September 16, 2022

Page 18


THE RYANTRADITION,SELLINGST.LOUIS’MOSTPRESTIGIOUS ANDPROMINENTPROPERTIESSINCE1965 JOHNRYAN, Broker/SalesAssociate •5-StarinClientSatisfaction•TopSt.LouisSalePricein2021•Top1%ofColdwellBankerSales•#1SalesAssociateintheLadue/Claytonestateprofessionals.thetrustofbuyers,sellersandotherrealhisclientsforover40yearshasearnedhimJohnRyan’sexperienceanddedicationtoColdwellBankerGundakerOfficeAssociatesNationwide CHRISTINADENT, SalesAssociate Ladueoverthepasttwodecades.Snowmass,Sonoma,PalmSprings,andsoldluxuryhomesandhotelsinAspen,familyshehasbought,designed,built,andresidentialrealestate.TogetherwithheryearsofexperienceinbothcommercialandChristinajoinedtheRyanTraditionwith20+ SignificantSalesof2022 ListingAgent: 1035PriceSchoolLane-Ladue9797LitzsingerRoad-Ladue6AppleTreeLane-Ladue201S.McKnightRoad-Ladue6LynnbrookRoad-Frontenac9785LitzsingerRoad-Ladue601BarnesRoad-Ladue BuyersAgent: 44WilliamsburgRoad-CreveCoeur500SWarsonRoad-Ladue315NCentralAvenue-Clayton1111McKnightRoad-RichmondHeights1101McKnightRoad-RichmondHeights Continuing a 57 yearlegac y ofservingthe St.Louisluxur y market,The Ryan Traditionlooks forward tothe opportunitytoprovideyouwithyoursignificantprope r tyneeds. THERYANTRADITION CHRISTINADENT|314.309.5995||theryantradition.comJOHNRYAN|314.941.0572| Aheritageofexceptionalrealestateservicesince1965


2 September 16, 2022 | CONTENTS 30 On Coverthe 10 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way in understanding, treating and defeating childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Learn more about its mission and its winter 2023 gala at Centene Stadium on Page 10. Fashion writer Katie Yeadon showcases a variety of sophisticated styles for this autumn, as photographed by Christina Kling-Garrett. Design & Décor FORFABULOUSFALL 24 The Trio 26 &GroomingGlamour 28 Landscape 30 FallFEATURE:Fashion Arts & Culture JUKEBOX JUBILEE Staff writer bryan A. Hollerbach takes readers inside the Delmar Loop’s treasured blueberry Hill eatery in University City, where its owners and patrons are celebrating 50 years in business. 68 Local Eats 69 Arts Speak 70 Show & Tell 71 BlueberryFEATURE:Hill Front & Center 14 Family First 16 theAgainstOdds 18 NotesHealth 19 PuzzleCrossword 20 GolGirlFEATURE:Scouts d EXPRESS20 YOURSELF Contributing reporter brittany Nay talks to a Girl Scouts Gold Awardee about her project empowering kids and teens in foster care to express themselves through artistic endeavors. Gatherings & Goodwill 58 STAGES St. Louis 59 Refuge and Restoration 71

SayHelloto New Friends! AtTheGatesworth, wellnessis away oflife. We provide youwithexceptional resourcestonurture andenrich yourbody, mind and well-being, setamidst awarmandvibrantcommunity of friends. TheGatesworthiswelcomingnewresidents,andwe’dlovetogettoknowyou! TheGatesworthiscommittedtoequalhousingopportunityanddoesnotdiscriminateinhousingandservicesbecauseofrace,color, religion,sex,handicap,familialstatusornationalorigin. ST. LOUISPOST-DISPATCH 2022 TheGatesworthisanindependentseniorlivingcommunityconvenientlylocatednorthofHighway40justoffI-170 314-993-0111 | T he G aTesworTh . com One McKnightPlace, St.Louis, MO63124 ExceptionalPeople. ExceptionalLiving. BestIndependent SeniorLiving FavoriteCustomerService BestHairstylist: MichaelOrlando

4 September 16, 2022 |


Mark Bretz, Drew Gieseke, Alecia Humphreys, Connie Mitchell, Brittany Nay, Pat Raven, Nancy Robinson, Mabel Suen, Katie Yeadon



Kevin Hart |

Emily Adams | ARTeadams@laduenews.comDIRECTOR



Megan Langford |

Christina Kling-Garrett


Amanda Dahl |

Bryan A. Hollerbach |

Erin Wood |

A LEE ENTERPRISES PUBLICATION EVORAWOMEN'SHEALTH NowAccepting NewPatients Asaboard-certifiedinternist,Dr.Phatak strivestobuildamorepersonalpatientdoctorrelationshiptounderstandyour history,struggles,andgoals.Shewillcreate acustomwellnessplanthataddressesboth yoursymptomsandrootcauseofyour condition. CityPlace5 845N.NewBallasCt.,Ste.310 CreveCoeur,MO63141 314-934-0551 Someonewholistenstoyouinsteadofrushingyou throughyourvisit Treatmentforacuteillnessesandchronicconditions, includingdiabetes,heartdisease,andthyroiddisorders Appointmentsonyourschedule-nomorewaitingmonths toseeyourdoctor Collaborativecarewithon-sitetherapists,dietitians,and chiropractic AccesstoDr.Phatakanytimebyemail,text,orphone SarinaPhatak,MD DirectPrimaryCare SCHEDULEAFREE15MINUTECONSULT FemaleFocusedPrimaryCare



Dawn Deane |


Andrea Smith |

Katie Ray |










Laura De Vlieger |




Maggie Peters |

Lisa Taylor |


Leadingthe WayinMemoryCare (314)542-2500 PARCPROVENCE.COM A+ Ratingwith BBB Webelieveourresidents andtheirfamilies deser ve the bestmemorycarepossible. Medical Excellence,CompassionateCare Youwantyourlovedonetoget thebestmemory careavailable. We knowhow youfeel.That’s whymemory careisourprimary focus. Parc Provencespecialists are expertsin theirfields andcommittedtocompassionatecare.Our Medical Directors areleadingspecialistsin Alzheimer’s disease andgeriatricmedicineat Washington University Schoolof Medicine.Ourresidentsbenefitfrom thelatest inresearch andbestpractices,so they can continuetomake thebestof every day. 605Coeurde Ville Drive,CreveCoeur,MO 63141 •Locatedneartheintersectionof Olive andI-270 We arecommitted to equalhousingopportunity thatdoesnot discriminate inhousingandservicesbecause ofrace, color,religion,sex,handicap, familial status,ornationalorigin. Pleasecalltolearnmoreortoschedule a tour. Best Memory Care

6 September 16, 2022 |

take your little one to dig and discover dinosaur fossils, canter among colossal creatures and enjoy a live show inspired by “Jurassic park” – all in St. Louis. Visit to discover four ways that families can experience dinosaurs in modern day. photo by Joellen toler, courtesy of the Saint Louis Zoo.

enhance your feed with home, style and Facebook.LadueandnewscommunitybylikingfollowingNewson Keep up with our latest stories and updates by on@LadueNewsfollowingtwitter. Follow @laduenews on Instagram for a fresh look at content in our magazine and online, plus communityexclusiveinsight. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR

And if you’ve seen Rae Marcel’s work, you know this metro area photographer is more than capable of creating dreamy, empowering images for her clients. But staff writer and digital editor Amanda Dahl provides a bigger picture and reports on Page 69 that Marcel is building a safe haven for young mothers through her new studio in Edwardsville, Illinois.

Those who work and volunteer for Stray Rescue of St. Louis envision a future where all animals are loved and properly cared for, and the nonprofit is in the process of constructing a new facility to offer that support to rescued animals in the metro area, as contributing reporter Drew Gieseke shares on Page 16.


Andrea Managing Editor



This issue is for the dreamers – or rather, those who imagine a bright future and construct it, despite the odds stacked against them.

Don’t stop believing,

On Page 18, contributing reporter Connie Mitchell relays the Macari family’s perseverance in advocating for those, including their daughter, who live with the rare disease known as neonatal progeroid syndrome. By establishing a new nonprofit, they’re creating a community for other families dealing with similar challenges.

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2. 263ElmAvenue • Glendale

• Clayton NEWPRICE! Welcometoluxuryandeaseoflivinginthisspacious condooffersopenlivingspacewithlovelywoodflooringandlight filledrooms.AwonderfulfloorplanforUniversalDesign. $267,500



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3. 3222RegalPlace • St.Louis

450WestAdamsAve#29(Kirkwood)$169,900 2311HickoryStreet#A(St.Louis)$149,900 706OakAvenue(ValleyPark) $42,500


6640PernodAvenue(St.Louis)$225,000 9537LodgePole(Crestwood) $220,000

Wehaveanamazingbridletrailbehindourhomethatweloveto walk withour3dogs.It’sagifttohavethisrightinourbackyard.

1. 2104NorthGeyerRoad • Frontenac

COMINGSOON! Paradisefound.Perchedinthemiddleof anidyllic1.2-acreproperty,intheheartofFrontenacsitsalight, brightandwelcomingabodew/over5,000totallivingspacethat boastsinspiringviewsfromeveryroomofmaturetreesand floweringperennialpaths.Artfullytransformedyou’llloveallthe newflooring,freshcolorpaletteandmore. $1,299,000



NEWPRICE! AtimelessCapeCodstylehomenestledona park-like.74-acrecorner.Stepintograciouslivinggreetedby agrandstaircaseandcustommillworkfloortoceiling.Alarge customkitchenwithacenterislandprovideslotsofspacefor entertaining.Familyroomwithvaultedceilingwithnewlyadded woodbeamsandatieredoversizedchandelier. $1,299,995

7. 816S.HanleyRoad#6B

1241StrassnerDrive#1508(Brentwood) $270,000

925N.HanleyRoad(U.City) $349,900

4. 12510LadueLakeCourtCreveCoeur


choseLauraMcCarthybydefault. MymomhadbeenaRealtorformany yearsatLauraMcCarthy.AftercollegeI joinedherteam.WehavestayedwithLaura McCarthyfordecadesbecausemanagement andstaffareincrediblyknowledgeableand supportive.WhileIendedupatLMCby chance,itseemsmorelikefate.Thereisno betterrealestatecompanyintown.

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5. 8121ColmarDrive • Clayton


OPENSUNDAY1-3! Builtin2019,thischarming2storyfeelsbrand newasyoustepinside!You’llbedelightedwiththeopenfloorplan, plentifulnaturallight,andgraciousfinishesincludingengineered hardwoodfloors,moldings,andmodernlightfixtures. $409,900

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Comfortableeleganceandmeticulouscarearefeaturedinthis large1.5storyfamilyhomeonanawesomelotbackingtostocked lakereservedfortheresidentsMarblefloorentry,gasfireplace inlivingroomwithFrenchdoorstothefamilyroomwhichhasa vaultedceiling,woodfloors,andwetbar. $925,000

NEWPRICE! Inviting2000+sq.ft.brickranchhomewithwonderful curbappeal,situatedonaquietstreetintheaward-winningClayton SchoolDistrict.Withgreatinteriorflowandabundantnaturallight fromitssouthernexposureandplentifulwindows. $499,900

1055 WINGSROAD, St.Albans. $1,100,000 EAGLEBLUFFDRIVE, St.Albans.$1,100,000 LYNNBROOKROAD, Frontenac.$575,000 WINGSROAD,St.Albans. $300,000 WINGSROAD, St.Albans. $195,000 MORELCOURT,St.Albans. $170,000 #1



MERLOT LANEROAD,St.Albans.$95,000 714 STALBANS SPRINGROAD,St.Albans.$80,000 JanetMcAfeeInc. l 9889ClaytonRoad l SaintLouis,Missouri63124 l 314.997.4800 I 2FordyceLane | NEWLISTING Ladue|$5,950,000 200S.Brentwood,Unit 18C | NEWLISTING Clayton|$350,000 301ParkAvenue | NEWLISTING Glendale |$444,950 528MorelCourt| NEWLISTING St.Albans|$1,075,000 1004GlenfordCourt | NEWLISTING Kirkwood|$379,000 7331ChamberlainAvenue | NEWLISTING University City | $339,000 1709WashingtonAvenue,Unit800 St.LouisCity |$239,900


929S. SKINKE R BOULEVARD, St.LouisCity.$825,000 WILLOWHILLROAD,Ladue. $799,000 CAROLELANE ,Frontenac. $585,000 LYNNBROOKROAD, Frontenac.$575,000

528 MORELCOURT,St.Albans.Amazing value forthis beau�fulcustomformerdisplayhomeinCedarsValley. Fourbeds,fourfullandtwohalfbaths.$1,075,000



1004 GLENFORDCOURT, Kirkwood Awesome Kirkwood housetotallyrehabbed in2019! Fourbedroomsand threefullbathrooms. $379,000

950 TIRRILLFARMSROAD, Ladue.$4,250,000 9801 LOGCABINCOURT,Ladue.$3,995,000

147 GAYAVENUE,Clayton. $1,799,000

232N. KINGSHIGHWAY, UNIT 1506,CWE $1,285,000 562 DEERVALLEYCOURT,St.Albans.$1,245,000

2 FORD Y CELANE, Ladue Stunningtwo-story Colonial housewith “Art Deco”interior spacesinfluenced by renownedarchitectFrederickDunn.$5,950,000




200S.B RE NT WOO D,UNIT18C , Clayton.Luxuryeasy livingon the 18th floor.Outstanding views ofour city! Twobedroomsandtwobaths. $350,000




4954 LINDEL LB OULEVARD, UNI T3W, CWE. $649,900 801 SOUT H SKINKE R, UNIT 6C, St.LouisCity.$549,000 WASHINGTON AVENUE,UNIT800,St. Louis. $239,900


7331 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE, UniversityCity Beau�ful architecturaldetails aboundalong withnumerous updates in keeping withthecharacter ofthisspecialhome $339,000

301 PARKAVENUE,Glendale.CharmingDutchColonial is nestled on a great lotonemile fromdowntown Kirkwoodand twomilesfrom Old Webster.$444,950

22 COUNTRYSIDELANE, Frontenac.$3,750,000 9147 CLAYTONROAD, Ladue. $2,995,000 THEHAMPTONSLANE, TownandCountry. $1,950,000

1413 WHEATFIELDLANE, St.Albans.$1,150,000






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ST. RESEARCHHOSPITALJUDECHILDREN’S It’sanincredibleweb thatkeepsgrowing.St.Jude asks,‘Howfarcanwegetthis informationtosaveasmany childrenaspossible?’” –KATIEMARISCHEN ONTHE COVER St.JudePatientMomShaeWelkerofSt.CharlesandKatieMarischenofLadue,2023St.JudeGalaEventChair ANig ht ofElegance

“St.JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalwantsthe familytofocusonhelpingtheirchildlive,andthis helpstaketheweightofftheirshoulders,”saysKatie Marischen,eventchairfor the upcomingSt.Jude MiracleUnder theStars Gala.


henachildreceivesacancer diagnosis,thereisalotoffearand uncertainty.Onethingfamilies shouldn’thavetoworryaboutishow they’regoingtopayfortreatment.Thatisthemission ofSt.JudeChildren’sResearchHospital,anditensures thatfamiliesneverreceiveabillfromSt.Judefor treatment,travel,housingorfood.

Thisone-of-a-kindfundraisingeventhelpsfundthe St.Judemission,with82centsofeverydollardonated goingtosupportcurrentaswellasfutureneedsof St.Jude.TreatmentsinventedatSt.JudeChildren’s ResearchHospitalhavehelpedpushtheoverall childhoodcancer survival ratefrom 20percentto morethan80percentsinceitopenedin1962.


TheSt. JudeMiracleUndertheStarsGalawillbe heldonFeb.11,2023, atthenewlyconstructedCentene Stadium,homeofSt. LouisCITYSC. Marischenandthe GalaCommittee are looking forwardtosurpassingthe $1.7 millionraisedatthelastgala,inlatesummerof 2021.

Evenifyouaren’tabletoattendorsponsortheevent, thereareanumberofwaystohelpsupportSt.Judeand givetothegala,includingforlocal,smallbusinesses. KelleraddsthatthiseventbringstheSt.Louis communitytogetherinacrowningjewel.

“We’rereallyexcited–St.Judedidthegalalastyearat BuschStadium,anditwasahugesuccess,”saysthegala’s impact chair,Greg Keller.“Wethink withtheexcitement aroundsoccerinSt.Louis,showingthestadiumabout amonthbeforetheseasonstartsisagreatintro,andit willbegreattoseethestadiumgetbehindtheevent.”


“It’sanincrediblewebthatkeepsgrowing,” Marischensays.“St.Judeasks,‘Howfarcanwegetthis informationtosaveasmanychildrenaspossible?’”

“It’saboutservingchildren,andit’saboutpeoplein thecommunitythatwewerefortunatetoshareandhelp others,”hesays.

andAwareness ByMaggiePeters PhotosbyChristinaKling-Garrett WHAT/WHERE/WHEN UndertheStarsGalaSt.JudeMiracle,travel,housingorfood.Learnmorewhilechildren’sfamiliesneverreceiveabillfromSt.JudeResearchHospitalanditsmissiontotreatchildhoodcancerStadiumatthisstylisheventbenefitingSt.JudeChildren’sBeoneofthefirsttoexperiencethenewCenteneFeb.11,2023

St.JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalislooking forward to thisinspiringand elegantnightat Centene Stadium–andtotoppingthat$1.7million.Learnhow youcanhelpSt.Judeunderstand,treatanddefeat childhoodcancerandotherlife-threateningdiseases acrosstheworldtoday.

ALSAC/St.JudeRegionalOffice,680CraigRoad,Suite300, St.Louis,314-925-5600,

Thanks to TheCenteneCharitableFoundation’s generoussupport,thegalawillshowcasethenew stadium,beginningwithacocktailhourattheTogether CreditUnionClub,overlookingthefield,beforeenjoying dinnerandaprogramintheULTRAClubandan afterpartyintheVIPPitchClub.

“Oneofthethingswetrytodoisbringinmission experiencessothatourguestscangettheexperienceof thehospitalwithoutbeingthere,”Marischensays.“There willbe[virtual reality]experiencesandpatient artwork soguestscanexperiencewhatpatientsandfamilies areexperiencing.”

Marischen andKelleralsohopethat thisevent raisesmoreawarenessaboutSt.Jude,includingthe factthatitsharesallofitsresearchwithdoctorsand scientistsworldwide.

*Restrictionsapply.| ©2022Schnucks joinforfree! Earn 2% back onevery purchase.* dailywithSchnucksRewards | September 16, 2022 13 14 Family First 16 theAgainstOdds 18 Health Notes 19 PuzzleCrossword 20 FEATURE: Girl Scouts Gold FRONT & CENTER LOUIS.SOFSCUSOFSYCOUOHOptrtetrAYreet

By Alecia Humphreys

Centennial Farms


There’s no doubt Eckert’s offers the ultimate fall experience. Load your tots onto a tractor for a ride out to Eckert’s outstanding orchard, where the family can explore rows of ripe apples – all for the picking to enjoy either on the spot or later at home. If you are hoping to leave the kids at home, though, Eckert’s also offers an Orchard Date Night (full of apple picking and hard cider sipping) and a Sips & Sunset event. Whether you want to take part in an event or a you-pick experience, plan ahead at, and purchase tickets online for ease of entry.

14 SEPTEMBER16, 2022 |

Herman’s Farm Orchard, 3663 N. State Hwy. 94, St. Charles, 636-925-9969,


Thierbach Orchards

Whether you want to take part in apple picking, take a tractor ride or simply sip all sorts of cider, these area locations are just a car ride away from a whole lot of family fun, from September into October.

Centennial Farms, 199 Jackson St., Augusta, 636-228-4338,

| Photos courtesy of Eckert’s

Herman’s Farm Orchard

Thierbach Orchards, 18427 State Hwy. 47, Marthasville, 636-433-2299,

Thierbach Orchards is where fresh fruit and family fun come together. Pop in on a weekend for a pick-your-own apple experience before enjoying marvelous mazes, a slide, pedal carts and other activities – the goal being good old-fashioned low-tech fun.

Located in the historic town of Augusta, Centennial Farms is a family-owned orchard with a weekend you-pick experience. Explore the farm’s tons of trees – featuring 16 varieties of apples, to be exact – before taking a tractor ride or letting the kids burn additional energy on the playground. Plus, be sure to explore Centennial Farms’ market, featuring homemade apple butter, preserves and other goodies.

the tepid temperatures and anticipation for autumn, now is a fabulous time to visit a local farm!

Eckert’s, multiple locations, 800-745-0513,



Kids will adore hopping aboard a hay ride, playing on a crazy cool castle playground, riding on pedal tractors and, of course, taking part in a you-pick experience. Herman’s Farm Orchard, located in St. Charles, has Honeycrisp, Jonathan and many more varietals to choose from – just make sure to call in advance with your group size.

©2022,St.LouisChildren’sHospital.Allrightsreserved. ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth | Scantogive Avawasonly9monthsoldwhenshewasdiagnosedwithnephroblastomatosis,aformofkidney cancer.Afterseveralroundsoftreatmentatotherhospitals,Ava’sfamilyturnedtoSitemanKidsat St.LouisChildren’sforcarefromtheONLYNationalCancerInstitutedesignatedpediatriccancer programinMissouri.Ava’slasttreatmentwasinOctober2021andherscanshavebeenclearsince. JoinusinhelpingmorekidslikeAvabydonatingtosupportpediatriccancerresearch.

nimal shelters are struggling right now. Every year, approximately 6.3 million animals enter the shelters across the U.S., the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the issue. For the past two-plus years, many shelters in the metro area and around the country have been operating at maximum capacity.



Stray Rescue of St. Louis, 2320 Pine St., St. Louis, 314-771-6121,

But Stray Rescue does more than simply shelter animals and pair them with prospective parents. The team helps rehabilitate pets.

16 September 16, 2022 |

The Stray Rescue of St. Louis Sanctuary,

Ready to Rescue

Adoption & Humane Education Center is the culmination of years of dreaming. Caldwell toured other shelters around the region to see what worked and what didn’t. Eventually, Stray Rescue –a nonprofit that’s operated for more than 25 years – decided to purchase this former auto repair building constructed in 1919.

“It has been vacant for the last few years, and we can’t wait to bring new life into this beautiful old building,” Caldwell adds.

The estimated cost for the new facility is $25 million, with $13.9 million coming from the capital campaign and donations connected with naming rights. When it’s all said and done, Stray Rescue’s new home will encompass 120,000 square feet. According to a press release, the nonprofit anticipates the project will take three to five years to complete.Thenewfacility not only gives Stray Rescue the capacity to save more cats and dogs but also adds more enrichment yards both inside and out, plus a large training facility and more clinic space. Additionally, the building will include

dedicated places for animals fighting parvo or distemper, a designated area for maternity care, larger kitty areas – including a designated space for those infected with FIV and FELV – a Humane Education Center, a Community Vet Clinic and even boarding services.

Stray Rescue of St. Louis hopes to build a better future for animals in the area, thanks to a new facility at 4084 Bingham Ave. in St. Louis, where a groundbreaking ceremony took place in early“WithAugust.the new facility, we will be able to house more animals, have more room to help with the ongoing growing cat population and have a more relaxing and healing environment for all the babies in our care,” says Cassady Caldwell, Stray Rescue of St. Louis CEO.

“Most of the dogs and cats we rescue come straight off the streets and need more time to decompress than most,” Caldwell explains. “And what makes Stray Rescue so unique is we give them that time. We give them what they need to heal, to trust and to understand humans can be good, kind and loving.”

By Drew Gieseke | photo by Dancers & Dogs

“We are thrilled to grow and expand our reach, not only for the animals but also the community,” she continues. “We have been saving lives for 25 years, and we are just getting started.”

“Can’tbeatthelocation— it’sclosetoeverything!” —DeeDeeTate “Iamwildaboutmyspaciouscornerapartment.Andthere’sso muchtoofferonsite,butanythingelseyoucouldneed—from grocerystorestotheairport—arejustastone’sthrowaway.” Tatealsoappreciatedthatthecommunityoffersaccesstocareif everneeded.“I’mnotplanningtomoveagain.” TheFutureof SeniorLiving HasArrived Meetourresidents. With5-starhospitalityandboutique hotel-styleresidentialamenitiesat ClarendaleClaytonseniorresidences, it’swhereyouwanttobe. C ALL314-789-817 3 TO LEARNMORE. IndependentLiving ■ AssistedLiving ■ MemoryCare ClarendaleCla y ton 7651ClaytonRoadClayton,MO63117 7-22

hen Leslie Macari’s daughter, Gabrielle, was born with a rare genetic syndrome, the dedicated mother learned everything she could about neonatal progeroid syndrome, or NPS, in order to be Gabby’s best possible advocate.

Neonatal Progeroid neonatalprogeroidfoundation.comFoundation, Army Advocatesof

other parents of NPS children from all over the world via Facebook. And it took a while to get a nonprofit foundation set up, but we did it because no one else is going to advocate for us.”

“I’ve read every single study and published article out there about neonatal progeroid syndrome,” she says. “This is a very rare disease, so there’s just not much research published or funding available for it. We want to help change that.” To do that, Macari recently established the nonprofit Neonatal Progeroid Foundation based in Chesterfield. The missionorganization’sistoincrease NPS


By Connie Mitchell Photos courtesy of Neonatal Progeroid Foundation



The Neonatal Progeroid Foundation’s first event was a golf tournament in August, which raised $22,000. Macari says the event will occur annually, and she hopes for increasing participation each year, as well as additional fundraising events throughout the year. She also plans to continue speaking with and presenting information to scientists and physicians, in order to build a stronger network of NPS researchers

18 SEPTEMBER16, 2022 |

NPS is a genetic disease estimated to be present in fewer than 1,000 people in the U.S., according to the federal Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, and treatments are extremely limited. It’s diagnosed at or shortly after birth and is most commonly associated with a prematurely aged appearance characterized by a large forehead, wrinkles, deep-set eyes and more visible veins than are typical in babies or children. Other issues affecting children with the syndrome include cataracts and vision problems, growth delays, problems with feeding, developmental delays and a variety of additional potential symptoms.

awareness and provide funding for clinical and scientific studies.

“I’m not going to just sit around and hope things get better,” she says. “I connected with

Macari says that recent research has identified the syndrome’s genetic code and has found mutations on the PolR3A gene, a discovery that other research can build on, she says. However, while answering some questions, the findings raise others, and Macari is determined to push for additional research that might offer hope for a treatment.

andAlthoughclinicians.Macari is busy with her work as Neonatal Progeroid Foundation president, she always makes time for Gabby and her two other young children. Now an active 6-year-old, Gabby is enjoying first grade in a mainstream classroom, loves reading and is excited about starting dance classes. “She amazes us,” Macari says. “She still has challenges, like the need for a feeding tube, but she’s happy, and that makes us happy, too.” | September 16, 2022 19 ACROSS 1.Blackjack 5. Musicalsymbol 10. ARomangodof theunderworld 15. Purple— 19. TownonUpoluIsland 20. Off-limits 21. Awaken 22. Fashiontitle 23. Strainto see 25. BeatlesLP: 2 wds. 27. Tried 28.Redacts 30. Particularthings 31.What’shappening 32. Fleecybeasts 33. Chipmunks’manager 35. Doesakitchenjob 38. Gen.Robert—— 39. “Buildabetter— ... ” 44. RiverinNEAsia 45. Crowd-control projectile: 2 wds. 48. Fringefoot, alizard 49. Rum-soakedcake 50. Madeglobular 51. MohawkRiver city 52. OldGreekcoin 53. Ad54. Ninedays’wonder 55. Propel 56. Costlyfur 57. Biased: Hyph. 59. PineTreeState 60. Doafarmer’sjob 61.Relatingtofrogs 62. Means 63. Passovermeal 64. Desuetude 66. Likeafishona plate,e.g. 67. Habituate 70. Plantfiber 71. Passesslowly 72. NeesonorHemsworth 73. Poe’s“Murdersinthe —Morgue” 74. Unmixed,said of liquor 75. Fishnet 76. Pancetta 78. Bookmaker’s business 79. Sleeve 80. It’s“cowgum”toa Brit: 2 wds. 82. Startforspaceorsol 83. Pottedanew 85. Minerals 86. Fierycrime 87. Signs 88. Fruits 89. Salonitem 91.Greenchalcedony 94. ArbusorSawyer 96. Travelsbyplane 100. Elastic: 2 wds. 103. Bathtubtoy:2 wds. 106. Kimonoaccessory 107. Thirdcanonicalhour 108. PartofASEAN 109. Hautbois 110. Chow— 111. BestandFerber 112. Chills 113. Beltedone out DOWN 1. Upkeep 2. Magnum— 3.Bloodrelations 4. Cubandance 5. Litter 6. Workersonafarm 7. Honest— 8. Legendarybird 9.Plantwithpoisonousberries 10. Irisrootstock 11. Defeat 12. Bigcat’syoung 13. KindofPCport 14. Visit 15. Poemofsixlines 16. —vera 17. Gloomy 18. Pickledfish 24. Eagleandevil 26. Bolt 29. Fawn 32. Dresden’sriver 33. —deleche 34. Perplexed 35. NerudaorEscobar 36. Withfullforce 37. OKroutinely:Hyph. 38.Receded 39.“— ontheBounty” 40.Popeye’sgirlfriend 41. Someficuselastica:2 wds. 42. Soapplant 43.Blanched 45. Crewmemberonatour 46. Pressed 47. Concealed 52. Placesofrefuge 54.Salon preparation 55.Europeans 56. Stonecrop, aplant 58. —Ste. Marie 59. Dealer 60. Disavow 62.Complained 63. Royaldescendent 64. Kuwaitimoney 65.French department 66. Payola 67. Genusofmoose andelk 68. Closingpart 69.Subatomicparticle 71. Obligations 75. Donefor 76.Cyranode— 77. DesMoinesneighbor 78. LesserAntillesnation 80. Raja’swife 81. Invent 84.Portugal’scapital 86. Ruler:Var. 88. Withers 89. Plot 90. Dutchandtoaster 91. Tooproper 92. Magicalsymbol 93. Rockshelter 94. Mildoath 95. OldPeruvianempire 97. Sousaphone 98. Collegesubj. 99.Surfboardfin 101. Abbr.onmaps 102. Four-poster 104.Campshowsgrp. 105. Lifestory BOINGGG! Che Ck theLadueNewsCLass IfI eds fOr the s OLutION Me mb erFDIC THAT’SBANKINGBUILT BETTER. Caringaboutthepeoplemakingdeposits waymorethanhowmuchthey’redepositing. 1-855-696-4352 (314)534–1111 ATTHETOUHILL FeaturingTonyAwardWinner ChristopherWheeldon’s WithintheGoldenHour OfNOTE WHEELDON  BOSSO  VIVALDI  HORIUCHI WiththeChamberMusicSocietyofSaintLouis OCT1–2LIVEMUSIC! LAND A UCTION AUCTION: LIVEANDONLINEATRANCHANDFARMAUCTIONS.COM AUCTIONDATE: 10/6/22| AUCTIONTIME: 5:30PM AUCTIONLOCATION: VFWPOST1831 1651VETERANSDRIVE|DESOTO,MO63020 OPENHOUSE: 9/17/22|10AMTO12PM 2600STONEHOUSERD|DESOTO,MO63020 699.19AC± |14TRACTS|JEFFERSONCO,MO INCOOPERATIONWITHWHITETAILPROPERTIESREALESTATE,LLC JEFFHEIL, A GENT(5 7 3)880-6150 CLAYTONBLUM, A GENT(5 7 3) 70 2-8111 RANCH AND F ARMAUCTIONS .C OM INCOOPERATIONWITHWHITETAILPROPERTIESREALESTATELLC(CO00001603)|JeffersonKirkGilbert,MissouriBroker,License#2015034232|JoeGizdic,Director,Ranch&Farm Auctions,217.299.0332|JeffHeil/ClaytonBlum,MissouriLandSpecialistforWhitetailPropertiesRealEstate,LLC,573-880-6150/573-702-8111|CodyLowderman,MOAuctioneerLicense11037

TheprojectinvolvedDiallocollectingartsuppliestoassemble150artkitswithcreative promptcards,anditearnedheraGoldAwardfromtheGirlScoutsofEasternMissouri. TheGirlScouts’websitedescribesthatawardas“themarkofthetrulyremarkable–proof thatnotonlycanshemakeadifference,butthatshealreadyhas.”

ThegraduateofLadue’sMaryInstituteandSaintLouisCountryDaySchool launchedacreativeoutletforyoungpeopleinfostercaretopromoteselfexpressionandmentalhealthstabilitythroughapartnershipwiththeFoster&Adoptive CareCoalition,aBrentwood-basednonprofitstrivingtocreatepermanencyinfoster children’slivesbyrecruitingandsupportingfoster andadoptivefamilies.



CoumbaDialloismakingalastingimpactonmetroareateensinfostercare throughart.

Diallo’sprojectalsoinvitedteenswhousedthekitstosubmittheirartworkforavirtual publicexhibition she organizedearlier thisyear.


TheMICDSalumnaisnowstudyingstudioartatTuftsUniversityintheGreaterBoston areaandsayssheplans“tocontinuemypassionforartand,hopefully,combinemylove for mental healthandsustainability,aswell.”

TheresultwasacombinationofDiallo’spassionsforart,mentalhealthandwellness. “Myartkitspromotementalwellnessthroughpromptcards,”sheexplains.

Additionally,Diallowantedtheendeavor“toconnectthetwocountriesIamfrom,”so shecoordinatedwithateachingartistandfacilitated10virtualpaintingworkshopswith children inSaint-Louis,Senegal.

Foster&AdoptiveCareCoalition,1750S.BrentwoodBlvd.,Suite210,St.Louis,314-367-8373, | SEPTEMBER16,2022 21

Morethan100teenshavereceivedthesekitswithtoolsforself-expression.“Theteens wereveryexcitedtocreatewiththesenewsuppliestheyhad,”Diallosays.“Socialworkers saidthekitsweresopopulartheyranoutmultipletimes,andIhadtoputtogethermore. Ievengotaletterthroughthecoalitionfromateenabout…howprofounditwastohim thattherewerepeoplethinkingabouthimandwhathelikesbecauseheisabouttoage outofthe[fostercare]system.”

NicoleDalton,directorofprogramsandpartnershipsfortheGirlScoutsofEastern Missouri,saysoneoftherequirementsforaprojecttoreceiveaGoldAwardisthatit mustbesustainable–“leavingalastingimpactinhercommunity.”SoDialloensured herprojectwillcontinueinthefuturebyprovidingtheFoster&AdoptiveCareCoalition withaninstructionalguidebookonhowtoassembleanddistributeherartkits,aswellas informationonholdingavirtualartshowcase.

initiatetheartisticself-expressionventureafterservingasaprojectambassadorforthe Foster&AdoptiveCareCoalition’sCinderellaProject,whichhelpsteenswhoareinfoster careorhavebeenrecentlyadoptedreceivedressesandaccessoriesforattendingtheir proms.“Thatexperiencereallymademewanttoworkwiththemagain,”Diallonotes.

Aftercompletingresearchaboutfostercareandspeakingwiththoseworkingforthe coalition,Diallofoundthatmoreprogramsandsuppliesweredirectedtowardhelping youngerchildrenthanolderteens.“SoIthought,‘HowcanImakesureIcanstillget resourcestotheseolderkids?’”sherecalls.

22 September 16, 2022 | Helping YouStay in TheHome You Love GeT In ToucH } St.Louis2821N.BallasRd., PeaRTReeHomeCaRe providerofchoiceforst.Louiscounty.isproudtobethe caresforthemthesameway.theirlovedonesareinthehandsofsomeonewhoourownfamily,soPearTreeclientscanbesurethatours.WeonlyhirecaregiversthatwewouldtrustwithOurgoalissimple–Wewanttotreatyourfamilylike You’llalwayshavethepeaceofmindknowingthat someonewhocaresiswatchingoverthem. 16123CHESTERFIELDPKWY W, CHESTERFIELD MO63017 | 636.237.6000 Shoplowestpricesoftheyear andmeetwithour providersandlearnabout fillerbotoxlasersfacialsmore Thursday,October6th AnnualMedicalSpa OpenHouse ReservationsRequired 851N.SpoedeRoadCreveCoeur,MO63141@biobalanceskin EntertoWina FullFaceRejuvenation valuedat$3500 withFiller,Botox andaPlatinumHydraFacial! Session1:10am-2pmSession2:4pm-7pm | September 16, 2022 23 24 The Trio 26 Grooming & Glamour 28 Landscape 30 FallFEATURE:Fashion DESIGN & DÉCOR KLING-GAINAISCHYOHOptbrtrrett

With its striking curved profile and traditional tall back, the timlyn wing chair makes a classic yet comfortable statement. Customize it in one of dozens of fabrics, including dual fabric options for eyecatching contrast, or outline it in gleaming nailheads for a glimmer of glam. It’s shown here in the beautiful Zen Garden birch pattern. (

the Highland House benson side table was inspired by vintage maison Jansen and Josef Frank pieces. the benson series, which also includes an étagère and a coffee table, works well in either modern or traditional interiors. (

Delicate patterns, colors and finishes make chinoiserie perfect for today’s homes. Mix with a fresh, modern element to bring the style into the present.

24 September 16, 2022 |


Wildwood’s Coolio planter features a boy towing a Chinese pull cart, detailed with wheels and decorated with a floral motif in an antique brass finish. It makes a noteworthy centerpiece on a table or desk. (

By Nancy Robinson

Endless Possibilities. 7800ClaytonRoad,RichmondHeights,MO63117|314.991.0900 Scheduleanappointmentwithour showroomtolearnmoreaboutSub-Zero, WolfandCoveproducts.

CLASSICS Chinoiserie

28 Thorndell Drive RICHMOND HEIGHTS SOLD! 44 Gouvenor Lane LADUE SOLD! 4 Pebble Creek Road LADUE SOLD! 46 Willow Hill Road LADUE SOLD! 695 Hawbrook Avenue GLENDALE SOLD! 20 Harvestglen Court CREVE COEUR SOLD! 9012 McKnight Woods RICHMOND HEIGHTS represented buyer SOLD! 27 Maryhill Drive LADUE represented buyer SOLD! 10401 Litzsinger Road FRONTENAC represented buyer SOLD! 15 Sherwyn Lane CREVE COEUR represented buyer SOLD! 9633 Ladue Road LADUE represented buyer SOLD! 421 Conway Pine Court CREVE COEUR represented buyer SOLD! 413 Stonechase Lane TOWN & COUNTRY represented buyer SOLD! 19 Clermont Lane LADUE SOLD! 11 Glen Creek Lane LADUE SOLD! 44 Creekwood Lane LADUE SOLD! 9847 Waterbury Drive LADUE SOLD! 1 Exmoor Drive LADUE SOLD! A SELECTION OF 2022 SOLD PROPERTIES KATIE MCLAUGHLIN 314.283.8444 The Real Estate Specialist... helping you make the right move! OVER $37 MILLION IN SALES SO FAR IN 2022! 314.725.5100 | LAURAMCCARTHY.COM |

woman behind PT Soap Co., Cori Kline, might not share initials with the name of her business, but she’s no less represented. “The PT in PT Soap Co. stands for ‘puppies’ and ‘tattoos’ – two things I love and that make me happy!” she says on the company’s website. In fact, Kline’s dog, Stitch, appears in the logo, crooked ear and all, with a heart-shaped tattoo that reads “mom.”

By Amanda Dahl


Her productssmall-batcharewrapped in simple brown paper or come in reusable glass containers. And by shipping each order in an eco-conscious box, Kline stands by her personal commitment to the environment and sustainability in her business.

to use it at all. … Based on my own beliefs and values, I have been making decisions as a business owner. I only use botanicals like herbs or plants, like spinach powder or turmeric or cocoa powder, [to color my products].”

26 September 16, 2022 |


Product ingredients also reflect this pledge to respect the world and its inhabitants. The only animal byproducts featured are goat milk and“Whenhoney.I first started, I used certified, responsibly sourced palm oil,” Kline says. “I backed away from that because of deforestation and environmental concerns. I just prefer not



Kline’s research extends to product design, where she is constantly experimenting, most recently with grooming products for men, as well as perfumes, and adding in hempseed or aloe.

New products were announced at the start of this month. Limited-edition soaps in six new scents – pumpkin spice, vanilla oak, apple sage, campfire, eucalyptus and the visually appealing harvest moon – are available to shop online at ptsoapco. com/shop, where you can also find lotion and shampoo bars, dish soap and sea salt scrubs. ln

PT Soap Co., St. Louis, 314-307-8943,

“[Stitch] is just slightly imperfect, with that one goofy ear,” Kline remarks about the dog who inspired the design. “He was a puppy when I started the business. Just like Stitch, every bar of soap is different. It’s all handcrafted. Even using the same recipe, each soap comes out not in the same design. Like Stitch, they are beautifully imperfect.”

“I’m always studying and researching,” she says. “My values are in every bar of soap.”

9024HaverfordTerrace LADUE S CHOOL S| OFFERED AT $1,495 , 000 |TOTALLY RENO LADUEVATED OFFERE DAT VATED 6227RoseburyAvenue ST.LO UIS | OFFERED AT$7 50 , 000 |3 ,248 SQ. ST.LOFT OFFERE DAT$7 FT 408SouthHanleyRoad # #B CLAYTON | $340 , 000 | 1, 670SQ. CLAYTONFT FT 2 BED 2S|2BATHS S|2BATHS 4411McPhersonAvenue # #4 C WE | OFFERED AT$749 , 000 | C2,112SF OFFERE DAT$749 2,112SF LARGETERR A CE |2 INDOOR G AR A LARGETERRGESPOTS GESPOTS R OOFTOPOFFICE R ROOM OOM dielmannsothebys.c om || dielmannsir | 314.725 0009 dielmannsir|314.725.0009 t edwightre ale s tat e.c om t| | Stlouis .st Stlouisyle yle 314.607.5555 |t ed.wight@sotheb y sre alt y.c 31om 4.607.5555 ed.wight@ s otheb om TE D W IGHT IWill He lp You Tur n Someda y Int o Right Now . TEDWIGHT 5290WatermanBoulevard # #2E THE OXFORD |C WEOFFERED AT$7 99 , 000 | 2,588 SQ. THEFT WEOFFERE DAT$7 FT

To spark seasonal interest and to attract more migratory birds to your rain garden, consider plants for fruit like arrowwood, Viburnum, the native species or ‘Chicago Luster,’ or chokeberry, Aronia ‘Low Scape Mound.’ The showstopping beautyberry, Callicarpa, is splendid in the native species, with brilliant lavender purple berries, the cultivar ‘Early Amethyst’ or Asian selection called ‘Profusion.’ Brighten the late season with winterberry holly, Ilex ‘Red Sprite’ or ‘Sparkleberry.’

 Clove current – Ribes odoratus

 Fringe tree – Chionanthus, native species and Chinese introduction

Ladue landscapes include newly developed rain gardens, natural boggy spots, intermittent rainwater sluices and pond or creek edges. These damp soils are perfect for showy small trees and interesting shrubs.

 Buttonbush – Cephalanthus, native species, ‘Sugar Shack’ or ‘Fiber Optics’

 Elderberry – Sambucus, native species or ‘Black Lace’

 Ninebark – Physocarpus ‘Diablo’ and ‘Petite Plum,’ ‘Darkstar’ or ‘Little Joker’

 Joe-Pye-Weed – Eupatorium ‘Euphoria Ruby,’ ‘Gateway,’ ‘Little Joe’ and ‘Baby Joe’

 Sweetspire – Itea virginica ‘Little Henry,’ ‘Henry’s Garnet’ for fall color or compact ‘Love Child’

 Virginia magnolia – Magnolia ‘Green Shadow,’ ‘Moonglow’ and ‘Northern Belle’

C. ‘Contorta’) or the ripped-muscle twists in the trunks of hornbeam (Carpinus which is also a great larval host for butterflies. Stem colors from the yellow- and red-twig dogwoods add punctuation to the blah tones of the dormant landscape. The peeling bark of river birches can also be a focal point. The dwarf Betula ‘Fox Valley’ or ‘Little King’ is excellent for the edge of a pond or retention basin.

Most folks automatically associate damp soils with weeping willows and hydrangeas, but the world of water-lovers includes many more colorful native plants and horticultural selections. Some of our favorite choices of small trees and shrubs for wet-spot planting include these flowering and pollinator-friendly plants:

Get FeetYourWet

 Witch hazel – Hamamelis, native species or ‘Arnold’s Promise’

For serious creek bank erosion control, try our native rivercane, Arundinaria gigantea as a tenacious, thicket-forming bamboo. ‘Macon’ is a particularly hardy ecotype suitable for our climate. Like its Asian cousins, rivercane will spread, but the aggressive root system is what holds the soil together. It is also very popular habitat for warblers and other birds. Rarely tall enough to use for fishing poles, rivercane is a popular weaving material, so if your colony expands beyond its bounds, just make baskets. ln


28 SEPTEMBER16, 2022 |

 Summersweet – Clethra ‘Little Hummingbird,’ pink ‘Ruby Spice’ or ‘Sixteen Candles’

Get great red foliage color in the damp spring garden with dog-hobble (Leucothoe ‘Scarletta’), hazelnuts (Corylus, native, ‘Red Dragon’ and ‘Red Majestic’) or cool blue for the summer from Fothergilla ‘Blue Shadow.’ Autumn interest comes from golden-leaved spicebush (Lindera), the multihued witch hazels, witch-alders and cranberry Viburnum.

 Dogwoods – Cornus, the native gray and silky dogwoods (not C. florida)

 Buckeyes – Aesculus, native red or white bottlebrush

Texture in the wet winter garden comes from form, like the stickLauder’sbranchescorkscrewedofHarrywalking(


 Pussywillow – Salix ‘Black Cat’ or dwarf arctic blue ‘nana’

By Pat Raven, Ph.D., with Julie Hess

 Witch-alder – Fothergilla, native species or ‘Mount Airy’

janetmcafeeinc.I9889claytonroadIsaintlouis,missouri63124I314.997.4800 Wayne norWood &Ben Patton •314.629.3931 LADUE-$3,995,000 9801 9801LOGCABINCOURT LOG CABIN COURT 9147CLAYTONROAD 9147 CLAYTONROAD LADUE-$2,995,000 over $46miLLion soLdin 2021 22COUNTRYSIDELANE 22 COUNTRYSIDELANE FRONTENAC-$3,750,000 18218HIGHWAY100 WILDWOOD -$ WI1,395,000 LDWOOD 1,395,000 SOLD 15WYDOWNTERRACE CLAYTONCLAYTON$1,050,000 $1,050,000 SOLD

MOSTBEAUTIFULLANDMARKS.ONEOFSTASHIONSHOWS.LOUIS’ Theseautumnallooksensure sophisticatedstylefromadayatwork, toanafternoonatthelibrary,toa nightonthetown. Scholar ly PhotosbyChristinaKling-Garrett

SEASONAL STAPLES Aclassic,plaidbuttondownand perfectly tailoredtrousers alwayslooksharp. Woody’sMCaldershirt,$245en’sShop ( grownandsewnpants,$188WebsterDryGoods ( Belt,$125 WebsterDryGoods

On her: Caballero Collec Monetdress,$299tionPaisleyBoutique ( paisleyboutiquestl) Earrings, $520 Vie Boutique ( Onhim: MaurizioBaldassari shirt,$298; sweater,$1,495MisterGuy ( PTTorinojeans,$395MisterGuyBelt,$125WebsterDryGoods (

ON -TREND COMFORT Findafalldressto takeyoufromwork,to drinks,todatenight. UllaJohnsondress,$745VieBoutique ( | SEPTEMBER16,2022 33


Justbecausetheleaveswillsoon turnbrown,red andyellow doesn’tmeanyourwardrobe hastofollowsuit.

On MelodieCottonMididress,$425her:RungoleeBoutique ( Zinni IvyHillBoutiqueDesignsnecklace,$68 ( Vearrings,$Nathan&MoeJewelry338ieBoutique ( Onhim:AlexMillshirt,$125WebsterDryGoods ( Woody’sMPAIGEjeans,$199en’sShop ( THANKYOUTO Model Lee Manw Hair&Makeup: LiliAltShotSt.LouisPublicLibrary’sCentr

“Whenyourefaceakitchen,it’snotafull remodel;youaregivingitaslightrefresh,”says Mosbyseniordesignerandhomeconsultant JakeSpurgeon.“Inthiscase,itwasdefinitely timetochangeupthelook.”

Andthesittingroomthathadgonemostly unusedbeforenowhasnewlifeandpurpose–it hasbeentransformedintoagymwithworkout equipmentthatwasinthebasement.Itcould alsobeusedasabedroom.

ot allremodelingjobsinvolve tearing downtothestudsor ditchingevery appliance.


Thekitchenhadanicelayout,butthelook waslessthanideal:veryoldcabinets,black countertopsand blackbacksplash.“It wasreally darkinthere,”saysLauraPowderly,Mosby’s

Theenhancedkitchennowhasframeless cabinetsthatmodernizethelookofthekitchen. Forcontrast,thebottomcabinetsarewalnut andtheupper cabinets arecreamywhite.

Mosbybringshigh-qualitycraftsmanship into everydesign.Forallofyourremodelingneeds, turntotheexpertsatMosbyBuildingArts.

The frontsidewalk wasexpandedanda sittingroomwindowwasreplacedwithFrench doorstocreateanewentrance.Theexisting frontentrancehadtwosteps,butthisone slopesuptocreatealevelentry.ThisADA-type ofapproachfitsinwith“aginginplace” interior-designconcepts.

Theviewtothelivingroomwasimprovedby reducingtheheightofthecounterandrecessed lighting was installedintotheceiling, opening upthespace.

36 SEPTEMBER16,2022 | |A LADUENEWSSPECIALPROMOTION MOSBYBUILDINGARTSSponsoredContentbycontributingwriterKevinGale,BrandAve.Studios |PhotoscourtesyofMosbyBuildingArts DESIGNDIGEST TimelessCharmGetsa Modern Update MosbySeniorDesignerandHomeConsultant.LauraPowderly,MosbySeniorDesignerandJakeSpurgeon,


Hooksandabenchwereaddedtothe mudroom.Theownerswantedspaceforadog crateandMosby obliged.

MosbyBuildingArts,anawardwinningremodelingfirm,recentlyworkedwith homeownersinLaduelookingforakitchen refresh,notamajorgutjob.Theirvisionwas tocreateabrighterkitchenwithnewcabinets, andtheywanteddiningroombuilt-ins,more pantryspace.


Someofthekitchenappliances,including awinecooler,wereingoodshapeandstayed put,alongwiththewoodfloor.Alightingand electricplugsystemwasattachedtothebottom ofthecabinetstoreduceappliancecordclutter andprovidedramaticcounterlighting.

“Weactuallywidenedthedoorwayfromthe kitchentothediningroom,butstillendedup addingmorecabinets,”Powderlysays.

cabinet.Mosbyfreshenedthelookbybuilding wall-to-wallcabinets,whichprovidedmore storagespace.

MosbyBuildingArts,115W.ArgonneAve., Kirkwood,314-909-1800,


ACAUSE for Celebration


“Overthelast 25 years, I’vedonealot ofspecialeventsandfundraisingintheSt. Louiscommunityandthisissuchagoodone,”says MissyHill,co-chairofOldNewsboysCharityPolo Match,slatedforSaturday,October 1. “Allofthedollars thatareraisedatthematchgodirectlytothekids, so it’sjustawonderful event.”

Sinceitsfoundingin 1957, theOldNewsboys organizationhasmadeititsmissiontoraise fundsfor hundredsofarea organizationsthat support at-risk childreninSt. Louis–andthistriedandtruetradition still stands strongtoday.

“OldNewsboys purpose istohelpthesmaller children’scharitiesintheSt. Louisarea.OldNewsboys providesfundingforthese organizationsto purchase essentials, suchasfood, schoolsupplies, bedding, sometimesevenbeds,”saysHill.


Althoughtheorganizationfundraisesyear-round, oneofitslargestfundraisersoftheyearistheannual “PonyUpforKids”OldNewsboysPoloMatch–its gearingup forgreatness!

“Itissomuchfun,”saysHilloftheevent. “Alotof peopleinSt. Louisarenotfamiliarwiththegameof polo,butitreallyisanexcitinggameto watch.The matchwillbefast-moving, worldclasswithbeautiful horses andwonderful equestrians-justthrilling to watch.”

Adultscanhavealittlefun,too! Whileitisnot mandatory,wearing creativehats to thematch is encouraged.“TheSaksFifthAvenues’‘TopTopper’hat contestwillbeheldduringthehalftimefestivities,”

ByAleciaHumphreys |PhotosbyChristinaKling-Garrett

Hill citesthepolomatchasafamilyfriendlyaffair. “Wehaveafunchildren’sareawithactivitiesforthe kidsincludingfacepainting, bouncehouses, crafts, andevenfreesnowcones. Athalf-timetherewillbe akid’shorse raceonfieldwherekidswillridethese little‘noodle’poniesthattheyhavejustcreatedinthe children’sarea.It’greatfunforthekids!”

season—thefourthannualOldNewsboys CharityPolo Match.

“Therearemanygalasandcharitygolf tournaments butthereareveryfewcharitypolo events,”Hillconcludes. “Thiseventissomethingyou canenjoy,whileatthesametimefeelgoodthatyou havehelpatriskchildrenand seesomethingthatyou normallydonotget to see. Itisjustanincrediblyfun daywithacause.”

Hillssays, notingthewinnerwill walkawaywithanice gift. “Andlet usnotforget thecelebratoryhalf-time divotstomp whereeveryoneisinvited to come on field andenjoyachampagnetoast!”

GatesattheAugustBuschPoloClubinDefiance willopenatnoonandtheofficial“balldrop”tostart thematchisat 1:30p.m.“Weinviteeveryoneto attend,”Hillsays. “Ticket optionstrulyabound–with generaladmissionat $25 foracarload,field-side reservedtailgatingspotswhereyou cancreateyour veryownpartyortheall-inclusiveVIP field-side experience. Whateveryourchoiceis, thereisaticket for everyone.” WHAT/WHERE/WHEN OldNewsboysCharityPoloMatch SaturdayOct.1,from12to 6 p.m. ToAugustBuschPoloClubpurchasetickets, | SEPTEMBER16,2022 39


TheeventwillfeatureaVIP loungeareawithallinclusivefoodanddrinksforVIP ticketholders. VIP ticketsareavailableforthisarea, but seatsarefilling upfast. “AlsointheVIP areaisa cigarroller,aunique auctionwithitemsthatguestwillbeeagertobidon, plusafewothersurprisestoo!” saysHill.

GATESOPEN at N OO N@AUGUSTBUSCHP OLOCLUB POLOMATCH begins at 1:30(TeamPacePropertiesvs.TeamRoyalBanksofMissouri) ARVELL& CO MPANY CO N CE RT (sponsoredbyLewisRice)afterthematchontheSSMStage Purchaseticketstodayforthe4thAnnualOld NewsboysPoloMatch!Wehaveticketoptions foreveryone! Weofferyouauniqueopportunity tofeeltherushandexcitementofaPoloMatch. Wearacreativehatandvieforthetitleofthe Saks FifthAvenueTopTopperHatContestwinner! The StangeLawFirmChildren’sArea will keepchildren entertainedwithbouncehouses,snowcones,face paintingandcrafts.Joinusonthefieldathalf-time withthetraditionaldivotstomp withchampagne! PONYUP TOSUPPORTST.LOUISKIDS SATURDAY,OCT.1,2022 EXPERIENCE SOMETHINGTOTALLYDIFFEREN T T IC KETS ALLPROCEEDSGOTOOLDNEWSBOYSCHILDREN’SCHARITIES BENEFITINGTHOUSANDSOFAT-RISKCHILDRENINTHEST.LOUISAREA Royal Banks of Missouri


FACES ofRealEstate




MaryBethBenes 314.616.8836 (direct) 314.725.5100 (office)


42 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION 314.707.7761 exceptionalhomesby




toserveyou!”ideasandtoolstobetterserveourclients,”Breihanconcludes.“Ourteamishereoneverytransactionandvolunteeringatthesheltereachmonth.includingdonatingtotheAnimalProtectionAssociation(APA)ineachclient’snamefrompastclientsandreferrals,provingtheirhighlevelofcustomersatisfaction.proudofthefactthatmorethan90percentoftheirbusinesseachyearcomesinductionintotheagency’sprestigiousHallofFame.However,theteamismostHathawayHomeServicesAllianceRealEstatehasbestowed,includingtherecentclientswithbuyingandsellingtheirhomes,”saysSteveBreihan.corporatepaths,weallhavefoundourcallinginlifeinsuccessfullyassistingourtoNone”–islivedbyeverydayforeachoneoftheirclients.60-pluscombinedyears.Theteam’smotto–“CustomerServiceSecondreputationinSt.LouisofservingclientswiththeirrealestateneedsforheBreihanMalecekPetersen&Jamesteamhasbuiltalongstanding“AlthoughweeacharrivedtoourcareersinrealestatethroughdifferentBreihanaddsthattheteamhaswoneveryawardanddesignationBerkshireTheBreihanMalecekPetersen&Jamesteamalsosupportsmanylocalcauses,“Astherealestatemarketchangesyeartoyearwecontinuetoevolvewithnew BreihanMalecekPetersen&James

A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | | S EPTEM b ER 16, 2022 43 314.267.6262

InterestedinajobthatkeptherworkingintheSt.Louiscommunity,GinaBundyturnedtorealestateafterthelastofherfourboyswenttokindergarten.Thatwas15yearsago,andsincethen,Bundyhasneverregrettedherchoice.“Ihavesomuchfun,”sheconfirms,addingthathermottoistoworkhard,havefunandenjoylife.Bundyspecializesinhomesatallpricerangesandallacrossthecentralcorridor–Ladue,Clayton,Frontenac,TownandCountry,andCreveCoeur.“Ipridemyselfonworkinghardforeachclientnomatterhowbigorsmallthetransaction,”Bundysays.“Communicationwithmyclientsandknowledgeofthemarketarekeytomybusinessandwhathasmademeverysuccessful.”Outsideofwork,BundyisinvolvedwiththeWorldPediatricProjectandenjoysgoingtoseeherkidsplaylacrosseatcollege,visitingherolderboysinArizonaandNewYork,playinggolf,tennisandpickleball,andtravelingwithherfamily.“Wehaveaverytightknitfamily,”shesays.“Ihavefourboysrangingfrom19to28,[and]wealllovetotraveltogetherandplaysportstogether.” 314.610.2318

44 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION




DonnaCalamia 314.422.7449





A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | | S EPTEM b ER 16, 2022 45 314.799.5476 (direct) 314.725.5100 (office)

EllenDolan 314.497.7444


DooleyRoweSchnoebelen 314.997.7600



46 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION 314.252.8520


BrothersMarkandNeilGellmancombinedtheirwiderangeofexperience,educationandpassionforrealestatetocreateTheGellmanTeamin2008.Followingtheircorevalues–integrity,honesty,professionalism,confidentiality,responsiveness,reliability,attentiontodetail,persistencewithoutexception–hasledtheteamtosuccessnotjustinsellinghomesbutinbuildingclientrelationshipsforlife.TheGellmanTeam’swideexpertiseencompassesSt.LouisCountyandSt.CharlesCounty,aswellasthecityofSt.LouisandJeffersonCounty,amongothers.TheGellmans’dedicationandcommitmenttotheirclientscanbeseenintheir5StarGoogleandZillowratings.Theyhaveearnedlocalandnationalpraises,includingfromTheWallStreetJournalandREALTrendslistasoneofAmerica’sTopRealEstateTeams.Allofthisissecondary,however,totheirgreatestpassion–givingbacktothecommunitiesinwhichtheyliveandwork.Theteamannuallysupportsmorethan90charitiesviafinancialgiving,volunteeringandofferingmovingtruckorboardwork. 314.956.0022 (direct) 314.725.5100 (office)



A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | | S EPTEM b ER 16, 2022 47 314.336.1991



JanetMcAfeetopagents,KevinHurleyandJohnZarkyuseteamwork,enthusiasm,anddedicationtorepresentthebestofSt.Louis’scentralcorridorbuyerandsellers.BoastingdecadesofexperienceintherealestateindustryanddeeprootsinSt.Louis,theteamexcelsinnavigatingthecomplicatedterrainofbuyingandselling.Formorethan30years,HurleyhaschampionedthedistinguishedarchitectureandsophisticatedurbanlifestyleoftheCentralWestEndneighborhood.Heisthecommunity’sfinestadvocateandthroughhisincomparablerealestatepractice,heenjoysanarchivalknowledgeofitsneighborhoods,homesandamenities.Licensedin2016,Zarky’sexperiencewithSt.Louishousingisnotnew.Beforebecomingalicensedagent,hewasaresidentialappraiserwithTown&CountryAppraisals.Hisrealestatepracticereliesonhisappraisalskill,aswellashisstrongresearch,listening,andproblem-solvingskills.Herecognizestheimportanceofpersonalservicetohisclientsandtheycancountonhisintegrity,loyaltyandhonesty.Inherentineverytransactionisalevelofclienttrustunmatchedbytheircompetitionandreflectingthefinestprofessionalrepresentation.Ifyouareconsideringsellingorpurchasingacentralcorridorresidence,looktoHurleyandZarkytoprovidequalifiedandexperiencedguidance. 314.452.1885

48 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION


314.560.4977 khurley@janet (Hurley) 314.920.1846 (Zarky)



SueKellyisafull-service,top-producingrealestateprofessionalwithCompassRealtyGroup.With25years’experience,specializinginwestSt.LouisCountyandthecentralcorridor,Kellyhashelpedmanyfamiliesexceedtheirrealestategoals.Kelly’sclientspraiseherattentiontodetail,professionalismandefficiency,andbecauseofheryearsofexperience,shehasbecomeanexpertonlocations,value,pricingandnegotiations.AsaFive-StarTopAgentRecipient,Kellyiscontentonlywhenherclientsare100-percentsatisfied–andeveryclientishermostimportantclient!WorkingalongsideKellyisMadysenHamilton,aorganizedandcreativerealestateprofessionalwithprovenmarketingskillsthatgetclientsfullbrandexposure.Shepossessesfiveyearsofexperienceworkingintherealestateindustryandsix-plusinmarketingforadiversegroupoforganizationsandclients.Withgainedexpertiseindataanalysis,publicationmarketingandweb-basedadvertising,sheassistsclientswithbusinessplanning,purchasing,branding,advertising,remodelingandmarketing. 314.602.7495




314.602.3533 (SueKelly) 314.347.1658 (agency)


ith career sales over $600 million, ranging from $250,000 to nearly $7,000,000 for a single residence, Keith R. Manzer and Christopher M. Klages understand how to effectively market luxury properties. They possess more than 40 years of combined experience and expertise in the high-end market anywhere in St. Louis.

McLaughlin loves playing tennis and coaching lacrosse at Villa Duchesne. She has a husband and two children. She hopes someday her children will her team.


314.283.8444 314.725.5100(direct)(office)


in Katie McLaughlin’s life say that she was born into real estate; her mother owned a real estate company and she grew up around the office.

Their hands-on approach is a key factor in their achievements. They answer their own phones, create a custom marketing plan for each property they list for sale or an action plan to assist buyers so they can achieve their goal of successfully purchasing


McLaughlin loves playing tennis and coaching lacrosse at Villa Duchesne. She has a supportive husband and two children. She hopes someday her children will join her team.

Katie McLaughlin REAL ESTATE

50 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION 314.283.8444 314.725.5100(direct)(office)

Learning a lot about the industry from a young age, McLaughlin joined her mother’s team in 2001 and today she specializes in selling homes across all price ranges around the central corridor. She loves working with first-time home buyers and feels rewarded to have clients that she is now helping sell their 3rd or 4th home.

Keith R . Manzer and Christopher M. Klages

“I owe any success to my mom, who was my mentor, and all the management support at Laura McCarthy,” she says. “They go above and beyond!”

“I even learned to spell my last name from our real estate sign,” she says.

Her motto of treating clients as though they were part of her family and working in their best interest has earned her No. 1 at Laura McCarthy and in the Top 10 REALTORs in St. Louis.





TedWight 314.550.3466 leanne@elizabethreal


A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | | S EPTEM b ER 16, 2022 51 314.607.5555

RedKey Realty Leaders 314-346-0744,,


52 September 16, 2022 | | A LADU e N e WS S pe CIAL pr O m O t ION

By Maggie Peters

Filled with every upgrade, this beautiful condominium at 4101 Laclede Ave. is four years young. the open floor plan, spalike master bath, cozy fireplace and 30-bottle wine cooler are designed for easy living. Welcome to your urban oasis in the vibrant Central West end!


The Gellman Team

314-578-3342 (direct), 314-725-5100 (office),

Comfort, charm and elegance are offered in this spacious tudor home, backing to a lake. Highlights include the marble floor entry, gas fireplace in the living room, family room with vaulted ceilings and wet bar, and the spacious, finished lower level with a half-bath. $925,000

Nancy Percy Laura McCarthy Real Estate

Leigh Ann Arling


JewelryBuyingEvent GetPaidCash!! CostumeJewelry,Watches&CoinsBuyingGold,Silver,Diamonds, Thursday,September22,11AM-4PMSt.LouisEstateBuyersWestCountyMallnearJCPenney’sFriday,September23,11AM-4PMSaturday,September24,11AM-4PM Wealsobuyantiques,artwork,paintings,swords, china,crystal,andothercollectibles&rarities. Ifyouwouldpreferaprivateorinhomeappointment,call314-691-2888. Growyourportfolio withreliablereturns. OnlineandIn-BranchCDRate: Securethisratetodayatabranch nearyouoronlineat: 18MONTH 2.50 12MONTH 2.25 *Restrictionsmayapply.Rateseffectiveasof8/31/2022andaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Feesmay reduceearnings.Penaltiesmayapplyforearlywithdraw.Minimumbalanceof$1,000toearnAPY.Visit

eXp Realty 314-310-7609,,

Mark Gellman and Neil Gellman


this custom-built, three-story townhome in Old town Clayton features 3 bedrooms, 4½ baths and an elevator. enjoy the custom kitchen with a center island and copper countertop; the finished lower level with a fitness room; and the outdoor oasis with a pond and waterfall. | September 16, 2022 53 busey com MemberFDIC Building Business. Growing Wealth. Since 1868. • LocallyOwnedandOperated • AllInclusive Pricing • ContinuumofCare Compassionate,KnowledgeableStaf f• 24HourNursingOversightInOurAssistedLiving & Memor y CareCommunity 15826ClaytonR MO63011•636.779.2600• HOME iswheretheheart is. e • Compassionate, tonRoad•Ellisville, MO63011•636.779.2600•www SeniorLivingofWestCounty Visitusatour newlocation and gift boutique! BLOOMINBUCKETS.COM 9840ManchesterRd.,St.Louis,MO63119 314.961.4040 JEWELR Y|T ABLEWARE | HOME D É COR PLANTS | ST A TIONER Y LEARNMORE & ORDERONLINE

54 September 16, 2022 | gnuoYnosivA fosecaFehT .secruoserlabolg dnaegdelwonktekramlacolhtiwstrepxe etatselaerlaicremmoclairtsudnidnaecffiO siuol-ts/su.gnuoynosiva 0220869413 BUYING or SELLING? JoeMathes, JD SalesAssociate 314-276-1604Cell 314-993-8000Office SteveMathes, CRS,GRI Broker/SalesAssociate 314-503-6533Cell 314-997-3412Office #6AgentsofColdwellBankerGundaker2021 (ofover1,400agents) 44+yearsofexperience $645+millionincareersales• 7ARBORROAD OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS Newcustom1.5-storyhomebyBerkleyinsought-after subdivisionon1.08-acresitewith4BD,3.5bathswith approximately4,000SF. ...$1,900,000 9052CLAYTONROAD RICHMONDHEIGHTSLADUESCHOOLS Newcustomhome--1.5-storycontemporarydesign features5bedrooms,5.5bathswithapprox.5,620 squarefeetoffinishedspaceonthreelevelsona .41-acrelot. ...$1,280,000 817LARKINAVENUE CREVECOEURLADUESCHOOLS NewcustomhomecomingsoonbyBerkleyona woodedwalkout.41/acrelot.Wonderful2-storyplan withagranitekitchenandluxuryprimarybath,wood floors,and5BD,3.5-baths,and3,800+SFofliving spaceonthreelevels ...$1,095,000 10FORSYTHIADRIVE OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS Newhomeiscomingsoon!1.5-storyplanwith 5BD,4.5baths,approx.4900SFoffinishedspaceon3 levels.Mainfloorprimarysuite, luxurykitchen&bathsplusfinishedlowerlevel.Walkout .46-acrelot. ...$1,080,000 9721HASTINGSDRIVE OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS AnothernewhometobebuiltbyBerkleyinOakEstates. Two-storywithfourbedrooms,2.5bathsonalevel woodedlot.Opportunitytobuildyourdreamhomeclose toStacyParkandOldBonhommeSchool. ...$995,000 SOLD 30WILLIAMSBURGROAD CREVECOEUR Spacious2018ranchrenovation5,110SFofliving spaceon2levelsw/2primarysuitesonthemainfloor, thesecondhasitsownkitchen,LR,BD,&bath.Perfect fornanny,relatives,ormulti-generationalliving. ...$1,344,000 NEWPRICE 14HILLNDALE OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS Newcustomhomecomingsoon!Levelwooded.46acrelotwith1.5-storydesign,4BD,3.5+baths5,000 SFon3levels. ...$1,350,000 SOLD SOLD TOBEBUILT SOLD SOLD 5450DELMAR UNIVERSITYCITY Renovated4-family,fullyleased,9,600SFonthree floors,separateHVAC,in-unitlaundry.Turnkey investmentwithstrongcashflow. ...$775,000 INVESTMENTPROPERTY-UNDERCONTRACT 501WHITEROSELANE OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS 4BD,3bathranch,LadueSchools,2,315SF,.51-acre lot.Newerkitchen,windows,&HVAC,HPP ...$599,000 NEWLISTING 120STONELEIGHTOWERS OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS Spaciousthree-bedroomRanchwithapproximately 2,670SF,andsunporchinLadueSchoolsonalevel privatelotandincludestheHomeProtectionPlanfor abuyer. ...$575,000 UNDERCONTRACT 546PURDUEAVENUE UNIVERSITYCITY Charming2-storyinUniversityHillsw/3BD,2.5 baths.Remodeledkitchen,woodfloors,millwork, &moldings,stainedglasswindows,aggregate driveway,slateroof,screenedsunporch,brickside porch.WalkoutLLw/den,detached2-cargarage ...$600,000 SOLD 67STONEYSIDELANE OLIVETTELADUESCHOOLS TeardownLot--beautifullevelwooded.46-acrelot inHeatherHillinLadueSchools.Joinseveralother completedhomesandothersunderwayinthisprivate tree-linedneighborhood. ...$475,000 BUILDINGSITE

56 September 16, 2022 | OurProven soldstrategy 314.336.1991 SPECIALIZATION MARKETINGPLAN INNOVATION&TECHNOLOGY BUYERPIPELINE tgtDIFFERENCE EXPOSURE Ouragentsareareaandprice pointspecificspecialists. Regardlessofpricepoint,every sellergetsourfull-service marketingplan. WeutilizeSalesforce(#1 CustomerRelationshipManager intheworld)toautomate& enhanceoursystems. Wehaveabuyerpipelineof hundredsofbuyersreadyto purchase.Webringbuyersto sellers. Don’ttakeourwordforit!Our Teamhasover1200Online Reviewsanda4.9-starratingon Google. Weutilizeeverymedia(print,social media,radio,billboards,signs,& more)togetthemosteyespossible onourlistings. Mark314.578.1123 Neil314.283.4363 2001SHanleyRoad,Ste185,Brentwood,MO63144 691TradeCenterBlvd,Chesterfield,MO63005 Photos Aerials Twilights SocialMedia 45,000+ peoplereached monthly Website 60+ signsinyardsat anygiventime Signage 40,000+ pageviews monthly PrintAds 114,000+ readersseeour printads NewJumbo MoneyMarket Guaranteeduntil 12/31/22 www.mwrbank.com636-937-5351 1.50APY* % *FornewJumboMoneyMarketaccountsonly.AnnualPercentageYield(APY)accurateasofSeptember8, 2022,rateislockedinatnewaccountopeningandisguaranteedthroughDecember31,2022.TheMoney MarketAccountrequires$240,000balancetoopenandobtainAPY,ratemaychangeafter12/31/22.Ifthe balancefallsbelow$240,000,theinterestratedefaultstothecurrentStandardMoneyMarketratewhichis .45%APY.ContactyourlocalbranchforlateststandardAPY.Newfundsonly.MemberFDIC MemberFDIC Sh arewithuS. @laduenewson Instagram likelad ue n ew S. Pinwit huS. Followlad ue n ew S. Connectwith l adue n ews Sign upforour weeklyenewsletterfor exclusive contentandpromotionsat ln Signupforourweeklyenewsletterforexclusive contentandpromotionsat | September 16, 2022 57 13020MasonviewCourt TownandCountry,MO 5Bedrooms|6Full3HalfBaths|12,429SquareFeet 314.267.6262 GinaBundy janetmcafeeinc.l9889claytonroadlsaintlouis, SOLD 314.920.1846-JohnZarky 314.560.4977-KevinHurley ZARKY I HURLEY SOLD 7PortlandPlace 5Bedrooms|4Full3HalfBaths|5,700SquareFeet YourCentral WestEndExperts Sellingand ListingintheCWE forover40 Years. janetmcafeeinc.l9889claytonroadlsaintlouis, ASELECTIONOFMY2022PROPERTIES MissyFish 314.956.0022 Letmehelpyou FALLinlovewithyourNEXThome! 314.725.5100|LAURAMCCARTHY.COM #7 PortlandPlace STLOUIS REPRESENTEDBUYER SOLD! 27 Sussex Drive BRENTWOOD REPRESENTEDBUYER SOLD! 16254 ForestMeadows CHESTERFIELD REPRESENTEDBUYER SOLD! 7347 Dartmouth UNIVERSITYCITY REPRESENTEDBUYER SOLD! 309 KeystoneDrive FENTON REPRESENTEDSELLER 751 W. Kirkham Ave GLENDALE REPRESENTEDSELLER 1818FlorineCourt ST.CHARLES REPRESENTEDSELLER 1161ArroyaTrail ELLISVILLE REPRESENTEDSELLER 6551 Pernod Avenue ST.LOUIS REPRESENTEDSELLER SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD!

Visit LADUENEWS.COM to see more fabulous photos from this event!

Edward Juvier, Ricco Martin Jr., Michael Schimmele, Amanda Robles, Megan Elyse Fulmer


Photos and story by Christina Kling-Garrett

Gilbert Medina, Jack Lane


All of us at STAGES were absolutely thrilled for the return of Cheers this year, as it provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the magic of musical theatre and support our stellar artistic and education programs. Seeing so many members of the STAGES family gathered at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center, brought together by our mutual love of the arts, is proof of just how supportive and powerful the St. Louis community can truly be. ANDREW KUHLMAN ST.



Kelly and Sheila Farrell, Lisa and Jim Curran

Brad Simmons, Dave White

58 September 16, 2022 |


uests of STAGES St. Louis’ Cheers 2022 Summer Cabaret fundraiser gathered at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center in early August to celebrate a night of music. Featuring acclaimed actor and singer Chris Jones, the event aptly titled “From Billboard to Broadway – An Evening with Chris Jones” included numerous hits by Frankie Valli and other artists. Before taking their seats in the Ross Family Theatre, guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and the opportunity to purchase “1-in-100” raffle tickets for a chance to win a trip to New York City. Associate producer Andrew Kuhlman and actress and singer Zoe Vonder Haar hosted the evening’s show, which kicked off with a performance by STAGES’ artistic director Gayle Seay. ST.


Zoe Vonder Haar, Chris Jones, Gayle Seay


Lou Brock Jr., Rev. Ken Jenkins, Orlando Williams

Rochelle Jones, Hollis Whiting, Rosemary



Jerome and Cathy Jenkins

Mollie and JT Thomas


Sen. Brian Williams, Rick Stream

Photos and story by Christina Kling-Garrett

Visit LADUENEWS.COM to see more fabulous photos from this event!

Battease, Brittany Starks | September 16, 2022 59


Refuge and Restoration, … with over two decades of success helping people in St. Louis County build stable lives, is set to kick off our newest project: the R&R Marketplace. … We have been quietly working toward this moment for years. Through its focus on very specific community needs, R&R will provide co-located opportunities that benefit individuals, families, local businesses and the St. Louis region.

Steve Zwolak, Julius B. Anthony


lorissant-based nonprofit Refuge and Restoration hosted its first annual fundraiser, Meet Me At The Marketplace, in late August at the M1 Bank event space in Clayton. Guests mingled outside as they enjoyed cocktails from the Barley and Vine beverage truck and dinner from Smoked Artisan Barbecue and the Cha Cha Chow food truck. Brian Owens entertained guests inside the event space as they bid on silent auction items. Tim Ezell of local TV station FOX-2 served as the emcee for the night. Cochairs for the event were Sen. Brian Williams, Jennifer and Lou Brock Jr., and Cathy and Jerome Jenkins. Proceeds from the event will benefit the new R&R Marketplace.

Webelievethatsmallbusinessownersarecapableofachieving amazingthings.Andwe’rehereforthemwiththeprotectionthey needtopursuetheiruniqueambitions,seizeopportunityand prevailthroughunexpectedchallenge. TheBuck’s Got YourBack® TheHartford®isTheHartfordFinancialServicesGroup,Inc.anditspropertyandcasualtysubsidiaries,includingHartfordFireInsuranceCompany.ItsheadquartersisinHartford,CT. 20-SC-233077©February2020TheHartford Property Liability Workers’Comp BusinessAuto INSURANCEDESIGNEDFOR YOURSMALLBUSINESS


DuringtheOpeningWeekend concertsonSeptember17-18,Denève willserveasbothaconductor andtourguide,evokingcolorsof MediterraneanportswithJacques Ibert’s“Escales”.Next,Nathalie Joachim–vocalist,flutistand composer–joinsDenèveandsings herown“Fanmd’Ayiti”(Womenof

usicwillonceagainfillPowellHallwhentheSt.Louis SymphonyOrchestraopensits2022-2023season,the orchestra’s143rd,thisSeptember.LedbyStéphane DenèveininhisfourthseasonasMusicDirectorthe SLSOwilltakeaudiencesonamusicaladventuretoplacesnearand far,realandimaginary,physicalandspiritual.

Thisfall,theSLSOembarksonamusicaljourneyyouwon’twantto miss.Ticketsforclassicalconcertsstartat$15areavailablenow. St.LouisSymphonyOrchestra,314-534-1700,

“Ilovetheideathatmusicallowsustoconnectpeoplewithother places—anotherphysicalplace,intoothercultures,orintothe imagination,”Denèvesays.


A MusicalTransportationByMaggiePeters |PhotoscourtesyoftheSLSO ST.LOUISSYMPHONYORCHESTRA FeatureStory 62 SEPTEMBER16,2022 | |A LADUENEWSSPECIALPROMOTION NathalieJoachim

EastmeetsWestinaprogramthat exploresmusicalinfluencesonSeptember 30-October1.LedbyDenève,theSLSO performsworksbyToruTakemitsuandQigangChen,Asian composerswhocombineinfluencesfromtheirhomelandswithFrench classicaltraditions.GustavMahler’sChinese-text-inspired“Songofthe Earth”wrestleswithlife,death,andmeaning.

PowellHallwillturnintoaBroadwaytheaterwhentheSLSOand TheMunycelebratethelegacyandmusicofcomposer-lyricistStephen SondheimonOctober2.Knownforiconicshowssuchas“Sweeney Todd,”“MerrilyWeRollAlong,”“ALittleNightMusic,”and“Into theWoods,”Sondheimwasoneofthemostinfluentialandiconic composer-lyricistinthe20thcentury.

OnSeptember23-25,theSLSOtakes audiencesallthewaytoHogwartswith performancesofthescoreto“HarryPotter andtheDeathlyHallowsPart2.”TheSLSO performsDesplat’siconicscoreasthefilm isprojectedontoascreenthatputsthe audienceinthemiddleoftheaction.

Denèvedesignsconcertstotransportaudiencesandbreakdown musicalboundaries.Theseason’sprogramsdrawinspiration fromandrepresentplacesonEarth,aswellasinthesolarsystem, imaginedgalaxiesfaraway,and placesaccessedthroughfaithor imagination.Throughouttheseason, theSLSOcollaborateswithmany acclaimedguestartistsbothnewand familiartoSt.Louisandshowcases thefamilyofSLSOmusicians.

Haiti),celebratingherheritageandmeldingwomen’svoiceswith thesoundsofHaiti.OpeningWeekendconcludeswithasunny walkthroughtheBohemiancountrysideinAntonínDvorák’s EighthSymphony.


Saint Louis Ballet

Touhill Performing Arts Center, One University Blvd., 314-534-1111,

St. Jude Miracle Under the Stars Gala St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 680 Craig Road, Suite 300,,

On Sept. 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., enjoy an early “Shopportunity” to kick off Glennon Card Days. More than 30 retailers will gather to offer a 20 percent discount with use of a Glennon Card. Admission is free and Glennon Cards may be purchased at the door or in advance at

Join St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and its lifesaving mission: Finding Cures. Saving Children® on Feb. 11 at Centene Stadium, home of St. Louis CITY SC. This unique gala will feature a cocktail hour in the Together Credit Union Club, a seated dinner in the ULTRA Club and an afterparty in the VIP Pitch Club.

SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

OF NOTE features “Within the Golden hour” by Tony Awardwinning ClaudewithjazzyfeatureOFSocietytheLouisPerformedwithChristopherchoreographerWheeldonlivemusic.bySaintballetandChamberMusicofSt.Louis,NOTEwillalsoGenHoriuchi’s“Romantique”musicbybolling.

YOURDREAMSDESERVE A PL ACE TO LIVE Yourhometown,homeloanprovider TM A hous e isneverjusta hous e. It’s theplac eyou c allhome—it’s where memories are made That’s whywe’ve built jumbohomeloans that opendoorsfor you. Soyourdre amhous e becomesare alhome Upto95%financing Competitiverates to keep yourmoney working for you Selecttermstailoredto your goals Membershipeligibilityrequired;allloanssubjecttoapproval. We dobusinessinaccordancewiththeFederalFairHousing LawandtheEqualCreditOpportunityAct.NMLS#401252.JumboHome Loanproducteligibility requires a mortgageloanamountgreaterthan$484,350 Othermortgageproductsandtermsmaybeavailable, pleasecontact a loanofficertodiscussoptionsforyourpurchaseorrefinance FederallyinsuredbyNCUA. GREG VERNON MortgageLoanOfficer 314-650-6425 NMLS#858131

Hilton St. Louis Frontenac,


By Maggie Peters


Glennon Card Shoppes Boutique

MoreThanaStore! Women’sand M en’sApparel,Accessories, F urniture,Lighting ,K itchenand B ar Pr ovisions , Librar y,S pecial G atherings, Wedding R egistr y, and D esig n Service s 9640CL AYT ONROAD MON DAY- SATUR DAY,1 0- 6| SUN DAY, 12- 5| 314-567-SOU L HEARTHANDSOUL. C OM | @HEARTHSOULSTL

LN’ssuiteofnewslettersisthebestwaytokeepupwithyourcommunity –nomatterwhereyougo.

Stay connected… fromhome.


66 September 16, 2022 | Join Women’s Philanthropyfor L’Chaim! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 TheRitz-Carlton, St. Louis • 100CarondeletPlaza, 63105 An eveningof celebration, communityand giving, featuring JujuChang, Emmy Award-winning co-anchorof ABCNews Nightline andoneofthemost prominent AsianAmericansinbroadcast news. VIPPre-Party • 5:15-6:30PM Tickets:$180, Includes a ticket to theMain Event Main Event 6:15PM Cocktail Reception 7:00PM DinnerandProgram Tickets: $75 VirtualProgram • 7:30PM Tickets:$36 Dietarylaws observed. Complimentaryselfand valetparking available SPACEISLIMITED. PleaseRSVP online at or by callingRandiSmith at 314-442-3843 by October18. Attendeeswillhave theopportunity at the event to makea gift to Jewish Federation ofSt. Louis’Unrestricted2022AnnualCampaign. Sponsors The LorraineAllen andRitaMae Allen FamilyFoundation Sheri Schechter Memorial Fund JohnB.Holds,M.D. AdamG.Buchanan,M.D. SaraN.Reggie,M.D.THELUEKENGROUP Laurieand Lee WielanskyCynthiaL.Albin BethHamedrosh Hagodol Cemeter y MarilynFox &Lenore Pepper SharonE.Remis V isit F abulousFo x.comforour40thAnniversar y Calendarof Perf ormances 527N.Grand, St.L ouis,MO63103 • 314-534-1111 T HANK YOU ST.LO UIS FO R40 YEARS OF FA BU LO US! 1982-2022 20.98MillionFans 7,890Performances 1,893Acts&Productions 40FabulousYears 1FabulousTheatre | September 16, 2022 67 68 Local Eats 69 Arts Speak 70 Show & Tell 71 BlueberryFEATURE:Hill ARTS & CULTURE SULOHOptbYmAbeeN

Picaditas, or sopes, are another signature offering made with fresh blue or white masa, topped with asiento (unrefined pork lard), refried beans, cheese, chopped cilantro, onions and salsa. The extensive menu also includes appetizers such as chapulines (seasoned grasshoppers) along with grilled chicken and steak, fajitas, burritos, enchiladas and many other tempting choices.

La Oaxaqueña

“This food makes me feel like I’m home with my mom,” Soriano says. “We have iconic, traditional dishes like tlayuda – a big tortilla with beans, cabbage, Oaxaca cheese, tomatoes and meat – and tamales wrapped in plantain leaves instead of in a corn husk. Everything we do here is from scratch, including grinding our own masa [maize dough] for corn tortillas.”


By Mabel Suen

comes from married couple Yolanda Soriano and Jaime Rosas. Soriano’s brother and sister-in-law, Reinaldo Soriano and Lorena Bautista, head the kitchen together.

68 SEPTEMBER16, 2022 |


In addition to the bestselling tlayuda, highlights include molotes – a fried appetizer made of football-shaped masa filled with chorizo,

March, La Oaxaqueña – a familyowned and -operated eatery in Mehlville in south St. Louis County – has showcased traditional southwestern Mexican fare, including tlayuda, tamales and picaditas, as well as Tex-Mex-inspired dishes like tacos, burritos andLafajitas.Oaxaqueña

La Oaxaqueña, 2925 Lemay Ferry Road, St. Louis, 314-200-8212,

potatoes and cheese, topped with refried beans, cabbage, queso fresco and salsa.

“I just want people to know that authentic Mexican food is more than just Tex-Mex,” Soriano says. “I’m excited to bring my version of Oaxacan food to St. Louis so people can come try something different they haven’t had yet. I’m pretty sure they’re going to love it.”

Over the years, she gained valuable experience learning how to cook Tex-Mex-style cuisine while working at area eateries. With her first restaurant, Soriano reconnects with her roots by sharing Oaxacan family recipes from her childhood.

From the bar, alcoholic options include beer and margaritas. “Our most popular margarita is made with mezcal,” Soriano says. “In Oaxaca, we use more mezcal than tequila.” Agua frescas are also available, in house-made flavors including horchata, Jamaica (hibiscus) and tamarind.

In her hometown of Oaxaca, Mexico, Yolanda Soriano grew up learning how to cook at her mother’s side. When Soriano was only 13, her mother died, leaving her older sister to become caretaker of the family. At 16, Soriano came to the U.S., and worked in St. Louis and in Illinois before settling in the metro area permanently.

“I’m working on some projects when it comes to maternity – I’m trying to be hush-hush about it – offering resources for maternity clients,” she says. “I have a passion for moms, and being a mom, and going through that maternal stage –

ae Marcel’s dynamic photos capture everyday people in a way that conveys empowerment, intimacy and romance with a modern, editorial edge – often at significant times in their lives. Fortunately for St. Louis and environs, she’s put down roots by opening a new studio in movedphotographer[bringingvibetheMarcelthanout“EveryEdwardsville.clientwalksmoreconfidentwhentheywalkin,”says.“That’snotmodel–that’stheandtheexperienceit]outofthem.”ThetalentedpreviouslyfromIndianapolis, where she had a studio, to St. Louis for her husband’s career. Her search for a bigger studio closer to her family’s new home came to an end when she leased an eye-catching space in Edwardsville’s historic downtown.

In becoming a photographer and new business owner, Marcel says she became a better mother. Having to face new challenges at work and as a parent, she learned the importance of setting aside time to spend with her family and being intentional with how they spent those moments together.

By Amanda Dahl | Photos by Rae Marcel Photography

moved from Indianapolis,


“When we first moved [to the area], this place used to be a clothing boutique, and I wasn’t even doing photography at the time,” Marcel says. “I thought, ‘Oooh, if ever I started a business, this is where I would want it to be!’”

Tenant’s Got Talent

Marcel envisions a downtown center for new mothers. A far cry from that of a hospital, mothers could work here with a nurse or doula on developing their parenting skills through services like lactation consultations and do so in a comfortable setting. | SEPTEMBER16, 2022 69


She laughs and adds: “Fast-forward to now, and it’s mine.”

Inimagine.”thenear future, expect more community collaborations from Rae Marcel Photography that allow Marcel greater opportunities to capture images of empowerment as her clients celebrate significant life moments, from getting married to motherhood and the milestones to come.

The location appealed to her not just because of its open aesthetic, with brick walls and a big storefront window. Marcel says the friendly, smalltown community offers security for both her and her mostly female clientele, and it’s the ideal place to foster partnerships with local businesses.

Rae Marcel Edwardsville,Photography,

even after birth. So I’ve been working on a few things to help moms transition into that.”

“My daughter seeing me do something that I love is the ultimate plus,” she says. “I’m glad I took the time to learn the craft and … the business, because it’s been rewarding in more ways than I can


The pair jointly describe this season as one of joy: “It is a season that looks to the future as it honors the past, filled with the wonder, excitement and imagination of the young people who inspired it.”


By Mark Bretz | photos by Jennifer A. Lin from “In my Granny’s Garden,” 2021-22 season

Joe Gfaller, the troupe’s managing director, sees the science, as well as the art, in the way that MTC has affected its audiences through the years. “Recent [National Endowment for the Arts] studies have shown that experiences with theater help children understand difference, build empathy, cultivate creativity and, perhaps most importantly, nurture hope,” Gfaller says.

Inspiredworkshop.bythe enthusiastic response of Rubright’s students to Weil’s weekly visits to the classroom, in 1973 Rubright and Weil began Metro Theater Circus, a professional touring theater for young people. Carol North and Nicholas Kryah were other vital leaders who were instrumental in the troupe’s formative years.

The season concludes with performances of “Go, Dog, Go!” from April 2 to 16 at The Big Top, the multiuse arts facility operated by the Kranzberg Arts Foundation. A revival of one of MTC’s biggest hits in the last 20 years, “Go, Dog, Go!” is “a magical world where dogs are king.”

contributions by Anna Amelia Rose Pickett, and directed by MTC artistic director, Julia Flood, “Spells of the Sea” tells the adventures of a 15-year-old fisherwoman named Finley and a grumpy lighthouse keeper who together traverse the ocean searching for an “elixir of life” to save Finley’s father from a mysterious illness.

Another world premiere, “Spells of the Sea,” will be on tap from Feb. 5 through March 5 at The Grandel. Featuring a book, music and lyrics by Guinevere Govea, with additional creative

The diverse group of artists who composed Metro Theater Circus – which became Metro Theater Company in 1992 – forged a blend of drama, music, storytelling and dance. Eventually, MTC was invited to bring its performances to schools, where students could enjoy its lively brand of creativity.

adapted from the book by Newbery Medal-winning author Paul Fleischman,


70 September 16, 2022 |

half a century ago, two young artists envisioned what theater could mean to young people. Zaro Weil, who was studying theater at Webster University in Webster Groves, and Lynn Rubright, a middle school teacher in Kirkwood, shared a common interest in creative drama, which they learned while meeting at an improvisational theater


Metro Theater Company, 3311 Washington Ave., St. Louis, 314-932-7414,

will be performed Oct. 9 through Nov. 6 at The Grandel. It’s the story of how a “vacant lot in a broken neighborhood in the middle of the city can become a lot of things … blooming into something bigger, better and beyond all expectations.”

In the last half a century, MTC has produced dozens of annual productions, including many original works, for audiences in nearly every state, as well as Canada, Italy, Japan and Taiwan. The company, now housed at 3311 Washington Ave. in St. Louis’ Grand Center Arts District, tours extensively throughout the metro area, as well as outlying communities in Missouri and southern Illinois.

Flood knows well the impact that MTC has had through the years. “Last month,” she says, “within a 24-hour span, two different adults approached me to share a memory of seeing Metro Theater Company perform at their school when they were growing up in St. Louis … The joy of their very first experience with live performing arts was palpable and evident still.”

The troupe’s 50th anniversary will be celebrated during its 2022-23 season, which opens Sept. 9 with “Bold, Brave, Curious!,” written by Mariah L. Richardson and directed by Kathryn Bentley, which will tour area schools through midOctober and be performed for the public on Oct. 15 and“Seedfolks,”16.



“Wewantedtoopenawelcomingplacethatwasabout music,popculturememorabiliaandgreatfoodtoshare abeerover,”apressreleaseontheanniversaryquotesthe Edwardsesassaying.“Wewantedtheuniqueatmosphere to makeconversation easyand enjoyable.”




In1981,amusingly,that selectionincreasedwiththe releaseofRock&RollBeer, thevenue’shousebrew–and to commemorate BlueberryHill’s golden jubilee,theEdwardses haveteamedwithSt.Louis’ reissuethatAmericanlager.

BlueberryHilltakesitsnamefromthepopular1940 Americandittygenerally attributed to composer Vincent RoseandlyricistJohnL.Rooney.Overtime,musiciansas diverseasLouisArmstrong,ElvisPresleyandEltonJohn haverecordedthesong.Nevertheless,“BlueberryHill” perhapsremainsmost closelyidentifiedwithFatsDomino, whosesmokybaritonegraceditin1956:“Themoonstood still/OnBlueberryHill/Andlingereduntil/Mydream cametrue.”

infinestyle.enjoyingitsgoldenjubileefunandpopularmusic–isforcasualfood,informalmetroarea’sfinestnexuses–oneofthe Wewanted toopena welcoming placethatwas aboutmusic, popculture memorabilia andgreatfood tosharea beer over.”

I fFeb.3,1959,markedthedaythemusicdied, assinger-songwriterDonMcLeansubmittedin hisclassic“AmericanPie,”thenmanymetroarea residentslikelyviewtheyearafterthatsingle’s 1971releaseasthepointthemusicjubilantlyrose anew,whenlocalvisionaryJoeEdwardsandhis wife,Linda,openedBlueberryHillinthe Delmar Loop

Now,fullyhalfacenturylater,that UniversityCity landmarkiscelebratingitsgoldenjubilee,havingthrilled countlessarearesidentsanduncountableout-of-town visitorssincefirstgreetingguestsonSept.8,1972.

TheEdwardses’dream-come-true,statesthepress release,atfirst“justhadahotdogmachineandserved peanutsandbeernutswith alargebeerselection.”

“ChuckandIhadbeengoodfriendssincetheearly ’80s,”thepressreleasequotesJoeEdwardsasrecalling. “Onenightin1996,hewasreminiscingaboutthesmaller clubsheusedtoplaywhenhewasjuststartingoutand howmuchhewouldlovetoplayanintimateclubagainin contrasttolargestadiums.Therewasasplit-secondpause. Welookedateachotherandsaid,‘Let’sdoit.’”

Given thatmission,BlueberryHillsubsequentlyopened itsElvisRoomin1985,accordingtothepressrelease,and itsDuckRoomin1997,andthroughtheyears,bothhave featuredincalculablelivemusicacts.

Anddoittheydid!Moreover,theEdwardsesandtheir teamseemdedicatedtocontinuingtodoit,tocontinuing tothrillregularsandotherguests,thereinUniversityCity, intheDelmarLoop–inBlueberryHill.

TheDuckRoom,ofcourse,longenjoyedaspecial relationshipwithoneoftheindisputablegiantsofrock’n’ roll,ChuckBerry,whoinauguratedtheDuckRoomand playedawhopping209consecutivemonthlyconcerts therebeforehisdeathin2017.

Nowadays,themenu boastsnotonlythat tributetogroundchuck butalsoanothersix burgers–includingone madewithgroundturkey andtwovegan alternatives –aswellasthreeslider miniburgers.Themenu alsoboastsnumerous othersortsofsandwiches, appetizers,side orders, soupsandsalads,alimited number of entréeslike troutalmondine,aplethoraofbeveragesandfourdesserts, amongthem,almostnecessarily,blueberrypie.

Throughitsfivedecades,though,BlueberryHill’smain drawhasremainedmusic.Thevenue,thepressrelease notes,featuredaclassicSeeburgjukeboxfromitslaunch. “Ihadacollectionof30,000recordsthatIrotatedinand outofthejukebox,”thereleasequotesJoeEdwardsas reminiscing.“Iwantedpeopletoexperiencemusicthey mightnothearotherwise.”


Guests,therefore,canenjoyaquitefulllunchordinner whilesamplingoneofBlueberryHill’squaffables–at leastadozendraftbrews,numerousbottledbrews,wines andnonalcoholicoptions–beforestrollingits21-board dartroomandcorridorsandotherspacesdecoratedwith hundredsofphotosofJoeEdwardsaccompanyingmusicand filmcelebrities, inadditiontoaquartet ofU.S.presidents. | SEPTEMBER16,2022 73

Also,justtwoyearsafteritsopening,BlueberryHill expandedculinarilywiththeadditionofakitchen.“Ifelt St.Louiswantedagreatburger,andIwashopingtoprovide it,”JoeEdwardsrelatesinthepressrelease–andsohedid, withthevenue’sself-styledFamous7Oz.Hamburger.

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