November 2017
ZZ2 receives presitgeous awards P 3 Importance of crop scouts P 4 Subtropsimposium hoogtepunte Bl 10
VroeĂŤr vanjaar het Bulletin berig oor die 86-jarige Anna, ‘n informele boer in die Tzaneen area wat grond in die middel van Florapark bewerk met die doel om mielies daar te plant. Dit was in September en vroeg Maandagoggend, hierdie week, is daar reeds vordering en blyk dit asof Anna nou enige oomblik gaan begin plant.
November 2017
’n publikasie van FAR NORTH
Citrus Grower’s gather
Redakteur: Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking: Jacques Smuts jacques@bulletin.us.com Estelle von Pannier ads@bulletin.us.com Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts ansie@bulletin.us.com
On 16 November, ELE Trading hosted a Citrus Grower’s day, also known as ‘Polokwane Boeredag’. This was a first for the Cape Town based company, who specialises in marketing fresh produce to the global markets. The event was held at Grin Court Nature Reserve and the sponsors included Laeveld (Main Sponsor), CRI, FNB, Reemon, Houers, Elecmec and PPECB. The Grower’s day included farmers from Mpumulanga, Limpopo, North West, Thipise and even as far as Swaziland. The event was well organised with some great talks by the day’s speakers. Theo
Venter, a political and policy specialist at the NWU School for Business and Governance spoke about the economy. A climate scientist from the University of Cape Town, Peter Johnston, addressed the current climate conditions, impact and changes. Further presentations were given by Citrus Research International (CRI), Laeveld Agrotech and Agri Technovation as well as FNB. As a great success for a first meeting, ELE Trading is confident that they will be planning and presenting a Citrus Grower’s day in November 2018 again. For any information contact angie@eletrading.co.za
26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850 015 306 0198 www.bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
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Citrus industry players gather to enjoy the local Citrus Grower’s Day.
Tiny van Rensburg, MC for the day.
ELE Trading and sponsors Laeveld Agrochem & Reemoon grace Grin Court Nature Reserve, Polkwane.
Bulletin FAR NORTH
To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543
November 2017
ZZ2 ends the year with shimmer and shine On the evening of 2 November 2017, at a gala event held at the Montecasino Ballroom, ZZ2 received two prestigious awards. The Logistics Achiever Awards is acknowledged as the calendar event of the year in the logistics and supply chain industry. “LAA recognises outstanding achievements and innovation that have created market advantage today for a strong, sustainable foundation into the future.” The judging panel includes nominated representatives of various professional institutes, vocational societies and trade or industry associations involved in logistics and supply chain management in Southern Africa and the competition was fierce as usual. There are two categories and ZZ2 where a finalist in both. The LAA finalists were: Arcelor Mittal, Barloworld Logistics and Transnet; BMW / DSV; Dachser South Africa; Fiat Chrysler / DSV; GanTrans in partnership with SAPREF; Höegh Autoliners; MeerKAT; Nissan / Bidvest Panalpina Logistics; Reef Tankers / DriveRisk; Transnet Postmasburg / Solethu Marine Services; Transnet Ceres Rail; Transnet Saldanha / Solethu Marine Services; Vodacom / ILS; Volvo SA / DSV and ZZ2. In this category ZZ2 received a Platinum award which recognizes professionalism and excellence in the effective application of strategic, tactical and operational logistics and supply chain management principles, concepts and practices. The score
sheet covers the following: business results, sustainability, customer satisfaction, operation improvements, strategy, analysis and planning, collaboration and integration, information management, quality management, people management, environmental sensitivity, impact on society, change management, leadership and innovation with logistics and relative performance to other entrants. “Today, ZZ2 produces about 40% of the country’s tomatoes, and employs around 8500 people. The company aims to be the benchmark of success in local agriculture by creating sustainable value for all its stakeholders as a living, open system.” - Logistics News Business Special 2017 Competing against Barloworld Transport and Unilever / Interwaste, in the second category for the LAA Environ award, ZZ2’s Natuurboerdery® shone with pride when they were granted a platinum award, which is awarded to companies doing the most to protect the environment. ZZ2’s unique approach to large scale, commercial farming has become well known under the name Natuurboerdery®, or Nature Farming®. In essence, Natuurboerdery® is best described as “Farming in harmony with natural processes, while using the best available technology.” – Logistics News Business Special 2017 This year marks 29 years for the Logistics Achiever Awards, priding themselves in rewarding excellence. What an excellent way for ZZ2 to end the year.
Charles Dey (LAA), Japie Burger (Transport Manager- ZZ2), Wiam Haddad (Environmentalist - ZZ2), Hermann Haupt (General Manager - Chep)
Japie Burger (Transport Manager - ZZ2), Clive Garrett (Marketing Manager - ZZ2), Charles Dey (LAA), Derek Evens (Distribution Manager - ZZ2), Wiam Haddad (Environmentalist ZZ2), Kathy Bell (LAA)
“Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie en een helikopter beskikbaar gaan wees vir die vooren na-blom Blaaspootjie spuitseisoen” Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: info@sandrivercrop.co.za • leon@sandrivercrop.co.za
Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes
November 2017
Enrich the scout, enhance the yield Over the years, it has become more evident that the role of a crop scout is a fundamental economical prerequisite to pest management. Crop scouting has gone from being a very basic action of travelling through the field making general observations, to now being a detailed analysis, capturing all and any threats encountered. Scouts are now being equipped with technology to ensure accuracy and trained to include a large variety of pests and diseases. The role of the scout has become one of the most important on a crop production farm, as a little bit of negligence can cost a farmer his entire season’s yield. Training and certification of crop scouts has now even been added to the list of prerequisites of standards for GLOBALGAP Certification. “Scouting fields for weeds, disease and pests is one of the best investments you can make during the growing season to protect crop yield potential.” – Missy Bauer, Farm Journal associate field agronomist. It is with the same approach the Novon NRC, who believes in a partnership approach, has now added training to their list of ‘Value-added services’ for their clientele. The modules include training for Scouting and Handling of Chemicals. On 7 November, Novon NRC, Limpopo, presented their course to the scouts on Westfalia’s Macnoon farm, situated outside Modjadjiskloof. Presented by Entomologist Hein Gebhardt, the scouts were introduced to a full spectrum of pests that threatened the crops that they handle, even those that are not encountered on a daily basis. The course takes it further by explaining how to recognize the various stages of the pests by teaching them about the full lifecycle of each pest. They are also taught how to recognize the different categories, by focusing on the mouth parts such as those that pierce, suck or lick. Novon’s training
gives the scouts the skills to be able to assess more accurately allowing the farmer to make a more informed decision on
pest management, disease control and interventions thus giving more control over crop performance and risk evaluation. Gebhardt also teaches the scouts about the difference between predators and parasites, the pests and beneficial insects, how to use scouting tools, knowing where to scout for specific problems, recording data correctly and reporting problem areas. Novon NRC follows an Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) and partnership approach, creating a long term relationship between the farmer and provider. By placing focus on the farmer’s end goal and yield. By implementing optimal personalised solutions the journey together remains focused on a mutual goal throughout. The training doesn’t offer a ‘shallow’ value-added service but enriches the relationships within a farm’s own structure as the staff have not only been educated but are being enriched and therefore feel truly valued as a result. Feeling valued is key to improving an employee’s commitment, outcome and results, thus strengthening the relationships of all working together. For more information on Novon NRC, scout training and handling of chemicals training please contact Dawie Grobbelaar Jnr. on 082 456 7269 or Dawie Grobbelaar Snr on 082 809 5445.
November 2017
At Novon we offer
Intergrated Pest Management Solutions Our partnership approach guarantees optimal advantage for crop care & client financial gain.
Value added service: Certified training for GLOBALGAP Certification
• Training for scouts - presented by Entomologist Hein Gebhardt • Handling of chemicals Contact: 082 456 7269 • 082 809 5445 • novontzn@lantic.net
November 2017
Laeveld Trekkers se nuwe huis
LVT (Laeveld Trekkers / Lowveld Tractors ) is jou eenstop industriële veskaffer in die Laeveld en voorsien die konstruksie- en landbousektor met van die bekendste handelsmerke. Die Letsitele-tak in ‘Industry Park’ is tans besig met die konstruksie van hulle nuwe vertoonlokaal en werkswinkel. Die bestuur beoog om hulself vroeg 2018 op die perseel te vestig en voort te bou op hul dienslewering aan die Letsitele gemeenskap. Kontak ons gerus vir advies oor verkope, dienste en parte.
“Jou Sukses - Ons Spesialiteit”
Laeveld Trekkers
Tzaneen Letsitele
Hannes Brits
A quick look at... LITCHI season
Tinus Malan
The current South African litchi crop is smaller than last season’s crop. Last season, 2.45 million 2 kg cartons were exported and this season will the export crop will probably be down 30%.
MANGO season It is estimated that the mango crop will be down 30% on the previous season. Last season we had a bumper crop of around 100,000 tonnes. This season the crop will be back to “normal” levels at around 70,000 t.
Verkope: Hannes 071 496 1518 Onderdele: Tinus 082 319 2906 Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele, 0850
Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for more Agri news or contact us if you would like to advertise in the AgriBulletin.
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November 2017
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Agri Letaba sluit af Pieter Vorster, Voorsitter Agri Letaba skryf: 2017 is op sy einde en daarmee saam maak baie Suid Afrikaners gereed vir vakansie en ’n rustydperk. Meeste landbouers is egter steeds besig gedurende hierdie tydperk soos wat dit jaar na jaar is. Oom Hugo het altyd gesê, ’n plant hou nie op met groei en ’n gogga hou nie vakansie nie ! Landbou kyk terug na ’n jaar wat inderdaad, soos altyd, sy unieke uitdagings gehad het. En steeds het ! As jy kyk na hoe die res van die wêreld sy boere oppas, en die Suid Afrikaanse boere steeds presteer onder baie uitdagings en geweldige druk, is daar geen beter testament oor wat gedoen en bereik kan word deur die Suid Afrikaanse landbouer nie ! Plaasmoorde en plaasaanvalle is hoogste op die lys. Dit skep wantroue in die regering se vermoeë om dit te bekamp polities word daar geringe teenuitsprake daarteenoor gemaak en min standpunt ingeneem. Daar is egter goeie pogings vanaf die SAPS, maar hulle hande is ook net so sterk as wat die regerende party hulle hande maak. Die plaasmoorde en plaasaanvalle is egter nie net ’n landbou probleem nie. Die hele gemeenskap word daardeur geraak en is dit tyd dat alle vlakke van die samelewing hande
November 2017
moet vat daarteen, wat in baie streke reeds so gebeur. Onlangse publieke optrede hieroor is ’n bewys daarvan. Soos ons almal bewus is, is water ons as landbouers se lewensaar. In die Tzaneen streek, is ons geseënd om huidiglik in ’n baie beter posisie te wees wat water voorraad betref. Die Tzaneen dam is tans op 43.36% teenoor 14.6% vergelykend met laas seisoen dieselfde tyd. Die posisie sou egter nog beter gelyk het sou die volume van die Tzaneen dam nie op 65% hoef te gehou moes word nie agv die huidige proses van die damwal se verhoging. Die proses daarvan is traag en frustrerend agv verskeie redes, maar weereens sien ons die positiewe raak in terme van die langtermyn voordeel vir almal. Voorspellings dui op ’n “weak La Nina” vir die reënseisoen wat op hande is. Georganiseerde landbou moet ook ontvanklik wees vir veranderinge en aanpasbaar wees. Agri SA het ’n nuwe baadjie aangetrek wat bestuur aanbetref asook hoe die organisasie sy lede wil bedien. Veranderinge is soms ongemaklik, maar meeste is hoopvol dat dit die organisasie en sy lede op ’n nuwe pad sal vat wat tot voordeel van almal sal wees. Mag dit reën waar jy gesaai het ! Vrede en voorspoed.
Wees geseënd, wees veilig Willem van Jaarsveld, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Agri Limpopo skryf: Agri Limpopo wens al die boere van Limpopo ‘n vreugdevolle en veilige feesgety toe. Die afgelope jaar was een vol uitdagings, maar die landbougemeenskappe regoor die provinsie het dié uitdagings die hoof gebied deur samewerking en eensgesindheid. Agri Limpopo bedank graag alle lede, bedryfsorganisasies, landboubesighede en die ander landbou-organisasies soos TLU SA, Afasa en Nafu, die SAPD, staatsdepartemente en ons media-vriende vir die konstruktiewe pad wat ons kan saam loop tot voordeel van landbou in Limpopo. Mag die kersgety ons almal opnuut
herrinner aan Christus se versoeningswerk aan die kruis, Vader se liefde vir ons, en die deurlopende leiding van die Heilige Gees op ons daaglikse pad. Ons weet dat 2018 nie noodwendig makliker sal wees as die afgelope jaar nie. Ons kan ook nuwe uitdagings verwag, maar in geloof sal ons die pad na ‘n goeie landboutoekoms bly loop. Ons bede is dat 2018 vir ons almal ‘n hoogtepunt sal wees. Ons waardeer die goeie verhoudings wat reeds bestaan oor ‘n wye front. Ons koester dit. Mag dit in 2018 tot verdere hoogtes gevoer word. Mag hierdie Kersfees ‘n geseënde en veilige een vir ieder en elk van ons mense en hul families wees en mag die nuwe jaar net voorspoed en vreugde bring.
November 2017
ZZ2 receives environmental seal Local avocado producer, ZZ2, received astounding awards and accreditations this year. Some give a real glimpse into some of ZZ2’s core principles. Reminds me of the quote, “do what you love and success will follow.” There are those noteworthy achievements that focus on material gain, consumer interaction, effective campaigns and more; and there are those that breathe with life and focus on every being and element involved, such as The Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM seal. Those who know The Rainforest Alliance will understand when one describes the process and procedure to achieve accreditation as “lengthy and rigorous”. The Rainforest Alliance describes it as such themselves and prides themselves in their stringent criteria as it is not a seal to be taken lightly. The Rainforest Alliance has been transforming business practices for the last 30 years. “From the field or forest through the supply chain to the end consumer, the Rainforest Alliance helps your business along its own sustainability journey.” (www.rainforest-alliance.org/business) The little green frog is recognised worldwide as “the symbol of environmental, social and economic sustainability”. ZZ2 Afrikado spent a dedicated two months processing the application and are proudly the first avocado farm in South Africa to receive this accreditation.
In order to be granted the seal of the frog, farms need to meet the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard. “Like our organizational logo, the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM seal features a frog for a very good reason”. The first thing one will notice on their website is their phrase “Working with you to rebalance the planet” and frogs, being an indicator species, are a symbol of a healthy environment. For agriculture, The Standard encompasses all three pillars of sustainability – social, economic, and environmental; which is built on these important principles of sustainable farming: biodiversity conservation, improved livelihood and human wellbeing, natural resource conservation and effective planning and farm management systems. While The Standard forms the foundation of Rainforest Alliance certification, it is also complemented by general Certification Rules and Policies on Pest Management. The astounding importance of this certification is most would immediately assume
that the focus is on nature; however, when one looks at all four principles separately it becomes evident that the balance aimed at achieve involves every being that is a part of the company. Certified farms not only protect their ecosystems in all ways and carefully conserve natural resources, on these farms, the people matter too. Not only does The Standard protect the employees by requiring that farmers conduct healthy labour relations but demand that the farmer are good neighbours too. On certified farms the farmers are very involved in their own busi-
nesses in all aspects, social, environmental and economic facets. “Certified farms implement an integrated farm-planning and –management system, establishing procedures and systems for ensuring continuous improvement on the path toward sustainable agriculture.” For ZZ2 Afrikado this is the beginning of their journey with The Rainforest Alliance and as the journey evolves towards achieving improved sustainability from field level, right through to the companies and consumers, they will be continually trained and audited. ZZ2 Afrikado sets an example for the local agricultural industry and inspires change and possibility with this green and white “seal of the frog”, a “seal of balance.”
November 2017
Jaarlikse Subtropsimposium in opgewekte luim
Douglas Hoets (Insect Science), Zylon McGaffin (DuRoi Nursery), Danie Vaughan (Growmac Nursery), Martin van Nierkerk (Insect Science) Gerhard Duvenhage (Houers Koöperatief) and Scott McKenzie (Cederberg tree nursery)
FPM Maake en Mpho Musetha, beide van die Limpopo Department van Landbou.
Die atmosfeer was opgeruimd by Subtrop se jaarlikse bemarkingsimposium op 8 November in Witrivier. Subtrop is die sambreelliggaam vir die avokado-, mango-, lietsjie- en (vir die oomblik nog) makadamiabedrywe. Dit is die pas afgelope avokadoseisoen wat die bedryf so vrolik stem. Die 2016/17-seisoen is nou wel vir SuidAfrika gekenmerk deur laer volumes, maar die verdienste op die wêreldmark (veral Europa en die VK, in ons geval) het ruim opgemaak daarvoor. Daar was stewige groei in die tradisionele avokadomarkte van Engeland, Frankryk, Skandinawië asook vinniger as verwagte groei in aanvraag by China en ander Asiese markte. Die ondervoorsitter van die World Avocado Organisation het ‘n voorlegging gelewer oor hul aktiwiteite tydens die afgelope Europese somer. Die World Avocado Organisation (WAO) is op die been gebring deur Peru en Suid-Afrika, saam met etlike avokadoprodusente in Chile en Mexiko, met die doel om avokadoverbruik te stimuleer in Europa, ongeag die oorsprong van die avokado’s in die winkel. Vanjaar was daar in weke 21 en 31 ‘n superpiek van avokado’s op die wêreldmark, veral omdat Peru se oes vertraag is deur vloede en hulle toe hul volumes
eerder Europa toe gestuur het as die VSA. Danksy hul promosieveldtogte by groot supermarkgroepe in Engeland, Frankryk, Duitsland, Noorweë en Swede, het avokadoverkope hierdie somerseisoen gestyg met tussen 35% en 45%. Volgende jaar word nóg meer avokado’s verwag op die Europese mark, namate ons volumes hopelik terugbons ná die droogte plus nuwe boorde wat in produksie kom, met laasgenoemde wat ook geld vir avokadoproduksiestreke elders in die wêreld. WAO wil volgende jaar meer klem lê op avokadopromosies by Europese vakansiebestemmings ge-
durende Augustus, Europa se groot vakansiemaand. Daar was verskeie ander voorleggings by die simposium: Howard Blight van Amorentia Kwekery het vertel van die Agricolleges-inisiatief om landbouonderrig via e-learning aan te bied aan studente regdeur Afrika, beskikbaar in verskeie tale. Mark Hassenkamp van die South African Macadamia Growers’ Association (SAMAC) se kwekerykomitee het verduidelik hoe die proses van kwekerysertifisering by die Seedling Growers Association of South Africa (SGASA) verloop.
Future atFibre Technologies Barry Christie, operational manager for macadamias Subtrop with Lizette de Wet, SAAGA administrator and symposium organiser and Derek Donkin, Subtrop CEO.
TLB/Backhoe Loader
Skid Steer Loader
Front End Loader
Bonnie Buthelezi van Subtrop en Morongwa Sebela van Protactic het voorbeelde gewys van hul promosieaktiwiteite van die afgelope jaar wat ook saamgeval het met die herdenking van die vyftigste bestaansjaar van die South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA). Hulle fokus op die ontwikkeling van nuwe verbruikerssegmente vir avokado’s. Voorts was daar ook voorleggings deur Elizabeth van Renen van die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid wat ‘n oorsig gelewer het oor Suid-Afrika se handelsbetrekkinge met spesifieke verwysing na landbou, asook ‘n praatjie deur Jaco Oosthuizen, MD van RSA Group oor die voordele van ‘n soepele vryemarkstelsel waar pryse sensitifief reageer op aanbod en aanvraag. Onder afgevaardigdes het heelwat gesprekke gedraai om die rasse skrede waarmee avokadoboorde uitbrei, veral deesdae in die Magoebaskloofomgewing, wat vroeër as te koud vir avokado’s beskou is. Suid-Afrika beweeg immer nader daaraan om regdeur die jaar selfvoorsienend in avokado’s te wees. Verskeie bedryfspelers in die WesKaapse landbouketting het die simposium bygewoon, aangetrokke deur die sterk groei in die avokadobedryf.
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November 2017
Innovation is empowerment There is only one sunrise. It occurs 365 days a year without fail, heralding in the dawn of a new day as the sun breaks through the night before. Ensure a Red Sun rises over your fields by aligning your vision to lead industry standards in innovation, quality and integrity. Red Sun Hortitech nursery just outside Tzaneen, is a living, growing organism nurtured by the trust that horticultural pioneer, Mark Hassenkamp, instils in his people, their products and vision. It is this vision and the perpetual growth and innovation that drives growers and employees’ success, that has lifted Red Sun Hortictech to the forefront of international growing standards. “The secret to the success of our product is that we never lost sight of our initial goals that we set for ourselves, right down to the quality of every single tree that we produce. You know, so often as the demand for one’s product increases we have a tendency to lose sight of the small things that matter. Success and attention to detail is incremental and it is the compounding of these small successes that come together and construct the bigger successes,” explained Hassenkamp. According to him, Red Sun Hortitech’s fate rests firmly on the shoulders of the many successful growers they supply with their world class trees. Remembering that many of their growers are industry leaders themselves by international
standards, Hassenkamp expressed his need to ensure that their operations remain relevant through their drive to not only match but to extend the quality and service standards their farmers expect. “Transformation and empowerment is as much a part of the process as the supply of perfect trees. Every week we notice that more and more, smaller growers, come to purchase their trees from us. This is encouraging as it shows that even though our market is driven by the inputs of the bigger organised agriculture sector, a space continues to open to receive and support the smaller players a place in the sun. “A rising tide lifts all ships”. A growing industry embraces both small and big players; we strive to keep to our promise of contributing towards successful farmers within a successful industry. If our small and big farmers are both successful, we are pulling together in the right direction and ensuring a successful industry – for the greater good; that, is the power of the compound effect.” Quality, integrity and innovation is what drives Red Sun Hortitech to look into the future and come up with ways to offer value and find growth across the challenges and opportunities that any market experience, specifically the agricultural sector. Being more competitive and innovative has allowed the Red Sun team to offer growers competitive pricing, long term planning capacity, tech-
nical support and unique new varieties to drive on farm success. With exciting new developments on the horizon such as fractal water and beneficial biological root and leaf inoculations, Red Suns farmers share in the benefits of innovations and an ambition of continuous improvement. “We are not just supplying excellent trees to farmers, we are working closely with farmers to discover and lead better yields and quality and a more competitive South African industry where we really are setting and leading the global standard in macadamias and also avocado production”. Red Sun Hortitech’s reputation is growing; driven by supporting and learning from successful growers in a successful industry.
Mark Hassenkamp
Red Sun Hortitech situated in Tzaneen in the Limpopo Province has a vacancy for a young and energetic Intern: Production Controller. The incumbent will receive hands on training and become responsible for controlling a number of critical production activities in the macadamia and avocados nurseries including such activities as:
• • • • • • •
Planting Supervision of mist beds Watering Pest and disease control Sanitation and Housekeeping GlobalGAP Record keeping
The ideal candidate must have a passion for agriculture and working with plants. The applicant must be reliable, dedicated and trustworthy and must be a good communicator who gets on well with others within a dynamic team environment. As an intern / trainee the incumbent will be exposed to numerous facets of nursery management. A monthly salary linked to a trainee position will be paid. Applicants interested in applying for the position can forward their C.v’s to corinne@redsunhort.co.za Closing date for applications 8 December 2017 Starting date 3 January 2018 or date otherwise agreed to. If you have not heard from Red Sun Hortitech by 31 December please consider your application to have been unsuccessful.
November 2017
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November 2017
Agri Letaba se laaste vergarding Agri Letaba het Woensdag, 15 November,hul laaste vergarding vir 2017 by die Letaba skougronde gehou. Die Letaba Skou 2017 en 2018, fondsinsameling, elekrisiteit, veligheid Tzaneen Dam en baie meer is tydens hierdie vergadering bespreek. Agri Letbaba bedank graag Marinda Tzaneen, as die borg en die spreker van die dag, Claude Mashobane van SANBI (Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Biodiversiteit Instituut) asook gas-spreker Andre Ventre vir sy terugvoering gegee op die verhoging van die Tzaneen Dam en die vordering van die Nwamitwa Dam. Mnr. Mashobane (SANBI) se toespraak het oor die “Alien & Invasive Species” in die area gelei. Hy nooi graag boere om SANBI te kontak indien hul enige fauna of flora opmerk waaroor hulle onseker is. SANBI sal die plante vir hulle indentifiseer om uit te vind of dit indringer plante is en hoe om hulle te kontroleer.
Een van die hoogtepunte bespreek was ’n fondsinsameling Gholfdag wat aangebied is deur Agri Letaba. Die dag gaan in Maart 2018 gehou word en alle boere, mark agente en verskaffers is welkom om deel te neem aan hierdie spog gholf geleentheid. Daar is terugvoering gegee oor die reuse sukses wat Letaba Skou 2017 was. Die Skou het hierdie jaar 20 000 besoekers verwelkom en Agri Letaba bedank elke persoon en borg wat die Skou geondersteun het. “Ons werk reeds aan die 2018 Skou wat beloof om groter to wees.” Die datum vir die volgende Letaba Skou is gestel vir 8 – 12 Augustus 2018. Die volgende punte is genoem onder elektrisiteit, veiligheid en arbeid:
Elektrisiteit Agri Letaba wat die inisieerder en stigter van Tzaneen Elktrisiteits forum is, werk met verteenwoordigers van NERSA, die GTM,
Tzaneen Sakekamer, Afriforum en die Gemeenskap. Die idee is om ondersteuning te bied en saam te werk met die GTM rakende die elektrisiteit in die omgewing. Daar is hierdie jaar reeds ’n groter begroting by die Munisipaliteit goedgekeur vir herstelwerk van die transformators en ander nodige toerusting.
Agri Letaba tesame met ander lede van die Veiligheidsforum span kragte saam met die Polisie om misdaad in die area te bekamp. Daar is reeds baie suksesvolle operasies deur die SAPS geloots in hierdie area. 35 persone is in 1 so ‘n operasie gearresteer. Ons bedank graag die Polisie vir hul ondesrsteuning en samewerking. Daar word weerens ’n beroep op alle lede en persone gedoen om alle sake aan te meld.
Let wel dat die nuwe Nasionale Minimum Loon in Mei 2018 in werking sal tree. Landbou betaal 90% van die Nasionale Minimum Loon wat R18 per uur sal wees. Agri Letaba bedank ons lede vir hulle bywoning en bydrae. Kontak Agri Letaba kantoor vir enige navrae of om betrokke te raak. Hulle kantoor is by die Letaba Skougronde of skakel 083 272 1998.
Photo by Naomi Excell Voor, van links: Zander Ernst, ondervoorsitter van Agri Letaba en Claude Mashobane van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Biodiversiteit Instituut en gasspreker van die dag. Agter: Shaun Theron, Mahindra, Rob Allen, elektriese ingenieur, Pieter Vorster, voorsitter van Agri Letaba, Willem van Jaarsveld, hoof uitvoerende beampte van Agri Limpopo, en Rudi Visser, Mahindra.
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November 2017
Looking towards a brighter future for all
It was a tumultuous year for the local agricultural sector with an increase in the rate of attacks on farms and small holdings, the deaths of a number of well-known role players in the industry and the accompanying protests that followed. But, there were some positive changes that came about too, lest we forget. Through the establishment of the Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum (TTTF) in August this year, major role players in the timber industry have formed a united front in the fight against timber related crimes. Before the establishment of the forum, timber growers were losing an estimated R400 000 a month to timber thieves. In some cases entire blocks of a plantation were destroyed by criminals who harvested the 4 to 6-year old trees, many years before they reach their optimum age of between 9 and 12 years. The poles were resold in the informal settlements for between R30 and R60 per pole.
Through the forum, a highly efficient communications network was established which allowed security companies and timber growers to identify and respond to theft within minutes of it being reported The Forum also established strong ties with local law enforcement and top ranking officials from the justice department which saw to it that the prosecution of timber thieves was handled with the necessary severity and urgency. Since August a number of successful arrests and convictions were recorded with criminals handed down hefty sentences for timber theft specifically. The first of many suspects was charged and
sentenced to two years in prison on his first offence, in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court on the 18th of September – a victory for the forum and timber growers across the region. Carlos Pamire, an illegal immigrant from Zimbabwe, was found in possession of 480 poles he stole off the Barett’s farm, Carthona, near Modjadjiskloof in July this year. He was apprehended by members of the forum, Canine Security, and his truck which he used to transport the stolen timber was confiscated by the Asset Forfeiture Unit. And then there was the Black Monday march, held in protest against murders, and specifically farm murders, on the 30th of
October. Though there were many mixed feelings about the efficacy of this event, the one thing it achieved was unity. For a moment, every member of the Tzaneen and surrounding community stood sideby-side and forget about race or colour or creed. Black Monday proved that crime, and compassion, sees no colour and affects every member of our society. Topping off the good news for the year were the achievements by some of our local agricultural personalities. Theo de Jager made the international news headlines in June, when he was elected as the new president of the World Farmers’ Organization in Helsinki. Combining the positives moves which include improved communications and working relationships between all the various agricultural organizations and law enforcement agencies, 2018 looks to be on course for positive change that could very well herald in the dawn of a new age in the South African agricultural industry. Be blessed this festive season.
November 2017
Spanspek sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie! Verbruikers koop dikwels spanspek met hoë verwagtinge. Ongelukkig word hulle dikwels teleurgestel, wat die verkope van hierdie vrugte benadeel. Met die vrystelling van Sakata se nuutste genetika in spanspek, Majestic, In die verlede was die spanspek mark beperk tot slegs een van die volgende kenmerke: raklewe, opbrengs of smaak. Dit is dus baie goeie nuus vir beide die produsent en verbruiker dat Sakata se nuwe variëteit, Majestic al drie hierdie kenmerke insluit. Majestic is ‘n langraklewe spanspek, wat beteken dat die produsent oor ‘n langer tydperk kan oes, dat die spanspek oor langer afstande vervoer kan word, asook dat die vrugte steeds vars is wanneer dit op die verskaffer se rakke en uiteindelik in die verbruiker se kombuis beland. Tipiese langraklewe spanspek moes nog altyd inboet op smaak en was dus nog nooit ‘n gunsteling onder verbruikers wat uitsien na die sappige, soet sensasie van die spanspek van ouds nie. Majestic is egter anders – hierdie variëteit beskik oor uitstaande houvermoë sonder om die soet smaak, diep-oranje aantreklike kleur en kwaliteit, waarna verbruikers smag, te weerhou. Die produsent sal ook nie ‘n fout maak om Majestic in te sluit in sy plantprogram nie. Majestic beskik oor ‘n baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal en as gevolg van sy houvermoë, laat dit die produsent toe om die oestyd met ‘n paar dae uit te stel indien nodig. Die sterk plante maak die variëteit meer aanpasbaar teen klimaatsomstandighede asook meer bestand teen siektes. Die vrugte is baie eenvormig wat uitpakpersentasies voordelig beïnvloed. Majestic beskik verder oor uitsonderlike interne kwaliteit met ‘n klein saadholte. Die vleis is ‘n diep-oranje kleur met ‘n baie ferm tekstuur en volgehoue hoë suikervlakke (Brix) tussen 13 en 15 %. Wanneer Majestic se smaak vergelyk word met ander standaard langraklewe spanspekke, staan Majestic ver uit bo die res. Die aantreklike, eenvormige vrugte van Majestic beskik oor ‘n algemene gewig wat wissel tussen 1.8 en 2.5kg. Majestic is aangepas vir warmseisoen produksie binne areas regoor Suid-Afrika. Die plante is baie groeikragtig en vorm ‘n goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte teen die son beskerm. Die variëteit het verder die vermoë om ‘n uitstekende net te vorm, selfs in die koeler seisoen. Majestic het ook baie goeie siektebestandheid,
gaan spanspekke nooit weer dieselfde wees nie! Met hierdie ontwikkeling wat oor ongekende smaak, gehalte, opbrengs en raklewe beskik, sal ‘n teleurgestelde verbruiker iets van die verlede wees.
met hoë bestandheid teen Fusarium en Poeieragtige meeldou, wat verseker dat die plante sterk en gesond bly regdeur die groeiseisoen. Sakata het ook onlangs vir Dulce Nectar* vrygestel – ‘n vroeë bekwame Honeydew tipe spanspek. Dulce Nectar* is uiters geskik vir vroeë en laat seisoen aanplantings. Die plante is baie groeikragtig met goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte teen sonbrand beskerm. Dulce Nectar* beskik oor ‘n uitstekende setvermoë met ‘n baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal. Die vrugte is rond tot ovaalvormig met ‘n algemene vruggrootte van 2.0 tot 2.5kg. Die vleis is baie ferm met uitstekende suikervlakke (brix). Dulce Nectar* het hoë siekteweerstand teen Fusarium verwelk ras 2 en intermediêre weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou rasse 1 en 2. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se spanspekke of sommer die totale produkreeks, besoek gerus die webwerf by www.sakata.co.za. Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing,
uller -sm k e p s n a rt e p S Deur: Barbara Joub e.rk24.com tw p://www.ne p vanaf: htt
le: Bestande ml) 0 (sowat 50 e melk ry tv 150 ml ve kspek, in blo 350 g span y kies gesn ing 15 ml heun s ie k k lo b ys 3 Metode: le bestandde Gooi al die n. e ji as -m thie in jou smoo t glad. Verwerk to
bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
Glanskok se spanspekslaai Resep vanaf: http://www.rsg.co.za/resepte Heerlike spanspekslaai vir ‘n warm somersvakansie.
Bestandele: 1 groot spanspek, geskil, ontpit en in blokkies gesny 1 rooi soetrissie, in dun repies gesny 1 ui, in skywe gesny 1 pakkie roket- of- bronkorsblare 2 ringe romerige fetakaas 50ml olyfolie 5ml vars gerasperde gemmer 50ml lemoen of suurlemoensap Metode: Meng die spanspek, soetrissie, ui en blare saam in ‘n slaaibak. Sny die fetakaas in blokkies en garneer die slaai daarmee. Meng die olyfolie, gemmer en sap saam, en giet oor die slaai.
November 2017