Agribulletin 180426

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April 2018

Get ready for the big GWP Auction P3 My pumpkin’s bigger than yours P2 Merensky se Jeugskou kampioene Bl 4 Charné Moller tydens die 2018 Merensky Jeugskou wat verlede naweek gehou is.

Mahela’s Certificate ceremony P12-13



Coenie Scheepers • 083 634 1372 • • 43 Lood Street, Polokwane


April 2018

Publication of: FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

The great pumpkin saga In November 2013 Bill Smith, a Phalaborwa business man was growing American Giant pumpkins in his garden – one pumpkin escaped over the garden wall and into a neighbour’s garden. The enterprising neighbour made a structure to support it and eventually the 56kg pumpkin was donated to the MOTH (Memorial Order of Tin Hats) Minefield Shellhole in Phalaborwa. The seeds were removed and thus the idea of “the great pumpkin competition” was born. The first seeds were bought by the MOTH members and the first winner was Skip Bischoff whose monster pumpkin weighed in at 54,7 kgs. Sale of the seeds brought in R2,000 which was donated to the Frail Care Centre. Eddie from Kruger Park Spar very kindly allowed a large display of the 14 largest pumpkins in the shop which drew a lot of interest since there was a “Guess the Weight” competition with a prize of R500. That year saw the beginning of a great annual event which brought in more than R20 000 for charity and all due to the pumpkins. In 2015 the winning pumpkin weighed in at 32,6 kgs and was grown by Brian Viljoen. In the past three years Skip Bischoff has managed to come up with the biggest pumpkin every year. The odd thing is (possibly due to drought conditions) that the weights have fluctuated wildly. In 2016 the winning pumpkin weighed in at 38,6kgs. The following year (2017) a massive pumpkin stole the show at a whopping 91,4 kgs. This year saw a big drop down to 75,8kgs. Each year since then the pumpkins have raised money for charities – starting with the actual sale of seeds, on to the guessing of the weight and then finally when big-hearted businessmen and women come to bid at the pumpkin auction. Due to their generosity and also from contributions of fresh produce (sweet potatoes) provided by Piet Maritz from Hoedspruit and farm-fresh tomatoes and butternuts from Mahale Boerdery, this year’s auction was a phenomenal success.

Obviously a fund-raising effort had been planned well in advance by the local businessmen because enthusiastic bidding saw the price reach an unprecedented amount of R56,000. In addition to this amount various donations (and sale of donated vegetables) raised a grand total of R75, 000. Carlos Chrisostomou – winner of the R500 prize in the pumpkin weight competition graciously donated his prize back to the MOTHs so all in all, the entire

event was successful beyond measure. A few days after all the money-raising events had taken place, the heavy work started with the cutting up of the giants. Try cutting through a 70kg pumpkin – you need a strong arm and a well-sharpened machete. The shellhole members have managed to make these occasions into really good social get-togethers and it has worked out well for the deserving charities of the local and surrounding areas since proceeds plus any remaining vegetables go to them. Phalaborwa, as a small mining town which is going through bad times due to unemployment, is a refreshingly tight-knit community in which people from all walks of life try to assist each other. Apart from the businessmen

who donated so generously to the auction, thanks should be given to Eddie from Kruger Park Spar who never turns down a request from a charitable organisation. For many years the SPCA sold second-hand books on a weekly basis on the Spar veranda, the old folks from the Bougainvilla Old Age Home actually sell their wares in his shop on Saturdays and various churches sell ‘Wors’ Rolls and pancakes on the veranda at month-end. It is people like this who make a community what it is! Finally – is there nobody in the Far North who can actually grow a larger pumpkin than 100kg? Tzaneen is advertised as a “high rainfall, fertile area”. Phalaborwa is a dusty, drought-strick-

en mining town. Surely there must be some enterprising wannabe Giant Pumpkin growers in the lush Tzaneen/Letsitele areas that can grow a pumpkin bigger than 100kgs? Seeds are sold in packets of 5 seeds with a full page of detailed instructions so that the most inexperienced gardener will be able to take part. The price is R50 per packet. For any further information please contact: or cell on 0722199355

April 2018




April 2018



Marioné Jacobs

Tommy Strydom

Charné Moller help vir WD Last

WD Last

Tommy Strydom

April 2018 Merensky se jaarlikse Jeugskou is verlede naweek, 21 April op dié skool se gronde gehou en volgens inligting was dit die grootste nog. Altesaam 51 Plasie-skoumanne en dames het Saterdag deelgeneem. AJ Fourie en Pieter de Lange het as Bokke Beoordeellaars opgetreë terwyl Francois Blandin de Chalain, Willy Stevens en Pieter Gerber die Vleisbeeste beoordeel het. Soos genoem is hierdie grootste skou en deelname tot op hede gewees met 41 skoumanne en dames in die beeste afdeling en 10 by die bokke. Skoumanne en -dames moet aan vier afdelings deelneem naamlik Kennis 20% (waar hulle ‘n kennisvraestel oor beeste of bokke moet beantwoord), 15% vir voorbereiding van dier, 15% vir die was van die dier en 50% vir die skou van die dier. Die wenners aan die einde van die skou is vir hul harde-


werk beloon. In die Bokke-afdeling het Dylan Hallat die Junior kategorie gewen met Keagan Meyer en Tiaan Joubert in tweede en derde plek onderskeidelik. Die senior-afdeling is deur Roland Weirs gewen met Johan Coetzee en Dehan Haasbroek kort op sy hakke in tweede en derde plekke. Hallat is ook as die algehele wenner aangewys. In die Vleisbees kategorie het vier toekomstige Plasies tussen die ouderdomme van 6 tot 10 jaar ook uitgestal. Die kleine Marione Jacobz het hier algehele eerste plek verower. In die Junior kategorie het Cameron Critchley eerste plek verower met twee dames, Anushka de Wet en Mia Sounes in Tweede en Derde plekke na hom. Die senior Vleisbees-afdeling is deur Dominique Blandin de Chalain in die eerste plek, Nickey Smith in tweede plek en Andrea van Jaarsveld in die derde plek gewen.

5 Die wenners in die onderskeie Seuns en Dogters kategorië was George Tolmay en Dominique Blandin de Chalain (sy is ook as die algehele wenner van die skou aangewys). Hoërskool Merensky bedank graag vir Fanie Potgieter van ZZ2 vir sy bystand en ondersteuning met hul PinZ2yl kudde. Hierdie beesras het in 2014 die kollig by die Letaba Skou gesteel toe Milky Bar, die topbul in die nuwe PinZ²yl-kudde van ZZ2, as die Groot Kampioen aangewysis. Die skoumanne en dames gaan nou aan die volgende skoue deelneem hierdie jaar: 1-5 Mei - Bloemfontein 19 Mei - Gauteng Interskole 8-11 Augustus - Letaba Skou 18-20 September - Alfa Skou in Parys 1-5 Oktober - Nationale Skou in George


April 2018


In love with Marion

Rowan enjoys some time out on the beach with one of his newly acquired aquatic friends.

Serendipity. The photograph that Rowan took while on Marion Island.

— Joe Dreyer

FutureGo Fibre team Technologies Marion! The M74 group shortly after their arrival on the island last year.









per ton +VAT

31st of May last year. It is to be a 13 month trip with 11 of those months already spent. During this time, Jordaan was tasked with conducting censuses, photographing, counting and tagging seals and killer whales around the island. Being an avid photographer, he captured some amazing shots of these animals – particularly the island’s apex predator, the Killer Whale. One of his photographs, entitled ‘Serendipity’ earned him a second place award at the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) Science as Art Awards. Rowan completed his primary school years at Unicorn Primary in Tzaneen before finishing High School and his studies in Pretoria. He will be returning home in May where after we will have the chance to sit down with him for a more intimate recount of his time on Marion.



A local lad, Rowan Jordaan (26), is currently enjoying time away from the relentless Tzaneen heat on the picturesque Marion Island just off the coast of South Africa. Jordaan has his Master’s Degree in Zoology which he obtained from the University of Pretoria and is currently on Marion Island researching Orca and seals. The Prince Edward Islands are two small islands in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean that are part of South Africa. The islands are named Marion Island and Prince Edward Island. They are uninhabited bar the small group of researchers who winter it through and the crew of the base station. It is also a hunting ground for the killer whales and breeding area for sea lions, seals and penguins. He was selected as a member of a group of only 23 researchers to be part of the trip. The M74 group set sail aboard the SA Agulhas research vessel and landed on the island on the





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April 2018




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April 2018


Under the Mountain Kilima is a traditional Swahili word meaning ‘under the mountain’. No other word could more accurately describe the setting we found ourselves in, just outside Letsitele this weekend. Regarded as the brightest jewel of Murchison, Kilima Private Game Lodge and Spa just a few kilometres from Hoedspruit is spectacular. Hidden from view just off the R71 in thick bushveld at the foot of the Murchison mountain range, The Schütte-clan upon their arrival on the ‘Deck’ at Kilima Private Game Reserve. Kilima has long attracted the attention of international travellers visiting the area on successes at their upmarket Kings tionships have been forged with safaris or hunting trips, or seeking Walden Garden Manor and events other venues in the area to insure the secluded privacy of the area. venue off Agatha Road. good relationships and neighThe architecture and decorative “Through the experience and dy- bourly courtesy to allow for only finishes speak volumes of the at- namic approach of these two hos- the most pleasant experience for tention to detail and the long leg- pitality stalwarts, we are very confi- their guests. Through these relaacy of the Schütte family. Frans and dent in the future of our dream,” said tionships, Kilima is able to accomhis wife Sareta Schütte, took the Frans during the relaunch event at modate larger parties for weddings strategic decision in 2017 to give the lodge on Saturday evening. and functions, and offer exclusive the iconic lodge a major revamp Judging by the manner in which sightseeing tours or more specific to maintain its relevancy for the the event was presented, and the outings should it be required. future. As part of this move they guest list which included some of For more information on deals and included the powerhouse manage- the local business heavyweights, packages, as well as services availment team of hoteliers Billy and Kilima Private Game Reserve and able at Kilima, visit their website Minette McKechnie. The couple are Spa is already well on its way to at or well-known in local circles for their a bright new future. Already rela- give them a like on Facebook.

Mark Dando, Minette and Billy McKenie of Kilima Lodge and Gunter Obojkovits of the Old Packhouse Distillery.

Skye Zatschkowitsch the fire dancer and Nicole Muller during their perfomace on Saturday evening.

Mark Dando of the Old Packhouse Distillery serving the guests some of his renowned Gin.

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Vir `n volledige reeks:

April 2018




Baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal

Vleis is ferm met uitstekende suikervlakke Groeikragtige plante met goeie blaarbedekking Eenvormige vruggrootte

Dulce Nectar*


*Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variĂŤteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.



April 2018

Produksieriglyne vir Spanspek Die presiese oorsprong van die spanspek is onduidelik. Daar word vermoed dat dit oorspronklik afkomstig is uit Afrika, alhoewel dit reeds vanaf die vroegste tye in die antieke Persië verbou is. Spanspek is ‘n gewas wat bestuur moet word en nie net geplant kan word nie. Die gevaar bestaan dat die beste genetika steeds swak kan presteer weens bestuursflaters. In hierdie artikel bespreek Sakata van die belangrikste riglyne in die verbouing van spanspekke. Klimaat Spanspek is ‘n warmweergewas en kan nie lae temperature en ryp weerstaan nie. Die optimum lugtemperatuur vir spanspek verbouing is 18 - 24°C met 16°C as die minimum en 38°C as die maksimum. Spanspekke benodig lae relatiewe humiditeit gedurende die groeiseisoen. Blom inisiasie word vertraag deur koel, vogtige toestande en die plante word deur blaarsiektes aangeval. Die effek van temperatuur of blomvorming Blomvorming by spanspekke is belangrik weens die effek daarvan op opbrengs. Alhoewel die produsent wat spanspekke in die oopland verbou weinige invloed op die proses kan uitoefen is dit tog belangrik om kennis te neem van die effek van temperatuur op blomvorming: Temperature van 35°C en hoër + dagliglengte langer as 14 ure: Effek op plant - sterk loofgroei, lang internodes en groot blare Aantal manlike blomme = Hoog Aantal vroulike blomme = Laag Temperature van 18°C en laer + dagliglengte korter as 10 ure: Effek op plant - vertraagde groei, kort internodes en klein blare Aantal manlike blomme = Laag Aantal vroulike blomme = Hoog Die manlike blom word gekenmerk deur ‘n lang blomsteel en die afwesigheid van ‘n klein vruggie onderaan die blom en kan gevolglik nie vrugte vorm nie. Die vroulike blom het ‘n kort vrugsteel. Grondtemperatuur en grondvereistes Spanspeksaad ontkiem optimaal teen ‘n grondtemperatuur van 18 tot 35°C. Waar die grondtemperatuur laer as 15°C of hoër as 38°C is, kan swak of selfs geen ontkieming plaasvind. Waar plantjies in kwekerye gekweek word kan optimale ontkieming verwag word teen 25°C. Spanspeksaad ontkiem beter in klam grond as te nat grond. Saad wat al vog getrek het, sal selfs in grond naby verwelkpunt ontkiem. Plantdiepte is gewoonlik vier keer die deursneë van die saad. Onder nat toestande en in gronde met ’n hoë klei persentasie moet saad vlakker geplant word, terwyl daar onder droë toestande en op sandgronde dieper geplant moet word. Spanspek verkies goed-dreineerbare grond met ‘n relatief hoë organiese materiaal inhoud en ‘n goeie waterhouvermoë. Goed-gedreineerde sandleemgrond is optimaal vir spanspekverbouing. Die pH (H20) moet tussen 6 en 6,5 wees. lndien die pH laag is (<5,5) moet landboukalk ten minste 4 - 6 weke voor plant ingewerk word. Plantestand Plantestand is ‘n baie belangrike aspek van spanspek verbouing wat ‘n direkte effek op totale opbrengs kan hê. Die ideale plantestand vir spanspekke is ongeveer 12 000 - 15 000 plante per hektaar, afhangende van klimaatsomstandighede en die seisoen waarin spanspekke verbou word. ’n Verhoging in plantestand kan gewoonlik ‘n verhoging in totale hoeveelheid vrugte per area hê, maar het ‘n laer gemiddelde vruggewig tot gevolg, wat tot ‘n laer totale opbrengs kan lei. ‘n Plantspasiëring van 0.5 m tussen plante in die ry en 1.5 tot 1.65 m tussen rye word dikwels in die praktyk gebruik. Bemesting Om ‘n sinvolle bemestingsprogram op te stel is dit nodig om te weet wanneer die voedingstowwe deur die plant opgeneem word en waar dit in die plant be-

land. Dit is ook belangrik om ‘n aanduiding te kry van die hoeveelheid van die vereiste voedingstowwe wat die grond in staat sal wees om te voorsien. Die bemestingsprogram moet daarop gemik word om aan te vul wat die grond nie in staat is om te voorsien nie. Besproeiing Besproeiing van veral baster variëteite is noodsaaklik om maksimale opbrengste te verseker. Daar moet in klam grond geplant word. Grond moet klam gehou word, maar nie te nat nie, totdat plante goed gevestig is. Vermy oormatige water gedurende koue wanneer die grondtemperatuur laag is. Oorhoofse besproeiing moet eerder in die oggend plaasvind sodat die plante teen die aand droog is om die risiko van die verspreiding van siektes te verlaag. Waar besproeiingswater beperk is moet dit aangewend word vir die kritiese tye tydens blomvorming, vrugset en vrugvorming. Indien vogspanning gedurende hierdie tydperke voorkom kan die blomme en jong vrugte afspeen terwyl blom-end verrotting by die ouer vrugte kan voorkom. Verlaag besproeiing soos wat die vrugte bekwaam raak om sagte vrugte met ‘n swak kwaliteit te voorkom. Bestuiwing Rankgewasse vorm afsonderlike manlike en vroulike blomme en slegs die vroulike blomme produseer vrugte. Blomme open slegs vir een dag, vroeg in die oggend en vou toe in die middag (vroeër onder hoë temperature). Bestuiwing het dan ook teen die middag klaar plaasgevind. Vinnige groei bevorder vroeë blomvorming en onder normale omstandighede word tot 10 manlike blomme gevorm vir elke vroulike blom. Die eerste en die laaste blomme aan ‘n plant is dan ook normaalweg manlike blomme. Hoë temperature en lang dagliglengte bevorder die vorming van manlike blomme. Om goeie vrugset en ontwikkeling te verseker word ongeveer 500 tot 1 000 lewendige stuifmeelkorrels op die stempel van die vroulike blom benodig. Indien minder stuifmeelkorrels oorgedra word sal kleiner en misvormde vrugte gevorm word (die vrugte word tot 150 mm in deursnee) vergeel en speen dan af. Blomme wat nie bestuif is nie aborteer en val af. Onder droë winderige toestande droog die stuifmeelkorrels vinnig uit en word steriel, vrugset is dan ook swak onder sulke omstandighede. Die teenwoordigheid van bye is die belangrikste faktor wat goeie opbrengste verseker. ‘n Spanspekblom hou net een dag en moet verskeie kere deur bye besoek word om vrugset te verseker. Gelukkig hou bye van spanspekblomme en sal hulle van ‘n redelike afstand af invlieg, maar onder ongunstige weersomstandighede (bewolk, koud en winderig) is bye minder aktief en beweeg nie ver van die korf af nie. Korwe moet so naby as moontlik aan die spanspek aanplanting geplaas word. Proewe het bewys dat die plante naby die korwe ‘n hoër opbrengs het as plante wat slegs 200 m weg is van die korwe. Die ideaal sal wees dat korwe binne die land staan, maar dit kan praktiese probleme skep. Bye is baie gevoelig vir meeste insekdoders en korwe binne die land sal die aand voor bespuiting verwyder moet word. Waar daar ‘n heersende windrigting voorkom is dit beter om die korwe wind-op te plaas. Dit verminder die risiko van sproei-beweging na die korwe en die bye is geneig om wind-af van die korf weg te vlieg. Daar moet so min as moontlik insekdoders tydens blom gespuit word. Die spuitprogram moet gemik word om insekte voor blom uit te wis. Die vroulike blomme word sowat 10 dae na die eerste manlike blomme gevorm en die eerste manlike blom is dus ‘n gerieflike riglyn vir insekdoder spuitprogramme. Bemarking en opberging Spanspek word al hoe meer volgens handels-

merke verkoop en die opbou van ‘n goeie naam as ‘n produsent is belangrik. Vir hierdie rede is dit net so belangrik om ‘n unieke kwaliteit variëteit te identifiseer deur byvoorbeeld ‘n plakker op die vrug te plak. Die verbruiker sal baie vinnig weer vir die produk vra as hy dit geniet het. Plakkers vir Majestic is beskikbaar by u naaste Sakata saadverspreider. Om kwaliteit te verseker is dit belangrik om te weet wanneer om op te hou met oes. Die laaste vrugte van ‘n land is geneig om van lae gehalte te wees. Die bemarking van hierdie tipe vrugte is selde ekonomies en doen afbreek aan ‘n goeie naam. Dit is ook baie belangrik om te onthou dat spanspekke baie gevoelig is vir lae temperature. Die temperature gedurende opberging (en vervoer) moet nooit laer daal as 15°C nie. Sakata variëteite Dulce Nectar* Sakata het ook onlangs vir Dulce Nectar* vrygestel – ‘n vroeë bekwame Honeydew tipe spanspek. Dulce Nectar* is uiters geskik vir vroeë en laat seisoen aanplantings. Die plante is baie groeikragtig met goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte teen sonbrand beskerm. Dulce Nectar* beskik oor ‘n uitstekende setvermoë met ‘n baie goeie opbrengspotensiaal. Die vrugte is rond tot ovaalvormig met ‘n algemene vruggrootte van 2.0 tot 2.5kg. Die vleis is baie ferm met uitstekende suikervlakke (Brix). Dulce Nectar* het hoë siekteweerstand teen Fusarium verwelk ras 2 en intermediêre weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou rasse 1 en 2. Honeypac Honeypac is ook ‘n Honeydew tipe spanspek by uitstek geskik vir aanplantings tydens herfs en winter in die oopland. Honeypac vrugte word gekenmerk deur ferm vleis, ‘n klein saadholte en hoë suikervlakke (Brix). Die plante is baie groeikragtig met ‘n goeie blaarbedekking en sterk ranke. Die eenvormige vrugte is ovaalvormig met ‘n grootte van 1.5 tot 2.0 kg gedurende die koel seisoen. Honeypac het hoë siekteweerstand teen Fusarium verwelk ras 2 en Poeieragtige meeldou ras 1, asook intermediêre weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou ras 2. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se spanspekke of sommer die totale produkreeks, skakel vir Leon Labuschagne, Sel: 083 585 1181 of besoek gerus die webwerf by Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir SuidAfrikaanse kultivar lysting.

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

April 2018





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April 2018

Mahela honours employees The annual Mahela Boerdery Certification ceremony, to honour all their employees who successfully completed training facilitated by Riverwalk Training, was held on the 13th of April at the Junction Packhouse in Letsitele. The training, to the value of R319 300, was supported by AgriSeta. This year, 331 employees were trained which included 246 males and 85 females which together account for just over 50% of Mahela’s staff contingent. A total of 357 certificates were handed out on the day. Among these were 39 long-service employees who boasted an astounding 948 years of service between them. These employees received special recognition for their loyalty and service to Mahela Boerdery which currently employ 608 permanent staff members, in season this number often doubles with the temporary employment offered to labourers. During the training, the employees acquired skills which ranged from Brush Cutter Operators to Citrus Pest Scouts. The course also included HIV/AIDS Awareness training, Forklift Operator refresher course, Fruit Packaging and Grading, Tractor Operator Full courses, Occupational Health and Safety Act training, Hygiene Procedures, First Aid Level 1 and Cattle Husbandry to name a few on the list. The event itself is always a very festive affair with some of the traditional dancers from the Junction Traditional Dancer Group providing entertainment during the intervals. “Ongoing training for all our employees, which includes the use of computers and farming implements, is a crucial part of our vision to provide a better standard of living for all our employees. We believe that highly trained and skilled people in our workforce is the key to success here at Mahela and therefore we believe in the importance of ongoing training,” said Pieter Vorster of Mahela Boerdery.

TOP: Pieter Vorster of Mahela Boerdery amid the 39 longstanding service awardees during the certification ceremony. BELOW LEFT: Pieter Vorster, Frank Mashibyi, Karla-Mart Beyers, Eddie Vorster, Marlize de Meyer, Mariette van der Westhuizen and Allen Hyde. BELOW RIGHT: Nakampe Phillip Sekgota and Ettienne de Lange.

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April 2018




April 2018

Consumers to braai more pork With the continued decrease in the price of pork whilst other meats trend higher, consumers who are feeling the pinch are most likely to settle for pork as an alternative. The pork industry, unnecessarily suffered a severe blow following the recent outbreak of listeriosis, the loss to the value chain so far could exceed R1 billion, however, the positive end to this is that consumers have benefited from the lower pork price at producer level. “Even though demand for processed and cold meats fell sharply due to the health and safety concerns from the listeriotic outbreak, pork farmers have now had to redirect the pigs for the fresh meat market thereby creating a surplus and in so doing have further increased pressure on low prices,” says Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB Agri-Business. Another positive that is working in the favour of consumers is the decrease in the cost of maize, which is a large component of animal feed.

Maize constitutes over 75% of livestock feed, hence its supply and prices have a major influence on the total cost to customers. This is particularly the case in poultry and pork as they are mainly produced under intensive feeding systems. “SA now has a surplus in maize and the expected

prices for consumers,” says Makube. Even though overall meat prices in general remain elevated, when excluding pork, meat prices at producer level are currently about 6% higher relative to last year, but marginally down on last year if pork is included. In the end consumers continue to benefit from the low producer prices for pork, and this is a trend that

Paul Makube will hold over the short term with the possibility of a further decrease in the long term as the feed costs continue to decrease.

2017/18 production is estimated at over 12.42 million tons. Therefore, if maize prices remain flat they will have a major impact in sustaining the lower

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April 2018

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