Agribulletin 170728

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July 2017

Francois van Coke kom skou toe P 3 Maak reg vir die 2017 Kaskar! P 5 Victory for gun owners in court P 9 Die 2017 Sitrus-seisoen is in volle gang en daar is niks lekkerder as vars geperste lemoensap om die dag mee te begin nie. Plaaslike mamma, Chrizelle Dreyer, wys hoe dit gedoen word.

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July 2017


’n publikasie van FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Redakteur: Joe Dreyer Bemarking: Jacques Smuts Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch Tessa Thompson Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850 015 306 0198  Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

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Visit our website at www.bulletin. for more Agri news or contact us if you would like to advertise in the AgriBulletin.


Mega facility will run in 2018 The biggest macadamia factory will be up and running in time to meet the astronomic increase in supply for the 2018 season. It is anticipated that there will be a 40% increase in the supply of in-shell macadamia from 38 500 tonnes recorded in 2016 to a massive 64 800 tonnes by 2020. Green Farms Nut Company (GFNC) has undertaken to build South Africa’s biggest macadamia nut processing facility with phase one of two set for completion in 2018. The project, which is already underway at the existing factory in White River, demonstrates the company’s commitment to the industry and underpins its strategy to ensure that macadamia nuts remain a sustainable and profitable business for the future. According to the Southern African Macadamia Growers Association (SAMAC), new macadamia tree plantings in South Africa have tripled in the last four years from 1250 hectares in 2013 to 3870 hectares in 2016, with an almost doubling of plantings between 2015 and 2016 from 2000 hectares to 3870. Currently there are 28 000 hectares of established macadamia orchards with the largest growing region being in Mpumalanga followed by Limpopo and Kwazulu Natal. “We are invested for the long run. We will cultivate our business alongside growth in the crop: based on historic and ongoing exponential plantings our view is that it is im-

perative to increase processing capacity to ensure long term viability for the industry and our farmers.” said Alex Whyte, general manager, GFNC. “Industry figures project a 40% increase of nut in-shell from 38 500 tonnes in 2016 to 64 800 tonnes in 2020. To absorb this astronomic supply increase, our approach rests on three key pillars: processing capacity, sophisticated product marketing and value add, all of which are inextricably linked to being able to sell at currently buoyant prices in future,” continued Whyte. The project, which will deliver South Africa’s largest single processing facility, is outlined over two phases. The first phase is planned for completion for the start of the 2018 season in February next year. The key aspects of Phase one include an increase in the factory size by an additional 7000 square metres from the current 3000 square metres to 10 000 square metres. An additional 250 tonnes drying bin storage capability, to total 800 tonnes and all in-shell, and kernel nuts go through a drying process. State of the art optic sorters will drive efficiency

Bulletin FAR NORTH


through increased processing speed and ensure processing fees are kept to a minimum. The latest technology in sterilisation techniques which will ensure that the stringent food safety demands are met as all kernels will need to go through the sterilisation process. Coupled to all of this is the reduced water usage through improved technology and electricity cost-saving by burning macadamia nut shell by-products. Completion of phase two of the project is estimated to be closer to 2020, with key components including total processing capacity upwards of 15 000 tonnes dry nut in-shell. Further technology and equipment upgrades as well as increased storage and warehousing will be a critical part of the second phase. GFNC currently has the largest processing capability in the country with factories in Mpumalanga, Kwazulu Natal and Limpopo. The Limpopo and Kwazulu Natal factories have recently been expanded, and together the operation has 12 200 square metres under roof at present. “Through our marketing business and largest seller of macadamias globally, Green and Gold Nuts, we are confident we’ll achieve the right mix in our three-tiered strategic approach. With China reporting extensive domestic plantings, a balanced marketing in-shell and kernel approach across the globe continues to be front of mind. We are first to market in making sure we’re ready for the anticipated bumper crop in 2018 and our doors are always open to all growers”, concluded Whyte.

Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543

July 2017



Van Coke bevestig vir Letaba Skou Die jaarlikse Letaba skou is om die draai en hierdie jaar beloof om iets besonders te wees. Nie net gaan daar van die beste Afrikaanse kunstenaars op die verhoog te siene wees nie, maar vir die heel eerste keer in meer as vier jaar gaan die uiters populêre Mej Letaba Skou weer op die planke aangebied word. Vir die jonger klomp is vanjaar se vermaak uit die boonste rakke en sal Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Francois van Coke, die hoofverhoog se vloerplanke laat lig. Ander kunstenaars sluit in Snotkop, Lizz Meiring, Juba, Willem Botha, Hailey Clark en Bob Ffole. Vanjaar sal die biertent reg langs die hoofare-

na opgeslaan word om die kuier te vergemaklik. Die organiseerders het gehoor gegee aan die gemeenskap en sal hierdie jaar die vermaaklikheidsareas integreer om aan almal gemaklik toegang te bied. Daar sal ook ‘n mini-sirkus vir die jongspan wees en meer as 110 uitstallers gaan bydrae tot die ware ‘fees vibe’ wat daar by so aangeleentheid verwag word. Vanjaar se aanbieding sal die 65ste Letaba skou, wat nogsteeds op presies dieselfde terrein gehou word, wees. Kom maak vanjaar ‘n draai by die Letaba skou en help om hierdie geleentheid weer ‘n suksesvolle jaarlikse familie fees te maak.


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July 2017


Vervets collide with farmers Primates, particularly vervets, are a problem for farmers provide vervets with natural food and shelter, the nega- integrated eco-programme should be applied to address as they raid their crops. The fact is that vervets are un- tive impact of these primates can be minimised. Acacia the issue rather than just addressing one species. der severe threat as never before and their Eagles and snakes are natural predators. Rubber trees, for example, are a valuable source of food for numbers are undoubtedly on the dethe vervet monkeys who feed on the seed snakes are available at toy shops and these help keep cline. Forests, that are natural arpods, sap, flowers and the insects that they vervets away. However, being intelligent primates, they eas suitable for them, are rapidly attract. Vervets are one of nature’s most soon learn that a stationary snake isn’t real. The trick is being eroded by commercial, valuable agents of seed dispersal and to remember to move the snake every few days and to industrial, residential and play a huge role in indigenous plant replace it when it becomes worn out from the sun. Angrowth and regeneration. Many other deterrent is to sprinkle your crops with pepper. agricultural development, seeds will only germinate after Vervets are scared of big dogs and would rather avoid forcing them to live in ever-decreasing areas, makhaving been through an animal’s them than have a confrontation. An expensive but fooling them more visible and digestive system. proof method is to cage everything you grow in chickA man who has a fairly large en wire. All males at the Vervet Monkey Foundation creating the illusion that their numbers are increasvegetable garden on his small- outside Tzaneen undergo vasectomies. Contact Dave holding outside Tzaneen has no du Toit if you wish to go down this route for advice. It ing. Alarmingly baboons issue with vervets. He enclosed would preferably only be performed on the alpha male. are on a collision course with vervets and samangos his entire vegetable garden with a Farmers do have an obligation to try to understand An orphaned baby vervet monkey at the fence and trained granadillas up it. The the dilemma facing vervets. Human homes have been in Limpopo. Vervet Monkey Foundation. Its mother Vervet monkeys are protected vervets eat their fill of granadillas and do built where they once had theirs. Humans cultivated was illegally shot dead. in terms of both national and provinnot venture further in to raid his vegetables. gardens and crops where once they foraged for natucial conservation legislation and also in Elle Durow, a conservationist, says that monkeys ral foods. Humans have arbitrarily destroyed their terms of national animal protection legislation. Injuring have been blamed for negatively affecting the bird popu- “residential area” and all they can do now is to try and or killing them is an offence. Vervet monkeys are not lations. Steve Brent, an ornithologist, said bird popula- survive as best they can in an increasingly vervet untions have been declining in areas where there has been friendly world. classified as vermin. Farmers often complain that vervets take one bite out urban sprawl due to housof fruit and then drop it. When they do this, vervets are ing developments. He said not being wasteful but are actually acting out evolved vervets do feed on birds’ behaviour. By dropping fresh fruit in the forest or bush eggs and hatchlings. Howthey provide ground-dwelling animals such as duiker ever, in nature reserves and Twenty years of service and holding PH meters, EC meters, refractometers, and bush pigs with fresh food that they would nor- conservation areas where the business name strong. Astro Lab- Brix solutions, glass- and plastic ware and mally not access. These animals often follow vervet there is a large, balanced oratories, ASTRO being an acronym a variety of laboratory consumables. troops around, eating the fruit as it is dropped. Without ecosystem, predation by Not limited to a catalogue of their for A Service To Rely On, an agent and vervets, these animals would usually only find fruit on vervets has very little imown, Astro Laboratories go out of distributor of laboratory products, the ground that had dropped off the tree once it was pact on bird populations. their way for their clients to source supplying Tissue Culture Companies, The whole environment is overripe and unpalatable. products at competitive prices. Food Groups, Pharmacies, Veterinary By planting indigenous trees, shrubs and flowers that out of balance and a more With sanitary environments going Labs and more, prides itself in offering quality service and dependability. hand-in-hand with wet chemistry, Charl Smit is known for going the Astro Laboratories also offers a wide extra mile for his clientele, not only of- range of disinfectants and sterilization fering speedy delivery with a personal products which can be used across any touch, but with an educational back- industry and even one’s own home. These products include waterless ground and career to match. It is his background and training which equips hand sterilizers, sand sterilizer and the business with valuable advice and even a wound gel that acts as a proexpert consultation regarding any of tective layer over a wound without any discomfort, whilst penetrating their products and equipment. Astro is a distributor of testing solutions the wound to keep infection away. If you have any questions in this for pack houses in the citrus, avocado, banana and canning industries. They field, Charl is the person to ask. Astro specialize in wet chemistry and micro- Laboratories not only supplies chembiology media, supplying ISO registered istry solutions but solutions to queries laboratories with chemicals, ORP meters, and your laboratory needs.

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A We service a 200km radius around Tzaneen

ASTRO LABORATORIES: Charl Smit 083 306 0720 Office 015 307 6377 •


A Service To Rely On

July 2017



Dis wéér sulke tyd

Die jaarlikse Letsitele kaskar-resies word weer volgende maand op die velde van Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele gehou – en die afwagting in die omgewing is tasbaar. Elke jaar sê honderde aspirante renjaers mekaar die stryd aan terwyl hul ondersteuners juigend langs die kronkelbaan hul aanpor om die gesogde wenbeker huistoe te bring. Laerskool en Hoërskoolspanne word in ouderdomsgroepe ingedeel. Elke span bestaan uit ‘n drywer en

‘n groep fikse “crew” wat die kaskar om die baan moet stoot. Daar is oorgeepunte al langs die baan waartydens die drywers en “crew” uitruil en weer verder jaag. Elke span word deur ‘n besigheid geborg – wat sorg vir nog groter kompetisie. Daar is jaarliks talle stalletjies langs die veld en vermaak word verskaf deur die SAVF trompoppies en ander gaskunstenaars. Vir die jongspan is daar gesigverf, springkastele en ‘n verskeidenheid ander vermaak-

likhede om hul besig te hou. Vanjaar sal die kaskardag ook ‘n 35 kilometer of ‘n 10 kilometer bergfiets-pretrit insluit. Die fietsritte sal alles op grondpad op die naby geleë sitrusplase afspeel met die eerste wegspringtyd bevestig vir 07:00 die oggend. Kom maak gerus ‘n draai en word deel van die opwinding op Saterdag, 5 Augustus by Laerskool Dr Annecke. Vir enige navrae, sien die advertensie hieronder.

NG Kerk Letsitele


5 Augustus 2017 • 08:15 - 13:30 Laerskool Dr. Annecke • Navrae: Ben van Coller 083 709 8000

NG Kerk Letsitele


Navrae: Henk van Rooyen 083 550 2210 Inskrywings: Danelle Osmers 083 463 9071 /


2X Roetes: 35km - (R50) en 10km - (R10) Alles grondpad op naby geleë sitrus plase Wegspring 07:00 @ Laerskool Dr. Annecke


July 2017


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July 2017



The Sustainable People’s Project Both the agricultural and the forestry industries have their own set of resource and waste management challenges. Is it possible to imagine one stand alone system that links up and offers solutions to these challenges, bringing them together, as well as supports a small holdings development system? Is it possible for a full circle system that benefits all without any obligations of being too intricately involved, leaving each industry to keep its focus on it’s own priorities? Alwyn van den Berg, CEO and founder of The Sustainable People’s Project, says it most definitely is. “It is the way forward. The only way for us to give hope to those who are questioning the current laws and how we can all benefit and succeed.” The Sustainable People’s Project (SPP), founded in November 2013, is an initiative offering resource management, using regenerative, renewable energy sources, integrating the green economy policies with community based orientation. What exactly does this mean? “With our experiments we now have the knowledge to fully upgrade agri-systems, from your energy sources and usage, saving you up to 60% on your energy costs. Right through to text rich fertilizer and composting systems, feeding lots, moving or using wood and other waste materials and by-products.” SPP aims to create a synergistic relationship between government and international support structures and communities in order to achieve sustainability in all categories, such as food security, green energy, climate change

mitigation and climate smart agriculture. Providing education and training to all sectors and applying such teachings and results in a practical and realistic scale in order to make a positive, noticeable impact on challenges facing humanity and its life supporting environment. One of SPP’s main products and projects is Biochar, which is no new practice, yet is not yet seen often in our commercial industry today. This practice converts agricultural waste into a soil enhancer, the process itself creating a fine-grained, highly porous charcoal. Hand in hand, biochar helps soil retain nutrients and water, as well as purifies. It improves water quality and quantity, thus increasing soil retention of nutrients and agrochemicals. Biochar is a simple yet powerful tool to help combat climate change, which is a huge challenged facing the agriindustry. SPP has the skills and technology to set up ovens to make the biochar as well as implement and manage systems to support a small holding development of up to 1000 people, to supply them with heat for cooking and to warm and purify water. Systems that compliment and feed that garden and larger landscape, bringing together systems for other industries, such as moving of one company’s waste product to benefit another system, thus bringing all systems into a full circle. “Our biggest mission at the moment is to educate.” says Alwyn, who talks with such passion and excitement that it is hard to keep up with all the information. “By just knowing what is possible and who to contact is our first steps into making that difference for our future.”

For further information on this initiate see The Sustainable People’s Project Facebook page.



July 2017

Twee oorkom die Fauresmith 200 Die berugte Fauresmith Internasionale Uithourit het in 1964 ontstaan as ‘n nagevolg van ‘n argument in die Landbou Weekblad oor watter perdras oor die meeste uithouvermoë besit. Later daardie selfde jaar het die publikasie ‘n uithourit van stapel gestuur om hierdie kwesie finaal tot ruste te bring. Die uithourit is gereël vanaf Hanover na De Aar tot in Richmond en weer terug tot by Hanover. Die rit was ‘n reuse sukses met die Arabiese ras wat die eerste plek geneem geneem het. Daar was egter diegene in die gemeenskap wat nie voorstaanders van die jaarlikse wedloop was nie en in 1965 vrek sowat 60 deelnemers se perde nadat hulle deur aktiviste vergiftig is. Die Fauresmith wedloop is eers weer in 1973 hervat. Daar was net 17 ruiters wat deelgeneem het. Die getalle het intussen gegroei na

tussen 250 en 300 deelnemers elke jaar. Twee van Hoërskool Merensky se ruiters, Alexandra Dreyer en Jehan Goosen, het vanjaar aan hierdie strawwe resies gaan deelneem en beide het goeie plekke los gery. Die paartjie het saam met 410 ander ruiters hierdie moordende rit van 204 km trotseer en oorkom. Dreyer het as deel van die Limpopo standaardgewigspan individueel teen 99 ander ruiters gekompeteer en met ‘n tyd van 10 ure en 2 minute in die 23ste plek klaargemaak. Die span het in die agtsteplek geeindig. Dapper Jehan Goosen het ook die 204 km voltooi, maar kon nie ‘n amptelike plek inneem nie, aangesien sy perd tydens ‘n inspeksiepunt gekramp het. — Joe Dreyer

July 2017



Victory for gun owners in High Court The Gauteng High Court on Tuesday, the 4th of July, declared two sections (Section 24 and Section 28) of the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000) unconstitutional. The court ruled that all firearm licences that expired or were due to expire, would be deemed valid until the Constitutional Court has reviewed the constitutionality of Section 24 and 28. This judgement is a major victory for SA Hunters, which filed an application against the Minister of Police in March 2016, questioning the constitutionality of Section 24 and 28 of the Act as well as the unilateral interpretation and implementation thereof by the Police. SA Hunters CEO, Fred Camphor, is delighted. “We got exactly what we had asked for. Approximately 200 000

firearm owners or maybe even more can heave a sigh of relief that they are once again in legal possession of their firearms. This is a victory for SA Hunters and for all law-abiding firearm owners in South Africa. This is the reason why firearm owners should become members of SA Hunters.” The court application followed on the SAPS’ arbitrary handling of late applications for the renewal of firearm licences between 2011 and 2016. It was the second time that SA Hunters succeeded in legal action in the interest of all firearm owners. In June 2009, the Association filed two applications against SAPS in the North Gauteng High Court to request that some of the interim regulations in Act 60 be declared unconstitutional. The court also ruled in favour of SA Hunters in the urgent application and declared all licences issued in terms of the old Act (also known as the old green licence) to remain valid until the main application had been dealt with. Thousands of firearm owners escaped criminalisation. The main application was never heard due largely to the SAPS not responding to the founding statement at all.



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This latest judgement by the North Gauteng High Court offers enormous relief to law-abiding firearm owners that simply forgot to renew their licences and that are looking for a sensible process and a fair system to own a firearm and to renew its licence. This ruling is not the end of the road to a long and frustrating battle, but merely the beginning towards implementing practical legislation that is in the interest of an individual’s rights to own a firearm. Camphor expressed his sincere gratitude to the members of SA Hunters for their loyalty, financial and moral support. “We also enjoyed the support from many other organisations and members of the public and we are grateful for all the support received during the past 15 months.” The Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) congratulated the South African Hunters and Game Conservation Association (SA Hunters) on their triumph in court on the 4th of July. “There is a valuable lesson to be learned, and that is that Government cannot and should not develop and implement legislation in isolation,” said Tharia Unwin, chief executive officer of PHASA. “The implementation of the legislation was not well thought through and therefore one-sided. This could have been prevented, had Government consulted the private sector.” The Court has given the State 18 months to rectify the constitutionality of this piece of legislation. In the meantime, all firearm licenses that expired remain valid. This includes the old “green” licenses. “We commend SA Hunters for their dedication and resilience in standing up for what is lawful and right,” concludes Unwin. — Issued by the SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association (SA Hunters)


July 2017


Another successful symposium The South African Mango Growers Association (SAMGA) held their annual research symposium at Tzaneen Country Lodge this week. This event is one of the highlights on the calendar of local mango growers and features a number of national and international guest speakers who address the attendees. The aim of the symposium is to update the growers on the latest advances in the fields of cultivars, pests, diseases and research into the mango industry. “It was as always, a very good event and well attended by all our members,” said Christa De la Port of SAMGA, “we plan on incorporating the symposium with a type of family day in the near future to give the growers and their families a

chance to enjoy the day together.” This year’s headline guest speaker was none other than the acclaimed Doctor Noris Ledesma of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Florida, Miami who discussed the status of mango cultivars, market perspectives and mango cultivar improvement for the future. Doctor Ledesma is a horticultural specialist in tropical fruits. She has an educational background in Tropical Fruits and Economy, Forestry Engineering, with work experience throughout Latin America, Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa, and India. Her work includes collecting Mangifera species and their contribution to the people of Borneo. Ongoing research

includes creating interspecific hybrids between Mangifera indica and selected species. She is looking for a perfect mango, a mango variety that possesses tree dwarfness, attractive colour with good quality fruit, and which is tolerant to diseases for new sustainable and organic crops and production systems. Her work has been recorded in The Fruit Hunters movie.

Other speakers included Pieter Buys, Christo Human, Willem Steyn, James Patterson, Gielie Swart and Lise Korsten. After the formalities were concluded, the attendees enjoyed an afternoon of socialising beside the braai fires.

— Jeff Jackson

July 2017



Sakata se kool vir somerproduksie Kool is oorspronklik ‘n wintergewas wat gedurende herfs geplant word, deur die winter groei en in die lente geoes word. Met die verloop van tyd is nuwe variëteite geteel wat geskik is vir verbouing regdeur die jaar - selfs deur die winter. Die verskeidenheid van kole wat vandag beskikbaar is, wissel in grootte, vorm en kleur. Die verbruiker kan kies en keur tussen koolkoppe van verskeie groottes, vanaf babakool tot koppe van 4 kg en selfs groter. Die vorms van die verskeie koppe kan ook wissel tussen spits, plat, semi-rond en rond. Daar is selfs ook ‘n keuse tussen groen kool en rooi kool. Vandag se baster variëteite beskik verder oor goeie siekteweerstand wat nodig is vir die produsent om ‘n goeie oes te verkry en om chemiese bespuiting te verminder. Suid-Afrika en Afrika is uniek in die sin dat ons hou van groot koppe vanaf 4 kg en selfs groter. Sakata se nuwe variëteit, Optima, bied presies wat die produsent verlang – goeie kwaliteit groot kole met uitstekende siektebestandheid: Optima beskik oor intermediêre weerstand teen Swartvrot en is dus hoofsaaklik geskik vir areas waar die Swartvrot druk baie hoog is - veral met die huidige wisselvallige klimaatsomstandighede, bied dit die produsent addisionele versekering van goeie kwaliteit koppe. Die sterk groeier neem ongeveer 80 tot 100 dae om bekwaamheid te bereik nadat dit verplant is, afhangende van die temperatuur. Die groot raam beskerm die koppe baie goed teen sonbrand asook windskade. Optima se koppe is semi-rond tot rond met ‘n kopgrootte tussen 3 en 5 kg - afhangende van die plantpopulasie, kan dit selfs groter wees. Oor die jare het Conquistador homself bewys as een van die leier koolvariëteite in Suid-Afrika. Conquistador is wyd aanpasbaar met groot, groeikragtige plante en blare wat die koppe goed beskerm. Conquistador weerstaan beide hitte in somer, asook koue deur die winter baie goed. Die koppe beskik oor ‘n uit-

stekende houvermoë nadat bekwaamheid bereik is en bars nie maklik nie. Die groot koppe is ‘n blou-groen kleur met ‘n soet smaak en ‘n uitstekende raklewe, wat dit baie aantreklik maak vir die smouse. Saailinge Dit is baie belangrik dat goeie kwaliteit, sterk saailinge geplant word. Swak saailinge lewer swak kwaliteit, klein koppe wat op die ou einde ‘n lae opbrengs te weeg bring. Die produsent moet ook seker maak dat die saailing se groeipunt nie beskadig is nie, aangesien dit daartoe kan lei dat die plant geen kop kan vorm nie, of meer as een kop vorm wat nie bemarkbaar is nie. Die saailinge moet verder ook nie te lank raak in die saailaai voordat dit uitgeplant word nie, aangesien lang saailinge na uitplant kan verwelk en beskadig kan word deur die son. Dit is belangrik vir die produsent om gebruik te maak van ‘n betroubare saailingkweker om te verseker dat die aanplanting van die begin af met goeie kwaliteit saailinge gevestig word. Sommige produsente poog om kostes te spaar deur hulle eie saailinge te kweek, wat gewoonlik lei tot swak kwaliteit saailinge wat verskeie probleme tot gevolg het soos swak plantjies, lae uitsny persentasies, swak eenvormigheid, siektes in die veld afkomstig van die saailinge, swak wortelstelsel en nog baie meer. Uitplant van saailinge Indien moontlik moet saailinge op beddings of op walle geplant word. Dit lei tot beter dreinering van water wat minder grondsiektes beteken, asook die beskikbaarheid van meer suurstof in die grond. Die produsent moet verseker dat die saailinge se stam of wortel nie beskadig word tydens uitplant nie, aangesien dit kan lei tot die belemmering van groei en die vorming van klein koppe. Die wortelhuisie moet verder ook nie

uitdroog tydens uitplant nie, omdat die saailing se wortels sal sterf en die saailing nie sal groei nie. Met die uitplant van saailinge, met die hand of met ‘n planter, moet die produsent bewus wees van die volgende: • maak seker dat die gate diep genoeg is dat die saailing se wortel nie buig, ingeforseer word, of breek nie - dit kan beteken dat die plantjie slegs klein koppe sal vorm • maak seker dat die saailing se wortelstelsel reg ontwikkel is en dat die groeipunt nie beskadig is nie. Grondvoorbereiding Dit is belangrik vir die produsent om kennis te neem van die tipe grond waar die kool geplant word. Deur ‘n profielgat te grou kan die produsent sien wat gebeur met die dreinering asook die wortelontwikkeling van die plante in die grond. Hierdie observasie sal die produsent baie help in sy besluit oor hoe om die grond te bewerk. ‘n Diep bewerking om die ploegsool te breek en om dreinering aan te help, gevolg deur saadbedvoorbereiding met ‘n beddingmaker. Voor opkoms kan kunsmis saam met die bedvoorbereiding ingewerk word.

Bemesting Dit is verder belangrik vir die produsent om ‘n grondmonster te neem en dit te laat analiseer, sodat ‘n sorgvuldige bemestingsaanbeveling gedoen kan word. Die korrekte bemestingsprogram dra by tot ‘n gesonde oes met ‘n hoë opbrengs van kwaliteit koolkoppe. Sakata lewer ‘n diens aan die produsente deur bemestingsaanbevelings te maak wat variëteitspesifiek is. Kontak ons gerus indien u van hierdie diens gebruik wil maak. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se koolvariëteite skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se nuwe webwerf by AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.


July 2017


OPTIMA Uitstekende somervariëteit Uitstaande hitte toleransie Intermediêre bestandheid teen Swartvrot Sakata kool variëteite:



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