January 20, 2023

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ThiselegantOldTownresidence,designedbyarchitectDickBusch,offers4,442sqftofluxury livingwithbeautifullyselectedfinishesthroughoutthehome.Thelivingroomhas3setsof Frenchdoorsthatopenontothefrontbalcony,offeringplentyofnaturallight,andaseparate diningroomboastsaglasschandelierandcustommoldings.Thehomealsoincludesastylish eat-inkitchenwithWolfandSubZeroappliances,aspaciouscenterisland,andnaturalstone countertops,ahearth/familyroomwithagasfireplace,acoveredrearterrace,a2ndfloor mastersuite,anupperlevellaundryroom,anoffice,2additionalen-suitebedrooms,alower levelmedia/exerciseroomanda4cartandemgarage.

ThisOldTownresidencehasbeenbeautifullyupdated,featuringagrandtwo-storyentrance, spaciouslivinganddiningarea,custombuilt-ins,cozyden,andagourmetkitchenwithcustom cabinetry,granitecountertopsandtop-of-the-lineappliances.Theupstairsprimarysuite includesaluxuriousbathroomwithsteamshower,doublesinks,andheatedfloors.Additional featuresincludecustomwoodwork,fireplace,baywindow,privateterrace,9-footmainlevel ceilings,zonedHVACsystem,andanoversized2-cargaragewithextrastorage.

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2 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com CONTENTS On the Cover 8 For more than 120 years, the Jewish Federation of St. Louis has helped lend support to local and international social service organizations. Learn more about the nonprofit’s history and longstanding mission on p. 8. Photo by Christina Kling-Garrett. Design & Décor HAPPY BASKETS St. Louis-based Expedition Subsahara founder Sofi Seck shares the story of her company’s handwoven home goods and vibrant craftsmanship. 24 The Trio 26 Grooming & Glamour 28 Landscape 31 FEATURE: Expedition Subsahara Front & Center 14 Lessons Learned 16 Against the Odds 18 Business Notes 19 Crossword Puzzle 20 FEATURE: SLU Prison Education Program 20 PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES Through its Prison Education Program, SLu prepares incarcerated individuals for life outside of prison by offering quality, sustainable higher education opportunities. Gatherings & Goodwill 42 Gateway 180’s Open Your Heart for the Homeless Gala 44 Memory Care Home Solutions’ 20th Anniversary Celebration Gala Arts & Culture NEW GALLERY ON THE BLOCK a new Clayton art gallery run by two St. Louis-based contemporary artists embraces comfort in an eclectic studio space. 48 Local Eats 49 Arts Speak 50 Show & Tell 51 FEATURE: Clayton Art Gallery 51 31
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4 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Emily Adams | eadams@laduenews.com
EDITOR Ashley Klein | aklein@laduenews.com
DIGITAL EDITOR & STAFF WRITER Amanda Dahl | adahl@laduenews.com
COPY EDITOR & STAFF WRITER Madeleine Ackerburg | mackerburg@laduenews.com
ASSISTANT EDITOR Emily Standlee | estandlee@laduenews.com
Vlieger | ldevlieger@laduenews.com CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Christina Kling-Garrett ADMINISTRATION OFFICE MANAGER Megan Langford | mlangford@laduenews.com A LEE ENTERPRISES PUBLICATION FRUSTRATEDWITHYOUR CURRENTMEDICALCARE? Choosemembershipor non-membership 60-90MinuteVisitswith yourphysician Reachyourphysician directlyviacellphone, text,and/oremail Sameday,nextday,and urgentvisits Pricingtransparency ConciergePrimaryCare offers: FREE15MIN CONSULT EVORAWOMEN'SHEALTH @evorawomen.com CityPlace5 845N.NewBallasCt., Ste.310 CreveCoeur,MO63141 Call/text314-934-0551 SarinaPhatak,MD BoardCertified InternalMedicine/ PrimaryCare
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Bretz, Bethany Christo, Drew Gieseke, Alecia Humphreys, Courtney Perrett, Pat Raven, Nancy Robinson, Mabel Suen SALES VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES Kevin Hart | khart@stlpostmedia.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Katie Ray | kray@laduenews.com Erin Wood | ewood@laduenews.com SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Maggie Peters | mpeters@laduenews.com CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT MANAGER Lisa Taylor | ltaylor@lee.net
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Wearecommittedtoequalhousingopportunitythatdoesnotdiscriminateinhousingandservicesbecauseofrace,color,religion,sex,handicap,familialstatusornationalorigin. Formore informationor to schedule atour, call(314)993-2221 2McKnightPlace-St.Louis, Missouri -63124 .Locatedon TheGatesworthcampus atDelmarandI-170 mcknightplace.com AtMcKnightPlaceExtendedCareweprovideindividualizedskillednursingcare inanelegant,residentialstyle.Ourstaffofmedicallytrainedprofessionalsis availablearoundtheclocktoprovideyouoryourlovedonewiththehighestlevel ofservice.Ourcommunityservesindividualswhoneedlong-termskillednursing careorshort-termrecoveryassistanceafterhospitalization. *WeacceptMedicarePartAforskillednursingrehabservices. ExtendedCare The Very BestCare. Our Promise: Youwillbecared for byattentive,experienced individualswhoarecommitted toyourpersonal wellbeing. BestSkilledNursing


One of the most special things about the St. Louis metro area is that this is a community that believes in supporting one another.

A profound example of this can be found on p. 20. LN contributing reporter Drew Gieseke writes about Saint Louis University’s Prison Education Program and the important work it’s doing to prepare incarcerated people for opportunities outside the prison system.

Gieseke returns on p. 14 to report on the University of Missouri-St. Louis’ course aiming to help local professionals explore diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

A showing of neighborly encouragement was the inspiration behind Clayton’s newest gallery, I Need That Art. The gallery, which is located inside interior design firm The Designing Block, is profiled on p. 51 by LN contributor Courtney Perrett.

The concept of supporting community isn’t just a local one – it’s also global. On p. 31, LN writer Bethany Christo shares the story of St. Louis-based Expedition Subsahara founder Sofi Seck. Seck tells Christo about her company’s handwoven home goods, the African craftsmanship behind them and her experience on ABC’s “Shark Tank.”

So many of the stories in this edition have inspired me to think about how I might contribute to my community in more intentional ways in 2023.

I hope you feel the same.



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From in-depth interviews to major collaborations to a print book, the nonprofit Humans of St. Louis shares stories about people in the metro area. Visit laduenews.com to meet Lindy Drew, the person behind the camera and the storytelling for this organization.

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6 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com

Acommunityisstrongestwhen itsmembers work together tosupportoneanother,nomattertheir walksoflife. This hasbeenthemissionoftheJewishFederationofSt. Louis, whichstrivestomakesurethatthemetroarea–and beyond–hastheresourcesitneedstothrive.

“Weare buildingastrongandvibrantcommunitytoensurethat St. Louisisaplaceforfamiliestocomeandlive,”saysBrianHerstig, PresidentandCEOofJewishFederationofSt. Louis. “Wesupportover 50 differentcommunitypartners locally, including foodpantries andfamily servicesthat servemorethanjusttheJewishcommunity.Wedoitwith Jewish values.”

TheJewishFederationisoneoftheoldestoftheregion’snonprofits, foundedintheearly 1900s tosupportJewishimmigrants settlinginSt. Louis. Todayithasexpandedto serveasthecentraladdressofJewish philanthropy,assessingtheneedsofthecommunity andspearheading

fundraisinganddistributionsothatsupportgoeswhereitismostneeded. “Approximately 20 percentofJewishpeopleintheSt. Louisarealiveat orbelowthepovertyline,”BobNewmark, theJewishFederation’snewest boardpresident, says. “Notalotofpeoplethinkofthat,butoneofthe things theFederationdoesisconveneanetworkof serviceprovidersto bettermeet theneedsof ourcommunity.”

Ontopof servingthelocalcommunity,theJewishFederation’smission extendstopreservingandenhancingJewishlifearoundtheworld.

“JustasthereareJewishpeopleinneedinSt. Louis, thereareJewish peopleinneedaroundtheglobe,”saysNewmark. “Thereisanetworkof agenciesthatprovidethiskindofsupportinothercountries, andweinvest someof ourfundingeachyeartohelpothercountriesthathavethese needs. WesupportanumberofprogramsinIsrael–mostlyon

buildinga pluralisticand civilsocietyand buildingrelationshipsinthediverse parts ofthatsociety.Thereissomuchfocusonconflict inIsrael butthereareso THEJEWISHFEDERATION
ONTHE COVER JewishFederationofSt.LouisLeadershipandExecutiveBoardCommitteeMembersBackRow:BenCherry(VCofGovernance&BoardEngagement),BurtGarland(VCofCommunityImpact),TobyWarticovschi(VCof Development),BrianHerstig(PresidentandCEO),BobNewmark(BoardChair),LarryGast(VPofDevelopment),FeliciaMalter(VCofFinance);FrontRow:MindySharp(VPofFinance&Administration),SueSchlichter(VC At-Large),AmandaMiller(VPofCommunications),GregYawitz(PastChair),EmilyBornstein(ChiefofStaff),KarenSher(VPofCommunityImpact);Notpictured:CraigRosenthal(VCofCommunications)andJonathan Deutsch(VCofCommunityLeadership&Engagement);PhotobyChristinaKling-Garrett

manyexamplesofpeopleworkingtogethertoreallyimprovelivesandwe supportthose typesofprograms.”

HerstigaddsthattheJewishFederationalsosteppedupin 2022 to supporttheJewishcommunityinUkraine.

“Wewereabletosupportpeopleonthegroundthere,”hesays. “If people wantedtoleave, wehelpedthemleave, andifpeople wantedto stay,wehelpedgivethemtheresourcestheyneededinordertodoso.”

TheFederationismoreimportantnowthaneverwiththerise of antisemiticspeech–botharoundtheworldandinSt. Louis. Newmark explainsthat theJewishFederation regularlyconductsassessments tounderstandtheneedsofthecommunityandstudiestopicslikethe impact ofantisemitismonthelocalcommunity.Already securityhasbeen heightenedandisaresourcetheFederationprovidestohelpensureasafe andvibrant community.The organization is alwayslookingforallies to speak outonbehalfoftheJewishcommunityandlendsupportthrough donationsofmoney or time.

“Ifpeopleareinterestedintheworkthatwe’redoing, thereareso many outletsforengagingand buildingdialogue,”Newmarksays. “We can help people findthe area thatsuitstheir passion.”

“What makestheJewishFederation uniqueisitspartnerships,” Herstigconcludes.“Ileadan organization fulloftalentedandinspiring professionals,butwecouldn’tdo ourworkwithout ourvolunteer leadership,our communitypartners, andour dedicated volunteers.Our strengthcomesfromthepeoplewhosharetheirtimeandtalentswithus and ourcommunity.That’swhathelpsushaveabigimpact.”

JewishFederationofSt. Louis,12 MillstoneCampusDrive, St. Louis, 314-432-0020, jfedstl.org


Wecanhelppeople findtheareathatsuits theirpassion.” –BOBNEWMARK, JEWISHFEDERATIONOFST.LOUISBOARDCHAIR
@JFedSTL @linkedin.com/company/jfedstl @jfedstl @jewishfederationofstlouis
DemocratsandthreeRepublicans.RepresentativeSchwadron,RepresentativeFrazier-Bosley, SenatorBlack,SenatorEslinger,SenatorMay,SenatorRizzoandtheirguestsjoinedmembersofthe FederationboardandleadershiptohaveanopenlookatthecomplexitiesandcurrentstateofIsrael. Ifpeopleare
thatwe’redoing, therearesomany outletsforengaging andbuildingdialogue.
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LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 13 14 Lessons Learned 16 Against the Odds 18 Business Notes 19 Crossword Puzzle 20 FEATURE: SLU Prisoner Education Program FRONT & CENTER PHOTO CO ur TES y OF DOLL y ’S D r E a M HOME ra BBIT r ESC u E

Shifting Perspectives

This month, the University of Missouri–St. Louis kicked off the second iteration of its Chancellor’s Certificate in Advancing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace course, a six-month program designed to help local participants explore DEI concepts in professional settings.

Highly interactive and online-only, the program is a valuable tool for helping people understand not only themselves but also the world around them.

“The course itself is built on transformative learning theory,” says Marlo Goldstein Hode, senior manager of Strategic Diversity Initiatives at UMSL and course designer. “The idea is that intentionally designed educational activities can transform the way people see themselves, others and the world around them.”

The curriculum is divided into three units with three modules each: Building a Foundation, Obstacles to Inclusion, and From Awareness to Action. Each module kicks off with an engaging video mini-lecture that introduces the topics. For example, in the first unit, participants learn about the history, application and evolution of diversity in professional settings. Next, students are asked to complete an activity exploring the different meanings of the word “diversity,” and

then share their thoughts on a discussion board with their colleagues.

Hode says that although the course does dive into the “tough stuff,” beginning the course with this foundation is key to its success because, oftentimes, when people hear “diversity,” they think only of race and gender and may feel the DEI conversation isn’t about them. For some, Hode notes, DEI training conjures up bad memories of ineffective courses that shamed and blamed participants.

This program takes a different tactic, Hode adds: Instead of that “shame-and-blame approach,” it’s based on social science research that helps participants question and explore what diversity means in different contexts. Then, it challenges them to look at their own identities from a multifaceted perspective.

“I think this makes everyone feel like part of the diversity tapestry because not only do we have these given identities, but also, we also have all these things that we choose that are important parts of who we are,” Hode explains. “This course is as much about building awareness of oneself as it is about learning about people who are different from ourselves, and that’s why it works.”

The course is offered through the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at UMSL along with the MU Extension Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Council. It kicks off on Jan. 23 and will run through June 23. Hode is co-facilitating the program with Dwayne T. James, the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Director for MU Extension, and says that enrollment increased from the course’s debut in 2022. This season’s program is currently full, but interested participants can contact Dr. Hode at marlo@umsl.edu to be added to the waitlist.

“One of the benefits of having a cohort of people in very different industries is the opportunity to see DEI and what it means and what it looks like in all these different environments,” she says.

Program pricing was restructured in 2023 as well. Participation costs $450 per person and $350 for government, education, nonprofit employees and UMSL alumni. Group pricing is also available at $150 for each additional employee from the same organization.

Although participants receive a Chancellor’s Certificate in Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion upon completion of the course, Hode notes that the bigger win is when people leave with something far more impactful.

“People really do gain a greater sense of awareness about their own identities and others’ identities,” Hode says. “Most importantly, [they gain] action steps that they can take to make workplaces more inclusive for everyone.” ln

14 JANUARY20, 2023 | LadueNews.com
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A Hoppy


Considering hopping on the bunny train?

Rabbits might be smaller than the average pet, but they need just as much care and attention. Katie Kottmeyer, founder and director of St. Charles-based Dolly’s Dream Home Rabbit Rescue, seeks to set the record straight as many families look to rabbits as potential “starter pets.”

“People think [bunnies] are so snuggly and love to be picked up,” she says. “Really, they live eight to 12 years in cages too small for them. They don’t like to be picked up and [might] bite to lift your skin off. People purchase them on a whim.”

This is evidenced by the significant number of rabbits surrendered to Dolly’s Dream Home over a recent four-day period after the holidays. Around mid-December, 50 people had already surrendered their rabbits to the sanctuary, Kottmeyer reports.

“We don’t have a facility,” she says. “We are just foster-based. Our main [need] is funds.”

Fees for each rabbit cost the rescue home more than $180, not accounting for special medical needs – a hefty price tag, says Kottmeyer, even with the cost of adoption to help offset it. This is in part due to rabbits being categorized as “exotic pets.”

Kottmeyer is not discouraged by such challenges, though. She founded Dolly’s Dream Home after witnessing the neglect the small mammals typically face. “In college, I rescued a bunny from a butcher, who bred them to [then slaughter],” she says. “I snuck the bunny into my dorm room, just three doors down from the butcher.

“I have four of my own now – that’s my personal limit: Elvis, Bunny Holly, Dolly (the namesake of the rescue) and Kenny Rogers.”

She seeks to save rabbits from butchers and neglectful homes and also to educate the community on how to provide quality care for these animals through an educational online course offered for free through the rescue. For anyone considering adoption, the course is mandatory.

“We’ve had adoptions as far as Argentina and South Korea, [alongside] local people,” Kottmeyer says. “We connect with the potential adopter and have them send pictures of their home setup. They meet the bunny, so we can see if it is a good fit. We also offer group checks, so the rabbit’s foster can send updates to the adopter.”

“We’re always in need of fosters,” she adds, advising interested parties to fill out a foster application available at dollysdreamhome.org.

Community events further expand the rescue’s outreach. Partnerships with local businesses have included SugarBot Creamery and the locally owned Pets Supplies. Recent special events have included Winter Workshop, at which guests were encouraged to bring their own bunnies and meet those up for adoption. Other forms of community outreach include “Bunny Buddies,” for which

the rescue brings the bunnies to local nursing homes, which benefits both residents and the visiting animals.

Although Dolly’s Dream Home does not yet have a facility, the rescue seeks to offer a safe place for every rabbit in need – even those considered a medical priority. The bunnies placed by Dolly’s Dream Home grow from small cages to large pens, and they even have the chance to free-roam in spaces where they can feel boundless. ln

Dolly’s Dream Home Rabbit Rescue, St. Charles, dollysdreamhome.org

16 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 17 AssistedLivingLicense#049396 HowisAllegroRichmondHeightsDifferent? We’reRedefiningSeniorLivinginSt.Louis: • Locallyow ne da nd operated • Close-kn it ,b out iquecommun it y • PrimelocationoffClayton Rd .&Highway40 • CognitiveStimulationTherapyexclu si velywith Wash ingtonUn iv er si ty occu pa tionaltherapiststohelpimprovecognitionandcommunication sk illsamongre si dentswithmildtomoderatedementia Visit allegroliving.com/stl orcallKimat (314)227-9420 toscheduleapersonaltour. ASSISTEDLIVING | MEMOR YCARE Kim,LeadSeniorLivingAdvisor JewelryBuyingEvent GetPaidCash!! BuyingGold,Silver,Diamonds, CostumeJewelry,Watches&Coins St.LouisEstateBuyers WestCountyMall nearJCPenney’s Thursday,January26,11AM-4PM Friday,January27,11AM-4PM Saturday,January28,11AM-4PM Wealsobuyantiques,artwork,paintings,swords, china,crystal,andothercollectibles&rarities. Ifyouwouldpreferaprivateorinhome appointment,call314-691-2888. Run.. Run.. Run.. RUNNNNN.. BeatBeethoven 5K April23,2023 Registeratclassic1073.org/beat-beethoven/



Whether you enjoy herbal, black or fruit tea, these St. Louis-area makers and shops have carefully crafted, tea-rrific options you’re sure to savor down to the very last drop.

Big Heart Tea Co.

Since its founding in 2012, Big Heart Tea Co. has been on a mission to not only make healing herbs and teas more fun but also to make them more accessible for all. Fan faves include the flagship brew, Cup of Sunshine; a rose tea, made of organic rose and tulsi that’s delightfully dubbed Cup of Love; and Royal Treatmint, which is a refreshing mint and lavender.

Big Heart Tea Co., 2615 Winnebago St., St. Louis, 314-875-0040, bighearttea.com

The London Tea Room

The London Tea Room is known for its elegant

British tea experience, including the quintessential afternoon tea, which is thankfully not actually limited to the late afternoon. The shop’s most popular teas include Naughty Vicar (a black tea with blackcurrants and vanilla), The London Tea Room Blend (a traditional breakfast tea blended with black teas from China, India and Sri Lanka), and Lavender Earl Grey.

The London Tea Room, 1900 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-6556, thelondontearoom.com

The Spicery

The Spicery might be a slight drive from St. Louis, but with such a selection of tea, coffee, spices and more, it’s worth going the distance. Choose from more than 70 teas – available in both boxed and loose leaf. The Spicery’s bestseller is Blue Eyes, a fruit and herb tea featuring a caramel apple flavor. However, Blueberry and Peach Apricot are close runners-up.

The Spicery, 213 Market St., Kimmswick, 636-223-7300, thespiceryofkimmswick.com


Teatopia sells more than 80 different loose leaf teas in-house, including everything from green tea to oolong to white tea and more. You’ll no doubt walk away with several favorites – and even some new options to try.

Teatopia, 2606 Cherokee St., St. Louis, 314-553-9402, teatopiastl.com

Traveling Tea

What started as a traveling tea shop is now a brick-and-mortar showcasing more than 100 teas, brewing accessories and more. Must-try teas include the Cacao Chai (an organic Assam black tea with Peruvian cacao nibs), Caramelized Pear (featuring notes of honey, caramel and fresh baked pear) and Irish Breakfast.

Traveling Tea, 2707 Sutton Blvd., St. Louis, 314-647-8832, traveling-tea.com ln

18 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
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PHOTO B y JE nn IFE r SILVE r BE r G, CO ur TES y OF BIG HE ar T TE a CO.
LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 19 Presented by Mari de Villa SENIORLIVING Sponsoredby Readers,here’syourchance… Share with LN yourfavoritespotsand servicesintheSt.Louismetro areathat maketheGatewaytothe West sowonderful. ThePlatinumListvotingwindowisonly openfor a limitedtime. Placeyourvotes nowthroughJanuary31! laduenews.com VoteNow! LIST 2023LADUENEWS CROSSWORDPUZZLE CHECKTHELADUENEWSCLASSIFIEDSFORTHESOLUTION

Since 2008, SaintLouisUniversityhasrunaprogramthat offershigher education –with emphasis on theliberal arts andhumanities–to incarceratedindividuals andprison employees. Notonlydoestheprogramreachpeoplewho maynothavehadaccesstohighereducationbecause of economic or geographicconditions–it’s alsoacatalystfor personal andprofessionalsuccess.

TheSaint LouisUniversityPrison Education Programis doingmorethanprovidinghigh-qualityeducation,though. It’schanginglives.

“Studentsgainaccess to aneducation otherwiseunavailable tothem,”programdirectorJulieO’Heirsays. “Incarceratedstudents connect totheirfamiliesoversharedexperiencesofeducation. Studentshavereportedbondingwiththeirchildrenthrough schoolassignments, andfamilieshavereportedachangeintheir incarceratedloved one’soutlookand engagement.”

ThePrison Education Programcomprisesthreecomponents: onsite, credit-bearingcoursesthatculminateinanAssociateofArts degreeconferredbySLU; anon-creditCollegePreparatoryProgram thatpreparesstudentsforfuturecollegeexperiences; andthePrison Arts andEducationProgram,whichbrings arts andhumanities experiencestoapartnerfacilitythroughanongoingspeaker series andworkshops

PEPworksthroughapartnershipbetweentheuniversity andtheMissouriDepartmentofCorrections–specifically,the administrativeandeducationstaffatitspartnerfacility,the EasternReception,DiagnosticandCorrectional Center inBonne Terre, Missouri.

Classesstartedin 2008 atERDCC, whereasmallgroupof faculty–inspiredbySLU’sJesuitmission–beganholding theologicalstudiescourseswith 15 incarceratedmen.Atitsstart, participantscouldearnacertificateinthestudiesfromSLU.

In 2011, theuniversitybeganofferingafullyaccreditedAssociate ofArtsdegreetoincarceratedindividualsandprisonstaff. Thefirst cohortofstudents wasagroupof 23 individualswhoearnedtheir associatedegreesin 2015. A secondcohortgraduatedin 2021, which included sevenstaffstudentsand 16 incarceratedstudents.

“SLUhas invested significanttime and financial andhuman resourcesintoprovidingdirect accesstohighereducationfor peopletraditionallyexcludedfromsuchactivities,”O’Heirsays. “Prisoneducationisnowa‘normal’partofSLU,andSLUisnow afriendlierplaceforpeopleaffectedbythejusticesystem.”

Perhapsmostremarkableistheprogram’szeropercent recidivismrate–studentsintheprogramhavenotreturnedto prisonafterrelease. “Itshowsthatthe circumstancesthatlead individualstoincarcerationaremoreordinarythansocietytendsto believe,”programcoordinatorandPEPgraduateCourtneyEverett explains. “Incarceratedindividualsareoftenlabeledasthe outliers,

outcastsanddefiantmembersof ourcommunitieswhoneed toberetrained,hencetheword‘rehabilitation’isused.However, rehabilitation assumesthat aperson’s original conditionswere healthyandfunctional.Ourprogramshowsthatthatis nottrue.”

In 2022, PEPenrolled 20 students, halfofwhomwere incarcerated,andanewcohortof 20 DepartmentofCorrections employeeswillenrollinFall 2023. ClassesaretaughtbySLUfaculty, whoarecompensatedfortheirtimeandtreattheworkaspartof theirregularcourse load.

Theprogramoperatesonanacceleratedtermoffivenineweektermsperyear.PEPishousedinSLU’sCollegeofArtsand Sciences, whichmeanscoursesareprimarilysocial sciences, communications,theologyandmathematics.When faculty commit to teach,theycommit to teaching on-site onceper week for thatnine-week term.

“Since 2008, wehaveoffered 103 SLUcoursesandanadditional 35 CollegePrepcourses,”O’Heirsays. “We’vehadsomerepeatfaculty, soI’destimatewe’vehad 80 SLUfacultyteachintheprogram.”

Aforward-thinking, progressiveprogramlikePEPcomeswith itsshareofcosts. SLUprovidestuition scholarshipsforstudents enrolledinthedegreeprogram,andtheuniversitysupportsmost ofitsdepartment’sstaffingcosts. Beyondthesignificantinvestment fromSLU,PEPfundraisesforothercosts, includingfaculty compensationinthedegreeprogramandtheCollegePrepprogram, aswellasallcostsofthePAEP.

Still,these costsarefar outweighedbythemonumentalimpact onparticipants, instructorsandtheSt. Louiscommunity.

“Though ouralumninumbersaresmall,theyarefarlesslikely toreturntoprisonafterbeingreleased,”O’Heiradds. “Keeping aparent outofprisondecreasesthelikelihoodthatachildwill encounterthejusticesystemintheirfuture. Andfacultyconsistently reportthatteachingtheprogramisthebestteachingexperiencein theircareer.”

SaintLouisUniversity,1N.GrandBlvd., St. Louis,800-758-3678

Pri soneducationisnowa‘normal’par t ofSLU, and SLUisnowafriend lierplace for pe ople affect edbythejusticesystem.” –JULIEO’HEIR JulieO’HeirandCourtneyEverett

Summer Camps

Community School

900 Lay Road, 314-991-0005, communityschool.com/camp

Play, learn, and create on Community School’s beautiful 18-acre campus this summer! Camps are available for children age 3 through eighth grade and include full- and half-day options. Choose from dozens of activities led by experienced staff and partners from STaGES, COCa, Little Medical School, HI-nrG and more!

Ursuline Academy

341 Sappington Road, 314-984-2818, ursulinestl.org

Enjoy summer 2023 at ursuline academy’s campus! Programs include various athletic camps and partnerships with yMCa, COCa, Saint Louis Chess Club and Mad Science. available for Pre-K through 12th grade, enjoy and participate in multiple camps! For more information, please visit their website.

Whitfield School

175 S. Mason Road, 314-434-5141, whitfieldschool.org/about/summer-programs

Join Whitfield for enriching experiences this summer including Camp Whitfield, Whitfield Sports Camp and a summer session with academic and leadership development for older kids. On the court, in the art studio and in the lab, campers are guided by Whitfield teachers and coaches. Go online for details.

22 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com | a L a D u E n EWS SPECI a L P r OMOTIO n
SPORTSCAMPS Visitourwebsitetofinddetailsandupdates aboutallofourcamps! www.whitfieldschool.org/about/summer-programs REGISTRATIONWILLOPENMARCH1! GRADES6-12•COED• CO LLEGEPREPARATORY 175SouthMasonRoad•St.Lo ui s,MO63141•314.434.5141 WHITFIELD LOOKINGFORSUMMERFUN? LOOKINGFORSUMMERFUN? SummeratWhitfieldoffersavariety of ENGAGING and EN RICHING camp options,includingCampWhitfield, SportsCamps,andSummerSession (formiddleschool-agedcampers). Beitonthe COURT ,inthe ARTSTUDIO , or in the SCIENCELAB ,campersare guidedbyWhitfield’sfabulousfaculty and coachesthrough N EWCHALLENGES , TEAM-BUI LDING and FUN ! 341SOUTHSAPPINGTONRD. ST.LOUIS,MISSOURI63122 Shadow 314.984.2800 WWW.URSULINESTL.ORG BOOKYOUR Visit TODAY!
LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 23 24 The Trio 26 Grooming & Glamour 28 Landscape 31 FEATURE: Expedition Subsahara DESIGN & DÉCOR PHOTO B y JE a NNIE LI au T au D PHOTOG ra PH y



Warm golden browns and natural wood finishes create a cozy haven you won’t want to leave.

The “Owl” painting features a dapper personality-filled creature dressed to the nines. It is a handpainted acrylic on canvas. Dimensions are 48 inches wide and 60 inches high. (olystudio.com)

Jonathan Charles’ washed oak Godwyn console table is part of the collection by the late William yeoward. at 63.5 inches wide, it fits perfectly behind a sofa and can accommodate a pair of lamps and a large tray of cocktails. (jonathancharlesus.com)

From Thibaut Design’s Jubilee collection, the Cheetah wallpaper pattern is a tour de force in warm brown and metallic gold. (greatcoverupdesign.com)

24 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
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of the Problem Root

Significant hair loss is experienced by about one-third of women at some point in their lives, reports Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School. Although all genders can experience this, research through the National Library of Medicine shows that women in particular may feel a loss of identity as a result of societal standards.

“Hair loss is often brought about by hormonal imbalances, stress or toxicity within the body,” says Nicole LaBonte, founder of Rhythm and Ritual, a medspa located in Town and Country. “We try to deal with these root causes to rebuild and replenish both hair and skin.”

Although genetics can be the reason for excessive hair shedding, other triggers include hormonal imbalances, such as those experienced in postpartum, or the overuse of damaging hair products and tools, such as a blow dryer or hair dye. Sudden hair loss can also be a sign of underlying illness or an autoimmune condition.

“Every woman has unique self-care needs, and her beauty and wellness rituals should reflect her specific needs,” LaBonte says. “That’s why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to services.”

To aid clients who are contending with hair loss, the medspa uses a combination of products and therapies best suited for the person in question. This could include the medical-grade Nutrafol, which targets root causes; holistic therapies including craniosacral release, cupping or acupressure to stimulate the scalp; and even facials, which can aid in boosting circulation.

“The lymphatic system in the face flows to the hairline and around your ears,” LaBonte says. “Holding toxicity there could be the cause of thinning around the hairline. Our custom facial includes a very intentional lymphatic massage to help release built-up toxins.”

LaBonte also recommends at-home remedies

to assist with regrowth, including a head massage that starts at the scalp and moves into the neck and collarbone area, in order to drain lymphatic fluid from the head and face. Cryo sticks – ergonomic hand-held tools that localize the application of cold therapy – can further boost circulation while offering an indulgent and beneficial way to relax.

Rhythm and Ritual offers services that blend science and tech-based solutions with ancient alchemy (think aromatherapy and acupuncture). The medspa cares for each individual with this holistic approach by offering ongoing treatments to rebalance the body from the inside out, LaBonte says.

“We focus on creating regimens that are

cumulative and specialized for each client,” she adds. “Services and products are stacked to build impactful in-office and at-home routines that allow for transformative results.” ln

Rhythm and Ritual, 1064 S. Woods Mills Road, Town and Country, 636-220-4873, rhythmandritual.com

26 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
THM an D r IT ua L
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LIST 2023LADUENEWS Readers,here’syourchance… Share with LN yourfavoritespotsandservicesintheSt.Louis metro areathatmaketheGatewaytothe Westsowonderful. ThePlatinumListvotingwindowisonlyopenfor a limitedtime. PlaceyourvotesnowthroughJanuary31! laduenews.com VoteNow! Presented by
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New Year, New Garden!

Most gardeners love to stay put and never move so that they can enjoy the maturing beauty of the gardens they create. Some enjoy leaving behind a green legacy to be loved by a new family. At the end of the year, I was packing the last few boxes to leave our hilltop home and garden to downsize into a new place without so many responsibilities. We chose the new house because it has a nearly blank canvas on which to paint a new garden. This year, I’ll try to take you all through the process of building a new landscape.

First, try to identify the needs to be met by a new landscape: Is it for shade, color, vegetables or curb appeal? Is it the whole property or just a new bed?

Once you have identified your goals, the second step is to design the hardscape: drain lines, sidewalks, patios, fences, pools and retaining walls. Which spaces will be street-facing, and which will be private? It is quick and easy to take a copy of the plot plan and make enlargements on which to doodle. I took a screenshot from Google Earth, printed it out and then copied it to

scale on graph paper. Of course, if you are doing major construction, your landscape architect or designer will do this for you, or you can use an app on the computer. Make several copies so you can try different ideas.

Next, identify any important assets that already exist. For our new place, the plants I will work with include a teenage cherry tree, a mangled Kousa dogwood (salvageable with fresh pruning), a magnificent middle-aged, fire-engine-

red maple, a couple of established viburnums and a backdrop of evergreen pines and spruces. There is a lovely gazebo in the common area beyond my space, and I will work to not cover up that view. There are no windows that need privacy to worry about. This garden is small, so I will pay more attention to the details.

Before winter set in, I designed a new major planting area that runs from edge to edge in the back and curves gracefully along the remaining lawn panel. Two truckloads of compost and two more of natural brown mulch later, and I have more than 1,000 square feet ready for spring planting. I also put in a new holding bed between the sidewalk and the side of the house as my propagation and transplant spot. We have the first appointment with the irrigation specialists in the spring to extend the existing system into the new beds.

Take a good look now at the bones of your own garden in the winter, and imagine how you might improve upon them. Follow along with me this spring as I sort through planning specific spaces, sourcing new plants and placing beloved transplants from the old garden.

In the meantime, curl up with some hot tea and your plant catalogues, and dream a little. ln

28 JANUARY20, 2023 | LadueNews.com

Dream Weavers


AfterappearingonABC’s “Shark Tank”inOctober, St.Louis-basedExpeditionSubsaharafounder SofiSeckwasabletoshare thestoryandculture behindhercompany’s handwovenhomegoods andvibrantcraftsmanshipon a nationalscale.

WhenSofiSeckmovedtoSt. LouisfromasmallvillagenearDakar–the capitalandlargest cityinSenegal–sheleftbehindhertribe, theWolof tribe, andenteredanewworld.

“LeavingAfricaandcomingtotheStates, Irealizedthere wassuch ahugedifferenceintheAfricaIknowandgrewupwithandtheone Americans seeandhearaboutthemost,”Secksays. “Ithinkwe, asaworld,havetakenthe Africanstoryofallthese culturesandblendedthemintoasingularstory–one purely basedonpoverty.”

Seckandheroriginal businesspartnerfoundedExpedition Subsaharain 2018 to retellthestoryofAfricancraftsmanshipthroughanarrayofvibrant, handwovenhome goodsmasterfullycreatedinSenegalusingweavingtechniquespasseddownthrough generations. “We wantedtomakesomethingpeoplerecognizeasbeautiful butalsoshare thestoryoftheAfricancraftsmanshipbehindit, retoldina waythat’sradicallyrespectful,” saysSeck, whoisnowsoleowner.

One waySeck wasabletoretellherstoryonanational scale wasbypitchingher

businessforinvestorfundsonABC’s“SharkTank,”whichairedonOct.14 lastyear. Althoughshedidn’t secureadeal,she walkedawaywithadeeperunderstandingof her business.

“Each‘shark’gavemegreatadviceandencouragedmenotjusttocontinue but tothrive,”Secksays. “Itgavemesuchhugeinsightintowhatinvestorsarelookingfor. Theprocessallowedmetodigsodeeplyintomy businessandthefinancialsthatI becameabetter businessowner.”

Thesharkswereequallyimpressedwiththeproductsandtheweaverswho makethem.Expedition Subsaharahome goodsincludeliddedcontainers andbasketsofallsizes, madewithacoil-styleweavingtechniqueusing locallyharvested elephantgrass andrecycledplastic inrich,vibrantcolors andgeometricandtribalpatterns. Italsooffers walldécor,shoppingtotes, placemats, coastersandmore. Eachisoneofakindandhandmadebythe 120 weaversemployedinSenegal,whomExpedition Subsaharapaysalivablehourly wage–eschewingthetypicalindustrypracticeofpayingperpiece.

“Wedidn’t wanttodoitunderthisguise ofstartinganonprofitand‘helping these poorAfricans’–no, whatthecountryneedsisindustry,andweknowindustry comesfrombeingableto buildsomethingthat’sgoingtolastgenerations,”Seck explains. “I’mluckymymotherandmygrandmothertaughtmehowtoweave, sohow amIgoingtouse thattoweave–notjustmybasket – butweaveawholeindustrythat canthenlastandreallychangeacommunityfromwhichthese basketscome.”

Seck wastaughtthecraftbyfemalefamilyandfriendsfromDakar,whowouldgather intheopen-airspacesinthebackofhousestodrinktea,decompressandweavetogether.

“Fromasyoungaspossible, you’reimmersedinthatprocessofweaving,”shesays. “Onceyourhandscanholdthegrasstight, you canstartweavingyourself. Whenyou’re oldenoughtounderstand,thenallthewomen–mom,grandma,aunt, neighbors–teachyou bitbybit.”

SeckandherteaminSenegalhave builtacommunityofboth“master” weavers and“baby”weavers,whonot onlylearn tocreateExpedition Subsahara’sproducts butalsotheintricaciesofweavingasalifelongcraftto sustaintheirfutureandpassdownforgenerations.Relatedly, 20 percentof monthlyprofitsaredonatedtoaneducationfund set asideforthe buildingof aSTEAM(science, technology,engineering, arts, math) schoolforgirlsinthesamevillageinwhichthebasketsarewoven.

“Itwillbeafull-circlemoment from thecommunity to thecommunity,” Secksays. “The schoolisthethingI wanttodothemost,butit’sbeenthe hardestthingformetoget offthegroundifI’mbeinghonest. There’san AfricanproverbIalwaysgobacktoeverytimeIfeellikeI wanttheuniverse tomovefasterforme: ‘Littlebylittle, thebird buildsitsnest.’Irealizedthenest I’mtryingto buildisreallycomplexandreallybig, andItrytoalwaysremember Iam buildingsomethingthat’sreallybeautifulandaffectsalotofpeopleinareally beautiful way,andlittlebylittle, we’llget there.”

HereinSt. Louis, Missouri,theSenegalese sister citySecknowcallshome, she’s planningtoopenaflagshipretailstorefrontin 2023. Eventually,she wantstofinda nationalretailpartnerto sellExpedition Subsaharagoodsonalarger scale.

“Ourproductsareslow–slowtomake, slowtoget; they’renotmass-produced,”she says. “Thereareretailerswhoareattractedtothatandfindthatbeautiful. [Theyrecognize] it’sabout buildingsomethinginthatcommunity butalsohavingrespect –bothwithin thecountryand outsidethecountry–forthisbasket, theplaceitcamefrom,[and] thepeoplewhomadeit.”

Andafterthat? Secksaiditbestinher outgoinginterviewafterexitingtheSharkTank empty-handed butfullofambition:“Wearegoingtotakeovertheworld,onehappybasket atatime.”

Expedition Subsahara, 314-985-8141,expeditionsubsahara.com

Wewantedtomake somethingpeoplerecognizeas beautifulbutalsosharethestory oftheAfricancraftsmanship behindit,retoldinawaythat’s radically respectful.” –SOFISECK LadueNews.com | JANUARY 20,2023 33
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LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 41 B uy Play er s Tou rPass and ge t extra p erk s,b onuse s and offer s! 2Thurs.AscensionCharityClassicTickets 1st400PerDay ForeHonor G ol fC ou r seFou r some AllAttendees SunValley G ol fC ou r se R ound AllAttendees G ol fM ag a zine S ubscription AllAttendees Buy Ticket Online GetB onus O ld K inderhookRound 80+ Exhibits • Major Manufacturers • Mich. ULTRA 19TH Hole SpiritsTastings SSMWellnessZone Bushnell & PXGExperiences DaveSinclair STLPuttingChampionship SquaredUpGolf The Golf AcademyPlusZone Sat.Kids&FamilyDay FEB.3-5 St. Charle sC on v ention C enter Fri.11-5 Sat.10-5 Sun.10-4 TEST&GETFITTED HUGESALES WELC OME ST HE 6B onusRound sofG ol f+Tou rT ick ets F RON T DOORBONUS! Withpa id adm issio n•Restr ic t ions a pp ly•Whi le su pp l ie sl as t•Detai ls onweb si te. Pre sent ed By THEGOLFACADEMYPLUS endees OFFICIA LCLUBS stlouisgolfexpo.com CollegeGolfSeminar“BetweenTheLines”onSat. LIST 2023LADUENEWS Readers,here’syourchance… Share with LN yourfavoritespotsandservicesintheSt.Louis metro areathatmaketheGatewaytothe Westsowonderful. ThePlatinumListvotingwindowisonlyopenfor a limitedtime. PlaceyourvotesnowthroughJanuary31! laduenews.com VoteNow! Presented by Maride Villa SENIORLIVING Sponsored by


Gateway180 held its annual Open Your Heart for the Homeless gala recently at St. Louis Aquarium inside Union Station, where guests were treated to a cocktail hour and dinner, plus auctions and a post-program tour of the aquarium. Funds raised from the evening support the organization’s mission of empowering women, children and families in the pursuit of independence and permanent housing.

I cannot imagine a group more deserving of our support than the resilient families at Gateway180. As health care providers, we recognize that few things enhance the health of our community more than providing all children with safe and affordable housing to play, learn and achieve their full potential. We are humbled to be part of an organization that helps 80 percent of these families stay in permanent housing even years later.

42 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com GATEWAY180
Photos and story by Jon Gitchoff Libby Blaney, Patrick White, Kathy Connors Amber Simpson, Suzie Nall, Ken Simpson
Visit LADUENEWS.COM to see more fabulous photos from this event!
Erin and Ed Rataj, Amber Pook
LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 43
Nicole and Ted Liebig Sheri and John Cage Erin Sunderhuse, Renae Berreles Jane Schmidt and Erin Joy Laura Hofherr, Jessica Gangwes Nancy and Luke Wilde Andrew and Becky McLaughlin Sharon WIlson, Don Merek


Memory Care Home Solutions celebrated its 20th anniversary recently with a gala at the Palladium in downtown St. Louis. Following cocktails and light bites, guests enjoyed dinner, a program and silent auction. An after-party with live music from the Charles Glenn Trio rounded out the night. Memory Solutions was founded by Lisa Baron, who wanted to give families affected by Alzheimer’s disease better access to guidance and resources. Baron’s own mother battled Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Today, Memory Care Home Solutions helps families throughout Missouri.

Visit LADUENEWS.COM to see more fabulous photos from this event!

How wonderful to celebrate Memory Care Home Solutions’ 20th anniversary and herald in the next 20 [years]. Marked by a terrific new venue, live music, selfie station, photo booth and after-party, we set a new strategic goal and direction for the organization. Here’s to the next 20!

44 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
Photos and story by Diane Anderson Celeste and Steven Player Theresa Finlay, Kevin Finlay, Bethany Holohan
Michelle Maness, Mary Spencer, Haley Fisher, Tigre Wiley
LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 45
Julie Hiblovic, Cherie Summa Allen and Sally Serfas Lori and Chris Hudson Ali and Sara Ahmadi Nytasha and Horace Taylor Dave Chronister, Rebecca Hare Bobby McCormack, David Hanon Nic Scheibel
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LadueNews.com | Ja N uary 20, 2023 47 48 Local Eats 49 Arts Speak 50 Show & Tell 51 FEATURE: Clayton Art Gallery ARTS & CULTURE
B y M a BEL S u EN


Anew food vendor recently debuted inside Perennial Artisan Ales.

Sanguchitos by Brasas, by chef Andrew Cisneros, opened inside the South City brewery in St. Louis in early September with a menu of Peruvian-inspired sliders and snacks to pair with the tasting room’s craft beers.

Cisneros’ sanguchitos (little sandwiches) were originally introduced on the menu at his flagship Peruvian cevicheria, Jalea, and the dish quickly became a popular signature item. The sliders are served on pandesal – fluffy, semisweet rolls that are crisped in butter – from Liz’s Filipino Desserts in St. Charles and are filled with different meats.

Cisneros and Perennial co-owner Phil Wymore previously collaborated to create a Peruvian-style, heirloom quinoa-based lager, dubbed “Waska” for Jalea. That fruitful partnership led to Cisneros’

launch of Brasas – wood-fire rotisserie chicken pop-ups hosted in Perennial’s kitchen throughout the summer, from which talks a more permanent house concept arose.

Sanguchitos by Brasas is the latest evolution of Brasas – a brand Cisneros created to introduce Peruvian rotisserie chicken paired with flavorful sauces to St. Louis. The pop-up originated at Original J’s Tex-Mex BBQ, where he previously served as a consultant.

“Brasas translates to embers; we’re burning Missouri white oak logs to cook the chickens,” Cisneros says. “I’ve always loved cooking with wood fire from the time I was really young. We were always grilling and barbecuing in our own way.”

The chicken, which is marinated in Waska marinade for 12 hours, is available in a smoked chicken salad sanguchito with crispy onions, salsa criolla and polleria – a signature chicken sauce. Additional rotating options include a braised pork belly “pan con chicharron” sanguchito with aji

verde, sweet potato, salsa criolla, aji-citrus mayo and mint, as well as a blue crab and smoked trout roe sanguchito with aji amarillocitrus mayo, salsa criolla and crispy shallots.

“I think people will be excited to try a different style of sandwich,” Cisneros says. “It’s something they’ve never had before in the area, and I hope they love it.” ln

Sanguchitos by Brasas (inside Perennial Artisan Ales), 8125 Michigan Ave., St. Louis, Missouri, instagram.com/brasasstl

48 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
Photos and story by Mabel Suen

Nights to Remember

One night of music trivia inspired a fouryear journey that recently culminated in a self-published book about one of St. Louis’ most iconic venues.

For married couple and mega music fans Stacy and Garrett Enloe, memorializing Mississippi Nights was more than an opportunity to remember the now-closed music venue. The project binds together a community that shared so much during its 30-year run.

“The big thing is just the memories it will jog,” says Stacy Enloe, co-author of “Mississippi Nights: A History of The Music Club in St. Louis.” “I know how dear the club is to so many people, and I want them to get that feeling back from reading the book.”

Opened in 1976, Mississippi Nights was located in the Laclede’s Landing section of downtown St. Louis at 914 N. 1st St. The venue could hold up to 1,000 people and regularly hosted acts representing a vast array of genres, from Nirvana to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Stevie Ray Vaughn to The Police. Stacy Enloe’s favorite shows at Mississippi Nights included Tora Tora and Saigon Kick.

The intimate setting, old-school feel and great acoustics made the club a must-visit for music fans and musicians alike. Mississippi Nights took on special significance for local artists – many of whom were interviewed by the Enloes for the book.

“With a lot of local bands, the biggest thing everyone said was that Mississippi Nights was the ‘goal,’” Stacy Enloe explains. “That was the mecca –that’s what everyone wanted to play. It holds quite a place in their hearts.”

Although the venue closed in 2007, the Enloes – and many others in St. Louis’ live music scene – never forgot about Mississippi Nights. During a trivia night about 10 years later, Garrett Enloe won the historic awning from Mississippi Nights. The prize inspired him to launch a Facebook fan page, where today, he and now more than 10,000 others reminisce about the good times had at the club.

Inspired by the outpouring of support, the Enloes decided to preserve Mississippi Nights’ memory by making their first book a tribute to the venue. After four years of work, “Mississippi

Nights: A History of The Music Club in St. Louis” was published in October 2022. The 290-page self-published book chronicles the history of the 1830s-era building before it became the nowvenerated venue and continues all the way through its unfortunate shuttering in 2007.

The book includes interviews with the owners, managers and others who worked at the venue. Year by year, the book details what made Mississippi Nights so special to the community. The back section of “Mississippi Nights” features a comprehensive list of all the bands who played the club. The Enloes worked with designer Angela Sebben on the layout and cover art.

Although the Enloes haven’t decided on their next venture just yet, they’re certain that this

passion project turned published book is just what the St. Louis music community needed.

“We realized that it needed to be done for people,” Stacy Enloe says. “Everyone loved it so much, and we didn’t want it to fall by the wayside. We wanted people to remember it, and I definitely think we accomplished that.” ln

“Mississippi Nights: A History of The Music Club in St. Louis” can be found at local bookstores and record stores, as well as at mississippinights.com.

LadueNews.com | JANUARY20, 2023 49
Garrett and Stacy Enloe at the “Mississippi Nights: A History of The Music Club in St. Louis” book launch party at The Record Space in Affton, Ill. Photo courtesy of the Enloes. Joe Haynes, Michael Stipe, Jim Warchol and Buddy Weber of Bad Habits, Nov. 13, 1978. Photo by John Korst. Brian Teal walking in front of Mississippi Nights. Photo by Paul Hilcoff.
Dick Dalen on June 4, 2003. Photo by Garrett Enloe.


Must-See Shows This Season

Kicking off 2023 in grand fashion, there are several interesting theatrical choices available to inquisitive audiences in the first few months of this year.

The Fabulous Fox Theatre has stacked the deck with a menu of appealing possibilities. The Fox presents the local premiere of “Six,” a musical comedy by Toby Marlow and Lucy Ross. The story follows the six wives of King Henry VIII and is presented as a pop concert. “Six,” which won the 2022 Tony Award for Best Original Score, will play at The Fox Jan. 24 through Feb. 5.

The Fox will present Aaron Sorkin’s new Broadway adaptation of the classic novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Richard Thomas – John-Boy Walton himself, and more recently a member of the Netflix series “Ozark” – stars as 1930s attorney Atticus Finch. The drama will run Feb. 28 through March 12.

Following its acclaimed holiday production of “A Christmas Carol,” the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis returns Jan. 27 through Feb. 19 with “Putting It Together: A Musical Review,” devised by Stephen Sondheim and Julia McKenzie. The musical includes nearly 30 of legendary composer/lyricist Sondheim’s memorable masterpieces and will be presented at COCA’s Catherine B. Berges Theatre.

Then, from Feb. 10 through March 5, The Rep returns to the Loretto-Hilton Center at Webster University for a production of Dominique Morisseau’s drama, “Confederates.”

Coming off a very strong 2022, The Black Rep continues its 46th season with a presentation of Arthur Miller’s timeless classic, “Death of a Salesman,” which runs Jan. 11 to 29 at Washington University in St. Louis’ Edison Theatre. From Feb. 1 to 26 at Wash U’s Hotchner Studio Theatre, The Black Rep presents Loy A. Webb’s play, “The Light,” which focuses on a young couple and the secrets that may destroy their relationship.

Stray Dog Theatre begins its 20th anniversary

season with a new production of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” It plays at the Tower Grove Abbey from Feb. 9 through 25. Stray Dog returns March 30 through April 22 for its presentation of Stephen Sondheim’s enchanting musical, “Into the Woods.”

Another memorable classic work, Anton Chekhov’s drama, “Uncle Vanya,” will be presented by St. Louis Actors’ Studio at the Gaslight Theater Feb. 17 through March 5. Actors’ Studio is doing contemporary playwright Neil LaBute’s version of Chekhov’s late 19th century play.

West End Players Guild’s February offering is “Outside Mullingar,” a quaint love story about the relationship between two painfully shy Irish farmers living on adjacent tracts of land outside the country town of Mullingar, Ireland. It’s performed Feb. 10 to 19 at Union Avenue Christian Church.

The New Jewish Theatre starts its 2023 season with a production of Neil Simon’s “Broadway Bound,” the conclusion of Simon’s “Eugene trilogy.” It runs Jan. 19 through Feb. 5 at the J’s Wool Studio Theatre.

New Line Theatre presents “Nine,” a musical inspired by the semi-autobiographical Federico Fellini film, “8 ½,” March 2 through 25 at the Marcelle Theater in Grand Center. With music and lyrics by Maury Yeston and a book by Mario Fratti, revised by Arthur Kopff, “Nine” won the 1982 Tony Awards for Best Musical and Best Original Score.

A teenage fisherman and a crotchety lighthouse keeper are an unlikely pair who join forces to find the ‘Elixir of Life’ to save the teen’s seriously ill father in Metro Theater Company’s world premiere performance of “Spells of the Sea.” “Spells of the Sea” will be performed Feb. 5 to March 5 at the Grandel Theatre.

Finally, a veteran rock music journalist finally gets to interview his unrequited love, singer Linda Ronstadt, in writer/director Joe Hanrahan’s “Just One Look,” with Kelly Howe as the pop star who rocketed to fame in the 1970s and ’80s. “Just One Look” will be presented by The Midnight Company on March 1, 8 and 15 at the Blue Strawberry cabaret club. ln

50 January 20, 2023 | Ladue n ews.com
PHOTO OF THE “SIX” P r OD u CTIO n B y JO an M ar C u S, CO ur TES y OF THE F a B u LO u S FOX THE a T r E; PHOTO OF “TO KILL a MOCKI n GBI r D” P r OD u CTIO n B y J u LIET a CE r V an TES, CO ur TES y OF THE F a B u LO u S FOX THE a T r E


NestledinsideTheDesigning Block–aneclecticandhomeyinterior design businessintheheartofClayton–istheneighborhood’snewest artgallery.

RunbytwoSt. Louis-basedcontemporaryartists, MarthaValenta andTimMeehan,INeedThatArtopenedin 2021 afterbeingdelayedbythe pandemic’simpact onin-personshopping.

Valentaactuallyfoundedthebrandbackin 2017, whensheconverteda makeshiftstudiointo atemporaryvenuefor herselfandMeehan.Theduothen operated outofagarageinKirkwood,nearthefarmersmarket.“[In our second studio], wecouldhideallofthepaintandeverythingandhaveabigshow,andit wasreallyfuninthisreallyglorifiedgaragespace,”Valentasays.

DuringaneventinKirkwood,ValentametSusan Block, residentdesignerand ownerofTheDesigning Block. Valentainvited Blocktopaintinhergaragestudio onSaturdays, andthepairquicklybecameinseparable. Shortlybeforethelease onValenta’stemporaryspace wasup, shereached outto Block, whosuggested theartistsshareTheDesigning Blockspace.

“Wejumpedatthat,”Valentasays, explainingthatsheandMeehanhadbeen lookingforamorepermanentspacethattheycouldalsouse forexhibitions. Upon movingin,Valentaflexedhercreativitybyorderingafreshcoatoftricornblack paintforthe walls–thegoalofwhich wastojuxtapose thedarkbackdropwith thevibrantpopartthatmakesupthemajorityofherartisticrepertoire.

“WekeptalotofthecozinessofTheDesigning Block[in ourgalleryspace],” Valentasays. “WhatImeanbythatis, asaninteriordesignshop,[Block]haschairs andtables, anditjustfeelscozy.”Valentanotesthatmanygalleriesareverystark andminimalistic–adeepcontrasttoINeedThatArt, whichembracesmaximalism ineveryaspect ofitsdesign.“Our[gallery]hascomfortableplacestosit,”she explains. “Folkscanrelaxandget arealfeelforbeingaroundtheart.”

Thebiggestbenefitofmovingintoaspacethatalready servesasacreativehub, Valentasays, isbeingabletocollaboratewith Blockinhelpingclients select artwork fortheirhome, installitandpairitwithsurroundingitemswithinafavorable colorpalette.

“Susanpullsdifferent fabricsamplesout –modern,traditionalor transitional –andshe’llpairthemwiththepaintings toshowpeoplehowtheartcanfitin different settings,”Valentaadds, explainingthatthoughmanypeopleloveart, it canbetrickyforthemtoknowhowtofititintotheirhome.

AsaresultofValenta’s outreacheffortstothelocalartscommunity,thegallery hashostedanumberofgroupshowssinceitssoftlaunchinJuly 2021, inwhich they’veexhibitedtheworkofartistssuchas CarmelitaNunezandillustrator KevinBelford.

Thegalleryalsohasexhibiteda varietyofsoloartists, includingMikeMurphy Mosaics, whichValentadescribesas“Gucci-inspired”reinventionsofclassic clothing. Mostrecently,INeedThatArthosteda selectionoflocalfineartistsas partofagroupholidayshowinDecember 2022.

“Thisholidayshow waskindof ourcoming-outparty,”Valentasays. “We’ve hadacoupleofguestartiststhispastyear, butwereallyhaven’thadabighurrah because ofthepandemic. Tim wastherealforcebehindthisshow. SusanandI havebeenthrilledwiththeartistsheinvited,suchasceramist CarmelitaNunez, illustratorKevinBelford[and]mixedmediaartistDebDouglas.”

ValentahasplanstoexpandINeedThatArt’sexhibitionpresencebyshowcasing localfineartistsandenablingspaceforValenta,Meehanand Block’sworkasthe residentartists. OnApril 7, INeedThatArtwilldebutagroupshowcenteredonthe theme“smoke.”Thisisapersonalproject forValenta,whichshecuratedinmemory ofherfather,who wasadedicatedsmokerformuchofhis 95 years.

INeed ThatArt, TheDesigningBlock,7735 ClaytonRoad, 314-517-2283, ineedthatart.com

52 JANUARY 20,2023 | LadueNews.com
Our [galler y]has comfortable placestosit.Folkscanrelax andgetarealfeelforbeing around t he art.” –MARTHAVALENTA
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