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Letsitele Kaskarwedren Saterdag

27 Julie

Dr. Annecke Laerskool

08:30 - 14:00 015 307 7248


Nóg ‘n


Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

19 Julie 2013

Plaasaanval Plaas gevoel het. Vermaak was rondom 22:30 in die kombuis van hul huis op die plaas Smitsrust by Politsi, toe sy ‘n gekrap teen die deur gehoor het. Sy was besig om vir haar driejarige seuntjie, Samuel, wat op die bank geslaap het, tee te maak. Sy het eers gedink dit is hul hond wat aan die Ma Esmeralda Vermaak en haar seuntjie Samuel. Sy’t ‘n blou oog en verskeie krapdeur krap, maar was en steekwonde in die gestoei met die aangeskok om te sien daar valler opgedoen. staan ‘n man voor die deur. Vermaak sê dat ‘n Vrou van Politsi het haar die sekuriteit op die aanvaller goed die skrik op plaas goed is en dat sy daarom die lyf gejaag, toe sy haarself nie die veiligheidshek gesluit het Dinsdagaand moedig in ‘n plaas- nie. “Ons sluit gewoonlik eers aanval teengesit het. later in die aande die hek.” Volgens die slagoffer, me EsmeDie man het volgens haar ralda Vermaak, het die voorval oënskynlik groter as sy geskrik, binne vyf minute afgespeel, ter- toe hy haar in die deur sien en wyl dit vir haar soos ‘n leeftyd hy het haar aan die keel gegryp

Fear lessl y the tr uth

en haar nek en gesig gekrap. Terwyl sy die deur met haar been probeer toedruk het, het die aanvaller haar twee keer in die been met ‘n stomp voorwerp gesteek. Vermaak vermoed dat dit ‘n skroewedraaier was. Haar kamerjas en nagrok het in die proses geskeur. “Toe ek sien dat hy slaag om die deur oop te kry, het ek terug getree en my seuntjie, wat tydens die aanval agter my gestaan het, in die sitkamer ingegooi. Letterlik gegooi.” Sy het die aanvaller toe ook met warm tee gegooi. Toe haas sy haar na hul slaapkamer. Haar man het intussen wakker geword van die lawaai en opgespring om te kyk wat aan die gang is. Die aanvaller het die aftog geblaas toe hy haar man sien aankom en die boerboel om die draai sien storm. “Hy het oor die buitemuur gespring en my man het hom met ‘n hokkiestok agterna gesit.”

Die polisie is ontbied en Vermaak is vol lof vir hul vinnige reaksie en empatie waarmee hulle haar behandel het. Die SAPS in Modjadjiskloof se woordvoerder, adj-off Kgamedi Seshoka, sê dit word nie deur hulle as ‘n plaasaanval geklassifiseer nie, maar slegs as aanranding. Volgens hom is die rede vir die aanval nie bekend nie en die polisie is besig om die saak te ondersoek. Vermaak sê hul motor was tydens die aanval weg vir ‘n diens en die huis se ligte het nie gebrand nie. “Ons vermoed hy het gedink hier is niemand by die huis nie.” Vermaak het Woensdag hul huisdokter besoek, om ‘n inspuiting teen enige moontlike infeksie te kry. Haar seuntjie is saam vir ‘n ondersoek om vas te stel of hy enige tekens van trauma toon. Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com

Fees word herhaal Die datum vir volgende jaar se Gospelfees is reeds bepaal, aangesien vanjaar se fees so ‘n groot sukses was dat die organiseerders, mee Adri Kruger en Elize Caroto, voel dit moet beslis herhaal word. Die meer as duisend mense wat vanjaar se eerste fees bygewoon het, het bevestig dat gesinne iets soek waar hulle in ‘n rustige atmosfeer en omstandighede van die daaglikse gejaag kan ontsnap. Maandagaand bied die organiseerders alle belangstellendes ‘n geleentheid om terugvoer te kry, by die Platform in Claude Wheatley-straat in die Star Sparesgebou. Daar sal tot op die sent oor die finansies verslag gedoen word, en ook oor hoeveel geld aan die Krisissentrum geskenk gaan word.

Vossies maak geskiedenis Die einde van die jaar snel op ons af en skole se nuwe leiers word van nou af aangewys. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het pas dié week hul leiers aangewys en die skool het vir die eerste keer in sy bestaan ‘n swart meisie as hoofmeisie. Die twee onder-hoofseuns is ook albei swart leerlinge, wat ook ‘n eerste vir die skool is. Op bladsy 3 is foto’s van die nuwe leerlingraadslede.

Spoor van verwoesting bl 10


19 Julie 2013


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com

Joernaliste / Journalists Retha Nel 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com Tshegofatso Ngobeni 076 267 1213 tshegofatso@bulletin.us.com Amelia De Ridder 082 824 2182 amelia@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com

Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best. / Man.) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com Candice Dabner (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com

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Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (hoof) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.


Sê jou sê The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others. • Wat sê jy oor die plan om ‘n hoenderplaas in Tzaneen te vestig, soos Vrydag op die voorblad van die Bulletin berig is? • How do you feel about plans to establish a chicken farm in Tzaneen, as was reported on the front page of Friday’s Bulletin? Amanda Strydom As dit werk skep en plaaslike inwoners kan ‘n salaris verdien sal dit net goed wees! Maar die stank van ‘n hoederplaas is walglik, horobaal! Dit is vir seker! Kan julle nie maar bietjie meer uit die dorp uit? Rudi Fichardt Ag nee wat! Die hoenders kan kieme oordra. Veral waar perde is en die hoeders kan die perde siek maak. Arme perde. Frederick Pohl Studies in die VSA het bewys dat vlieggetalle (darem nou nie Bulletin se Vlieg nie) vermeerder met 83% binne ‘ n radius van 1 km van ‘n hoederplaas, ons weet hoeveel vlieë daar reeds is in die somer en stank sal daar ook wees, dit is twee aspekte wat moeilik gemitigeer sal word, en behoort die hoenderplaas bloot om daardie rede met hand en tand beveg te word op die voorgestelde perseel. Amanda Strydom O vaderland nee hou verby! Ek haat brommers en hul kleiner maatjies is nog minder vir my! Nee wyk! Pat Patterson Ek stem, ‘n hoenderplaas hoort nie naby ‘n dorp nie, ten minste tien tot twintig kilometre weg, vlieë is al kla ‘n probleem hier. RialineSteyn Dit gaan nie lekker ruik nie, en die vlieë gaan die dorp oorvat. Daar is mos reëls en regulasies oor hoe ver ‘n hoenderplaas van residensiële gebied moet wees? IlzeCzubora Vir wat so naby aan die dorp. Dit is onaanvaarbaar! Melanie Brass Hier kom die bird flue NicolaasJacobus Van Schalkwyk Wat het van al die dorpsontwikkelingplanne geword. Kan die Stadraad nie bietjie na hulle ontwikkelingsplanne kyk nie. Bokant die Hoenderplaas was al erwe uitgemeet? MarithaFourieTheron Dink hoeveel hoenders gaan dan op die sypaadjies geslag word. Health & safety regulasies is mos net vir die besighede EttienneSwanepoel Stop hoenderplaasplanne ASAP. Nog ‘n 3de wêreld se idée wat GTM nadelig gaan beïnvloed. KewpRoos Ag nee tog! Gaan stop vir ‘n oomblik by Bushvalley en ruik die stank! Gaan doen daai Boerdery ver van die dorp af! En wyd van ons varswaterbronne af ook.

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Fortuinverteller Vlieg kon die laaste tyd net saans by die huis uit. Hy het nou al soveel dreigoproepe ontvang dat hy bang is hy word met klippe of iets gegooi as hy dit bedags op straat waag. Maar Vlieg is al gewoond aan stank vir dank as hy bloot net sy — natuurlik meesal ongevraagde — mening uitspreek. Maar lesers moet versigtig wees om nie Vlieg se ongevraagde menings te ligtelik op te neem nie. Lesers kom dikwels sommer tot gevolgtrekkings as Vlieg oor allerhande onderwerpe (soms voorwerpe) praat: skole, kerke, sport, kultuur, ouerskap, musiek, taalgebruik, mediese sake, finasies, ensovoorts. Want Vlieg is ‘n kenner op baie gebiede en sy uitsprake behoort absoluut gerespekteer te word. Kyk nou maar wat het met Klip Derm gebeur, nou dat Vlieg byvoorbeeld dink aan die verskeidenheid lawwe-liedjies wat deel van ons kultuur vorm. Vlieg waarsku lankal oor wit Fortuners, en ten spyte daarvan is die goed nog steeds net so algemeen soos aambeie. Kyk maar in die strate, dis nie weer net een van Vlieg se wanopvattings nie. Dis net jammer van die skedelbreuk en agt gebreekte ribbetjies. Sou Vlieg nou nie opgewonde gewees het as die man eerder sy stembande verstuit

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... het nie, maar aan die anderkant, as ‘n mens na sy musiek luister, klink dit eintlik of hy dit lankal verstuit het! Ter versagting van die Fortuner moet Vlieg darem erken dat as hy ‘n lugsak in daai motor was, sou hy ook nie sommer net ontplooi het nie. Vir wat? Die man het dan al klaar so groot air om hom! Alles loop reg, altyd

reg… Nog een van Vlieg se menings wat vandeesweek as’t ware gestalte gekry het, is onse Limpiepols se huidige leierloosheid. Gereelde Vlieg-lesers sal onthou dat Vlieg kort na die nuwe Pous se aanstelling reeds berig het oor die swart rokie wat oor Polokwane trek. Nou wag ons in spanning vir die wit rokie om die verkiesing van ons nuwe leier aan te dui. Vlieg is natuurlik van mening dat ‘n mens nie sou kon agterkom of daar ‘n leier is of nie! Amper soos wanneer ‘n mens nie regtig kan agterkom wanneer ‘n onderwysstaking begin of eindig nie. Miskien is Vlieg se komper se spellchecker reg om rokie die heeltyd na rookie toe te wil verander. Die provinsiale wanbestuur gaan tog net so voortgaan. En dit sal aanhou totdat daar net swart fortuine oorbly, en geen meer wit fortuine nie.

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Dit is darem so mooi as ‘n man hom nie Wangedrag as hy by die Bosveld Lapa gaan kuier nie. Laas moes hy nog aangespreek word, omdat daar beweerde wangedrag was. Dit was egter moedswillige kwaadpraatjies, want die man se vader is so ordentlik dat seun beslis nie wangedraggerig is nie.... • Die mense in Agatha sê mens is nooit te oud om te leer nie. Pasede Donderdagaand het hulle byvoorbeeld geleer allergie kan mens stom maak, lam, blind en

nog allerhande goeters wat die mediese wetenskap nog naam moet gee. Dr Willem is ‘n nuwe dokter in die dorp, wat glo ‘n allergie-spesialis is en wat omtrent enige allergie met koffiebone en orgideesade gou-gou kan uitsorteer... • Daar is wilde dwelmsmouse en daar is mak dwelsmouse. Maar dit is moeilik om te besluit of die vermeteles wat sommer helder oordag in die parkeerterrein van die nuwe Lifestyle Centre loop en smous en smokkel, mak of wild is...

Mohammed jaag na SA kampioenskap — bl 7

Now in charge

19 Julie 2013



God’s Haven geborg deur Bulletin, FNB Limpopo Wine Show & Something Crystal

bied aan

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se nuwe leerlingraadleiers is dié week aangewys (vir die termyn 2013/2014). Hierbo is die meisies en vir die eerste keer is ‘n swart leerling hoofmeisie van die skool; en twee swart seuns is die onderhoofseuns. Die drie meisies voor is Iseldri Janse van Rensburg (onder-hoofmeisie: sport), Shonny Thuketana (hoofmeisie) en Talitta Smit (onder-hoofmeisie: kultuur). In die ry agter hulle is Carmen Schutte, Niki Cilliers, Katie Morgets en Marietjie Coetzee. In die derde ry van voor is Khanyisa Chawane, Elma Pohl, Dané Mynhardt, Akasha Mhlanga en Christie-Ann Dreyer en agter staan Rochelle van

der Merwe, Jannelize Bessenger, Juané Gubitz, Thabitha Modiba en Isabel Opperman. Onder is die seuns wat as leiers sal optree. Voor sit Nsovo Shandlale (onder-hoofseun: akademie), B J Vorster (hoofseun) en Curtys Maakamela (onder-hoofseun: sosiaal). In die ry agter hulle is Vukosi Mabuza, Rikus Jordaan, Mitch Mametsa, Eben Roos en Eddie Engelbrecht. In die ry derde van voor is Kgetho Mabokela, Mauritz Pohl, Carl Sambo en Jan-Hendrik Vorster. Agter staan Theo Mahlo, Ockert Maritz, Tshepiso Mahasha en Coenraad van Deventer. Sven van Niekerk was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

The new base manager for the Letaba Fire Protection Association is Ms Thabiso Shipalane. She will be managing the Tzaneen Working on Fire team. Her duties include skills development, fitness and training, monitoring and maintaining team strength and administrative duties. Shipalane was previously the manager of Pep Stores, Tzaneen, before becoming a teacher at Shipungu High School at Mariveni. She has a son (5) and two daughters (13 & 18).

Maak ‘n broodnodige skenking aan God’s Haven in ruil vir ‘n kans om lekker te

Beware Land owners have until the end of July to prepare their fire breaks. As of 1 August no open fires are allowed until the end of October. The National Veld and Forest Fire Act is clear about firebreaks and land owners should take cognisance of what is prescribed by the Act. Fire breaks can be made by burning, slashing or hoeing. Fires need to be reported to the Fire Ops on 076 550 2260 or 076 549 5466.

Home to 15 foreign nurses lent clinical skills and vast experience. Nurses receive their training in hospitals and use the same syllabus. They are trained in English and language barriers are therefore minimal. Nurses aren’t just chosen and set to work in SA; the process from recruitment to arrival takes up to two years. They have a three year contract, with an option to extend it. Only registered professional nurses are recruited. They are also required to pass the SANC-exam before they can start their work. The nurses in Tzaneen easily adapted to the SA culture and are currently hard at work. They enjoy being part of the Mediclinic family and two nurses whose contracts are ending soon, have already expressed interest in extending their contracts. —Retha Nel

Totale waarde

R5 250

Jou naam, kontaknommer en die bedrag wat jy skenk, na God’s Haven se spesiale kompetisienommer:

082 882 3799


To combat the shortage of trained nurses, Mediclinic Tzaneen is currently home to fifteen nurses from India. Mediclinic Southern Africa started with a pilot group of twelve nurses from India working in three Western Cape hospitals from September 2007. They now have 215 nurses working in nineteen hospitals across SA. Mediclinic Tzaneen started taking part in the project at the end of 2010. Mediclinic adopted the foreign recruitment strategy to combat a decline in graduates from SA Nursing Education Institutions. India and the Philippines were looked at as possible candidate countries and India was decided on, because of the similarities between their training methods and SA’s. ICU and theatre nurses were found to have excel-

Die drie hoogste aanbiedings wen elkeen twee toegangskaartjies na die Limpopo Wynskou EN ‘n Riedel Cornetto-wynkraffie (waarde R1 750)


The fifteen Mediclinic Tzaneen nurses from India already feel at home in SA. Seen here are another six of the nurses: at the back are Suhas Powar, Karoli Sangappa, Prince Joseph and (front) Minimol Nediyani, Vidya Bhingardive and Shahin Sayyad. Jaimy Poulose and Joby Francis are the last of the fifteen to be introduced, but they were not available when the photo was taken.





SKEP baie

SMS jou naam, kontaknommer en die bedrag (byvoorbeeld Mike, 083 111 2222, R200) na 082 882 3799. Die drie hoogste skenkings wen elkeen twee kaartjies en ook ‘n Riedel Cornetto-kristalglaskraffie. Die insameling ten behoewe van God’s Haven sluit Woensdag 24 Julie 2013 om 13:00. Alle donasies is ten behoewe van God’s Haven senior burger-sorgeenheid.

Fear lessl y the tr uth

19 Julie 2013



Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Madaleki Nkuna (24), Jomo Joseph Mashele (20) and Israel Shikwambana (33).

Theft of Stock

CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter

Tshegofatso Ngobeni tshego@bulletin.us.com

Tzaneen successes

Busy week for Ritavi The Ritavi Police arrested 49 people for various crimes during the past week. Eighteen people were taken off the streets for contravening the Liquor Act. Nine people were put behind bars for assault GBH. Five people were arrested for robbery, four for possession of dagga and two each for possession of suspected stolen meat, housebreaking and theft, common assault, malicious damage to property and possession of suspected stolen property. Single arrests were made for possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of a dangerous weapon and disobeying the Road Traffic Act.

Letsitele arrests Theft Three men have been sentenced to ten months imprisonment after stealing waterpumps at various farms around Letsitele. The Letsitele Crime Prevention team arrested the suspects, while patrolling ry earlier this year. The suspects appeared in the Letsitele Periodical Court last week. The men are Thomas

Stolen goods A 32 year-old man was arrested by Letsitele Police after being found in possession of stolen goods at Mbhekwana in N’wamitwa. The arrest took place as a result of the Police being tipped off about the suspect’s activities. A computer and an electrical compressor worth R12 500 were stolen. These items were stolen at a shop at Mbhekwana by the Letsitele Police. The suspect also stole other goods at Nyangelani in Xihoko village, namely cosmetics and crockery. The suspect will appear in the Ritavi Magistrates Court.

people were arrested for possession of dagga, one person was arrested for cultivating dagga, three people were arrested for illegal gambling and one person was arrested for fraud.

range from TV sets, radios and other home equipment which need to be received by its rightful owners. Owners who want to claim their belongings, should produce a proof of payment slip or case docket when claiming. Unclaimed goods will be auctioned by the Police. Hawks arrest Owners should go to Office No 13 at the Two police officials and an Ethiopian accom- Tzaneen Police Offices or call 015 306 2107. plice were arrested by the Hawks on Wednesday, after they had been found in possession of R6 500 which they allegedly extorted from Ethiopian nationals who operate shops in Witpoort. The three were allegedly collecting an Firearm licences amount of R500 from each shop owner on The Tzaneen Police are requesting those a monthly basis, telling them that it was for who have applied for firearm licences to rent. It is alleged that this has been going on collect them at the Tzaneen Police Offices. since 2011. A successful trap was set for the On arri-val, applicants should request for trio and they were caught in the act. the Designated Firearms Office (DFO) or They will appear in the Phalala Magistrates contact the office on 015 206 2089. Court soon, facing charges of extortion.

Please note!

David Sekgobela dies in hospital David Sekgobela (27), suspected of the murder and rape of two year-old Maria Mmanageng of Maake, died in hospital. He was detained at the Tzaneen police cells when he started complaining of breathing problems. He was rushed to hospital, where he was treated but later died of pneumonia. Sekgobela was arrested earlier this year for allegedly raping young Maria of Pulaneng village, Maake. The two year-old girl later died.

nce a d


Tzaneen Police have arrested thirteen people for numerous criminal activities during the past week. Three people were arrested for shoplifting, one for possession of stolen goods, one for robbery and one for housebreaking and sexual assault. One person was arrested for drunken driving, two people for assault with grievous bodily harm and one person for interference with police officials. Two people were arrested for rape and one person was arrested for murder.

Three men were sentenced to six years in prison after they had been arrested for stock theft at Gunyula Plot 35, Laparisa, Letsitele. The men stole chickens and were arrested in mid-April during one of Letsitele Police’s operations. They appeared in the Letsitele Periodical Court last week and the case has been postponed.

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t he


Life for cop killers

A stolen computer and electrical compressor recovered by Letsitele Police at Mbhekwana in N’wamitwa.

Maake successes Maake Police have arrested 98 people for contravening various laws during the past week. Three people were arrested for common robbery, one person was arrested for housebreaking and three people were arrested for theft. Twenty people were arrested for drinking in public, 39 people were arrested for violating the Road Traffic Act and ten people were arrested for contravening the Liquor Act. Two people were arrested for common assault, six people for assault GBH and seven for rape. Two

The Minister of Police welcomed the life sentences handed to murderers who robbed the Police of a dedicated officer, Srgnt Madyene, and also robbed a family of a loved one. Four of the five suspects who were involved in the armed robbery of a filling station at Burgersfort and the subsequent shooting and killing of the police sergeant were each sentenced to life imprisonment plus twenty for robbery, possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition and murder.

Convictions Alfred Raphotle was sentenced to six months in prison for committing assault with grievous bodily harm in the Tzaneen Magistrates Court. Sello Lekgowa Malapane was sentenced to two years in prison, also for assault with grievous bodily harm.

Stolen goods Tzaneen Police are urging the owners of goods which have been stolen from their homes to claim it. Appliances


Die inwoners en bestuur sê baie dankie vir elkeen se insette die afgelope week. Dankie vir donasies, besoeke en die saamsing en huisgodsdiens elke week. Dankie aan M van Aarde vir aartappelskyfies, anonieme persoon vir storieboeke, Graham Partnership vir piesangs, Sugarloaf vir brood, Jan Liebenberg vir die krat eiervrugte, Lienkie Labuschagne vir die pak doeke, anonieme persoon vir die krat avokadopere, Gospelfees (Pekoe View Rest) vir Gemmerbier, Nauta Projek (BP Lombaard en Allesbeste Padstal) vir vrugte en piesangs, anonieme persoon vir 2 liter Savlon, AP Kerk vir kerrie en rys.

Qualified IDF teacher

Acrobatics Modern Jazz Disco Hip-Hop For more information contact

Annemieke • 079 275 7347 annemiekemaritz@gmail.com


19 Julie 2013


Change, Innovation, Creativity

Korttermynversekering Geakrediteerde Makelaars • • • • • • • • • •

Louis Naude (FSP 11184) 082-300 9957 Johan Smith (FSP 11184) 071-170 9540 Allan Forbes Makelaars (FSP 15415) 015-307 2061 Charmaine Thompson (FSP 11184) 076-642 9193 Cornel Van Schalkwyk (FSP 11184) 083-706 9571 Cronje Makelaars (FSP 25637) 083-268 1932 Darius Geldenhuys (FSP 11184) 076 618 8058 Jacques Lamprecht (FSP 166635) 082-469 7558 Leon Roode (FSP 11184) 083-345 3171 Retief Jacobzs (FSP 11184) 082-850 9499

The Rebalance Investments business and investment philosophy is centred on our clients. Our belief is that an investment philosophy should start at client level with the financial advisor and build up to portfolio level with the asset manager. Specialisation is an integral factor to optimal client service. For this reason we aren’t reinventing the wheel but rather partnering with Momentum to assist in optimally servicing our clients. The ability to leverage from our specialist areas transforms Rebalance Investments into a unique Investment Management Company with years of experience.

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19 Julie 2013



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Ons Mening

The Message

Vrydag 19 Julie 2013

Rev Ron Reiners St Luke Anglican Church

Mediaprobleme Elders op dié bladsy (onder Briewe) bedank ‘n stadsraadslid van Tzaneen die lede van die nooddienste en veral die personeel van die Mopani Rampbestuursentrum, vir hul flinke en volgehoue hulpverlening op die toneel van ‘n treinontsporing. Ons sekondeer dit graag en met groot vrymoedigheid. In moeilike omstandighede — die donkerte van die nag, ‘n dun winternagluggie, die gevaar van derduisende liter diesel wat gestort het en en kon ontvlam en noodtoerusting wat nie altyd kon byhou by die robuuste konstruksie van ‘n trein nie — het hulle moedig en onselfsugtig gewerk. Dinge het besonder georganiseerd en glad verloop, behalwe vir die onbeholpenheid waarmee die media (maar weer) behandel (mishandel?) is. Rapporteer ons nie, word gevra of ons slaap. Probeer ons eerbaar toegang tot inligting (en ‘n ramptoneel) verkry, is almal ewe skielik so belangrik — dog onbeholpe oningelig oor mediaskakeling — dat alles verstar en in teenproduktiwiteit verstik (en verstrik raak).

Bulletin supports any lawful action to end violence against our women and children

Well done! Cllr Anza van Vuuren, Tzaneen, writes: As the opposition party in the local council, the DA does often criticise and argue against the ruling party. However, a major disaster struck in ward 14 Friday night, and I feel need to thank and congratulate our officials for their prompt intervention: Within hours three environmental companies were on site, appointed by Transnet for specific tasks, Geotech did tests to assess the impact on soil contamination, nine trucks assisted with decanting. Late Saturday evening it was estimated that this would take at least a week to be done, together with relining the railway line and final assessment of contamination. Inspectors from National Dept Environmental Affairs were on site and pressured Transnet to speed up the rehabilitation process. The minister of said department claimed continuous reports on the situation. Since Sunday our officials are having daily meetings to evaluate and plan the ongoing process. They are also continuing with more water quality tests. I extend a sincere word of gratitude towards those officials of the GTM who were prepared to execute their jobs, call in the appropriate services and who maintain a high level of involvement. A special word of thanks to Michael Rabothata for being available to give me as the ward councillor updates as and when required.

Pret met musiek

Die Diensbestuur, SA Vrouefederasie, Tzaneen, skryf: Die tyd het weer aangebreek vir die jaarlikse musiekpretaand, ‘n fondsinsamelinginisiatief ten bate van ons plaaslike SAVF.

Letters • Briewe Vir diegene wat dit verlede jaar gemis het, is dit nou die tyd om onverwyld voort te gaan en ‘n tafel te bespreek. Daar is slegs beperkte sitplekke beskikbaar. Die funksie neem die vorm aan van ‘n musiekspeletjie waaraan oud en jonk in spanverband meeding. Dit is nie net vir die musiekkenner nie, maar ook die “alledaagse ou” en is perfek vir almal wat hulself wil geniet of sommer net wil ontspan. Elke span (tafel) kry ‘n koordlose knoppie. Die span wat eerste hul knoppie druk, kry geleentheid om punte te verdien. Die suksesvolle span se nommer verskyn dan op ‘n groot elektroniese bord wat vir alle deelnemers sigbaar is. Die program het verskillende afdelings wat bestaan uit musiek, algemene kennis, ensovoorts. Die aanbieder is Jaco Dixon van Musiekpret. Die kaartjies word per tafel verkoop. Dis ideaal vir besighede om die funksie te gebruik as ‘n spanbou vir hul werknemers of andersyds vir familie en vriende. Daar is slegs twintig tafels beskikbaar. Die kostes per tafel is R1 000 vir ‘n tafel van tien persone en R 1 200 vir ‘n tafel van twaalf. Elke tafel, soos verlede jaar, is verantwoordelik vir hul eie piekniekmandjie/s. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. U is egter welkom om u eie wyn en koeldrank saam te bring. Elna Jacobs van “The Invisible Chef” sal weereens ‘n spyskaart beskikbaar stel, welke spyskaart aan u deurgestuur sal word sodra u bespreking gedoen word, sou u bestellings by haar wil plaas. Daar is verskeie pryse te wen, onder meer ‘n prys vir die span met die beste gees. Ten

einde by te dra tot die spangees en ‘n ontspanne atmosfeer aan te moedig kan u ‘n tema kies waarvolgens almal

aantrek. Kreatiwiteit ten opsigte van die uitbeelding van die gekose tema sal defnitief in aanmerking geneem word vir die geesprys. Alle opbrengste is ten bate van die SAVF Tzaneen se maatskaplike sorg. As daar enige belangstelling is om van die pryse of ander uitgawes vir die aand te borg, skakel gerus Ilza Roelofse by 082 773 0471 of die plaaslike SAVF-kantoor by 015 307 2645. Ons wil verder die geleentheid gebruik om Tzaneen Country Lodge te bedank vir die groot bydrae wat hul maak, ten einde die aand moontlik te maak. Die verdere besonderhede is: Donderdag 29 Augustus by die Tzaneen Country Lodge (Cassia Saal) om 18:30 vir 19:00. Skakel Lizelle Pienaar by 083 388 4640 om te bespreek. Alle ondersteuning word opreg waardeer.

Thank you all The Duiwelskloof Bowls Club writes: The Duiwelskloof Bowls Club would like to thank the following suppliers/persons who were sponsors for the Wolkberg Bowls Tournament: First National Bank, Trophy Toyota, Overland Liquors Modjadjiskloof, South African Breweries, Distell, Henry Tayler & Ries, Brandhouse, Namaqua Wines, Coca Cola Fortune, Spar Modjadjiskloof, Letaba Citrus Processing, Houers, Blaize Point, Coral Water, Westfalia, ZZ2, Rob’s Spices, Adams Café, Checkers, Hobby Print, Gullis Gouws, Hennie van Zyl, Rex Goulding, Doug Reed, Louw Swanepoel and all those that advertised in our programme booklet.

In a sermon this week a preacher made a statement which had a great impact on me. In it he stated “No one is born a Christian, in fact no one is born as any religious person”. Now at first I disagreed with this, but considering it further, I tend to agree. We can be born of Christian parents, or religious zealots but this does not automatically make us religious. It is only once we accept Christ as our Saviour; that we can be really called Christians and this does not happen at birth. It might only happen many years after and sometimes people wait until their death-beds before accepting Jesus. I was brought up in a fairly religious family and went to church each Sunday, did this mean that I was a Christian? I believe now it really did not I had to grow in the faith. Yes I was baptised and promises were made on my behalf, I became involved in the church, I was a choirboy. Did this mean I was a Christian? After all we were being paid a princely sum of 50c a month to be in the choir. Thus it could rightly be said I was being paid to be a Christian. At a later stage I was accepted as an altar boy/server, still this did not mean I was a Christian although I thought of myself as one. I think it was only after I was elected to be on the church council that I got the wakeup call that God had a purpose in my life and was calling me to be a Christian. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and things began to change for me. Before this I was just going to church because I thought it was the right thing to do: “That’s what Christians do” God moves into our lives in different ways, sometimes it can be quite dramatically at other times it can be a process of time. To be considered as a Christian we need to be obedient to the Great Commandment: Mark 12 v 30-31 and the Great Commission Mathew 26 v 19-20. Blessings * PLEASE NOTE: The views expressed in this colomn are not necessarily those held by the Anglican Church, but my own thoughts. Gretha Pers kom kuier by die Letaba Skou. Sy het haar vellies verruil vir hakskoene. Sy het die bos verruil vir die verhoog. Sy het uit die son geklim in die kollig in... Sy’t ‘n komiese interaktiewe teaterproduksie vir die hele gesin wat gehore glo laat krul van die lag. Sy tree jaarliks by van SA se grootste kunstefeeste op. In 2012 is Gretha ook gevra om by die Hart van Windhoek fees in Namibië op te tree. Hou die media dop vir verdere nuus.

Great entertainment coming to H’burg in September

Haenertsbrug has an impressive bundle of exciting entertainment to offer in September (The village’s Spring Fair month). Richard Cock and his wife Sue together with a cellist and violinist are doing an evening of entertainment on 19 September at 19:00 in the Village Hall. Cost is only R80 per person. Cash Bar and bring your own snacks. On the 20th is the Bierfest and Oompah band in the Barnyard Theatre. On 24 September at 19:00 in the Barnyard Theatre a Richard Cock extravaganza is booked – the orchestra with two soloists – and this will be an amazing evening. Bookings are wither at tables (8-10 to a table – you can share with other people) or upstairs reservations. All seats are R130.

Bring your own supper. One of the wine makers will be there selling wine by the bottle and I am hoping that one of the local foodies will have easy eating food on sale for guests who are staying in hotels or guest houses. On 28 September Magda de Vries — that incredible performer on her Marimba — will be performing with another of her spine chilling, exquisite events. This is a concert not to be missed – it is not the normal African Marimba, but ac-

tually a very large sophisticated instrument that she plays very beautifully. This will be in the hall also at 19:00 and the cost will be R100 per person (again bring your own eats, and there will be a cash bar). The Men in Red might be coming with a new perfomance filled ith fun. Provisionally Friday 27 September has been booked for this, to be confirmed soon. Thus... be prepared for ten days of pleasure and entertainment and all of this right in the middle of the Spring Festival — an event that has been going for almost thirty years for nature at its most beautiful, art and craft markets in the village and at the hotel, gorgeous gardens to visit, walks in the area, fishing, cycling and much, much more. Enquiries: 082 575 5738 or 082 771 2655.

“200km/h... If that does not get your heart beating, nothing will”

‘It’s the challenge of continually pushing myself ’ Homegrown rally fanatic and regular frontrunner, Mohammed Moosa (35), slips on a pair of red gloves as he prepares to testdrive his rally car before a race in Port Elizabeth this weekend. He had wanted to become a rally driver ever since he could remember. Listening to the sounds of rally cars roaring through the quiet New Agatha pine tree plantation, Moosa’s passion for rallying was sparked. And as soon as he started racing he knew that he would someday compete at top level. It was on their farm, next to the plantation, that Moosa quickly learnt to drive a farm bakkie on gravel. He laughs when he talks about the hidings he used to get when coming short after trying to emulate the rally drivers he had watched. Moosa attended local rallies whenever he could and in 2005 he finally managed to buy his first racing car — a Subaru Impreza WRX STI Ver 6. The father of three, driven entrepreneur and owner of the Mega Hardware store in Nkowankowa (as well as some other successfull business entities and a farm) saw his racing career set off when he took part in his first regional rally with the Subaru. 2005

had also been a special year for Moosa as he won his third rally — entitling him to be the first person of colour to win a rally in SA — and one of a very few to win a race in their first season! After his victory he caught the attention of Total, who had since become his main sponsor. He bought a Toyota RunX 1800 RSI and in 2006 he took on the national championships. About three years later Toyota sponsored him and assisted him with a Toyota Auris 1600 and he won the national A6-title with it. He was the first Indian in SA history to win a national rally championship and he also gave the Auris its first win. In 2010 Moosa moved up to the top class, Class S2000, when Toyota helped him purchase a Toyota RunX. After a big accident, slamming the car into the ground as it rolled eight times, it took Moosa a while to get comfortable with racing again. “I felt like I could win quite easily and I ended up disrespecting the car. It took me a whole year to mentally recover.” According to Moosa, rallying is all about confidence. “I have to believe that the car will handle in a certain way and more or less be an extension of myself. This in turn

gives me the confidence to push harder and take more risks.” I asked him whether he ever gets scared before a race. “You have to be mentally and physically prepared”, he answered. “The safety features in the car are pretty good — a broken ego is mostly the biggest injury you get.” He recalls how (instead of fear) he and a navigator once started an argument out of irritation as they were rolling the car. “We have a saying that goes: you take your brain off every time you put your helmet on”. Moosa starts getting into race mode a week before the event when they get their route notes and DVD, which he and his navigator, André Vermeulen, study for danger spots and sections where they can push harder with relative low risk. But there is no doubt that rallying is a dangerous sport. Moosa explains how his brain would at all times tell him to slow down, but instead, his heart tells him to keep his foot flat. “It’s the fear that keeps you alive”. To Moosa, racing is the biggest thrill and most amazing feeling. “I am a person who needs to be constantly challenged and I don’t like to be stagnant. It’s the challenge of continually pushing myself that keeps me interest-


19 Julie 2013


Die Bulletin se eksklusiewe en gewilde reeks oor Tzaneen en omgewing se jong entrepreneurs/presteerders word deur Amelia de Ridder versorg. Sy is nie verslaaf aan adrenalien nie (meeste joernaliste is), maar die afgelope week het die adrenalien dik deur haar are gevloei, toe sy na ‘n onderhoud met Mohammed Moosa op ‘n kort rit in sy weerligblitsige tydrenmotor gegaan het. Lees nou verder… (Stuur name en besonderhede van jong entrepreneurs/presteerders (verkieslik onder 35) na amelia@bulletin.us com) ed. Motorsport lends itself to my personality.” And he will never stop racing. Not as long as he has the ability, capability and the sponsors. Moosa’s main goal is to win the SA National Rally Championship. His story of how he had once (and only once) sat in the passenger’s seat of a rally car is still fresh in his mind. He was so distressed after only two kilometer that he stopped the driver and walked all the way back. And then it was my turn… I put on a helmet and climbed into the white and red Auris. The rebuilt racing car, costing nothing less than R2,8m to build from scratch, has been stripped of everything — leaving only the minimum. It features a lot of carbon fibre and bare metal in an effort to minimise the weight of the car. Full of courage and completely unaware of what I am about to get myself into, I got strapped into the racing seat — leaving only my arms and legs free to move. I could barely see through the windscreen as the seat had been positioned much too low. According to Moosa, navigators aren’t meant to see the road, but rather to read through the route notes and give accurate ...continues P8


19 Julie 2013



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Kookpret by eerste Tamatiefees

Residents of Mawa village, Bolobedu, protested for electricity outside the GTM. They said that they have been without electricity since 1994 and demanded that electricity

be made available to them immediately. A memorandum stating their grievances was handed to GTM mayor Dikeledi Mmetle (photo above right). She said that the GTM was aware of the problem, and even though it was Eskom’s responsibility, the GTM would meet with them to solve the problem.

‘Keep walking: in faith’ Last week motorists in the Tzaneen area might have seen a man pushing a trolley, carrying a huge backpack and leading a dog on a leash on his side. Meet Russel Kearney, who is travelling through SA on foot, with his sixteen monthold dog, Kei. Kearney has been going on walks for different charities for the last almost four years He completed a coastline route from Namibia to Mozambique three times and is currently following a unique route along the perimeter of SA. We found him approaching Tzaneen on the R71 near Fonteinplaas. We stopped and spoke to him next to the road. Kearney explained that he has no set route. He consults a map of the area and then decides which towns he wants to visit. “This journey takes strategic planning as we never know where we’ll be staying. I’m walking in faith”. Kearney set off from Port Elizabeth on 1 March and will be walking for several more months. His purpose of the walk is to promote his autobiography of his travels. He allows a year for this journey and once he is back home, he will devote his time to writing the book. He already has the title: Keep walking, inspired by faith, hope and love. It will highlight interesting happenings along his journeys and hopefully inspire people. “While promoting my book I am also

spreading a message of love, between people and also between a man and his dog.” That is why 15% of the proceeds of the book sales will go to two of the charities nearest to his heart — Animal Welfare in PE and Birds of Eden in Plettenberg Bay. Asked about his luggage he said “I have to carry everything. The backpack weighs around 20 kg and the trolley about 12 kg.” Kearney saved Kei when he was a pup and very sickly. Kei recovered but contracted the parvo virus, an infectious and dangerous animal disease, which he also survived. Kearney was also diagnosed with cancer. He had to take several months off his charity walks for treatment, but he beat the cancer. Kearney reached Modjadjiskloof over the weekend and from there headed to Mooketsi and Musina. The next leg of the journey will be along the Northern border of SA to Springbok. “This isn’t a race. I take my time and see what happens along the journey. “My first pair of tekkies lasted a journey (along the coastline) of around 2 000 km.” The pair he is wearing is his fourth. He walks between seven and 36 km per day. — Retha Nel retha@bulletin.us.com

Photos & text: Tshegofatso Ngobeni tshego@bulletin.us.com

Kuier by die Laeveld se eerste Tamatiefees op 31 Augustus by die Laerskool Duiwelskloof. Een van die grootste aantrekkings is die kookkompetisie tussen Zander en Vanessa van 7de Laan en twee bobaas-kokke van die omgewing. Die organiseerders soek dus na die Laeveld se eie Hilda en Matrone om die glanspersoonlikhede die stryd aan te sê. Skakel Julie by 084 425 8987 vir navrae of stuur ‘n motiveringsbrief oor hoekom jy ‘n goeie meester chef sal wees na julier@ zz2online.com. Inskrywings kos R50/p en sluit

...continued from P7 and clear instructions. The engine roars as he turns the ignition, shifts into gear and steps on the accelerator. The sound sparks up an unfamiliar excitement in my gut, completely forgetting the fact that I am just a girl with no particular interest in motorsport. We leave the testing station and soon we’re on the gravel road. Sitting in the navigator’s seat, I can’t help but wonder what all the fuss about the thrill of racing had been. We are going at a comfortable speed as we chat over the built-in intercom-system. It’s a breeze. Until he tells me to pull in my arms “if anything had to happen to us” and we reach a turn in the road... “Are you ready?” Moosa’s voice fills the car. A little less confident now, I manage to squeak a “jip” over the mouthpiece. And I suddenly realise that the action was yet to start. His foot taps the accelerator and in a swift movement he shifts gears and we’re flying past trees and shrubs. My heart jumps and my stomach turns — imitating our way through the infinite and narrow twists and turns in the road. We are going way too fast. I expect it was after the third or fourth turn in the road that I might have temporarily lost conscious-

op 16 Augustus. Vyf finaliste sal gekies word en daar sal dan per sms vir hulle gestem word. Die wenners sal op 27 Augustus geskakel word. Behalwe die kookkompetisie is daar nog heelwat pret vir jonk en oud. Daar gaan model- en sterkmankompetisies, ‘n speelpark, kinderhoekie en koskraampies (deur die laerskool behartig) met heerlike eetgoed wees. Daar is egter nog plek vir uitstallers (geen kos) en belangstellendes kan Julie by 084 425 8987 skakel. Koste is R350 vir ‘n kraampies wat krag benodig en R200 vir kraampies daarsonder.

ness. Moosa would only later tell me that he attempted to speak with me — without much response. I sit frozen solid behind the dashboard. For the sake of recording a video of my experience, I try my best not to scream at the top of my lungs. I manage to turn my head towards Moosa, who is far too confident and clearly at ease. He is in complete control of the steering wheel and he shifts gears up and down as if its second nature. My shattered nerves begin to calm. The road is bumpy and I only see the turns once we’ve already snaked through them. I remember how Moosa told me about the time he missed a turn at about 190 km/h and came to a halt in a wheat field 100 m further. We reach a speed of about 145 km/h before we finally slow down and make an exit back towards the tar road. “Would you like to go again?” Moosa asks, and I am not quite sure whether he is serious — or do I detect amusement in his voice? My legs are shaky and I remember Moosa’s words: everything else that life throws at you is tame in comparison. “200km/h down a narrow, rough gravel road… If that does not get your heart beating, nothing will.” * To see the video of my nerve-wrecking experience, visit www.bulletin.us.com.

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19 Julie 2013


Old and young can show off their art

Longstanding local granite tombstone manufacturer Tau Tombstones announced the winner of their lucky draw competition. All customers who purchased a tombstone for cash during May and June from the shop in Morgan Street, Tzaneen, were entered into the draw. Ms Linkie Ngolele from Ramaroka was announced as the winner of a brand new 32 inch flat screen TV. She received her prize from shop assistant Ms Nurse Mojela.

The theme for the annual art competition hosted by the Letaba Show is “Living it up: Farm style!/Anything agri”. For the young ones (younger than six years) they are hosting a colour in competition — the picture is available for download from www.letabashow.co.za. For primary and secondary school

Pupils compete at Tritech It’s once again time for pupils from the Tzaneen-area to showcase their scientific knowledge at the Tritech competition — the annual scientific research competition open to pupils in Limpopo and a growing number of other regions in SA. It was started in 2009 by a group of Tzaneen teachers and representatives from local industry and has since grown exponentially. Participants have to independently plan and carry out research projects, assessing the impact of the project on the environment and how it could improve people’s lives. Judges RIGHT: Teachers learnt how to use a new programme to improve children’s thinking capacity in the classroom at the Tzaneen Primary School. Teachers from various schools in Mopani participated in the Let Us Learn programme, which aims to improve learning and teaching through the 3D Virtual learning pilot study. Prof Denise Wood from the University of South Australia and University of the Western Cape was assisting the teachers with the new computer programme. Wood is a member of a team of other researchers who are part of the Let Us Learn programme. Wood holds an annex professorship in the faculty of Education at the University of the Western Cape. She is also an Associate Head at the School of Communication, International Studies and Languages at the University of South Australia. Six schools from Mopani were included in the study. Seen here are at the back, Prof Wood, Ms Alma Usiba (Local Area Network Technician at Sita in Polokwane) and Mr Obed Shikwambana (teacher at Yingisani Special School). In front are Mss Lindy Mkansi (teacher at Masungulo Primary School), Kegaugetswe Florah Ndlovu (teacher at Nkowankowa Primary School) and Eunice Mokgoloboto (teacher at Masungulo Primary School). Photo and text: Tshegofatso Ngobeni tshego@bulletin.us.com

are experts in the various categories choose projects of the highest standard to be presented at the regional rounds and then to the national round. The competition prepares pupils for tertiary level education and they learn how to use science and technology in a responsible manner. There are also great prizes to be won. The Tzaneen Regional Round for 2013 will be taking place at Ben Vorster High School today (Friday). Family/friends may view the projects between 17:00 to 18:00 this afternoon.

contestants the rules for the art competition is as follows: Any medium may be used on an A3 sized paper. Your name, school, age, contact number and title of your work of art must appear on the back. Open Category The open category contestants may use any sized canvass with any medium to enter. Ensure that your work of art is titled correctly and that a contact number is attached to the artwork. Closing date All entries must be submitted before or on 26 July. All artwork received will be put on the display for the public to enjoy in Hall A during the Letaba Show, (8-10 August). The winners will be notified telephonically and thereafter announced in

the media. The winner of each category will receive a rotating shield together with a cash voucher. A participation certificate will be awarded to each entrant. Entries can be taken to the Letaba Show office. Representative will contact the various schools to arrange for the collection of entries. For more information: Liezl Wagenaar or Naomi Roux on 072 075 6254 or 015 307 2725 respectively; or liezl.blueorange@ gmail.com or info@ agriletaba.co.za.

Hair Fusion at Ivory Tusk in Tzaneen held a very successful fundraiser for Hospice Tzaneen. The Hospice cares for patients with incurable diseases, including cancer. The two hairdressers from Hair Fushion were joined by eight students and a lecturer from Serwalo Hair Academy. They spent Thursday cutting men’s, women’s and children’s hair for a R30 donation. The waiting area was full and several people queued outside awaiting their turn for a haircut. Ms Christa Koekemoer (the owner) is seen here with her colleague, Ms Zantelle Bosman, and Dehan Jacobs, a young customer. Photo: Retha Nel


19 Julie 2013



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Spoor van verwoesting ‘n Goederetrein van Spoornet, met 26 tenkwaens vol diesel, het Vrydagaand ‘n spoor van verwoesting by Politsi gesaai, toe dit ontspoor het. Die masjinis was vir sowat ses ure lank in die kajuit vasgepen en is eers laataand koud, ontwater en in skok met ‘n slegte beenfraktuur deur para-medici (foto links onder) uit die kajuit waar hy vasgepen was, gered. Hy is steeds in die Mediclinic Tzaneen en sal nog operasies aan sy been moet verduur. Met sy inwendige beserings gaan dit baie beter en hy is buite gevaar. Nog twee beamptes op die trein, ‘n man en ‘n vrou, is lig beseer. Die man is na behandeling in die Mediclinic dieselfde aand ontslaan, maar die vrou het ‘n baie harde stamp op haar bors gekry en is opgeneem. Die skade beloop miljoene rand. Noodwerkers was vinnig op die toneel en het dag en nag gewerk, terwyl die vrag eers herwin is, voor die moeisame taak om die spoor weer oop te kry, kon begin. Om ‘n besoedelingsramp te voorkom (diesel het uitgelek) het kundiges van selfs Durban opgedaag om te help.

Verwronge metaal van wat eens diensbare spoortenkwaens was kon eers Saterdagoggend behoorlik bekyk word. Die omvang van die skade het mense geskok. PPS van Tzaneen se tenkwaens is gebruik om die diesel uit te pomp en weg te ry, ten einde besoedeling en die brandgevaar te beperk.

Tenkwaens het van die spoor geloop en in die grondwal ingeploeg. Ongeveer een miljoen liter diesel was in die tenks en baie hiervan is gestort.

Para-medici spook om die kajuit oop te breek, ten einde die masjinis te help bevry. Dit was geen maklike taak nie en daar is ure lank gespook. Van hul kollegas het ‘n ruit gebreek en staan solank die beseerde masjinis by.

Merensky’s hostel pupils can look forward to an exciting new phase, as the new hostel head boy and head girl 2013/2014 have been selected. According to both Rico Pretorius and Demi-Lee, they are honoured and look forward to be part of the exciting upgrading initiative at the Merensky hostel complex.

Oud-Vossie maak buiging in Sewende Laan

Soné Hurn, ’n oud-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het haar glans oomblik bereik, toe sy in die gewilde TV-sepie Sewende Laan haar buiging kon maak. Hier is nou ware Vossie-kultuurtalent. Die Vossies wens haar sterkte toe en hoop om haar gou weer op die kassie te sien.

Teen Sondagmiddag was talle ontspoorde waens herwin en langs die spoorlyn gestapel. Spoornet sê die skade word nog bepaal, want daar is baie ander uitgawes wat eers later bereken kan word (soos groot stootskrapers wat van die Rand gebring is om met die opruiming te help).

MHS’s computer whizz kids The CoZa Cares Foundation from Cape Town, whose focus is on Enabling ICT in Education, recently launched a very interesting and challenging national project, called “The Computer Applications Olympiad”. Merensky’s computer geeks rose to the challenge, and entered this exciting competition in vast numbers. Excellent results were achieved, with the following pupils receiving top marks (photo below): Best in School: Danie Leeuwner (first), Vongani Mlondobuzi (second) and Rebecca Hyland (third). In Gr 8 Estian Botha came out tops, in Gr 9 Allen Mushwana walked away with top honours, Mynhardt Bouwer was the best amongst the Gr 10’s, in Gr 11 Rebecca Hyland was the best and in Gr 12 Danie Leeuwner was the top achiever. The winners in the grades are seen on the right. In front are Mynhardt Bouwer, Danie Leeuwner and Allan Mushwana and at the back are Estian Botha and Rebecca Hyland.


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Events l Gebeure


This Week


Tritech Ben Vorster High School, today, 17:00-18:00. Tzaneen Regional Round, pupils from schools in the area will be showcasing their scientific research projects to the public.

Jan de Wet NGK Wolkberg, 28 Julie, 09:00 1515 of gubitzlone@tzaneen.co.za. (tydens die oggenderediens). Navrae : Kerkkan- Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, toor 015 307 4062. Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg 082 824 4291.



SPCA meeting

Miss Letaba Show 2013

FNB Limpopo Wine show

Letaba Show Tzaneen Show Grounds, 8-10 August, 09:00-21:30. Variety of stalls, gourmet food and wine, live entertainment. Artists: Tobi & Corlea, NRG, Mwah!, Ricus Nel, ADAM, Lloyd Cele. Sheep, cattle shows, miniature horses, fowl exhibit. Kiddies’ entertainment.

Highgrove Lodge Marquis tent, Tzaneen, Monday, 18:00. The Letaba SPCA will be holding their annual general meeting, Various topics like finance, needs and requirements will be discussed. All animal-lovers invited. Contact Ellie 083 628 9257. Meropa Casino, Polokwane, Thursday and Friday, 12:0021:00. Taste wines from Vrede en Lust, Spier, Raka and more than 30 other wine producers. Tickets: R120 incl unlimited tastings and wine tasting glass. Complimentary show guide. Light meals will be sold. Tickets can be bought at the door, on computicket.com and at Shoprite Checkers Money Market Counters. Queries: 011 482 5936/5/4.

Boeke Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk soek boeke vir hul boekwinkel. Fiksie, nie-fiksie, resepte, partrone, studie, Christelike, jeug- en kinderverhale is welkom. Kan elke oggend voor 13:00 by die kerkkantoor afgelaai word.

This Month

Skaapkop en –afvalaand

Letaba River Lodge Eco Park, 26 Julie, 19:00. Dis die jaarlikse AP Kerk skaapkop- en afvalaand, waar jy kan smul aan egte boerekos. Hoender is ook op die spyskaart vir dié wat nog nie afval kon baasraak nie. Besprekings: Marietjie 083 460 0309 of Retha 083 262 3641.


Tzaneen, 26 Julie, 17:00-22:00. Onseker oor die toekoms van onderwys? Dit is wettig om tuisonderrig te doen en enige ouer kan dit doen. Geleentheid vir familiekonsultasies na seminaar. Skakel Martie martcham@vodamail.co.za of 082 574 1433 of dynamislearning.co.za.

Letaba Show grounds, hall B, 10:00. Girls 2-22. Photo competition, baby pageant. Girls 6-22 (various categories) – Night of the stars, 15:00. Crowning: 19:00-20:00. Info: Show office @ the Show grounds or Karlien Boshoff 078 832 7495/076 314 7864..

Divorce Counselling

DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527.

Support Group

The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meet the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, at the Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise 0722871022 or Colleen 0834567970.

Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal is welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@ gmail.com.

Women’s Month

Hotel@Tzaneen, 22 AuSport ‘13 gust, 18:00. Women on the Move’s annual Women’s Month Commemoration. The purpose is to bring different women together to address chal- Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke Dinslenges and to network. Tickets: R120/p. Enquiries: dag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Shaun Mhlongo 083 541 9815. Plessis 083 299 9797. Letsitele Lemoenfees Laerskool Dr Chameleon Indoor Krieket en Hokkie by Annecke, Letsitele, 24 Augustus. Landloop, Mini- die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprehokkie en ‘n adventure challenge. Koskraampies kings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546 en teetuin. Navrae: 072 517 1551 and 082 808 Letsitele Kaskar Laerskool Dr Annecke, 0802. 27 Julie, 08:30 tot 14:00. Van klein tot groot kom Tamatiefees Laerskool Duiwelskloof, kaskar stoot om eerste oor die wenstreep te gaan. 31 Augustus. Tydens die LLSV Landloop Teetuin, ontbyt, koeldrank, eetgoed, trompoppies. Kampioenskappe. 7de Laan se Xander en Navrae: Gerhardt Vorster 083 457 8824. Vanessa kom beoordeel die potjiekos- en skoonClemengold 3 in 1 Jetty 3, Tzaneen, 7 heidskompetisies. Masterchef-tipe kompetisie September, 07:00. Aangebied deur Tzaneen Runtussen die akteurs en 2 feesgangers. Speelpark ning Club. Afstande: 5 km, 10 km, 21,1 km. Been verskeie aktiwiteite vir kinders, kraampies met soek hulle facebook blad: Tzaneen Marathon Club. allerhei produkte te koop, asook ‘n verskeidenheid Navrae: Karin 083 437 1524, Johan 083 270 2416, kos. Navrae: Liezl (skoolkantoor) 015 309 9218 of Herman 071 484 0038 en Timothy 082 806 2305. Julie Ras 015 395 8407/8450 of 084 425 8987.

Letsitele Kerskuiermark NGK Letsitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou Kersgeskenke of snuffel rond vir interessanthede. Vermaak vir die kinders, kosdemonstrasies, teetuin, Spar Meesterchef-kompetisie. Navrae of om ‘n kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gubitz 083 738


19 Julie 2013

Church l Kerk

Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com

Stuur inligting oor sport, sosiale nuus, ensovoorts na editor@bulletin.us.com of faks dit na 015 307 7468

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.

Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.




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19 Julie 2013



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Job Seeker (135) _____________________________

Domestic My name is Twalo Rejoice I am looking for a domestic work or general work, I have two years experience, speak English (ref Chaleen and Gerrit Pretorius 083 2840 719) contact me on 079 447 0543 (122) _____________________________

Paulinah Makwela is my name I am looking for a domestic work or general/office cleaner, I have 3 years experience, I speak English contact me on 076 157 8806 (123) _____________________________

My name is Jane Makwala I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English can look after children, have 3 years experience, sleep out. (ref M. van Tonder 081 561 8693) contact me on 076 972 1969 (124) _____________________________

My name is Jane Modika I am looking for a domestic work, experience 4 years. (Ref: Elmarie 072 7677330) sleep out, speak English contact me on 072 848 2143 (125) _____________________________

Selina Nkwana is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English and Afrikaans, I have 8 years experience sleep in or out contact me on 071 743 6350 (126) _____________________________

Rosalia Malemela is my name I am looking for a office cleaner of domestic work I can look after children, I have 3 years experience, I can speak English (ref Carroline Deslar 073 299 0716) contact me on 073 591 2303 (127) _____________________________

My name is Peggy Baloyi I am looking for a domestic work 2 days of full time I can speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 015 8922 (128) _____________________________

Sharon Malatji I am looking for a domestic work, cleaner can look after children and I can cook, I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 072 323 5628 (129) _____________________________

My name is Julia Makhuvele I am looking for a domestic work, I have 7 years experience, I can speak Afrikaans and I can also look after children, sleep out contact me on 081 850 3328 (130) _____________________________

My name is Mmanakape Monyela I am looking for a domestic work I speak sepedi and I can also look after children, sleep out contact me on 073 670 8216 (131) _____________________________

My name is Modjadji Ramatsoma I am looking for a domestic work, sleep out 5 days a week or 3 days, I can speak English contact me on 084 615 1978 (132) _____________________________

My name is Maria Pudikabekwa I am looking for a domestic work, sleep out, 3 or 5 days a week, speak Afrikaans understand English contact me on 082 4333 633 (133) _____________________________

My name is Prosper Machenjera I am looking for a general job, garden services I speak English sleep in or out I have 2 years experience contact me on 073 5225 729 (134) _____________________________

My name is Edwina Mokgata I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner and I can look after children, I have 2 years experience, I speak English contact me on 073 255 0322

My name is Janetth Khosa I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, full time or 3 days a week I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 071 8183 375 (136) _____________________________

My name is Lekota Maria Raburabu I am looking for a general job, domestic work, cleaning offices 5 days a week sleep out I can speak English contact me on 073 941 8505 (137) _____________________________

My name is Maria Goodness Shai I am looking for a general job, domestic work, cleaning offices, 5 days a week sleep out I can speak English contact me on 073 400 5169 (138) _____________________________

I am Mapula I am looking for a domestic work, sewing, catering, decoration, cooking contact me on 073 492 3940 (139) _____________________________

My name is Joyce Mhlarhi I am looking for a job as domestic worker, I can speak English, sleep out, I have four years experience contact me on 084 439 4982 (140) _____________________________

I am Rosinah Ramodike I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner, I can speak Afrikaans I have 8 years experience as a office cleaner (ref Mr Johan Hibbert (manager) 076 255 9780) contact me on 082 597 7973 (141) _____________________________

My name is Ellen Bvuma I am looking for a domestic work I speak English , sleep in or out, I have five years experience contact me on 076 153 2269 (142) _____________________________

Janeth Khosa is my name I am looking for a domestic work full time or 3 days I can speak English and Afrikaans, have many years experience contact me on 071 8381 375 (143) _____________________________

Margeret Selowa is my name I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or office cleaner, general work, I can also look after children, I can speak Afrikaans (ref Linda 083 596 0329) contact me on 078 400 8271 (144) _____________________________

Elizabeth Malatji I am looking for a domestic work/ office cleaner/general work and I can look after children, I speak Afrikaans, have 4 years experience contact me on 073 190 7576 (145) _____________________________

My name is Josephina Mashatole I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English and Afrikaans, I have 7 years experience, sleep out contact me on 072 915 9783 (146) _____________________________

My name is Albert Lesohla I am looking for a garden service job Monday to Friday or 3 days a week contact me on 061 044 1359 (147) _____________________________

Julia is my name and I am looking for a domestic work / general work for Saterday only contact me on 076 326 7083 (148) _____________________________

Gladys Kgatla is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have two years experience contact me on 084 234 3735 (149) _____________________________

Norah Mbalati I am looking for office cleaner, domestic work, general work or cashier contact me on 076 041 9406 (150) _____________________________

My name is Peggy Baloyi I am

looking for a domestic work 2 days of full time I can speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 015 8922 (150) _____________________________

My naam is Malegoa Cate Phoshoko I am looking for a domestic work sleep in or out, 5 days a week speak and understand English 5 days a week contact me on 071 217 5213 (151) _____________________________

My name is Johanna Morwala I am looking for a job as a office cleaner or domestic worker. I can speak English, 5 days a week sleep out. Contact me 083 4040314 (152)_____________________________

My name is Edwina Mokgata I am looking for a domestic work/ office cleaner, I can look after children, I can speak English contact met on 073 255 0322 (153)_____________________________

Maria Madiba is my name i am looking for a domestic work, I can cook and look after children, I speak English and Afrikaans Mon – Fri contact me 078 606 5774 (154) My name is Gladness Machimana I am looking for a job as general worker e.g. or housekeeping, waitress, help cooking contact me on 073 995 6498 (155) _____________________________

Lisbeth Masiaphata is my name I am looking for a office cleaner or housekeeping, I have grade 11, I can speak English contact me on 082 970 7297 (156) _____________________________

My name is Anna Balaji I am looking for a domestic work full time I can sleep out or in, look after children. I can speak Afrikaans I have 3 years experience contact me on 076 754 7417 (157) _____________________________

My name is Maria Madiba I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri, sleep out, I can cook and I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 071 706 0937 (158) _____________________________

My name is Rachel Kalonga I am looking for a domestic work I can cook look after children Mon – Fri sleep out, I can speak English contact me on 082 796 7035 (159) _____________________________

Rosinah Mahole is my name I am looking for a domestic work I speak English have 2 years experience (ref: Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 553 3389 (160) _____________________________

My name is Rachel Makgoba I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner, I can speak English, I have grade 11 I can also look after children, I have 4 years experience contact me on 073 2805 631

My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English , I have four years experience, sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617 (165) _____________________________

My name is Lydian Ndlovu I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning job I can speak English. I have 3 years experience contact me on 072 5656 242 (166)_____________________________

My name is Agreneth Munisi I am looking for a general work, caregiver, I can speak English and Afrikaans, I have five years experience in carework contact me on 083 598 1635 (167) _____________________________ My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have four years experience sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617

(162) _____________________________

My name is Norah Mbalati I am looking for a waitress, cashier or domestic worker and general worker contact me on 076 041 9406 (163) _____________________________

My name is Matha Ntlemo I am looking for a domestic work/ general work, I can speak English and Afrikaans. I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120 (164) _____________________________

eral Assistance work (ref Sugarloaf, Spar Duiwelskloof ), cleaning, domestic contact me on 073 656 2024

(31) ______________________________

(45) ______________________________

Esam Phalane is my name I am looking for a job as a construction, electrical or welding engineering, general work, general maintenance contact me 073 334 0134

My name is Vinolia Sthekge I am looking for a general work, I have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 078 4363 299

My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general I can speak English and Afrikaans, I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120 (169)_____________________________

My name is Dorah Molola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general, office cleaner I can speak English and Afrikaans I have six years experience in domestic and general work (ref Ellen Finaugty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671

General My name is Maria Ramakgoakgoa i am looking for a chef, housekeeping, receptionist work contact me on 078 186 3807 (23) ______________________________

My name is Porcia Mathebula i have matric, diploma computer literacy, plumbing certificate, care worker certificate, agriculture NQF level one, drivers licence code 10. Contact me on 076 471 0464 (24) ______________________________

I am looking for a ancillary care worker, cleaner, general worker, catering occasions, waitress, merchandiser contact me fortunate Malemela on 078 0548 158 (25) ______________________________

My name is Phillia Malemela i am looking for as a admin clerk, general worker, office clerk, receptionist, call centre agent, waitress, contact me on 076 614 1280 (26) ______________________________

My name is Johannes Shai i am looking for a painting or building job, lapa ect. Contact me on 072 915 9783 (27) ______________________________

My name is Grace Mahloromela i am looking for a cashier, shelf packer, i can speak English, experience at Sugar Valley 4 years, (ref Lino 083 564 6428/ Sugar loaf 015 307 6337) contact me on 073 1888 448 (28) ______________________________

My name is Punky Innocent Tlemo i am looking for a cashier, cleaning, cooking job experience two years in Sugar Valley (ref Grace 073 1888448) contact me on 083 356 2166 (29) ______________________________

My name is Jetro I am looking for a job in a shop / business I have matric, computer certificate and computer diploma contact me on 073 476 3290 (30) ______________________________

My name is Chriss Maswazi I

My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV het 18 jaar by ‘n skool gewerk skakel my op 072 811 9860 (60) ______________________________

(46) ______________________________

(32) ______________________________

I am looking for a Electrical Engineering, driving promotions, garden services, administration & clerk work , receptionist and other general work contact me Ntsako. C. Mhlarhi on 083 520 5337

My name is Branda Malatji I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Magic Build Tzaneen 4 years experience contact me on 072 552 9581 (47) ______________________________

(33) ______________________________

Salesperson- I am working at nbl (fmcg) as a field marketer. I have matric, drivers licence and computer certificate. I can start as soon as possible. Contact, Matome Selomo at 0711534710.

I’m Maria Maake I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Tzaneen spar (ref Solly Masetla 015 307 1207 contact me on 071 809 0146 or 071 794 9577 (48) ______________________________

(34) ______________________________

(168) _____________________________

(161) _____________________________

Thelma Mahasha I am looking for a job as domestic worker can look after children, I can speak English have grade 10 have 5 years experience contact me on 076 0356 741

am looking for a general job/ garden service, I have 3 years experience contact me 074 5026 065

My name is Mohale Makwala I have security grades E, D, C, B, and sira, CIT, hand gun competencies and assessment training programme with a drivers licence code 10 of 12 years contact me on 076 094 1199 (35) ______________________________

My name is David Setabola.I am looking for a job as sales represantative in food retail.I am situated at Limpopo working as a field marketer for unilever.Drivers licence and standard 10 with 15 years experience.I can start asap contact numbers 0793995918

I’m Sophy Makola I am looking for a administration, clerk or general work I have a lever 4 ABET, I speak English contact me on 072 954 2768 (49) ______________________________

Gladys Seale is my name I am looking for a general work, security work have grade E.D.C., have lever 4 ABET. I can speak English have 2 years experience in cleaning contact me on 071 154 4856 (50) ______________________________

Petrus Mathebula I am looking for a general work, garden service. I can speak English contact me on 072 717 4805

(36) ______________________________

(51) ______________________________

My name is Dipolelo Morwasehla I am looking for a general job, admin clerk, receptionist, I can speak English, I have grade 12, computer literacy contact me on 079 994 5991

My name is Shiyondlani Jordany I am looking for a general work, I can speak English contact me on 078 701 3263

(37) ______________________________

65 Jarige blanke man (pensonaris) opsoek na opsigterwerk in Tzaneen kontak Chris 082 518 4504 (38) ______________________________

My name is Johanna I am looking for a sewing, waitress, catering, decorating, laundry, 5 days or 7 days contact me on 073 492 3940 (39) ______________________________

My name is Josephine I am looking for work as a bar lady, working in a deli, or any general work. Contact me on 073 515 9081 (40) ______________________________

Hi my name is Tshep Maake I am looking for a general work for 6 days a week contact me on 072 179 2596

(52) ______________________________

Patrick Ralepelle is my name I am looking for a general work, panelbeating as flatter. I can speak English and also have grade 12, I have 5 years experience in panel beating (ref Donald Dymond 011 805 3867) contact me on 078 324 3886 (53) ______________________________

My name is Edson P. Ndlovu, I am looking for a job as a roofer, carpenter full time I speak English construction work as well contact me on 073 514 1035 (54) ______________________________

My name is Machona Patric Ralepella I am looking for job as a general worker, know about cell phones, repairs have grade 11 (ref Mr Manzini M.W 082 870 4174) contact me on 073 400 5169 (55) ______________________________

(41) ______________________________

I am looking for a cleaning, domestic or day care work my name is Eunice Ngomani contact me on 076 3900644 (42) ______________________________

My name is Natter Ngobeni I am looking for a general work, I can speak English, sleep out, domestic work, I have four years experience contact me on 073 988 3972 (56) ______________________________

I am looking for a job as a general worker or admin clerk, receptionist have 3 months experience, have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, I speak English (ref Ngwanedzi circuit (Tivumbeni CPD mr N.H. Chauke 084 704 2515) contact me Maria Rafgoale on 078 784 0602 (43) ______________________________

My name is Dalton Rasealoka I am looking for a general work or driver, mechanical have 5 years experience in it at TATA company i can speak Afrikaans (ref Hendrick 082 802 3815) contact my op 078 190 0322 (44) ______________________________

My name Manama Ruth Mapaila I am looking for a gen-

My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker contact me on 076 246 8518 (57) ______________________________

I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798 (58) ______________________________

My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on 082 537 5776 (59) ______________________________

My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 5070 673 (61) ______________________________

Driver My name is Martiens Peta I am looking for a general job I have grade 11 and a code 10 license contact 073 447 1244 (1) ______________________________

My name is Tshepo Senyolo I am looking for a driver job I have Code 10 (PRDP) and grade 12 contact me 072 538 3897 (2) ______________________________

I am Masinamae Moses I’m looking for a driver job, I have a license code 10 with PDP, contact me 0766 933 611 (3) My name is Michael I am looking for a job as a driver I have C1+PDP contact me on 071 365 1713 (4) ______________________________

My name is Thabo Mametja I have code 14 EC license worked for Sasko Bakery contact on 076 352 7225 or 073 5090157 (5) ______________________________

My name is Collen Mpho Makgoba i am looking for a driver job i have code 10 CI with P.D.P i speak English or any general job contact me on 071 803 7326 (6) ______________________________

My name is Sello Solomon i am looking for a driving job i have a code 14 with PDP, computer literate, experience in driving delivery truck, grade 12 contact me on 073 677 4581

(14) ______________________________

My name is matome Rabopape I am looking for a driver job I have matrix and driver licence code C1 contact me on 072 807 7622 (15) ______________________________

My name is Tshepo Mashale, I am looking for a driver job I can speak English, I have grade 12, computer literate, have 2 years experience in plumb wise and I year experience at the plumber (ref Roelof Neof 083 289 5235 or Flora van Tonder 082 923 8271) contact me on 079 802 8485 (16) ______________________________

My name is Rodney Mashele I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 P.D.P have grade 12 can speak English have 7 years experience, 2 years experience at post office (ref Boby Mthembi 072 0999 391) contact me on 072 484 3186 (17) ______________________________

My name is Mashao Rathupetsane I am looking for a truck driving work I have code 14 (EC) with DGP dangerous goods like petrol, paraffin, oil and diesel or any other goods contact me on 081 870 6697 (18) ______________________________

Moses Masinamele I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 licence with P.D.P contact me on 076 693 3611 (19) ______________________________

My name is Thapelo Mafokwane I am looking for a job as a driver, I have a code 10 + D.P.P. have one year experience and have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 072 587 0086 (20) ______________________________

My naam is Solly Maenetja ek Is opsoek na n drywer werk lisensie kode EB/08 ook publiek. Kan distribusie doen, het kinders rondgery by die skole, doe nook tuinwerk, kursus in sekuriteit geleer, skakel my 082 071 2670

(7) ______________________________

My name is Moses Phetole Masina-Mele. I am looking for a job as driver i have code 10 with PDP valid from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611 (8) ______________________________

My name is Mookamedi Doctor I am looking for a excavator job (contractor) or any other kind of job. I have matric certificate and diploma operator excavator. Contact me on 083 314 8808

Admin Opsoek na Admin/kantoor pos Maandag tot Vrydag, matriek gewalifiseerrd skakel Wilmari 079 045 8994 (3) ______________________________

My name is Yvonne Baloyi i am looking for a job as a cashier, reception, making orders and receiving stock contact me on 073 8661121 (4) ______________________________

(9) ______________________________

My name is Solly Maenetja I am looking for a job as driver or gardener i have code EB licence i can collect children from school and back, was a driver in the city. Contact me on 082 071 2670 (10) ______________________________

My name is Mahasha Confidence I passed my matric in 2007, I have a code 10 licence of six years, I speak sepedi and English contact me on 082 502 4214 (11) ______________________________

My name is Johannes Shai I am looking for a job in building or pest control contact me on 072 568 6604 (12) ______________________________

my name is Collins Malatji i am looking for a driver job I have code 10 plus PDP, I have 2years experience at Mahuka local delivery (ref Lourance 015 307 4238) contact me on 079 142 9921 (13) ______________________________

My name is Isaiah Banda I am looking for a bike driver job, I have 3 years experience please contact me on 072 206 0965

My name is Nelly I am looking for a job as a cashier, receptionist, general job, I have grade 12 computer literacy, drivers licence, I speak English (experience Urban ice shop 015 307 7115 Maria) contact me on 073 091 8415 (5) ______________________________

My name is Veronica I am looking for a job as general worker, cashier, clerk, I have grade 12 computer literacy, drivers licence code 10(work experience shop promoter contact Thelma 082 568 76 84) contact me 076 223 2509 (6) ______________________________

My name is Agnes Malatji I am looking for a job as a receptionist, administration level 3 and computer in diploma, qualification in matric and 6 months experience at Bucan office equipment (ref Keith or Lerato 015 307 3573) contact me on 078 375 4485 (7) ______________________________

My name is Neyu Ngoveni I am looking for a clerk, receptionist or general worker job I have grade 12, drivers licence and computer literate contact me on 073 091 8415 (8) ______________________________


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

19 Julie 2013


Search “Laeveldbulletin”


Property | Eiendomme For Sale Te Koop CiS Real Estate

CiS Real Estate

CiS Real Estate

Eddie 079 970 5353

Maggie 079 884 5106

Arbour park stand. Near schools R340 000.

Zelna 082 888 7898

Golden acres: beautiful homes from R1, 480 000. 3 bedrooms, very secure.

Neat 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom in security complex. Large cosy veranda. R1,200 000.

Aqua park: 3 bedroom double garage R960 000. Spacious yard.

Newly built, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage in security complex to rent. R7500 pm including garden service. Excluding water & lights. Long term contract an advantage.


CiS Real Estate


CiS Real Estate

SOLE MANDATE! Golden acres stand bargain buy in phase 1. 776m2 for only R345 000 SOLE MANDATE! Owner to fix up. So well priced at R650 000 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room, small garden. Great investment. Buy a 7 bedroom home includes furniture, air cons, TV’s. Spend little and earn. Well situated R1, 650 000 Jul305______________

Wanted Gesoek

Thonet 071 641 9137 Price dropped! Beautiful plot packed with potential 21,4ha 5000m2 greenhouse, borehole +- 10ha fruit trees. R1, 400 000

Thonet 071 641 9137 Build your dream home, stands in well established security area R310 000.

620m2 stand in tranquil surroundings 620m2 for only R330 000 including approved plans!



Houses / Huis Accommodation needed urgently I am looking for a townhouse/house to rent in Tzaneen 2 Or 3 bedrooms, 1 or 2 bathrooms, lock up garage Garden that is big enough

for our 2 dogs Rent: R5000 to R6000 per month Available the 1st August 2013 Please contact Dean van Niekerk 0825956579 or Samantha van Niekerk 0827510145

To Let Tu Huur TownHouses / Meenthuis Moderne meenthuise te huur in Letsitele: citrus villas 2 Slp kamers, 2.5 Badkamers, motorhuis. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2013 R3600-00 p/m, W&E uitgesluit. 0835616062 Jul302_____________

Houses / Huis Magoebaskloof: 4 bedroom house on small farm to let Phone 083 293 3443 Jul202___________

Macadamia (persone 55jr en ouer) Twee slaapkamers, een badkamer en een toesluit motorhuis. R 4300.00 (Water en ligte Frail Care Levy uitgesluit) Skakel Riette Nauta 084 587 1387 / 015 307 1387 Jul301_________________________


will be sold to cover storage fees and sheriff ’s costs at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, 31 ANTIMONY STREET, TZANEEN, on 01 AUGUST 2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X LEXMARK FAX MACHINE 1 X PANASONIC COPY MACHINE 7 X OFFICE CHAIRS 1 X BROWN OFFICE TABLE 1 X CORNER TABLE 1 This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court

As a united front we offer diverse and powerful advertising platforms enabling you to reach YOUR MARKET across Limpopo.

2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: 4 Directives of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from Url http://www. info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961 5 FICA legislation i.r.o. proofs of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 cash. 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being


Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 09 JULY 2013 TERTIUS ROBERTSON SHERIFF LETABA (TZANEEN) 1B PEACE STREET, TZANEEN



CASE NO: 3271/2011 In the matter between: LAERSKOOL DUIWELSKLOOF Execution Creditor And PIETER HERMAIS C SWANEPOEL Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In Compliance with the Judgment of the Magistrate’s Court and the Warrant of Execution served on 28 FEBRARY 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold in execution on 01 AUGUST 2013 at 10:00 at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S

we are


this 28th day of JUNE 2013 (SGD) K RALENALA MYBURGH RALENALA ATTORNEYS 84 DAHL STREET PO BOX 3951 POLOKWANE, 0700 REF: K RALENALA/mc/76780 Tel: 015 297 8723/4/6


LEGAL NOTICE In the estate of the late PETERE MAXON MBOMBI, Identity Number 200220 5333 08 5, who resided at PETANENG VILLAGE, MOHLABA, DISTRICT TZANEEN and died on


the 20th of OCTOBER 2012, Estate Number 3486/2013. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the under signed within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARTIZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242 TZANEEN, 0850 Ref.: WFB/EM/M538


A first for community newspapers. Just for you.


19 Julie 2013



Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 82 872 6214 mei308_______________________

BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106_______________________

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________________

Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5 L bags. R20 + VAT per tree. Large quantities contact Brian at 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111_____________________

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303____________________

Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275


VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301_______________________

The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________________

Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street


Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 833 9112


Plumbwise Don’t think twice call Plumbwise General plumbing Leak repairs Geyser repairs Unblocking of drains Roelf 083 289 5235 015 307 7168 Mar107___________________

Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193

Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses!

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109_______________________

Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________________

Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers Hennie 083 651 0936


TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse Lifestyle Centre Mar409_______________________

Gail Altona Oogkundige Discovery Health members get up to 20% off on frames and lenses 015 307 1243 12 Peace Street Apr206_______________________

Wenkem SA Mikro element blaarvoeding Na oes bedrefmiddels Plaagdoders, Swamdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269 Mar110______________________

Agri Box Kontak ons vir nuwe sitrus pakmateriaal vir die komende seisoen Rietbokstraat 5C 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Mar11_______________________

Gate Repairs, motor installations and small welding jobs, 20 years experience Call Dave 074 242 2162 Free Quotes Mar406_______________________

Watermaat Die boorgatpomp spesialiste vir flink en vriendelike diens 1ste Laan 12 015 307 1530


Services Dienste

Walterson Local Chippy Opposite old Checkers entrance Deliveries within 1,5 km radius 078 572 4404


Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703 Jun202_______________________

Mercurius Motors Vir nuwe en gehalte gebruikte motors 015 307 5020


H2 Plant Hire For rent front . End loaders 083 648 3514/ 082 317 5787

Welman Woodworks Solid Wood kitchen cupboards. Solid wood bars Build in cupboards Bathroom cabinets 083 638 1455


SS Electrical Electrical Contractor Sydney Swart 082 829 5086 All electrical and maintenance

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928


Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406_______________________

Need a Truck International or TATA Imperial Commercial Call Ruben 015 297 7045 Apr415_______________________

Electronic Spares Audio repairs DVD, TV, VCR Repairs, Speakers spares and Accessories Bring jou ou TV, radio, DVD of videomasjien. Vir gratis waardasie en ons probeer dit vir jou verkoop. Johan 18 Skirving Street 079 407 1464 Mei102_________________________

Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________________

Do you need a Plummer or a carport installed? Installation and maintenance work. No job too small. Contact Stephan Smith 076 037 8459 Johan Smith 082 367 5397 Mei212______________________

QRM Ready Mix We deliver ready mix concrete in Tzaneen

Quality Sands We Supply: Building Sand River Sand Stone 015 304 3000 Jun304_______________________

Legally Armed For all firearm related Enquiries Competency Renewals License Renewals New Applications 083 951 5257 Francois 076 660 9010 Cherise 083 345 6404 Charles


Molototsi Brickyard For : Face Bricks Clay Bricks Cement Bricks Lintels Building sand, stone, riversand 076 520 4661 Duncan 084 645 5392


Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sales service 015 307 5010


Gintec Auto Electrical and Electronic Service and repair 072 033 5534 083 696 5487 015 306 0396 Jun407_______________________

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour emergency no: 015 307 6240 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos helene@wisani.co.za

Torga Optical For professional Eye care and great value Eye test R150 Full Torga Guarantee Tzaneen Mall 015 307 2299



Letaba Hydraulic Pipes Velddienste beskikbaar Ons doen: Enige hidroliese pype Engietyd Enige plek Hans van Rooyen 082 769 8254

Makarios Makelaars ons bied u: Lewensversekering Korttermynversekering Pensioen fondse Boedelbeplanning Mediese Fondse 015 307 3316 015 307 6631



The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380.



Piet Dry Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif-enkelvisiesonbril 015 307 2439

Services Dienste

Area and Hoedspruit 082 802 3828 015 304 3009



Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Services Dienste


Fridge Con Tel 015 307 386 8735 Cell: 071 818 1703 Fax: 086 403 4617 Service & repair of household appliances Fridges/chest freezers/ washing machines etc.


Mr Cool Sales & Services All electrical household appliances & refrigeration repairs Aircon installation & repairs 015 386 8735 087 751 2333 Jun409_________________________

Janco Cooling Systems Aircons, Air Coolers, Cold Rooms Sales, Service and Repairs 015 307 7031 Jannes 083 537 5901 Jul202________________________

Inside Out Solutions (n/t Sugarloaf ) 015 307 1616 Dstv MultiChoice Toptv Gate Motors CCTV Intercoms Alarm Systems We specialize in Spares for Centurion and DTS gate motors Maurice Coetzee After Hours 079 942 3154 Jul106_____________________

Repairs to all Domestic Appliances Fridges, Freezers, Stoves, Washing machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers etc. 083 537 5901 015 307 7031 Jul203___________________________

Crawdaddys More Bang for your Buck Kiddies area now open Free icecream with every kiddies meal. 015 307 1555 Jul213______________________

Kitchen World Entrance next to Goldwagen on way to Game parking We have moved to 12 Danie Joubert Street Shop B1A Jul113_______________________

Lufafa Hatchery July 2013 – Sept. 2013 R4 .80 per chick Includes: Vaccination Packaging Minimum 1 box = 100 chicks Order 21 days prior to collection 082 889 7669 Jul214________________________

Fastrack Trading Herstel van enige bosbou-, tuin en werkswinkel Masjienerie en gereedskap Lousrens 072 156 1881 Jul303___________________________

Fabric & Décor Centre Curtaining, upholstery, blinds Haberdashery, dress fabrics, wool Bed linen 48 Agatha Street Opp NTT Toyota 015 307 4467


Tydelike Pos vir ‘n dame by Letaba Skou. Moet Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Goeie administrasie Sakel Naomi: 015 307 2725 info@letabashow.co.za jul302________________________

For Hire Te Huur Jack Klaff Liquidation Auction Sale Exquisite farm for buyer Tzaneen Wednesday, 31 July 2013 015 534 2006 082 808 2471 Jul305__________________________

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 3075562/3


om Tzaneen te huur. R8 .50 p/km. Skakel Jeannett 076 489 2474


VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com


Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________

Five 1 Two Trailers


Orca Swimming Academy Open Mon – Thursday 09:00 till 17:00 Learn to swim for babys 6 months to adult lessons. Water orientation, water safety. Beginners strokes & strake correction. Heated, indoor swimming pool. Contact Eloise 082 923 7931 Aqua Aerobics Tuesday & Thursday mornings Contact Carol Spaans 081 572 0757

Vacancies Vakante



LETABA SHOW 8 – 10 AUGUST 2013 YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO: Great Entertainment and Performers Women’s Day and ‘Vrou van Staal’ Exhibitors: Home & Décor Vehicles Agriculture Industrial Animals and Livestock Youth Show Potjie kos kompetisie Visit: www.letabashow.co.za Contact: Naomi on 015 307 2725


SMS Debt Review Debt Stressed? We can help! 015 307 2772

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229

Personal Persoonlik





“Die gras is nou lekker lank!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388

Buffalo Rubberising Buffalo is the name and rubber sing is our game 083 450 2426 015 307 7775

Northern Roof Erectors Oprigting van nuwe dakke Instandhouding van bestaande dakke Dono van Beukes 082 966 1451

For Hire Te Huur

Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote 015-307-1391. Jun401_______________________

FOR HIRE 1.7 Ton bakkie met kante plus drywer, 100km radius

“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Arno 078 164 4701

Animal Diere Boerboel /Rifrug cruising Ingeënt en ontwurm 6 tefies, 2 reuns (8 weke oud) R500 Skakel Elna 083 371 9190 Jul309________________________

Vehicle Voertuie TOP 20 MOTORS CC. Need Cash? We buy used vehicles, caravans, trailers and canopies. Phone 015 307 2828 jul117________________________

Suzuki Jimny for sale 2009 – 4 x 4 – 1.3 L Abs / Air bags / Air con Electric Mirrors and Windows / Power Steering / Hitch / CD Radio / External Cable for Caravan / Full Service history / central locking Contact Harry 084 690 0033 Jul107_________________________

For Sale Te Koop 4 x Michelin LTX All Terrain2 bande te koop. 265x75x16. R4 800. Kontak: 082 303 6305



Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Limpopo Cravenweek As daar nou een ding is waaroor Oubal bly is, is dit dat hy nie verlede week die Cravenweek in Polokwane bygewoon het nie. Oubal hou nie van koud kry nie, en van wat hy op TV kon aflei, was dit maar koud en winderig daar in ons hoofstad. Gelukkig kon Oubal in sy staat van afgetredenheid al die wedstryde op TV volg, tot so ‘n mate dat die ou tante hom na dese van verslawing beskuldig. ‘Tja, daar is iets anders waarvan Oubal ook nie hou nie, skaam kry. Na ‘n belowende begin van die Limpopo Bulletjies teen Boland op die eerste dag, was ons vertoning in die Trans-Limpopo derby daarna teen Zimbabwe uiters teleurstellend, om die minste te sê. Maar Oubal sal hulle krediet gee vir die manmoedige terugvegpoging in hue naelskraapse verloor teen die OP Platteland op die laaste dag, ‘n

wedstryd wat Oubal toe teen wil en dank maar gaan bywoon het. Oubal merk toe iets merkwaardigs op in die amptelike program wat hulle hom Saterdag daar in die hand gedruk het: daar is net twee CW-spanne waarvan dertien uit die 22 spelers van een skool afkomstig is, naamlik Vrystaat en Limpopo. Dit het Oubal nogal laat wonder hoe dit moontlik is dat een skool rugby in ‘n provinsie só kan oorheers – in ‘n mate verstaan Oubal nogal Grey College se posisie in die Vrystaat, maar die plaaslike Rooiskool maak nie sin nie. Oubal het mos vriende oral oor en hy maak toe ‘n paar oproepe. “Die Rooiskool koop”, was die standaardantwoord. Oubal is egter nie onder ‘n kalkoen uitgebroei nie, want geen skool behoort die finansiële vermoëns te hê om


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

19 Julie 2013


feitlik elke talentvolle speler in ons uitgestrekte Hopelik kan ons dan ‘n herhaling van die provinsie te kan “koop” nie. Die koop-storie Zim-fiasko in die toekoms vermy. klink vir Oubal al te veel na ‘n verskoning vir “You cannot add to the stature of a dwarf by cutting the leg of a giant.” – Benjamin Franklin Fairless agteroorsit en self niks doen nie. Met dit in gedagte skakel Oubal toe ‘n ou Yskor-vriend in die suid,e wat ‘n verbintenis met ‘n skool daar het. Ja, dit is wat almal vir jou sal sê, maar ek weet van beter, seg hy. Jy moet liewer die Rooiskool se sukses gaan soek by die afrigters en afrigtingstrukture wat hulle daar het, dit sal jou nader aan die waarheid bring. Hy’s jammer om te sê, sê vriend, maar by die meeste skole in die provinsie gaan daar feitlik niks aan in terme van afrigting en spelerontwikkeling nie, en boonop word eiebelang so voorop gestel, dat daar feitlik geen groter visie van provinsiale belang bestaan nie. ‘Tja, dit was nogal vir Oubal skokkende mededelings, maar nie heeltemaal onverwags nie, gemeet aan wat plaaslik gebeur het oor die afgelope paar jaar. Oubal kan weereens maar net die wens uitspreek dat al die groot hane van hul klein mishopies sal afklim en besef dat jou eie kind se belang beter gedien word as jy die groter belang dien.

Die skyfskietspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope naweek ‘n skyfskietkursus bygewoon, wat deur die Springbokskut Esmari van Reenen aangebied is. Die Vossies sien met geesdrif uit na die res van die seisoen en bedank Esmari vir haar puik afrigtingseminaar. Hier is die spanlede: voor sit Bianca Kruger, Werner van Rensburg en Renaldo van Rensburg en agter is Thinus Vermaak, Jan-Daniel Griesel, Skey Zatschkowutsch en Janric Korff.

Mauritz Joubert, CR McSeveney en Leroy Ndlovu van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope vakansie in die o.19-provinsiale PUKreeks in Potchefstroom deelgeneem.

Nege Vossie-rugbyspelers het die vakansie vir die Grant Khomo o.16-span wat in Vanderbijlpark gespeel het, uitgedraf. Voor is Sibusiso Mlangeni, Shima Mphahlele en Jacques Venter, in die middelste ry is Thapelo Malapo, Dumisani Mushwana en Pule Molokomme en agter staan At the end of the regular season each team will be ranked Play off Dieter Meyer en Matimu according to how they finished the season. These rankings qualification Manganyi. Ongelukkig was will be used to determine home advantage and will be Duan Schoeman afwesig toe carried through to the final. Home advantage is given to die fotograaf opgedaag het. the team with the highest ranking. In week 1 of the finals the two conference winners with the highest points will be rewarded with a week off.

Vossies: Dis mos nou krieket! Die Vossies se kriekettoernooi wat die vakansie hier tuis aangebied is, was ‘n groot sukses. Altesaam twaalf spanne het deelgeneem: ses o.15- en ses o.18-spanne. Skole wat die toernooi bygewoon het, is Ben Vorster, Penryn College, Overkruin, Lichtenburg, Nkowankowa, Dr EG Jansen en Montana. Ben Vorster se o.15-span het drie van hul wedstryde gewen. Hul kaptein, Philip Bester, het weggestap met die Toernooitoekenning vir o.15’s. Hy het 261 lopies aangeteken —

onder meer ‘n 96 en ‘n puik 130 n.u.n. Hy het ook elf paaltjies laat kantel, met ‘n beste ontleding van sewe paaltjies vir agt 8 lopies (wat ‘n driekuns ingesluit het!). Die eerste span het twee van hul vier wedstryde gewen. Girvacques de Jager het twee pragtige honderdtalle aangeteken (104 teen Overkruin en 116 teen Lichtenburg). Marchant de Lange, oud-Vossie en Proteakrieketspeler, het glans aan die toernooi verleen, toe hy as gasspreker by die prysuitdeling opgetree het.

Die Vossies was vanjaar goed verteenwoordig in die Cravenweek se Limpopo-span. Hier is, voor: Mogau Mabokela, en Floyd Ntimane. In die middelry is Erick van Niekerk, Christopher Durow, Nico Bezuidenhout en Theo Maree en agter is Surprise Mathabela, Jinx Molapo, Andries Bruwer en Andrian Maebane. Theo Mahlo, Madot Mabokela en Mitch Mametsa was ongelukkig afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Team 1

Team 2



1st placed team

2nd placed team

Teams that finish in 1st & 2nd place have a bye.

Match 1 (QF1)

3 placed team

6 placed team

The 3rd placed team plays the 6th placed team.

Match 2 (QF2)

4th placed team

5th placed team

The 4th placed team plays the 5th placed team.

Quarter finals (Play Offs) - Week 1 rd


Semi-final (Play Off ) - Week 2 Match 1 (SF1)

1st placed team

Lowest ranked qualifier

The lowest ranked qualifier faces the 1st placed team.

Match 2 (SF2)

2nd placed team

Highest ranked qualifier

The highest ranked qualifier faces the 2nd placed team.

Grand Finale Week 3



Home advantage goes to the highest ranked team.


19 Julie 2013

Ben Vorster speel in Limpopo-eindronde

Die afgelope naweek het vier rolbalspanne van Tzaneen in die eindronde van Limpopo se Mans- en Damespare in Polokwane teen vier spanne van die Waterberg-distrik uitgespeel. Tzaneen se spanne het weer die klub se naam hoog gehou, deur albei die afdelings te wen. Hier is die pare-kampioene: die dames is Carine Engelbrecht (links) en Terry Morgan en die mans is Peet Jordaan en Charly Swart. Peet Jordaan het ‘n baie goeie rolbaljaar. Hy het in die Topagt geëindig in die SA nasionale kampioenskappe. Verder spog hy ook as wenner van Limpopo se senior meesters, Limpopo se gemende pare én Limpopo se manspare. Hy het ook op klubvlak baie goed gepresteer.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se A-rugbyspanne speel die naweek in die Limpopo-eindstryde vir medium skole. Die wedstryde word op die velde van die HTS Tom Naude in Polokwane beslis. Die o.14A-span speel teen die Hoërskool Ben Viljoen om 09:00 op die B-veld; die o.15A-span kom teen die Hoërskool Ellisras om 11:20 op die B-veld te staan; die o.16A-span speel teen die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt om 10:10 op die A-veld; die eerste span kom ook teen die Hoërskool Ben Viljoen te staan. Hulle speel om 13:50 op die A-veld.

• Sterkte aan al die spanne, namens die Tzaneengemeenskap. Dit sal darem so lekker wees as al die bekers Tzaneen toe kom!

Two Merensky soccer stars for Kaizer Chiefs

Merensky High Schools’ soccer stars participated in the u. 17 Youth Tournament held at the Mahwelereng Stadium during the winter holidays. The aim of the tournament was to enable soccer scouts to nominate certain players for the Soccer Academy and to award promising players the opportunity to possibly in the near future form part of the Kaizer Chiefs Squad. Two of Merensky’s Soccer stars were nominated, namely Kagiso Modjadji and Elliot Delsouiller (above). They will be joining the Soccer Academy practice squad in September this year, and their performance will determine their soccer future. Coach Seph Oosthuizen is extremely proud of these two, and wishes them the best of luck.

Rugbyspelers van die Vossies het ook die afgelope vakansie aan die Akademieweek vir o.16’s in Vereeniging deelgeneem. Voor is Dirkie Coetzee en Dylon Janse van Rensburg en agter is Gideon Joubert, Tiaan Vorster en Lenfred Pienaar.

The SA Schools Netball Tournament for all age groups from u.12 to u.18 took place in Margate during the winter holidays. During this tournament 23 of Ben Vorster’s girls participated in all the age groups. Not one of the teams were medal winners, but three of their u.17 girls made the top 35 group: Khanyisa Chawane, Precious Mhlari and Katie Morgets. After being selected for this group they went on playing trails and Precious and Khanyisa made the SA u.17 team that will go to the COSSANA games for u.17’s in Zambia in September. The team consist of twelve players. Seen here are Ms Charmaine Beetge (coach), Khanyisa Chawane, Precious Mhlari and Katie Morgets.

Cricket week set high standard A sport star from Merensky High School, Jance Geldenhuys, was recently selected for the SA Schools Ringball team.

The annual cricket week hosted by Merensky High School once again set a very high standard of hospitality, camaraderie and sportsmanship. No less than 23 schools participated in this esteemed event. Waterkloof High, Eldoraigne, Garsfontein, Randburg, Montana, Volkskool Potchefstroom and Volkskool Heidelberg were among the visiting teams. The well kept grounds abounded with runs, wickets and bonhomie. Several centuries and hat-tricks were

produced. Merensky’s achievers were Assad Patel ( 8 wickets), Timothy Elphinstone (5 wickets), Tivani Mushwana ( 4 wickets), Johan Louw (53 runs not out) and Blake Linder (49 not out). During a gala dinner, the best players were awarded by being named for the junior and senior “Merensky” teams. All the schools promised to return for another cricket feast during 2014.

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