015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
9 Augustus 2013
Yet another first Fear lessl y the tr uth
for Mediclinic Tzaneen
Yet another first for the Mediclinic Tzaneen… when
earlier this week the first cornea transplant was done in the hospital. It might be a first for Tzaneen as well. Dr Shaun Thompson, Tzaneen’s only Opthalmologist, performed the very sensitive procedure. The patient is Ms Joyce Ndlala, a teacher from Kgapane. The cornea was specially imported from Tampa in Florida (USA), since donors in South Africa are not to be found easily. According to reports in medical publications SA’s shortage is growing. The cost of the cornea was almost R16 000, excluding the cost of hospitalisation and the doctor’s account. The hospital’s network marketing manager, Ms Marelize Delport, has urged people to consider becoming an organ donor. “There is an unbelievable shortage of donors,” she said. Delport can be called at the hospital. • Thompson se spreekkamer is by die Patient and doctor... Dr Shaun Thompson is seen here with Ms Ndlala in Ivory Tusk Lodge en sy kontaknommer is the Mediclinic Tzaneen. 015 307 6749.
Merensky Museum Die Hoërskool Merensky spog nou met ‘n eie museum, wat die skool se ryk tradisie uitbeeld. Die museum is Vrydagaand amptelik geopen (nog ‘n foto en inligting op bl 3). Verskeie skenkers van allerhande gedenkwaardighede is deur lede van die gemeenskap geskenk. Die opening is deur ‘n handvol oud-skoliere bygewoon. Die skoolhoof, mnr Magnus Steyn het die lint vir die opening geknip.
Woman’s Day!
From your supporters at Fear lessl y the tr uth
Onthou die skou!
9 Augustus 2013
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Sê jou sê The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others. • Ons (by Bulletin) merk dat die GTM ewe skielik onderhoudswerk doen wat al vir bitter lank uitstaande is en waaroor ons al baie berig het. Hoekom dink jy word dit nou gedoen? • We (at Bulletin) notice that suddenly the GTM is doing maintenance work that has been unattended to for quite some time and that we have been reporting about. Why do you think they attend to it now? Estie van Wyk Duiwelskloof GLM is ook aan die gang. Eerder laat as nooit. Johan du Toit Miskien het hulle ‘n nuwe sakrekenaar aangeskaf wat ordentlik somme kan maak.Na al die mooi sommetjies toe kom hulle agter die herstelwerk val binne hul begrotingsraamwerk... en walla! eish! lol Thea Gerber Miskien omdat die verkiesing al hoe nader kom? Chantelle du Plessis Wel, eerder nou as nooit. En ja, seker omdat dit amper verkiesingtyd is? Frederick Pohl Die volgende was geplaas op 15 Mei 2013 op die DA Tzaneen Facebookblad “There was an urgent meeting on Friday last week between the Municipal Manager and director engineering regarding our roads in Tzaneen. Tenders will be going out soon to find a contractor to do the road repairs and maintenance in town. We hope this process will start soon and will be done transparently. We will be updating this report soon. 15 May at 18:48” Die tender proses is afgehandel daarom word die paaie nou herstel! En die res wat nie strate is nie? — Redakteur Johan du Toit Slotsom... as daar nie vuur onder hulle gemaak word nie, sal hulle ook nêrens kom nie ! Nadine Henning Vermeulen miskien was bedrog geld verkeerd geallokeer, nou spring almal aan die werk want daar’s nou fondse vir onderhoudswerk. David Ronald Morrison Dit is moeilik om te sê. Wie weet hoe werk die politieke masjien? • Dit blyk dat minder as vyftig informele handelaars (smouse) permitte van die GTM het om wettig handel te dryf in Tzaneen. Die tientalle onwettiges gaan egter rustig voort om onwetting handel te dryf. Dink jy daar moet hardhandig opgetree word teenoor hulle? • It seems as if less than fifty informal traders (hawkers) got permits from the GTM to legally trade in Tzaneen. Several illegal traders are, however, carrying on with their illegal trading. Do you think they should be harshly dealt with? Chantel Ananda Van Staden No. at least they dont steal for a living. they should not be prosecuted. Charl Hattingh As ek vandag my tafeltjie op die sypaadjie opslaan en pakkies springmielies begin verkoop sal hulle my seker baie vinnig verwyder... Leon van Veenhuyzen Hulle moet die straat smouse heeltemal verbied om handel te dryf, besigheid eienaars moet huur, water en ligte, belasting ens betaal en hulle sit net die sypaadjies vol en betaal niks nie. Ek gaan dorp toe net as dit uiters noodsaaklik is, juis om hulle te vermy. Die GTM kan hulle skuif na die taxi rank toe, maar nie in die dorp nie. Molebatsi Masedi Harshly would be illegal! The Municipality must regularise their trading status. Sean Niemandt Ja, beslis, Natuurlik steel hulle, Hulle steel van wettige besighede. Niemand mag handel dryf sonder ‘n handelslisensie nie. In Mozambique het ek ‘n groot opelug mark besoek waar jy allerhande snuisterye kan koop. Maar hier by ons sit die hele wêreld op sypaadjies op plastiese stoele en eet kos wat voorberei is sonder om gesondheidsregulasies na te kom. En party van die kiosks bestaan uit hout tellasies oorgetrek met swart plastiek. Dit is nog ‘n verdere oortreding en risiko. dan word daar vuur gemaak op die sypaadjie en ‘n bakkie kom met kanne water.
Vlieg Whomaansdey Against his better judgement, the editor gave Vlieg quite carte blanche for this column. And it was a story on exactly that program on the magical channel on Sunday evening that inspired Vlieg this week. The story was about a rare disease, Foreign Accent Syndrome, and Vlieg visited the trusted Wikipedia for more information: “Foreign accent syndrome is a very rare medical condition in which patients develop what appears to be a foreign accent. Foreign accent syndrome usually results from stroke but can also develop from head trauma or even migraine. “Its symptoms result from distorted articulatory planning and coordination processes. It must be emphasized that the speaker does not suddenly gain a foreign language (vocabulary, syntax, grammar, etc), but speaks his native or second language with a foreign accent.” Vlieg’s interest in this condition, stems from his own deduction that all politicians in this country were either retarded or simply dumb. At last, there seems to be some scientific or medical explanation that Vlieg’s opinion was not only prejudiced, but probably racist too! Vlieg apologizes. They are actually very sick people, and
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... even Vlieg might just maybe have a little more sympathy with them in future. For those readers who are not quite sure how this disease affects local politicians, Vlieg quotes a speech by one of them to mark this particular day, the ninth of August, when we celebrate the women in our lives: “Todea, komrads, de nine of Agast, is a verry speshall dey in ower cowntree, bekos todey is the neshenill dey for de whomaan. De whomaan dey play a verry impotent rol in ower nashen. Befour, de whomaan was for koeking and kleening and look behind de sjillren, but now it is a realtie, dat de whomaan of ower cowntree is eekwaal too de men. Dey can have de same job as de man. Dey can be de boss for big kampenie, de membar of palamint, de premiar or even de pressident. As if to say, dey are now ower komrads. Dat is de reeson why dees govemint made speshall depaatmint for whomaan, sjillren and piepol with diesabielieties. We onnor dem for kontrie-beauting to de sucksesses of de straggel too krea-ate a demmokrattick cowntree. It is as if dey are de bekbones of ower demmokrasie. Viva, ower maddes, viva. Viva, ower whomaan, viva.
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Koop drie piesangs, twee appels, ‘n pynappel en ‘n sakkie wortels by ‘n sekere winkel wat vrugte en groente verkoop en kwalifiseer vir gratis danslesse. Dit is egter net Vrydagaande. Die instrukteurs is nogal goed en hulle gly oor die dansvloer soos ‘n Kar en perde...
• Die vooraanstaande tannies wat vir oudersdomspensioen aansoek gedoen het, was suksesvol en nou loop en spog hulle dat hulle met die geldjies vakansie gaan hou. As hulle nie met ons deel en ons saam nooi nie, gaan ons hul geheim verklap!...
9 Augustus 2013
We salute our women • Ons salueer ons vroue
Desireé van der Walt DA Koukusleier; Limpopo
Isolde Fasondini Adjunkhoof ; Ben Vorster
Nora Lion Chief Financial Officer ; GTM
Rona McGaffin PRO ; Stanford Lake College
Gail Blunden Deacon; St Peter’s Anglican Church
Martie Botha CEO; Letaba FET College
Elize Caroto Gospelsanger/Eienaar ; Mosaiek
Ek glo almal is uniek geskape. Vir my is ‘n uitstaande vrou iemand wat gemaklik is met haarself as vrou, iemand wat uitreik na ander om ‘n beter toekoms vir almal te verseker. Ek voel baie sterk oor die viering van Vrouedag en vier dit beslis.
Vroue wat my inspireer is Patricia de Lille en Gladys Modiba. Patricia, omdat sy opstaan vir haar regte. Gladys, my huishulp, vriendin en ‘n enkelma wat haar eie kinders en haar suster se kinders grootmaak. Vrouedag hoef dit nie ‘n geldmaak storie te wees nie.
An exceptional woman is someone who is intelligent, hardworking, with integrity and with good leadership. SA women have contributed a lot during apartheid with marches demanding the freedom of movement and the elimination of (the much hated) passes.
Ek het ongelukkig nie een spesifieke vrou wat my inspireer nie, maar sommer `n hele klomp. `n Uitstaande vrou is iemand wat haar gesin en familie eerste stel, betrokke is by haar gemeenskap en nog steeds tyd het om saam met haar vriendinne te kuier.
There have been a few women who inspire me. One of them is Joyce Meyer, another Queen Elizabeth. She has carried herself with grace and stature throughout her life and been dedicated to her calling. An exceptional woman can balance all facets of her life.
Die vroue wat my inspireer is my ma, my susters, my dogter en skoondogters. Vroue is so spesiaal dat hulle die maand moet geniet. Dit gee vroue die kans om erkenning te kry en dat daar aandag gegee word aan die vele aspekte rondom vrouwees.
My ma inspireer my, maar alle vroue is uitstaande, want God het elkeen uniek geskape. Dis belangrik om ‘n vrou te wees wat by God se voete sit. Vrouedag is net nog ‘n vakansiedag. Ons moet elke dag spesiaal voel en leef asof dit jou laaste is.
Letsitele-legende sterf ‘n Merkwaardige man wat op negentigjarige ouderdom nog faktotum by ‘n skool was — gerespekteerd, geliefd en bewonderingwaardig — mnr Tienie Janse van Rensburg, wyd bekend as Oom Tienie, is Dinsdagoggend in sy huis in Letsitele dood. Wyle Oom Tienie was tot in Mei vanjaar, reeds in sy 91e lewensjaar, die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele, se faktotum; fris, gesond en sterk. Maar toe is maagkanker by hom gediagnoseer en sy gesondheid het redelik vinnig versleg. Sy naam was op talle gebedslyste en selfs onbekendes wat gehoor het van dié ysterman wat nog op negentig ‘n graaf uit ‘n arbeider se hand sou vat om te wys hoe nou regtig gespit moet word, het hom in gebed onderskraag. Oom Tienie is op 5 Oktober 1922 gebore en hy het aktief gebly tot sy negentigste verjaarsdag.
Hy het van Oktober 2007 tot Mei 2013 as faktotum van Dr Annecke diens gedoen. Volgens mnr Gerhard Venter, die skoolhoof, was ‘n positiewe lewensuitkyk en lewenslus kenmerkend van Oom Tienie. “Hy was ‘n mooi voorbeeld van menswees en het almal met respek behandel,” sê Venter. Een van sy seuns, Danie, sê sy pa het alles wat hy gesien het as ‘n uitdaging beskou. “Hy was ook baie gesteld op sy tyd en ‘n regte heer.” Janse van Rensburg laat sy vrou, Allison, en drie seuns, Danie, Kobus en Tienie, agter. Die familie wil graag almal bedank vir die sms’e, boodskappe, besoeke en woorde van bemoediging. Oom Tienie is gister (Donderdag) vanuit die NGK Letsitele ter ruste gelê. Ds Paul Grobler, ‘n vorige leraar van die gemeente, het die roudiens gelei.
‘n Kosbare en pragtige museum is Vrydagaand by die Hoërskool Merensky amptelik geopen. Die skoolhoof, mnr Magnus Steyn, het kort na dat hy by die skool as hoof ingetree het, die ideaal uitgespreek om ‘n museum op die been te bring, omdat die skool so ‘n ryke tradisie en geskiedenis het. Nou is die droom verwesenlik. Op die foto hierbo knip hy die lint by die amptelike opening. Saam met hom is die skool se nuwe hoofseun en hoofmeisie, Rean Venter en Simoné Schoeman. Skenkings vir bewaring in die museum is steeds welkom.
Adri Kruger Sakevrou/Hotellier – Tzaneen Country Lodge
Ek is passievol oor wat ek doen en wanneer ‘n mens passievol is, maak dit van jou ‘n uitstaande vrou. Vrouedag is spesiaal. Dit laat ‘n mens nadink oor jou rol in die lewe en hopelik laat dit die manne ook so ‘n bietjie nadink!
9 Augustus 2013
CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter
Tshegofatso Ngobeni tshego@bulletin.us.com
Ritavi Police arrest 56 people Nineteen people were arrested by Maake police officers for violating the Liquor Act while seven people were arrested for contravening the Roads Traffic Act. One person was arrested for the possession of a dangerous weapon. Ten people were arrested for assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, nine for robbery, four for rape and six people were arrested for common assault.
Maake is a busy place Fifteen people were arrested by Maake Police for drinking in public, seven for drunkenness and three for possession of dagga
www.bulletin.us.com during the past week. Five people were arrested for theft, four for housebreaking, three for malicious damage to property and one person was arrested for intimidation. Five people were arrested for rape, seven for illegal gambling, four for assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and four for robbery. Three people were arrested for possession of dangerous weapons, one person was arrested for culpable homicide and another for attempted murder.
Hau! Wrong side of the road The Tzaneen Police will investigate an accident in Agatha Street very closely and a case of reckless and negligent driving has been opened. The two passenger cars collided headon and it is not known how the car travelling down Agatha Street landed on the right hand side of the street.The accident happened almost in the front door of Tino’s Restaurant. A police investigation will continue until the findings of the police would be ready to submit to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
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Search “Laeveldbulletin” reported to the SAPS.
Crimen injuria
The two cars that crashed into each other out side Tino’s Resturant in Tzaneen in a rare accident can be seen here.
Roads Traffic Act, six for possession of dagga and one person was arrested for possession of a dangerous weapon.
Criminals rule
Residents of Morapalala village in Bolobedu South live in fear for criminals that could burgle their houses, since the criminals seem to operate in a group “ruling” the area at night. People in the area frequently experienced electric cable theft and housebreakings, which, in the end, left them in the dark. Du-ring the past weekend, criminals broke into a local shop and stole several bags of 33 arrested in Haenertsburg cement and other valuable items. Criminals Haenertsburg Police arrested 33 people for also broke into a house, stole meat from the various criminal activities last week. Twenty fridge and valuable cosmetics. six people were arrested for violating the According to a concerned resident who asked to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation, the suspects are known in the community, but their families deny the fact that they terrorise other people in the village. Police Spokesperson in the Tzaneen Cluster, Lt. Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, said they have met with all the relevant stakeholders like Telkom, Eskom and others from the villages to come up with a strategy that SORGSENTRUM would see this gang (and other criminals) On inwoners en Bestuur sê baie dankie dealt with. He said vir donasies, besoeke, lekker saam sing members of the comen huisgodsdiens. Ons sê dankie vir die munity must ensure volgende persone/instansies: that such crimes are
God’s Haven
Graham Partnership vir piesangs, anonieme person vir voetspa en vibreerkussing Tzaneng Apteek vir hoesmedisyne, Sugarloaf vir brood, anonieme person vir krat avokadopere, anonieme person vir krat papajas, Nauta Projek – BP Lombaard en Allesbeste Padstal vir vrugte en piesangs, anonieme person vir brood en broodrolletjies. Dankie vir jul gratis koerante en bedankings. ‘n Vreugdevolle en geseënde week vir almal.
Letsitele Police arrested 26 people for contravening various laws last week. Seven people were arrested for assault, one for crimen injuria and one for theft. Seven people were arrested for violating the Roads Traffic Act, seven for trading without a licence and two for drinking in public. Inquest: The police also opened an inquest docket after a man was found hanging by a rope from a tree. It is alleged that the man went missing at the end of the month. The man worked at a chicken farm. Community members from N’wajaheni at N’wamitwa found him in the morning about 200 m from his home and alerted the police who believe he might have committed suicide and investigations continue.
Bolobedu Police arrest 80 Thirty-two people were arrested for drinking in public, eleven for illegal gambling, two for selling liquor without a licence and one for drunken driving by the Bolobedu Police over last weekend. Six people were arrested for housebreaking and theft and one person for housebreaking. The police did not want to speculate on the reason for the housebreaking. Two people were arrested for robbery and one for shoplifting. Five people were arrested for assault GBH and one person was arrested for violation of a protection order and seven for common assault. Four people were arrested for malicious damage to property; one person was arrested for stealing a suspected stolen vehicle and one for possession on an unlicensed firearm. Another four people were arrested for arson.
Arson after a man dies A man died at Gasidibeng village last week after drinking what is believed to have been poisoned sorgum beer. Four men, including the deceased, were drinking sorgum beer after a funeral had taken place. The deceased suddenly collapsed. The remaining three called an ambulance and the victim was declared dead on the scene. Some members of the community were not happy with the news and accused the men of poisoning the deceased. The mob then proceeded to burn the house of the accused as a way of retaliation. Four of the mob members were arrested, and they were expected to appear in court on Tuesday.
9 Augustus 2013
Tesame met Spesbona Pretoria wat reeds meer as 25 jaar se ondervinding het, spesialiseer ons in mediesefonds-eiseadministrasie vir groepe en individue. Ons waarborg jou geld terug as ons nie vir jou geld spaar of jou frustrasie oplos nie. Terme en voorwaardes geld.
Kontak Mariette van der Westhuizen by 083 497 2702
Makelaars wat belangstel om deel te neem kan Koos Smit kontak: 082 466 9884
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9 Augustus 2013
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Ons Mening
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Die Boodskap
Friday 09 Augustus 2013
Wysheid is… Jakobus 3:13-18 Wysheid is nie ‘n priester in ‘n lang wit gewaad wat skoon maar wêreldvreemd deur hierdie lewe gaan nie. Wysheid is ‘n ambagsman in ‘n oorpak wat my motor toets, vasstel wat die fout is en dit regmaak. Wysheid is nederig, maar nie lafhartig nie. Hy erken die ingewikkeldheid van ons lewenssituasie. As ons nie lig van Bo kry nie, bly dinge maar duister. Wysheid en selfsug kook nie saam in dieselfde kombuis nie. Eiegeregtigheid gaan nie saam met naasteliefde nie. Al die gekonkel om deur die lewe te kom is nie wysheid nie, dit verstik jou al meer in ‘n warboel van skemas. Ware wysheid kom van God af. Dit kuier by mense wat Hom eer. By mense wat erken: ons het dit nie uit onsself nie. Dis nog een van daardie “volmaakte geskenke” wat van Bo kom. Daarom het dit al daardie eienskappe wat ons lewe herstel en vrede ‘n werkende werklikheid maak.
The hawkers Hawkers are busy doing what they like in Tzaneen and no law enforcement is being conducted. Slowly but surely the hawkers, of whom the majority seem to be illegal, are creeping deeper and deeper into the areas around the CBD as well as next to main roads leading to Tzaneen. Once illegal conduct is condoned by the relevant authority, it becomes almost impossible to reverse the situation. The GTM will find, sooner or later, that to rectify the situation will ask for extraordinary patience, great wisdom no mercy. It is sad that in Tzaneen the GTM, and in many instances also the SA Police, shut their eyes for the many wrongs and allow things to deteriorate to a point where turning back would be almost impossible. Pity that we don’t have a chamber of commerce who could assist legal traders.
Not right Very concerned citizen from Tzaneen, writes per e-mail: I just want to bring your attention to a situation that for me who am working up close to the people with a shop of my own are very concerned about. And that is the situation with the Vendors in Tzaneen’s streets. I just want to ask one question: When last did any of you drive down Danie Joubert (Main Street) to the robot at Tzaneen Crossing, and left down to Boxer, and also the well known Claude Wheatley that they busy fixing now. From the entrance of the Tzaneng Mall in Danie Joubert Street down to Nissan on both sides on the sidewalk there is no more place for people to walk as the vendors occupy the total sidewalk. If you turn left at the robot and left again to go into the street passing Joseph’s Spar you will find in that street anything you can imagine from “sidewalk eating houses”, vegetable hawkers, tuck shops and also slaughterhouses for all the chickens to be sold after its been BBQ’d on the braaiers next to the street. To my astonishment I noticed last week a new vendor on the sidewalk next to the Game’s of ramp close to the buss stop, with an industrial chip fryer on gas in the middle of the sidewalk, frying and selling his “slap chips” to anybody who is interested. Isn’t this a big safety hazard? If you go down to the Pick and Pay taxi rank and stand around there for a while close to 7 o’clock you will see the vendors passing you with bundles of live chickens in their hands, just to hear a wile later the screaming of that same chicken being slaughter and BBQ’d moments later. Business people in and around that area owning shops and who pay a very high
Letters • Briewe amount of rent just can’t keep up with this anymore. I’m not even talking about the total mess they leave behind when they leave every night. How can all the vendors just be allowed to put up a shack anywhere they want and sell whatever they want, without paying anything and polluting our streets?- What happened to Health and Safety regulations? I just want to leave you with one thought: Tzaneen was not too long ago crowned as the cleanest town in the country. What is happening now? Is our municipality allowing this because they get “money” from the vendors, or don’t they care at all? I would really want to urge you to do some investigation on this matter so that we can see that Tzaneen’s Business people can do business in a rightful way and that our Streets be clean and without pollution again. • Unfortunately the GTM’s communications department seems to have come to a standstill and to get any information from the GTM any other way is impossible, since officials are not allowed to talk to the media. We have written to the municipal manager about the sad state of affairs but after three weeks we have not even recieved a letter of acknowlegement. We have over the past couple of years written about the situation and we will continue to expose the anarchic behaviour of unruly and illegal hawkers in town — Editor
Illegal hawkers
Clr. Rene Pohl, 11 Royal Tzangeni, Tzaneen, writes:
Here-in feedback on the hawker issue in Tzaneen. I was in communication with Mr. Malatji, responsible for law enforcement, as well as Mr. Peyper from the Traffic Dept. Only 42 licences were issued to legal hawkers. Suddenly all hawkers have proof from the municipality, as well as documents to prove it. Someone must have issued fraudulent documentation to the hawkers! The DA will ask for an investigation into this matter, and how it can be solved. Mr. Peyper told me that he personally had removed the illegal hawker under the bridge on the R71 road. I did inform him that she returns every single time! The roads are being attended to at present, as the new contractors signed their contracts. The open spaces and parks will also be maintained and attended to. Residents who forwarded information about speed bumps must be assured that it forms part of the IDP, but it will take time for funding will first be applied according to priority. The municipality issued notices to all shack owners at Talana Hostel to move out, in terms of a court interdict. Apparently a Ward Committee member approached a lawyer to oppose the process. Further details are unknown and residents will be informed as soon as further information is available. The Ward Committee also requested the Mayor to write a letter to the Premier to request SANRAL to rebuild R36, the road from Tzaneen to Nkowankowa. The DA will put in questions regarding relevant issues to Council at the next Council meeting. I can be contacted at cell. 079 707 1955.
Fighting crime begins with ME The South African Police Service in the Tzaneen Cluster establish the crime fighting strategies time and again as per the identified flash point areas, but in some instance there is no success — because the involvement of the individual community members is not effective enough. So says the Tzaneen Cluster’s chief communications officer, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe. Hy issued the following statement, saying “all members of the community are therefore encouraged and advised to take note of the following”: • Bank Card Pin number must always be kept secretly to anybody regardless of your relationship with him\her to prevent fraud. • All livestock owners must brand their stock and to safeguard them accordingly to prevent stock theft. • Houses must always be well secured with all windows and doors properly closed, especially in the evening and/or when there is no person at home, to prevent housebreaking and theft. • Beware of Job-for-cash-scams. No person must be cornered to pay money when he/she is in need of work. • Stop making love in the bushes, because it is very dangerous as you become an easy target to the criminals. • Beware of people who are pretending to be Police — if a person stops you and identify himself/herself as a police officer, kindly request the SAPS identification card before saying anything and do not allow to be taken to dark corners, to avoid being robbed.
• Establish community based crime prevention strategies such as Neighbourhood watch and street committees and support and participate in all the sector forums and community police forums activities unconditionally. • Beware of strangers, especially at the liquor drinking places. • Avoid walking through bushy areas, especially during the late hours. • Inform the police about any criminal activities taking place around your residential or employment area immediately. • Do not leave your house unattended. If you will be away from home for some time, get somebody to stay in your house until you come back for safety sake. • Woman are encouraged to walk in groups, especially when going to mealie fields and churches. • Do not leave valuable items on the seat of motor vehicles at all times, including in towns and at home. • At the Bank ATM, do not allow anybody to assist you but only the bank assistant during the day may help. • Do not buy stolen property as it encourages criminals to go and steal more from the community members. • Stop hitch-hicking • Stop giving people lifts. Enquiries: Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe Cell: 082 414 2088 Tel: 015 306 2187 Fax : 015 307 1783
Leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky het die vakansie in Europa gaan toer. Bo is ‘n groepie voor die Vredespaleis in Den Haag en onder vertrek ‘n groep op trapfietse in Amsterdam.
9 Augustus 2013
Geen valse note vir Jansen In Bulletin se eksklusiewe reeks oor ons kontrei se jong entrepreneurs/presteerders gesels Annemieke Maritz vandag met mnr Jansen van der Walt van Ickinger Juweliers in Tzaneen. Stuur die naam en van en kontaknommer van enige jong entrepreneur/pesteerder wat jonger as 35 is na annemieke@bulletin.us com, sodat ons dit kan opvolg.
Jansen van der Walt sê speels sy droom as ‘n klein seuntjie was om ‘n ruimtevaarder te word, maar sy passie om die familiebesigheid na nuwe hoogtes te lei het ‘n groter droom geword. Vandag staan hy standvastig as die bestuurder van Ickinger Juweliers in Tzaneen. Hy word as kalm, vriendelik, hulpvaardig en positief deur sy familie en vriende beskryf en op 26-jarige ouderdom, laat hy beslis nie die gras onder sy voete groei om seker te maak dat sy lewensverhaal ‘n sukses is nie. ‘n Tzaneener in murg en been, het hy sy matriek aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster voltooi voordat hy deur Unisa sy B Commgraad in bestuur verwerf het. “Om die graad te voltooi was uitdagend omdat ek ook voltyds gewerk het, maar ek het dit terselfdertyd geweldig geniet,” sê hy. Jansen se alleenloper-dae het verlede jaar geïndig toe hy en Mareli ewige trou aan mekaar beloof het. “Sy is my ander helfte. Ons verhouding was van die begin af net reg en ons pas perfek by mekaar, soos ‘n
hand in ‘n handskoen,” sê hy. Die twee is onlangs geseën met ‘n klein pienkvoet, Vasti, en vol geesdrif vertel hy hoe hul lewe verander het. “Vasti pas ook perfek in met ons leefstyl. Ons is lief daarvoor om te gaan piekniek hou, mooi musiek te luister en kyk nie graag TV nie. Selfs om gereeld op te staan vir Vasti is nie ‘n probleem nie,” sê hy met ‘n glimlag. “My ouers het die besigheid in 1998 oorgeneem en ek is stadig maar seker besig om die leisels oor te neem.” Hy glo die sukses van ‘n besigheid lê in die aanbieding van gehalte produkte en uitstekende dienslewering. Hy sê hy is op sy gelukkigste wanneer hy tussen sy klante is en om positiewe terugvoering van hulle te kry. Ons gesprek word kort-kort onderbreek sodat hy kan seker maak die klante word nie afgeskeep nie. “Ek het baie gou geleer dat sukses harde werk en toewyding verg. Ek was in die gelukkige posisie om op ‘n jong ouderdom in die musiekwêreld blootgestel te word en is daarom ook deel van
die plaaslike musiekgroep Lumbus Frater.” Hoewel hulle verwerkings van ander kunstenaars sing voel hy dat die gehalte van die liedjie van kardinale belang is. “As dit nie goed gedoen word nie, word dit van die repertoire geskrap. Ek is verantwoordelik vir die tegniese (klank en beligting) aspek van musiekaande en ek moet sorg dat dit seepglad verloop. Om ‘n inkomste deur musiek te verdien is ‘n groot voorreg.” Dié wat al na die groep gaan luister het, stem saam dat hy die kitaar net so goed soos Eric Clapton kan tokkel. Vir Jansen is sy grootste struikelblok om ‘n balans in sy persoonlike-, werk- en musieklewe te vind. “Daar is soveel om te doen met die beperkte tyd tot ons beskikking.” Hy glo sterk daaraan dat mens gebalanseerd moet leef en genoeg tyd inruim vir alles. Hy raak liries as hy aan sy vrou en kleinding dink en is gaande daaroor om tussen positiewe mense te beweeg. Hy glo jy moet leef met die gesegde “doen aan ander wat jy aan jouself gedoen wil hê” en
28 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen • 015 307 4448
“voordat jy optree … dink!” Die hoogtepunt van Jansen se werk is wanneer hy positiwe terugvoer van klante ontvang en as hulle met ‘n tevrede glimlag by die deur uitstap. Sy raad aan alle jong entrepreneurs is om te glo dat “aanhouers wen; moenie opgee nie. Evalueer jouself van jaar tot jaar, dinge gebeur dikwels in ‘n tydperk van jare nie dae nie.” Ons gesprek moet beëindig word, toe nog klante instap en sy aandag verg. Maar die glimlag op sy vriendelik gesig is steeds daar, toe hy beleefd groet en die nuwe klante tegemoet loop.
9 Augustus 2013
‘n Voormalige joernalis van die Bulletin, Me Maritza Nel-Swanepoel, het pas ‘n BA-graad in kommunikasiewetenskap aan Unisa verwerf.
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The previous MEC for Economic Development, Environment, and Tourism in Limpopo, Ms Pinky Kekana, is seen here with pupils of Risinga High School and members of her staff shortly before she was left out of Limpopo’s cabinet by the new premier. The pupils left earlier this week for Abuja, where they will share what they do to improve life for people with other pupils from all over the world.
Suppliers of concrete and road stone
• 19mm 13mm 9,5mm • Builders mix • Crusher sand/dust • G1 - G7 base/sub base material • Gabion stone
We deliver to your doorstep. Kontaknommer: 076 871 3243 Tarentaalrand, Nkowankowa bulletin8630lc130809wb
Two schools to represent South Africa in Abuja Pupils from Risinga High School in Giyani flew to Abuja in Nigeria to showcase their entrepreneurial skills in the presence of other students from different countries. This comes after they got position one nationally, on the program called SAGE or Student for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship. In this program young people become innovative and identify something that helps create jobs or provide sustainable income for themselves. Risinga got obtained the first position in the “social responsibility” category, thanks to their plans to stage events and organise shows, and then use the profit for social responsibility purposes. Explaining the idea, Tiyani Chavalala, the
leader of the students, said they “buy food parcels, clothes, blankets,” or whatever they deem necessary to help a particular family, using part of the income that they get out of doing shows and organising events. “So far we have helped more than hundred families with either clothes or food parcels,” he said. Another Limpopo school having gone to Abuja to represent the country is Dendron High School, which came first in the entrepreneurial category for their tomato jam. The principal of the school, Mr Moses Maswanganyi, said the program helps his learners understand the situation in the country and have an understanding that they should be part of the solution that help create jobs rather than destroy it.
Calling artists Calling all artists and crafters. The annual Magoebaskloof Spring Fair takes place from September 21 to 29. There are still a few stalls available for local crafters. If you are interested in taking a stall at this successful event please contact AnneMarie on 082 883 4449/ (015) 276 4828 or haen@ telkomsa.net
Ready Mix
Tzaneen Area • Hoedspruit
0828023828 015 304 3009
Win a ‘beest One lucky raffle ticket holder will be going home with half a wildebeest at the end of August. The Hope Methodist Church in Modjadjiskloof is holding a raffle to raise funds for the church and wildebeest meat is up for grabs. The public is invited to support them by purchasing a ticket for R20 or even a booklet of tickets. The raffle will take place on 23 August with half a wildebeest as first prize, a hind quarter as second prize and a front quarter as third prize. The meat can be cut up to winners’ specifications free of charge. Tickets will be sold at Jack’s Paints in Tzaneen and Jagdrift Butchery, just out of Modjadjiskloof. For more information contact Pastor Attie and Liz Botha on 082 901 2291 or 079 017 0600.
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REGS: Alain-Denzil Wright, ‘n gr 12-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het die Hoofleierswag-toekenning verwerf, wat een van die hoogste toekennings is wat in die Voortrekkers verwerf kan word. Hiervoor moes hy ‘n toetsvraestel skryf en ‘n toetskamp bywoon. Dit is ‘n nasionale toekenning en word volgens prestasie toegeken. Dit verg baie jare se volharding en toewyding.
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9 Augustus 2013
H’burg’s Spring Festival takes on a new look
Drie van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se spanne het aan die HIP2B2-kompetisie deelgeneem, wat by die Hoërskool Merensky gehou is. Opdragte moes in groepsverband opgelos word en in ‘n senutergende vasvraeindstryd het die Vossies gewys dat deeglik rekening met hulle gehou moet word. Een van die Vossiespanne het as wenners van Limpopo uit die stryd getree. Hier is die wenspan : Nareanka Lombard (gr 11), ChristiAnn Dreyer (gr 11), Jara Kruger (gr 10), Martin Bosch (gr 10), Nsovo Nkuna (gr 9) en Gerhard Bezuidenhout (gr 8). Die span gaan nog in die loop van dié maand aan die nasionale kampioenskappe deelneem.
One of the Lowveld’s most famous and enjoyable festivals, the annual Haenertsburg Spring Fair, will take place over two rounds this year: from 21 to 29 September (in the Haenertsburg Village, at Cheerio Gardens and at the Magoebaskloof Hotel). Some of the highlights will be: On Friday 20 September, Richard and Sue Cock, together with a violinist and a cellist, will entertain the crows with a variety of music. This will start at 19:00 in the Haenertsburg Village Hall. On Tuesday 24 September, the orchestra and two soloists will have a musical extravaganza in the Barnyard Theatre at Stanford Lake College at 19:00. Magda de Vries will enchant visitors with her magnificent marimba concert on 28 Saturday September. There will also be, as always, arts and crafts stalls, plant and orchid displays, various rides for the children in a miniature pony carts and lots and lots more. Call Anne-Marie on 082 883 4449 or 015 276 4828 or haen@telkomsa.net for more information.
Mercedes-Benz Pre-Owned Inherit only the best
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‘n Volle dosyn Plasie Einsteins-in-wording het die geleentheid benut om hul kennis te toets, deur aan vanjaar se Wêreldkennis Olimpiade deel te neem. Die organiseerder, Me Martha Leeuwner, is veral in haar skik met Cara Mia Baker (regs) se prestasie; sy het nie net ‘n goue sertifikaat verwerf nie, maar is ook as die top-graad 8-leerling in Limpopo bekroon.
Afrikaans Olympiad results It was reported in last week’s Snapshot that the Schmidt brothers (Conrad and Reinhard) had scooped the top two places in the Afrikaans Olympiad Eerste Addisionele Taal competition in Limpopo. The full results show that there were 12 Stanfordians in the top twenty. The other 10 achievers were Inge van Rensburg (3rd), Luana Ungerer (5th), Bronwyn Joubert (6th), Yumna Kalla (7th), Marli Maree (8th), Roelien Prinsloo (11th), Natasha Erasmus (13th), Channel du Plessis (15th), Jean du Toit (17th) and Alex Revelas (18th). This is a marvellous achievement! Seen here in the photo are the two Schmidt brothers: Conrad on the left and his brother Reinhardt on the right.
C180 1.6 BE, A/T; RED; 9 260 KM; 2013 R365 000.00
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Mercurius Tzaneen, 0850 Tzaneen, Limpopo, 38 Peace Street, Tel.: 015 307 5020, Fax: 015 307 1102. E-mail: ccoetzee@cargomotors.co.za Finance is available from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no 18604) & Credit Provider (Licence no NCRCP 80). www.mymercedes.co.za
9 Augustus 2013
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LAERSKOOL DUIWELSKLOOF “Laerskool Duiwelskloof bedank KFC vir die borgskap tot uitbreiding van sport.”
“Duiwelskloof Primary thanks KFC for the sponsoring of sport.”
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Events l Gebeure
This Week
Tzaneen or Jagdrift Butchery, just out of Modjadjiskloof. Winners will be drawn on 23 August. Enquiries: Attie/Liz at 082 901 2291 or 079 017 0600.
Letaba Show
Prayer Hour Anglican Church, Tzaneen, Wednesday, 13:00. Everyone is invited to join an inter-denominational prayer hour against fire. Enquiries: Rev Ron Reiners 083 617 8442.
The Hope Methodist Church is running a raffle to raise funds. Buy your raffle ticket for R20 and stand a chance to win half a wildebeest (first prize), hind quarter (second prize) and front quarter (third prize). Tickets available at Jack’s Paints in
This Month
Women’s Month
Hotel@Tzaneen, 22 August, 18:00. Women on the Move’s annual Women’s Month Commemoration. The purpose is to bring different women together to address challenges and to network. Tickets: R120/p. Enquiries: Shaun Mhlongo 083 541 9815.
Letsitele Lemoenfees
Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 24 Augustus. Landloop, Mini-hokkie en ‘n adventure challenge. Kosstalletjies en teetuin. Navrae: 072 517 1551 and 082 808 0802.
Mr and Miss Galaxy 2014 Tzaneen, 24 August. Amoné Modelling Academy is holding a semi-final event in Tzaneen. Winners in every group will represent SA in the final event in Bulgaria, 15-22 March 2014. Open for girls and boys 4-18 years old. Top 3 in each category will be crowned. A sash and tiara will be awarded. Entry forms available on request, via email or at the SAVF Hall on Wednesday, 14:00-15:00. Enquiries: Leandri 076 426 4192 or jcshreiber@lantic.net. Tamatiefees
Laerskool Duiwelskloof, 31 Augustus. Tydens die LLSV Landloop Kampioenskappe. 7de Laan se Xander en Bonita kom beoordeel die potjiekos- en skoonheidskompetisies. Mnr/Mej Tinker: 3-5 jaar, Mnr/Mej Rosa: 6-9 jaar, Mnr/Mej Tamatie: 10-13 jaar. Masterchef-tipe kompetisie tussen die akteurs en 2 feesgangers. Speelpark en verskeie aktiwiteite vir kinders, kraampies met allerhei produkte te koop, asook ‘n verskeidenheid kos. Navrae: Liezl (skoolkantoor) 015 309 9218 of Julie Ras 015 395 8407/8450 of 084 425 8987.
artists. If you are interested in taking a stall please contact Anne-Marie on 082 883 4449 / (015) 276 4828 or haen@telkomsa.net.
Letsitele Kerskuiermark
NGK Letsitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou Kersgeskenke of snuffel rond vir interessanthede. Vermaak vir die kinders, kosdemonstrasies, teetuin, Spar Meesterchef-kompetisie. Navrae of om ‘n kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gubitz 083 738 1515 of gubitzlone@tzaneen.co.za.
Divorce Counselling
DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527.
Support Group The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meet the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, at the Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise 0722871022 or Colleen 0834567970.
Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal is welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@ gmail.com. ‘13
Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797.
Chameleon Indoor Krieket en Hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546 St Peter’s Nite Fun Run
St Peter’s Anglican Church, Tzaneen, 23 August, 18:30. 5 km and 9 km routes. Registration: 17:30. Start: 18:30. Entry: R40/adult, R20/u.13’s. Boerewors rolls and cold drinks on sale. Enquiries: 015 307 3534 or stpeters@tzaneen.co.za
Clemengold 3 in 1
Jetty 3, Tzaneen, 7 September, 07:00. Aangebied deur Tzaneen Running Club. Afstande: 5 km, 10 km, 21.1 km. BeMagoebaskloof Spring Fair Magoe- soek hulle facebook blad: Tzaneen Marathon Club. baskloof/Haenertsburg, 21-29 September. There Navrae: Karin 083 437 1524, Johan 083 270 2416, are still a few stalls available for local crafters and Herman 071 484 0038 en Timothy 082 806 2305. ‘13
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.
Facials, body treatments, slimming, Bio Sculpture, waxing, airbrush tan, TCA & glycolic peels, Feetish spa pedicures, make-up, Gelish & acrylic nails. 24 King Edward Dr. Tzaneen 0850 Telefax: 015 307 2193 adelesclinic@vodamail.co.za
Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Besoek ons webwerf by www. bulletin.us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede
miniADS | Services | Business cards
Tzaneen Show Grounds, today and tomorrow, 09:00-21:30. Variety of stalls, gourmet food and wine, live entertainment. Artists: Tobi & Corlea, NRG, Mwah!, Ricus Nel, ADAM, Lloyd Cele. Sheep, cattle shows, miniature horses, fowl exhibit. Kiddies’ entertainment.
9 Augustus 2013
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com
9 Augustus 2013
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Job Seeker (148) ____________________________
Domestic My name is Albert Lesohla I am looking for a garden service job Monday to Friday or 3 days a week contact me on 061 044 1359 (147) ____________________________
Julia is my name and I am looking for a domestic work / general work for Saterday only contact me on 076 326 7083
Gladys Kgatla is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have two years experience contact me on 084 234 3735 (149) ____________________________
Norah Mbalati I am looking for office cleaner, domestic work, general work or cashier contact me on 076 041 9406
days of full time I can speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 015 8922
worker. I can speak English, 5 days a week sleep out. Contact me 083 4040314
(150) ____________________________
(152) ____________________________
My naam is Malegoa Cate Phoshoko I am looking for a domestic work sleep in or out, 5 days a week speak and understand English 5 days a week contact me on 071 217 5213
My name is Edwina Mokgata I am looking for a domestic work/ office cleaner, I can look after children, I can speak English contact met on 073 255 0322
My name is Peggy Baloyi I am looking for a domestic work 2
My name is Johanna Morwala I am looking for a job as a office cleaner or domestic
(154) ____________________________
My name is Gladness Machimana I am looking for a job as general worker e.g. or housekeeping, waitress, help cooking contact me on 073 995 6498 (155) ____________________________
(153) ____________________________
(151) ____________________________
(150) ____________________________
and Afrikaans Mon – Fri contact me 078 606 5774
Maria Madiba is my name i am looking for a domestic work, I can cook and look after children, I speak English
Lisbeth Masiaphata is my name I am looking for a office cleaner or housekeeping, I have grade 11, I can speak English contact me on 082 970 7297 (156) ____________________________
My name is Anna Balaji I am looking for a domestic work full time I can sleep out or in, look after children. I can speak Afrikaans I have 3 years experience contact me on 076 754 7417 (157) ____________________________
My name is Maria Madiba I am looking for a domestic work Mon – Fri, sleep out, I can cook and I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 071 706 0937 (158) ____________________________
My name is Rachel Kalonga I am looking for a domestic work I can cook look after children Mon – Fri sleep out, I can speak English contact me on 082 796 7035
Rosinah Mahole is my name I am looking for a domestic work I speak English have 2 years experience (ref: Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 553 3389
My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English , I have four years experience, sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617
(160) ____________________________
(165) ____________________________
My name is Rachel Makgoba I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, office cleaner, I can speak English, I have grade 11 I can also look after children, I have 4 years experience contact me on 073 2805 631
My name is Lydian Ndlovu I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning job I can speak English. I have 3 years experience contact me on 072 5656 242
(161) ____________________________
Thelma Mahasha I am looking for a job as domestic worker can look after children, I can speak English have grade 10 have 5 years experience contact me on 076 0356 741 My name is Norah Mbalati I am looking for a waitress, cashier or domestic worker and general worker contact me on 076 041 9406
My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have four years experience sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617
(163) ____________________________
(168) _____________________________
My name is Matha Ntlemo I am looking for a domestic work/ general work, I can speak English and Afrikaans. I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120
My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general I can speak English and Afrikaans, I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120
(164) ____________________________
Shop Supervisor
VACANCY Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the following position in the:
Engineering Services Department 1 x Foreman/Artisan (Mechanical Workshop) (Job Id Number. 5/4/3/003) Salary: R296 468.44 per annum (Job level 6)
Must have experience in:
• General office duties • Pastel an advantage • Computer literate • Excel spreadsheet • Descision-making
Fax CV’s to: 086 657 6686
The job purpose of a foreman/artisan is to ensure the effective completion of the repairs on the vehicle fleet and that all vehicles are kept in a roadworthy condition. Key performance areas: The Foreman/Artisan must ensure that the daily work is done to satisfaction and to achieve the objectives of Council. He/she will be responsible for: Supervising activities of staff to ensure that work is performed according to the work plan and adhoc instructions received from supervisor and reports on activities performed • Monitoring and supervising utilization, application and maintenance of machinery, equipment, tools and material to ensure optimal work performance • Performing maintenance, services and preparation for road-worthiness testing of vehicles in workshop or during break-down callouts to ensure the completion of reparations. Requirements: Grade 12 • NTC 2, Trade Test passed as motor mechanic • Communication skills • B Driver’s license • Four years’ experience. ___________________________________________________________________ Applications on the prescribed application form (www.tzaneen.gov.za), a comprehensive CV and copies of certified certificates should be addressed to: Municipal Manager, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, P.O. Box 24, TZANEEN, 0850. Further information can be obtained by contacting: Mrs. Helen Maake at tel (015) 307 8381/8378. Greater Tzaneen Municipality is an Employment Equity Employer. Fraudulent qualifications or documents will immediately disqualify any application. A candidate who canvasses any councilor and /or senior official for preference will be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from any appointment. Short-listed applicants will be screened for criminal records and /or any pending criminal cases.
Successfull candidates will be called for an inteview.
My name is Dorah Molola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general, office cleaner I can speak English and Afrikaans I have six years experience in domestic and general work (ref Ellen Finaugty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (170)_____________________________
My name is Beauty Mushwana I am looking for a office cleaner, domestic worker salary R1 500 contact me on 076 571 9054 (171)_____________________________
My name is Maria Pudikabekwa I am looking for a domestic work, can look after children, office cleaner, I can speak Afrikaans I have 8 years experience sleep out contact me on 082 4333 3033 (172)_____________________________
My name is Ngwako Mojela I am looking for a gardening work contact me on 082 084 5099 Cate Phoshoko I am a domestic worker, cleaner at school, baby sitter contact me on 071 217 5213
Fitter and Turner Company: Miami Canners Experience: Food manufacturing environment Electrical General Maintenance Trade Test certificate would be an advantage Personality: Self-motivated & hard working Deadline-orientated Function well within a team Attention to detail Closing Date: 14 August 2013
Contact person:
Samantha Cawood • 082 802 3706 or 083 676 4082
Lisbeth is my name I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I can take care of children I speak English any other general work will also help I worked at PPS as office cleaner contact me on 082 970 7297 My name is Winny I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner, I can look after children I can speak English contact me on 073 8008 784 (177)_____________________________
My name is Margert Seloha I am looking for a domestic work 5 – 2 days a week I can speak Afrikaans, sleep out or in contact me on 078 400 8271 (178)_____________________________
My name is Gladness I am looking for a domestic work, general work sleep out I can cook also contact me on 073 995 6498 (179)_____________________________
I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children I have 3 years experience in domestic work contact me Sarah on 073 290 0073 (180) _____________________________
Rebecca Raisibe is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English I can also look after children I have 4 years experience cleaning in the farmers office Contact me on 078 1867 146 (181) _____________________________
My name is Mercy I am looking for a domestic work cleaning offices, general work contact me on 072 322 3518 (182) _____________________________
My name is Maria Malatji I am looking for a domestic work I can cook, speak Afrikaans 3 to 2 days a week sleep out (ref Jaunita 079 971 8713) contact me on 079 260 7850
(173) _____________________________
Send CV’s to: bulletin8717gtm130809wb
Closing date: 29 August 2013 at 12:00 Applicants who are not invited for an interview should regard their applications as unsuccessful.
My name is Agreneth Munisi I am looking for a general work, caregiver, I can speak English and Afrikaans, I have five years experience in carework contact me on 083 598 1635 (167) _____________________________
(162) ____________________________
(159) ____________________________
(166) ____________________________
My name is Myte Mabula I am looking for a gardening job or domestic work 5 days a week sleep out contact me on 0796358797
e-mail: samantha@miamicanners.co.za Fax: 086 231 9585
Petrus Mathebula I am looking for a general work, garden service. I can speak English contact me on 072 717 4805 (51) ______________________________
Gladys Seale is my name I am looking for a general work, security work have grade E.D.C., have lever 4 ABET. I can speak English have 2 years experience in cleaning contact me on 071 154 4856 (50) ______________________________
My name is Sophy Makola I am looking for a administration, clerk or general work I have a lever 4 ABET, I speak English contact me on 072 954 2768 (49) ______________________________
My name is Maria Maake I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Tzaneen spar (ref Solly Masetla 015 307 1207 contact me on 071 809 0146 or 071 794 9577 (48) ______________________________
My name is Branda Malatji I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Magic Build Tzaneen 4 years experience contact me on 072 552 9581 (47) ______________________________
My name is Vinolia Sthekge I am looking for a general work, I have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 078 4363 299 (46) ______________________________
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: (1) the removal of the condition of title of Erf 2266 Phalaborwa Ext 8, situated at 4 – 8 Sperwer Street which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than that of a crèche, and (2) the amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 2266 Phalaborwa Ext 8 from “Educational to “Residential 3”. This application will be known as Ba-Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme 28. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Director General: Dept of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, Hensa Building, c/o Schoeman and Rabe Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Phalaborwa until 4 September 2013. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director General, CoGHSTA, at the above address or, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 4 September 2013 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Aug201_________________
Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967
Aansoek om: Opheffing van die Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 2266, Phalaborwa Uitbr 8 en die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009
CASE NO: 802/2012 In the matter between: NICTUS (PTY) LTD Execution Creditor And MONICCA MATSAWELA RABOTHATA Execution Debtor
Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers vir: (1) die verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van Erf 2266 PhalaborwaUitbreiding 8, geleë te Sperwerstraat 4 - 8, wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir ‘n bewaarskool alleenlik; en (2) die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 2266 Phalaborwa Uitbr 8, van “.Opvoedkundig” na “Residensieël 3”. Die aansoek sal bekend staan as Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 28. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur Generaal: Departement Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Sake, HensaGebou, h/v Schoeman en Rabestraat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Phalaborwa tot 4 September 2013.
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In complaiance with the judgment of the Magistrate’s Court and the Warrant of Execution served on 16 JULY 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold in execution on 13 SEPTEMBER 2013 at 11:0 at MAGISTRATE BOLUBEDU, (SHERIFF’S PLACE FOR AUCTION) to the highest bidder without warranties or representations:
Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 4 September 2013 skriftelik by die Direkteur Generaal: CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Aug202_________________
9 Augustus 2013
Property | Eiendomme
Legals Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 Application for: the Removal of the Conditions of Title of Erf 2266, Phalaborwa Extension 8, and The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009
ZATHEDA TRADING CC T/A AMROY CASKETS Execution Creditor R.B. MONGWE T/A SOURCE OF LIFE. Execution Debtor In terms of Section 71(A) (1) under mentioned goods will be sold to cover storage fees and sheriff’s costs at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, 31 ANTIMONY STREET, TZANEEN, on 05 SEPTEMBER 2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 2X ADULT CASKETS. 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, lB Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Uri http://www .info.gov.za/ view I downloadfileaction ?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.
To Let Tu Huur House / Huis Macadamia (persone 55jr en ouer) Twee slaapkamers, een badkamer en een toesluit motorhuis.
R 4300.00 (Water en ligte / Frail Care Levy uitgesluit) Skakel Riette Nauta 084 587 1387 (015) 307 1387 Aug201________________
Aquapark- Van der Steen 4 Slaapkamer 2 Badkamer 1 TV Kamer 1 Studeer kamer
Ruim oop plan Leef area 1 Slaapkamer woonstel Elektriese heining Swembad Dubbel Moterhuis W+L uitgesluit Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2013 R 8900+Deposito Maand tot Maand Skakel 078 451 8634 Aug202_______________________
Flats / Woonstelle 1 x slaapkamer woonstel te huur. R3000 pm w&l ingesluit of R3300 pm Dstv ook ingesluit. Sentraal gelee. Kontak Lynette 0797909734 of Mel 0729005739. Deposit betaalbaar. Aug203_______________________
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news and video clips
Job Seeker contact me on 076 246 8518
My name is Shiyondlani Jordany I am looking for a general work, I can speak English contact me on 078 701 3263
I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798
(52) ______________________________
(58) ______________________________
Patrick Ralepelle is my name I am looking for a general work, panelbeating as flatter. I can speak English and also have grade 12, I have 5 years experience in panel beating (ref Donald Dymond 011 805 3867) contact me on 078 324 3886
My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on 082 537 5776
(53) ______________________________
(59) ______________________________
My name is Edson P. Ndlovu, I am looking for a job as a roofer, carpenter full time I speak English construction work as well contact me on 073 514 1035
My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV het 18 jaar by ‘n skool gewerk skakel my op 072 811 9860
(54) ______________________________
My name is Machona Patric Ralepella I am looking for job as a general worker, know about cell phones, repairs have grade 11 (ref Mr Manzini M.W 082 870 4174) contact me on 073 400 5169 (55) ______________________________
My name is Natter Ngobeni I am looking for a general work, I can speak English, sleep out, domestic work, I have four years experience contact me on 073 988 3972 (56) ______________________________
My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker
(58) _____________________________
(57) ______________________________
(60) ______________________________
My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 5070 673 (61)_____________________________
My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker contact me on 076 246 8518 (57)_____________________________ I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798
contact me 0766 933 611 (3) ______________________________
My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on 082 537 5776 (59) _____________________________
My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV het 18 jaar by ‘n skool gewerk skakel my op 072 811 9860 (60) _____________________________
My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 5070 673 (61) _____________________________
My name is Michael i am looking for a job as a driver i have C1+PDP contact me on 071 365 1713 My name is Thabo Mametja i have ‘n code 14 EC license worked for Sasko Bakery contact on 076 352 7225 or 073 5090157
My name is Mahasha Confidence I passed my matric in 2007, I have a code 10 licence of six years, I speak sepedi and English contact me on 082 502 4214
(5) ______________________________
(11) ______________________________
My name is Collen Mpho Makgoba i am looking for a driver job i have code 10 CI with P.D.P i speak English or any general job contact me on 071 803 7326
My name is Johannes Shai I am looking for a job in building or pest control contact me on 072 568 6604
(6) ______________________________
My name is Sello Solomon i am looking for a driving job i have a code 14 with PDP, computer literate, experience in driving delivery truck, grade 12 contact me on 073 677 4581 (7) ______________________________
My name is Moses Phetole Masina-Mele. I am looking for a job as driver i have code 10 with PDP valid from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611
(1) ______________________________
(8) ______________________________
My name is Tshepo Senyolo I am looking for a driver job I have Code 10 (PRDP) and grade 12 contact me 072 538 3897
My name is Mookamedi Doctor I am looking for a excavator job (contractor) or any other kind of job. I have matric certificate and diploma operator excavator. Contact me on 083 314 8808
I am Masinamae Moses I’m looking for a driver job, I have a license code 10 with PDP,
(9) ______________________________
My name is Solly Maenetja I
plumb wise and I year experience at the plumber (ref Roelof Neof 083 289 5235 or Flora van Tonder 082 923 8271) contact me on 079 802 8485 (16) ______________________________
(10) ______________________________
(4) ______________________________
My name is Martiens Peta I am looking for a general job I have grade 11 and a code 10 license contact 073 447 1244
(2) ______________________________
am looking for a job as driver or gardener i have code EB licence i can collect children from school and back, was a driver in the city. Contact me on 082 071 2670
(12) ______________________________
my name is Collins Malatji i am looking for a driver job I have code 10 plus PDP, I have 2years experience at Mahuka local delivery (ref Lourance 015 307 4238) contact me on 079 142 9921 (13) ______________________________
My name is Isaiah Banda I am looking for a bike driver job, I have 3 years experience please contact me on 072 206 0965 (14) ______________________________
My name is matome Rabopape I am looking for a driver job I have matrix and driver licence code C1 contact me on 072 807 7622 (15) ______________________________
My name is Tshepo Mashale, I am looking for a driver job I can speak English, I have grade 12, computer literate, have 2 years experience in
My name is Rodney Mashele I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 P.D.P have grade 12 can speak English have 7 years experience, 2 years experience at post office (ref Boby Mthembi 072 0999 391) contact me on 072 484 3186 (17) ______________________________
My name is Mashao Rathupetsane I am looking for a truck driving work I have code 14 (EC) with DGP dangerous goods like petrol, paraffin, oil and diesel or any other goods contact me on 081 870 6697 (18) ______________________________
skakel my 082 071 2670
I am Mr Moagi I am looking for a driver or TLB operator or security work, I have a drivers licence (code 10 + pdp) TLB certificate, security guard GRD B2E + matric contact me on 071 101 0136 (22)______________________________
My name is Tshepo am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 pdp seven years experience. And also admin clerk , computer literate contact me 072 267 9315 (23) _____________________________
My name is Solomon I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 Pdp I have 13 years experience, I can speak English and Afrikaans. I have wholesaler and retailer general St Ngf level 2 contact 073 1427416 (24) _____________________________
Moses Masinamele I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 licence with P.D.P contact me on 076 693 3611
(19) ______________________________
My name is Thapelo Mafokwane I am looking for a job as a driver, I have a code 10 + D.P.P. have one year experience and have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 072 587 0086 (20) ______________________________
My naam is Solly Maenetja ek Is opsoek na n drywer werk lisensie kode EB/08 ook publiek. Kan distribusie doen, het kinders rondgery by die skole, doe nook tuinwerk, kursus in sekuriteit geleer,
My name is Veronica I am looking for a job as general worker, cashier, clerk, I have grade 12 computer literacy, drivers licence code 10(work experience shop promoter contact Thelma 082 568 76 84) contact me 076 223 2509 (6) ______________________________
My name is Agnes Malatji I am looking for a job as a receptionist, administration level 3 and computer in diploma, qualification in matric and 6 months experience at Bucan office equipment (ref Keith or Lerato 015 307 3573) contact me on 078 375 4485 (7) ______________________________
My name is Neyu Ngoveni I am looking for a clerk, receptionist or general worker job I have grade 12, drivers licence and computer literate contact me on 073 091 8415 (8) ______________________________
My name is Alice I am looking for work I have matric and can speak Afrikaans please contact me on 072 688 1385 (9)_______________________________
My name is Yvonne Baloyi i am looking for a job as a cashier, reception, making orders and receiving stock contact me on 073 8661121 (4) ______________________________
My name is Nelly I am looking for a job as a cashier, receptionist, general job, I have grade 12 computer literacy, drivers licence, I speak English (experience Urban ice shop 015 307 7115 Maria) contact me on 073 091 8415 (5) ______________________________
My name is Tsibi I am looking for a job I can speak English contact met on 078 063 4738 (10)____________________________
My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is ‘n jong dame opsoek na enige werk ondervinding algemene kantoorwerk data capture,filing, credit control, kassiere ‘n nie roker en is dadelik beskikbaar. Tydelike pos ook welkom skakel my op 079 706 3283 (11)____________________________
9 Augustus 2013
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106______________________
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street
Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275
BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS for PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES FILING SEASON FOR 2013 STARTED ON 1/7/2013:- MAKE SURE YOURS WILL BE FILED ON TIME. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Monthly & Annual Accounting. Management accounts. Compiling of Financial Statements Registration of Companies BBBEE certificates for Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME) Returns for: 6.1 Income tax 6.2 Vat 6.3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law. Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Registered Tax Practitioner) At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320.
Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers. Hennie 083 651 0936
Electronic Spares Audio repairs DVD, TV, VCR Repairs, Speakers spares and Accessories Bring jou ou TV, radio, DVD of videomasjien. Vir gratis waardasie en ons probeer dit vir jou verkoop. Johan 18 Skirving Street 079 407 1464 Mei102_______________________
Spot on Cartridges We specialise in refilling ink and laser toner cartridges Up to 50 % savings on printer cartridges We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops Free delivery within 2 km radius 015 307 3173 10 Morgan Street
Services Dienste
Overnight courier Services Logistic Service CC Nationwide 071 360 3630 082 227 8641 Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________________
Watermaat Die boorgatpomp spesialiste vir flink en vriendelike diens 1ste Laan 12 015 307 1530
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse Lifestyle Centre
Services Dienste
Enige plek Hans van Rooyen 082 769 8254
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Piet Dry Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif-enkelvisiesonbril 015 307 2439 Apr211_______________________
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406_______________________
QRM Ready Mix We deliver ready mix concrete in Tzaneen Area and Hoedspruit 082 802 3828 015 304 3009
Traumatic Stress Practitioner. Now is the time to STOP the impact of TRAUMA! Because your mental health is important. Jun210____________
Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703 Jun202_______________________
Mercurius Motors Vir nuwe en gehalte gebruikte motors 015 307 5020
Fastrack Trading Herstel van enige bosbou-, tuin en werkswinkel Masjienerie en gereedskap Lousrens 072 156 1881
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
Makarios Makelaars ons bied u: Lewensversekering Korttermynversekering Pensioen fondse Boedelbeplanning Mediese Fondse 015 307 3316 015 307 6631 Jul307___________________________
Focus Financial Services Financial planning Will planning Life insurance Business insurance Pension planning Investments Unit Trusts Short Term insurance Medial Schemes Accredited old Mutual Franchise Contact Kallie Liebenberg 082 808 3172 015 307 1041/2 Jul409_______________________
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Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour emergency no: 015 307 6240 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos helene@wisani.co.za jul211_______________________
DL Services
Kitchen World Entrance next to Goldwagen on way to Game parking We have moved to 12 Danie Joubert Street Shop B1A Jul113_______________________
Electrical, Steelwork, Plumbing, decks, general maintenance 082 808 0777 lantiestzn@gmail.com
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Molototsi Brickyard
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For all leaf springs Trailor parts Sand blasting For expert advice come to the expert 13 years experience 071 535 0991
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Services Dienste
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Services Dienste
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Wanted Gosoek Looking for second hand precast concrete walls to buy. Please call Hendri 082 553 4816.
“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Arno 078 164 4701 Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote 015-307-1391. Jun401_______________________
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
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Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________
Call Lihanie at 015 307 7248 to advertise here!
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Die Lion Kings... Die ou tante wil altyd weet hoekom Oubal so baie rakbie kyk en of hy dan nooit genoeg daarvan kry nie, maar uitgeslape kalant wat hy is, het hy lankal ‘n standaard antwoord daarop uitgewerk — Oubal kyk rakbie in die hoop dat hy iets gaan sien wat hy nog nooit voorheen gesien het nie. En toe gebeur net mooi dít verlede Saterdagaand— die verloorspan juig en vier fees asof hulle die wedstryd gewen het! ‘Tja, en so kom een van die mees tragiese episodes in die geskiedenis van Suid-
Afrikaanse rakbie tot ‘n einde. Bitter min ware rakbiemense het saamgestem met die wyse waarop die Welpies moes plek maak vir die Kings in die Super15, en natuurlik het die meeste mense die blaam vierkantig voor die deur van die gehate here Watson gelê. Maar laat ons nou maar eerlik wees, ongeag die Watsons se rol in dié sage, was dit volledig die skuld van SARU se onbeholpenheid en hul politieke gedienstigheid. Hopelik beleef Oubal in die bietjie wat oorbly van sy lewe nooit weer so iets nie.
Search “Laeveldbulletin” Op ‘n manier voel Oubal nogal jammer vir die Kings. Min mense sal nie met hul hand op hul hart kan sê dat die Kings nie vanjaar ‘n vars briesie in Superrugby was nie. Ja, hulle het laaste geëindig in die kompetisie, maar dis bekende wêreld vir Suid-Afrikaanse spanne daardie — selfs die magtige Bulle het onder die veelgeroemde Heyneke Meyer díe “voorreg” gesmaak. Ongeag hul laaste posisie, het die Kings oorwinnings behaal oor drie Australiese spanne en ‘n gelykop uitslag teen die Brumbies afgedwing; iets wat nie te versmaai is nie. Watter ander SA span sou die moed van hul oortuiging gehad het om die opwindende 18-jarige Sergeal Petersen speelkans te gee? Dis jammer vir die Kings dat die knapie in die verloop van die kompetisie beseer geraak het, anders het dinge dalk heeltemaal anders
9 Augustus 2013
daaruit gesien. En wat van ‘n speler soos Jacques Engelbrecht? Oubal is redelik seker dat die ander unies na Saterdagaand nie vinnig genoeg na hul tjekboeke kon gryp om hom op hul boeke te kry nie. Wat die Welpies betref, geluk manne, Oubal is verheug dat julle dit wat julle onregmatig ontneem is, terug geneem het. Moet egter nie uit die oog verloor nie dat ‘n skamele drie punte tussen julle en die woestyn gestaan het — drie punte sonder die Griekse god vir ‘n wedstryd en ‘n half! En om hemelsnaam, die Kings het vir julle gewys hoe toeskouerondersteuning moet lyk; moet nou nie eers wag tot julle in dieselfde posisie is voor julle weer Ellispark vol pak nie! “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Martin Luther King jr
Merensky kraai koning
t he
Double delight for girls hockey
Merensky High School’s u.14 and u.15 girls hockey teams hosted and played against two different schools for the opportunity to go to Noordvaal. The u.14s played against Hoërskool Brandwag. It was a tight match, but Merensky turned out victorious with a score of 2-1. The goals were scored by Lilly Pohl and Amelia Middleton. The u.15s, who played against Alberton High School, dominated the match and won with a score of 2-0. The goals were scored by Pat Madalane and Xané du Toit. Both teams will now compete at Noordvaal.
het 3 paaltjies vir slegs 24 lopies laat kantel. Op die foto is tweede span se spelers, voor: Douglas Elphinstone, in die middelste ry is Brandon Coetzer, Tiaan Venter en Trevor Bezuidenhout en agter hulle staan Devon Robson, Rainert Schoonbee, Dylan Luis, Elmo Julies, Dyllan Oosthuizen, Broden Barnes, Rean Venter, Zander Hageman en mnr Danie Olivier (afrigter). • Die eerste span en die o.15A’s se wedstryde is uitgestel, weens verpligtings aan die kant van Frikkie Meyer teen wie hulle moes speel.
nce a d
Merensky se tweede krieketspan én die o.15B’s het die naweek in die A-liga, teen spanne van Nkowankowa kragte gemeet. Die tweede span het hul opponente eerste laat kolf. Nkowankowa word almal uitgehaal vir slegs 48 lopies, met uitstekende boulwerk deur Rainard Schoonbee, en Dylan Luis. In hul kolfbeurt het die Plassies met die wilgerlat laat waai, toe Dylan Luis 28 lopies van slegs 20 balle aanteken. Merensky wen die wedstryd met 10 paaltjies. Die o.15B’s het ook tuis teen Nkwonakowa gespeel. Die besoekers het eerste gekolf en 137 lopies vir die verlies van 10 paaltjies aangeteken. Merensky se kolwers het geantwoord met ‘n skamele 51 lopies. Christopher Hyland was Merensky se enigste bouler wat op al sy silinders gevuur het. Hy
Qualified IDF teacher
Acrobatics Modern Jazz Disco Hip-Hop Merensky’s u.15 hockey girls are seen here. Front: Xané du Toit, Pat Madalane, Kristen Adendorff, Cathleen Horne (goalie), Mika Nkwashu and Alicia Prinsloo. In the back are Lizanie Mallenson, Michelle Stevens, Eljané Uys, Mrs Anneke le Roux (coach), Simoné Pretorius, Altacia Gubitz, Gwendy Botha, Mariska Fourie and Klarissa Nel.
Merenskys u.14 hockey girls are in the front, Chelsea Schlebush, Anri Janse van Rensburg, Sabrina Carreira, Amelia Middleton, Elmie Human and Hayley Stevenson. In the back row are Dineo Shokane, Makgotwane Monyela, Jenna Devenish, Chantelle Maswangani, Ms Werdene Fleischmann (coach), Lize Crafford, Marlu McLean, Lilly Pohl and Eljana Fleischmann.
Dynamos up for grabs After several weeks of speculation, the management of Dynamos Football Club has finally made an announcement that the team is for sale. According to the deputy chairman of the club, Mr July Malabela, the decision to get rid of the franchise was reached during a meeting held last weekend. Malabela indicated that the decision was reached after it was realized that gaining promotion to the National First Division (NFD) would be as difficult as for a camel going though the eye of a needle. Dynamos were relegated from the NFD to the Safa second division at the end of last season. When asked about the price of the franchise, Mr Malabela said that that was a matter between the seller and prospective buyers and that he was not ready to discuss the terms of the sale in the media. He further indicated that the sale is open to anyone who resides within the borders of South Africa.
When asked whether they were intending to buy an NFD franchise in the future, he said that with time they might consider going back to football but they were taking a break for now. When asked what they attributed the team’s relegation to the lower division to, Malabela said that the management had contributed to the downfall of the team to a large extent, besides the other factors. The history of Dynamos Football dates back to the late nineties, when the Malabela family bought the team’s franchise from Mr Peter Rabali. At one stage, the team was promoted to the Absa Premiership, where they campaigned for two seasons before going back to the NFD again. Malabela said that he was optimistic that they would get a buyer soon and that he was receiving calls from prospective buyers almost every hour. LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
For more information contact
Annemieke • 079 275 7347 annemiekemaritz@gmail.com
9 Augustus 2013
“We will be back!”
— Abdool Moosa
MHS’s senior soccer team played a tough home match against Meridian, their seventh match in the Kings Court Challenge. The team lost the game 1-0, and their first loss in the season. The juniors, however, made up for the loss by beating their opponents 7-2! The captain of the senior team, Abdool Moosa. assured supporters that they will come back for a sure victory in their next match. In high action on the photo Jose de Freitas (senior team) is seen challenging the opposition in a “virtual face off”, for the ball.
Gearing up for a new season Teams affiliated to the National First Division League (NFD) are bracing themselves for the start of the new season. A full fixture list for the league matches was released last Thursday. Black Leopards will commence their league programme by paying a visit to Roses United at the Botshabelo Stadium. When asked about their level of readiness for the new season, the head coach of Black Leopards, Mr Kostadin Papic, indicated that his charges were ready for a new life in the NFD. Black Leopards were relegated to the NFD at the end of last season after campaigning in the Absa Premiership Division for two seasons. The opening matches of the new season will be played over the last weekend of this month. The newly promoted Baroka FC will play their first NFD League match in front of their home
crowd. They will host Sevutsa Stars at the Seshego Stadium. Jomo Cosmos, who narrowly escaped relegation last season, will entertain United FC at the Makhulong Stadium. The opening matches will see two Cape Town derbies. FC Cape Town and Milano United will test each other’s strength at the NNK Rugby Stadium, while Santos and Vasco da Gama will battle it out at the Athlone Stadium. Blackburn Rovers and Chippa United will rub shoulders at the Bethlehem Stadium. Thanda Royal Zulu, who missed promotion by a whisker, will pay a visit to Witbank Spurs at the Themba Senamela Stadium. The other NFD rookies, Maluti FET College, will fight for points against their neighbours, African Warriors. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
Vossie-rugby bly op die wenpad
Al vier die rugbyspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag in die kwarteindronde vir die Beeldtrofee vir medium skole (met ‘n yslike telling) gewen. Hulle is nou op pad na die halfeindronde en geoordeel aan Saterdag gaan hulle ook moeilike gestuit word in die volgende ronde. Die o.14A’s het teen die Hoërskool Erasmus gespeel. Die buffeltjies het met uithaler spel gebruik gemaak van die voorspelers wat hul teenstanders telkemale by die afbreekpunte ore aangesit het. Die agterlyn het baljaar met al die goeie balbesit. Halftyd was die reeds Vossies met 22- 0 voor, na drieë deur heelagter Muzi Nyakane, flank Franco Oberholzer en vleuel Ferrol Harmse. Loskakel, Jonathan Viljoen het met twee vervyfskoppe en ‘n strafskop geslaag. In die tweede helfte het die buffeltjies hul oorheersing voortgesit. Franco Oberholzer het eers sy tweede drie gaan druk en daarna is drieë gedruk deur agsteman Shama Manzini, stut Tumi Mononyane en reserwe skrumskakel Brendan van der Schyff. Viljoen slaag met nog twee vervyfskoppe en die eindfluitjie blaas met die telling 46-5. Die o.15A’s het ook teen die Hoërskool Erasmus te staan gekom. Na vinnige drieë
deur senter Danny Nog ‘n drie vir die Vossies se eerste span en aandurf, om Penryn Mokobane, vleuel slegs die skeidsregter is in sig, met die op- College aan te durf. Ruben Ragolane en ponente nie naby nie. Dit was min of meer die Die Vossiespan het stut Jannie Jordaan na drie minute die patroon van die wedstrd. telbord geopen, toe was die Vossies gou met 17-0 voor. Die stut Matimu Manrooies se dissipline ganyi gedruk het. Die het in dié stadium doelskop was oor. Hierna het Vossievan die wedstryd uitgerafel en slot Lenfred Pienaar en agsteman, Jacques twee geel kaarte vir herhaalde Venter ook gaan druk oortredings het en toe rustyd aanErasmus toegelaat breek was die Vosom weer in die sies reeds 17-0 voor. wedstryd te kom. Die tweede helfte het begin soos die eerste Laat in die tweede helfte begin die spanhelfte, toe vleuel netjie egter weer die Pule Molokomme goeie rugby waarvoor binne die eerste hulle bekend is, begin speel en dit het Moko- vyf minute agter die doellyn gaan draai het. bane toegelaat om sy tweede drie te druk, Gideon Joubert het verdoel en die telling het terwyl heelagter Floyd Ledwaba en agsteman opgeskuif na 24-0 voor. Toe duik loskakel Stefan Engelbrecht ook gaan druk het. Die Duan Schoeman oor, gevolg deur haker Dirk Vossies wen met 32-10. Coetzee en skrumskakel Dylan Janse van Die o.16A-span moes die pad Nelspruit toe Rensburg. Henk Blignaut slaag met nog ‘n
doelskop, vir ‘n eindtelling van 41-0. Die eerste span het kragte gemeet met die Hoërskool Die Wilgers. Die Vossies het eerste bloed geruik en loskakel Andries Bruwer het gaan druk. Die drie is verdoel deur Leroy Ndlovu. Vleuel Tsepiso Mahasha het die tweede drie van die wedstryd gaan druk, maar Die Wilgers het geweier om te gaan lê en antwoord met ‘n drie. Die Vossies se kaptein, Adrian Maebane, gaan kuier voor halftyd ook agter die doellyn. Die Wilgers het egter die laaste sê in die eerste helfte ingekry en toe rustyd aanbreek was die Vossies net 19-12 voor. In die tweede helfte het die Wilgers egter nie raad vir die Vossies se knaende aanvalle gehad nie en Ben Vorster druk ‘n verdere vyf drieë. Eers was dit stut Madot Mabokela wat oorgaan, en toe druk Mahasha sy tweede drie. Dit is opgevolg deur flank Theo Mahlo, vleuel Helgard Claassen en reserwe skrumskakel Diederik Oberholzer wat ook die pale gaan opsoek het. Die Vossies wen maklik die onaanskoulike wedstryd met 48-26. • Die o.14A-, o.15A-spanne en die eerste span reis die naweek na Boksburg, waar hulle teen die Hoërskool Oosterlig te staan moet kom, terwyl die o.16’s tuis teen Vryburg moet speel.