Gifts That Go on Giving We are very touched and grateful that two of our former teachers have kindly remembered LEH in their wills. The Junior School is to rename a new part of the library as The Jill Grant Reading Room, in memory of one their most cherished former teachers, who taught there for 30 years. The dedication comes after a generous legacy from the popular teacher who was an avid reader herself. She fostered a lifelong love of reading in hundreds of girls over the years and gave huge amounts of extra time and commitment to running the Junior School Library, which took up every lunchtime and many other hours. “Jill is still much missed and fondly remembered by all who knew her,” said Junior School Head Teacher Paula Mortimer. “I can’t think of a better way to keep her memory alive among a new generation of young book lovers.”
Dates for the Diary
And plans are now being drawn up to improve and develop LEH’s precious archives, thanks to a very considerate legacy from former teacher Mollie Newman (see her obit on page 43), who was married to LEH’s first Bursar, WingCommander Kenneth Newman. Appreciating the importance of preserving the school’s history and maintaining records of important documents and photographs, she ring-fenced the money in her will. “We are incredibly indebted to Molly and her family. This will really help us keep LEH’s story alive for future generations”, say archivists Elizabeth Hossain and Trish White. A search is now underway for a new location for the archive “cupboard” which is currently tucked away down a corridor near the Drama Department in the Senior School, as well as a heritage display area to showcase some of the artefacts and documents.
Please note these dates in your diary now and reserve your place via the Holles Connect website. We will confirm nearer the time if they have to be held virtually. As lockdown restrictions are relaxed further, we hope to be able to announce more events, so please keep an eye on the monthly email newsletters for more details.
Creativity issue
Holles C nnect
ALUMNAE REUNION Saturday 2 October 10.30am-4.30pm
Location: LEH (we hope) Ticket cost £20 per person if we can hold the lunch 7.30-9pm Location: St Giles’ Church, Cripplegate (we hope)
Please reserve your free place. Alumnae, family and friends welcome.
All events can be booked at: