SYMBIOTICS Written by Technologist, Lael A. Alexander

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Preface by Author There is an epidemic that is sweeping the world’s regions, like all pandemics, there is always a core stimulus that both aggregates and regenerates within its given environment. These elements are necessary for the promotion of growth. What seeds the epidemic of our day is the very thing that fuels our social consciousness. It is the inherit will of a species to transcend, reshape, renew and above all others evolve. This theory of evolution and the various spends in which it unfolds should prompt us to take a closer look into the trans-human age of symbiotic intelligence.



Adverse Effects of Transitioning to the Mobile Connected Life! Authored by Lael Alexander, Founder CEO of Noitavonne The popularity of mobile phone usage, according to the Federal Communication Commission, has caught on faster than personal computers or cable television. The convenience and ubiquity of mobile devices and the theory that surrounds the connected mobile life has undoubtedly impacted our social landscape while it continues to change and transform many areas of our lives.


At present, scientist and researchers continue to question what the harmful effects of mobile device usage use might be, a question today that has received a narrow scope. Excerpts of those studies remained focused on frequency ails or distractive tendencies of mobile phone usage, which may rightfully deserve the focus of the Scientific Community; however, this study proves to broaden our perspective beyond the physiological element and examine cognitive influences which have covertly infiltrated the social landscape by silently inflicting consequences not easily recognized thru our collective conscious. “Countless numbers of studies were found that named “Radiation” as being responsible for many adverse health conditions, however, many of these studies have been contradicted by other studies, sometimes pooling contributions from the same sources.” “Distracted Driving, although widely supported by some states that have banned the use of hand-held phones while operating a vehicle, most of the supporting studies did little to take other driving distractions into account”. While scientists and researchers wrangle over the harmful effects of cell phone use; the general public would be wise to notice what might be viewed as the world’s most widely spread epidemic. “Avatarian Complex”- The adverse effect placed on a society when transitioning to an advanced medium of communication, connectivity or what we have coined as “The Mobile Connected Life”.


“Mirrored Social Trauma (MST) by virtue of mere context appropriates behavioral patterns found in subjects that in essence see themselves as social butterflies defined by the image or mirrored representation of who they would like to be in the connected life, or engaging socially via their mobile terminal or other communication mediums, but feel somewhat disoriented in real-life face to face interactions or discussions. The traumatic or adverse effect occurs when the user increases this false since of security about who they are in their connected worlds’ social circles with who they are in Society. This conceptual theory was created by Lael A. Alexander, an Innovator/Entrepreneur and the founder of Noitavonne. Mr. Alexander together with a select group of industry specific practitioners has empowered Noitavonne with this opportunity to promote, support and further research towards Corporate Stewardship and socially acceptable practice relative to the sensitive nature of our environment, current life cycles, technology adaptation and human physiological impact studies.


Mirrored Social Trauma (MST) Is the Connected World and Society as we know it one in the same? The Statement, “I have chosen to abandon my cell phone, and take back control of my life”, sounds a bit dramatic but sets the primary basis for discussions that are being held around the intrusive nature of smartphone usage in our society. At first, the thought of this decision mounts the same consideration as a person choosing to separate from his or her spouse. How ironic is it too think back at the excitement created around the entire wireless movement. The cut-the-chord philosophy was welcomed and eagerly embraced by the masses. The transitioning from home phones to not only wireless devices, but ready access portability of Information Technology set new precedence in our society.

“The idea of staying connected was the motivator that in some ways paralyzed our ability to forecast just how connected we would really be.”


What grows more apparent is the constant anxiety that is felt when you take a closer look at the element you now find yourself attached too. Whether you’re single or married, your smartphone or mobile device exist as your prime companion. For many, it has become the single stimulant of human emotions; (i.e., entertainment, information and social support) from one apparatus.

“The smartphone invokes emotional responses from its owner that rival that of response of humans�. The obvious paradigm shift defined by this document points to the digital divide that exists between the people connected thru interfaces while experiencing terminal disconnected behavior with those that are in their immediate presence. Our research have consciously been moving towards the social and physiological behavior of humans and the instinctive behavioral patterns of societies that emerge from one state of social engagement into the context of a more contemporary yet connected mobile society. The study of changes undergone by the transference of the human response adhering to the introduction of these innovations will lengthen our ability to connect to the consumer thru ergonomics and aesthetics that in some ways compromise traditional life science patterns.


This study takes precedence in our current day as it fosters the objective movement geared towards the Institution of the mobile life, further giving precedence to what could be viewed as Mirrored Social Trauma (MST); or the adverse effects or reactions that occur when consumers display symptoms that correlate with other known trauma diagnosis. Traumatic experiences are experiences in which people feel or, are at risk of death or extreme loss of connection.

“The notion of Mirror Social Trauma is caused by the mobile stimulus that has somewhat replaced the social connective fabric with one that is now made of a digital thread.� The fear of loss or life without mobile in contemporary societies exists as the breeding ground for both social and systemic trauma. Thru our research, we hope to gain an extensive insight into the adverse effects caused by merely transitioning to the connected life. Our work should lead us to the practical element that deploys a traumatic stimulant that could inherently cause a wide array of social symptoms that would potentially include; intimate and social discord, community violence, denial, anxiety, jealousy, social isolation, grievance or shunning. These attributes are the birthers of degrading properties built to loom the social fabric of humanity.


Determination of how society will adopt, adhere and indoctrinate this emerging culture will be the evidence that will pacify our research. The sum of which should produce findings relative to the social gains and losses created by this movement along with concepts that embody the essence in ergonomic design prudent to the growth of this space in the most non-intrusive way. The connected lifestyle has always been portrayed as simple ideas that were fluid iterations of how humans would communicate, interact and connect to artificial bodies or elements around them. What hasn’t been defined was the transitioning of our entire way of life. Todays connected life revolves around mobile technology and continues to grow into a hybrid of concepts and design languages. Leading this movement are Ennovators destined to promote next generation iterations of wearable technologies that fit within the confines of human behavior as impactful, socially responsible, morally defined and second in nature. Ennovators are new to the technology landscape as Alexander describes,

“We are a cross breed of the alternative energy and environmental movement and the contributors to the mobile connected world that fosters not only the promotion of innovation, but does so in a way that perpetuates core moral standards and societal stewardship.�


The green movement has been mostly environmentally focused, but in the very close future, standards around design that are both functional and sustainable actually initiate the trends of green movement. For instance, building a mobile product that has a five year life span and still fills the desire of its owner would be environmentally acceptable, however contradicted by the influence of large companies using constant marketing ploys that would lead the consumer to replace it. Modular designs and the promotion of a (DIY) Doit-Yourself device and (BYOMP) Build-your-own-mobile platform will be the building blocks that will usher in newer responsible practices. Ennovators are designers and creators of products and services who understand the economic incentives behind sound fundamental design. Would you purchase a car from a company that made it to last 9mos at a time? Well, the obvious moral answer should’ve been no, however, consumer groups consistently purchase electronics products as they do consumables and by virtue of the mechanism are extending volatilities in economic markets that in fact have a direct negative correlation to their own situation.

“ENNOVATION = EVOLUTION � Is your input or contribution to Society valued in such a way that defines you as dispensable or indispensable? Have you aligned your purpose with values that transcend your immediate state or situation? Is your contribution or impact measurable?


Symbiotic Age of Technology The Mobile Companion Society The Second Nature maturation of wearable computing should encompass a holistic approach towards identifying the anxiety effects that are felt with any disturbance or interruption of the norm. This work will ensue unchartered elements of social behavior grounded by proofing element that monitor; debt of feel, technology adaptation, third screen principals and the connected life. As a self-proclaimed pioneer in form factor design, I feel that it is my duty to substantiate the product development process with the socially responsible research that supports the aesthetic. These findings will be defined as the sum of my practice, and help to unfold to the world of science, our world’s largest human experiment. “The transitioning of our species from the digital age unto the age of symbiotic intelligence” The term Sym*bio*sis – Greek meaning (companionship) a relationship between two types of animal or plant in which each provides for the other the conditions necessary for its continued existence 1.


A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member. A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.


The inference of the term “Symbiosis”, poses the relevance of my scientific argument that pronounces; the emergence of an intangible organism or being which bares its likeness in the state of artificial intelligence(AI) and has become a parasitic member of the humans social DNA.

Do Machines have a conscious? This anomaly exists to perpetuate the progressive maturation of both the Human being and its subordinated counterpart, ie. (Technology).

“The symbiosis nature of the two starts from the beginning of man, however, the next generation correlates with the speed of its evolution that directly influences which of the two species exist as the head of the spear.” To understand this phenomenon, we will look back at past trends, while maintaining our core research objectives – appropriately defining causes and effects of design standards geared to the mobile apparatus. Cause – What social stimulants exist that are directly influenced by technology? Effects – Social Disorder created by the introduction of disruptive technologies. Question1 – Can vitality and mortality be measured by an artificial being?


This study will found the premise behind Ennovation, and usher in a new life science curriculum that fosters responsible practices around the introduction of disruptive technologies into society. At the very core of this research, our quest for a deeper understanding about how esthetic design, and the technology therein affects the human social and physiological state. Vitality and Mortality are the two part of interest measured and gained from our current age of artificial intelligence. “Without senses (sensors) and instinct (nodes) what is required for mortal calculations (computations) remains simply programmable data (static response triggers).” The birth of computing was centered on if statements, ciphers and mathematical computation. Its program consisted of a series or string of binary codes which in essence lay the very building blocks of computer sciences. Its infancy existed as years of calculations followed by years of interpretation, a constant feeding of data tested upon a likely formatted response. This tenure somehow has been treated as discovery forfeiting what in today’s world would not be considered a journey to new discovery, but rather navigating to a desired end. (Point to Point). However, its next generation does require a form of mortality. It senses and feels and it feeds from a field of view or its own perspective. It makes a choice that is centered to preserve its own mortality and its corresponding subjugates that are required for the future of its existence. It’s a new era, a quantum leap forward in the computing age, one not led by predictive or reactive responses, but is guided by subjected rules of order for sustainability. It is the age of Symbiotic Intelligence.



Symbiotic Vs Symbionics I’ve often promoted the use of technology as the mere tool it was created to be. The thirst for more intellect should never be relinquished by removing the fundamental quest for knowledge by replacing it with google search. An intelligent prognosis to what has quenched the pallet of society is the desire to constantly receive instant gratification or a desired outcome without proper preparedness. What’s also plagued us is the ability to retain kernel knowledge of the subject. Soft tissue computing has evolved to that of computer aided awareness. The cognitive ploys of artificial intelligence should never be overlooked. It is with this technology that our society will continue to achieve new heights. My concern is that by doing so, without a time continuum and the cohesive element that bonds our moral fibers, we could one day realize that the very technology goal that we aspire to achieve becomes the masters of our society. Robotics and their institutional involvement within the manufacturing process have propelled productivity of our goods and services often transcending the companies that implemented them to new heights. However, this was manifested at a cost to societies that spawned the labor forces that now lay antiquated because of its implementation or intrusion depending on what side of the argument you’re on.


The thirst for the competitive advantage was once quenched by working harder on human skills and abilities to do better than your opponent. Today, research equates the desire of healthy humans to achieve more fosters the use of performance enhancement drugs, un-natural stimulants and even self-mutilation of their own limbs. Research of cerebral implant continues to grow year after year. Not so long ago, in a world where the topic of being closer to a spiritual realm existed, Christianity held the moral fiber somewhat intact. Today society has taken steps away from these primitive core principals, and one might argue that the realm of spirituality has artificial intelligence as its pillar. As a fan of science both fiction and the more, it is not my ploy to discount the benefit of countless years of research and development towards an advanced society. My only message is that inside this research, the Human Element and how it responds to this dramatic change should remain succinct to its appropriating bodies of knowledge. Keeping technology within servitudial limits of our race as it exists in the present day. I have awakened from my cyber slumber and now realize the importance of remaining conscious as this transition to the age of symbiotic intelligence takes the stage. I do this with the love of a species that by all since of reality remains enfant and immature amongst the aged assets that it has evolved to rule.


Noitavonne A Design Philosophy A quote by Lael Alexander riddles off a complex look into his philosophy towards Corporate Social Responsibility during our new growth age. He states, “Large companies make platforms, Ennovative companies build the handrails”. He continues to recite, “The dynamic new technological landscape requires prudence in planning with the thoughtful consideration of how humans adapt and respond to this change. Some large companies see this new field as merely a growth sector. Evidence of this exists in the very platforms they promote as social, however failing to grasp the art of being moral. Corporate Social Responsibility should challenge this stigma, and by doing so usher in a heightened element of technology advancement. New fields of innovation will be enabled by this single socially conscious effort.” The importance of understanding this theory around design principals brings to light the reasoning behind the grass roots approach to the creation of Noitavonne. The points made by this document around the traumatic adverse experiences that have gone unmentioned since the inception of this new form of connectivity should be made evident. The new building blocks and design standards needed in order to adapt to behavioral patterns of the market is the precipices of our research. Noitavonne or Ennovation spelled backwards was established as a concept development firm based in Houston, Texas in the latter part of 2009. The company built around the idea


was later incorporated in Early February of 2010 under brand, Noitavonne Inc. The company’s founder, Lael A. Alexander led the startup effort and served as both the lead engineer and product empazario. Noitavonne’s earlier days were geared towards nurturing the idea that was formed around a mobile, yet collaborative environment, “The Mobile Loop” that existed as the collective culmination of next generation technologies that enabled cross functional collaboration and functional commands across the mobile device spectrum without the use of traditional infrastructure. Loop connectivity was the term given to this new “Smart Phone Companion” medium and has since been reduced to practice thru a multitude of platforms and devices that embody both Noitavonne’s philosophy and DNA. Loop connectivity exist as an abstract found in the US Patent and Trademark office under the title, ”Smart Phone Companion Loop”. A more detailed definition can be found in the attachments. As an early stage company, it was important for us to understand the dynamics of both time line and positioning. With the pace of technology as it was, pin pointing obtainable goals in bite size pieces was our primary objective. Alexander reflects, “I have never claimed to be a surfer, but have always loved the sport. Our early days at Bissonett were so relative to this analogy. It was like seeing the wave break while standing at the beach head and having the notion to run out into the ocean, swimming as hard as you could so that you meet the break at its peak. Doing this, or rather obligating yourself and will to this purpose would mean having little or nothing left if you didn’t make it. But if you did, the reward


would be the opportunity to ride the wave back in, standing at its cusp, tall on your achievement while skillfully maneuvering around the threat of a wipe out.” That my friend is the bleeding edge, and only a few out 0of many have the appetite for its risk rewards. Noitavonne at its infancy wasn’t yet ready to tackle any of the world’s challenges, it needed to first understand its purpose, know without a doubt its definition and realize its position within the global landscape. The early established goals were to have kernel knowledge of its intellectual property, supported by the vision of where and at what trajectory the company will approach the industry within the duration of 35 years. “Thinking outside the boxes that others have built”, was a quote that was uttered daily in the first 18 months of Noitavonne. Alexander always felt that where there was mystery, there is a marginal opportunity for success. Appropriating this to his agenda helped to carve a newly defined niche in the market. One that larger companies by size alone could not fulfill. It was the beginning of mobile custom development services. Purpose had been given to the fledgling startup. Understanding how swiftly tech markets change and adopting our development tools towards this moving target has been the strength of my company from it's inception. You must remember that our niche is not merely a product or idea. It is the development of Customer Products and Ideas that follow trends of the day that makes our opportunity remarkable. Currently, there hasn't been a company that is capable of matching our design and prototyping capacity for client services. Unlike software and applications development companies, Noitavonne thrives on the mobile device and


terminal display market that constantly yields new market opportunities in customization of the actual hardware. Our customers, from Skyworth, Haier, BLU, TRICOM, Genesis, HSBC and the likes, have benefited from our ability to adapt to market trends and translate their culture thru aesthetic design. The current project with Sam's Club is representation of how niche the opportunity is. Coupled with designing and manufacturing for others is the opportunity to promote and design our own branded devices. The recent experiences we've had marketing Noitavonne Branded Products to the Tech world thru CES, CTIA, Canadian Wireless Trade Show, and GSMA World Mobile Congress from 2012 thru 2013's current day has set precedence and laid the ground work that's necessary for the successful launch of any product domestically or abroad. The response that we’ve garnered by these appearances has all spawned anticipation of the Launch of our Branded Series. Notably, the Joystick and our Ego Phone have all received tech write-ups and reviews which qued the Technology Underwriters up on our most recent achievement. "Being Named the 2014 CES Innovation and Engineering Awards Honoree" is a huge boost in our marketing of our products, coupled now with the alliances created with the IMG partnership, I feel that anyone that sees this should see Noitavonne as a multi-tiered way of farming investment dollars that actually grow. Now, I am who I am, and of course there will constantly be the doubters in the world that can't understand how a kid from Edgard would have been able to do so much in this short span of time. Well, I'd like to give you a closer look into how my life evolved, and in short if questions or concerns are drummed up around timelines and experience, note that evidence can and will be provided to support my lifes work...


1992 High School Completed - 1992-94 Grambling State University Transfer- 1994 - University of New Orleans Enlisted in the Navy 94 thru 1998 Professional Career - 1999 Entergy Same Year Begin in Chemical Plant - Union Carbide Olefins 1 Project 1999 thru 2008 Contracted to Refineries and Chemical Plants 2008 thru 2009 Evolved from Refineries to Power Plants 2009 Established my first Engineering Company - Premarc Turnkey Systems - Purposed to Develop and Manage the Project Controls Effort of Turnarounds and Plant Expansions 2009 thru 2010 Company and Staff moved from Shreveport Louisiana to Port Arthur Texas - Requested by Coleman Ferguson, a refinery owner and our first investor ever... 2010 thru 2011 Premarc was repurposed as a methodology and system for development of Alternative Energy Pro jects Promoted Municipal agendas geared at promoting selfsustained methods of energy production and economic development. During the 2009-2011 a themed Project was created that involved the use of offshore oil rigs, The project was named "Tide Wind Energy", Premarc and LaTourno (check the spelling) were engaged and funded thru Coleman Ferguson and a group of Independent Refinery Owners to develop and engineer this Offshore Hybrid Rig. Results of which evolved to the development of Tide Wind Energy as a company. Tide Wind Energy had great success in developing micro power plants using the technologies provided by Siemens and Capstone. These two companies served as co-developers and technology strategic partners. The co-development of a 1 mega-watt power plant with the smallest known footprint per pound was an achievement earned by this company that I founded and spear headed. Two successful implementations in Texas and large project in Ibesse Nigeria are the successes of Tide Wind Energy. While in this field, I had already begun certain developments around consumption and the monitoring power usage on local grids during the move from Shreveport to Texas back in 2009... By mid 2010, those


concepts were being made reality ushering in my next three years of development around a communication hub. Integrated Smart Grid Systems was the company that was suppose to be launched to promote the latest innovation that Tide Wind Energy had Created. The product was called UTMD or Unattended Monitoring Device. It was created as a communications hub that had telemetry sensors built in thru nodes that could collect incremental data from a host of routine sources. A pilot of its use was conducted at LADWP utilizing AT&T private DSN network and power distribution transformers. The communication hub was the focus point within the project, and after the first year, I had personally taken on a different path towards managing the devices that would communicate with this hub on it's unique signature and frequency. My thought was simple, "on any device that operated frequency dependent, I wanted to mirror the device but also have functional remote capabilities to control the devices I was mirrored too". After proving my concepts around mirroring smartphones and networked connected devices, I moved to begin the development of our current company. Noitavonne or Ennovation in a Mirror..... I am a designer, technician, mechanic, pipefitter, welder, QAQC, Project Controls Manager, Speaker, Musician, Son of Great Parents, Father of Great Kids, and a friend to everyone that spends 2 minutes with me..... Every


Glossary Intuition – The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes: immediate Cognition – Knowledge gained by perceptive insight: a sense of something not evident or deductible: an impression Technology – The application of Science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives: the scientific method and material used to achieve the same Anthropology – The body of knowledge available to a society that is used in fashioning implements, manual arts, and skills; and extracting or collecting materials Innovation – The act of introducing something new Ennovation – The act of introducing something impactful that fosters social responsibility Evolution – The change in inherited characteristics of a biological population over successive generations. (species, individual organisms and molecules)


Concepts Artificial Intelligence AI – Predictive Response (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is also the name of the academic field of study which studies how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior. Major AI researchers and textbooks define this field as "the study [1] and design of intelligent agents", in which an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and [2] takes actions that maximize its chances of success. John [3] McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent [4] machines". Programmable Intelligence – Reactive Response (PI) is known as types of programming language that are created to trigger response thru algorithms Symbiotic Intelligence – Subjective Response (SI) is the intelligence that is both created, exhibited and interpreted by human and machines. It exist as a companionship and further relates to behavioral occurrences of both entities seemingly learning more about one another, a synchronization between man and machine. Instinctive programmability. Alexander, who coined the term in 2009, defines it as “a companion relationship between two intelligent species designed to improve life span of each other.


Human to Android? The Human Element is as complicated as it is simple. Thread over thread of congruency over matter seeking answers to the mystery that surrounds them by day while taking joy in the surroundings by night. The human clock at one time was rather binary; a systematic string of does and don’ts filled with moral parameters, or rules if you will, that enabled the entity to be one with each other and the world they knew. H2A - Human to Android! A simple program, a likely agend a, the ultimate immersion where by a person once thought to have general senses and feelings now operate in the numb. “When a person’s desire to be active is reprogrammed into a virtual field of activities, therein lies a problem.” “When simulation becomes the ultimate stimulation, we have loss the human race.” Ironically, our race have always been given a choice of sides. Bad or Good, White or Black, the Evil Empire and the Star Wars Troopers, Newton’s Apple and Googles Android. The idea of binary programming is the same. Its two choices that leads to one ultimate reality. I/O equal IO in an instance. Alexander, calls this fuzzy mystery area (Prolonged Resolution) or (Resolve). This idea works in binary or Qbits. Relative to anything that is asked upon any body of knowledge, both sides if asked the proper questions can be led to agree on 1 state. Simple Programing!


Polarity The spin we human put on coincidence! I choose to defy obstacles and go it against the grain. Most of us oddly yoked entrepreneurs are cut the same way. Forever innovating and throwing a curve ball at those things that are considered the norm. Is it that we’re moral offenders with repeat as the predicated jargon that follows the word change, or just simply artistic begins that see the world and its opportunities as canvas that requires constant iterations of color, tone and depth. I think its that, most of us know that the best paintings or works of art are the ones derived from layer upon layers of artistic trials. We understand that with every layer is a story, one that gives depth to what we see exhibited as the final work . In short I feel that paintings are never really done, these works are seemingly like fine wine, only time makes them better. How many happy days did it take to paint misery? How many sad days are recorded in scripting a comedy? There is depth between the layers, the moments when the innovator in us create the wins out of certain loses. I call it Polarity. “The Zenith of Eureka Moments�


Protocol of Connectivity via loop connectivity (Handshaking). This will enable a multi-user-one cursor environment among each resident group. When a question is displayed on the tablet, each member from each team will see the question appear with-in one nano second interval of the next team member in each group. (This simulates a Qbit field of 24 at active states) Each member of each team will be given time to disseminate the appropriate answering. (This simulates the Qbit field at dissolution) The first person to answer the question stops all tablets and post results. (This simulates the Qbit field at Resolution). The act of engaging the question with 24 thinkers seeking the answer in order to get the one correct answer is not the mission of the test. Rather, we would hope to learn metrics of response patterns by the field after the total battery of questions is asked to determine the speed and consistency of each Qknome. Theory 1. After the first 10 questions, a pattern of adjuration, aggression and competition is created which in turn will cause the field to be separated into three groups. (Yes) Group 1 - will become the hands to buzzer, monitoring their response for correction will be a priority measurement. (Positive Neutrons) (No) Group 2 - will become the geared to move to static before gaining full understanding of the question. Consistency in aggressive behavior and willingness to continue will be measured. (Negative Neurons) (Maybe) Group 3 - will likely move to the group that appears to lead. (Born aggregators) Measurements is extracted from test results and direction of travel‌ (Which group they were more closely aligned with)


Quantum Resolution The instance that remains at the in-active level of Qbit entanglement is termed Quantum Resolution Quantum Loop – Enables a single resolve to be attained thru resolution of multiple instances. (In and entangled state or field) Quantum Dissolution – A state that is either plural or singular depending on its substrate; Often the re-occurrence of an instance in a flick of light, Fuzzy Notion; The final stages of clarity within the realm of complexity. An environment can be dynamic or static and is active only for a cycle. This state is defined by either its instance or pattern of occurrence. A Quantum loop is singular in a static state and can be plural in a dynamic state. Loop offers a new perspective towards computational problem solving in a way that continues to grow the cognitive abilities of man. It allows for multipronged approaches to new discovery and challenges the theory of symbiotic intelligence vs artificial intelligence. The Alexander Test enables measurement and metrics to be gained from two bodies of knowledge. It is a test consisting of 3 parts that involve nodes and intercepts, aggregators and estimators, experts and practitioners. Three groups with eight members per group would be asked general questions that can be researched down to the final resolve. There results will be awarded a point based on level of correctness, speed and cognition. Each member of each group will be given a tablet that will be connected thru Alexander’s


Q-Knome Entanglement. Quantum Knome - Provides a scalable, production-grade informatics system for the analysis, annotation, and interpretation of human next-gen sequence data (genome, [ exome, targeted gene). I noticed a few years ago a strange uncanny reoccurrence in my social habits that I’ve now tried to examine with the use of scientific principles. In a time when information is seemingly at your fingertips and normal recordings of events are shared and or reminded via the social portal we call the web. I sat and noticed that on this day, 8 of my friends shared the same birthday. This would not make a huge indent in my frontal lobe normally, nor would it require a fundamental bookmark, however 2 weeks later, another event like this one took place naming at least 4 of my close friends within days apart being born. This started as a pet gaze into coincidental occurrences in one’s life but then I noticed something a bit more peculiar in who these associated birthdays were attached too and further, the depth of their impact within my social circle. And so it started, an all out engagement of seeking to find patterns of people I’d be linked too, and a grouping methodology based on their origins and relation to me. I did this first my allowing every notification to alert me specifically focused on birthdays.


The method was seemingly a level one attempt at creating a test mod for further review. I referenced three social nodes for dependency to this research. Skype, Facebook and Yahoo were the three likely resources that could index my family and friends. After realizing certain findings, it was apparent that something synthetic in nature was occurring far beyond the typical laws of attraction. I noticed that a fair percentage of these subjects could be categorized by the mere impact they have on my daily life. And at this point, what roles each group played within stages of my maturity. Interestingly enough, my curiosity demanded more knowledge of everyday encounters with people on the street, people in transit and people you meet by mere incidental contact. When ask their birthday, it ultimately fit one of the groups that my earlier study had already defined. Creating a measurement tool and logic table was the next step but there was more to unlock. I had realized that only one area of my life was opened to this very unique study. At this time, I hadn’t taken into account Colleges or business associates. To do so, I solicited my friend’s notification on linkedin. Astonished by these results, only four groups were established and of these groups, activity data enabled segmentation of people I encountered that ended doing something fruitful, merely a passerby or someone that I wish I wouldn’t have met or painful to do business with. I find this study interesting on many levels. In my personal life, one could say that it is coincidental to have married my wife who has the same birthday as one of my best friends, or that along my life’s span, every roommate I’ve ever had was



born between July 27 and August 1 . It’s crazier when you look to my children to find that everyone of their birthday’s aligned with someone significant in my life that was there many years before they were even thought of. In a nut shell, if somehow we are all linked by this fuzziness at a distance theory of Einstein, then thru mapping our origin and the peoples origins that we’ve come in contact with, maybe science could determine whether or not this laws of attraction theory could somehow be tied to Quantum Entanglement. Human Clusters – Meaningful coincident.. What likes to occur with what… Not cause and effect. Simply “Polarity”.


The Symbiotic Theory! Can Machines learn to have a conscious? Could Synchronicity and Quantum Entanglement be the pillars of Symbiotic Intelligence? Matter + Physics Polarity? – Coincidence or Science Non-Locality is one of the most important factors of quantum mechanics. Could it be that Alexander continues to prove the work of: Einstein’s views Spooky action at a distance! Bellche’s equations Bores views Carl Jung Pauli’s views

Loop Connectivity IP Abstract – A smart phone companion loop is presented as a phone companion solution that extends the use of a mobile device to the loop tablet or compatible computing device by pairing functionality of both devices. The Loop tablet operates as a standalone or parallel device, allowing users to operate applications and functionality from either of the paired devices. The Loop tablet allows users to view smartphone applications on a larger screen setting wirelessly. Loop connectivity is the seamless integration of one or more paired mobile devices that communicate wirelessly and share total functionality when tethered or synced with bidirectional control and interface between looped devices with functional commands from both devices. Tablet and cell phone will be “paired” for security reasons. It may be possible to pair a tablet or computing device with multiple registered phones that operate under a standard or custom operating system. A Review about the Loop Tablet declares, “Noitavonne™ brings market first connectivity tools” 33

Quantum Loop Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Because it depends on classical communication, which can proceed no faster than the speed of light, it cannot be used for faster-than-light transport or communication of classical bits. It also cannot be used to make copies of a system, as this violates the nocloning theorem. While it has proven possible to teleport one or more qubits of information between two (entangled) [1][2][3] atoms, this has not yet been achieved between molecules or anything larger. Although the name is inspired by the teleportation commonly used in fiction, there is no relationship outside the name, because quantum teleportation concerns only the transfer of information. Quantum teleportation is not a form of transportation, but of communication; it provides a way of transporting a qubit from one location to another, without having to move a physical particle along with it. In matters relating to quantum or classical information theory, it is convenient to work with the simplest possible unit of information, the two-state system. In classical information this is a bit, commonly represented using one or zero (or true or false). The quantum analog of a bit is a quantum bit, or qubit. Qubits encode a type of information, called quantum information, which differs sharply from "classical" information. For example, quantum information can be neither copied (the no-cloning theorem) nor


destroyed (the no-deleting theorem), and classical bits cannot be used to encode quantum bits. Quantum teleportation provides a mechanism of moving a qubit from one location to another, without having to physically transport the underlying particle that a qubit is normally attached to. Much like the invention of the telegraph allowed classical bits to be transported at high speed across continents, quantum teleportation holds the promise that one day, qubits could be moved likewise. However, as of 2013, only photons and single atoms have been employed as information bearers; molecules have not, nor does this even seem likely in the upcoming years, as the technology remains daunting. Specific distance and quantity records are stated below. The movement of qubits does require the movement of "things"; in particular, the actual teleportation protocol requires that an entangled quantum state or Bell state be created, and its two parts shared between two locations (the source and destination, or Alice and Bob). In essence, a certain kind of "quantum channel" between two sites must be established first, before a qubit can be moved. Teleportation also requires a classical information link to be established, as two classical bits must be transmitted to accompany each qubit. The need for such links may, at first, seem disappointing; however, this is not unlike ordinary communications, which requires wires, radios or lasers. What's more, Bell states are most easily shared using photons from lasers, and so teleportation could be done, in principle, through open space. The quantum states of single atoms have been teleported. An atom consists of several parts: the qubits in the electronic state or electron shells surrounding the atomic nucleus, the qubits in the nucleus itself, and, finally, the electrons, protons and neutrons making up the atom. Physicists have teleported


the qubits encoded in the electronic state of atoms; they have not teleported the nuclear state, nor the nucleus itself. It is therefore false to say "an atom has been teleported". It has not. The quantum state of an atom has. Thus, performing this kind of teleportation requires a stock of atoms at the receiving site, available for having qubits imprinted on them. The importance of teleporting nuclear state is unclear: nuclear state does affect the atom, e.g. in hyperfine splitting, but whether such state would need to be teleported in some futuristic "practical" application is debatable. An important aspect of quantum information theory is entanglement, which imposes statistical correlations between otherwise distinct physical systems. These correlations hold even when measurements are chosen and performed independently, out of causal contact from one another, as verified in Bell test experiments. Thus, an observation resulting from a measurement choice made at one point in spacetime seems to instantaneously affect outcomes in another region, even though light hasn't yet had time to travel the distance; a conclusion seemingly at odds with Special relativity (EPR paradox). However such correlations can never be used to transmit any information faster than the speed of light, a statement encapsulated in the nocommunication theorem. Thus, teleportation, as a whole, can never be superluminal, as a qubit cannot be reconstructed until the accompanying classical information arrives. The proper description of quantum teleportation requires a basic mathematical toolset, which, although complex, is not out of reach of advanced high-school students, and indeed becomes accessible to college students with a good grounding in finite-dimensional linear algebra. In particular, the theory of Hilbert spaces and projection matrixes is heavily used. A qubit is described using a two-dimensional complex number-valued vector space (a Hilbert space); the formal manipulations given below do not make use of anything much more than that. Strictly speaking, a working knowledge


of quantum mechanics is not required to understand the mathematics of quantum teleportation, although without such acquaintance, the deeper meaning of the equations may remain quite mysterious. Work in 1998 verified the initial predictions, and the distance of teleportation was increased in August 2004 to 600 meters, using optical fiber. Subsequently, the record distance for quantum teleportation has been gradually increased to 16 km, then to 97 km, and is now 143 km (89 mi), set in open air experiments done between two of the Canary Islands. There has been a recent record set (as of September 2015) through supercooled nanowire that reached the distance of 101 km (63 mi) For material systems, the record distance is 21 m. A variant of teleportation called "open-destination" teleportation, with receivers located at multiple locations, was demonstrated in 2004 using five-photon entanglement. Teleportation of a composite state of two single photons has also been realized. In April 2011, experimenters reported that they had demonstrated teleportation of wave packets of light up to a bandwidth of 10 MHz while preserving strongly nonclassical superposition states. In August 2013, the achievement of "fully deterministic" quantum teleportation, using a hybrid technique, was reported. On 29 May 2014, scientists announced a reliable way of transferring data by quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation of data had been done before but with highly unreliable methods. On 26 February 2015, scientists reported the first experiment teleporting multiple degrees of freedom of a quantum particle. Researchers have also successfully used quantum teleportation to transmit information between clouds of gas atoms, notable because the clouds of gas are macroscopic atomic ensembles



Published by Noitavonne Inc in association with the Alexander Foundation for Creative Design. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2015. Ennovations


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