29 April 2011
Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof, Haenertsburg, Letsitele, Phalaborwa, Gravelotte, Giyani, Hoedspruit, Lenyenye, Mica, Mooketsi, Nkowankowa, Ofcolaco, Trichardtsdal
3838, Tzaneen • 8 Crown Street/Straat 8 • 015 307 7248 • 015 307 7684 • editor@bulletinnews.co.za • www.bulletinnews.co.za
Easter weekend also took its toll on our roads
Mametja gets the nod — see page 7
Tzn Dam wall to be raised Minister confirms the plan and contradicts her officials
Despite continued denials by senior officials of the de- the final stages of planning. partment of water affairs over the last couple of years, Molewa’s announcement ends years of speculation the wall of the Tzaneen Dam wíll be raised. about the Tzaneen Dam wall, as well as her departThe minister of water and evironmental affairs, Ms ment’s officials having denied this vehemently until a Edna Molewa, confirmed this in her budget speech in few months ago. Parliament. She added that the N’wamitwa Dam is in • See p 3 for more about this and other developments.
29 April 2011
Doleer as kopaf Vlieg praat met die volk, en krap waar dit jeuk! Vlieg se enkele aanhangers sal verstaan dat hy nie hierdie geleentheid kon laat verbygaan om weer ‘n slag met die Hervormers te gesels nie. Vlieg is hulle — dis nou die Hervormers en nie sy aanhangers nie — baie dank verskuldig dat hulle nou weer so ‘n ou krisistydjie beleef. Was dit nie daarvoor nie sou Vlieg nooit geweet het daar is ‘n woord soos doleer nie! Vlieg moes natuurlik eers sy betroubare Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, wat hom selde in die steek laat, nader sleep: Op p 165 staan dit: do-leer’ ww. (gedoleer) (kerkt.) Jou beklaag; beswaar inbring Vlieg se navorsing oor die onderwerp leer hom toe nog iets. Dis juis met so ‘n doleerdery in 1886 dat die Doppers hulle goed gevat en afgestig het van die Hervormers. Vlieg sien weer so ‘n storie kom in die nabye toekoms. Wonder wat die afstigters hulleself dié keer gaan noem. Vlieg is ook nogal beïndruk met ds Piet van Zoutpansberg se gemeente. Natuurlik nie met sy debatteerbaar misplaasde liefdesverklaring nie, maar met sy eerlikheid. Vlieg het
nie geweet dominees kan nog so eerlik wees nie. Wat Vlieg wel van dié dominee kan sê, is dat hy nie dieselfde woordeboek as Vlieg het nie: ras-sis’-me s.nw. Veronderstelling dat karakter en bekwaamheid bepaal word deur ras — ‘n denkrigting wat aanneem dat ‘n besondere ras meerderwaardig is en die reg het om ander rasse te oorheers. ras-sis’ s.nw. (te) Iemand wat die rassisme aanhang, daaraan glo. Vlieg het ‘n gevoel sy eie woordeboek is die polities korrekte uitgawe, en as ds Piet se woordeboek reg is, is die meeste van ons seker maar rassiste. Om die waarheid te sê, Vlieg dink volgens sy eie woordeboek is ons almal in elk geval rassiste. Kyk maar wat gaan aan daar in die hof tussen die Aanseekleuterskool en die doleerde Boere. Vlieg se vraag aan die Hervormers is eintlik of skoenmaker hom nie maar by sy lees moet hou nie? Hoekom is en was dit in elk geval nodig dat kerke hul enigsins met apartheid bemoei? Vlieg het altyd gedink kerke se werk is om die Evangelie te verkondig. Maar Vlieg weet, vandat die kerk oor mense gaan, help selfs nie eers ‘n doleansie soos hierdie nie. Vlieg gaan nog baie Sondae laat slaap!
Spieël van die gemeenskap
Mirror of the community
Ons moes Landbank vir kommentaar gevra het Die Bulletin het op 30 Julie verlede jaar ‘n berig gedra oor die Landbank, onder die opskrif “Land Bank scandals revealed in ‘secret’ report”. Na aanleiding van beskuldigings teen ‘n voormalige hoof- uitvoerende beampte van die Landbank, asook kommentaar wat nie gesubstansieer is nie, het die Landbank by die Persombudsman ‘n klag teen die Bulletin aanhangig gemaak. Na maandelange korrespondensie en ‘n ondersoek deur die Adjunk-persombudsman, is die aangeleent-
heid op 22 Maart vanjaar in ‘n verhoor ondersoek en het hy en twee paneellede nou bevind dat die volgende stellings in die berig teruggetrek moet word: Die “close ties with a faction in the ANC seem to be the only criteria for appointment” (by the Land Bank); “The LB’s main focus was to persecute a few Mafisa farmers”; “The LB could not account for more than R3 billion”. Verder is die koerant aangespreek “for stating that the CEO was reluctant to act against corrupt officials without providing verification or evidence”,
veral in die lig daarvan dat die Bulletin nie die bank of die HUB vir kommentaar gevra het nie. Ons aanvaar die Ombudsman se bevindings en teken hiermee apologie aan teenoor die destydse HUB van die bank en teenoor die Landbank as instelling. Die klag van die bank dat die Bulletin se opskrif vir die berig nie die inhoud van die berig weerspieël nie, is deur die Ombudsman verwerp. Die volledige bevinding kan by www.presscouncil. org.za (soek Ruling 2011) gelees word.
AP Kerk hou weer basaar
Die AP Kerk in Tzaneen hou weer op 6 en 7 Mei basaar. Daar sal, soos altyd, produkte van hoë gehalte wees, soos ’n moderne kunsmark, ’n informele teetuin, plante, potjiekos, biefstukrolle, bevrore etes, vleis, groente, gebak en talle ander lekkernye. Daar sal speletjies vir die kinders wees asook ’n waterglybaan. Besighede kan etes vooraf vir aflewering bestel: bel 015 307 2014 of 083 645 3747 hiervoor. Kom maak gerus ‘n draai by die Grasdakkerk volgende Vrydag (6 Mei) van 12:00 die middag en weer op Saterdag 7 Mei van 08:00 af. ’n Debiet-/kredietkaartmasjien sal vir basaargangers se gerief beskikbaar wees. Navrae: Donovan by 083 412 5329.
Bulletin Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp - 083 266 6906 Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp - 083 251 9090 Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 (Hoofverslaggewer / Chief Reporter) • Beaunice Machitela 076 650 3412 • Retha Nel 072 578 8742 Correspondents / Medewerkers Sue Ettmayr • Liam Vlietstraat • Duncan Mohale Grafiese uitleg en produksie David Morrison & Keegan Kemp Verspreiding Jean Aucamp 083 251 9090 Bemarking / Marketing Nicky Altenroxel 083 746 6592 (Koördineerder / Coordinator) • Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 • Megan Viljoen 074 156 1968 Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard • Lihanie Booysen. Drukker / Printer: PaarlColdset Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg No 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin. / Laeveld Bulletin CC (Reg No 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. • Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word streng voorbehou. E-mail: editor@bulletinnews.co.za for news and photos; ads@bulletinnews.co.za for advertising material; admin@ bulletinnews.co.za for admin or financial matters
Emergency numbers/Noodnommers numbers/Noodnommers Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 015 309 9504/5 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien Tzaneen
Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
29 April 2011
Appèl in Van Niekerk se moordsaak kom Louis Roux ‘n Aansoek om appel word reeds opgestel teen die skuldigbevinding aan moord van mnr Johan van Niekerk (73) van Tzaneen weens die verdwyning en dood van ‘n wilddief in die Gravelottedistrik byna vier jaar gelede. Hy is verlede Donderdag in Phalaborwa in die afwesigheid van sy regsverteenwoordiger, adv Theuns Botha, deur regter Makgoba skuldig bevind en bly in aanhouding totdat hy in Augustus gevonnis word. Sy prokureur, mnr Johan Steyn, sê die appelaansoek kon al gelewer gewees het, maar die verskeie openbare vakansiedae het die proses vertraag. Hy is vol vertroue dat die aansoek sal slaag en dat Van Niekerk op borgtog vrygelaat sal word. Die saak spruit uit ‘n voorval op 15 Julie 2007, toe ‘n buurman, mnr Gert van Vuuren (toe 22), ‘n vermeende wilddief op die plaas
Grootfontein aangekeer het. Weens vervoerprobleme het hy Van Niekerk versoek om die man aan die polisie te besorg. Terwyl die vermeende dief strikke op die plaas Vygeboom uitgewys het, het hy glo van die bakkie afgespring en weggehardloop. Van Niekerk is daarna twee keer in hegtenis geneem weens “ontvoering”. Nadat liggaamsdele weke na die voorval skielik op sy plaas ontdek is, is hy en Van Vuuren in hegtenis geneem. Die gebeure tussenin is destyds gekenmerk deur lomp hantering van die saak deur die polisie. Op 28 Augustus daardie jaar is alle klagte deur die direkteur van openbare vervolging (DOV) teen hulle teruggetrek en hulle is vrygelaat. Die klag teen Van Niekerk is dié maand stil-stil weer aangehoor en Van Vuuren het vrygespring deur as staatsgetuie teen Van Niekerk op te tree.
‘Angels’ wil help Die “engele” moet nou net kom en help, sê me Mareyna Bester van Tzaneen. Sy het onlangs The Angels Project in die dorp op die been gebring en onderneem om haar organisasie se deure vir hulpbehoewendes oop te maak. Die organisasie word van Attitude Academy se perseel in King Edwardrylaan 2A bedryf. “Ons help mense om hulself te help. Gee ’n man ’n vis, en hy eet vir ’n dag. Maar leer hom hoe om vis te vang, en hy eet vir ’n leeftyd!” sê sy. Haar doel is om mense by die Attitude Academy te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Hulle wil ook mense help om werk te kry, al het hulle nie die nodige kwalifikasies nie. Bester sê sy is in 2001 met bipolêre depressie gediagnoseer en het sedertdien enkele terugslae beleef. Haar medikasie hou haar egter op koers en sy voel dat sy nog ’n waardevolle bydrae tot die samelewing kan bied. Sy besef daar is baie mense in Tzaneen wat hulp benodig en daarom het sy The Angels Proj-
Letaba Rotary Club recently hosted the 2011 Rojac (Rotary junior ambassador competition) semi-finals at Merensky High School. The participants were
Makhoma from Ben Vorster and Anja Revelas and Puleng Mathabatha from Stanford Lake College were chosen to attend the finals.
Minister confirms Tzn Dam wall will be raised Francois Aucamp The minister of water and environmental affairs, Ms Edna Molewa, has put the cat amongst the pigeons in her budget speech, when announcing that the farming irrigation sector will benefit from the raising of the Tzaneen Dam’s wall. Over the last almost three years the Bulletin has regularly reported that raising the wall of the Tzaneen Dam is one of the department’s priorities in our area, but water affairs officials have vehemently denied it, claiming that it would not be cost-effective . Molewa also announced that the estimated cost for completing the construction of the De Hoop Dam which began in 2007, is approximately R3,1 billion. Of this amount, R2,1b has been spent up to the 2010/11 financial year, and R926 million will be spent over the next three years to complete the dam. The distribution network will be constructed concurrently with the completion of the dam. This will deliver water to some three million Limpopo residents for domestic purposes. The minister confirmed in her speech that the completion of the water treatment works
ect in die lewe geroep — as ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat hulpbehoewendes met lewensnoodsaaklikhede soos kos en klere wil help. Sy beplan ook om bymekaarkomgeleenthede vir mense met psigiese afwykings te hou, sodat sulke mense ook bygestaan kan word. “Die engele moet nou net kom,” sê sy. “Hulle is die rede hoekom hierdie projek kan en sal werk. Engele kom tot ’n mens se redding en daar is baie mense in Tzaneen wat in die posisie is om hulpbehoewendes te help.” Bester doen ’n In Tzaneen se poskantoor is beroep op Tzaneen- ‘n amptenaar of drie wat dalk ers om The Angels nie hul werk reg doen nie. Project met klere, Talle lesers het die afgelope komberse, kos en tyd na vore gekom met klagander hulpmid- tes van pos wat hulle nie dels te help. Daar bereik nie of met maande veris ook ’n behoefte traag is. Dit is veral maandaan woonplek. Sy rekenings wat dringend besê kandidate vir taal moet word, wat in die blyplek sal streng slag bly. Verskeie mense gegekeur word. tuig dat hulle sedert Januarie Kontak haar by reeds posprobleme ervaar. 076 376 6783 of beDie posmeester in soek haar by face- Tzaneen, mnr Rodney book.com. Mogoboya, sê hy begryp
Posprobleme pla dit nie. Alle poste in die poskantoor is gevul en hy ondervind geen vertragings nie. Die sortering verloop vlot en geen opeenhopings word ervaar nie. Daar is wel soms probleme met die voorraad seëls, omdat die filatelie vereniging gereeld nuwe seëls uitreik. Mogoboya versoek mense om hom met bewyse te kontak, sodat probleme uitgestryk kan word.
Forum wil weet waar geld is ‘n Groot struikelblok staan in die pad van die Groter Tzaneen Verkeersveiligheidsforum (GTTSF), wat die afgelope tyd min vordering met sy beplande aksies gemaak het. Dit is glo by Limpopo se departement van verkeersake waar mnr Jackson Mabunda volgens die Forum weier om sy samewerking te gee. Etlike vergaderings is al met hom gereël, maar hy daag eenvoudig nie op nie. Die voorsitter van die Forum, mnr George Sabela, sê die beweging is die eerste in sy soort in SA en geniet die steun van die regering. Provinsiale verkeer is ook in hul skik met die Forum se werksaamhede.
Benjani Mathye, Rivoningo Hlope, Moira Nhlari, Nsovo Mashele, Makhoma Maponya, Elsi Burger, Anja Revelas, Ntjie Kamo and Puleng Mathabatha.
Ongelukkig kan die organisasie nie sy werk doen sonder die hulp van die provinsie se department van verkeer nie. Hulle is afhanklik van gedrukte reklamemateriaal en ander middels om veldtogte (soos oor die Paasnaweek) van stapel te stuur. Genoeg geld is hiervoor in Mabunda se begroting beskikbaar, “maar niemand weet wat met dié geld gedoen word nie”. Sabela het reeds voorbereidings getref om met Limpopo se regering oor die kwessie te praat, voor die Forum sy werk sal hervat. Hy sal veral graag wil weet waar die geld wat vir verkeersveiligheid begroot is, nou is.
‘Skuus Ons vra verskoning vir die feit dat die bladsye van die Limpopo AgriBulletin wat as los invoegsel in vandag se uitgawe is, nie soos altyd geheg is nie. Die krammasjien wat ‘n deel is van die groot rolpers waarop ons druk, het oor die naweek gebreek en met die vakansiedae kon dit nie betyd voor ons druktyd herstel word nie.
and bulk distribution system from Nandoni Dam, the construction of a pipeline from the Flag Boshielo Dam to Mokopane and nearby communities, the Groot Letaba Augmentation project, consisting of the raising of the Tzaneen Dam, and the finalisation of the plans of the construction of the N’wamitwa Dam and the associated water treatment plants and bulk distribution pipelines are on schedule. Mr Johannes Möller, the president of AgriSA, congratulated the minister and her department with their efforts to enhance water supply to the irrigation sector.
29 April 2011
Carwash comes to you
For most people it is an inconvenience to take their car to the carwash, because it
means taking valuable time out of a busy schedule. Not anymore. The Clean Team Mobile Carwash, Valet and Car Care is Tzaneen’s first carwash and valet service that comes to the customer’s office or house to clean their car, saving time and a lot of hassle. The services they offer include valet, carwash, car care
products to protect the car’s paint, as well as the cleaning of leather seats or creating protective leather covering for seats. It is an expansion of The Clean Team, a well-known business that has been cleaning roofs, carpets and couches in Tzaneen for over ten years. For enquiries contact Elouise at 071 783 7112.
Two of the Mobile Carwash team, messrs Masilo Makke and Johannes Malatji, are seen here hard at work at a customer’s house. No more rushing to get to the carwash in time — The Clean Team Mobile Carwash, Valet and Car Care comes to your home/office.
During a class at Nicki Loam’s Creative Image Craft Painting Studio, ladies work on many dif-
ferent projects. At the back Loam explains a techPhoto: Retha Nel nique to one of her students.
Express your creative urge
Feeling a need to be creative but have no idea where to start? Join the classes at Nicki Loam’s Creative Image Craft Painting Studio in Tzaneen. The classes are aimed at beginners, especially those that feel they have no artistic ability to advanced painters who want to be challenged. No drawing is required. Classes are well structured so that new techniques are being taught in every lesson. Nicki teaches painting on material first and then when the required techniques are mastered starts pupils on other materials like ceramics, wood and canvas. Pupils paint on useful items like bags, cloths, plates, bowls or canvas that they can take home after class. Nicki urges beginners, even those convinced they can’t paint, to try out the classes. It’s a great way to socialize, meet new friends, learn a new skill and get away from it all for three hours a week. For information: Nicki Loam at 083 256 2075 or e-mail her at nickiloam@hotmail.com.
In verlede week se PriceWatch is die pryse van groente en vrugte nagegaan. Een van die produkte was aartappels. In Afrikaans bestaan die woord ertappel naas die meer aanvaarde aartappel. Dit maak nie saak watter een verkies word nie, daar bly steeds verskillende variëteite aartappels/ertappels en daar is verskillende gebruiksaanwendings vir dié gesondheid-uit-die-gronduit groente. Vir potjiekos word byvoorbeeld ‘n baie bepaalde aartappel aanbeveel en dit is in die reël heelwat duurder as die “gewones” wat vir skyfies of kapokaartappel of bakaartappel ensovoorts aanbeveel word. In verlede week se aartappelpryse is dit nie in gedagte gehou nie en die 1 kg-sakkies by Fruit & Veg in Tzaneen was inderdaad van die kleiner potjiekosaartappels; wat duurder is as die res. Fruit & Veg verkoop nie “gewone” aartappels in 1 kg-formaat nie en daarom was die prys wat verlede week aangebied is, nie vergelykbaar met die res nie.
29 April 2011
Goeie gesprek oor grondsake gevoer Inwoners stig Gemeenskapsforum Na verskeie vergaderings is die Tzaneen Gemeenskapsforum (TGF) amptelik gestig. Die TGF gaan saam met die verskeie nie-winsgewende en welsynsorganisasies in Tzaneen en omgewing werk om te help, onder meer, met die opheffing van werkloses en armes. Tydens
die onlangse vergadering is ‘n direksie verkies, wat die grondwet en aansoeke om lidmaatskap sal goedkeur. Die direkteure is mnr Stephan van Rensburg, past Bryan Varrie, mnr Adam Monyela, ds Chris Zietsman en mnr Daan Roelvert. Foto: Retha Nel
Kom lag of blaf saam Kom kuier ‘n hond uit ‘n bos by die NG Kerk Wolkberg in Tzaneen se pret-hondeskou op Saterdag 28 Mei op die kerkterrein. Die skou sal die volgende bied: • Wie’s Baas: Die hond en baas wat die meeste na mekaar lyk wen.
• Blaf saam: As jy nes jou hond kan blaf, gaan jou blaf beter wees as jou byt! Oefen solank! •Koninklike gaste: Die beste hooftooisels vir baas en hond gaan hier koning kraai. • Beste truuk: Hier is geen verduideliking nodig nie. • Elke Hond kry sy
dag: Die meeste punte vir deelname aan een of meer items! Wenners sal sertifikate en pryse ontvang. Deelnemers sal die reëls volgens die skouprogram moet nakom en ‘n vrywaringsvorm sal ook voorsien en geteken moet word. Inskrywings moet voor 20 Mei in wees en dit kos R10 per item. Skakel Wolkberg se kerkkantoor by 015 307 4062 of Annelien Nel by 083 456 3143 vir navrae.
AgriSA en die minister van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming het ooreengekom om deur gesprekvoering die gaping tussen die regering en AgriSA oor uitgangspunte vir grondhervorming te vernou en sodoende ‘n basis vir praktiese samewerking te bou. Hulle stem ook saam dat ‘n groter mate van nasionale konsensus hieromtrent nodig is, met inagneming van die sleutelrol van kommersiële landbou vir voedselsekerheid, werkgeleenthede en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in landelike gebiede. Die samesprekings is gevoer teen die agtergrond van ‘n gewysigde benadering wat die minister aangekondig het vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe beleidsdokument oor grondhervorming, asook AgriSA se kommentaar op die konsep-Verblyfsekerheidswet. Die minister sê die groenskrif oor grondhervorming wat hy in Junie aan die kabinet wil voorlê, moet duidelikheid bring oor verskeie strategiese vrae van verskillende gemeenskappe oor grondhervorming. Dit moet ook rigting gee aan die rol van die staat teenoor dié van die mark en realisties wees oor wat die werklike vraag na grond is. Hy voorsien nie dat die beleidsveranderings wat oorweeg word die produksiestruktuur van kommersiële plase sal wysig nie, maar wel dat verandering ten opsigte van eienaarskap aangebring sal moet word. Oor die konsep-wet het die gesprek gefokus op AgriSA se standpunt dat die wetsontwerp onbeperkte regte aan plaasbewoners toestaan, wat kommersiële boerderypraktyke kan ontwrig en ‘n ondraaglike finansiële las
op grondeienaars plaas. Probleme wat met die uitsetting van bewoners voorsien word, verantwoordelikhede met die daarstel van sogenaamde agri-dorpies en die rol van die Grondbestuursraad is ook bespreek. Die Bulletin het AgriSA se adjunk-president, dr Theo de Jager, gevra wat hy verder hieroor kan sê en ons haal hom aan: “As daar sedert 1994 een stuk wetgewing is wat die volhoubaarheid van kommersiële landbou wesentlik bedreig het, is dit dié een. Dit was dus geen verrassing nie, dat boere oor die Verblyfregwet meer ontsteld was as selfs oor die mislukte wysigingswet oor onteiening wat in 2008 deur die openbare konsultasieproses gestuur is. Sommige landboustrukture het druk toegepas dat daar veel skerper teenstand, en selfs massa-aksie teen die voorgestelde wet gemonster moet word, en ander het Afriforum genader omdat hulle gevoel het dat AgriSA se benadering van onderhandelinge ‘te sag is’. “Dat die minister bereid is om ‘n paar treë terug te gee en die wet in heroënskou te neem, toon egter dat dit nie net die inhoud van ‘n teenstrategie is wat bepalend vir uitkomste is nie, maar ook die tydsberekening. “Ek glo van harte dat fermer optrede die regering en boere net dieper in hul loopgrawe sou injaag, en dat die gewraakte wetgewing dan teen koste van miljoene rande in die howe gestuit sou moes word. Dit wys ook dat goed gestruktureerde onderhandelings, so tydrowend, senutergend en frustrerend soos wat dit is, die landbou nog oor die voordeellyn kan bring,” sê De Jager.
29 April 2011
Have a look at the stars
Friday 29 April 2011
Welcome and good luck The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has a new Municipal Manager — a petite lady with an impressive list of academic qualifications, a proven track record, a clear vision of what ought to be done by the GTM to improve service delivery and above all a no-nonsense approach to work ethics. Since she was appointed as acting MM in November last year, she has introduced a fresh and disciplined approach to steer the GTM towards success. We welcome the GTM’s Iron Lady and wish her the best of luck. And luck she will also need. Her appointment is no doubt a political appointment. Councillors who drive a political agenda will exercise political pressure at times. That is a given. However, she has so far shown that she is not a political animal and that managing the GTM responsibly, effectively and productively is her priority. This is exactly what the GTM needs badly. We also congratulate the council for having realised that the GTM was on an unmistakeable road to self-destruction. In the last year or so some sensible appointments have been made and with the appointment of Ms Conny Mametja the council finally showed that they are serious about saving the GTM from total collapse. People may disagree and say the situation is not so bad after all. However, if we think of what Tzaneen — as the hub and main income generator for the GTM — has lost in the last three years as a result of the electricity problem, it is clearly a serious situation. It goes much further as the electricity problem though. Streets need to be re-surfaced and patching will no longer help; informal traders have started invading the town with a clear lack of a plan to accommodate them; the ever so important Letaba River’s eco system is being under threat, with possible consequences that are too ghastly to contemplate; numerous contracts and agreements entered into by the GTM need to be revised and the often reckless spending of ratepayers’ money deserve to be stopped; municipal officials, albeit a small number of them, who are not doing their work and/or using the GTM as a retirement plan, have to be brought to book et cetera. We have confidence in the new MM, hence our optimism that the GTM should be turned around (from the fatal destination that has been waiting for it). This newspaper has been very critical of the GTM in past years. Many an incident and a failure in the administration of the GTM have confirmed our criticism and warnings. We are looking forward to a new dispensation and we are positive about the future, provided that the amateur politicians in the council allow the knowledgeable and properly qualified new MM to manage the GTM. We don’t shy away from saying “Together we can”, in the interest of the GTM’s communities and all our people.
Bring the kids and some refreshments tomorrow after sunset (Saturday 30 April) for an evening of stargazing in Louis Trichardt with the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club. Everyone is welcome and those of you with telescopes should bring them along, but there will be three on hand: a three inch refractor, an eight inch Schmidt-Cassegrain and a ten inch Newtonian Reflector. During the course of the evening we will point them at some of the galaxies in the region around one of the oldest of the zodiac constellations, Virgo. Only the planet Saturn with its spectacular rings will be visible from sunset onwards as the rest — Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter —are deep in the bright glow of dawn. Information: Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or e-mail elephantcastle@lantic.net.
Is dit diens?
Te l e u r g e s t e l d e Inwoner van Die Paasnaweek en al die open- hasie die afTzaneen skryf: Ek bare vakansiedae het van April gelope weke so is seker onder ‘n ‘n erg ontwrigtende produksie- in die gekomwanindruk as ek maand gemaak (dit is amper m e r s i a l i s e e r d e dink dit is diens asof iemand ‘n Gekkedag-grap Paastyd in die kollig was — bied wat deur die munisipaliteit gelewer word. gemaak het). Verskeie gebruik- ons iets ligter in dié taalrubriek Gedurende Januarie is daar deur die elektrisiteitsafdeling ‘n like bydraes (soos die geeste- aan. Dit bevestig ook hoe oormeterkas oorkant my erf op die hoek van Ernst en Tom van likes se boodskappe) moes ag- spronklik daar nog in Afrikaans Aard-straat vervang. ‘n Sloot is oor die teerpad gegrou en die terweë bly en daarom het ons gedink kan word. kluite, klippe en stukke teer is op my goedversorgde sypaadjie vandag moes afwyk van dié • Wat noem jy ‘n deurskygegooi. bladsy se gewone inhoud en nende hasie? Spasie Nodeloos om te sê, die gras onder die hoop rommel het gevrek. voorkoms — en ter • Wat noem jy ‘n hasie in ‘n Die skuldiges het die gevolge totaal geïgnoreer. Dit is mos nie wille van ‘n bietjie pyp? Blokhasie hul skade nie. pret — en aange• Hasie in die tuimeldroër? Terwyl hulle ‘n geruime tyd daar gewerk het, het my versoek sien die Spinhasie om die hoop gemors te verwyder op dowe ore geval. Na twee • Wat noem jy ‘n hasie ini hosmaande lê die hoop nog daar; die sypaadjie voor my huis totaal pitaal? Operhasie! ontsier. • En ‘n hasie ini spur? InKan iemand by die GTM asseblief aan my verduidelik waarspirhasie! voor ek grondbelasting betaal? Ek onderhou my eie sypaadjie en • En hasies wat paar? Viwil graag weet of daar so ‘n portefeulje is. brhasie Ten einde raad is ek persoonlik na die munisipale • Wat noem mens kantore toe vir hulp. Na talle navrae kom ek by me ‘n hasie met GPS? Merle Pochop uit, wat my baie simpatiek gesind Navighasie was. By haar kantoor gekom het sy baie moeite gePlans for this year’s Relay For Life are in full swing. The • Wat noem mens doen om by die verantwoordelike persoon uit te first team captains’ meeting will be held in June (the date ‘n rugby-hasie? kom. Sy het by Mnr Johan Koekemoer uitgekom, to be confirmed). A number of teams have already enPaashasie wat bewus was van die probleem. Hy was jammer tered and are planning their theme and outfits. Get cre• ‘n Hasie wat ative and become involved. It costs R500 per team (ten oor die probleem, net so behulpsaam, maar dit mond-tot-mond people per team). Businesses may enter more than one was nie sy afdeling nie. asemhaling toepas? team (the more the merrier). Contact Marcelle Basson Hy het ons verwys na mnr Adriaan Jacobs wat Oksidhasie om 082 851 2986 to confirm your team entry — and keep bevestig het dat hy bewus was van die hoop • ‘n Walt Disneytrack on our Facebook page (Tzaneen Relay for Life) gemors wat daar gelaat is. hasie? Animhasie to see what’s happening. This year’s Relay For Life will Hy het belowe om die vullis binne drie dae te laat • ‘n Vuvuzelaagain be held at Merensky High School on 11 November. verwyder. Vier weke verder lê die hoop nog veilig hasie? Gerhasie op sy plek. • Wat noem ‘n Ek is nou genoodsaak om ‘n kontrakteur te kry mens ‘n hasie op ‘n om dit te verwyder, ter vereffening van die GTM. telefoon? KommuDalk moet ons soos ander dorpe ook opruk en nikhasie verwoesting saai en betoog voordat daar diens • Wat noem ‘n gelewer word. mens ‘n losbandige hasie? Flirthasie • En ‘n ‘n hasie wat Op Vrydag 13 Mei het Suid-Afrikaners weer die kans om te verpreek? Kanselhasie maak of te beïndruk met ‘n kreatiewe of indrukwekkende • Wat noem jy ‘n hoed. Vir die tweede agtervolgende jaar vier die Suid-Afryk hasie? Inflhasie rikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF) ‘Wear to care’-hoededag • Wat noem mens landwyd. Vir R10 per plakker kan besighede en organi‘n siek hasie? Insasies deel word van die geldinsamelingprojek en op flamhasie die dag ‘n interessante hoed dra. Verlede jaar het plaas• En een wat oorsee like besighede en skole geesdriftig deelgeneem en kon die gaan? Immigrhasie SAVF met die winste van die projek vir drie maande kos vir hul kliënte koop. Plakkers kan by die SAVF-kantoor • ‘n Hasie met ‘n los gekoop word of sal by besighede afgegee word. Geld magie? Purghasie kan inbetaal word by: SAVF Tzaneen, ABSA Tjekreke• Wat noem mens ning 1260810142, Tzaneen-tak 334-349, Verwysing: iemand wat heeltyd Naam van besigheid, WEAR TO CARE of kan by die hasie-grappies verbesigheid gaan haal word, as so verkies word. tel? Irrithasie Navrae: 015 307 2645 of 015 307 5823.
Relay for Life in action again
29 April 2011
Tzaneen’s new Municipal Manager is an academic animal When Ms Conny Mametja was asked to act as Municipal Manager of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in November last year, very few eyebrows raised in disbelief or even mild disapproval. At the time she had only been with the GTM — as director of corporate services — for a year. During that time she had become known as a no-nonsense iron lady. One or two souls who thought they should have been considered to act when Mr Mabakane Mangena’s reign as MM came to an abrupt end, or was brought to a sudden end, showed a degree of discontent. A couple of unionist leaders also seemed to have thought that Mametja would be a walkover, but they were soon to experience that this petite lady was wise and too well educated and trained to be manipulated or underestimated. Mametja started her tertiary education at the University of Venda, where she obtained a Diploma in Public Administration. She then continued at the same university to study for her B Admin degree (majoring in politics, local government and interpretation statutes). Next was for her to obtain her B Admin Honours degree at Tuks. Her next achievement was to study for a Masters degree (M. Admin) at Vista University (her dissertation focused on the “Training of municipal councillors”) and while busy with her studies for her Masters she received a full bursary to study towards a diploma in management of higher institutions of learning at the Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, USA. She rounded off her studies at the Temasek Polyteck College of Hospitality in Singapore — sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — and obtained a Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management Her career spans many years, having worked on management level in both private and public sectors. As a scholar of local government, she started her academic career as a lecturer whereupon she was appointed as a Head of the Sub-department of Public Administration and Management at Vista University’s East Rand campus. She subsequently moved to the University of Johannesburg after the amalgamation of universities. Mametja left the academic world in 2006 to start her own consulting business — and became extensively involved in councillor training programmes, skills audit projects, performance management projects, revenue enhancement management as well as municipal payment incentive programmes for municipalities. She became involved in the tourism sector when she and her husband (Tebego) bought
the rather dilapidated River Lodge at Hoedspruit. Within a few years the River Lodge walked away with the coveted Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Limpopo in 2008, which was followed by a 1st Runner-Up National Award judged at ITB in Berlin, Germany. Mametja has written a number of articles in the field of public administration and local government and presented papers in various fields, including human resources development and leadership in a municipal environment. With her knowledge of local government, she also co-authored a book titled: Cases in the study of Public Administration, a South African Perspective by Prof J Mafunisa and H Maserulemule. Mametja has since November continued with her duties as director of corporate services (managing the GTM’s communications and marketing department, human resources, IT, legal services, public participation and projects, council administration and support). Conny and Tebego Mametja have three children. Two of them attend the exclusive Southern Cross School in Hoedspruit.
Ms Conny Mametja looked comfortable and seemed to be in full control in the MM’s office from the very first day that she occupied this rather hot seat. This photo was taken on the first day that she had moved in to the MM’s impressive wood-panelled office, to act as the GTM’s CEO.
However, the family will relocate to Tzaneen soon and they are looking at the schooling opportunities in the Tzaneen area. Conny Mametja is outspoken about her husband’s supportiveness and she doesn’t
hide her love and admiration for him either. The GTM’s new Municipal Manager views herself as tolerant of diversity. “I am not allergic to anything, except laziness,” the dynamic bundle of energy cautions.
29 April 2011
LYO members offered their best Saturday evening began with the quite sounds of the Limpopo Youth Orchestra (LYO) and the Music Society of Nigeria (MUSON) playing beautiful orchestral music to a near full house at the King’s Court Chapel. There was wonderful anticipation in the air as the musicians began the evening. The first recital received its due applause then within seconds of the second number being sounded out the thunderous
rains and almost torrential storm played havoc with the electricity, leaving Modjadjiskloof in the dark, while the musicians carried on playing on their wind, brass and string instruments, faultless in their effort to entertain the audience. The loss of power could not deter the musicians from their task. They entertained the appreciative audience. With night lights, cellphones and torches offering some light the orches-
tra had the audience on their feet dancing and enjoying the courageous young musicians’ excellent performance. It was certainly a first for them as well as for the audience who experienced a very different candle light evening. Spirits were lifted and the audience went home amazed at the tenacity of the young musicians who never gave up on offering their best. Muson and the LYO made the evening a night to remember.
The Limpopo Youth Orchestra (LYO) was established in 2004 by its founder, Ms Simonè Aronje, a music teacher and recipient of many esteemed accolades. It was formally launched in 2005 and its debut CD “From children to children” was also joined during 2005. The LYO has moved in leaps and bounds from a modest ensemble of children with only ‘recorders’ to an almost fully fledged orchestra. Although there are still many challenges that face this orchestra in terms of resources, it still manages to draw its strength from the fact that it is a pioneering youth orchestra that has managed to integrate classic orchestra instruments with indigenous African instruments. That it is the first orchestra to integrate young physically disabled children with able-bodied ones and in
the process building a rapport that can only be expressed by the flawless harmony of the orchestra’s music. It is this distinguished pulse that gives LYO a competitive edge over others. Whereas it is undeniable that a large part of LYO’s success is attributed to the undying commitment of its members, recent financial support from the National Lottery and the National Arts Council has gone a long way in procuring necessary resources that have fuelled the orchestra.During the latter part of 2010, the LYO extended its work to Mopani District, through partnerships formed between The King’s Court Preparatory School, Pfnunani and Mogoba Village. The orchestra performed at the school recently and made numerous new friends and supporters in the area.
The Little Rascals nursery school in Tzaneen held an Easter egg hunt for their Grade R class. Seen here are Temoso Twala, Morongoa Dipela, Blessing Makoko, the principal, Ms Leighan Waterston, Christopher Makola, Pearl Maleyana, Ayisha Abdul, Bianca Swartz, Brooke
De Beer, Boyi Nyakale, Tiro Letsoalo,Tebogo Mashumu, Palesa Thipe, Mphumela Ntumba, Khutso Maponya, Dillon Nkuna, Judith Lebepe, Bryce and Bryony De Beer and Grade R teacher Ms Lee Coad with Bonolo Makgoba.
Drie insittendes van dié ligte afleweringswa het ‘n noue ontkoming gehad toe die bakkie met ‘n sleepwa vol aartappelskyfies op die Georges Valley-pad buite beheer geraak en in ‘n sloot beland het. Een van hulle het borsbeserings opgedoen, maar die ander twee was feitlik ongedeerd. Die vrag skyfies kon later wel ongeskonde in Tzaneen afgelewer word.
Photo: Beaunice Machitela
29 April 2011
29 April 2011
29 April 2011
LEGAL NOTICE In the estate of the late EDWARD HIGHMAN SOLOMON, Identity Number: 221106 5048 08 5, who resided at MAKWELA FARM, AGATHA, TZANEEN and died at TZANEEN on the 8th of SEPTEMBER 2010, Estate Number 2576/2011. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their Claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850 REFERENCE: WFB/EM/ S756 apr501_________________ IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case Number: 5154/2011 In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff And RIAAN DEMEYER KNOETZE (Identity number: 750129 5039 08 5) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a judgment granted by this Honorable Court on 23/02/2011, and a Warrant of Execution, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution, without Reserve by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court, LETABA ON THE 17th of MAY 2011, at 10:00 at THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 23 DOREEN STREET, DUIWELSKLOOF to the Highest bidder: PORTION 1 OF ERF 2710 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TZANEEN EXTENTION 12 REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T. PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO MEASURING: 814 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN) SQUARE METERS; HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T89534/2004 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED AND SPECIALLY TO THE RESERVATION OF MINERAL RIGHTS. (ALSO KNOWN AS 41 AQUA AVENUE, TZANEEN EXTENTION 12). The following information is forwarded regarding the improvements on the property, Although nothing can be guaranteed in this: Main building: A HOUSE UNDER TILED ROOF CONSISTING OF 3X BEDROOM, 2X BATHROOMS, KITCHEN, LOUNGE, SCULLERY, TILED FLOORS; The Purchaser should pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price and also the Sheriff Of the Supreme Court’s fees on the day of the sale and the balance price at registration Of transfer, and secured by a bank guarantee approved by Plaintiff’s Attorneys, to be Given to the Sheriff of the Supreme Court within fourteen days after sale. The abovementioned property will be sold on the conditions read out by the Sheriff of The Supreme Court at the
time of the sale, which will be available for viewing at the Abovementioned sheriff of LETABA, 23 DOREEN STREET, DUIWELSKLOOF. DATED at PRETORIA on this 7th day of APRIL 2011. S ROUX INCORPORATED Attorneys for plaintiff FJ ERASMUS: attorney for Plaintiff With right of appearance in terms of section 4(2) of Act 62 of 1995, certificate number 2533/2007 Office 2/201, Office Block No. 2 Monument Office Park Cnr Elephant- and Steenbok Street Monumentpark PRETORIA Tel: (012) 460-0666 Fax: 012 346-0259 Ref: S1809/M. JANSEN VAN RENSBURG/CS/ HJ0004/11 THE REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA apr502__________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) Case no: 19644/10 In the matter between INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff And LETSITELE STEELWORKS CC (Registration number -
1999/10050/23) First Defendant THEO WELTHAGEN (Identity number - 450830 5126 086) Second Defendant EMMERENTIA WELTHAGEN (Identity number – 460226 0076 084) Third Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In Execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the abovementioned matter and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution date 10th November 2010, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in Execution by the Sheriff of the High Court, Letaba on FRIDAY, the 20th MAY 2011 At 10:00 at the premises of the FIRST DEFENDANT, 151 TRICHARDTSDAL STREET, LETSITELE to the highest bidder: 1X BLUE BUTLER MACHINE 1X CONTRACTIONS MACHINE 1X PEARSON (PRESS) MACHINE 1X EURE COMPRESSOR 1X MILLER WELDING MACHINE 1X MUTSHIBUSHI COLT WHITE WITH REG NO: FHH 603 N 1X CUNLIFFE DRILL PRESS 1X NO NAME COMPRESSOR 1X ADONDROFF BLUE
PRESS 1X DL CEMENT MACHINE 1X THREE ROLL BANDING MACHINE 1X HELL LETIN (CUTTER) MACHINE 1X DEAN SMITH & GRACE (DRY BANK) 1X NO NAME COMPRESSOR 1X PETROL WELDING MACHINE 1X REXON DRILL MACHINE 1X HARP MACHINE TOOLS 1X CHIYEH ELECTRIC SAW 1X ADENDROF RENCH GRINDER TERMS: full purchase price to be paid in cash on the date of sale, alternatively, Bank guaranteed cheques. Costs of the removal of the goods will be for the Purchaser’s account. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD”VOETSTOOTS” MOTHLE JOOMA SABDIA INC. Attorneys for Plaintiff Ground Floor, Duncan Manor Cnr. Duncan and Brooks Streets Brooklyn, Pretoria P O Box 11147 Hatfield, 0028 Docex 235 Pretoria Tel No. 012-362 3137 Fax No. 086 694 4081/086 650 4579 Email: ebrahimj@mjs-inc. co.za Ref. Mr. E Jooma / ns / IDC1.0045
apr503_________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT for the DISTRICT of BOLUBEDU HELD at GA-KGAPANE Case No. 641/2010 In the matter between: LIMPOPO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE Execution Creditor And ML3 MOTLATJO FUNERAL SERVICE Registration Number 2007/007708/23 Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT in terms of judgment granted on 14th day of September 2010, in the GA-KGAPANE Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the under mentioned goods Will be held at MAGISTRATE OFFICE, BOLOBEDU on 11th day of May 2011 at 01:00 PM, consisting of: GOODS: 1X NO NAME DEEP FREEZER 1X OCEAN FRIDGE 1X 3 PIECE BROWN KITCHEN UNITS 1X PANASONIC HI-FI WITH 2 SPEAKERS 1X C-TECH COLOUR TV 1X C-TECH DVD WITH ACCESSORIES 1X COFFEE TABLE To the highest bidder. CONDITIONS OF SALE: The goods are sold voetstoots and as is: Method of payment: strictly cash or bank guaranteed cheque. DATE at POLOKWANE on 18 April 2011.
JACO OBERHOLZER Execution Creditor’s Attorneys DE BRUIN OBERHOLZER ING. /INC. 27 JOUBERT STREET POLOKWANE 0699 P O BOX 3615 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel No: (015) 291 2147, Fax No: 086 617 5301 DOCEX 2 POLOKWANE Ref: LIM34/0017/AR(7946) apr504_________________ IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN LETABA GEHOU TE TZANEEN SAAKNO: 5056/2009 In die saak tussen: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED EKSEKUSIESKULDEISER En DANIEL JONKER (ID: 490719 5049 08 7) EKSEKUSIESKULDENAAR KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING TEN UITVOERLEGGING van ‘n vonnis van die Landdros, TZANEEN, gedateer 2 September 2010 sal ondervermelde goedere
Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 100m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 0861303404 apr501_________________ Heavenly Home 3 storey 4 bedroom, 2 lounge, dbl garage Magnificent views Country living R3 500 pm + dep 074 545 8384
Huise, Meenthiuse, Woostelle, Kantore, Bsighede! Skakel Isabel 083448 5171
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 ________________ jan406 Bargain shop Registerd Second hand dealer We buy your unwanted goods of value for cash. Tools, furniture, crockery, appliances. Visit us @ 8 Impala Street Old industrial area or phone 015 306 0036 083 576 7618 083 651 0936. __________________ mar209 OIL SHOP Wide variety of lubricants for sale. Best prices in town. Contact 015 307 7501 __________________ mar201 Crocodile Meat on promotion sale Sosastie, Filets, boerewors, biltong, croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet available. Tel: 015 307 4398/ 082 562 5004. Agatha Crocodile Ranch – Tzaneen. Trade enquiries welcomed. www.agatha-crocodile. co.za Email: agathacroco@ vodamail.co.za Crocodile feeding show daily 9am - 4 pm. Schools at special prices. apr305______________ Mutual Safe D/Door drop safe (at 41,800 x 755 x 800) Hold up to R200 000.00 +\- 1.5 ton, 175L x 2 R22 800.00 contact 015 307 7775 079 2222 900 apr201______________ For sale I buy Antique furniture. I also buy old Gold, Diamond rings and chains. All for cash and very discreet Your friend in need. Call: Johan @ 083 680 3270 apr401______________
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 ___________________ Limpopo Rock Busters Breek en skiet van klip, beton ens. Vir ‘n kwotasie kontak Frik 083 460 0428 mar202––––––––––––––– Loodgieterswerk bv. Herstel en vervang van waterpype, krane en toilette wat lek Afsaag en wegry van bome Vervang van plafonne en hang van houtdeure Oprig van klein afdakke, herstel van hekke
29 April 2011
Herstel van bestaande elektriese bedrading Algemene bou- en teëlwerk Herstel en vervang van geute. En nog baie meer. Tzaneen omgewing. Koos Engelbrecht 076 757 3722
mar403_____________ Cholera-vry water gewaarborg met die Absolutely Waterwatersuiweraar, beste kwaliteit, diens en prys Elsie 083 458 4746 ________________ mar108 Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501 Boet Pretorius Elektries: Geen elektriese installasies is vir ons te groot of te klein nie, en geen plek is te naby of te ver nie. 015 307 3571 Webtuiste: www.pro-bou.co.za _________________ apr409 Nutsman Sweiswerk; swembadinstandhouding; voertuigherstelwerk en dienste. Billike tariewe. 015 307 7747 082 419 1230 __________________ jul207 Algemene Bouwerk loodgieter, elektries en reparasies. 072 372 4041 (Nelcon) _________________ feb110 Dr Mari (S C M) Bosman BA (Psychology UP 1982) BA. Hons (Pshychology UP 1983) M A (Psychology UP 1985) D. Phil Philosophiae (UP 1992) Practice 086 000 864 0122 PsySSA BOS001 HPCSA PS 0018686 drmaribosman@gmail.com 015 307 7451 5 Ivory Tusk Lodge (Next to Medi Clinic), Tzaneen www.apt.org.za ________________ mar204 Modjadji First Aid First Aid Training Consultants Including Lev 1,2 and 3 CPR, HIV/Aids Phone Lizette 083 264 9776 MK Forestry Services Weeds control – slash Fire fighting – spray Firebreaks – hoe, slash Planting Contact 073 610 1162 __________________ mei204 Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 __________________ mei308 Wegry van tuinvullis @ R250 per 1 ton (plat bak) asook bourommel @ R275 per 1 ton (platbak) Skakel 082 804 6924 of 083 229 5046 ___________________ jul206 Cleaning service available Office blocks, consulting rooms. Churches, schools, lodges, guesthouses Discount rates on contracts
071 268 2543 ___________________ jul207 Repairs of computers – hardware and software Part time general repairs to all computers, fault-finding, re-installation of software “Clean-up” computer to help make computer faster. Knowledge in Setting up networks If your computer crashes, call the IT Doctor, Waldo on 0832628490 all hours ________________ mar108 IRP roof sheeting 0.4mm spec R34.95 pm N.B 0.5mm and 0.3mm available Steel door frames 0.8mm m/duty R124.95 and Cement cemsure Sabs 32.5 soket R63.50 Free Local Transport Contact Hassen 0825605771 mar403_______________ Audio Repairs DVD TV VCR Repairs Spares and accessories IC’S and TR’S We also do orders Please call Johan Jordaan 083 241 1880. mar404_______________ Does your car have a dent? Come to your new friendly Panelbeaters call Victor on 083 378 4403 mar405______________ Affordable Transport From Tzaneen to Pretoria and JHB R150.00 one way. Return tickets are available. Call Alfred 0832544789 mar406______________ For new and used Truck part spares call Rudy 083 277 2341 mar407_______________ Security Training certified by Issaseta and Psira helping you help yourself call Abel 072 298 6331 mar408_______________ New Car seat covers from R145 , brand new 4 X 4 Air Compressor R895.00 complete with carry bag only R895.00 . Delux camping chair R299.00 Call Hennie or Eben 015 307 1842 mar409_____________ Zelner provides a complete maintenance and/or renovation solution to the industrial, commercial and residential sector. Complete building maintenance, maintenance management and revamps at the best prices and service, guaranteed. Please feel free to contact our Project manager, Werner Fritz on 076 898 7417, email info@zelner.co.za www.fsms.co.za apr202__________________ Need flowers for that special occasion, contact Willem/Hendra at 015 307 2176. mar412_______________ Korttermynversekering, Mediese fondse, Lewensversekering, Testamente of Pensioenfondse. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. 015 307 3316. mar413________________ Lewensafrigting is die gespesialiseerde kuns om gesprekke te hou wat gefokus is op oplossings waardeur jy insigte vanuit jouself kan ontdek wat jou sal ondersteun om jou potensiaal te bereik in die areas van jou doelwitte en drome. Kontak Lindie 082 4000 991. mar414________________ Radiografiese Dienste, 4D-
Ultrasound. Kontak 015 291 2275 mar415________________ First Aid Training (Level 1, 2 and 3), CPR Training, HIV/AIDS Awareness. Contact 083 264 9776 or 076 790 9049 mar416________________ Day old chickens on order, Chicken medicine, Poultry equipment, Chicken heads & feet, Chicken portions. Delivery on request. Contact 015 306 0359. mar417________________ Naweek vervoer elke Vrydag en Sondag vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane en terug. Kontak 015 307 5959 of 082 566 2558. mar418________________ Janco Services 083 537 5901 015 386 8735 Plumbing Air cons Stoves, ect. Jannes Vermaak CARPET CLEANING UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICE quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact: Jacques
071 268 2543 Furniture removals – We pack and insure country wide! Awesome service and low prices. Call us 015 781 0637 or 083 252 8928. mar419________________
Can you afford being without water? Domestic and semi-industrial reverse osmosis purifiers, whole house filtration, water softners, dispenser & service. Contact 083 458 4746. mar428_______________ ‘n Kleuterskool met ‘n verskil! Voldag, oop gedurende vakansies, peuters vanaf 18 maande. Kontak Retha 082 502 8736 mar429_______________ Kuns produkte, koffiewinkel & Christelike boeke (CUM)/DVD’s/CD’s/Themde ens. Kontak 015 307 2586. mar430_______________
Let me be your invisible secret for your perfect function! I also do hiring of table cloths, crockery, cutlery and more. Contact 083 371 9190. mar433_______________
Do you need your blankets washed now before winter? Call me 078 457 9667. mar420________________ Are you on Discovery or Resolution Medical aid and looking for a dentist that can help you? Call Dr Solani Chauke 015 307 3309. mar421________________
Is it time for that extra lift! I can help you with botox, now also fillers, lip definition & volume, nasolabial folds & oral commissuers. Contact 072 389 8464. apr203________________
Karoo Lamb available on order only. Deliveries every Thursday. Call 015 307 2666. mar422_______________
Before your VHS video recorder conks out or your VHS tapes goes all wonky Contact me and let me transfer your tapes to dvd Roy Deeks 082 893 1235 apr204_______________
A bit of this and a bit of that! Lost your keys and need a locksmith? Call 079 222 2900. 24 Hours Service! mar424_______________ Cooking classes for your domestic worker! Give her the confidence she needs in the kitchen. I will teach her personal & kitchen hygiene, kitchen & food safety and cooking methods & terms! Call 079 529 8336 or email me for more info: joeydaz@hotmail.com mar425_______________ From pens to books, ink cartridges to paper, art and craft materials, scrap booking tools to study guides and much more. Colour your world in PNA. We are in the Checkers centre, Tzaneen. Call 015 307 2049. mar426_______________ Are you getting married or arranging a function and need a venue? Shiloh Lodge is the perfect place! Call 015 395 4191 or email angie@montina.co.za for more info.
Your one stop fabric, haberdashery & lace shop! See us first for an unbelievable range, excellent service and unbeatable value. Call 015 307 4467.
A full range of Lubricants available from BKR International. Free advice on specification and classification on lubricants Phone 015 307 7501
All your scrapbooking equipment in one store! Punches, albums, kits, card stock, stencils, frames, stickers, rub on’s, ribbons, etc. Contact 082 386 6177. mar434_______________
Psychic / Siener. Pieter Bezuidenhout, legendariese heldersiende psigiese berader, auraleser, lewenstrateeg, motiveringspreker, in Tzaneen 31 Mei en 1 Junie. Privaat, individual consultations, also telephonic/e-mail/ postal. Avoid disappointment, book early. 021 946 4098 apr402______________
VACANCY AT TIGER WHEEL & TYRE TZANEEN Qualified tyre fitter with wheel balancing experience. Hand CV in at Tiger Wheel & Tyre #67 Boundary Street, Tzaneen apr403_______________
For all your carpets and upholstery cleaning requirements 10 years experience contact Eloise 071 783 7112 Jacques 082 335 6602
Payroll & BTW Dienste! Haal die kopseer uit jou maand einde. Kontak 083 325 5857 of 015 307 1186 vir gratis kwotasies.
The best-safe-fun nursery school to prepare your child for the future. Every child is a gift, open that gift and you open up joy. Contact 015 307 3413. mar431_______________
Is your business/building fire protected? We are FDIA accredited and can help you with installations and monitoring! Contact 015 307 5544.
Easy property transfers, conveyancing and bonds. Call 015 307 1333. mar423_______________
Looking for a suitable day care for your child (0 – 4yrs)? Open from 06:45 to 17:15. Half day and full day! We have a creative learning program, do potty training, get your child ready for Grd RR. Contact Estelle 083 417 9556
ACTIVATOR D.COM stop your pool from TURNING GREEN! DOSE ONLY ONCE A MONTH! Activator D The easier, safer, more economical and effective way to treat and maintain pools. •Used for over 10 years in schools, hotels and private pools. •Chlorine-Free. Does not hurt eyes or skin. •A single treatment will maintain a 50 000 litre pool for a month! Johan 082 923 3493 ________________ mar203 Alle onerwysers / All teachers, need an extra income? We need teachers with, without or with the intention to become a teacher. Language Culture, History, Geography, Music, Art, Phis ed, Maths, Science and Religion. Contact: Attitude Academy at 015 307 4836 Fax: 015 307 1099 info@procom.co.za LETS START TEACHING OUR CHILDREN mar303________________ For all your knitting, beading, fabric painting & craft requirements. Contact 015 307 2938. mar432_______________ Pallet Jacks – Tzaneen Service and repair all Pallet Jacks Contact 082 967 1392 SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE & MATERIAAL MEUBELS Gehalte werk gewaarborg Kontak: Jacques
071 268 2543 DCS Interior Contractors we do all types of ceilings, drywall partitions, paintwork,gutters,water proofing,tiling. Contact Werner 0826554869 _________________ jan410
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Vervoer van meubels plaaslik en lang afstand. Verpak en versekering op versoek beskikbaar. Spesiale midmaandtariewe beskikbaar. Gratis kwotasie. Marlien 083 252 8928 _______________ mar202
JOU BESIGHEID SE BOEKE: KOPSEER OF VREUDE? By MARITEL doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteure, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 _________________ jun404
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R13.50/km + btw een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 of 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 jan307_______________
Vervoer & Verpak van meubels. Skakel Melody vir kwotasie 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 - Epos troktrek@ mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com jan308_______________ Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial Area Call: 083 651 0936 Or 082 578 3174 __________________ feb401
Atos, white, 1 1 GLS, 2010, 32000km, R69 999-00 Kia Picanto, silver, 1 1 Base, 2010, 33000km, R69 999-00 Kia Picanto, red, 1 1 Base, 2010, 28000km, R69 999-00
BTW, alle fasette (Boere wat mark to stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057 SECURE FENCE SYSTEMS ROLLING GATES & SHOCKING FENCES MEPS AGENT FENCING & WALLTOPS Erections of Fences Upgrading Fault finding Electrification Material GATE MOTORS & ENERGIZERS Supply Installation Repairs GUARANTEED AFTER SALES SERVICE Tarentaalrand Business Centre Tzaneen Tel / 015 304 3262 Hennie: 082 498 8335 Petro: 083 315 4024 __________________ apr301
Atos, blue, 1 1 GLS, 2010, 34000km, R69 999-00 Kia Picanto, Red, 1 1 Base, 2010, 35000km, R69 999-00 Andre 076 497 0137 apr405________________ 2001 LINDE H25D 2,5 TON DIESEL FORKLIFT R100 000 +BTW KONTAK GEORGE 082 335 6806 apr406_________________
Om hier te adverteer, skakel
Ford Ranger, white, 3 0 TDCI XLT, High trail, 2009, 113000km, R169 000-00
Atos, blue, 1 1 GLA, 2010, 33000km, R69 999-00
015 307 7248
Kia Picanto, Base, 2010, A/C/Radio, 36000km, R84 000-00 Kia Picanto, Silver, Base, 2010, A/C/Radio, 32000km, R84 000-00 Chevrolet, Grey, Aveo 1.6, 4 doors, 2009, 20000km, R99 000-00 Volkswagen Jetta, Black, 20 Tredline, 2008, 74000km, R129 000-00
by of besoek ons by Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen.
29 April 2011
Looking for a job?
Send us your name, type of job required and contact number. Contact us when you find a job. Due to limited space and a high demand we wish to afford everyone a fair chance to advertise.
Contact : Nicky - 015 307 7248 or nicky@bulletinnews.co.za
Soek u werk?
Stuur u naam, tipe werk gesoek en kontaknommer vir ons. Stel ons in kennis wanneer ‘n betrekking aanvaar. As gevolg van beperkte spasie en ‘n groot aanvraag wil ons graag aan almal die geleentheid bied om te adverteer.
Another successful Bulletin initiative in serving our community. to trial balance. Contact 076 430 0070. (13)
shop. I speak English. Contact 0715111183. (15)
sion and more. Contact 072 716 3879. (6)
Lezelle Morrison, ek het 10 jaar ondervinding in Admin. Kontak 083 654 6367. (14)
Beauty Ndlovu, looking for any general work, domestic, etc. I speak English. Contact 071 123 2760. (16)
Gustav Rohrbeck, I have experience in the following: Excel,Word, Power Point, FP System (Fingerprint System), Sage – Financial Program, Outlook Express, SAP Module 1, 2 and 3 – Retail, S2S Enrollment – Wages, T-Pos Intranet, B A S Admin Program and Pastel. Am looking for a managerial position. Contact 071 268 2552. (7)
Jeffery, looking for a garden service job or carwash job. Contact: 071 423 4183. (18)
GRAPHIC DESIGN Anneke Erasmus, looking for graphic designing, admin or events organising job. Contact 074 187 1776. (1)
Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)
Freddie Lubbe, ek het by die myn gewerk, maar kan ook staalwerk doen. Instandhoudingwerk gesoek. 073 890 6415. (2)
ARCHITECTURE / ENGINEERING Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1)
I’m looking for a part-time job. I have qualifications in construction, control rooms, field supervision and more. Contact Dyllan 072 716 3879. (3) Jannie, (30) code 10 learners, boiler making and mechanical background. Contact 078 679 0366. (4) Fanie Fourie, looking for employment, have experience in site management, manager, sales, wood production, maintenance and more. contact 0783203738 (5)
I am looking for a job as a receptionist. Contact 072 569 9543. (3) Op soek na enige kantoorwerk of administratiewe pos. Maandag tot Vrydag. Kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel Michelle by 082 849 2240. (4) Wilma du Plessis, looking for an admin job from .Contact 079 090 6272. (5) Lizel van Staden looking for an admin job .Contact 082 299 2619. (6) Hannelie Engelbrecht, baie goeie ondervinding in Admin, soek dringend werk. Kontak 072 960 3666. (7) Priscilla, looking for an admin position, contact 072 066 2898. (8) Hannelie Naude, op soek na enige kantoorwerk, ontvangs, ens. Kontak 084 941 2916. (9) Priscilla Mokgashi, looking for an admin position. Contact 072 066 2898. (10) Lana Groenewald, looking for a girl Friday / temp admin position. Contact 083 417 5923 or 083 267 2787. (11) Godfrey Mlondobodzi, looking for admin clerk or receptionist job. Have diploma. Contact 082 950 1893. (12) Dawie, looking for admin/ clerical job. I have a Code 8 drivers license and am computer literate. I have experience in accounting
Hlamalani Mashimoye, looking for a cleaning job. Contact 078 822 8681. (20) Riah Rammalo, looking for a cleaning job. Contact 078 366 2135. (21) Elizabeth, looking for a domestic worker job, Monday, Wednesday & Friday. I can speak Afrikaans. Contact 076 432 9801. (22) Sarah Makgoba, looking for domestic worker job. I can sleep in and have many years experience. Contact 083 497 1987 (23) Elizabeth Malajii, looking for domestic worker job, 2, 3 or 4 days a week. I sleep out. Contact 073 190 7576. (24)
Man with Diploma in Horticulture seeks employment in farm or nursery. Contact Gilbert on 0785351896. (1) My name is Jeffrey, I have Bachelor of Agriculture (Crop Production) with some experience. I am looking for the job in the field of Agriculture. Contact me at 0765518740. (2) Meer as 20 Jaar pakhuis bestuursondervinding. Ook “Eurogap”. Sitrus en sagtevrugte. Alle fasette van produksie en pakhuisbestuur. Swart tale magtig. Woon in Letsitele. Kontak Gert 071 590 3868 of 071 507 8845 Alle ure. (3) Lorraine, looking for professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc. Contact 082 7500 196. (4)
Triphinah Mohale, looking for a job as a care giver, domestic worker or office cleaner. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 073 177 2699 (25)
Lucy Mongwe, looking for a job as an office cleaner or for a garden service. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 824 8824. (26)
Helga Letswalo, looking for a job in the hospitality/tourism business. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 071 035 0455. (1)
Titos Ramotwela, I am looking for a job as a garden cleaner, I speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me on 084 905 7081. (4)
Elisabeth Rabothata, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 076 561 7938. (27)
Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a waiter. Contact 079 770 5544. (2)
Daisy Sathekge, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, I speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me on 072 569 9543. (5)
Beauty Kgatla, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I have 12 years experience, I speak English. Contact (071 248 1980. (28)
Tinyiko Mashimbye, I am looking for domestic work. Contact 078 5100 511. (6)
Martha Mabunda, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I can speak Afrikaans. Contact 082 135 1940. (29)
ADMIN / CLERICAL Tiinyiko Mashele, looking for admin work. Please contact me on 078 560 7302. (2)
Tinyiko Mashimbye, looking for a cleaning job. Contact 078 510 0511. (19)
I am looking for a job as a domestic worker. Contact 072 569 9543. (7) Emily, looking for domestic work. Contact 083 538 8148. (8) Sarah, I am looking for domestic job, I speak and write English and Afrikaans. Contact number for reference is 082 570 7501. My number is 083 506 4586. (9) Lucy Mongwe, cleaner or gardener job wanted. Contact 072 824 8824. (10)
Sylvia, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 071 632 0187. (30) Sarah Mashale, looking for a domestic job. I speak English and can sleep in or out. Contact 072 647 1858. (31) Monica Malatji, looking for a domestic cleaner job. Contact 071 273 1188. (32)
Cate Mojela, domestic worker or catering job requested. Contact 082 963 5797. (11) Grace Semosa, looking for domestic work. Contact 083 356 0114. (12)
Nomsa Mongwe, looking for domestic work. Contact 078 103 0899. (13)
Olivia, I am looking for an IT technician job. Please contact me at 082 086 7867. (1)
Sylvia, looking for domestic work. Contact 071 632 0187. (14)
Seeking work in a GIS or similar field. Report writing, basic web design, photographic, PR & GIS amongst my skills. Please contact me at 083 7283 780. (2)
Shirley Chauke looking for cleaning job in an office or
GENERAL / OTHER JOBS My name is Peace I passed grade 12. I am honest, reliable, desperate for a job, since my parents died and I have to care for my younger brother. Please contact me on 079 848 0438. (1) Marley Headver, I am 24, I passed grade 12 and am computer literate. I’m looking for any job. Contact 073 621 4189. (2) Herman, soek tydelike werk tot einde November. Vlot tweetalig, aangename geaardheid en het bestuurderslisensie. Kontak 083 4567 290. (3) Jiffy Fortune Nyoni, looking for a job in security. I have a certificate for firearm and competence card, Grade D security. Code 10 drivers license and 5 years experience in security industrial. Contact 078 134 9097. (4) Rassie, op soek na nutsman werk op ‘n plaas of lodge. Ek doen herstel werk, loodgieter werk en kan toesig doen. Kontak 072 811 9860. (5) Dyllan Cape, looking for a part time job. I have qualifications in construction, control room, field supervi-
Chris Meyer, Matriek. Goeie kliënte verhouding, bereid vir enige posisie of opleiding. Rekenaar geletterd. Kontak 072 801 7869. (8) I am Bopape Sello, (23). I have a national diploma in business management, I am computer literate and have one year cashier experience. Contact 076 605 2867. (9)
Emma Malatsi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 079 804 7549. (25) Bennedick Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 076 3325. (26) Tshepo Moseamedi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 071 044 9455. (27) Abel Moseamedi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 084 880 1309. (28)
Fridah Mushwana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 385 8069. (30) Johnny Maenetja, looking for a general worker job. Contact 082 396 4588. (31)
Nico van Zyl, Maintenance or Counter Sales, I will do any job. Contact 079 969 1770 or 015 – 3072269. (3)
Moses Ramatsebu, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 056 1205. (32)
Melandri Prinsloo, stel belang in ontvangs, verkope of enige ander werk waar voor sy kwalifiseer. Het nog geen ondervin ding nie. Het nou haar N3 voltooi. Enige dorp van Naboomspruit, Potgietersrus of Tzaneen. Kontak 072 7727 302. (11)
Josphina Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 468 4605. (34)
Simon Moseamedi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 694 3965. (33)
Isaac Ramoshaba, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 633 2381. (35) Nelson Malatjie, looking for a general worker job. Contact 079 129 1566. (36) Sesan Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 082 350 5300. (37)
Cassius Maenetja, looking for general work. Contact 083 439 6217 (13)
Patricia Moloto, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 220 4690. (38)
Collen Malatjie, looking for a job in security. Contact 078 615 7803. (14)
Lucky Moloto, looking for a general worker job. Contact 083 859 1068. (39)
Lebo Malatjie, looking for a general worker job. Contact 082 065 3957. (15)
Moore Rammulo, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 601 4814. (40)
Khotso Maenetja, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 644 4613. (16) Martha Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 209 4756. (17) Listy Shikwambana, looking for a painters job. Contact 079796 0469. (18) Godfrey Hlungwana, looking for electrical job. Contact 079 309 5954. (19) Portia Mahlo, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 088 5133. (20) Mapula Malesa, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 291 3390. (21) Tryphina Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 076 970 1528. (22) Nicholas Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 413 3031. (23) Kgomotso Rabothata, looking for a general worker job. Contact 079 228 5115. (24)
Michael Erasmus (30), Kode 08 bestuurderslisensie, graad 12. Werk huidiglik by Mega Liquors, is op soek na beter werksvoordele. Is betroubaar en hardwerkend, en het baie ondervinding. (1) My name is Charles, I have experience in retail, sales, supervising, stock control, etc. I’m hard working, honest and very friendly. Call 073 158 7856. Contact 083 746 6592 for a reference. (2)
Ngobeni Prscill, looking for a general worker job. Contact 084 865 2290. (29)
Shaun, Field guide/ Environmental course (FGASA 1), Intermediate rifle handling, Trails Guide, code 14 license, handyman, etc. Please call 0832866198/0153074712. (10)
Jackie, urgently looking for any general admin, data capturing, shop assistant, control room, call centre, cashier, reception job. Can start immediately. Contact 074 901 6440. (12)
Lisbert Malatjie, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 478 4082. (41) Mapula Patlake, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 227 1935. (42) Maggie Potlake, looking for a general worker job. Contact 076 737 8735. (43) Maggie Mhleni, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 892 1579. (44) Elias Shikwambane, looking for a general worker job. Contact 071 638 1565. (45) Agnes Machete, looking for a job at a security company. I passed matric and can speak and write English & Afrkaans. Contact 078 566 8998. (55) 38 jarige man, goeie gesondheid, sonder afhanklikes, rook en drink nie. Betroubaar en verantwoordelik. Ondervinding as ‘n drywer (kode 08), plaaswerk, instandhouding, ens. Begrafnisondernemer. Kontak 071 681 1882 (56)
Anton von Molendorf, would like a job in retail and have FMCG experience. I have a strong personality, good communication skills and enjoy working with people. Contact 079 147 4402. (4) Victor Maswanganyi, looking for shop or office work, I speak English. Contact 083 434 1529. (5) Fumani Floyd Chauke, looking for a job in retail and short-term insurance, I do have experience. I studied marketing and am willing to relocate anywhere in South Africa. Contact 073 489 2331. (6)
Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser or packer. I have 18 months experience. Contact 079 770 5544. (7)
I am looking for a home care job. I have got a cleaning certificate, I also have an Abet certificate. I understand Afrikaans and English. Contact me on 076 749 0804. (1)
Caroline, looking for care giver job. Contact 072 645 2421. (2)
Adonia, looking for a job as a driver. I have code 8 and 10. Contact 083 436 8441. (2)
Eric Shai, looking for driver position or assistant mechanic. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 966 3941. (3)
Bulletin will place your particulars in the job seeker for
Bulletin sal jou besonderhede
GRATIS plaas!
29 April 2011
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Nicky Altenroxel - E-pos/e-mail: nicky@bulletinnews.co.za in association with / in samewerking met: Tzaneen Info.
Oom Karoolus Vetkoekverkoping
Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, vandag 10:00 - 14:00. Plaas vroegtydig bestellings. Skakel 015 307 4508 of Emmarentia 083 438 2230.
Tzaneen talentaand
Vanaand. Kaartjies by NG Kerk Moedergemeente, Tzaneen. Skakel Emmie 082 780 6002.
NG Kerk rakke vol lê aan die Letsitele Biblioteek se wit Wolkberg, 27 Mei, 10:00. Al die speelgroepe, olifant verkoping. Hul sal dit selfs kom haal. kleuterskole en laerskool-jeug van die Vir navrae skakel die biblioteek 015 345 1991. omgewing word hartlik uitgenooi om te Ladybird Herb kom deel hê aan die geleentheid. Hou die Groep Maculatastraat 12, plaaslike nuusblaaie dop vir meer inligting. Tzaneen. Vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand. Leer oor, kook met en plant kruie. Hierdie jaar is die klem op navorsing. Skakel Petro Smit 083 444 3414.
Photo Competition Reünie Hoërskool Tom
The Letsitele Library is having a photo competition this month. Enter a striking photo of someone or something reading. Closing date today. First prize R170, second prize R130, third prize R100. Contact the Library 015 345 1911.
Nuwe lid kompetisie
Kom sluit aan by die Lesitele Biblioteek tussen Maart en Mei en staan ‘n kans om ‘n prys te wen. Skakel die biblioteek 015 345 1911.
Carboot Sale
Hope Methodist Church, Boltman St, Duivelskloof, 7 May 08:00-13:00. Come and look for a bargain and rummage through a variety of second-hand to new items. For enquiries or to book a place at R60 per carboot or table, contact Liz 015 309 8594 or 079 017 0600 ASAP.
AP Kerk basaar
AP Kerk Tzaneen, 6-7 Mei. Moderne kunsmark, ’n informele teetuin, plante, potjiekos, bevrore etes, vleis, groente, gebak en talle ander lekkernye. Speletjies vir die kinders en ’n waterglybaan. Besighede kan etes vooraf bestel vir aflewering. Skakel 015 307 2014 of 083 645 3747. Grasdakkerk - 6 Mei vanaf 12:00 en 7 Mei vanaf 08:00. Debiet- en kredietkaartmasjien beskikbaar. Vir enige navrae, skakel Donovan 083 412 5329.
7 Mei. Deur die Hoërskool Ben Vorster aangebied, verskeie kunstenaars, koskraampies en meer. Skakel Karen du Plessis 082 374 2814 vir navrae.
Craftmarket @ Minitzani
As gevolg van die Vlamvat-fees en die AP Kerk se bazaar op 7 Mei, sal daar nie ‘n mark by Minitzani gehou word nie.
Moedersdag uitstalling
6-8 Mei, 09:00–17:00, Tzaneen Garden Centre (voorheen Cycads Galore). Baie plante te koop as Moedersdag-geskenke. Skakel Dr Sarel Spies 072 527 9850 of Martzi du Toit 084 500 2455
Hervormde Kerk Toer 2011, 15-17 Mei. Bejaarde persone wat belangstel, kan ‘n vorm by die kerkkantoor kry. Skakel 015 307 4508 vir navrae.
Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk, 15-19 Mei. Oggenddiens 09:00, aanddiens 18:00. Weeksaande 19:00, samesang 18:45. Prediker: Ds Jurg Prinsloo. Kom luister na lerende boodskappe oor Goddelike genesing. Skakel Ds Hendrik Janse van Rensburg 015 307 3371 vir navrae.
1961 Matrieks van die DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Naude, Polokwane, 13-15 Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Mei. Skakel Dawie Botes 079 589 2166 of Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. Yvonne Pienaar 082 626 0320.
NG Kerk Wolkberg gemeente hou ’n troeteldierskou op 28 Mei. Belangstellendes wat kan help baie welkom. Ons dierevriende is vir ons goud werd. Vir navrae skakel die kerkkantoor 015-3074062 tydens kantoorure.
Steve Hofmeyr
Showgrounds, Hall B, 11 June. Presented by the Letaba Rotary Club, funds raised will be used for the Abraham Kriel Orphanage Christmas party. R250/ticket, only 300 available. Cash bar. Contact Anneke on 074 187 1776 or anneke.erasmus2@gmail.com.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster 1971-matrieks, Augustus by Sanloo Manor. Kontak Lood vd Zee 082 740 5734 of Piet Visser 083 305 1390 of Chris Lombard 083 301 4368 of Mari Weber 082 440 1555.
Charity Sale
AGS Kerksaal, Modjadjiskloof, Sondagaande. Gr 8-12. Kom kuier, speel pool en darts, drink hot chocolate en kom hang net lekker uit. Skakel Bees by 071 483 3070 / 083 748 9351 of Pastoor Johan by 082 925 8746 vir meer inligting.
Herofield Aanddiens.
Sondae, 18:30 , Minitzani saal. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com.
Counselling services
FAMSA Limpopo Counselling Services. For appointments call 015 307 4833 or 071 193 3397.
Gemeenskapskoor oefen Sondagmiddag 16:15 by die NG Kerk Wolkberg. Alle belangstellendes welkom. Skakel Rina Klaver 082 322 1847.
Blanket Project
Choice Trust would like to challenge the community to donate a blanket for the poor. Deliver your blankets to 12 Park Street. Contact Choice at 015 307 6329.
Wit Olifant verkoping Skenk asb alle ou en nuwe boeke en items wat jou
• AGS van SA — Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof, Past Johan Pieterse 082 925 8745. Kantoor 015 309 9275 / 079 509 1500. Son 09:00, Sondagskool 08:30 vir gr 8’s tot gr 12’s en 09:00 vir 3 jariges tot gr 7’s. • AGS van SA — Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele : 082 697 6881, Past Walter Benn, Son 09:00 (asook Sondagskool) • AGS van SA — Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen,015 307 5112, Past. Maans Schutte, Son 09:00 • Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen, 015 307 3534, Rev Luke Pretorius, Sun 09:15 • Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4634, Rev. Gordon Bull, Sun 09:00 & 18:00 • Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 6845, Fathers Philemon Thobela, Jimmy Kennedy, Daily 07:15 (not Wed), Sun 08:00. • Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg, Father Jeffrey 083 964 9859, Sunday 08:30 • Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 015 276 1111. Pastor Ian LoughorClarke 083 298 9204. Sun 09:00
Golf Koraalboom Golf Challenge, today and tomorrow. Contact Brenda Luus 083 585 5565 or tzaneengolf@ vodamail.co.za.
• Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal, Sondae 09:00 (Diens & 3 Kinderdienste) Voorskool, Gr 1-3 en Gr 4-6 Johann Fourie 082 823 1074 website: www.dinamus.co.za • Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen,015 307 3371, Ds Hendrik van Rensburg, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00 • Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte road, Opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen, Biblically based. Run courses throughout the year. Contact: Kim Ninneman at 015 307 2527 or 083 449 9272
Tzaneen Bathroom Bizarre Rally, 7 May. Race starts at Tzaneen Country Lodge Conference Centre (at Tarentaalrand 4-way stop). Total distance ±188 km, ±85km will consist of special stages. Spectators’ point along the route near Politsi from 10:00 onwards. More information and spectator guide will be released at a later date. For enquiries contact David Brown 083 560 8622 or 015 307 5165.
Care4Life Centre is having a second-hand clothing sale every second Friday of the month at 61G Boundary street, Tzaneen. We appeal to the general public to donate their second-hand clothing as well as books and magazines. We will Road and MTB Challenge collect. Please contact Edwin at 072 22 88 738 Fairview Hotel/ Merensky High School, 14-15 May, 08:00. Presented by the Tzaneen Waterverfklasse HaeCycling Club. The road race on 14 May starts nertsburg, St Paul’s kerksaal, and finishes at Fairview Hotel. 45 km or 70 Dinsdae, 09:00, R80pp/sessie. km distances. The MTB race on 15 May starts Skakel Annetjie van Schalkwyk and finishes at Merensky. Entry fee road race 082 925 4385. R100 (70 km), R70 (45 km); MTB R100 (40 Round Table Tzaneen 96 km), R50 (20 km). Food and drinks will be on Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, first sale, good prizes and lots of lucky Monday of every month. Contact Bruce 082 draws. For enquiries contact Piet Roode 082 457 0570 or visit www. 824 4291 or Dale 082 820 6029. cyclelab.com. Library The Tzaneen Library will be open from 08:30 to 13:00 on Bulletin Saturdays but will be closed over long weekends. Tel 015 307 7248 • Faks 015 307 7684 Bridge If you enjoy playing Bridge, come editor@bulletinnews.co.za to the Macadamia Community Centre every Monday from 09:00 to 12:00 and join in the fun. Don’t forget to bring a friend!
Vir dienstye gedurende vakansies/langnaweke skakel asseblief met onderskeie kerke. Times may change during school holidays/long weekends; kindly check with the relevant churches.
• Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystraat,Tzaneen, 015307 1558•015 307 1874, Ds Johan Botha & Dr Edmund de Beer, Son 09:30, 18:30. • German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Modjadjiskloof Zwariri Road. 082 653 5498, Service in German (Eng & Afr Translations) • St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg 015 307 3534. Rev Luke Pretorius 082 874 5207. Sun 09:30. Junior and senior Sunday school 09:30. • Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen — 015 307 4729, Pastor Bryan Varrie / Past Rassie Pretorius Services: 09:00 & 18:00; 09:00 Childrens’Church; 12:00 Sotho & Shangaan. • Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen 015 309 9920, Past. Wiets Oosthuizen, Vry 19:00, Son 10:00 & 18:00 (Afr & Eng) • Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4525, Rev Pierre Naudé, Sun 09:30. • Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof. Sunday service 08:00, Tuesdays ladies ministry 09:30, Wednesday fellowship 19:00. Contact Pastor Attie and Liz Botha on 015 309 8594. • NG Kerk — Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjis-kloof, 015 309 9323, Ds Dewald Vermaak, Son 09:00 Sondagskool daarna. • NG Kerk - Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele, 015 345 1618, Ds Barry van der Merwe - Son 09:00. • NG Kerk - Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen, Ds Gouws van Zyl 082 829 2926 / 015 307 4498, Ds Chris Zietsman, 015 307 4497 of 083 269 1325, Son 08:30. • NG Kerk — Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen, Ds Adriaan van Tonder 083 408 0939 / 015 307 4062, Sondae 09:00 • New Apostolic Church — Tzaneen Vroue Federasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 4807, Shep. Petersen, Sondae 09:00 & Woensdae: 19:30. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9580 / 084 584 0059, Ds Gerhard Viviers, Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal, 015 345 1128, Dr Jan Truter - Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen, 015 307 4508 Ds Richard vd Westhuizen, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00. • Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlman-strate,Tzaneen,015307 1111 of 083 717 4034, Past B Wilken,Sondae 09:30 (asook kinderkerk) & 18:00, Di 19:00 vroue biduur, Woensdae 19:00 gemeente biduur. • True Life Ministries Sunday 09:00. Cell 07:00 on Mondays. Kobus en Fransie Dippenaar 015 307 5434, 082 346 9098, Corne 082 574 8395. • Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen, 015 307 3240 / 082 893 6351, Ds Francois du Plessis, Saterdae 11:00 (Afrikaans & Engels). • Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen, 015 307 3387, Past Dawid Venter Tel:082 269 9746 Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531, Dr Rev TJ Mukoki, Sun: 09:00 (English & Tsonga), Tue: 18:00 (Prayer).
29 April 2011
Rolbal SA het Woensdag ’n landwye poging aangepak om die meeste rolbalspelers te hê wat in ’n uur die meeste balle kan rol. Enige persoon kon by enige klub in die land gaan rol. Die inskrywingsgeld van R20 per persoon gaan dan net so aan KANSA geskenk word, ter ondersteuning van die veldtog teen kanker. Nie minder nie as tagtig spelers het by die Tzaneen Rolbalklub opgedaag. Hulle het 2 422 balle gerol en R2 360 ingesamel.
This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist)
It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. In a study at the University of Munster in Germany, participants who ran sprints learned new words 20% faster than those who did nothing. Other research has tied physical activity to improve attention and memory as well. Exercise is the best thing we can do to ready our brain to learn. We know that the
cells become more malleable and ready to make connections. And the learner is more focused, calm motivated and ready to learn. Physical activity has one other major perk too: it increases production of the stem cells that develop new brain cells. So make sure your family is active and remember the best medicine for stress and depression is exercise.
29 April 2011
Vossies steun veldtog teen kanker Jean Aucamp Die seuns van die Vyfster-koshuis van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het verlede Woensdagaand hul ondersteuning vir die Sunflower Fund en Tzaneen se veldtog teen kanker getoon, toe hulle soos een man bymekaar gekom het om hul hare te laat sny. Die koshuisbrakke was nie die enigstes wat deurgeloop het nie. Die eerste rugbyspan het ook aan die gebaar deelgeneem en ook die truie waarin hulle op 28 Mei te sien gaan wees, gewys. Ben Vorster het hul eie veldtog teen kanker, “Vossies teen Kanker”, van stapel gestuur en die eerste span gaan die pienk truie dra wanneer hulle teen Kemptonpark op 28 Mei in Tzaneen te staan kom. Daar is nog nie sekerheid of die ander sportspanne ook in pienk gaan speel nie, maar elke span neem tans hul eie inisiatief om op die dag hul steun aan die veldtog te toon. Vir die eerste rugbyspan was Woensdagaand se shavathon net nog ’n wyse waarop hulle hul steun toon. Alhoewel hul hare nie korter as ’n nommer vier kammetjie gesny mag word nie, het verskeie seuns swaar van hul lokke afskeid geneem. Me Juanine Jackson van die Tzaneen Care Group het ’n span “deskundige” haarkappers ingespan wat seker gemaak het dat hul hare netjies is. Die seuns is ook meer van die Sunflower Fund met ’n videovertoning vertel, en alhoewel bandana-dag ter ondersteuning van BO: Die eerste rugbyspan gaan op 28 Mei in hierdie truie uitdraf wanhierdie organisasie eers later in die jaar is, neer hulle op eie bodem teen Kemptonpark speel. Elkeen van hierdie truie “soek” nog ’n borg vir die wedstryd. REGS: Feitlik almal by Vyfsterwou van die seuns reeds hul nuwe kort haarkoshuis het deurgeloop. Van die brakke het lekker gelag toe die koshuisstyle met so ’n kleurvolle kopdoek verberg. vader, mnr Chris de Nysschen, en mnr Ettienne Burger eerste gaan sit Die kragmeting teen Kemptonpark gaan het vir die haarsny. Regs sit ’n eerstespanspeler, PC Engelbrecht. ook aan enige persoon of sakeonderneming die geleentheid bied om met borgskappe vorendag te Enige donasies en bydraes sal ook baie welkom wees. kom. ’n Speler se uitrusting kan byvoorbeeld geborg Me Elize Dry kan by 083 258 0306 geskakel word vir enige word asook elke drie wat op die dag gedruk word. navrae.
Die Koraalboom Gholftoernooi het gister by die Tzaneen Buiteklub begin en duur tot Sondag.
Elfde Ronde
Carmen Schutte en Marelize Taute is die trotse kapteins van die o.15- en o.16hokkiespanne van Ben Vorster. Die twee spanne is die Pukreeks se kampioene.
Vandag se bepalings: 09:35 : Highlanders vs Blues 19:10 : Cheetahs vs Brumbies Môre se bepalings 09:35 : Hurricanes vs Reds 11:40 : Waratahs vs Rebels 14:05 : Western Force vs Crusaders 17:05 : Bulls vs Chiefs 19:10 : Stormers vs Sharks