015 307 7248
Plaasaanval Fear lessl y the tr uth
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
8 March 2013
Vrou loods teen-aanval; een aanvaller sterf
Terwyl die land gons oor die dapper vrou van Tzaneen wat haar aanvaller uit selfverdediging doodgeskiet het, is die eienaar van die betrokke hoewe steeds bekommerd dat die skurk se handlangers sal terugkeer. En, sê hy, dit was ‘n plaasaanval. Die hoewe van mnr Willem Oosthuizen (by Hamawasha net buite Tzaneen) is Vrydagaand erg deur booswigte geteister.
“Daar was omtrent sewe mans wat op ons dakke gespring en ons krag afgesit het. Hulle het ‘n groot lawaai gemaak”, sê hy. ‘n Skuur met ‘n geskatte waarde van meer as R1 miljoen is ook afgebrand. Me Suzan Pohl (52), wat administrasiewerk vir Oosthuizen doen, het Maandagoggend die afgebrande skuur besoek, om na die skade te kyk. Dit is toe dat
Elf vroue van wie drie van Tzaneen en drie mans het op 25 Februarie met volmaan die hoogste piek van Kilimanjaro bereik. Die plaaslike vroue is dr Anneri Vorster (tandarts in Tzaneen), regs agter met die groot stuk papier, en haar twee skoonsusters, mee Leonie Vorster, links agter, en Hannelie Smit (deesdae van Heidelberg), met die helder groen baadjie.
‘n man agter ‘n hoop rommel uitspring en haar met ‘n swaar en skerp voorwerp te lyf gaan. Pohl het die man met haar arm afgekeer en haar pistool uit die holster op haar heup gepluk. Hy het, ten spyte van die drie skote wat hom in sy borskas getref het, die bosse ingehardloop. “Suzan het geskree dat ons moet kom help en dat sy die man raakgeskiet het,” sê Oosthuizen. Die speurders, wat in daardie stadium in ‘n gesprek met Oosthuizen oor die brandstigting (op ‘n ander deel van die hoewe) betrokke was, het die aanvaller glo agterna gesit. “Hy is sowat veertig meter van die stoor vasgepen, waar hy twintig minute later dood is.” Pohl se enigste fisieke letsels is ‘n diep sny aan haar arm. Die wond is met vyf steke geheg. Tydens die voorval Vrydagaand het een van die booswigte ‘n skoot op een van Oosthuizen se werkers af-
gevuur. Die man is nie beseer nie, maar Oosthuizen het tog ‘n saak van poging tot moord Saterdagoggend by die polisie probeer aanmeld. Volgens hom het die polisie, ten spyte van sy besoek aan die polisiekantoor in Tzaneen en verskeie telefoonoproepe, regdeur die naweek nie ondersoek ingestel nie. Toe speurders die bos ná die aanval gefynkam het, het hulle op kledingstukke en ‘n ID-boekie wat aan die aanvaller behoort het, afgekom. “Die man moes seker vir ‘n hele ruk in die bosse gewoon het”, sê Oosthuizen. Hy is sowat vyf weke gelede van sy werk op die hoewe afgelê. Pohl was teen druktyd nie beskikbaar vir kommentaar nie en Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, kommunikasiehoof van die polisie in Limpopo, het versuim om inligting waarna ons hom gevra het, beskikbaar te stel. — Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
Dit gaan heelwat beter met me Desiree van der Walt, wat verlede week in Pretoria geopereer is om ‘n gewas in haar kop te verwyder. Daar was niks kwaadaardig aan die gewas nie. Sy was by die skrywe hiervan steeds in hoësorg, maar sou gister laat na ‘n gewone saal oorgeplaas word. Sy sal moontlik teen die einde van volgende week kan huis toe kom.
Eddie Smit sterf bl 3
So verval Tzaneen bl 7
8 March 2013
Sê jou sê
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
The opinions/statements made here are that of our readers. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.
VANDAG SE VRAAG: Daar word toenemend gegons oor die gebruik van dwelms asook die beskikbaarheid daarvan in Tzaneen. Dink jy daar is rede tot kommer? Chantel Ananda Van Staden Daar is altyd rede tot kommer. Dis n wonder ek leef vandag agv dwelm misbruik. Dankie tog ek is nou ak 11 jaar skoon. Sean Niemandt Ja en ja en ja, Dit is besig om hand uit te ruk en ons kinders te affekteer en almal wil “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” speel. Daar was nou al hoeveel berigte oor die dwelms wat in ons dorp sommer in gesiene woonbuurte deur skool kinders verkoop word en die mense wat iets probeer doen is in die minderheid en loop hulle elke keer tee ‘n muur vas. Leonie Gunter-Schalkwyk Daar is beslis rede tot kommer. Daar is ouer mans in die omgewing wat ook deel is van die misbruik van dwelms. Waar daar n rokie is kan jy maar die viir gaan soek. Daar is te min vir die kinders in ons area om te doen. Geen movies nie geen ten pin of putt putt nie. So wat doen kinders in ons area? Kyk hoe vulnerable maak ons hulle vir pret. Dwelms begin omdat jou kind wil in wees by die groep, van daar af is dit net afdraande. Katrien Van Vreden Ek dink die straf vir dwelmhandel is heeltemal te lig!! In my oe is dwelmhandel gelyk aan moord! Leonie Gunter-Schalkwyk Het julle geweet daar is geen rehab in die area vir sulke kinders nie? Wat gaan en kan die gemeenskap omtrent dit doen? Sean Niemandt Leonie, hier was al movies en ander afleiding en niemand het belang gestel nie, dit is hoekom dit toegemaak het. Straat le is baie lekkerder as om movies te kyk Ilze Czubora Ek dink ouers moet verantwoordelikheid neem vir hul kinders en hul huishoudelike taakies gee, ook meer as familie dinge doen ipv geld in die hand stop en strate in jaag. Dawie Botha Kom ry bietjie stadig hier van ctm se kant af verby die ou yellow cafe na game toe en sien hoe fluit en waai hulle vir jou as jy rondkyk.Glo my dit is nie van vriendelikheid nie ,hulle dink hier is nog n whitey wat dagga soek !En ek oordryf nie,veral Saterdagmiddae as die jong wit kinders met hulle karre hier stop vir ietsie vir die naweek Marile Eksteen-Behrens Daar is beslis rede tot kommer! Almal moet saam staan! Dis ons toekomstige grootmense wat ons plek moet inneem in Tzaneen as ons nie meer kan nie! En dis ook ons plig as Christene om te doen wat Jesus sou doen!!!! Frederick Pohl Groot rede tot kommer! Daar is jong sowel as ouer mense wat totaal afhanklik is en na verskeie pogings tot rehabilitasie steeds nie van die dwelms kan afkom nie. My kinders is al openlik genader om dwelms te koop maar volg mens die leidraad op is die smous weg. Dagga is algemeen beskikbaar. Ek het al in die verlede daggasmouse verkla by ‘n polisievoertuig waar ek die verkopers gesien het. Die polisieman vra my toe wat kan hy doen, as hy naby kom hardloop die smouse weg. Wat lei mens af van so antwoord....? Bianca BiBi Boshoff Beslis n groot probleem!!!! Al lankal!! Ilze Czubora Ons kan nie polisie toe hardloop nie, ons moet als in die dorp drasties verander. Incompetant mense in hoe en laer posisies iut haal en geleerde mense in sit wat die werk wil doen. Goeie voorbeeld, kyk wat het Phalaborwa gedoen en reg gekry. En ja dagga is openlik beskikbaar!! Anne-marie Strydom Ja beslis!!! Groot kommer veral onder die jong klomp!! Dwelms in Tzn is te maklik bekombaar. Oever Boeredag Baie groot, JA!!! Die plek is vrot van die goed, ons bid maar net harder elke dag dat daar tog net iets gedoen kan word! Amanda Strydom Nee net nie dit ook... Ou nuus dagga rook en high is soos koffie en toast vir die dorp se jonges. Julle jongklomp lag so lekker in die mou want pa en ma weet niks. Hoekom speel julle nie liewer blik aspaai of krieket in die strate of by ‘n sentrum waar daar lig is...Maar suip en kruip en high is mos baie lekkerder!!Kry lewe julle is jonk en die lewe skuld julle niks.....zip zero!!!
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ADVERTENSIE Xvlieg kondig met trots aan dat ons voortaan die hoofborg van Vlieg in einste hierdie nuuspapiertjie sal wees. Xvlieg, al wat jy nodig het vir al jou vorige, huidige en toekomstige kwale. Xvlieg is ‘n splinternuwe, honderd persent natuurlike* middel vir enige kwaal. Sluit aan by al die gelukkige gebruikers** van Xvlieg, en sien en voel hoe al jou lyding verdwyn met die daaglikse gebruik van hierdie gepatenteerde*** wonderwerk. Lag vir jou dokter in sy gesig en gooi al jou ou pille in die lavie, jy gaan dit nie meer nodig kry nie. Bloeddruk, suikersiekte, rumatiek, sinusitis, allergiee, hoofpyne, depressie, angs, fibromialgie, spastiese dikderm, sooibrand, liddorings, krampe, jig, ingroeitoonnaels, haarverlies, plooie, aambeie, stink asem, snotneus, prostaatprobleme, bednatmaak, ereksie probleme, toe ore, droe oe, hardlywigheid, rugpyn en vele meer, selfs ipekonders****. Dit is alles iets van die verlede, met Xvlieg. Gemaak van natuurlike, organies vervaardigde***** vloeksteen. Uit die natuur net vir jou. Geen byvoegings, kleur- of preserveermiddels nie. Bevat al die vitamiene en minerale wat jou liggaam nodig het en
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... van al die pestelensies ontslae te raak. Internasionaal getoets****** en veilig gevind. Drink dit, snuif dit, gorrel daarmee, smeer dit aan, of druk dit sommer in enige liggaamsopening. Solank jy vandag begin met ‘n nuwe lewe met Xvlieg. Pasop vir goedkoop namaaksels*******. As dit nie sê Xvlieg nie, is dit nie Xvlieg nie. Spesiale vrystellingsaanbod. Koop een Xvlieg en kry nog ‘n Xvlieg heeltemal gratis********. Moenie hierdie geleentheid misloop om nooit weer ‘n dokter te besoek nie. Om die waarheid te sê, kanselleer sommer jou mediese fonds. Xvlieg gaan jou so gesond hou, jy kan daardie geld eerder aan iets anders bestee. Beskikbaar by enige negosiewinkel naby jou. Xvlieg, al wat jy nodig het! * T’s en C’s apply ** n=? *** Patent pending **** Veral hiervoor ***** Goeie een! ****** Seker Zimbabwe ******* Ja, right! ******** Ons sukkel om daarvan ontslae te raak.
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Dit is net te oulik om nie te herhaal nie. Dis nou Wurmpie die Koffieman se bydrae oor die vleisskokke wat eers die Ingilse en toe ons Seffricans getref het. Wurmpie sê: Ienkie pienkie ponkie, Suid-Afrika eet nou donkie. Hiekerie diekerie dok, ons maalvleis is nou bok. Tarragie tarragoe, ons eet biltong kangaroe. Kul jou hie kul jou daa, ons steaks is nou sebra. Viskoekies in die Baai, bestaan nou meesal uit haai. En daai hoender wat so dril, is dikwels net kroko-
dil. Die salami aan die hak, is dalk ‘n Taiwanese brak. En die sagte pienk polonie, dalk net ‘n Shetland ponie. Maar dis als die moeite werd, die arme Britte kry net perd. • Sjoe, dit gaan wild... die spuitnaalde lê in die troilette, die polisievangwaens rylaaities weg waar hulle opgevoed moet word, maar intussen het hulle afgefoeter, die smouse loop openlik met hul pakkies en bied dit aan... en niemand tree op nie.
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8 March 2013
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Nog ‘n Laeveldse rots tuimel Nog een van die Laeveldse gemeenskap se bergpiekrotse het, by wyse van spreke, omgeval. Mnr Eddie Smit, bekende swartwitpensteler van die plaas Maranda by Gravelotte, staatmaker in boerderygeledere, leier in verskeie organisasies wat die gemeenskap gedien het, ‘n lojale vriend vir baie mense en getroue gesinsman is Dinsdagoggend onverwags dood. Hy moes die afgelope sowat vier jaar teen onder meer ‘n hartvatomleiding, ‘n aneurisme en longkanker veg en tussen dit alles deur het hy en sy vrou Santie se plaashuis ook afgebrand. Smit is op 8 Julie 1936 in Johannesburg gebore. Hy het as kind van ‘n sakeman in Pretoria groot geword. In sy standerd sewe-jaar is sy pa dood en moes hy noodgedwonge die skool verlaat, om sy ma, broer en suster te help versorg. Hy het later sy skoolloopbaan buitemuurs voltooi en ook ‘n BA-graad aan die Universiteit van Pretoria behaal. Hy het sy loopbaan by instellings soos Saambou, Rondalia en die WNNR geslyp en was ‘n rekenmeester toe hy die stad verlaat het. Hy is in 1964 met Santie Erasmus getroud en was tot met sy dood steeds getrou aan haar sy. Vier kinders, Gustav, Piet, Eddie en Sanet, is uit die huwelik gebore. By sy heengaan het die gesin ook tot twaalf kleinkinders aangegroei. Eddie en Santie Smit het hulle in 1966 op Maranda in die Leydsdorp-omgewing gevestig, waar hy tot met sy skielike dood geboer het. Hy was lief vir sy omgewing en die boerdery, en sy beeste en swartwitpense was sy passie. Eddie Smit was in alle opsigte ‘n groot man. Dié blok
van ‘n man se betrokkenheid in sy gemeenskap, selfs tot ver buite die grense van Maranda en Gravelotte, was in verhouding tot sy forse liggaamsgestalte. Dit was groot. Hy was oor die jare heen baie betrokke in verskeie bestuurskomitees, skoolrade en organisasies. Wat hom egter naaste aan die hart gelê het was sy betrokkenheid by die Leydsdorp Boerevereniging, die (ontbinde) Letaba Kommando en die NG Kerk Gravelotte, by wie hy vir jare as onderskeidelik voorsitter, bevelvoerder en leierouderling gedien het. Wyle Eddie Smit was vir baie mense ook ‘n kosbare mentor en hy was meer bekommerd oor ander se welstand as sy eie. Sy naasbestaandes bevestig dat hy het al die teenspoede en uitdagings van die afgelope jare (die siektes en die huis wat afgebrand het) met ‘n positiewe gees en onwrikbare geloof in sy Skepper aangepak en oorkom het. Sy antwoord op jou groet was, ten spyte van alles, altyd “ Dit gaan goed, dankie”. En hy het altyd tyd gehad om met dese en gene ‘n geselsie aan te knoop en na dié se welstand te verneem. Sy vrou getuig dat hy gereed was om sy Hemelse Vader te ontmoet en dat hy in die laaste tyd gereeld vertel het hoe hy uitsien om die beloftes wat oor die hiernamaals in die Bybel gemaak word, te gaan ervaar. “Daarom rou ons nie soos ‘n familie en gemeenskap wat geen hoop het nie, maar loof ons die Skepper vir die wonderlike eggenoot, vader, oupa en vriend wat hy vir almal was,” sê sy agterblywende gesinslede in ‘n huldeblyk.. Sy begrafnis is more (Saterdag) om 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Gravelotte.
Vark byt hand wat hom voer ‘n Man het Dinsdag ‘n noue ontkoming met ‘n bosvark gehad, nadat die dier hom glo onverwags by ‘n waterpunt aangeval en erg gebyt het. Die 26-jarige mnr Wallace (wie se voornaam nie bekend is nie) is Dinsdag in die Mediclinic Tzaneen opgeneem, na hy erge beserings aan sy bene, bo-lyf en arms opgedoen het. Medici was Dinsdagaand twee ure lank in die teater besig om die man se wonde skoon te maak en te ontsmet. Die eerste lit van een van sy wysvingers is ook afgebyt. Wallace sou waarskynlik weer gister na die teater geneem word, so-
dat medici die wonde kon heg. Nie hy of sy ma wou Woensdag toestemming aan joernaliste vir ‘n onderhoud en ‘n foto gee nie. Die Bulletin het verneem dat die man op die SanWild-plaas naby Gravelotte, waar wilde diere gerehabiliteer word, werk. Die vark is glo voor die voorval vir ‘n ruk in ‘n hok gehou, voor dit vrygelaat is. Die vark het glo reeds in die hok tekens van aggressie teenoor Wallace (wat daagliks vir hom kos en water gegee het) getoon. — Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
Careless driving is costing GTM The careless driving of some truck-drivers is costing the GTM’s electrical department a lot of money. These trucks cause damage to traffic lights when they turn into streets. Negligent drivers are also to blamed. According to Mr Pierre van den Heever, the GTM’s chief electrical engineer, some of the traffic light poles
have already been moved backwards so trucks would have less chance of bumping into it. “The municipality can, however, not move it any further as it will be against traffic regulations”, he said. Replacing the traffic lights with four-way stops has also been ruled out, as Tzaneen was forced to install traffic lights (due to regulations) over a de-
cade ago. It is costing the department around R6 000 to fix a damaged traffic light pole. The fixing cost of a shattered head is more. The department requests the public to report incidents (whether malicious or accidental) where traffic lights are bumped into. —Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
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8 March 2013
CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter
Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
Arrested re Liquor Act
Criminals are experiencing a rough time as Letsitele police are tightening security in the area. The police worked tirelessly during the weekend and arrested 41 people for contravening the Liquor Act. The roads will also be safer as twenty people were arrested for violating the Road Traffic Act. Four were arrested for robbery, five for the possession of dagga, four for assault GBH, four for
Search “Laeveld Bulletin” burglary, two for theft and two for common assault. Two were apprehended for the possession of suspected stolen property, another one for stock theft and another for drinking and driving.
Another rapist on the run
Tzaneen Cluster police have launched a manhunt for a male suspect rapist, who allegedly attacked and raped a 27 years-old woman on 23 February in Nkowankowa’s industrial area. The Tzaneen Cluster police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said the victim was on her way to Nkowankowa from Letaba Hospital. He added that the suspect is without the lower lip of his mouth, as it was cut off by the victim during the rape. The victim received treatment at Letaba Hospital and was recovering at home. Anyone with information or who can come across a person without a lower lip, may contact the nearest Police Station or Maj Chauke on 082 414 3309. The investigations are still continuing and no arrest has thus far been made.
Burnt foetus discovered
Two children discovered a burnt foetus while playing in the bushes at Maribethema, Haenertsburg, last week Tuesday.
According to the station’s communication officer, Const Muchuchu Hlomela, it is alleged that the children saw a white double cab Isuzu LDV with a woman and a man in the bushes. The vehicle drove off and the two children noticed a small plastic bag that was burning. The children immediately alerted their parents, who called the police. Hlomela said no arrests have been made and police are busy investigating a case of concealment.
Many arrests
Maake police arrested numerous offenders over the past weekend. Among those arrested were culprits with charges relating to the misuse of alcohol. Fourteen people were arrested for drunkenness; twelve for drinking in public and twenty for contravening the Liquor Act. Seven arrests were made for transgressing the Business Act and three were arrested for shoplifting. Police also managed to seize ten people for assault GBH, two for common assault and five for armed robbery. The streets should be safer, as eight people were arrested for housebreaking, three for theft, two for possession of a dangerous weapon, five for illegal gambling, four for possession of suspected stolen property and four for malicious damage to property. Rapists are no longer going to roam the streets freely, as police are putting more effort into put-
Search “Laeveldbulletin” ting them behind bars. Their efforts were successful as seven people were arrested for rape during the weekend.
Girlfriend finds boyfriend’s body
The body of a 36 year-old man was found hanging from a tree at Macadamia farm, Modjadjiskloof, on Monday. According to Modjadjiskloof police communication officer, W/o Kgamedi Seshoka, the deceased, who worked on Macadamia farm, allegedly hanged himself from a tree after an argument with his girlfriend. Seshoka added that the girlfriend realised that the deceased was taking too long in the bushes and she decided to look for him. She found him hanging from a tree and immediately alerted the police. Seshoka said that the post-mortem will reveal the cause of death and that police are still investigating the matter. Meanwhile, the Modjadjiskloof police arrested seven people for contra-
Tzaneen police clamp down
The Tzaneen police have apprehended a group of transgressors in the past week. Amongst those arrested were eleven people who violated the Road Traffic Act, six for assault GBH and four for shoplifting. The police also managed to nab nineteen people for drinking in public, four for drunkenness, three for illegal trading, two for possession of suspected stolen property and two for possession of counterfeit goods Single arrests were also made, one for common robbery, one for theft out of a motor vehicle and one for drinking and driving.
No bail for child rapist Angry residents of Pulaneng village in Maake marched to the magistrates court on Tuesday, demanding that an alleged rape suspect not be granted bail. David Sekgobela (29) will remain in police custody for further investigations and his case was postponed. According to Tzaneen Cluster police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, Sekgobela found refuge in a flat in Johannesburg, where he was arrested. Sekgobela is accused of raping a two yearold child at Pulaneng. He allegedly broke into the victim’s house and dragged the child into the bushes, where he allegedly raped and left her for dead. The victim is currently recuperating at home, after a week’s treatment in the Mankweng hospital.
Die inwoners en bestuur van God’s Haven sê met opregte harte baie dankie vir elkeen wat hulle gedurende die week gesëen het met besoeke, huisgodsdiens en donasies. Baie dankie vir die volgende donasies: Lions Tzaneen vir griepinspuitings en Rika Fouché vir die toedien daarvan, Sugarloaf vir brood, Graham Farm vir piesangs, anonieme persoon vir stortstoel, gaaslappies en armhangverband, Van Rensburg Boerdery vir mango’s, Linda en Henk Minnie vir hul betrokkenheid en liefde en ‘n anonieme persoon vir die kontantskenking.
vening the Liquor Act, eight for violating the Road Traffic Act, two for trading without a license, two for illegal gambling, two for the possession of dangerous weapons and another three for selling counterfeit goods (where police destroyed 240 DVD’s and 160 CD’s).
Levy Mabetlela The police are appealing to the public to assist them in locating one of their members, who went missing last week Thursday. Sgt Levy Mabetlela (38), who is attached to the
Polokwane Diving Unit, left a suicide note, his official firearm and his cell phone at home before disappearing. It is alleged that Mabetlela had a family dispute, which resulted in him writing a suicide note. Thus far investigations have not yielded any positive results. Anyone with information is asked to contact the police Crime Stop on 086 00 10111 or report it to their nearest police station.
For events and the local diary, visit page 10
What an outing!
The Tzaneen Eco Club will be visiting the Khamai Reptile Centre near Hoedspruit tomorrow (Saturday) at 09:30. There will be an exciting programme with a special ‘behind-the-scenes’ look and some hands-on interaction with various residents! This will be followed by a picnic at the lovely dam on Dublin farm, with a special baobab nearby and a view of the Cape Vulture colony
at Manoutsa. The keen birders will meet beforehand near the Strijdom Tunnel, to look for the resident pair of Taita falcons and other interesting bird species in the area. The meeting point is at a curio stall on the left, 1,5 km after the tunnel, heading towards Lydenburg, at 07:30. Directions to Khamai from
Tzaneen: take the R36 towards Lydenburg; turn left at the T- junction with the R531; Khamai is 35km towards Hoedspruit (2km after the Blyde River bridge) on the left. GPS co-ordinates: S 24˚ 23.757’; E 30˚ 49.061’.
There will be a cost of R50 per person for Eco Club members, visitors are welcome and will pay a fee of R80. For more information, contact Marianne McKenzie on 082 835 4285.
8 March 2013
DA lays charges against police in Modjadjiskloof; will march The Limpopo leader of the DA, Mr Jacques Smalle, will be laying charges at the independent directorate against the SAPolice in Modjadjiskloof, following an incident where a 24 year-old woman went to lay charges of assault against her husband on Saturday. The officers on duty refused to open a case and she was taken home, where she and the offender where told to sort out their differences.
Subsequent to that the woman was severely assaulted, stabbed with a knife and raped by her husband. She has been admitted to the Ga-Kgapane hospital for treatment. On 15 March JSmalle will lead a protest march to the SAPs in Modjadjiskloof at 10:00. He has appealed to their supporters and other volunteers to join them in the protest march.
A silent terror stalks society
Cashing in on power
oweto, Kliptown - “C a r e f u l h e r e . Watch out there. The earth is live,” warned Kabelo as he moved through the narrow alleyways. Kabelo and his partner, John, are just two of the many “street electricians” using their qualifications and experience to cash in on households, small businesses and residents across Johannesburg, offering them cheap electricity. Cheaper electricity in this instance of course means stolen. Kabelo and John are always on
They charge a flat rate of R200 as a connection fee. There are even “maintenance fees” ranging from between R50 to R100 a month, and there is a cost for replacing wires if these are burnt. Despite the dangers that they pose, illegal connections and the tampering with or bypassing of power meters remain the choice of many residents and businesses to access electricity. Some are motivated by the need to have access to electricity, others
Whatever the reason given to justify this criminal behaviour, the fact remains that it’s a breeding ground for criminals to “build their businesses” and cash in on this practice. It is a crime that has become a societal norm, but has a dire impact on fair competition in business and agriculture, puts innocent lives at risk, and interrupts the power supply that must keep the wheels of the economy turning. The crime is not unique to informal settlements and townships. It affects suburbs, businesses and farms, where the theft is more difficult to detect and requires a trained eye to spot the carefully call when residents and businesses claim poverty, and some are purely t a m p e r e d m e t e r s a n d t r a n s f o r m e r s . need to connect electricity or fix a m o t i v a t e d b y g r e e d t o r e a p m o r e A campaign is under way to combat malfunctioning illegal line. electricity theft and is in hot pursuit profits for their businesses.
of perpetrators like Kabelo, John and their customers. The mission of Operation Khanyisa is to mobilise all South Africans to become legal, safe and efficient power users. The campaign’s approach is not only to address culprits, but also get law-abiding citizens to acknowledge their responsibility and inspire them to take action against electricity theft. Operation Khanyisa has teamed up with Crime Line to provide a platform for South Africans to report electricity theft anonymously. By sending a detailed SMS to 32211 (R1/SMS) South Africans can help combat electricity theft. To join the campaign visit operationkhanyisa.co.za, like facebook.com/Operation.Khanyisa or follow twitter.com/@Op_Khanyisa. For more info e-mail:info@ operationkhanyisa.co.za
( R1/SMS )
THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS. operationkhanyisa.co.za
8 March 2013
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Ons Mening
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 08 Maart 2013
Ds Barry van der Merwe
Tzaneen en dwelms Ons gee vandag op bladsy 2 (Facebook) die menings van talle mense wat gereageer het op ons vraag oor dwelmgebruik en die dwelmsluikhandel in Tzaneen. Daar het baie, baie meer mense gereageer, maar die ruimte ontbreek om meer menings aan te haal. Dit is duidelik dat daar by die dorp se inwoners groot kommer is oor die toedrag van sake. Dit is jammer dat dit nie lyk of by die owerhede enige kommer is nie. Die polisie se spesialiseenhede is ontbind en word nou weer op die been gekry. Of daar egter die kundigheid en wil is om ‘n slag behoorlik in Tzaneen te kom opruim, staan te betwyfel. Hier is onlangs twee leerlinge by ‘n skool in hegtenis geneem, omdat hulle (glo openlik) daggazolle in hul besit gehad het. Die middedorp wemel van vreemdelinge wat op en af in die strate beweeg, om hul verslawende produkte van die hand te sit. Sogenaamde harde dwelms is volgens kenners maklik verkrygbaar in Tzaneen. Ons is bewus van ‘n hele paar inwoners wat reeds verslaaf is aan dwelms en wat in rehabilitasie is of was. Die prentjie is glashelder: Tzaneen het ‘n probleem met die beskikbaarheid én gebruik van verslawende en lewensvernietegende dwelms. Dit is hartseer dat daar ook duidelike tekens is dat kinders deur die gewetenlose dwelmhandelaars geteiken word. Selfs by laerskoolkinders se ouers en onderwysers is daar kommer oor die stand van sake. Wat die gemeenskap gaan en kan doen, weet ons nie. Maar dat iets gedoen behoort te word, is duidelik. Dit lyk nie of daar op die polisie staat gemaak kan word om behoorlik toe te slaan en die dwelmskurke uit ons dorp te verjaag nie (deur hulle agter tralies te laat beland, waar hulle hoort).
Die verval
Ons bied nou al vir ‘n paar weke lank foto’s aan om te illustreer hoe Tzaneen-dorp stadig maar seker verval (op plekke nie so stadig nie). Natuurlik sal dit nie indruk maak op die mense wat verantwoordelik is om dit te stuit nie. Ons het duidelik nie meer inspekteurs wat die omgewing fyn nagaan nie en by die owerheid is daar geen erns of die wil (en deesdae ook nie meer geld) om die verval te stuit nie. Dit is tragies.
NG Kerk Letsitele
Bulletin supports any lawful action to end violence against our women and children Letters • Briewe ANCYL calls for renewal Thabo Molefe, Contact Person, ANC Youth League, Tel 084 735 5458, writes: For the past three years the ANC Youth League has taken a nose dive and has lost ground as it has neglected its responsibility of rallying young people behind the banner of the ANC and championing interests of young people. Much energy has been spent on fighting intra party factional battles as such those entrusted with the responsibility to lead neglected their responsibilities. This phenomenon occurs at a time wherein young people are facing numerous challenges that include inter-alia unemployment, drop out
at universities, drug and substance abuse. It against this background that we believe the ANC Youth League needs renewal and such a responsibility should be given to tried and tested cadres, Cde Lubabalo Molefe is amongst those individuals who can rescue our organisation from the quagmire we find ourselves in. he is an experienced cadre in areas of youth development having served in the NEC of the ANC Youth League and engaging within the local government sector. The time is now for the youth of South Africa to have leaders that are beyond reproach and are willing to surrender their selfish interests for the greater good of young people.
`n Bybelvers wat my van kleintyd af interesseer is Spreuke 19 vers 3: “Sy eie dwaasheid bring ‘n mens op die verkeerde pad en dan is hy kwaad vir die Here.” Ons is almal geneig om die blaam altyd op iemand anders te wil plaas. So het Adam die blaam op Eva geplaas en Eva weer op die slang. Die gerieflikste een om die blaam op te plaas vir dinge wat verkeed loop is natuurlik God, want Hy probeer Hom nie verweer nie en wie van ons kan vir God voor stok kry en verder klink dit ook nog gelowig! Ek het by geleentheid geluister na `n spreker wat gepraat het oor geestelike volwassenheid en die een belangrike vereiste vir geestelike volwassenheid, volgens hom, is dat jy verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir jou eie lewe. Dit vra natuurlik `n fyn balans. Aan die een kant gee ons ons lewe oor aan die Here en glo saam met Spreuke 16 vers 9: “`n Mens beplan sy pad, maar die Here bepaal hoe hy loop.” en aan die anderkant aanvaar ons volledig verantwoordlikheid vir wat ons hier op aarde aanvang. God gee aan ons die verantwoordlikheid om volgens die riglyne van die liefde ons lewe te leef en te dien. Wanneer dinge verkeerd loop neem ons verantwoordelikheid daarvoor. Wanneer dinge reg loop, is ons dankbaar. Verder glo ons soos ons sing in lied 190: ”Bokant ons begrip, verstand, hou U al wat is in stand.” Mooi naweek!
Did u know that
The pleasure of making love in the dark is ten times stronger than when the lights are on? Joining your partner for a bath increases your love by twenty times? Don’t get excited. . . This is an advert by the Department of Water Affairs and Eskom to save water and electricity!
Retrenchment changed his life
Retrenchment often catches employees unaware as 33-year-old upholsterer Agrippa Shipalana from Burgersdorp (close to Lenyenye) will testify. He’d been working together with his father for six years, at the once five-star Coach House Hotel in Agatha, when the hotel group Orion bought the Hotel and retrenched the workshop staff. Not to be daunted he began his own little upholstery shop in the same complex as Park Butchery in Tzaneen behind the Van Velden State hospital. His father, now 69-years-old, elected to continue working from home. Agrippa laughs and says: “I have one helper here. His name is Oupa but he’s younger than me.” Agrippa studied upholstery at Giyani FET College but had watched and helped his father ever since he was a child. Agrippa works Mondays to Fridays from 6a.m. to 6 p.m. and catches taxis to and from work. His favourite material is polyester and his least favourite is voile as it is difficult to work with because it slips. Sofas are his favourite but he also does chairs, curtains, bags of any kind, lamp shades and car seats.
He has two sewing machines, a compressor for stapling, a stripping tool and plenty shelving for all sorts of odds and ends. A tiny bookshelf on the wall is his reference library. Proudly he takes down the books, all given to him by the late Guy Matthews, who owned the Coach House Hotel. He points at a photograph of a chair that’s been upholstered in the diamond button mesh style. “This is the most exacting and difficult form of upholstery but it’s very beautiful.” Once the furniture is delivered to him, he instructs the customer how many meters to buy and any additional items that need to be bought. He leaves the choice and cost of the material entirely up to the customer. Agrippa is a soccer fan and his favourite team is Orlando Pirates. He and Oupa listen to the radio whilst working. That and the sound of the sewing machines is all one hears as the two men work silently side by side. Agrippa is well known throughout the Limpopo province and has done work for customers from all parts of the province. — Susan Ettmayr news@bulletin.us.com
Write to us at letters @bulletin.us.com or fax your letter to 015 307 7684 or mail it to Box 3838, Tzaneen. Kindly keep your letters letters short and to the point, and do exercise patience, since we often have too many letters to accommodate in a particular week.
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8 March 2013
Steps to stop unlawful advertising Tzaneen has become a free for all when putting up posters where and when you like. Gone are the days that permission was to be obtained and paying a deposit was compulsory. The town’s face is being desecrated in a shameless way by one and another. Sadly churches and preachers are amongst the worst offenders, in contrast to what would be expected from them (namely respect for other people’s property and being law abiding). We approached one Pastor Grace Moagi. Her posters are some of the many that can be seen on walls and poles and even trees, especially in Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen’s main street. She said that prior to a call that she recently received from a business owner about her poster that had been posted onto his building’s wall, she had no idea that it was prohibited to
put up posters without consulting the municipality. She explained that they had asked the assistance of the parking attendants in town to put up the posters. She apologized for the act and promised that it would not happen again, as she would follow the correct channels in future. Mr Neville Ndlala, a communications officer of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, said there were two categories for putting up advertising in the municipality’s jurisdiction. The first is for posters, which require a form to be filled in. The form could be found at Counter 1 at the municipal offices. A fee of R10 per poster will be paid at the cashiers, the posters then need to be put on a hard board and hung on available poles. Ndlala explained that posters were temporary and people get back R5 of the initial R10 when the posters are
removed. The second category is for boards, which follow a more complex process to that of posters. A client should a get an application form, fill it in and pay R60 at the cashiers. The application form should be accompanied by a picture illustrating the exact location where the board would be put up. The application is then reviewed by a committee made up of officials from the marketing, water and electricity and traffic departments, who meet on Thursdays to decide if the boards do not infringe on any laws, said Ndlala. A monthly rental fee is also payable to the municipality, he added. People are advised to follow the relevant process when wishing to put up posters and bill boards (small and big). —Beaunice Mnisi beaunice@bulletin.us.com
Vrolike Kobie sterf Mnr Kobus Pendlebury (onder sy vriende beter bekend as Kobie of ‘Kabous’) is na ‘n kort siekbed dood. Die opgewekte Pendlebury (42) het vir byna twaalf jaar by die Tino’s Restaurant in Tzaneen saam met sy ma, me Bets Pendlebury (die eienaar), gewerk. Hy het later na Pretoria
verhuis en was ten tyde van sy dood die bestuurder van ‘n Indiese restaurant in Sun City. Volgens ‘n familievriend, mnr Collin Thompson, was Pendlebury in die hoësorgeenheid van ‘n Pretoriase hospitaal, nadat sy niere ingegee het. Hy sê baie vriende uit Tzaneen het laat hoor dat
Tzaneen Post Office
Pendlebury se vrolike en grappige persoonlikheid en ‘maniertjies’ terdeë gemis sal word. ‘n Roudiens sal vandag (Vrydag) om 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Tzaneen gehou word, terwyl sy lyk terselfdetyd in Pretoria veras sal word. Pendlebury laat sy ma en sy suster, Mariaan, agter.
Tzaneen Post Office
Tzaneen Post Office
So verval Tzaneen
8 March 2013
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New toll tariffs
Letaba fire week training There are still a lot of space available for the Letaba Fire Protection Association’s management training from 15 – 18 April at the Letaba Show Grounds. This training focuses on fire management and includes three levels of management: single resource leaders including foremen, supervisors and drivers. Secondly there are the initial attack incident commanders which include farmers, foresters and skit unit drivers. Thirdly: the Incident Commanders Training and includes senior mangers, disaster managers and support staff and administrators. This training is open to anyone and is not limited to FPA members only. The training will end with sand box live simulation. The LFPA recognized the incredible contribution that Farmers, Foresters and Workers have made in the combat of fires in our area. Whilst the LFPA consider themselves to be good fire fighters they do not believe they are always good fire managers, especially when the fire goes on into the “second shift” when they have run out of fresh resources and everyone is tired. Along with an experienced team of trainers from the Working On Fire Training Academy in Mbombela, the LFPA was also able to secure a trainer from America. Application forms are available on the LFPA’s website at www. letabafire.co.za/fireweek.html or at local business’ or contact Maritza on 082 304 9162. Early payments qualify for discounts.
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Beginner farmers are on a roll The long awaited Nguni Herd, consisting of fifty registered Heifer cows in calf by the Maitjene Community Development Trust (MCDT) at Ofcalaco, was received from the IDC Nguni Trust, the University of the North and the Department of Agriculture. The board of trustees of the MCDT said this founding herd will form the basis of a well managed registered herd of about 250 heads, that will eventually be accommodated on the farm Harmony 3. It is foreseen that this herd will also be a source of new genetic material, which will be re-introduced into the greater communal herd. The board also confirmed that twenty rental contracts have been entered into with community members that intend to farm with either cash crops or chickens. The board said they wish to applaud these bold members of the community with their positive outlook and support of the efforts of the board. The next step in this process is that the actual alloca-
tion of the five hectare plots will be done once the board has been able to ensure that enough water for the various operations is available. Additionally, infrastructure such as toilets will be erected on the identified sites. Staff from the Department of Agriculture has assured the board that no stone will be left unturned, in order to ensure that these projects stand the best possible chance of success. The board has furthermore decided to start planting cash crops on a portion of Luxemburg 09. This will be done under a contract with a local packing facility, and it is envisaged that planting will commence by the beginning of April. The planning of this open field planting is done in such a way that, when the
funding for the Net Housing Project becomes available from the Recapitalisation Fund, the transfer can be done seamlessly. Some aspects that will need urgent attention are the purchase and installation of suitable borehole pumps, re-connecting to the Eskom power grid and job opportunities. The net income from this project will go a long way towards ensuring the long-term stability of the Trust and its beneficiaries. Community members are advised that the board has not yet called for a community information meeting during the past two months. In future, community meetings will be advertised in the local press, in order to ensure that all members have access to the information.
As from yesterday (7 March), motorists travelling south along the N1 will have to fork out a little more in toll fees due to the SA National Road Agency Limited’s (Sanral) annual toll tariff adjustment. This annual adjustment is effective on all national toll routes in the country. The tariffs are adjusted in accordance with the preceding twelve months’ consumer price index (CPI). “Funding for the national road network is decided in the context of all other pressing demands on the fiscus. Given this challenge on the fiscus and the fact that SA’s road infrastructure requires substantial and urgent investment, Sanral thus relies on the user-pay principle to maintain a high-quality road network, while contributing to improved road safety and generally shorter travelling distances. This also results in substantial savings on vehicle running costs. The toll principle also allows us to preserve and provide infrastructure sooner than tradition-
al tax-based revenues would allow,” said Nazir Alli, chief executive officer of Sanral. The new toll tariffs are (old tariffs in brackets):
• For the Baobab toll plaza, the rate for all light vehicles (Class 1) is R32 (R31) and R88 (R83) for two-axle heavy vehicles (Class 2). For threeand four-axle heavy vehicles (Class 3), the new toll tariff is R121 (R115) and R146 (R138) for five- and more-axle heavy vehicles (Class 4). • The new toll tariff for Class 1 vehicles at the Capricorn toll plaza is R33 (R32), R92 (R87) for Class 2 vehicles, R107 (R102) for Class 3 vehicles and R135 (R127) for Class 4 vehicles. • At the Nyl toll plaza, the new tariff for Class 1 vehicles will be R42 (R39), R78 (R74) for Class 2 vehicles, R95 (R89) for Class 3 vehicles and R127 (R120) for Class 4 vehicles. • The new toll tariff for Class 1 vehicles at the Kranskop toll plaza is R32 (R31), R82 (R78) for Class 2 vehicles, R110 (R104) for Class 3 vehicles and R135 R128) for Class 4 vehicles. • At the Carousel toll plaza, the new toll tariffs will be R40 (R38) for Class 1, R108 (R102) for Class 2, R119 (R113) for Class 3 and R138 (R130) for Class 4, while the new tariff at the Pumulani toll plaza will be R8,50 (R8) for Class 1, R22 (R20,50) for Class 2, R25 (R24) for Class 3 and R31 (R29) for Class 4. — LiN Media/Zoutpansberger
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8 March 2013
Koos & Riekie Smit Makelaars
As man en vrou span met die volgende doel: Om ‘n eenstop finansiële diens te gee. Om altyd die mees kompeterende finansiële produk aan te bied. Waar ons dit nie altyd met prys reg kry nie, doen ons dit met diens of voordeel. Om opgeleide personeel daar te stel, wat tot kliënte tevredenheid lei en hulle daarvolgens te vergoed.
Change, Innovation, Creativity
Rebalance investments (Pty) Ltd Rebalance investments (Pty) Ltd is a juristic representative of Integrifin CC, an authorized Financial Service Provider. Saam met ons is Jaco Nel, Prof Chris Harmse, JB Smith en Wynand Knoesen. Rebalance Investments se besigheid en filosofie is gesentreerd rondom sy kliënte. Ons benadering is dat ʼn beleggingsfilosofie sy ontstaan moet hê op kliëntevlak tesame met die finansiële adviseur en dan moet opbou tot op portefeuljevlak in samewerking met die batebestuurder. Elke persoon beweeg deur verskeie fases in hul lewe en jou beleggingsplan moet daarvolgens aangepas word.
Om ‘n optimale beleggingsplan saam stel, skakel gerus die volgende Makelaars vir meer inligting. • Ralf Peterson - LAW Makelaars (FSP 15106) - 015-307 4807 • Maurice Stander - MC Brokers (FSP 7077) - 015-295 8820
Smit Garrun Brokers (Pty)Ltd Saam met die Garrun Groep se kundigheid en stelsels word ons die mees
gerespekteerde, onafhanklike korttermyn makelaars Noord van Pretoria. Ons hanteer die volle administrasie, wat insluit onderskrywing, uitreiking, opdatering en eise-hantering van meer as 6 000 korttermyn polisse.
Geakrediteerde Binnenshuise Makelaars Geakrediteerde Eksterne Makelaarshuise • • • • • • •
R • Y
Koos en Riekie Smit Makelaars 1993 2010
• Louis Naude (FSP 11184) 082-300 9957 LAW Makelaars (FSP 11184) 015-307 4807 • Johan Smith (FSP 11184) 071-170 9540 • Allan Forbes Makelaars (FSP 15415) 015-307 2061 • Charmaine Thompson (FSP 11184) 076-642 9193 • MC Brokers (FSP 7077) 082-771 2655 • Cornel Van Schalkwyk (FSP 11184) 083-706 9571 •
DaruisGeldenhuis (FSP 11184) 076-617 8058 Salvus Brokers (FSP 14072) 015-295 5920 ZC Pretorius Makelaars (FSP 24709) 015-516 5620 Jacques Lamprecht (FSP 166635) 082-469 7558 Securisure (FSP 14072) 015-296 2886 Leon Roode (FSP 11184) 083-345 3171 Retief Jacobzs (FSP 11184) 082-850 9499
• Cronje Makelaars (FSP 25637) 083-268 1932
• Willem Cronje - Cronje Makelaars (FSP 25637) - 083-268 1932 • Daruis Geldenhuis - Smit Garrun Makelaars (FSP 11184) - 076-617 8058 • Jacques Lamprecht - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 082-469 7558 • Pieter en Leon Roode - Roode Makelaars (FSP 14458) - 015-307 6993 • Retief Jacobzs - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 082-850 9499 • Jaco Nel - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 082-335 6801 • Paul Venter - Securisure (FSP 14072) - 015-296 2886 • Andre Roelofse - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 083 4490186 • Cornelius Smit - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 015-307 5587 • Julius Fichardt (FSP 1325) - 083-227 8287 plus (Marthinus Coetzee & David Victor - 015-781 5614) • Fanie Oberholzer - Integrifin (FSP 166635) - 082-460 4173 Belangstellende Makelaars is welkom. Kontak : Koos Smit by 082 466 9884 of Jaco Nel by 082 335 6801
Garrun Assist
Integrifin cc
Saam met Jaco Nel en Gideon Venter, wat hoofsaaklik konsentreer op Lewensversekering, Boedelbeplanning, Pensioenfondsadministrasie, Beleggings en Mediesefondse. Jaco Nel het deur harde werk die besigheid opgebou wat dit vandag is en ek en Riekie het besluit om ons aandeel aan Jaco te verkoop (2013). Jaco en Corné, ons gun julle alle sukses toe en vertrou dat ons nog lank interaktief saam sal besigheid doen.
Saam met Philippie de Beer, Hendrik de Swardt en Sandy Guthrie stig ons ‘n korttermyn makelary wat hulle toespits op die boederygemeenskap. Het verskeie suksevolle makelaarsooreenkomste in Limpopo, Mpupulanga, Noordwes, Vrystaat en Oos-Kaap.
Northern Spark Trading 389 (Pty) Ltd trading as: (2007/009777/07)
Alarm & Armed Response
Northern Security
Supported by Smit Garrun Brokers
2012 Spesbona Limpopo
Garrun Boere Makelaars (Edms)Bpk
Uit eie slegte padervaring het ek saam met Sandy Guthrie en Brett Levitas ons eie Padbystanddiens ingestel, om my kliente ‘n soortgelyke ervaring te spaar. Op die oomblik bied ons die diens landwyd aan vir ongeveer 250 000 voertuie. Vra enige Garrun Makelaar vir meer inligting.
Saam met Kobus Naude en Sandy Guthrie begin ons ons eie monitering en gewapende reaksiediens in poging om Smit Garrun eiseverhouding te verlaag en sodoende verlaagde korttermyn versekeringspremies aan ons kliente te bied. Nie net het hulle daarin geslaag nie, maar lewer vandag ‘n professionele diens. Dankie manne. Vir meer inligting oor korting op maandelikse fooie – Kontak Kobus Naude of Louise Miller 015 307 6911 ns-dm80801
Tesame met Spesbona Pretoria wat reeds meer as 25 jaar se ondervinding het. Ons spesialiseer in mediesefonds-eiseadministrasie vir groepe en individue. Ons waarborg jou geld terug as ons nie vir jou geld spaar of jou frustrasie oplos nie. Terme en voorwaardes geld. Vir meer inligting, kontak Mariette van der Westhuizen by 083 497 2702 Makelaars wat belangstel om deel te neem kan Koos Smit kontak: 082 466 9884
Ons sê baie dankie aan al ons kliënte vir jul ondersteuning!
8 March 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com VLU konferensie
Fairview Hotel, 16 This Week ‘13 Maart, 07:30. Die Vroue Landbou Unie se Lavender-aantak bied die 18e jaarlikse VLU Koraalstreek-konferensie. Koffie en tee 07:00, Roadhouse Hope Methodist Church, konferensie begin 08:20. Navrae: Marietjie Modjadjiskloof, today, 17:30-19:30. Take Naudé 083 460 0309 of marietjie.naude@ the night off cooking and come grab some webmail.co.za. takeaways. For the menu contact Liz 015 309 8594 or 079 017 0600 and Pat 015 309 9489 or Langs die Oever boeredag Montrose (plaas), Letsitele, 21 en 22 Maart. Groot 082 672 6430. masjiene en praktriese demonstrasies, Limpopo ploegkampioenskappe. Skakel Mirka 015 307 This Month ‘13 5000 of mirka@langsdieoever.com.
575 5738 or applegrange@mweb.co.za.
Willie en die Wenspan NGK Wolkberg, Tzaneen, 31 Mei, 10:00. Christelikekinderbediening deur sang en musiek. Interkerklik. Kinder leer om nee te sê vir dwelms, alcohol en negatiewe groepsdruk. Navrae: Kerkkantoor 015 307 4062. Jukebox Dans Tzaneen Skousaal, 31 Mei, 18:30. Aangebied deur Voetspoortjies Kleuterskool. Navrae: Marié Huysamen 076 813 9644.
Gospelfees Tzaneen, 6 en 7 Julie. Platform, Star Spares gebou, Gospelfees op 6 Julie en ‘n lofprysingsdiens op LFPA meeting Annual general meeting Tzaneen, 23 Maart. Kaartjies beskikbaar by 7 Julie. Bekende gospelsangers, koskraampies, kunsmark, handewerkkraampies, Christelike at Faerie Glen, Westfalia, 15 March, 11:00. All Mosaiek. Navrae: Elize Caroto 015 307 2586. produkte. ‘n Saal vol vermaak vir kinders soos landowners are invited. Enquiries/RSVP: Maritza poppeteater en ponieritte. Navrae: Elize Caroto Swanepoel 082 304 9162 or pro@letabafire. Other ‘13 015 307 2586 of 076 276 8626. co.za. Danie Botha
THIS WEEK AT THE MOVIES Immergroen ouerskap showtimes FRi 8 maRch - thU 14 maRch
MAll Of THE nOrTH OZ: THE GrEAT AnD POWErfUl - 3D ¸ ˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
˛ Ç ∞
Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15, 22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 ——————————————————————————————————
fAnIE fOUrIE’S lObOlA ˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:50 Sun,Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 ——————————————————————————————————
A GOOD DAY TO DIE HArD ˛ Ç ∞ Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
˛ Ç
˛ Ç ∂
English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:15 Sun,Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 —————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45, 22:30 Sun,Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45 Follow us More ways to book
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
NG Moedergemeente, Tzaneen, 12 April, 18:30. Gasspreker, Hettie Brittz gaan met ouers van kleuters en laerskoolkinders gesels oor immergroen ouerskap. Laat al jou vrae oor kinderopvoeding beantwoord word. Koste: R60./p Navrae/besprekings: Elize Caroto 076 276 8626.
Platform, Star Spares gebou, Tzaneen, 13 April,13:30 vir 14:00. Gasspreker: Hettie Brittz, sang: Elize Caroto. Tema: ‘n nuwe begin. Koste: R100/p. Navrae/Besprekings: Elize Caroto 076 276 8626.
Fire training course
Letaba Show grounds, 15-18 April. Letaba Fire Week: From firefighter to fire manager, presented by the LFPA. 3 levels of management training. Only 180 spaces available. Enquiries: Maritza Swanepoel 082 304 9162.
Kiwi festival
Haenertsburg, 27 and 28 April. Cooking competition, farm tours, kiwi products like jams, chutneys and jelly. Local produce at marquee tent in the village. Kiwi plants will be sold. Enquiries: Linda Miller 082
Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg 082 824 4291.
Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527. Support
The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meetings every alternate Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Colleen 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121.
Herofield Aanddiens
Sondae, 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com.
Gemeenskapskerkdiens Platform, bo Star Spares, Tzaneen, 8:00, elke eerste naweek van die maand. Navrae: 082 309 8335. Sport
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Maandag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797.
Chameleon Indoor
Krieket en Hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546
Munnik Meerkat MTB Challenge
16 March, 07:00. Entry fees: 70km (R150), 35km Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke (R80) and 10km (R40). Registration: 05:30 on the
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Patient told it will be “too costly” to transfer him It is a dead end for a Giyani man who is in desperate need of a medical procedure. Mr Zamazama Nkuna from Thomo village, Giyani, says the Polokwane Provincial Hospital denied him a transfer to the George Mukhari Hospital in Gauteng, saying that it would be too expensive for the Limpopo government to transfer a patient to another province. Polokwane Provincial Hospital has now failed at three occasions to execute a medical procedure to bring relieve to his multiple goitre problem, resulting from a serious enlargement of his thyroid gland. He was first booked for an operation on 19 November last year. “After they failed to ope-rate on me in November they postponed it to 22 January, and then to 22 February. But yet again the operation failed to materialise, because the hospital didn’t have enough stock of what was needed for stitching wounds. I was told this by one of the doctors.” “I was then advised to see one of the senior hospital officials, to ask to be transferred to George Mukhari. However, I was told that the budget would not allow for this to be done and that I should wait for a new date in March.” “More than one doctor told me that the hospital did not have the equipment or stocks needed, but warned me not to disclose this information as coming from them,” he said. Some of the doctors there told me straight that the hospital did not have equipment, and that I should not talk about what they told me,” he said.
One of a number of receipts for his failed appointments for an operation.
Astronomy outreach in Lim Limpopo Astronomy and the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) will once again be focusing on public outreach during 2013. Astronomy-related outreach at schools and public locations has always been a priority for the Makhado (Louis Trichardt) SAC and 2013 will be no different. A general public outreach project, sponsored by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), through its Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD), will see the organisation visit a number of venues in the province, as well as in the Kruger National Park. Appropriately, the province’s capital, Polokwane, will be first on the agenda with a visit to the Mall of the North on 29 March. Some of the other towns to be visited are Musina, Thohoyandou, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Giyani, Elim, Tzaneen, Lephalale (Ellisras), Modimolle (Nylstroom) and Bela Bela (Warmbaths). Astronomy-related posters and information on astronomy and where to study, as well as pamphlets, will be available. Views through the telescope of our closest star, the sun, can be enjoyed during the day and after sunset, the telescope will be pointed to the stars and planets. Contact Kos Coronaios at 079 148 4934 or via email at elephantcastle@lantic.net for further information or if you would like to include your venue and participate in this outreach initiative. — LiN Media /Zoutpansberger
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
8 March 2013
Leopards to host Stars in Nedbank Cup Black Leopards will host Platinum Stars in the Last16 stage of the Nedbank Cup competition. The draw was held in Johannesburg last week. The good news about Lidoda Duvha is that they have won the home-ground advantage. The match will be played at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane next Wednesday. Both Leopards and Stars did not find it easy to secure places in this stage of the competition. The Limpopo outfit beat the Safa second division side, Cape Town All
Stars, 5-4 — while Platinum Stars narrowly beat Dynamos 1-0 to reach the Last-16 stage. It will be time for the home side for revenge, as Leopards lost 0-1 to Platinum Stars in their first-round league match. In the other Nedbank Cup Last 16 matches that will also be played on the same day, Free State Stars will lock horns with Bloemfontein Celtic in their Free State. Kaizer Chiefs will take their home match to Durban, where they will host Polokwane City.
Two matches will be played next Wednesday: Vasco da Gama will host Supersport United, and Jomo Cosmos will have a date with United. On Friday next week, Mamelodi Sundowns will play against Golden Arrows. Two matches will be played on Sunday 17 March: Tembu Royals will meet Maritzburg United and African Warriors will face the giant killers, Maluti FET College. Maluti shocked Orlando Pirates in the second round of the Nedbank Cup, by beating the Bucs 4-1. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
Brothers killed by same elephant
Nkuna is seen here with a government publication about “quality healthcare” and promising good treatment for everyone. Note his badly swollen neck.
In the mean time Nkuna is suffering. ”I was operated in 1997 in the same hospital for the same problem, but the goitre came back, this time even worse. Sometimes I struggle to breath and the doctors now say it’s cancerous,” said Nkuna. When asked about the state of the equipment and stock levels in the hospital, as well as how much it would cost to move a patient to George Mukhari, Polokwane Provincial Hospital, we were told that they were still investigating the matter. “We don’t know what happened with this patient, the hospital is still investigating the circumstances that led to his problem. “However, as a hospital we strive to make sure that each patient gets the satisfactory treatment they deserve, and we will therefore get to the bottom of his case,” said the spokesperson of the hospital, one Sinenhlanhla Gumede.
On Monday, another man was killed in the Olifants Region of the Balule Private Nature Reserve by an elephant. In a similar incident on 24 February a farm worker, the brother of the latest victim, was also killed on the reserve by the same elephant. Mr Nelson Bango (47) who was working in the reserve as an anti-poaching guard was found dead by Mr Rian Ahlers, the warden for the York Region, on Monday. Ahlers did not witness the attack, but after trying and failing to reach Bango by radio, he went out looking for him. Bango was patrolling on a motorbike. Mr Andy Dott, the chairman of the Balule Private Nature Reserve, said on Wednesday that
the elephant responsible for the death of the Bango brothers was found and shot on Tuesday, a mere 15 km from the scene of the first man’s death. “We have been looking for the elephant since last week, but just couldn’t find it. Nelson went out of his way to find the elephant that killed his brother, and he did. It seems as if the elephant charged him but then the bike stalled. He ran for about 200 m before the elephant killed him in the same way it had his brother,” said Dott. According to Dott, two large irregular ‘lumps’ were visible on the elephant’s trunk and an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause for the animal’s aggression.
According to Dr Peter Rogers, a renowned wildlife veterinarian based in Hoedspruit, there are two main reasons why an elephant would attack and kill people when not provoked. “When elephant bulls come into musth, which is the start of their sexual cycle, there is a very high level of testosterone in their blood, which can make them very unpredictable and extremely aggressive. From a veterinary perspective, an abscess at the base of a tooth or a tusk can also be extremely painful, causing an elephant to become aggressive.”. Rogers went on to say that any injury, visible or not, could also be causing the aggression. — LiN Media/Kruger2Canyon
Waterprobleme, nog steeds... Die waterprobleme in Giyani kom maar net nie tot ‘n einde nie. Dit is ironies dat mense in ‘n jaar waarin Januarie vloede in ons omgewing gebring het, mense steeds moet sukkel om lewegewende water te bekom. Tonele soos in dié foto vasgevang is, is alledaags in die Giyani-omgewing. Vroue wat kruiwaens met dromme water op oor ver afstande stoot, is ook ‘n daaglikse hartseergesig.
8 March 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Mar101____________
For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________ Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303___________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5L bags. R20,00 + VAT per tree. Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111_________________
Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________
Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs, Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102________________
Services Dienste Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_______________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________ Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________
Services Dienste to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_______________
Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217________________
Services Dienste Contact Marie 082 683 2835 Feb102_________________ Pest Control Specialists 015 307 4065 082 335 6808 Feb103________________ Marie Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut Nie – medies) Konsentreer Aksie Nou Bits & Pieces 2000 Jy KAN met hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan302________________ Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street Feb105_________________
Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________ Laaigraaf – Met uiters bewame operateur. R200 per uur + diesel. Kontak Riana 082 448 8231 Jun115_________________ CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018 As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowing, verjaardag, kerk uitstappies, vergaderings ens. Groot plek met kroeg, yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai, Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_________________ Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions/ occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308________________
TZANEEN Wikus 083 562 3693
Key shop & locksmith. Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out. Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates. Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates. 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________
Building Made Easy
Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki &
The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here
Marie Helm Hypnotherapist Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – medical) “The greatest weakness for many people is that they don’t realize their own strength” Bits & Pieces 1999 Recognize and develop your strength with hypnotherapy Contact Marie at 082 683 2835 Jan204_________________
Coastal Hire Equipment hire Industrial tools Machinery for construction Mobile toilets Marque Tents 015 307 3084 082 929 5109 Nov104_____________
Maire Helm Hipnoterapeut Gesertifiseer Hipnoterapeut (Nie – medies) Nuwe Jaarvoorneme Besluit jy wil nou ‘n permanente nie-roker word? Gaan dit maar weer soos al die vorige jare net ‘n voorneme wees? Die hoef nie. Maak dit ‘n werklikheid – met hipnoterapie Skakel Marie by 082 683 2835 Jan105_________________ Marie Helm Hypnotherapist Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – medical) Unless you walk out into the unknown, the odds of making a profound Difference in your life are pretty low – Tom Peters Hypnotherapy makes your unknown, known.
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Plumb wise General plumbing Leak repairs Geyser repairs Unblocking of drains Roelf 083 289 5235 015 307 7168 Mar107_________________
6 Cub 10 Cub Kontak 073 476 4616 Feb404_________________
Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 083 252 8928 Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport SAND, STONE Low bed transport available 082 659 0532 Mar108_________________ Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109_________________
SUPER MEAT CITY 015 307 1070
3Kg Boerewors & 3Kg topside maalvleis Only R299.00 Don’t you think it is time to put your VHS tapes on to DVD? Contact Roy Deeks 082 893 1235 015 309 9456 Feb405_________________ “Die gras het nou weer begin groei!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir Grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388 Okt404___________
Wenkem SA Mikro element blaarvoeding Na oes bedrefmiddels Plaagdoders, Swamdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269 Mar110_________________ Agri Box Kontak ons vir nuwe Sitrus Pakmateriaal vir die komende seisoen 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Mar111_________________
The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
Springkastele en Glybane Suikerbekkie19a@ webmail.co.za Shirleen 071 870 9193 Mar105_________________
Plumb wise Don’t think twice call
LYNX WENDYS We beat any price on top quality Louvre styled Wendy Houses. We do delivery All sizes available Call Lyn: 082 766 2621 Feb402___________
Robbi se kos trollie R80 000 Skakel 082 893 1869 Mar114__________
Oulike Labrador – hondjies (in wit, donker bruin en swart) is opsoek na goeie huise. Ouers opreg. Andre 083 579 3234 Mar205_________________
Oasis Prepared and ozoneted water for your health Xango natural fruit juice blen 079 296 7414 015 307 2504 Mar104________________
Adele’s Beauty and Slimming clinic Facials Body sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193 Mar106_________________
Contact: 0787097032
Dwerg Hamsters te koop (14 beskikbaar). R30.00 elk Kontak Susan op 079 942 9278 Mar204_________________
Health Shoes New school shoes in stock Danie Joubert straat Langs Ickinger 015 307 2856 Mar102_________________
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406_____________
2006 Subaru Legacy 2.0 R Excellent condition, Second owner, All wheel drive, 4 x new tyres, FSH with Subaru agents, Full house (Airconm e/w, 6 cd shuttle, 17” wheels), , 201 000km, , R102 000 Neg.
To Let Te Huur Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com Okt105__________
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur R18.00/km + BTW & 25 ton @ R23.50/km + BTW eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Mar201___________
Animal Diere
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106_________________
Health Shoes Sale on end of summer range Winter shoes arriving Danie Joubert straat Langs Ickinger 015 307 2856 Mar103_________________
For Sale Te Koop
For Sale Te Koop
Sand en Klip afgelewer teen Spesiale pryse
“Instant Lawn” Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra. Skakel Hennie Maartens (015) 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 alle ure. Jan101________________
To Let Te Huur
“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Arno 078 164 4701 Trailer Rentals. Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15ton R20.00/km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote 015-307-1391.
Vragmotors te huur – 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans – 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________
Vacancies Vakante POS VIR ‘BOILERMAKER” Wat gekwalifiseerd is en met staal kan werk en ook meganies aangelê is. Pos is dadelik beskikbaar. Salaris volgens ondervinding en onderhandelbaar. Faks asb CV na 086 624 3181 Mar202____________ Vacancy Marketing Agent for Northern Province Basic + commission CV to Fax no 086 632 8558 Vacancy Operator Required For Flex printing press Experience essential CV to Fax no 086 632 8558 Mar203__________
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Property | Eiendomme
Legals Likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bestorwe boedel wat ter insae lê Ingevolge Artikel 35 (4) en (5) van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekening (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedel hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meester te Polokwane en Landdros te Tzaneen en vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan ter insae lê vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rekening. Registrasienommer van boedel: 4238/2012 Boedel wyle Petrus Vermaak Identiteitsnommer: 3410245017080 Polokwane Johan Louw Weslaan 345, Ferndale Tel: 011 787 4342 Verw. Johan Louw Mar201_________________ ERF 2789 TZANEEN EXTENSION 52 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF
GREATER TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 PROPOSED USE OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING A SECOND DWELLING Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the above Scheme that I Humphrey Mphahlele, have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, for consent to the use of the abovementioned land for the abovementioned purposes. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Development Planning, Room 257, 2nd floor, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from the date of this publication. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager : City Development at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from the date of this publication. Address of agent: Planning Input CC, 08 Ebony Road Klippoortjie, PO Box 19946, Sunward Park, Boksburg 1459. Tel: (073) 966 5586. Fax (086) 512 8763 Mar202_________________
To Let Tu Huur
For Sale Te Koop
Town Houses Meenthuis
CiS Real Estate
CiS Real Estate TO LET: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom in complex. Single garage. Patio. Available 11/3/2013. R5 200 per month Zelna 082 888 7898 TO LET: 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, swimming pool. Guest room. Beautiful views. Out of town. R8500 per month Zelna 082 888 7898 TO LET: Bachelor flat in Aqua Park. Available immediately. R1700 per month Zelna 082 888 7898 Mar201_____________
Office Kantore Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen (dental premises including dental chair): Beautifully designed dental premises including dental chair. Very good lighting and air conditioned. Office space of 27.35m² and more if needed. Excellent address. Rent very affordable! Call Janon 0833071333 or Stephanie on 0861303404 Feb403______________ Groot kantoor te huur in rustie omgewing. Huur R5 500 per maand met koop krag. Kontak 015 307 3316 Mar101_______________
SOLE MANDATE: Misty Crown comprises of 55 full title, freestanding residential stands and is one of only two , full-title developments on Ebenezer Dam. Stands selling from R280 000 plus vat!!!On show during March every Saturday from 10H00 TILL 14H00 AND Sundays from 12h00 till 15h00! Theo 071 641 9199 Mar202___________
CiS Real Estate
SOLE MANDATE: On the Ebenezer dam!!! 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom fully equipped house. Modern kitchen and furnished by a well-known interior decorator. Over 400m2 family home with stunning views! On show during March every Saturday from 10H00 TILL 14H00 AND Sundays from 12h00 till 15h00! Theo 071 641 9199 Mar203_____________
ERF 2789 TZANEEN UITBREIDING 52 AANSOEK VIR SPESIALE TOESTEMMING IN TERME VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 VOORGESTELDE GEBRUIK VAN GROND VIR DIE DOEL OM ‘N TWEEDE HUIS OP TE RIG Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Klouse 15 van die bovermelde skema dat ek Humphrey Mphahlele, by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir toestemming om die bovermelde eiendom vir die bovermelde doel te benut. Besonderhede van die aansoek sal gedurende normale kantoorure ter insae beskikbaar wees by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Kamer 257, Tweede Verdieping, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan. Besware teen of vertoë ten aansien van die aansoek moet gerig word aan of skriftelik ingedien word by die Munisipale Bestuurder: Stadsontwikkeling by die bovermelde adres of aan Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die publikasie
CiS Real Estate
SOLE MANDATE: On the Ebenezer dam WITH BREATH TAKING VIEWS!! 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom fully equipped house. Modern kitchen and furnished by a wellknown interior decorator. Over 300m2 family home with stunning views! On show during March every Saturday from 10H00 TILL 14H00 AND Sundays from 12h00 till 15h00! Theo 071 641 9199 Mar204___________
Business Besigheide CiS Real Estate 8,1ha plot with Guavas, close to town. Borehole and irrigation. R880 000 Thonet 071 641 9137 Newly built 3 bedroom house in Golden Acres. A must see! Very modern home. R1 550 000 Thonet 071 641 9137 Excellent buy!3 bedroom house with double garage in Aqua Park. R930 000 Thonet 071 641 9137 Mar206___________
8 March 2013
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
hiervan. Adres van agent: Planning Input CC, Ebonyweg 08 Klippoortjie, Posbus 19946, Sunwardpark, Boksburg 1459. Tel 073 966 5586. Faks: 086 512 8763. Mar203_________________ NOTICE: SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, no 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties and creditors, that Johan Wessels Auto CC, Registration number: 1999/067442/23 has sold its business carried on by it under the name and style of S & J Auto of Antimony Street, New Industrial Area, Tzaneen as a going concern to DP & L Menge as promoters for a company to be formed, who will after a period of 30 days from the last publication of this advertisement carry on the said business under the same style and at the same address for its own account. M Holtzhausen, Rossouws Attorneys, 119 Pres Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein; PO Box 7595, Bloemfontein 9301. Tel: 051-5062500: Ref MEN19/0008 Mar204_______________
CiS Real Estate Eco Tilo town house: 2 bedroom town house with full bathroom. Patio with build-in braai. Give-away at R495 000 Eddie 071 895 6672 Beautiful townhouse with excellent finishes. Double lockup garage. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Modern kitchen with separate scullery. Spacious open plan living areas with separate tv-room. Swimming pool in complex. R850 000 Eddie 071 895 6672 Good solid house in Medipark! Bargain! 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with openplan living area. Double garage. R860 000 Eddie 071 895 6672 Mar205____________
CiS Real Estate Great investment opportunity. 7 year lease with rental income. Bachelor flat with all maintenance and levies paid on your behalf. R275 000 Maggie 079 884 5106 Stunning views. This upmarket 3 bedroom town house offers entertainment area with Jacuzzi. New kitchen, double garage. Very neat home. R1 650 000 Maggie 079 884 5106
CiS Real Estate
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Log | Punteleer
3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom double storey townhouse. Kitchen with scullery, large courtyard with 1 garage. Small complex. R710 000 Maggie 079 884 5106
CiS Real Estate 3 bedroom, 1 full bathroom, open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. 1 Lockup garage and a very neat garden. All for R770 000 3 bedroom, 1 full bathroom house with spacious living areas, Lounge, kitchen and dining room. House has a 2 bedroom, 1 bathrooms flat with its own entrance! All on a big stand. R1 200 000 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom semi double storey unit in a security complex. Townhouse has a openplan kitchen, diningroom and lounge with a entertainment area with build-in braai. Double garage. House has a garden big enough for a swimming pool. Price R1 300 000 Salomie 071 641 9041
Sakeliga | Business League Rondte 4 - Round 4 Telling / Score Wen /Win = 2, Verloor/loss = 0, Draw / Gelykop= 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Totaal van rondtes gespeel
8 +34
Extreme Int
6 +26
Letaba P/beaters
6 -3
5 +1
Granor Passi
4 +20
Mega Foods
4 +10
Bosbok Gas
4 +7
4 +4
4 -1
Simpson Motors
4 -7
2 -7
2 -9
Lannie Motors
2 -48
1 -27
FINAAL • Rondte 5 - FINAL • Round 5 Wie speel teen wie - Who plays against who SMS
Extreme Int
Letaba P/beaters
Granor Passi
Mega Foods
Bosbok Gas
Simpson Motors
Lannie Motors
8 March 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Job Seeker | Vacancies General My name is Johannes Shai i am looking for a painting or building job, lapa ect. Contact me on 072 915 9783 (27) ____________________ My name is Grace Mahloromela i am looking for a cashier, shelf packer, i can
speak English, experience at Sugar Valley 4 years, (ref Lino 083 564 6428/ Sugar loaf 015 307 6337) contact me on 073 1888 448 (28) ____________________ My name is Punky Innocent Tlemo i am looking for a cashier, cleaning, cooking job experience two years in Sugar Valley (ref Grace 073 1888448) contact me on 083
356 2166 (29) ____________________ My name is Jetro I am looking for a job in a shop / business I have matric, computer certificate and computer diploma contact me on 073 476 3290 (30) ____________________ My name is Chriss Maswazi I am looking for a general job/ garden service, I have 3 years
Mopani District Municipality Mopani District Municipality strives to maintain its strategic position as the food basket of South Africa and tourist destination of choice in South Africa. Applications are invited from persons with relevant experience and appropriate qualifications for the following positions:
General Workers (161 Posts) Remuneration: R55 350.00 - R58 745.00 per annum, plus housing subsidy, UIF, medical aid and pension benefits. Requirements: •Ability to read and write •Preparedness to be subjected to security clearance. Key responsibilities: General Work Execution. Enquiries: Ms T.M. Mathebula, tel. (015) 811 6300. WOMEN AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Please forward your application through the prescribed form (www.mopani.gov.za) together with your comprehensive CV and recent certified copies of your qualifications and the identity document to: The Municipal Manager, Mopani District Municipality, Private Bag X9687, Giyani 0826. Z83 forms and faxed applications will not be accepted. Closing date: 15 March 2013 at 12:00. Please note: •Fraudulent qualifications or documentation will immediately disqualify any application •MDM reserves the right not to fill these posts, should there be no suitable candidate identified •Late submissions will be disqualified •Should you not receive any response within two (2) months after the closing date, regard your application as unsuccessful •Submissions without certified copies of qualifications will not be considered. Mr MT Maake, Municipal Manager
SSRA 101196
experience contact me 074 5026 065 (31)____________________ Esam Phalane is my name I am looking for a job as a construction, electrical or welding engineering, general work, general maintenance contact me 073 334 0134 (32) ____________________ I am looking for a Electrical Engineering, driving promotions, garden services, administration & clerk work , receptionist and other general work contact me Ntsako. C. Mhlarhi on 083 520 5337 (33) Salesperson- I am working at nbl (fmcg) as a field marketer. I have matric, drivers licence and computer certificate. I can start as soon as possible. Contact, Matome Selomo at 0711534710. (34) ____________________ My name is Chriss Maswazi I am looking for a general job/ garden service, I have 3 years experience contact me 074 5026 065 (31) ____________________ Esam Phalane is my name I am looking for a job as a construction, electrical or welding engineering, general work, general maintenance contact me 073 334 0134 (32) ____________________ I am looking for a Electrical Engineering, driving promotions, garden services, administration & clerk work
, receptionist and other general work contact me Ntsako. C. Mhlarhi on 083 520 5337 (33) ____________________ Salesperson- I am working at nbl (fmcg) as a field marketer. I have matric, drivers licence and computer certificate. I can start as soon as possible. Contact, Matome Selomo at 0711534710. (34) ____________________ My name is Mohale Makwala I have security grades E, D, C, B, and sira, CIT, hand gun competencies and assessment training programme with a drivers licence code 10 of 12 years contact me on 076 094 1199 (35) ____________________ My name is David Setabola.I am looking for a job as sales represantative in food retail.I am situated at Limpopo working as a field marketer for unilever.Drivers licence and standard 10 with 15 years experience.I can start asap contact numbers 0793995918 (36) ____________________ My name is Dipolelo Morwasehla I am looking for a general job, admin clerk, receptionist, I can speak English, I have grade 12, computer literacy contact me on 079 994 5991 (37) ____________________ 65 Jarige blanke man (pensonaris) opsoek na opsigterwerk in Tzaneen kontak Chris 082 518 4504 (38) ____________________
My name is Johanna I am looking for a sewing, waitress, catering, decorating, laundry, 5 days or 7 days contact me on 073 492 3940 (39) ____________________
My name is Josephine I am looking for work as a bar lady, working in a deli, or any general work. Contact me on 073 515 9081 (40) ____________________
Bids are hereby invited from interested service providers for the Tzaneen electrical network upgrade: 11kv Cable works (phase 2). The minimum specifications are detailed in the bid document. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of R250 per document payable at the Revenue offices: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street. Interested consultants must give proof of the following documents: • Proof of qualifications (certified), certified ID copies, company registration / CK form, original TAX clearance certificate, proof of work experience (attach CV) and original or certified copy of B-BBEE certificate. Completed bid documents with attachments must be in a sealed envelope and deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, marked as Bid No: SCMU 13/2013 “TZANEEN ELECTRICAL NETWORK UPGRADE: 11KV CABLE WORKS (PHASE 2).” Bid documents will be available on 11 March 2013. Compulsory briefing session and site inspection will be on the 14 March 2013 @ 11:00 Old Fire Department, Civic Centre, Agatha Street. Closing date: 28 March 2013 @ 12:00 at Council Chamber. EVALUATION OF BIDS N.B. The evaluation of bids will be conducted in two stages. First stage will be the assessment of functionality, there after only bidders that obtain 70 points will be evaluated in terms of 90/10 Preference point scoring system, where 90 points will be allocated for price only and 10 points will be allocated based on the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status level of contributor. Contractors must be registered with ECB and CIPRO, must have a CIDB grading of 6EP or higher. Bidders are required to submit original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificates or certified copies thereof together with their bids, to substantiate their B-BBEE rating claims. FURTHER CONDITIONS ARE OUTLINED IN THE BID DOCUMENT. Technical enquiries should be directed to N Fourie @ 015 307 8161 or A Conradie @ 012 663 1328 Administrative enquiries should be directed to Leon Mashao @ 015 307 8157/076 813 4063 Mr ME Mankabidi Municipal Manager
Hi my name is Tshep Maake I am looking for a general work for 6 days a week contact me on 072 179 2596 (41) ____________________ I am looking for a cleaning, domestic or day care work my name is Eunice Ngomani contact me on 076 3900644 (42) ____________________
Domestic I am looking for a domestic work, have two years experience I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me Selinah Basetsi on 072 1658 736 (89) ____________________ My name is Promise Maenteja I am looking for a domestic work, general work, I have three years experience I speak English (ref Tinny 083 356 6761) contact me 079 475 3007 (90) ____________________ My name is Tintswalo Thoko mabunda I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 072 77 35 717 (91) ____________________ My name is Cate Phoshoko I am looking for a domestic work/general work or office cleaner, I have two years experience in Tzaneen chamber board, I speak English conrtact me on 071 217 5213 (92) ____________________ Emily Mphekgwane I am looking for a domestic work, general work, garden service six years experience I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me 073 187 2095 (93) ____________________ Winnie Maluleke I am looking for a domestic work / general work, look after children I can speak English, sleep in or out contact me on 073 800 8784 (94) ____________________ Peggy Baloy is my name I am looking for a domestic work 5
VACANCY Delta Blue Plant Hire requires tipper truck drivers with Code 14 drivers licence, valid PDP and relevant experience and a Final Level Grader Operator.
Contact Stephen: 073 996 0764
day or 2 day sleep out I speak English contact me on 072 0158 922 (95) ____________________ I am looking for a domestic work , general work, i can speak English I have 2 years experience sleep out or in. Contact me 078 982 3908 (96) ____________________ I am looking for a Office cleaner or general work I speak English my name is Sylvia Mohale contact me on 078 233 9937 (97) ____________________ My name is Andy I am looking for a domestic work or garden work contact me on 081 8087 543 (98) ____________________ My name is Monica Malatji I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English contact me on 079 999 3664 (99) ____________________ Sharon Bayana is my name i am looking for domestic work or office cleaning, contact me on 078 425 3885 (100) ___________________ Suzan Shikwambana I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner contact me on 078 584 3438 (101) ___________________ I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner i can speak Afrikaans, I have 29 years experience contact me Rosinah Ramodike on 082 597 7973 (102) ____________________ My name is Johanna I am looking for a domestic work 5 days a week please contact me on 073 492 3940 (103)____________________ My name is Fridah Nkgapele, I am looking for a domestic work, I have five years experience I speak Afrikaans, sleep out (Ref Dalinnah 082 326 1610) contact me on 078 306
8434 (104)____________________ I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, or office cleaner. I am 40 years old, honest hard working, I know how to cook and look after children. Please contact me on 083 969 3104 my name is Annah Mmola (105)____________________ My name is Rhoda I am looking for a domestic work or general work 3 – 5 days a week contact me on 0604468336 (106)____________________ My name is Prisca Malapane I have a cleaners certificate I am looking for work in cleaning please contact me on 071 473 9496 (107)____________________ My name is Tshep Maake I am looking for a gardening work 6 days a week contact me on 072 179 2596 (108)____________________
Admin My name is Yvonne Baloyi i am looking for a job as a cashier, reception, making orders and receiving stock contact me on 073 8661121 (4) ____________________
Driver My name is Solly Maenetja I am looking for a job as driver or gardener i have code EB licence i can collect children from school and back, was a driver in the city. Contact me on 082 071 2670 (10) ____________________ My name is Mahasha Confidence I passed my matric in 2007, I have a code 10 licence of six years, I speak sepedi and English contact me on 082 502 4214 (11) ____________________
Soccer Logs & Results at www.bulletin.us.com
Basel FC at the mercy of Spurs’ hot pot Giyani Hot Spurs has cleared its way towards the top of the SAFA Second Division League after whipping Basel FC 3-0 on Saturday at Giyani stadium. With just five points behind the leading team in the league, the win has narrowed the gap between the teams to two points. Depending on how other teams play, this could also see them move from position three to two in the league, a position that will make the Hotspurs’ fans optimistic. They
hope that their home team would one day represent them in the Premier Soccer League. Both teams had nothing to lose in Saturday’s game, since their positions in the league were very close. Basel FC was playing at position four, just two points below Hotspurs who were in position three. A win could have seen them climb onra step up the ladder to position three, and four points below
8 March 2013
Vossie-netbal doen beter Die eerste netbalwedstryde in die PUK-reeks is die afgelope naweek beslis. Ben Vorster het teen Standerton te staan gekom en die netbalspelers van Ben Vorster het soos hul rugbymaats geen genade getoon nie. Vossie-netbal is duidelik vanjaar ‘n krag waarmee rekening gehou sal moet word. Die eerste span het van meet af aan die pap dik aangemaak en goeie, aanvallende en gestruktureerde netball gespeel. Die verdedigers, Khayisa Chawone en Celia Loubser, was rotsvas en het die doele geen beweegruimte gegee nie. Die eerste span van die Vossies is duidelik ‘n goed ge-oliede span en 2013 beloof ‘n baie goeie soente vir Vossie-netbal te wees. Die o.14 A’s het 15-5 gewen; die o.14B-span het 11-10 gewen; die o.15A’s het 19-8 gewen; die o.15B’s het 23-6 gewen; die o.16A’s het 26-7 gewen; die o.16B’s het 17-11 gewen; die o.17A’s het 17-12 gewen; die o.17B’s het verloor, 13-15; die o.19B’s het ook verloor, 10-19 en die eerstes het met ‘n wegholtelling van 46-14 gewen.
Giyani Hotspurs [blue] and Basel FC [red and white]
the leading team. Unfortunately they appeared to have faced Hotspurs at the wrong time and wrong place, when they too were chasing for points to climb a step up the ladder. With the home ground advantage favouring them,Giyani Hot Spurs
put up an impressive performance that saw the visitors plunging down to 3-0, despite the bad refereeing which seem to find the Hotspurs at the wrong side of the law all the time. According to their team manager, Derrick Baloyi, the team
is aiming high and has signed up two players to bolster the team as they endeavour to keep their dream of finishing at the top of the league alive. “We’ve signed Akani Banda from Section A and a defender, Tiyani Maluleke,” he said
Vossies se
Vossie-hokkie vaar goed! Die Vossies se hokkiespelers (Puk-reeks) het Saterdag in Standerton nie so indrukwekkend soos die rugby- en netbalspelers gevaar nie. Die Vossies was deeglik bewus van die feit dat hul teenstanders gerekend in hokkie-kringe is. Verlede jaar het die Vossies dit ook so aan die lyf gevoel, met verloortellings soos 8-0 teen Standerton. Die Vossie het egter Saterdag moed en durf aan die dag gelê. Die tellings van 2012 het aansienlik gekrimp en die Vossies was gedugte teenstanders vir Standerton se hokkiemasjiene.
Mile “ Beat the Mist ” Ebenezer COUNTDOWN BEGINS
A beautiful dam, filled with pristine water, will once again be the venue for this very popular and exciting event! It’s all happening at the Mountain Yacht Club on
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Bornwise Thibela, Sven van Niekerk, Jino Moyo
Ernst Buys, Eddie Engelbrecht, Laborius Bopape
Lara Schutte, Cynthia Tsetsewa en Carmen Botha Nege atlete van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan die L i m p o p o - a t l e t i e kbyeenkoms deelgeneem, wat Saterdag in Polokwane gehou is. Die Vossie-atlete het uitstekend gepresteer. Meisies: Lara Schutte (3de – 400 m o.15), Carmen Botha (3de – 400 m-hekkies), Cynthia Tsetsewa (1ste – 400 mhekkies). Seuns: Bornwise Thibela (1ste – 400 m/1ste verspring o.15), Laborius Bopape (1ste diskus o.15), Eddie Engelbrecht (1ste – 100 m, 1ste – 200 m o.17), Sven van Niekerk (1ste – diskus o.17), Ernst Buys (1ste – 100 m/1ste – 200 m o.19) en Jino Moyo (2de – 100 m o.19).
Front: Charissa Bensch, Tlali Baloyi, Caro-Lee Kotze en Charlene Geldenhuys. At the back are Bianca Bierman, Evelyn Ramatsoma, Samantha de Freitas, Wency Mthombeni, Mahlodi Malepe, Danielle van der Merwe en Naomi Munduku.
Merensky netbal is warming up The Plasies’ first netball team was introduced to the school on Monday during assembly. The girls are looking forward to the season, and would like to invite all
supporters to come and cheer them on during their first match on Saturday (tomorrow) against Helpmekaar College from Johannesburg. The girls can’t wait
to show off their newly sponsored kit and will be using the two matches before the end of term, to get ready for their tour to Sportweni on the South Coast during April.
All may enter this open water mile (1609 m) swim. The age categories are under 14 and over 30 years and 14 to 30 years. There is also a 3000m swim serving as a SSA Qualifier. The first race is at 12:00 (1609 m for females under 14 and over 30 years) followed by event 2 at 13:00 (1609 m for males under 14 and over 30 years). At 14:00 event 3 starts (1609 m females and males 14 to 30 years). Race timing will be handled with electronic timing chips worn by the competitors. The short course development and introduction swim of 500 m will start at 15:05 and is open to all ages and genders. No times or placing will be recorded, but certificates will be issued to all finishers.
Entries are R100 and R75 for the 500 m swim . Entries on the day will be charged at R125. As always there are medals, cash prizes as well as product hampers and a super carnival atmosphere serving up food stalls, bar and much more for the whole family. Commemoration T-shirts will be on sale on the day. Prize giving is at 16:30.
ONLINE registration: www.ebenezermile.co.za We gratefully acknowledge our loyal sponsors, especially Powerade - Tzaneen.
8 March 2013
Rooi getygolf
The best of the Kloof
spoel 2012-kampioene met Vaalrivier af
Doug Reed
Saterdag was niks minder nie as rampspoedig vir die Hoërskool Standerton, toe Ben Vorster se rugbyspanne verlede jaar se wenners van die Beeldtrofee vir groot skole behoorlik afgestof het — terwyl die netbalmeisies ewe indrukwekkend was (berig op bl 15). Met die hokkie het dit nie so goed gegaan nie, maar volgens die tellings heelwat beter as verlede jaar. Rugby: Die o.14 A-span het indrukwekkend gelyk op ‘n sopnat veld. Van die afskop af was dit duidelik dat Standerton nie die mas gaan opkom nie. Die Vossies het die wedstryd met 53-0 gewen. Die o.14B’s het ook puik rugby gespeel en hul teenstanders met 81-0 eenvoudig voor hulle weggevee.
Die o.15A-span het hul segetg van 2012 voortgesit en met goeie samespel hul opponent met 38-0 onderstebo geloop. Die o.15B’s het eweneens lekker hardlooprugby uitgepak en hulle wen Standerton 59-0. Die o.16A’s se wedstryd was aanvanklik ‘n taai affêre, maar in die tweede helfte het die Vossies die krane oopgedraai en met 26-0 geseëvier. Die o.16B’s het nie op hulle laat wag nie en doen die A-span dit na om ook met 26-0 te wen. Die Vossies se tweede span was in ‘n klipharde wedstryd betrokke, maar hulle was steeds te sterk vir die opposisie en wen met 25-0. Ben Vorster se eerste span spring op ‘n lae noot weg, toe hul woelige flank Floyd Ntimane van die af-
skop af ‘n teenstander in die lug uithaal en ‘n geel kaart kry. Maar selfs met veertien man op die veld het die Vossies op die aanval gebly en kort voor lank die Vossies se SAskolesenter, Jinx Malapo, Standerton se verdediging ge en onder die pale gaankuier. Kort hierna het linkervleuel Helgard Claasen gaandruk. Die Vossies se pak voorspelers het by die afbreekpunte oorheers, en die agterspelers geleentheid gebied om te baljaar. Met al die balbesit was dit nie lank nie toe draf Jinx vir sy tweede drie deur. Kort voor rustyd het agsteman Erik van Niekerk agter die doellyn gaan kuier, om die rustydtelling 26-0 in die Vossies se guns temaak. Die tweede helfte is op
dieselfde trant voortgesit, met die Vossie-agterlyn wat baljaar het met al die balle wat hulle gekry het. Buitesenter Adrian Maebane en regtervleuel Surprise Mathebula het albei twee drieë in die tweede helfte gaan druk, sonder dat ‘n hand juis op hulle gelê is. Kort voor die einde het Standerton ‘n troosdrie gekry en dit verdoel. Dit is byna onwaar, maar die sewe punte was die enigste punte wat tussen die agt spanne van Standerton aangeteken is. Die einde het genadiglik hierna vir Standeron aangebreek en die Vossies wen dus met 50-7. Ben Vorster se volgende kragmeting is op 16 Maart teen die Hoërskool Montana in Pretoria. Jenelle de Jonge (11 jaar en in gr 6) van die Laerskool Tzaneen is gekies om as lid van die Limpopo-span aan die SA tweekampkampioenskappe vir meisies o.13 deel te neem. Die byeenkoms word later vanjaar in Oudtshoorn gehou.
Tzaneen gaan weer vanjaar goed verteenwoordig wees in Sondag se gewilde en uitmergelende Argus-fietsuithouren in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Net van die Tzaneen Cycling-klub alleen gaan 25 lede die op- en afdraande van die Skiereiland aandurf, en dan moontlik ook nog met die gevreesde Kaapse Dokter, die Suidoostewind wat ‘n mens van sy of haar fiets kan afwaai,moet stoei. Daar is ook verfskeie “private inskrywings” van fietsryers wat nie onder die vaandel van ‘n klub gaan deelneem nie. Daar is ook ‘n hele paar eerstes, verneem ons — soos ds Richard van der Westhuizen van die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen. Op die foto hierby is lede van Tzaneen Cycling wat die afgelope Saterdag vir oulaas ‘n behoorlike oefenrit in Tzaneen se omgewing afgelê het.
Duiwelskloof Bowls Club recently completed their Mixed Pairs (Drawn), Men’s & Ladies Singles and Men’s & Ladies Handicap Singles Championships. The winners were: Mixed Pairs Drawn Championship — Doug Reed and Di de Wet; Men’s Handicap Singles — Doug Reed; Ladies Handicap Singles — Sue Morrison; Mens Singles Championship — Damien Stefaans; Mens Singles Plate — Rob Cameron; Ladies Singles Championship — Sue Morrison; Ladies Singles Plate — Rosemary Atherstone.
Seen here are winners Sue Morrison, Rob Cameron, Rosemary Atherstone and Damien Stefaans.
Limpo Trials
In the photo are Lalla, Channel, Christopher, Makhungu and Jess.
Last Saturday fourteen of Stanford Lake College’s athletes who had been chosen in pre-trials to represent the Mopani District team, participated in the Limpopo Trials finals at Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane. The athletes performed particularly well and showed great fighting spirit and skill on the track and field. The following athletes were placed in the top three on the day: LallaShipilana (1st in the 100 m du Plessis (3rd in the javelin for hurdles for girls u.19), Jess Mayes girls u.17), Graeme Harty ( 3rd in (1st in the javelin for girls u.17), the high jump for boys u.15) and Makhungu Valoyi (3rd in the 100 Christopher de Jager (3rd in dism hurdles for girls u.17), Channel cus and shot put for boys u.15).
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se eerste rugbyspanspelers het hul truie vir die 2013-seisoen van JJ Breedt (oud-Vossie en tans ‘n gekontrakteerde speler vir Transvaal se Goue Leeus). Links staan die skoolhoof, mnr Chris Denysschen.