the certain offices at the National Committee - Skopje. 27 December 1944, by letter the Macedonian - Jewish Community informed the Town National Liberation Committee of Skopje that the Jewish religious Community was renewed. So till the end of 1945 the Community functioned with the seal Macedonian - Jewish Religious Community, while in 1946 the name was changed into Jewish religious Community-Skopje.
Faksimil od Zapisnikot od osnova~ka sednica na Skopskata evrejska op{tina, Arhiv na grad Skopje, Fond: Komesarstvo za evrejski pra{awa; kut. 9. inv. br. 18/198 Facsimile from the Minutes of the establishing session of the Skopje Jewish community, The Archive of the town of Skopje, Fund: Commissariat for Jewish questions; cut. 9, inv. No 18/198
27 dekemvri 1944 godina, so pismo, Makedonsko-evrejskata op{tina go izvestuva Gradskiot narodnoosloboditelen odbor na Skopje deka e obnovena Evrejskata veroispovedna op{tina. Taka do krajot na 1945god, op{tinata funkcionirala so pe~atot na Makedonoevrejska verska Op{tina Skopje, dodeka od 1946 god, go menuva nazivot vo Evrejska verska Op{tina-Skopje.
Makedono - evrejska verska Op{tina Skopje -1944
Macedonian - Jewish religious community - Skopje - 1944
30 dekemvri 1944 godina e odr`ana vtorata sednica na Skopskata evrejska op{tina, na koja bile doneseni golem broj vitalni odluki. Konstituirana bila komisija, za sreduvawe na op{tinskata arhiva, so slednite ~lenovi: Berta Noah, David Amarilio i Alaluf, (biv{iot sekretar na Evrejskata op{tina za vreme na okupacijata-do deportacijata 11. 3. 1943god) Od knigite so~uvani vo sinagogata bila formirana mala op{tinska biblioteka so koja rakuvala Elena Blaer. 31 dekemvri 1944 godina, so povik, zapo~alo popolnuvawe na popisni formulari za registrirawe na site pre`iveani Evrei. Zapo~nalo organiziraweto na kujna i spalna so najosnovni raboti za prifa}awe na Evreite {to pristignuvale vo gradot . Op{tinata zapo~nala aktivno da gi re{ava socijalnite problemi na ~lenovite na zaednicata. 25 januari 1945 god. odr`ano bilo Sobranie na Evrejskata zaednica. Sobirot bil otvoren od Gorgi Blaer. Pokaneti i prisatni, bile pretstavnikot na Glavniot odbor na NOF, Bane Andreev; pretstavnikot na Centralniot evrejski konzistorium od Sofija, Isak Fransez i komesarot za likvidacija na Komesarstvoto za evrejskite pra{awa i naroden obvinitel pri Vrhovniot sud vo Bugarija, Man~o Rahaminov. Pri toa prigodni govori odr`ale Bane Andreev, Isak Fransez, d-r. Bora Varon, a vo imeto na evrejskata mladina Branko Frichand. (objava vo “Nova Makedonija”, 25 januari 1945god)
Objava za Sobranie na Evrejskata zaednica Nova Makedonija 25 januari 1945, br. 36/2, str. 4 Announcement from the Jewish Community Meeting Nova Makedonija 25 January 1945, No 36/2, page 4
30 December 1944 the second meeting of the Skopje Jewish Community was held when a number of vital decision were made. A commission was established for clearing of the community archive with the following members: Berta Noah, David Amarilio and Alaluf, ( ex secretary of the Jewish community during the occupation). From the preserved book in the synagogue a small library was formed and Elena Blaer was in charge of it. 31 December 1944 with an appeal they started the filling of the registry forms for registering of all the survived Jews. They started organizing a kitchen and bedrooms with the most necessary things for the acceptance of the Jews that were coming in the town. The Community started actively to solve the social problems of the members of the Community. 25 January 1945 the Assembly of the Jewish Community. The meeting was opened by Gorgi Blaer. There were invited and were present the representative of the Main committee of National Liberation Front, Bane Andreev; the representative of the Central Jewish consistorium from Sofija, Isak Fransez and the commissioner for a liquidation of the Commissariat for Jewish questions and the Public prosecutor at the Supreme Court in Bulgaria, Manco Rahaminov. During that speeches were given by Bane Andreev, Isak Fransez, dr Bora Varon, and in the name of the Jewish youth Branko Frichand. (published in Nova Makedonija, 25 January 1945.
1945 god. -Izgradba na zemjata i humanitarna aktivnost Nabrzo, nasekade niz oslobodena Jugoslavija, se vozobnovile Evrejskite zaednici, pa zapo~nala intenzivna megusebna komunikacija i pomo{. Vo Belgrad bil formiran Odbor za pomagawe na Evreite od Jugoslavija. 17 mart 1945 god-Srpskata evrejska verska op{tina ispratila prva pari~na pomo{ za Evreite vo Makedonija. 16 maj 1945godina, Evrejskata op{tina od Makedonija, od svoite ograni~eni mo`nosti im ispratila na borcite na Egejskata brigada vo Skopje, skromni podaroci Formirana bila Federalnata komisija za utvrduvawe na zlostorstvata vo Vtorata svetska vojna. Evrejskata op{tinata se vklu~ila vo pribiraweto podatoci za `rtvite na fa{izmot, za sorabotnicite na okupatorot i vo davaweto na li~ni izjavi od logorite, internaciite, i dr. Sprovedena bila akcija za sobirawe podatoci za u~estvoto na Evreite vo NOB. Na 19 maj 1945 godina po naredba na predsedatelot na Narodnoosloboditelniot odbor od Skopje, Dim~e Zografski, na Odborot vo Skopje mu bile predadeni 1.226 dokumenti za proda`bata na evrejskiot podvi`en imot od strana na bugarskite fa{isti, kako i prepiskata za proda`ba na podvi`niot imot na Evreite od drugite gradovi na Makedonija. Edna od glavnite aktivnosti na Evrejskata op{tina, vo tekot na 1945gdina, bila pru`aweto pomo{ na onie Evrei koi {to se vra}ale vo svoite domovi. Obrnuvano bilo osobeno vnimanie za nivnoto vklu~uvawe vo normalniot `ivot. E. O. ispra}a podaroci na borcite Site ~lenovi na Makedo- na Egejskata brigada no-Evrejskata zaednica ak- (Nova Makedonija-16 maj, 1945, br. tivno bile vklu~eni vo 112/2, str. 4) vozobnovuvaweto na opus- E. O. send presents to the soldiers of Aegean brigade to{enata Makedonija. (Nova Makedonija, 16 May, 1945, No 112/2, page 4)
1945 Construction of the land and the humanitarian activities Soon, everywhere in liberated Yugoslavia the Jewish communities were renewed and they started an intensive mutual communication and help. In Belgrade it was established a committee for help of the Jews from Yugoslavia. 17 March 1945 the Serbian Jewish religious Community sent first money help for the Jews in Macedonia. 16 May 1945 the Jewish Community from Macedonia from its limited possibilities sent to the sol- Fototipska kopija od spisoci za diers of the Aegean brigade proda`ba na evrejski imot od strana na bugarskata fa{isti~ka vlastmoderate presents. Fond: EZRM; 1943; Bitola; It was established the Phototype copy from the lists of the sale of Federal commission for the Jewish property - fund: EZRM, 1943; fixing of the crimes during Bitola the second World War. The Jewish community involved itself in the collecting of data for the victims of the fascism, about the collaborators of the occupier and as well as for the personal reporting from the camps, internments etc. It was done also an action for collecting data for the participation of the Jews in the NLS. 19 May 1945 according to the order of the president of the National Liberation committee from Skopje, Dimce Zografski, to the committee in Skopje were given 1. 226 documents for the sale of the Jewish moving property by the Bulgarian fascist, as well as the letters for the sale of the moving property of the Jews in the other towns in Macedonia. One of the main activities of the Jewish Community during the 1945 was giving help to those Jews who were coming back to their homes. Special attention was paid to their involvement into the normal life. All the members from the Macedonian Jewish Community were actively involved in the renewing of the destroyed Macedonia.
Potraga po deportiranite rodnini
Hunt for the deported relatives
Megu prvite aktivnosti na novoformiranite evrejski op{tini bilo ispra}awe na pisma za barawe na bilo kakvi informacii za sudbinata na deportiranite Evrei od Makedonija. Vo komunikacijata so stranskite vladi bil vklu~en i Novoformiraniot Sojuz na Evrejski op{tini na Jugoslavija. Taka vo po~etokot na 1945 god. zapo~nala korespondencijata so :
Among the first activities of the newly formed Jewish communities was sending letters with request for searching information about the destiny of the deported Jews from Macedonia. In the communication with the foreign governments the Newly formed Association of the Jewish Communities fro Yugoslavia was included. So in the beginning of 1945 the correspondence started with:
Ambasadata na SSSR vo Jugoslavija, Ambasadata na ^ehoslova~kata Republika vo Belgrad Dru{tvoto na Crveniot krst na Jugoslavija vo Belgrad Ambasadata na Francuskata Republika vo Belgrad Ambasadata na Soedinetite Amerikanski dr`avi vo Belgrad Ambasadata na Velika Britanija vo Belgrad Ministerstvoto za nadvore{ni raboti na Demokratska federativna Jugoslavija vo Belgrad Ambasadata na Polskata Republika vo Belgrad Predsedatelstvoto na Narodnata vlada na Demokratska Federativna Makedonija vo Skopje
The Embassy of SSSR in Yugoslavia The Embassy of Czechoslovakia in Belgrade The Red Cross of Yugoslavia in Belgrade The Embassy of France in Belgrade The Embassy of USA in Belgrade The Embassy of United Kingdom in Belgrade The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Democrat Federal Yugoslavia in Belgrade The Embassy of Poland in Belgrade The Presidency of the National Government of Democrat Federal Macedonia in Skopje.
Kon krajot na 1945 godina se u{te pristignuvale informacii koi davale nade` deka nekoj pre`iveal, no faktot deka transportot na makedonskite Evrei zavr{uva kobno vo Treblinka se doznava mnogu podocna kon krajot na 1946god.
Evrejska Op{tina Skopje, 1960 Jewish Community Skopje, 1960
Listi za barawe na pre`iveanite; Fond: EZRM; 1945, Bitola; Odgovori na stranski ambasadi i crven krst; Fond: EZRM; 1945; Skopje; Edno pismo do Ambasada na stranska zemja Lists for a hunt of the surviving ones; Fund: EZRM; 1945; Bitola Answers of the foreign embassies and the Red Cross; Fund: EZRM; 1945 Skopje A letter to an Embassy of a foreign country
At the end of 1945 still information was coming that gave a hope that someone survived, but the fact that the transport of the Macedonian Jews finished ominously in Treblinka was found out at the end of 1946.
Evrejska verska op{tina Bitola
Jewish religious Community Bitola
Po zavr{uvaweto na vojnata pre`iveanite bitolski Evrei se vra}aat na rodnite ogni{ta, no mnogumina vedna{ bivaat rasporedeni vo drugi gradovi niz Makedonija. Vo Bitola ostanuvaat: @ozef Kamhi, Gita [ami, Luna I{ah, @amila Kolonomos, Pepo Nahmijas, Leon i Helena I{ah, Dr. Varon (ispraten od Skopje kako pedijatar), i Mois Fransez od Skopje. Vo po~etokot na 1945 godina, vo ku}ata na @amila Kolonomos se sobrale pre`iveanite i donele odluka za formirawe na Evrejska Luna I{ah, @ivka -, @amila Kolonomos i verska Op{tina vo Bi- @ozef Kamhi, Bitola, 1945 Luna Ishah, Zivka -, Zamila Kolonomos i tola. No bidejki, go neZozef Kamhi, Bitola, 1945 male potrebniot broj od deset vozrasni ma`i, prisutni za minjan, re{ile da gi vklu~at i `enite za glasawe. Taka bila konstituirana Evrejskata verska Op{tina vo Bitola. Za prv i edinstven nejzin predsedatel e izbran najstariot ~len @ozef Kamhi. Bitolskata evrejska Op{tina imala silna poddr{ka od op{tinata vo Skopje, kako i od Sojuzot na Evrejskite op{tini vo Belgrad, osobeno vo potragata po deportiranite. No, nabrzo, nekoi ~lenovi zaminale na Sremskiot front, vo ponatamo{na borba za osloboduvawe na Jugoslavija, dodeka ostanatite aktivno bile vklu~eni vo aktivnostite za obnovuvawe na razru{enata zemja. Vo tekot na 1946, i malubrojnite ~lenovi na ovaa zaednica se rasselile. Taka kon sredinata na 1947 god. Evrejskata Op{tina vo Bitola zgasnala. Vo [tip voop{to ne bila formirana evrejska op{tina zatoa {to, ima samo nekolku pre`iveani Evrei.
After the end of the war the surviving Bitola Jews were coming back to their homes, but many of them were put immediately in other towns in Macedonia. In Bitola Zozef Kamhi, Gita Sami, Luna Isah, Zamila Kolonomos, Pepo Nahmijas, Leon and Helena Isah, Dr. varon (sent as pediatrician), and Mois Fransez from Skopje stayed. In the beginning of 1945 in the house of Zamila Kolonomos the surviving gathered and decided to establish the Jewish religious Community in Bitola. But as they didn't have the necessary number of ten adult men, the present ones decided to include the women too for the voting. In that way the Jewish religious Community was established in Bitola. For first and only president of it the oldest member Zozef Kamhi was elected. The Bitola Jewish Community had a strong support from the Community in skopje as well as from the Association of the Jewish communities in Belgrade and especially for the hunt of the deported ones. But very soon some members left for the Srem front for the further struggle for liberating of Yugoslavia while the rest actively were involved in the activities for renewing of the destroyed country. During 1946 the small number of the members of this community moved. So in the middle of 1947 Jewish Community in Bitola died. In Stip a Jewish community wasn't established as there were only several surviving Jewish.
Pe~atite na Evrejskata verska op{tina vo Bitola, 1945-1947god, Fond: EZRM, Spisokot na pre`iveani od Bitola, Fond: EZRM, Kr{tenica izdadena od Bitolskata op{tina na ime @amila Kolonomos The seals of the Jewish religious community in Bitola, 1945-1947, Fund: EZRM The list of the surviving from Bitola, Fund: EZRM Birth Certificate issued from the Bitola municipality on name of Zamila Kolonomos
Normalizirawe na op{testveniot `ivot na zaednicata
Normalization of the social life of the community
Poleka, `ivotot na ~lenovite na Evrejskata zaednica po~nal da se normalizira. Veke vo 1945god, bila vozobnovena rabotata na Klubot na skopskite Evrei. Na 11 mart 1946god. Bila odr`ana prva priredba so koncert po povod deportacijata na makedonskite Evrei od skopskiot logor. Na koncertot bil odr`an prigoden govor od G. Blaer, po izvedbata na internacionalata. Bila organizirana i prigodna koncertna programa vo izvedba na Ali{a [ajber, Pepi Sion, Riter, Barili i dr. 27. septemvri 1946god. vo Skopje, na vtoriot den od Ro{ A{ana-bila odr`ana prva drugarska ve~er, na koja Josif Behar , zboruval za zna~eweto na praznikot Ro{ A{ana. Vo sinagogata Bet Jakov, se odr`uvale redovni peto~ni i sabotni slu`bi, praznuvawa na praznicite, kako i vonredni nastani, kako {to bile ven~avkite ili ritualnoto obre`uvawe-beritmila.
Easily the life of the members of the Jewish Community started to normalise. Already in 1945 the work of the Club of the Skopje Jews was renewed. On 11 March 1946, the first performance with concert in memory of the deportation of the Macedonian Jews from the Skopje camp was held. At the concert G. Blaer had a speech after the Internationale was performed. An appropriate concert repertoire wae held by Alisa Sajber, Pepi Sion, Riter, Barili etc. 27 September 1946 in Skopje, on the second day of Rosh Hashana it was held the first companionship dinner at which Josif Behar had a talk about the meaning of the holiday Rosh Hashana. In the synagogue 1946 Bet Jakov there were regular Friday and Saturday services, holidays and ritual circumcision - britmilla. The Community priest was Leon Bohor Alagem. During the ceremony britmilla it was obliged to have a doctor present while a
15 Op{tinski sve{tenik bil Leon Bohor Alaxem. Pri obredite berit mila zadol`itelno bil prisaten lekar, dodeka moel doagal od Novi Pazar. Organizirani bile lekarski de`urstva sekoj den po nekolku ~asa, za potrebite na ~lenovite na Op{inata. Bile sobirani dobrovolni prilozi od ~lenstvoto za pomo{ na novopristignatite Evrei koi se vra}ale od logorite od Germanija, a vo momentot minuvale niz Skopje na pat za doma. Komunikacijata pomegu ~lenstvoto na Op{tinite, kako vo Skopje, taka i vo Bitola, se odvivala na makedonski jazik no i na ladino-maj~iniot jazik na makedonskite Evrei. Na ~lenovite na Op{tinata im bile izdavani uverenija kako zamena za dokumentite na rodeni. Pogolemiot broj ~lenovi na Op{tinata bile na zna~ajni op{testveni funkcii ¿??? Po formiraweto na novata dr`ava Izrael 1948god, mnogu ~lenovi na Evrejskata Op{tina od Makedonija, se iseluvaat tamu.
moel was coming from Novi Pazar. It was organized doctors' shifts every day per several hours for the needs of the members of the Community. Contributions were collected from the members for a help of the newly coming Jews who were coming back from the camps from Germany and at that moment on their way home they were passing through Skopje. The communication among the members of the Communities as well as in Skopje and in Bitola was done in Macedonian language but also in ladino, the mother language of Macedonian Jews. The members of the Community were given certificates as an exchange of the birth certificates. The bigger number of the members of the Community were at significant functions. After the establishing of the new state of Israel 1948, many members of the Jewish Community in Macedonia moved there.
Spomenici na `rtvite na Holokaustot Po~itta kon spomenot za zaginatite Evrei sogragani,graganite na gradovite Bitola,Skopje,[tip,Gevgelija,ja izrazile so podigawe na spomenici i spomen plo~i.Spomenicite se podignati na lokaciite na nekoga{nite evrejski maala,taka {to kako {to na vlezot na sekoja evrejska ku}a e neizostavna mezuzata,taka i na lokaciite na nekoga{nite evrejski maala stoi spomenik potsetnik za postoeweto na starite ogni{ta. Vo Bitola vo centarot na nekoga{nata evrejska naselba e istaknata bistata na narodniot heroj Estreja Ovadija,a vo parkot,zaedno so narodnite heroi i drugi istaknati borci na Narodnoosloboditelnata borba,e i bistata na Murdo Nahmijas. Na mestoto kade {to zagina Estreja Ovadija,na Kajmak~alan,e stavena spomen plo~a. Vo Jad Vashem,Muzejot na holokaust vo Erusalim, vo [umata na ma~enicite,podignata e plo~a so imiwata na sedum iljadi `rtvi od Makedonija. Pred spomenicite na `rtvite od holokaustot,sekoja godina na 11 mart se evociraat spomeni za deportiranite Evrei,za so`ivotot so niv i se ispra}a porakata do mladite generacii za tolerancija i zaedni{tvo.
Certificates for the victims of the Holocaust The respect in the memory of the killed Jews town fellows, the citizens from Bitola, Skopje, Stip, Gevgelija, was showed by erecting monuments and memorial tablets. The monuments were erected on the locations of the former Jewish neighbourhoods, as on the entrance of every Jewish house there is mesusa, in the same way at the locations of the former Jewish neighbourhood there is a monument reminder of the existence of the old homes. In Bitola in the center of the former Jewish settlement there is a bust of the national hero Estreja Ovadija, and in the park together with the other national heroes and other distinguished soldiers of the national Liberation Struggle the bust of Murdo Nahmijas is. At the place where Estreja Ovadija was killed on Kajmakcalan, there is a memorial tablet. In Jad Vashem, the Museum of the Holocaust in Jerusalem, in the Forest of the martyrs, a tablet with the names of the seven thousand victims from Macedonia was erected. In front of the monuments of the victims of the Holocaust, every year on 11 March memories about the deported Jews are evoked, as well as for the mutual life with them and also a massage is sent to the young generations for tolerance and communion.
Spomenik Bitola Spomenik vo Skopje (11.3.podignat 1961 god.) Spomenik vo [tip Spomenikot vo Evrejsko maalo - Skopje Spomen plo~a vo Monopolot - Skopje Spomen plo~a vo Gevgelija Jad Va [em - spomen plo~a za sedum iljadi `rtvi od Makedonija Monument in Bitola Monument in Skopje Monument in Stip Monument in the Jewish neighbourhood Memorial tablet in the Tobacco factory Memorial tablet in Gevgelija Jad Va Sem - memorial tablet for seven thousand victims from Macedonia
Odbele`uvawa na 11 mart
Op{testvenata zaednica na Makedonija,Evrejskata zaednica na Makedonija,pre`iveanite Evrei i graganite na Makedonija, Sojuzot na borcite na Makedonija,so iskreni ~uvstva i so golem pietet go odbele`iuvaat denot na deportacijata 11 mart.
Odbele`uvawe na 11 mart 1960 godina Bitola, Beno Ruso, Doj~in, Albert Vajs, ?, Pepi Sion, Haim Sadikarijo, Salvator Levi, Berta Abravanel, Haim Abravanel, @amila Kolonomos, Moric Romano, \or|i Blaer, Moric [ami, Frichand, Avram Sadikario i drugi. Celebration of 11 March 1960, Bitola Beno Ruso, Dojcin, Albert Vajs, ?, Pepi Sion, Haim Sadikarijo, Salvator Levi, Berta Abravanel, Haim Abravanel, Zamila Kolonomos, Moric Romano, Gorgi Blaer, Moric Sami, Frichand, Avram Sadikario.
Celebrations of 11th March
The social community of Macedonia, the Jewish Community of Macedonia, the surviving Jews and the citizens of Macedonia, the Association of the soldiers of Macedonia with honest feelings and a great esteem celebrated the day of the deportation, 11th March. For 11th march starting with the celebration organized in 1946 with an appropriate concert every year the surviving Macedonian Jews gather from every corner of the World to be together with their town fellows in memory of the deported Macedonian Jews. In Bitola, Skopje and Stip, besides the surviving Jews and other citizens gather in front of the monuments of the Macedonian Jews to pay a respect to their killed town fellows. A number of exhibitions during the past 60 years were dedicated to the Macedonian Jews ( in the Town of Skopje Museim, 1973,1983,1993 and 2003, the Museum of Macedonia 2003, the University Library 2003, the Museum of Bitola prepares an exhibition almost every year for 11th March, the Museum of Stip). Every year for the celebration of 11th march concerts with well known artists from Macedonia were held who with an impressive zest contribute to the nursing of the memory of the lost town fellows. (Sepharadic romances sung by the prima donna of the Macedonian opera, Milka Eftimova, the clarinet master Stojan Dimovski, the violin duo Pejsahovi, the piano player Jasminka Cakar, the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra and many other artists for what the Jewsih Community is very grateful).
Kadi{ pred spomenikot vo Skopje, april 2000, Moric Romano Kadish in front of the monument in Skopje, April 2000, Moric Romano
Za 11 mart,po~nuvajki od odbele`uvaweto organizirano 1946 godina,so prigodna koncertna priredba,sekoja godina pre`iveanite makedonski Evrei,se sobiraat od site strani na svetot,da bidat so svoite sogragani vo spomenot za deportiranite makedonski Evrei. Vo Bitola,Skopje i [tip,pokraj pre`iveanite Evrei i drugi gragani se sobiraat pred spomenicite na Makedonskite Evrei.da im dadat po~it na svoite ubieni sogragani. Golem broj izlo`bi ,vo izminative 60 godini bile posveteni na makedonskite Evrei, (vo Muzejot na grad Skopje, 1973god, 1983god,
In the Macedonian Academy for science and arts a fund was established “11 March”, whose donator is Alfred Melamed. Also many forums with the theme “Jews in Macedonia” were held. The Macedonian television and radio as well as the rest of the television houses in the past years have recorded a large number of TV and radio programmes as well as documentaries (Estreja Ovadija, The Last Train, Lasting Pain, No one survived, File Skopje) etc. Several Web Sites were created: the Bitola Jews by Isak Nehama for the Washington Museum; Menora-Genesis of the Macedonian Jewsih Communities-from the Town of Skopje Museum, Kasorla-about the Koncert na duo Pejsahovi, 2003, Skopje Concert duo Pejsahov, 2003, Skopje
1993god i 2003god, Muzejot na Makedonija 2003god, Univerzitetskata Biblioteka 2003god, Muzejot na Bitola-podgotvuva izlo`ba re~isi sekoja godina za 11 mart, Muzejot vo [tip). Sekoja godina, za odbele`uvaweto na 11 mart,odr`uvani se koncerti od vrvni umetnici od Makedonija,koi so silen `ar pridonesuvaa kon neguvaweto na spomenot za zagubenite sogragani. (Sefardski romansi vo izvedba na primadonata na makedonskata opera,Milka Eftimova, majstorot na klarinet Stojan Dimovski,violinskiot duet Pejsahovi,klaviristkata Jasminka ^akar, Makedonskata filharmonija i mnogu drugi umetnici, za {to Evrejskata zaednica im e neizmerni blagodarna.) Vo Makedonskata Akademija na naukite i umetnostite, osnovan bil fond “11 mart” ~ij donator e Alfred Melamed. Isto taka odr`uvani se pove}e tribini na tema Evreite vo Makedonija. Makedonskata televizija i radio, kako i ostanatite televiziski ku}i vo izminative godini snimija golem broj televiziski i radio emisii,kako i nekolku dokumentarni filma (“Estreja Ovadija”, “Posledniot voz”, “Neprebol”, “Ni eden ne pre`ivea”, “Dosie Skopje”) i dr. Sozdadeni se inekolku veb stranici: Bitolskite Evrei od
Bitola Jews. Three streets in Skopje has the names of Rafael Batino, Mois Behar and 11th March, and one kindergarten in Bitola has the name of Estreja Ovadija. On 11th March every year in the synagogue in Jerusalem the Jews with Yugoslav origins gather to commemorate and pay a respect to the victims of the fascism. Kadi{ pred spomenikot vo Skopje, april 2004, Hazan Avi Kozma Kadish in front of the monument in Skopje, April 2004, Hazan Avi Kozma Skopje 11 mart 1970 Skopje 11 March 1970
Isak Nehama,za Va{ington muzej; Menora-Geneza na makedonskite Evrejski zaednici - od Muzej na grad Skopje,Kasorla-za Bitolskite Evrei. Tri ulici vo Skopje go nosat imeto na Rafael batino,Mois Behar i 11 Mart, a edna detska gradinka vo Bitola go nosi imeto na Estreja Ovadija. Na 11 mart sekoja godina,vo sinagoga vo Erusalim,se sobiraat Evreite po poteklo od Jugoslavija na komemoracija i im odavaat po~it na site `rtvi na fa{izmot.
11. 03. 2000, Bitola, Jehiel Bar Haim - JOINT 11. 03. 2000, Bitola, Jehiel Bar Haim - JOINT
Programata od priredbata za odbele`uvawe na 11 mart 1947god vo Skopje Pokana za priredbata odr`ana 1947god. Programme for the celebration of 11th March 1947 in Skopje An invitation for the celebration hold in 1947
Izgradba na nova sinagoga Bet Jaakov Sinagogata , koja {to denes se nao|a na tretiot kat vo evrejskata zaednica na ulicata: Borka Taleski br: 24 go nosi imeto na starata skopska Sinagoga “BET JAAKOV”, i pretstavuva golemata gordost na dene{nata evrejska zaednica. Sinagogata e izgradena i podignata 2000 godina, a e osvetena na 11.03.2000 godina . Od toj den,skopskata Sinagoga “BET JAAKOV” e postojano
The construction of the new synagogue Bet Jakov The synagogue which is today on the third floor of the Jewish Community at the address:"Borka Taleski" 24 has the name of the old synagogue “Bet Jakov” and it is a great proud of the today's Jewish Community. The synagogue was built in 2000 and it was consecrated on 11.03.2000. From that day the Skopje synagogue Bet Jakov is all the time opened, there are regular services for all of the Jewish holidays Osvetuvawe na sinagogata Bet Jaakov Consecration of the synagogue Bet Jakov
Aron Hakode{ vo novata sinagoga Aron Hakodesh in the new synagogue
Skopskiot rabin Isak Asiel Skopje rabbi Isak Asiel
otvorena, vo nea se odr`uvaat redovni bogoslu`ewa za site evrejski praznici spored evrejskiot kalendar, redovni slu`bi za [abat ( petok nave~er i sabota ), a voedno ima i dnevni slu`bi vo tekot na celata godina. Skopskata sinagoga “BET JAAKOV “ e izgradena i uredena sprema obi~aite i tradicijata na Sefardskite Evrei i spa|a vo grupata na Sefradskite - ortodoksni sinagogi. Samata Sinagoga vo svojot enterier ima na prozorcite prekarasni vitra`i so motivi od evrejskiot `ivoten ciklus . Na Aron Hakode{ ( Oramnot na Svetiwata , kade {to stoi Torata) , se nao|a parohetot koj {to ja ukrasuval porane{nata skopska sinagoga i datira od 5698 god ( sprema evrejski kalendar ) ili 1937 godina. Dene{nata Sinagoga ,koja {to gordo go nosi imeto na porane{nata skopska Sinagoga “BET JAAKOV” e izgradena so pomo{ i donacii od : Vladata na Republika Makedonija; JOINT Amerikanski Evrejski distributiven komitet, Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center – Pasadena- California, USA; Temple Beth Israel – Phoeix ,USA ; potoa so donacii na na{ite ~lenovi , i na drugite makedonski Evrei koi `iveat nadvor od Makedonija.So toa se sozdadoa uslovi za otpo~nuvawe na nov lanec na `iveewe i na egzistirawe na edna mala no mo{ne aktivna i interesna evrejska verska zaednica.
according to the Jewish calendar, regular services for Sabbath(Friday evening and Saturday), and also daily services during the whole year. The Skopje synagogue Bet Jakov was built and decorated according to the customs and the tradition of the Sephardic Jews and belongs to the group of Sephardic-orthodox synagogues. The synagogue in the interior itself has on the windows magnificent stained glass with motives from the Jewish life circle. On Aron Hakodesh (The chest of the Saint where the Torah stands) the parochet, that was decorateing the former Skopje synagogue which dated from 5698(according to the Jewish calendar) or 1937 is put on. Today's synagogue which proudly wears the name of the former Skopje synagogue Bet Jakov was built by aid and donations from: the Government of Republic of Macedonia, JOINT-American Jewish Distributive Committee, Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center-Pasadena, California, USA; Temple Beth Israel-Phoeix, USA; donations from our members and other Macedonian who live out of Macedonia. In that way the conditions for staring a new chain of life and existence of a small but very active and interesting Jewish religious community were created.
Enterier na novata sinagoga Bet Jaakov Interior of the new synagogue Bet Jakov
Evrejska zaednica na Makedonija od 1944-2004 godina Popisot koj go sproveduva novoformiranata MakedonoEvrejska op{tina kon krajot na dekemvri 1944god,bil dopolnuvan i vo tekot na narednata 1945god,odnosno kako se vra}ale pre`iveanite. 1945-1948god.-650 ~lenovi na evrejskata zaednica(poveketo se nemakedonski Evrei). 15.maj 1948-proglasena e nezavisnost na Izrael. 6.dekemvri 1948-so brodot Kefalos,pristignuvaat na pristani{teto vo Haifa ogromen broj jugoslovenski Evrei megu koi mnogumina se i od Makedonija. 1952-Vo Evrejskata op{tina ostanuvaat samo 95 ~lenovi 1963-Op{tnata broi 106 ~lenovi 2004-210 ~lenovi Vo organizacijata na rabotata novoformiranata op{tina, prodol`ila so vostanoveniot model na rabota,odnosno Op{tinata bila pretstavuvana od administrativno telo sostaveno od predsedatel,sekretar i blagajnik, kako i ~lenovi na upraven odbor. Predsedateli na Evrejskata op{tina bile: 1. Gorgi Blaer-1944-1960 2. Benjamin Samokovlija- 1960 -1988 3. David Sadikarijo-1988-1992 4. Blagoja Mladenovski-1992-1996 5. Viktor Mizrahi-1996-2004 6. Zdravko [ami- 2004 Vo tekot na izminatite 60 godini postoewe na Evrejskata op{tina,nekolkupati bilo menuvano imeto na op{tinata. 1944-1946-Makedono-evrejska verska Op{tina 1946-1965-Evrejska veroispovedna op{tina -Skopje 1965-1991-Evrejska zaednica vo Socijalisti~ka Republika Makedonija 1991-2004-Evrejska zaednica na Republika Makedonija.
The Jewish Community of Macedonia from 1944-2004
The register that was done by the newly formed Macedonian Jewish Community at the end of December 1944 was added during the following 1945 too, as the surviving were coming back. 1945-1948 - 650 members of the Jewish Community (most of them non Macedonian Jews). 15 May 1948- the independence of Israel was proclaimed. 6 December 1948- on the ship Kefalos a huge number of Yugoslav Jews among which a lot of them from Macedonia reached the port Haifa. 1952-The Jewish Community was left with 95 members 1963- The Community has got 106 members 2004 - 210 members The newly formed community continued the organization of the work in accordance with the founded working model, the community was represented by an administrative body consisted of president, secretary and treasurer as well as members of the management committee. Presidents of the Jewish Community: 1. Gorgi Blaer 1944-1960 2. Benjamin Samokovlija 1960-1988 3. David Sadikario 1988-1992 4. Blagoja Mladenovski 1992-1996 5. Viktor Mizrahi 1996-2004 6. Zdravko Sami 2004 During the past 60 years of the existence of the Jewish Community several times the name of the community was changed. 1944-1946 Macedonian Jewish religious Community 1946-1965 Jewish religious Community 1965-1991 Jewish Community of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia 1991-2004 Jewish Community of the Republic Macedonia
26.juli 1963god-katastrofalen zemjotres go pogoduva Skopje. Zaginuvaat 1070 lica,megu niv i ~etiri ~lenovi na Evrejskata zaednica. D-r. Abravanel Haim Nisim-lekar-(11.6.1933-1963) D-r. Levi Aron Salvador-lekar-(25.5.1919-1963) D-r. Levi(Abravanel)Haim Reni-lekarka-(4.11.1929-1963) Sadikario ^edomirka-u~eni~ka-(27.7.1945-1963)
26 July 1963 - a catastrophic earthquake struck Skopje. 1070 people were killed, among them 4 members of the Jewish Community D-r. Abravanel Haim Nisim-doctor (11.06.1933-1963) D-r. Levi Aron Salvador -doctor(25.05.1919-1963) D-r. Levi(Abravanel) Haim Reni-doctor (04.11.1929-1963) Sadikario Cedomirka-pupil (27.07.1945-1963)
Pomo{ za postradanite-ispratil Sojuzot na Evreite na Jugoslavija Dr`avata Izrael bila megu prvite zemji koi ispratile pomo{ za postradanite,vo hrana,lekovi i neophodna obleka.Pokasno od Haifskoto pristani{te isplovil brod so grade`ni materijali,isprateni kako pomo{ za nastradanite vo zemjotresot. 1964-Eden del od zgradata na Evrejskata op{tina vo evrejskoto maalo,zaradi o{tetuvawata od zemjotresot,vo tekot na 1964god bila sanirana. 1965-1966-D-r.Albert Vajs-evrejski dom-e nazivot {to go dobiva zgradata na evrejskata op{tina vo Makedonija po smrtta na Dr.Albert Vajs vo 1964god. 1966-Op{tinata e preselena vo baraki vo Gor~e Petrov,a vo zamena dobiva dr`avno zemji{te za izgradba na nova zgrada. 1973-75-Izgradba na noviot objekt na Evrejskata op{tina na Makedonija na ul.Borka Talevski, Skopje
Help for the victims was sent by the Association of the Jews in Yugoslavia The state of Israel was among the first countries that sent contribution for the victims in food, medicines and clothes. Later from the port in Haifa a ship with construction materials was set off as a help for the victims of the earthquake. 1964-A part from the building of the Jewish Community in the Jewish neighbourhood during 1964 was renovated because of damages due to the earthquake. 1965-1966 Dr.Albert Weis- Jewish Home-is the name that was given to the Jewish Community in Macedonia after the death of Dr. Albert Weis in 1964. 1966-The Community was moved in cottages in Gorce Petrov and as an exchange it got a state land for developing of a new Jewish Community of Macedonia in the street Borka Talevski. 1973-75 - The New Building of the Jewish Community at Borka Taleski street, Skopje
Evrejski dom Dr Albert Vajs Jewish Home Dr. Albert Weis
D-r. Abravanel Haim Nisim-lekar D-r. Levi Aron Salvador-lekar D-r. Levi(Abravanel) Haim Reni-lekarka Sadikario ^edomirka-u~eni~ka
D-r. Abravanel Haim Nisim-doctor D-r. Levi Aron Salvador -doctor D-r. Levi (Abravanel) Haim Reni-doctor Sadikario Cedomirka-pupil
Pravedni megu narodite Na podadenata raka ,koja gi spasila `ivotite na nekolkumina Evrei koi uspeale da se izvle~at od bugarskata opsada na 11 mart 1943,dr`avata Izrael i celiot evrejski narod i ja vozvra}a qubovta i vnimanieto. 1991god.-vo Gradinata na ~esnite se zapi{ani imiwata na makedonski gragani koi spasile Evrei za vreme na Vtorata svetska vojna. Boris i Vaska Altiparmakovi od Bitola-gi spasile Solomon Sadikario-Mo,Samuel Sadikario,Albert Ruso,Albert Kasorla, Bogoja Siqanovski od Bitola-gi spasil Adela Faraxi,Estreja Ovadija,Roza Kamhi,@amila Kolonomos i Estreja Levi. Semejstvo Todorovski od Skopje-ja spasija malata (Titika) Benvenuti
Rightful among the nations To the given hand that saved the lives of some Jews who managed to withdraw from the Bulgarian siege on 11th March 1943, the state of Israel and the whole Jewish nation return all the love and attention. 1991- in the garden of the honest ones the names of the Macedonian citizens who saved Jews during the Second World War were written down Boris and Vaska Altiparmakovi from Bitola saved Solomon Sadikario-Mo, Samuel Sadikario, Albert Ruso, Albert Kasorla Bogoja Siljanovski from Bitola saved Adela Faragi, Estreja Ovadija, Rosa Kamhi, Zamila Kolonomos and Estreja Levi The family Todorovski from Skopje saved little (Titika) Benvenuti.
Blagoja Siqanovski Blagoja Siqanovski
Vaska Todorovska, @amila Kolonomos, Pavlina Sion, Pepi Sion Vaska Todorovska, Zamila Kolonomos, Pavlina Sion, Pepi Sion
Natpis od Gradinata na ~esnite - Erusalim. Inscription from the garden of the honestones - Jerusalem
Boris Altiparmakov i Avram Sadikario Boris Altiparmakov and Avram Sadikario
Sorabotka na Evrejskata Zaednica so me|unarodni i srodni institucii Evrejskata Zaednica vo Republika Makedonija aktivno sorabotuva so dr`avnite institucii na Republika Makedonija,vklu~ena e aktivnosti vo site svetski Evrejski organi , federacii , asocijacii,kade,zaradi pridonesot vo promocijata na zaedni~kite celi,e respektirana i vklu~ena vo rabotata na istite kako ramnopraven ~len i partner. Evrejskata zaednica denes , kontaktira i sorabotuva so : JOINT, EJC , LEATID , ECJC , WJC, SOHNUT , AJC , EUJS , WUJS, Zdru`enieto na iselenicite od biv{a Jugoslavija vo Izrael. Razvivaeto na sorabotkata so balkanskite evrejski zaednici vo Bugarija, Grcija, Srbija i Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Bosna i Hercegovina i Slovenija. Kontaktite so Izraelskite Ambasadi vo Belgrad i Atina. Re{avaweto na mnogu vitalni pra{awa za Evrejskata zaednicata, se ostvaruva so pomo{ na dobrata se ostvaruva so pomo{ na dobrata sorabotka so dr`avnite institucii na Republika Makedonija, Vladata na Republika Makedonija, Verskite zaednici vo Makedonija: Makedonskata Pravoslavna Crkva , Islamskata zaednica, Katoli~kata Crkva, EvangelskoMetodisti~kata crkva i sekako odli~no kordiniranta rabota na Makedonskiot Centar za Meguetni~ka Sorabotka. Ova e samo del od golemiot krug na institucii i organizacii i del od evrejskiot svet so koj dosega sorabotuvala Evrejskata zaednica vo Makedonija,i so koi ima sozdadeno prijatelski relacii.
The cooperation of the Jewish Community with related institutions The Jewish Community in Republic of Macedonia actively cooperates with the state institutions of Republic of Macedonia, it's involved in all world Jewsih bodies, federations, associations where for the contribution for the promotion of the mutual aims it is respected. It is also involved in the work of the same ones as an equal member and partner. The Jewish Community today contacts and cooperates with: JOINT, EJC, LEATID,ECJC,WJC,SOXNUT,AJC,EUJS,WUJS, The Association of the emigrants from Former Yugoslavia in Israel.It has closest coopertion with the balkan Jewish Communities in Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Monte Negro, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Slovenia. The contacts with the Israeli Embassies in Belgrade and Athens are in continuous. The solution of many vital questions for the Jewish Community is done by the help of the good cooperation with the state institutions of Republic of Macedonia, the religious communities in Macedonia, the Macedonian Orthodox Church, The Islamic Community, the Catholic Church, the Evangelistic-Methodist Church and also with the excellently coordinated work of the Macedonian Center for the inter ethnic cooperation. This is only a part from the big circle of institutions and other organizations and part from the Jewish world with whom by now the Jewish Community of Macedonia has been cooperating and has friendly relations.
Na sorabotkata so site verski zaednici od Makedonija, se obrnuva osobeno zna~ewe A special attention is given to the cooperation of the religious communities in Macedonia
Kulturen `ivot
@enite imaat nivni klub i sekcija Preku nivnite sekcii gi neguvaat evrejskite tradicii i obi~ai, imaat humanitarna i edukativna zada~a Do sega rabotea na povrzuvaweto so drugite `enski organizacii. razmenuvaat poseti so ~lenovite na VICOBugarija, ja iniciraat prvata balkanska sredba na evrejskata `ena od biv{a Jugoslavija koja se odr`a vo Belgrad 2002 Nivnata posledna aktivnost e proektot "I{a" (`ena) koj se zasnova na umetni~ka obuka Mladinata e organizirana vo nivni klub: Mladinsko studentska organizacija i detski klub Proslava na Purim - 1958 Celebration of Purim - 1958 Proslava na Hanuka - 1958 Celebration of Hanuka - 1958
Cultural life
Aktivna rabota na folklornta grupa Gan Haden Jazi~en klub za izu~uvawe na eden od evrejskite jazici 1996-Mladinsko studentskata unija stanuva ~lenka na Svetskata Unija na evrejskite studenti Proekt David-2000: renovirawe na evrejskite grobi{ta vo Bitola
Mladinska sekcija Youth Club
Proekt David 2000 godina Project: David 2000
The women have their lobby or club. Through their clubs they were nursing the Jewish tradition and customs, have a humanitarian and educational task. By now they have been working on connecting to the other women's organizations. They've exchanged visits with members from WICOBulgaria, initiated the first Balkan meeting of the Jewish women from former Yugoslavia which was held in Belgrade -2002, Their last activity is the realization of the project "Isha"(woman)that is based on the skillful artistic training.
The youth is organized in their club: A youth-student organization and the children's club An active work of the folk group Gan Haden Language club for learning one of the Jewish languages 1996-The Youth student Union became a member of the World Union of Jewish students David 2000 project - renovation of the Jewish cemetery in Bitola
Hazin Stefan Sibli} Hazin Stefan Siblic
Humanitarna aktivnost na Evrejskata zaednica vo Makedonija Dekemvri,1944god.-Makedono-evrejskata zaednica podaruva na Egejskata brigada vo Skopje skromni podaroci. 1945god-vo ramkite na Evrejskata zaednica funkcioniraat dobrotvorni fondovi za pomo{ na ~lenovi od zaednicata Katastrofalniot zemjotres vo Skopje- Humanitarnata tradicija prodol`uva. prolet 1999-So voenata intervencijata na NATO silite vrz Jugoslavija,ogromen broj na begalci od najrazli~ni etni~ki grupi ‘ dojdoa vo Makedonija. Begalski kamp-Stenkovec-Montirana be{e Izraelskata voenata polska bolnica,humanitarna pomo{ od Izrael,kako i devet avio transporti so site potrebni materijali.Evrejskata zaednica od Makedonija e vklu~ena vo distribucijata na humanitarnata pomo{. 14.6.1999god”La bene Volencija”-Dobra voqa-So poddr{kata na gospodinot Jehiel BarHaim od “JOINT”formirano e evrejsko humanitarno dru{tvo vo Makedonija so logoto-Svetot e za site nas. Celta na “La bene Volencija”-Dobra voqa,kako i na “JOINT”e da podr`uvaat zdravstveni i obrazovni institucii, kako i ustanovi za gri`a na lica so posebni barawa, progoneti ,raseleni lica, izbegli~ki kampovi i sl. 1999-2004-Kako izraz na blagodarnost za storenoto na imeto “La bene Volencija”-Dobra voqa se nasloveni ogromen broj blagodarnici od: Mesnite zaednici vo Oktisi, Neprosteno, Le{ok, Ratae,
Pomo{ za srpskite izbeglici vo kosovskata kriza Aid for the Serbian refuges during the Kosovo crisis
Ku~evi{te;od Studenskiot Dom “o Avtokomanda; niza osnovni i sredni u~ili{ta vo koi se donirani celosni kompjuterski centri, biblioteki , klupi i tabli, rekonstruirani u~ili{nite objekti;potoa Gerijatriskiot Centar vo Skopje; Klini~kite centri vo poveke gradovi vo Makedonija kako vo Skopje, Tetovo , Bitola , Ohrid, Centrite za deca i vozrasni so posebni barawa, kampovite za begalci - Stenkovec 1 i 2, [uto Orizari i dr.
Donacija na oprema Klini~ki centar - Tetovo Donation in equipment for the Clinic center - Tetovo
Osnovno u~ili{te “26 juli” - [uto Orizari Primary school “26 July” Suto Orizari
Humanitarian activity of the Jewish Community of Macedonia Donacija na oprema, u~ili{te vo Veles Donation in equipment -school in Veles
December 1944-The Macedonian Jewish Community presents the Aegean brigade in Skopje with moderate presents 1945- in the framework of the Jewish Community voluntary funds for a help of the members of the community function Catastrophic earthquake in Skopje - The humanitarian tradition continues Spring 1999- With the NATO military intervention over Yugoslavia, a huge number of refuges from different ethnic groups came in Macedonia The refuge camp-Stenkovec- An Israeli military field hospital was mounted. Humanitarian aid as well as nine plane transports with the necessary materials arrived. The Jewish Community of Macedonia was involved in the distribution of the humanitarian aid. 14.06.1999- La bene Volencija- Good will- with the support by Jeheil Bar Haim from the JOINT, a Jewish humanitarian organization in Macedonia with the logo The World is for everyone was established. The aim of La bene Volencija--good will as well as the JOINT is to support the medical and education institutions as well as the institutions for care of persons with special needs, hunted ones, displaced persons, refuge camps etc. 1999-2004- As an expression of gratitude for what was done a number of certificates of gratitude were given to la bene Volencija-Good will from: the local communities in Oktisi, Neprosteno, Lesok, Ratae, Kuceviste; from the Students' Home in Avtokomanda; many primary and secondary schools where whole computer centers, libraries, desks and boards were donated and school objects were renovated. The Geriatric Center in Skopje, The Clinic Centers in many towns in Macedonia as in Skopje, tetovo,Bitola, Ohrid, The Centers for children and adults with special needs, the refuge camps-Stenkovec 1 and 2, Suto orizari.
Donacija na oprema za zavaruva~i, u~ili{te Bra}a Ramiz Halid vo [uto Orizari, Skopje Donation in welding equipment -School Braka Ramiz Holid in Suto Orizari, Skopje
Fondot na Holokaust
Neguvaweto na spomenot za Evreite od Makedonija,zaedno so Evrejskata zaednica od Makedonija,go poddr`uva{e i aktivno sorabotuva{e, dolga niza godini, Izraelsko-makedonskoto dru{tvo za prijatelstvo i sorabotka. Vo ova zdru`enie ~lenuvaa onie makedonski gragani koi sakaa da go so~uvaat spomenot za zaedni~kiot so`ivot so Evreite od Makedonija,no i da gi pottiknat vrskite so dr`avata Izrael. Za `al po smrtta na prof.Dejanov,aktivnosta na ova zdru`enie zgasna. No, sepak, iskrenoto prijatelstvo rezultira{e so nekolku publikacii, dru`ewa i inicijativi za mnogu proekti. Edna od osnovnite idei na, prof. d-r. Ivan Dejanov, be{e sozdavawe na trajno obele`je za makedonskite Evrei preku izgradba na Memorijalen muzej. Ovaa negova inicijativa be{e poddr`ana i od Evrejskata zaednica na Makedonija kako i od Vladata na Republika Makedonija,taka {to se sozdadoa uslovi za zapo~nuvawe na inicijativa za nejzina realizacija. Sozdaden e Fond na holokaustot koj }e se gri`i za realiziraweto na ovaa inicijativa. 23. april 2002god - osnovawe na Fondot na holokaustot na Evreite od Republika Makedonija - so Odluka na Vladata na Republika Makedonija, vrz osnova na Zakonot za denacionalizacija,pri {to Makedonija stana edinstvenata zemja vo Evropa koja go re{i problemot na restitucija na imotot na deportiran-
Konferencija odr`ana 2003 godina vo ISSPI
Meeting held in 2003 at the JSPLR
The Fund of the Holocaust
The nursing of the memory of the Jews in Macedonia has been supported together by the Jewish Community of Macedonia and the IsraeliMacedonian association for friendship and cooperation for many years. There is also active cooperation between them. In this association members were those Macedonia citizens who liked to keep the memory of the mutual life with the Jews from Macedonia but also to incite the strings with the state of Israel. Unfortunately after the death of prof. Dejanov the activity of this Association died. Even though the honest friendship has resulted with several publications, meetings and initiatives for many projects. One of the basic ideas of the president of this Association , prof. D-r. Ivan Dejanov (-U~esnici od razli~ni konfesii na Forumot odr`an na 21maj,2003 vo Manu-Skopje
Participants from different confessions at the Forum held on 21 May 2003 in MANU - Skopje
Za{tita na evrejskite grobi{ta vo Bitola
Protection of the Jewish Cemetery in Bitola ite Evrei od Vtorata svetska vojna. So fondot rakovodi Upraven odbor ~ij pretsedatel e dr Sami Sadikario. Fondot e sostaven od vlogovi od imotite na Evreite od Republika Makedonija,koi svoite imoti gi napu{tile so prisilna deportacija vo nacisti~kite logori,a ne go pre`iveale pogromot nemaat naslednici na imotot. Vizija na Fondot e unapreduvaweto na kulturolo{koto,tradicionalnoto i istoriskoto nasledstvo na Evreite vo Republika makedonija preku razvoj na meguetni~ka harmonija megu evrejskiot narod i drugite narodi so spre~uvawe na destruktivnite pojavi kako rasizmot,antisemitizmot i {ovinizmot. Celite na Fondot se: namenska denacionalizacija na imotite na deportiranite Evrei vo interes na trajnoto odbele`uvawe na holokaustot na Evreite vo Republika Makedonija; -Izgradba na makedonski memorijalen centar na holokaustot na Evreite na lokacijata na staroto evrejsko maalo vo Skopje. -Neguvawe na evrejskata kultura i tradicija i prou~uvawe na `ivotot i rabotata na Evreite vo minatoto -Za{tita i revitalizacija na evrejskite spomenici -istorisko arhivirawe na relevantnite podatoci za Evreite. Vo tekot na 2003 god.Fondot na holokaust,vo MANU,organizira{e tribina Da ne se zaboravi. Vo tekot na 2004 god.se prevzemeni aktivnosti za izgotvuvawe na proekt za zgradata na Memorijalniot holokaust centar na makedonskite Evrei.
------) was the creating of a lasting mark for the Macedonian Jews through a development of a Memorial Museum. His initiative was supported by the Jewish Community of Macedonia and the Government of Republic of Macedonia and the conditions for starting the initiative for its realization were created. A Fund of the Holocaust that will take care of the realization of this initiative was created . 23 April 2002-establishing of the Fund of the Holocaust of the Jews from republic of Macedonia with a decision of the Government for denationalization, when Macedonia became the only country in Europe that solved the problem of the restitution of the property of the deported Jews from the Second World War The fund is managed by a management committee whose chairman is Dr. Sami Sadikario. The Fund is made of deposits from the property of the Jews from Republic of Macedonia who left their property during the forced deportation in the Nazi camps, not survived the pogrom and don't have inheritors for the property. The Vision of the Fund is the development of the cultural, traditional and historic inheritance of the Jews in republic of Macedonia through a development of the inter ethnic harmony between the Jewish nation and the other nations for preventing destructive appearances as the racism, anti Semitism and chauvinism . The aims of the Fund: with a purpose denationalization of the property of the deported Jews in interest for the lasting marking of the holocaust of the Jews in Republic of Macedonia. - Construction of Macedonian Memorial Center of the Holocaust of the Jews at the location of the old Jewish neighbourhood in Skopje - Nursing of the Jewish culture and tradition and studying of the life and the work of the Jews in the past Protection and revitalization of the Jewish monuments Historic archiving of the relevant data about the Jews During 2003 the Fund of the Holocaust organized a forum in MANU------. During 2004 activities for preparing of a project for the building of the Memorial Holocaust Center of the Macedonian Jews were taken
Izdanija na Evrejskata Zaednica na Republika Makedonija
Publications from the Jewish Community of Republic of Macedonia
1. Vizel,Eli Pita~ot od Erusalim:roman. Eli Vizel-Skopje Makedonsko-izraelsko dru{tvo za prijatelstvo i sorabotka,2001,-229str. 2. Isku{enijata na Davidovata zvezda:Evrejska tema vo makedonskata literatura. (izbrale). Mir~e Tomovski,Evtim Kletnikov,-Skopje:Menora,2002-396str.(pomognato od EZRM) 3. Karajanov Petar,Rafael Mo{e Kamhi:Ilindenski deec od evrejsko poteklo. Petar karajanov,-Skopje:Beda,2003-296str. (izdanieto e pomognato od EZRM,semejstvo Ruso,Sojuz na Borci Bitola i gradot Bitola) 4. Kolonomos,@;Veskovi},V. Evreite vo Makedonija vo II Svetska vojna 1941-1945,I,II,Skopje,Manu,1986-1484str. (fond”11 mart 1943”donator Alfred Melamed) 5. Mu~eva ,@aklina Obrazovanieto vo kibucite. @aklina Mu~eva,Skopje:EZRM,2002,-64str. 6. Sadikario,Avram Onasvetski prizivi(poema za holokaustot0-Skopje:makedonskoizraelsko dru{tvo na prijatelstvo i sorabotka,1995-56str. 7. Sadikario, Avram datumi na pekolot(poema za holokaustot)-Skopje,Makedonsko izraelsko dru{tvo na prijatelstvo i sorabotka,1996-183str. 8. Sadikario,Samuel Antisemitizam. Samuel sadikario,Vladimir Nikolov.Skopje:EZRM,Makedonsko izraelsko dru{tvo za prijatelstvo i sorabotka,1998.-370str. 9. Sefardski odglasi:Studii i se}avawa za Evrete vo
1. Visel Eli The beggar from Jerusalem: novel / Eli Visal-Skopje Macedonian-Israeli association for friendship and cooperation, 2001229pages 2. The temptations of the David's star: Jewish motives in the Macedonian literature (chosen by) Mirce Tomovski, Evtim Kletnikov, Skopje: Menora, 2002-396pages (supported by JCM) 3. Karajanov Petar, Rafael Moshe Kamhi: Ilinden activist with Jewish origins /Petar Karajanov, Skopje: Beda, 2003-296pages 4. Kolonomos Z, Veskovik V. Jews in Macedonia during the Second World War 1941-1945, I,IISkopje, MANU, 1986-1484pages (fund 11th march 1943, donator Alfred Melamed) 5. Zaklina Muceva The education in the kibbutzes /Zaklina Muceva, Skopje:JCM, 200264pages 6. Sadikario Avram Invokes from the other world ( a poem fro the holocaust) Skopje: Macedonian-Israeli association for friendship and cooperation, 199556pages 7. Sadikario Avram Dates of the hell ( a poem for the holocaust) Skopje, MacedonianIsraeli association for friendship and cooperation, 1996-183pages 8. Sadikario Samuel Anti semitism/ Semuel Sadikario, Vladimir Nikolov, Skopje: Macedonian-Israeli association for friendship and cooperation, 1998370pages 9. Sephardic echoes; Studies and memories of the Jews in Macedonia, Skopje: JCM, Gurga, 1995-330pages
Makedonija,-Skopje:EZRM,Gurga,1995.-330str. 10. Hagada za Pesah.-Skopje:EZRM,1998,-28str. 11. [tipskite Evrei. grupa avtori.-Skopje:EZRM,1999.-270str. Izdanija vo najava: Molitvenik na makedonski jazik, prema tradicijata i obi~aite na sefardskite Evrei Rabi Isak Asiel,hazan Avi Kozma @amila Kolonomos,Jasminka Nami~eva Rozata od Monastir-tradicijata za gotvewe na sefardskite Evrei od Monastir CD-disk: Tefila shel rosh hashana ve yom kipur Nusah:Sepharsdi Molitva za Ro{ Ha{ana I Jom Kipur Tradicija:Sefardska Hazani na diskot:Rabi Isak Asiel,Hazan Jihamael A{er, I hazan Avi Kozma Evrejskata zaednica na Makedonija i nejzinite ~lenovi izrazuvaat golema blagodarnost do ogromniot broj avtori na publikacii i dela , koi ja zabele`aa i istra`uvaa istorijata na Evreite vo Makedonija. (Zaradi sku~enosta na prostorot na ova izdanie e nevozmozno da se spomenat site poedine~no.) Periodi~nite publikacii,od prvite denovi na formirawe na na{ata zaednica go prosleduvaa na{eto postoewe,osobeno dnevniot vesnik”Nova Makedonija”koj od 1944god do denes ja prezentira{e na makedonskata javnost na{ata aktivnost.
10. Hagada for Pesah, Skopje: JCM , 1998-28pages 11. Stip Jews. a group of authors, Skopje: JCM, 1999-270pages Publications that are going to appear: Prayer book in Macedonian language according to the tradition and the customs of the Sephardic Jews - rabbi Isak Asiel, Hazan Avi Kozma Zamila Kolonomos, Jasminka Namiceva The rose from Monastir - the cooking tradition of the Sephardic Jews from Monastir CD-disk: Tefila shel rosh hashana ve yom kipur Nusah: Sepharsdi Pray for Rosh Hashana I Jom Kipur Tradition: Sephardic Hazans on the disk: Rabbi Isak Asiel, Hazan Jihamael Aser, I hazan Avi Kozma The Jews Community of Macedonia and its members express their great gratitude to the huge number of authors of publications and works which were recording and researching the history of the Jews of Macedonia. (Because of the small space here it's impossible to mention everybody by name). The periodical publications since the first days of the establishing of our community have been following our existence, and specially the daily newspaper “Nova Makedonija” which starting 1944 up to now has been presenting our activity to the Macedonian public.
Za podgotovka na pe~ateniot materijal,prevzemeni se fotografii i dokumenti od Fondot na EZRM i Informativniot punkt-MenoraGeneza na evrejska zaednica vo Makedonija Izdava~: Evrejska zaednica na Makedonija Odgovoren urednik: Zdravko [ami
Publisher: Jewish Community of Macedonia Editor-in chief: Zdravko Sami
Urednik: Jasminka Nami~eva
Editor: Jasminka Namiceva
Avtori na tekstovi: Jasminka Nami~eva Avi M.Kozma
Text authors: Jasminka Namiceva Avi M. Kozma
Konsultanti: Prim.Dr.Miodrag L.Todorovi}-Kozma Viktor Mizrahi
Consultants: Prim. Dr. Miodrag L. Todorovik-Kozma Viktor Mizrahi
Recenzenti: @amila Kolonomos
Reviewer: Zamila Kolonomos
Stru~ni sorabotnici: @aklina Mu~eva Darko Samokovlija Hristina Bartling Lela Sadikario
Experts: Zaklina Muceva Darko Samokovlija Hristina Bartling Lela Sadikario
Fotografii: Arhiva na EZRM, Muzej na grad Skopje Li~na arhiva-Avi M.Kozma, familii Sadikario, Levi, Blaer, Kolonomos, Fotografija na korica Stanimir Nedelkovski Dokumenti: Arhiv na grad Skopje Arhiv na Republika Makedonija Arhiva na EZRM
Photos: Archive of the Jewish Community of Macedonia Museum of the City of Skopje Personal archive of Avi M. Kozma, family Sadikario, Levi, Blaer, Kolonomos Cover photo Stanimir Nedelkovski Documents: Archive of the town of Skopje Archive of the Republic of Macedonia Archive of the Jewish Community of Macedonia
Prevod na angliski: Margarita Man~eva
Translation into English: Margarita Manceva
Dizajn na katalog: Ladislav Cvetkovski
Design of the catalogue: Ladislav Cvetkovski
Podgotovka i pe~at: Skenpoint Tira`: 500 ISBN 9989-2354-0-6
For the preparation of the printed material photos and documents were taken from the Fund of the Jewish Community of Republic of Macedonia and from the Information point - Menora - Genesis of the Jewish Community of Macedonia
Realizacija: Evrejska zaednica na Makedonija
Preparation and print: Skenpoint Copies: 500 Realization: Jewish Community of Macedonia
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