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015 307 7248



Fear lessl y the tr uth

Swept up

Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

25 January 2013

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Raining fish Rooftop rescue


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Loss of life

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25 January 2013




Sê jou sê Soek Laeveld Bulletin Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Retha Nel 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com Beaunice Mnisi 076 650 3412 beaunice@bulletin.us.com Martina Jege 072 046 4222 martina@bulletin.us.com Amelia De Ridder 082 824 2182 amelia@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlandod@vodamail.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Candice Dabner (hoof) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com

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Verspreiding / Distribution Jean Aucamp 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (hoof) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Kommentaar word verbatim geplaas. Lance Armstrong het met die hele mandjie patats voor die dag gekom. Wat dink jy van hom, noudat hy erken het hy het verbode stimulante in sy sport gebruik?

Vanessa Leigh Luckhoff He definately doesn’t have my respect anymore. Lino De Carvalho It takes a man to admit his mistakes, it does not make it right, but it is the start of something new. Melanie Brass I wonder how many of us have done something that we are not proud of? I will not judge him, it is not my place... Maryne Van Rensburg Venter Daar is orals korrupsie, ten minste het hy nie die medaljes fisies gesteel nie, net bietjie meer woema gesoek. Almal doen tog maar iets om iewers beter te wees, drink goed om maer te word en goed om die senuwees kalm te hou, so hy wou net bietjie vinniger wees, dis al, hy het niemand anders leed aangedoen. Pieter van Dyk Hy het wel drugs gebruik om die Tour de France 7 keer te wen. Dit is verkeerd om dit te gebruik, hy het dit erken. Maar mense, wie van ons sal 3000+ km op ‘n fiets se saal sit vir 3 weke lank om die wedren te voltooi? Dit opsigself is ‘n prestasie. Elke persoon wat die Tour de France voltooi, is ‘n wenner! Coenie Scheepers He was still the best of all of them during that era and all of them were doing it! Not saying it’s right, but he is man enough to admit what he has done, so let’s forgive and remember how many he helped through his Livestrong campaign! Anne-marie Strydom Vir 7 jaar het niemand iets agtergekom nie. Hoekom so groot bohaai nou daarvan maak? Hy het erken hy het verbode middels gebruik. Sy loopbaan is daarmee heen. Los nou die arme ou laat hy sy prys betaal. Amanda Strydom Ek voel ook water onder die brug. Misbruik erken, en steeds garra die media! Moontlik maak hy geld soos bossies met al die publisiteit? Nastassia Botha Oh, and we are all perfect...

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Junitta Coetzer Smit Ek dink ook dat dit water onder die brug is en daar gelaat moet word. Niemand sê dit is reg nie, maar ek dink dit was swaar genoeg om daarmee saam te leef. Erkening was genoeg! Annetjie Froise Dit wat hy gedoen het, is so goed soos diefstal, hy het prysgeld gewen en was hoog geag in sy gebied terwyl hy wetens verbode middels gebruik het. Ag, tog maar net nog ‘n fantastiese voorbeeld vir die jong groep om die reëls te bedrieg. Dit is mooi dat hy na vore kom, maar maak steeds nie reg vir die ander se toekoms wat op die spel was nie. Johan du Toit Wys jou net dat hy dit vir baie jare as geheim gehou het, mag beteken dat ander sportmanne/-vroue dit ook dalk kon doen waarvan ons nie weet nie! Daar sal altyd die waaghalsiges wees ter wille van roem en geld. Uiters swak voorbeeld vir alle sportsoorte en opkomende sportsterre! Annelie Prinsloo Op die ou einde van die dag is dit hy wat met sy eie gewete en die skande van die hele storie moet saamleef. Shirleen van der Merwe Dit vat guts om voor almal te erken wat hy gedoen het, en dat hy verkeerd gedoen het. Hy is nou ongelukkig die teiken van almal se leuens.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Retha Galvin Net die Here kan hom bystaan en help! Ons is almal met foute en moet eerlik probeer leef! Ronaldo Caroto Dit vat ‘n man om op ‘n internasionale televisieprogram ‘n fout te erken. Of hy verbode middels gebruik het en so “gesondig” het, en of ons hom “oordeel”, ewe sleg! As hy berou het en vergifnis gevra het, hou God niks teen hom nie. Hoekom wil ons mense dan? Amanda Strydom Sy besluit om met die waarheid vorendag te kom. “My pa is nie skuldig nie” Die druppel in die emmer van leuens het oorgeloop en dit omdat sy seun hom verdedig het. Dis eintlik sad. Maar soos Nastassia sê “wie is volmaak”...

Bulletin behou die reg voor om kommentaar te keur. Weerhou asseblief lasterlike en beledigende kommentaar.

Maaiers met ‘n n! Vlieg was bekommerd dat hy nie vandeesweek betyds gaan uit wees op borgtog om ‘n bydrae vir hierdie uitgawe te lewer nie. Dit is nou nadat hy hom verlede week vrywillig gaan oorgee het aan die polisie, omdat beriggewing in die nuuspapiertjies van verlede week dit onder sy aandag gebring het dat hy vroeër in sy lewe ‘n gewoontemisdadiger was. Ten spyte van Vlieg se aandrang daarop, en ernstige vertoë daartoe, het die polisie egter geweier om hom in hegtenis te neem en aan te kla. Vlieg dink “eish”, “hau” en “voetsek wena” is eintlik Nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse woorde waarmee die polisie eintlik bedoel dat hulle nie die wette van die land ken nie, veral nie die Wet op Kinderseks nie! So kom Vlieg toe agter, na aanleiding van ‘n hofuitspraak oor die Wet op Kinderseks, wat deur die genade nou vir hersiening verwys is na die Grondwethof, dat hy al vanslewe ‘n krimineel is. Behalwe vir die bestaande wet se gekleitrap oor wat presies penetrasie is, behels dit onder meer dat maaiers en papies tussen die ouderdomme van 12 en 16 nie eens regtig mag handjies vashou nie. Enige iets meer as dit word beskou as ‘n kriminele oortreding; soos soen op die mond en ander liggaamsonderdeeltjies. Soos drukkies gee, wat outomaties daartoe sal lei dat ‘n geslagsdeel, hoewel ten volle met klere bedek, aan enige ander deel van die mededrukker raak. Soos voormelde ongedefinieerde penetrasie, wat volgens die beskrywing in die Wet ook ‘n soen mag insluit. Soos enige aanraking wat een of albei van die maaiers of papies seksueel opwek. Dit kon dus nie anders nie, dat Vlieg met

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... heimweë gedink het aan die vele kere wat hy die Wet oortree het. Hy onthou toe hy in st 4 (gr 6) die eerste keer ‘n oopmond soen gekry het. Vlieg het daardie dag, en dus met elke oopmond soen tot op 16, twee keer die Wet oortree. Behalwe vir die onwettigheid van die soen was hy verseker elke keer seksueel opgewek. Trouens, op 16 het selfs ‘n toemond soen Vlieg opgewek; nee, net dink aan ‘n soen het hom opgewek! Vlieg het waarskynlik elke middag op die skoolbus ook krimineel opgetree, deur te skuur teen die meisies se borste om in of uit die bus te kom. Doelbewus of sonder ‘n motief! Behalwe dat seks, of enige vorm van seksualiteit dan by implikasie nou krimineel is, word ons maaiers en papies verder geleer dat dit vuil is. En as dit dan nou nie krimineel of vuil is nie, dan is dit beslis sonde! Vlieg se private wetenskaplike hipotese, is dat die oorweldigende meerderheid van volwasse verhoudingsprobleme te doen het met seks. Te min daarvan, te veel daarvan, met die verkeerde persoon, met die verkeerde geslag, met die verkeerde ras, met te veel mense, met te min mense, verkeerde manier, verkeerde posisie… Hierdie verhoudingsprobleme lei dan tot die oorweldigende meerderheid geestesongesteldheid. Dus lei seks tot geestessiektes! Dit is dus Vlieg se logiese private submissie dat dieselfde geestesongestelde volwassenes wat nou seks kriminaliseer en dit vervuil en tot sonde verklaar, gaan sorg dat hul maaiers en papies ook eendag geestessiek word, net soos wat hulle ouers dit aan hulle gedoen het! Kan ons nie maar net die maaiers en papies inlig en opvoed nie? Hoekom moet ons hulle alewig bangpraat en vergiftig?

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Van ’n storie wat ‘n Gerd van ‘n ander kleur is — van ‘n perdedokter en sy maat, Kootjie Emmer, wat tussen die Olifantskamp en die Letaba-kamp in die wilde Krugertuin gereis het, toe die groot reën hulle onkant betrap. Die voertuig se enjin stol om een of ander onverklaarbare rede in die middel van die stroompie. Maar die water styg vinnig en die deure wil nie oop nie; die water se druk is te hoog. Die vensters wil nie oop nie, want daar is nie stroom vir die elektries beheerde vensters nie. Uiteiendelik ‘n venster met brute geweld oop gedwing en daar gaat hulle, wal toe. Aan wal sien Kootjie Emmer ‘n roering in die water by die voertuig se oop venster. Dis ‘n lang plat hond... Die moutertjie begin wieg en dokter besluit hy gaan in om deure oop te maak, sodat die water kan deurvloei. Duik in.

Kootjie Emmer gil: “Die krokodil!?” Dokter sê “biedêm die krokodil, ek gaan my moutertjie red”. So gesê, so gedaan. Deure oop, water vloei deur, moutertjie veilig. Maar toe dryf die kamerasak en die sak met twee biere stroomaf. Op die wal is veral kommer oor die twee oorblywende biere. En daar trek die dokter jou wrintiewaar... Kamersak gered, biere tot hul smart nie. Toe kom red Fauna & Flora se man, maar die tou moet aan die moutertjie gebind word. En daar trek dokter, krokodil se dinges. Tou gebind, moutertjie uitgesleep, almal veilig en dokter se oorbel sit nog stewig, die grys baard effe rooierig van die modder en die jong bruid oorstelp van die vreugde dat manlief dwarsdeur die krokodilwaters veilig terug is aan haar sy. Die mense hoor hy heet nou The Crocodile Whisperer....


Raadslid sê vanjaar moet orde kom met die smouse — bl 6 (briewe)

Tzaneen has come of age Tzaneen now has a wealth of knowledge and expertise, with three new specialists having joined the Mediclinic Tzaneen team. Dr Jacqueline Mashiane (left) is a paediatrician. She studied at the University of Cape Town and specialised in KwaZulu-Natal. She is now a fulltime member of Mediclinic Tzaneen’s staff and she is available at Room B4 at Ivory Tusk’s specialist rooms. For

Sale of immature avos prohibited ing. For the cultivar Fuerte, fruit moisture content must be 80% or less. Reputable avocado packhouses are all able to carry out the necessary maturity testing. DAFF inspectors will be checking avocado maturity on the national fresh produce markets. Growers should be sure that their avocados are properly mature before harvesting to ensure that they do not run the risk of having their fruit destroyed. For further information on maturity testing, contact the Subtropical Growers Association (Subtrop), tel. 015 307 3676. * It is not known how hawkers will be dealt with. Farmers are also keen to see if this would help to combat the theft of immature avos on farms.

Wat ‘n (waatlemoen)fees!

The sale of immature avocados (which will not ripen properly) is now prohibited in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act. Inspectors from the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (DAFF) will be testing maturity levels of early season avocados offered for sale. If avocados are found to be immature, the sale of this fruit will be prohibited. In the past, avocados found by inspectors to be immature were downgraded to “lowest grade”, but could still be sold. However, in 2013, immature fruit will have to be destroyed. Avocado growers are advised to ensure that their fruit meets the required maturity standard before pick-

Waatlemoen-besmeerde leerlinge van die Laerskool Tzaneen het met taai hande en ewe taai en sopnat gesiggies Dinsdagaand gees gevang. Die leerlinge het langs die skool se swembad saamgedrom, terwyl hulle krete ter viering van die volgende dag se interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms ge-uiter het. Waatlemoenstukke is aan die leerlinge uitgedeel en hulle kon met die toestemming van hul onderwysers mekaar met die skille besmeer en ook lekker “mondfluitjie” speel. Dié tweetjies was te besig om te sluk en was nie bereid om die lekker vir ‘n wyle te los en hul name aan ons te verstrek nie.

Bib dalk tot na 1 Februarie toe Weens onvoorsiene omstandighede mag die Tzaneen Biblioteek dalk nie volgende Vrydag (1 Februarie) heropen nie, soos aanvanklik aangekondig is. Skakel dus eers 015 307 8051 voor u die biblioteek wil besoek, om seker te maak dat dit al oop is. Die GTM Biblioteekdienste vra

om verskoning vir enige ongerief en verseker biblioteeklede dat geen boetes vir boeke wat laat ingedien word, in die eerste maand na die heropening gehef sal word nie. Die biblioteek kry ‘n splinternuwe vloerbedekking en die werk is onder meer deur die baie reën vertraag.

25 January 2013


Medically speaking

enquiries or appointments, contact her receptionist on 015 307 1141. Mashiane is engaged to a paediatrician in Polokwane and he plans to move to Tzaneen soon. No 2: The second specialist is dr Gert van der Merwe (middle), a general surgeon, who recently moved to Tzaneen from Gauteng. He obtained his MB ChB degree at the University of Pretoria and is married to Carine van der Merwe, a physiotherapist. He graduated Cum Laude in his M Med (Chir) class. He is part of Mediclinic Tzaneen’s staff and is available every day. His rooms are also at Ivory Tusk’s specialist rooms, Room B15, and he can be contacted on 015 308 0101. No 3: The third new specialist is dr Nathan October, an urologist. He completed his MB ChB degree at the University of Stellenbosch and his specialist training at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). He was one of only four doctors that completed their specialist studies at Wits last year. He recently moved to Tzaneen, along with his wife and two sons and is now part of Mediclinic Tzaneen’s team. October’s rooms are at Ivory Tusk’s specialist rooms, B10, and he is available every day. For enquiries or to make an appointment, contact his receptionist on 015 308 0041 He performs procedures like the removal of kidney stones, lithotherapy, prostate procedures and specialises in infertility in men.

So het baie motoriste hom langs die pad of strate van Tzaneen gesien (meesal te laat en tot hul spyt!)... Dit gaan goed met Tzaneen se Verkeersuperintendent Francois Peyper, wat sowat drie weke gelede ‘n beroerte gehad het. Hy het in Pretoria gekuier en is daar in ‘n hospitaal opgeneem. Dit blyk dat hy geen permanente letsels oorgehou het nie en hy sterk nog in Pretoria aan, maar word die naweek terug in Tzaneen verwag. Hy het nou finaal besluit om af te tree en sal eersdaags die tuig by die GTM neerlê, waarna hy in Pretoria wil gaan vestig.


25 January 2013



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Pothole tar road claims lives

A serious accident on the road between Tarentaalrand and N’wamitwa claimed the life of a man and left six seriously injured on Monday. According to Letsitele police communications officer Const Ntsako Mabunda, a truck broke down on the way to Bushvalley Chickens. A VW Golf coming from N’wamitwa apparently lost control after passing the truck and collided with three vehicles. The Golf and a bakkie overturned. One man aged between 30 and 35 died at the scene and six people were rushed to Letaba and Van Velden hospitals. Mabunda said the cause of the accident is still unknown and police are investigating the matter. It is, however, believed that the potholes in the road could have played a roll. -

BELOW: The wreck of the VW golf that allegedly lost control and collided with three vehicles.

BELOW: This LDV was one of the vehicles involved in the accident.

BELOW: Potholes like these on the road to N’wamitwa are said to cause a real danger on this road.

Members of the Lusaka village community attended the crime and rape prevention awareness meeting in great numbers.

Crime, rape awareness

It seems the police won’t be giving criminals a gap this year. On Friday they launched a crime and rape prevention campaign in Lusaka village’s Forward in Christ Church near Nkowankowa. The SAPS partnered with the departments of education, social development and health, as well as the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to address the numerous crime and rape issues in their village. The community came in numbers to voice their concerns. The circuit manager of education in Nkowankowa, Ms Doreen Manzini, told the crowd that her department is affected by the crime in the area. She explained that crime in the area can cause the department to produce poor results. “Even though our circuit is the best performing circuit, rape is still a challenge as it affects our children’s performance in class. We cannot let these criminals put a dark cloud over our children’s future.” The Ritavi CPF members held a doorto-door campaign to raise crime and rape awareness. Community members were given pamphlets outlining ways to prevent crime. The SAPS’ Tzaneen Cluster Commander, Maj Genl, Maggy Mathebula, was very outspoken about her frustrations concerning rape and crime in the area. She urged parents to play an important role in their children’s lives. She also said although it’s the parents living closer to the child, it’s mostly the teachers who notice the change. “A real man will not unzip his pants and rape a one year-old child, a real mother will not neglect her child to please a man.” Community members were also given a chance to ask questions and many complained that the department of justice are letting criminals walk free. Mathebula promised the community to invite the department of justice to the next event and urged the public to work with the police.

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and be informed. We are known for our topical news reports.

CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter

Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com

Police are busy in streets

The Tzaneen police are rather busy in tightening security in the area. The men and women in blue worked tirelessly and arrested 51 people during the past weekend. Ten people were arrested for violating the road traffic act, five for shoplifting, three for house breaking and theft, two for theft and nine for illegal trading, six for drinking in public and one for armed robbery. The Tzaneen police communications officer, Const David Seale, said the police are still working hard to arrest prostitutes in town. He adds that during the weekend the police arrested nine people for loitering, one for sexual assault and one for assault GBH. Seale warns the public against ATM robberries. “People should not let strangers help them at an ATM. Ask someone who works at the bank for help,” said Seale. Meanwhile the police in Letsitele apprehended fourteen people for various charges during the weekend. The Letsitele police communications officer, Const Ntsako Mabunda, said three people were arrested for common robbery, one for attempted rape, one for common assault, one for theft, one for possession of dagga and two for trading liquor without a license. Mabunda said the police appreciate the support given by the community and believe that crime will be curbed when police and the community stand together.

3 dangerous suspects on the run The SAPS in Tzaneen has launched a manhunt for three unknown criminals who were involved in a series of crimes in Tzaneen over the weekend. Two motor vehicles were stolen and the men also broke into a house and stole items. The Tzaneen Police Cluster’s spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said the incident occurred on Friday. The three suspects were spotted exiting a house. They drove away in a white Audi A4, but later highjacked a bakkie from Polokwane. Ngoepe says the preliminary investigations found that the Audi was stolen in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, some weeks ago. He added that one firearm was recovered from one of the scenes. The identities of these suspects are still unknown and anyone with information should contact Col James Espach on 082 451 7169 or the nearest Police Station or 086 001 0111.

Ritavi’s police station commander, Col Mary Mashila, and the Tzaneen cluster commander, Maj Genl Maggy Mathebula, are seen here counting stolen goods that were found with members of the sydicate (report below).

No bail for syndicate members

The three suspects believed to be connected to criminal syndicates in Ritavi and Tzaneen were denied bail by a Ritavi magistrate. They will appear in court again on Monday. Pulane Mokhabela (22), Aubrey Malangana (19) and Themba Banda (19) were arrested for three counts of housebreaking and one of suspected stolen property. During the arrest police recovered stolen items valued at R100 0000! Meanwhile, fifteen people were apprehended by the Ritavi police: five for drinking in public, two for driving unlicensed vehicles, one for assault GBH, one for common assault and one for housebreaking and theft. The Ritavi’s police communications officer, Const Vongani Ngobeni, said the police arrested an Ethiopian shop owner for selling expired food in his shop. He was also trading without a license. Ngobeni warned that people should always check the expiry date when buying food.

BO: Die polisie in Tzaneen het Vrydag baie flink gereageer, nadat oproepe van ‘n roof in Aquapark ontvang is. Twee verdagtes is op die Georges Vally-pad by die afrit na die R37 aangekeer, nadat hulle in die veld opgemerk is. Dit is vermoed dat hulle by die roof betrokke was en hulle is aangehou vir ondervraging. ONDER: Drie vermeende inbrekers is Vrydag deur ’n huiseienaar in die oprit van sy woning betrap, toe hy hulle uit sy woning sien stap het en in ’n wit Audi A4 wou vlug. Die eienaar, mnr Juan Aucamp, se flinke optrede het verhoed dat die verdagtes met die voertuig kon vlug en hulle is te voet daar weg. Die polisie was vinnig op die toneel en speurders het op die voertuig beslag gelê vir verdere ondersoek. Volgens die polisie se woordvoerder, lt-kol Moatshe Ngoepe, is die voertuig vroeër in Middelburg gesteel.

Conman may be in Tzaneen

The police in Tzaneen are looking for a white male, believed to be involved in a series of fraud incidents in Tzaneen. According to Tzaneen cluster spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, the suspect placed adverts to rent houses in different newspapers. People looking for a place to stay will then contact the suspect and he will inform the The suspected conman people to deposit money into his account to is seen here leaving secure a place. When the money is in his acFNB in Tzaneen. count, the suspect disappears. “At this stage, Photo: SAPS. seven cases of fraud have been reported and the police are urging people to follow the right procedures when looking for a place to stay,” said Ngoepe. * Any person with information about the man should contact, Col James Espach on 082 451 7169.


Foto’s van die vloede in ons gebied op bladsye 8 & 9

Library may not open Due to unforeseen circumstances (amonst others the rain) the Tzaneen Library may not re-open next Friday (1 February) as was publicized. Library users are advised to call the library on 015 307 8051 before visiting, to make sure that it is indeed open. The GTM Library Services apologizes for any inconvenience the possible delay may cause, and would like to ensure library members that no fines for late books will be issued until a month after re-opening.


Breakthrough for Tzn police

Traumatised A long-time resident of Trichardtsdal, Ms Rosa Smook, was traumatised on Saturday night when two men broke into her house. According to Maake’s police communications officer, Const Mpho Seroto, the 52 yearold Smook was sleeping when the men got access through a broken bathroom window. Seroto says the two men stole a laptop computer, a hunting rifle, a flashlight, a cellular telephone and R600 in cash. When the police arrived she was in such shock that she could not speak. She is still being treated for shock. No arrests have been made and the police investigation continues. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com

25 January 2013

Twee nuwe onderwyseresse het hulle by die personeelkorps van die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele aangesluit: BO is mee Linda Boshoff (Afrikaans gr 4-7) en me Carine Weyers (gr 2A). LINKS is die skool se nuwe finansiële beampte, me Jeunita Nell.

The Police’s Tzaneen cluster crime intelligence unit has made a major breakthrough during their Operation Sting, arresting a 35 year-old man who was terrorising people in Tzaneen, Ritavi and Letsitele. He will appear in court soon. The suspect is connected to five armed robberies, two assaults, one housebreaking, three rapes and one possession of a firearm and ammunition without a licence. He has been targeting people in hiking areas and those who walk alone in remote areas. The police again appeal to all members of the communities who have been victims of these types of incidents to inform their nearest police stations immediately. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com

Supereniment story ends Towards the end of winter last year, the Bulletin discovered two old en very sick people who were living in miserable circumstances in a dilapidated shack at Tarentaalrand. Our staff took them clothes, blankets and food and soon people followed and donated much needed food. Caring locals on Blessie Farm, Tarentaalrand, ensured that Ms Minah Spogter and her husband, Mr Andries van der Walt, were taken care of. A real Samaritan from the Garies in

the Northern Cape, Ms Abigail Watt, read about the couple’s plight on our web site and decided to take them in. She moved the bedridden couple from their shack on Blessie farm to her house in Garies at her own cost, and started caring for them. Watt has now informed us that Spogter passed away in November and van der Walt died on Friday last week. — Beaunice Mnisi


Mnr Petrus Oosthuizen van Interam Tzaneen (handelaar in rekenaartoerusting), het twee skootrekenaars aan Tzaneen Ambulansdiens (TAS) geskenk (wat in ‘n groot behoefte sal voorsien). Me Marcelle Basson, TAS se nuwe bestuurder, het die rekenaars in ontvangs geneem. TAS het ook vir die eerste keer hul eie kantore gekry — regoor Minitzani, waar Letaba Alarms tot onlangs was.


25 January 2013



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Ons Mening Vrydag 25 Januarie 2013


‘Die rewolusie’... hoor Suid-Afrikaners kort-kort, veral uit die geledere van die regerende party. Meesal word verwys na die rewolusie om ekonomiese vryheid, maar dit is duidelik dat daar ook ander mylpale vir “die rewolusie” beoog word. Ons mening is dat die regerende party liefs meer energie en tyd moet afstaan aan ander rewolusies wat al hoe meer momentum kry — die ontwikkelende rewolusie van burgers wat ontevrede is oor die regering se gebrek aan behoorlike konsultasie en die hoë vlakke van korrupsie... Die ontwikkelende rewolusie van bekommerde ouers wat nie meer wil aanvaar hoe ons onderwysopset versleg nie; die rewolusie van gefrustreerde kinders wat sonder behoorlike onderrig deur ongekwalifiseerde onderwysers moet sukkel. Die ontwikkelende rewolusie van siekes in die land wat in hul mediese behandeling tevrede moet wees met arrogansie van verpleegpersoneel, die ongerief van Kubaanse dokters (en ander vreemdes) wat onverstaanbaar brabbel en pasiënte in ‘n dwaal laat, moet verduur. Die ontwikkelende rewolusie van burgers wat nie meer die buitensporige vlakke van misdaad kan aanvaar nie en ook nie die onprofessionaliteit en onkunde van polisiebeamptes wil beleef nie. Ensovoorts, en so meer. Die naïewes onder ons wat sê “maar dit sal nie hier by ons gebeur nie”, moet onthou die Amerikaners het een Septemberaand rustig en tevrede gaan slaap, en die volgende dag het die Twin Towers geval; die Egiptenare was een Donderdag nog ewe selfvoldaan en die volgende oggend was Kaïro se groot plein ‘n plofpunt wat die land laat “ontplof” het; die Libiërs, die Siriërs, die inwoners van Mali... Nader aan die huis: die Sasolburgers, De Doorns se boere, Heilbron se rustige landelike mense... Dit is tyd om wakker te skrik.

Gedurende die laat 1960`s, toe die blommekinders gesing het van vrede en die vredesteken op klere en mure gepryk het, het pous Paulus VI sy bekende uitspraak gemaak: “As jy vrede wil hê, beywer jou vir geregtigheid.” Toe Israel, in `n moeilike tyd, gewonder het wat hulle moet doen om te lewe soos God wil hê, het die profeet gesê: “Mens, die Here het jou bekend gemaak wat goed is: Hy vra van jou dat jy reg sal laat geskied, dat jy liefde en trou sal bewys, dat jy bedagsaam sal lewe voor jou God.” (Miga 6 vers 8) Om reg te laat geskied, is Barry van der Merwe in `n samelewing soos die fondasie NG Kerk Letsitele van `n gebou. As die fondasie swak

Die Boodskap


Baie, baie dankie Die SAVF Diensbestuur, Tzaneen, skryf: Hiermee, net ‘n boodskap, van groot waardering: Die hele mensdom streef daarna om die mees ideale lewe denkbaar, te leef. Dit is egter nie vir almal be-skore om elke dag die soet van die lewe te ervaar nie. Die Here sê egter in Sy Woord dat die rede waarom Hy ons vir mekaar op aarde gegee het, is ”om mekaar te dien”! Om te dien, beteken tog om iets goed vir iemand anders te doen. U het onwrikbaar “gedien”, toe u ‘n Kersgeskenk, skryfbehoeftes, donasies vir een van ons kinder-kliënte geskenk het. U het nie net daardie kinder-/tienerhart gelukkig gemaak nie, maar ook ons Skepper tevrede gestel. Baie dankie aan almal wat die SAVF gedurende 2012 ondersteun het, met donasies. Baie dankie vir die nederige en liefdevolle gebaar. Ons waardeer dit ongelooflik. Voorspoed vir die jaar.

Dankie, Plasies Dian van Rooyen van Phalaborwa skryf: Ek is ‘n trotse produk van die Hoërskool Merensky en het verlede jaar gematrikuleer. Ek wil graag al die Plasies hartlik bedank vir ‘n onvergeetlike vyf jaar. Dit sal onregverdig wees om spesifieke persone uit te sonder, maar ‘n pluimpie moet aan die toegewyde Plasie-onderwysers gaan. Ek dra my suksesvolle skoolloopbaan aan elkeen van hulle op. Ek is ook dankbaar vir die ongeëwenaarde afrigting wat ek op die sportveld ontvang het. Ek het my suksesse aan hulle te dank. Dit was egter nie sonder die finansiële ondersteuning van enkele indiwidue, asook sakeondernemings moontlik nie.

is, gaan die gebou begin kraak en later ineenstort. In Matteus 7 vers 12 het die Here Jesus gesê: “Alles wat julle wil hê dat die mense aan julle moet doen, moet julle ook aan hulle doen. Dit is tog waarop dit neerkom in die wet en die profete.” Hierdie woorde help ons wanneer ons werk aan die fondasie van ons gebou: Soos ek graag behandel wil word, moet ek ander ook behandel. Wat ek vir myself gun, moet ek vir ander ook gun. As my harde werk vir my voordele inhou, moet die ander se harde werk ook vir hulle voordele inhou. Dit is die roeping van die regering om die fondasie sterk te hou, maar dit is ook elkeen van ons se verantoordelikheid om reg te laat geskied, liefde en trou te bewys en bedagsaam te lewe voor ons God. Mooi naweek!

Letters • Briewe Laastens bedank ek my ouers, wat my altyd met die grootste liefde ondersteun en bygestaan het. Hulle het tienduisende kilometers afgelê om my langs die sportveld aan te moedig en hulle het my altyd gehelp. Baie dankie aan elkeen wat in hierdie Plasie geglo het!

Main focus

Cllr. Rene Pohl, Box 482, Duivelskloof, writes: The DA wish all voters a prosperous 2013! The main focus this year will be the street hawkers in Tzaneen. I am presently in communication with business owners, the hawkers themselves and the different Departments of the municipality. I will keep the voters informed.

The last Special Council meeting took place in December 2012. Council wanted all members serving on the Municipal Public Accounting Committee to sign an oath of secrecy. The DA objected and refused to sign the document. This is in contradiction to the constitution which states clearly that a Municipal Council must conduct its business in an open manner. The DA believes in the supremacy of the South African constitution and the rule of law. The Municipal Council also want to appeal against the outcome of the court case of the previous Chief Financial Officer which they lost. The DA strongly objected to this resolution, due to the fact that we are of the opinion that Council will only add more costs to the previous court cases which already add to the amount of more than R12m, which was not budgeted for! On top of that amount is the approval and implementation of the benchmarking of officials’ salaries which come to the amount of R30-35m, which was not budgeted for at all! When the DA asked

where this money will come from, we were told that all Departments must cut on expenses until that amount is made up to cover these costs. This means that efficient service delivery will be at stake. The DA warned Council that if it was a DA run municipality, it would be put under administration. The DA will put in questions to be answered in writing at the next Council Meeting on whether all municipal officials comply with the prescribed minimum competency levels. We will also ask for evidence! I can be contacted at Cell Nu 079 872 5012.

Help met ryding

Isabel Schoeman van Tzaneen skryf: Ek het dringend hulp nodig met ‘n saak rakende twee bejaardes in Tzaneen. ‘n Paar maande terug is hul ou bakkie gesteel en het hulle nou ‘n vervoermiddel dringend nodig. Die dame is baie siek en haar man moet haar gereeld hospitaal toe vat. Verder ry hulle net kerk toe en na ‘n winkelsentrum. Ons het tans ‘n bedrag geld ingesamel wat gebruik kan word om ‘n voertuig vir hulle te koop. Is daar nie dalk iemand wat ‘n ou karretjie of bakkie in ‘n redelike toestand het om te verkoop of te skenk nie? Enigiemand wat kan help, kan my gerus skakel by 083 448 5171 of Leon by 076 828 1615.

Great joy

Hannes Steyn, Herofield, Tzaneen writes: For Herofield the year 2012 was one of great joy, lots of hard work, special moments and sadness. The youth went on 2 camps, went on outreach to Mozambique, organised outreaches in our own community, planted the Cross (a yearly event with the high schools) took part in the

Cansa Relay for Life, held church services at platform, partook of the cultural evening at platform, had a wonderful year end function and a successful Carols in the Park. We also had to say farewell, not goodbye, to a few of the Matrics, who has been with Herofield since Grade 8. Luckily the bonds which were made at Herofield ensure that these young people will be back to visit us during holidays and long weekends. It was also with great sadness and sorrow, that we said goodbye to little Reiner Le Roux, whom we got to know and love when we were on outreach in Mozambique. Our prayers are with his parents, Jaco and Inge and his grandparents, Ockert and Fransie Le Roux, whom we had the privilege of working with and visiting in Mozambique. For Herofield the year 2013 lies ahead like a book with blank pages. It is with great excitement, trust, faith and anticipation that we are looking forward to what God has planned for us. It is a year of outreach, serving and making Jesus famous. Herofield has been open since the 9th of January 2013. The youth have, of their own initiative, taken it upon themselves to raise funds, to promote Herofield and to market Herofield in a big way. A successful car wash has been held and more will be held, projects at schools have been discussed for awareness, outreaches have been planned and big changes have been discussed and implemented. Herofield relies soley on sponsorships and donations and is a registered non profit organization. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals and businesses in the Tzaneen and outlaying communities for all the sponsors and donations for the year 2012. We would also like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude and thanks to Sugarhill, Tzaneen for the generous sponsor and commitment of supplying Herofield on a daily basis with bread for the youth in 2013. If you would like to donate, be it financially or in kind, know more about Herofield or visit us, please contact Hannes Steyn, visionary leader, on 082 309 8335. Join us on Facebook, to be kept up to date with all the news and happenings at Herofield. Its going to be an amazing year for us, watch this space!


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En wat is miskien hier aan die gang? ‘n Leser van die Bulletin het dit baie vreemd, eintlik agterdogtig gevind dat die LAW in die agtergrond (links) gelaai is met plantmateriaal wat dalk oorgelaai is van die regeringsvragmotor. Wat meer gepla het, is dat die vragmotor van die depratement van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, die omgewing en toerisme langs die pad gestaan het, sonder ‘n bestuurder én die deur was oop én die vragmotor het gestaan en luier. Enigiemand kon net agter die stuur inskuif en verder ry. Die leser het gesê die voorval gaan beslis by die provinsiale regering aangemeld word, vir wat dit werd mag wees.

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25 January 2013


GTM ignoreer hofbevel En wie regeer nou eintlik?

Die burgemeester, raadslede en die munisipale bestuurder van die GTM steur hulle nie aan ‘n dat die pos binne dertig dae geadverteer moet word. UitTwala bevel van die Arbeidshof nie — en Samwu, die grootste vakbond vir voering is nie hieraan gegee nie. Sommige sê dis uit vrees munisipale werkers, wil ‘n klag van minagting van die vir Twala. Dit is gemene saak in die GTM se binnekringe hof teen die GTM by die polisie indien (of het dit dalk dat daar ‘n stryd is tussen Samwu en die ANC Jeugliga (Twala is sterk op streekvlak in die Jeugliga en sy broer is teen dié tyd al gedoen). Notules bevestig dat al die raadslede deeglik bewus is die onder-voorsitter van die ANC in die Mopani-streek). Samwu waarsku dat “a showdown is looming and we van die toedrag van sake en dat nie ‘n enkele raadslid nog beswaar gemaak het nie. Die regsbeginsel van stilswyende will not accept Twala in that post; for that matter, we instemming kan dus meebring dat die raadslede van die don’t want him in any post in the GTM”., DTA en ander partye partye ook skuldig aan ‘n Seuntjie van Tzaneen het 2012 ‘n vroeë Kersgekenk gekry toe sy ma minagting van die hof sal wees. vroeg in Desember ‘n klimraam gewen het. Die klimraam is deur Creative Die Arbeidshof se regter L Molahlehi het Steelworks geskenk en as prys aangebied in ‘n kompetisie ten bate van die reeds op 11 Desember verlede jaar gelas dat Goue Jare Bejaardesorgsentrum in Modjadjiskloof. Die geldinsameling is in mnr Thulani Twala onmiddellik ophou om as Oktober en November gehou, vir Kersgeskenke vir inwoners van die tehuis direkteur van korporatiewe dienste van die wat geen familie het nie. Hier is die gelukkige wenner van die raam, Me Edith Palvie, saam met me Sienie Combrink van Creative Steelworks. GTM waar te neem (hy voldoen nie aan die vereistes wat vir die pos gestel word nie), en


25 January 2013



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ABOVE: On Monday morning three men were already repairing some of the damage the flood in Hamawasha had caused over the weekend (like the bridge over the river). Photo: Gregory Bender

Dieselfde probleemgeval wat op die voorblad nog nie so verskriklik ernstig lyk nie. Hier is die voertuie heeltemal onder die water. RIGHT: A photo of what used to be a street in Nkowankowa Section B. LEFT: A road at Hamawasha was flooded after a dam wall in the area broke. It swept away the steel bars barricading the tar road. Photo: Gregory Bender

Die onderstaande reënvalsyfers is deur verskillende bronne aan ons verskaf, vir die tydperk 17 tot 21 Januarie. Levubu blyk die rekordhouer te wees, alhoewel daar plekke in die Kruger Nasionale Park is waar dit ook erg gereën het en moontlik soortgelyke reënval gemeet sou kon gewees het. Vloedskade van riviere wat afgekom het, was blykbaar die grootste faktor in die wildtuin: Levubu: 720 mm; Bandelierkop: 205 mm - 300 mm; Linton: 500+ mm; Makhado: 290 mm; Tarentaalrand: 340 mm; Phalaborwa: 300 mm; Letsitele: 240 mm; Kromdraaiblomme: 360 mm; Magoebskloof: 500+ mm; Tzaneen: 446 mm van 14 Januarie tot en met die oggend van 21 Januarie. Sondagnag het die groot reën geval, met 181 mm. (Tzaneen se statistiek is goedgunstiglik verskaf deur me Marie Pheiffer)

Bulletin Besoek ons webwerf vir vars nuus en foto’s (en videos), besoek ons argief vir ou uitgawes, geniet ‘n spotprent uit ons versameling, kyk na die weer, ens

A patch of road where the tar has been washed away at the four way stop entering Letsitele. Giyani het al byna ‘n jaar lank onder ‘n ernstige watertekort gebuk gegaan en die reën het werklik groot uitkoms vir die derduisende inwoners van dié dorp en omgewing gebring. Die enigste dam wat die dorp voed (terwyl Dandoni se waterpypleiding nou gebou word) was leeg en nou is dit 159% vol! Hier vloei die watermassa in die rivier wat die dam voed (die rivier wat by die dorp se ingang meesal ‘n kurkdroë sandbedding het).


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25 January 2013


Die verhaal van Dams are overflowing bl 1 se foto’s Swept up: The photo of the two LDV’s disappearing under the water and with its owners trying to avoid that happening, was taken in the Letaba Ranch area. In the end they managed to get the vehicles out, but it was a close shave for them. Raining Fish: The photo was take at Hamawasha next to the Tzaneen railway station. A dam wall broke and the little stream soon became a torrent. It took a variety of plant material with it, and some carp! When the river flowed over the tar road this enormous 20 kg carp was stranded and the man in the photo caught his dinner right there; on the tar road! Gregory Bender was on the spot to take this unique photo. Rooftop rescue: This dramatic photo was taken in the Pafuri camp in Kruger Park, where people climbed on roofs, all the way to the top. The were rescued by a helicopter of the SANDF. LiN Media/Kruger2Canyon Loss of life: A father and his two children were swept away by strong water after the bakkie they were travelling in had fallen off a collapsed bridge on the road between Musina and Alldays on Sunday night. The mother of the children and two other occupants of the vehicle were treated for minor injuries and shock. Ms Nomathemba Sibanda (22) could not hold back her tears as she explained how the accident left her without her husband and two children. In this photo a police officer covers the body of her husband.

The rain caused devastation at various places in the Mopani district: More than 820 houses were destroyed, three villages around Giyani were cut-off, a bridge was washed away, nine people died from either drowning or houses that collapsed and fifteen people were injured. These figures represent but a fraction of the harsh realities of

many families who are without proper housing or access to roads. According to the Mopani District Municipality’s Mr Neil Shikwamabana, the dam levels have risen significantly: • Nsami dam from something like 5% to 159%; Middle Letaba is 41,8% full, the Tzaneen dam is at 106% and Magoebaskloof dam was at 104% on Monday.

Skolesport uit- & afgestel

Die reën het veroorsaak dat talle sportbyeenkomste vir Tzaneen se skole uit- of afgestel is. • Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se atletiek versus die Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier en die krieketstryd teen die Hoërskool Marais Viljoen is volgens die Vossies se sportorganiseerder, mnr André Hay, afgestel. Die Vossies sal wel vandag (Vrydag) teen PHS in atletiek meeding. Die krieketspelers sal die naweek in Pretoria aan ‘n byeenkoms deelneem. • Die Hoërskool Merensky se atletiekbyeenkoms teen die Hoërskool Wonderboom is afgestel, terwyl die kriekettoernooi teen die Hoërskool Jeugland uitgestel is. Die Plasies se sportorganiseerder, mnr Hein van Heerden, sê hulle beoog om die byeenkoms Lin Media/Limpopo Mirror tussen 7 en 9 Februarie op hul tuisReckless: Two young and adventuresome veld aan te bied. Atlete meet die men ignored all warnings against hippos and naweek kragte teen die Hoërskool crocs, and challenged the Letaba river below Rob Ferreira in Witrivier, terwyl the dam wall on their tubes. die eerste krieketspan in Kemp-

tonpark gaan speel. Die Laerskool Tzaneen se interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms is uitgestel en Woensdag gehou. Die A-atletiekspan neem more aan atletiek in Phalaborwa deel en die B-span sal in Modjadjiskloof kragte meet.

Die Kruger Nasionale Park het baie swaar deurgeloop en baie skade aan paaie en brûe is aangerig. Talle geboue is ook beskadig en by die Pafuri grenspos was daar Sondag chaos en is die skade baie groot. Geboue daar was tot dakhoogte onder water en ‘n paar strukture was totaal en al onder die water. Die foto hierbo is Maandagmiddag geneem en wys duidelik hoe erg die omgewing oorstroom is. Dit sal weke neem om die volle omvang van die skade vas te stel. Lin Media/Kruger2Canyon


25 January 2013



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Events l Gebeure


Church l Kerk

Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘13

This Week



Platform reg bo Star Spares wees. Vir meer inligting skakel 082 309 8335.


Hervormde Kerk Retha 083 262 3641. Sport ‘13 Tzaneen, Agathastraat, vandag 10:00 - 14:00 Boeremusiekkompetisie Atlanta en 16:00 - 17:00. Vir bestellings skakel 015 307 vakansieoord, Brits, 2 Maart, 09:00. 4508 of 083 438 2230 (Kantoorure: 8:00-13:00). Boeremusiekorkeste gaan deelneem in This Week ‘13 afdelings: modern, tradisioneel en jeug. Groot pryse te wen. Skakel Jaco van Deventer 078 This Month ‘13 184 4527/jaco@bushveldtmedia.com vir Perdemeesterskapkliniek Tzaneen, inskrywings. Sluitingsdatum: 31 Januarie. 25-27 Januarie. Navrae: Tharina 078 684 4642. Groentjiekonsert Hoërskool Ben Verblyfnavrae: Lukas Fouche 012 277 2479. Circuit athletics Tuesday, 08:00. The Vorster, 6 en 7 Februarie, 18:00. Navrae: Langs die Oever boeredag Montrose primary schools in the area will be competing. (plaas), Letsitele, 21 en 22 Maart. Navrae: Mirka Skoolkantoor 015 307 4491. Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke Art and Hobby Expo Sanloo Manor, 015 307 5000 of mirka@langsdieoever.com. Maandag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Platform, Star Spares- Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797. Tzaneen, 9 February, 09:00. Entrance: R20, Danie Botha gebou, Tzaneen, 23 Maart. Beperkte aantal includes beverage. Contact 015 307 1101. Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie Berry Festival Magoebaskloof and kaartjies beskikbaar by Mosaiëk. by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Haenertsburg, 9 and 10 February. Tours of Kiwi festival Haenertsburg, 27 and 28 Besprekings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546. berry farms, pick fruit. Harvest market in April. Cooking competition, farm tours, kiwi Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae & Donderdae Haenertsburg with fresh produce, preserves, products and local produce. Linda Miller 082 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of pies, berry ice cream and cordials. Stalls selling 575 5738 or applegrange@mweb.co.za. Natasha by 015 307 3316. art, crafts, jewellery etc. Valentine’s Barn Dance, Jukebox Dans Tzaneen Skousaal, 31 dessert-making and cocktail-mixing contests. Mei, 18:30. Aangebied deur Voetspoortjies Rrestaurants with special menus with berry Kleuterskool. Marié Huysamen 076 813 9644. This Month ‘13 dishes. Fun entertainment for children. Contact Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Shahrzad 082 903 7593, www.berryfestival. co.za or to book a stall call Linda 082 575 5738. Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every Visvangkompetisie Letaba Landgoed, month. Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 2 Februarie, 05:00. Aangebied deur die Lede in Valentynsdans Tzaneen Skouterrein, or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291. Christus Kerk. Navrae/kaartjies: Pieter Horn 073 saal B, 15 Februarie. Aangebied deur SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool. Barnyard-styl. Drag: Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and 304 5508 of Pieta van den Berg 082 370 8242. semi-formeel. Koste: R150/paar. DJ Rui Loucao DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, Kaartjies ook beskikbaar by Boulevard Cycles. 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. Athletics verskaf die musiek. Navrae 015 307 4255. 6 February. Athletes from

Toneel Wolkberg Akademie skoolsaal, 1 Maart. Annale van ‘n windgat, ‘n Afrikaanse eenmankomedie met Neels Claasen (Binneland se Jan Gerecke). Die opvoering handel oor die vier basiese persoonlikhede (banggatte, hardegatte, slapgatte en windgatte) sonder kras taal. Besoek www.windgat.co.za vir ‘n voorsmakie. Kaartjies: R100/p. Besprekings:

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Support The Tzaneen Depression and primary schools in the Tzaneen cluster. Anxiety Support Group meetings every alternate Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Other ‘13 Community Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121.

Gemeenskapskerkdiens Begin weer Munnik Meerkat MTB Challenge 3 Februarie. Almal is welkom. Sal voortaan 16 March. For more information contact Johan 18:00 elke eerste naweek van die maand by on 082 740 8740.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.

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Daniel Ngwana passes on

Lions Den gutted In the early hours of Monday the Tzaneen police received a complaint that a building in Aqua Park was on fire. The Tzaneen police’s communications officer, Const David Seale, said the police arrived at Jetty 3 to find that the Lions Club House was on fire. The fire brigade was immediately notified. While the fire-fighters building. The thatch roof burnt fiercely and collapsed. The cause of the fire is unknown and a case of arson is being investigated. Ms Loretta Pretorius from the Lions said the cause of the fire is still unknown and they are waiting for the forensic investigators to complete their investigation. “So far we cannot say much regarding the extent of the damaged caused by the fire, as we were not allowed to get inside the club house,” said Pretorius. —Martina Jege

A gr 11-pupil from Stanford Lake College, Daniel Marubini Ngwana, passed away on 18 December. He was born on 3 April 1995, the youngest son of Salome Judith Ngwana and the late Humani Ngwana. He lived his life to the fullest and took every opportunity that came his way. Ngwana was a talented musician and enjoyed sport. He was a brother to many and a friend to all and leaves behind a loving family and many friends who all have priceless memories of a life full of potential cut too short. “He will live on in our hearts,” said a spokersperson for the school.

Kyk uit vir die SkoleBulletin


Sewe leerkragte van die Hoërskool Merensky het aan die einde van verlede jaar Caps opleiding gekry. Dit was met die doel om gr 11 vakspesifieke Caps- en generiese opleiding te kry, vir implementering van Caps vir gr 10-12 te deurloop. Die span glo dit sal vanjaar nog akademiese vrugte afwerp. Hier is, voor: Mee Helmi du Plessis, Magriet vd Merwe en Wendy Dreyer. Agter is mee Irma van Kasterop, Ada Venter, Madeleen Winterbach en Nicky Myburgh-Barbeiro.

REGS: Mnr Gerhard Beetge is aangestel as dissiplinêre koördineerder by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster.

Wolkberg Akademie Tzaneen se nuwe gr 1’s wys hier tande saam met hul klasonderwyseres, me Rina Steenkamp. Agter is Steenkamp, Klara Jacobs, Caitlyn Swanepoel en Zenni MacCon-

nel. Voor is Kayla Theunissen, Anri Erasmus, Joubert Fleischmann, John-Henry Scwab, Vernon Clements, Shané Bronkhorst en Léna Basson. Foto voorsien

Vossie-onnies se Spanbou’

geleentheid. Vossie-onnies sê hulle is nou gereed vir aksie! Links onder is die PicknPay Police-span en onder hulle is die Woolworths WWF-span. Regs onder is die Checkers Chinaspan en onder hulle die Lombards Lifesavers.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se personeel het onlangs hul jaarlikse spanbou-aksie geniet, met die tema Retail Mania. Die beheerraad het baie moeite gedoen met ‘n skattejag vir die

Foto’s voorsien

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25 January 2013



25 January 2013



Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Jan301____________

Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131_________________ Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303___________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________

Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________

Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5L bags. R20,00 + VAT per tree. Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________

Services Dienste For all your plumbing and general needs, Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102________________ Key shop & locksmith. Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out. Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates. Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates. 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ Springkastele & glybane te huur in Tzaneen!Kantoorure: Maan tot Vry 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193, suikerbekkie19@webmail. co.za Sept434_______________ VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_______________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________ Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________

The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, Old Industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 feb401_________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowing, verjaardag, kerk uitstappies, vergaderings ens. Groot plek met kroeg, yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai, Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402________________

For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128________________

Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions/ occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________

Looking for 9.5 mm stone, 19 mm stone, building sand and river sand? Contact 083 500 4385. jul129________________

Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses? Contact 015 307 3703. june404________________


The Professional

Services Dienste Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217________________

Services Dienste Burglary proofing Palisade gates and Fencing Sign boards Staircases Balustrades Basically any steelwork you can think of Call Christo Stroebel on 078 111 2529 Nov102_______________

Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235

Letaba Teak Wooden floor installation. Installation of high quality teak flooring and decking. Solid teak furniture also available. Call Grant 071 609 9067 Mei407_________________ Roofing and Renovations. We do all roofing, big or small Renovations. Electric fencing and motors. Palisades. 072 647 2128 Jun103________________

Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________ Venue for Hire, 40 people maximum, small weddings, birthday parties, etc. 015 307 2176. Jun112______________

Laaigraaf – Met uiters bewame operateur. R200 per uur + diesel. Kontak Riana 082 448 8231 Jun115_________________ Refrigeration Repairs. Repairs and re-gasses on all domestic refrigerators & freezers. 078 444 0664 Jul202________________ Tjokkertjie babagroep. Babas van 0-2 jaar. Ons is nuut en het 1 September oopmaak. Vir meer inligting Skakel Bianca du Preez 076 766 9068 Aug202_______________

KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________

Trailer repairs, general repairs & service. Lights, wiring, bearings, rust repairs, spray painting. Contact 082 839 1271 Aug302_______________ Christo’s Steelworks Gates

healther. Weight loss coach Clubhealthpointe.com 076 346 1664 Mei203_________________

Services Dienste hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan105_____________


Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 083 252 8928

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018

Supply, Maintain, Install and Repair of Energizers electrified fences sliding gates Palisade gate motors garage door motors alarm systems CCTV Cameras Access automation Clocking systems Top of wall electrification 082 498 8335 Okt305_______________ You, just thinner, younger,

Marie Helm Hypnotherapist Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – medical) “The greatest weakness for many people is that they don’t realize their own strength” Bits & Pieces 1999 Recognize and develop your strength with hypnotherapy Contact Marie at 082 683 2835 Jan204_______________ Maire Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseer Hipnoterapeut (Nie – medies) Nuwe Jaarvoorneme Besluit jy wil nou ‘n permanente nie-roker word? Gaan dit maar weer soos al die vorige jare net ‘n voorneme wees? Die hoef nie. Maak dit ‘n werklikheid – met hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan105_________________

Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses!

Maire Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseer Hipnoterapeut (Nie – medies) Nuwe Jaarvoorneme Besluit jy wil nou ‘n permanente nie-roker word? Gaan dit maar weer soos al die vorige jare net ‘n voorneme wees? Die hoef nie. Maak dit ‘n werklikheid – met

Baltimore – lusern, hawer, tes, boontjies en grasbale te koop en afgelewer. Skakel Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)____________

Animals Diere

“Die gras het nou weer begin groei!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir Grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388 Okt404___________

BLASTING 082 784 2008

JAGUAR XJ6 Classic Car Available with driver. Weddings,Matric dances and other functions For rates and info Contact Attie or Liz 0829012291 0790170600 0153098594 Okt104________________

6 Klein Jack Russel Fox Terrier Kruising R50 00 n hondjie onmiddelik beskikbaar Kontak 083 982 4663 or 082 576 7980

Personal Peroonlik Wegbreek plekkie – elke dag Soek jy rustigheid oor die kersseieoen of nuwe jaar.Kom braai, eet iets klein terwyl jou kinders speelgeriewe te “Kojeska” geniet. Al reën dit, oop onderdak venue met braaigeriewe, vleispakkies, hout Ys en meer by snoepie, bring slegs eie drankie. Volwassense R10, kinders R5, in dorpsgebied. 7 Waitaraweg, Pompagalana, Tzaneen. Kobus 073 110 4180 Kathy 083 601 5777 Jan201___________ Wegbreek plekkie – elke dag Soek jy rustigheid oor die kersseieoen of nuwe jaar.Kom braai, eet iets klein terwyl jou kinders speelgeriewe te “Kojeska” geniet. Al reën dit, oop onderdak venue met braaigeriewe, vleispakkies, hout Ys en meer by snoepie, bring slegs eie drankie. Volwassense R10, kinders R5, in dorpsgebied. 7 Waitaraweg, Pompagalana, Tzaneen. Kobus 073 110 4180 Kathy 083 601 5777 Jan302___________

To Let Te Huur

Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057 Woodcock Carpentry 1 x free standing kitchen unit 2 x book cases 1 x 4 Piece bedroom suite for a girl 3 x wooden door frames (We buy or sell anything of value) Contact 078 608 2511 Jan103_________________

For Sale Te Koop

“Instant Lawn” Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra. Skakel Hennie Maartens (015) 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 alle ure. Jan101________________

Kombuise, ingeboude kaste en alle houtwerk. Skakel Shaun vir gratis kwotasie 083 301 7636 Sep201_______________

Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439

Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________

Services Dienste

Coastal Hire Equipment hire Industrial tools Machinery for construction Mobile toilets Marque Tents 015 307 3084 082 929 5109 Nov104_____________

Marie Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie – medies) Konsentreer Aksie Nou Bits & Pieces 2000 Jy KAN met hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan302________________

VERVOER/ TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com Okt105__________

To Let Te Huur TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals. Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________

Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________ 2 Ton-trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen. R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Alleen agent in Limpopo vir Engelbrecht trailers. Bossie 083 229 7551

LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s, excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip, ploeg en disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)___________

VERVOER/ TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956

Vragmotors te huur – 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans – 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________

Vacancies Vakante Crystal Cool Logistix – Marketing & Sales Coordinate National long distance transport company has an urgent vacancy available for a marketing and sales coordinator. The ideal candidate must have strong sales and marketing experience in the transport industry. Sourcing and obtaining new customer based in the low veld farmers markert and national. Interested candidates may fax a detailed CV to Anisca Engelbrecht at fax n 021 981 2109 or email her at engelbrechta@ xinergistix.com


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

beplanningskema, 1975 na “Residensieel 1” met ‘n digtheid van “Eenwoonhuis per 500m²”soos gedefinieer en onderhewigaan die staandaard voorwaardessoos bedoel in die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000. Die aansoeksalbekendstaan as Tzaneen Wysigingskema269.

It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Winterbach & Associates for: 1.The amendment, suspension or removal of conditions C.(a), C.(c), C.(c)(i), C.(c)(ii)& C.(d) of Title Deed T85408/2005 of Erf 89, Letsitele, to allow the property to be utilised for single residential purposes and/or be subdivided; and the simultaneous 2. Amendment of the Peri-Urban Areas Town Planning Scheme, 1975 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 89, Letsitele, from “Residential No. 1” in terms of the Peri-Urban Areas Town Planning Scheme, 1975 to “Residential 1” with a density of “One dwelling per 500m²” as defined and subject to standard conditions as in the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 This application will be known as Tzaneen Amendment Scheme 269.

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van Adjunk Direkteur Generaal: Limpopo Provinsie: Departement van Samewerkende Regering, MenslikeVestigings en Tradisionele Sake (CoGHSTA),Hensa Towers Gebou, Rabe Straat, Polokwane of die Munisipale Bestuurder, Munisipale Kantore, Tzaneen vir‘nperiode van 28 dae vanaf 18 Januarie 2013.

The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of The Deputy Director General: Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Limpopo Province, Hensa Towers Building, Rabe Street, Polokwane and at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Tzaneen, for a period of 28 days from 18 January 2013.

Ek, Humphrey Mphahlele van Planning Input BK, wat as die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 2773 Tzaneen, uitbreiding 52, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1986, dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, van “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir ‘n gastehuis, onderhewig aan sekere bepalings. Besonderhede van die aansoek sal vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie ter insae beskikbaar wees by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, kantoor 257, tweede vloer, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik binne die 28 dae-tydperk aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by die bogenoemde adres, of Pobus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, gerig word. Adres van agent: H Mphahlele, Posbus 19946, Sunwardpark, Boksburg, 1459. Tel: 073 966 5586 en faks 086 512 8763. Jan209_____________

Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Deputy Director-General: Department of CoGHSTA at the above address or Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 15 February 2013 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Reference number: K1041/W. Jan207_________________ KENNISGEWING VAN 2012 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 1. DIE WYSIGING, OPSKORTING OF OPHEFFING VAN DIE TITELVOORWAARDES VANERF 89, LETSITELE. 2. WYSIGING VAN DIEBUITESTEDELIKE GEBIEDEDORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 1975. Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoekgedoen is deur die firma Winterbach &Assosiatevir: (1)Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van titelvoorwaardesC.(a), C.(c), C.(c)(i), C.(c)(ii) & C.(d) soos vervat in Titel akte T85408/2005 van Erf 89, Letsitele, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir die doeleindes van “Enkel Residensieel” gebruik kan word en/of onderverdeeel kan word; en die gelyktydige (2)Wysiging van die Buitestedelike Gebiede Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1975 deur die hersonering van Erf 89, Letsitele van “Residensieel No. 1” in terme van die Buitestedelike GebiedeDorps-

Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 15 Februarie 2013 skriftelik by die Adjunk Direkteur-Generaal, Departement CoGHSTA, Limpopo Provinsie by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Verwysingsnommer: K1041/W. Jan208_________________ TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 257

GENERAL NOTICE OF 2012 REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967(ACT 84 0F 1967) 1 THE AMENDMENT, SUSPENSION OR REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF ERF 3266 BA-PHALABORWA EXTENSION 7. AND; 2 THE AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2008. AMENDMENT SCHEME 21 It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Winterbach & Associates for: the amendment, suspension or removal of the conditions 1.(a) to (g), 2(a) to (d) and 3.(a) to (c). of

title deed T69648/2012 of Erf 3266 Phalaborwa Extension 7 to utilise the erf for single residential and Guest House purposes; and 2 the simultaneous amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 3266 Phalaborwa Extension 7 from “Residential 1” to “Special” for a Guest House and “Residential 1” with a density of “One dwelling unit per erf” purposes. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Deputy Director-General, Limpopo Province: Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Hensa Towers Building, Rabe Street, Polokwane and at the office of the Development Planning Department Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Pick & Pay Centre Phalaborwa until 22 February 2013.

Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Deputy Director-General, Limpopo Province: Department of CoGHSTA at the above address or Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 22 February 2012 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Reference number K1064/W. Address of authorised agent: Winterbach & Associates Town & Regional Planners, Po Box 2071 Tzaneen 0850. Tel No. 015 307 1041 / 082 786 9904. E-mail: wpv@wol.co.za Ref: K1074. Jan301_________________ KENNISGEWING VAN 2012 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967(WET 84 van 1967) 1 DIE WYSIGING, OPSKORTING OF OPHEFFING VAN DIE TITELVOORWAARDES VAN ERF 3266, PHALABORWA UITBREIDING 7; EN 2 DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA GRONDGEBRUIKS BEHEERSKEMA, 2008. WYSIGINGSKEMA 21 Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Winterbach & Assosiate vir: 1 die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes 1.(a) tot (g), 2(a) tot (d) en 3.(a) tot (c) in titelakte T69648/2012 van Erf 3266 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 7 ten einde die eiendom vir residensieële en Gastehuis doeleindes te gebruik; en 2Die wysiging van die BaPhalaborwa Grondgebruiks Beheerskema, 2008 deur die hersonering van Erf 3266 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 7 van “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir ‘n Gastehuis en “Residensieel 1” met ‘n digtheid van “Een woonhuis per erf” doeleindes. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Adjunk Direkteur-Generaal, Limpopo Provinsie: Departement van Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Vestigings en Tradisionele Sake (CoGHSTA), Hensa Towers gebou, Rabe straat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Direktoraat:

25 January 2013


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Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit, Pick & Pay sentrum Phalaborwa tot 22 Februarie 2013. Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 22 Februarie 2013 skriftelik by die Adjunk DirekteurGeneraal, Limpopo Provinsie: Departement CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Winterbach & Assosiate Stads –en Streek Beplanners, Posbus 2071 Tzaneen 0850. Tel No. 015 307 1041 / 082 786 9904. E-pos: wpv@wol.co.za Verw: K1074 Jan302_________________ Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 Application for: the removal of the conditions of title of Erven 129, 622 and 2802, Phalaborwa, and The Amendment of the Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme 2009. It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: 1 the removal of the conditions of title of Erf 129 Phalaborwa situated at 15 Hardekool Street, Erf 622 Phalaborwa Ext 1 situated in Frans du Toit Street and Erf 2802 Phalaborwa Ext 8, situated at 8 Flamingo Street, which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than that of a single residential dwelling, and 2 the amendment of the Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erven 129, 622 and 2802 Phalaborwa from “ Residential 1” to “Residential 3” with an Annexure. This application will be known as Phalaborwa LUMS Amendment Scheme 22. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Director General, Department of Co-Operative Governance Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Hensa Building, c/o Schoeman and Rabe Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Phalaborwa until 26 February 2013. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Deputy Director-General, Limpopo Province, CoGHSTA, at the above address or, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 26 February 2013 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Jan303_________________ Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 Aansoek om :opheffing van die Titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 129, 622 en 2802 Phalaborwa en die wysiging van die Phalaborwa LUMS 2009. Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers vir: 1 die verwydering van beperkende titelvoor-

waardes van Erf 129 Phalaborwa geleë te Hardekoolstraat 15, Erf 622 geleë in Frans du Toitstraat Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 1en Erf 2802 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 8, geleë te Flamingostraat 8, wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir die oprigting van ‘n enkelwoonhuis alleenlik; en 2 die wysiging van die Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erwe 129, 622 en 2802 Phalaborwa, van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 3” met ‘n Bylae. Die aansoek sal bekend staan as Phalaborwa LUMS Wysigingskema 22. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur Generaal, CoGHSTA, of Hensa-Gebou, h/v Schoeman en Rabestraat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Phalaborwa tot 26 Februaie 2013. Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 26 Februarie 2013 skriftelik by die Adjunk Direkteur-Generaal, Limpopo Provinsie: CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Jan304________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOLOBEDU HELD AT GA-KGAPANE CASE NUMBER: 369/2012 In the case between: KURHULE IRIS SYBELE MTHOMBENI EXECUTION CREDITOR AND MR MACHETHE EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate Ga-Kgapane given on 5 November 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at MAGISTRATE OFFICE, BOLOBEDU, on 15 FEBRUARY 2013 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 3 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE 1 X 3 PIECE ROOM DIVIDER 1 X 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X 5 PIECE ROOM DIVIDER 1 X 4 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITES 1 X LG COLOUR TV


For Sale Te Koop CiS Real Estate ON SHOW come and visit us 24th January to 31st January 2013 from Mon to Fri 15h00 to 18h00 Sat to Sun 11h00 to 13h00at 24a Van Der Steen Contact THONET 071 641 9137 for more details. Jan310___________

CiS Real Estate SOLE MANDATE Medi Park 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms with guest toilet townhouse with amazing kitchen and separate scullery, lounge, dining room with extra TV room and double lock up garage R850 000.00 SALOMIE 071 641 9041. Jan307_________

CiS Real Estate EXCELLENT investment 2 bedroom flats available in Premier Park with granite kitchen and modern finishers from R425 000.00 ALL costs included. MAGGIE 079 884 5106 Jan305_____________

CiS Real Estate

CiS Real Estate

Arbor Park 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms with open plan kitchen, lounge, dining room, scullery, small garden double lock up garage THONET 071 641 9137. Jan309__________

2 ha plot with lovely large home offers 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, stunning kitchen and large verandah swimming pool plus granny flat close to town R1 850 000. MAGGIE 079 884 5106. Jan306___________

CiS Real Estate 33 ha small farm next to town 4 houses plus flat let papaya trees, macadamia’s and chicken dens, tractors and implements included with 12.9 ha water allocation. R3 098 000. THEO 0716419199 Jan303___________

CiS Real Estate Close to CBD, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Open plan Kitchen dining room plus one carport. All cost included for R522 000.0 EDDIE 079 970 5353 Jan301____________

CiS Real Estate 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms open plan kitchen and living area with small courtyard, splash pool and single lock up garage. R570 000. EDDIE 079 970 5353 Jan302_____________

CiS Real Estate STANDS available in Aqua Park from 600 m² at R220 000. all costs included THEO 071 641 9199 Jan304___________

CiS Real Estate Very neat 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage and well manicured garden R1 650 000. SALOMIE 071 641 9041 Jan308____________

To Let Tu Huur Homes Huise HOUSE FOR RENT Centrally located in Kind Edward Drive, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Study/Bedroom, I Granny Flat/Office with bathroom. R6500.00 p/month excl Water and Lights. 1 months deposit required. Available 1 February 2013 Contact: Danie 083 928 7200 or Dale 076 276 8694 Jan201________________ 6 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, dubbel garage, bediende kwartiere, lapa, swembad R 11 000 -00 per maand Kontak: 082 925 2955 Jan301________________

Office Kantore Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen: Beautifully designed. Very good lighting and air conditioned. Office space of 27.35m² and more if needed. Excellent address. Rent very affordable! Call Janon 0833071333 or Stephanie on 0861303404 Jan203___________


25 January 2013



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FICE BOLOBEDU, on 15 FEBRUARY 2013 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X BLUE TOYOTA TAZZ WITH REG NO BVH742L DATED AT TZANEEN ON 23 JANUARY 2013 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYES FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 C/O AGATHA & SHORT-


PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate GA-KGAPANE given on 13 September 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at MAGISTRATE OFFICE, BOLOBEDU, on 15 FEBRUARY 2013 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the higest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 4 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE 1 X 3 PIECE ROOM DIVIDER 1 X LOGIK COLOUR TV 1 X LEXUCO DVD PLAYER 1 X 6 PIECE ASCINDA SET


Job Seeker | Vacancies Domestic My name is Voilet I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, 5 or 3 days a week sleep out, only speak English contact me on 076 166 7038 (39) _____________________ My name is Leen I am looking for a domestic work 2 days per week (Tuesday and Fridays) (Ref: Corien de Wet 079 509 0875) contact 076 391 5020 (40) _____________________

My name is Daezy Sathekge I am looking for a domestic work I have 2 years experience I can speak English sleep out contact me on 072 5699 543 (41) _____________________ My name is Rachel Malatji I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I have 3 years experience (ref Bulletin 015 307 7248)I can speak English contact me on 071 078 4866 (42) _____________________ Annikie Makoro I am looking for a domestic job 2 days or 5 days I can speak Afrikaans I have five years experience

contact me on 074 606 9087 (43) _____________________ My name is Maria Rammola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I can speak Afrikaans, 8 years experience sleep in or out 3 days a week or full time contact 076 1015 666 (44) _____________________ My name is Catherine Maswangenyi I am looking for a domestic work, can speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me 074 626 7081 (45) _____________________ My name is Rosina I am looking for domestic work for

(Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, sleep out. (Ref: Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 553 3389 (46) _____________________ My name is Rachel Maladji I am looking for 3 days a week as domestic worker contact me on 071 078 4866 (49) _____________________ My name is Peggy Baloyi – I am looking for a domestic work for 2 or 3 days a week understand English, sleep out contact me on 0720158922 (50) _____________________ My name is Ntshabo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, sleep out, 3 years experience I speak English (ref Verginia 073 989 1685) contact me on 072 8697 666 (51) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic work 3 years experience or any job and security grade C my name is Merryleen Mbiza contact me on 073 766 7191 (52) _____________________ My name is Maria Rammoia I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 081 702 6887 (53) _____________________ I am looking for a domestic,, office or general work, I have four years experience in Sugar Valley Supermarket (Ref: Grace Mahlolomela 073 1888 448) contact me Maria Khosa on 073 4921 913 (54) _____________________ Ruthe Maladji I am looking for domestic work, cleaner work, or general work contact me on 079 298 2706

(55) _____________________ Sarah Mathule I am looking for general work or office cleaner, domestic work contact me on 072 8697 666 (56) _____________________ My name is mmapula Phoshoko I am looking for a domestic work (sleep in) cleaning and doing laundry contact me on 078 186 7146 (57) _____________________ My name is Cecila Mushwana I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri sleep out, speak English contact me on 071 843 2888 (58) _____________________ My name is Motsatsi Grace Rasethaba I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri sleep out, speak English contact me on 079 748 7090 (59) _____________________ My name is Maria Rammola I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 041 0918 (60) _____________________ My name is Joys Mhlara i am looking for a domestic work Monday to Friday, sleep out, i speak English contact me on 084 439 4983 (61) _____________________ My name is Mariam Shokane i am looking for a domestic work, general job and look after children. Contact me on 079 0149 444 (62)_____________________ My naam is Mantsha Lucy Modiba ek is opsoek na huiswerk, kan kinders oppas, kosmaak in slaap of uit ek praat en verstaan Afrikaans en Engels kontak my op 083 520 8327 (63)_____________________ My name is Mmapula Selinah Phoshoko I am looking for a cleaner or domestic work sleep out 5 days a week contact me on 078 1867146 (64)_____________________ My name is Rebecca Raisibe Khosa I am looking for a cleaner or domestic work sleep out 5 days a week contact me on 078 186 7146 (65)_____________________ Sharon Malatji I am looking for a domestic work (ref Zia Poolman 074 509 8142) contact me on 072 323 5628 (66)_____________________ My name is Josphinah I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 078 4806 803 (67)_____________________


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25 January 2013


Skoonheid vang twee gediertes in Mosambiek Retha Nel


‘n Inwoner van Tzaneen, Monique Grib, het groot visvangpret gedurende Desember in Mosambiek gehad. Dié negetienjarige avonturis is ‘n geesdriftige hengelaar en het al ‘n hele paar visse in die Tzaneendam gevang.

In Desember het sy en haar familie gaan vakansie hou by die Cahorra Bassa-dam (by Ugezi Tiger Lodge) en het sy twee gediertes gevang. Twee dae na haar verjaarsdag het sy haar eerste tiervis (2,5 kg) gevang. Dieselfde aand het sy en haar vriend weer gaan visvang en trek sy toe, tot haar verbasing, ‘n paling uit die water. Sy is baie trots op haar vangste.

Tzn’ers spook vir plekke in skoolspan

BO en REGS BO: Monique Grib met haar vangste. REGS: Arno Fourie, ook ’n Tzaneener, was ook by die Cahorra Bassa-dam in Mosambiek en het ’n bielie van ’n tiervis (6 kg) uitgetrek.

Antjies hou huisatletek Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele het onlangs hul eerste atletiekbyeenkoms vir die jaar gehou. Die skool se huisspanne het teen mekaar meegeding om die beste atlete vir die skoolspan te kies. REGS is drie o.7-meisies wat baie goed gevaar het tydens die interhuisbyeenkoms se 60 m-naellope. Cheyeza Mukhari was die wenner, Zelri Gubitz was tweede en Ntokoto Mnisi derde. REGS: Die victor- en victrix ludorum-wenners van die Laerskool Dr Annecke se huissport is na die byeenkoms aangewys. Voor staan Meyer Vorster (senior victor ludorum), Elzaan Espach (junior victrix ludorum), Jack Baloyi (junior victor ludorum, asook die seuns se kampioen van kampioene), Ntsetelo Sethelane (senior victrix ludorum) en agter staan Risima Ngobeni (die meisies se kampioen van kampioene).

BO: Die Rooi span was die algehele wenners van die Laerskool Dr Annecke se interhuissportdag en die dirigente het namens hul span die beker ontvang. Me Liezel Vorster het die beker oorhandig aan Hanzél Nienaber, Christelle Brummer, Christelle Smit en Carla van Coller.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen het Woensdag na suksesvolle uitdunne ’n baie geslaagde huisatletiekbyeenkoms gehou. Die drie huisspanne, die Springbokke, Rooibokke en Koedoes, het hul stemme verhef met gunsteling atletiekkrete in ’n poging om as die span met die beste gees gekroon te word. Atlete het op die veld en om die baan gespook om ’n plek in die skool se atletiekspan te kry. Die skool se A-span neem reeds môre aan ’n byeenkoms by die Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord (Rooiskool) deel. Foto: Retha Nel


25 January 2013

Iron (wo)men conquer the 70.3 Jean Aucamp


Five of Tzaneen Cycling Club’s members took part in the SA Iron Man 70.3 in East London during the weekend. More than three thousand participants took on the warm, windy conditions in the 1,9 km swim, 90,1 km cycling race and 21,1 km run, a total distance of 113,1 km or 70,3 miles. Two men from Gauteng died due to heart attacks, the first casualties in the history of the event. Chris Dando and Sasha Drewitt competed in their second Iron Man 70.3 events and finished in 5:57:00 and 7:20:00 respectively. Monica Roode took third place in the category for ladies between 50 and 55 years and finished in 6:29:00, thereby qualifying to start in next year’s elite group. Brit Dando finished in 6:46:00 and Anél Swart in 7:22:00.

Nuweling hou fietsryers Plasies in the running for Top- Vossie-atlete gekroon se naam hoog Limpopo tennis honours

LEFT: Monica Roode was third in her category and earned a spot in the elite group for next year’s race. ABOVE LEFT: Chris Dando and wife Brit also took part in the Iron Man 70.3 race, Chris in his second event. ABOVE RIGHT: Anél Swart and Sasha Drewitt also boast with medals of this year’s Iron Man 70.3.

Een van die Tzaneen Fietsryklub se nuwe lede, Carine van der Merwe, het die naweek aan die Gauteng-Noord Kampioenskappe in Pretoria deelgeneem en tweede in die kategorie vir dames tussen 30 en 35 jaar geëindig. Sy het daarmee gekwalifiseer om in April aan die nasionale kampioenskappe in Oudshoorn deel te neem.

Two promising tennis players from Merensky High School, Altacia Gubitz and Stefan Pretorius took part in the Limpopo Closed Junior Tennis Championships in Polokwane during December. Altacia was seeded fifth in the u.15 girls section and Stefan fifteenth. They can now challenge others in Limpopo for the top honours.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het verlede week hul huisatletiekbyeenkoms gehou. Voor sit Carmen Schutte wat met 2 177 punte as die senior victrix ludorum gekroon is, en haar suster, Lara, wat met 2 260 punte as die junior victrix ludorum aangewys is. Agter is Tshepiso Mahasha wat 2 184 punte aangeteken het om as die senior victor ludorum weg te stap, terwyl Bornwise Thibela met 2 042 punte nou die junior victor ludorum kroon dra.

Black Leopards are ready for Nedbank Cup glory The draw for the final 32 teams of the Nedbank Cup was conducted at the Premier Soccer League’s offices last week. The only Absa Premiership side in Limpopo, Black Leopards, are almost sure of a place in the last sixteen of the competition. They were matched with the SAFA Second Division side, Cape Town All Stars and to make their road easier, they got the homeground advantage. The last 32 matches will be played over the weekend of 23 to 25 February. The final is scheduled to be played on 25 May. Some of the other fixtures of note are Maluti

FET College vs Orlando Pirates, Amazulu vs Thembu Royal, Ajax Cape Town vs Mamelodi Sundowns, Bloemfontein Celtic vs Milano United, University of Pretoria vs Maritzburg United, Island vs Polokwane City, The Vardos vs Golden Arrows, Dynamos vs Platinum Stars, Bidvest Wits vs Kaizer Chiefs, Magezi vs Jomo Cosmos, Supersport United vs Moroka Swallows and Free State Stars vs Blackburn Rovers. The winners of the competition will walk away with a cash prize of R6 million. While the other Absa Premiership League teams are on holiday during the Africa Cup

of Nations tournament, the situation is totally different for Black Leopards. According to the club’s general manager, Mr Samuel Khaphathe, it is business as usual in their camp. As part of their preparations, Leopards are now in the Tanzanian capital, Dar Es Salam, for a training camp. They left on Monday and will spend two weeks at the. Khaphathe said that they want to reach the top-eight and that nothing will stop them from achieving their goal. When asked whether the departure of the former team’s head coach, Mr Ian Palmer, would affect the team’s performance, Khaphathe said that the

caretaker-coach, Mr Abel Makhubele, was a knowledgeable man. Palmer’s relationship with the Limpopo outfit came to an abrupt end early this month. It did not take long for Palmer to find new employment, as he soon joined the Cape Town-based National First Division side, Santos, as head coach. Leopards will play their next league match against Bidvest Wits at the Peter Mokaba Stadium on Wednesday, 13 February. They are currently in twelfth spot on the log with 17 points accumulated from 17 matches. LiN News/Limpopo Mirror

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