Agribulletin 171103

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#BlackMonday 2017


October 2017


Harmonie Abattoir awarded


’n publikasie van FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Redakteur: Joe Dreyer Bemarking: Jacques Smuts Estelle von Pannier Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch Tessa Thompson Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850  015 306 0198  Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

On the 18th of October this year, the team of Harmonie Abattoir was again rewarded for their excellence within the industry. The PARS (Provincial Abattoir Rating Scheme) awards ceremony was held in Miami Lodge Polokwane and it was here that Harmonie Abattoir received an award (2nd Runner up in Limpopo) in the LT category. It was the second year running that Harmonie was the only abattoir nominated in the entire Mopani District. Fifty eight abattoirs were registered for the financial year 2016/2017 in Limpopo, and all of them competed for the award. Only 28 of the entrants qualified and further assessment was conducted by the PARS committee using the stringent guidelines as set aside in the Hygiene Assessment System (HAS). The assessment focussed specifically on the important structural Hygiene Management Systems and Slaughter practices compliance, using SOP for PARS a guiding documents to select the winners. The awards recognized diligent efforts of abattoirs that consistently produced good quality meat in line with hygienic practices



the entrance of the institution and confronted the catering company staff. The academic activities will be suspended from today (Thursday) and will resume on the 5th November, to allow a process to get a new catering company on site. In the interest of the safety of the property and the personnel at the College, the Department has temporarily suspended all the services with immediate effect. Contingency plans are in place to ensure that the examination period – which starts in midNovember - is not disrupted.

“From our side, Harmonie Abattoir wishes to thank every member of our team for ensuring that we won this prestgeous award for the second year in a row. We could not have accomplished this without their efforts and sterling performances,” said Gertjie du Plessis of Harmonie Abattoir. “We look forward to another year providing our communities with the best quality produce in the safest, cleanest possible environment.”

Is Orange production slowing? The devastating drought, characterised by the lowest rainfall since 1904 and a sharp fall in dam levels during the 2015/16 production season has caused a 21% drop in the production of South Africa’s most precious fruit export – oranges. There is however a lot more that is impacting this fruit than just the recent drought. Oranges are by far the most precious of the important fruit industry in South Africa. In the 2016/17 season in a year in which the drought was at its peak saw the total gross producer value for oranges reach R9.29 billion with earnings from exports accounting for 91% of the total production, at R8.47 billion. “Diseases are the real challenge for the industry. South Africa’s main export destination, the European Union where the Citrus Black Spot (CBS) is considered a quarantine pest, has caused consternation between the two trading partners. Another disease is Navel splitting; it has affected the Western Cape so much so that exports there have reportedly dropped by about 17% to 20%. This raised demand for navels from other regions of South Africa particularly at the time when the export market was particularly strong in the EU, the Far East, Russia, and the Middle East,” says Paul Makube,

Bulletin FAR NORTH

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Limpopo has resolved to temporarily suspend – with immediate effect - academic activities at the Tompi Seleka College of Agriculture following student unrests over the past week. The decision follows several incidents of students’ disruptions resulting in the escalation of illegal protests at the College. Key to these is the demand by the students to have the current catering company removed from the College. Matters went out of hand when students barricaded

and meat safety standards. These measurements promoting meat safety and the safety of animal products and are held on an annual basis to recognize abattoirs that contribute to food security of the province. The meat producers were honoured by the MEC for LDARD, the Mayor, Acting HOD and Top management of LDATRD, DAFF, LDARD chief directors and Directors from various sections as well as SAPA district coordinators and officials from various sections. Abattoirs were awarded an annual rating based on the average result of quarterly hygiene assessments system audits. The nominations were based on reports complied by veterinary practitioners following the scrutinizing of their abattoirs. The rating scheme involved regular inspections of abattoirs to ensure high standards and prevent disease outbreaks in both the red meat and poultry abattoirs in the province. The awards were based on the abattoirs audits and inspections that were carried out by the Department of veterinary public health practitioner’s state veterinarians.

Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB. The European market is the leading destination for South African oranges, accounting for about 36% of total orange exports, followed by the Middle East with a share of 25% and the South-East Asian market at 12%. It therefore goes without saying that a decrease in this sector carries far reaching consequences. “Producers have started to switch to soft citrus, which in the longer term may eventually lower the status of oranges as the leading fruit in terms of production and being the export leader in terms of fruit in South Africa,” says Makube. At the moment, the weather has turned positive, during the rainfall season of 2016/17 and the outlook so far indicates that we are likely to have a normal to above normal rainfall during the 2017/18 crop season. “This does not suggest that orange production is at its death bed, it is still a long way as it currently accounts for 63% of the total hectares under citrus. Outside the concerns, the current weather augurs well for the recovery in orange production with a rebound in volumes for the export market. When that is offset by the relatively weaker rand exchange rate, it is most likely to boost export revenue,” concludes Paul.

Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543

October 2017



Meer as net ‘swart hempies’

Meer as ‘n duisend inwoners van die Mopani-Distrik het Maandagmiddag tydens die landswye “Black Monday” optogte by die skougronde in Tzaneen saamgetrek. Dié aksie was om solidariteit te toon met die slagoffers van geweldadige misdade en plaasmoorde wat die provinsie – en die land – al vir twee dekades teister. Sovêr vanjaar is reeds 70 boere op hul plase regoor die land vermoor. Sedert Januarie is daar 341 plaasanvalle aangemeld en die boere gemeenskap voel geïgnoreer deur die owerhede. “Tot vanmiddag toe het ek heeltemal magteloos gevoel. Ek weet baie mense het ons gekritiseer oor daar nie paaie geblok is of moles ge-

maak is in die dorp nie, maar dit was nooit die punt nie. Swart Maandag het die mense van ons land bymekaar gebring en uiteindelik voel almal asof hul nie alleen staan nie,” het een Lizan Botha gesê. Botha was een van die dryfkragte agter die impromptu byeenkoms. Tussen haar, Rona McGaffin, Elzette Lotz en Zantelle Ras, is die verskillende boerevereenigings van regoor die streek bymekaar geroep. “Dit het eintlik net vanself gebeur,” het McGaffin verduidelik. “Daar was niks formeel aangekondig of gereël nie so, toe maak ons dames so paar oproepe en begin idees bymekaar sit. Die gemeenskap het die besluit gemaak om iets te

doen, en dit net eenvoudig gedoen. Dit was hartroerend om te sien hoe mense van so vêr as Ofcolaco en Trichardtsdal hiernatoe gery het om deel te wees van die beweging.” Daar is ‘n reuse kruis in die middel van die dryfbaan uitgesit. Die protesgangers het daar saamgedrom net voor skemer en met hul selfone die kruis belig. Daar is met drie hommeltuie vanuit die lig, fotos van die skare geneem. “Daardie fotos en videos het mense regoor die wêreld gesien. So wanneer daar dié paar negatiewes vandag vra of het die swart hempies enigsins gehelp, sal ek skree ja, ja,ja en nog ‘n duisend keer ja!”


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October 2017


Local supplies Local Two local business women, Alida Liversage and Elize van Zyl, have come together and opened a shop in the ever popular Lifestyle Centre in Tzaneen. Both well-established brands, Eco-Choice and Orange Tree Furniture, are now available to the public, on a daily basis, under the same roof. Their decision to move into the space happened in the blink of an eye, so there is promise of more to come within this prime spot space. Orange Tree Furniture is known

for their exclusive furniture range, with a lifecycle that starts in the citrus orchards. Once a citrus tree has completed its fruit-bearing years it is made redundant and cleared for new orchards. Orange Tree Furniture takes the uprooted and discarded trees to their factory in Letsitele, where the citrus industry reigns, and here beautiful pieces of furniture are made. Through a skills and job creating initiative, all items are handcrafted by artisans that have been trained

by Orange Tree Furniture. The Eco-Choice brand represents quality and natural “delicacies”, priding themselves for using the best quality, choice fresh fruits and suppling throughout South Africa. The Mango Magic Dehydration factory is on the other side of the Letsitele Valley, at the foot of the Wolkberg Mountains. The local flavour that this new store brings to the Lifestyle Centre is enough to make the residents boast with pride. This is a taste of what the local industry has to offer and enough to inspire others to look further than the obvious.

“Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie en een helikopter beskikbaar gaan wees vir die vooren na-blom Blaaspootjie spuitseisoen” Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: •

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October 2017

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October 2017


Two calls too close


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In what can only be described as the worst case of bad luck, a pilot from Tzaneen walked away from two crash landings in the space of just a single week. And he did so, without a scratch. Well-known crop duster, Craig Hamman, walked away from a forced landing two weeks ago in Tarentaalrand, and then survived another one along the Giyani Road a week later. Though it was the same pilot, Hamman, was not flying for the same company during each of the incidents. Pilots work on commission and therefore contract themselves out to various companies. On Friday, the 20th of October, Hamman was flying for the crop protection specialists, Sandriver Crop Protection, when the Air Tractor AT-402 he was piloting experienced a mechanical failure. Because of his 20 years of flight experience and a vast number of flight hours, Hamman was able to perform an emergency landing. “The first thing that goes through your mind is nothing. Your training and experience kicks in immediately and you start running through the possible fault options and counter measures. When I realized what caused the fault I looked to put the plane down on the road, but there were too many cars and so I opted for the veld,” explained Hamman. He walked away from the scene unscathed. In what would appear to be extremely bad luck, Hamman was forced to perform the same manoeuvre a week later, on the morning of Thursday, 26th of October. The Grumman AG Cat biplane he was flying, also experienced engine trouble forcing him to land near Christi Landman’s pack house on the Giyani Road. “I’m physically fine, just mentally exhausted at the moment,” Hamman told Bulletin shortly after the incident. “Civil Aviation is on their way to conduct an investigation after which we will have a better understanding of what happened.” Leon de Lange of Sandriver Crop Protection confirmed that the biplane was in no way affiliated to Sandriver Crop Protection and that Craig Hamman was sub-contracted to another firm, Neon Bell. “If it were any other pilot, this would have been a very sad story to tell. Craig is one of the best in the business and has two decades worth of experience. That, is what saved his life.” Just to be clear. Neither of these incidents were related and neither of them were plane crashes. They were controlled, forced landings handled expertly by an expert pilot. A forced landing is defined as the act of abruptly bringing an aircraft to the ground or the surface of water in an emergency. — Joe Dreyer

October 2017




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Terms and conditions apply. Offers only valid while dealer stock last. Please note pictures are for illustative purposes only but the model derivative and offer are consistent. The colour shown on advertised models will not necessarily be available as stock are limited. All rates and payments on offers advertised are subject to customer credit approval by the bank and cannot be guaranteed to customers. All transaction fees excluded. Vehicle on the road costs excluded. Price subject to change without prior notice. E&OE


October 2017


SPLAT technology gives the edge River Bioscience is a leading biocontrol company owned by the Citrus Growers’ Association. By using our products, the citrus grower invests in their own business, giving us the opportunity to support them with the high quality researchproven products. Extensive research by Citrus Research International and other independent parties support our products and its promise to perform outstandingly. We bring you innovative developments and discoveries resulting from the latest industry-funded research. These developments are offered to citrus grow-

ers and other fruit producers to enhance their global competitiveness. Profits generated by sales are direclty invested in the industry’s research and support structures under direction of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa. For the reason that the farmer invests in River Bioscience, our pledge is to provide you with the most affordable and effective biological control agents for producing safer high quality crops. We provide a product range to the farmer consisting of worldwide innovations such as SPLAT FCMTM. SPLAT FCMTM (Specialised Phero-

mone & Lure Application Technology) is a pheromone loaded matrix which allows a constant release of female sex hormone to attract male FCM. SPLAT FCMTM makes use of the specific pheromone released into the environment by female FCM. SPLAT FCMTM is applied evenly over the orchard, thereby releasing a relatively constant flow of female sex pheromones over the orchard. This overpowers the normal pheromone plumes given off by female FCM. The flooding of the surrounding environment with FCM pheromone results in

the males being unable to locate females. Preventing males and females from finding each other results in many females carrying unfertilised eggs. For a complete list of our products and their application, please visit our website or for more information on the products, distributors, and orders, please feel free to contact: Chris Hendriks +27 (0)79 858 3233, or Michelé White +27 (0)41 373 1409, River Bioscience (Pty) Ltd | PO Box 20388 | Humewood | Port Elizabeth | 6013 | South Africa.

Taking on the challenge as a team At last month’s Constansia Citrus Studygroup meeting, the focus was on a team effort to combat False Codling Moth (FCM) and the impact this pest has on the export industry. Key players in the industry presented options and statics on how to implement a system together to control FCM in a natural and effective way. The EU has given the South African citrus industry a chance to prove that natural and biocontrol methods can be effective enough that cold steri treatment may not deem necessary. The pressure is on as the EU will tighten regulations and limit exports, possibly forcing serti cold treatment should FMC continue to pose a problem, which will have

many implications to the farmers and the industry as a whole. The management systems are already being implemented as Sandriver Crop did a round of crop spraying on October 23rd. River Bioscience, Vital Bugs, QMS, Brian Trollip, Santam and Wenkem were some of the speakers who presented their findings, products and methods relating to the FCM. Santam and Wenkem were the main sponsors for the evening. It was an informative and well received evening for all. The efforts that the Letsitele community are putting in to control the FCM population as a whole are noteworthy, as it has become evident that the only way forward is together.




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October 2017




October 2017


SAAGA 50 years celebration The South African Avocado Growers Association (SAAGA) appointed two new chairmen and are celebrating their 50th anniversary, since its inception in 1967. Athol Currie has been appointed chairperson of SAAGA and will be supported by Sizwe Magagula, who takes up the position of vicechairman. Both come from strong agricultural backgrounds with a vision of robust growth and opportunities for a new generation of avocado producers over the next couple of years. “This year SAAGA celebrates its 50th anniversary as a voluntary association and the work done by our founding members regarding our association’s philosophy has laid a solid foundation for us to build upon. We’re very aware that we face challenges but are all in agreement that these present SAAGA with an opportunity to reflect and focus on issues that affect us going into the future,” Currie said. Opportunity, he added, lies in the fact that avocados are becoming more of a mainstream product, as is reflected in the universal growth in consumption. “Current growers are looking to expand and maximise production, and farmers from other sectors are viewing avocado production as a viable option to replace or add to their current operations. We need to be prepared for this growth - while remaining focused on our current members’ needs - and make sure we cater for the new generation of growers.” Another key aspect of the anticipated growth,

according to Magagula, is that SAAGA is ready to supply alternate markets, such as the USA, China and Japan, when these open up. “I would like to see us developing stronger relations with government to harness opportunities to grow the industry, locally and abroad. This, I believe, will be achieved by improved research, transformation in the industry and by getting unproductive avocado areas back into production. “Continuous development of the local market will provide the industry with a sustainable outlet which could be a hedge against changes in global market conditions,” he said. With food security topping most governments’ agendas, Magagula prides himself on being a contributor to the vitally important agricultural sector. “Agriculture is fascinating; it is the very foundation of civilisation and remains a significant contributor to our GDP.” Currie too is driven by the complexities of modern day agriculture. “It’s an exciting and rewarding career. I am passionate about contributing to food security through responsible farming techniques and being able to share my knowledge with others.” With regards to this season’s yield, Currie said favourable weather conditions and sound practices by producers are bound to promote good quality and size fruit – better, he added, than in 2016. “The export crop estimate is 12.5 million four kilogram cartons, which is a similar size to that of

the 2015 crop,” he said. The new captains of SAAGA concluded by saying they are up to the challenges ahead and look forward to providing members with outstanding avocado focused service underpinned by open engagement, robust communication and clear objectives.


RB1TM L10352

RB1TM is an environmentally responsible fungicide specifically designed for the control of Citrus Black Spot (Phyllosticta citricarpa) in citrus RB1TM is proudly IPM compatible Also trading as RB RamboTM (L10353) and RB Black OutTM (L10354)

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Administration | Enquiries +27 (0)41 373 1409

October 2017

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October 2017


Military Security now available to Commercial Industries Fibre optic cable attached to fence

Detects cutting

Detects climbing

Frustrated by having to spend ridiculous amounts of money and time maintaining a security system that already cost you a fortune to install? Desperate for a solution that can withstand a powerful electrical storm or prevent intruders Future Fibrethrough, Technologies from cutting climbing over or digging under your secured perimeter?

Derek Wasley, a local farmer in Agatha, introduces us to an award winning system so advanced, reliable and accurate that it is impossible to resist. Who would not want a product of military standard that is known to be cost effective and low maintenance? Future Fibre Technologies (FFT), rec-









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• Long range – up to 80km of sensor optical path length for some systems • Zoned systems delivering high performance to the small perimeter market • No power or electronics in the field • Intrinsically safe, immune to EMI, RFI and lightning • Systems that pinpoint the precise location of an intrusion • Walking and digging detection • Cutting and lifting detection • Comprehensive two year warranty fro FFT’s global offices

to the largest sites in the world. “With hundreds of installations in some of the most hostile environments on the planet, FFT has the proven real-world experience to deliver highly reliable, advanced, yet cost-effective intrusion detection solutions to a broad range of organizations.” FFT customers include the US Border Patrol, US Army, BP (British Petroleum), Gulf Petroleum, US Department of Homeland Security, Tesoro Petroleum, Tokyo Gas, NTT Japan, Singapore Ministry of Defense, ExxonMobil, Credit Suisse First Boston Band, Chubb Security, Shell, plus many other industrial, military, Government and commercial organizations. Whether your intrusion detection requirements are for 200 meters or 200 kilometers, industrial or commercial, FFT has the right system to solve your specific security problems. Future Fibre Technologies carries full ISO 9001:2008 certification – your guarantee of consistent product quality. For more information contact Derek Wasley on 083 458 4742.

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October 2017



Amorentia - Where good things start A nursery is the birth place of any agricultural industry. The South African farmer, largely blessed with a climate which allows for great diversity in terms of crop suitability, should always start his search for plant material from a trustworthy source. A wise farmer will only ever choose a nursery which has selected the finest mothermaterial. This way a farmer is guaranteed that his or her future crops begin their production journey with a high yield potential. How critical the choice of excellent mother material is, cannot be over-emphasized. Naturally, there are many other criteria that are vital to successful plant propagation because on a very large scale, all nursery practice requires high-tech skill and intensive knowledge. The global food consumer markets have evolved. Over more recent years industries have witnessed an increased demand for healthy food and a greater variety of food types to serve a wide range of dietary preferences. Super-Food is a term on many people’s lips. With the evolution of plant propagation and cultivation and the adaptability to climate, traditional Sub tropical fruit and nuts have extended to a broader variety of crops. The now specialised niche market of Super-foods within the Sub-tropical fruit and nut industry is expanding and increasing in demand and supply. Over the years, Amorentia nursery has enjoyed the process of propagating a variety of Super-foods. They have grown from being the first large scale South African Macadamia nursery to a nursery requiring subbrands to differentiate it’s multiplicity of products. The South African Macadamia Industry was almost non-existent when Amorentia began to propagate Macadamia trees. A lot of the initial trial work was done at Amorentia and 45 years later, they still produce the highest quality Macadamia trees available in a hugely expanding market. As a result of their “plant improvement scheme”, only high-yielding macadamia trees remain in the mother-blocks. The strict selection of mother-material ensures even growth in the orchards with potentially high yielding trees, giving growers the best possible start to their macadamia development. It also means that for all modern cultivars, the nursery can control 100% of the plant propagation process. In the booming macadamia industry, first generation Amorentia macadamia mother-material is highly sought after. Amorentia offers land-preparation, orchard development and planting-out advice as a value-added service

to all our macadamia tree growers. Grower feedback: “The Beaumont trees we purchased from you way back in 2004 have really done well, we average between 5 and 6.5 tons per annum at a crack out of about 36 to 38%.”

This orchard of Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit in KwaZulu Natal belongs to Heinz and Donna Küsel from Arum Valley Trust. The plants are nearly a year old and they will eventually have a total of 3 hectares.

Because they are passionate about plants, the Amorentia team is always on the lookout for new opportunities. Therefore, when a selection of plants from the United States became available, they jumped at the opportunity to expand into a new Super-food industry. Amorentia now propagates a new generation of deliciously sweet, red, pink and white fleshed Dragon Fruit and have lovingly named it “Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit.” Dragon Fruit is known for its incredible health benefits and striking colour but never before has the consumer had the added bonus of the fruit being truly delicious to eat. The interest has grown since the first roll-out in July 2016. The development of the market, through the Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit Marketing Company, is running parallel with the growth. They are super excited to drive the supply of Dragon Fruit into firstly our local and then export markets. The Amorentia Sweet Dragon Fruit mother block produces fruit between October and May and they welcome potential growers to visit during that time. There might just be some fruit available for tasting.

No Super-food basket would be complete without Avocados. The fruit is arguably South Africa’s most iconic. Since 2015, Amorentia has proudly produced Avocado Seedlings. It now has a capacity of 80 000 seedlings. As a seedling Nursery, they are able to help farmers earlier with a strong West Indian/Guatemalan cross rootstock seedling that will be grafted in the field. Why in-field grafting of avocado seedlings in the land is better? • Timing is very important. When the plant bag is optimally filled with roots, the tree should be planted in the ground. Many nurseries plant seedlings in bigger bags to reduce the pressure to graft all the seedling trees at the same time due to root-stock maturity. By transferring the exercise of grafting into an in-field exercise, this removes the pressure to graft the seedlings in a short window period, as the grafting can take place over 3-6 months in-field. • It is very difficult to always align the grafting of the seedlings, which might be ready to graft, with the graft wood availability from the Mother Block. By the beginning of July, most graft wood is bursting into blossom. It then becomes a reproductive graft (flowering) and no longer a vegetative graft (producing leaves). • By leaving the graft wood on the Mother Block tree till later, it allows the post-blossom vegetative growth, on the mother tree, to harden-off and then become available as graft wood later in the season, while the seedling has been planted in the land and is growing out, ready for grafting at a later stage. Effectively no time is lost and the threat of root-bound trees in the nursery bags is eliminated. With good grafting techniques, a 95% first round of in-field grafting can be achieved. Each year, the seedlings have sold out and the first plantings of last year are now ready for grafting in field. Amorenita’s unique micro-climate affords them the ability to propagate a wide range of plants, so if you are looking for an even greater selection of Super-Food plants (and other fruit bearing plants) then you’ll be happy to know that Amorentia Nursery also produces blueberry bushes, coffee trees, granadillas, tamarillo trees, turmeric, litchi trees, ginger, kiwi and black pepper. Visit or call Lauren (Macadamia and other Nursery manager) on 079 145 8864 or Sarie (Avocado and Dragon Fruit Nursery manager) on 082 855 0410. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram to share our joy of plants and farming in South Africa.






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October 2017

So vorder die Plasie laboratorium

Ons sal vroeg 2018 die opening van die Laboratorium hê. Die laboratorium is so te sê 70% gereed. Die laboratorium se struktuur bestaan uit: Agri kantoor, 2 stoorkamers, 1 voorbereidingskamer, werkstasies vir 40 leerders, 1 onderwyserstasie, koelkamer en rypmaakkamer. Van die nuutse tegnologie sal beskikbaar wees vir die leerders. Naamlik: Smartbord, Visualiser, navorsings rekenaars, lig mikroskope ens. Hierdie laboratorium gaan gebruik word deur Gr 8 - 12 landbou leerders maar hoofsaaklik vir Gr 10 – 12 land-

bouwetenskap. Ons gaan onder andere die volgende prakties kan bestudeer: Grondontleding, primêre en sekondêre minerale ondersoek, plant en dier-selle bestudeer, pH toetse doen, osmose en diffusie deur modelle ondersoek, disseksies van bees mae en hoenders se spysverteringstelsels (Als volgende die kurrikulum riglyne). Ons het ook ʼn rekenaar waarmee ons elektroniese data versamel deur middel van probes van DFM waar aan ons kinders blootstel. Ons is baie dankbaar aan almal wat hierdie projek vir Merensky moontlik gemaak het.


30 November 2017 Contact one of our marketers Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543

Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670

Deadline 21 November 2017 AgriBulletin is distributed throughout the Limpopo region

October 2017



Sakata se nuwe generasie pampoene — dit is iets besonders In die markplek is daar ‘n duidelike voorkeur vir grysskilpampoene. Hierdie voorkeur kom van die verbruiker wat hou van die verbeterde smaak en tekstuur terwyl die produsent die voordeel geniet van ‘n hoër opbrengs wat Sampson verkry voorkeur vanaf uitvoerders en verwerkers weens sy voorkoms en kwaliteit. Sampson beskik oor intermediêre siekteweerstand teen “Zucchini yellow mosaic virus”, “Watermelon mosaic virus” en “Papaya ringspot virus”. Sampson is besonders groeikragtig, wat hoër opbrengste en groter vrugte, wat vir tot ses maande gestoor kan word, tot gevolg het. Hierdie eienskappe maak Sampson by uitstek geskik vir verbouing in die na-jaar (koeler seisoen) wanneer die grootste virusdruk voorkom. Gewigsklas: 5 tot 7 kg. Nelson is ’n bostipe grysskilpampoen afkomstig uit dieselfde stal as Sampson, wat aan hierdie variëteit ‘n uitstekende vrugkwaliteit gee. Die kwaliteit van die vrug word bepaal deur die aantal blare op die rank tussen die vrugte. Energie wat in die blare deur die proses van fotosintese opgebou word, word na die vrug getranslokeer waar dit in die vorm van stysel gestoor word. Gewoonlik het bostipes minder blare per vrug. Minder energie is dus beskikbaar en vir hierdie rede beskik die vrugte nie oor dieselfde kwaliteit nie. Nelson is egter die nuutste ontwikkeling in die bostipes waar die teler daarin geslaag het om die blaaroppervlakte te vergroot - die gevolg is beter kwaliteit en stoorvermoë. Produsente verkies oor die algemeen bostipes weens die hoër plantestand en gevolglike hoër opbrengste. Gewigsklas: 4 tot 6 kg. Genetiese eienskappe wat die kwaliteit van grysskilpampoene bepaal Die Skil. Pampoene bly ‘n lewende entiteit nadat dit gepluk is en die proses van transpirasie deur die skil gaan steeds voort nadat die vrugte gepluk is. Indien die skil oor ’n swak waslagie beskik verloor die vrug sy vog in ‘n relatiewe kort periode deur die stoma en word die raklewe en kwaliteit van die vrug hierdeur benadeel. Sampson en Nelson is geneties so saamgestel dat die skil oor ‘n sterk waslaag beskik en hierdie variëteite kan, onder die regte omstandighede, tot 6 maande gestoor word. Dit is veral produsente wat opberg vir beter markpryse, verwerkers van pampoenprodukte en uitvoerders wat hierdie eienskap benut. Die kwaliteit van die vrug word ook bepaal deur die aantal blare op die rank tussen die vrugte. Energie wat

kenmerkend is van Sakata se pampoenvariëteite. Sakata se nuwe generasie grysskilpampoene is Nelson, ’n unieke bostipe met die kwaliteit en houvermoë en Sampson, die ranktipe met ongelooflike opbrengs en kwaliteit.

in die blare deur die proses van fotosintese opgebou word, word na die vrug getranslokeer waar dit in die vorm van stysel gestoor word. Bostipes het minder blare per vrug, minder energie is beskikbaar en vir hierdie rede beskik die vrugte nie oor dieselfde kwaliteit nie. Nelson is die nuutste ontwikkeling in die bostipes waar die teler daarin geslaag het om die blaaroppervlakte te vergroot - die gevolg is beter kwaliteit en stoorvermoë. Kontak gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by sel: 083 585 1181, hy kan u van meer inligting verskaf oor

Pumpkin Fritters

Author: Fazila Olla-Logday • Recipe type: Dessert • Serves: 6 Pumpkin fritters or Pampoen koekies in Afrikaans are delicious for breakfast or dessert and it’s so quick and easy to make!

hierdie grysskilvariëteite, en beskik oor die tegniese kennis om u in staat te stel om die beste opbrengs en kwaliteit uit u oes te verkry.

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

BO: Nelson – semi-bostipe pampoen met uitstekende interne kwaliteit. Sampson – eenvormige vrugte met ‘n uitstekende houvermoë.

Ingredients: 2 cups cooked mashed pumpkin 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg beaten 1 cup Self Raising flour 2 tsps baking powder ¼ tsp salt 1 tbles brown sugar Oil for frying Cinnamon Sugar Coating 50g castor sugar 2tsp ground cinnamon

Directions: Drain the cooked pumpkin well. Add the beaten egg and vanilla extract and mix. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to a soft but firm batter. Place a spoonful of the mixture into hot oil. Fry on one side until golden brown and turn to cook on the other side. Remove with slotted spoon and drain on absorbent paper. In small bowl, combine castor sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle over hot fritters before serving.

Tip: The cooked pumpkin should be drained well as too much moisture can make the batter too runny. Recipe from:


October 2017


SAMPSON Uitstekende raklewe Sterk groeikragtige plante Eenvormige vrugte met klein saadholte Uitstaande opbrengspotensiaal Sakata grysskilpampoen variĂŤteite:



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