Teacher: Carol Barriuso Course: 2020-2021 Marta Mateo Muñoz Mar Mirabete Clara Navarro
Microteaching Learning English using stories INTRODUCTION This microteaching will be implemented in a school located in the neighborhood of Poblenou, its name is Voramar and it is a semi private school. This school is near the beach and not far from the neighborhood center. It is a quiet zone where kids can go walking, by bicycle or by public transport easily. Voramar has two lines per course and it goes from early years education to secondary education, more concretely from 3 to 16 years old. As it is a semi private school most of the families have a well economic status and not money problems at all. Most of them are Catalan families but there are also some students from other parts of Spain and recently there has been an increasing number of immigrant families. However they do not present language problems and families and teachers are able to have a good communication between them.
Our sessions are prepared for a classroom of fifth year infant education. The group is formed by 24 pupils and most of the families are from Barcelona. This group started learning English in P3, this is in the first year of infant education. Therefore, when they arrive in the fifth year they already know some songs and vocabulary. In the group we can find a pupil with ADHD. In order to include him and help him we are going to present motivating materials and dynamic activities. We also think it’s important to be flexible with him and give him some space whenever he feels nervous or needs some movement.
We have chosen this book because it has a repetitive structure and it is really easy for the kids to comprehend and follow the story with no problems at all. Moreover, this book is about animals, furniture and colors. All of them are aspects that kids have around and therefore easily to relate them with their day to day lives. The vocabulary is not difficult and complicated and we think that it is adequate for their age due to the use of simple sentences, simple questions and simple answers. Finally, the drawings are good as they only show what the story is telling in a white background, making it easy to focus their attention on the picture representing the action being told.
To work on this book, we will need five sessions each of them for only twenty minutes. We have decided to create short sessions, to adapt to the short attention span that students have at this age. We consider that books are a great resource to introduce and to work with them in class. Not only do they present English vocabulary and structures that students can learn, but also they are motivating materials that enhance a positive relationship with books and a reading habit.
Microteaching Learning English using stories Age:
Microteaching title:
5 years old
Where 's Spot?
5 sessions of 20 minutes each.
Main outcome Comprehend the story “Where’s Spot?” in terms of vocabulary and structure. Learning objectives • • • • •
Identify the colours. Name the animals. Use the prepositions to locate the animals relating them with the furniture. Identify the pieces of furniture that appear in the story. Make sentences using a colour, subject, preposition of place and furniture. Linguistic objectives Skills
- Listening: listening to the story, instructions and questions. - Speaking: asking and answering questions. Pronunciation -
Intonation patterns in questions. Word and sentence stress.
Function/structures - Questions - Prepositions of place
Vocabulary Animals: crocodile, bear, lion, snake, hippo, monkey. Colors: green, blue, pink, yellow, brown. Furniture: door, clock, piano, stairs, wardrobe, bed, rug Prepositions: under, inside, behind, in. Cross-curricular links
Learning strategies: comparing, predicting, sequencing, hypothesizing and memorizing. Physical education: moving with the music and stopping when the music stops.
Microteaching Learning English using stories Cultural information In Spain it is very common to have a dog as a pet. The other animals that appear in the book are not as common as dogs, and maybe some students will have never seen those animals before. However, those animals usually appear in other stories or cartoons. Classroom information There are 20 students in the classroom. It is a highly motivated group, which wants to learn, but most of them have difficulties with English. In the group there is a student with ADHD and it is difficult for him to do the same activity for a long time. Assessment At the end of each session the teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5. Moreover, in the last session, the teacher is going to observe if the students have achieved the learning objectives. As in one session it is difficult to observe each pupil individually, the teacher is going to make a general group assessment using the instrument in the Annex 7 that is going to enable her to see the group level. More concretely, their general mistakes, difficulties and achievements.
SESSION: 1 Aims -
Linguistic objectives Identify the colours. Name the animals. Identify the pieces of furniture that appear in the story.
Vocabulary: door, clock, piano, stairs, wardrobe, bed, rug, under, inside, behind, in, crocodile, bear, lion, snake, hipo, monkey. Skills: listening and comprehending the story and answering questions. Structure: answer structure “Yes, it is/No, it isn’t. Pronunciation: Word stress in the answer.
Microteaching Learning English using stories ACTIVITY
Before reading the book: The teacher can The magic box. There is a magic box that brings surprises to the classroom. Sometimes they can find inside a new book. sometimes ask this The teacher has lost the box so she starts asking the children “where’s the magic box?”. Students have to student directly. Book of “Where’s answer by saying different places and objects of the classroom where it could be. When they find the box, Spot?” the teacher reads the title. Then, she asks them if they think Spot is a dog, an animal or a person. Students have to answer yes or no. Time: 8 minutes Grouping: The whole group. While reading the book: We are going to ask students each time Spot’s mother looks at a hiding place “Is Spot in (preposition) the piano (furniture)?”, students will answer “Yes, he is”, “No, he isn’t”. Also, while reading, a helper is going to indicate which place is Spot’s mother looking in some images that are going to be placed in the board. In this way students are going to easily follow the story. Time: 8 minutes Grouping: The whole class After reading the book: The teacher, with the helper and the images of the board, is going to review which hiding places were at the house and where Spot was hidden finally. To do so the teacher is going to use the following question structure: Is Spot (preposition) + (furniture)? Time: 4 minutes Grouping: The whole class ASSESSMENT
Teacher helper: the student with ADHD is going to indicate the part of the house where the mother of Spot is.
Book of “Where’s Spot?”.
Teacher helper: the student with ADHD is going to indicate the different hiding places to revise the story.
Images of the different hiding places of the house (Annex 1)
Images of the different hiding places of the house (Annex 1)
Microteaching Learning English using stories The teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5.
(Annex 5)
Time: 1 minutes Grouping: The whole group
SESSION: 2 Aims -
Linguistic objectives Identify the colours. Name the animals.
Vocabulary: bear, brown, snake, yellow, green, hippo, grey, bird, lion, orange, monkey, crocodile, penguin, black, white, turtle and dog. Skills: listening, watching and comprehending the story. Answer the questions. Remember the animal's names. Relate the picture of the animal with its word. Structure: answer structure: I like/don’t like (name of the animal). Pronunciation: Word stress in the answer. Cross-curricular: Physical education
The teacher will put the video of the story of “Where’s Spot” and she will be stopping the video when it appears an animal in order to say the name of this animal out loud and students will repeat it. Furthermore, they will be helping if someone knows the name of the animal in English. As well as asking about the colour of the animal. Time: 6 minutes Grouping: The whole group
The student with ADHD will be seated down in the front row so the teacher can catch his/hers attention easily.
Video: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=9RG5cq Rqor4
Microteaching Learning English using stories The teacher will put again the video of the story of “Where’s Spot” and this time she will be stopping the video when it appears as an animal and will ask the students: Which animal can you see? And will also be asking if they do like this animal in order to let them answer with the structure: I like/don’t like (name of the animal).
The student with TDAH will be seated down in the front row so the teacher can catch his/hers attention easily.
Video: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=9RG5cq Rqor4
Teacher will pay special attention to the ADHD student.
Flashcards of the animals. (Annex 2)
Time: 6 minutes Grouping: The whole group The teacher will have some flashcards of the animals appearing in the video and will distribute them around the floor of the classroom. Then, students will have to be walking through the class and when the teacher says an animal word, they will have to go immediately to the picture of the animal mentioned. Time: 8 minutes Grouping: The whole group ASSESSMENT The teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5. Time: 1 minutes Grouping: The whole group
(Annex 5)
Microteaching Learning English using stories SESSION: 3 Aims -
Linguistic objectives Identify the colours. Identify the pieces of furniture that appear in the story. Make sentences using a colour, subject, preposition of place and furniture.
Vocabulary: door, clock, piano, stairs, wardrobe, bed, rug, under, inside, behind, in. Skills: listening, comprehending and answering questions. Structure: answer structure “It is a/an + color + furniture. Pronunciation: Word stress in the answer.
The teacher shows the illustrations of the book and says the name and color of each piece of furniture where there is an animal hidden. Students have to repeat them after the teacher. Then, she is going to ask the name of each piece of furniture using the question: “What is this?” “What color is it?”. Students have to answer following the next structure: It is a/an color +the name of the furniture.
The students can sit Book of “Where’s next to the teacher so Spot?” that she can catch his/her attention when they are asking.
Time: 8 minutes Grouping: The whole group There will be a drawing of a house in the digital board that students have to color together. To do it they are going to use a roulette that has the colors that appear in the book. In turns, they are going to use the roulette to determine the color of a piece of the house furniture and color it in that color.
It’s a dynamic activity that is going to catch the student’s attention.
Digital Board, drawing of the house. Cardboard roulette (Annex 3)
It’s a short activity and the teacher can ask once or twice to the student with special needs.
Digital Board House sheet (Annex 4)
Time: 8 minutes Grouping: the whole group Once the house is painted, they are going to say all together the name of each object they have painted and the name of the color. Time: 4 minutes Grouping: the whole group
Microteaching Learning English using stories ASSESSMENT The teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5.
(Annex 5)
Time: 1 minutes Grouping: The whole group SESSION: 4 Aims -
Linguistic objectives Name the animals. Use the prepositions to locate the animals relating them with the furniture.
Vocabulary: behind, inside, in, under. Structure: answer structure: I like/don’t like (name of the animal). Pronunciation: Word stress in the answer. Adaptation
The teacher will put another video of the storytelling so that kids can watch it again and refresh The student with ADHD will their memories. be seated down in the front row so the teacher Time: 6 minutes can catch his/hers Grouping: The whole group attention easily.
Video: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=0DAByg3Kmg
The teacher will put the video again but this time will stop after each scene in order to ask the students: “Where is (the animal they have just seen)?” so that they can answer following the structure and using the correct preposition.
Video: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=0DAByg3Kmg
The student with ADHD will be seated down in the front row so the teacher can catch his/hers
Microteaching Learning English using stories Time: 7 minutes Grouping: The whole group
attention easily.
Then, the teacher will give the students a marker and with it the students. After that, the teacher will start giving them instructions of where to put the marker: in front of the box, behind the box, inside the box… and students will be putting the marker in those positions using their body as a reference.
Teacher will pay special attention to the ADHD student.
24 markers
Time: 7 minutes Grouping: The whole group ASSESSMENT The teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5.
(Annex 5)
Time: 1 minutes Grouping: The whole group SESSION: 5 Aims -
Linguistic objectives Identify the colours. Name the animals. Use the prepositions to locate the animals relating them with the furniture. Identify the pieces of furniture that appear in the story. Make sentences using a colour, subject, preposition of place and furniture.
Vocabulary: door, clock, piano, stairs, wardrobe, bed, rug, under, inside, behind, in, crocodile, bear, lion, snake, hipo, monkey. Skills: creating a story, answering questions. Structure: The (animal) is (proposition) the (furniture). Pronunciation: Intonation patterns in questions, word and
Microteaching Learning English using stories sentence stress. ACTIVITY
The teacher will ask students which words they have learnt during reading the book, in order to do a review of the previous sessions and the vocabulary that will be used in the following activity.
The teacher asks directly to this student. The student with ADHD will be seated down in the front row so the teacher can catch his/hers attention easily.
The book “Where’s Spot?”.
The teacher asks directly to this student.
Slides with furniture, and animals. (Annex 1)
Time: 5 minutes Grouping: the whole group The teacher projects in the digital board different spaces of a house and different animals. Students have to place them in different parts and at the end they explain the story. The teacher asks students the animal they want to appear, and the teacher locates it on one piece of furniture. In this activity we work the digital competence. Time: 15 minutes. Grouping: the whole group FINAL ASSESSMENT The teacher is going to ask students if they have enjoyed and liked the activities. If they have liked it they will have to put their arms up, if they liked only a little, they will have to put their arms straight at the sides and if they didn’t like it they will have to put the arms down. The teacher will register each session the results using the instrument of the Annex 5. Time: 1 minutes Grouping: The whole group
(Annex 5)
Microteaching Learning English using stories Students are going to self-assess themselves using the instrument in the Annex 6. The teacher will give to each student a self-assessment sheet, and will explain step by step what students have to do. The teacher will say “Do you know colours?” and students will have to cross the square they think.
The teacher asks directly to this student.
(Annex 6)
REFERENCES Ellis, G. and Brewster, J. (2014) Tell it again! The storytelling Handbook for Primary Teachers. British Council. Hill, E. (2009) Where’s Spot? Penguin Books. Penguin Books Australia (8th of May of 2020) Where’s Spot? by Eric Hill/Read aloud by Kathy Lette [video] Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DAByg3Kmg TheRouthe19 (17th of April of 2010) The Adventures of Spot-Where’s Spot? [video] Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RG5cqRqor4
Microteaching Learning English using stories
ANNEX 1: Material for session 1 and 5 – Slides:
ANNEX 2: Material for session 2 -Flashcards:
Microteaching Learning English using stories ANNEX 3: Materials for session 3 – Roulette:
ANNEX 4: Material for session 3 - House image for the digital board:
ANNEX 5: Material for the assessment of every session
Microteaching Learning English using stories
ANNEX 6: Material for the self-assessment
Microteaching Learning English using stories
ANNEX 7: Material for the final group assessment.
Number of students that achieved it 0-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 students students students students Identify the colours. Name the animals. Use the prepositions to locate the animals relating them with the furniture. Identify the pieces of furniture that appear in the story. Make sentences using a colour, subject, preposition of place and furniture.