Industrial District Proposal

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Industry CONNECTING COMMUNITIES Mel Chin’s Revival Field - Minnisota • Art and remediation installation located on a previous landfill • Incorporates chain link fence and plants which extract heavy metals from the soil through the plants biomass • Example of remediation as an art form

San Luis Obispo Tank Farm, California

The Dilemma:

The Boise Central Bench has historically been the Industrial hub of the Boise Greater Area. Industry of all types including the gas storage facilities (Tank Farms), production facilities and small businesses are integral in providing job opportunities to a growing city. Presently there is pressure to accommodate increasing population within the Central Bench for residents and refugees looking for more affordable options than the Downtown area. The Tank Farms have become a void occupying a pivotal center within the Central Bench. The Tank Farms have been labeled as a threat to their community and wellbeing. However, gas storage facilities are not equipped to simply pick up and move. The land which has previously been used to store large amounts of gas requires remediation before any proposal for reuse. This proposal looks to reconcile the fiscal integrity of all types of industry as well as accommodate a growing community with diverse cultural values in the Boise Central Bench.

• Operated from the early 1900s until the 1990s as the accumulation point for the petroleum pipeline in San Joaquin Valley • Land remediation and wetland restoration set to occur over a 3 year period • Creation of caps and natural biodegradation evaluated as sufficient for remediation of contamination Landscape Park Duisburg Nord, Germany

Olafur Eliasson’s Circle - Denmark • Increased accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists around the harbor • Functions as a work of art as well as a public space to encourage social interaction • Exemplifies the repetition of form we would like to utilize with the tanks


The Central Bench area has vast potential in becoming an economically viable and social community which exemplifies the values of the Boise residents. With the proposed continuation of the Green Belt from the Downtown into the Central Bench, the district will become a stimulating and vibrant area to experience. The redevelopment of Curtis will help connect the International Market with the Hospital to bring the workers to more food and cultural opportunities. Emerald and Morris Hill will be developed to accommodate a stronger East West connection which will then bring residents to support the new businesses proposed on Emerald. The introduction of smaller industrial businesses which focus on design and innovation and then on production will allow for a more vibrant, social and stable economy within the Central Bench. Site specific interventions that are rooted in experience while paying homage to the history of industry and existing Boise culture which will then create the identity of the Boise Central Bench.

Art Map • Effort to reuse old industrial sites and transform into natural parks using natural regeneration of soil • Allowed existing abstract structures to function in new ways • Example of acceptance of industrial structures and implementation of new design solutions Hiraya Park, Israel


Smoothing the transition of the Central Bench into a thriving community will be heavily dependent on the enforcement of time frames and key development strategies. As the gas industry becomes obsolete we propose the removal, repurposing or relocating of the tank farms. The land in which the tank farms occupy is key to increasing connectivity within the Central Bench. In order to utilize it the land must be remediated. We propose the introduction of small design and innovation industrial companies to encourage more incubator businesses to enliven the area, create job and creative opportunities. This will pay tribute to the industrial community which occupied the Central Bench first. Art permeates all disciplines and is therefore central to programming. Art can be the catalyst needed to excited social change. Transitioning the existing forms must be considered. For example the cylindrical pipe structure of the tanks provide opportunities for new designs.

• Landfill site being transformed into a 2,000 acre park with bike trails, energy reclamation and soil rehabilitation • Landfill was shut down for methane production • ECOtainer project was a bridge created with recycled shipping container • Now incorporates art and design into pop-up shops, great example of space integrated for public uses

Durham Perfoming Arts Center, California

• 103,000 sft Broadway-style theater • Former industrial brownfield site • Connects arts community with downtown on remediated land • Renovated historic downtown in hopes of revitalizing the area








Nicolette Maire - Myron Benally - Nolan Baker Derek Lamb - Albert Severe - Artist Madeline walker

caroline lavoie tanya rice 2015

U ta h stat e u n i v e r s i t y laep 4100 Urban theory






• Facilitate communication between industry stakeholders & Boise City

• Begin & complete land remediation studies and implement remediation plan in “key” areas • Expansion of existing greenbelt adjacent to the existing rail line • “Complete Street” improvements along: Curtis, Emerald, Morris Hill, Phillipi & Bethel • Creation of South Bech Park along the new proposed greenbelt • Creation of “Morris Hill & Curtis” Node • Strengthen North/South connection from St. Alphonsus Hospital & the International Market site

20 YEARS • Finalize implementation of remediation plan • Establish new land use & zoning for remediated areas • Begin development on “key” areas of remediated land • Establish new block structure for North Town Center • Establish northsouth greenbelt along Curtis from St. Alphonsus Hospital & the International Market site • Finish all work on “Philippi & Emerald” park, and all major entrances to the greenbelt • Infastructure Development


• Finalize development on all remediated lands • Amend any and all unforeseen issues • Create a coexisting community within the new industrial district • Finish connection of all streets

FINISHED Nicolette Maire - Myron Benally - Nolan Baker Derek Lamb - Albert Severe - Artist Madeline walker

caroline lavoie tanya rice 2015

U ta h stat e u n i v e r s i t y laep 4100 Urban theory


Nicolette Maire - Myron Benally - Nolan Baker Derek Lamb - Albert Severe - Artist Madeline walker

caroline lavoie tanya rice 2015

U ta h stat e u n i v e r s i t y laep 4100 Urban theory


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