Bulletin Newspaper 19 June 2020

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19 June 2020


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A most bizzare shooting incident on Wednesday evening at Sasol opposite the Tzaneen Lifestyle centre, has left one man wounded and one other in custody. We spoke to the security company who responded to the call which led to the arrest of the gun-wielding fiend. Read the full story on page 4 of this week’s edition.


Bladsy 3

Juan: 079 197 8070


19 June 2020





‘n Knippie, maar net nie rokie nie

Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Kantoor: 015 306 0198

Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Joe Dreyer

Staatspresident Cyril Ramaphosa het Woensdagaand gesê dat haarkappers en skoonheidsterapeute weer binnekort handel sal mag dryf onder die verslapte inperkingsregulasies wat nou vir Vlak 3 voorgestel word. Hy het wel nie gesê presies wannéér dit sal geskiet nie, maar het beloof om “binnekort” terugvoering vanaf die ministers op sy Koronavirus-bevelsraad aan sy landsburgers te verskaf. Teen druktyd gistermiddag het daar steeds onsekerheid oor die maatreëls geheers, ten spyte van die aankondiging op die staat se webtuiste, www. stateofthenation.org.za waar die “nuwe” regulasies in ‘n vloeidiagram uitgebeeld word met slegs die opskrif “Veranderinge aan Vlak 3 regulasies” en ‘n kort byskrif wat lees “die volgende aktiwiteite sal toegelaat word onder Vlak 3 mits streng gesondheidsmaatreëls toegepas word.” Ramaphosa het verduidelik dat die staat dit dringend nodig gevind het om die skoonheidsektor te heropen aangesien duisende vroue regoor die land in hierdie bedryf werksaam is en nou aan ‘n verlies aan inkomste asgevolg van die streng regulasies lei. Hy het ook gemeen dat meeste haarsalonne informele besighede is, en dat hierdie faktor grootliks bydra tot die dringendheid. Dit nadat talle haarsalonne en skoonheidsterapeute in en om die Mopani Distrik reeds drie maande-lank hul deure gesluit moes hou. Daar is selfs haarkappers wat beboet is en ander wat in-

Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

Gholfspelers sal ook net op die setperke mag uitstap indien hul ‘n lid van ‘n buiteklub is, ‘n maskertjie dra en ‘n vrywaringsvorm by die klubhuis invul (lees gerus die berig hieroor op bladsy 8 van hierdie koerant).

Police focus on smokes as farm attacks rise ■ Joe Dreyer The trade in illicit cigarettes which has boomed thanks to the ban on smoking imposed by the anti-tobacco champion minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, has again resulted in arrests this week. Police officers in Alldays responded to a tip off by members of their community and followed the trail of a cigarette smuggler to a farm at Pontdrift near the Botswana border post. Community members had warned that at this farm, there were two trucks being loaded with tomatoes, and hidden among the crates, the police would find cartons of cigarettes. Sure enough, there upon the trucks, the police officers discovered the hidden contraband among crates of tomatoes scheduled for delivery from the Pontdrift border post to Rustenburg. The police officers uncovered 30 boxes containing cartons of Pacific Blue cigarettes worth an estimated R400 000 and immediately arrested the two drivers and their crew – four suspects in total. The suspects, aged between 26 and 32 appeared in the Senwabarwana magistrate’s court that following day where they faced charges of possession of illicit cigarettes and contravention of Customs and Exercise Act. The intensification of operations conducted across the province by members of the South African Police Service in several policing areas between Monday the 8th of June and Tuesday the 16th of June largely focusing on the smuggling of and trade in illicit cigarettes, yielded positive results when 22 suspects were apprehended and illicit cigarettes worth more than R2 million were confiscated. An assortment of illicit cigarettes including Remington Gold, Chelsea, Royal Express and Premium worth R 2 250 000 were confiscated in the Lephalale,

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hegtenis geneem is oor hulle durf handel dryf het. Een bekende manshaarkapper is genoodsaak om sy salon heeltemal te sluit. Restarante sal binnekort weer gaste op hul perseel mag onthaal. Dit nadat hierdie industrie slegs drie weke terug weer kon begin wegneem etes verskaf. Daar sal net nie drank of sigarette op die perseel verkoop mag word nie. Geakkrediteerde en gelisensieerde akkommodasie gariewe sal ook weer gaste mag ontvang, met die uitsondering van programme soos Air Bnb. Rolprentliefhebbers sal weer kan gaan fliek, maar daar sal net ‘n beperkte aantal fliekgangers in die teater toegelaat word. Dieselfde geld vir dobbelhuise. Op die sportveld heers daar selfs nog meer onsekerheid na die aankondiging vroeër dié week dat driekamp kompitisies toegelaat sal word, gholf en selfs kleiduifskiet, maar nie swem nie.


Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Musina, Modimolle, Tshilwavhusikhu, Mphephu, Makhado and Tuinplaas policing areas and suspects aged between 19 and 60 arrested. The arrests were affected during patrols and roadblocks according to the Limpopo SAPS spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo. “In Mphephu alone, three foreign nationals aged between 36 and 39 were arrested and illicit cigarettes worth about R700 000 confiscated during an operation that was conducted at Dzanani section.” In Lephalale, two suspects aged 26 and 30 were arrested on Friday, the 12th of June when a blue Ford Fiesta was spotted along the R518 road between Lephalale and Marken. The vehicle was then stopped by the police and when it was searched, a full load of illicit cigarettes was found. Two suspects were immediately arrested and the cigarettes confiscated. Their vehicle was also seized. These operations were conducted by members of Crime Intelligence Units, Crime Prevention Units, Dog Units (K9) with the assistance from Community Policing Forums. The Acting Provincial Commissioner Maj Gen Jan Scheepers, has commended the police for their vigilance and urged the members to continue the fight against the smuggling and trade in illicit cigarettes in the province. Some of the arrested suspects have already started appearing in their respective local magistrate courts, though it is not certain where all of the confiscated cigarettes are kept, but we have had anonymous tip-offs from some of our readers stating that cigarettes can be bought from certain law enforcement officers at R90 a packet of twenty. In the meantime, farm attacks and the brutal rape and killings of women in our country have been on the rise while the focus of law enforcement seems to be on stemming an unnecessary tide brought about by seemingly unnecessarily harsh legislation.

Police officers in Alldays respond to a tip off at Pontdrift farm.

Contraband found between crates of tomatoes.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 19/06/2020

Tzaneen 19.1%

Ebenezer 16.1%

Merensky 100.4%

Dap Naude 95.7%

Middel Letaba 2.9%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100%

Klaserie 103.5%

Tours 25.1%

Vergelegen 96.1%

Ohrigstad 11.1%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





19 June 2020


“My blou-oogkind is amper tuis” ■

Joe Dreyer

“Sit jy gemaklik, want hierdie is ‘n verhaal wat jy moontlik nie gaan glo nie.” Dit is die woorde van die blonde meisie aan die anderkant van die slimfoonskerm so twee ure voor druktyd gistermiddag. Daleen is haar naam, Daleen Marx. Sy was die afgelope 89 dae in isolasie op drie skepe, twee vliegtuie en so paar hotelkamers in meer as ses lande. Hierdie is haar storie. Goeiemore Amerika Op die 1ste Maart vanjaar het die 29-jarige blouoog meisie uit Tzaneen haar tassies gepak en is sy oppad Detroit toe in die VSA om by die Park West Gallery-span as Kunsgenoot aan te sluit. Daar aangekom het sy by die res van die kandidate aangesluit en het hul week-lange opleiding afgeskop. Sy sou as kunsgenoot in die gallerye op luukse passasierskepe verbonde aan die Norwegian Cruises vloot, vir die volgende ses maande werksaam wees. Na die weeklange opleiding en gepaardgaande gradeplegtigheid, het sy aan boord van ‘n vlug na Cosumel in Mexiko vertrek vanwaar sy op haar aangewese skip, Norwegian Pearl, sou klim . Dit was Vrydag, die 13de Maart. “In die hawe het ek nou wragtig nie gedink dit sou die laaste keer in drie maande wees wat ek op vaste grond my voete sou neersit nie. In retrospek moes die datum dalk vir my ‘n aanduiding gewees het,” het sy grapperig genoem. Op die skip het Daleen saam met die res van die bemanning vir diens aangemeld en is daar toe met hulle die nuus gedeel dat hulle nie meer werk het nie en dat die skip se beplande vaart onbepaald opgeskort is. Sy was presies ‘n minuut-lank in diens geneem en nou vas op ‘n skip in ‘n vreemde land sonder werk. “Wat nou?” het sy gewonder. “Wat moet ons nou maak? Ek het nie werk nie, ek sit op hierdie skip en al die passasiers word afgelaai en huistoe gestuur. Gaan ons nou maar hier op die see bly?” Volgens haar is hulle aan die werk gesit om voorraad van al die kunswerke in die skip se gallery te neem en ‘n inventarislys saam te stel. Daarna moes al die kunswerke weggepak en geseël word. Die skip seil toe Miami toe, maar weens die Amerikaners se sentrum vir siektebeheer se verbod op enige skepe in enige hawens, het die Norweigian Pearl in die oopwater anker geslaan. “Ons het ‘n hele paar dae so in die see gelê en toe is ons Jacksonville toe om voorraad aan te vul. Daar is ons weer nie toegelaat om in die hawe te dok nie en so dryf ons toe weer vir so maand-lank in die bekende St Johns Rivier op en af. Heeldag kyk ons net na vraghouers in die hawe. Dit was redelik sieldodend, maar gelukkig het ons bietjie vermaaklikheid in die vorm van die skipsmusikante gehad. Die kroeg was ook darem oop. Ons mag net nie enige kaart- of bordspeletjies gespeel het nie want die bestuur het geglo ons sal mekaar met Covid-19 aansteek as ons aan dieselfde kaarte vat.” Strepsils en kwarantyn Op die 5de April word Daleen die oggend wakker met ‘n krap in haar keel. Dit was die begin van die verkoue en sy haas haarself na die skip se mediese sentrum. “Ek wou net ‘n Strepsil of ‘n ding kry vir die krapperigheid in my keel… toe word ek vir 14 dae in kwarantyn alleen in ‘n binnekajuit sonder ‘n venster toegesluit. Dit was een van die mees depressiewe tye in my hele lewe. Daar is geen venster nie, en so ek kon net op die televisie sien of dit dag of nag is. Ek het heeltemal tyd verloor in daardie klein kajuit. Ek mag niemand gesien het of uit die

kajuit gekom het nie.” Intussen seil die skip van Jacksonville na Great Stirrup Cay toe. Die dag wat haar isolasie eindig word sy saam met die res van die Pearl se bemanning op tenderbootjies van hulle skip na ‘n ander skip, die Norwegian Escape, verskuif. Tydens hierdie verskuiwing is die Filippynse bemanning huistoe gevlieg op vlugte wat deur hul regering gereël is. Op die nuwe skip word daar vir die Suid-Afrikaners vertel dat hulle in twee groepe verdeel gaan word. Die een groep is vir diegene wat Johannesburg toe sou vlieg en die ander groep is vir dié wat Kaapstad as hul tuiste gelys het. Die groot verdeling “Die rede vir hierdie verdeling was blykbaar oor die Suid-Afrikaanse regering besluit het dat daar geen plaaslike vlugte toegelaat sou word nie, en so as ons almal in Johannesburg geland het sou die Kaapenaars nie kon huistoe gaan nie. Die Kaapenaars is toe op die Norwegian Escape gesit en ek is saam met die Jo’burgers na ‘n ander skip, Norwegian Break Away, geneem. Ons het toe ons trans-Atlantiese vaart na Marceille in Frankryk begin. Ek het behoorlik soos ‘n gevangene in een van die seerower movies gevoel. Soos daai Captain Phillips fliek.” Die datum is die 29ste April en die bemanning aanboord die Break Away is opgewonde oor die vooruitsig om uit Europa uit terug huistoe te vlieg oor minder as ‘n week. Maar die opgewondenheid het nie lank gehou nie. “Die kaptein het ons laat weet dat ons weer moet stop om bemanning van ons skip af oor te plaas na een of ander skip toe wat ook nou die trans-Atlantiese vaart gaan aanpak, maar wat nie genoeg bemanning aanboord het nie. So dobber ons toe vir ‘n daglank en wag vir die ander skip. Uiteindelik laai ons toe so twee of drie bemanning van ons skip af oor na die ander toe en daar gaan ons weer die diepsee in oppad Europa toe. Die kaptein vertel ons dat die vaart met ‘n week verleng sou word want hy het opdrag ontvang dat hy nie vinniger as vyf noulose myl per uur mag vaar nie.” Europa uiteindelik Halfpad Europa toe word dit afgekondig dat die skip nie meer Marceille toe gaan vaar nie, maar gaan nou in Barcelona oorstop. “Die kaptein het gesê dat daar nie plek vir ons was in Marceille nie omrede die skip vroeër as aanvanklik verwag, daar sou aankom. Ons moes dus in Barcelona stop vir so paar dae aangesien Marceille se hawe ons eers op die 25ste Mei souk on akkomodeer.” Op die 12de Mei daag die Norwegian Break Away in Barcelona se hawe op en die Europieërs aanboord word na hul tuislande toe gerepatrieër. Daleen vertel hoe daar elke middag afkondigings gemaak is oor vlugte uit Barcelona uit en hoe sy paniekbevange aan haar tassies geklou het want enige oomblik sou hulle haar naam ook roep. Dit het egter nie gebeur nie en stelselmatig het die dae in weke verander totdat daar uiteindelik op die 9de Junie ‘n deurbraak kom. “Ons het op al wat ‘n webwerf is gaan soek totdat ons uiteindelik ‘n vlug na Suid-Afrika vir die 17de Junie gekry het. Ons bestuurder het dit goedgekeur en ons kaartjies is vasgemaak. Ons was oppad huistoe.” Maar onverwags op die 10de Junie storm haar bestuurder in ‘n vertrek in met die nuus dat die Suid-Afrikaners die volgende oggend hul vissums moet gaan doen en hul papierwerk in orde sal moet kry om moontlik daardie volgende dag al te vlieg. Met ‘n geskarrel en gesukkel is die handjievol Suid-Afrikaners daar uit. Die vissums en paspoorte is gestempel en almal is toe aanboord ‘n vlug na

Duitsland. Daar was egter nog ‘n kinkel in die kabel en die vlug word in Duitsland vertraag waar die passasiers toe almal oornag in ‘n hotel opgesit word. Die volgende oggend is almal vroeg weer lughawe toe om nie die enigste vlug Suid-Afrika toe te verpas nie. “Aanboord word daar met ons meegedeel dat die vlug eintlik eers gou in Duitsland en daarna in Moskou gaan stop.” Die stukkende vliegtuig Op die vliegtuig neem ek sommer vinnig my sitplek in en een van my vriende wat op ‘n ander skip gewerk het, kom by die gang afgestap. Uit opgewondenheid uit “high five” ons mekaar en skree sommer uit volle bors uit dat ons huistoe gaan. En toe bly die vliegtuig doodstil net daar op die aanloopbaan. Ek sien daar is eweskielik ‘n groep mans in geel veiligheidshempies doenig by die deur en hulle lyk redelik opgewerk. Maar ons sit maar daar met ons maskertjies aan en wag. Ons gaan huistoe mos.” Daar het baie dinge in die volgende uur gebeur, maar opstyg was nie een van hulle nie. Die kaptein laat weet sy passasiers dat hulle geduldig moet wees terwyl die tegnikuste sukkel om die vliegtuig se deur, wat nie wil behoorlik toemaak nie, te herstel. “Uiteindelik kondig hy toe weer af dat die deur nou reg is en ons sal binnekort kan opstyg. Maar ons bly steeds sit. So met ons maskertjies op ons bakkies in ‘n vliegtuig wat propvol mense is, met nie een enkele lugreëlaar wat werk nie. Vyf ure later kom die lugwaardin verby en sê ons gaan nou kos kry want ons sit al solank en wag. Net toe ons begin eet kom die kaptein se stem weer deur en ons word vertel dat die vlug gekanselleer is en ons more weer sal probeer.” So word al die passasier weer van die vliegtuig afgelaai en is hulle terug hotelkamers toe. Hierdie keer darem in die Hilton op SAL se onkostes natuurlik. Die volgende oggend is almal weer vroeg lughawe toe om betyds deur doeane te gaan en reg te wees vir hul 14:00 vlug. Skielik bars daar absolute chaos in die lughawe uit. “Dit was totale chaos. Mense het paniekbevange begin skree en hardloop en gil. ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse vrou het buite haarself begin skree dat die vliegtuig nie veilig was nie en dat SAL nie ons veiligheid sou kon verseker op die vlug nie. Dit was mal hoor!” Die skreeuende vrou was blykbaar ‘n werknemer van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens en het na bewering uitgevind dat die vliegtuig onveilig was. Volgens Daleen het ‘n tweede vrou van die lugdiens kalmte herstel en aan die Suid-Afrikaners verduidelik dat die vliegtuig veilig was om te vlieg, maar dat een van die opblaasbare lewensreddingsboodjies foutief was. Volgens haar sou die lewensreddingsvlot nie behoorlik ontplooi in geval van ‘n noodlanding op water nie.

“Hulle het toe vir ons gesê dat die vlug sou kon opstyg, maar dat daar as gevolg van die stukkende opblaasboodjie, 70 minder passasiers sou moes wees, so van ons sou vrywillig moes agter bly in Duitsland. Net daar het een van die passasiers, ‘n meisie wat nog ‘n geldige werkspermit vir die Shengenstaat gehad het, haar hand opgesteek en gevra of SAL haar kostes sou dek indien sy vrywillig agter bly. Die dame van SAL het met haar vingers aanhalingstekens in die lug gemaak en geantwoord “natuurlik”. Dit was duidelik dat ons op daai vlug moes kom, maak nie saak hoe nie.” Uiteindelik is almal weer op die vliegtuig en begin hulle die twee ure lange vlug Moskou toe. Daar aangekom word die passasiers met nog ‘n struikelblok ontmoet. “Hier in Moskou moes ons nog passasiers oplaai, maar die probleem is toe dat daar 55 “double bookings” is en die mense weier almal om van die vliegtuig af te klim. So sit ons toe nog so paar uur met die vliegtuig se bemanning wat met die passasiers probeer onderhandel totdat daar uiteindelik vir almal gesê is om net ‘n sitplek te kies en te sit dat ons vlieg. So het dit toe ook gewerk en ons is uiteindelik oppad Suid-Afrika met die stukkende opblaasboodjie en die 55 ekstra mense. Ek het net daar vir my ‘n slaappilletjie gesluk en toe ek nege ure later wakker word is ons op die aanloopbaan by OR Tambo. Ek was by die huis. Amper.” Die vlug het Maandagoggend, die 15de Junie in Johannesburg geland. Die passasiers is met bussies onder polisie bewaking na die Centruion lake hotel geneem. Daar sal hulle nou vir die volgende 14 dae in kwarantyn deurbring voor hulle toegelaat sal word om huistoe te verkeer. Intussen sit Hettie Marx hier in Tzaneen geduldig vir haar dogter en wag. “Ek is net so ongelooflik verlig dat sy veilig terug is, ek was so bekommerd. Sy is my alles, en ek gaan haar opdruk sodra ek haar weer sien.” Daleen het aan Bulletin die belofte gemaak dat sy vir ons lesers ‘n “selfie” sal neem die oomblik wat sy by die ingang van Tzaneen verby is. “Ek sal sommer by die ingangsbordjie vir julle poeseer. Net vir bewyse dat ek werklik terug is. Al is dit net bewyse vir myself. Want dit moet wees.”


19 June 2020





GLM to spend R11 million on new sports complexes ■ Michael Sakuneka

Mayor Peter Matlou

The Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) mayor, Peter Matlou, said the total revenue budget for 2020/2021 moved from R368.9 million to R400 million which is an increase of R31 million. Matlou was addressing his community at the launch of his 2020/21 budget recently in Sekgosese. He stated that the final adjusted budget for the year 2020/21 was broken down as follows; revenue by rates and taxes stood at R17.7 million, other revenue was at R36 million, transfers and subsidies recorded R286.6 million, sales of stands

in municipal extensions amounted to R117.5 million, sales of stands in Uitspan was R10 million, total revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions) was R368 919, capital transfers Municipal Infrastructure Grants R57.6 million, total revenue (including capital transfer) R426 527. According to Matlou, the total operating expenditure budget for 2020/21 was moved from R314 million to R350 million which is an increase of R36.7 million. This budget is comprised of the following; for the employee related costs an amount of R104.6 million has been budgeted, whilst the remuneration of councillors was set at just over R24 million. For debt impairment R2.1 million was allocated for the financial year 2020/2021 and R7.1 million will go to depreciation and asset impairment. Repairs and maintenance will see R20.9 million. Bulk purchases will be budgeted for with R18.6 million while contracted services has a

budget of R31.3 million. Other expenditure is set at R105 million. Matlou said the budget will also prioritize several projects in different wards. Amongst them will be the construction of a community hall for Ward 5. R120 000 has been set aside for the disaster management in the municipality. An amount of R7.4 million has been allocated for a sports complex around the municipality including Madumeleng. A further R3.5 million will go towards the Thakgalane sports complex in the Sekgosese area and R2 million will be for storm water management. The rehabilitation of Modjadjiskloof Streets Phase 2 received R663 000 while no less than ten paved streets received significant amounts for their upgrading. The majority of these paving projects received R150 000 while two in particular were rewarded close to R7 million each. These were Makhutukwe Street which was allocated between R3 million and R7 million, and

Mokwasele’s Street which was awarded R6.6 million. Electrification of households in in various villages received a budget of R10 million. In concluding his address, Matlou indicated that there are many other villages around the municipality which will also benefitting from this budget in the coming financial year. He did however not elaborate. **Editor’s note: It is rather mind-boggling that a municipality would decide to spend R11 million on the construction of sports complexes and only R2 million on the upgrading of stormwater drainage systems. Especially considering the state of the Modjadjiskloof infrastructure, one would have thought it sensible to invest funds into these urgent matters. Whatever happened to the plan to expand the cemetery, or construct a new dumpsite? At the time of going to print we had not yet received an answer from the spokesperson for the GLM.

No water to fight Covid

Arrested for attempted SASSA fraud

■ Michael Sakuneka

■ Michael Sakuneka

Disgruntled residents of Morapalala Village in Bolobedu, in Ward 1 of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, complain that they have been buying water from other out-laying villages as the available water resources are no longer able to cater for their water needs. This as the village is growing bigger and depends on a small water reservoir and one borehole. The villagers said their problem started after the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) appointed a contractor to work on the under-laying of new water pipelines with a plan to connect water to all households in the village. This project was started in 2018 and was allegedly completed last year, but water does not reach all households as it did before. So, this has resulted in some community members who are able to afford it, drilling their own boreholes. According to a community leader, Joel Makhelane, before the contractors started on the project, the community received adequate water supply from a small reservoir and water taps that were installed by the Mvula Trust back in 1992. Since last year however, this community has been struggling to get water because once the water is opened, it does not reach a large part of the village. Allegedly, the MDM drilled several boreholes which can produce enough water to supply all households in the village, but the problem is they were not connected and the MDM never constructed a second reservoir to aid the one built by Mvula all those years ago. Sometimes local leaders must open the water supply by dividing the village into sections so that households can all receive some water. Some residents have expressed their concerns over possibly contracting the dreaded Corona virus due to not having adequate water supply in order to sanitize themselves or their homes. The spokesperson for the MDM, Odas Ngobeni, said they were aware of the problem and they were doing everything in their power to address it. He said the problem lies with an electricity supply from Eskom which is taking a long time to energize the boreholes in the area. “We are even thinking of a temporary water pump machine to provide relief while we await Eskom,” Ngobeni said. However Ngobeni told Bulletin that the executive mayor, Pule Shayi, has written a letter to the provincial government requesting their intervention in the matter.

A well-known businessman from the Bolobedu area outside Modjadjiskloof was arrested earlier this week by the Hawks. This after he attempted to defraud the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) at Mokwakwaila. The MEC for Social Development in Limpopo, Nkakareng Rakgoale (who is the former executive mayor of the Mopani District Municipality) has welcomed the arrest. This after the crime busting unit arrested Munshi Muhammad, after he allegedly approached a local post office official at Mokwakwaila Village and requested him to provide 250 SASSA cards in exchange for R10 000 gratification. After a trap was set by police and the South African Post Office (SAPO) investigators, the suspect was arrested and an amount of R10 000 and 250 SASSA cards were seized. “The arrest of this suspect by the Hawks is an indication that government is determined to clamp down on people who are making

Disgruntled residents of Morapalala Village in Bolobedu, in Ward 1 of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, complain that they have been buying water from other out-laying villages.

it their business to defraud SASSA and beneficiaries of social grants,” Rakgoale said. She said the grant is mainly intended to bring relief to people who are vulnerable, not a scheme by unscrupulous people who do not have the interest of their countrymen at heart. Rakgoale also indicated that the arrest will also serve as a warning to loan sharks and business owners who are withholding SASSA cards of the beneficiaries and are at times stealing their money by charging them exorbitant fees as interest for loans or grocery credit. She further commended government officials after they alerted police when they noticed suspicious behavior by the suspect. The MEC said that the case will be followed closely to ensure that a conviction is secured. According to Hawk’s Limpopo Spokesperson, Captain Matimba Maluleke, the suspect appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, 17th of June for bail application. He was granted R5 000 bail and the case has been postponed until the 2nd of October for trial.

Sasol R71 shoot-out shocks Tzaneen

■ Joe Dreyer A shocking and bazaar shooting incident played itself out in the heart of Tzaneen on Wednesday evening this week. According to Canine Security it was at around 18:40 two nights ago when they received a panic from the Sasol fuelling station on the R71 highway opposite Tzaneen Lifestyle centre. They have a guard stationed at the entrance to the convenience store. The guard reports that a man came running into the convenience store followed by a second man, armed with a small calibre firearm. The first man was visibly scared and ran into the convenience shop and tried to hide behind the counter. The armed man also ran into the store and fired a shot point blank at the first man, wounding him in his arm before fleeing the scene. Canine Security’s guard gave chase and the store clerk pushed the panic button. The suspect fled the premises and ran across the R71 road towards Lifestyle Centre. The guard radioed for backup and an armed response vehicle was immediately dispatched. According to operations manager Peter du Toit, the armed response arrived within minutes and joined the pursuit. The suspect was spotted exiting the bushes behind the Tzaneen

Lifestyle Centre parking lot heading up towards the parking lot at Ivory Tusk Lodge and Mediclinic. Upon spotting the suspect, one of the armed response officers set after him on foot and the suspect began firing shots at him. The response officer returned fire and the suspect continued running towards the parking lot. Once in the parking lot the response officer was joined by his partner. They heard screams for help from a motorist who was in his vehicle in the parking lot. The suspect had attempted to hijack his vehicle. One of the response guards tackled the suspect and wrestled him to the ground where his partner disarmed him. During the scuffle backup in the form of Letaba Security and Northern Security arrived on scene. The suspect was arrested, and the firearm handed into the Tzaneen police. The firearm was unlicensed. Both the victim and the suspect were 36-years of age. The suspect has been taken into custody and the victim was removed from the scene by Deon van Tonder of Tzaneen Emergency Services 911. At the time of going to print yesterday afternoon, the motive for the shooting was not yet determined.






19 June 2020



New enhanced Audi A6 now on sale ■

Roelof de Jonge

The new Audi A6 range is more versatile than ever before, with end-to-end digitalization, enhanced comfort, more sportiness and a technical, elegant design. The all-digital MMI touch response system provides intuitive operation and even more personalization. The improved assistance systems demonstrate intelligent automotive innovation and the suspension combines smooth ride comfort, unshakable stability with enhanced sportiness. Fast access to functions and a high degree of customization, the new smartphone-like display and MMI touch operating system makes use intuitive in the Audi A6. It is thus the most modern operating concept in its class. Two large displays (as seen in the new Audi A7 Sportback and Audi Q8) replace most of the buttons and controls of the predecessor model. As such it is a prime example of the end-to-end digitalization which the new A6 brings to the business class. The all-digital operating system also supports a high degree of personalization. In the top display, the buttons for all functions can be placed freely, like with smartphone apps. In the bottom display, the user can create up to 27 individual shortcuts for key vehicle functions and favourites such as phone numbers, radio

stations or navigation destinations. There is also an optional head-up display which projects information relevant to the driver into the driver’s field of view on the windshield, for instance a detailed map for the navigation. Besides the MMI touch response operating system the A6 also offers the online voice control system. This allows a wide range of vehicle functions, such as controlling the air conditioning system, to be performed using everyday speech commands. With numerous driver assistance systems, the new A6 sets new standards in the premium class. The driver assistance systems with refined control mechanisms enhance convenience and additional support for drivers’ tasks. This includes the adaptive cruise assist, which besides adaptive cruise control and the predictive efficiency assist also comprises the swerve and turn assist and thus supports the driver with manoeuvring the vehicle effectively. Also included is a night vision assistant which uses an infrared camera and reacts to the heat given off by objects. Converted to black and white images, the information can be viewed in the instrument cluster or the Audi virtual cockpit. The cooler surroundings

appear dark, while animals and people appear strikingly bright thereby providing an effective safety feature. Emergency assist enhances safety by bringing the vehicle to a stop in an emergency. To further enhance comfort and efficiency of the Audi S6, this model is fitted with a mild hybrid system. In combination with the six-cylinder engine, a 48V mild hybrid system is used. The S6 can coast between 55 and 160km/h and the startstop kicks in right from 22km/h. The mild hybrid technology based on 48V reduces fuel consumption by up to 0.7 litres per 100 kilometres. The A6 range is more than equipped for long journeys with a range of new convenience functions. The seats are all-new designed. The A6 offers leather or leatherette upholstery and electric seats with memory as a standard feature. The top-of-the-line Audi S6 contains sport seats as standard equipment, however optionally available are S sport seats or the customized contour front seats with numerous adjustment functions, optionally fitted with ventilation and massage function. The A6 range will be available locally with three engines. A 2.0 TDI engine kicks off the range with 140kW and 400Nm for the Audi A6 40 TDI. The

3.0 TDI with 183kW and 600Nm for the Audi 45 TDI and the top-of-the-range 2.9 TFSI engine in the Audi S6 TFSI produces 331kW and 600Nm. All variants within the A6 range are fitted standard with automatic transmissions. While the V6 diesel engines are paired with an eight-speed tiptronic, the 40 TDI is coupled with a seven-speed S tronic gearbox. The 45 TDI and the S6 TFSI distributes its power through the quattro all-wheel drive system. In conjunction with the tiptronic, the A6 has a self-locking centre differential. The S6 is characterized by its striking, distinctive design and sophistication. A dynamically styled front trim, wide sills and a wide rear diffuser with four tailpipe trims infuse the S6 with on-road presence. The distinctive S trim elements in dark chrome and aluminium on the radiator grille lamellas, the front blade, the side air inlet, the exterior mirrors and the rear diffuser adds to the sporty look of the S6. The A6 range comes standard with a five year or 100 000km Audi Freeway Plan, inclusive of all taxes. The Audi A6 40 TDI and S6 TFSI are currently available for sale at all Audi Dealerships around South Africa. The Audi A6 45 TDI is planned to be introduced into market in June. The high-performance model, the Audi RS6 Avant is planned to be launched in the first quarter of next year.

The new smartphone-like display

With numerous driver assistance systems, the new A6 sets new standards in the premium class. The Audi A6 40 TDI and S6 TFSI are currently available for sale at all Audi Dealerships around South Africa.

Control room number: 015 590 9919 Canine Cellphone (WhatsApp 063 964 6747) Email: Marius@caninetzn.co.za • Peter@caninetzn.co.za Info@caninetzn.co.za


19 June 2020






I have been blessed with a talent for thinking up all sorts of ideas which I think are going to make me into a very wealthy lady. Most of them have fallen flat but one particular idea (in retrospect) was I suppose quite funny in spite of being a financial flop. I had retired from the mine and was hoping to be able to open my own nursery, but whilst mulling over the pros and cons I had a fortunate phone call from a friend in Letsitele who told me she was going into the instant lawn business and since she needed somebody to pass the word around and knowing that I had a small backyard nursery thought I would be just the person. I couldn’t believe my good luck. Only two days previously a young widow who was moving into a new flat on 31st December had asked if I could sort out a garden for her before she moved in. The flat was part of a complex of four garden flats and although she could only move in at the end of December she had been even given the keys and told she could start moving some of her stuff and also start thinking about her garden. Now I had seen the flat and it was one of those back-to-front places where you parked and walked in through the back door. She wanted the back area to be sorted instantly as she was expecting relatives from overseas in February. It was the 10th December – I spoke to her about the lawn and she was ecstatic. I phoned Anne (the lawn lady) – told he I was going to measure up the next day and would be coming to collect the grass the day after that. I organised two labourers with the necessary tools to level and rake the area, remove rocks and have everything ready. That same night I phoned Anne and told her I would be leaving home at five and hoped to be at her farm by 6.30. No problem – she would have the lawn cut and rolled for me. And having given her the

measurements she said it would fit into my Mazda Rustler with no problem at all. I was thrilled – I love it when a plan comes together. I arrived at her farm just after 6.30 and was informed that there was a slight problem… no labour. However she hastened to add…she would do the cutting and I could roll it and put it in the bakkie. She would show me how to pack it. By the time the job was finished I was covered in bits of grass and dirt so we agreed that I should go to the house for a clean-up and a cup of coffee. Just as I had my first sip the heavens opened up and the rain absolutely hosed down. An hour later it was still pelting down and I said I had to go. Visions of my quote floated before my eyes - I had quoted for the actual lawn and labour - nothing else – had even forgotten about the petrol. Anne tried to dissuade me – said that by now the instant lawn would be so saturated that the bakkie would probably have a problem – the weight would be double what it had originally been. I was sure she was exaggerating so ran to the vehicle and took off – I slithered around on the dirt road that led from the farm and realised once I hit the main road that Anne had been right. Apart from the fact that I could barely see the road due to the non-stop torrent the bakkie was becoming more and more difficult to handle. As I approached Gravelotte there was a downhill slope and I heard what sounded like hundreds of litres of water sloshing around in the back. I knew I had to find shelter so pulled into a covered petrol station I indicated to the petrol attendant that I didn’t need fuel but was sheltering from the rain. “Eish madam – you have put a very heavy load on this small bakkie”. I tried to explain but with very little success – I ended up sheltering from the rain for more than two hours with the tailgate down. I eventually arrived at the intended home of the lawn well after two o’clock to find the sun blazing down and two annoyed labourers who had anticipated that I would be ready to start the job just after eight. They should be happy – instead of one day’s pay they would now be working for another day. “Let’s get started – take the rolls of grass and lay them out” .Unfortunately the rolls had been so beaten about by the non-stop rain that they were no longer in rolls but started breaking up as they were removed. It was like trying to sort out a jigsaw puzzle but the gardeners got the idea and we had managed to lay out about one third of the grass when I suddenly realised that it was close to their knock-off time and since it was very hot in Phalaborwa - no rain here -I would have to water the laid out lawn.

Where on earth was the garden tap – couldn’t find one anywhere so went to ask the maid. It turned out there was no outside tap – so how could anybody water their garden or clean their car? The maid suggested that I go and speak to the builder who was in charge of the construction site which was about 50 metres from the front of the flat complex. We had a rather heated exchange in which he pointed out that he had not drawn up the plans – he was merely the builder – he even hauled the plans out for me to look over. Indeed there were no taps and he confessed that he had thought it rather odd himself. He offered to lend me a watering can and I spent half an hour going backwards and forwards to the kitchen to water the laid out grass. That night I poured out my heart to my ever-loving spouse and said I thought I was going to make a large loss on this job, He had been an instructor in the army for years and his favourite saying was (and still is) ‘Preparation and Planning” so I didn’t get much sympathy from him. I also phoned my widowed friend regarding my problems – seemed like she hadn’t noticed there was no outside tap. She told me I could buy a roll of hosepipe with accessories and attach it to her kitchen tap. I won’t bore anybody with the story of attaching a hosepipe to a kitchen tap – it came adrift and the kitchen was under water much to the maid’s horror. I turned to my builder and asked if I could once again borrow his watering can, plus a wheelbarrow and some river sand to fill in the gaps between what should have been a neat and orderly lawn. He smiled and told me with a grin that he had been told to put in a garden tap the following morning as his boss had not noticed the omission in the plans. I thanked him although I was already thinking that this would now mean I would have spent three days on a job for which I had quoted one day. The maid and I had become quite friendly. The next day when I went to see if the outside tap had indeed been installed she told me confidentially that the widow was going on two weeks leave and only coming back after Christmas so the two of us would be seeing quite a lot of each other when I came to water the lawn. My friendly widow actually thought that I was going to water the lawn while she was sunning herself in Durbs. And is there a happy ending to this story – I guess the happy ending is that the widow was thrilled with her lawn and Anne got orders from the other three flat owners. I made a serious loss but I did learn one big thing which was that contingency is a very important part of a quote.

“Not to brag, but I don’t even need alcohol to make bad decisions” Anonymous

Last aangestel as landbou-adjunkhoof ■

Roelof de Jonge

Nadia Last van die Hoërskool Merensky wie al vir die afgelope 12 jaar sedert sy aanvanklik as ‘n wiskunde en wetenskap onnie begin het, het onlangs haar weg in die onderrrigberoep na hoër hoogtes gevoer. Last wie Merensky se departmentshoof van landbou was, was onlangs as die Plasies se adjunkhoof van landbou aangestel. Volgens Merensky se bemarkingsbestuurder, Louis du Preez, het Last aanvanklik wiskunde en wetenskap aangebied, waar sy haar later begin toespits het op landbouvakke. Sy bied tans onderrig in landbouwetenskap- en bestuur aan. Last is al vir die afgelope 12 jaar ‘n leerkrag by Merensky. Sedert 2019 dien sy op die Suid-Afrikaanse Landbou Onderwysersverening (SALOV) se bestuurskomitee as sekretaresse waar sy reeds ‘n groot bydrae in landbou-onderwys gelewer het. Volgens Last is voedselsekuriteit baie belangrik en wil sy graag ‘n groter bydrae lewer. Sy het gesê haar visie as nuwe adjunkhoof is om die landbou-afdeling uit te bou en te sorg dat die meer as 700 leerders, wat reeds aan landbou in die skool blootgestel word, gelukkige en gebalanseerde volwassenes word wat hul plek in die samelewing sal kan vol staan.

Louis Roux

PIET POEPOL Ek het so lank gesoek na ‘n stukkie papier op die rekenaar, maar hierdie ding gooi net vals beloftes uit. Nou skryf hy vir my bevele voor waarvoor ek op ‘n Saterdagnag niks lus het nie. Dis maar ‘n gesukkel wanneer die ooglede hang en die hart se bang begin knaag aan ‘n mens se klou aan die oorblywende selfvertroue. Hier is nietemin ‘n paar gedagtes om aan te kou. So ‘n spekvet paddatjie spring lekker rond in my voortuin en vreet babavliegies en ander goggatjies op. Hy skrik elke keer as ek skrik en dan bedaar ons altwee. So asof ons met (en nie vir) mekaar bedoel is. Ek hierdie kant en hy daai kant. Dis al ‘n hele paar weke se vriendskap in ons gesamentlike tuintjie hier onder die groot koraalboom met al sy takslange. Hy het my nog nie aangespreek nie, al praat ek aanhoudend in sy guns. Hy begin traag reageer op sy mensbedinkte naam van Piet Poepol en draai sy hele lyf as mens hom daarop roep, veral as die slange lastig raak. Toe ek vanoggend so sukkel om die spuitkan aan die gang te kry vir die stryd teen die tamatiewurms, kom hy agter my rug uitgehop met ‘n klein sprinkaan in sy bek. ‘n Gawe ontbyt vir hom, het ek gedink terwyl ek my hande met gif besmet. Net daar besluit ek om ook iets vir die breek van die nag se vastyd te nuttig. Na ‘n geskarrel van so vyftig sekondes in die “kluis” van my ongeordende gehuggie was daar darem iets om te geniet. Dit was ‘n halwe pakkie rooipeper, ‘n gesteelde pakkie bruin suiker en ‘n bottel rooiwyn. Kyk, toe Piet Poepol sy laaste sluk aan die springkaan gee, toe vertel ek hom van ‘n vraggie gedagtes waarvan paddas nog nooit gehoor het nie. Hy’t daar met sy slymlyf op die voorstoepie gesit en luister tot ek uitgepraat geraak het. Dit was toe al hoeka donker, die bottel boonste onder en tyd vir sy slaapkwakery. Wat ek hom alles vertel het, was in belang van volkland, vaderland en feetjieland. Die inhoud daarvan is aan hom toevertrou en nie oordraagbaar nie. Want sien, paddatjies soos Piet Poepol vreet feitlik enigiets vir brekfis, maar praat nooit hul enigste bekke verby nie. Elke keer as ek op iemand se stoep of in ‘n haarsalon na ‘n skinderstorie sit en luister, kry ek so ‘n lekkerte. Dit wat ek as koerantman aan die mense gaan verkondig, sal net ‘n krieseltjie wees van wat ek vir Piet Poepol sou vertel het. Piet was lanklaas hier. Waar hy ookal mag wees, hoop ek hy hop met al ons persoonlike gesprekke en geheime af en op. Hy was nie die enigste welkom besoeker nie. Daar was ‘n paar ander, maar hieroor sal ons later verslag doen.

Evac 911 083 708 8749

•Deon van Tonder • Ambulance Dispatch Service • Advance Life Support Paramedic Mark Louwies (adjunkhoof van akademie) en Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof) saam met Nadia Last wie as die Hoërskool Merensky se nuwe adjunkhoof van landbou aangestel is.

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19 June 2020


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Legals LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T71052/2007 passed by GREATER TZANEEN LOCAL MUNICIPALITY in favour of SELBY CONSTRUCTION CC Registration Number: CK 2001/029636/23 in respect of certain ERF 2938 TZANEEN EXTENSION 53 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorpstreet, Polokwane Central within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 15th day of June 2020.

Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: S2594 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 Jun301___________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Title T70845/2015, registered in favour of SELBY CONSTRUCTION CC Registration Number: 2001/029636/23, in respect of certain PORTION 14 OF ERF 2643 TZANEEN EXTENSION 40 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby re-

quired to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorpstreet, Polokwane Central within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 15th day of June 2020. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: S2594 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 Jun302___________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Covering Mortgage Bond B191653/2007, passed by SELBY CONSTRUCTION CC, Registration Number: CK 2001/029636/23, for a capital amount of R1 500 000.00

(ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND RAND) in favour of NEDBANK LIMITED, Registration Number: 1951/000009/06, in respect of certain ERF 2938 TZANEEN EXTENSION 53 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorpstreet, Polokwane Central within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 15th day of June 2020. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: S2594 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 Jun303___________________________

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19 June 2020





Ondersteuners help Cor oor wenstreep ■

Roelof de Jonge

Cor van Heyningen van Tzaneen Marathonklub was Sondag een van derduisende atlete wêreldwyd wat aan die eerste virtuele ‘Race the Comrades Legends’ marathon deelgeneem het. Dié kanniedood atleet het vir die almintige 90km-afdeling van dié wedloop ingeskryf en dit het hom sowat 10 ure en 50 minute geneem om die eindstreep te bereik. “Wat Sondag se wedloop so besonders gemaak het is die hoeveelheid familie en vriende wat my deurentyd ondersteun het. My roete het in Arborpark begin, waarna my roete my verby Tzaneen se treinstasie na Venbeck se omgewing gelei het. My vrou Liezl was ‘n amazing ondersteuner!” “Ek het vandaar na Doringhoek gedraf, toe terug na Tzaneen Dam se wal se rigting toe. Hierna het my roete my na Politsi se omgewing geneem en uiteindelik weer terug tot in Tzaneen”, het van Heyningen gesê. Volgens die langasem het familie, mede-atlete en vriende, asook van hul kinders, by hom aangesluit deurentyd om aan hul eie virtuele Comrades deel te neem. Hy het ook genoem hoe Conrad Vosloo van die staanspoor hom ondersteun het, en dit vir van Heyningen was ook baie

Bernard van den Dool van die Ofcolaco Harriers Running Club. Die atlete wie saam van den Dool gedraf het, is Busisiwe Nyabana en Greta Bekker .

Cor van Heiningen van Tzaneen Marathonklub gooi sy arms omhoog .

besonderse gebaar wat hy vir lank sal onthou. “Ek was dus vir geen oomblik alleen nie. Die ondersteuning was absoluut ongelooflik wat my wedloop soveel makliker gemaak het. My roete vir die virtuele Comrades het sowat 1 500m se opdraendes bevat, wat nogal soortgelyk is aan die werklike Comrades Ultra Marathon”, het van Heyningen aan Bulletin vertel. Hy het na sy deelname aan Sondag se wedloop vertel

Mede-atlete en selfs fietsryers het Cor van Heyningen deurentyd Sondag op sy 90km roete van die virtuele weergawe van die Comrades Ultra Marathon ondersteun.

dat dit ‘n besonderse oomblik was om aan hierde wedloop te kon deelneem, veral in die lig van die ondersteuning wat hy geniet het. Maar vir dié week rus van Heyningen sodat sy liggaam kan herstel, want 90km is beslis nie vir sissies nie. Mede-atlete van Tzaneen Marathonklub asook van Le Club en Ofcolaco Harriers Running Club het ook Sondag die pad aangedurf. Waar ‘n wedloop ‘n begin- en eindpunt het, was Sondag se virtuele Comrades wedloop ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur. Atlete kon Sondag aan ‘n volwaardige 90km soortgelyk as die van die Comrades Ultra Marathon deelneem vanaf enige plek in die wêreld. Vir die atlete wat nie so braaf was nie, kon hulle eerder aan die korter afstande van die virtuele Comrades wedloop deelneem. Atlete het wyd en syd aan 5km, 10km, 21km en 45km wedlope deelgeneem. Volgens die organiseerders van die virtuele Comrades Race the Legends Marathon, was daar teen afsnytyd wie deelgeneem het ‘n totaal van 43 788 inskrywings van atlete van sowat 103 deelnemende lande.

Bennie en Stephanie Krüger het Sondag aan die 10km afstand van die virtuele Comrades Marathon deelgeneem. Foto: Roelof de Jonge

Sport 19 June 2020

Golfing on, for club members only ■

Roelof de Jonge

Golf players, caddies and employees from golf clubs around the country were overjoyed at the announcement by the national department of Sports, Arts and Culture on Friday afternoon the 12th of June, that it was “safe” to operate again. It was hardly surprising to see many players from the Tzaneen area arriving at Tzaneen Country Club on Saturday morning to finally get back into the swing of things. Strange additions to the sport included the numerous hand sanitisers, face masks and the temperature metering of players at the country club’s Pro Shop. Tzaneen Country Club has been ready before Friday’s announcement and was waiting in anticipation on the department to give the go ahead. According to Tzaneen Country Club’s management, the golf club will be operational seven days a week, albeit only for affiliated club players. Avid

golfers must be affiliated members of any golf club in South Africa to be able to play. Non-members are encouraged to become affiliated members at any given time. Competition golf will be out of the equation for now due to Covid-19 lockdown rules relating the prohibiting of certain gatherings, like prize giving functions. Golf players thus must be content on playing social golf for the foreseeable future. At least the players are glad to get back onto the lovely course of Tzaneen

Country Club, especially the caddies and employees of the club whose livelihood depends on getting an income from the club’s activities. The golf club’s kitchen is also fully operational, and players are encouraged to support this facility. As the players arrived on Saturday morning, armoured with their face masks along with the caddies, the players first had to fill in an indemnity form and underwent temperature screening in the Pro Shop before they could head out onto the fairways. Welcoming the players from behind a protective screen mounted onto the counter in the Pro Shop was attendant Belinda Chowa. She is responsible for the temperature screening of the players. For more information or how to become an affiliated player at Tzaneen

Country Club, persons can contact the office at 015 305 3102 or at 084 845 0000. The email address is info@tzaneencountryclub.co.za GolfRSA and various Golf bodies welcomed the efforts of the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture that have allowed for the safe return of Golf. The relevant golf associations in South Africa acknowledges and recognises that the safety of human life is of paramount importance. As a result, it sought to ensure compliance with unfolding regulations and directives. Over the past few weeks, GolfRSA has equipped all clubs with Risk Mitigation Strategies and training of Compliance Officers. In addition to this, GolfRSA has provided all facilities with a state-of-the-art Application that allows for the scanning and monitoring of all golfers and staff. Clubs need to have completed the Confirmation of Compliance Document and submitted it to GolfRSA before they were allowed for opening.

Jaydrian Moolman, a junior player from Tzaneen Country Club.

Tzaneen Country Club players Chris Pyl.

Jeaneth Sebola and Johanna Senyolo, employees at Tzaneen Country Club.

Eric Raphatsa was one of TCC’s caddies.

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