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28 Junie 2013
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Hawks closing
in on traffic chief
We exposed the questionably lavish lifestyle of civil servant Johannes Malatji in March this year. As it turns out, the Hawks ARE IN FACT investigating the traffic chief...
When the Bulletin broke the news that the financial affairs of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s traffic chief, Mr Johannes Malatji, are being scrutinised, details were skimpy. However, we can now confirm that the Hawks are indeed investigating Malatji’s affairs. Capt Paul Ramaloko, the national spokesperson of the Hawks, has confirmed that they are investigating Malatji. To add insult to injury, Malatji is rumoured to have been notified of disciplinary steps to be taken
Hospitaal-sake pla
Sake by die Van Velden Staatshospitaal in Tzaneen lyk sleg. Pasiënte en hul naasbestaandes het die afgelope tyd toenemend by die Bulletin gekla dat die behandeling in die hospital op ‘n laagtepunt is. In een van die jongste gevalle is ‘n 77-jarige vrou dood, na sy in Van Velden opgeneem en glo verwaarloos en aan haar eie genade oorgelaat is. Me Meisie Labuschagne, of “Ouma Meisie” soos die meeste mense haar geken het, is glo vir ‘n week lank sonder kos, water óf haar chroniese medisyne gelaat — en het haar stabiele toestand binne ‘n week ‘n totale ommekeer ondergaan.
Haar dogter, me Martie van Aarde, vertel hoe haar ma in die hospitaal sieker geword het en moontlik weens die hospitaal se nalatigheid dood is. Labuschagne is op 31 Mei opgeneem, na sy geval en haar oog en enkel beseer het. Labuschagne moes die afgelope vyftien jaar chroniese medikasie gebruik, vir onder meer diabetes en haar gemoedstoestand. Sy het vermoedelik ontrekkingsimptome weens die tekort aan medikasie gekry en haar hande het begin styftrek. Gevolglik kon sy nie self eet nie en die borde kos is glo deur personeel weggevat, sonder dat iemand gevra het hoekom sy nie eet nie en haar nie gehelp het nie. Van Aarde is slegs tydens besoekure by haar ma toegelaat. “Ek kon my ma net gedurende besoektye versorg, deur vir haar jogurt en Lucozade te voer. Ek weet nie wat die res van die tyd gebeur het nie.” Die hospitaal het glo ook nie doeke gehad nie en sy moes by God’s Haven, waar Labuschagne vir nege jaar ingewoon het, doeke gaan haal het. “Ek het haar byvoorbeeld om
against him by the GTM. We tried to obtain a confirmation of this from the GTM before going to print, but the GTM’s spokesperson, Mr Neville Ndlala, denied knowledge of this yesterday morning. He said he would find out about the alleged disciplinary steps to be taken against Malatji, and give us feedback. However, fours hours later he had not responded and when we tried to call him, his phone went onto voice mail. We then called the municipal manager, but we were told by his PA that
11:00 besoek en teen 15:00 was daar steeds nie vir haar ‘n doek aangesit nie. ‘n Mens kon die uitskeiding in die gang ruik en haar lyf was dikwels besmeer.” Martie sê haar ma is ook deur verpleegpersoneel omgedraai nie en het bedsere gekry. “ ‘n Senior verpleër het vir my gesê sy ken oumense en hulle maar gewoonlik so styftrek as hulle siek is. Toe ek besef my ma verswak, het ek vir die dokter (net bekend as dr Fima) gesê ek wil my ma na ‘n Rustenburgse hospital oorplaas.” Hy het geweier om haar na die Impala Platinum hospitaal, waar Meisie se mediese fonds haar koste sou dek, oor te plaas en hy het haar ontslaan en gesê sy makeer niks anders as die seer oog en enkel nie. Omdat sy ontslaan is kon ‘n ambulans, waarvan die koste deur die mediese fonds gedek sou word, haar nie vervoer nie Van Aarde het toe met haar ma in ‘n bakkie Rustenburg toe gejaag. Voordat hulle Rustenburg kon haal het Labuschagne tydelik in ‘n koma verval. Van Aarde sê “my ma
Mr Mankabidi was in a meeting and not available for calls and that nobody else would be able to assist with information. Our information is that Malatji has been or will be charged with negligence towards his job and that one of the charges will be that he has failed to act against people who abuse pavements or allow pavements to be damaged. Malatji has built a mansion in Lenyenye and it is said that this has been the final straw in drawing attention to his ‘grandiose’ lifestyle.
het in daardie stadium geen vog in haar vel gehad het nie en haar are het platgeval. Labuschagne is toe in dié hospitaal behandel, maar is ‘n week later dood. Volgens medici is sy dood aan dehidrasie wat na nierversaking gelei het, sê Van Aarde. Sy het Van Velden toe besoek om vir dr Fima te sê haar ma is dood. Dié was glo met verlof in Indonesië. Mnr Phuti Seloba, die kommunikasiehoof van Limpopo se department van gesondheid, sê die hospitaal kan hulle nie oor die geval uitlaat voordat die familie ‘n klag lê en die saak ondersoek is nie. Hy sê ook pasiënte se sake is vertroulik. Intussen het me Desiree van der Walt, die DA se koukusleier in die provinsiale regering, bevestig dat sy dié en ander voorvalle by Van Velden gaan ondersoek. Sy is egter tot en met die einde van volgende week nie in Tzaneen nie en sal daarna aandag aan die toedrag van sake by Van Velden skenk. — Amelia de Ridder
Black Leopards resume training page 27
Coach House Make-over page 3
28 Junie 2013
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Sê jou sê The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others. • Die media (namens die volk?) vra hoekom is Nelson Mandela nie met ‘n private ambulans vervoer nie (nadat die sogenaamde mobiele intensiewesorgeenheid van die Weermag se mediese korps langs die pad gebreek en vir veertig kritieke minute langs die pad vir ‘n ander ambulans moes wag). Maar hoekom vra niemand hoekom die oud- president in ‘n private hospitaal opgeneem is nie? Hoekom is hy nie in byvoorbeeld die Steve Biko Akademiese Hospitaal of die Chris Hani Hospitaal opgeneem nie? Is dit ‘n erkenning van die staat dat sy hospitale (mediesedienste) nie goed genoeg is nie? Wat dink jy? • The media (on behalf of the nation?) is asking why Nelson Mandela wasn’t transported in a private ambulance (after the so-called mobile ICU had broken down and had to wait there for a critical forty minutes on another ambulance). But why isn’t anyone asking why the former president was admitted to a private hospital? Why wasn’t he admitted to (for instance) the Steve Biko Academic Hospital or the Chris Hani Hospital? Is it the government admitting that their hospitals (medical services) aren’t good enough? What do you think? Jean Aucamp Die regering probeer hom genees, nie van mediese wanpraktyk, onbevoegdheid of plein slegtigheid in ‘n staatshospitaal laat omkom nie! Nicki Loam The question your asking is confusing... you want him in a private ambulance but then admitted to a public hospital? He is a human being like the rest of us at the end of the day and I’m sure he has a bloody good medical aid, so why should he have to go to a state hospital. He has the right to choose, it’s not up to the government to decide for him! (Please read the question again — Editor) Amanda Strydom Reason? The shocking conditions in a state day-hospital would have been a further disgrace to this 5th world country. Not good enough is putting it mildly. Just imagine one of the family members of Mr Mandela wanted to use the toilet? Finding used syringes and the smell of old urine so bad it wants to make you vomit? Hennie Van Vreden What a perfect opportunity for world media to grasp an idea of state hospitals transport and conditions... Johan du Toit As ‘n land van ‘n eerste wêreld na ‘n derde wêreld beweeg is dit doodnormaal dat ALLES agteruit sal gaan, is mos voor die hand liggend. Nepotisme en korrupsie is deel van Afrikaideologie... hoe dan anders? Adele van der Linde Uhm... Hy’s in die Pretoria HART hospitaal. Dis ‘n spesialishospitaal... (Sy toestand is kritiek vanweë ‘n longkwaal, nie sy hart nie — Redakteur) Sean Niemandt Hierdie hele opblaas van die ambulans-storie word vir my buite verband geruk. Ons is al hoeveel kere verseker die mediese versorging is ni ebenadeel as gevolg van die breek van die ambulanse nie, maar ek dink dit is net ‘n weerafleier van die werklike kwesies. Hierdie hele aangeleentheid is besig om in ‘n sirkus te ontaard en dit toon ‘n gebrek aan respek vir iemand wat in ‘n kritieke toestand in die horpitaal lê. Mense is meer bekommerd oor die ambulanse en sy besoekers as sy welstand Vone Rad My ondervinding van privaat hospitale is nie baie goed nie en daar is oor die algemeen baie klagtes oor privaat hospitale. Ek het nou al privaat hospitale gesien en provinsiale hospitale en om die waarheidtesê is die grootste verskil die prys. Amanda Strydom Dis horobaal. Mediese “afval” wat so oral rondlê is ‘n groot oortreding as dit kom by die mediese wêreld.
Kort lynstaan Vlieg krap mos nie graag in iemand anders se slaai nie. Aangesien hierdie nuuspapiertjie nou die een of ander Oubal het wat dink hy weet iets van rugby af, weerhou Vlieg hom maar daarvan om te gereeld oor hierdie geloof te preek. Vandeesweek kan Vlieg egter nie anders nie, en ten minste kan hy wat Vlieg is darem rugby spel! Vlieg het die onderbreking van die Super-14-en-Huursoldate vir die internasionale wedstryde maar so op sy stil manier van die kantlyn af dopgehou. En na afloop daarvan kan hy nou bekendmaak dat hy alweer reg was. Soos Vlieg vooraf al gedink het, was dit heel onnodig om enigsins ‘n
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... Springbokspan te kies vir hierdie wedstryde. Hulle kon net die Goue Leeus teen Italië, Skotland en die Balknypers laat speel het, en die res van die Super14-en-Huursoldate solank afgehandel het. Die Leeus het in elk geval baie beter gevaar teen die Samoane. En Vlieg sou graag die Samoaan wil ontmoet wat dit sal durf waag om ‘n Leeu aan die bal te knyp! Tensy daai nommer 15 natuurlik ‘n uroloog is, en eintlik net Adriaan Strauss se prostaat ondersoek het! Nietemin, sterkte vir oom Cheeky se huursoldaatjies vir die res van die kompetisie. Vlieg sien julle een van die dae op Ellispark. Dan sal ons sien wie word gepromoveer en wie gereligeer!
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die skinderstories oor die onmin oor beweerde rassisme in ‘n sekere politieke party loop by die dag dikker en die viners wys nou so heen en weer dat mens lig in jou kop raak as jy al die bewegings probeer volg. Baas beskuldig Klaas en Klaas beskuldig Baas en so karring dit aan... • Dit gaan glo so as ‘n groepering leierloos is. Of as die leier sommige volgelinge mislei en ander voortrek en teen sy beterwete
sommige beskerm... • Die groot wiel draai stadig, maar hy draai ongenadiglik. Vir die piesangplantasie se kuiergas kan dit lastig raak. Maar die mense hoor die piesangplantasie se prettigheid is maar ‘n druppel aan die emmer. Daar is glo ‘n paar ander sake wat die Baas van die piesangplantasie (nie die eienaar nie) nog slegter aan die hakskeen gaan/kan byt...
Boys and puppies are easy to please...
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Spesiale Habitat-bylae: Bladsye 11-23
28 Junie 2013
New GM wants hotel to regain its former glory Ms Cobe Röhm, the new GM of the Coach House Hotel, is pictured here with Mr Michael Beggs, group marking manager for the Orion Group, owners of the hotel. Tzaneeners was verbaas toe die veld langs die Oasis Mall in ‘n vragmotorstaanplek omgeskep is. Ongeveer vyftien vragmotors en ‘n paar bakkies van ‘n vervoersaak van Witbank moes verlede Woensdagaand ‘n staanplek soek, toe hulle vir klaringspermitte gewag het. Die maatskappy vervoer steenkool na Zimbabwe en kalksteen terug na SA. Die groep het baie aandag gelok en selfs verkeerslui het gaan loer. ‘n Eienaar van die maatskappy wat saam met die vloot gereis het, sê hulle wil ‘n ‘truck stop’ in Tzaneen skep. Daar is baie swaar vragmotor-verkeer (myntoerusting na Phalaborwa, vragte na en van Zimbabwe en varsprodukte van die omgewing na markte). Daar is ‘n groot behoefte vir ‘n veilige oornagstilhouplek. Die maatskappy beplan die stilhouplek vir wanneer die beoogde deurpad in Tzaneen gebou word.
The Coach House in Agatha is set to make up lost ground and regain its former glory. This is the pledge from Ms Coba Röhm who takes up her post as the new general manager of the hotel this week. Coba, who has been in the hotel business since 1987, is fresh from transforming the Sheppard boutique hotel in Nelspruit into an award-winning tourist attraction. She is also musically-gifted and is determined to reintroduce the classical concerts that were so popular here in recent years. She plans to establish a small art gallery on the property where local artists can exhibit. “I want to create a new niche for the hotel as a venue for art and culture, for philosophical meetings and discussion groups. I invite all keen creative hands to join me for ‘stitch and bitch’ gatherings on the mountain,” she says. “I have no intention of copying Guy Matthews,” Coba acknowledges, “but I shall help re-create the ambience that this historic venue enjoyed before.” She believes the Coach House can fulfil the role of a custodian of history and nature.
“Of course it won’t be easy. I do not have unlimited resources, but I will work hard to maintain the highest level of service and standards. I refuse to make any promises that I cannot keep and I will hold open the channels of communication.” Coba is South African with German, Scottish and French antecedents. She studied drama at Stellenbosch University, plays the piano and composes songs for adults and children. In her early years she lived in the Kruger National Park where her three children were raised. She taught music to the children of the Park staff in Skukuza and was influenced by the legendary Dr Salomon Joubert in developing her own deep love of nature. As single parent she went through some tough times, but Coba has found spiritual peace and is here to stay. “I even gave away my beloved dog to accept this position!” She is a qualified life and business coach and a charitable fund-raiser. She was nominated as a candidate for the SA Business Woman of the Year 2012 award for Mpumalanga.
Foto: Retha Nel
Katryn Barwise, model, entrepreneur, singer ands Miss Limpopo 2012, was selected as a Miss Earth SA national semi-finalist. She will join the rest of the 25 semi-finalists for a week of training in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Miss Earth SA aims at empowering young SA women with the knowledge and platform to create a sustainable difference in our plight to combat the destruction of our natural heritage. The crowning of Miss Earth SA will take place in Johannesburg on 17 August 2013.
28 Junie 2013
Tzaneen police arrest 23
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There were two court convictions. Mhlatsi Nomvela was sentenced to three years imprisonment for theft and Mafanato Annah Malu-leke to three years imprisonment for shoplifting. This week’s Tzaneen police crime hint is to be wary of people offering jobs. There is apparently people who offer blank cards and tell them to go withdraw money for payment demanding you leave your valuables with them. When you arrive at the ATM you will find no money in the account and when you get back to where you left, the thieves will have gotten away with your valuables. The intention is to steal your items such as cell phones and money.
The Tzaneen police made 23 arrests during the last week. Among those apprehended were seven suspects for shoplifting, two for theft and one for theft under false pretences. A further three suspects were arrested for housebreaking and theft and two for common robbery. Three people were arrested for drinking and driving, two for assault GBH and one for assault common. One person was detained for the possession of dagga while Letsitele police arrest 43 another was apprehended for failure to The Letsitele police made a staggering 43 arcomply with a main- rests over last weekend. The majority of the arrests were for one particular form of crime tenance order.
— 28 suspects were arrested for violation of the Liquor Act. These arrests highlight the serious problem of alcohol abuse in South Africa. The Medical Research Council of South Africa’s statistics have revealed a close association between alcohol and violence. A further six suspects were detained for contravening the Road Traffic Act, while five were arrested for operating a business without a license. Two suspects were apprehended for assault with intention to cause grievous bodily harm and another two for possession of dagga.
Ritavi Police arrest 42 The Ritavi Police arrested 42 people for various criminal acts during the past week. The most arrests (fifteen) were made for transgressing the Road Traffic Act. It is followed by eight arrests for assault GBH. Five people were taken into custody for contravening the Liquor Act, three for common assault and two each for housebreaking and theft, as well as murder. Single arrests were made for robbery, theft, possession of a dangerous weapon, possession of suspected stolen property, pointing a firearm, rape and possession of dagga.
Boere in die Tzaneen-gebied het ‘n nuwe probleem waarmee rekening gehou moet word. Diewe kom nou snags en saag besproeiingspype af, net om die koperkrane te bekom. Die diewe saag PVC- en gegalvaniseerde pype af. Hierby is ‘n foto van pype wat op ‘n piesangplaas in Georges Valley afgesaag is. Gelukkig vir die boer was die groot stopkraan toegedraai en het daar nie water verlore gegaan nie. Dit kon die boer se waterrekening sleg getref het en as baie water uitgespuit het, sou vloedskade aan die piesangboorde verdere skade berokken het.
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God’s Haven Diebedank inwoners endie bestuur vanpersone God’s vir Haven sê vir almal Hulle graag volgende hul bydraes: Graham baie dankie wat ons die afgelope weke geseën Partnership vir lekker piesangs, W Steyntwee vir papajas, Nauta het Projek met donasies, ‘n lekker geselsie, huisgodsdiens (Allesbeste Padstal besoeke, en BP Lombard) vir vrugte en piesangs, Anonieme en lekker saamsing. Die inwoners genietenditSantie baie.Willems Dit persoon vir buitemat en plastiese sakkies, Adriaan werklik baiekruideniersware, waardeer. virword verskeidenheid A Coetzee vir kaggelhout (inwoners se harte ook sommer lekker warm), Tzaneen Cash & Carry vir eiers en suiker, Anonieme persoon vir lekker vars spinasie, NGK Wolkberg vir Vadersdagkaartjies en sjokolade, ProGroup Apteke vir Vadersdaggeskenkies, Sugarloaf vir lekker brood, Absolute Water vir diens van watersuiweraar, filters en hul gebede, Tzaneng Apteek vir hoesgoed, Buks en Annemarie Carstens vir mans- en damesklerasie, komberse en lakens, Anonieme persoon vir die sny van inwoners se hare op ‘n maandelikse basis, Adel Wijma vir emmer koekies, Matie Willemse (Universal Pallets) vir maandelikse vleisdonasie, Gereformeerde Kerk (F Venter) vir toebroodjies, Letaba Charcoal vir kaggelhout (dit word baie waardeer vir ons koue dae). ‘n Groot dankie aan Riana en Jackie vir jul hulp oor naweke in jul vrye tyd. Dankie aan oom Fred en Rima vir jul betrokkenheid met inwoners. Dankie aan Ansie, Johan en Jannie vir jul bydrae met medikasieverpakking.
28 Junie 2013
28 Junie 2013
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Ons Mening
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 28 Junie 2013
Ds Barry van der Merwe NG Kerk Letsitele
Vragmotor-rusplek Plaaslike sakelui sal darem seker nie toelaat dat sakelui van ‘n dorp in Mpumalanga hier in Tzaneen rusplek-/oornaggeriewe vir swaar vragmotors en hul bestuurders kom inrig nie! Die behoefte aan so ‘n gerief bestaan lankal, maar die plaaslike owerheid het klaarblyklik nog nie veel aandag daaraan geskenk nie — ongeag die feit dat dit ‘n bron van inkomste vir die GTM kan wees en die dorp se ekonomie ‘n verdere hupstootjie kan gee. Eweneens steur die GTM hulle ook nie aan die probleem van rylopers wat verkeer ontwrig en ‘n gevaar is vir die rylopers en motoriste nie, waar hulle weerskante van die besige vierrigting-hoofingang van die dorp langs en in die hoofpad saamdrom nie. Die rylopers kan en sal nie weggewens word nie. Skep gerus eerder vir hulle geriewe en ‘n veilige staanplek.
Eish! Sue Ettmayr writes by e-mail: Potholes abound on Limpopo roads. When I became a pothole victim I decided to investigate the claim route. I had burst the front right tyre of a new Fiat 500 at midnight on 1 March 2013. I was a woman alone on the unlit Old Station Road in Tzaneen between the R71 to Phalaborwa and the R36 to Lydenburg. Fortunately Jaco Strydom from Premier Trucking and his wife stopped within minutes of the incident. Strydom, and thereafter many locals, informed me that motorists burst their tyres on this particular pothole daily. The next day I got tyre quotes from Maxiprest and Hi-Q. I returned to the scene and took photos from every angle. The road, allegedly, was carved up in this straight line by a farmer who needed a waterway. A trip to the Municipality revealed that this road is maintained by the Department of Roads and Transport. The Tzaneen Roads and Transport Department faxed my letter and photographs to Freddie Mokgalaka in the Giyani District.
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sideration of speed associated with the Tjunction up front could have assisted you to avoid the accident.” I had to accept a 70-30 settlement within a week. The T-junction was behind me and I was heading on a road to infinity as can be seen from the photo. I have therefore asked the Department of Roads and Transport to re-evaluate my situation.
Letters • Briewe A week later I accompanied Mokgalaka to the scene where he took photos. I received a letter three months later from Ms Hanli Du Plessis from Polokwane head office. The Roads Department letter states, “From the scene of the accident there was a 900 metre distance towards the T-junction. There obviously are signs indicative of said T-junction. A careful driver would have slowed down. Due con-
Uit oudpresident Nelson Mandela se boek Long Walk to Freedom die volgende aanhaling: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Al word jy dus vrygelaat uit die gevangenis op Robbeneiland, maar het nie respek vir ander mense en hul lewensruimte nie, bly jy `n gevangene van jou eie Robbeneiland. Die oud-president het daarin geslaag om, na hy vrygelaat is uit die gevangenis, respek te betoon aan ander. Dit was op 24 Junie agtien jaar sedert die Springbokke die Rugby-wêreldbeker op Ellispark gewen het en president Mandela glimlaggend met `n Springboktrui aan op die veld gekom het vir die oorhandiging van die beker. Sal ons dit ooit vergeet! Die eerste swart president van Suid-Afrika, op Ellispark, in `n Springboktrui! Dit was voorwaar `n gebaar van versoening, `n demonstrasie van vry-wees. Ek onthou hoe die taxi’s daardie middag in Lynnwoodweg, Pretoria, op en af gery en toeter geblaas het en hoe die insittendes geskree het: “Amabokke-bokke!” Sedertdien sukkel mense nog steeds om weg te bly van hul eie Robbeneiland af. Ons is nie bereid om die ander een se trui aan te trek en saam met hom of haar te juig of te huil nie. Dit herinner my aan Paulus se woorde in Galasiërs 5 vers 1: “Christus het ons vry gemaak om werklik vry te wees. Staan dan vas in hierdie vryheid en moet julle nie weer onder ‘n slawejuk laat indwing nie.” Mooi naweek!
Thank You! Bulletin approached the Mayor and the Muni-cipal Manager after two vehicles had an accident behind Magic Build, due to poor visibility as a result of the pavements being used to stack building materials. We requested them to act to make the area safer for both pedestrians and motorists. Magic Build reacted positively and started clearing up the pavements. Bulletin has been highlighting this problem for a couple of years and finally something is being done. Thanks!
Smit Garrun does it again for charity! Smit Garrun Brokers once again opened their hearts to the community. Due to difficulty finding a suitable date for the an-
nual Family Day next to the Tzaneen Dam, it had to be cancelled. Instead, a theatre dinner presented by Smit Garrun and the Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club was held. Guests enjoyed bonfires (far left), wine and picnic food and Lumbus Frater, a well-known local band, provided the entertainment. The band and the presenters are seen in this photo: Messrs Martin Froise (Lions Club), Werner Bredenhann, Sarel Snyman, Ms Riekie and Mr Koos Smit (Smit Garrun), Messrs Mario Santa Rita and Jansen van der Walt.
Photos: Jaco Rautenbach
28 Junie 2013
AJ het elke dag ‘n nuwe ‘scheme’ vir ‘n besigheid Klein AJ van der Westhuizen van Tzaneen is maar agt jaar oud en net in gr 2 — maar hy doen sake dat die biesies bewe. In die Bulletin se eksklusiewe reeks oor jong entrepreneurs/presteerders (onder 35) in ons omgewing gesels Amelia de Ridder vandag met dié sakeknaap. Ons ontvang graag name van jong entrepreneurs/presteerders om aan ons gemeenskap voor te stel. Stuur die inligting na amelia@bulletin.us.com of bel Amelia by 015 307 7248.
Op die oog af is AJ van der Westhuizen ‘n tipiese laerskoolseun. Sy mond is nog met sjokolade omraam, as hy vir ‘n foto gaan sit. Ma Mariette vryf gou met haar vingers oor die merke wat sy Milo-drankie gelos het en por hom aan om groot vir my te glimlag, waar ek agter die kamera sit. Wat dié agtjarige knap egter van sy gr 2maats uitsonder, is dat hy ‘n geesdriftige jong entrepreneur is, wat op ‘n baie vroeë ouderdom reeds geleer het hoe om sy sente om te draai. AJ wou soos meeste kinders baie graag ‘n televisiestel in sy kamer hê, maar sy ma het eenvoudig vir hom gesê hy moet vir iets werk as hy dit wil hê. Dit is toe dat AJ se ouma met die voorstel kom dat hy blikkieskos vir ekstra sakgeld verkoop. Oupa het met die kapitaal vir AJ se besigheid gehelp en Ouma sorg dat AJ se voorraad gekoop word. Die blikkies tamatie en uie, asook ‘n ‘boererelish’ wat hy by Miami Canners koop, verkoop glo soos soetkoek onder die inwoners van die kompleks waar AJ en Mariette
bly. Die personeel by Mariette se werk is ook gek na AJ se blikkies wat vir ‘n fraksie van winkelpryse verkoop word. Die blikkies het soms net ‘n duikie of skewe naamplakker op en word daarom nie winkels toe gestuur nie — al skort daar niks met die inhoud nie. En al maak AJ nie ‘n reusebedrag wins deur sy blikkieverkope nie hou dit hom besig en leer dit hom hope belangrike vaardighede. Mariette sê sy loop nie saam hom wanneer hy sy draaie deur die woonstelblok maak nie. AJ verduidelik en verkoop sélf sy produk aan klante. “Dit gee hom selfvertroue en leer hom om verwerping te oorkom. Hy leer ook hoe om mense en hul onderskeie persoonlikhede te hanteer”. AJ vertel van ‘n oom wat eendag effe nors met hom was toe hy sy blikkies aan hom wou smous. “Maar die oom het ‘n blikkie gekoop en later teruggekom vir nog vier. Én hy het vir my R2 ekstra gegee”, sê AJ breëbors. En wat sê mense wanneer ‘n laerskoolkind aanklop? “Die mense het maar verskillende reaksies. Sommiges dink selfs dis ek wat hom rondstuur om dit vir my eie gewin te verkoop”, sê sy. Toe sy jonger was moes Mariette self ook gewerk het vir dit wat sy wou hê. Haar ouers het nie vir haar sakgeld gegee nie en sy het allerhande goed — van matwaspoeier tot Tupperware en oonde verkoop. Sy was die eerste leerling in haar skool wat in gr 10 ‘n selfoon gehad het, sê sy. “Ek moes een hê, want ek moes my bemarkers bel wat gehelp het om die oonde te
verkoop”.Sy is geleer om selfstandig te wees en selfvertroue te hê en nou leer sy dit ook vir haar seun. “AJ het elke dag ‘n nuwe ‘scheme’ vir ‘n besigheid”, sê Mariette laggend. Sy vertel hoe sy op ‘n dag vir AJ se ribburger wou betaal, net om by die skool te hoor dat hy self reeds daarvoor betaal het. “Hy het sommer van sy albasters daarvoor verkoop.” Sy herroep ook hoe hy fizzers aan sy maats verkoop het sodat hulle nie in die lang snoepwinkelrye hoef te staan nie — teen ‘n wins natuurlik! Maar ten spyte van sy goeie sakevernuf, wil AJ graag eendag as hy ‘groot’ is ‘n speurder word. Hy wil nie eintlik sy eie besigheid hê nie, want dan gaan hy mense moet kry om vir hom te werk en moet hy hulle betaal, sê hy sonder skroom. “AJ is maar nog bietjie suinig met sy geld — ons werk daaraan”, verdedig Mariette vinnig. “Ek het op ‘n dag vir hom gesê hy moet vir hom ‘n boek koop, waarin hy kan boekhou van sy besigheid. Hy het geweier en gesê dat hy nie sy eie geld daarop sou mors nie en eerder ‘n boek by die huis sou uitkrap.” AJ is ‘n flukse boekhouer. Hy het ‘n lessenaar en kantoorstoel by sy ma geërf. ‘n Skootrekenaar (wat stokoud is) en sy ma se ou Blackberry ook. Volgens sy ma kan hy ure lank sit en pryse uitwerk. Sy gaan ook binnekort vir hom sy eie bankrekening open. Wanneer AJ nie besig is met sy verkope nie, speel hy graag op sy oupa (sy grootste rolmodel) se plaas, waar hy damme bou en pypkar ry — en hy is omtrent ‘n geesdriftige
pypkarbestuurder! Mariette sê dat AJ se entrepreneurskap hom talle vaardighede aangeleer het. Volgens haar is een van die belangrikste lesse wat hy kon leer dat mense nie noodwendig altyd van hom of sy produk gaan hou nie. Verder leer hy ook verskeie verantwoordelikhede en om bietjie oor die waarde van geld te redeneer. “Hy sou voorheen sommer vir geld vir ‘n koekverkoping by die skool gevra het. Nou dink hy eers voor hy geld uitgee en bestee dit nie sommer op enigiets nie”. AJ is ook nie inkennig nie en hy gesels graag. “Ek betaal hom soms net om stil te bly”, spot Mariette. Hy het ook geleer om self probleme op te los, wanneer dit opduik. Mariette is ‘n enkelouer en omdat sy soms in vergaderings met kliënte vas is, is dit nie altyd vir haar maklik om in die motor te spring en vir AJ by die skool te gaan haal nie. Hy is gelukkig nie skaam om deur sy selfoon se naamlys te soek en iemand te bel om hom gou te kom haal nie. “Iémand moet”, sê AJ astrant. “Maar as dit ‘n vreemdeling is sê ek baai-baai”. AJ gesels opgewonde oor sy nuutste planne vir geldmaak. Hy gaan binnekort kruie wat hy op die plaas plant in kleiner potjies oorplant en verkoop. “’n Kwekery het klaar gesê dat hulle belangstel”, spog Mariette. En die televisiestel wat hy dan so graag wou hê? Daarvoor sal dié jong entrepreneur nog heelwat moet spaar. Maar met soveel plannes en selfvertroue is hy kort op Richard Branson se hakke.
28 Junie 2013
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6 & 7 Julie 2013
Tzaneen Skouterrein Gospelfeesprogram 6 Julie 2013 05:30 Hengelkompetisie 07:00 Hekke maak oop vir uitstallers 09:00 Hekke maak oop vir publiek Bergfietswedren Kunsaktiwiteit (Paint Pot-kraampie) (Groter kinders en volwassenes) 09:30 Amptelike opening van fees 10:00 “Open stage” kunstenaars (Houtdek) (Sang- en dansitems) 11:00 Kunstenaars : Carinde (Houtdek) Sibongile (Houtdek) Willie en die wenspan (Kid’s saal) 12:00 “Open stage” kunstenaars (Houtdek) (Dans en sang) Kunsaktiwitet (Paint Pot-kraampie) 13:00 Opvoering vir kinders (Kid’s saal) (Rooikappie lei wolf na die Here toe) Open stage kunstenaars 14:00 Kunstenaars: (Houtdek) Elize Opvoering vir tieners (Kid’s-saal) (Awe ma, ek is cool koos) 14:30 Carinde (Houtdek) 15:00 Sibongile (Houtdek) Kunsaktiwiteit (Paint Pot-kraampie) 15:30 Kunstenaars: Duis:lig (Houtdek) 16:30 Ballonne loslaat Open Stage Kunstenaar : Trekklavier (Uitstallersaal)
Kinderprogram 6 Julie 2013 09:00 Trippe Trappe Drome (Kidz Aktiwiteitsarea) 10:00- Monkeynastix (Kidz Aktiwiteitsarea) 11:00 Willie En Die Wenspan (Kid’s Saal) 12:00- Kindermuziek Met Mareli 12:30- Trippe Trappe Drome (Kids Aktiwiteitsarea) 13:00- Opvoering Vir Kinders (Kid’s Saal) 14:00 (Rooikappie Lei Wolf Na Die Here Toe) 14:00 : Opvoering Vir Tieners (Kids Saal) (Awe Ma, Ek Is Cool Koos) 15:00 Cup Cake Versiering (Kidz Aktiwiteitsarea) 15:30- Storie Verteller 16:00 Ballonne Loslaat Vryspel Aktiwiteit
Sondagdiens - 10:00 7 Julie 2013 09:45 Dewald Gouws 10:00 Dansgroep: How Great Is Our God 10:10 Verwelkoming: Adri Kruger 10:20 Woord : Lizette Mobey
17:30 Kunstenaar : Onbeskaamd (Houtdek)
10:45 Lofprysing & Aanbidding: Dewald Gouws
19:00 Kunstenaar: Dewald Gouws (Houtdek)
11:15 Afsluiting
Hierdie bladsy is deur ‘n weldoener geborg
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28 Junie 2013
Mukhanyo invites new students
The Catholic Church Hall was filled with fun and laughter during the Irish Pub evening earlier this month. With draught beer, Irish stew, music, dancing and fairytale lights that lit up the scene, the atmosphere was that of a country beer festival. Some enjoyed watching the rugby and playing darts in the pub area or chatted and caught up on the latest news of Tzaneen and others danced the night away. Many fun prizes were won and the attendees are looking forward to next year. Here two of the merrymakers enjoy some beer.
People of Tzaneen and surroundings again have the opportunity to enroll for a diploma (SAQA ID: 74380) in Sound Theology. Mukhanyo Distance started in April in Tzaneen with its first module. A number of students enrolled and finished the interesting module on healthy Christian spirituality. People interested in Theology are invited to enroll for the next module. It will be a module in Systematic Theology. Topics to be studied include how God speaks to us, the
Holy Trinity, God’s providence, angels and demons, sin and the life and work of Jesus. Students from different theological backgrounds attend the DVD lectures under the guidance of the local facilitator, Dr Edmund De Beer. Discussions of the different topics help the students to support each other and to become part of a bigger spiritual family.
A number of bursaries are available. Selected students will be able to study the diploma course for as little as R100 per module. The first lecture of the new module takes place on Friday 12 July at 14:00 at the Reformed Church in Claude Wheatley Street, opposite the FET College in Tzaneen. All lectures conducted in English. Contact De Beer on 083 391 1065 or visit www.mukhanyo.co.za.
Die SAVF Kleuterskool Tzaneen het 180 kartonne met kos vir armes ingesamel. Die skool het saam met Pam Golding aan die Winterhoop-veldtog deelgeneem, wat kos en klere aan dié in nood skenk. Me Anette Eastes (hoof) sê dit leer die kinders om met ander te deel. Die SAVF sorg maandeliks vir sestig gesinne vir kospakkies. Agter is die voorsitter en ondervoorsitter van die SAVF, mee Ina Janse van Rensburg en Ilza Roelofse, by mee Kotie Erasmus, Saartjie Roelvert, mnr Martin Fouché, mee Neli Chauke en Tanya Roets en mnr Deon de Swardt.
Mercedes-BenzPre-Owned Inherit only the best
A180AVANTGARDE, AT; GREY; 11 019 KM; 2012 R219 000.00
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C200AVANTGARDE, AT; WHITE; 8 447 KM; 2013 R369 000.00
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ANDRIES @ 082 802 3818 E200AMGSPORT, A/T; SILVER; 13 575 KM; 2013 R539 000.00
MercuriusTzaneen, 0850 Tzaneen, Limpopo, 38 Peace Street, Tel.: 015 307 5020, Fax: 015 307 1102, E-Mail: ccoetzee@cargomotors.co.za Finance is available from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no 18604) & Credit Provider (Licence no NCRCP 80). www.mymercedes.co.za
28 Junie 2013
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Nazarene student excells Hardus Louw, graduate of Nazarene Christian Academy in Tzaneen, has received the Golden Key Award from the Golden Key International Honor Society. He is currently in his third year at North West University‘s Potchefstroom Campus studying B Comm in Economics, risk and investment management. He has managed to achieve nineteen distinctions out of a total of 24 subjects over a period of two years. This achievement has placed him in the top ten percent in his faculty. Hardus never attended a conventional school, only an ACE (Accelerated Christian Education-School of Tomorrow) school.
Silvermist Fair next weekend
LETABA Field Service Available
It’s time to chill out, de-stress, get happy and explore better health at the Silvermist Holistic, Health and Wellness Fair in Haenertsburg on 6 & 7 July in the Village Hall from 09:00 to 16:30. This year the emphasis will be on health and wellness and a number of new health practitioners will be there to provide therapy, treatments and expert advice. There will also be a bumper range of exciting health food and wellness products on display. Regular therapists who will do gentle, healing foot massages, a trauma and stress releasing method and who will help you discover the language of your brain with psychological hand analysis will be in attendance. A Body Talk practitioner who uses a state-of-the art approach to integrative mind/body medicine will also attend to people and talks on focused meditation based on Epigenetics will be delivered. Other subjects that will be dealt with are: Emotional Freedom Techniques), Psych-K and the Sedona Method; Shamballa Multidimensional Energetic Healing; Body stress release, Live Blood Analysis, Scio Therapy; sports massage; Indian head massage; sound healing; chakra balancing and aura dusting. There will be stalls selling healing creams, essential oils, soaps, candles, rare crystals, Himalayan salt, a selection of esoteric books, beauty products, mosaic craft, wind chimes,
wire art and clothing. Loads of healthy, nutritious food will be available, Blueberry Heights will have their organic blueberry products for sale and traditionally made cheeses from Wegraakbosch Organic Dairy may be tasted. Whole grain polenta with no additives or preservatives will be available and there will be demos on whole food cooking. Also find out about Hydroponics and how ‘n Oud-Vossie, Steyou can grow herbs fan Geeringh (19), is and vegetables in your in ‘n motorongeluk kitchen. Beautiful hy- dood. Hy was van gr droponic containers 8-12 in die Hoërskool planted with sesame, Ben Vorster en het coriander, fennel and verlede jaar matriek other herbs will be for geskryf. Hy het in Springs gewoon en sale. was op pad huis toe
Entrance: R10/person, R5/pensioners, children u.12 free. Contact Amanda on 083 447 8452 or Mara on 082 370 8567.
na werk, toe hy verongeluk het. Hy laat sy pa (Kobus), stiefma (Cecile) en broer (Jacques) agter. Stefan is in Springs begrawe.
Hans van Rooyen Eienaar en bestuurder • 082 769 8254 Piet Meyer Tegnikus • 071 556 6325
Velddienste beskikbaar Groter Tzaneen-omgewing Ons herstel:
P.O. Box 698, Tzaneen, 0850 letaba.hydraulicpipes@gmail.com
• Enige hidroliese pype • Op - Bulldozers - Frontend loaders - Excavators - TLB’s - Heavy vehicles - Forklifts - Cranes - Spuitkarre/Trekkers • en baie meer.
28 Junie 2013
Habitat In & om die huis •
Inside & around the house
Saving water and electricity this winter
Layout: Tamryn Branch and Winfred Baloyi • Graphic Design: David Morrison, Tamryn Branch, Winfred Baloyi & Yvone Ndlovu Editorial: Retha Nel, Beaunice Mnisi and Amelia De Ridder • Marketing: Jacques Smuts, Thinus van Deventer and Petra van Dyk
28 Junie 2013
Bulletin Advertorial
House of Interiors Compiled by Retha Nel Source: House of Interiors
Let us help redesign your house. House of Interiors is a haven for people looking to add a little more class and style to their homes. From couches and cabinets to paintings and beautiful ornaments, House of Interiors has an exquisite range of items. But you don’t have to do it on your own — their interior design service is led by Mrs Renthea Geyer. They offer a friendly professional service and have
fifteen years experience in both top-end domestic and commercial design. Their involvement can be as little as advising on colour schemes, to helping with initial decisions, right through to a complete design and supply service, along with complete project management. • For more information contact House of Interiors on 015 307 2323 or www. houseofinteriors.co.za or visit the shop in the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre.
Dream bathrooms with Dulux Compiled by Retha Nel
Source: Dulux Paint Centre Tzaneen
- Andre Fourie Investments - Ironwood - Chevy
- Vaal - Tiletoria - Ixia - Dado - Chevy - Ironwood - Victoria & Albert
- Tiletoria - Ixia - Splashworks - Vaal
Brands we stock:
Bain Cabinets – Dado
- Tiletoria - Ceramic Wholesaler - Johnson Tiles - Northern Wholesale Tiles
- Victoria & Albert - Dado - Riverrange - Libra - Plexicor
- Dulux - Excelsior Paints
For more ideas on your dream bathroom visit our showroom - 40 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen.
28 Junie 2013
28 Junie 2013
Making a Mosquito Trap
Because mosquitoes are attracted to the CO² we breathe out, it is fairly easy to build a mosquito trap. You need: • a 2 litre soda bottle
• a sharp knife • black paper • tape Cut off the top of the 2 litre bottle, right below where it starts to narrow to the top. Invert the top and place inside
the lower half. Make a simple sugar syrup of: • 1 cup sugar • 1 cup water • 2 cups cool water • 1 teaspoon active dry yeast
Bring the water to a boil. Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water. Once everything is dissolved, remove the pan from the heat. Stir in 2 cups of cool water. Let the syrup cool to room temperature and then add the active dry yeast. No need to mix. Pour the syrup in the bottom part of the bottle, using the cut off neck piece, leave in place. Seal the two parts of the bottle using the tape. The fermenting yeast will release carbon dioxide. Put black paper around the bottle since mosquitoes like dark places and carbon dioxide. Put the trap in a dark and humid place for two weeks — you will see the effect. The syrup and yeast solution has to be replaced every two weeks. • Sponsored by Pest Control Tzaneen 015 307 4065.
Very green orange tree furniture Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi Source: Orange Tree Furnitures
Orange Tree Furniture is unique furniture that is manufactured by Barnard Houtwerke. It is handmade from orange wood that is recovered from citrus orchards, on the Letaba River. The factory is located in Nkowankowa, on the outskirts of Tzaneen. This exclusive range of furniture, branded under the name Orange Tree Furniture, is created from redundant citrus trees that are cleared for the re-establishment of new orchards. The wood is an excellent hardwood and in its raw state, reflects the character of its productive cycle. The recycling of this beautiful wood makes the furniture a sustainable green product. Benefits to using this type of wood include a low carbon footprint, job creation project, unique solid citrus wood and a truly
South African product. Mr Johan Barnard a citrus farmer in the Letsitele area, recognized the quality of the citrus wood and began recovering the trunks. He established Barnard Houtwerke from very humble beginnings in 2005 with only two farm labourers. Through hard work and dedication and in –house training, today the business has a core group of 16 highly skilled artisans. Citrus trees bear fruit for thirty to fifty years and on reaching the end of their productive capacity are replaced with young trees. It is these trunks that are recovered for use in the manufacturing of furniture. The timber is treated and stack dried for twelve months before the manufacturing process. Each piece of furniture is handmade and uniquely identified by a crested
serial number to reflect the quality as well as the year of manufacture. The serial number is then recorded in a register together with the buyer’s name. Each item of furniture has the potential of becoming a collector’s piece. The most important characteristic of Orange woos is that each tree trunk is unique, as depicted by its life cycle and environmental conditions. When the wood is stained, a blend of colour emerges to contribute to the exclusivity and distinctiveness of each piece of furniture. There are many factors that influence the different colours in citrus wood, these include the moisture in the air during manufacture, the density and age of the wood as well as exposure to sunlight. However the colour should stabilize after a year and give satisfactory uniformity of colour.
www.barnardhoutwerke.com Email orangetree@telkomsa.net Johan Barnard, Mobile 082 804 3260 Joan Conradie, Mobile 076 349 9334 Stores located at Hoedspruit and Dullstroom Fax 086 273 3627
Joan Conradie 076 349 9334
Tel: 015 307 3434 • email: orangetree@telkomsa.net Fax: 086 273 3627 • www.orangetreefurniture.co.za Tzaneen store: c/o Windsor and Peace Street, Sontag building Hoedspriut store: Kamogelo Centre, Ferret Street
reasons to buy a new bed
slept on medium-firm mattresses had fewer lower backaches than those who slept on firm ones. To find a medium-firm mattress, lie on your back and sides on one in the showroom for five to ten minutes. It should
28 Junie 2013
hug your body without sagging at all. If there are gaps between any part of your body and the mattress, it is too firm. If it sags, or if a second person on the bed causes you to dip towards the centre, it’s too soft.
Compiled by Retha Nel Source: Bed City
Walking past that furniture store and wondering whether you need a new bed? Answer these seven simple questions to find out. 1. Does your mattress look lumpy? 2. Does your mattress sag where you lie or at the edges? 3. Is any wire or padding sticking through the cover? 4. Is the cover torn, soiled or stained? 5. Does your mattress make a noise when you lie on it? 6. Do you and your partner lie comfortably alongside each other? 7. Does your base have an uneven or sagging surface? If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, then it is definitely time to buy a new bed! Remember it is the most important piece of furniture in your home, as it has a direct impact on your quality of life. Important considerations when buying a
bed are the following: Comfort: Your mattress should ease tension and help you relax. Support: A good mattress should support your body at all points and keep your spine straight. Size: Clinical studies have shown that the average person tosses and turns up to a hundred times a night. Rather buy a wider and/or longer than the standard mattress for ease of movement. Price: The most expensive mattress is not necessarily the answer, but rather buy one that is going to suit your own unique body shape and sleeping posture. The choice will, after all, impact directly upon your health, relationships, potential career and success. Which bed is the right one for you? For years, it’s been said that firmer is better when it comes to the surface we sleep on. But recent studies have found that people who
Bed TZANEEN 015 307 4855 BOXER CENTRE Orth paed Ortho edic ic Supreme
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28 Junie 2013
Affordable ways to cozy up a bathroom Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi
Hot chocolate on a stick Compiled by Amelia De Ridder Source: candy.about.com
This ‘Hot Chocolate on a Stick’ recipe is perfect for cuddling up under a blanket with a book or good movie those cold winter evenings. The idea is to swirl a cube of chocolate into a mug of steaming hot milk that produces a rich, velvety cup of hot chocolate — much better than the taste of powdery cocoa. Produce 25 cubes Cook time: ± 10 minutes Ingredients: ½ cup heavy cream 1 can sweetened condensed milk 3 cups chopped semi-sweet chocolate (a dark baking chocolate) 3/4 cup chopped unsweetened chocolate (a bitter baking chocolate) Preparation: 1. Prepare a 20x20 cm pan by lining it with aluminum foil and spraying the foil with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Place the chopped semi-sweet and unsweetened chocolates in a large heat-safe bowl. 3. Pour the heavy cream and condensed milk into a pan and whisk until combined. Put the pan over medium heat. 4. Bring the liquid to a simmer, whisking frequently so that the condensed milk does
not scorch on the bottom of the pan. 5. Once the liquid is simmering, pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and let it sit for a minute to soften. Begin whisking the cream and chocolate together, until the chocolate is melted and you have a shiny, smooth mixture. It will be fairly thick. 6. Pour the chocolate into the prepared pan and smooth it into an even layer. Allow it to firm up overnight, or for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. 7. Once the fudge block is firm, use a large, sharp knife to cut it into 25 pieces (five rows and five columns). For the smoothest cuts, rinse the knife in hot water and dry it between each cut. Skewer each block with a lollipop stick. 8. To make hot chocolate, heat a mug of milk (water does not work well in this instance) and add a chocolate block. Allow it to sit and soften for a minute, then stir until it is dissolved. 9. Store Hot Chocolate On A Stick in an airtight container for up to a week at room temperature, two weeks in the refrigerator, or up to a month in the freezer. You can also add large marshmallows to the hot chocolate skewers, roll the fudge blocks in crushed peppermint or cocoa, or drizzle them with white chocolate. Or wrap the up and tie a ribbon around — it makes a great gift!
Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial part of any comfortable home and useful bathroom. Overhead lighting: The best overhead lighting is a ceilingmounted fixture or chandelier. Wall Lighting: The best wall lighting are sconces mounted at eye level. Over-mirror lighting casts too many shadows. Dimmers: Install a dimmer switch on all lights. This allows you to create a relaxing atmosphere and provides safety at night. Finishes: Choose finishes that coordinate with the hardware and cabinets but don’t try to
match them exactly Hardware: Wellcoordinated hardware such as towel bars, toilet paper holders and hooks gives a bathroom a real boost. Towel bars: Wet towels need a place to dry and that’s not in a pile on the floor. Hang a towel bar above the toilet and another elsewhere so its in quick reach when you step out of a shower . Towel Rings: Put one by the sink and it will always be in easy reach when washing your face. Toilet paper holder: This has become a signature feature for most styled homes and they come in
various shapes and sizes to suit your home. Hooks are great for hanging your robe, a wet towel or your clothes. Knobs: Don’t forget the knobs on your cabinets for the finishing touch. Painting the walls or the cabinets can make a tremendous difference. It adds detail, depth illusion, style to a blend and boring room. Cabinets: Painting your cabinets a solid color is your best bet, leave faux finishes to the pros. A neutral color like ivory or white in a satin finish, it opens up the space and gives you design flexibility
Walls: Take some time to consider the look you want for the room and don’t go too bold. The wow factor of a red or orange bathroom wears off in a hurry. Other Details
If you have tackled the above items but are still raring to go, here are some additional ideas: • A great new faucet takes years off a bathroom. • Upgrade to a curved shower rod. • Buy new towels and rugs. • Give large, boring mirrors a facelift with a spectacular decorative frame. • If you have the room, add furniture that provides additional storage so everything has its place.
Quality products guaranteed If you’ve been eyeing the neighbours’ gorgeous granite countertops or that marble bathroom vanity top, then call Granite4Ever in Nkowankowa. Granite4Ever are specialists in granite kitchen tops, vanity tops and tombstones. They work with local and imported granite, marble, Ceaserstone, Pro Quartz, Café Quartz, Africa Range and Rudi’s Choice.
Granite4Ever creates kitchen countertops, stairs, bathroom vanities, tombstones and other stone-based products. They are proud of their quality work and strive to give clients friendly and professional service. For enquiries contact Granite4Ever on 072 643 5949 or granite4ever@telkomsa.net. Visit them in the Nkowankowa Industrial Area 2 at factory 89E.
28 Junie 2013
How to make your own corner-couches Compiled by Retha Nel
Source: http://www.designrulz.com/product-design/2012/09/35-creative-ways-to-recycle-wooden-pallets/
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Get some wooden pallets (usually used by farmers and Get a sponge mattress or a large piece of sponge and cut Cover the sponges with upholstery material or get covers custom-made. Palwholesalers) and stack them according to your preference. according to the pallets. Remember to add a back rest lets can be painted to match. Decorate with scatter cushions and enjoy! Walls can be used as back rests. sponge piece for pallets stacked against the wall.
Add festive lighting to your party Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi Source: www.pinterest.com
If you’re always on the lookout for interesting lights for your home or for parties, this is the project for you. Create your own twine-ball lights in various colours for use during parties or for a special dinner. You need: • Plain white twine • 500 ml PVA or all purpose glue • A few tablespoons of cornstarch • Warm water • Balloons • Marker pen • Vaseline • An old paint tray to mix the glue in • A broom or long handle to hang the balloons • Fairy lights to attached the twine balls to • Fishing wire • Spraypaint in the colours you prefer Step 1 Blow up the amount of balloons you want to make twine-balls of. Draw a circle around the top using the marker to mark where you’re wrapping your twine up to. Smear the balloons with a thin coating of Vaseline to stop the twine from sticking to the balloons. Step 2 Tie a piece of string to the ends of each balloon and then around the broom handle or other long piece of wood. Balance the handle on the backs of two chairs to work easily with the hanging balloons. Lay down a black bin bag to catch all the glue drips.
Step 3 Make the glue mixture by mixing the glue, cornstarch and warm water in the paint tray. Make sure the mixture is smooth, but more like a paste than a liquid. Make a whole tray full as the twine absorbs a lot of liquid.
Step 4 Take the twine and dip it into the glue mixture, make sure it is soaked right through. Wrap it around the balloon vertically and horizontally until you get the effect you want. If you want a bigger ball wrap several strands of twine around, for a smaller ball use fewer strands. Finish by snipping off the end of the twine and tucking it underneath another piece. Repeat with all the balloons.
Step 5 Leave to dry overnight or until the twine-balls have gone hard. If the balloons haven’t popped, give them a nudge to pop and remove the balloons.
Step 6 Spraypaint the twine-balls with the colours you prefer and attach them to the string of fairy lights with the fishing wire. Your new festive lights are now finished!
28 Junie 2013
How to make your own designer rug Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi
1. Begin by transferring your design to the back of the long pile carpet with a black marker pen.
4. Start to assemble the jigsaw puzzle. Use carpet tape or duct tape to attach all the pieces together. The tape will be on the back, but if you want the carpet to look neater use spray adhesive to attach a backing fabric to cover up the tape. Finish off around the edges with bias so that the edges are nice and neat.
2. Use a craft knife or sharp scissors to cut out the pattern.
Source: http://www.home-dzine.co.za/crafts/craft-make-rug.htm
Love gorgeous lush rugs and don’t have thousands of Rands to spend?
Create your own and here’s how.
You will need: • Long and short pile rugs • Pattern or design to work from • Sharp scissors or a craft knife • Pencil • Carpet tape or duct tape • Black marker pen How to: The trick to making this designer rug is to cut it out like a jigsaw puzzle and then tape it all back together.
3. Place the pieces of the long pile rug onto the back of the second rug and draw around these so that you know which sections to cut out.
Wildlife-painter to hold exhibit in Tzn
Wildlife-artist Ilse de Villiers will be holding her solo exhibition in Tzaneen in October. Ilse is a fulltime wildlifeartist who is passionate about animals and nature. She has been painting wildlife since 1998 and loves what she does. “With every new day, I realize how extremely blessed I am to have the privilege of portraying the beauty of animals in their natural habitat on canvas. I’m in my element when I can be creative. I know this is what I was meant to do.” The De Villiers family moved to Tzaneen in 2003 and lives on the Magoebaskloof road, amidst avocado orchards and the natural bush. Here Ilse is happiest in her home workroom, with two Rhodesian Ridgebacks, a “rescue” Jack Russell and an African Grey parrot (Asjas) always close-by. Her husband, Abraham, is her support structure, biggest fan and best soundboard. A painting is never finished until they have thoroughly examined it together. Abraham manages the Allesbeste nursery,
specializing in the propagation of the Avocado trees for export. Their daughter Julése is a third year BSc Consumer Study student at the North West University’s Potchefstroom campus. Their son, Herman, is a gr 11-pupil at Ben Vorster High School in Tzaneen. Herman has inherited his mother’s artistic talents and aspires to study at the Open Window Art Institute after he matriculates. Ilse does not exhibit her artwork in galleries or make use of any agents. She can therefore keep her prices reasonable as there is no markup involved. She prefers to have personal contact with anyone wanting to buy or commission one of her paintings. She does exhibit annually at the Huntex show (Gallagher Estate in Johannesburg) in April and at the Getaway show (Coca-Cola Dome in Johannesburg) in August. Ilse has also exhibited in the United States of America. She is currently planning her fifth USA trip for February 2014, focusing on the South Eastern Wildlife Exposition
in Charleston, South Carolina. This big show held annually, attracts close to fifty original wildlife artists (paintings and sculptures) from all over the US and other countries. When asked “How do you know which is a good painting to buy?” an art fundi might advise to buy art as an investment and preferably from an upcoming artist whose name will most probably grow in popularity. Ilse feels that the best artwork to buy is “one that moves you, a painting that connects with your inner soul and speaks to you. This is a painting that you will love and cherish for many years, and will not want to part with — irrespective of what it is worth twenty years from now.” Be sure to attend Ilse’s solo exhibit on 24 and 25 October at Fairview Lodge in Tzaneen. • To commission a painting for a special area in your home, office or business contact Ilse on 082 578 8496, email her on art@ilsewildlife. co.za or visit her website ilsewildlife.com.
How to save water and electricity during winter Compiled by Amelia De Ridder
Source: supernews.co.za and moneyweb.co.za
How to save water:
How to save electricity:
1. The trickiest tip during the wintertime is to shower and not bath. Showering uses about 30 liters of water as opposed to 100 liters when you bath. 2. Invest in an aerating showerhead that brings air into the water flow to keep the pressure high while reducing the amount of water used. 3. Try not to use your toilet as a waste bin and throw rubbish in a bin instead. Only use the toilet when you need to!
1. Start with the geyser, as it is the most energy-sapping appliance in the household. Turn off the geyser during the day when no one is home and only switch it on when people are home. 2. Adjust your washing machine to the shortest spin cycle i.e. 30 minutes. Keep loads as full as possible. 3. Make a habit of switching off your plugs when you are not using them. 4. Boil water as needed and do not fill up the kettle for each boil. 5. Use compact fluorescent light
bulbs (CFL) or light-emitting diodes (LED). These types of bulbs use at least 75% less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb, and can last a lot longer (some energy efficient bulbs can last between 10 and 35 times longer than a regular bulb). 6. If you have an indoor fireplace, make a fire instead of switching on the heater. 7. You can also insulate your roof with affordable eco-insulation. This insulation is a pulp containing cellulose fibre, which is made of recyclable newspaper, and helps keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer.
28 Junie 2013
Preparing your home for cold weather can save energy, help keep your bills under control, and keep you and your family warm when temperatures drop. The trick is to maintain energy in your home while reducing electricity tariffs. Here are just a few ways to help the environment by saving electricity and water during the winter.
Hout, hout en nog meer hout Compiled by Retha Nel Source: Woodii
Stapels hout en ‘n oranje gebou is kenmerkend van Woodii, die buitelug-winkel net voor die Tarentaalrand-kruising op die R71-roete van Tzaneen na Letsitele. Die eienaar, mnr Pieter Henning, het die geleentheid raakgesien om ‘n verskeidenheid produkte wat hy uit sy gekweekte saligna-plantasies produseer groothandel aan die publiek te verskaf. Henning boer sedert 1982 in George’s Valley op die plaas Cashumi, wat hoofsaaklik hout en avokado’s produseer. Die houtprodukte is nou te koop teen ongekende pryse op die Woodii-
perseel langs die pad. Produkte bestaan uit KCA-pale (koper, chroomarsenaat) wat geskik is vir die bou van onder meer lapa’s, heinings en afdak-ke. Woodii bied ook ‘n verskeidenheid Salignaprodukte soos houtdekke, planke vir plafonne, vloerlyste en kwartrondtes. Daar is ook ‘n groot verskeidenheid soliede houtprodukte wat die voorkoms van huise verbeter en die waarde van die eiendom verhoog. Vir navrae, skakel 015 307 5210 of stuur ‘n epos aan admin@cashumi.co.za.
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GO GREEN INDUSTRIA ENERG INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL Please contact our Energy Advisor: Harry Visagie • 082 414 3931 INDUSTRIAL 015 307 1213/4 • hvisagie@voltex.co.za ENERGY SAVING
28 Junie 2013
How to
make a
Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi
Source: http://www.picklee.com/2012/02/16/photo-wa
t r a l l a w collage
Nothing gives a home a warm and fuzzy feel more than a photo display of loved ones. One great way to achieve this is to have a showcasing with a photo collage of those treasured memories. This four step guide on how to make a wall art collage will provide an opportunity to display those beautiful photos that have been store up in photo albums. Step 1: Decide what you want to showcase and where. Is it photos, art, unique frames, eclectic object or maybe a mix? Decide on where the focus will be how to display it, is it in pairs, groups or
eclectic. Step 2: Select the frame types carefully, this shouldn’t be limited to styles colours or shapes, although there must be some similarity. The key to a successful wall collage is pairing similar items. The more similar the base items in the collage the more variation can be introduced with the frames. Step3: Determine sizes as well as placements and proportions of the items in the collage. The sizes of the items may vary. The general rule for a blending a variety of different shaped and sized pieces is that each
unique piece should have at least one proportionate match, the only exception being if there is just one piece of obvious different scale being showcased. Step 4: Select the placement and layout bearing in mind all the factors such as sizes, colour and patterns. Draw the layout on the wall with the exact measurement sizes of the frames. Items of similar scales and proportions should always either sit beside or mirror each other. Often two small items will sit side by side to mirror the scale of a larger item directly opposite of them. Nail in the frames, hang them up and admire.
Feta-stuffed chicken breasts with lemon and herbs
Preparation time: 5 min Cooking time: 40 min Ingredients: • 4 large chicken breasts Stuffing: • 2 feta wheels, crumbled • a few sprigs of basil or parsley, chopped • juice and zest of 1 lemon • black pepper • 30 ml olive oil Method: Preheat the oven to 200°C. Wash and dry the chicken with a paper towel. Loosen the skin, taking care not to break it. Combine the ingredients for the stuffing and form a crumbly paste. Gently push a quarter of the stuffing under the skin of each chicken breast. Place onto a baking tray. Rub with more of the olive oil and season with black pepper. The feta will make the chicken nice and salty. Roast in the oven for 40 minutes. Serve with roasted potatoes or on mashed potatoes or couscous. Recipe adapted from Food24.com
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28 Junie 2013
28 Junie 2013
Bulletin Advertorials
– Floor, Roof and Waterproofing experts Compiled by Retha Nel Source: Komkor Kombuise
Corner2Corner are leaders in specialised finishes for the building industry. As official CemCrete agents, they supply the full range of flooring products including CreteCoat, ColourHardner and CreteStain, as well as PoolCoat and PoolCrete for swimming pools and ponds. They also supply a beautiful range of high quality wooden and vinyl flooring. They further special-
ise in a various epoxy and polymer floor coatings, perfectly suited for pack houses, chicken houses and industrial kitchen areas. Corner2Corner are industry leaders in waterproofing, repair and repainting of roofs. From standard roof repainting and waterproofing to thermal coating, we do it all! Their airless spray technique, ensures a more even and economical application. They also provide a three year guarantee on all roofs painted with their products, to
Call the specialists
for your home renovations
our specifications. For waterproofing of reservoirs, dams or ponds, they supply and install the incredibly effective VIS membrane, a reinforced plastomeric polymer-bitumen waterproofing membrane made of distilled bitumen and plastomers. Their expert knowledge with MattCrete fibre reinforced cement, Flexbond and PermaStop by Cemcrete, will ensure your ponds; dams and swimming pool are always waterproof and beautiful. They have a highly skilled team trained in the installation and application of their full product range. Call them today on 0153060117 for a free quotation, or visit their showroom at 19 Plantation Road, Tzaneen.
1. Make sure your roof is waterproof and well painted to prevent water build-up and leaks. 2. Repaint the exterior of your home to prevent and repair damp damage. 3. Choose a light coloured roof paint to reduce internal heat and save on electrical bills. 4. Ensure correct water drainage away from your home to prevent water damage and wall sagging. 5. Choose flooring options for your home that best suit the interior
climate required. 6. Remember that winter time is the ultimate time to do renovations to you pool, like re-surfacing or re-painting. 7. Replace or repair any damaged doors, windows or frames that have sun or rain damage. 8. Repaint the interior walls of your home every 3 to 5 years. 9. Install durable well fitted window finishes like blinds and shutters to optimise the interior climate of your home. 10. Do regular maintenance work on your home, and use experts for tasks outside your DIY field.
Sien om na die hart van jou huis Compiled by Retha Nel Source: Komkor Kombuise
this winter!
• Pool and pond repair and waterprooong • Roof repainting and waterprooong • Wooden, laminated & Cemcrete ooring • Megamaster replaces, heaters and braais • Custom made wooden doors and windows • Blinds, shutters and suncreens 015 306 0117 19 Plantation Road, Tzaneen
Ten tips to improve your home:
By Komkor Kombuise glo hulle dat die kombuis die hart van die huis is. Jy gaan soontoe vir jou eerste koppie koffie en werskaf in die aande na werk voor aandete daar. Komkor Kombuise in Nkowankowa ontwerp en vervaardig kombuise van uitstaande gehalte. Hulle is baie streng op die gehalte van hul ontwerp en let daarop dat die kombuis vir die klant baie prakties, sowel as aantreklik sal wees.
Komkor bly op hoogte van die nuutste tegnologie en produkte beskikbaar in die mark. Hulle doen navorsing en beproef dit voordat dit aan klante voorgehou word. Dit beteken dat Tzaneners geensins hoef terug te staan vir kombuise in die stad nie. Kombuise word met ‘n rekenaarprogram ontwerp waar klante 3D-aansigte van die ontwerp kan sien. Daar kan dan ook aan kleure en kaste verander word, voordat die klante ‘n kwotasie kry en die werkskaf aan die kombuis begin. Benewens die ontwerp van kombuise word ook kombuis- en kamerkaste ook op die perseel vaardig. Aan die ander kant van die fabriek se muur is daar ‘n kontantverkopevertrek. Hier kan klante self die verskillende dele van kaste kies en dit by die huis aanmekaar gaan sit.
Daar is ruimte met ‘n skoukombuis waar skrynwerkers kan gaan sit en aan hulle ontwerpe timmer. Hulle kan raad vra, opmetings doen en die dele van hulle ontwerp word dan op die bes moontlike manier uit ‘n blad hout gesny. Komkor-wenke: • Let op na die kleure van jou kombuis — ‘n ligte werksblad en teëls kan die vertrek laat groter lyk en dit verlig, donker kleure skep egter warmte en kan ‘n enorme vertrek knus laat voel • Speel met kleurkombinasies totdat jy die atmosfeer kry waarvan jy die meeste hou • Spieëls laat klein vertrekke groter lyk. Plaas dus ‘n ry kassies met spieëls teen ‘n muur of maak een hangkasdeur ‘n lang spieël Vir meer wenke of raad: Komkor by 015 303 0266 of besoek hul perseel in Nkowankowa se Nywerheidsgebied.
28 Junie 2013
Trusted woodworks since 1985 Compiled by Retha Nel Source: Welman Woodworks
Welman Woodworks is alombekend vir hul uitstekende houtwerk en het al vir bekende instansies soos die ATKV Eiland en Mediclinic Tzaneen dienste gelewer. Die onderneming is in 1985 in Mokopane deur Du Toit Welman begin en het in 1992 na Tzaneen geskuif. Sy kinders bestuur tans die besigheid: Shaun is die direkteur en verkoopsbestuurder, Jacques hanteer die installasie van produkte en Renier is die fabrieksbestuurder.
Welman het die besigheid begin om sy liefde vir houtwerk uit te leef. Hy het aanvanklik staanhorlosies vervaardig en toe verder uitgebrei. Tans vervaardig Welman Woodworks kombuiskaste, ingeboude kaste en algemene houtwerk. Welman Woodworks was deur die jare by verskeie projekte soos die uitbreiding van die Mediclinic Tzaneen, ‘n behuisingsprojek by die ATKV Eiland en ‘n projek by Macadamia Village in Tzaneen be-
trokke. Hulle het ook al saam met groot kontrakteurs soos Murry & Roberts en Group 5 aan projekte by universiteite, die Beitbrug-grenspos, Woolworth’s Tzaneen en Phalaborwa, asook die SA Wildlife College in Orpen gewerk. Hul dienste strek nie net tot SA se grense nie, maar ook tot in Mosambiek, Botswana en Zimbabwe. Vir navrae of meer inligting, skakel Welman Woodworks by 083 638 1455.
Ou plate is nog geldig Die afgelope weke is in sommige koerante en oor sekere radiostasies se senders gewaarsku dat die sperdatum vir die oorskakeling van die “N”-voertuig-registrasienommer na die “L”-nommer, teen 31 Julie 2013 afgehandel moet wees. Maar dit blyk nie die korrekte inligting te wees nie. Twee belangrike dokumente is nagegaan, wat die prosedure ten opsigte van die oorskakeling uiteensit. Die een is n algemene kennisgewing wat deur Limpopo se Departement van Vervoer op 14 April 2003 uitgereik is. Die tweede dopkument wat ter sprake is, is Limpopo se Provinsiale Gazette van 17 Maart 2006 (No. 1235). Die twee dokumente weerspreek mekaar en dit blyk dat die Gazette van 17 Maart 2006 die korrekte sperdatum vir die verwydering van N-nommerplate bevestig (verwys laaste sin van die Algemene Kennisgewing 92 van 2006, bl. 19). Op 28 Mei 2013 het die die hoof van Limpopo se departement van vervoer dan ook skriftelik bevestig dat 2006 se Algemene Kennisgewing inderdaad die geldige dokument is en dat die sperdatum vir voldoening 01 April 2016 is. Motoriste wat nog met die ou registrasienommers ry, moet dus nie oorhaastig koste aangaan vir nuwe nommerplate nie.
GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Supply chain management unit
Bids and quotations are hereby re - invited for the below mention bids: BID NO. SCMU 24/2013 SCMU 30/2013
SCMU 31/2013
BID DESCRIPTION Panel of Attorneys for Greater Tzaneen Municipality Collection of integrated of waste in region south at Nkowankowa Collection of integrated of waste in region South at Lenyenye
R 150.00
90/10 or 80/20
04 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
19 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
Adv. M.S Monyela @ 015 307 8030
11 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
02 August 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
H.L Mienie @ 083 294 1960
11 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
02 August 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
H.L Mienie @ 083 294 1960
80/20 CIDB grading 1GB
02 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber.
09 July 2013: 12H00 at Council Chamber
H. L Mienie @ 083 294 1960
Integrated (bulk) recycling at the Civic Centre at Agatha Street, Tzaneen
The minimum specifications and other conditions are detailed in the bid documents. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of non-refundable fees payable at the Revenue offices: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street. Completed bid documents with attachments should be in a sealed envelope and should be deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Tzaneen Civic Centre, Agatha Street, N.B: The evaluation of bid will be conducted in two stages. First stage will be the assessment of functionality, there after only bidder that obtain 70 point will be evaluated in terms of 90/10 or 80/20 Preference point scoring system, where 90 or 80 points will be allocated for price only and 10 or 20 points will be allocated based on the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status level of contributor. Enquiries regarding the bid documents should be directed to Leon Mashao @ 076 813 4063 or Oli Hlayisi @ 084 617 1445 _________________ Municipal Manager Masiye Mankabidi
28 Junie 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com This Week
Lifestyle Expo
Fairview Hotel, today and tomorrow, 09:00-21:00. Wine/whiskey tastings, cheese, orchids, live entertainment, decor, Sushi, art, nurseries, local produce, vehicle exhibition. Entrance: R20/ adult, R10/child. Tickets for premium tastings and events sold separately. Enquiries: 083 309 6901 or info@tzaneeninfo.co.za.
River Rock Festival
Tzaneen Show grounds, tomorrow, 14:00. Meem, Old Oak Tree, The Dying Breed, Cutting Jade, Tamla Kahn and more. Early bird tickets: R80/p, normal price R100/p. Contact Kate 076 318 4839.
Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk soek boeke vir hul boekwinkel. Fiksie, nie-fiksie, resepte, partrone, akademies, Christelike lektuur, jeug- en kinderverhale is welkom. Kan elke dag voor 13:00 by die kerkkantoor afgelaai word.
MAN OF STEEL - 3D ¸ ˛ Ç Fri, Sat: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 Sun-Tue: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Wed, Thu: 14:00, 17:00, 20:00
¸ ˛ Ç
Fri-Sun, Tue: 10:00, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
Fri, Sat: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:45 Sun-Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 14:15, 19:30, 22:15 Sun,Tue: 9:15, 14:15, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 14:15, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri, Sat: 12:15, 17:45, 22:30 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 17:45 ——————————————————————————————————
˛ Ç ∂
Fri-Thu: 11:45, 16:45
˛ Ç Ω
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:15
TYLER PERRY'S TEMPTATION ˛ Ç † Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:45, 15:00, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 15:00, 20:00
Follow us
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
NGK Tzaneen-Wolkberg, 28 Julie, 09:00 (tydens die oggenderediens). Navrae : Kerkkantoor 015 307 4062.
Ballonnefees Tzaneen Country Lodge Waterfront, 6 Julie, 16:30. Koop ‘n ballon vir R5, skryf ‘n boodskappe op of sit binne. Ballonne gaan gelyktydig losgelaat word. Deel van die Tzaneen Gospelfees. Marie Huysamen 076 813 9644. Gospelfees
Tzaneen Country Lodge, 6 en 7 Julie, 09:00-21:00. Interkerklike gesinsdag met vermaak vir kinders en jongmense, fietswedren en visvangkompetisie. Onbeskaamd, Dewald Gouws, Carinde, Willie en die wenspan, Duis:Lig tree op. Navrae/besprekings: Elize Caroto 076 276 8626 of Adri Kruger 082 395 9507.
Holistic Fair
Haenertsburg Village Hall, 6 and 7 July. Emphasis on health and wellness. Therapists will provide treatments and expert advice. Trauma Relief exercises, Foot Massage, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Indian Head Massage, Chirology, Sedona Method, PSYCH-K, sound healing, chakra balancing and aura dusting. Spa treatments, family counselling and meditation tuition. Healthy food, essential oils, crystals, candles and natural medicines for sale. Entrance: R10 (pensioners R5). Contact Amanda 083 447 8452.
Women’s Month
Hotel@Tzaneen, 22 August, 18:00. Women on the Move’s annual Women’s Month Commemoration. The purpose is to bring different women together to address challenges and to network. Tickets: R100/p. Enquiries: Shaun Mhlongo 083 541 9815.
Letsitele Kerskuiermark NGK Letsitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou Kersgeskenke of snuffel rond vir interessanthede. Vermaak vir die kinders, kosdemonstrasies, teetuin. Navrae of om ‘n kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gubitz 083 738 1515 of gubitzlone@tzaneen.co.za. Round Table
Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg 082 824 4291.
Divorce Counselling
DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527.
Cut-a-thon Hair Fushion, Ivory Tusk Lodge, Tzaneen, 11 July, 08:00-16:00. R30/haircut, proceeds go to Hospice Tzaneen (caring for patients with incurable diseases incl cancer). 8 students and a lecturer from Servallo Hair Academy will be cutting mens’, women’s and children’s hair. For an appointment call Marietjie 083 460 0309 or Elna 083 469 7664 Hoedspruit Wildsfees
Blyde Wildlife Estate, Hoedspruit, 12 en13 Julie. Gaskunstenaars: Riana Nel, Wynand en Cheree en meer. Toegang: R30 vir kinders/dag, R60 vir volwassenes Vrydag en R70 vir Saterdag. Navrae: AB Burger se kantore 015 793 1113.
Laerskool Tzaneen, 17 Julie, 19:00. R120/p. Navrae: Eileen 083 400 4545 of Elna 083 294 2217.
The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meet the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, at the Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise 0722871022 or Colleen 0834567970.
Aanddiens Herofield, Sondae,18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal is welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. ‘13
Rallyesport Tzaneen Rally
Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, tomorrow, 10:00. Plenty of spectator points for the Tzaneen rally fans. Spectator guides will be available on www.rallyworld.net from Wednesday and also from Simpson Motors. Contact David Brown 015 307 5165 / 083 560 8622.
Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797.
Come find your lost pets!
Young Guides-vakansieboskursus Support Group
Letaba River Lodge, 8-12 Julie, 08:00-13:00. Aangebied deur Young Guides. Kinders onder 10 moet deur ‘n persoon 14 jaar of ouer vergesel word. Luister na lesings deur bekende sprekers. Koste: R600/p/week, sluit in daaglikse kospakkie en sertifikaat as al die dae bygewoon is. R120/p/dag of sessie. Navrae: Deon Prinsloo 079 877 3044 of info@youngguides.co.za.
Jan de Wet
This Month
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.
Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Chameleon Indoor
Krieket en Hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/ navrae: Nate 078 619 4546
Letsitele Kaskar
Laerskool Dr Annecke, 27 Julie, 08:30 tot 14:00. Van klein tot groot kom kaskar stoot om eerste oor die wenstreep te gaan. Teetuin, koeldrank, eetgoed, trompoppies. Navrae: Gerhardt Vorster 083 457 8824.
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
28 Junie 2013
Property | Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur TownHouses / Meenthuis Netjiese moderne 2 slp kamer meenthuis te huur in Letsitele by Citrus Villas, R3 600 w&e uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2013 Skakel asb vir Elzaan by 0835616062 Jun401_______________________
For Sale Te Koop Houses / Huis Aqua park 5 Slaapkamers, 3 Badkamers 1 Gaste toilet 1 Studeer kamer 1 Sitkamer Tv kamer Eetkamer
Kombuis Stoorkamer 2 Wendyhuise( 1 badkamer) Dubbel motorhuis Groot afdakke Swembad/ Lapa Boorgat Elektriese heining Teeldak Gevestigde tuin Koop prys R 2,750,000.00 Skakel 078 451 8634
Eiendom op Erf 380 Uitb. 4, Tzaneen (1279m²) met besigheid 4 zonering te 2de Laan 21, Medipark Bestaande uit woonhuis (168.000m²) en ‘n woonstel (38.700m²) te koop. Beide uiters geskik vir woon en / of kantore. Prys onderhandelbaar. Kontak Harold (078 686 8320) of Christa Butler (078 686 8331) of 015 307 3370
Privaat koop Geen agente asseblief Aqua park Van der steen straat 4 Slaapkamers 2 Badkamers 1 Tv kamer 1 Studeerkamer Ruim Oop plan leef area 1 Slaapkmer woonstel Elektriese heining Swembad Dubbel motorhuis Koop prys R 1,650,000.00 Skakel 078 451 8634
Land/Erwe INDUSTRIAL BUILDING FOR SALE A neat industrial building in Modjadjiskloof for sale. Address : 1 Simon Street, Modjadjiskloof Floor area : 758 square meter Price: R1,4m (valuation available) Contact: Vida @ 0832628104 Jun105______________________
EDWARD STREET Pan-handle stand (884m2) with Double Garage, in King Edward St. Building plans, Elec & Water approved, fully fenced & ready to build. For more information, contact 0839287200 (or 0762768694 strictly after 5pm only). Jun111_______________________
Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin. us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerken sosiale geleenthede
EISER En RATLOU FARMING AND PROJECTS BK VERWEERDER KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING Voorspruitend uit ‘n Hofbevel gemaak deur die bovermelde Agbare Hof op 5 April 2012 die daaropvolgende beslaglegging sal die volgende goedere verkoop word vir kontant op 17 Julie 2013 om 10:00 by die PLAAS C12 LOFDAL, TRICHARDTSDAL. 15 X Beeste Hierdie eksekusie verkoping sal onder andere aan die volgende reëls en voorwaardes onderhewig wees: 1.Die reëls en voorwaardes ten opsigte van die verkoping sal 24 uur voor die veiling beskikbaar wees by die Balju se kantore te Peacestraat 1b, Tzaneen; 2. Alle bieders is verplig om te registreer voor die aanvang van die verkoping en is ‘n terugbetaalbare registrasiefooi betaalbaar in die bedrag van R500.00 (onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Verbruikersbeskermingwet 68 van 2008); 3. alle bieders is verplig om hulle identiteitsdokumente tesame met ‘n bewys van verblyf voor te lê ter voldoening aan die bepalings van die Wet op die Finansiële intelligensiesentrum 38 van 2001; 4. Die Verkoping sal deur Tertius Robertson of Christie Bouwer van die Balju se kantore waargeneem word; en 5. Die goedere sal vir kontant verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder of onderhewig aan bekragting soos per die Verbruikersbeskermingwet 68 van 2008 en instruksie van die eksekusieskuldeiser. GETEKEN TE POTCHEFSTROOM op hede die 21ste dag van JUNIE 2013 GERRIT COETZEE PROKUREURS PROKUREURS VIR APPLIKANT EESTE VLOER, OCTRON-
GEBOU DR JAMES MOROKASTRAAT 62 POTCHEFSTROOM POSBUS 69, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520 TEL: 018 297 1310 VERW: GC/HB/nh/ S56/11(1332) JUN401___________________
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 2320/2010 In the case between: MADUNA MODJADJI PAULINA EXECUTION CREDITOR And KHOZA SUZAN PATIENCE EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 18 January 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, 31 ANTIMONY STREET, TZANEEN on 18 JULY 2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X GLASS TOP TABLE & 6 CHAIRS 1 X BROWN LEATHER LOUNGE SUITE 1 X DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE 1 X BOX FREEZER 1 X WASHING MACHINE 1 This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: 3 1 Directives of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from Url http://www. info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961 3 2 FICA legislation i.r.o. proofs of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 cash. 4 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 5 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protec-
tion Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 6 JUNE 2013 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHASTREET TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: JS/sdj/AA9201 Jun402___________________________
Legal Notice
In the estate of the late HYLTON BOUWER, identity number 650321 5082 08 9, Master reference number 3616/2013, who was ordinarily resident at FARM BROEDERSTROOM 534, TZANEEN who died on the 5th OF MAY 2013. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys PO Box 35 Tzaneen Ref: DMOSTERT/D583
GENERAL NOTICE OF 2013 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 281 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) We, Kobus Winterbach and/ or Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorised agents of the registered owner of Erf 991 Haenertsburg hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme known as the Interim Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2004 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated at c/o Rush- & Rissik Streets, Haenertsburg from “Residential 1” with a density of “One dwelling per Erf” to “Business 1”. Particulars of the application
will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 28 June 2013 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 28 June 2013. Address of authorised agent: OmniPlan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J002. Jun404__________________________
ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2013 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 281 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ons Kobus Winterbach en/ of Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 991 Haenertsburg gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Interim Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2004 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te h/v Rush- & Rissik Strate, Haenertsburg vanaf “Residensieel 1” met ‘n digtheid van “Een woonhuis per Erf” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 28 Junie 2013 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 28 Junie 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by
bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: OmniPlan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J002
THE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In the terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in the Estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 (Twenty One) days from the date of publication hereof, at the Master
of High Court Polokwane and Bolobedu Magistrate Court 28th June 2013. In the case there are no objections after the expiry date, distribution will be made. Estate of the late: KGATLA NGOAKO FRANS Date of Death: 17 MAY 2012 ID No: 430205 5304 089 Last Address: Stand No: 117 Senopelwa Village Bolobedu District, Limpopo Province Who was married in community of property to Kgatla Mmamohale ID No: 461225 0993 084 Dated at Tzaneen on this the 19th June 2013 MALOKA THULARE ATTORNEYS 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET
792 Letsitele 0885 Tel: 015 345 1205 • Fax: 015 345 1136
TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 FAX: 015 307 4637 REF: Maponya/CIV/919/12
THE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In the terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in the Estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 (Twenty One) days from the date of publication hereof, at the Master of High Court Polokwane and Bolobedu Magistrate Court 28th June 2013. In the case there are no ob-
jections after the expiry date, distribution will be made. Estate of the late: MAMETJA MAATLA ISAIAH Date of Death: 12 June 2012 ID No: 651218 5730 080 Last Address: Stand No: 41 Pharare Village Phepeng, Naphuno District, Limpopo Province Who was married in community of property to Mashele Cheyeza Pertunia ID No: 751113 0747 081 Dated at Tzaneen on this the 19th June 2013 MALOKA THULARE ATTORNEYS 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 FAX: 015 307 4637 REF: Maponya/CIV/910/12
NOORDCHEM CC has the following vacancy at our Letsitele operation Position: Financial Manager The successful candidate should be a well-experienced, hands-on, motivated individual responsible for managing the financial and administrative function of NOORDCHEM CC which will include typical activities such as, but not limited to, compilation of monthly management accounts, annual budgets, all year end activities, cashflow control and forecasts as well as the implementation and maintenance of internal control procedures. Requirements for the position: • Degree/Diploma in Financial Accounting e.g. B.Com. obtained from a registered Tertiary Institution and a minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar management position as Financial Manager. • Good financial and strategic thinking skills. • Technically strong in accounting and costing principles. • Strong implementer with positive influencing skills to direct and monitor the efforts of others. • Strong people skills in order to manage and motivate the staff of the financial department. • The ability to give meticulous attention to detail, whilst working under pressure. • In-depth knowledge of all financial related legislation and above average IT skills (Microsoft Office programmes and Pastel). • Own transport.
NOORDCHEM CC is an equal opportunity employer. Please fax your application to 015 345 1136/086 565 1820 or e-mail it to noordchem@telkomsa.net Please mark your application clearly as “Financial Manager”. Closing date: 8 July 2013 Should you not hear from us within 14 days of the closing date of this advertisement please accept your application as unsuccessful.
28 Junie 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Services Dienste The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________________
Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193
Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________________
Butler Rekenmeester Vir Professionele Rekeningkundige Dienste 1 Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding 2 Bestuursrekening 3 Kompiliering van Finansiële State. 4 Registrasie van Maatskappye 5 BBBEE sertifakte vir Vrygesteld Mikro Besighede (EME) 6 Opgawes vir: 6 1 Inkomstebelasting (Indiening v opgawes begin 1/7/2013 6 2 BTW 6 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320
Services Dienste
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 82 872 6214 mei308_______________________
Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218______________________
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________
Services Dienste The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106____________________
Gail Altona Oogkundige Discovery Health members get up to 20% off on frames and lenses 015 307 1243 12 Peace Street
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303____________________
Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5 L bags. R20 + VAT per tree. Large quantities contact Brian at 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport SAND, STONE Low bed transport available 082 659 0532 Mar108_______________________
Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 833 9112
Key shop & locksmith Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out. Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates. Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates. 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________________
Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275
VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_______________________
Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
Plumbwise Don’t think twice call Plumbwise General plumbing Leak repairs Geyser repairs Unblocking of drains Roelf 083 289 5235 015 307 7168 Mar107___________________
SS Electrical Electrical Contractor Sydney Swart 082 829 5086 All electrical and maintenance Jun208_______________________
Do you need a Plummer or a carport installed? Installation and maintenance work. No job too small. Contact Stephan Smith 076 037 8459 Johan Smith 082 367 5397
Fastrack Trading Herstel van enige bosbou-, tuin- en werkwinkelmasjinerie en gereedskap Lourens 072 156 1881
New school shoes in stock Danie Joubert str. Next to Ickinger 015 307 2856 Apr411______________
Gate Repairs, motor installations and small welding jobs, 20 years experience Call Dave 074 242 2162 Free Quotes Mar406_______________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse Lifestyle Centre Mar409_______________________
Ickingers Vir geskenke, juweliersware, musiekbenodighede. Unieke meubels 015 307 4448 Mar410_______________________
Kokkerot Gif NOU beskikbaar Kontak Anette 079 639 6445 015 307 6741 Apr307_______________________
Adams Kafee Besoek ons nuwe Koffiewinkel, teetuin, buitelug restaurant vir vinnige kitskos 015 307 3634
Welman Woodworks Solid Wood kitchen cupboards. Solid wood bars Build in cupboards Bathroom cabinets 083 638 1455
Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers Hennie 083 651 0936
Mercurius Motors Vir nuwe en gehalte Gebruikte motors 015 307 5020
Piet Dry Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif-enkelvisiesonbril 015 307 2439
simple We Deliver Best quality at the best prices Victor 015 307 7168
Apr208_______________________ _
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
PC Digital Custom build Pc’s PC repairs Computer Accessories Internet Café Printing and Faxing Wallpaper Vehicle branding 015 306 0160
H2 Plant Hire For rent front End loaders 083 648 3514/082 317 5787
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie
Need a Truck International or TATA Imperial Commercial Call Ruben 015 297 7045 Apr415_______________________
Vital Bugs Die insek plaagbeheer spesialiste vir Witluis Vals Kodlingmot Kantoor 087 751 0279
Wisani Burial Society 24 hours emergency no 015 307 6240 or 083 513 4988 or 015 307 6719 e-pos helene@wisani.co.za mei205_______________________
Services Dienste
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010
Wenkem SA Mikro element blaarvoeding Na oes bedrefmiddels Plaagdoders, Swamdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269 Agri Box Kontak ons vir nuwe sitrus pakmateriaal vir die komende seisoen Rietbokstraat 5C 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076
Services Dienste
Watermaat Die boorgatpomp spesialiste vir flink en vriendelike diens 1ste Laan 12 015 307 1530
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018
Electronic Spares Audio repairs DVD, TV, VCR Repairs Speakers spares and Accessories Bring jou ou TV, radio, DVD of videomasjien Vir gratis waardasie en ons probeer dit vir jou verkoop. Johan 18 Skirving Street 079 407 1464
For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Services Dienste
Radio Centre For all our Radio and TV problems Call us at 015 307 2908 58 Boundary Street
Inspect a Home Building or buying a new home Call us for peace of mind Greg Willson 082 309 4516 Van Heerden Apteek Jou alles in een apteek Life Style Sentrum 015 307 2125 Jun105_______________________
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Walterson Local Chippy Opposite old checkers entrance Deliveries within 1.5 km radius 078 572 4404 Jun209______________________
“Die gras is nou lekker lank!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388
Quality Sands We Supply: Building Sand River Sand Stone 015 304 3000 Jun304_______________________
Legally Armed For all firearm related Enquiries Competency Renewals License Renewals New Applications 083 951 5257 Francois 076 660 9010 Cherise 083 345 6404 Charles Jun303________________________
Quality Sands We Supply: Building Sand River Sand Stone 015 304 3000 Jun304_________________________
FOR HIRE 1.7 Ton bakkie met kante plus drywer, 100km radius om Tzaneen te huur. R8 .50 p/km. Skakel Jeannett 076 489 2474 Jun410_____________________
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur R18/km + BTW & 25 ton @ R23,50/km + BTW een rigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Mar201________________
Mr Cool Sales & Services All electrical household appliances & refrigeration repairs Aircon installation & repairs 015 386 8735 087 751 2333 Jun409_________________________
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 3075562/3
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com Okt105_______________
Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_______________
Vacancies Vakante Vakante pos as LEERLING DIESELWERKTUIGKUNDIGE is dadelik beskikbaar by Christie Landman Boerdery in die Letsitele area. Teoretiese agtergrond, kennis en ondervinding rakende trekkers en implemente is ‘n vereiste. Algemene herstelwerk ondervinding sal tot voordeel wees vir die gepaste applikant. Stuur CV na kantoor@clbfruits.co.za
Five 1 Two Trailers
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Traumatic Stress Practitioner. Now is the time to STOP the impact of TRAUMA! Because your mental health is important.
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Tzaneen Making home building
Vehicle 2002 Toyota Tazz 1.3 R39 000.00 Contact ABDUL 081 010 6925
For Hire Te Huur Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS)
Call Lihanie at 015 307 7248 to advertise here
Search “Laeveld Bulletin” nie wat die nut daarvan is om ‘n rakbiespeler van ‘n ander skakering as jyself uit beginsel as ‘n “kwota” te teerkwas nie, maar Oubal hoor en lees dit nog gereeld. Die man wat Oubal aan Tobias laat dink het, was Siya Kolisi. Destyds moes Tobias op ‘n slag Naas Botha se skoene volstaan teen die Engelse, toe Botha Amerikaanse voetbal gaan speel het, en hy het dit met onderskeiding gedoen. Verlede jaar is Kolisi onverwags aan die diep kant ingegooi om Schalk Burger se enorme skoene vol te staan by die Stommerds, en Saterdag moes hy dit weer doen ná Arno Botha se besering. Soos die klong van die townships gespeel het, het hy Oubal laat wonder of die ander twee losvoorspelers nie eerder die “kwotas” was nie! Met die dermuitrygery na die tyd saam met sy vrinne, het Oubal nuwe hoop gekry vir ons ou landjie. Ou KoosKakie het ons almal verbaas deur die trippel 7-embleem van
Kwotas? Soos die toets teen Skotland voorverlede Saterdag ontvou het, het Oubal só baie aan Errol Tobias gedink. Destyds toe Tobias vir die Bokke gekies is, het omtrent al Oubal se Yskor-vrinne mos “Window Dressing!” geskree. ‘Tja, ironies soos dit mag klink, was hulle in dieselfde kamp as die Cape Crusaders se voorgangers, maar om heel ander redes. Die woord “kwota” het toe nog nie bestaan in ‘n rakbiekonteks nie, maar dit was wat die manne van Tobias gedink het. Wat Oubal nie kon verstaan nie, is hoe die kleinering van ‘n ander persoon ‘n Yskorskofwerker se sosiale status as sodanig kon verhoog. Oubal verstaan eintlik nog steeds
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Le’Club se administrateurs het eers laat verlede week die uitslae van die Interprovinsiale Landloopkampioenskappe ontvang en nog wonderlike nuus gekry. Omdat die “mop-race” — waaraan alle onder 8-atlete saam deelneem (seuns en meisies wel afsonderlik) — weet die klub nooit waar wie per ouderdom geëindig het nie, tot die uitslae bekend gemaak word. Nog twee van Le’Club se jong atlete het ook uitstekend gevaar in kampioenskappe, waar ses provinsies se atlete meegeding het (onder meer ook Atletiek Gauteng Noord, een van SA se sterkste provinsies). Amoré Coetzee (slegs vyf jaar oud) was derde in die wedloop vir meisies o.6 en Elandri Janse van Rensburg was vierde tussen die meisies wat jonger as agt jaar is. Albei het een kilometer voltooi.
Black Leopards resumed training their preparations for the coming season, Black Leopards will conduct trials for new players this weekend. Thidiela revealed that they were forced to conduct the trials in order to recruit a reasonable number of players below the age of 23. In terms of the rules and regulations for the league, all National First Division teams are required to field a minimum of five u.23 players every game. “These rules do not apply to the Absa Premiership teams and as such we are forced to go all out, searching for the u.23 players,” said Thidiela. Thidiela further revealed that they will reduce the number of the players who are above the age of 23 in order to accommodate the new recruits. He added that they still had more than 30 players, despite the fact that they released three, Rodney Ramagalela, Tiyani Mabunda and Raymond Monama, to Mamelodi Sundowns two weeks ago. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
Gear up for the Tzaneen Rally Spectators from the Tzaneen-area can gear up for lots of excitement at tomorrow’s Tzaneen Regional Rally. This is the third event in this year’s Northern Regions Championship and all the top crews have entered. The rally will start from the back parking area at the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. The first car leaves at 10:00. Tjaart and Mari van der Walt, who are leading the championship, will be here in their Toyota Tazz. Tjaart’s daughter Mari, who is still in high school, is his navigator. An exciting entry is Tzaneen’s own Japie van Niekerk, now a successful Pretoria businessman, in his new 4-wheel drive Ford Fiesta S2000. This LHD car was developed by Ford’s M Sport in the UK and is identical to the car of Mark Cronje, who has dominated national rallies for the past two years. Japie missed the last national rally due to mechaniEddie Simpson
28 Junie 2013
sy hempsmou af te skeur en in die smeu- ste manne herken meriete as hulle dit sien! lende kole te veras. Wat hy nie verstaan van “The future which we hold in trust for our own Heineken nie, sê KK na die ritueel, is dat hy children will be shaped by our fairness to other met ‘n Laevelder in sy span sit wat ‘n week people’s children.” – Marion Wright Edelman tevore vir Fidel Castro vermorsel het (KK is nie goed met name nie!), maar Heineken gee hom net drie minute se speelkans. Drie verdomde skamele minute! As ons manne met sulke talent in ons geledere gehad het, het ons nie detyds die Slag van Mmabatho NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL verloor nie, verklaar KK toe plegtig! MEETING KK se Damaskus-ervaring het duidelik iets (MOTOLE FARMERS TRUST IT in GertGrensvegter se binneste geroer, want na ‘n lang tot-verhaal-kom pose het hy ‘n 4811/08) kort prewelboodskap gelewer, soos wat Oubal vermoed hy destyds vir sy troepe na ‘n Notice is hereby given to the skermutseling gedoen het. Veronderstel jou Beneficiaries of the above naam is Chiliboy, sê GG terwyl hy ‘n traan mentioned Trust of the Annual wegpink, en jou land speel ‘n geskiedkunGeneral Meeting of the Trust to be dige toets net ‘n RPG7-skoot weg vanwaar held as follows: jy grootgeword het, voor jou eie mense, en die brigadier sit jou nie eens op die bank nie? Date: 24 July 2013 Die onreg, die onreg, snik hy! Time: 11:00 am ‘Tja, dit smaak vir Oubal selfs die gehardVenue: Vygeboomspruit Farm 358, portion 1, Duiwelskloof Contact Person: Livhuwani Ramuedi – 076 753 5370
Le’Club se jonges presteer ewe fluks
Although the activities for the new soccer season are expected to start in two months’ time, it is already business as usual in the camp of Black Leopards. The team resumed with its normal training sessions on Tuesday, after a recess of a month. According to the club’s marketing manager, Mr Tshifhiwa Thidiela, their reason for commencing with their normal training sessions two months before the activities of the new season start, is that they wanted the team’s new head coach, Mr Kostadin Papic, to get enough time to prepare the team for the season ahead. Thidiela said that they did not want to be caught off guard when the new season started. “We do not want to stay in the National First Division for more than one season, before returning to the Absa Premiership Division,” said Thidiela. Lidoda Duvha were relegated to the National First Division at the end of the previous season, after finishing their league programme at the bottom of the log. As part of
cal problems thus has entered the Tzaneen Rally to gain valuable “seat time” and to practice with his navigator, Gerhard Snyman, before the next national rally in July. Spectators can expect some spectacular driving on the narrow forest roads from this team. There will be at least one Subaru and several historic rear wheel drive cars like Ford Escorts, Skyline and a BMW 323 from Sabie. These cars always provide lots of sideways action. Three other Tzaneen drivers have entered: Eddie Simpson in his Corsa, Erik de Jager in a VW Golf and Pieter Pilusa in a Nissan Sentra. There will be three stages, each one repeated. There are spectator points on each stage, including a tar section in the afternoon where families can safely watch the action. Cars will be in view for 600 meters. Spectator guides and maps are available from Simpson Motors and Adam’s Cafe or at www.rallyworld.net (click on Rally Docs).
28 Junie 2013
Giyani All Stars lifts mayoral trophy of the tournament got away with something to cheer them up back home. The runners-up in the men’s soccer got medals and R10 000, the team in third place got R8 000, while R6 000 plus soccer balls went to the team who came fourth. In the ladies’ soccer the runnersup received R8 000 and medals, R6 000 and soccer balls went to the team in third place. The losers in the men’s category got R2 000. The aim of the tournament, according to Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani, was “to Giyani All Stars celebrate after winning the mayor’s tournament over the weekend. contribute towards The mayor congratulated both the lost today does not mean that it will the development of sport in the entire Greater Giyani losers and the winners, and urged remain that way — you still have Municipality, through maturing those that had lost to compete time to come back next year and do Mninginisi Brave Ladies also celebrated after winning the trophy in the and supporting of talent among harder next year in the same better to win the cup.” tournament. He said “that you have — Orlando Chauke women’s category. youth.” Various teams from the Greater Giyani Municipality’s thirty wards battled it out at Giyani Stadium to be crowned the champions of Giyani’s Mayor’s Tournament 2013. The tournament, with a price tag of R15 000 for the first position in the men’s soccer and R10 000 for ladies’ soccer, had drawn many spectators from across the wards in the municipality, including several soccer team owners who had come to scout for players to boost their teams. Giyani All Star from Ward
11 won the cup for the fourth time, after beating Mninginisi Mighty Star of Ward 16 at Mninginisi village 4-2 on penalties, after a 1-1 draw at full-time. Brave Ladies, a well-known ladies soccer team, — that in the past represented both the local municipality and Mopani District at the provincial level — won 2-0 against Loloka City Farmers, to lift the trophy and walked away with R10 000 cash. All the participants in the finals
Coca-Cola Craven week will heat up Polokwane
Tzaneen spog met hul Meesters Limpopo Rolbal nooi jaarliks agt spelers elk van onderskeidelik die Mans Ope, Dames Ope, Senior Mans, Senior Dames en Onder 30’s om aan Limpopo se prestige kampioenskapsbyeenkoms deel te neem. Dis ‘n groot voorreg om genooi te word en die kompetisie wprd oor twee dae beslis. Die Tzaneen Rolbalklub kan vanjaar jaar spog met twee Meesters in hule geledere: Venita Beretta wat die Dames Ope ingepalm het en Peet Jordaan wat aangewys is as die Mans Senior Wenner. Doug Reed van Duiwelskloof het die Mans Ope gewen en Lynn Lambert van Polokwane die Senior Dames.
Looking for some action to keep you warm this winter? Look no further than the gripping Coca-Cola Craven Week playing out from 8 to 13 July at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane. This is where South Africa’s hottest young talent will blaze a trail across the Polokwane landscape in celebration of fifty years of the best in schoolboy rugby. The Coca-Cola Craven Week is the only tournament of its kind and not even other serious rugby playing nations, such as New Zealand and Australia can boast such an event. “Exactly 440 of the country’s top school rugby players will take part, and we are preparing for a massive half century celebration,” says
local organising committee’s (LOC) secretary, Paul de Bruin. Designed to be a festival of schoolboy rugby, the inaugural tournament took place in 1964 in East London following the dream of Piet Malan, the then 1949 Springbok flank and now, at 94, the country’s oldest living Springbok. At the time, the South African Rugby Board was about to celebrate its 75th Jubilee and Malan proposed the idea of a festival of schoolboy rugby to take place alongside the celebrations. The famous dr Danie (Doc) Craven took the idea to his board who decided on getting the fifteen schools unions together for a week. At the time it was a novelty for many
provinces to even choose a junior provincial team, but all fifteen provinces did so, and in that moment a part of SA’s sporting heritage was born. Over the years 243 Springboks have graduated through its ranks including Limpopo legends like John Smit, Victor Matfield, Wynand Claasen and Chilliboy Ralepelle. This is the first time Limpopo will host the event and this special 2013 edition sees twenty teams participate, including sides from Namibia and Zimbabwe. The Limpopo Blue Bulls Craven Week team is being coached by André Hay from Ben Vorster High School, and will face Boland on the opening day of the tournament. Coca-Cola Craven Week forms part of a larger picture known as Coca-Cola Youth Weeks which aims to identify and nurture talent within SA and includes the Under 13 Craven Week, Under 16 Grant Khomo Week, Under 18 Academy Week and LSEN Weeks for Learners with Special Education Needs. The Under 13 CocaCola Craven Week has also been allocated to Limpopo and will be held in Bela-Bela) from 24 to 28 June. Tickets for the Craven Week cost an affordable R20 per day or R80 per week — and are free to scholars in school uniform .