June 2017
Tzaneen’s own Agricultural giant, Dr Theo de Jager, now heads the World Farmers Organization. Read more on Page 3.
Why choppers as applicators? P 4 Hoe gemaak met Zim-werkers? P 8
June 2017
’n publikasie van FAR NORTH
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Postcards from NAMPO 2017 NAMPO is the biggest agricultural event in the Southern Hemisphere. It attracts major players and decision makers into one proverbial room, to engage on the health of the agricultural sector in South Africa – this year; NAMPO came at a time when the industry is posed for record harvests. “The sector is on course for recovery after the devastating 2015/16 production season, however, the Western Cape (WC) and parts of the Eastern Cape (EC) are exceptions as conditions there have deteriorated with water levels in dams falling way below 20% full. Despite this, NAMPO provided some key insights into the sector” says Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist for FNB Business. Makube provides an outlook of the sector post NAMPO:
flower and soybean crops are expected to be up on last year at 853,470 tons and 1.23 million tons respectively. These two crops are
production because, apart from the Western Cape, the water table and dam levels have improved significantly this season. Growth in livestock – The livestock market remains on an upward trajectory with gains across the board due to tight supply as a result of herd rebuilding in the case of beef and sheep. The meat-to-maize ratios have improved significantly in the
white and yellow maize. Both the yellow and white maize prices have edged below export parity, around R1, 800/t and R1, 900/t respectively.
the recent Crop Estimate Committee (CEC) report, South Africa’s potential Paul Makube harvest of grain and oilseed crops for 2016/17 jumped 7% from the previous month to used as plant protein sources in animal feed 18.03 million tons in May 2017. The maize in the form of soymeal and sunflower meal. crop has been revised higher by 7.54% from Further processing for consumer products last month to a record 15.63 million tons. The such as sunflower oil, soybean oil, etc. will rebound in maize production will help re- improve availability and subsequently lower duce pressure in the livestock industries such prices. as poultry, pork and feedlots where it constiPressures on wheat market – Poor protutes almost 70% of the feed. duction conditions affected planting in the Maize prices stabilize – Maize prices Western Cape; however, the short term rainhave responded to this improved supply fall outlook has improved with heavy rains dynamics and weakened, they are currently expected this week. The Free State and North trending below the R2, 000/t level for both West will however offset the potential loss in
past few months because of the combination of higher meat and lower maize prices, an indication of improved profitability for feedlots, poultry and pork production systems. “The strong rebound in agricultural output bodes well for inflation going forward and consumers will breathe a sigh of relief as most grain and horticulture products and byproducts should decline in price. This should assist the SARB to keep interest rates on hold for a bit longer” concludes Makube.
Positive knock on effect on animal feed – In the case of oilseeds, both the sun-
Positive growth in harvest – According to
Bulletin FAR NORTH
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June 2017
Dr De Jager heads WFO
Dr Theo de Jager
small farmers in Africa to transition to commercial farming. He was also voted South African Agriculturalist of the Year in 2016 by the Agricultural Writers SA. Earlier this year, “Dok Theo” travelled to the United States where he met with Microsoft Founder, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda at their Foundation headquarters in Seattle. The aim of his meeting with the software giant was to establish a way forward for the small-scale African farmer with the emphasis on modernization and automation through the availability of cellular technology. According to an interview with various international media houses, De Jager reckons he has a few items of priority on his list during his tenure in the chair. One of the most important being the establishment of working agreements among farmers from across the globe despite political unease. He used the example of Mexican farmers who do not want to partner with American
One of Tzaneen’s, and indeed the world’s, most prominent voices in the agricultural industry was elected President of the World Farmers Organization (WFO) this month. Dr Theo de Jager, became the first South African to head this international organization with his election on the 13th of June this year, in Helsinki, Finland. Following in the footsteps of another African, Dr Evelyn Nguleka from Zambia, De Jager became the second of his countrymen to be democratically elected into the chair. He will be joined by Alfred Kapichira Banda, from the Farmers’ Union of Malawi, who was also elected to the WFO board. De Jager was in the running for the position with two other nominees including Dr William Rolleston, acting president of the WFO and chairperson of the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, and Fritz Glauser, vice president of the Swiss National Farmers’ Union and treasurer of the WFO. He will take over the position from Rolleston, who assumed the role of intermediate president after the late Dr Evelyn Nguleka resigned in September last year. It is reported that Nguleka was charged with theft and money laundering at the Zambian National Farmers’ Union. De Jager was nominated by the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers’ Union who also congratulated him on the new title. “We know that Theo has a keen interest in our local situation as well as his commitment to farmers at large in advocating at a global scale for pro-farmer policy in matters such as climate change and ending farmer povdealer name erty,” the organisation said in its congratulatory note. “We look forward to continued collaboration with him as we search for solutions to our local problems as farmers and in his work on the global agriculture platform.” Agri Letaba expressed their pride in one of their active members attaining such a prestigious achievement. “We would like to congratulate Dr De Jager on his appointment as the head of this international organization and express our pride to have one of our very own members heading the WFO. Well done to you, sir, we salute you,” said the organization in a statement. The Tzaneen farmer known for his work with avocados, litchis and macadamias previously headed the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), and played an integral role in strengthening relations between South African and Zimbabwean farmers’ organizations. He is an honorary member of the Zimbabwean Commercial Farmers Union because of his efforts. Prior to his appointment this month, De Jager served as deputy president of Agri SA, and president of the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO). He also spear-headed many transformation initiatives at Agri Limpopo- where he currently serves as a member of the managerial committee. In addition, De Jager is a co-founder of Agri All Africa, a company which assists
farmers because of President Trump’s promise to build his wall to keep them separated. “Similarly too, the Russians and the Europeans growl continuously at one another and that North- and South Americans don’t really see eye to eye.” Another issue of concern for him is the number of countries who have not yet joined the united front of the WFO, particularly in the African states and the Eastern Block regions. His plan is to visit these countries and negotiate their membership in order to establish a truly united voice for farming organizations across the globe. Judging by his ambitious goals and determined approach to achieving them, the next two years will be an extremely productive period for the good doctor. News of De Jager’s election went viral, minutes after the announcement was made on Day 2 of WFO’s General Assembly. Farmers organizations from all over the world congratulated Dr De Jager on his appointment. A Daimler Brand
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Choppers join crop-pest fight
Sandriver Crop Protection, an established fixed wing crop applicator in Limpopo, is joining forces with Ross Air, a helicopter applicator in the Western Cape. The marriage is aimed at enabling Sandriver to offer an all-inclusive package to producers in the area. Helicopters can access areas where fixed wings (aeroplanes) can’t, therefore it’s a natural progression for our company. Helicopters also offer excellent penetration and accurate applications, which
June 2017
suits our clientele as we (Sandriver) can then apply to all areas that we service. Helicopters and aeroplanes can infiltrate large areas swiftly and efficiently, ensuring the pest outbreak is controlled quickly and effectively. For more information on the services and assistance Sandriver Crop in conjunction with their partners, Ross Air can offer you, pay a visit to their website at www.rossair.co.za or www.sandrivercrop.co.za
Fuel prices set to drop The fuel price is set to decline for a second consecutive month on the 5th July 2017. This time around, AgriLimpopo expect a significant cut of 5% from the previous month for both the diesel and petrol price. Although this relief is set to come during a relatively quiet period in the agricultural sector, maize and some horticultural growing areas will still be harvesting and thus, stand a chance to benefit from the possible fuel price cut. Diesel (0.05% Wholesale Inland) and petrol (95 ULP Inland) prices could decline by 59 cents per litre (c/l) and 60c per litre respectively, on 05 July 2017. This cut could bring the wholesale diesel price down to R10.98 per litre from the current R11.57 per litre. At the same time, the retail price of petrol could ease at R12.94 per litre from the current level of R13.54 per litre. This expected fuel price decrease is largely on the back of lower Brent crude oil prices, which averaged US$49
a barrel this month, down 5% from May 2017. The ZAR/USD exchange also played a major role, after strengthening by 4% from the previous month, averaging R12.81 this month. The primary agricultural sector is expected to benefit from a decrease in fuel prices, as this coincides with the harvesting period for maize and some horticulture growing areas of the country. In addition, agribusinesses that operate in the aforementioned industries may also get relief, particularly the ones that transport goods. Worth noting, over 80% of South Africa’s maize is transported by road which mirrors the exposure of the sector in fuel price fluctuations. — Agri Limpopo
June 2017
Eerste Landboufees ‘n sukses “Hierdie was die eerste jaar wat ons die fees beplan het en vir party van ons was dit ‘n baie groot leerskool,” het een van die organiseerders, Maandag aan Bulletin gesê. “Ons het baie geleer en die terugvoering van die publiek af is baie belowend. Met die volgende fondsinsamelingsprojek maak ons weer so, maar dan net bietjie groter en beter.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com O&M CAPE TOWN 95728/E
Die eerste Wolkberg Landboufees was 3 Julie 2017 op die terrein van Wolkberg CVO-skool net buite Tzaneen, gehou. Soos verwag, is die fees baie goed ondersteun en het daar honderde besoekers op die dag deur die terrein se hekke gestroom. Daar was stalletjies wat goetertjies en dietjies en daaitjies te kope gehad het en hope volmaak vir die kleinspan by die Spur Kiddies Corner. Ouers het met geruste harte hul kinders in die sorg van die oppassers agter geslote hek gelos terwyl hulle self die feesterrein deurgestap het. Gaskunstenaar, Hans Drommerdaris, het as aankondiger en seremoniemeester vir die dag opgetree terwyl Marie Minnaar en Joe F later die aand vir vermaaklikheid gesorg het. Fondse wat by die inganghekke ingesamel is, sal aan die Wolkberg Akademie geskenk word vir die opgradering van die skoolgebou en die oprig van nuwe klaskamers. Teen druktyd is die totale bedrag nog nie bekend gemaak nie.
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June 2017
An opportunity for the African youth Making agriculture a viable career choice There is a crisis facing the African agricultural sector that ultimately threatens the food security of the continent and beyond. The world’s population is growing extremely fast, putting high demand on the agricultural sector and its ability to produce enough food to feed the growing number of the hungry. Over two thirds of people in Africa rely on agriculture as their source of income and food supply, yet despite this, the quality of education in the agriculture sector is not where it should be. The shortage of skilled people in the sector is growing, while the number of students enrolling in agriculture-related training continues to decrease. The reality is that Africa’s agricultural education sector is failing to produce a new wave of farmers. Howard Blight, CEO and Founder of AGRICOLLEGES international believes we need to bring back the youth to agriculture by talking in a language they understand.
Where are the people going?
The 2017 unemployment figures released by Stats SA at the beginning of June paint a worrying picture of South Africa’s job market. They show that the country’s unemployment rate is the highest in nearly 14 years, escalating to 27.7%. Using the expanded unemployment rate – there are now 9.3 million people who were unemployed but wanted to work in the first quarter of 2017. Young people aged 15-24 remain vulnerable in the labour market, with an unemployment rate of over 54%. The numbers also showed that the less educated are more likely to be unemployed than those with a higher level of education; and that the agriculture sector recorded the highest employment losses quarter on quarter, losing 44 000 jobs. Over the period of a full year, only 6 000 jobs were added.
Bringing back the youth
So how do we attract young people back into agriculture, grow skills, increase employment and improve food security? “The easy answer is that we need to attract more young people willing to learn new skills and practices to take the agricultural sector forward. But there’s a snag: today’s youth are image conscious,” says Blight. A nationally representative survey (by Sujaaz Media
of over 2,000 Kenyan young people (15-24 years old), showed that when it comes to considering agriculture as an occupation, they are avoiding the industry and any association with it. The reason: agriculture does not deliver the money, fun and personal connections that they are looking for. In spite of the massive innovations in agriculture in recent years, young people still see farming as a dirty, labour intensive career that is remote from other (more sophisticated) people and no fun. So much so that even those involved in agriculture avoid calling themselves agricultural workers in order not to damage their self-image and image among their peers. But perception and reality aren’t always equal.
Changing perceptions
“At AGRICOLLEGES international, a newly formed, modern, cloud-based e-learning institution, we aim to change the mindset that farming is a less attractive career option for the youth market,” says Blight. “While ploughing the land is still very much needed, agricultural machinery has witnessed a radical makeover from the days of hand-held apparatus like trimmers, ploughs and chainsaws to the modern-day computer-controlled, GPS-monitored and self-steer programmes. From the use of drone farming and the need for water saving irrigation practices, numerous innovations have changed the way farming works – and will continue to do so”. “Contrary to perceptions, agriculture is a very exciting place to be right now, and through AGRICOLLEGES international we aim to put the spotlight back on education in agriculture and attract young talent to create a sustainable future for all,” adds Blight. So, if the image of agriculture can slowly be rebuilt through innovation and technology that allow the youth to remain connected, use technology and shine their image, what else do we need to bring back the youth? The answer lies in skills development. Mark Hassenkamp, the owner of Red Sun Hortitech, an innovative nursery just outside Tzaneen, was recently quoted saying “The big agricultural debate regarding the utilisation of land is only going to be answered through creating the skills base that is needed to sustain the innovation required to make agriculture itself sustainable.”
Finding the best education platform
For young people who can see past the old-fashioned image and look towards the new face of agriculture, attracting them into developing the skills to pursue a career in agriculture is the next step. Facilities at many agricultural colleges in Africa are old and outdated, and curriculums have not kept up with changes in the industry. The result is that there aren’t enough good quality graduates at Diploma level and our farms lack the skills to take agriculture into the future. Sadly, there aren’t enough quality agricultural colleges available currently to offer a high number of students access to learn in this field. However, just as the agriculture industry is changing in favour of a younger tech-hungry generation, so is the use of mobile phones and the internet in Africa is ballooning. E-learning is a relatively new concept in Africa and AGRICOLLEGES international plans to take it to the next level. AGRICOLLEGES international is taking traditional ways of learning and using technology, along with new and up to date content, to give young people an opportunity to be involved in an industry where they can be constantly connected; and in which critical skills are needed. The advantages of eLearning over more traditional bricks and mortar universities and colleges include lower costs; and increased student flexibility that provides them with the opportunity to work and earn an income while they learn. Furthermore, broad scale availability across a wide range of devices with access to the internet; and a blended learning approach that enables them to collaborate and share knowledge both online and at appointed Centres of Excellence and other practical destinations, give them the connections they hold in such high esteem.
Giving hope
“By turning farming back into an attractive industry and offering a modern platform from which to develop skills, we will attract more youth into agricultural education, giving hope to students who want sustainable employment and to the agricultural sector as a whole,” Blight concludes.
June 2017
A Beautifully uplifting change On the 1st of July this year, an inspiring short-film will reveal the story of Christine du Preez. The former nurse with a passion for empowering people and sharing knowledge that will improve quality of life among farming communities. Du Preez has set up a health project in Limpopo to spread knowledge about HIV/ Aids among farming communities and care for those with the disease. Farm workers in the northern parts of South Africa represent the highest concentration of HIV/Aids carriers in the country’s workforce with a prevalence rate of 40%. A former nurse, du Preez is founder and director of the nonprofit ‘Hoedspruit Training Trust’ which is dedicated to reducing this alarming statistic. Realising that the only way to curb the transmission of the disease is to increase the spread of knowledge about it, she set up the Hlokomela Health Project to facilitate the support and education of labourers and their families. Over more than a decade since, the clinic has saved thousands of lives. She provides migrant and residential farm workers in rural areas in South Africa, with a set of on-site integrated health
solutions, employing a peer-to-peer caregiving structure that reinforces behaviour change towards a positive lifestyle. This is done in parallel to the building of a working environment that is conducive to the acceptance of their health condition, both by their peers and their employers. “I want to create a culture of caring that empowers all people,” says du Preez. For her, that includes prioritising the one in 10 South Africans living with HIV/Aids. To develop a project that could be sus-
tained, du Preez trained women from the area as caretakers who could spread hope in their villages. By tending to those who have the disease and educating the community to prevent its spread, the Hlokomela clinic is bringing dignity and quality of life to Hoedspruit. Watch her short-film on 01 July 2017 at 4.14pm on Beautiful News at www.beautifulnews.co.za. For any further information on the project, please visit the website above and be sure to tune in for the broadcast.
June 2017
Hoe gemaak met Zim-werkers? Georganiseerde Landbou in Limpopo is bekommerd oor die impak wat veral Zimbabwiese werkpermitte, wat onder die ZSP (Zimbabwian Special Permit)- stelsel toegestaan is, en wat teen einde Desember 2017 gaan verval, op die arbeidsituasie in die provinsie gaan hê. Verskeie ander kategorie werkpermitte sal teen verstryking daarvan ook nie weer hernu word nie. Dit sal die situasie vererger. Die Departement van Binnelandse Sake het nog geen aanduiding gegee dat daar `n alternatiewe permitstelsel gaan kom wat die bestaande stelsel gaan vervang nie. Vorige aanduidings was dat die permithouers by verstryking van hul permitte na Zimbabwe sal moet terugkeer. Die stap is daarop gemik om meer werkgeleenthede vir SA burgers beskikbaar te stel. Die Dept van Arbeid is hiermee getaak. Die feit is dat Suid Afrikaners nie bereid is om sekere werk op plase te doen nie. Dit is by herhaling deur die Departement waargeneem tydens die prosesse wat gevolg moet word voordat landbou toestemming kry om buitelandse werkers op ‘n permitstelsel in diens te neem. Allerweë word erken dat plaaslike werkloses eenvoudig nie meer plaaswerk wil verrig nie, maar telkens word hierdie feite ignoreer ten gunste van ‘n politieke agenda. Daar is konserwatief geskat sowat 500 000 Zimbabwiërs wat wettig en onwettig in Suid Afrika woon en werk, wat teen vroeg 2018 gedeporteer moet word na `n land wat nie die ekonomiese vermoë het om hulle te akkommodeer nie. Dieselfde ekonomiese omstandighede wat hulle na SA gedryf het, bestaan steeds in Zimbabwe. Dit het selfs verder verswak. Met ‘n grens wat geen immigrasiebeheer moontlik maak nie, sal hierdie mense een-voudig as onwettiges die land weer binnekom. Hulle gaan in hulle
massas op plase in Limpopo opdaag op soek na werk. Hierdie keer sonder dokumentasie van enige aard. Indien hierdie mense in diens geneem sou word, is die boer onmiddelik skuldig aan die oortreding van immigrasie- en arbeidswetgewing. Die sosio-maatskaplike en sosio-ekonomiese probleme wat vroeg in 2018 op ons noordelike grens gaan ontstaan, sal veiligheidsprobleme vir grondeienaars langs daardie deel van die grens laat toeneem. Hierdie situasie gaan geweldige druk plaas op SAPD-bronne soos mannekrag en voertuie. Misdaadbekamping in die hele Limpopo gaan ‘n groter probleem word as wat tans die geval is. Dit is onrealisties om te verwag dat die SANW die situasie moet verlig. Onder huidige omstandighede slaag hulle nie daarin om onwettiges uit die land te hou nie, waarom sal groter getalle uitgehou kan word? Die meganisme wat tans werk en wat in die toekoms
toenemend in werking sal wees, is dat ‘n honger mens sal migreer na ‘n ekonomie wat geleenthede bied. Hetsy werkgeleenthede of misdaadgeleenthede. Vir Zimbabwiërs bied SA albei hierdie geleenthede. Georganiseerde landbou het by herhaling daarop gewys dat geen maatreël suksesvol kan wees om toestroming uit buurlande te keer, solank effektiewe grensbeheer nie toegepas kan word nie. Verder is die toejuiging van ‘n mislukte grondbeleid in Zimbabwe presies die teenoorgestelde van wat nodig is om ‘n oplossing vir die toestroming te kry. Die werklike oplossing is ‘n ekonomiese een. Kry die Zimbabwe ekonomie weer aan die gang, skep werk en maak landbou weer so sterk soos wat hy was, dan sal Zimbabwiërs in hul land bly. Die beroep op landbou om oplossings te skep vir werkloosheid in SA, sal moeilik slaag solank as wat die effek van verstedeliking, gebrek aan die wil om te werk en die siening dat plaaswerk ‘n minderwaardige werk is en dus nie meer aanvaarbaar is vir baie nie, verreken word in arbeidswetgewing nie. Politieke voorpratery wat arbeiders net motiveer om “reg” te stem en nie tot groter produktiwiteit inspireer nie, is teenproduktief in die bereiking van indiensnemingskoerse in landbou. Landbou sal graag Suid Afrikaners in diens neem wat uitsette lewer vergelykbaar met die van buitelandse werkers. Intussen steun die SA ekonomie swaar op kwaliteit arbeid uit ons buurlande. Landbou sal graag wil sien dat die regering die feite wil erken, dit moontlik maak dat landbou sulke mense wettig indiens kan neem en so verseker dat landbou sy bydrae lewer tot die land se ekonomie deur middel van volhoubare voedsel-produksie.
— Agri Limpopo
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June 2017
Poultry could soften meat inflation Last month’s slight uptick in South Africa’s food inflation mirrors the tail-end effects of the 2015-16 El Niño induced drought in the livestock sector, according to Agri Limpopo. As farmers continued to restock their herds, the slaughtering activity eased a bit resulting in the increase in meat prices. However, the expected recovery in the poultry sector could soften the pace of an increase in overall meat inflation over the coming months. Figures released this morning showed that South African food and non-alcoholic beverages inflation accelerated to 6.9% y/y in May 2017 from 6.7% y/y in April 2017. The uptick in food inflation was largely driven by meat, which was no surprise given the ongoing cattle herd restocking process resulting from
the recent drought. The most recent data shows that farmers slaughtered 193 373 head of cattle in April 2017, down 19% from the previous month and the corresponding period last year. With that being said, the continuous imports of chicken and an expected recovery in local poultry production on the back of lower feed costs could soften the pace of an increase in overall meat inflation over the coming months. Meanwhile, the grain, dairy and vegetable related food products inflation decelerated on the back of a recovery in agricultural production. The 2017 summer grain and oil-
seeds production are set to reach 18.03 million tonnes, which is a 92% annual increase. Encouragingly, the most recent weather updates suggest that the fears of another the El Niño weather phenomenon have eased. The recent report from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology shows that the next summer season could be neutral and thus, not see another drought as previously feared. This suggests that the winter wheat growing areas of the country could potentially have a normal season.
June 2017
• • •
Land Rover’s renown off-road capability bolstered by advanced driver assistance technologies All Terrain Progress Control and Terrain Response 2 boost driver confidence in treacherous conditions Full suite of on-road assistance systems enhance safety
Since 1989, the Land Rover Discovery has been a shining beacon of everyday ingenuity: combining Land Rover’s incredible off-road capability, latest technologies, clever packaging and versatility, to deliver the world’s best family vehicle. This tradition continues with the All-New Discovery. With Land Rover’s trademark Command Driving Position, drivers can experience the All-New Discovery’s enhanced breadth of capability in complete confidence, irrespective of the road and weather conditions, by providing excellent visibility. The All-New Discovery’s peerless all-terrain ability makes it one of the most capable vehicles ever to wear a Land Rover badge. Engineered to have inherent off-road capability, the All-New Discovery has more ground clearance, can wade through deeper water and approach steeper angles than before. This is augmented by Land Rover’s comprehensive suite of innovative driver-assistance technologies, ensuring it remains the class-leader when faced with the toughest all-terrain environments. All-New Discovery is available with Land Rover’s multi-mode Terrain Response 2 system, which automatically monitors driving conditions to ensure the vehicle is primed to cope with a range of surfaces. Terrain Response 2 can also be manually selected using a rotary controller, with modes for general driving; grass, gravel and snow; mud and ruts; sand; and rock crawling. Each driving mode has a specific throttle mapping, drivetrain mode, steering response, suspension set-up, and traction control settings. For particularly challenging terrain, drivers can use AllTerrain Progress Control (ATPC) to autonomously maintain a suitable crawl speed, between 2- and 30km/h. This assistive technology allows the driver to concentrate solely on steering the vehicle as they negotiate off-road obstacles, without the distraction of operating the throttle or brake pedals. ATPC is a technology that has been tuned using Land Rover’s decades of off-road
expertise, giving drivers confidence – whether they’re pulling away on slippery uphill slopes or fording water up to 900mm deep. “Our unrivalled collection of all-terrain technologies gives customers real confidence and ensures that any driver, be they an enthusiastic off-roader or a parent taking their children
to school, can deal with any situation confidently and safely,” said Mike Cross, Land Rover Chief Engineer, Vehicle Integrity. These assistive technologies combine with Land Rover’s suite of safety systems that include an off-road ABS, which gives drivers the best possible stopping power on gravel surfaces, as well as Hill Descent Control, Gradient Release Control, Electronic Traction Control, and Roll Stability Control. With its class-leading wading depth of 900mm, the All-New Discovery is also availa-
ble with Wade Sensing, which provides real-time water depth information on the vehicle’s central display. Exceptional off-road capability has not come at the expense of on-road refinement and versatility. The All-New Discovery has been extensively tested to ensure on-road performance, comfort and safety are a match for its class-leading all-terrain capability. In everyday driving, drivers once again get to take advantage of Land Rover’s driver assistance technologies. These include Park Assist, which offers semi-autonomous functions for perpendicular and parallel parking, in addition to a high-definition surround camera system. Land Rover’s Blind Spot Monitor and Blind Spot Assist safety systems ensure drivers remain safe when travelling on busy roads, while Closing Vehicle Sensing scans for fast approaching vehicles further behind and alerts drivers to collision risks if they were to move into the path of an approaching vehicle in an adjacent lane. Lane Keep Assist will also help drivers avoid straying into lanes. The All-New Land Rover Discovery launches in July 2017. Prices start at R980 000. Customers can log on to www.landrover.co.za to build their own All-New Discovery using the Land Rover configurator. — Nicola Clarke Public Relations Manager Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and sub-Sahara Africa Contact our sales team at MGM Landrover Polokwane on 015 291 9700
June 2017
Sakata se baster Botterskorsies bly steeds markwenners! Sakata het oor die afgelope paar jaar bekendheid verwerf vir hulle hoë kwaliteit baster botterskorsies. Met variëteite wat baie hoë opbrengste, sterk, groeikragtige plante en uitstekende eksterne sowel as interne kwaliteit, het Sakata nuwe standaarde gestel vir die botterskorsiemark in Suid-Afrika. Pluto het geen bekendstelling nodig nie en word alreeds vir die afgelope paar jaar as een van die markleiers bestempel met kenmerke van hoë opbrengs, uitstekende kwaliteit en baie eenvormige vrugte. Quantum is ‘n susterlyn van Pluto wat effens kleiner vrugte produseer gedurende die warmer maande van die jaar, maar beskik steeds oor die uitstekende kwaliteit en hoë opbrengs wat Pluto so gesog maak. Cosmos is op sy beurt Sakata se bostipe botterskorsie wat verskeie voordele vir produsente inhou. PLUTO (1 tot 1.5 kg) se sterk groeiende plante is wyd aanpasbaar en is dus minder vatbaar vir siektes. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Pluto is uitstekend en die vrugte kraak nie maklik nie. Pluto se vrugte is baie eenvormig en die diep-oranje vleis beskik oor uitstaande smaak en hoë suikerinhoud. Die bekwame vrugte het ‘n uitstekende raklewe en is geskik vir die varsmark, uitvoer en verwerking. QUANTUM (0.8 tot 1.2 kg) kan in alle opsigte as ‘n kleiner Pluto beskou word, en beskik oor dieselfde eienskappe wat opbrengs en kwaliteit betref. Die kleiner vrugte van Quantum is perfek vir kettingwinkels wat ‘n aanvraag het na medium grootte botterskorsies. Quantum is ‘n volrank tipe, met baie aanpasbare en groeikragtige plante, wat dit minder vatbaar maak vir siektes. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Quantum is uitstekend, en die vrugte is ook nie geneig om te bars nie. Die variëteit het ‘n uitstekende vrugset vermoë, en kan oor ‘n lang tydperk vrugte dra as gevolg van die plante wat lank gesond bly. COSMOS (0.8 tot 1.2 kg) is ‘n bostipe botterskorsie met groeikragtige plante wat die variëteit minder vatbaar maak vir siektes. Die bostipe plant maak verbouing soveel makliker deurdat die produsent tot op ‘n laat
stadium meganies kan skoffel. Cosmos se opbrengspotensiaal is uitstekend vir ‘n bostipe botterskorsie en ‘n plantestand van tot 15 000 plante per ha kan met gemak gehandhaaf word. Cosmos word aanbeveel vir varsmark produksie. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se botterskorskorsiereeks, skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se webwerf, www.sakata. co.za.
AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal
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Pluto van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
June 2017
PLUTO Uitstekende interne kwaliteit en smaak Uitstaande raklewe Vrugte is geskik vir varsmark, prosessering en uitvoer Sakata botterskorsie variĂŤteite: