Agribulletin 170531

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May 2017

Francois van der Poll, die eienaar van FM Sheetmetal staan hier by een van die reuse masjiene wat uit sy werkswinkel in Tzaneen vervaardig word. Die 4m hidroulies-aangedrewe komposdraaier word regoor die streek deur boere op hul landerye gebruik. Meer oor hierdie indrukwekende masjien in volgende maand se uitgawe. Foto: Joe Dreyer

Orange is the new black P 2

Dr De Jager besoek Bill Gates Bl 3

Waatlemoen kraai koning Bl 15



’n publikasie van FAR NORTH

Bulletin Redakteur: Joe Dreyer Bemarking: Jacques Smuts Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch Tessa Thompson Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850 015 306 0198  Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Visit our website at www.bulletin. for more Agri news or contact us if you would like to advertise on the website.


May 2017

Letsitele’s Black Orange blossoms Orange is this season’s new black. So to speak. We’ve heard the phrase countless times and never once spared a moment to wonder why it has become one of the catchiest clichés of our time. The phrase rests on the assumption that everything in your wardrobe matches the colour black. In other words, black is pretty safe. And it’s formal, and basically fitting for any occasion. Similarly too is this new fragrance, Black Orange, from the heart of the Letsitele Valley. Blended by local lass, Karin van Rooyen, the fragrance marries the rich aroma of jasmin with the enticing fragrance of the citrus blossoms our area is known for during the months of September and October. People compare her fragrance to some international perfume blends because of its rich, lingering aroma - but with a more sophisticated edge – and orders have been streaming in from across the region. “I’ve always been drawn to the uplifting fragrance of citrus infused oils,” explained Karin. “I have created my own unique signature blend using only the highest quality essential oils available. At the base of the fragrance lies the various citrus oils namely original orange, the luscious lemon and lime, and grateful grapefruit.” Like its name suggests, the perfume can be matched to literally any occasion and imbues the wearer with a sense of fresh-

ness no matter the season, or time of day. “The scent will last throughout the day and is one of the reasons for its popularity among the ladies in this area. One of my regular clients had the best explanation for Black Orange. She said that it made her feel warm even during the cold winter months because she kept smelling the orange blossoms.” The Black Orange range includes other products such as bath oils, body butter, body scrubs, hand creams and even room sprays. All of these are beautifully packaged and available in some perfume stores around the province. For online orders and a look at the products, visit their website at www.blackorangespa. com or send Karin an email at “We have started looking at a fragrance for men this year after receiving numerous enquiries from all the men in the area and that should hope-

Bulletin FAR NORTH



Bulletin FAR NORTH


fully launch soon. In the meantime we invite Tzaneen’s ladies to come and sample our range and experience the changing of the season first hand.” Black Orange – wear the change. — Joe Dreyer

Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543





May 2017

De Jager gesels met Gates Links: Dr Theo de Jager, Bill Gates en Ishmael Sunga, na die konferensie. Regs: Dr Theo de Jager voor die ingang na die Bill en Melinda Gates Foundation in die VSA.

Die Bill en Melinda Gates Stigting het op 3 Mei vanjaar, tydens ‘n dinkskrum op die kampus van Intellectual Ventures in Seattle, Washington State, besluit om digitale kommunikasiegeleenthede te benut om die modernisering en kommersialisering van veral kleinskaallandbou in Afrika te bevorder. Die uitbreiding van selfoonnetwerke en verwante bankdienste, en die skerp styging in toegang tot selfone in landelike gebiede in Afrika, skep geleenthede wat voorheen nie moontlik was nie. Dr Theo de Jager en Ishmael Sunga, onderskeidelik President en Uitvoerende Direkteur van die Suider-Afrikaanse Konfederasie van Landbou-unies (SACAU), wat 17 nasionale Landbou-organisasies in 12 lande verteenwoordig, is genooi om aan die kleingroepiegesprek deel te neem. SACAU is sedert 2014 besig met verskeie loodsprojekte om digitale tegnologie in landbou-ontwikkeling te toets. Hierdie projekte sluit ondermeer in ‘n grootdataprojek in die melkbedryf in Zambië, boereregistrasieprojekte in Swaziland en Lesotho, waardeket-

ting-gebasseerde finansiering in Tanzanië en ‘n innoverende ledegeldstruktuur saam met Suid-Afrikaanse landboumaatskappye. Daar is onder andere gekyk na die oes van toepaslike data oor klimaat, produksie, markte, kostes, rampe, opbrengste, peste en siektes, en produksie-areas. Saam met Bill Gates, het sy dekadelange kollega en vriend, Nathan Paul Myhrvold, asook die Hoof van die Bill en Melinda Gates Stigting, Dr Susan DesmondHellmann, baie aktief aan die dikwels robuuste debat

deelgeneem. Hulle het veral indringende vrae oor die volhoubaarheid van heërsende modelle van kleinskaal-boerdery in Afrika, en hoe kommunikasiegnologie, data en n volgende generasie van digitale landbou-organisasies kan bydra om armoede en honger uit te wis. ‘n Afvaardiging van die Bill en Melinda Gates Stigting sal einde Mei die SACAU Jaarvergadering in Kaapstad bywoon om verdere toepassings en moontlike voortspruitende projekte in Suidelike Afrika te ondersoek. A Daimler Brand

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Terms and Conditions apply. Subject to credit approval. Offer calculated on a Mercedes-Benz Vito Panel Van 111 CDI, on Installment Sale agreement with a balloon payment. Maintenance Plan is based on 120 000km over 5 years. Service Fee of R171.00 (incl VAT). Initiation fee of R1197.00 (incl VAT). Finance provided by Mercedes Benz Finance and Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (PTY) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence No. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence No. NCRCP80). Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market. Offer valid from 1 May 2017 until 30 June 2017 (stocks last). E&OE. *The figures shown were obtained in accordance with the prescribed measuring process (Regulation (EC) 715/2007 in the currently applicable version. The Vito is also available in Mixto and Tourer models.

Mercurius Polokwane CV Address: 5 Marmer Rd, Magna Via, Corporate Park one, Polokwane Website: Tel: 015 298 4700

Bulletin FAR NORTH


May 2017

Recovery on course South Africa’s agriculture sector is now the cost of input in agriculture particuperfectly on course for recovery, this larly fertiliser, chemicals and fuel as well is on the backdrop of a devastating as technology e.g. tractors and combine drought and while we breathe a harvesters which are largely imsigh of relief, the recent downported. grades are likely to have Increase in consumer inflasomber implications that tion - Given that grain prices may dampen the recovery of are based on import parity, the sector. which is derived from interThe downgrades are also national prices, a sustained at a time when agricultural rand weakness will increase debt has risen exponentially local prices which may fuel over the last decconsumer inflation ade and worsened thereby eroding the further over the purchasing power past two years. The of the man on the country’s economy street. is struggling with Decreased inthe recent Intervestment levels national Monetary - Lower investment Fund (IMF) proand confidence in Paul Makube jections showing the country will growth below 1% lead to job losses in 2017. Farmers and agribusinesses and a further contraction in the overall alike have had to look at new ways of re- economy. Government revenues will scheduling some of their debt. eventually be negatively impacted as Paul Makube, senior agricultural econ- the tax pool declines in the longer term. omist at FNB Business, gave a break “Nonetheless, even in the face of risdown of the impact of these economic ing economic pressures, the improved challenges on the sector: confidence in the sector with readings Impact on the Rand - Longer term, the of the recent AgBiz/ IDC Agribusiness rand might weaken which may cause Confidence Index trending above 50-ininflation to increase and subsequently dex points for three consecutive quarforce the Reserve Bank to either delay ters indicate resilience in the sector. We interest rate cuts or even raise them. therefore still expect a modest rebound Increased input costs - While a weaker in agricultural growth in 2017” concludrand might boost exports, it will increase ed Makube.





May 2017

Red Sun receives top accolades “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” said Mark Hassenkamp, the owner of Red Sun Hortitech, an innovative nursery just outside Tzaneen. Hassenkamp and his team have just recently been awarded the highest commercial nursery score in the country, from the Seedling Growers Association of South Africa. That’s over and above the five star grading they received from the South African Macadamia growers association (SAMAC) during the same period this year. Red Sun Hortitech were also accredited by BioGold – a plant breeders rights administration group – to hold the licenses for the germplasms, the multiplications of the varieties and the dis-

tribution to local growers. They are now running processes at their nursery which are world-firsts, such as fractal water (currently still in its experimental phase), which is set to change the future of agriculture in the years to come. “The big agricultural debate regarding the utilization of land, is only going to be answered through creating the skills base that is needed to sustain the innovation required to make agricultural itself, sustainable.” It is this way of innovative thinking that has ensured that Red Sun Hortitech has become the trusted supplier of quality plants to growers both nationally and internationally. Hassenkamp has managed to position his team alongside their farmers to explore one of the most exciting industries that’s opening up for the country’s youth of the future. It is said that the next generation of billionaires will come from the agricultural sector because of the tremendous strides companies within this sector have made, and continue to make almost daily. “The accolades my team and I have been

awarded with, honour much more than just the exciting end product. It is about sustainability, absolute trust, unwavering reliability and ground-breaking innovation which have birthed the exceptionally high standards you see here today. Everything is about trust. Trust from the farmers, the growers and trust among the members of our team that we will deliver on our promise to supply the perfect tree.” — Joe Dreyer

Bulletin FAR NORTH


May 2017

Tzaneen 015 307 2493 / 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen




May 2017

Cheetah Metapopulation explained Vincent van der Merwe (34) heads up the cheetah metapopulation in South Africa. This approach to conservation began with the black rhino expansion project in 2003, then wild dogs in 2009. The cheetah metapopulation project was launched 2011. South Africa is the only country in the world that has had an increase in these species. Haenertsburg-born Vinny studied entomology insects, then genetics for Honours, his Masters in Conservation and his PhD will be on cheetah conservation. He studied at the University of Pretoria and began his three-year PhD in Cape Town this year. Vinny says, “At the Endangered Wildlife Trust I manage 54 fenced reserves that hold cheetahs across South Africa. This metapopulation, a whole lot of fragmented populations, supports 334 cheetahs. Each reserve has, on average, 6 or 7 cheetahs which means inbreeding is a potential issue. My job is to relocate the cheetahs to prevent inbreeding.” Wild cheetah occur in South Africa in three scenarios.

• •

The metapopulation on 54 reserves. Two huge reserves, namely KNP and Kgalagardi. KNP has 410 and Kgalagardi 200. These two areas have a large enough gene pool and don’t need to be managed. • A free roaming population of some 370 cheetah in farmlands on the border with Botswana. Once every four years the Endangered Wildlife Trust does a public census and counts the cheetah in the KNP. The human population in Africa has seen exponential growth for the past 13, 000 years. The problem began when we stopped being hunter/gatherers and started farming crops and livestock. Cheetah were killed when taking livestock and they have simply run out of space due to crop farming and ur-

ban development. It is our firm belief that cheetah do not belong in cages, but rather in the wild where they can do what they have being doing for thousands of years. Vinny says, “Moral of the story is that wildlife and humans don’t coexist well. One way to deal with that is to fence the humans out and the animals in for their safety. But when you fence you limit natural gene flow. Moving the animals between the fenced populations will retain genetic integrity.” He concluded, “As long as we manage these fragments responsibly by fencing and implementing human mediated gene flow, our wildlife will pull through the next 100 years of exponential human population on the African continent.”

Vincent van der Merwe

Cheetahs in the wild. Photos: Rosie Miles

Bulletin FAR NORTH


May 2017

BB Ford Tzaneen School drive 2017

Supporting local schools

We at BB Ford Tzaneen are running a campaign with all schools in our district. We will donate R500 to the school of your choice when you purchase a vehicle from us. Any parent, educator or even friend of the school will qualify. Once you have made your purchase, return this advert with the stamp of your selected school and we will make the donation to them.

Proudly part of the


Terms and conditions apply. Offers only valid while dealer stock last. Please note pictures are for illustative purposes only but the model derivative and offer are consistent. The colour shown on advertised models will not necessarily be available as stock are limited. All rates and payments on offers advertised are subject to customer credit approval by the bank and cannot be guaranteed to customers. All transaction fees excluded. Vehicle on the road costs excluded. Price subject to change without prior notice. E&OE

015 307 3740

Bulletin FAR NORTH

May 2017

Veteran hunter dies in Zim A well-known professional hunter from the area was killed during an excursion in Zimbabwe. National and international media reported on the tragic hunting death of Theunis Botha (51) from Tzaneen. Known as Theuns Luiperd, Theunis was a professional big game hunter as well as a breeder of hunting dogs. He introduced the African Blue Hound into the K9 anti-poaching units. Theunis was with a group of hunters at Good Luck farm in Gwayi near Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe on Friday 19th May. The hunters had gone for a walk at around 17:30 that afternoon when they suddenly came upon a breeding herd of elephants. Three elephant cows stormed the hunters and Theunis shot at them. A fourth cow stormed Theunis from the side and lifted him with her trunk. One of the hunters then fatally shot the cow. As the cow collapsed, she fell on top of Theunis killing him. Theunis was a specialist at hunting leopards with his big game hounds. He’d been hunting for most of his life and paid for his own studies through his hunting. He had a degree in psychology and anthropology. Botha was a former pupil of Ben Vorster High in Tzaneen.

His company Theunis Botha Big Game Safaris and Hounds, formed in 1980, catered for many wealthy clients from the USA. His wife, Carike, travelled to Zimbabwe on Monday to identify Theunis’ body at the Hwange Colliery Hospital mortuary. He will be remembered as an exceptional professional hunter and as a wonderful husband and father. Besides his wife, Theunis leaves his five children Marike, Liza, Carmen, Yvonne and Theunis Jnr. Botha was the second South African professional game hunter to have died in Zimbabwe in the past two months. The first incident involved a close friend of his, Scott van Zyl (44), who went missing in April this year. It was reported that Van Zyl had been

out on a hunting excursion with a group, when one of his hunting dogs went missing. Van Zyl allegedly went in search of the dog and never returned to camp. A search which lasted close on two weeks ended with the discovery of Van Zyl’s remains inside the bellies of three crocodiles shot by the Zimbabwean police on the banks of the Limpopo River. DNA testing confirmed that the remains belonged to Van Zyl.

Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes Helikopter beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2017 Spuitwerk op moeilike terrein, veral vir Makadamias en Avokado boorde. Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 082 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: •



May 2017



Sweepslag! Die tradisie van sweepslaan is so eie aan die Suid-Afrikaner soos rugby, potjiekos en brandewyn. Die sweep is meer as net ‘n simbool in die boere kultuur. Plaaswerkers gebruik al eeue-lank die sweep om vee in die kraal in te jaag en selfs Hollywood het die sweep bekendheid laat verwerf deur die Indiana Jones flieks. Daar is tegniek daaraan verbonde en dis nie sommer enige ou wat die sweep se punt kan laat klap nie. Wat nog te sê van twee swepe gelyktydig. By Hoërskool Merensky het so paar manne (en selfs nou ‘n dogter)

sweepslaan as ‘n volwaardige sport begin beoefen, en dié het nou vlam gevat onder die leerlinge met almal wat nou betrokke wil raak. “Elke Plasie wat wil sweep slaan, moet sy eie sweep ook vleg,” het Magnus Steyn, hoof van Hoërskool Merensky, verduidelik. “Die sport het ontplof hier in Plasieland en voor elke Eerstespan rugby wedstryd slaan ons die swepe agter die pale om ons spelers aan te moedig. Ons leer die kinders hoe om hul swepe te vleg, en dan word daar geoefen om die verskillende tegnieke te bemeester.” Die sport is groot in die VSA en daar is selfs ‘n internasionale kompetisie wat jaarliks gehou word.



BESTUUR DIE NUWE JAGUAR F-PACE VANAF SLEGS R9 999* P.M. Moenie toelaat dat die edelproporsies en alledaagse praktiese aspekte jou flous nie. Die Jaguar F-PACE is geïnspireer deur die F-TYPE en het die DNS van ‘n sportsmotor. Die F-PACE se Liggewig Alluminiumargitektuur is stewig en sterk vir ongelooflike beweeglikheid en hanteerbaarheid. Sy Vektorwringkrag maak voorsiening vir presiese remvermoë aan die binnewiele, terwyl dit krag uitvoer na die buitewiele vir beter beheer om draaie. Ekstra ruim, kragtig en vinnig Jaguar se eerste prestasie-SNV is ‘n spelwisselaar. Bespreek jou toetsrit vandag.


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*Aanbod beskikbaar deur Jaguar Finansiële Dienste. Aanbodparameters is buigbaar maar dit sal die koers en betaling beïnvloed, kontak handelaar en F&V-bestuurder vir meer opsies. Hierdie betalings is slegs voorbeelde en mag verander afhangend van die datum van die eerste betaling ens. Veranderings in die primakoers, tans by 10,50%, sal veranderings aan hierdie skedule veroorsaak, tensy dit op ‘n ‘Vastekoers’-basis uitgewerk is. Klant is verantwoordelik vir die ballonbetaling wanneer en indien toepaslik. Onderhewig aan kredietgoedkeuring volgens JLR FS-kredietkriteria. Handelspryse onderhewig aan verandering sonder voorafkennisgewing. Geadverteerde maandelikse paaiement sluit die aanvangskoste van R1 197,00 en die maandelikse diensfooi van R68,40 in, terwyl voorraad hou. Jaguar Finansiële Dienste, ‘n produk van Wesbank - ‘n afdeling van First Rand Bank Beperk. ‘n Gemagtigde verskaffer van finansiële dienste en krediet. NCRCP20.





May 2017

“Jou Sukses - Ons Spesialiteit”

Laeveld Trekkers

Tzaneen Letsitele


Hannes Brits

Tinus Malan

Verkope: Hannes 071 496 1518 Onderdele: Tinus 082 319 2906 Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele, 0850



May 2017



What the drought taught us Apart from the Western Cape, the gripping drought that hung over the country has finally weathered away, - the agricultural sector has more than recovered to a projected record harvest. Good rainfall over most of the summer grain producing areas, a lot of rested lands, improved cultivars and the use of technology resulted in record crops for both maize and soya beans. The maize crop increased from roughly 7.7 million tonnes to a projected 14.3 million tonnes. The intensive livestock sector, such as feedlots, dairies and broiler producers, has also benefited from the rains as there will be an improvement in the feed margins. However, the extensive livestock sector, farmers producing from grazing, is still not out of the woods yet. A lack of good rainfall and very low dam levels in the Western Cape are concerning, however, we remain hopeful as we head into winter, that the usual winter rains begin to fall across the province.

So what are the lessons we have learnt from this drought: Lesson 1 - First, it is important not to lose focus of your long term strategy. In farming, droughts will come and go, but how you plan to overcome a drought is an important part of the business. Do your production budget, feed-flow plan and all other budgeting with both an optimistic view but always factor in a worst case scenario. If your farm can overcome the worst case scenario, then you will be fine. Lesson 2 - Try to keep to your cash flow budget as far as possible and for as long as possible. This might mean that you have to sell off non-productive assets, but rather this than the risk of losing productive assets. Lesson 3 - An important lesson is to diversify and with the current improved conditions, now might be the time to do so. In general, production conditions for the agricultural sector have improved substantially and this is clear in the latest

Landboukundige (Subtropiese Vrugte)

consumer price inflation data release. Food inflation in March fell to its lowest level in 14 months and the expectation is that it will decline even further given the improved agricultural conditions. Meat inflation is however still lagging the decline. Farmers are in the process of rebuilding their herds and hence slaughtering supply has declined. The declining food inflation bodes well for overall inflation and we saw a surprise decline in CPI to 6.1% in March, down from 6.3% in February. Some growing concerns - The recent downgrades in which both consumer and business confidence in South Africa took a knock cannot go without mention. The exchange rate fortunately stabilised and recovered some lost territory but one might wonder where it will go over the next few months. The volatile Rand, combined with an uptick in crude oil prices means we may be in for another fuel price increase in May, and this will further burden the recovering sector. The agricultural sector has seen the worst in the past year, it has however began to find an upward swing again, the rains have returned, dams have filled up to near capacity, we have gone from a very low maize crop to a record high crop, and yes, the economy may be on a


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All welcome!!

Entry Fee @ gate = R50 p/p for day visitors

Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in: • Instandhouding en ontwikkeling van ’n plantvoeding sisteem wat klimaat-, grond-, water- en plant in-teraksie integreer. • Instandhouding en uitbreiding van n geïntegreerde plant beskermingsprogram. • Praktiese advies en ondersteuning aan produksiebestuurders met die ontwikkeling en verbetering van landboukundige praktykewaardestelsel en optrede binne die maatskappy se etiese kode.


(excluding symposium delegates)

Kandidate moet oor die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes beskik: • ‘n Toepaslike universiteitsgraad in Landbou of n verwante studierigting gesteun deur kennis van en praktiese ervaring in Grondkunde, Plantkun-de, Agronomie, Hortologie of enige kombinasie van hierdie vakgebiede. • ‘n Grondige kennis van entomologie en/of plantpatologie sal as aanbeveling dien. • Rekenaarvaardigheid en ‘n geldige bestuurslisensie word vereis.

Die maatskappy bied ʼn onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of epos na werwing@ Rig navrae aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390.

downturn, but just as the drought came and went, so will the tough times too. The overall takeout is plan for the worst, implement the basics, ensure your finances are in order and talk to your banker in advance. If you get that right then there is no reason why you won’t be singing in the rain. — Dawie Maree, Head of Information and Marketing for Agriculture at FNB Business

 mango

ZZ2 se Landboukundiges ondersteun produksie-eenhede deur die lewering van professionele landboukundige dienste. Hierdie diens sluit in analisering, interpretering en voorligting van landboukundige inligting met die doel om produksie te optimaliseer en risiko’s te bestuur. Daar bestaan vakatures vir landboukundiges by die subtropiese vrugte afdeling in Mooketsi, Limpopo Provinsie.

Sluitingsdatum: 12 Junie 2017.

Dawie Maree

ZZ2Farming Mango Ad koerant 25 May 2017 10:07:58 AM




May 2017

Insight into the Agri Land Holdings Bill the offer, only then can the foreign person advertise the land for sale to citizens. It should be noted that the definition of a “citizen” excludes foreign persons, but does include any foreign person who has permanent resident status in terms of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002; • Setting ceilings or capped ownership parameters on agricultural land. Any land holdings in excess of those ceilings are regarded as “redistribution agricultural land”. The owner of the redistribution agricultural land, irrespective of whether the owner is a foreigner or a citizen, must offer the land for sale first to Black people (as defined in the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998, essentially being Indian, African and Coloured citizens) and thereafter to the Minister; and • Granting the Minister the right to expropriate the redistribution agricultural land should the Minister and the land owner not be able to reach agreement on the purchase price of the land. It should be noted that any expropriation process must be done in accordance with the expropriation legislation in force at the time of the expropriation.

While it is not unheard of for countries to restrict foreign ownership of land (eg Hungary, Denmark, Brazil, India, Ireland, Morocco etc. do so in some form), the current draft of the Bill does give rise to a number of concerns about its practical implementation. Some of the concerns include: • The reference in the Bill to concepts of an “offer” and “a right of first refusal” may result in confusion. The Bill purports to attempt to grant the Minister a right of first refusal but places an obligation on a foreign owner to “offer” the right of first refusal to the Minister. In our view, it would be preferable if the Minister were rather granted a clear legislative right of first refusal; • It is unclear whether a sale agreement subject to a suspensive condition and the sale of controlling interest in a juristic owner of land, would be regarded as acquisitions of ownership which would trigger a requirement to notify the transaction to the Land Commission; • The Bill does not adequately deal with leases in favour of foreign persons with lease periods below 30 years and in ex-

Betaalstelsel Administrateur



ʼn Vakature bestaan by ons hoofkantoor in Mooketsi vir ʼn Betaalstelsel Administrateur. Die posbekleër sal verantwoordelik wees vir die administrasie van die vergoedingstelsels van maatskappye wat deel uitmaak van die ZZ2 Groep. Die diens sal gelewer word binne die raamwerk van die ZZ2 waardestelsel en etiese kode.

Kandidate moet aan die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes voldoen: • Minimum Graad 12 of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie met verkieslik ’n naskoolse akademiese kwalifikasie. • Beskik oor toegepaste kennis rakende alle tersaaklike wetgewing (Belasting-, WBDV–, AV- wetgewing). • Aanleg vir syferwerk en rekonsiliasies. • Sistematiese en professionele optrede in die uitvoering van pligte asook beskik oor ʼn hoë vlak van etiese optrede in die hantering van vertroulike inligting. • Rekenaarvaardigheid en kennis van Microsoft Office pakket is noodsaaklik. (Spesifiek Excel, Access en Word) • Uitgebreide en toepaslike ondervinding in die bedryf van betaalstelsels soos bv. SAGE VIP. Kandidate moet oor ’n geldige rybewys en eie vervoer beskik.

Die maatskappy bied ʼn onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of epos na werwing@ Rig navrae aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390.


ZZ2 se Tamatie afdeling het vakatures beskikbaar vir Landbouprodukbestuurders in die Limpopo Provinsie. Die suksesvolle aansoekers sal ʼn tamatieproduksieprojek effektief bestuur deur die lewensiklus van die projek wat begin by grondvoorbereiding tot die lewering van die vrugte aan die pakhuis. bulletin©0310zz2170531tl

Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in: • Die administrasie van ʼn aantal betaalstelsels van maatskappye in die ZZ2 Groep. Die stelsel wat gebruik word is SAGE VIP. • Bedryf van administratiewe stelsels en prosesse (verslae, invoere, en instandhouding van personeelrekords). • Skakeling en koördinering met interne departemente en maatskappye binne die ZZ2 groep van maatskappye sowel as indien van Rekonsiliasies en skakeling met SARS. • Die hantering en opvolg van navrae verbandhoudend met betaalrol aangeleenthede.

Sluitingsdatum: 9 Junie 2017.

cess of 50 years which would ordinarily be capable of registration at the Deeds Office in terms of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937; and • The Bill attempts to categorise agricultural land as (a) land that falls within the ceilings of capped or ceiling ownership requirements; and (b) redistribution agricultural land, which is the land in excess of the capped ownership requirements. The current wording of the Bill appears to provide the Minister with both a legislative obligation to purchase the redistribution agricultural land as well as the discretion to refuse to buy agricultural land, which would include redistribution agricultural land. As such, it would seem that the Minister has both a compulsory obligation as well as a voluntary obligation to purchase redistribution agricultural land. The Webber Wentzel Real Estate team has carefully considered the Bill and submitted substantial comments on the Bill to the Minister for his consideration. The closing date for the submission of public comments has been extended to 13 June 2017.

Kandidate moet aan die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes voldoen: • • • •

ʼn Tersiêre kwalifikasie in landbou of bewese praktiese ervaring in die produksie van groente is noodsaaklik. Beskik oor gebalanseerde menseverhoudings met toepaslike ervaring in die hantering van arbeidspanne. Die vermoë om in ‘n Afrika taal te kommunikeer sal as aanbeveling dien. Aansoekers moet planmatig en prakties in die uitvoering van take wees.

Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in: • • •

Die selfstandige bestuur van ʼn produksie afdeling en die effektiewe aanwending van die beskikbare hulpbronne. Grondvoorbereiding , plant vestiging, –versorging, –beskerming, –voeding en oesprosesse. Voldoening aan die ZZ2 waardestelsel en optrede binne die maatskappy se etiese kode.

Die maatskappy bied ʼn onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of epos na werwing@ Rig navrae aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390.

Sluitingsdatum: 12 Junie 2017.



On 17 March 2017, the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform published the draft Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill for public comment. The Bill is aimed at progressing land reform within the agricultural sector and will have far-reaching implications for current and future owners of agricultural land. In summary, the Bill aims to improve the land reform process by: • Prohibiting the outright sale of agricultural land to foreign persons and only permitting the registration of long-term leases in favour of a foreign person; • Requiring all owners of agricultural land to register their land and ownership structures with a Land Commission to be established in terms of the Bill. The requirement to notify the Land Commission extends to current owners of land and also to persons who are in the process of acquiring ownership of land; • Requiring all foreign persons intending to sell their agricultural land, to first offer their land to the Minister to purchase. If the Minister, within 90 days, refuses such offer or does not respond to

Bulletin FAR NORTH


May 2017




May 2017

Waatlemoene - die Vrugte van die Gode Waatlemoene bly ‘n gesogte lekkerny en die verbruik daarvan neem steeds toe. Soos met die meeste bedrywe vind die ontwikkeling in tegnologie in die groentebedryf teen ‘n geweldige pas plaas en het die waatlemoen nie agtergebly nie. Waatlemoenproduksie wat in die verlede hoofsaaklik gerig was op hoë opbrengs, se fokus het geskuif na ‘n groeiende gesofistikeerde mark waar smaak ‘n baie belangrike rol speel. Die Varsprodukte Markte bly steeds die grootste afsetgebied van waatlemoene met vraag en aanbod wat die prys bepaal – die vraag is egter op sy hoogste vroeg in die seisoen. Vir waatlemoenprodusente is dit nie nuus nie, dit is net nie altyd moontlik om vroeg genoeg op die mark te wees om hierdie voordeel te geniet nie. ‘n F1-Baster variëteit soos Daytona wat onder gunstige omstandighede onderskeidelik binne 85 tot 95 dae oesgereed kan wees, skep die geleentheid vir produsente om die voordeel van ‘n vroeë mark te benut. Daytona is ‘n All Sweet tipe waatlemoen met baie goeie interne kwaliteit. Die vrugte is baie eenvormig en weeg tussen 10 en 12 kg. Die medium-dik skil is sterk wat hierdie variëteit baie gunstig maak vir verskeping oor lang afstande.

Daytona word gekenmerk deur die vrugte se helderrooi, ferm en sappige vleis met ‘n uitstekende smaak en suikervlakke (Brix) van tussen 11 en 12%. Daytona weerstaan sonbrand baie goed en beskik oor hoë bestandheid teen Antraknose (Co). Kontak gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by sel: 083 585 1181, hy kan u van meer inligting verskaf oor Sakata se waatlemoene en beskik oor die tegniese kennis om u in staat te stel om die beste opbrengs en kwaliteit uit u oes te verkry. Besoek Sakata se webwerf by vir meer inligting oor Sakata se produkreeks.

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

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Bulletin FAR NORTH


May 2017

Visit us at the Wolkberg Landboufees 3 June 2017

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