Fear lessl y the tr uth 25 Mei 2012
015 307 7248
The ANC lied to us
Unlawful speed trapping Traffic officers may not trap motorists within 300 m from a speed restriction sign. But the past months they have been trapping a mere 30 m from such a sign. And does it really take four officers to do this job?
says the DA in response to the disgraceful oversight in the irregular appointment of the GTM’s Manager. Read the follow-up on our reports from the previous two editions of Bulletin, on page 3
Skaakspel word Dobbelspel
30 m
Fines received in this area (like the one portrayed on the left), are contestable. Read our report on page 3
Die bou van ‘n verkeerseiland voor die Sasol R71 lyk na ‘n gekheid, omdat so baie dinge op dié pad die omgewing dodelik gevaarlik vir motoriste en voetgangers maak en eers reggestel behoort te word. Dinsdag gaan dit nou in die hooggeregshof draai... Die foto’s onder wys hoe motoriste intussen U-draaie maak om by die vulstasie in of uit te ry
Lees op bl 3 verder
25 Mei 2012
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Soek Laeveld Bulletin Hoe voel jy oor ouers wat hul minderjarige kinders stuur om daardie Lotto-kaartjie te koop? Of selfs sigarette en drank? Wat van sommige ouers wat hul kinders hul voertuie laat bestuur? Rensce Koekemoer Vd Merwe Onverantwoordelik en selfsugtig. Kotie Oosthuyzen Shame on them! Vieslik verby! As julle te lui of te skaam is om dit self te doen, los dit liewer! Melanie Jane Bezuidenhout Dis nie reg nie. Hulle leer hul kinders verkeerd. Dan wonder mense hoekom die jonger geslag is soos hulle is... Henriette Du Preez Bruce Glad nie ’n goeie voorbeeld nie, dit is al klaar net ’n probleem vir my om in ’n drankwinkel met my dogtertjie te gaan. Angela Lehmann Nie reg nie, want doen jou eie werk self. Jy wil dit drink, koop dit self. Maar watse voorbeeld is ons as ouers in die eerste plek om dit te doen? Hoe kan ons se dat ons nie wil he ons kinders moet drank drink, sigarette rook ens maar ons doen dit. Kotie Oosthuyzen Ek het nooit my voertuig vir my kind gegee om te ry nie en beslis nie voordat hy leerling lisensie gehad het nie, en selfs daarmee mag hy ook nie alleen gery het nie. Ons as ouers moet voorbeeld stel vir ons kinders! Marietjie Grobler Vermaak Ek het eendag ‘n winkelier gekonfronteer wat sigarette aan ‘n 9-jarige meisie verkoop het en hy het gesê rokers is die sterkste kliëntegroep, hy sal hulle nooit weier nie. Marius Hattingh Die winkels wat sigarette en drank aan minderjaarige kinders verkoop is net so skuldig. My dogter is 11 en sy bestuur beter as baie mense wat al jare ry. Maar bygesê, sy ry nie op die openbare pad sonder toesig nie. Martie Van Aarde Hoe is jul so seker die drank en sigarette wat die kind gaan koop is vir die ouers?
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Rina Botha Wys julle net hoe baie “ouers» vir hul kinders omgee. Dis belaglik! En hoekom gee die winkels die drank en sigarette vir die kinders? Dis hul plig om nee te sê! Dis hartseer. Johan Venter En die lotto is vir die duiwel, jy sal nooit geluk vind daarin nie. Die debakel rondom die kunswerk van president Jacob Zuma, The Spear, oorheers tans die media. Sê jou sê! What do you have to say about the Jacob Zuma painting, The Spear? Elza van Wyk The tribe has spoken ... Tania Dunn Spaar my! Estie van Wyk Aai tog. Wat ‘n vermorsing van verf! Chris Pretorius Ek dink die vraag moet wees wat sou jy gedoen het as dit jy was op daai skildery. Ek sou dieselfde gedoen het as Zuma. Dit maak nie saak of dit ’n nabootsing was of nie. Monica Swanepoel Dit lyk in elk geval nie vir my soos Zuma nie, maar as die skoen jou pas, trek hom aan.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Sê jou sê
Henriette Du Preez Bruce Het sover net ’n negatiewe uitwerking op almal gehad en trek net die aandag af van belangriker goed. Annelie Prinsloo Hy is mos “King Dingeling”. Daarvan getuig sy baie vroue... *lol* Zenobia Engelbrecht Lyk my meer soos Jonny Walker. Nellie Loots Shame, en nou is die Zuma Liza daarmee heen! Nicolaas Jacobus Van Schalkwyk A true reflection of African culture. The ANC pleas for respect. Haha. You need to respect yourself to expect anybody else to respect you...
Bulletin gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... Vir Vlieg is dit nou nie so erg om ook sy eiers in die openbaar gelê te kry ter wille van die kunste nie! Vir Vlieg se mate van kunssinnigheid maak dit ook nou nie regtig saak of dit ekspressionisties, post-modern, renaissance, modern, klassiek of self eksibisionisties is nie. En of Vlieg se gelêde eiers nou wit of swart is, maak aan hom ook nie ‘n rassistiese duit verskil nie. Vlieg voel ook glad nie vernederd oor sy ontbloting nie. Vlieg sou wel vernederd gevoel het as hy as adjunk-president ontslaan is, of van verkragting aangekla is, of van korrupte verhoudings beskuldig is, of as hy deur die wêreld verguis is oor sinnelose stortopmerkings, of as hy in die openbaar in ‘n leeuvel-tierstert gedans het op sy sesde bruilof met ‘n bruid wat jonger is as sy kleinkinders, of as die hele Vliegfamilie met ‘n aksie besig was om van hom ontslae te raak as president, omdat hy, om die minste te sê, ontoereikend is! Vlieg dink vernedering hang ook maar af van die vernederde!
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die vlieënde Dikketjie het soos Ikarus van ouds te naby aan die son gevlieg en sy wasvlerke afgebrand, sommer so saam met ‘n klomp brûe agter hom. Eers het hy breëbors loop en vertel hoe hy van die “groter boere ’n lessie gaan leer”, toe had hy te vertelle dat hy klaar sy hofsake gewen het. Nou blyk dit dat nie net kliënte ontevrede is omdat hulle vir duur dienste gefaktureer is, maar wat nooit gelewer is nie, maar dat die Burgerlike Lugvaart Owerheid ook ‘n appeltjie (nee, ‘n hele krat appels) met hom te skil het. Hulle raak toe sommer deel van die hofsake! Hy gaan nog so vir an-
der mense lessies leer, dan is hy sy liksens kwyt! Hy is slim, maar nie slim genoeg om te weet dat jy nie met jou professionele gesagsliggaam swaarde kruis nie. En nou hoor die mense die polisie jaag hom ook: glo vir bedrog, gesinsgeweld, aanranding en ander bedenklike aktiwiteite. Tzaneen raak nou te warm en die vlerke gaan smelt... • Hier is ‘n gekonkel met regsake wat diep loop tot in die die plaaslike landdroshofkantoor. Die hoofkonkelaar maak 100% staat op sy politieke konneksies, hoor die mense, maar dié raak nou glo ook dun. Hou die Bulletin dop...
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25 Mei 2012
Moenie die lekker skolesportnuus op bladsye 15 & 16 mis nie
‘ANC lied’, claims the DA Is daar nog rolmodelle in ons land? Is dit net in en om Tzaneen, of is wetstoepassers ook op ander plekke so arrogant om bo die wet verhewe te wees? Ons het dit nou al tot vervelens toe gesien: polisiemotors wat misbruik maak van parkering vir gestremdes wanneer daar duidelik geen nood is nie en hulle net inkopies doen. Verkeerslui is ewe skuldig. Gaan kyk maar hoe stop hulle motoriste by die dorp se hoofingang en laat dan toe dat die motor in die ryvlak stop, terwyl hulle die pad verder vol staan — totdat een deur ‘n voertuig getref word en dan gaan hulle weer op al wat ‘n motoris is skel, omdat motoriste onverskillig is! Die foto’s bo en onder het geen byskrifte nodig nie; dit sê duidelik dat daar nie respek vir gestremde persone is nie. Sies vir julle; julle wat die voorbeeld moet stel!
The DA accuses the ANC of having lied in a special GTM council meeting about renewing the municipal manager’s employment contract. DA caucus leader Rene Pohl says the speaker and the council lied at the council’s special sitting on 2 May about the contract (read her letter on page 6). She says two Exco members told the council that all legislative procedures were followed before the decision to renew the contract was taken However, it is not that simple and it was not necessarily a matter of lies or disception. Fact of the matter is that the ammendment to the act regulating the appointment of municipal managers and section 57 managers was promulgated before guidelines were given and there was no benchmark to assist officials and/or councillors in applying the ammendment. This is why numerous municipalities in the country have gone through the same agonising experience of having to start the process of renewing contracts all over again, according to information obtained by the Bulletin. The Mopani District Municipality fell into the same trap, it happened in Modemolle, in a number of towns in Mpumalanga as well as in towns in other provinces. As far as the situation in the GTM is concerned, there are many other unanswered questions: • Why did the councillors not consider an
agreement to employ the municipal manager (MM) — with special consent from the MEC, if that was at all needed — on a month to month basis? Why was this unacceptable? • Why did the two major parties in the GTM, the ANC with its vast majority and the DA, not sit down and attempt to implement an emergency plan that could have guaranteed continuity in the GTM’s management and showed some concern for the town, district and residents? • What has been done to the MM amounts to emotional torture; this whilst she has done a sterling job since her appointment about two years ago. Could this really not have been avoided, or do we have a hall filled with councillors (almost seventy of them!) who are callous, self-serving and unfeeling? • Why did the ANC councillors, or at least the leaders (mayor, speaker, chief whip, caucus leader), not ask provincial help to get clarity on the issues that were vague and worrisome? They could even have asked central government for assistance. Or were they advised incorrectly by higher authority or maybe their legal advisor(s)? In the meantime, the GTM’s controversial legal advisor, Adv Phatudi Nkopodi, has been suspended and this certainly suggests that he has been part of the problem. GTM communication officer Neville Ndlala admitted that procedures were not followed when the decision to renew the MM’s con-
Report about the unsavoury situation in the GTM by Francois Aucamp (francois@bulletin.us.com) & Percy Mthombeni (percy@bulletin.us.com)
Who watches the watchmen? Many hundreds of motorists have been caught speeding on camera on the R71 between the bridge over the road and the new set of robots at the turn-off to the new Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre since December last year. Traffic officers of (especially) the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and the Limpopo provincial traffic department quickly identified “the very secluded spot” to set up their camera equipment and they have been there almost daily. But it is unlawful! They set up there “eye” within 300 meters of the 60 km/h road sign, whilst no prosecution may be instituted where the speed measurement was taken within 300 meters of the commencement of the speed limit zone. This is not the only pre-
requisite for speed trapping by camera. In fact, the list of do’s and donts is rather long and provides even for the services of a professional land surveyor to check and validate distance measurements. We advise motorists who get caught in the GTM’s area, especially on the R71, to study the standards and procedures for traffic control before paying fines. Another interesting, indeed frustrating aspect of traffic management in our area is the constant passing of the buck. When there are problems the GTM’s men and women say the R71 is not within the GTM’s jurisdiction, since it “belongs” to the province. However, the GTM’s traffic officers don’t mind “making money” by speed trapping at various places on the R71.
Die indrukwekkende spuitfontein voor die GTM se hoofgebou werk uiteindelik weer. Mnr Duncan Mogale van die GTM se kommunikasie-afdeling bekyk die fontein hier.
Doodsengel tree nader op die R71 Die dood het ‘n tree nader kom staan aan motoriste en voetgangers (rylopers) op en langs die R71 by Tzaneen se uitgang, verby die nuwe leefstylsentrum en die Sasolvulstasie. ‘n Verkeerseiland is in aanbou, om die gevaar by die inrit na die Sasol te verminder, waar motoriste links en regs kan in- of uitry. Die ironie is dat die gevaar nou veel groter is. Hoekom die eiland nou gebou word, is nie duidelik nie. Die veronderstelling was, soos dit aan ons verduidelik is, dat ‘n dienspad langs die R71 eers gebou sou word. Ons het ook afskrifte gesien van briewe van Sanral wat daarop dui dat die eiland nie goedgekeur is nie. In ‘n brief gedateer 29 Maart 2012 skryf Sanral se hoof uitvoerende -beampte “your attention is however brought to the fact that Sanral has no intention to appoint nor appointed a contractor to construct a median barrier between the existing Sasol and proposed Total Filling Stations along the R71 in Tzaneen...” Dinsdag, pas nadat begin is om die eiland te bou, het Sanral ‘n brief gelewer aan die kontrakteur wat die eiland bou, wat sê die werk moet gestaak word. Die brief lees “you are hereby instructed to stop all construction work (median construction on R71/2 in front of Sasol, across the Lifestyle Centre) until an access is made for
motorists moving in both directions towards the Sasol...” Ons het Woensdag mnr Flip van Rooyen geskakel, maar hy was nie beskikbaar nie. Ons wou by hom hoor wat aan die gang is, want hy is die kontrakteur wat die eiland bou en hy is ook die eienaar van die nuwe Total. Hy het al by ‘n vorige geleentheid vir ons gesê hy raak moedeloos oor die besluiteloosheid en die gebrek aan finaliteit oor sake. Dit lyk of daar nou spanning tussen hom en die eienaars van die Sasol, mee Sharon de Reuck en Willemien Roettgers is. Hulle gaan Dinsdag (29 Mei) mekaar in die hooggeregshof pak, volgens die pleitstukke omdat daar verskille is oor ‘n eerste opsie wat Roettgers en De Reuck glo het om die Total by Van Rooyen te huur. Hulle wil vra vir ‘n interdik. Die kwessie van die verkeerseiland gaan glo terselfdertyd aan die hof voorgelê word. Intussen word motoriste gemaan om uiters versigtig te wees tussen die nuwe stelle verkeersligte tussen die Mediclinic en die kruising van die R71 en Voortrekkerweg. Nodeloos om te sê, die verkeerslui van die GTM en dié van die provinsie is nêrens te sien nie. Hulle stry nog oor in wie se jurisdiksie die eiland is! En Sanral se plan met die R71 is totaal duister. • Word vervolg. — Francois Aucamp francois@bulletin.us.com
tract was taken in the meeting. He says “the council was misled by the legal team and it already accepted the mistake and the investigation is underway to determine what led to such an error.’’ Ndlala refused to disclose the names of the “legal team” that advised the council. According to our information there may in any event be a number of issues to be investigated affecting Nkopodi. In another suspicious move, Bulletin’s request for a copy of the relevant council resolution(s), was turned down. We have tried to communicate with the mayor about this, but she was not available. We will keep on trying to contact her, but if we fail to make contact with her before next week Tuesday, we will file an application in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act. In the meantime, Ms Conny Mametja called us to ask that we extend her sincere appreciation to the Tzaneen community, for their goodwill and support that she enjoyed since her appointment as MM. “I would like to continue working as MM, to enable me to serve and expand on sharing between the GTM and the community. “I do consider applying for the post, since I have come to appreciate the community and I will certainly enjoy to further serve them and work towards a better Tzaneen and better service delivery to the rural communities,” Mametja said.
25 Mei 2012
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Local poetry book published — Poems by four youths from Ga-Kgapane The Village Tourism Trust, supported by funding from the National Lotteries Development Trust Fund, has been occupied over the past three years with various projects associated with the conservation of music, legends, folklore and oral history, as well as the stimulation of youth development centres in the region known as “The Valley of the Olifants”. This programme brought the project organisers in contact with a number of rural schools around Masealama, Haenertsburg, Modjadji, Ga-Kgapane, Giyani and Acornhoek. Information was received regarding poems of four young men from Ga-Kgapane and the Modjadji area, and they submitted a portfolio of their work for possible publication. The publication became a reality, and the small volume of their poems, entitled “An AntholABOVE: The poets: Lee Modike Moropene, Pretty Ramahlako, Aaron Leogy of Poems from the Realm of the Rain godi and Moses Legodi
Queen” was edited by Michael Gardner of the Village Tourism Trust, and produced with the Lotteries funding. The poets are two schoolboys: Pretty Ramahlaku and Lee Modike Moropene; and twin brothers Moses and Aaron Legodi who are in their early twenties. Their creative wri-ting talent is extremely promising, and they displayed a maturity beyond their years in the themes covered in their work. For further information please contact Michael Gardner on 083 255 9448.
Centre finally has water It has been five months of drought and the unbearable smell of dirty laundry for the staff and patients of the Duiwelskloof Health Centre in Modjadjiskloof. It took the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) five Marsulize Breet en Nelius van Niekerk is op 4 Februarie op die Euphoria Gholflandgoed in die Waterberge in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Pretoria, waar albei teologie studeer.
to six months to solve the water shortage that has lead to an intolerable situation. According to Ms Sandra Bothma, a health centre staff member, they visited the GLM last week and requested that they fix their reservoir, which has been out of order since November 2011. “The municipal manager, Mr Mutshinyali, promised to help and the same afternoon he was here.”
Now in Tzaneen First aid, basic fire and health & safety rep training Call 071 343 2207 or 072 360 9601
While doing an inspection, a leaking pipe was discovered. The GLM fixed the reservoir over the weekend and filled it with water that can last for at least a week. They also promised to keep it full until the leak has been fixed. The GLM’s communication officer, Ms Lovers Sibanda, said hopefully this time the correct diagnosis has been made. New pipes will carry water to the centre. However, a connection still needs to be done by the Lepelle Northern water. “We hope that this will be the end of the problem and we would like to humbly apologise to the health centre and the people affected by this problem,” Sibanda said. — Martina Jege
Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele se grondslagfase het onlangs die toekenning vir die beste prestasie in die jaarlikse nasionale assesering (ANA) by die Uitstaande Prestasies 2011 Mafarana-kringfunksie ontvang. Die onderwyseresse is (voor) mee Marie Coertse (gr 3) en Dawn Zaayman (gr 1) Agter is: mee Sharon Linde (gr 2), Wilna du Toit (gr 2), Allison Janse van Rensburg (gr 1) en Sonja Robbertze (gr 3).
Hennie Pretorius sterf na siekbed Mnr Hennie Pretorius, ‘n bekende inwoner van Tzaneen, is Maandagoggend na ‘n lang siekbed oorlede. Hy laat sy vrou, Joey, en sy kinders: Hanli en Haysteck van Rooyen, Christo en Salna Pretorius, HP en Ciska Pretorius, Johan en Elize Pretorius, asook
twaalf kleinkinders agter. Die familie bedank almal vir gebede, besoeke, boodskappe en oproepe. ‘n Spesiale dank gaan aan dr Ig van Rensburg vir sy bystand gedurende die moeilike tydperk. Die begrafnis is gister (Donderdag) vanuit die AP Kerk in Tzaneen gehou.
Young girl commits suicide
A 16 year-old girl from Zangoma village at Letsitele killed herself by taking a lethal overdose of pills. It is alleged that the teenage girl came home late and when martina@bulletin.us.com her parents questioned her about her whereabouts she had an argument with them. The next morning her parents found her lying on her bed with yellow saliva coming out of her mouth. When asked what was wrong, she told them that she
took her grandmother’s tablets. An ambulance was immediately called and she was rushed to the hospital, where she died. The Letsitele police spokesperson, Const Mabunda, urged young people to listen to their parents and if they have problems, the police will assist where possible.” Killing yourself is never an option.” Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
25 Mei 2012
‘Our’ Faffa is coming home. Read further on page 7
Tzaneen police and Gift of the Givers changed lives The SAPS Tzaneen and the Gift of the Givers took hands and changed the lives of Ms Margret Ramotwala and her children. The police assisted in cleaning up the yard and the Gift of the Givers provided the family with an informal house, furniture and groceries. Ramotwala was living in a small tent with five children and three grand-children for over a year.
Skaars ‘n week na die modderstorting in George’s Valley wat vier gesinne van hul blyplek en besittings beroof het, het die Gift of the Givers Foundation vir die slagoffers nuwe hoop gebring. Die gesinne wat deur die ramp geraak is, asook ‘n aantal arm gesinne van die omgewing, het geskenkpakke ontvang, met kos, komberse, klere en ander huishoudelike artikels. Die organisasie beplan ook om aan die gesinne wie se huise verwoes is nuwe behuising te verskaf. Intussen het die boere in die omgewing ook ruimskoots bygedra om vir die mense kos, klere en komberse te gee.
The Rose and Dragon Pub at the Oasis Mall in Tzaneen and Farm Pack will be presenting fun for the whole family at a Potjiekos family charity day on 9 June. The fun starts at 09:00 with live music, stalls, lots of children’s entertainment and a fire brigade display. Businesses in an around Tzaneen will be competing against each other in a potjiekos competition. Tiger Brands, Deli Spices and the Lions Club will be judging the competition. The judging will be at 12:30. Proceeds of the potjiekos sales will be donated to various charities which include the SPCA, the Endangered Wildlife Trust and Goue Jare Bejaardesorg. The registration fee is R550 and will include a potjiekos stove. Businesses and entrepreneurs interested in booking a stall for R100 to display and sell their products can contact Rose on 015 307 2254.
showing the community that they are not only here to prevent crime, but also to go the extra mile in helping community members to live in better conditions. “I am now going to sleep peacefully at night, without worrying about rats. I’m happy that my children now have a place they can call home. Thank you to the
The Duke is dead. The Duke of Atholl now resides in the Soutpansberg, after the death last Tuesday of John Murray, the former Duke of Atholl, who stayed in Haenertsburg. The title is passed on to his son, Bruce Murray of Louis Trichardt. During a memorial service held in Haenertsburg family members and friends paid their respect to a very remarkable citizen of Limpopo. Very few of the region’s inhabitants were aware of the fact this this modest man was the colonel of the only private army in Europe. John Murray was born in Johannesburg in 1929 to a retired officer
Wat beteken jou drome? Tzaneeners kan ‘n lesing deur me Betsie Joubert, ‘n kundige in die uitlê van drome, op 2 Junie bywoon. Dit word om 09:30 by Letaba River Lodge Eco Park buite Tzaneen aangebied. Joubert het ‘n profetiese bediening en voed mense op oor hoe God met hulle in hul drome praat en wat drome en visioene beteken. Sy is die skrywer van Interpretasie: Drome en Visioene, wat onder die vaandel van Comfort Pro-
phetic Ministry gepubliseer is. Die boeke gaan tydens die geleentheid te koop wees. Mans en dames is welkom om die geleentheid by te woon en meer van hul drome te leer. Kaartjies kos R75/persoon en daar sal koffie, tee en verversings wees. Die geld wat ingesamel word sal aan Tjokkertjie Kleuterskool en God’s Haven in Tzaneen geskenk word. Navrae: Wilma by 083 285 0660.
Tzaneen police and thank you to the Gift of the Givers. Continue doing the great job,” said an emotional Ramotwala. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
Long live the Duke.
father and a pioneering family mother. He grew up in the mountains of The Downs in the Wolkberg, and his parents from a very early age nurtured his love of nature. He completed his high schooling at Michael House. “Shortly after finishing his degree in engineering at Wits and Rhodes, he married Peggy in 1956. Theirs was an exemplary, lasting partnership; the kind that we all envied and the obvious result of such a partnership are happy, healthy, naughty children,” his son, Bruce, wrote in an obituary. “His chosen profession led him into remote areas of southDEB 001158
Potjies 4 Tzn charity
Const Jessica Mathebula noticed the indigent family, while she was on duty doing her daily patrolling. “I was touched by the situation of the family. How can human beings live in such a small, dusty tent, while we have the right to have housing”? she asked. The caring constable approached Genl Maggie Mathebula to explain the needs of the family. The general contacted the Gift of the Givers Foundation to help the family in anyway they could. According to the community members of ga-Mutupa, the family has been staying there for a year with no food and no access to proper sanitation. Ramotwala cannot work anymore, as she is very ill and the condition of her family is not helping her get better. The councillor of ward 11, Ms Lettie Hlangwane, however, said that she knew about the family and she has placed the family on an emergency waiting list. “We have a lot of families living in similar conditions and some now have houses. The Ramotwala’s will also be provided with an RDP house when their turn comes, as we are moving according to the list.” Genl Mathebula applauded the police for
ern Africa where he left, unwittingly and obviously unintentionally, countless monuments to himself in the form of trig beacons which he built, roads, dams (like Kariba) and farm boundaries which he surveyed and thousands of subdivisions in residential areas. He led a life of true adventure, often having to run away from wild animals or sleep atop a trig beacon to avoid scorpions. His love of simple, beautiful things was always something to be admired as was his bountiful and varied knowledge and wisdom.” He was a man that didn’t need material wealth to prove success.
So it was a huge shock to him to learn that he had inherited the title of 11th Duke of Atholl in 1996. “Rather reluctantly but diligently and honorably, he did his duty. Being a man of such humble personality, he struggled with being in the limelight as it were...,” the obituary continues. “However, at Blair Castle he immediately became the “popular Duke” preferring to be called John by everyone. He was especially popular with the officers and men of his personal bodyguard, the 150-year-old Atholl Highlanders, a regiment granted colors by Queen Victoria in 1845. He has left an indelible mark at Blair and he will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by everyone who knew him.”
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25 Mei 2012
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The Message
Our Opinion
Ds Barry van der Merwe
Friday 25 May 2012
NG Kerk Letsitele
A series of recent events in Tzaneen can quite easily convince us that we have been engulfed by total madness. The municipal councillors, who earn handsome salaries and fringe benefits , don’t know when and how laws that have a direct impact on council and municipal affairs, are changed or have been changed. To make matters worse, senior officials also do not know! The council employs a legal advisor (who prefers to be called “advocate”) who clearly didn’t know either. Or did he? Is there a hidden agenda? The situation regarding informal trade (hawkers) is clearly out of control and any reference to this major problem by the GTM and/or the SA Police is nothing more than idle talk. The GTM’s traffic departement obviously has no traffic plan. If indeed there is such a plan, it is either totally outdated or it is not implemented. Example: traffic volumes in Tzaneen increase almost monthly, but the synchronisation of robots is still left undone in spite of its hopeless ineffectiveness. The R71 is in a mess. Nobody seems to know exactly what is being done or needs to be done. Nobody seems to care about the mess (and dangers) either. Tender allocations are clearly a problem in the GTM, costing the residents, who pay their rates and taxes, in legal fees. The electricity problems are far from solved. The municipal swimming pool is in a state of ruin, streets are breaking up etc. The list is alarmingly long. And to add insult to injury, we can’t even appoint a municipal manager without messing up! Hau! Do we have a future to look forward to?
DA set facts straight DA caucus leader, Councillor Rene Pohl, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, writes: The DA believes in the supremacy of the South African constitution and the rule of law, and this principle will not be compromised. At 17:30, on Monday 1 May, the DA councillors were notified via sms of a special Exco and Council meeting that will take place on Tuesday 10:00 and 12:00 respectively. This is in contradiction with Greater Tzaneen Municipality Rule of Order & Probity By laws which states in section 3.2, that the municipality manager must give at least 72 hours notice of meetings to councillors. We were not properly notified and at the same time notified that Agendas would only be handed out at the meeting. Therefore, we could not prepare for the meeting. On Tuesday 2 May there was only one item on the agenda handed out at the Exco meeting ‘’The renewal of the employment contract of the municipal manager.” The relevant recommendations in the Agenda read as follows: (b) A decision be taken to ratify the appointment of the municipal manager as made by the previous municipal council as per Council resolution no. A20 and in line with the municipal system Act, and (c) That Council takes a decision to either (1) terminate or renew the contract. The DA clearly stated that the post should have been advertised in a national newspaper and asked in which newspaper was the post advertised and the date thereof. An Exco member assured that all legislative processes were followed. Another Exco member replied that this was not necessary due to the previous Council resolution. The DA clearly stated that if no proof can be provided of the publishing of the advertisement in any national newspaper, and legislative procedures not followed, steps would be taken to prove the Council decision null and void. Again the DA was assured that all the leg-
Op Donderdag 10 Mei is die Olimpiese vlam by Olimpus, Griekeland, aangesteek, waar die Olimpiese spele sy oorsprong gehad het. Op Vrydag 18 Mei het die vlam in Engeland aangekom. Agt duisend mense gaan oor `n tydperk van sewentig dae die vlam oor `n afstand van 12 800 kilometer dra, totdat die spele op 27 Julie in Londen begin. In Londen gaan die vlam gedra word deur onder andere ‘n vrou wat 100 jaar oud is en `n seun van twaalf jaar. Alle ouderdomme, alle sporte, alle rasse, almal kry geleentheid om die vlam te dra. Dit het my laat dink aan Jesus se woorde in Joh 15: 9-17: “Soos die Vader My liefhet, het ek julle lief… julle moet mekaar liefhê.” Die liefde van God is vir my soos `n vuur, `n vlam, of `n fakkel. God het die fakkel aan Jesus gegee en Jesus het dit aan ons gegee. Jesus is die Lig vir die wêreld en Hy het gesê: “Julle is die lig vir die wêreld.” Ons moet die fakkel dra en vir mekaar aangee. Net so ondenkbaar as wat dit is dat iemand wat die Olimpiese vlam dra dit sal uitdoof, so ondenkbaar is dit dat ons die lig onder `n maatemmer sal sit – of nie? Ons moet God se liefde in hierdie wêreld aangee. Jesus het sy lewe gegee. Hoe gee ons ons lewe? Tyd, arbeid, talente, simpatie, meelewing, geld… Die fakkel is dus eintlik `n kruis. Laat ons die fakkel/kruis dra tot in die groot arena waarvan die boek Openbaring ons vertel. Mooi naweek!
Tongknopers / Taalgoggas Omdat daar duidelik verwarring is oor sekere leenwoorde wat dikwels gebruik en al hoe meer opgemerk word op spyskaarte, in restaurante, op ingevoerde produkte in ons winkels, nog ietsie daaroor (en let gerus op die spellings): Uit Frans: résumé = opsomming of samevatting; répondez s’il vois plaît = antwoord as-
seblief (dikwels afgekort tot RSVP); soirée = musiekaand of aandpartytjie; tête-à-tête = vertroulike gesprek; vis-à-vis = regoor of in vergelyking met; voilà = siedaar. Uit Japanees: foeton = soort matras; ikebana = blomme-rangskikkuns; kamikaze (b.nw) = selfmoord of roekelose of onverskillige (selfmoord-vlieënier); origami = papiervoukuns;
Letters • Briewe islative processes were followed. During the Council meeting the ANC reassured the DA and Council members that all legislation was followed, and which seemed to be untrue. The DA immediately informed the DA leader about the proceedings. I wrote a letter to the mayor as well as the speaker to inform them about the specific legislation, and if no proof can be given about the advertisement in a national newspaper, the MEC would be notified and the DA will take the relevant steps. The mayor assured me that I would receive a response within two days. Councillors then received a sms about a special council meeting on 15 May at the Tzaneen Disaster Centre. Again no agenda! The ANC chief whip told me that my presence was needed at the Exco meeting. At this meeting the Agenda was handed to all members. We were then informed that due to stipulations of the municipal system amendment Act, 2011, the decision taken by the Council to review the municipal manager‘s contract was null and void. This was also discussed at the Council meeting, and this proves that the DA was indeed correct and boils down to an admission that the procedures were not followed and that the questions we asked was answered incorrectly. The MEC of co-operative governance, human settlements and traditional affairs clearly stated at the Mopani District Makgotla that officials without the relevant qualification will be removed from office, as well as non performers and anyone who is guilty of any form of mismanagement. Our actions were confirmed to be correct by the MEC at this Makgotla. The DA did not only blow the whistle, we took steps to bring the unlawful procedure to light! We asked question about the proce-
dure and were informed that all procedures were followed. It is therefore clear that the Council tried to mislead the DA and also tried to push the reappointment of the municipal manager through without following the correct procedure. • We don’t understand the relevance of the second last paragraph of your letter “that officials without the relevant qualifications will be removed from office, as well as non-performers and anyone who is guilty of any form of mismanagement...” Is there something that we have missed about Ms Conny Mametja? — Editor
Feite oor ewolusie Methusala, Onder-die-brug, Aquapark, Tzaneen, skryf: Ek lees (Letaba Herald, 20 April) dat ‘n sekere Dr Kruger praat oor “evolusie” by Ben Vorster Skool. Maar volgens die artikel gaan die lesing meer oor die Ou Testament. In elk geval… arme ou Tzaneen, intellektuele en kulturele woestyn! Lyk my die enigste skepsel in Tzaneen (en verreweg die slimste) wat evolusie verstaan is die groen dinosourus in Minitzana. EK wonder wat dink Dr Kruger van hierdie dinosourus? Mense, hier is die feite: Die oorweldigende meerderheid Christene wêreldwyd aanvaar evolusie. Die Pous, Die Aartsbiskop van Canterbury, die Katolieke Kerk, die Anglikaanse Kerk, die meerderheid Protestante, die Metodiste… google dit self en lees bietjie. Hulle aanvaar dit almal. Van die kerke is bietjie meer… kom ons sê stadig. Die Jehova’s Witnesses aanvaar dit glad nie. En dan is daar drie sogenaamde “susterkerke” wat nog nie ‘n besluit kon maak nie. Ja, ons eie volkskerke. Jy gaan lank op die internet soek vir ‘n beslissende antwoord op die vraag. Wat ek wel kan sê is dat ek lesings bygewoon het by die Universiteit van
sasjimi = stukkies rou vis voorgesit met sojasous en gerasperde peperwortel; soekijaki = vleis-en-groente-roerbraaigereg; tofoe = sojaboonwrongel. Uit Grieks: hoipolloi = die massa; moesaka = maalvleis-en-eiervrug-gereg; ouzo = sterk anysgeurige drank; soewlaki = soort kebab/ sosatie; taramasalata = viskuitpatee; tzatziki = komkommer-en-kruisementslaai. Uit Italiaans: al dente = gaar maar nog ferm; gnocchi = kluitjies; incognito = onder ‘n skuilnaam of verberging van identiteit. Potchefstroom (toe dit nog die goeie ou Universiteit van Potchefstroom was), in die Departement Dierkunde, waar hulle wel die evolusie-teorie (eintlik nie ‘n teorie nie maar ‘n feit; dis Natural Selection wat die teorie is maar moenie nou daaroor bekommer nie) verduidelik het, aanvaar het, en selfs die mens se oorsprong uit die primate-familie verduidelik het. (Julle lesers weet seker dat die U van Potch ‘n tak van die NGK was?) Amper vergeet ek: ‘n Belgiese biskop was die eerste om die “Big Bang” teorie voor te stel. Die wetenskaplikes het dit oorspronklik streng verwerp en die Kerk moes hulle daarvan oorreed (behalwe in Tzaneen, natuurlik) My magtig. Maar nou verstaan die burgers van Tzaneen vele meer, danksy Dr Kruger. Julle en Mekka, verenig in onkunde.
Stop allegations
Luke Perkins (DA Councillor), PO Box 70, Haenertsburg, writes: Someone called Roy Hurter has written two letters to your paper now complaining about the eviction of 18 people from a property; he mentions a woman living next door and claims the DA supported this woman. He blames the DA for the eviction of these people and questions what the real motives of the DA are. He does not mention where this happened; no province or town is mentioned. Was it in Limpopo? If he had provided some background to these allegations we could look into it. At the moment they stand as fairly vague and unsubstantiated allegations. I have no idea what he is talking about; I have tried to google the story but find nothing. The DA would not normally have the powers to evict anyone except perhaps if it is a DA-controlled municipality (there is none in Limpopo). I would normally ignore something as vague as this but since it has now appeared twice I feel I should say: either back up your allegations, or stop making them.
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25 Mei 2012
‘Onse’ Fafa kom huis toe —
maar dit gaan net vir 2 slapies wees!
aan die gang. Hy is amptelik ‘n volwaardige lid van Romanz (foto links), wat hul internasionale CD Die ‘nuwe’ Fafa pas in die Verenigde Koningkryk vrygestel het. Fafa moes ‘n baie moeilike oudisie en onderhoude trotseer, saam met dertig ander uitgesoekte genooide kunstenaars. Die Rose van Tzaneen (en so hier en daar ook ‘n Doring) het spontaan Fafa kàn egter sing saamgespeel en met opwinding aan die SA Vrouefederasie se Hoedeen dié deel is gou dag deelgeneem. Tzaneen Info se span was beHOEDsaam om nie te ernafgehandel, maar stig opgeneem te word nie en hulle het hulle meer informeel en speels die paneel wat die beklee. Maar op plekke, soos in Woolworths se koffiewinkel, was daar onderhoude gevoer dames wat gelyk het of hulle op pad is na ‘n presidensiële teeparty in die het, het na baie meer Uniegebou se tuin. Mee Liezl Wagenaar, Charmaine Hartmann en mnr Ben Naudé staan agter en voor is mee Monica Rynhoud, Estelle Dreyer as dit gekyk en fyn en Marinda Thomas. geluister. Ms Nicola Strydom from Seeff Properties Tzaneen Tzaneen se Fafa het egter al die toetwas once again recognized for excellent service se met vlieënde at the recently held Seeff Regional Awards. She vaandels geslaag received awards in numerous categories such as en sy passie en highest rand value sales in their division as well droom is bewaarheid. Maar daar as most units sold. She also achieved Excellence was nie tyd om in Achiever Status for the 4th consecutive year. She die wolke deur te received recognition for being the top agent for bring nie en Fafa Tzaneen in 2011. Strydom has since become co moes dadelik klipowner of the Tzaneen branch. She believes that hard saam met die res van die groep her new group of experienced agents will keep begin oefen vir hul up the company name by delivering professional eerste internasionale CD. and honest service at all times. Christopher Lee Viljoen — in Tzaneen bekend as Fafa — kom huis toe.
Tzaneen toe. Egter net om in sy nuwe rol as lid van die baie gewilde sanggroep Romanz ons mense se waardering vir sy goue stem en mooi persoonlikheid weer te kom aanvul. Fafa is nie meer die Ben Vorster-skoolseun (foto regs) wat nog ‘n bietjie babavetjies oorgehou het terwyl hy Tzaneen en omgewing se mense dikwels aan sy sang-lippe laat hang het nie. Sy loopbaan as belowende sanger is nou behoorlik
Fafa het laat weet dat hy baie dankbaar is vir almal wat hom tot nou toe ondersteun het. Hy sê hy sal altyd ‘n baie trotse Tzaneener bly. Romanz tree op 7 &
8 Junie in Tzaneen (NG Kerk-saal) op. Navrae vir die Junie-optredes: 015 307 4496. Daar is nog kaartjies vir 8 Junie beskikbaar.
Die ‘ou’ Fafa
25 Mei 2012
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FET students go on strike in Tzn It is all about more money
Jumbo-sized shaft redone in Tzaneen Tzaneen Precision Motor Works are very proud of their share in overalling the biggest crankshaft that has been done in Tzaneen. The job of grinding it was sent their way by Allen Bisset Engineering. The crankshaft weighs around 350 kg, while a normal one weighs only about 20-40 kg. This specific crankshaft is bound for a local pack house’s juicing machine. It’s so big that special bearings have to be cast for it. The crankshaft is also so heavy that Tzaneen Precision had to develop a pulley system just to lift and put it in the machine. Mr Roan Pienaar, who worked on the crankshaft, is seen here with the monster. In front of it is the crankshaft of a Robin (corn-cutting machine), to illustrate the difference in sizes. Photo: Retha Nel
Students disrupted classes at the Letaba FET College’s Tzaneen Campus on Monday, accusing the management of the college of not listening to their demands. The strike broke out after the management and the Student Representative Council (SRC) failed to reach an agreement on the allocation of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) loan bursaries. Students want management to give them R16 000 for accommodation and R6 000 for transport. Ronald Seseletsi, deputy chairperson of the SA Student Congress (Sasco) says they have been in talks with management for a while, but management is not willing to address their concerns. He accused management of having done the same thing last year, adding that students have to fight to get their money. “We are not going back to clas-
ses until our issues are resolved. We will continue demonstrating outside until management addresses our plight,” he said. Lecturers were chased away and the students clashed with security guards over access to the premises. The department of higher education‘s attempt to restore calm failed. The students refused to go back to classes. Seleletsi says they want the minister of higher education and training to intervene. A member of the SRC, who does not want to be named for fear of being seen as a traitor, says the students are not following the correct procedure and they have misunderstood the NSFAS allocation. We approached the management for comment, but they declined our invitation. — Percy Mthombeni percy@bulletin.us.com
Despite warnings that the students on the campus in Tzaneen were aggressive, they were dancing and friendly towards our photographers.
Na drie dae se kuier in die Kruger Nasionale Park is die bejaardes wat die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen se jaarlikse toer meegemaak het, heel uitgerus. Die toer is ‘n hoogtepunt op die jaarkerkkalender, maar sonder al die borge sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie. Die kerk en die toergroep wil graag al die borge bedank vir hul bydraes. Op die foto is die 65 mense wat die toer meegemaak het, voor die weeldebus waarin hulle gereis het.
Service Finder
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25 Mei 2012
Photo: Francois Aucamp
Sitting outside on the deck, one could easily imagine lounging somewhere in the Mediterranean, listening to the ocean. The simple, homely atmosphere with the feel of a tropical environment fits Tzaneen like a glove. The recently opened Ocean Basket in the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre is the third one in Limpopo and the 151st worldwide. The first restaurant was established seventeen years ago and has since then grown into one of the country’s favourite seafood restaurants. Ocean Basket also enjoys international success with branches as far as Mauritius, Dubai and Cyprus. Carlos Carreira, owner of the franchise in Tzaneen, previously owned The Bakery in Letsitele. Carreira felt the need to open an Ocean Basket and jumped at the opportunity when the seafood-chain de-
cided to open one in this area. Ocean Basket’s variety of meals is uniquely served in cooking pans (instead of ordinary dinner plates), and offers an exciting experience to the whole family. One of the main attractions and a current favourite on the menu is the sushi. The three chefs that prepare the sushi have received professional training in the proper preparation of this delectable dish.
Jimmy Sedutla & Sydney Mthombeni
The Ocean Basket receives fresh fish on a weekly basis to ensure that guests are always provided with the best quality meal possible. The doors open at 11:00 and visitors can expect fast, friendly service from their waiters. Takeaways are also available for those on the run. Enquiries: Ocean Basket on 015 307 2359. Article & photos: Amelia de Ridder — amelia@bulletin.us.com
Lucky Magoro, Suzanne O’Connell & Faith Mazivanhanga
Dean Maritz (Manager) & Carlos Carreira (Owner)
25 Mei 2012
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Unicorn’s Big Walk was big fun A croud consisting of students, parents and friends descended on Unicorn Preparatory School’s sport fields for the annual Big Walk on Friday. Children gathered sponsors to donate a certain amount of money for each circuit they made of a special track laid out on the field. Hundreds of children took part, with numerous parents, siblings and friends also joining in the fun. Everybody dressed up in all sorts of outrageous, funny and surprising outfits. This year’s theme was MAD — Make a Difference, but all kinds of outfits were on show. Good music, food and company characterised the evening. A record amount of money was collected thanks to the excellent participation. The money will be used for con- Three siblings from Unicorn, Ammaarah, Mohammed and Zaakirah Omar tinued improvement to the school. showed just how MAD they were during the Big Walk on Friday.
Die Noord- en Sentraal-Gauteng Tweekampkampioenskappe is onlangs gehou. Drie van Le’Club se atlete het deelgeneem. Floris Coetzer (middel) was die derde NoordGautenger in sy ouderdomsgroep. Janco was eerste van die Noord-Gautengers en Christelle was die eerste NoordGautengse meisie. Hulle het in die ouderdomsgroep 8 tot 12 jaar deelgeneem.
Events l Gebeure
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘12
This Week
This Month
Fun Day St Paul’s Church Bingo and Family Fun Day, Haenertsburg, today and tomorrow. Bingo at the Red Plate today. Tomorrow fresh produce, homemade goodies, bookstall, tea garden and much more! Tombola, egg and spoon races, sack races, three-legged races and other fun for children. Lots of prizes. Contact Nadia 082 388 0634 for enquiries.
of Raymond Pretorius by 082 899 5011.
Juanita du Plessis
Hoërskool Merensky, 1 September. Kom geniet die Barnyard-styl vertoning van Juanita du Plessis saam met vriende en familie. R100/kaartjie. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skool se finansiële kantoor. Vir navrae skakel 015 305 7901.
Middag/Aandmark Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, 1 Junie. Kom koop aandete, vetkoeke, pannekoek, groete, vrugte, gebak en nog vele meer. Vir die dogtertjies is daar ATKV Eiland Spa, 12 - 14 Oktober. ‘n handwerktafel met popklere. Vetkoeke kan Reünie vooraf bestel word. Skakel die kerkkantoor vir Die 1992 Matrieks van die Hoërskool Merensky hou reünie. Vir navrae skakel: Michael Muller 083 enige navrae. 015 307 4508 of 083 438 2230 Pieter Kotze Voetspoortjie Kleuterskool 449 3880, Riette Enslin 083 444 2927, Melody Basaar NG Kerk Wolkberg, Tzaneen, bied aan Pieter Kotzé. Musiek, kuier en dans in Bond 084 627 0956 of Hanlie Pretorius 071 361 vandag 08:00 - 20:00 en môre 08:00 - 13:00. Mini ‘Barnyard’-styl. Tzaneen Skousaal, 1 Junie, 18:00 6160 Ystermankompetisie, SAVF Trompoppies, pret vir 18:30. R100/p, bring eie piekniekmandjie. Reünie Die 40-jaar-reünie van die hondeskou. Verskeidenheid plante en saailinge, Kontantkroeg. Kaartjies: Voetspoortjie Kleuter- 1973-matrieks van die Hoërskool Pietersburg gebak, handwerkartikels en vele om te eet. Vir skool. Navrae: Inge Mari Kotzé by 083 456 3465. aanstaande jaar. Organiseerders is op soek na die kinders: skyfskiet, spookhuis, springkasteel en Droomuitleg Letaba River Lodge, almal se kontakbesonderhede. Oud-leerlinge reuse glybaan. Navrae: kerkkantoor 015 307 4062. Tzaneen, 2 Junie, 09:30. Die droomboekskrywer, kan Marietjie (van Zyl) Fevrier by 082 622 9262 Jan de Wet NG Kerk Wolkberg, vandag, Betsie Joubert, is die gasspreker. Sy gaan praat skakel of Johan Peyer (082 464 1631) of Carina 10:00 - 10:30 vir die kleuters, 10:30 - 11:00 vir oor die spirituele uitleg van drome. Haar boeke, du Plessis (076 834 4345) . die groter kinders. Jan de Wet kom kuier vir die kleingoed. Kleuterskole, speelgroepe en laerskoolkinders word hartlik uitgenooi. Ouers welkom. Vir navrae: Elsa by 015 307 4062.
Interpretasie: Drome en Visione Volume 1 en 2, sal te koop wees. Geldingesamel vir Tjokkertjie Kleuterskool en God’s Haven. Kaartjies: R75/p. Koffie, tee en verversings. Navrae en Leon Goosen-familietee Modjadjis- besprekings: Wilma 083 285 0660. kloof, môre, 10:30 vir 11:00. Ten bate van die Pinksterdienste NG Wolkberggemeente, SAVF Duiwelskloof. R50/p, laerskoolkinders Tzaneen, 3 Junie om 09:00, 4 - 7 Junie om 18:30. gratis. Navrae: Marietjie 071 604 3232. Samesang van 18:15. Prediker: Dr Flip Loots, Hondeskou NG Kerk Wolkberg, môre voltydse predikant in die radio bediening. 11:00. Skryf jou hond in vir die pret. Daar is vier Dienste se temas: Die oortuigende Heilige Gees items waaraan honde deelneem: Wys my jou en My hemelse Reisgids – die Heilige Gees. Vir truuk, Wie’s die baas, Blafduet en Dierbaarste navrae skakel die kerkkantoor 015 307 4062. dier. Navrae: Annaline Nel 083 456 3143.
Support The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meetings every alternate Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121. Round Table
Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Henk Van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.
Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527.
NG Kerk Moedergemeente Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Tzaneen, 7-8 Junie. Kaartjies R120/p. Navrae: Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes Steyn Denise by die kerkkantoor 015 307 4496. 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. La Petite Piaf Hotel@Tzaneen, 9 June, 19:00. A tribute to French singer, Edith Piaf. Lizelle van der Vyver will be performing with Sonja van Sport ‘12 Zyl accompanying her on the piano and Wim van Schalkwyk on the cello. R180/p, dinner: French-style canapé platters. For bookings call This Week ‘12 Pinksterdienste AGS Gemeente Lané 082 806 2110 or Deniel 083 856 7355. Rose and Modjadjiskloof, Maandag tot Woensdag, 19:00. Potjiekos competition Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae & Donderdae Pastoor Wynand Minnaar van Hoedspruit gaan Dragon Pub, Oasis Mall, Tzaneen, 9 June, 08:00. 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of die dienste aanbied. Almal welkom. Vir navrae: Lots of stalls, live music, displays, kiddies Natasha by 015 307 3316. activities and more. 015 307 2254. Pastoor Johan Pieterse 082 925 8746. Indoor Hockey Letaba Showgrounds Herofield Kruistog Herofield, Local Writers Evening PNA, Lifestyle (Chameleon Indoor Cricket). Wedstryde saans Woensdag, 14:00 - 15:00. Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Centre, 29 June, 19:00. Entrance fee: bottle of tussen 18:00 en 22:00. R25/p (4 of 5/span). Bring Merensky en Stanford Lake College gaan elk ‘n wine. Glasses, soup, bread, jam and coffee will eie hokkiestokke, balle sal voorsien word. deel van die kruis na Herofield dra. Die kruis be provided. Local writers Beth Keller, Amanda word daar geplant gevolg deur lofprysing. Vorster, Bridget Hilton-Barber, Charles Leach, Netbal Alle dames en mans wat belangstel Howard Blight, Nino Burelli, David Hilton-Barber om Netbal te oefen word genooi om Maandae Navrae: Hannes Steyn, 082 309 8335. and Louis Changuion will be signing their books. en Woensdae 17:15 - 18:15 saam te kom Groot 3-kompetisie Die Hervormde Enquiries: Brenda Alberts 015 307 2049 or Heidi oefen by Laerskool Tzaneen se bane (langs die kerk Tzaneen bied die Groot 3-kompetisie. Vosloo 082 822 2226. rugbyveld). Navrae: Rosie 082 453 9161. Eerste prys: jagnaweek in die Waterpoort (1 eland, 1 koedoe en 1 rooibok). Tweede Ander ‘12 Ander ‘12 prys: AMC Classic kookstel. Derde prys: iPad. Kaartjies R50. Sluitdatum: Donderdag. Navrae: 015 307 4508 of 072 144 7514. Inni-Berg Fees 2012 24 - 25 Augustus. Kaskar Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 28
Limpopo’s got talent
Methodist Church Hall, Tzaneen, tomorrow 10:00 - 16:00. Display and sale of paintings and fine and books by local artists and authors. 10:00: painting, 11:00: sketching, 12:00: Beth Keller, 14:00: Charles Leach, 15:00: sandblasting. Entry free. Refreshments available. Contact Iris Freestone on 082 922 9127 or Beth Keller on 015 307 5516.
Skryf ‘n gedig of storie oor jou moeder. Nie meer as twee A4-bladsye nie. Handig in by die Letsitele Biblioteek voor Donderdag. Wenners op 6 Junie aangekondig. Skakel die biblioteek 015 345 1911.
Aangebied deur die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg. Optredes deur Izak Davel, Fredi Nest, Arno Jordaan, Karin Ferreira. Stalletjies, biertuin, Mej. Inni-Berg Fees, en Inni-Berg Karakter. Vir meer inligting skakel Miempie du Toit by 084 606 0165
Julie. Skole se juniors en seniors, jongmense en selfs volwassenes neem deel. Weer baie opwinding en kraampies met ’n verskeidenheid heerlike eetgoed. Navrae: Gerhardt Vorster by 083 457 8824.
Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
SAVANNAH MALL MEN IN BLACK 3 ¸ ˛ ◊ Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40, 22:10 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40
THE SON OF NO ONE ˛ ◊ ∞ Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00, 22:20 Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00
˛ Ç ∆
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20
MALL OF THE NORTH MEN IN BLACK 3 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:15, 19:40, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:15, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:50, 17:15, 19:40
˛ ◊
Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
˛ ◊ ∆
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20
Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:50
Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
˛ ◊ ∆
—————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:20, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:20, 19:50 Tue: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:20, 19:50
AMERICAN PIE: REUNION ˛ ◊ ª Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:40, 17:20, 20:00, 22:40 Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:40, 17:20, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:40, 17:20, 20:00
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Search “Laeveldbulletin”
25 Mei 2012
Community march against killer road The community of Mageva and Ndhambi village, near Giyani, have threatened to shut down the R529 from Giyani to Tzaneen, if their demand for speed humps on the road is not met within 14 days. This was made clear during a march by the community of the two villages to the nearest satellite police station, to submit a memorandum stating their grievances. They demand speed humps on the road between the two villages. “Failure to start erecting speed humps within 14 days from today, will lead to a drastic step by the community,” said Mr Enoch Mahlaule, the secretary of the crisis committee elected by the community to lead the fight against speeding on the road. “The community is prepared to take the law into its hands if we don’t get a response — the road will be closed and we will do the speed humps by ourselves,” he warned. The problem has been fuelled School kids mixed with adults and took part in by the recent death of a five yearthe march against speeding on the R529 road old child. Her death brought the number of people to a staggering forty who died on the road in three years. According to statistics in position of the Crisis Committee, there were 2 391 accidents on the
road between March 2010 and March 2012, which left 33 dead, 168 seriously injured while 242 sustained minor injuries. They claim that 1 450 of the accidents have happened at night, while 941 allegedly happened during the day. “We’ve written several letters to both the municipality and the department of road and transport in the province since last year, yet until today we haven’t had an answer from either of them,” said Mahlaule. “With this march, we’re firing a final warning, after which we’ll do things our way,” he said. He added that speed humps were done at Risaba village which falls under the Greater Tzaneen Municipality on the same R529, and they don’t see how it could not be done in their area. The memo was later received by Mr Afrika Rikhotso, the ward councillor in that area. He then promised to take the memo to Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani who is expected to write recommendations to the provincial department about the erecting of speed humps. The area falls under the Greater Giyani Municipality but the road is a provincial road. — Orlando Chauke orlando@vodamail.com
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25 Mei 2012
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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS For PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1. Monthly & Annual Accounting 2. Management accounts 3. Compiling of Financial Statements 4. Registrations of Companies 5. Returns for: 5.1 Income tax 5.2 Vat 5. 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT registered Tax Practitioner) At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Mei301__________ Best services + price on all your gas and oil needs Rohan 082 337 4522 Nov201________________ Need a gift for someone special? Jewellery, cutlery, photo frames, crockery and much more! Contact 015 307 4448 Nov204________________ Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131________________ Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501
For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110________________ Acrylic tips, only R150 for a new set and R100 for a fill! Contact Nicky 083 746 6592 Jan203________________
Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters. Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897 Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________
Services Dienste PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128________________ Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102________________ Little Angels Dagsorg het nog baie plek vir babas en peuters. Alle Maaltye ingesluit. As U belangstel in liefdevolle sorg kontak Martie 0827323339 om afspraak te reël. Mar102(1)____________ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________
Services Dienste stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_________________ Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205_________________
Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
Distributors of Caltex fuels & Lubricants 083 627 8834 015 307 1998 Mar209(1)______________ Key shop & Locksmith Quick Friendly, professional service 24 Hour call out Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste 4D Ultrasound Medi 24 h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstreet Polokwane Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact 015 307 6797. Sept426________________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one
Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308________________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ Cutting back on electricity bills or is your domestic help on leave? School holiday laundry piling up? Dirty tabelcloths after a function? We offer wash, dry and iron, ironing only and tumble drying! Contact Tersia 078 457 9667. june405________________
The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________
The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_________________
Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________
I stock and use products from Schwarzkopf, Great Lengths, ghd, Eco.kid and many more. Come visit me for the perfect hair cut, colour or highlights. I do extensions and sell products for childrens hair too. Contact Lanie 015 307 4604 jan311_________________
TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401
10 Minute Vertical Sunbed!!! For the perfect tan, book now!!! 082 4000 991, 2B King Edward Drive Mar109(1)______________ Ons diens en herstel alle fabrikate. Kontak Mark 015 307 5268 jan305________________
Services Dienste
Your junk is worth something! Clothes, books, electrical, equipment, furniture etc. I will collect and sell it all for you! Weekly auctions at 31 Antimony Str Contact 082 925 9780 Mar216________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217_________________
KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________
Audio Repairs, DVD, TV and VCR Repairs, Spares and Accessories, IC’S and TR’S. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307_________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowings, verjaardag, kerk uitstappie, vergade rings etc. Groot plek met kroeg yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_________________ Lou-dri Field services Specialise in all earth moving machines, Trucks and Tractors. Contact Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ or 071 826 6298 Lou-dri velddienste Spesialiseer in grondverskuiwingmasjiene, trokke en trekkers. Kontak Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ of 071 826 6298 feb102________________
Ons spesialiser in die volgende mediesefondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontat ons vir gehaltediens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________ Veilings elke Saterdag, CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018 10 uur, Voertuie, Meubels, Yskaste, Beddens, TV’s, en baie meer. Privaat inskrywings welkom, 31 Antimoonstraat, Nuwe Nywerheidsgebied, Kontak Kobus 082 925 9780. Mar304(1)______________ Icon Scales Repair centre for weighing equipment Custom made equipment Services & maintenance contracts Sales of weighting equipment Contact Juvan Liversage 084 370 7290
Services Dienste 073 734 2781 Apr406(1)____________ You just thinner, younger, healther. Weight loss coach Clubhealthpointe.com 076 346 1664 Mei203________________ Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________ LOANS Loans from R1000 to R100000, NO credit checks! We do consolidations! For fast, efficient services call today. We can help you even if you are blacklisted or have garnish orders. Approved within a day and payout within 48 hours. Documents required are a follows: 2 months bank statements, ID Copy & latest payslip. Contact: 083 639 7232 or 078 183 7363 Mei204________________
Furniture Removals / Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd Puik diens & lae pryse Marlien 015 781 0637 / 083 252 8928
Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057, NTV HANDYMAN Alle herstel werk van huise, aanbouings env Gratis kwotasie En Alle tiepe aircons installering en hervillngs van gas. Regmaak van yskaste en hervilling van gas 24 uur diens Johan 083 632 5115 Mei404_____________ NTV ENGENEERING Welding van alle soorte metaale, oordoen van alle hydraulic (pompe, silinders, “velfes”) Ons doen veldwerk ook, 24 uur diens Vervaardig van heinings, veiligheidshekke, diefweering env. Werkswinkel in die nuwe industriele gebied Kontak 083 632 5115 Mei405______________ NTV PLUMING Herstel van alle waterpype, oopmaak van “drynpype”,
Services Dienste inselasie van nuwe pype en waterpyp Geysers , elemente, termostate, masterflo en saftyvalfes vir meer inligting 24 uur diens Kontak Johan 083 632 5115 Mei406_______________ Letaba Teak Wooden floor installation Installation of high quality teak flooring and decking. Solid teak furniture also available Call Grant 071 609 9067 Mei407______________
For Sale Te Koop Baltimore – lusering, hawer, tes, boontjie, grasbale te koop en afgelewer Skakel Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)_____________ Trojan concept basic treadmill For sale (used) R 3000.00 Contact 082 776 4431 Mar501(1)______________ CROCODILE MEAT On promotional sale Sosaties, fillets, boerewors, biltong, Croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet Available. Tel;015 307 4398/ 082 562 5004 Agatha Crocodile Ranch – Tzaneen Trade enquiries welcomed www.agatha-crocodile. co.za email: agathacroc@ vodamail.co.za CROCODILE FEEDING SHOW DAILY 9 am – 4 pm SCHOOLS AT SPECIAL PRICES Mei303__________ HAFLINGER STEYRPUCH NEWLY OVERHAULED GIVE AWAY FOR ONLY R60 000.00 CALL KOBUS 081 4728 651 Mei409_____________
Sahara Pentium 4 Computer, intel 1.8 ghz CPI, 1GB Memory, 150 GB Harddrive, 15 “Flatscreen. Computer programme, skype camera and other accessories included. R2 300 neg. contact Mrs van der Berg 074 264 5320 or 078 677 0525 Apr402(1)______________ Second Hand clothing Tweede handse klere – R30 per kg – baie goeie kondisie vir herverkoop Winter jasse (enkel-lengte) vanaf R180 – ingevoer van UK – so goed soos nuut Perfek vir herverkoop Secondhand Clothing – R30 per kg – very good condition – perfect for re-selling Winter coats (ankle length) from R180 – imported from UK – good as new Perfect for re-selling Contact Mareyna at 076 3766 783 Apr403(1)______________
To Let Te Huur VERVOER & VERPAK Van meubels Skakel Melodi vir kwotasie 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@ mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubel vervoer.com Mar104(20)_______
VERVOER/ TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R16.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R23.50/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 083 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 Mar103(20)________
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)__________
Sleepwa te huur. R250/dag. Thinus 082 807 6620. Mei305____________ TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals Trailers available Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________
Wanted Gesoek Ou Kweekhuis-tonnel / Green house / Raamwerk Ongeveer 5 x 30m. Kontak: 082 7710 777 Mei402______________ Gesoek/Wanted Bruin Leër / Filofax dagboek Verloor iewers in Tzaneen winkels. Baie baie belangrik. Kontak Marinda 083 576 7618 Mei408_____________
Personal Persoonlik Orca Swimming Academy Teaching baby’s – 6 months to adults Heated indoor swimming pool Driving crèches & primary schools to and from swimming Open Monday – Thursday 09:00 – 17:00 Contact Eloise 082 923 7931 Mei202(1)______________
Vehicle Motor Toyota SWB canopy R3500.00 Isuzu D/C canopy R2500.00 Toyota LWB dra rak/roof carrier R3900.00 Mazda/Ford D/C canopy R4500.00 Skakel 083 276 7872 015 307 6741 mei402_________________ Betaal ‘n deposito en neem paaiemente oor van ‘n: 2005 Mitshibushi Colt 2.8 2009 Tata Indica 1.4 LX Skakel 083 276 7872 of 015 307 6741 mei402_________________
2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________
Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________ Grader te huur. R2900/dag droog. Skakel Renier by 083 245 1031. Mei304________________
Animals Diere 3 Jarige Arabiese perd te koop R5 000 Dringende koop Kontak 084 990 4731 Mei403____________
To advertise in our classifieds contact Lihanie 015 307 7248
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25 Mei 2012
Property l Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur Flats Woonstelle Woonstel Luukse Toti Cabanas, 123 Beach Rd. Amanzimtoti. Loop afstand vanaf woonstel tot strand. Du pleks (dubbel). Binne seisoen Jan 2 – 9. 95 vierkante meter. Slaap 6. Baie luuks, volledig toegerus, plus daaglikse skoonmaakdiens. Prys op aanvrag. Kontak Emmie de Bruyn by 081 404 6292 of 082 246 6887 Mei301______________ Lukse Cabanas, 123 Beach Rd. Amanzimtoti. 8 Beskikbaar vir enige week of twee vanaf 1 Julie tot 15 November 2012, slap 6, volledige toegerus en daaglikse skoonmaakdiens ingesluit. Motor afdak ingesluit. Prys 7 nagte R2 700 Loopafstand na die strand. Kontak Emmie de Bruyn by 081 404 6292 of 082 224 6887 Mei302___________ Ruim 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur R3400.00 pm water en krag uitgesuit Deposito van R4000 Betaalbaar Beskikbaar : Dadelik Geen Troeteldiere Kontak Corné 072 225 3960 Mei310________
1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur. R2 650 water en ligte ingesluit Deposito betaalbaar Geen honde of kinders Beskikbaar 1 Junie Kontak Natalie 082 5597970 Mei401_____________
For Sale Te Koop Town Houses Meenthuis
4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, the main room contains a nice fire place for that cold winter nights... 2 built in braai inside and outside with swimming pool, double garage and electric gate. for all the romantics out there, it has an open air shower. R 1 850 000.00 Christa 083 460 6597 Mei406____________
4 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, swimmingpool and 1 bedroom flat R1 320 000.00 Christa 083 460 6597
Legals l Geregtelik IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT – PRETORIA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA CASE NUMBER: 12654/2009 In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED Plaintiff And DU PLESSIS, ANDRIES 1st Defendant DU PLESSIS, JACOBA JOCHINA 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In Execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the above mentioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the SHERIFF LETABA at the Sheriff’s Office, 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, AQUAPARK, TZANEEN ON 5 JUNE 2012 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the Defendant/s on conditions which will lie for inspection at the offices of the SHERIFF LETABA at the Sheriff’s Office, 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, AQUAPARK, TZANEEN, prior to the sale. Short description of property, situation and street number: CERTAIN: ERF 535 TZANEEN EXTENSION 6 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION
CENTURION PRETORIA Upmarket House for sale in Raslouw, Centurion. Approximately 800 sqr of shere elegance. This house offers 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 Lounges, 1 TV room, 1 Dining room, beautiful entrance foyer with twin stair case. Cherry wood kitchen & spacious laundry. Further, the house offers 3 patios, entertainment area, bar area and a swimming pool. 3 Garages. Electric fencing & alarm. R4 900 000.00 LEANDI 082 788 0772 Mei409___________
2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 living areas, double garage and a big bachelor flat. Give away R 1 040 000.00 Abel 072 126 1436 Mei407____________
Double storey top of the range house with extraordinary beautiful view. Every bodies dream house. 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, patios with the most beautiful view, 3 garages, Jacuzzi and swimming pool outside, built in braai and bar. Has its own generator with irrigation. Includes spacious garden fenced with electric and has its own auto gate. R 4 300 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862
Modjadjiskloof 3 Bedrooms with 2 Bathroom, Kitchen and Lounge, Single Garage3 bedrooms 1 bathroom R550 000 Jeanette 083 258 5862
Om hier te adverteer kontak Lihanie 015 307 7248 of epos by lihanie@ bulletin. us.com
5 bedroom house, dining room, lounge, TV room, kitchen with most built in cabinets made out of solid wood. With double garage, wall fenced yard with alarm system. Everything you want in a house including a swimming pool. R2 200 000.00 Abel 072 126 1436
CiS Real Estate Very neat 2 or 3 bedroom house for sale Lounge, dining room, main bedroom with en suite, carport, entertainment area, closed stoep, beautiful garden Price R895 000 Theo 071 641 9199 Mei402___________
CiS Real Estate Double storey house for sale 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge with entertainment area. Double garage Price R1 220 000 Thonet 071 641 9137 Mei403____________
CiS Real Estate Bargain of the month Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for sale Double garage and entertainment area. All on a large stand Price R875 000 Salomie 071 641 9041 Mei404____________
Neat and fit for a king 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 4 garages, batchelor flat, open plan 4 living areas,study, servants quarter and swimmingpool R1 650 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862
Sole mandate 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, double garage, granite tops, open plan kitchen and living areas with a braai and aircons. R1 000 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862
For Rent: 2 bedroom, 1.bathroom, in Flora Park R4400.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862
3 bedroom house, 1 bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Give away R 494 000.00 David 082 681 1268 Mei408___________
Other: We urgently need houses, townhouses, stands, farms, Commercial buildings and plots to sell. We have qualified buyers For the best team in town. Christa 083 460 6597 Jeanette 083 258 5862 Mei405__________
800m² business stand in the new industrial area for only R770 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862
CiS Real Estate Every one of us who either buys or sells a house must make use of a Conveyancing Attorney to attend to the transfer and registration process. If your house is bought with a loan from a bank or financial institution, a bond needs to be registered in favour of the bank or financial institution and if an existing bond is in place, it will need to be cancelled. It is thus clear that at least one, but up to three or more firms of Attorneys may be involved in the process. Many buyers and/or sellers are under the impression that once
Keep track of the Transfer process the documents are signed they only have to sit back and wait for the registration of the property and/or bond to take place. Many people are intimidated by Attorneys and are reluctant to make enquiries with the Attorney so as not to be a nuisance. This is a fallacy and any buyer and/or seller should know their rights and are entitled to know exactly how far the process has gone. If important deadlines are overlooked the process can be prolonged unnecessarily and can have serious consequences for the parties i.e.
the property might only register at a later stage causing clearance certificates to lapse or perhaps loosing substantial amounts on interest. You, as the client, are entitled to regular updates on the registration process and are fully entitled to contact your Attorney on a regular basis for updates. If you have the service of a reliable and competent Estate Agent, they should assist you in this process and save you the trouble of following up. Willem van Rensburg – principal C.I.S. Real estate. (015) 307 2230
25 Mei 2012
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Stanford Lake College wins at Beaulieu Stanford Lake College travelled to Beaulieu over the weekend and won the away encounter for the first time. All three rugby teams dominated their opponents to win convincingly. The u.15’s got the ball rolling with a 26-5 win. The second team also came out on top by 33-10. The first team made history
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
25 Mei 2012
Plasies voer botoon by Limpopo kampioenskappe
by winning at Beaulieu for the first time. The game was a close and physical derby, with the two sides swapping the lead at numerous times. Eventually their structured play, handling and sheer determination afforded them a victory of 37-20.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se boogskietklub was die naweek die gasheer van die Limpopo Veldkampioenskappe. Tagtig skuts van oor die
RIGHT: SLC’s Thabang Mathale on the charge. Photo provided
land het deelgeneem, onder meer sewe van die WesKaap. Merensky se skuts het weer uitstekend gevaar. In die juniorafdeling het Marla Barnard ’n goue medalje, Cheney Kleynhans silwer, SJ van der Walt silwer en Kyle Smith ’n brons
medalje gewen. In die cub-afdeling het Jaco de la Rey (van die Laerskool Tzaneen) die silwer medalje gewen en Wayne Coppen (Unicorn Preparatory School) die brons medalje. SJ van der Walt en Ricus Warmenhoven het ook hul provinsiale kleure gewen.
LINKS lê SJ van der Walt aan en ONDER is Marla, Cheney en Koot. Foto’s voorsien
BO: Die Laerskool Dr Annecke se eerste rugbyspan is trots op hul nuwe uitrustings wat deur sakeondernemings van Letsitele geborg is. Die broeke is deur mnr KG Linde van Fromm Systems geborg, die hemde deur mnr Derik du Toit van Letsitele Spar, hul rugbysakke deur mnr Pieter Vermaak van Nouvelle La Cotte en hul pette deur mnr JM du Toit van Belle Ombre Hoekstutte. Rudamans het geld gegee. By die span staan hul twee afrigters, mnre Pieter Coetzer en Eugene Bouwer. LINKS: Shama Manzini (o.13), De Wet Vorster (o.13) en Kgutatso Maenetje (o.12) het Limpopo-kleure in rugby gekry.
Vossies laat die speke sing
BO: Ruben Jordaan, Moné Pieterse en Welmar Pieterse van Ben Vorster het onlangs aan die MTN/Nissan Mabalingwe Lionman Bergfietswedren deelgeneem. Moné was tweede in haar ouderdomsgroep en 261 ste uit 1 149 deelnemers in die 40 km-wedren. Welmar was sewende in sy ouderdomsgroep en dertiende uit 320 deelnemers in die 20 km-wedren. Ruben was negende in sy ouderdomsgroep en 24 ste in die 20 km-wedren. Moné het ook onlangs aan die Mpack Magoebaskloof Bergfietswedren deelgeneem en die tweede plek in die 40 km-wedren behaal.
This week’s fitness tip by Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist) The best tip that I can give anyone that wants to get into shape for the summer, is to start exercising asap. Don’t wait for September, because then it’s too late. Winter in Tzaneen is the best time to train, the weather is perfect and you can push yourself even harder. Before you know it, the summer will be here, and when it’s time to pack away the winter cloths, everybody will notice how much weight you’ve lost. So go for it, I dare you!
Vossies se gholfspanne dring deur na Limpopo-eindstryd Die gholfspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Vrydag teen Louis Trichardt gespeel. Die eerste span het 3½ - ½ gewen. Jannelize Bessenger, Hennie Botes en Daniel Conradie het hul wedstryde gewen, terwyl JP Kruger gelykop gespeel het. Die derde span het ’n taai wedstryd gehad en Michael du Plessis en Johan van Vuuren het hul wedstryde gewen. Matie McHallagan en Roedolf Botes het hul wedstryde verloor. Die eerste- en derde spanne het na die eindstryd van die Limpopo-liga, wat vandag gespeel word, deurgedring. REGS: Voor is Daniel Conradie, mnr Gerrit Els (afrigter) en Hennie Botes. Agter is Jannelize Bessenger en JP Kruger.
LINKS: Elma Pohl van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is vir Limpopo se o.16A-hokkiespan gekies.
25 Mei 2012
Vossies kreun en steun teen PHS Sportkantoor
17-5 geklop. PHS se B-span het ook gewen met 12-3. Die o.16A’s was in ’n naelbytstryd gewikkel en toe die eindDie Hoërskool Ben Vorster het hulle Saterdag in Polokwane fluitjie blaas, moes albei spanne die louere met ’n telling van bevind, toe hulle in die FNB Classic Clash teen ’n begeesterde 13-13 deel. Die Vossies se B-span het met 12-7 verloor. Die PHS te staan gekom het. derde span het sake vir die seniors goed afgeskop en met Die hokkiebokkies kon in slegs een wedstryd die knoop 10-0 gewen. Dit het die tweede span tot hardlooprugby deurhaak. Die o.15B’s het hul kragmeting met 3-1 gewen. aangespoor en aan hulle ’n wegholoorwinning van 37-0 Die wedstryd van die dag was die van die eerste span. besorg. Dit was ’n gelykopstryd tot na ekstra tyd en toe sake op Die eerste span se wedstryd het nooit aan die gang 3-3 was, kon PHS met ’n vierde strafdoel slaag om die gekom nie en is deur gereelde oortredings onderbreek. wedstryd met 4-3 te beklink. Ben Vorster het egter die eerste helfte oorheers en hul Die hokkieseuns het met die o.14’s se wedstryd afgewoelige haker, Willie van Vuuren, het eerste agter die skop en teen rustyd met 1-0 agter geloop. Hulle het egter doellyn gaan draai. Die Vossies se sterk vleuel, Viljoen vir ’n aanskoulike wedstryd vol opwinding gesorg en die Dreyer, het ’n mooi agterlynbeweging met ’n drie gaan stryd met 2-1 gewen. afrond. Die Vossies se o.16-span het nie op al hul silinders Die rustydtelling was 12-3 in Ben Vorster se guns, maar gevuur nie en het die onderspit gedelf met ’n telling van sake het in die tweede helfte in ’n saai affêre ontaard. Die 2-1. Janco Meintjies het hul doel aangeteken. Die tweede heelagter, Marcel Scholtz, het hul enigste punte in die span het ’n gelykopstryd teen PHS gespeel. Die telling vorm van ’n strafdoel aangeteken. was nog 0-0 net voor die einde, maar die Vossies se ritme Kort voor die eindfluitjie kon PHS oor die doellyn bars het in duie gestort en PHS het in die laaste vyf minute en het hulle ’n troosdrie aangeteken. Die Vossies het met drie doele aangeteken om met 3-0 te wen. 15-10 gewen en hul kaptein en agsteman, Dewet Botha, is Die wedstryd tussen die eerste spanne was propvol op- Andries Welgemoed van Ben Vorster se eerste span gee die bal uit in as die speler van die wedstryd aangewys. winding en goeie spel. Ben Vorster se puik dissipline was Saterdag se FNB Classic Clash teen PHS, terwyl Jacques Louw (3), AnDie Vossies kom môre teen Hans Strijdom in ’n vriendFoto voorsien ton du Toit (4) en Erik van Niekerk toekyk. egter nie genoeg nie en PHS het met 2-0 geseëvier. skaplike kragmeting te staan. sport@bulletin.us.com
Op die rugbyveld het sake goed vir PHS begin, toe hul o.14A’s met 17-0 gewen het. Hul o.14B’s het bewys dat hulle oor baie diepte beskik, toe hulle die Vossies met 42-7 verslaan het. Die Vossies se o.15A’s het ook teleurgestel en het een van hul swakste voortonings vanjaar gelewer. PHS het hulle met
Merensky klop Louis Trichardt weer Die Hoërskool Merensky het Saterdag in hul tweederonde-ligakragmeting teen Louis Trichardt weer die oorhand gekry en die Triegies met die kous oor die kop huis toe gestuur. Die o.14’s het weer eens ʼn puik vertoning gelewer en die wedstryd met 22-0 beklink. Hulle het die spel oorheers en hul opponente geen kans gegun nie. Die puntemakers was Ferdie Geyer, Tony Mananela,
Chrisjan Rebel en Willy Mafikeng. Die o.15’s het ʼn harde wedstryd gehad en met 37-5 verloor. Sipho Ntsanwisi het die Plasies se drie aangeteken. Die o.16’s se wedstryd was ewe hard, maar die twee spanne het goed teen mekaar opgeweeg. Merensky kon egter nie hul gereelde aanvalle in punte omskep nie. Harry Rossouw en Marno van der Meulen het die Plasies se tien punte agter hul name geskryf. Die Triegies het met 34-10 gewen. Die tweede span (Ratels) het weer eens ’n aanskoulike vertoning gelewer en met 25-10 gewen. Armand Geldenhuys was die groot puntema-
ker met drie drieë, terwyl Andrew Masedi en Bullet Sithole ook punte aangeteken het. Die eerste span het ’n fisieke stryd teen die Triegies gevoer en in alle fasette van die spel oorheers. Met twee reuse slotte moes die Triegies baie beter voorlangs gevaar het, maar die Plasies se Solly Mukhutu en Funani Mabala het leiding geneem en hulle op die voorvoet gehou. Jece Swart op skrumskakel het ’n meesterlike vertoning gelewer en ’n paar groot Triegies in hul spore gestuit, voordat hy weens ’n besering vervang moes word. Hy en Mervin Julies asook Funani Mabala het die Plasies se drie drieë gedruk, terwyl Louis van der Walt sewe punte met sy skopskoen aangeteken het. Die Plasies het met 22-12 geseëvier. Hulle kom môre in Phalaborwa teen Frans du Toit te staan.
LINKS: Jece Swart, Merensky se skrumskakel, het Saterdag die een na die ander plettervat uitgevoer, in hul oorwinning van 22-12 oor Louis Trichardt. Foto: Wikus Swart
Harriers ready for Comrades Five runners of the Ofcolaco Harriers are hoping to not disgrace themselves and their club in this year’s Comrades Marathon on 3 June. Riebert Pretorius will be running his tenth Comrades and Dog Noel his twentieth. The club is very grateful for the hospitality and friendship that the Tzaneen Marathon Club has shown towards them by including them in their training runs. They undertake to return the favour by waiting for them at the finish line of this year’s Comrades Marathon... Seen here are Riebert and Hanlie Pretorius, Dog Noel and Richard Noel. Andrews Mtshali was absent. Photo provided