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11 January 2013

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Schools in the Tzaneen area can boast yet another good year as far as matric results are concerned. Top performing school is Stanford Lake College with a 100% pass rate. Merensky is in second place with a 98,9% pass rate — slightly down from 2011, when the school had a rather strong

(academic) group. Ponani Phumla Mabunda (left) of Kwangulatilo High School in Giyani was the Mopani District’s top matriculant for 2012, with seven distinctions. Orlando Chauke (who also took the photo) reports that she didn’t shy away from showing her happiness and excitement after she had received her results. She is one of Limpopo’s top pupils and obtained distinctions in Xitsonga, English, mathematics, physical science,

agricultural science, life science and life orientation. “I have my parents to thank for my success. They provided me with the necessary support and study material to help me out during my studies,” she told Bulletin. • The collection of the information pertaining to the matric results was done by Bulletin’s Retha Nel, Beaunice Mnisi, Amelia de Ridder and Martina Jege. * Turn to page 3 for the full details of the matric results of ten high schools in our area.

Well done! We congratulate all the 2012 matrics who passed.

Top of the heap! 8




Top 3

from 6 schools


Myhammad Tyob Stanford Lake College



Hajira Hassim Stanford Lake College



Anja Revelas Stanford Lake College



Top IT in Limpopo Top in Tzn circuit Vincent Kruger Merensky

Simon Merenkowitz Merensky


Khanyisele Bvuma St George College

Hanri Marais Merensky


Joy Ngobeni Meridian College

Basani Bambisa Ben Vorster


Kamo Ntjie Meridian College

Charlene Muhlarhi Ben Vorster


Ntsako Magamana Meridian College

Fumani Mongwe Ben Vorster


Chanty Mathebula DJZ Mthebule

Rixongile Mabunda St George College


Ehleketani Mthombeni DJZ Mthebule

Fumani Maluleke St George College


Jamela Shikwambana DJZ Mthebule

Top Maths Literacy in Limpopo

Phillip ter Beest Merensky


11 January 2013


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Retha Nel 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com Beaunice Mnisi 076 650 3412 beaunice@bulletin.us.com Martina Jege 072 046 4222 martina@bulletin.us.com Amelia De Ridder 082 824 2182 amelia@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlandod@vodamail.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Candice Dabner (hoof) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com

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Terwyl almal weer terugkeer werk toe, breek ‘n nuwe era vir sommige jong mensies aan. Is daar nuwe graad 1-leerlinge in jou gesin wat “groot skool” toe gaan? Deur watter voorbereiding moes julle gaan? Frikkie Friksters Schoeman My laaitie gaan terug skool toe en is in graad 1. Hy wil al van Saterdag af terug skool toe Hy is so opgewonde, hy is skoon laf... Amanda Strydom My groot skool eindig net nooit. Hoe meer dae hoe meer dinge. Voorbereiding om al die klappe te verdra wat van die ou jaar oorgedra word na 2013. Rosie De Souza Jip, ek het ‘n splinternuwe gr1dogtertjie in my huis! Ek het vir haar so mooi vertel van 25 jaar terug toe ek die eerste keer na Laerskool Tzaneen gegaan het, en ja, ek was ook in juffrou Hannie Coetzer se klas! 1988 gr1, en nou sussa in 2013! Kan nie wag nie. Maryne Van Rensburg Venter Ek dink nie die kinders het meer so baie voorbereiding nodig nie, hulle is mos klaar groot, dit is die bankrekening wat voorberei moet word vir al die lysies wat die kinders MOET hê. Retha Galvin Ek wens ek kon nog skoolhou! Het die graad eens baie geniet! Wat kos dit om jou kind vanjaar in die skool te hê? Is dit vir jou aanvaarbaar, of hardloop die onkostes met jou weg?

Hans Schouwstra Dit hardloop weg, veral as jou kind nog in die koshuis ook moet wees, dan is dit erg en jy het nog een op universiteit ook. Dan is dit rof. Ja, ons kry waarde vir die geld, maar waarvoor betaal ek dan belasting en ek is in die onderwys, maar kry nooit ‘n korting nie?

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Lana Groenewald Wat nog te praat van die kleuterskole wat so duur is... Anita Jansen Lordan Dis belaglik wat skool kos, en dan nog boekfooie ook, en tot nou toe weet ek nie waarvoor boekfooie is nie? Dis ‘n staatskool, die staat moet mos die boeke dan gee... en ek het nie een boek gesien waarvoor die fooie was nie. Yolandi Grobler Dis nogal ’n duur stokperdjie vandag om jou kind op skool te hou. My kind is nou in gr2 en dit kos my vir skoolfonds + naskool R960 per maand. Dan is dit nog nie eers skoolklere en skryfbehoeftes ingesluit nie. Erika Landman Skoolklere en skryfbehoeftes = R2 100, inskrywingsfooie = R620, skoolfonds = R1 430 = R4 150! Januarie! Melanie Brass Skool goed: R500 x 3 = R1500. Skoolklere: R226 x 3 = R678 x 3 = R2034. Skool fonds: R715 x 3 = R2145. Boekfooie: R310 x 3 = R930. Skooltruie: R165 x 3 = R498. Skoolskoene: R170 x 3 = R510. Enige afslag: R0.00 x 3 = R0.00. Nou doen die somme en sê my of jy dink dis belaglik? Jolene Vd Schyff Kleuterskool R94O, skool R715, skoolklere R5OO (dis nog nie eers skoene en kouse en warm klere nie) skoolgoed R5OO. Dan nog kosblik pak elke dag, hier en daar snoepiegeld... ons kan aangaan vir lank... Christa Erasmus Ja, skole het verskuilde uitgawes. So is daar aan ons ouers se kant ook onnodige skooluitgawes. As kwaliteit en kwantiteit opgeweeg word, wie kan sê? Die bekostigbaarheid hang ook af van die aantal persone in die huishouding wat salarisse verdien. Elsa Schoeman Dit is ‘n moet om spesifieke tas en skoolklere te hê. Vir enkelouers is dit bietjie styf, ons kan almal net dankbaar wees as ons dit kan bybring vir ons kinders.

Bulletin behou die reg voor om kommentaar te keur. Weerhou asseblief lasterlike en beledigende kommentaar.

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Sê jou sê

Fanie V D Heever Klerewinkels buit die pryse uit, dis belaglik duur. My seun gaan nou gr1 toe en sy skoolklere was amper R1500. Om nie te praat van my oudste wat nou gr7 toe gaan nie.

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Fifty Shades of Fly! Dit was ‘n moelike tyd vir Vlieg. Die twee sussies, so eenders, maar tog so anders. Dis al sterk skemer. Die son het pas vergeefs sy laaste strale oor die westelike horison probeer gooi. ‘n Mooi sonsondergang, dink Vlieg. Net soos gisteraand. Gisteraand was hy ook hier, maar saam met die ander sussie. Sy was speels, en het Vlieg later net so speels gehad. Dit was al lankal donker toe sy weg is. Vlieg het lanklaas so goed gevoel na ‘n aand saam met ‘n dame. Hy kan nie wonder of haar sussie, wat vanaand hier voor hom staan, hom ook so kan laat lekker kry nie. Vlieg kan duidelik sien dat hulle sussies is. Dieselfde lang, maer, vroulike nek. Waterdruppels rol stadig daarvan af tot op haar naakte skouers, waar dit eers effens vertoef, voordat dit verder rol oor haar gladde lyf. Vlieg streel haar klam nek met die agterkant van sy vingers. Sy voel effens koud. Vlieg kry hoendervleis en voel ‘n vreemde hitte in sy diepte ontwikkel. Na ‘n vurige omhelsing kan Vlieg homself nie meer inhou nie. Hy sukkel ‘n bietjie

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... meer om hom in te kry as met haar sussie gisteraand. Toe hy uiteindelik ingaan hoor hy ‘n sagte squeekgeluid en ‘n stoute glimlag van verwagting trek om sy mond. Hy lig haar sagkuns op en kantel haar weg van hom, terwyl hy haar rug ondersteun en sy ander hand onder haar voete hou. Toe Vlieg klaarmaak ruk sy hele lyf en hy tel haar weer regop en sit haar saggies neer. Hy raak meteens van voor af versot op haar reuk, baie soos haar sussie, maar tog anders, haar eie karakter. Toe sy ook later stilweg verdwyn en Vlieg weer alleen is, worstel hy met die tweestryd binne hom oor watter een van die twee Blanc-sussies hom die meeste beïndruk het, en natuurlik vir watter een van die twee hy more-aand gaan lus kry: Sauvignon of Chenin! En hy sal later wonder waarom hy vanaand so gesukkel het om die kurktrekker in te kry! Terwyl niemand nou meer wonder waarmee Vlieg homself oor Vliegmis besig gehou het nie… gesondheid… hiegaatons… 2013!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! •Die Oor is terug, maar steeds baie traag. Dit was darem so lekker, eers in Mosambiek en later in Durbs en omgewing. Die Suidkus was nogal besig. Ek het prokurowers daar gesien drentel, boere, ‘n lanbouleier of twee, afgetrede Blou Bulle, huidige Blou Bulle (wat steeds flou lyk na verlede jaar), ‘n perdedokter, drie kwakke en ‘n klomp van die Laeveld se pronkprodukte (ons jong mense, meesal dié wat pas klaar is met skool). Tussen al dié vakansiegangers was daar ‘n voorvalletjie of drie en is ‘n paar lekker stories versprei, maar ons wag tot later om te sien hoe die dinge verder gaan verwikkel, voor ons daaroor skinder. • Intussen het hier plaaslik weinig gebeur. Daar was ‘n hofuitsprakie of vier, maar nie

juis om oor te rapporteer nie. In een geval het die hogere hof besluit ‘n man vlieg hoër as wat sy vlerke lank is, toe hy toesig oor die kinders probeer kry het, maar dit was geen verrassing vir die mense wat hom ken nie. Nou lê daar ‘n siviele eis en wag en dan is daar nog ‘n hogere hof se saak wat ongemaklik kan raak. Lyk of die kêrel ma’ rits deur al die gedinge... • So van vlieg gepraat: sien Vlieg toe ook daar in Durbs waar hy soos ‘n wafferse toe-ris-vakansieganger-leeglêer ongeskeer in geskenkwinkeltjies snuffel, op soek na snaaksighede. Toe Die Oor hom die laaste keer sien was dit met twee rolletjies toiletpapier onder die arm vasgeknyp... want wit wyn kan soms werk met ‘n man se gal...

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www.bulletin.us.com Matriculants from the Tzaneen area performed quite well in 2012 and despite last year’s text book saga, the general feeling seems to be that there is an improvement in the pass rate at most schools. Stanford Lake

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Our top achievers

Stanford Lake College achieved a 100% pass rate and an incredible 86% of students were eligible for university studies! The 57 students who wrote exams averaged 1,6 distinctions per candidate, excluding Life Orientation. The top pupil was Muhammad Tayob, the 2012 dux-pupil, who obtained eight distinctions and averaged 90%. He is placed in the top 1% of all IEB candidates in five subjects. Hajira Hassim received six distinctions with an 87% average and the third placed pupil, Anja Revelas, received six distinctions with an 84% average and was among the top 1% of all IEB candidates in two subjects.


Die Hoërskool Merensky spog met ‘n slaagsyfer van 98,9%, nadat 180 van die 182 leerlinge van die klas van 2012 geslaag het (die twee druipelinge kan glo albei hereksamen skryf en daar is die moontlikheid dat die slaagsyfer verder kan verbeter). Die leerlinge het 238 onderskeidings verwerf en 108 leerlinge het met universiteitsvrystelling geslaag. Merensky se topleerling is Vincent Kruger wat agt onderskeidings behaal het. Hy is ook Limpopo se topleerling in Inligtingstegnologie en is algeheel 21ste in die provinsie. Vincent is die topleerling in die Tzaneen-kring met ‘n gemiddelde van 89,9%. Simon Marincowitz is tweede met sewe onderskeidings. Hy was verlede jaar die skool se dux-leerling en het ‘n gemiddeld van 88% behaal. Hanrie Marais is in die derde plek, ook met sewe onderskeidings en ‘n gemiddelde persentasie van 85,9%. Die skool se matriekleerlinge het ‘n raps slegter as 2011 se rekordbreek-klas gepresteer. Hul slaagsyfer het met 0,2% geval en onderskeidings het van 324 na 238 verminder.

Ben Vorster

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Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het ‘n slaagsyfer van 95%, nadat 171 van hul 180 matriekleerlinge geslaag het. Daar blyk verwarring/onsekerheid by die skool te wees oor die nege druipelinge se status en die skool sê die druipelingsyfer sal bevestig word wanneer daar sekerheid is. Die leerlinge het vir 185 onderskeidings gesorg en 69 het met universiteitsvrystelling geslaag. Die topstudent is Ba-

sani Bambisa met sewe onderskeidings en ‘n gemiddeld van 87,5%. Charlene Muhlari volg kort op haar hakke met sewe onderskeidings en ‘n gemiddeld van 86,2%. Fumani Mongwe is in die derde plek met ses onderskeidings en ‘n gemiddeld van 84,7% (Nicolie van der Zee het ook ses onderskeidings, maar haar gemiddeld van 82,2% is effe laer en sy skuif dus net-net in die vierde plek in).

St George

St George College in Nkowankowa achieved a 100% pass rate with 95% of the candidates qualifying for university entrance. The school also boasts a 100% pass rate for all the subjects offered. The matriculants attained a total of 145 distinctions among the 60 pupils who wrote the examinations. The college was honoured and awarded by the MEC for Education in Limpopo for achieving the second place for Best Independent School in Limpopo. The top pupil, Rixongile Mabunda (7 distinctions,) was also awarded second place for the best pupil in Independent Schools in the province. Second best performing pupil was Fumani Maluleke (7 distinctions) and third was Khanyisele Bvuma (7 distinctions). There aren’t enough words to be eloquent about this achievement. “It is indescribable”, said a jubilant Ms Joya Varughese, the principal of St George.


The Meridian College in Nkowankowa proved yet again that they are to be reckoned with. The college boasts a passing rate of 96,5% — 55 matriculants out of 57 passed and 35 of the pupils qualified for university entry. The matriculants also reaped a total of 123 distinctions. The pass rate, however, dropped with 2% from 2011. The top achiever is Joy Ngobeni, who received seven destinctions. Kamo Ntjie came in second place with six destinctions and Ntsako Magamana palmed in 5 destinctions.

D J Z Mthebule

D J Z Mthebule Secondary School attained third position for the best performing school in the Nkowankowa circuit. The 112 matriculants who wrote their exams generated a pass rate of 90,17%. The top three pupils were Chanty Mathebula (6 distinctions and part of Limpopo’s top 30), Ehleketani


11 January 2013


Mthombeni (6 distinctions) and Jamela Shikwambana (4 distinstions). A total of 54 pupils received university entry and 37 distinctions. The pass rate is up from 73% of 2011.


Mafutsane High School is the best performing school in the Thabina circuit (Lenyenye). The school achieved a pass rate of 76,7% with three distinctions among the sixty matriculants who wrote the exams — eleven pupils qualified for university entry. The top three were Dion Letsoalo (two distinctions), Moshe Mohlala and Tshepiso Mogoboya (one distinction each). The school’s results have seen a significant drop from the 2011 pass rate of 81,6%.

Nelson Ramodike

Nelson Ramodike High School (also Thabina circuit) achieved second place with a pass rate of 65,6% from the 90 matriculants that sat for the examinations; 12 pupils qualified for university entry. The top three pupils were Mahlatse Bopape (2 distinctions), Pontsho Makgoba (2 distinctions) and Taola Mokone (1 distinction). The school’s pass rate was an improvement on the 57,1% of 2011.


Motsipa High School achieved the best matric results in the Modjadji circuit. A total of 25 matriculants wrote the exams and attained a pass rate of 96% with 12 pupils qualifying for university entry. The top three performers in the school were Neo Mawela (one distinction), Mahlatse Mokgotla and Thabiso Motlokwa.


Morwasehla High School (also in the Modjajdi circuit) is the third best school in the circuit. The school had 48 matriculants and received a pass rate of 69%, as well as four university entries. The top three matrics were Eketsane Kgapane, Clearance Maenetje and Rodney Makwala. There has been an improvement from 2011 pass rate of 54%. * Efforts to attain results for the top three schools in the Mafarana circuit failed. The only information revealed were the top schools: Jaca with a 100% pass rate, Scotch Maboko Secondary School with 94,1% and Sedan Secondary School in third place with 90%. The information was given by the circuit manager whilst on his way to a meeting. Unfortunately he did not come back to us with more info before our deadline.


11 January 2013


Operation duty results The SA PoliceTzaneen Cluster’s Operation Duty Calls yielded excellent results. The police acted in full force to ensure that community members could enjoy the festive season. The Tzaneen police arrested 399 people, amongst them 77 for road traffic act violations, 112 for drinking in public and 84 for illegal trading. The Tzaneen Police’s communication officer, Const David Seale, applauded the police for cleaning up the streets. “There’s still work to be done this year and we hope that the public will continue supporting the police, because together we can,” he said. The Tzaneen police station commander, Brig Diana Mashele, also applauded the men and women in blue for making it hard for criminals to do their business. “Operation Duty Calls was a success and we will continue to work hard to clean up our streets.” The Letsitele police arrested 230 people during the festive season: 25 for theft, 25 for road traffic act violations and 112 for violations of the liquor act. Letsitele’s police communication officer, Const Ntsako Mabunda,


Search “Laeveld Bulletin” homes or businesses. A total of hundred suspects were arrested for committing robberies at businesses in Tzaneen, Mankweng, Polokwane, Thohoyandou, Lephalale, Malamulele and various other towns in Limpopo. In most of these cases the targets were spaza shops or general dealers in villages. Add to this that 53 suspects were arrested for theft from houses, 38 for robberies and twelve for the hijacking of vehicles. A total of 24 unlicensed firearms and 36 rounds of ammunition were recovered during the arrests. Two suspected stolen vehicles were also confiscated as well as nine cell phones. The Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Simon Mpembe, warned that the police will spare no effort to restore safety and security in the province. “Our efforts are continuing since there are others we are still pursuing. They can run but they cannot hide,” he warned.

said police worked hard to ensure that the streets were safe. Mabunda added that the police also raided a shebeen in N’wa Mitwa’s Mugwazeni village. The owner was selling liquor without a liquor license, and 45 cases of beer were confiscated. The owner was arrested and paid R1 500 admission of guilt. Mabunda urged community members to cooperate with the Bulletin Crime Reporter police and report any criminal Martina Jege activity in their communities. martina@bulletin.us.com


Most wanted arrested

The SA Police Service has made yet another significant breakthrough in its fight against crime. After brilliant detective work by members of the provincial tracking team and other specialised units, more than 203 most wanted suspects have been arrested. The team has travelled throughout the country in their efforts to track down and arrest these suspects. A small number of the suspects are believed to have been involved in robberies at

Missing man found The body of a missing 54 year-old man from Pretoria has been recovered by the police in the bushes at Mashishimale, near Namakgale on Monday afternoon. According to Provincial police spokesman, Brig Hangwani Malaudzi, the victim was reported missing in Pretoria North on 2 January. Malaudzi says on Saturday a Kia sedan car was spotted in the bushes by a pedestrian who alerted the police. When the police arrived at the scene, they found the keys of the car in the ignition with a laptop, clothes and a box of ammunition on the seats. After enquiries were made, it was established that the car belonged to Mr Donovan Marais (54). Malaudzi says an intensive search by the Namakgale police and Makhado K9 units was launched. Marais’ decomposed body was discovered with two half-empty bottles of whiskey next to his him and R230 pinned to a nearby tree. The cause of death has not yet been established. An inquest docket has been opened and a post mortem will be done to determine the cause of death.

Model presteer

Mnr Hennie van Vreden en me Katrien Bruwer is onlangs deur dr Jan Truter in die huwelik bevestig. Van Vreden is mede-eienaar van een van die dorp se bekendste familiesake, Van Vredens Bakherstellers. Die egpaar woon by Lushof buite Tzaneen.

The headgirl and -boy of Merensky High School, Alicia du Toit and Stiann Gubitz, attended a four day leaders’ symposium, where they joined 250 other young leaders from over the country to learn about being a good leader through interactive workshops and team building.They agree that it was time well spent.

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Jeanné-mari de Jonge, ‘n jong model van Tzaneen, het weer goed gevaar by die Modelcup-kompetisie. Sy het tydens die kompetisie nasionale kleure in vyf afdelings verwerf, en is in een as reserwe gekies. De Jonge is verlede jaar gekies om Limpopo by die Modelcup se nasionale ronde te verteenwoordig. Sy het drie goue, een silwer en een brons medalje asook ‘n trofee vir ‘n algehele derde plek in die “freeze”-afdeling ontvang. Sy het ‘n algehele agtiende plek behaal, uit 55 deelnemers. Haar uitslae in die ouderdomsgroep 13 was: Pageant: eerste plek (85%), Body: derde plek (83%), Ramp: sesde (75%), Photograpic: eerste (87%), Beat: eerste (88%), Freeze: tweede (89%). Sy sê sy sien nou uit na die Champion of Champions-kompetisie, wanneer sy met haar nasionale uitrusting kan spog. Sy is vanjaar ‘n gr 8-leerling aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Sy is al geruime tyd ‘n model van die Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy.

Polisievoertuig slaan om in hoofstraat

‘n Patrollievoertuig van die SA Polisie in Tzaneen het Oukersaand erge skade veroorsaak én opgedoen, toe dit in Danie Joubert-straat (Tzaneen se hoofstraat) omgeslaan het. Die stewige baksteenmuur-middelman, twee groterige sikadeë en die voertuig is nogal erg beskadig. Vermoedelik het ‘n motoris (volgens die motor se registrasienommer van Mpumalanga) die verkeerslig op die hoek van Danie Joubert en Agathastraat geminag en teen die polisievoertuig se agterkant vasgery, terwyl dit die kruising oorgesteek het. Dit het laataand gebeur, kort nadat die polisie ‘n inbraak in die omgewing ondersoek het.

Pharmacist passes on A well-known pharmacist of Lombards Pharmacy in Tzaneen, Mr Johan Kruger (62), suddenly passed away on 13 December. He was part of the Progroup of Pharmacies in Tzaneen for six years and known to his colleagues for his integrity, humanity and God-fearing spirit. Kruger’s funeral was held in Pretoria on 17 December and his colleagues held a memorial service the following day. He is survived by his wife Rita and three sons: Johan, Schalk and his wife Rentia and Henri and his wife Maranda.


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Hok toe!

11 January 2013


Senior official arrested —

Derduisende kinders gaan landwyd vanjaar vir die eerste keer skool toe. In Tzaneen het ons gaan loer en gesien dat dit vir sommige maar moeilik was (links); sommige het vinnig maats gemaak (links onder); sommige het veilig gevoel terwyl ma nog naby was (onder en onder verste regs); en vir sommige was dit ‘n gesinsuitstappie (regs onder).

forged qualifications

Itumeleng Letwaba (30), a former senior manager of water services at the Mopani District Municipality, was arrested in Pretoria on Wednesday. She is infamous for her dismissal from the MDM last year, where she earned a “fat” salary for four years. She was arrested for fraud by the Hawks after submitting fake and fabricated certificates to secure employment. She applied for a job at the Waterberg District Municipality last year and her “qualifications” in engineering were verified with the Tshwane University of Technology. Letwaba appeared in the Tzaneen magistrates court yesterday, for a bail application.

REGS: ‘n Emosionele me Rosie de Souza het Woensdagoggend haar sesjarige vir die eerste keer deur die “grootskool” se hekke gelei. De Souza het haar skoolloopbaan in 1988 by die Laerskool Tzaneen en in me Hannie Coetzer se klas begin. Sy was verheug toe sy uitvind dat haar dogtertjie, Emmarentia, haar skooljaar (25 jaar later) ook in die gesoute Coetzer se klas kon begin.





Stry Tot Oorwinning


Afrikaans 7 (66,1%) Sepedi 5 (72,7%) Xitsonga 9 (74,6%) Engels 21 (68%) Wiskunde 6 (50,1%) Wiskunde geletterdheid 14 (64,6%) Geografie 4 (60%)

6 Werny Taljaard



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Modjadji Makwela

Aantal onderskeidings • 185. Die meeste nog! • Aantal B’s: 291 • 8 Leerlinge het bo 80% gemiddeld • 41Leerlinge het bo 70% gemiddeld




Xiluva Mhlongo


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Mapula Mhlongo

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4 Hennie Botes

Wynand van Losenoord

Vossies ontvang die volgende toekenning: • Top 30 skole wat universiteitstoelating vir Baccalaureus studie verwerf. • Lid van Klub 50 (wiskunde en wetenskap bo 50%)



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3 Edri Vorster

• 171 kandidate slaag Nasionale Matriekeksamen • 96 van ons leerlinge verkry universiteitsvrystelling • 68 Leerlinge slaag met diplomastudievrystelling

3 Lialize Putter


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Danielle Diedericks


Yolandie Dreyer (afwesig)



11 January 2013



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Die Boodskap

Ons Mening Vrydag 11Januarie 2013

Ds Barry van der Merwe NG Kerk Letsitele

Ouers moet help

Kom ons maak 2013 `n radikale jaar! Wat bedoel ek met radikaal? Die Latynse woord radix beteken wortel. `n Radikale standpunt, of radikale optrede is veronderstel om terug te gryp na die wortel van `n saak. Jesus het in die Nuwe Testament gesê die belangrikste van alle riglyne in die lewe is om God lief te hê en jou naaste soos jouself. Dit klink vir my na die wortel van ons bestaan. Paulus het gesê: “Al praat ek die tale van mense en engele, maar ek het geen liefde nie, het ek ‘n stuk klinkende metaal, ‘n galmende simbaal geword. Al het ek die gawe van profesie en ken ek al die geheimenisse en besit ek al die kennis, en al het ek al die geloof om berge te versit, maar ek het geen liefde nie, dan is ek niks. Al deel ek al wat ek het aan ander uit, en al gee ek my liggaam prys om my daarop te kan beroem, maar ek het geen liefde nie, baat dit my niks.” Wanneer ons die uitdagings van 2013 pak, moet ons telkens die vraag vra: “Wat van die liefde vir God en die liefde vir die naaste?” As ons dit doen, is ons radikaal. In dié sin was Jesus die groot Radikale en moes Hy aan die kruis sterf. Mooi naweek!

Hierdie koerant stem nie maklik saam met die minister van basiese onderwys nie; en na verlede jaar se onvergeeflike onreg wat haar departement toegelaat het om in Limpopo af te speel, was ons nog meer wantrouig oor haar vermoëns om haar departement na behore te (kan) bestuur. Woensdagoggend het sy en die adjunkpresident van die land die opening van ‘n skool in Alexandra bygewoon. Daar het sy ‘n roerende pleidooi gelewer dat ouers meer aktief betrokke moet raak by hul kinders se onderwys/opvoeding. Hiermee kan ons identifiseer en hierin kan ons haar ondersteun. Dit was ‘n tydige en noodsaaklike boodskap. As sy nie net opportunistiese partypolitieke bymotiewe hiermee het nie, verdien sy ondersteuning in die strewe na aktiewe ouerbetrokkenheid by kinders se skoolsake. Daar word selde of nooit gepraat of geskryf oor ouers wat hul kinders in die steek laat; dit is maar altyd die skool en die leerkragte se skuld as die kinders nie na wense presteer nie. Die kinders wat nie hul kant op die skoolbanke bring nie, word maar min uitgesonder, want dit is te maklik om mislukking op die skool en die onderwysers se brood te smeer. Intussen: Baie geluk aan al die matrieks wat hard gewerk en die vrugte daarvan gepluk het (en aan die ouers wat wel hul kinders ondersteun het). Mag vanjaar se prestasies ook 2013 se matriekleerlinge aanspoor tot hoogtes.

Ons verwelkom briewe van lesers. Hou dit asb kort. Pos dit, faks dit of stuur dit per e-pos.

Dief, jy’s gesien! Inwoner van Harry Dilley-straat, Tzaneen, skryf: Aan die inwoner wat plante steel: Jy het ‘n Amarilla uit my blombak op die sypaadjie gesteel. Jy het gedink dat niemand jou gesien het nie, maar onthou daar is Een wat alles sien. Jy sal eendag moet verantwoording doen omdat jy gesteel het. Geniet die pragtige blomme intussen.

Erg bekommerd Anoniem skryf per e-pos: Ek skryf hierdie brief anoniem ter wille van goeie verhoudinge, maar daar is ‘n saak wat my al lankal pla maar ‘n mens weet nie hoe om dit aan te spreek nie. Ek is nie meer ‘n lidmaat van die NG Kerk of NG Letsitele nie, maar besoek soms wel die gemeente wanneer ek vir my ouers kom kuier. Ek is bekommerd oor die geestelike voedsel wat by hierdie gemeente uitgedeel word. Ek het nie ‘n probleem met die leraarspaar

Letters • Briewe as persone nie, hulle is baie aangename mense, maar my ervaring is dat slegs die helfte van die waarheid verkondig word. Daar is geen ware bekeringsboodskap nie, en dit bekommer my geweldig. Is daar nie iemand wat iets hieromtrent kan doen nie? • U wil weet of iemand nie iets kan doen nie. U kan iets doen deur die regte prosedure (na ons mening) te volg, naamlik om u besorgdheid aan die kerkraad bekend te maak. Die kerkraad het die verantwoordelikheid om toesig te hou oor die leer en lewe van die leraar, sowel as oor die verkondiging van die Woord. Die kerkraad behoort dan die saak op `n kerkraadsvergadering te behandel. Ons beskeie oordeel uit die betrokke leraar se gereelde bydraes in die Bulletin is dat hy tog die Evangelie (suiwer) verkondig — Redakteur

Maak soos jy wil Roy Hurter van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Ja, dis alweer n nuwe jaar. Die oue is verby en dank Vader, al die sleg vergete. En nou die “voornemens” vir die jaar wat kom. Ek het aan die einde van 2012 na my voornemens en doelwitte gekyk wat ek so smaaklik aan die begin van die jaar gemaak het en smartlik tot die besef gekom dat van almal, ek net 1 bereik het! Wel, dit was darem 1, en dit het harde werk gekos, maar bereik is bereik! En so sit ek dink aan wat die jaar voorle en wie wat gaan doen en se en watter pryse die hoogte gaan inskiet en hoeveel ons vir petrol gaan betaal en wie jy die maand gaan oorslaan om die ander ou te kan be-

taal en... En ek besluit opslag: as ek nie self iets kan verander nie, aanvaar ek dit soos dit is. Hoekom teen die prikkels skop? Dis net jou eie voete wat seer kry. En dan is die hele dorp se janniejammerbasse de josie in vir jou (en hulle moet onder ander omstandighede vriendelik teenoor jou wees byvoorbeeld kerk, skool ens.) Dis net nie meer die moeite werd om om ‘n kultuur te probeer verander nie, want”ons doen dit jare so”, of dit werk of nie, never mind. Dis “ons” kultuur. Hiermee sê ek dus omonwonde: Mag elkeen die jaar wat voorlê, maak soos hy wil, lieg en bedrieg soos hy wil, mense inloop soos hy wil, sy front voorhou soos hy wil, sy lewe binne die kultuur lei soos hy wil. Ek gaan 2013 eerlik en reguit wees, ongeag. Ek vra net wysheid om dit binne die riglyne van Sy Woord te kan doen en as ek verkeerd is, asb. wees reguit en eerlik met my, ek like dit, want dan weet ek waar ek met jou staan. Geniet 2013!

Gag order against newspaper lifted

The Limpopo Mirror, one of the newspapers in the LiN Media group, succeeded with its application to have a gagging order lifted. In September last year, the newspaper — the biggest community newspaper in Limpopo, serving mainly Venda, was prohibited from writing about the feud between a local building contractor and one of his customers. Magistrate BVM Bvuma ruled in December that the gagging order should not be made permanent. He refused the request of Robert Mulaudzi, the applicant, and stated that pre-publication interdicts could not be entertained by the court. The legal battle started in September last year when court papers were served on the editor of the Limpopo Mirror. It materialised that a building contractor from the Vuwani area, Robert Mulaudzi, had instructed his lawyer to obtain an interim court order, forcing the paper not to write about a dispute between him and a client, Ms Azwitamisi Minah Mutheyiwana. The dispute concerns a house that Mulaudzi had renovated for the Mutheyiwana family. He claims they did not make payments as they were supposed to, whereas they claim that he didn’t deliver on his promises. The family contacted one of the Mirror’s reporters and asked him to investigate the matter. Instead of commenting on the allegations and trusting the newspaper to write a balanced report, Mulaudzi approached the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court. In the absence of any of the defendants, he managed to obtain an interim court interdict, prohibiting the newspaper from disclosing any details about the feud. The gagging order stated that the newspaper could

not publish “any article about the applicant and/or his business, which publication may have the current or long-term potential to adversely impact on (the applicant) or his business.” The Limpopo Mirror opted to challenge the gagging order, but did so without any legal representatives in court. In October last year, Anton van Zyl, the manager of Limpopo Mirror (and Zoutpansberger), argued in court that the interim order was obtained in an irregular manner. The newspaper was never given the opportunity to oppose the application. He also argued that a permanent interdict, such as requested, would lead to a ludicrous situation where the Limpopo Mirror would, in perpetuity, be barred from writing anything that is perceived to be negative about the applicant, irrespective of the applicant’s actions. “Newspapers play an important role in disseminating information… and also need to play a watchdog role should there be transgressions,” he said and made reference to various laws that protect consumers. “Should the applicant not abide by any such legislation, consumers must feel free to complain about this and the press should not be afraid to write about it,” he argued. Mulaudzi’s lawyer, T A Netshinombelo, argued that publication of such articles would tarnish his client’s good reputation and would also affect his business. “No publication has a licence to publish malicious rumours and/or personal vendetta(s) against a person… particularly if the motive of publication is pressure from the first respondent,” the court heard. The first respondent in the case is a family member of Mutheyiwana.

Bvuma eventually made a ruling on 14 December last year. He referred to the rights of the applicant in the case and said Mulaudzi had been within his rights when he approached the court to try and protect his good name and his business. He referred to cases where the courts had ruled that people did not have to wait for the actual damage to happen, but should try and stop such action. He felt, however, that Mulaudzi had had other remedies available and should not expect the court to issue pre-publication interdicts for protection. Bvuma referred to the fact that the Limpopo Mirror subscribes to the Press Ombudsman’s Code of Conduct and stated that Mulaudzi was at liberty to approach this body and complain about any perceived biased reporting. Van Zyl was delighted with the outcome of the case and described it as a victory for press freedom in South Africa. He said that this was part of an escalating problem where the freedom of expression was being suppressed by litigation. “People should not be afraid to ask courts to protect their individual rights, but these rights should be weighed up against the rights of the broader public,” he said. “The media should be held accountable and should act in a responsible manner,” he said, but urged readers to trust the newspaper to report in a fair and unbiased manner. “If we do not live up to the expectations, readers should rather approach the relevant industry bodies, such as the Press Ombudsman,” he said. The services of the Press Ombudsman are free of charge, whereas civil court cases can end up costing hundreds of thousands of rands. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror.


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11 January 2013



11 January 2013



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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Jan102_____________

Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131_______________

Milleflora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Ek doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061

For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________

Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________

Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5L bags. R20,00 + VAT per tree. Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128________________ Looking for 9.5 mm stone, 19 mm stone, building sand and river sand? Contact 083 500 4385. jul129________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs, Phone Eugene 082 412 7594

Services Dienste Dec102________________ Key shop & locksmith. Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out. Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates. Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates. 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ Springkastele & glybane te huur in Tzaneen!Kantoorure: Maan tot Vry 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193, suikerbekkie19@webmail. co.za Sept434_______________ VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_______________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________

The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________

Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, Old Industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 feb401_________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowing, verjaardag, kerk uitstappies, vergaderings ens. Groot plek met kroeg, yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai, Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402________________ Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions/ occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses? Contact 015 307 3703. june404________________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us

Services Dienste for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217________________

Services Dienste Sign boards Staircases Balustrades Basically any steelwork you can think of Call Christo Stroebel on 078 111 2529 Nov102_______________

Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________

Letaba Teak Wooden floor installation. Installation of high quality teak flooring and decking. Solid teak furniture also available. Call Grant 071 609 9067 Mei407_________________ Roofing and Renovations. We do all roofing, big or small Renovations. Electric fencing and motors. Palisades. 072 647 2128 Jun103________________

Refrigeration Repairs. Repairs and re-gasses on all domestic refrigerators & freezers. 078 444 0664 Jul202________________ Tjokkertjie babagroep. Babas van 0-2 jaar. Ons is nuut en het 1 September oopmaak. Vir meer inligting Skakel Bianca du Preez 076 766 9068 Aug202_______________

Trailer repairs, general repairs & service. Lights, wiring, bearings, rust repairs, spray painting. Contact 082 839 1271 Aug302_______________ Christo’s Steelworks Gates Burglary proofing Palisade gates and Fencing

Doors and Frame Saligna SPECIAL OFFER: * Z-door Frame R250.80 * BB Door R370.50 * BB Door de Lux R466.50 * Frame 90x38mm Basic R182.80


Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 083 252 8928

Services Dienste 3 x wooden door frames (We buy or sell anything of value) Contact 078 608 2511 Jan103_________________ Maire Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseer Hipnoterapeut (Nie – medies) Nuwe Jaarvoorneme Besluit jy wil nou ‘n permanente nie-roker word? Gaan dit maar weer soos al die vorige jare net ‘n voorneme wees? Die hoef nie. Maak dit ‘n werklikheid – met hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan105_____________

Venue for Hire, 40 people maximum, small weddings, birthday parties, etc. 015 307 2176. Jun112________________

Crusader Technologies CCTV, Top TV Clocking systems Electric fencing Access control systems Other security products Jacques 072 731 4084 Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________

Supply, Maintain, Install and Repair of Energizers electrified fences sliding gates Palisade gate motors garage door motors alarm systems CCTV Cameras Access automation Clocking systems Top of wall electrification 082 498 8335 Okt305_______________ You, just thinner, younger, healther. Weight loss coach Clubhealthpointe.com 076 346 1664 Mei203_________________

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018

ALL YOUR TIMBER NEEDS - BE SURE TO VISIT THE WOODII SHOP ON THE R71 TOWARDS PHALABORWA - FONTEINPLAAS. SALIGNA SPECIAL OFFERS: Ceiling and Cornices are available for the following amazing prices: * Ceiling 80mm from R25.20 / length * Cornice from 27.40 / length * Decking 90mm from R49.20 / length

Service and Repair of all types of motorbikes Contact Pieter 0725069413 / 015 3072268 RELENTLESS BIKES Sep403________________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057 Woodcock Carpentry 1 x free standing kitchen unit 2 x book cases 1 x 4 Piece bedroom suite for a girl

For Sale Te Koop 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)____________ Bromponie te koop, baie goeie toestand, gediens en nuwe battery. R4 500. Luke 0833883861. Nov501________________ CROCODILE MEAT Sosaties, fillets, boerewors, biltong, Croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet Available. Tel;015 307 4398/ 082 562 5004 Agatha Crocodile Ranch – Tzaneen Trade enquiries welcomed www.agatha-crocodile. co.za email: agathacroc@vodamail.co.za CROCODILE FEEDING SHOW DAILY 9 am – 4 pm SCHOOLS AT SPECIAL PRICES Des101_____________ “Instant Lawn” Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra. Skakel Hennie Maartens (015) 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 alle ure. Jan101_______________

“Die gras het nou weer begin groei!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir Grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388 Okt404___________

LP Gas & Lubricants, best service and prices on all your oil needs. Contact 082 337 4522 Jun116_________________

Kombuise, ingeboude kaste en alle houtwerk. Skakel Shaun vir gratis kwotasie 083 301 7636 Sep201_______________

KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________

Laaigraaf – Met uiters bewame operateur. R200 per uur + diesel. Kontak Riana 082 448 8231 Jun115_________________

* Skirting 70mm from R27.30 / length

For more information call: Sameul: 071 501 8420 Office 015 307 5210 Or email: info@cashumi. co.za Nov504_______________

Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439

Services Dienste

Coastal Hire Equipment hire Industrial tools Machinery for construction Mobile toilets Marque Tents 015 307 3084 082 929 5109 Nov104_____________

BLASTING 082 784 2008

JAGUAR XJ6 Classic Car Available with driver. Weddings,Matric dances and other functions For rates and info Contact Attie or Liz 0829012291 0790170600 0153098594 Okt104________________

For Sale Te Koop Baltimore – lusern, hawer, tes, boontjies en grasbale te koop en afgelewer. Skakel Basie Brand

Animals Diere Opregte Staffie hondjies te koop 2 x Pragtige reuntjies Inge-ent en ontwurm 10 weke oud Prys : R2000 Skakel: 0823855979 / 0824928231 Jan104______________ 6 Klein Jack Russel Fox Terrier Kruising R50 00 n hondjie onmiddelik beskikbaar Kontak 083 982 4663 or 083 576 7980

To Let Te Huur TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals. Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________ 2 Ton-trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen. R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Alleen agent in Limpopo vir Engelbrecht trailers. Bossie 083 229 7551

Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________

To advertise here call Lihanie at 015 307 7248

To Let Te Huur VERVOER/ TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com Okt105__________

LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s, excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip, ploeg en disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)__________

Vragmotors te huur – 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans – 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303__________

VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956

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Events l Gebeure


This Week


NG Kerk Hoedspruit, Sondag. Eredienste: 09:00. Kategese begin na afloop van erediens.

New Year Buffet

Letaba Junction, Sunday. Come and enjoy a delicious buffet celebrating the new year. Cost: R120/p, R65/ over 65 and R50/ u.12’s. Enquiries: 073 453 4732 or christelviljoen@live.co.za.

Week van gebed NG Kerk Wolkberg, Tzaneen, Maandag tot Vrydag, 18:30. Navrae: Kerkkantoor 015 307 4062. Groentjiekonsert

Hoërskool Merensky, Dinsdag,18:00. Die nuwe gr 8’s vermaak die skool, ouers en vriende onder leiding van die gr 12’s. Navrae: 015 305 7091. ‘13

This Month

banggatte, hardegatte, slapgatte en windgatte Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke – sonder kras taal of vloekwoorde. Besoek Maandag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: www.windgat.co.za vir ‘n voorsmakie. Kaartjies: Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797. R100/p. Besprekings: Retha 083 262 3641. Chameleon Indoor Krieket en Inni Bosveld Boeremusiek hokkie by die skousaal. Hokkie-, krieket- en Atlanta vakansieoord, Brits, 2 Maart, 09:00. netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/navrae: Boeremusiekorkeste gaan deelneem in Nate 078 619 4546. afdelings: modern, tradisioneel en jeug. Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae en Groot pryse te wen. Kom geniet ‘n naweek Donderdae 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 van boeremusiek of skryf ‘n orkes in. Skakel 222 4950 of Natasha by 015 307 3316. Jaco van Deventer 078 184 4527/jaco@ bushveldtmedia.com vir inskryfvorms. Netbal Alle dames en mans wat belangstel Sluitingsdatum: 31 Januarie. Verblyfnavrae: om netbal te oefen word genooi om Maandae en Woensdae vanaf 17:15-18:15 saam te kom Lukas Fouche 012 277 2479. by die Laerskool Tzaneen se bane (langs Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, oefen die rugbyveld). Jammer, slegs volwassenes. Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every Navrae: Rosie 082 453 9161. month. Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.

Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527.


Church l Kerk

Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘13

11 January 2013

This Month


The Tzaneen Depression and Atletiek Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 18 Anxiety Support Group meetings every Januarie, 08:00. Huisatletiek. Kom ondersteun Alleenlopers 19 Januarie, 18:00. Bring alternate Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia die verskillende “huise” wat meeding om die en braai. Almal tussen 40 en 100 wat belangstel Community Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 beker! skakel 0983 550 8626 of 083 453 3250. or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121. Groentjiekonsert Hoërskool Ben Herofield aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Vorster, Tzaneen, 6 en 7 Februarie, 18:00. Die Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes skool se groentjies verskaf vermaak en wys hul Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. talente tydens ‘n opvoering onder leiding van Reünie Die 40-jaar-reünie van die die huidige gr 12’s. Navrae: Skoolkantoor 015 SHOWTIMES FRI 11 JANUARY - THU 17 JANUARY 1973-matrieks van die Hoërskool Pietersburg 307 4491. SHOWS, PRICES & TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. (*) NO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS FOR NEW RELEASES FOR ONE WEEK FROM RELEASE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED vind hierdie jaar plaas en die organiseerders MALL OF THE NORTH Berry Festival Magoebaskloof and soek na almal se kontakbesonderhede. Die SAVANNAH MALL Haenertsburg, 9 en 10 February. Tours of oud-leerlinge kan Marietjie (van Zyl) Fevrier by ADVENTURES OF ˛ Ç å ADVENTURES OF berry farms, pick fruit. Harvest market in 082 622 9262 skakel of Johan Peyer (082 464 ZAMBEZIA Mon-Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:30 ZAMBEZIA 3D ˛ Ç å Haenertsburg — fresh produce, preserves, 1631) of Carina du Plessis (076 834 4345). Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Daily: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00 pies, berry ice cream and cordials. Stalls selling ˛ Ç LIFE OF PI ˛ Ç LIFE OF PI 3D Mon-Sat: 17:15, 20:00, 22:50 art, crafts, jewellery etc. Valentine’s Barn Dance, Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 17:15, 20:00 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 dessert-making and cocktail-mixing contests. PARENTAL GUIDANCE Sport ‘13 ˛ Ç ß Local restaurants will have special menus with PITCH PERFECT ˛ ◊ ˙ Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 berry dishes. Fun entertainment for children. Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:25, 17:00, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:25, 17:00, 19:45 THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED For more info, contact Shahrzad 082 903 7593, ˛ Ç ¬ JOURNEY SKYFALL ˛ Ç œ This Week ‘13 www.berryfestival.co.za or to book a stall call Daily: 9:15, 12:45, 17:00, 20:40 Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:40 Linda 082 575 5738. LOOPER ˛ ◊


AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.

—————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————










Wolkberg Akademie skoolsaal, 1 Maart. Annale van ‘n windgat, ‘n Afrikaanse eenman komedie met Neels Claasen (Binneland se Jan Gerecke). Die opvoering handel oor die vier basies persoonlikhede –


Merensky High School, today, 08:00. Interhouse athletics. Enquiries: 015 305 7901.


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Tzaneen, vandag, 08:00 - 13:20. Die tweede dag van interhuis-atletiek. Ondersteun die atlete wat meeding om ‘n plek in die skoolspan!


˛ ◊ ≥

Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:15, 17:15, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:45, 12:00, 14:15, 17:15, 19:30

Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45



˛ Ç œ

Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30

—————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PT. 2 ˛ Ç Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 9:30, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15



˛ Ç

Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00

Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin. us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede


11 January 2013



Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Job Seeker | Vacancies (10))____________________

Domestic My name is Mathipa Elizabeth Ramakgoakgoa I am looking for a job as a house helper, office cleaner of any other contact me 078 987 5975 (1)______________________ My name is Anna Mposa I am looking for domestic work, I can look after old people, children I speak Afrikaans, little English, sleep out 5 days a week (ref 015 307 5456) contact me 078 037 3075 (2)______________________

Rirhandzu Mthombeni I am looking for a cashier, domestic, general or cleaner job contact me 076 788 1001 (11))____________________ My name is Mapula I can sew and do laundry, I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 073 492 3940/072 580 2110 (12)_____________________ Maria Malatji I am looking for a domestic work, child care, speak Afrikaans 3 or 5 days a week contact me 078 218 1679 (13) _____________________

I’m looking for a job as domestic worker, cleaning, cooking sleep in or out, or at a guest house contact me 072 776 9364 Shalate Risava (3)______________________

Annah Mmola I am looking for a domestic work, I can cook, look after children, I am 40 years old contact me 083 969 3104 (14) _____________________

I am looking for a job as a domestic worker cleaning etc. contact me 075 995 6498 Gladness (4)______________________

My name is Mapula I am looking for a gardener or cleaner job contact me on 079 174 2464 (15) _____________________

My name is Maria Nyakala I am looking for a domestic job I can speak Afrikaans and I can look after children, sleep out or in, cook, 10 years experience contact me 084 429 9585 (5)______________________ I am looking for a domestic work, general job, office cleaner, sleep out can look after children five years experience (ref Josphinah Venter 073 515 9081) contact me 074 256 9338 (6)______________________ Malefo Monica Maentetja I am looking for any domestic work I speak English understand Afrikaans, sleep out, 6 days a week (ref 072 779 2060/ Mev Wyk 073 476 2181) contact me 078 624 9867 (7)______________________ I am looking for a job as domestic worker or cleaning one to three days a week (ref 082 4040994) contact me 079 576 7134 (8)______________________ Lucent Thanyani I am looking for a general job, clerk, office cleaner 3 years experience (ref Mr Kgoma 015 355 4553) contact me 072 334 5704 (9)______________________ Ophelllia Ngobeni I am looking for a domestic work, general worker, cleaner, cashier contact me 073 1341108

My name is Selina Rapeloana I am looking for a domestic, cleaner, any job contact me 074 722 8845 (16) _____________________ My name is jeanetu Rapeloana I am looking for a domestic, cleaner, any job contact me 076 290 1449 (17) _____________________ My name is Leen I am looking for a 2 or 3 day domestic work I have experience. (Ref: Cathy de Villers 072 195 7868) contact me on 076 391 5020 (18)____________________ My name is Charlote I am looking for a domestic work five days a week I have experience English speaking contact me on 073 885 4327 (19)____________________ My name is Maria I a m looking for a domestic work 5 days a week, understand Afrikaans contact me on 076 561 8183 (20) ____________________ My name is Marta I am looking for a domestic work 7/5/3 days can cook and look after children speak English contact me 083 861 7120 (21) ____________________ My name is Rachel Malatji I am looking for a job as do-


Quality & Food Safety Officer Company: Miami Canners 1


• 2 Years experience in the food manufacturing industry • HACCP & ISO 22000 management systems • Quality assurance & control • Audit experience (internal & external) • Customer liaison • Product development • Customer complaints handling

Closing Date: 24 February 2013

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Samantha Cawood • 082 802 3706 or 083 676 4082

Send CV’s to:

e-mail: samantha@miamicanners.co.za Fax: 086 624 1240

mestic worker I have 3 years experience .(ref Bulletin 015 307 7248) contact 071 078 4866 (22)____________________ My name is Annikie Makoro I am looking for a domestic job 2 days of 5 days, I speak Afrikaans I have 5 years experience contact me 074 606 9087 (23) ____________________ My name is Nathalie Sithole I am looking for a job as domestic worker cleaning, sleep in or out, i speak English contact me on 076 799 1428 (24)____________________ My name is Anna Mposa I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after old people, children I speak Afrikaans, little English, sleep out 5 days a week (ref 015 307 5456) contact me 078 037 3075 (25)____________________ My name is Maria rammola I am looking for domestic work or garden work contact me on 076 561 8183 (26)_____________________ I am looking for a domestic job my name is Anna Maphosa I can speak Afrikaans I have 5 years experience, sleep out (ref: Mama Jacky 076 871 2907) contact me on 078 037 3075 (27)_____________________ My name is Rosinah Mopanya I am looking for a domestic work I have six years experience I speak English, 3 days a week. (ref Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 344 1072 (28)_____________________ My name is Nephatally Nkhwashu I am looking for a gardening job please contact me on 072 2323033 (29) _____________________ My name is Maria Maladji Iam looking for a domestic work, I can speak Afrikaans, look after children, sleep out, 6 years experience contact me 078 218 1679 (30) _____________________ My name is Maria Mkharhi I am looking for a domestic job for 2 days. Sleep out. Contact me 073 011 2035 (31) _____________________ Our excellent, hardworking domestic Suzan Shipalana is looking for 2 days work, praat Afrikaans, verstaan Engels. Contact 082 052 9050. (Ref contact Wray 082 631 9045) (32) _____________________ My name is Annah Maphosa I am looking for a domestic work I have 5 years experience I speak Afrikaans, sleep out (Ref – Mrs Johanah 015 3076734) contact me on 078 6373075 (33) _____________________ My name is Dolly Makhudu I am looking for a domestic work I speak English, sleep out, contact me on 071 538 9590 (34) _____________________ My naam is Rosina Ramodika ek is opsoek na n huisbediende of kantoorskoonmaker werk ek praat Afrikaans, verstaan bietjie English, slaap uit skakel my 082 597 7973 (35) _____________________ My name is Nomasonto Mashaba I am looking for a domestic work, I have 2 years experience sleep out (ref: Drieck Jonk 084 5162339) contact me on 078 0933741

(36) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic job 3 days a week, have 5 years experience, sleep out (Ref: Rieet 071 8933359) contact Sinah Sejaphala 073 726 7514 (37) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic work 5 days a week sleep out English and Afrikaans speaking (Ref: Monica 072 1990 472) contact me Relly on 078 245696 (38) _____________________ My name is Voilet I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, 5 or 3 days a week sleep out, only speak English contact me on 076 166 7038 (39) _____________________ My name is Leen I am looking for a domestic work 2 days per week (Tuesday and Fridays) (Ref: Corien de Wet 079 509 0875) contact 076 391 5020 (40) _____________________ My name is Daezy Sathekge I am looking for a domestic work I have 2 years experience I can speak English sleep out contact me on 072 5699 543 (41) _____________________

My name is Rachel Malatji I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I have 3 years experience (ref Bulletin 015 307 7248)I can speak English contact me on 071 078 4866 (42) _____________________ Annikie Makoro I am looking for a domestic job 2 days or 5 days I can speak Afrikaans I have five years experience contact me on 074 606 9087 (43) _____________________

My name is Maria Rammola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I can speak Afrikaans, 8 years experience sleep in or out 3 days a week or full time contact 076 1015 666 (44) _____________________ My name is Catherine Maswangenyi I am looking for a domestic work, can speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me 074 626 7081 (45) _____________________ My name is Rosina I am looking for domestic work for (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, sleep out. (Ref: Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 553 3389 (46) _____________________ My name is Rachel Maladji I am looking for 3 days a week as domestic worker contact me on 071 078 4866 (49) _____________________ My name is Peggy Baloyi – I am looking for a domestic work for 2 or 3 days a week understand English, sleep out contact me on 0720158922 (50) _____________________ My name is Ntshabo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, sleep out, 3 years experience I speak English (ref Verginia 073 989 1685) contact me on 072 8697 666 (51) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic work 3 years experience or any job and security grade C my name is Merryleen Mbiza contact me on 073 766 7191 (52) _____________________ My name is Maria Rammoia

I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 081 702 6887 (53) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic,, office or general work, I have four years experience in Sugar Valley Supermarket (Ref: Grace Mahlolomela 073 1888 448) contact me Maria Khosa on 073 4921 913 (54) _____________________ Ruthe Maladji I am looking for domestic work, cleaner work, or general work contact me on 079 298 2706 (55) _____________________ Sarah Mathule I am looking for general work or office cleaner, domestic work contact me on 072 8697 666 (56) _____________________ My name is mmapula Phoshoko I am looking for a domestic work (sleep in) cleaning and doing laundry contact me on 078 186 7146 (57) _____________________ My name is Cecila Mushwana I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri sleep out, speak English contact me on 071 843 2888 (58) _____________________ My name is Motsatsi Grace Rasethaba I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri sleep out, speak English contact me on 079 748 7090 (59) _____________________ My name is Maria Rammola I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 041 0918 (60) _____________________ My name is Joys Mhlara i am looking for a domestic work Monday to Friday, sleep out, i speak English contact me on 084 439 4983 (61) _____________________

General My name is Mash Mahasha I am looking for a general job , driver, clerk I have national diploma (grade 12) diploma in computer literate, driver license code 10 and P.D.P contact me 076 922 3901 (1) _____________________ My name is Thomas Ngobeni I am looking for a farm worker, gardener, and security experience 5 years (ref C. F Ebersohn 082 925 9960) contact me 076 315 4322 (2) _____________________ My naam is Rassie Erasmus ek is opsoek na enige sorts werk, ken van plase, bou, kontak my 072 811 9860 (3) _____________________ Cry Potlake - experienced Cashier, stock control & General Worker - Cell: 072 227 1935 (4) _____________________ Florence Shikwambana experienced Cashier, Stock Control & General assistance - Cell: 076 229 1652 (5) _____________________ My Name is Mmeinyaena Sapinah Ramuwala I am looking for a job, I have code 10 license, N-6 Management assistant , exp 6 month intern ship, computer certificate contact me on 079 033 4645 (6) _____________________ My name is Motagane Molapo I am looking for a job I have done planting, picking and broning contact me on

072 0577 044 (7) _____________________ My name is Anna Molepo I am looking for a job in Business Management I have 1 year experience I worked at Dept of social development in Mankweng hospital etc. Contact me on 071 188 6185 (8) _____________________ My name is Maria Khosa I am looking for work in catering, domestic, or cleaning office please contact me on 073 492 1913 (9) _____________________ My name is Pelly Hlathl I am looking for work as a shelf packer, stock receiving or stock order I have a code 10 driver licence contact me on 073 657 8683 (10) _____________________ My name is Rostah I am looking for a job as a assistant chef, baker or baker supervisor contact me on 072 611 2553 (11) _____________________ ‘n Middeljarige blanke dame opsoek na werk in ‘n pakhuis, in ‘n lodge etc. Praat 3 swart tale, Engels en Afrikaans skakel 072 177 3587 (12) _____________________ Blanke man opsoek na enige werk was ‘n verkoopsman, skakel Raymond op 072 906 6631 (13) _____________________ My name is Frans Matome Hlokwe I am looking for job I did shelf packing, counting stock etc. Contact 084 448 4969 (14) _____________________ My name is Glen Mokhomola I am looking for a general job or garden work I speak English contact me on 082 540 3398 (15) _____________________ My name is Mapula I am looking for a sewing, laundry, waitress or domestic work contact me on 073 492 3940 (16) _____________________ My name is Angelina W. Mabuza I am looking for nay general job i have matric and computer literacy please contact me on 072 409 7029 (17) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic work 3 years experience or any job and security grade C my name is Merryleen Mbiza contact me on 073 766 7191 (18) _____________________ My name is Nkoteko almah Mongwe I am looking for homebased care/ care work. Domestic or general work. Sleep out. I can look after children 2 years experience (Ref Maria Ngobeni 072 184 3654) contact me on 071 786 8196 (19) _____________________ I am looking for general work, office cleaner or domestic work, home base care / experience 2 years (Ref Isaac 083 472 8394 or 073 404 2228) contact 072 565 6242 (20) _____________________ My name is Aqreneth Munisi I am looking for care worker or can look after old people 12 yrs exp (ref Hillary or Antonette or Jamela 015 307 6329) domestic cleaning or office work as well contact me 083 598 1635 (21) _____________________ My name is Rebecca Khosa, I am looking for a cleaning job

I have a certificate of service from Farmers world Limpopo. Can read and write contact me on 078 186 7146 (22) _____________________ My name is Maria Ramakgoakgoa I am looking for a chef, housekeeping, receptionist work contact me on 078 186 3807 (23) _____________________ My name is Porcia Mathebula I have matric, diploma computer literacy, plumbing certificate, care worker certificate, agriculture NQF level one, drivers licence code 10. Contact me on 076 471 0464 (24) _____________________ I am looking for a ancillary care worker, cleaner, general worker, catering occasions, waitress, merchandiser contact me fortunate Malemela on 078 0548 158 (25) _____________________ My name is Phillia Malemela I am looking for as a admin clerk, general worker, office clerk, receptionist, call centre agent, waitress, contact me on 076 614 1280 (26) _____________________

Driver My name is Martiens Peta I am looking for a general job I have grade 11 and a code 10 license contact 073 447 1244 (1) _____________________ My name is Tshepo Senyolo I am looking for a driver job I have Code 10 (PRDP) and grade 12 contact me 072 538 3897 (2) _____________________ I am Masinamae Moses I’m looking for a driver job, I have a license code 10 with PDP, contact me 0766 933 611 (3) _____________________ My name is Michael I am looking for a job as a driver I have C1+PDP contact me on 071 365 1713 (4) _____________________ My name is Thabo Mametja I have ‘n code 14 EC license worked for Sasko Bakery contact on 076 352 7225 or 073 5090157 (5) _____________________ My name is Collen Mpho Makgoba I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 CI with P.D.P I speak English or any general job contact me on 071 803 7326 (6) _____________________ My name is Sello Solomon I am looking for a driving job I have a code 14 with PDP, computer literate, experience in driving delivery truck, grade 12 contact me on 073 677 4581 (7) _____________________ My name is Moses Phetole Masina-Mele. I am looking for a job as driver I have code 10 with PDP valid from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611 (8) _____________________

Admin/ Clerical

Opsoek na Admin/kantoor pos Maandag tot Vrydag, matriek gewalifiseerrd skakel Wilmari 079 045 8994 (3) _____________________ My name is Yvonne Baloyi I am looking for a job as a cashier, reception, making orders and receiving stock contact me on 073 8661121 (4)_____________________

Construction I’m looking for a part-time job. I have qualifications in construction, control rooms, field supervision and more. Contact Dyllan 072 716 3879. (3) _____________________ Jannie, (30) code 10 learners, boiler making and mechanical background. Contact 078 679 0366. (4) _____________________ Fanie Fourie, looking for job, have experience in site management, manager, sales, wood production, maintenance and more. contact 0783203738 (5) _____________________ Looking for a job as a Technical Advisor on trucks & earth moving machines. Contact Deon Morkel on (082) 9585986 / deonmorkel@gmail. com. (6) _____________________ Pency Matjete, plumber work, has a certificate. I know how to work with a pipe fitting, laying and back fitting, dripper line erection and installation, borehole submersible pums and connectors. I speak English. Contact 078 882 6918. (13) _____________________ Senyolo A.P I am a forklift driver looking for work also a pendant crane operator contact 073 183 2418 (14)_____________________ I am looking for a job building houses and painting I have lot of experience contact me 082 475 7623 (15) _____________________ Kingston Zifamde I am a qualified excavator driver please contact me on 078 854 3533 (16) _____________________ Johannes Shai I am looking for a painting, paving, sege housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (17) _____________________ My name is Mohale Orped looking for a brick-layer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (18) ____________________ My name is Rasekane Johannes looking for a bricklayer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (19) ____________________ My name is Dyllan I am looking for a job in welding, construction, boreholes + pumps, borehole drilling, Operating of drill machine and fixing, have a code 10 contact 072 716 3879 (20) ____________________

My name is Beauty Mongela I am looking for a receptions job or admin highest qualification is matric please contact me 072 054 1765 (1) _____________________

My name is Johannes Shai looking for work in building, and I know lapa gras contact me on 076 857 1394 (21) ____________________

My name is Cressia Shilwane I am looking for a job as a clerk I have a diploma in computer literate, and grade 12 contact me 082 663 8887 (2) _____________________

My name is Thomas Ngobeni I am looking for a job in gardening or painting I speak English and Afrikaans, I have 1 year experience contact me on 076 1987 674 (22) _____________________


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”


11 January 2013


Property | Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur Flats Woonstelle Letaba View - (Essenhout straat - agter Ben Vorster) R4 500 (w&l excl) Require key deposit of R4 500 plus one month rental in advance 3 Bedroom duplex flat Small enclosed stoep with garden Double lock-up carport Contact: 015 307 5062 Jan101____________

CiS Real Estate Tswanelo: 2 x bedroom, 1 x full bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge. R5 500 pm water and lights included. Zelna 082 888 7898 Jan102_____________

Office Kantore Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen: Beautifully designed. Very good lighting and air conditioned. Office space of 27,35m² and more if needed. Excellent address. Rent very affordable! Call Janon 083 307 1333 or Stephanie on 086 130 3404 Jan105___________

For Sale Te Koop CiS Real Estate Good investment! Premier Park 2 bedroom flats, Newly build, with 1 full bathroom and carport. R425 000 Maggie 079 884 5106

CiS Real Estate Very Neat Home! Aqua Park: 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, open plan kitchen and dining room, lounge and tv room. Double Garage and a swimming pool! Price R1 650 000 Salomie: 071 641 9041 Jan104_________

CiS Real Estate Bargain for the 1st time buyer! CBD: 3 x bedroom, 2 x bathroom, open plan kitchen with lounge and dining room. It has 1 lock up garage. R570 000 Eddie: 079 970 5353 Jan107____________

CiS Real Estate Good Buy! Arborpark: Townhouse, 3 x bedrooms, 2 x bathrooms open plan kitchen and dining room with solid wooden cupboards. Double garage. Price R 1 210 000 Thonet: 0716419137 Jan106__________

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11 January 2013

Vossies is gereed vir nuwe netbalseisoen

Three promising cricketers from Merensky High School, Tian Koekemoer, Thomas Ngwenya and Arno Vorster, represented Limpopo in the CocaCola Khaya Majola u.19 Cricket Week in Potchefstroom in December. Two of the boys, Ngwenya and Koekemoer, capped off a good week by being selected for the Northern Titans’ u.19 side. Koekemoer was crowned as batsman of the week and leading run scorer, but could not take his place in the Titans side due to a broken finger on the last day. Tian hopes to further his cricket career either at the NMMU in Port Elizabeth or at the SWD Cricket Academy.

Jean Aucamp


Die senior netbalspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het gedurende Desember aan die SA Skolesportkampioenskappe, wat deur die departement van onderwys aangebied is, by Tuks in Pretoria deelgeneem. Verskeie ander sportsoorte, soos sokker, sewesrugby, gimnastiek en atletiek was ook ingesluit. Die Vossies was onoorwone in al hul netbalwedstryde. Hulle het Despatch van die Oos-Kaap met 26-11 geklop, HTS Middelburg met 29-13, Eshowe met 43-10, Stellenberg met 45-21, Upington met 27-19, Welkom met 49-15 en Rustenburg met 20-17. Teen Waterkloof het hulle met 26 doele elk gelykop gespeel. Die Vossies het volgens doelgemiddeldes tweede in die toernooi geëindig.

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Young Plasie athlete excels at Mini Olympics Phillemon Mabidilala, a promising Grade 10 pupil at Merensky High School, was invited by the Tuks Sports Department to participate against other top young athletes in their Mini Olympics at the LC de Villiers Sports Complex in December. Phillemon did exceptionally well and

Plasies play excellently at Khaya Majola Cricket Week

took the honours in the 300 m hurdles, winning the gold medal. He was also selected for the hurdle relay team, which came second and received a silver medal. He also qualified for the high jump, but was unfortunately injured before the final round.

Black Leopards and Palmer part ways Limpopo soccer club Black Leopards parted ways with coach Ian Palmer. Leopards’ spokesperson, Mr Tendani Thidiela, said Palmer’s contract with the club was terminated on New Year’s Day, due to what was termed as ‘irreconcilable differences’. Prior to his exit, Palmer was suspended on allegations of the mistreatment of players. Palmer’s former assistant, Mr Abel Makhubela, has been appointed as caretakercoach. Makhubela has been with the team for years and has served as assistant to Messrs Vladislav Heric and Sunday Chidzambwa. Makhubela took charge of Lidoda Duvha’s final game in 2012, a 1-1 draw with Telkom Knockout champions Bloemfontein Celtic in December. He was in charge when Leopards beat the Zimbabwean giants, Motor Action, 3-1 in a CAF Confederations Cup match last year. Makhubela was in Germany in May 2012 to improve his coaching skills. He will be assisted by Mr Edward Ansah. Of his eight matches in charge, Palmer won two, lost four and drew two, leaving the club in twelfth spot on the log. Makhubela’s first assignment will be a home fixture against Bidvest Wits on 13 February at the Peter Mokaba Stadium. - LiN News/Limpopo Mirror

ABOVE: Tian Koekemoer, leading run scorer at the Khaya Majola Cricket Week, was selected for the SA Colts side. Photo provided

Letaba weer gereed vir nuwe seisoen Die Letaba Rugbyklub in Tzaneen is weer vuur en vlam vir die nuwe seisoen wat binnekort afskop. Die manne oefen oudergewoonte Maandae en Donderdae om 18:00 en ’n beroep word op alle spelers gedoen om te kom aansluit. Intussen oefen die Limpopo Blou Bulle baie hard in Polokwane. Die span ding vanjaar in die Vodacombeker mee en sal teen spanne in die noordelike afdeling, soos die Blou Bulle, Leeus, Griffons, Luiperds en Valke, meeding. Die toernooi skop in Maart af. Limpopo se rugby skop ook in Maart met die Presidentsliga af, wat tussen Letaba, Noordelikes, Pietersburg, Louis Trichardt en Loskop beslis sal word.

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