Agribulletin 170929

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September 2017

Fokus met Freek besoek Tzaneen Bl 5 Drones will change agri-industry P 11 Forestry Fair showcases skills P 14


September 2017


Buckle & Boots


’n publikasie van FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Redakteur: Joe Dreyer

Equestrian Klub’s

Western Festival

Bemarking: Jacques Smuts Estelle von Pannier Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch Tessa Thompson Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850  015 306 0198 

Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.


Buckles & Boots Equestrian Klub het op 16 September 2017, ‘n Western Festival aangebied te Uitzoek Stalle. Hierdie was ‘n fondsinsamelings inisiatief wat deur die Western Mounted Games vleuel van Buckles & Boots geloods is, om 16 van ons ruiters wat gekies is om Limpopo te verteenwoordig by die South African Western Mounted Games Association se Nasionale Kampioenskappe te Afridome, Parys op 30 September, 1 & 2 Oktober, finansieël te ondersteun. Die aksie belaaide dag het gesorg vir baie opwinding. Daar was ‘n vol program van perde speletjies, Nasionale ruiter vertonings, sweepslaan vertonings & kompetisie, lyndans optredes, potjiekos kompetisie om maar net ‘n paar te noem. Die motorfiets teen perd wedren was die hoogtepunt van die dag. Alhoewel ons motorfiets vriende hul bes probeer het, en die beste

tyd deur Jan Cornelius op sy motorfiets opgestel is van 16.990 sekondes, kon hul net nie die jong Savanna Sparrow met haar perd Spud wen nie, en het Savanna & Spud die kroon gedra met die vinnigste tyd van 16.391 sekondes. Die dag se verrigtinge is afgesluit met ‘n heerlike braai & dans saam met gaskunstenaars Wynand & Chereé. Buckles & Boots wil graag ook ieder en elk van ons borge bedank vir hul bydraes asook elkeen wat die dag bygewoon het & vir hulle ondersteuning. Borge vir die dag: NTK, Ada, Snyman Voere, Venbeck, Bosveld Tack, Midas, Tzaneen Equestrian Centre, Hercules Farrier Services, Wilgerboomdrift, Matana, Echo Choice, Ickinger, Mahela Boerdery, Houers Koop, Supermeat City, Trappers Trading, Magoebaskloof Honey, Spur, Panarotti’s, Riekie Sweets, Seile vir Afrika, Le Grand Chic, Motormaster, Hennox Security, Kabod Juweliers, SPAR Letsitele,Isinda Cordier, Laeveld Agrochem, Star Spares. Spesiale dank aan Dawie Grobbelaar wat aankondiger vir die dag was. Alle eer kom ons Hemelse Vader toe vir die sukses van hierdie dag.

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543

September 2017



Succulents set in river sand in shoes.

Pieter de Beer with his art.

Oysters on sale from the Iron Crown Pub & Grill.

Last chance to see the Fair If you missed the first weekend of Spring Fair, there’s still time to see it at the Magoebaskloof Hotel. The Haenertsburg part of the Fair is over and was a roaring success. James Halkon of the Iron Crown Pub & Grill sold out his make-your-own Bloody Mary’s within three hours. Only the fresh oysters on ice were still left. The Letaba SPCA had a stand of second hand items as well as homemade pies and other edibles. Anne-Marie Steyn from Phalaborwa started making her own doggy biscuits and treats for her own sickly dog. This led to the start of her now thriving business four months ago. Anne-Marie uses brown paper bags and offered Susan Tengu from the DRC. three different doggy treats; bil-

Entrance displaying gifts from the DRC.

tong pieces that she cures herself, rusks and pumpkin treats containing organic honey, herbs and real livers and kidneys that’s so good for dogs. R1 of each purchase went to the beleaguered Phalaborwa SPCA. The wow factor as one entered the tented area next to the village hall was Susan Tengu from Kinshasa in the DRC with her African patterned jewellery, scarves and handbags. Inside the hall was Leticia NeillDore’s exquisite hand embroidered work including hand embroidered greeting cards. The frontage of the Magoebaskloof Hotel exhibition area showcased the exquisite sculptures by a Zimbabwean artist living in Johannesburg. Inside were the artworks

Sculptures and plants at the entrance to the Magoebaskloof Hotel exhibition area.

of Pieter de Beer and Renier Oosthuizen as well as Jeremiah Clark’s Nguni art oils. The orchid tent was as popular as ever but a surprise was the two additional tents housing the most creative floral displays of the area. Gold, silver and bronze prizes were awarded for these magnificent displays that were only on show, due to the weather, for two days.

Doggy treats.


Hyundai trucks coming soon! OPEN ON SATURDAYS 81 19th Avenue Industria Polokwane • Tel: 015 297 7046

Karen Kruger’s gold award for a floral piece made mainly of seeds.


September 2017


Agri-Merensky maak stem dik by ALFA

DIE PLASIESPAN: Voor: Luandi Visagie, Megan Strydom, Iszabella le Roux, Phillip du Preez en Dominique Blandin D. Chalain. Agter: Mnr. Arno Last (Agri-Merensky), Stefan Corbett, Arne Verster en mnr. Jan Potgieter (Agri-Merensky).

Vanaf 11 tot 14 September het 7 AgriMerensky leerders, 2 Pin2Zyl-verse en 4 slagosse van Hoërskool Merensky die jaarlikse ALFA Ekspo by die Afridome te Parys (OVS) vir die eerste keer bygewoon. Om die span te ondersteun het die skoolhoof, mnr. Magnus Steyn, die bemarkingshoof, mnr. Louis du Preez, asook twee landbouleerkragte, mnre. Arno Last en Jan Potgieter, ook die geleentheid bygewoon. Hierdie skou, wat sy ontstaan in 2016 gehad het, se oogmerk is jeugontwikkeling, kleinvee en interras kampioen-

skappe, veilings, uitstallings en groepsbesprekings. ’n Landboujeugfokus is een van die vier pilare waarop ALFA 2017 gestaan het. Die doel van dié program was om onder meer die jeug aan die landbou in praktyk bloot te stel en die landbouers van môre deel van die landbougemeenskap te maak. Dit het 12 landbouskole (Merensky, Kroonstad, Bekker, Middelburg, Wagpos, Reitz, Morgenzon, Reedersburg, Balfour, Western College, Unicorn en Stella) die geleentheid gegee om hulself teen ander te meet en lekker kom-

AGRI-MERENSKY LEERDERS: Voor: Iszabella le Roux, Dominique Blandin D. Chalain, Megan Strydom en Luandi Visagie. Agter: Arne Verster, Phillip du Preez en Stefan Corbett.

petisie te hou. Dié kompetisie, met verskeie onderafdelings, het vir baie opwinding gesorg. Altesaam tien kompetisies het deel van dié uitdaging gevorm waarvan drie verpligtend was. Elke skool moes aan die FNB landbouskole-uitstalling, Veeplaas-vasvrakompetisie en Voermol en Konsortium-Merino se jeugskoue deelneem. Merensky het ook aan die ALFA sweepslaankompetisie, die Obaro junior slagoskompetisie en die Sernick junior karkaskompetisie deelgeneem. Die Plasies het behoorlik koning gekraai

Stefan Corbett ontvang die prys vir die beste skole-uitstalling by mnr. Dawie Maree (FNB).

met ‘n eerste- (Dominique Blandin D. Chalain) en derdeplek (Iszabella le Roux) in die senior beeste skoumanskap kompetisie. Luandi Visagie het ‘n tweedeplek opgeraap in die junior beeste skoumanskap afdeling. Stefan Corbett het homself as sweepslaanmeester bewys toe hy met dié gewilde prys weggestap het. Stefan het ook namens die skool die prys ontvang vir die beste uitstalling. Die Plasiespan se blou bloed het behoorlik geborrel toe hul tydens die gala-funksie vereer is as die tweede beste ALFA-landbouskool vir 2017.

Dominique Blandin D. Chalain ontvang haar prys as wenner van die senior skoumanskap kompetisie met beeste by mnr. Mark Barlow (Voermol Streeksbestuurder).

Sweepslaner, Stefan Corbett, word gelukgewens deur mnr. Willie le Roux (Nasionale Jeugskou Voorsitter).

Dominique Blandin D. Chalain, Arne Verster, Iszabella le Roux, Luandi Visagie, Stefan Corbett en Megan Strydom.

New Global series of Massey Fergusson tractors Now available! Contact us for a demo, parts or service.

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BY DIE GALA-GELEENTHEID: Luandi Visagie, Iszabella le Roux, Arne Verster, Megan Strydom, Dominique Blandin D. Chalain, Stefan Corbett en Phillip du Preez.

Voor: Dominique Blandin D. Chalain, Megan Strydom, Iszabella le Roux, Luandi Visagie en Phillip du Preez. Agter: Mnr. Arno Last (Agri-Merensky), Arne Verster, mnr. Albert Loubser (Veeplaas Tydskrif Direkteur en mede-organiseerder van ALFA), mnr. Magnus Steyn (Merensky skoolhoof), Stefan Corbett en mnr. Jan Potgieter (Agri-Merensky).

September 2017



SAUK se Fokus besoek Tzaneen Diefstal is ‘n massiewe probleem vir die boere in die Mopani distrik. Onlangse beriggewing deur Bulletin het daartoe gelei dat die SAUK van die probleem begin kennis neem. Maandagoggend het ‘n ondersoekspan van die aktualiteitsreeks ‘Fokus met Freek’, hul week-lange besoek aan Tzaneen met ‘n onderhoud by die Bulletin kantore afgeskop. Joernalis, Karin D’Orville, en haar haar kameraman het kom ondersoek instel oor spesifiek avocado, makadamië en houtdiefstal, en hoe dit verband hou met die straatsmouse in die Tzaneen, Haenertsburg en Letsitele omgewings. Volgens D’Orville is die breër gemeenskap glad nie bewus van die impak wat diefstal in hierdie industrië op die ekonomie het nie.

“Ek glo darem almal weet dat daar van plase en plantasies af gesteel word, maar ek is doodseker min mense het begrip oor presies hoeveel daar gesteel word en hoe hierdie aktiwiteite die belastingbetaler se sak raak.” Tydens hul besoek het die Fokus-span onderhoude met verskeie plaaslike boere op hul plase gevoer om uit hul perspektief die probleem te verstaan. Daar is ook Woensdagogend besoek afgelê by van die bosbou plantasies wat die ergste onder die diefstal deurloop en die span het ook met die voorsitter van die nuut-gevormde Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum (TTTF) gepraat oor die manier waarop hierdie groep sukses behaal het in die geveg teen misdaad. Bulletin het die Fokus-span op ‘n toer deur die

midde-dorp gevat om die magdom straatsmouse uit te wys. Die span het later probeer om met die munisipaliteit ook ‘n onderhoud te voer oor die smouspandemie, maar teen druktyd was dit nie bekend of hul daarin geslaag het of nie. Die kort dokumentêr sal in Oktober oor SABC 2 uitgesaai word. Teen druktyd is ‘n datum en tyd nog nie vasgestel nie, mar Bulletin sal oor sosiale media ons lesers op hoogte hou. — Joe Dreyer

“Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie en een helikopter beskikbaar gaan wees vir die vooren na-blom Blaaspootjie spuitseisoen” Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: •

Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes


September 2017


Timber thief gets two years

With the formation of the Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum a month ago, the fight against this costly crime has started yielding positive results for the foresters in the Mopani District. The first of many suspects was arrested, charged and sentenced to two years in prison on his first offence, in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court on Monday. Carlos Pamire, an illegal immigrant

from Zimbabwe, was found in possession of 480 poles he stole off the Barett’s farm, Carthona, near Modjadjiskloof in July this year. He was apprehended by members of the forum, Canine Security, and his truck which he used to transport the stolen timber was confiscated by the Asset Forfeiture Unit. It was found that Pamire is an illegal immigrant and he will be deported back to Zimbabwe

upon completion of his jail time. Since the formation of the Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum (TTTF) a month ago, there has been a decline in timber theft cases across all plantations in the area. Through creating awareness on the debilitating impact of timber theft on both the rural and farming communities, the members of the TTTF have successfully garnered the support of local law enforcement which has directly led to this landmark prosecution. As Promising as Monday’s conviction and subsequent sentencing was, the fight is far from over. Two weeks ago, on Wednesday afternoon, forestry workers on the JDM Keet plantation were robbed of two chainsaws at gunpoint. It is reported that three men entered the plantation and approached the workers. One of them was armed with a 9mm pistol. They demanded the workers hand over the chainsaws and a cellphone before fleeing the scene. Within minutes, Canine Security was activated and their bloodhounds picked up the trail. Soon after, the SAPS were called in to take over the matter after the dogs tracked the suspects to a compound in the area. Yesterday (Thursday) morning, the very same suspects, wearing the same clothes as the day before, were seen in the Halewood plantation. Security was again activated and the suspects fled. At the

time of going to print, the search for the suspects was still underway and it was not clear whether they had been apprehended. There have been a number of other related arrests and vehicle seizures in the past two weeks with a list of cases now being investigated against known timber thieves and their associates. Through a very well maintained communications and information sharing network, foresters now have the ability to warn each other of suspicious activity, suspicious looking vehicles transporting timber off their plantations and are able to react to emergency calls swiftly. Trucks transporting stolen timber have been stopped all the way down to Polokwane because of the communications among vigilant members of the forum. The TTTF have formed very close relationships with senior advocates, magistrates and prosecutors within the Justice Department ranks as well as senior members of the SAPS, who have pledged their allegiance to the fight against this scourge within the timber industry. Bulletin will publish updates on the outcomes of the various cases as they make their way before the courts and keep you updated on the developments in the fight against timber related crimes. — Joe Dreyer

September 2017



SA Agriculture’s Dark Horse The demand for suitable land for Macadamia nuts production has increased sharply and supplies of plants from nurseries are reportedly tight with orders almost two years ahead. Macadamia nuts are without a doubt, the dark horse in South African (SA) Agriculture. “The shear growth in this sector makes it a product worth watching, it is more than doubling in organic growth on a year to year basis and with that are new jobs and income streams finding their way into the sector,” says Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB.

Areas in SA that produce macadamias – In terms of market share, the area between Hazyview and Barbeton in Mpumalanga is the largest planted area and accounts for 70% of new plantings. This is followed by the area between Levubu and Tzaneen in Limpopo, and the coastal areas of KwaZulu-Natal. In neighbouring countries, macadamia nuts are produced in Swaziland, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Annual production – It is estimated that 700 farmers are involved in growing macadamia nuts, supplying 10 cracking factories.

“In terms of output, the industry has seen an exponential growth in the last 10 years, growing production from 4,600 tons in 2015 to 38,000 tons nut in shell (NIS) in 2016,” says Makube. Export quantities – The industry is largely exported driven with more than 95% of the annual production shipped to international markets. Approximately 50% of the SA harvest is exported as NIS to Asian countries with Hong Kong taking the lion share of 63.3%, followed by Vietnam (32.3%), China (2%) and others (0.3%). “The remainder is processed to kernel. The USA and Canada are the largest markets for kernel exports while others include Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, making this a product that is mainly produced for the export,” adds Makube. The annual financial incomes – The total value of macadamia exports in 2016 was R2.72 billion comprised of R1.12 billion and R1.60 billion of nut in shell and kernel respectively. The weighted average price for macadamia kernel was R22.17/ kg and R63.60/ kg when converted to an in-shell basis, while that for the NIS is R75.68/ kg. Employment in this sector –

Paul Makube Employment in the industry is estimated at 12,500 full time equivalent workers across the macadamia value chain. This includes seasonal workers for harvesting and processing from February through to August. “The sector is growing organically at an incredible rate, it should further be noted that the area suitable for growing macadamias is limited in South Africa, hence the high demand and surge in the price of viable land, though macadamia is niche, its proven incredibly profitable for producers in this sector,” concludes Makube.


September 2017


Boeredag ‘n reuse sukses

Daar is op 6 September 2017 ‘n boeredag op ‘n groente-proefplaas in Mooketsi gehou. Die dag is aangebied deur Perlila investments en P & A Saailinge in samewerking met die saad maatskappy Stark Ayres. Ongeveer 130 plaaslike boere en uitstallers het die dag bygewoon. Die uitstallers was Trophy Toyota, Premium Plant hire, Massey Fergusson Letsitele,

PPS Petroleum, Waterplas besproeiing en Allesbeste Maluma. Tydens die dag was daar ook ‘n “skat die gewig” kompitisie aangebied deur Stark Ayres vir die uitstallers en uitgenooide boere. Daar is verwag dat elkeen die gewig van een van die reuse koolkoppe moes skat. Die een wat die naaste aan die gewig kon raai, was Stanley van Mafuta Farming wat die gewig geskat op 17,01 kilogram. Vir

sy kolskoot het Stanley met ‘n saailinge hamper weggestap. Die boere en besoekers het deur die proefplaas beweeg en al die verskillende soorte kultivars groente bekyk en beproef, van kool, pampoen, skorsies en verskillende soorte tamaties. Die gaste was ook bederf met die lekkerste verversings en ete na die geleentheid.

September 2017



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September 2017


Record maize season

but weather still concerning

South Africa has kept to all prior predictions and has registered a record harvest season with the total grain and oilseed crop of 18.91 million tons, which is up 101% year-on-year. The estimate for the maize crop in particular came in at an alltime high of 16.41 million tons, which is comprised of 59% yellow and 41% white maize. The winter rains however have not retained the momentum; The Western

Cape is still grappling with persistent drought conditions. “Weather is critical for price direction going forward with the Western Cape still not out of the woods and the rainfall outlook still pointing to minimal rainfall for the wheat areas in South Africa. The crop has entered a critical stage of development and more moisture is needed for a good crop,” says Paul Makube, Agricultural Economist at FNB.

The short term rainfall outlook shows limited chance of receiving rain in the grain areas in South Africa. The medium outlook shows an improvement in the rainfall expectations, particularly for Mpumalanga and KZN whose optimal planting dates for maize are fast approaching from the 1st October to the 15th and 30th of November respectively. That said, all indications are that we are likely to have a largely normal rainfall

season as the El-Nino prospects that had been noted at the beginning of the year have diminished. “Apart from the Western Cape water crisis, we still expect a normal rainfall pattern for the rest of the country and therefore there should not be major worries about the late onset of summer rains this year. The season is off to a slow start, but we should see a far more normal season this year,” concludes Makube.

September 2017



Aerial to earth: drones deliver “Using drones, industry leading software and bespoke fertiliser programmes to nurture macadamia orchards delivers improved profits” Farming for tomorrow is becoming increasingly sophisticated, not least in the highly profitable and growing macadamia nut industry. For a business like leading processor and exporter, Green Farms Nut Company (GFNC), where the pressure is on for not only increased volume, but also quality, making farmers aware of the latest technology is paramount. “An integral part of our role in delivering value to our growers is ensuring farmers remain sustainable into the future. One way of doing this is to be at the forefront of developments in agricultural technology,” said Alex Whyte, general manager, GFNC. Local company and front-runner in the industry Carbomax was founded by Martin Taljaard, former macadamia farmer and aviation enthusiast, two years ago. Carbomax marries drone technology with their one of a kind software (developed by affiliated Cape Town based company, Aerobotics) to deliver key insights and bespoke fertiliser programmes for farmers. “I wanted to explore how using drones together with tailored software systems can deliver invaluable insights for farmers to better nurture their trees and orchards. Through building individualised fertiliser programmes and detailed irrigation planning our customers have radically improved their yields” said Taljaard, managing director, Carbomax. “Our approach enables farmers to react in real-time as the season unfolds through early problem detection. You don’t need to be a big farmer to use our programme and see results: our customers understand their farms, soils, irrigation and trees much better than before”, continued Taljaard. Using Google maps, the drone (which is fully autonomous) is programmed with a specified flight path. It will fly its mission taking thousands of pictures which are weaved together to form a highly sophisticated macro image of the farmer’s farm.

The Aerohawk has a 2m fixed wing span and flies between 120m and 130m above ground. It covers 180 hectares in an hour and takes a picture every 2.5 seconds from each of its two cameras (near infrared and high resolution), totalling around 1500 images per farm per mission. Technology is changing rapidly: it’s expected that it will become more feasible (and affordable) for farmers to own their own drones and fly them on farm. Cloud based and created specifically for the agricultural sector the software is entirely unique in what it offers farmers worldwide. It identifies, on an individual basis, whether trees are photosynthesising optimally. And offers insight into why they may not be should problem areas be identified, like over-irrigation for example. Other observations include land contours, gradients and dam volumes. Each tree is geo-mapped and tree spacing, heights and canopies are identified. Customers receive a username and password to access the interface where historical data is stored for comparative purposes following each flight. It also has a management tool where farmers can manage farm managers and their outputs. Using data gathered from the flight, soil and leaf samples, agronomists analyse and identify problem areas to create bespoke block fertiliser programmes. These bio-carbon based products can be formulated to include specific micro and macro elements.

“At GFNC we have a team dedicated to horticultural and technical advice who are constantly on the look-out

on behalf of our farmers to make sure they’re up to date with farming practices to achieve the best profits possible ” concluded Whyte.

— Anelle Botha, Green Farms Nut Co.


September 2017



31 October 2017 Contact one of our marketers Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543

Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670

Deadline 23 October 2017 AgriBulletin is distributed throughout the Limpopo region

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September 2017



Oom Christie Landman sterf Tzaneen het Vrydagogend nog een van sy mees geliefde seuns gegroet met die afsterwe van oom Christie Landman. Oom Christie sou verlede Sondag sy 60ste verjaarsdag vier. Sy familie voel die leemte en praat effe moeilik oor die tydjie wat hul pa, hul rots, teen ‘n verskeidenheid infeksies moes veg. “Pa was vir 17 weke in Pretoria in Groenkloof Life hospitaal se Intensiewesorg Eenheid war hy teen soveel siektes en infeksies vir sy lewe geveg het. Na ‘n lang en onverpoosde geveg het die Here hom kom haal, ons kan nie baie detail gee op hierdie stadium nie, want dit was verskeie dinge wat komplikasies veroorsaak het en tot sy afsterwe gelei het,” het ‘n emosionele Tammy Landman aan Bulletin verduidelik. Oom Christie was ‘n bekende in die plaaslike landbou kringe. Hy het met verskeie gewasse sowel as Sitrus, uit die Constantia omgewing geboer. Baie mense onthou hom egter vir ‘n sukses-

volle rugbyloopbaan beide plaaslik en provinsiaal waar hy as voorspeler vir die Blou Bulle uitgedraf het en vir jare-lank

die Verre Noord trui oor sy kop getrek het. Oom Christie se begrafnis was gis-

ter, Donderdag die 28ste September, uit die NG Kerk in Letsitele gehou. Die Landman-gesin bedank elke lid van die gemeenskap vir al die briewe en boodskappe deur hierdie moeilike tyd. “Sondag sou Pa se 60ste wees, nooit het ons gedink Pa gaan die dag saam Oupa Hertzog in die Hemel vier nie. Pa se plek hier op die plaas is leeg, oral waar mens ry, loop en kyk is herhinneringe. Pa laat ‘n groot leemte hier langs die Letaba rivier, dankie vir dit wat ons by Pa kon leer, alles wat Pa vir ons gedoen het, al die raad en leiding, Pa was die eerlikste, opregste mens, besigheidsman en boer. ‘n Voorbeeld van ‘n gelowige man, en ons kinders se alles. Pa het alles op aarde vir Pa se kinders, kleinkinders en familie gedoen , vir soveel mense daar buite, ons is stom geslaan met al die oproepe en ondersteuning en dinge wat uitkom, waar Pa mense gehelp het en nooit niks gesê of terug verwag, net altyd gegee het. Rus in Vrede ons rots”






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September 2017


Local forestry industry boasts real skill

Two teams competing in the chainsaw competition encircled by cheering spectators.

Competitor getting ready for action.

Chainsaw operator giving his all.

The Haenertsburg Forestry Fair held in Haenertsburg on Saturday, 23 September was a huge success. The crowd was buzzing, the spectators were cheering and the teams were full of enthusiasm. There was an overall feel of great sportsmanship amongst the competitors and the excitement from the supports could be felt. The teams that were entered where from Bonnyton, Diggersrest Timber Company, Working on Fire Tzaneen, Working on Fire Mamabolo, ZZ2, Stevens Lumber Mills and Komatiland Forests. Petrus, from Komatiland walked away with first prize for the Bell competition. The Diggersrest teams shone, walking away with first place for the chainsaw competition and the tug-of-war; both their A & B teams competed against each other in the final of the tug-of-war. SLM took both 2nd and 3rd prize for the chainsaw event. This year’s event was very well organized, thanks to all the teams that took part, the sponsors and the organizers. Armand Joubert from F.E.S, the event manager, and Rouan Snyman FPA manager at Letaba Fire Protection Association, would like to thank everybody involved for making this day possible, with special thanks to Stevens Lumber Mills for all their contributions. Further sponsors include Haernetsburg Hardware, MMS, Palmiet Transport, Haernetsburg Liqour Store, Husqvarna, Star Spares, JB Spares, Supa Quick, Altech Netstar, Iron Crown Packers, Diggersrest, PPS Petrolium, Letaba Fire Protection Association, The Iron Crown and The Red Plate.


Bell operators show serious skill and accuracy.

Diggersrest team took first prize for winning two out of three categories, the chainsaw competition and the tug-of-war.

September 2017



Spanspek sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie! Verbruikers koop dikwels spanspek met hoë verwagtinge. Ongelukkig word hulle dikwels teleurgestel, wat die verkope van hierdie vrugte benadeel. Met die vrystelling van Sakata se nuutste genetika in spanspek, In die verlede was die spanspek mark beperk tot slegs een van die volgende kenmerke: raklewe, opbrengs of smaak. Dit is dus baie goeie nuus vir beide die produsent en verbruiker dat Sakata se nuwe variëteit, Majestic al drie hierdie kenmerke insluit. Majestic is ‘n langraklewe spanspek, wat beteken dat die produsent oor ‘n langer tydperk kan oes, dat die spanspek oor langer afstande vervoer kan word, asook dat die vrugte steeds vars is wanneer dit op die verskaffer se rakke en uiteindelik in die verbruiker se kombuis beland. Tipiese langraklewe spanspek moes nog altyd inboet op smaak en was dus nog nooit ‘n gunsteling onder verbruikers wat uitsien na die sappige, soet sensasie van die spanspek van ouds nie. Majestic is egter anders – hierdie variëteit beskik oor uitstaande houvermoë sonder om die soet smaak, diep-oranje aantreklike kleur en kwaliteit, waarna verbruikers smag, te weerhou. Die produsent sal ook nie ‘n fout maak om Majestic in te sluit in sy plantprogram nie. Majestic beskik oor ‘n baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal en as gevolg van sy houvermoë, laat dit die produsent toe om die oestyd met ‘n paar dae uit te stel indien nodig. Die sterk plante maak die variëteit meer aanpasbaar teen klimaats omstandighede asook meer bestand teen siektes. Die vrugte is baie eenvormig wat uitpakpersentasies voordelig beïnvloed. Majestic beskik verder oor uitsonderlike interne kwaliteit met ‘n klein saadholte. Die vleis is ‘n diep-oranje kleur met ‘n baie ferm tekstuur en volgehoue hoë suikervlakke (Brix) tussen 13 en 15 %. Wanneer Majestic se smaak vergelyk word met ander standaard langraklewe spanspekke, staan Majestic ver uit bo die res. Die aantreklike, eenvormige vrugte

van Majestic beskik oor ‘n algemene gewig wat wissel tussen 1.8 en 2.5kg. Majestic is aangepas vir warmseisoen produksie binne areas regoor SuidAfrika. Die plante is baie groeikragtig en vorm ‘n goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte teen die son beskerm. Die variëteit het verder die vermoë om ‘n uitstekende net te vorm, selfs in die koeler seisoen. Majestic het ook baie goeie siektebestandheid, met hoë bestandheid teen Fusarium en Poeieragtige meeldou, wat verseker dat die plante sterk en gesond bly regdeur die groeiseisoen. Sakata het ook onlangs vir Dulce Nectar* vrygestel – ‘n vroeë bekwame Honeydew tipe spanspek. Dulce Nectar* is uiters geskik vir vroeë en laat seisoen aanplantings. Die plante is baie groeikragtig met goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte teen sonbrand beskerm. Dulce Nectar* beskik oor ‘n uitstekende setvermoë met ‘n baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal. Die vrugte is rond tot ovaalvormig met ‘n algemene vruggrootte van 2.0 tot 2.5kg. Die vleis is baie ferm met uitstekende suikervlakke (brix). Dulce Nectar* het hoë siekteweerstand teen Fusarium verwelk ras 2 en intermediêre weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou rasse 1 en 2.

Majestic, gaan spanspekke nooit weer dieselfde wees nie! Met hierdie ontwikkeling wat oor ongekende smaak, gehalte, opbrengs en raklewe beskik, sal ‘n teleurgestelde verbruiker iets van die verlede wees. is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen

waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se spanspekke of sommer die totale produkreeks, besoek gerus die webwerf by

Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting

Melon and Feta Salad Servings: 4 Ingredients: 4 cups melon (or cantaloupe, scooped and cut into bite sized pieces) 1/4 cup red onion (sliced, optional) 1 handful feta (crumbled) 1 tablespoon mint (thinly sliced) 1 lime (juice) 1 tablespoon olive oil salt and pepper to taste Directions: Mix everything together.

Recipe from:



September 2017

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