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Fear lessl y the tr uth 9 Maart 2012

015 307 7248




Nog 4 maande se padbouery

— bl 7


Villagers have to go without clean water



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Polisie in Tzaneen kry nuwe hoof

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Tandarts & wynkenner gebruik sy talente om veiling te reël

Die R71-pad van Haenertsburg via Tzaneen tot by Gravelotte sal einde Julie vanjaar voltooi wees, met waarborge vir die nuwe pad-oppervlaktes. Dié versekering kom van mnr Gert Botha, die hooftoesighouer en terreinbestuurder van Roadcrete Africa, wat die werk in opdrag van die nasionale padagentskap (Sanral) doen. Botha het aan die Bulletin verduidelik hoekom die padbouery in dele gedoen word. Verskillende deklae word aangewend, afhangende van die padtoestand. Die werk om Tzaneen het regoor die Tzaneen-gevangenis begin en die eerste deel strek tot by die afrit by Venbeck. Vir 6,2 km kry dié deel ‘n 45 mm-asfaltlaag (teer), behalwe die deel tussen die verkeersligte by die afrit na die nuwe Lifestyle Centre en die hoofingang na Tzaneen. Sanral het opdrag gegee dat dié deel uitgelaat word, omdat ‘n ander kontrakteur daarvoor verantwoordelik is. Van 6,2 km tot die 16 kmmerk kry die pad ‘n dubbelseël deklaag, terwyl die volgende twee kilometer 45 mm-asfalt en

—P3 ‘n dubbelseël deklaag kry. So verskil die aanwendings weens die toestand van die pad. Die “gesloer” tussen die Deerpark- en Venbeck-afritte skryf Botha toe aan verskeie negatiewe faktore wat die werk beïnvloed het. Hulle moes diep uitgrawings doen en ‘n onderlaag met klippe “bou”, weens ondergrondse water wat onderdeur dié deel van die pad vloei. ‘n Franse produk genaamd UTFC (ultra thin friction coarse) word in die herstelwerk van die 22 km-merk tot by die 32 km-merk gebruik. Dit is ‘n bedekking van 20 mm wat water inlaat en dit langs die kante van die pad weer uitlaat. Dit dra ‘n waarborg van drie jaar, waar paaie normaalweg net ‘n jaar waarborg het. Van die 32 km-merk tot by Gravelotte word ‘n rubberseël van 13,2 mm aangewend. Die kontrak van R82 miljoen is

Job losses in Mopani is cause for deep concern


maar eers in Augustus 2011 aan Roadcrete Africa toegeken, met die opdrag dat dit binne ‘n jaar afgehandel moet word. Hulle werk net aan die padoppervlakte. Ander skoonmaakwerk langs die pad word deur verskillende kontrakteurs gedoen. Roadcrete is ook nie verantwoordelik vir die reeks onwettige verkeerstekens wat langs die pad, veral in Georges Valley, opgerig is nie. Botha het die voorval waar motors onlangs met teer besmeer is, betreur. Hy sê die voertuigeienaars moes hom onmiddellik gekontak het. “Die teer kan maklik met ‘n diesellappie en water verwyder word.”

Roadcrete het benewens sy span ook 135 plaaslike mense in diens. Botha word bygestaan deur mnr Johan Kotzé, wat as beroepsveiligheid- en gesondheidsbeampte diens doen. Roadcrete is ‘n onderafdeling van Basil Read (en nie Roadspan soos verlede week per abuis berig is nie). Hulle doen padkonstruksie wêreldwyd. Botha is bereikbaar by 082 566 6922 vir navrae of klagtes.

What is wrong with Tzaneen’s motorists that they treat parking for handicapped people with total contempt?

— bl 6


9 March 2012



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin” Ons neem vandag ongelukkig afskeid van Bushveld Bull. Die skepper van dié bekkige strokiesprentkarakter, die kunstenaar Mike Coles van Tzaneen, het te veel ander bestellings vir groot kunswerke en sien nie kans om tans tyd aan Bushveld Mike af te staan nie. Maar hy beloof dat hy voorkant toe weer die gewilde karakter kan laat leef. Ons hoop so.

Fear lessl y the tr uth

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Trap hom uit

Sê jou sê

Soek Laeveld Bulletin Sou jy graag wou sien dat Tzaneen se publieke swembad herstel en weer in gebruik geneem word, en sou jy dit dan gebruik? Would you like to see Tzaneen’s public swimming pool repaired and opened for public use again, and would you then make use of it? Rolien Swart Wie gaan die plek in stand hou en skoon hou? Gaan dit ook lyk soos ons parkies, veral Minitzani nadat besoekers daar uitgespan het? Ek sou sê nee. Henry En Brigitte Marais Stem saam met Rolien, alles word mooi gemaak en reggemaak en na net een besoek deur sekere mense en dit lyk soos ‘n varkhok, dan bly ek liewer sonder dit!

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Mare-lee Cheney Dis iets vir die jonges om te doen, maar maak dit lekker en interessant. Hou dit in stand en wees baie streng! Sien nie hoekom ander gestraf moet word omdat sommige mense hulle nie kan gedra nie. Jacqueline Joubert Zaayman Ja verseker, een goeie voorbeeld is ons laerskool se swemspan wat die laaste paar jaar top 10 skole wen. Om vir ’n slag hier die kompetisies te hou sal wonderlik wees. Polokwane se swembad is regtig baie netjies, ek glo daar swem net so baie ander rasse, en dit word netjies en in stand gehou. Nicholas van der Nest Vir seker. Daar kan daar ook weer gala’s gehou word. Catherine Iveson Bezuidenhout Ja asb. Met ‘n opsigter en ‘n bekostigbare toegangsfooi.

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin / Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans 015 812 1629 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 812 0628/5030 Police / Polisie 10111 Hospital / Hospitaal 015 812 3251 Water 015 812 0900 Telekom 0800 203 951 Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 781 1333 Police / Polisie 10111 Hospital / Hospitaal 015 781 3511 Electricity / Elektrisiteit 015 781 6300 Water 015 780 6300

Joey Maritz Dis ‘n moeilike een. Daar is ander wat nie weet dat ‘n swembad nie ‘n toilet is nie. Ek sou nie my kinders daar toelaat nie. Maar as dit goed beheer kan word en in ‘n positiewe manier gebruik kan word om die jong klomp uit die strate te hou, sal dit dalk ‹n goeie ding wees. Nico Cloete Hopelik word dit beter in stand gehou as Jetty3. Daar is nêrens waar mens ’n ou braaitjie of jou girl kan vat vir ‘n piekniek nie, so hopelik sal dit verander as die swembad reggemaak is. Monica Swanepoel Nee, laat hulle liewers die geld gebruik om ons paaie reg te maak. Thea Gerber Ja, dit sal goed wees. Ons het gereeld ons skoolkinders daarheen geneem om te swem. Erika Landman Oooo ja! En ek sal betaal ook om dit te gebruik! Christo Coetzee Glo almal kan benut daaruit. Privatiseer dit, dan sal hy in ‘n puik toestand bly. Kotie Oosthuyzen Swembad kan reggemaak word en moet in stand gehou word, maar self sal ek nie die fasiliteit gebruik nie.

Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! Die mense vra: hoe vinnig kan ‘n man nou by ‘n boskroeg weghol? Die mense hoor • Nogal vinnig. Soos blits. Hy’t ewe “onskuldig” daar kom sit en wag vir ‘n “vriend”, maar toe die nuwe “boss” van die Bosveld vir hom la’ verstaan dat hulle nie in snuifgoed spesialiseer nie, maar in eet- en drinkgoedjies, toe hol die kêrel... • Die snuifsmouse het verskuif na die ander kant van die dorp... • Daai knapies — twee jong mans en twee jonge dames — wat so heerlik gevandaliseer het net buite die dorp op die valley se pad, het gróót moeilikheid. Hulle weet dit nog nie, maar hulle gaan dit binnekort weet, as die kameramateriaal klaar bestudeer is... • Die Groen Skerpioene is glo op pad om te kom kyk na al die onhebbelikhede en onhei-

lighede wat in en om die dorp aan die gang is. Nou moet ons mense versigtig wees dat die swart pot nie die ketel verwyt nie... • Daar is nie ‘n verband tussen ‘n geldwaroof en ‘n oorsese belegging nie. Of daar is ‘n verband. Hoe dan nou? Is daar ‘n verband of is daar nie een nie. Die mense hoor ‘n mens moet maar by ‘n Leeu van Hong Kong gaan uitvind... • ‘n Jakkals is ‘n jakkals, maak nie saak of hy mak gemaak is of nie. Maar, hoor die mense, as ‘n jakkals in die water lêplek maak en dan skielik uitvind die water raak te diep, is daar moeilikheid, al het hy ook hoeveel boedery-ondervinding... • Die tierboskatte is besig om op te ruk om daai bosbokkie langs die rugbyveld ordentlik mak te maak...


Bulletin gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Dap Tzaneen Ebenezer Merensky Naude Tel: 015 307 5268 | Fax: 015 307 5578 100.80% 100.50% 101.60% 99.70%

Middel Letaba

Blyde Rivier Poort


Vergele- Ohrigstad gen


7.00% 100.90% 102.20% 99.90% 94.80% 100.20%

Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van


Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).

tande”. Nou lyk dit vir Vlieg of hierdie les nie vasgesteek het by ‘n paar middeljarige mans wat vir ‘n vierde keer, of dalk meer, om die blok gery het nie. As hulle nou verbykom, roep hulle, “kyk ma, sonder vrou”. Dit lyk of daar dalk meer rydingetjies as net fietse by hierdie sportssoort (sic, nogal baie sic) betrokke kan wees. En dan is hulle natuurlik ook nie te danig bekommerd om so nou en dan ‘n ou puncturetjie te kry nie. Daar is mos ‘n solution vir alles! Vlieg wil graag vandag raad aanbied vir die fietsryweduwees. Mevroutjie, dit lyk vir Vlieg jy het een van twee keuses. Of jy koop vir jou ook ‘n fietsie en ry saam en maak seker jou tupie kry nie ook ‘n puncture waarvoor jy nie ‘n solution gaan hê nie, of jy sê vir hom hy moet maar trap!

Die mense hoor

Gerhardt Malan Stel ’bouncers’ aan by die swembad, eerste persoon wat aanjaag ’bounce’ hulle daar uit! Nadine Henning Vermeulen Glad nie, sal eerder in ’n plaasdam gaan swem, dankie.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers

Vlieg sit alweer met verwondering en luister na die stories oor hoe daar nou weer geskarrel word om al die baiesukkels betyds in die Kaap te kry vir die Ingelse nuuspapiertjie se fietsresies. Dit klink of dit ‘n bietjie makliker gaan wees vir die wat nie plek bespreek het op Velvet Sky nie. Nietemin, dit het Vlieg weer laat dink aan die alombekende storie van die seuntjie wat leer fietsry het. Nadat sy pa die klein wieletjies agter afgehaal het kom hy die eerste keer om die blok en roep vir sy ma: “kyk ma, sonder wiele”. Toe hy die tweede keer om die blok kom is hy al beter gekonfyt met die fietsryery en begin kanse vat. Hy roep sy ma en sê: “kyk ma, sonder hande”. Toe hy die derde keer om die blok kom, roep hy met ietwat minder bravade as die vorige keer “kyk ma: thonder

Vlieg praat met die Volk, en krap waar dit jeuk


Laatmiddag reën. Warm

Sonop Sononder Humiditeit

Tel: 015 307 6960


06:06 18:30 51%

015 307 2176





Sonnig en warm

Vervygaande buie. Warm

Verspreide buie. Warm

Sonnig en warm

Wednesday Thursday Sonnig en warm

Sonnig en warm























28° 06:09


























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Job losses are a disaster Some 4 800 jobs on farms in the Tzaneen and Hoedspruit areas have been confirmed lost after the unexpected 9,3% minimum wage increase (11,3% in the forestry sector) since February. Another 1 600 jobs are at risk as farmers have crops on the lands, prohibiting them to reduce their work force immediately. Many farmers have resorted to the department of labour in Polokwane for advice, as they simply can not make ends meet. The only advice from labour office officials, is to scale down or close shop if the minimum wage is unaffordable. The department is also adament that it will next year introduce a compulsary provident fund, for the employer’s account. This will be on top of the annual escalation in wages, expected to be between R200 and R250 per month. Mopani district has already suffered an estimated 32 000 job losses in agriculture over the last decade as a result of the disasterous land reform projects.

While few farm workers on these restition farms earn minimum wages, and child labour is rather common, the department of labour seems to be reluctant to visit or inspect these farmers. AgriSA has called on the minister of rural development and land reform, Mr Gugile Nkwinti, to intervene to save at least some of the jobs. “They show a much more responsible attitude towards the crisis than the local labour officials” says AgriSA deputy president, dr Theo de Jager. “But farmers must realise that we are facing permanent structural changes to the farming environment in the Lowveld. “Like with tea and coffee production, SA is losing its competativeness in the production of labour intensive agricultural produce like tomatoes and vegetables,” De Jager said. He added that these produce will probably in future be imported from neighbors with friendlier labour policies, such as Mozambique and Zambia.

Mense boos oor teer aan hul motors Motoriste wat verlede week op die R71 tussen Tzaneen en Letsitele op die stuk pad vol nat teer beland het, het ons behoorlik oorval met oproepe en klagtes. Talle motors het by die Sasol R71 ingetrek om hul motors by die motorwassery te laat skoon maak, terwyl baie petrol gekoop en hul motors self probeer skoonmaak het. Daar is soms behoorlik in matroostaal gespreek en motoriste wat nie hul woede kon beheer nie, is afgewissel deur dié wat moedeloos gevra het wat hulle kan doen. Daar was nuwe motors en oues, weeldemotors en die meer beskeie modelle, mans en vroue... Intussen het ‘n duikklopper gesê mense moet eerder diesel as petrol gebruik om teer van hul motors te verwyder. Hy sê dit is veiliger vir die verfwerk. Op die foto’s kan gesien word hoe sommige motors met “teerdrade” bedek is, terwyl an-

der behoorlik van die teer gedrup het. Klonte teer het op verskeie plekke op die perseel van die vulstasie gelê, waar motors gestop en die teer afgedrup het. Die padbouer het nou verseker dit sal nie weer gebeur nie.


9 March 2012


Polisie in Tzaneen kry nuwe hoof Brig Diana Mashele is die SA Polisie in Tzaneen se nuwe bevelvoerder. Sy was ‘n bevelvoerder van die Polisie in Polokwane en is na Tzaneen verplaas in die plek van brig Tom Shingange wat terug is na waarvandaan hy gekom het, naamlik Polokwane — as bevelvoerder van die Polisie se hoofaanklagkantoor. Brig Mashele sê haar hoofprioriteit is uiteraard misdaadbestryding en dit is waarop sy gaan fokus. Welkom, brigadier!


9 March 2012



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

CiS se span

Leo Senekal in nuwe hande

Die ervare bemarkingspan van die nuwe eiendomsagentskap in Tzaneen, CiS Real Estate, is me Salomie Meyer, mnr Theo Behrens, mee Marile Behrens (administrasie en verhurings) en Thonet van der Merwe. Regs staan die prinsipaal, mnr Willem van Rensburg, wat ook ‘n praktiserende prokureur is.

Die bekende Leo Senekal verhurings in Tzaneen, ‘n ware staatmaker-naam in die dorp, het vanaf 1 Februarie ‘n nuwe eienaar. Me Lidell Botha van Lidell Botha Prokureurs is die nuwe gesig van Leo Senekal. Botha is geskool in die eiendomsmark en kliënte word verseker dat hulle die beste moontlike diens kan verwag. Sy was vir vier jaar prinsipaal van Aïda, het daarna haar eie regspraktyk geopen en spesialiseer al die afgelope drie jaar in eiendomstransaksies. Leo Senekal Verhurings se telefoonnommers bly onveranderd en kliënte kan gerus maar skakel.


As die regering voortgaan met die drakoniese wet om die vloei van inligting te beperk, sal die doodsklok vir die media lui en sal korrupsie hoogty vier. Wat doen jy om jou stem hieroor te laat hoor?

Dear sir

I would like to introduce myself, Estie Zietsman, the owner of Christies Inn, a new B in Tzaneen. We would like to offer B&B accommodation for your guests. We are centrally situated and en route to most of the area's attractions, game farms and lodges. We offer spacious, homely rooms as well as an option for breakfast, safe parking and a ming pool. We are more than willing and swimming able to discuss your needs and offer a solution as soon as possible to help with any accommodation queries or emergencies you might encounter. Don't hesitate to contact me directly on the following numbers 015-3060243/ 015 43/ 0828262517. mail christieinn@telkomsa.net E-mail Kind regards ESTIE ZIETSMAN

Coca-Cola Fortune and Metro in Tzaneen recently held a lucky draw to reward their loyal customers. All entrants were required to buy

a minimum of five cases of 1,2 litre Coca-Cola products in order to stand a chance of winning. Two lucky business owners from Tzaneen hit the jackpot by participating in this national promotion and winning R25 000 worth of stock. Coca-Cola Fortune encourages all smaller businesses to enter these competitions, as it goes to show that small towns can also win big. Seen in the photo are the winners: Messrs Imtiaz Mahamed and Nur Hassan flanked by Messrs Lesley Musengwa from Coca-Cola Fortune and William Thomas, the manager of Metro. Congratulations, gents!

‘n Nuwe gastehuis in Tzaneen het onlangs geopen. Christies is in Aquapark en die besonderhede soos straatadres en kontaknommer verskyn hierbo.

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Pannar het ‘n trekking gehou vir leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky wat die Agri-loopbaanuitstalling besoek het. Rebecca Highland en Pearl Nhlangwini het pryse in die trekking gewen. Die Hoërskool Merensky het in samewerking met dr Christo Pretorius, ‘n tandarts en wynkenner uit eie midde, ‘n glansgeleentheid vir wynveilingbesoekers gebied. Organiseerders, bemarkers en die gr 12-kokke en -kelners het gesorg dat die aand ‘n reusesukses was. ‘n Seleksie wyne wat almal se smaak pas, het bygedra tot die gemoedelike atmosfeer. Die prima wyne is vir die afgelope agtien jaar in die Bergkelder in Stellenbosch onder ideale omstandighede verouder. Enkele groter bottels is ook opgeveil, onder die bekwame hamer en hand van mnr Dewald van der Walt, wat verseker het dat die 1 300 bottels wyn almal verkoop is. Hier is Pretorius besig om die lotnommers voor die aanvang van die veiling te orden.

Nuwe ‘gesig’ in Tzaneen

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9 March 2012

LINKS: Die Hoërskool Merensky het ‘n geslaagde Agri-wetenskaploopbaanuitstalling gehou. Vier van die sestien maatskappyverteenwoordigers by die uitstalling is oud-Plasies. Dr André Ernst (in die middel) en sy seuns, Zander en Edrian van Allesbeste, mnr Nico le Roux (tweede van regs) van Absa, en me Melinda Claasen het almal matriek aan Merensky voltooi.

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Ms Karien Venter, a previous headgirl of Merensky High School and currently a second year student at the University of Pretoria, was recently named the best actuarial student in her year group. She also received the award for the best academic first year for all hostel students associated with the university.

‘n Eiendomsagentskap wat ‘n seldsame eenstop-diens aanbied, het pas in Tzaneen geopen. CiS Real Estate is in die netjiese gebou langs die gimnasium in Windsorstraat, waar me Rachel Sonntag tot onlangs haar prokureurspraktyk bedryf het. Benewens ‘n prokureur is ‘n bouer en ‘n elektriese kontrakteur met CiS gekoppel.

Besoek ons gerus by www.bulletin.us.com

Hoedspruit sê dankie Sewe weke na die verwoestende vloed bevind die mense van Hoedspruit hulself steeds in ‘n krisis met ondrinkbare kraanwater — en soms is daar vir dae aaneen in elk geval geen water in die pype nie. Hoedspruit se mense is steeds afhanklik van die goedheid van naburige dorpe, asook die mense van Suid-Afrika vir drinkwater — veral die luisteraars van Radio Jakaranda. Die kerkeforum van Hoedspruit het onlangs ‘n gesamentlike dankseggingdiens gereël. Hoedspruiters het in groot getalle hiervoor opgedaag, om hul dankbaarheid teenoor God en alle goedgesindes te betuig. Spesiale melding is gemaak van die onontbeerlike rol wat Lugmagbasis Hoedspruit en Hoedspruit Plaaswag tydens die noodreddings gespeel het. In die afgelope tyd het Hoedspruiters geleer hoe om baie spaarsamig met water te werk en ds Pieter Dorey van die NG Kerk Kampersrus het almal gevra om wanneer die waternood na normaal terugkeer, steeds spaarsamig met dié kosbare hulpbron om te gaan. Die vloed het Hoedspruit as ‘n gemeenskap duidelik sterker saamgesnoer en mense het geleer om mekaar te waardeer, te respekteer en te ondersteun. “Hoedspruit het nou die geleentheid om saam as ‘n familie vorentoe te gaan. Die grense tussen mense het geval, daar is nie meer ras nie en ons kan as ‘n gemeenskap vir die toekoms saam werk,” sê kol Andre Barends, die nuwe bevelvoerder van Lugmagbasis Hoedspruit wat met die vloed in sy nuwe posisie ‘gedoop’ is. Hy is letterlik aan die diep kant ingegooi met sy aankoms in Hoedspruit. — Lin Media/Kruger2Canyon

Die leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorste is bevoorreg om verskeie kultuur-afrigters van buite die skool te hê. Me Elma Swanepoel (bo links) is die buite-afrigter vir klavier. Regs is me Nikki Pohl wat die kultuurorganiseerder by die skool is. Die skool beplan om 2012 ook ‘n jaar propvol kultuuraangeleenthede te maak.


9 March 2012



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Die Boodskap Ds Barry van der Merwe

Vrydag 09 Maart 2012

NG Kerk Letsitele


Die ingenieur wat die oorsigrol vir die padbouery aan die R71 rondom Tzaneen vertolk, het die afgelope week gedoen wat amptenare nie maklik doen nie. Hy het ons genooi, na aanleiding van verlede week se beriggewing oor die gemors met nat teer op ‘n stuk van die pad wat motoriste boos en verslae gehad het, om te kom gesels. Ons het sy uitnodiging met groot graagte aanvaar en inderdaad lekker ‘gekuier’. Maar ons dink nie dit was erg produktief nie. Ons het kliniese antwoorde gekry. Soos ‘n vriend sê, dit was ‘n politiek korrekte gesprek met politiek korrekte uitsprake. Ons verstaan nie die tegniese kant van so ‘n projek nie. Maar ons verstaan wat ander kundiges ons vertel en dit is dat dit ongekend is dat swaar padboumasjinerie vir dae lank botstil staan, dat nou al sowat vier maande gebou word aan 1,4 kilometer wat beskou word as ‘n projek wat nie ‘n minut langer as twee maande hoef te duur nie, ensovoorts. Ons sukkel natuurlik om al die betrokke partye se kommentaar te kry, sodat mens die totale prentjie kan bou— maar het nou opgegee, want ons kan nie RAL (Roads Agency Limpopo) se mense se arrogansie verwerk nie, ewe min dié van die provinsie se paaiedepartement. Dalk probeer ons weer... as ons weer krag het vir dié amptenare.

Museums important Jurgen Witt of Tzaneen writes: I refer to an article in your newspaper towards the end of last year. In reply to this article I am enclosing a list of museums situated within the political boundaries of the Limpopo Province. The present state of them is not known. The majority of them were established with the view of preserving a vanishing culture. With great regret it must be stated that the present dispensation does not do enough to preserve their own material heritage. The Tzaneen Museum is the only one where not only the cultural material is preserved, but also the verbal, by way of narrating stories passed on for generations. Cultural events should never provide a platform for political talks like that held by the premier, Cassel Mathale, according to the article mentioned. Maybe it is true that few politicians have a cultural background or they are suffering from a serious lack of a broader vision that is needed for “Nation Building”. This of course entails a flawless knowledge of history. But because both are wanting, I am inclined to think that some politicians are driven by a never ending hatred mixed with an inferiority complex. Leaders of this calibre, like the premier, are not representing the population they are supposed to be heading. Their attitude must lead to further the objectives of radicalism from both sides of the spectrum. Culture is something sacred. It grew with the various nations, or different ethnicities. It is the cohesive factor that keeps a nation together. A variety of different cultures can live next to each other, but politics are like a foreign object inside a healthy body, that is not needed in a world of peaceful coexistence. Museums are providing the venue to bring different cultures together. Maybe this is one of the reasons why they are so seriously neglected by the political criterion that is only providing a tunnel vision. • The list of museums can be obtained from Mr Witt at the Tzaneen Museum (next to Lannie Motors) — Editor

Please don’t hurt my mom!

Letters ...and nothing but the truth Rene Pohl, DA councillor, Greater Tzaneen Municipality writes: Speaking on the occasion of the opening of Tzaneen’s Council for 2012, Mayor Dikeledi Mmetle made some unfortunate statements about the performance of the Democratic Alliance in this municipality which cannot be left unchallenged. When public officials assume office, they take to oath to be truthful in their engagement with the public. However what Mayor Mmetle did — we believe in a deliberate way — goes against the oath she must uphold. Firstly, she read from a speech which was different on an important aspect from the one that had been given to the public. In the speech that she distributed to the public, she mentioned that all Ward Committees in Tzaneen were functional “except in Ward 15 and 16” because, she continued to state “they are seen to be controlled by DA”. Nothing can be further from the truth. The DA in Tzaneen does not control Wards 15 and 16 but we are in control of Wards 14 and 15. This serious allegation against the DA is purposely omitted in her own copy from which she reads. The reason for this omission is clear; we would have exposed her lies on the spot. To further expose the Mayor’s untruths, these Ward Committees are not dysfunctional but they are operating effectively and are responsive to the needs of the communities they serve. In fact, Ward Committee for Ward 15 had passed a motion of no confidence on its secretary because she was not effective in discharging her duties. She is now replaced with a hardworking individual. We are not surprised by Mayor Mmetle’s attempts to tarnish the image of our party in this manner. Her municipality, after it had refused several times, had just been forced by the MEC for Local Government and Housing, Mr Lekganyane, to allocate executive seats that ac-

crued to the DA as a result of its electoral performance in Tzaneen. We demand that Mayor Mmetle must publicly apologies to the DA and to the people of Tzaneen for deliberately misleading them. Furthermore we challenge her to table the minutes of every Ward Committee in Tzaneen, including those run by the ruling party and the action steps they took to affect service delivery. The public must see for itself which Ward Committee is not functioning. It is time the Mayor understands her role — she should perform her duties “a-political”.

A shame

Wayne from Tzaneen writes by e-mail: I visited Aqua Park Spar recently and saw a car pull into a disabled parking. A young man in his late 20’s early 30’s got out with 2 passengers. I confronted him albeit in a decent and respectful manner with regards to this whilst there was an abundance of parking available. He told me that he was disabled and had a letter to prove it! His 2 passengers did not engage with me and kept at a distance as if they were in ashamed that he had stopped in the disabled parking bay. He appeared to be very able bodied and there was no disabled sticker on the vehicle. I challenge him to prove his disability by posting the said letter in the paper? This kind of arrogance and disregard for the disabled needs to be addressed by the management of the various complexes in Tzaneen. I have a friend who owns several malls in Johannesburg and they have a firm policy: the security guards control access to the disabled parking bays and should one refuse to obey, they lock the wheels and a R500 fine is imposed. I was also at the new Lifestyle Centre and was appalled to see that 90% of the disabled parking spots were occupied by expensive SUV’s, MPV’s and German brand sedans. I hasten to add that at least two official government vehicles were seen, one occupied by two very able bodied gentlemen from the department of trade and industries. Lets run a “name and shame” campaign for the next six months and see if we can re-educate these offenders?

`n Paar opmerkings oor die 20 000 lidmate wat, volgens die statistiek van die kerkjaarboek, die afgelope jaar weg is uit die NG Kerk: Sekularisasie word as die grootste oorsaak aangedui in briewe en artikels in die media. Wat is sekularisasie? Bondig saamgevat, kan ons sê sekularisme is `n lewens- en wêreldbeskouing waar God al meer op die agtergrond geskuif word. `n Teoloog het dit as volg geïllustreer: As jy vroeër jare na `n dorp toe aangery gekom het, was die eerste ding wat jy gesien het die kerktoring. Die kerk het in die middel van die dorp gestaan, want dit was die belangrikste gebou. As jy vandag nader kom aan `n moderne stad, is die eerste wat jy sien die groot wolkekrabbers, want “koop en verkoop” is die belangrikste. Dit is sekularisasie. Tog is dit nie die volle waarheid nie, aangesien baie mense wat nie meer kerk toe gaan nie, tog in God glo. Hulle redeneer net dat hulle God by hul huis dien en waar hulle stil word in die natuur; hulle is betrokke by die nood van die samelewing en luister na preke op TV. Sommige mense ervaar dat die kerk vir hulle irrelevant geword het, al glo hulle in God. Sommige het `n geloofwaardigheidsprobleem met die kerk. Dit is ook so dat mense al meer geneig is om hul naweke anders in te rig. Mense is in staat, en soms selfs verplig, om naweke weg te gaan en te gaan ontspan. Wat word dan van jou kerkbywoning en selfs -lidmaatskap? `n Belangrike vraag is seker: Wat kan `n mens in `n erediens doen/kry wat jy nêrens anders kan doen/kry nie? Preke kan jy op TV kyk. Kennis kan jy opdoen deur geestelike boeke te lees. Die liturgie in die erediens behoort `n ruimte daar te stel waar die heilige teenwoordigheid van God op `n besondere manier beleef word. Dít kan jy nie voor die TV kry nie en ook nie onder `n boom nie. Verder is die viering van die Heilige Nagmaal in die erediens ook uniek. Die gevaar is dat gemeentes allerlei dinge sal doen om mense te lok, maar die kerk kan nie meeding met die vermaak wat die wêreld bied nie. Die kerk is die liggaam van Christus en die teenwoordigheid van Christus moet daar ervaar word. Dit sal interessant wees om te sien hoe ander kerke in SA se statistiek lyk. Dit is sekerlik nie net die NG Kerk wat lidmate verloor nie. Die nuutste statistiek van Amerika1 wat ek kon kry, wys dat die Katolieke kerk, wat die grootste kerk in Amerika is, se lidmaattal toegeneem het, terwyl die grootste Protestantse kerke, selfs die Southern Baptists, se lidmaattal gekrimp het. Wie in Christus glo, is deel van die kerk, want die kerk is die liggaam van Christus. Ons het mekaar nodig om saam sy Lig te laat skyn. “Ek in my klein hoekie en jy in joune” is dalk baie gerieflik, maar is nie Bybels nie. Die bloed en die liggaam van Christus bind ons saam tot `n unieke familie wat op `n unieke manier saamkom om God te aanbid. Mooi naweek! 1 http://www.washingtontimes.com/weblogs/beliefblog/2010/feb/12/latest-church-growth-stats-in/

Sies vir julle!

‘n Leser verwys in ‘n brief hiernaas na die onbedagsaamheid van mense wat op parkeerruimtes wat vir gestremdes gemerk en bedoel is, stop en dan nog skaamteloos daaroor wil redeneer. Dit is ongelukkig ‘n alledaagse gesig in Tzaneen. Dit is hartseer om te sien hoe verswakte bejaardes en ander gestremdes soms sukkel om oor die weg te kom, terwyl springlewendige mense ongeërg die parkeerblokke beset.

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Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

9 March 2012


Villagers suffer as they have no clean water Access to clean water, essential for health and human dignity, is denied to a number of villages in the Greater Tzaneen area. Ms Margot McNeil, a councillor, has visited several communities who have told her of their problems. At Petanenge (Ward 24) the situation is critical. The two reservoirs built during the Gazankulu era, which should receive water from Nkowankowa via the Dan reservoir, are not in use. The five boreholes are inoperative as the pumping equipment has been stolen. The only accessible water comes from a water hole on the Letsitele River which is below the sewage conduit from Nkowankowa. The water is greenish and pungent. Residents say they use the water for washing but must boil it before drinking. The other alternative is to buy water from private sellers at R1 per 20 litre container. Some residents have private boreholes as do the three schools in the area, but the underground water, according to McNeil, is not safe for human consumption. The ward councillor is Ms Lydia Mhlongo. The water problem would have been solved by a water purification plant installed nearby from funds donated by a Rotary club in Canada. The plant has a capacity of 12,5 megalitres/ day and it was planned that Petanenge would be served with purified water via a pipeline that runs close to the access road to the settlement. It is in perfect order but is not in use. This plant is currently operating well below capacity and pumps purified water into a tank above Letsitele for distribution to 600 residents. The purification plant and the installation of piping was intended for the use

of people in urgent need of clean water. The plaque recording that this was a gift from Rotary Canada to the people of SA was removed some time ago. Hoveni (Ward 26), the village of ex-GTM mayor OJ Mushwana, has some 4 000 residents and two schools, but the two boreholes have not been converted to electricity as planned in January 2010. One borehole is functioning, driven by a diesel pump since 1994 — but the piping is adequate for only half the community. The second borehole is inoperative as the diesel pump has been removed for safe-keeping against theft since the door to the pump house is not secure. Only half the residents in Hoveni receive piped water, and that is only every second day. The Ward Councillor here is Mr Mahori. The water supply in Runnymede (Ward 6) is not adequate. Two storage tanks are without a water source. One borehole activated by a hand pump designed to supply water for cattle, is not in use. Tickyline (Ward 29) and Navane (Ward 30) are without piped water due to the supply pipe being damaged by a grader nearly one year ago. Water is obtained from the Letsitele River, some women having to convey water in wheelbarrows to their homes up to 3 km far. Water is also available for purchase at 50c per 10 litres. At Mogoloboto (Ward 17) the two reservoirs previously received water from Dan Village but the pump was stolen. Now water comes directly to the settlement, but the pump at the Oloam Christian Church is broken and the water point fifteen minutes away leaks water on to the muddy street.

Schools from the Nkowankowa circuit had their hard work in 2011 rewarded at an excellence awards ceremony, with 78 teachers who were awarded certificates for achieving a 100% pass rate in their subjects. Several schools also received trophies for their achievements in extramural sports. The top school in the circuit was St

George’s College, followed by Meridian College and then Magoza High School. Ms Dorethea Gerber (principal of Meridian), Mr GN Rikhosto (headmaster of Magoza) and Ms Joya Varughese (the principal of St George’s) are seen here with their certificates/trophies. On the far right is Ms Doreen Manzini, the Nkowankowa circuit manager.

Giyani has outgrown water supply Water in Giyani remains a big challenge despite the recent good summer rains. According to Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani, the rain has failed to fill up the two dams that supply water to the community of Giyani. “Since five years ago our dams have never

been full,” he said, adding that “Nsami Dam is below 40%, while Middle Letaba is less than 6% full. This time of the year Nsami should be at 60% plus.” He said the municipality was eying the possibility of using boreholes and other means as temporary measures to keep water running in the taps, while the municipality awaits the main project to draw water from Nandoni. The mayor appealed Women at Mtititi village, Giyani, are pushing to the community to wheelbarrows to fetch water at the nearest village. stop wasting water.


9 March 2012



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Skolenuus stoot ons vooruit en wanneer ons amper by die wenstreep kom, val ons plat op ons hoogmoedige gesigte. Wanneer laas het jy die tyd geneem om na jou mede-atlete te kyk? Of is hulle net mededingers. Sien jy die uitasemou wie se vingers nie die asmapompie kan bereik nie. Die alleenloper wat hulp nodig het met háár wiskunde. Hy/sy kan doen met jou kennis. Is ‘n nuwe uitrusting regtig belangriker as die honger kinders in jou skool? Kan ‘n nuwe haarset jou siel red? Beantwoord dié vrae met eerlikheid, want ek kan dit nie vir jou doen nie. Die enigste ding wat ek kan sê is dat jy in die verkeerde wedloop is as jy nie die tyd neem om aan die blomme langs die baan te ruik nie.

Khutso Klets

The GTM’s Letsitele Library offered a love poem competition to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Children could enter any poem they wrote about love and then stand the chance to win a prize. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the three different age groups. All three first prize winners were from St George’s College. Clockwise from above left are Antoinette Komana (gr 11), Crystal Mlondobozi (gr 6) and Yolanda Ndlovu (gr 9).

SLC are proving themselves debating professionals with several of their teams participating and excelling at debating tournaments. The senior Stanford Lake College team recently participated in and won the Polokwane debating League Tournament. The members who were awarded winners medals are Puleng Mathabatha, Parth Vaya, Khensdani de Klerk and Candice Petty. LEFT: Stanford Lake College’s debating A-team enjoyed a convincing win over Capricorn High School in the opening round of the Mayor’s Cup competition. Proposing the motion, University registration stampede: The Department of Education should act urgently to guarantee career advice for all young people, Michelle Chitate, Puleng Mathabathe, Farai Chigumadzi and their floor of fellow students dominated proceedings and emerged as the winners. Puleng Mathabathe (left) was voted the best speaker of the debate.

RIGHT: The gr 9’s of Stanford Lake College went on a hike and raft trek. The first four days of the trip were spent following the footsteps of Louis Trichardt over the Northern Drakensberg. The students spent a night on the spectacular Christmas Plateau watching the stars and reminiscing on the ups and downs of the day’s trek. Their last day on foot led them down into the Olifants gorge where, dusty and hot, they left their packs, picked up their paddles and rafts and set off for an aquatic adventure. The rafting section took them through the gorge scenery with perfect sandy campsites and evenings around the fire. The last day on the Olifants was filled with laughter and excitement as the students fearlessly tackled the series of rapids that took them to their exit point. Everyone enjoyed this wonderful and unique experience.

ONDER LINKS: Die gr 9 toptien-uitblinkers in 2011 van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is voor, Nareanka Lombaard, Elma Pohl en Lebo Malatji. Agter staan Bianca Kruger, Shonny Thuketana, BJ Vorster, Talitta Smit en Niki Cilliers. ONDER REGS is die gr 8’s van 2011 wat as die toptien aangewys is. Voor is Hinykikiwile Mithi, Frans Blignaut, Barend Booyens en Coenraad Preis en agter is Anien Adendorff, Laborius Bopapa, Jana Kruger, Christiaan Vorster, Yanica Haasbroek en Mmadikhole Lesailane.

Ons kinders, Ons trots!

Op jul merke. Gereed? Dwa! Hou bene hou... Kom,vinniger! Jy’s amper daar — ag nee, daar val jy. Staan op, want die lewe is ‘n wedloop en dit gaan nie oor die stryd nie, maar die oorwinning. Ons is almal in een of ander wedloop betrokke. Slapelose nagte. Ure se oefening. Krokodiltrane wanneer jou onfeilbare voorbereiding jou gefaal het. Al is jy hóé moeg, sál jy daardie ekstra wiskundesom doen, want niemand mag jou nommer een-plek in die toptien oorneem nie. Meer klubkaartjies moet uitgedeel word; ons restaurant moet die voorloper bly. Nee! Die rok sit nie te styf nie, want hy moet jóú eerste raaksien. Dis die tweede haar-doen vir die maand, maar jy’t nog nie genoeg aandag by die kerk gekry nie... Die koorsige begeerte om eerste te kom, om ten spyte van alles die beste, grootse en “coolste” te wees,

BO: Die leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky het onlangs ‘n geleentheid gekry om meer van beroepe in die landbousektor te leer. Tydens die skool se jaarlikse Agri Expo het sestien ondernemings hul dienste of produkte uitgestal. Leerlinge kon dan by kenners meer oor die produkte uitvind, asook oor die verskeie beroepsgeleenthede wat daaraan gekoppel is. Van die uitstallers het sover as Greytown in KwaZulu Natal gekom, om by die loopbaandag verteenwoordiging te geniet. Hier is mnre Edrian, Zander en dr Andre Ernst by Allesbeste se uitstalling saam met Magdie Kasselman en Laura Corillion, albei leerlinge van Merensky.

Win a Blackberry 9300* * See Terms and Conditions

Simply send us your videos or photos of newsworthy items and community related issues and our panel of judges will select the best video or photo for posting on our website. You may send as many entries as you like. The winner will be announced in the and on our website in the edition of 13 April 2012. See Terms and Conditions Image is for illustrative purposes only.

Terms and Conditions 1. Send your newsworthy photo or short video to editor@bulletin.us.com; 2. Your photo/video will be credited (your name or the name you supply to us); 3. The judges will select the best photo/video supplied during the month of March 2012 (1 to 31 March) and it will be shown on our website; 4. The decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding their decision. 5. Prize will not be exchangeable for cash

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Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”


9 March 2012



9 March 2012



Eco Club’s next outing tomorrow The Tzaneen Eco Club’s next outing is to the Ivy Safaris game farm near Munnik tomorrow. They will drive and walk around picturesque granite koppies to view game, a great variety of birds, sweetveld grasses and trees. Derek Ivy will discuss identification of grass species and give a demonstration of scoring veld health using key grass species. Thereafter they will enjoy a picnic lunch at the bush camp lapa, so remember to pack refreshments

and camp chairs. They will meet at the gate at 09:00. Directions from Tzaneen: drive from Tzaneen on the Polokwane road through Modjadjiskloof. Pass Mooketsi and continue on the Polokwane road until just after the railway bridge at Munnik. Turn right to Munnik/ Morebeng and after half a km turn left onto the Kopjie Alleen dirt road. Travel 13 km through two security check points and then turn right to Ivy Safaris. Travelling time from Tzaneen is around one and a half hours, depending on the roadworks. Shared transport can meet at the Tzaneen Methodist Church at 07:15. Visitors are welcome and will pay R20. Contact Pierre Naude 083 778 4635 or Marianne McKenzie 082 835 4185.

Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Tzaneen’s Mabel is amongst top SA players With the weight of an expectant nation on their shoul- away victory over Kenya and Zimbabwe. All the ladies ders, three of SA’s top wheelchair tennis athletes did the put in dominant performances with stunning victories nation proud at the BNP Paribas World Team Cup quali- over our African counterparts. fying competition in Nairobi, Kenya. “Our win has put us in a great position for the upcomTzaneen’s own Mabel Mankgele and top ranked players ing World Team Cup, but we have months of grueling Rose van der Meer and Celia du Toit returned to SA ha- practice ahead before we’re ready to face the world’s top ving won the women’s event and securing a place in the teams.” By winning the tournament title over Kenya and ZimWorld Team Cup in Seoul, Korea in May. Day one saw team South Africa rise victorious over Ken- babwe, the women’s team joins the men’s, quads and juya. Van der Meer triumphed 6-0, 6-0 over Jane Ndenga in nior’s to have qualified for the 2012 World Team Cup. the singles. In the second singles of the day, du Toit clashed with Rahael Akoth, securing another straight 6-0, 6-0 victory. The doubles match between Van der Meer and Mankgele was no different with the SA favourites well and truly beating Ndenga and Akoth 6-0, 6-0. On Day three the Rainbow Nation produced a clinical performance against neighbouring Zimbabwe. In the singles Van der Meer dropped just a game against Dorcas Hwatira, winning 6-0, 6-1. In another comprehensive performance, Du Toit clinched a 6-0, 6-0 whitewash against Moline Muza. In the doubles Du Toit and Mankgele beat Muza and Hwatira 6-0, 6-0. Coach Hennie de Klerk commented: ABOVE: SA’s wheelchair tennis heroes are Celia du Toit, team coach Hennie “Our women showed their class with a 3-0 de Klerk, Mabel Mankgele and Rose van der Meer.

Events l Gebeure


Church l Kerk

Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com Merensky hou hul 50-jarige reunie van 13 – 20 April by die Eiland Spa. Hoofbedrywighede op 9 die naweek van 13-15 April. Bespreek dringend blyplek by Heidi (015 386 8000). Skakel George Fashion Show Cafe Pavillion, Polokwane, Kinnear by 082 550 7030 (e-pos george@futurus. today, 18:00. The Limpopo Diamond Fashion co.za) of Bets van der Linde (néé Neuhoff ) by hosted by Miss Limpopo 2012. Models will be 072 707 4735 (e-pos bets@netstorm.co.za). showcasing dresses from designers all over Die Besige BytjiesLimpopo. Tickets are R140, includes a buffet and Kinderkermis kleuterskool bied op 5 Mei ’n kermis met Mnr en live entertainment. Limited space is available. Contact Katryn 078 371 0909 or visit www. Mej Bytjie, fotokompetisie, speletjies, uitstallers en vele meer aan. Die pret begin 09:00 en word Limpopobeautymodeling.co.za for details. by die skouterrein gehou. Skakel Rina by 082 Oudisies Hoërskool Ben Vorster, more 09:00. 558 4342. Oudisies vir Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe 8 Junie in Tzaneen, ten bate van vir die uitvoerende kunste 2012 . Dansers Romanz sangers, akteurs, kore, revue-groepe, modelle en die NG Kerk Tzaneen: Moedergemeente. Hou instrumente welkom. Skakel Margie van Tonder plaaslike pers dop vir verdere inligting. 084 414 6166 Letsitele Kers-Kuiermark NG Kerk Letsitele amfiteater, 26-27 Oktober. Daar gaan ‘n verskeidenheid handwerkitems, heerlike kos en This Month 9 kosdemonstrasies wees om na uit te sien!

This Week


Hoërskool Nigel beplan ‘n reünie vir 1960 - 1962 se matrieks vir 17 Maart, 09:00 – 16:00. Onderwysers wat ook van 1958-1962 verbonde was, is welkom. Foto’s van skoolaktiwiteite word benodig. Navrae: Igna van der Walt 012 997 5644, Susan Fullard (Nooiensvan) 012 665 3474, Mervin Tankelowitz 011 882 3560.


Langs die Oever Boeredag, 21 Maart. Landbou masjienerie en implemente, uitstallers en demonstrasies. Vir meer inligting skakel Dawie Grobbelaar 082 974 6508.

Annual Meeting

Letaba Fire Protection Association, Faerie Glenn, Westfalia Estate, Politsi, 23 March, 11:00. For information visit www.letabafire.co.za or contact the LFPA at 076 550 2260. RSVP: Maritza Nel - pro@letabafire. co.za or 082 304 9162, Johan Potgieter - admin@ letabafire.co.za or 076 550 2260


Danie Botha tree op by Platform, 24 Maart. Kaartjies R70 p/p by Mosaiek kuns koffie en geskenke (Star Spares gebou). Skakel Elize Coroto 076 276 8626.


Hoërskool Ben Vorster, 28 Maart. That 50’s show - ’n Barnyardstyl geleentheid waartydens ongeveer 40 kultuuritems soos sangsolo’s, monoloë, danse en instrumentale stukke gelewer word. Kaartjies is beskikbaar vanaf 12 Maart by me. Tercia Loots by die Munt 015 307-4490. 9



inligting skakel Borries 084 222 4950 of Natasha (kantoor) 015 307 3316. 9

This Month

Pins & Praktiese Pistoolskiet

BJV Letaba Skietbaan,17 Maart. Worsbroodjies en kontantkroeg. Skakel Chris Venter 083 3025 087 vir navrae.

Ebenezer Mile

Mountain Yacht Club, Ebenezer Dam, Haenertsburg, 18 March, First race at 08:00. Prize giving at 13:30. Presented by The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg. Entries on www.entrytime.com or on the day. Food stalls, a bar and many more to entertain the family.

Opleiding BJV Letaba Skietbaan, 23 – 25 Maart. Junior I en Senior Kursus asook Instrukteursopleiding. Skakel Tinus Erasmus 083 630 0428 vir inskrywings en inligting.

Alleenlopers Almal bo 40 wat belangstel Kleiduifskiet BJV Letaba Skietbaan., 31 om saam met vriende te kuier skakel 083 550 Maart. R100 inskrywing vir 25 kleie en ammunisie. 8626 of 083 453 3250. Kom geniet die nuwe kleiduifmasjien. en Kontantkroeg beskikbaar. Support The Tzaneen Depression and Worsbroodjies Skakel Johnny Rech 083 4545 434 vir navrae. Anxiety Support Group meetings will be held BJV Letaba Skietbaan, 14 April. every alternate Thursday evening at 18:00 at Skietdag the Macadamia Community Centre. Contact Voorseisoenskietdag. Pryse te wen. Verversings te koop en kontantkroeg. Skakel Dawie van Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137. Vuuren 083 4545 391 vir navrae . Round Table Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Call Henk Van Other 9 Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291 for more information. Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and Pins & Praktiese Pistoolskiet BJV DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, Letaba Skietbaan, 21 April. Worsbroodjies en kontantkroeg. Skakel Chris Venter 083 3025 087 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. vir navrae. Ladybird Herb Groep Maculatastraat Die skietbaan sal 12, Tzaneen. Vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van Skietbaan gesluit die maand. Leer kook met en plant kruie. Skakel Saterdag, 12 Mei, vir alle BJV Lede gesluit wees agv ‘n privaat skietliga wat plaasvind. Vir navrae Petro Smit 083 444 3414. skakel Belinda 071 8714 710. Herofield Aanddiens. Sondae, 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn vir enige navrae: 082 309 Nog sportnuus op bl 15 en 16 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. 9


Sport This Week

Ringbal Tzaneen Ringbalklub nooi die hele familie om te kom ringbal speel. Oefentye Die 1962-matrieks van die Hoërskool is Maandae & Donderdae 18:00-20:00. Vir meer

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AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.



SAVANNAH MALL JOHN CARTER ¸ ˛ ◊ Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:30



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Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:40, 19:50, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:40, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:40, 19:50



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Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:10, 19:40, 22:15 Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:10, 19:40 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:30, 17:10, 19:40


WE BOUGHT A ZOO ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00



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Fri, Sat: 9:40, 12:15, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Sun, Tue: 9:40, 12:15, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:50, 17:40, 20:15


MALL OF THE NORTH JOHN CARTER 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30



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Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:15



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Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30



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Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:20, 20:00, 22:20 Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:20, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:20, 20:00



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English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:50



Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 21:40 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30

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Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 17:30, 19:40



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”


Titanium Fitness Personal Training • Personal training (one on one, group and call out) • Sports conditioning • Young athlete development • High intensity functional training • Most professional, friendly and goal orientated service Contact Damien at 079 892 6513

Bulletin se Mini Ads kan vir jou sakeonderneming ook werk. Skakel ons by 015 307 7248. Besoek ons by Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen.



9 March 2012



9 March 2012



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Smouskous l PicknBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 BUTLER REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE Vir PROFESSIOANELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1 Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2 Bestuursrekeninge 3 Kompliering van Finansiële State 4 Registrasie van Maatksappye 5 Opgawes vir: 5 1 Inkomstebelasting 5 2 BTW 5 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Mar201(7)__________

Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501

Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________

Best services + price on all your gas and oil needs Rohan 082 337 4522 Nov201________________ Need a gift for someone special? Jewellery, cutlery, photo frames, crockery and much more! Contact 015 307 4448 Nov204_______________ Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131__________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_________________ Acrylic tips, only R150 for a new set and R100 for a fill! Contact Nicky 083 746 6592 Jan203________________

Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111___________________ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106___________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128__________________ Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129__________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102_________________ Naledi store We buy & sell tools 015 307 6991 Jan102________________ Little Angels Dagsorg het nog baie plek vir babas en peuters. Alle Maaltye ingesluit. As U belangstel in Liefdevolle sorg kontak Martie 0827323339 om afspraak te reël. Mar102(1)____________ Professional Hunter, 14 years Big Five experience looking for freelance hunts in Limpopo province. Contact Tim Dare 0766712515 Mar105(1)____________ 10 Minute Vertical Sunbed!!! For the perfect tan, book now!!! 082 4000 991, 2B King Edward Drive Mar109(1)____________ Ons diens en herstel alle fabrikate. Kontak Mark 015 307 5268 jan305________________ Medicare Centre Tzaneen Holistic management of Diabetes, Cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome and it’s complication Contact 015 307 2382 Mar205(1)__________ Strapping, Stapels, Nails en Pneumatic tools 5 Rietbokstreet, Tzn 015 307 1344/5 Mar206(1)______ Distributors of Caltex fuels & Lubricants 083 627 8834 015 307 1998 Mar209(1)__________ Lanique Haarsalon Vir Afsprake Kontak 015 307 4604 Mar210(1)________ Beads Bezaar We have moved Tourist information centre on the R71, opposite Spur 082 339 1093 beadsbazaar@mweb.co.za

Services Dienste dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________

KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________

Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 mar212(1)__________ Key shop & Locksmith Quick Friendly, professional service 24 Hour call out Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste 4D Ultrasound Medi 24 h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstreet Polokwane Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)_________ Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact Vezi & de Beer – 015 307 6797. Sept426________________ Photo’s are memories forever! Contact me to capture those special occasions! Sonia 0822178322. Sept432________________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI VERVOER VAN MEUBELS VASTE ROETES ELKE WEEK VERPAKKING MATERIAAL BESKIKBAAR OP AANVRAAG SKAKEL MICHELLE VIR KWOTASIE 073 976 7605 / goldentransporttzn@gmail.com

Nov302________________ Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________ Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205________________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________ Organic Compost, lawn

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc.Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401 Audio Repairs, DVD, TV and VCR Repairs, Spares and Accessories, IC’S and TR’S. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307________________ Afsim: Code 08 and 10. Simulator training available at R130 per hour. Learners licence at R500, Mock Exams R50. Practical in CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018 vehicle available with full courses at competitive rates. Learn to drive… The safe way! Aqua Mall, Aqua Park, Tzaneen. 079 726 9997 Oct105________________ Do you have a problem with cockroaches? Are they taking over your house and home? I have the solution! Money back guaranteed and very satisfied clients! Call Anette: 083 276 7872 or 015 307 6741 Dec202________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowings, verjaardag, kerk uitstappie, vergade rings etc. Groot plek met kroeg yskas, tafels, stoele en all ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_______________ Lou-dri Field services Specialise in all earth moving machines, Trucks and Tractors. Contact Danie Ludick AAA “Pressure metal Exchange” I buy Antiques I also buy old gold, diamond rings and chains. All for cash and is very discreet. Your Friend in need Call Johan 083 680 3270 Oct104________________ 079 073 4985/ or 071 826 6298 Lou-dri velddienste Spesialiseer in grondverskuiwingmasjiene, trokke en trekkers. Kontak Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ of 071 826 6298 feb102________________

Services Dienste

Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057, You could earn about $4,000 every month PASSIVELY for life, and you do not have to send any money. For more information, log on to this webpage: http://signup. wazzub.info/?lrRef=4577a. feb305_______________

We offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and couples treatments at our day spa. Phone for bookings 015 307 6220. 16B King Edward Drive. jul130__________________ Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 __________________ mei308 Ons verpak & verseker landswyd, puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 of 083 252 8928. june401_______________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ Cutting back on electricity bills or is your domestic help on leave? School holiday laundry piling up? Dirty tabelcloths after a function? We offer wash, dry and iron, ironing only and tumble drying! Contact Tersia 078 457 9667. june405________________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310________________ Lost your keys, need a new lock or need a new number plate? For quick, friendly and professional service, contact Bruce 079 222 2900. jna309________________ I stock and use products from Schwarzkopf, Great Lengths, ghd, Eco.kid and many more. Come visit me for the perfect hair cut, colour or highlights. I do extensions and sell products for childrens hair too. Contact Lanie 015 307 4604 jan311_______________ Bookkeeping and salary management. Tell: 015 307 7676 Nov509_________________ Your junk is worth something!

Services Dienste Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________

Clothes, books, electrical, equipememnt, furniture etc. I will collect and sell it all for you! Weekly auctions at 31 Animany Str Contact 082 925 9780 Mar216________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217_______________ Ons spesialiser in dei volgende mediesedonse: Dicovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontact ons vir gehalt diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218________________ We do labeling on: water bottles, juice bottles for weddings, engagements, funerals, birthdays, tombstones unveilings and any other function. Contact 015 307 2504 / 079 236 7414 Mar219________________

Personal Persoonlik Palm Springs Care Centre provides assisted living, palliative care and respite care to patients in a well equipped 8 bed In-patient unit. The Care Centre is situated in the mountains overlooking Tzaneen, is run by qualified nursing staff with the services of medical practitioners and allied health personnel at hand. For more information please contact: Tel: 015 307 4823 E-mail: admin@palmsprings. org.za www.palmsprings.org.za jan314_______________ Orca Swimming Academy Teaching baby’s – 6 months to adults Heated Indoor Swimming pool Driving chreches & primary schools to and from swimming Open Monday – Thursday 09:00- 17:00 Contact Eloise 082 923 7931 Mar204(1)_______

For Sale Te Koop CLAERHOUT PAINTING FOR SALE “MOTHER AND CHILD” MIXED MEDIUM FRAMED 69 x 56cm R17 000.00 084 767 5732 Mar107(1)__________ KARAVAAN TE KOOP Caravette 5 2 dubbelbeddens en een hangmat, yskas (elektries), 2 plaat gasstoof, Yskas en ligte werk elektries of op battery Die dak is nuut oorgedoen Nuwe bande (300 km) asook ‘n nuwe spaarwiel Beddens en Hangmat is nuut oorgetrek Voltent en ‘n “Add a room” Lisensie op datum betaal Wim - 082 786 9904 feb101________________ Het jy ‘n broodboom om te verkoop? en stel belang spesifieke in die blou spesies. Kontak my gerus 082 823 0777 feb306________________ 1 Parker Knoll hout 6 sitplek sitkamer stel. 2. Slaapkamerstel: Koningin grootte bed met nuwe matras, Pakplek in kopstuk en voetenent . Spieëlkas met 3 Spieëls met pakplek agter Kantspieëls Kontak 074 104 7978 of 015 307 6695 feb407_____________ Sebravel (varsgebrei met kwilt vanaf looiery) vir R5 950.00 of naaste kontant aanbod. Kontak 083 630 8910 feb403_______________


2006 Yamaha wr450 motorfiets met sleepwa vir 3 motorfietse te koop (sleepwa sonder lisensie) skakel 082 900 7733 feb404_________________ Nissan Hardbody D/Cab 3.0 TDI (White) R145 000 price negotiable. 2007 Model, 158 000 kilometres Contact Diteboho: 081 568 7448 Mar208______________

To Rent Te Huur 2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________ VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R16.00/km + btw & 25 ton @ R23.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 083 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 Mar103(20)________

VERVOER & VERPAK Van meubels Skakel Melodi vir kwotasie 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubel vervoer.com Mar104(20)_____

LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploed disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)____

Vacancies Vakatures Vacancy: Production Foreman Job description: Ensure production of services and goods according to set protocols and standards. Lead a team of workers, ensuring property and equipment is well maintained. The role is diverse, and may also involve purchasing of goods, logistics and R & D. Requirements: Grade 12 / Standard 10 Good communication skills Good computer skills Driver’s licence / own transport Sober, hard-working individuals that are willing to learn, are encouraged to apply. Please send CV to 086 626 8321 (fax) or desertexpres@gmail.com Feb206_________________ WANTED Qualified hairdressers Contact: 082 491 6100 or 083 572 3099 Mar202(1)___________


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Huis gesoek vir klein hondjies. Foxtierrier-kruising te koop @ R100 elk 083 982 4663 Voordat Maritza hulle vat... Mar208(1)_________


Legals l Geregtelik BUSINESS NOTICES ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME ADDRESS, etc. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/ or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 3.0 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties, or debtors, as mentioned therein. 1. Township or district, division or country: TZANEEN 2. Seller, trader,

To Rent Te Huur Garden Cottage Garden Cottage 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, new kitchen Air con in living room R3 250 excl water and lights Available 1 April 2012 Contact Lizel 072 801 8009 or 015 307 5925 Mar203(1)______

Flats Woonstelle Ruim semi gemeubeleerde 1 slaapkamer woosntel R3 000 water en ligte ingesluit Onmiddelik Beskikbaar Skakel 083 457 1636 Mar202(1)__________ Luukse 2 Slaapkamer Tuinwoonstel. Woonkamer, 2 groot slaapkamers, goed toegeruste kombuis, ruim badkamer. Patio vir braaivleis en skadunet –parkering binne veilige palisade omheining. R4 300 per maand, water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel 0153075950 of 0823136117 en kom kyk. Mar204(1)_________

partnership: YMPUT FOOD SERVICES CC 3. Business or trade, kind name and/or style, and the address at which carried on: SOMETHING FISHY, TZANEEN CARRIED ON AT LANNIE LANE, TZANEEN. 4. Purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale etc.): conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days: SALE 5. Purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party: PALOMA TRADING CC 6. Business and address, if other than Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 50m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 0861303404 Mar201(1)______

For Sale Te Koop Town Houses Meenthuis


4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan lounge, dining and kitchen area study and reception. Swimming pool and Jacuzzi with double garage. Only R1530 000.00 ASHLEY 079 574 6884 Mar209(1)_______

under (3): notes, comment: N/A 7. Advertising and/ or agent address and date: STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC, PO BOX 242, TZANEEN, 0850 DATED 21 FEBRUARY 2012, TEL 015 307 3760 Ref: WFB/EM/ Something Fish Mar201(1)__________ LEGAL NOTICE In the Estate of the late PIET JOHANNES SMIT, Identity Number 2908095031 086, who resided at PUSELA PLOT 162, TZANEEN and died there on the 8th of JUNE 2011, Estate Number 7342/2011.


Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Property l Eiendomme

debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the under signed within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242 TZANEEN, 0850 Ref: WFB/EM/EST. SMITH Mar202(1)________

Notice is hereby given to all creditors and



Beautiful 5 bedroom house, 3 bathroom, 5 living areas, big study with braai, swimming pool, and servant’s room. R2 200 000. 00 CHRISTA 083 4606 597 Mar207(1)_______

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, granite kitchen, stoep with braai area 2 remote controlled garages and aircons and nice garden at a giveaway R 1150 000 in security village. MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Mar208(1)______

TZANEEN PROPERTIES Town house situated in town with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge area. With a small veranda and carport R 485 000.00 DAVID 082 681 1268 Mar206(1)________

TZANEEN PROPERTIES Beautiful New 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, double garage in Aqua park for only R1 060 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862

TZANEEN PROPERTIES Sole mandate New 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Houses in Tzaneen for only R600 000.00. Only 5 call now to avoid disappointment Jeanette 083 258 5862 Mar212(1)________ TZANEEN PROPERTIES FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS IN AND SURROUND NKOWANKOWA

AND LENYENYE PLEASE DAVID 082 6811 268, EDDIE 079 970 5353, NEVILLE 073 076 2125 Mar211(1)_______


TZANEEN PROPERTIES Game farm: 720HA Game Farm with a 4 bedroom Main House, open Plan Kitchen, Dining and Entertainment area. As well as a 4 tented camp with on-suit Bathrooms and entertainment area OVERLOOKING A DAM. R8 800 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862

Town Houses Meenthuis

Meenthuis te huur 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, motorhuis en tuin (diere welkom). Beskikbaar 1 April 2012. R3 700 + water en ligte. Kontak 083 393 1065 Mar205(1)______

Offices Kantore

9 March 2012

Call Lihanie to advertise 015 307 7248



9 March 2012



Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Job Seeker l Werksoeker Graphic Design Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)____________________ My name is Shaun I am looking for a job in Video Editing, video production for functions, weddings, concerts, etc. Contact 084 469 3790 (3) ____________________

Architecture Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1) ____________________

Admin/ Clerical My name is Ntsako Mhlarhi. I am looking for a Laboratory assistant, switchboard, receptionist, administrator and clerk. With 1st and 2nd level Bachelor of Sciences in molecular and life sciences and computer literate. Contact me 083 520 5337 (28) ____________________ I am looking for a job I am computer literate, I have a grade 12, driverlicences code 10 and cleaners gardening and consultant. Contact me 083 520 5337 (29) ____________________

My name is Jack Molepo. I have grade 12, business management, certificate in office computer, diploma in office computer, certificate in power point Contact 079 847 7617 (30) ____________________ I am looking for a job as computer operator, 7 years experience. I can speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me 078 438 1987 (31) ____________________ My naam is Willmari Marisa, op soek na werk ek het matriek. Kontak my by 079 045 8994 (32) ____________________ My name is Gail Eltor Sambo I speak 5 languages. I am looking for administration work, I have a driver’s license (Ref Nyiko Khoza 079 063 4350) contact me 073 381 6545 or 079 088 6231 (33) ____________________ My name is Tshepo Malatji. I have matric, National Diploma in Office Management and Technology. I’m computer literate. I have worked as Admim Assist. Contact me 073 297 8475 (34) ____________________ I am Molepo Reginah I have grade 12 and computer clerk, A+, MCSE. I have a drivers license code 10 contact me 079 071 4828 (35) ____________________ I am Mahasha Mash looking for a job I have a National Certificate (Grade 12) and

Diploma in computer literacy contact me 076 922 3901 (36)____________________ My naam is Chantel Venter ek is ops oek na enige administrasie werk, het as kassier gewerk kontak my by 083 448 6811 (37) ____________________ My naam is Louise Erasmus, ek is opsoek na administrasie -werk, ek kan Pastel, Word, Excel en basiese kantoorwerk doen, bereid om enige iets te leer kontak 082 712 5043 (38) ____________________

and I also have some experience in the Electrical Field. I can be contacted on 071 113 6927 and on email: duckym@ndp.co.za (9) ____________________ Jacques, hydraulics fitter and truck driver, can also do wheel alignment fitting. Contact 072 167 9332. (10)____________________ Ludwig Schnettler, 40, looking for a plumbing, electrical, technical or mechanical job. Contact 076 867 8270. (11) ____________________

My name is Sannie I am looking for a job in admin or reception I have Grade 12 with computer literacy and 3 years experience in admin contact me 083 370 6237 (39) ____________________

Samuel, doen aanbouings, fondasie tot dak, store, hekke, heinings, ens. Goedkoop tarief en goeie verwysings. (Chris Ras) Kontak 076 473 0849. (12) ____________________

Thommy Mokgatla looking for a driving/admin job. I have matric,driver’s licence code 10 with PDP and advanced diploma in computer literacy. Contact me on 0787482713 or tomcruz@mtnloaded.co.za (43) ____________________ Aaron Pilusa, fork lift driver, has code 10 licence. Contact 078 309 6582. (8) ____________________

Pency Matjete, plumber work, has a certificate. I know how to work with a pipe fitting, laying and back fitting, dripper line erection and installation, borehole submersible pums and connectors. I speak English. Contact 078 882 6918. (13) ____________________

Construction Kgabo Silas Maalatji, I am looking for a job as Electrician. I have Matric and N2 in Electrical Engineering

Senyolo A.P I am a fork and lift driver looking for work also a pendant crane operator contact 073 183 2418 (14) ____________________ I am looking for a job building houses and painting I have lot of experience contact me 082 475 7623 (15) ____________________

My name is Kingston Zifamde I am a qualified excavator driver please contact me on 078 854 3533 (16) ____________________ My name is Kington Zifambe I am looking for a job in operating a Excavator, TLB, 1 year experience call me at 078 854 3533 (17) ____________________ My name is Johannes Shai I am looking for a job in painting, paving, sege housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (18) ____________________

Domestics My name is Nkhensani khosa I am looking for a domestic job, guest house cooking or general work cleaning contact me on 078 778 2450 (123) ___________________ I am Maria Malatji. I am looking for a job as a domestic job and I can speak Afrikaans, I sleep out, I have many experience contact 078 218 1679 (124)__________________ My name is Leen Mokhomola l am looing for a domestic work or office cleaner 5 days or 3 days per week, sleep out only (ref C de Wet 079 509 0875) contact 076 391 5020 (125)__________________ C Shai I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner 5 days or 3 days , also can look after children contact me 079 7567134 (126) __________________ My name is Anna Mahasha I am looking for a job as an office cleaner or domestic worker and I also can look after childre. Contact nr 076 414 2291 (126) __________________ A I am looking for a job as a office cleaner, or domestic worker I can look after children. My name is Annah Mangenyi 072 360 9150 (Ref Linda Kappa 083 749 0381) (127) __________________ My name is Sandra Mokoena I am looking for a domestic job. Qualification – Grade 12, Drivers lisence, contact 073 680 1820 (128) __________________ My name is Annah Mmola. I am looking for a domestic job, I can work Mondays to Fridays and look after children. Contact me at 083 969 3104 (129) __________________ I am Maria Machimane I am

looking for a domestic job for Tuesday and Thursday I speak English and Afrikaans contact me 083 573 3230 (130) __________________ I am looking for a domestic job or office cleaner can look after children also my name is Maggie Maake contact me 078 141 7802 (131) __________________ I am looking for a domestic job, I have years experience please contact me Martha Kapa on 073 459 5570 (132) __________________ My name is Welhemina Ramolefo. I am looking for a domestic job for 5 days a week can look after children sleep out contact 072 604 7020 (133) __________________ My name is Suzan Mongwe. I am looking for a domestic job please contact me on 074 759 2865 (134) __________________ I am looking for a domestic job. Contact me my name is Mongwe Ellen on 073 4999 100 (135) __________________ My name is Martha. I am looking for a domestic job or business cleaner. I can look after children and can cook contact me on 073 459 5570 (136) __________________ Tebogo E Matsimela. I am looking for domestic cleaning job. Please contact me on 076 100 1436 (137) __________________ My name is Selena I am looking for a domestic job. Mon – Frid Ref: Adel 082 454 1328 contact me on 072 1924 762 (138) __________________ My name is Joyce Mraba I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning or clerical job please contact me on 078 251 3833 (139) __________________ Constance Nkhwashu domestic worker 5 days a week sleep out contact 083 526 3186 (140) __________________ Catherine Nkhwashu domestic worker 5 days a week sleep out contact 078 5032 933 (141) __________________ Rebecca Khosa domestic/office cleaner ref: Gerald 072 620 9238 contact 078 1867 146 (142) __________________ Sarah Seoka, domestic job speaks Afrikaans sleep out contact 074 044 8806

(143) __________________ My name is Rachel Khalonga looking for a domestic work have certificate contact me on 082 796 7035 (144) __________________ My naam is Maria. Ek is op soek Domestic werk. Ek praat Afrikaans, verstaan Engelsh. Kontak my 078 218 1679 (145) __________________ My name is Caroline Shai, domestic job 3 or 5 days speaks English contact me 079 576 7134 (146) __________________ My name is Pulane W Ramolefo looking for a domestic work, 5 days speak sAfrikaan contact 072 604 7020 (147) __________________ My name is Delphy Nkhwaxu looking for a gardening job. I have experience contact 072 2323 033 (148) __________________

IT/ Internet Olivia, I am looking for an IT technician job. Please contact me at 082 086 7867. (1) ____________________ Seeking work in a GIS or similar field. Report writing, basic web design, photographic, PR & GIS amongst my skills. Please contact me at 083 7283 780. (2) ____________________

Farming Meer as 20 Jaar pakhuis bestuursondervinding. Ook “Eurogap”. Sitrus en sagtevrugte. Alle fasette van produksie en pakhuisbestuur. Swart tale magtig. Woon in Letsitele. Kontak Gert 071 590 3868 of 071 507 8845 Alle ure. (3) ____________________ Lorraine, looking for a professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc.Contact 082 7500 196. (4) ____________________ Volwasse man, sober, jare boerdery ondervinding in all asette – uitvoer vrugte – meganies en ook goeie bemarking en verkope – arbeidwetgewing. Andre 082 484 4477. (5) ____________________ Getroude volwasse man met nasionale diploma in landbou soek betrekking op bees/ wildsplaas of vrugteplaas as bestuurder. Jare ondervinding en is ook ‘n professionele jagter. Eerlik en harwerkend

met goeie verwysing en kan dadelik diens aanvaar. Bereid om te verhuis indien nodig. Kontak 083 226 7178. (6) ____________________ Bestuurders pos benodig op ‘n plaas met verblyf het ondervinding (pensoenaris) kontak my Rassie by 072 811 9860 (7) ____________________

Driver I am Mpho Peter Kgatle, looking for a job as a driver, I have code 14 and P.D.P. with many years experience. contact me 083 961 9166 (19) My name is Rakoma Pie. I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 14 with P.D.P (Ref Trevor Dunlop, Wellemina Mohale 015 307 5006). Contact me 076 0622055 (20) ____________________ My name is Joseph Nemukhavheri I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 C1 contact me at 071 290 2999 (21) ____________________ My name is Jones Mulapane I am looking for a driving job I have code 10 with P.D.P contact me 079 752 8093 (22) ____________________ Hello my name is Moses Masinamele. I am looking for a driver’s job I have Code 10 with PDP issued from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611 (24)____________________ I am looking for a job as a driver, I have code 14 and P.D.P with 16 years experience. Contact me Mpho Peter Kgatle at 083 961 9166 (25) ____________________ My name is Masinamela Daniel i am looking for a driver job I have code 10 and P.D.P, I have 2 years experience (Ref Jane 079 4365936) contact me 073 6538114 (26) ____________________ My name is Peter Mpho Kgatle. I am looking for a job as a driver, I have a code 14 and P.D.P contact me on 083 961 9166 (27) ____________________ Collen Mpho Makgoba Driver Licenses code 10 contact 071 803 7326 (28) ____________________ Joseph Hemakhavhani looking for a drivers job I have code 10 contact me on 078 516 8338

VAKANTE POS Bemarker benodig. Eie vervoer noodsaaklik. Oudervinding sal in kandidaat se guns tel. Faks CV na 086 502 1853 of 086 589 3185

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Die Hoërskool Merensky se swemmers het Saterdag aan die Limpopo kampioenskappe in Polokwane gaan deelneem. Timothy Varrie het twee silwer medaljes in die 100 m- en 200 m-rugslag en ’n silwer medalje in die 100 m-vryslag vir seuns o.19 losgeswem. Leandi Toerien het ’n brons medalje in die 100 m-borsslag vir Die Hoërskool Merensky het onlangs hul meisies o.16 gewen. topatlete gekroon. BO is die junior victor en vicLeandi Toerien, Joshua Varrie, Timothy Varrie en Ivan Botha. Ivan Botha het vier trix ludorums, Phillemon Madibilala en Rirhanmedaljes in die 50 mdzu Shikwambana. REGS is die senior victor Joshua Varrie het die brons medalje in die en victrix ludorums, Marno van der Meulen en rugslag, 50 m-vlinderslag, 50 m- en 100 mWency Mthombeni. 100 m-vryslag vir seuns o.14 gewen. vryslag vir seuns o.14 losgeswem.

Tzaneeners ryg ook medaljes in Aksiehokkie LINKS: Ses atlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen het Vrydag medaljes by die Limpopo kampioenskappe in Polokwane verower. Voor sit Christine Krüger (goud in die 70 m-hekkies), Brendon Kruger (silwer in die 100 m) en Christiaan Smit (goud in die verspring). Agter is Wilco Janse van Rensburg (brons in die gewigstoot), John Naudé (brons in die verspring) en Lara Schutte (goud in die 200 m).

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9 March 2012

Plasies swem medaljes by Merensky kroon hul bestes Limpopo kampioenskappe los

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Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”

REGS ONDER: Swemmers van die Laerskool Tzaneen het Saterdag aan die Limpopo kampioenskappe deelgeneem en 43 medaljes ingepalm. Voor sit WC van Wyk (5 goud, 1 silwer, 1 brons), Christian Swanepoel (1 goud, 2 silwer, 1 brons), Doran Kleynhans (2 goud, 1 silwer, 2 brons), Zanel Steenkamp (2 goud, 5 silwer, 1 brons), Elmé Genis (1 goud, 1 silwer, 2 brons), K’Rien Botha (2 brons) en Anke Minnaar (1 brons). Agter is Rhyno du Plessis (1 brons, 1 silwer), Marushca Kruger (2 brons), Anemé Jacobs

This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt

(Fitness specialist) It’s very hard to stay positive and motivated if everyone around you is negative. 70% of your life is spent at work. That’s why it is so important to create a positive attitude at work. People should stop looking for excuses and start looking for solutions. It’s up to you to make that change at your work. It could be anything from having a competition to see who can lose the most weight in one month, challenging another company to a fitness event or organise a team building event at Thabametsi. Remember, a positive attitude is highly contageuous and you can change many lives.

Die Chameleon Binneshuise Sportsentrum nooi almal hartlik uit om die nuwe binnehuise hokkiebaan op die proef te kom stel. Die koste beloop R25 per speler en ’n span het vier of vyf spelers. Wedstryde word saans tussen 18:00 en 22:00 gespeel en toernooi oor naweke. Chameleon beplan ook ’n hokkieliga. Wedstryde sal tussen 15 en 20 minute lank wees. Bring u eie hokkiestok, balle sal voorsien word. Die sentrum is op die skouterrein. Kontak Marisé by 079 622 5525 of b.marise@yahoo.com, of Danielle by 083 656 2001.

(1 brons), Deané Toerien (3 brons), Bossie Hanaczeck-Kruger (1 silwer, 1 brons) en Reuben Maritz (1 brons).

Foto’s: Amelia de Ridder

Ons kinders is ons trots!

Weer in die kol Jannelize Bessenger van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag aan die Soutpansberg Dames Ope gholfkampioenskappe deelgeneem. Sy was die wenner van die A-afdeling met en was algeheel tweede in die toernooi. Sy het ook pryse vir die bofhou naaste aan die pen en die verste bofhou gewen.


9 March 2012

Dr Annecke hou weer Bonanza Antjies se Loskop-hengelkompetisie nou een van die gewildstes Jean Aucamp


Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele het onlangs weer een ’n baie suksesvolle hengelkompetisie as geldinsamelingsprojek vir die skool by Forever Resorts Loskopdam gehou. Die kompetisie, wat as die Loskop Bonanza bekend staan, is vanjaar vir die vyfde keer aangebied en staan nou onder die geesdriftige hengelaars as een van die grotes op die hengelkalender bekend. Pryse ter waarde van meer as R500 000 was by vanjaar se kompetisie op die spel. ‘n Allemintige 475 boot- en oewerhengelaars (154 bote) het ingeskryf om een van die twee volledig toegeruste motorbote ter waarde van R180 000 en R160 000 te wen. Die dag se sukses is deur talle deelnemers aan die fantastiese pryse en die seepgladde organisasie en administrasie toegeskryf. Die pragtige geriewe en vermaak by die oord het bygedra dat die hele gesin kon ontspan, terwyl die hengelaars hul vernuf ingespan het om die grotes aan die hoek te kry. Die kurperspesie is vanjaar laat rus en is dit nie vir pryse in aanmerking geneem nie. Vier spesies kon gevang word. Hengelaars was oor die algemeen in hul skik dat die kompetisie ook bydra tot die bewusmaking van die bewaring van ekostelsels. Die vang en loslating van vis is ook in die kompetisie aangemoedig. Ideale sonskynweer het vir goeie vangste gesorg en die uitslag was tot aan die einde in die weegskaal. ‘n Jong dame, Janiene J van Rensburg, het die gesoute hengelaars op hul neuse laat kyk

Naweek propvol rugby Dit is nie net die Super 15 wat vir manlief, pa of boetie besig gaan hou die naweek nie. Daar is heelwat rugby-aksie môre in Limpopo ook. Ben Vorster speel in die eerste ronde van die Pukreeks tuis teen Potchefstroom Volkskool. Die aksie begin 08:00. Merensky skop ook hul seisoen in die Pukreeks af met ’n eerste ronde-kragmeting tuis teen Lichtenburg. Die aksie begin ook 08:00. Frans du Toit het Saterdag hul eerste vriendskaplike kragmeting teen Bergvlam van Nelspruit gespeel en speel môre weer tuis teen Rob Ferreira. Môre is die seniors ook van 13:30 in aksie. Noordelikes van Polokwane speel tuis in die Assupolreeks teen Harlequins van Pretoria.

Super 15 Fixtures: Week 3 Today 08:00: Crusaders vs Chiefs

10:30: Western Force vs Hurricanes

Tomorrow 06:00: Brumbies vs Cheetahs

08:30: Highlanders vs Waratahs

10:30: Reds vs Rebels

16:45: Sharks vs Lions, 19:00: Bulls vs Blues

BO: Die wenner van die Noverone Centre Console motorboot met ’n 90 pK Evinrude Etec-enjin was Janiene Janse van Rensburg, wat die twee swaarste gesamentlike spesies, ‘n baber van 11,87 kg (regs) en ’n karp van 1,81 kg gevang het. By haar op die boot sit mnr Petrus Whiteman van Evinrude.

en weggestap met ‘n fantastiese Noverone motorboot ter waarde R160 000. Die ander motorboot kon egter nie gewen word nie. Volgens mnr Gerhard Venter, Dr Annecke se hoof, word die sukses van die dag aan die onderskeie borge en die hulp en ondersteuning van die ouers en onderwysers toegeskryf.

Volgens mnr Pieter Vermaak, die organiseerder, word daar volgende jaar ‘n Loskopfees saam met die kompetisie beplan, wat vir die hele gesin nog meer pret en ontspanning sal bied. Nóg groter pryse word beplan om dit uiteindelik die grootste en gewildste hengelkompetisie te maak.

Vossie-swemmers druk stempel in Limpopo af Swemmers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag aan die Limpopo Swemkampioenskappe in Polokwane gaan deelneem en ’n rits medaljes huis toe gebring. Gretchen Bekker het in die 50 m- en 200 m-rugslag vir meisie o.14 die brons medalje verower, terwyl sy goud in die 50 m-vryslag en silwer in die 100 m-vryslag en 50 m-rugslag verower het. Japke Engelbrecht het drie goue medaljes in die 200 m-rugslag, 50 m-vlinderslag en 100 m-vryslag verower. Nikus van der Nest het brons medaljes in die 50 m-, 200 m- en 400 m-vryslag, asook die 100 m-borsslag vir seuns o.15 losgeswem en Heinrich Steenkamp die brons medalje in die 50 m-vlinderslag. Ockert Maritz het ’n nuwe rekord in die 50 m-rugslag vir seuns o.16 opgestel en twee goue medaljes verower. Herman de Villiers het goud in die 50 m-vlinderslag vir seuns o.16 gewen en ’n silwer medalje in die 100 m-vryslag. Leander Steenkamp het goue medaljes in die 100 m- en 200 m-borsslag ingepalm, asook silwer in die 50 m-borsslag vir seuns o.18. Hendus J van Rensburg het silwer medaljes in die 50 m-vlinderslag en die 100 m-vryslag gewen en goud in die 50 m-vryslag vir seuns o.18. Die Vossies het tien goue, ses silwer en sewe brons medaljes by die byeenkoms gewen en een nuwe rekord opgestel.

Voor sit Japke Engelbrecht en Gretchen Bekker. In die middel sit Leander Steenkamp, Hendus J van Rensburg en Ockert Maritz. Agter is Heinrich Steenkamp, Nikus van der Nest en Herman de Villiers.

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