August 2017
Inligting is ons enigste uitweg Bl 3 Indringers onttrek uit Letaba Bl 7 Why Superfoods are just that P 13
August 2017
’n publikasie van FAR NORTH
Die drake word soeter
Redakteur: Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking: Jacques Smuts jacques@bulletin.us.com Estelle von Pannier ads@bulletin.us.com Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts ansie@bulletin.us.com 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850 015 306 0198 www.bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
word, op ‘n per hektaar basis, sodra hulle van die Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit aankoop. Die maatskappy word bestuur deur ses direkteure, waarvan drie die boere verteenwoordig en drie vanuit die geledere van Amorentia Estate kom. “Almal soek iets nuuts om by te voeg tot die vrugtemandjie. Daar word bereken dat Dragon Fruit se besproeiingsbehoeftes ongeveer 60% is van die van avokado’s en makadamias,” verduidelik Wynand Espach, algemene bestuurder by Amorentia Estate. “Dragon Fruit begin in hul tweede jaar dra, en hulle’s in volle produksie vanaf jaar vier of vyf, afhangende van klimaatstoestande. Daar’s al ‘n geweldige hoeveelheid navorsing gedoen oor Dragon Fruit, veral in die Verre Ooste.” By Amorentia Estate is baie proewe gedoen in die beste stutte vir die plante. Die plante het ‘n lewenstydperk van twintig jaar en in volle drag is die gewig te swaar om deur draad ondersteun te word. Voorts het hulle gevind dat die kreosoot in teerpale die plant se lugwortels brand. Daar is bevind dat die beste metode wat beide die plant ondersteun asook oes vergemaklik, ‘n versterkte sementpaal van 1,8m is met ‘n vierkantige raamwerk wat bo-op rus. Die struktuur word plaaslik gegiet deur DeyCon Precast. Twee plante word aan teenoorg-
Bulletin FAR NORTH
Amorentia Estate in die Politsi Vallei net buite Tzaneen het verlede jaar hulle nuwe soet Dragon Fruit kultivars bekendgestel aan boere reg oor die land. Hierdie jaar het hulle die eerste, baie klein, oes van hul soet Dragon Fruit kultivars bemark by winkels in Tzaneen. Daar is tans reeds tien boere wat hierdie kultivars verbou op ‘n gesamentlike totaal van net oor die 20ha landwyd. Die soet kultivars is bekom vanaf die Verenigde State van Amerika. Amorentia Estate het geskikte areas regoor die land vir die verbouing van hul Dragon Fruit kultivars geïdentifiseer, hetsy winterof somerreënval, met die enigste proviso dat dit ‘n rypvrye gebied moet wees. Hulle het ‘n aparte entiteit, Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit Marketing Company (Pty) Ltd, gestig. Dit is ‘n bemarkingsgroep waarin boere aandele toegeken
estelde kante van die paal geplant en twee stamme van elk word opgelei tot bo (aanvanklik vasgebind maar later sal ondersteunende lugwortels ontwikkel). Vandaar word die sekondêre ‘arms’ van die plant toegelaat om te ontwikkel en hulle kan tot 3m lank word. Daar moet dus in gedagte gehou word dat die vestiging van ‘n draakvrugboord redelik kapitaal-intensief is. Die plant het vyf of ses opeenvolgende blomperiodes gedurende ‘n enkele seisoen en elke vrug word betreklik vinnig ryp, binne dertig tot vyftig dae, afhangend van die kultivar. Amorentia Estate bied tans drie kultivars: een met wit vlees (Amorentia Sweet White), een met pienk vlees (Amorentia Sweet Ballet) en ‘n derde met dieppienk of cerise vlees (Amorentia Sweet India). Enigeen wat al draakvrugte gekoop het, weet hoe duur dit is maar ook hoe dikwels die kultivars, tans op die mark, has smaakloos is. Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit Marketing Company het hulself ten doel gestel om aan Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers en die uitvoermark te wys dat dié pragtige en hoogs-gesonde vrug, ook werklik lekker kan wees. Vir verdere inligting: Sarie Espach, Amorentia Estate, Tel: +27 82 855 0410, Epos: sarie@amorentia.co.za, www. amorentia.co.za
Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543
August 2017
Inligting sal vir ons die oorhand gee Projek Nehemia is Maandagaand tydens ‘n gemeenskapsvergadering by Fairview Lodge net buite Tzaneen bekend gestel. Gasspreker, oud-Generaal Majoor van die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag, Roland De Vries, het ‘n groep boere toegespreek oor die belangrikheid van gemeenskapsveiligheid in die landelike gebiede waar plaasaanvalle weereens besig is om te styg. Volgens De Vries is die probleem nie so maklik oplosbaar soos daar aangeneem word nie. Tog is die oplossing ‘n eenvoudige een. “Dit gaan oor kommunikasie en inligting werwing,” het hy verduidelik. “Die krimineel beweeg in ‘n onsigbare wêreld waarvan ons nie bewus is nie. Vir ‘n fraksie van ‘n oomblik betreë hulle ons wêreld, moor, roof en martel, en dan verdwyn hy weer terug
in sy onsigbare wêreld in. Ons moet hom daar gaan vind en daar, in sy eie wêreld, dit vir hom ongemaklik maak.” Die oud-weermagsman is van mening dat die probleem lê in die manier waarop huisbrake, plaasaanvalle en diefstal hanteer word. Volgens hom is die samelewing huidiglik te reaktief. “Ons het heinings, alarms, whatsapp groepies, plaaswagte en buurtwagte in plek. En nou wag ons vir die aanval om te gebeur in stede daarvan om die aanval te kéér voordat dit gebeur. Dit help niemand niks as die plaaswag by jou huis aankom nadat jy klaar aangeval en beroof is en die krimineel die pad gevat het nie. Ons moet proaktief begin raak en hierdie kriminele uit ons samelewing uitdryf deur dit vir hom ongemaklik hier te maak.”
Die kruks van die saak is die gemeenskap weet nie genoeg nie. Bure ken mekaar nie eers nie en baie min mense weet wat aangaan in die huis langs hulle, wat nog te sê van die dorp self. Daar is lede van die gemeenskap wat nie die koerant lees nie want “daar is genoeg geweld en negatiewiteit in die lewe ek wil nie myself nog meer depressief maak nie.” Inligting is die enigste manier waarop die krimineel gestuit gaan word. Projek Nehemia is gemik daarop om inteligensie by mekaar te maak en strategiese beplanning in plek te sit om sodoende doeltreffende oplossings vir gemeenskapveiligheid te bied. Die konsep is gebasseer op ‘n hoogs effektiewe model wat suksesvol geimplimenteer is in ander gemeenskappe waarby
De Vries en sy span betrokke was. Vir meer inligting oor hierdie projek en die stappe wat nou in Tzaneen en omgewing gevolg gaan word vir jou en jou gesin se veiligheid, besoek gerus jou naaste AfriForum tak of besoek hul webtuiste. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Hyundai trucks coming soon! OPEN ON SATURDAYS 81 19th Avenue Industria Polokwane • Tel: 015 297 7046
August 2017
Service for Shade
Shade net farming is a relatively new standard of farming, practiced internationally, during the last decade, in countries such as India and Kenya. South African farmers are taking note of the
findings, such as improved productivity and fruit quality, and following suit. Diggersrest Timber Co., situated in the picturesque Georges Valley near Tzaneen, is known for their innovative think-
ing and revolutionary products such as Biligom® and Bilitruss, are not being left behind. Biligom® is tanalith-E treated Eucalyptus structural timber developed for the pre-fabricated roof truss industry. Bilitruss, a pre-fabricated roof truss plant that was also founded by the Diggersrest group to further help develop and create Biligom® industry standards. The latest introduction to the group is an exceptional ‘value-added service’ to their wide variety of CCA and Creosote treated poles. Agricultural farmers, who are now erecting shade net structures over their crops, will be getting more than “just poles” when purchasing from Diggersrest Timber Co. Installing a shade net over your crops is far more intricate than, a simple, D.I.Y. procedure. It is a costly investment that
should last years, if not a lifetime. The shade nets have been developed to filter the spectrum of sunlight and induce scattering. They are designed to modify the radiation and depending on the colour and pigmentation of the thread and the specific knitting design, these nets are aimed at optimizing desirable physiological responses with the addition of physical protection. Knowledge of all the components of both the structure and the crops are imperative. Diggersrest Timber Co.’s service goes beyond their yard and the products manufactured. Factors that have a direct impact on each pole needs to be considered, such as irrigation, chemical-use and fertilizer. • Continue on Page 5
WE WORK HARD SO THAT YOU WON’T HAVE TO Here at River Bioscience, we work hard to provide the grower with affordable and effective biological control products. We enjoy seeing the grower producing a safer crop of the best quality without the need to put in the extra hours. We do our research with the grower and environment in mind to ensure that a balance is maintained. We work hard so that the growers can enjoy the fruits of their labour. SPLAT FCMTM mating disruption for false codling moth.
M3TM fruit fly bait station for control of female fruit flies.
Invader-B-lokTM attract-and-kill for male oriental fruit fly.
CryptogranTM virus for control of false codling moth
CryptonemTM H. bacteriophora an entomopathogenic nematode for control of soil-pupating larvae of insects.
RB Tuta Lure isomerically pure pheromone of Tuta absoluta for monitoring and mass trapping.
HelicovirTM virus for control of bollworm.
RB Tuta Hook attract-and-kill for South American leaf miner males.
Keith Danckwerts |
Business Development| keith@riverbio.com | +27 (0)83 633 2336
Chris Hendriks |
Marketing | chris@riverbio.com | +27 (0)79 858 3233
Louw Viljoen |
Marketing | louw@xsit.co.za | +27 (0)83 456 0260
August 2017
• Continued from Page 4
Diggersrest’s specialist, Wally Denton not only has a nice smile, but is educated in SANS 457 and SANS 1288 (South African National Standards) and has been in the forestry industry long enough to offer invaluable advice. With personal consultation, assessing each client’s individual needs, Diggersrest offers significant time and cost saving options such as specifically manufacturing poles according to the design and pre-drilling holes for the cabling of the shade net structure. Manufacturing poles specifically to the clients needs is the first step towards saving both time and money. The pre-drilling of the holes adds another huge saving of not only costs and labour, but ensures that the holes are treated too, another fantastic benefit of these value-added services. The pre-drilling is done prior to treatment in the yard thus the farmer has no need to treat these holes himself. Manager Mark Schimdt says, “We can even offer advice on how to plant a pole correctly“. Success lies in the finer details and this is what holds Diggersrest Timber Co. true to their promise “A Cut Above The Rest”. With 44 years’ experience in the industry, the company offers substantial advice on their products. Currently producing top quality Certified structural timber for the construction and building industry as well as A-Grade and B-Grade timber for the pallet market. Diggersrest Timber Co. has its own Creosote and CCA treatment facilities which are SATAS accredited and regularly audited. The demanding SATAS inspection method warrants a world class product. Through the years of experience, Diggersrest Timber Co. has built up a variety of products, specialising in: • Droppers and Laths • Building and Fencing Poles • CCA & Creosote Treated Poles • Untreated Poles • All poles Bundled for ease of loading • Tomato Poles
• • • • •
A & B Grade Pallet Material Biligom® Structural Timber Wood Chips Silviculture Harvesting
Diggersrest Timber Co. supplies throughout South Africa and across border into Namibia and Botswana for a number of different applications including fencing, agricultural netting, thatching and D.I.Y. projects. That promise “A Cut Above The Rest” speaks for more than their service delivery but for the pricing, packaging and quality too. For your next project, be it big or small, do not hesitate to contact Diggersrest Timber Co., they will offer you more than just poles.
Manufacturer of TREATED pre-fabricated roof trusses We only use Revolutionary Biligom® Structural Timber Experienced staff go the extra mile More variety, Design freedom The cost effective option
A FULL PACKAGE DEAL Trusses, tiles, sheeting, insulation... according to the architects specs
Office: 015 065 0120 • Markus 073 538 8400 • sales2@bilitruss.co.za • www.bilitruss.co.za
August 2017
Waste not Water Be it on a domestic, agricultural or industrial level, today water storage is becoming more pertinent than ever. N&S Industrial, operating out of the Tzaneen area, is here to provide a high quality solution to water storage challenges. N&S Industrial is the accredited Limpopo agent and installer of Rainbow Reservoirs. Rainbow Reservoirs manufactures the highest quality Zincalume® steel sectional water storage tanks throughout Africa. N&S supply and install your Rainbow Tank on-site as a no-maintenance, durable system that is rugged, dependable and visually attractive, at the same time capable of withstanding the harshest environments. Our agricultural tanks can be used to collect and store rainwater that fall onto buildings that otherwise would have gone down the drains, or would have been soaked into the ground or lost through the process of evaporation. Using it for agricultural purposes can go a long way in cutting water bills. N&S Industrial offer a few reasons why Rainbow Reservoirs are the way forward: • 5,000 litres to over 2 million litres • Walls and roof of anti-corrosive Zincalume® coated steel • Heavy duty, potable/food grade liners of the highest quality • Steel dome roof with optional gutter system for rainwater harvesting • Durable, no-maintenance components throughout
• Various colour options to suite your preference • Quick, economical on-site assembly • Tanks under 350,000 litres require no concrete foundation • Permanent or temporary installation – option to relocate • Modular. Flat-packed for easy transport and export • 30-year life expectancy, 12 year warranty! “Water is crucial for life on earth! Access to water is one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century. With exploding population growth and rapidly growing economies in Africa, it is crucial that we as a continent develop a strong ethic towards water conservation. It is ironic that we consider it important to conserve all manner of things such as wildlife, natural places and even buildings, yet conserving water is at the bottom of our conservation-priorities list… this in spite of the fact that we are on the brink of a global water crisis”. Wayne Thompson; MD, Rainbow Reservoirs. Rainbow Reservoirs are the leaders in water storage solutions and N&S Industrial is here to bring it to your doorstep.
Laboratory Solutions ASTRO Laboratories have been supplying chemicals to a variety of Industries over the past twenty years. Specialised industries such as the citrus and fruit industries can benefit from the various concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide solutions, ISO propyl alcohol, Potassium Bromate/ Bromide and more that ASTRO can supply. Universities, municipalities, mining and other industries involved in wet chemistry and research, benefit from the wide variety of chemicals
• • • • •
Suppliers and Distributors of: ISO registered chemicals - including plant cell culture & customised solutions Equipment and instrumentation Glassware and glassblowing Sterilization products General laboratory consumables
We service a 200km radius around Tzaneen
A Service To Rely On
Charl Smit 083 306 0720 Office 015 307 6377 • info@astrolaboratories.co.za
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and glassware ranging from Beakers, Erlenmeyer Flasks, Test Tubes to Pipettes and Burettes. ASTRO is involved in the supply of tissue culture chemicals as well as various instruments like PH Meters, EC Meters, Temperature Meters and Refractometers. The range of balances and scales include 3 decimal place balances to platform and pallet truck scales that can weigh up to 2000Kg and not to forget Moisture Balances. Other Products ASTRO supplies are Filter Papers, Sieves, Microscopes, Hotplates and Stirrers, Bottle top dispensers, various Plasticware, disposable Gloves, Overshoes, Mop-caps, Surgical Masks and Blades, Syringes and Needles, Throat Swabs and Petridishes. With very competitive prices and good service to match, ASTRO offers the whole package and more when it comes to your laboratory needs.
August 2017
Indringers begin spore maak
Die water-Hyacintha inval oor die Letabarivier is vir jare lank al ‘n probleem. Inwoners van Letsitele en Tzaneen wat gereeld oor die R71 tussen dié twee dorpe reis, sou oor die tydperk sedert September verlede jaar tot hede, die digte groen kombers oor die rivier opgemerk het. Vroeër dié maand, het Sandriver Crop Protection in samewerking met die Departement van Waterwese, die indringer epidemie uit die lug uit beveg. Laatmiddag verkeer het byna tot stilstand gekom soos wat toeskouers die affêre bekyk het. Die ervare loods, JD Heyns, het sy Bell 206 Long Ranger ingespan en brughoogte onder die krag-
drade deur die oppervlakte van die rivier bespuit. Die Departement van Waterwese het die chemikalieë, Seismic Glutaphosphate herbicide, verskaf. “Ons het ‘n bepaalde spuit area gehad om te voltooi en ons is gerus dat dit suksesvol was,” het Okkie Erasmus van Sandriver Crop Protection aan Bulletin gesê. “Dit gaan nou so paar dae neem om die verskil op die rivier te sien, maar die chemikalieë behoort nou vinnig te werk te gaan om die probleem op te los.” Al die nodige omgewingsstudies is vooraf voltooi en die nodige papierwerk afgehandel voordat die besproeing gedoen is. Sandriver Crop het ook
‘n stof by die Seismic Herbicide gelas om te verhoed dat die chemikalieë te vêr versprei. Daar is ook ‘n stof ingevoeg wat, in leke terme, die plante “honger” maak en dan word die stowwe vinniger opgeneem. Dit is vandag reeds twee weke later en dit wil blyk asof die bespuiting gewerk het. Die indringers is stadig maar seker besig om te verminder en daar word gehoop dat daar binnekort weer net die lopende water van die Letaba sigbaar sal wees. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
“Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie en een helikopter beskikbaar gaan wees vir die vooren na-blom Blaaspootjie spuitseisoen” Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: info@sandrivercrop.co.za • leon@sandrivercrop.co.za
Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes
August 2017
Leer uit Zimbabwe se foute
Die grondonteiening sonder vergoeding debat is op almal se lippe hierdie laaste paar maande. Die Zimbabwe-situasie word onder die boeregemeenskap bespreek na afloop van ‘n waarskuwing wat aan SA boere deur die Zimbabwieër, Pete Steyl, gerig is. Steyl is die president van die Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe. Volgens Steyl het Zimbabwe se boere ten volle geglo dat hul grondwet hul teen onteiening sonder vergoeding sou beskerm. Hulle het ook geglo dat die internasionale gemeenskap ʼn ekonomiese ramp sou afweer, en arrogant verkondig dat die vryemark grondhervorming
moes dikteer. Steyl is bekommerd oor hy na bewering soorgelyke argumente op plaaslike bodem hoor. In reaksie op Steyl se waarskuwing het Leon Borcherds, president van Agri Limpopo, gesê dat sy organisasie reeds sedert 2013 intens gemoeid is met die implementering en verfyning van die grondhervormingsmodel van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan. “Juis omdat Limpopo se kommersiële boere besef dat n Zimbabwe-situasie in Suid-Afrika nie onmoontlik is nie”, het Borcherds gesê. Dr Theo de Jager, voorsitter van Agri Limpopo se beleidskomitee vir Land-
bou-ontwikkeling en ook lid van die Afrika-Unie se Land Policy Initiative, sê dis presies dieselfde argumente wat tot dusver teen die grondhervormingsmodel in Hoofstuk 6 van die NOP geopper was. Dit het daartoe gelei dat Agri Limpopo met die Nasionale Beplanningskommissie, AFASA en die mega-boeregroep, Proagri, kragte saamgesnoer het om hierdie model te verfyn vir implementering. “Limpopo se boere het ‘n unieke verhouding met ons noordelike buurman, en voel ‘n lotsgebondenheid met Zimbabwe boere,” sê Willem van Jaarsveld, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Agri Limpopo. “Talle Zimbabwiërs woon en werk in ons
provinsie, en soos Zimbabwe, het Limpopo ‘n landbougedrewe ekonomie. Ons het al behoorlik onder grondeise deurgeloop, en met vier van die nege voormalige tuislande tussen ons plase is Limpopo se boere veel meer blootgestel aan landelike armoede en die uitdagings van kleinskaalboerdery en kommunale landbou. Daarom is ons ernstig oor grondhervorming en veral dat dit moet slaag”. Borcherds het bygevoeg dat SuidAfrikaanse landbouers en landbouleiers aandag moet gee aan Steyl se waarskuwing. “Lesse geleer in Zimbabwe kan ons help om ʼn ‘Zimbabwe’ in SA te vermy.” — Agri Korrespondent
August 2017
Eureka vir bessies Dit is die begin van die bloubessieseisoen by Tzaneen Bloubessies, net buite Tzaneen, waar daar groot planne is met hierdie gesogte produk. Henry Hayes het aanvanklik begin met die Rabbiteye-tipe bloubessie wat gedy het in die Tzaneenomgewing. Later het hy aangesluit by die BerryWorld SA-groep, baanbrekende Suid-Afrikaanse bessiemaatskappy, wat hom voorsien van sy plantmateriaal en aan wie hy sy produk lewer. Die huidige oes kom van kultivars gekweek in die staat Florida (VSA) met laer kouebehoefte as die kultivars wat
gewoonlik in die Noordelike Halfrond verbou word, spesifiek ‘Snowchaser’ en ‘Jewel’ . Daar is egter tans groot uitbreiding in die hidroponiese verbouing van ‘n splinternuwe kultivar wat groot opslae maak oorsee weens die reuse korrel van die bessie: dit is die Australiese kultivar ‘Eureka’. So nuut is hierdie kultivar, dat dit nou eers in NIeuSeeland aangeplant word; laasjaar is die eerste besending van ‘Eureka’ bloubessies uit Australië na suidoos-Asië gestuur waar dit, soos verwag is, met groot geesdrif begroet is. By Tzaneen
Blueberries word 50 000 van hierdie soort bloubessie tans aangeplant met ‘n verwagte eerste oes oor ‘n jaar. “Die nuwe oes lyk goed, dit beloof om ‘n goeie uitvoerseisoen te wees. Verlede jaar het ons verwagtinge oortref,” sê Henry Hayes. “Ons is in die bevoorregte posisie dat die aanvraag uit Europa groter is as wat ons kan lewer. Op die plaaslike mark is verbruikersaanvraag nog maar traag, die prys sal hopelik nog afkom. Hopelik sal
volumes groei soos daar al hoe meer bloubessieboere die mark betree.” Europa voorsien tans nog hul eie bloubessies, en hierdie vroeë Suid-Afrikaanse bessies word plaaslik bemark by supermarkte deur Eurafruit, maar van volgende maand af is hulle bestem vir Europese verbruikers. Suid-Afrika se bessieproduksie vir uitvoer neem met rasse skrede toe, van ‘n skamele 90t wat in 2001 uitgevoer is tot 2 569t verlede jaar.
August 2017
False coddler combat concerns The Constantia Citrus Study Group meets monthly at Letaba Junction just outside Letsitele to talk about developments and challenges in the citrus farming industry. On the 10th of August the meeting was presented by River Bioscience and proudly sponsored by Isuzu. River Bioscience focuses on biological pest control and they presented the product range they have available to control false codling moth (FCM), to the members of the study group. This pest is a major problem causing a substantial financial loss for farmers annually as it attacks fruit at all the stages of development. Citrus is not the only fruit targeted, other crops include avocados, beans, coffee, cotton, grapes, macadamias, maize and tomatoes. A large part of the FMC’s lifecycle happens out of sight, making it a huge challenge to control. The adult moths are nocturnal; the eggs are no more than 1mm in diameter, as the eggs hatch the caterpillars bore into the fruit and tunnel deeper within as they mature. Once fully matured they drop to the ground and spin a cocoon in the soil remaining there before metamorphosing into an adult moth. Many different types of methods can be used to control this pest; chemical, microbial, sanitation, destruction of the host plant, biological and irradiation and some grower’s go as far as flooding their orchards in winter to kill the pupae. Biological pest control involves using natural enemies, such as wasps in this instance, to control and manage the population of the pest species. Another method is sterile insect technique (SIT), which involves releasing large numbers so sterile moths into the land to mate with females ensuring that
no offspring result. River Bioscience presented one such product called Xsit. The other products focused on at this meeting were SPLAT FCM, Cryptogran and Crpytonem. SPLAT FCM is a new mating disruption product based on a gel matrix which is formulated to protect against rain and UV and release pheromone over an extended time, preventing males from finding females and thereby preventing pairing. Cryptogran, which is a baculovirus derived from the false codling Marco Lottering, Dave Pelser en Dirk Janse van Rensburg. moth, kills the larvae when ingested. In the process, new virus is generated and the biological control mechanism is extended into plan to register for control of soil pupating FCM larvae the next generation. Cryptonem is entomopathogenic that the citrus industry has funded the development of. nematodes (beneficial insect killing nematodes) which RB1 is new fungicide CRI developed for the control of seek out pupating FCM larvae in the soil, penetrate Citrus Black spot. Keith Danckwerts, Business Developthem and kill them with their symbiotic bacteria where ment Manger of River Bioscience says, “We presented after they multiply within the dead insect. results of the registration trials for this product. We River Bioscience also gave feedback on improvements await registration of RB1which will give growers an alto the formulation of Cryptogran and two fungi they ternative to some of the current products in the spray programme which leave undesirable residues. The residues creLetsitele boere. ated by RB1 are within the current accepted norms for citrus shipped to the EU.” With exciting, revolutionary and innovative developments always available to the agricultural industry it can only be beneficial and educational to join the Constantia Citrus Study group. For more further information or to become a member please contact Henk van Rooyen on 083 633 1511. Chris Hendriks en Keith Danckwerts van River Bioscience.
August 2017
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10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
August 2017
Ofcolaco loop deur onder veediewe “Hy’t mense hoor kap in die bosse, maar dit het nie soos hout geklink nie, dit was te sag.” So het die plaaswerker van die Harmony 1 plaas, aan Ofcolaco se Gemeenskapsveiligheid lede oor die foon Vrydagaand verduidelik. Die plaas behoor aan Peety Liebenberg. Die veediewe het wéér toegeslaan in die area en Willie Smit en ander lede van die Ofcolaco Sub GPF is dadelik ontbied. Op die plaas aangekom is die groep deur ‘n grusame toneel verwelkom. Beeskoppe en half-opgekapte karkasse het in die veld versprei gelê. Daar was bloed orals. Die booswigte verantwoordelik vir die barbaarse slagting het spore gemaak. Daar was drie verdagtes en volgens inligting het hulle deur die bosse te voet gevlug. Smit het plaaslike veiligeheidsmaatskappye in geroep om met bloedhonde die verdagtes se spore te sny. Maake, Tzaneen en Gravelotte polisiestasies is ook in kennis gestel en het in samewerking met die veiligheidsbeamptes die verdagtes agterna gesit. Intussen is Smit en so paar van die GPF lede besig om die slagtingstoneel te roskam vir enige leidrade toe daar ‘n motor langs hulle tot stilstand kom. “Dit was so regte ‘skoro-skoro’ bakkie wat daar by ons stop,” verduidelik Smit. “Ek vra toe die drywer of ons kan help en hy sê toe nee, hy is maar net nuuskierig om te sien wat aangaan. Dit was vir my baie verdag en ek vra hom toe om uit sy motor te klim vir ondervraging.” Smit het die man gevra vir sy rybewys en selfoonnommer. Dit het toe uitgekom dat die bakkie nie sy voertuig is nie. “Hy het vir my gesê dat hy nie ‘n selfoon besit nie, maar op daardie oomblik hoor ek toe iets lui.” Dit was ‘n selfoon versteek in die plafon van sy voertuig se kajuit.
Die persoon wat gebel het was een van die verdagtes wat wou weet hoe vêr hy van hulle af is aangesien hulle nog vir hom langs die R36 wag. Gravelotte polisiebeamptes het die man verder ondervra waarna hy erken het dat hy die bestuurder vir die groep verdagtes is. Die vleis sou agterop die bakkie gelaai word en na ‘n slaghuis in die informele nedersetting vervoer word. ‘n Paar ure en 20 kilometer later het die bloedhonde die verdagtes tot by hul wonings in die Pharare nedersetting nagespoor. Die eerste verdagte is met bebloede klere en vleis binne in sy huis vasgetrek. Die tweede verdagte is gear-
resteer nadat die honde sy bebloede klere en stukke vleis binne in ‘n JoJo-tenk op sy eiendom uitgewys het. Verdagte nommer drie het ontsnap maar is welbekend in die area. “Die polisie en inwoners van hierdie area ken hom as Batista, soos die stoeier,” het Smit gesê. “Hy is gesoek vir verskeie ander misdade insluitend kabelen transformator diefstal. Die polisie soek hom al lank. Ons gaan hom nog vastrek.” Veediefstal is ‘n baie erge probleem in die Ofcolaco gebied en kos die plaaslike boere ‘n geraamde R200 000 se verlies elke jaar. “Mense is onder die indruk dat dit net die wit boere is wat l yonder veediefstal, maar dit is glad nie waar nie. Die verliese is net so hoog aan die swart boere se kant, indien nie nog hoër nie. Dit raak die hele gemeenskap en almal is moeg gesukkel.” Teen druktyd was daar geen verdere inligting nie. Die verdagte sal glo binne kort in die landroshof verskyn. — Joe Dreyer
In memory of Monti Moshe Masenamela
23 September @ 11:00 Behind Post office, Haenertsburg
Haenertsburg Hardware • MMS • Palmiet Transport • Haernetsburg Liquor Store
Haenertsburg Forestry Fair The annual Haenertsburg Forestry Fair (HFF) will taking place behind the post office in Haenertsburg on the Saturday morning, 23 September. This year HFF is organized by F.E.S and Steven Lumber Mills (SLM). The teams that will be participating thus far will be Bonnyton Sawmill, Diggersrest Timber Company, F.E.S, SLM, Working on Fire and ZZ2. With events and competitions such as Tug-of-War, Best Bell Operator, Best Chainsaw Operator and much more, HFF always offers a great platform for companies to represent themselves and their employees. For spectators, this is a fantastic opportu-
nity to see what it takes to play a role in the forestry industry. F.E.S would like to thank all the sponsors for making this event possible. Husquvana, JB Spares, Supa Quick, Altech Netstar, Diggersrest Timber Co., PPS Petroleum, SLM, Letaba Fire Protection Association, Iron Crown, The Red Plate, Haenertsburg Hardware, Mountain Mechanical Solutions (MMS), Haenertsburg Liqour Store and Palmiet Transport. Entries to participate are still open, to take part or for detailed information contact Armand Joubert of F.E.S on 082 570 4020 or armand.joubert12@gmail.com.
August 2017
Superfoods leading disease prevention Veggie extracting, juicing, super foods, clean eating and functional medicine are only a few of the phrases that have been buzzing around in the last few years around the health industry. We all know that vegetables are healthy and play an important role in a balanced diet but it appears that there is more to this food revolution than “6-8 portions day”. Vito Rugani, explains that “the juicing revolution comes down to four crucial variables.” Harvested and immediately pro• cess daily • No additives such as sugar, water, colourants or preservatives • High carotenoid concentration LIFE FORCE, bioavailability and • nutraceuticals
‘Harvested Daily’
Veggie extraction needs to occur from freshly harvested produce. “This is unheard of in conventional juicing, where seasonal fruit is converted into a concentrate and can sit for years before being processed.” Rugani Juices says “We can introduce you to the farmer, give exact dates of harvest and even specify the piece of land that nourishes a particular batch of extracted veggies.” When you buy your veggie juice ensure that it is from a reputable source to get all the benefits you can from it.
No Additives
Innovation and technology have allowed for processing the purest health juice possible. No sugar, no water and no preservatives need to be added. A touch of vitamin C assures safe consumption but no further compromises are to be made to achieve “an almost pure juice”. When juicing at home remember to limit the amount of sweet fruits in the mixture to just the bare minimum – only use it as a sweetener. If you like fruit, it would be best to eat them whole with the fiber to slow down the release
of fructose to the bloodstream.
In the 1990’s, pharmaceutical companies funded researched into carotenoid beta-carotene believing it to be the penicillin of the 21st century. Dietary carotenoids are thought to provide health benefits in decreasing the risk of disease. The beneficial effects of carotenoids are thought to be due to their role as antioxidants. It was also found that beta-carotene cannot be created artificially and converts into a different form, cis-beta-carotene, which is absorbed most efficiently by the
body. It was accidentally discovered that beta carotene in carrot juice converts into cis-beta-carotene after undergoing pasteurization, “enabling the body to capitalize on all its remarkable health benefits”. Juicing at home may be the purest form of juicing, however sometimes a vegetable needs to go through a process to be all that it is worth.
Captured Life Force, Bioavailability and Nutraceuticals “A storage root is a plant’s pantry of life.” Rugani adds. “Tubers, bulbs and other modified storage roots have always been renowned for their healing properties once extracted.” Carrot, ginger, turmeric, radishes, celeriac and beetroot are no exception. Freshly harvested and immediately extracted, the powerful medicinal properties are successfully captured in a highly bio-available and stable form and will remain so if sealed away in aseptic packaging immediately. “Simply put, this is capturing Life Force.” Capturing Life Force opens up the nutraceutical vacuum – optimising human absorption of key nutrients to boost health and healing.
August 2017
Power-filled juice boxes The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) in Southern Africa is the leading trade association representing companies from every segment of the global produce and floral supply chain. It was at this year’s conference in Cape Town, 15 – 16 August, where ZZ2 and Rugani Juice launched their ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice.
“There is a revolution in our midst.” says Vito Rugani, CEO of Rugani Juice. “Subjecting freshly harvested vegetables to a cutting edge extraction process has produced some astounding products with remarkable health benefits.” ZZ2 and Rugani Juice have done what no other has, producing South Africa’s first and only freshly-produced tomato juice made from tomatoes that are grown in line with ZZ2’s strict Nature Farming® health philosophy. Their philosophy ensures high quality products, nutritionally dense food that has been grown ethically making it the perfect match for Rugani Juice, who is proud to be a front run-
A conference goer enjoys ZZ2 Romanita Tomato Juice during the PMA in CPT
ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice
ner in veggie extraction with its association to disease prevention. “Rugani Juices imported an extraction process that is a first in the world. This process maximizes the total oil solids (TSS) from juices – balancing alkaline, acidity and sugars. Their facility is state-of-art and is leading the veggie revolution in South Africa” writes Karen Engelbrecht from ZZ2 Marketing. “But it is the fresh and natural taste that has lovers of tomato juice coming back for more,” says Clive Garret, Marketing Manager of ZZ2. The ZZ2 100% Romantica Tomato Juice is made from the freshest tomatoes, directly from the fields. Veggie extraction is never made from concentrate. “Unlike other juices, ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice is farmer-generated, it cannot be made synthetically, and it is apparent in the beautiful taste.”
Tomato Juice Display
29 September 2017 Contact one of our marketers Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543
Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670 ads@bulletin.us.com
Deadline 20 September 2017 AgriBulletin is distributed throughout the Limpopo region
August 2017
Pinzgauers se Paul Bester oorlede Mnr. Paul Bester, voorsitter van die Pinzgauer-telersgenootskap en kuddebestuurder van die ZZ2-stoetery by Mooketsi, is oorlede.
Bester is vermoedelik aan kanker oorlede. Bester het diep spore in Pinzgauergeledere getrap en was sedert 2006 voorsitter van die Pinzgauer- en PinZ²yltelersgenootskap. Hy was by ZZ2 se stoetery verantwoordelik vir die teling van PinZ²yl-beeste met Nguni-koeie en Pinzgauer-bulle. Die ras is in 2009 as dubbeldoelras geregistreer. Bester was ook die teler van die Pinzgauerbul Heinz wat in 2016 die medewenner as die Suid-Afrikaanse Teelbul van die Jaar was. Kundig en standvastig Mnr. Martin Seyfferdt, bekende SuidAfrikaanse beoordelaar en beeskenner, sê Bester was ‘n baie standvastige mens. “As hy ‘n besluit gemaak het, was dit so. Hy was egter bereid om van ander mense te leer, ‘n mens kon met hom gepraat het.”
Seyfferdt sê Bester het ‘n groot impak gemaak deur sy betrokkenheid by Pinzgauers op internasionale vlak. “Sy groot sukses was egter vir my sy prestasietoetsing. Hy het hier op Bloemfontein drie jaar na mekaar die fase C-klas gewen. “Mense het werklik geluister as Paul praat. Dit was nie net sy kennis nie, hy was baie goed met wat hy gedoen het. Die ouens kon maar na hom geluister.” Ikoniese beesboer Mnr. Tommie van Zyl, uitvoerende hoof van ZZ2, sê Bester laat ‘n groot leemte. “Paul Bester was ‘n beesboer in murg en been. Benewens dit was hy ook ‘n boer wat sy omgewing en al sy faktore in verband met mekaar kon sien – die beeste, ras, omgewing, mense, die nodigheid om te presteer. Vir hom was die skepping
van sin en betekenis deel van sy taak as ‘n beesboer.” Volgens Van Zyl was Bester veral gestel op die verbetering van homself, sy diere en die skepping van iets nuut. “As jy na die werf van hom kyk waar hy met sy beeste gewerk het, kon jy sien dis iemand wat heeltyd iets skep. Hy het ‘n plaaswerf en ‘n uitnemende omgewing geskep. Bester was benewens die Pinzgauer en die PinZ²yl ook lief vir Santas. “Paul was die argetipe van ‘n boere, hy het naby aan die grond geleef. Ons sal Paul verskriklik baie mis. Landbouweekblad het een keer in ‘n artikel vir Paul beskryf as ‘n ikoniese beesboer. Ek dink dit is ‘n baie goeie beskrywing.” — Corli van der Merwe landbou.com
Call to end Radicalism in South Africa “The time has come for radicalism in all its forms to be eradicated, with South African citizens being allowed to experience freedom within a de-radicalised society as offered by the Constitution. Recently the media have reported on various racist incidents that are not conducive to nation building, but instead divide communities,” said Agri SA President Johannes Möller. “Our country and its people need a society where their right to life is respected and where all people are deemed equally important. I call today on all South Africans to condemn violent crime and racism in all its forms and, in community context, to reach out to make the country a better place where everyone can live together in peace and harmony, said Möller”. Members of the agricultural community have recently
also not escaped acts of violence, such as farm attacks and inflammatory utterances regarding land invasions. The media on a daily basis report on violence against fellow citizens and the accompanying trauma that victims suffer. These actions have no place in a democratic country where human rights enjoy high priority. Leaders in society have a responsibility to stand together and create a climate of tolerance and to condemn violence in all its forms. Agriculture remains one of the country’s major assets and should be developed as an attractive career for young entrants. This is only possible if farmers and farm workers are able to farm in safety, without the threat of radicalism. “It is correct that the Minister of Police condemns racism, but we find it strange that he does not condemn the bru-
tal murdering of and assault on members of the farming community,” said Möller. Möller also called on leaders to refrain from making inflammatory and extremist statements that give rise to violence against the farming community. Utterances of this nature are usually accompanied by emotion which in turn leads to incorrect perceptions of people and could promote racist acts. It is important to note that criminal elements are present everywhere in society and that inflammatory utterances could serve as motivation to commit a crime. Therefore, all leaders have a responsibility to make statements with great circumspection and not to encourage their supporters to commit acts of violence. — AgriSA Press Room
Dienste • Meganiese opknap • Insleep diens • Paneelkloppers KWALITEIT DIENS, KWALITEIT GEHALTE, ONS WAARBORG! 015 395 2112 / 2335 • Email: dirkgroble@mweb.co.za • Dirk: 082 490 0439 | Marius: 082 493 0449
August 2017
Mediaverklaring Spesiale ondersoek na Departement Grondsake
“Die nuus dat ’n spesiale eenheid deur die staatspresident, meneer Jacob Zuma, ingestel is om die sake van die Departement van Landelike ontwikkeling en Grondsake te ondersoek, is verrassend maar ook lank verwag” sê Dr Theo de Jager, voorsitter van Agri Limpopo se Landbou-ontwikkelingskomitee in reaksie op die bekendmaking dat die sake van hierdie departement vanaf 2008 tot op hede ondersoek gaan word. “Die manier hoe ondersoeke na grondeis-
ers se bewerings gedoen is, met waardasies omgegaan is en aanbiedinge en uitbetalings aan grondeienaars hanteer is, regverdig so ’n ondersoek. Die werkswyses van hierdie departement maak dit kwesbaar vir bedrog en korrupsie”. De Jager het bygevoeg: “Agri Limpopo verwelkom elke aksie wat daarop ingestel is om korrupsie en oneffektiewe aanwending van staatsfondse uit te wys en reg te stel. Die gevolge van hierdie ondersoek kon egter beswaarlik op
MAINTENANCE MILLWRIGHT Hishtil South Africa, a leading vegetable seedling producer in the Limpopo province, has the following vacant position available at our Mooketsi Nursery The successful candidate will be responsible for the following duties: • • • • • • • • •
Greenhouse equipment maintenance Maintain electrical equipment on machinery Mechanical maintenance of machinery Project Management Skills Implementing safety Procedures in the work place Manage technical team under his supervision 24 Hour breakdown & assistance Execute preventative maintenance plan Diagnostics and interpretation of multi-disciplinary problems (fault finding)
Fleet maintenance management
’n meer ongeleë tyd vir landbou gekom het. Die departement is sentraal tot grondhervorming. Die omvattende ondersoek sal waarskynlik daartoe lei dat ons nou nog moeiliker toegang tot die minister en sy amptenare sal verkry. Die moontlikheid van skorsings van perso-neel op verskeie vlakke, kan ook nie uitgesluit word nie. Dit sal tot groter probleme lei om enige vordering te kan maak met grondhervor-mingsplanne wat ’n sensitiewe stadium van onderhandeling bereik het, en gereelde gesprek met die departement noodsaak. Agri Limpopo wil aan die regering voorstel dat sekere kardinale funksies van die department, soos grondaankope in die PLAS- en NOP-programme, en boerontwikkeling, geprivatiseer word om omvattende vertragings en gepaardgaande frustrasies te vermy”. “Die minister beskuldig boere gereeld daarvan dat hulle nie genoeg doen om grondhervorming te laat slaag nie. Hierdie ondersoek gaan hopelik nou die ware probleem in die grondhervormingsproses ontbloot, synde oneffektiewe aanwending van beskikbare skaars geldbronne” sê Leon Borcherds, president
van Agri Limpopo. Agri Limpopo sien met afwagting uit na die bevindinge van hierdie spesiale ondersoek eenheid. “Ons gaan egter nie dat hierdie gebeure ons ontspoor in ons soeke na ekonomies haalbare oplossings vir die grondhervormiongsvraagstukke van SA nie” sê Theo de Jager. “Dit is die afgelope maande reeds duidelik dat hierdie departement alles moontlik doen om nie die prosesse wat oplossings soek, te vinnig te laat ontwikkel nie. Verskeie partye rondom die onderhandelingstafel het reeds hul kommer hieroor uitgespreek. Dit het vertroue in die departement as gespreksgenoot oor volhoubare planne vir grondhervorming al reeds beduidend benadeel. Daarom word al meer beweeg na toekomsplanne waarin die departement se rol, en veral as bron van kapitaal, al kleiner moet wees” het De Jager bygevoeg. Vir navrae kontak / For enquiries contact: Leon Borcherds : President Agri Limpopo 082 378 4621. Dr Theo de Jager: Landbou-ontwikkelingskomitee voorsitter 082 332 2110. Willem van Jaarsveld: HUB / CEO Agri Limpopo 082 451 7913
Minimum of 1 year practical experience Grade 12 with relevant skills Computer literacy (MS office package: Excel, Word & Outlook E-mail) Good communication skills A meticulous and well-structured person The ability to integrate with a team Fluent in English Drivers licence
Willing to work hard Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen at: Fax: 086 641 5132 or E-mail to: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen on 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 06/09/2017 Please take note that only suitable CV’s will be considered
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Agri News on the go
August 2017
Timber theft crippling region The impact of timber theft in the Mopani District has reached dangerous levels as plantations reported an estimated loss of more than R450 000 just this week. Security companies successfully intercepted the culprits and prevented the stolen timber from leaving the plantation, but the damage had already been done. The trees were removed and the compartment will have to be felled and replanted at cost to the plantation owner. In some cases entire blocks of the plantation are destroyed by these criminals who harvest the 4 to 6-year old trees, many years before they reach their optimum age of between 9 and 12 years. The poles are resold in the informal settlements for between R30 and R60 per pole. “Every time one of these poles is sold, it costs the formal timber industry around R336 in revenue,” said one of the plantation owners who requested anonymity. “To make matters worse, the thieves paint the poles with black stain to pass them for treated poles. They even mark these poles with fake gang-nail plates to trick their buyers into believing the poles are from the
established timber yards in the area.” But the problem runs deeper than just a few individuals entering the plantations with their bakkies to harvest a few trees at midnight. Information has come to light which points to wellorganized syndicates targeting estates in the area. They have even set up a timber yard in Giyani where these stolen trees are processed and redistributed to be sold by informal traders. Trucks which are used to transport the timber off the plantations allegedly belong to one Zimbabwean individual specifically. “Each time one of his trucks is found at the scene of
the crime, the owner claims that he rented the truck to a client and was unaware of what the vehicle would be used for. He even has “For Rent” stickers on the side of these trucks,” our source revealed. “The same truck has been stopped, fully loaded with stolen timber, for the ninth time during the incident on Wednesday morning. We have three cases open at the Haenertsburg police station involving this same truck, but so far the Zimbabwean has not been arrested.” The SAPS also have no charge for “theft of timber” and the cases are filed under “theft common” which means that the perpetrators receive little more than a slap on the wrist before being released to repeat their crime spree. It is with all of the above taken into account that frustrated plantation owners and farmers have joined hands to try and combat the escalating situation. The Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum (TTTF) was established a month ago. It’s members include all the big names in the timber industry from the region as far as Soekmekaar and various other role players together with Canine Security, the Haenertsburg community, Haenertsburg SAPS and the Justice Department. “The aim of the forum is to improve communication between all our role players so that we can educate one another and offer assistance to each other with regards to preventing and prosecuting these crimes. With the justice system on board we might finally be able to educate the local prosecutors on the seriousness of timber theft. We are pushing for the registration of a specific criminal charge for timber theft which will differentiate it from its current allocation under ‘theft common’ at the charge office. If we can accomplish this, we will have accurate statistics to highlight the seriousness of this crime and perhaps these criminals will then receive jail time.” If timber theft is not immediately addressed in a more serious light by the authorities, it is estimated that workers in the industry will have to be laid off within the next three to five years. This will further up the unemployment rate, collapse the local economy and result in a significant increase in crime in the district. “Destroy the breadbasket and you destroy your opposition…” Mengistu Haile Mariam, former Ethiopian dictator. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
*Terms and Conditions apply 81 19th Avenue Industria Polokwane | Tel: 015 297 7046
August 2017
Maak reg vir Braaidag! Steak and Veg Skewer You need! 600g fillet steak 20 button mushrooms 2 green peppers Picante pickled peppers Medium size pickled onions 8 Patty pans sliced Drizzle skewer with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and red wine. Sprinkle salt, black pepper and garlic flakes to taste. Prepare your fillet by drizzling a little bit of Worcester sauce and red wine the evening before the braai. Cut the fillet into slices and start to skewer. Start with a fillet then veg, then onion, pepper, fillet and end with a peace of fillet, this keeps the veg from falling off. Braai on a warm fire for 2 minutes each side. Serve with potato and cucumber salad or rice, potato wedges or chips.
Koreaanse biefstuk Vir 4 • Voorbereiding 12 minute. Gaarmaaktyd 15 minute. Hierdie metode werk goed vir filet wat baie min vet bevat. Gebraaide stingeluie en tiemietakkies. Jy benodig: ½ koppie sojasous en Worcester sous gemeng 3 eetlepels bruinsuiker ¼ koppie droë witwyn 3 knoffelhuisies gekap 3 teelepels gekapte rissies 1 teelepel gemaalde swartpeper 2 eetlepels avocado of olyfolie 650g filet of kruisstuk 10 stingeluie gekap So berei jy die biefstuk: 1. Meng die wyn, bruinsuiker, Worcestersous, sojasous, knoffel en rissies. Laat die vleis daarin marineer. 2. Verhit die olie en braai die stingeluie oor ‘n matige hitte in vuurvaste pan totdat dit bros raak. Voeg die marinade nou by die pan. Braai die kruisstuk oor warm kole, 2 minute beide kante tot mediumgaar. 3. Haal af die steak en laat rus vir 10 minute in die die marinade en stingeluie mengsel. 4. Sny in repies en bedien met growwe mieliepap of slaai van jou keuse.
ber 24 Septem
T-Been van die vuur met doopsous Vir 4 • Voorbereiding 5 minute. Gaarmaaktyd 10 minute. • Jy het niks meer nodig as jou souse en vleis nie. Jy benodig: Die Vleis • 4 T-Beenskywe 250g elk • Sout na smaak • Gemaalde swartpeper na smaak • Halwe suurlemoen. Die Sous: 50g Botter ½ ui gekap 1 koppie Mrs bols chutney ½ koppie tamatiesous 4 eetlepels brandewyn 4 eetlepels Worcester sous 2 eetlepels gekapte pietersielie So maak jy dan gaar 1. Braai die T-been oor matige hitte en voeg sous en swartpeper aan beide kante na smaak. Haal dan af en laat rus. 2. Smelt die botter en braai uie tot glasig. Voeg die chutney, brandewyn, Worcester sous en tamatiesous bymekaar. Roer die mengsel deur en verhit maar moet dit nie laat kook nie. 3. Bedien die warm sous dadelik saam met die repe T-Been direk van die vuur of op kapbord. Sprinkel pietersiele en suurlemoensap op die T-been voor bediening.
Bacio and Favo braai sosatie Here`s a yummy way to enjoy Golden Favo and our Bacio variety: Halve the tomatoes and place onto a sosatie stick, alernating the red and yellow colours. Drizzle with olive oil, season and cook over the braai coals for a delicious braai snack or starter! www.zz2.co.za @zz2farming
August 2017
Sakata Botterskorsies – kwaliteit bly belangrik Botterskorsies het nog altyd ‘n belangrike deel uitgemaak van die Suid-Afrikaanse huisvrou se groentemandjie. Die huisvrou van vandag neig om weens werksdruk klaar-voorbereide groente aan te koop, of alternatiewelik vars groente wat maklik en vinnig is om voor te berei. Dit is juis die verbruikersvriendelikheid van botterskorsies wat bydra tot die toename in gewildheid van hierdie skorsies. Die vereiste vir die verbruiker is dus voorkoms en kwaliteit presies wat Sakata se botterskorsie variëteite lewer. Vir die botterskorsie produsent is daar ander faktore wat belangrik is, Cosmos naamlik hoë opbrengste, sterk, groeikragtige plante en uitstekende eksterne sowel as interne kwaliteit. Sakata se botterskorsies is dus presies wat die produsent verlang en het nuwe standaarde gestel vir die bortterskorsie mark in Suid-Afrika. QUANTUM (0.8 tot 1.2 kg) is perfek vir kettingwinkels wat ‘n aanvraag het na medium grootte botterskorsies. Quantum is ‘n volrank tipe, met baie aanpasbare en groeikragtige plante, wat dit minder vatbaar maak vir siektes. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Quantum is uitstekend, en die vrugte is ook nie geneig om te bars nie. Die variëteit het ‘n uitstekende vrugset vermoë, en kan oor ‘n lang tydperk vrugte dra as gevolg van die plante wat lank gesond bly. VEENAS (0.6 – 1.2 kg) is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die uitvoermark en vir verpakking vir die kettingwinkelgroepe. Die vrugte is klein tot medium met ‘n ongelooflike eenvormige vruggrootte. Vrugte het ‘n basiese Waltham vorm. Veenas beskik oor die hoogste vrugkwaliteit wat ‘n voorvereiste is vir die uitvoermark. Die plante is sterk groeikragtig wat oor ‘n lang periode vrug set en bied weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou. Doen besonders goed met half-organiese bemesting. Voorgestelde plantpopulasie is 12 000 tot 15 000 plante per
ha. Veenas moet verkieslik gedurende die somer verbou word aangesien die vrugte kleiner word gedurende koeler groeiperiodes. COSMOS (0.8 – 1.2 kg) is die eerste bostipe botterskorsie in die mark. Hierdie unieke eienskap maak verbouing soveel makliker deurdat dit tot op ‘n laat stadium meganies geskoffel kan word. Cosmos het weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou. ‘n Plantestand van tot 15 000 plante per ha kan met gemak gehandhaaf word. Cosmos het ‘n goeie opbrengs van besonderse eenvormige vrugte van ongeveer 8 vrugte per sak. By uitstek geskik vir vroeë seisoen produksie om vroeg in die mark te wees. Cosmos word slegs aanbeveel vir varsmark produksie teen ‘n voorgestelde plantpopulasie van 15 000 plante per ha. Kontak gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by sel: 083 585 1181, hy kan u van meer inligting verskaf oor hierdie variëteite, en beskik oor ‘n magdom tegniese kennis om u in staat te stel om die beste opbrengs en kwaliteit uit u oes te verkry. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/ of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
August 2017
QUANTUM Eenvormige, medium grootte vrugte Uitstekende opbrengspotensiaal Uitstaande interne kwaliteit en smaak Sakata botterskorsie variĂŤteite: