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Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

27 September 2013

Cough up Fear lessl y the tr uth

Photo: Zoutpansberger

Mr Jacques Smalle

• R850 000 claim facing DA leader

A claim for alleged defamation of character for R850 000 will be served on Mr Jacques Smalle, the Democratic Alliance’s leader in Limpopo, within the next week. He is also a DA member of parliament. The attorney for Southern Palace Investments 440 (Pty) Ltd, as well as Mr Søren Nielsen (both from Hoedspruit), Mr C H M Steyn of Steyn & Clarke Attorneys, confirmed yesterday that the necessary documents have been drawn up and should be issued by the Supreme Court within the next week. The claim results from a press release issued by Smalle in May this year.

The press release

The Consequence

• “The Democratic Alliance discovered that the first plaintiff, Southern Plaintiff Investments (SPI), was contracted by Lepelle Northern Water Board to render water services; • SPI was allegedly hawking water to Hoedspruit farmers at grossly escalated prices; • SPI was not a water service provider and that the tender process was not followed; • The Water Board agreed that SPI be permitted to sell 10 million cubic litres of its water for 30 years out of the Blyde River Dam; • The Blue Scorpions were investigating the ‘saga’ and that the Democratic Alliance expect to see the law takes it course; • The Cooperative Government MEC should investigate how a water board could illegally have sub-contracted services to SPI; • Corrupt contractors and authorities that do not respect the value of water end up causing innecessary hardship for families as well as loss of income for business.

In a letter of demand it was also stated that “the statements made by Smalle are wrongful and defamatory in that it imputes, alternatively were intended to impute and were understood by the persons to whom it was addressed to mean that SPI: • Was a questionable organisation intent of abusing local farmers by hawking water at grossly escalated prices; • An unethical organisation who was involed in questionable business practices; • Was involved in corrupt activities with the local water board; • Was under investigation by law enforcement agencies in respect of the unlawful contracting of services; • Was under investigation by law enforcement agencies for failing to

abide by tender procedures; • In this instance acted in a corrupt manner causing unnecessary hardship for families as well as loss of income for business; • SPI is a generally corrupt organisation, intent on corrupting other businesses for its own gain, and • Flouted tender procedures at will and who unlawfully took commercial advantage of farmers in the area who were in need of additional water to expand their farms and create jobs.

The Claim SPI thus claims R500 000 for damages suffered in its reputation, plus interest at the rate of 15,5% per a tempore morae and costs of the legal suit. Nielsen (the director) claims R350 000 (and interest and costs) for basically the same reasons as the company, which is stated as a trading corporation involved in investment in movable and immovable property as principal in the Hoedspruit/Phalaborwa area for reward, fee or benefit and conducts projects in the furtherance of Black Economic Empowerment in the area.

Muralists from around the world have created some 26 different works of art at the GTM’s building. Mr Andrew Nhlangwini from the Department of Arts and Culture in the Mopani District, an artist himself, has always had a passion for mural art. Whilst studying for his Masters in Art, the Mexican Embassy invited him to Mexico to spend time with muralist movements. He has since met many muralists from other countries. This culminated in this project to create murals on the outer municipal walls as well as a little known inner courtyard where the master muralists created five masterpieces. Nhlangwini is seen here working on his piece of art. Photo & info: Susan Ettmayr

Orchid show splendour The Wolkberg Orchid Society together with exhibitors of clivias, bromeliads, carnivorous plants and bonsais held their annual exhibition in the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre foyer. President of the Wolkberg Orchid Society, Dr Sarel Spies, says this is an excellent venue and the Society hopes to make it an annual weekend event. Photo: Susan Ettmayr


27 September 2013 Bulletin

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Tshegofatso Ngobeni 076 267 1213 tshego@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best. / Man.) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com Humana Mboweni 082 905 1680 humana@bulletin.us.com

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Vlieg praat met die Volk Opvoedkundige Orgies en krap waar dit jeuk...


Vlieg is so ‘n rukkie gelede gekasty, omdat hy beaam het wat die emeritus aartsbiskop in ‘n tutu te sê gehad het, dat ‘n mens nie alles kan glo wat in die Bybel staan nie. Dit was min of meer die reaksie wat Vlieg verwag het van die gemiddelde enkelversteoloë en -evangeliste. Hierdie keer egter wil Vlieg opkom vir die Bybel en ‘n sekere uitspraak daarin regverdig. Vlieg nogal, bid jou aan! En dit handel oor niks minder nie as dat ‘n mens maai wat jy saai! Vir die boere, wat dadelik nie met Vlieg sal saamstem nie, wil Vlieg net gou die semantiek van die vers verduidelik. Vlieg verstaan Boerdery, manne. Hy, en die Bybel, sê nie jy sal maai soveel as wat jy gesaai het nie. Almal weet tog van droogtes, diefstal, virusse, diefstal, swamme, diefstal, haelstorms, diefstal, verspoelings, diefstal, aalwurms, diefstal, sprinkane, diefstal, wind, diefstal, brande en diefstal. Wat Vlieg en die

Sê jou sê

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Sheenaugh-lee Thompson My opinion and this is what Ive seen in tzaneen and where I currently am is Never say Never! Advice to parents: every now and then instead of sitting inside the car waiting for your kids to come out rather stand up and walk to your childs class about 10 min before the final bell rings you might just see some unexpected surprises like I did and believe me what I saw was incredibly nauseating and shocking!

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Susan Ettmayr I taught at a school in Boksburg in 1972 and broke up a fight between two 14-year-old girls. They were stabbing each other with compasses. They’d both slept with the same boy and the fight was over him. Things have simply escalated and there is little respect now for teachers, parents or the friends of parents.

• What you did / Wat julle gedoen het • • Wat beplan jy vir Erfenisdag? • What are you planning for Heritage day? Tracy Wolfaardt braai Michelle Coetzee Mountain Biking!! Estie van Wyk Rustig tuis en lekker braai. Pat Patterson Yup, braai. Laurette de Lange By die werk. Bernard Nel Laurette stuur my jou cv sodat ek vir jou ‘n ander werk kan kry

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.

Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • En daar loop arme ou Anneries hom vas in die baas van die plaas, net toe hy die groen Toyotatjie mooi opge-start het om koers te kry terug huis toe. Nou’s daar onvrede en wantroue en die dominee en die prokureur en die dokter moet raadgee. Die

kopdokter gaan glo ook geraadpleeg word, om te help... • Die “regsgeleerde” wat so parmantig was by die bandewinkel is nou smoorkwaad omdat hy aangehaal is. Kwaad vir homself? Skaam-kwaad?…

• Ou R L is maar net jaloers dat hy nie die kans gekry het om die dame te ontmoet nie. Die feit dat sy oë soos ‘n verkleurmannetjie s’n 180 grade na agter gedraai het, is bloot omdat hy wou sien of daar nie ‘n kans is dat hy kan saamry nie. Next time, oubaas,...

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels

1 ste Laan - 12 Tzaneen

Dap Tzaneen Ebenezer Merensky Naude

Blyde Rivier Poort

Middel Letaba



Vergele- Ohrigstad gen

Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 91.70% 99.70% 101.90% 83.10% 44.60% 98.40% 98.20% 94.50% 82.90% 83.70%

10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

of lat!! Geen respek. Luister dikwels hoe kinders kinders doen of nie doen nie. En skole, ja hulle met hul ouers praat wat nog die opvoeder?? smeer ook maar toe om te verhoed dat hulle Die gelykheidsleer wat alles verdoem wat reg ge’lable’ word is!!! Ja dit kan gebeur ja dit sal nog gebeur. Of Estelle Mc Fadden Never say never - my het dit reeds gebeur en ons weet nie???? dogtertjie moet oor 2jaar skool toe en ek Roeline Burger Never say never is dood bang dat sy moet gaan.

Sean Niemandt Ja, hulle sê ook daar is nie dwelms in die skole nie, geen dogter raak ooit swanger nie, nie een van die kinders rook Amanda Strydom My opinie is so wyd ek of skelm of voor hulle ouers nie. Wat wou, almal sal liewer nie veel sê!! Kinders van vandag glo mos vas hulle maak engeltjies groot. Baie is te groot vir hulle skoene en kort die plathand van vandag se ouers het nie ‘n benul wat hulle

Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

Waarheid sê is: jy kan nie koring maai as jy mielies gesaai het nie. Jy kan nie mango’s pluk van jou lemoenbome nie. Jy maai wat jy saai! Verstaan? En so dink Vlieg is dit ook met maaiers en papies! Vir Vlieg is daar ook so ‘n bietjie wiskunde as dit kom by maaiers en papies. Ouer plus onderwyser is gelyk aan maaier

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

• Twee voorvalle van geweld by skole het die land aan die praat. Daar is mense wat sê dit sal nooit in Tzaneen gebeur nie. Wat sê jy? • Two incidents of violence at schools raised concern countrywide. There are people saying that it will never happen in Tzaneen. What do you say?


of papie! As die ouer alkoholisme, luiheid, afguns, geldgierigheid, gesagondermyning, bitsigheid, jaloesie en dies meer saai, moet hy nie verbaas wees oor wat hy maai nie. As die onderwyser kragwoorde (vloek), egbreuk, voortrekkery, onwaarheid, diefstal, oneerlikheid en alkoholisme saai, waarom dan die ouers alleen beskuldig? Ja, beskuldig maar die boelies vir die onlangse opvoedkundige orgies met besems en pistole. Boelies was daar nog altyd en sal daar altyd wees. Maar moenie die aandag aftrek van die werlike probleem nie. Ouers en onderwysers! Net soos met dominees, dink Vlieg die keuringsproses vir onderwysstudente misluk klaaglik. Om nie van ouers te praat nie. Deesdae het ‘n mens ‘n lisensie vir alles nodig, hoekom nie ook om ouers te kan word nie?

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Gedeeotelik bewolk. Warm

Vroeë reën buie. Bewolk in die oggend en koel

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Sonnig en warm

















































Ontmoet nog ‘n jong entrepreneur op bl 7

27 September 2013


Tzaneen scooped top awards

Phala beauty off to Turkey

The Greater Tzaneen Municipality was crowned the winner of the 2013 District Greenest Municipality Competition. The award was organised and sponsored by the Mopani District Municipality. The GTM won R25 000 prize money and a trophy. Five local municipalities — Greater Tzaneen, Greater Letaba, Maruleng, Greater Giyani and Ba-Phalaborwa — participated in the competition. In June the GTM received the first prize in the Greenest Award Competition where they received a trophy and a R3,5 million cheque. They also won the PMR Golden Arrow Award 2013 for attracting local investment. At the same time, the GTM also won a PMR Silver Award for the municipality doing the most for social upliftment. GTM mayor Dikeledi Mmetle said the award is dedicated to the workers whose efforts always put the institution on top. “We are very greatful to receive the awards as this would motivate us to work harder to change the lives of our people and to keep our environment clean,” she said.

Bernadine du Plessis — Phalaborwa’s pretty model, teacher at a modelling school and former Tzaneen resident, is off to Turkey to represent SA in the “Little Miss World” competion! She is seen here in her special SA attire.

Greenest Municipality... The GTM’s Environmental Health Manager, Ms Maggie Machumele (left), the Municipal Manager, Mr Masiye Mankabidi, and the mayor, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle, display the trophy and the cheque the municipality won in the Mopani district’s Greenest Municipality Competition.

Oriental feedback

Winners of raffle HOPE Methodist Church Modjadjiskloof’s results of winners of their “Wildebeest” raffle are known. A fourth prize was added. The church leaders extended a big thank you to all who helped to make the raffle a success; a special thank you to Jagdrift Butchery Modjadjisk-


loof for their offer to cut up the meat for the winners. 1st Prize: Adriaan Badenhorst of Modjadjiskloof 2nd Prize: Sarie Potgieter of Tzaneen 3rd Prize: Christine Maritz of Tzaneen 4th Prize: Val Sharp of Modjadjiskloof.

Last week’s front page report on the dumping of low-priced Chinese tomato paste has lured reaction from as far as Qingdao City in the northern Shandong province of China. The Qingdao Jinxin Manufacture and Trade Company Limited contacted the Bulletin to introduce their products that are exported worldwide. They did not mention anything about dumping their stuff abroad, but explained that tomato paste of different concentrates are exported in tin cans of between 70 g and 4 500 g to 220 liter aseptic bags in steel drums (photo left). In our report it was mentioned that Chinese tomato paste landed in the SA market place at rock bottom prices, adversely affecting local processors of the same products in Limpopo. Bulletin’s news travel fast and wide!


27 September 2013 Bulletin


Another manhunt

CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter

Tshegofatso Ngobeni tshego@bulletin.us.com

Manhunt for mob justice suspects Maake police are conducting a manhunt for suspects who were involved in a mob justice incident, killing a 30 year-old man at Metz Village, Sekororo. Benny Mangena from Madeira was alleged to have been assaulted with various objects by a group of community members from Metz. This incident took place during Monday night. Community members accused Mangena of terrorising their village which is why they took the law into their own hands. Police were alerted about the incident at 03:00. When they arrived, they found Mangena’s wounded body lying alongside the street, with both his hands and both legs tied up. It is reported that by the time the Police arrived, Mangena was still alive and was rushed to Sekororo hospital for medical treatment. Mangena died after a few hours in hospital. A murder file was opened by the Maake police, but no arrests have been made. Tzaneen Cluster commander, Major-General Maggy Mathebula, has condemned the incident and warned the public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands. Anybody with information about this incident should contact Lt Col Cecil Machimana on 072 532 1725 or contact their nearest Police station or call 086 00 10111 or sms 32211.


Ons inwoners en bestuur wil net baie dankie sê vir al die donasies, liefde, besoeke, dienste en hulp wat die gemeenskap so gereeld verleen. Ons bedank graag die volgende persone vir donasies gelewer: Tina vir lekker koeksisters; Sugarloaf vir lekker brood; Captain Dorego vir ‘n maandelikse donasie van vis; Rachel Kirsten vir doughnuts; Graham Partnership vir vars en lekker piesangs; Rob Orr vir toiletpapier en avos; BP Lombard en Nauta vir piesangs; Thys Steinberg vir groente; Letaba Boekhouers vir melk; Universal Pallets vir die heerlike wors; Dinamus vir koek; D James vir potjiekos en rys; Dankie vir jul gratis koerante en bedanking. Baie dankie aan almal wat help met naweek diens. Mag jul almal ‘n wonderlike en geseënde week hê. NMS God’s Haven bestuur, Valerie Niemandt

Another manhunt is underway in Pulaneng village, Tickyline (Maake), after a mob allegedly attacked two men suspected of stealing electric cables. Police alleged that the mob killed the two men after they had cut cables which were illegally connected. The two suspects aged 25 and 30 were allegedly dragging the cables along the streets of Pulaneng. The suspects were assaulted with various objects. Upon the arrival of the Police, one of the men had died on the scene, and the other one was rushed to a local hospital, where he remains in a stable but critical condition. The illegal connection of electricity was immediately handed over to Eskom officials who had been summoned to the scene.. Both men’s identity are still unknown and the Police asked people to assist in identifying the men. Enquiries: Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe on 015 306 2187 or 082 414 2088.

The Haenertsburg Police arrested 32 people for various criminal activities during the past week. Four people were arrested for drinking in public and 21 were arrested for contravening the Road Traffic Act. Three people were arrested for assault GBH and one for possession of dagga. Two people were arrested for possession of a dangerous weapon and one person was arrested for rape. No less than 52 people were put behind bars by Letsitele Police last week, for various offences. There was an increase in the number of culprits arrested for drinking in public; the number rose from thirteen the previous week to 21 last week. Thirteen people were arrested for transgression of the Roads Traffic Act, two for assault and two for trading without a licence. Four people were arrested for possession of a dangerous weapon while another two were arrested for pointing out someone as a witch. Two people were arrested for violating the Enviromental Act and one was arrested for disregarding a protection order. One person was arrested for rape, one for burglary and one for malicious damage to property.

Murder suspect arrested A 23 year-old man was arrested for allegedly murdering a 60 year-old woman at Mulati village outside Letsitele in July this year. Madala Masingi (30) appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court last week for allegedly murdering Christinah Mthombeni. It is alleged that Masingi used a rock to strike the old woman. A Police report states that Masingi was walking with six dogs, which Police say belonged to a local traditional healer from Mulati. Masingi was denied bail; this was his second appearance in court. Masingi is also serving a three year sentence for stock theft.



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Police have arrested four suspects involved in a copper theft syndicate in Tzaneen and other parts of Limpopo. The stolen copper cables were estimated to be worth more than R50 000. Police raided four scrap metal dealers in Tzaneen’s industrial area, being Limpopo Scrap Metal, BEST Windscreen Dealership Nkensani Scrap Metal, 2010 & 2011 Cash Scrap Metal and THE STAR READERS CHOICE SURVEY Brits Scrap Metal. The special joint operation included the e an Tzaneen Police’s Crime aP b a Prevention Unit, the GTM’s t e •1A ns L law enforcement officers, Transnet ntim to Tra

ony Street (next

Search “Laeveldbulletin” for contravention of the Road Traffic Act. Police also arrested eleven people for drinking in public. Four people were arrested for housebreaking, one for theft and one for assault GBH. Three people were arrested for possession of game meat, three for possession of dagga and two for common assault. Two people were arrested for selling dagga and another two were arrested for loitering which Police found was with the intention to commit prostitution.

Crimen injuria Two people were arrested in Tzaneen during the past week for drunken driving, three for shoplifting, two for common assault and four others for assault GBH. A case of crimen injuria has been opened and one person has been arrested in connection with this. One person found in possession of dagga has also been arrested. Eight people were arrested for theft, while three others were arrested for house breaking and theft. Ten people have been arrested, one for theft out of a motor vehicle, seven for possession of suspected stolen property, one for fraud and the other for rape. Police have arrested two people in connection with common robbery, while another was arrested for malicious damage to property. One person was arrested for house breaking, one for negligence with a firearm and one for abduction.

Fight increased

Letsitele SAPS sparked

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and a special Police unit concentrating on Spoornet’s problems with copper cable theft. Four suspects were arrested for alleged copper theft and appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court for possession of stolen property last week. Sixty year old Jan van Vuuren’s case was remanded to 1 October, 41 year-old Stella Makwela’s case has been remanded to 22 October, the case of Franklin Dube (30) was remanded to yesterday and Andries Mathebula (25) has to appear in court again on 11 October. Tzaneen Police cluster spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said “we are pleased with the arrests and urge the public to report cases of cable theft”.

Arrests in the Village

Copper theft arrests


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Stolen copper cables worth more than R50 000 were recovered by Police from local scrap metal dealers in Tzaneen during a raid last week.

Maake on fire Maake police had their hands full in restoring law and order during the past week. They brought 84 transgressors to book, for various criminal activities: twenty people were arrested for contravening the Road Traffic Act and five in connection with drinking in public. Twelve perpetrators were arrested for drunkenness, while fourteen others were arrested for drinking in public. Six people were arrested and charged for assault, while four others were locked up for assault GBH. Efforts have been made to arrest at least one perpetrator found to be having dagga and two others were caught for illegal gambling. One person has been arrested on charges of theft, seven others for house breaking, one for robbery and four others in connection with rape charges. Three people were arrested in connection with attempted murder, while two were arrested for shoplifting.

Ritavi Police increased their fight against crime by arresting those who broke the law last week. Violations of the Liqour Act decreased from seven the week before to one last week. A total of thirteen people were arrested for contravention of the Road Traffic Act. Assault GBH harm also decreased from eight the previous week to five last week. Six people were arrested for robbery, six for common assault and one for housebreaking with the intention of stealing. Two people were arrested for fraud and another four were arrested for possession of stolen property, after Police had been tipped off by the Nkowankowa community.

Tip-off leads to arrests

Police arrested four suspects whom they found with suspected stolen goods in Nkowankowa, after being tipped off by members of the community last week. It is alleged that the suspects were loading stolen property at a local second hand shop. The four were driving in a white VW Caddy LDV. When Police started questioning them about the stolen goods, the suspects failed to provide clear answers. The stolen goods include a car engine and sixteen bags of scrap metal. The four suspects Eight in court after murder appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court and Eight suspects were arrested in connection were released on R500 bail each. with the killing of two men who allegedly The suspects are Akani Mkhawana (27), stole illegally connected copper cables at Innocent Mongwe (27), Themba Chauke (28) Burgersdorp last week. and Mashudu Thinese (28). The eight men appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court on charges of murder. They will appear in court again today to apply for bail. The suspects are Matome Culture Malatjie (24), Tumelo Andy Modika (29), Frans Malatjie (23), Masilo Ethely Makakole (27), Martin Makwela (26), Khorikho Roben Moshai (34), Mogale Godfrey Mawela (36) and Thabo Matome Maila (26). All suspects reside in Burgersdorp and were denied bail on their first appearance. The one man who was murdered was Matome Simon Maenetja(37) and the other one has not yet been identified. Lt Col Cecil Machimana said the man was in his early 30’s. “We are appealing to all members of the community who could assist in identifying the deceased to call us”, said Machimana. Machimana can be contacted on 072 532 1725.

Beware in Modjadjiskloof Motorists continued to bend the rules in Modjadjiskloof, despite the Police promising Ritavi Police are seen here with suspected stolen goods recovered from to arrest those violating the traffic rules in the four suspects after a tip-off from the Nkowankowa community last week. village. A shocking 31 people were arrested The officers are Sgnt Rebecca Moyana, W/Officer William Nthana and Const Asaf Shingange.

Raadpleeg die Sakegids op bl 11 vir kontakte

Hi-Q is Number 1. Again! For the fourth consecutive year, Hi-Q has been voted South Africa’s No.1 Tyre Retailer by South African consumers in the TGI Icon Brands Survey! The TGI Icon Brand survey has been carefully designed to identify brands that do more than just satisfy consumers’ wants and needs. These brands become a way for consumers to define status and express personalities. Consumers of all races and creed, irrespective of background or living standard, use these brands. South Africans

love them, are loyal to them and would even search for them when abroad. They become symbols of their countries. Other TGI Icon Brands include Coca Cola (USA), Mercedes (Germany), Guinness (Ireland), Glen Fiddich (Scotland), Rolls Royce (Britain) etcetera. Hi-Q is one of these brands. You can feel extremely proud of this extraordinary accomplishment. The TGI Icon Brands survey origi-nated in London in 1969, and has been available in South Africa for ten years in partnership with City Press and Rapport newspapers. It is recognised globally for its accuracy and thorough research methodologies.

Vier lede van Hi-Q Tzaneen se bestuurspan is mnre Stoffel Vermaak jnr, Stoffel Vermaak sr (eienaar), Freedom Nyathi en Hennie Snyman

It’s more than just a survey. TGI Icon Brands keeps up with brand trends, delves into the life and mind-space of South Africans, explores brands that marry consumer needs with product innovation and celebrates brands that hold iconic status in the hearts of all South Africans. The TGI Icon Brands survey is detailed, thorough and straight up vigorous! Being appointed a winner isn’t easy — yet Hi-Q has done it for four years running. It just comes to show that Hi-Q is brilliant at what they do and South Africa agrees!


27 September 2013


6 27 September 2013



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Ons Mening

The Message

Vrydag 27 September 2013

Rev Ron Reiners

Rowwe verkiesing Die aanloop tot volgende jaar se algemene verkiesing raak kort. Trouens, mens kan sê ons is reeds in die pylvak. In hierdie stadium is daar baie wat daarop dui dat dit lekker rof gaan raak voorkant toe. Die spanning in Cosatu en die ANC se duidelike kommer hieroor kan uiters interessant raak en ‘n stok in die regerende party se speke word. Dan is daar Marikana se uitslag wat ongemak kan bring, veral vir die Polisiediens. Dit is egter ook nie al waarmee die Polisiediens en die kommissaris van die SAPS sal moet worstel nie. Daar is die generaal wat opnuut vervolg moet word, ingevolge ‘n hooggeregshofbevel, daar is die dispute oor die jongste misdaadstatistiek en daar is die ontstellende nuus oor die groot getal misdadigers wat in die SAPS sit en reg en orde moet handhaaf, terwyl hulle self in die spervuur behoort te wees. Die kwessie van grondeise gaan ongetwyfeld emosies opjaag en mens kan reeds die spanning hieroor aanvoel, die krisis in die gesondheidsdienste, probleme in die onderwys, ‘n weermag wat in baie opsigte verlam is en in elk geval nie geld het nie en dienslewering gaan in die eerskomende maande op die spits gedryf word. Ook hier plaaslik is heelwat spanning aan die opbou en dit is tydig om te waarsku dat mense bedag moet wees op wat kom. Mense se geduld gaan getoets word. Mense se selfdissipline gaan gemeet word. Die veilige weg is die een waarop selfbeheersing en geduld beoefen word. Ons hoop die verkiesingstyd en -stryd verloop ordelik in ons streek.

“Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s just a pastor!” If you remember the first two statements, that following would have been: “No it’s Superman” Many think that when one is called into the ordained ministry the person receives some sort of super-powers. They become some-one or something extra-ordinary. They cannot do anything wrong, everything has to be perfect. Hello! When last have you read your Bible? Most of Jesus’ disciples did some or other thing wrong. They too like the ordained ministers of today were human.

Bulletin We support any lawful action to end violence against our women and children

We are not living in a perfect world and believe it or not ministers are also sinners. They often fall very short of God’s Grace, just as we all do. They should never be placed on a pedestal. However, they have been chosen to be the leaders and thus in many ways they should set the example. What is this example? Well just like everyone, they must endeavour to become more and more like Jesus. Following His example of loving all no matter who or what they are. A very difficult task for anyone let alone a priest. They have been chosen to tend to the flock, to enable those who have chosen Jesus as their Saviour, to follow the right path. If we just look at a shepherd we often see a simple person who tends lovingly for their sheep, trying always to see that they are kept safe, out of harm’s way and if they go astray to bring them back into the fold. In the pastor/priests flock are the congregation, a group of very different people, united by one reason and that is that they are or have chosen Jesus as their Saviour. So why are the churches so empty today? Is it the pastor’s fault? Or is it because they are following the ways of the world? The most commonly used phrase today is “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.” I believe that Jesus wants to enfold us in His love by uniting us as a community of believers as well as individually. So before you put your pastor way up there and think that he/she must be perfect, just remember that they too are sinners and need constant prayer. Blessings

Get involved

Bernard Nel from Tzaneen writes by e-mail: Re: Municipal Affairs: If the headline of the Letaba Herald of 20 September 2013 was meant to attract the attention of a punch drunk taxpayer it might have succeeded, but if it was the intention of the anonymous author of the article to act as a watch dog for the taxpayer, it was a dismal failure. The Herald has been found wanting again. Trying to win favor with one of the worst pieces of journalism imaginable is an insult to those journalists that is serious about their profession. For the past few weeks the public of Tzaneen once again had to depend on the Bulletin for the true state of our municipal affairs. You might ask what my agenda is. There is none. It is simple. Whose interests are being served here? The Herald does not serve the interests of the taxpayer but in return expect local business to buy advertising space. Can the Herald’s headline article be seen as an honest attempt to uncover the corruption of the local government? Or is it rather to be seen as an attempt to cover up? Strong words, but contemplate the following: On the date of the article 98 staff members

Letters • Briewe and eleven councillors of the GTM left for Namibia for the annual municipal games. The ten day trip is funded by the taxpayer, well in access of R500 000. The anonymous author of the article mentioned that the crisis in the shortage of staff is due to budgetary constraints. He/she does not question the municipal manager on why we are in this dilemma. No, asking probing questions is not on the cards and the last thing they seem to want to achieve is to upset the politicians in the White House. They might lose some advertising revenue. The interests of the taxpayer are not important. Result? • ANC council 1 – Taxpayers 0. The participants in the municipal games as far as I know get zero international recognition for their achievements. The main beneficiaries are likely to be the distillers and suppliers of condoms. Why should any info be treated as confidential when the taxpayer’s interests are at stake? How is it going to affect the taxpayer

if the vacant positions are to be filled tomorrow? Will households be taxed even more for less value? Meaningless quotation of figures frustrating the observant reader. The crisis in the council is not because of budgetary constraints. It is a result of corruption, theft and nepotism. Stop stealing! Why should management of the Herald complain about the issues forthcoming? Could they be in bed with the local ANC dominated council? See no evil. Hear no evil. Smell no evil. They behave like people who are in the business to keep their masters happy. Are they worried that they might upset the apple cart if they inform the taxpayers about the lack of transparency. It is not what you report but what you refuse to report, that is critical. The current crisis in the local council has a long run-up. It did not develop overnight. A well balanced society can only be

achieved when you have cohesion between: Local Business • Local Press • Civic organization In our case we have an apathetic civic organization, non demanding chamber of business and before the Bulletin arrived on the scene, a newspaper that often leaves the reader thinking that they are in bed with local government. This is a recipe for disaster. In the absence of strong dynamic leadership the don’t care journalism of the Herald rubbed off on the chamber of business. The leadership of the Herald became the leadership of the local chamber of business. The result, an apathetic public, waiting for the sewerage to flow down the streets. I know that I might sound controversial, but one doesn’t have to be a political scientist to realize what is happening in the affairs of our council. Is there a solution? Yes. Get involved. Demand answers. Involvement does not mean joining a political party. Involvement means to get organized in an affective civic organization to deal with our problems. No borders. One voice. Saying enough is enough.

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27 September 2013


As dit oor rekenaars gaan, is hy ‘n ‘geek’ trakwerk. Op skool het hy gedink hy gaan die rigting van boekhouer volg, maar skielik het rekenaarstudie ‘cool’ geword. Neels is gebore in Pretoria en het saam met sy gesin na Tzaneen verhuis, toe hy net twee jaar oud was. Só vir hom is huis nog altyd Tzaneen. Hy voeg by dat hulle steeds in dieselfde huis bly. As jong volwassene is hy nou in sy eie woonstel, steeds op dieselfde erf. Neels is lief vir sy huis, so lief dat hy ook van die huis af werk. Soos dit ‘n goeie sakeman betaam, is hy heeltyd voor sy rekenaar. “Dit is nie almal wat kan sê my werk is my stokperdjie nie.” Hy geniet sy eie geselskap en ook af en toe ‘n braai saam met vriende. Hy geniet om na rolprente te kyk, veral die Sci-fi soort — “Skop, skiet en boomklim”, noem hy dit. Neels is baie oopkop met die bedryf van sy besigheid en soek altyd eers die fout by homself. “As ek ‘n kliënt verloor, beteken dit ek het nie my werk goed genoeg gedoen nie — werk harder. “ Neels is nog ‘n alleenloper. Hy sê ‘n meisie gaan moontlik baie ongelukkig raak met hom, aangesien sy werk baie tydrowend is.

Mnr Neels Smit, nog ‘n suksesvolle jong entrepreneur van Tzaneen, gesels vandag met Annemieke Maritz oor sy lewe en sukses. Dit is nog ‘n aflewering in die Bulletin se eksklusiewe reeks oor jong entrepreneurs/presteerders van onder 35. Skryf aan annemieke@bulletin.us.com as u ‘n jong entrepreneur/presteerder wil voorstel.

Alhoewel Neels Smit (30) baie rustig voorkom, is hy vuur en vlam as dit by sy besigheid kom. As werknemer onder verskeie base, kan jy vir Neels niks van oortyd werk en probleemoplossing vertel nie. Op ‘n dag het hy net besluit dit is nou genoeg — “ek is nou my eie baas.” Neels is die eienaar van Smit Computer Services (SCS), wat hy reeds sedert 2007 bedryf. Hy vertel hoe hy na sy Vossie-tyd ‘n A+ kursus deur Damelin gedoen het, wat deesdae bekend staan as Standard Technician. Hy voel egter dat hy die meeste van sy ervaring in die werksomgewing opgedoen het, eerder as tydens sy studies. SCS doen installerings, netwerke, modems vir kaartmasjiene, verkoop van toerusting en programmatuur (Microsoft), TVDs (Tagging Visual Display) op vulstasiepompe en kon-

Neels doen baie kontrakwerk wat van hom vereis om heeltyd rond te rits. Hy hou kliënte gelukkig hier, daar en oraloor: Tzaneen, Hoedspruit, Guernsy, Giyani, Malamulele, Phalaborwa en alles tussen dié plekke. Met ‘n lag in sy stem sê hy: “Nie te hard op soek na ‘n verhouding nie, maar ek sal dit nie ‘mind’ nie.” Die beste deel van sy werk is om ‘n groot probleem vinnig op te los. Hy streef daarna om as hy met ‘n kliënt klaar is, hulle op die spoor van selfonderhoudend te hê. Hy sê die kontrakwerk raak soms ongemaklik, as besighede wat deur die nag werk hom in die middel van die nag oor ‘n IT-probleem bel. As dit gebeur trek hy ewe gedwee ordentlike klere aan (vir daai tyd van die nag) en spring in sy motor. Sy verantwoordelikhede hou elke dag iets anders in, van administratiewe take tot

probleemoplossing met ‘n koppige rekenaarstelsel. Hy glo harde werk werp vrugte af en dat die son oor almal skyn. Hy beskryf homself as ‘n man met stamina, een wat sal sit met ‘n probleem veel langer as wat ‘n gewone mens se geduld strek. Hy vertel hoe hy nie gereeld nie, maar tog wel kwaad raak. “Maar ek wys dit nie.” Hy haal diep asem — wat sy ma laat opmerk “moenie so sug nie”. Hy sê hy is ‘n man van integriteit: “alles moet reg wees — volgens die reëls, wetlik.” Alhoewel hy baie na aan die wet leef, glo hy ‘n mens moet straatwys wees en vir jouself kan dink. “Jy kan stappe net tot by ‘n punt volg.” Neels het nie noodwendig ‘n rolmodel in wie se voetspore hy volg nie, maar “ek meet myself teen myself.” So het sy kleuterdroom om robotte te bou, gaan aanklop by boekhou en voordat die deur oopgemaak is, het hy as rekenaartegnikus en sakeman sy stoel voor die rekenaar geskuif.


27 September 2013 Bulletin


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Masjien sien foute in sitrus ‘n Verskerpte sorteerstelsel wat nou in Suid-Afrika se sitrusbedryf beskikbaar is en onsigbare defekte in navel-lemoene bespeur, is die eerste in sy soort ter wêreld en ‘n groot deurbraak vir gehaltebeheer in die bedryf. Die stelsel ”sien” defekte onder die skilvlak en kan die lemoene dan daarvolgens gradeer. Dit werk met swart ultraviolet en wys defekte uit wat deur faktore soos valskodlingmot, kneusing, kraakskil en uitbreek van stingels veroorsaak word, maar nie met die blote oog waargeneem kan word nie. Mnr Pieter Nortjé, eienaar van Sitrusrand en pionier van gehaltesortering, het nuwe sagteware laat ontwikkel wat in bestaande stelsels ingebou word. Dit is so suksesvol dat dit reeds aansienlike besparings op kapasiteit, arbeid, tyd, materiaal, waks en chemikalieë meegebring het. Daarby maak dit die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusprodusent groter mededingend op oorsese markte. Die toerusting wat in die sorteerstelsels gebruik word, is bekende name in die sitrusbedryf soos Greefa en Med-Automation.

Die SAVF Tzaneen het onlangs ‘n musiekpretaand aangebied. Verskillende borge het tafels bespreek en saam met die SAVF se bestuur en personeel ‘n heerlike aand van musiek en heerlike eetgoed geniet. Hierbo is die span wat die Muistafel beset het. Hulle is aan die einde van die aand aangewys as die tafelgroep met die beste gees. Die goeie geeste wat hier verskyn is Bianca Perry, Annarien en Fanus Jacobs, Leon en Rienie, Hannes en Martinette Muller, Carika Fox, Tanya en Frikkie van Vuuren en Arnim Perry. Regs bo is Jolinda Engelbrecht en vriende ewe uitgelate en regs is die wentafel se span van die Blue Dot Groep besig om hul oorwinning te vier.

Transformer stolen in GV Thieves made off with an Eskom transformer worth R80 000 in George’s Valley. The theft took place on Mr Gerhard du Toit’s farm.

According to Tzaneen Police, Du Toit was busy doing inspections in his nursery when he discovered that the dam which supplies water to the nursery was empty. He noticed that an Eskom transformer responsible for supplying electricity to the pump was missing. The transformer is estimated to be worth approximately R80 000. Contact D/W/O Knox Masinge on 083 550 6774 with info.

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27 September 2013


ANC conference for Mopani postponed

Cattle will be moved from Yamorna to Letsitele


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Ellie Potgieter from the Letaba SPCA. The fresh chicken manure is covered with plastic sheeting to minimise the smell and it only lasts two or three days until mixed. It is mixed correctly and the cattle are well fed and watered and comply with SPCA standards. This resulted in Maré visiting the complainant a week ago. He informed him that preparations at another location in the Letsitele area, closer to the abattoir, are almost finished and only the boreholes need to be upgraded. He assured the complainant that the existing cattle were all destined for the abattoir before December and he would not be renewing his rental agreement with the Kgatle community. — Susan Ettmayr

t he

A two year issue involving an unpleasant stench on the outskirt of Tzaneen at Hamawasha/Yamorna has been resolved. There are some 700 cattle on a farm at 45 Yamorna. A Mr Juan Maré, who owns a butchery in Witbank, rents the land to house his cattle from the Kgatle community. The strong chicken manure odour from the cattle feed pervades the surrounding area every few days and the stench is noticed more than a kilometre away. Maré was contacted on several occasions and had not reacted to pleas to sort out the smell. The complainant, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted the Department of Health and was asked whether there were flies. As there is no fly problem the Department of Health did not undertake any inspections. The complainant then sent a letter to the Environmental Management Inspector of the Mopani District Municipality, Mr Frank Mafa. Mafa replied as follows: “I will like to acknowledge that the department have (sic) received your Complain (sic). Unfortunately Due (sic) to shortage of transport I couldn’t attend to it immediately. how ever (sic) I managed conduct (sic) an inspection on the 30th July 2012. I established the facts through my observation and will processes (sic) the information. You will be updated about the out comes (sic) in the due cost (sic).” There has been no further communication from Mr Mafa on this matter. In desperation the complainant called in the Bulletin which in turn called in Mrs

The long awaited ANC Mopani regional elective conference which was supposed to be held this weekend has been postponed until next weekend. The conference was supposed to take place at an undisclosed venue in Tzaneen. Logistical problems have been blamed for the postponement. However, it is reported that the conference might have been postponed to allow 21 branches which have failed to hold their general meetings, to do so this weekend. There are clearly two camps which would compete for the leadership in the party’s regional structure. It is reported that the current chairperson of the ANC’s Regional Task Team (RTT), Mr Seaparo Charley Sekoati, leads the race after having been nominated by 104 branches throughout Mopani. His main contender is Mr XXX Maake, who is said to be backed by 49 branches. According to a reliable source within Se-

koati’s team of lobbyists, they are leading in Mark Shoppe, Greater Letaba Sub-Region, Greater Giyani and Maruleng. Maake is said to be dominating in Ba-Phalaborwa, where he is very popular. His deputy will be Daniel Sedibeng and the secretary will be Bioskop Makamu, with the deputy Violet Mathye. Mr David Maake who is also lobbying for election as regional chairperson, is said to have nominated Norman Machethe as his deputy, Bricks Manzini as secretary, Tseko Mosola as deputy secretary and as treasurer, Martha Maswanganyi. Maake is said to be confident that they will take most of the remaining 21 branches so that they would win with a high margin. He said the other camp is allegedly loosing ground as they have included some of the people whom members on the ground see as selfish, arrogant and greedy. — Michael Sakuneka michael@bulletin.us.com

Word ‘n Engel-genoot Die gewilde, eiesoortige Letsitele NGK-gemeente se jaarlikse KersKuierMark het sy babaskoene ontgroei. Die aanvanklike doel van die mark was om elke Oktober kosgoeters, kunsgoeters, Kersgoeters en kuiertyd vir die Letaba-omgewing te bring. Maar nou, saam met dit alles, het die EngelFonds-inisiatief ontstaan. Dis nuut en dis opwindend. Dis ‘n EngelFonds eie aan die omgewing en wat ‘n verskil wil maak, juis hiér waar die behoefte groot is. Die KersKuierMark-komitee sal help om verdienstelike individue of instansies te identifiseer, te evalueer en dan hulp te verleen. Die finansiële komitee is daartoe verbind om op deursigtige wyse die geldsake te

bestuur. Dié inisiatief gee ook aan die KersKuierMark-komitee ekstra motivering vir hul harde werk, omdat dit alles gaan vir liefdadigheid. Die EngelFonds wil getuienis dra van ‘n bo-menslike ingryping wat lewens verander, terwyl dit met sagte Engelvlerke dié in nood toevou en beskerm. Elkeen kan ‘n Engel-genoot word, en saamspan om die Engele te laat glimlag. Vir meer inligting oor die Engelfonds: Anneri Vorster by 083 441 2882. Moet nie die KerskuierMark op 25 en 26 Oktober by die Letsitele NG Kerk mis nie. Daar is opwindende kraampies, heerlike kos, die gewilde Meester Sjef-kompetisie, vermaak vir die jongspan en oorgenoeg geleentheid vir mamma om haar Kersinkopies te doen.

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Tesame met Spesbona Pretoria wat reeds meer as 25 jaar se ondervinding het, spesialiseer ons in mediesefonds-eiseadministrasie vir groepe en individue. Ons waarborg jou geld terug as ons nie vir jou geld spaar of jou frustrasie oplos nie. Terme en voorwaardes geld.

Change, Innovation, Creativity LIMPOPO

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Ons hou jou op hoogte

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van jou beste opsies ten spyte van ekonomiese of politieke veranderinge. Kroniese medikasie bestuur.

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27 September 2013


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27 September 2013 Bulletin


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Events l Gebeure


Church l Kerk

Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Annemieke Maritz — E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com This Week


ook afslag kry. Navrae/besprekings: Joreth Duven- Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. hage 082 893 4130 of joreth@mweb.co.za. Alleenlopers Mans en vroue tussen 40 en

1987 Reünie

vir Hoërskool Louis Trichardt op12 Oktober by Rondebosch Lapa, Louis TrichMagoebaskloof/Haenertsburg, Until Saturday. ardt. Navrae: Jaco Badenhorst 082 434 3406 of Arts and crafts, preserves, sweets, organic chees- epos: kalimambo2@hotmail.com. NGK Letes, orchid display. Jumping castles, wire-car rac- Letsitele Kerskuiermark ing for children. Logging competition, paintball. sitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou Kuhestan farm tour, Wegraakbosch cheese-mak- Kersgeskenke of snuffel rond vir interessanthede. ing tour. Enquiries www.springfestival.co.za or Vermaak vir die kinders, kosdemonstrasies, teetuin, Spar Meesterchef-kompetisie. Navrae of om www.magoebasklooftourism.co.za. kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gubitz 083 738 Tree course Tomorrow: Macadamia Com- ‘n 1515 of gubitzlone@tzaneen.co.za. munity Centre and Bird Sanctuary; Sunday: Uit-

Magoebaskloof Spring Festival

zicht Farm, Tarentaalrand. An intro to tree identification and trees in the Bushveld Ecology by ecologist Joe Grosel, and dendrologist Mike Amm. Fee, members: R400, non-members: R500. Spaces are limited. Enquiries/reservations: Marianne McKenzie 082 835 4185.

Letaba Junction, Letsitele, 11 en 12 Oktober. Vrydag: 15:00-18:00, Saterdag: 08:00-15:00. ‘n Hettie Brittz Immergroen kleuterkursus word deur fasiliteerder Lorraine Steyn aangebied. Vir ouers met kleuters, kleuterskoolonderwysers. Koste: R550/p, R1 000/ouerpaar. 2 of meer onderwyseresse van ‘n skool sal



ATKV-Eiland Spa, môre Inskrywings: www.cyclelab.com of www.cycleevents.com. Verblyf: akias@atkv.org.za.

Mad Hatter’s tea party Unicorn Prep, Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke Dins26 October, 10:00-13:00. Hosted by Tzaneen Care dag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Group in association with Unicorn Prep School. Plessis 083 299 9797. Dress code: Off with your head if it does not wear a hat. Cost: R150/p. Enquiries: Juanine: 082 576 5716 Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Bespreor Yasmeen: 083 256 4861. kings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546

Sterilization Month The Letaba SPCA is holding their sterilization month 1 – 30 September. Other ‘13 The necessary documentation must be filled and fees paid at the Letaba SPCA to qualify for discounts. Limited slots, book ASAP. Cats: R500 and R550 (incl Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzainoculation) and dogs: R580 and R680 (incl inocula- neen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt 076 371 7193 or tion). Enquiries: SPCA office 015 307 2611. Bruce Mogg 082 824 4291. Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, Next Month ‘13 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527. Kleuterkursus

100 wat nog lief is vir gesellig verkeer. Kom geniet ‘n bring en braai met ‘n dans saam met ons. Saterdag 5 Oktober om 18:00. Vir verdere inligting kontak 083 453 3250. ‘13

Support Group The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meets the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, at the Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise 0722871022 or Colleen 0834567970.

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Hengelkompetisie Letaba Estates Kramerdam, 4 Oktober,16:00 – 5 Oktober 15:00. Aangebied deur Tzaneen Rotariër Klub ten bate van die SAVF Tzaneen (Desember-voedingskema). Spesies: karp en baars. Pryse vir grootste vangste van elke spesie. Kaartjies: R100/twee stokke, beskikbaar by Dolf Smith 083 239 9549 en Cornél van Niekerk 082 654 3976. Fitness Challenge 2013

Fit Freaks Merensky Gym, Merensky High School, 12 October. Challenge yourself, a team or your business for the fitness title in time-based events like running, rowing, push ups, sit ups, skipping, rope climb, swimming. R125 p/p, R500 p/team (max 5 people). Enquiries: Jaco 071 355 9010 or jaco@fitfreaks.co.za

Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Ad- Mooketsi MTB Challenge Skite Barn shadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal is welkom. Skakel Mooketsi, 26 October, 07:00. Enquiries: 015 395 2420.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.

Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.

Job Seeker / Vacancies General My name is Lydian Ndlovu I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning job I can speak English. I have 3 years experience contact me on 072 5656 242 (166)_____________________________

My name is Ngwako Mojela I am looking for a gardening work contact me on 082 084 5099

is opsoek na ‘n huishoudster werk ek praat Afrikaans 5 dae slaap uit of in skakel 071 743 6350


(185) _____________________________

Cate Phoshoko I am a My name is Myte Mabula I am looking for a gardening job or domestic work 5 days a week sleep out contact me on 0796358797

My name is Margareth Morerwa I have grade 11 I can speak English I have foodpreperation & cooking, computer literacy looking for domestic work or any general work contact me on 073 0218 742

(175) _____________________________

My name is Agreneth Munisi I am looking for a general work, caregiver, I can speak English and Afrikaans, I have five years experience in carework contact me on 083 598 1635 (167)_____________________________

My name is Gladness I am looking for a domestic work, general work sleep out I can cook also contact me on 073 995 6498 (179) _____________________________

My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have four years experience sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617

I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children I have 3 years experience in domestic work contact me Sarah on 073 290 0073


(180) _____________________________

My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general I can speak English and Afrikaans, I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120

Rebecca Raisibe is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English I can also look after children I have 4 years experience cleaning in the farmers office Contact me on 078 1867 146


My name is Dorah Molola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general, office cleaner I can speak English and Afrikaans I have six years experience in domestic and general work (ref Ellen Finaugty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (170)_____________________________

My name is Beauty Mushwana I am looking for a office cleaner, domestic worker salary R1 500 contact me on 076 571 9054 (171)_____________________________

My name is Maria Pudikabekwa I am looking for a domestic work, can look after children, office cleaner, I can speak Afrikaans I have 8 years experience sleep out contact me on 082 4333 3033 (172)

(181) _____________________________

My name is Mercy I am looking for a domestic work cleaning offices, general work contact me on 072 322 3518 (182) _____________________________

My name is Maria Malatji I am looking for a domestic work I can cook, speak Afrikaans 3 to 2 days a week sleep out (ref Jaunita 079 971 8713) contact me on 079 260 7850 (183) _____________________________

My name is Selinah Madia I am looking for a domestic work / general work 2 or 3 days or full time. I can speak English and Afrikaans (ref: Arma Prinsloo 082 896 7761) contact me on 072 192 4762 (184) _____________________________

My naam is Selena Nkwani ek

(186) _____________________________

My name is Mosa Madikhole Loseilane I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner, general work I can speak English I have Abet level four contact me on 060 461 4191 (187) _____________________________

Joyce Ramaselela is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English, I have 3 years experience contact me on 082 452 1760 (188) _____________________________

My name is Suzane Monamedi, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, I can speak Afrikaans and English. Sleep in or sleep out. I have 9 years experience contact me on 083 669 5648 (189) _____________________________

My name is Willhemina I am looking for a domestic work I can sleep in or out 5 days a week understand and speak Afrikaans , understand English can cook and look after children contact me on 082 584 7231 (190) _____________________________

My name is Thoko Mabunda I am looking for a general work, waitress, receptionist, domestic work 5 days a week I speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 773 5717 (191) _____________________________

My name is Annikie Mahash I am looking for a domestic work I have 5 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and look after children (ref: Cate 078 681 3231) (192) _____________________________

My name is Matene Joyce I am looking for a general work, domestic work or office cleaners I have 5 year experience in Health and safety , I work in SWIFT Limpopo (ref Gerda Drewe mamanger 082 721 7210) contact me on 079 0162 164 (193) _____________________________

I am looking for a office cleaning or general job I can speak English I have 8 years experience (ref gerda Drewe 082 721 7210) contact me Lydia Matene on 071 860 7529 (194) _____________________________

My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English and I also can look after children contact me on 083 371 2193 (195) _____________________________

Sarah Mahlo is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and I speak English, sleep in or out I have 3 years experience at Tzaneen Spar contact 084 435 3237 (196) _____________________________

My naam is Selena Kkwani ek is opsoek na huishoudlike werk 5 dae n week slaap in of uit skakel my op 071 743 6350 (197) _____________________________

General I am looking for a cleaning, domestic or day care work my name is Eunice Ngomani contact me on 076 3900644 (42)______________________________

My name Manama Ruth Mapaila I am looking for a general Assistance work (ref Sugarloaf, Spar Duiwelskloof ), cleaning, domestic contact me on 073 656 2024 (45) ______________________________

My name is Vinolia Sthekge I am looking for a general work, I have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on

078 4363 299 (46)______________________________

My name is Branda Malatji I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Magic Build Tzaneen 4 years experience contact me on 072 552 9581 (47)______________________________

My name is Maria Maake I am looking for a general work, office cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Tzaneen spar (ref Solly Masetla 015 307 1207 contact me on 071 809 0146 or 071 794 9577 (48)______________________________

My name is Sophy Makola I am looking for a administration, clerk or general work I have a lever 4 ABET, I speak English contact me on 072 954 2768 (49)______________________________

Gladys Seale is my name I am looking for a general work, security work have grade E.D.C., have lever 4 ABET. I can speak English have 2 years experience in cleaning contact me on 071 154 4856 (50)______________________________

Petrus Mathebula I am looking for a general work, garden service. I can speak English contact me on 072 717 4805 (51)______________________________

My name is Machona Patric Ralepella I am looking for job as a general My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker contact me on 076 246 8518 (57) ______________________________

I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798 (58) ______________________________

My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a

general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on 082 537 5776 (59) ______________________________

My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV het 18 jaar by ‘n skool gewerk skakel my op 072 811 9860 (60) ______________________________

My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 5070 673 (61) ______________________________

My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV. My name is Rassie I am looking for any general work I have a good CV. Phone me on/ Skakel my op 072 811 9860 (62) ______________________________

My name is Godfrey K. Ramodipa I am looking for any general work for five days a week I speak English I did work at Westfalia contact me on 076 756 3421 (63)______________________________

Admini My name is Neyu Ngoveni I am looking for a clerk, receptionist or general worker job I have grade 12, drivers licence and computer literate contact me on 073 091 8415 (8)________________________________

My name is Tsibi I am looking for a job I can speak English contact met on 078 063 4738 (10) ______________________________

My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is ‘n jong dame opsoek na enige werk ondervinding algemene kantoorwerk data capture,filing, credit control, kassiere ‘n nie roker en is dadelik beskikbaar. Tydelike pos ook welkom skakel my op 079 706 3283

(84) ______________________________

My name is Mogale Mack Letsoalo I am looking for a security job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398 (85) ______________________________

My name is Solomon Shai I am looking for some work in merchandising, gardening, helping school children do homework or teaching contact me on 073 399 6584

(20) ______________________________

My naam is Solly Maenetja ek Is opsoek na n drywer werk lisensie kode EB/08 ook publiek. Kan distribusie doen, het kinders rondgery by die skole, doe nook tuinwerk, kursus in sekuriteit geleer, skakel my 082 071 2670 (21) ______________________________

I am Mr Moagi I am looking for a driver or TLB operator or security work, I have a drivers licence (code 10 + pdp) TLB certificate, security guard GRD B2E + matric contact me on 071 101 0136 (22) ______________________________

(11) ______________________________

My name is Nkwana Mahlodi I am looking for a temp job form 14:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon receptionist, office assistant or domestic work, I’m a level 2 student. I speak English, Sepedi and Tsonga and know computers (studying Off. Administration) contact me on 076 076 1712 (12) ______________________________

My name is Ngwako Glen Mokhomole I am looking for a security job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398

My name is Thapelo Mafokwane I am looking for a job as a driver, I have a code 10 + D.P.P. have one year experience and have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 072 587 0086

My name is Ramokoto Selina I am looking for a temp job form 14:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon receptionist, office assistant or domestic work, I’m a level 2 student. I speak English, Tsonga and Sepedi and know computers (studying Off. Administration) contact me on 076 076 1712 (13) ______________________________

My name is Tshepo am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 pdp seven years experience. And also admin clerk , computer literate contact me 072 267 9315 (23) ______________________________

My name is Solomon I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 Pdp I have 13 years experience, I can speak English and Afrikaans. I have wholesaler and retailer general St Ngf level 2 contact 073 1427416 (24) ______________________________

My name is Willie Mbhobmi I am looking for a driver job I have code ECi 04 with 15 years experience and with PDP (ref: Barry Petersons 071 889 6692) contact me on 073 861 2994 (25) ______________________________

Driver Moses Masinamele I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 licence with P.D.P contact me on 076 693 3611

My name is Andrew I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 PDP and have grade 10 I can speak English, have 3 years experience in Batlhabine Brickyard as a driver contact me on 072 8610 102

(19) _______________________________

(26) ______________________________


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

27 September 2013


Legals MARULENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME 40 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality for the amendment of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme 2008, by the rezoning of Erf 139 Kampersrus, situated on the corner of Lantana and Frangipani Avenues, to the east of Mare Road, from “Public Open Space” to “Residential 1” and “Public Street”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for a period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, within a period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850


MARULENG GROND GEBRUIKSKEMA 2008 WYSIGINGSKEMA 40 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(I) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering van Erf 139 Kampersrus, gelee op die hoek van Lantana en Frangipanilane, aan die oostekant van Mareweg, van “Publike Oop Ruimte” na “Residensieel 1” en “Publieke straat”, onderhewig aan voorwaardes vervat in ’n Bylae. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850


TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 288 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning

Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of the property described below: Part of Portion 25 Deer Park 459LT situated 25km north-east of Tzaneen and adjacent to the D447 District Road, from “Agriculture” to “Business 1”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850


TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 288 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van die eiendom hieronder beskryf: Deel van Gedeelte 25 Deer Park 459LT, geleë 25km noordoos van Tzaneen aangrensend tot die D447 Distrikspad, van “Landbou” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850


MARULENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME 42 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality for the amendment of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning of Part of Erf 712 Hoedspruit Extension 6, from “Private Open Space” and “Special for Public Resort” purposes to “Business 1”, “Business 2” and “Resort” with an Annexure. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for a period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Objections to or represen-

tations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, within a period of 28 days from 20 September 2013. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850


MARULENG GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 WYSIGINGSKEMA 42 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering van ‘n Gedeelte van Erf 712 Hoedspruit, Uitbreiding 6, van “Privaat Oop Ruimte” en “Spesiaal vir Openbare Oord” doeleindes na “Besigheid 1”, “Besigheid 2” en “Oord” met ‘n Bylaag. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 September 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850


NOTICE MARULENG LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Maruleng Land Use Scheme, 2008, that we Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Maruleng Municipality for Special Consent to operate a Guest House on Portions 9 & 10 Blyderus 596KT. The land is zoned for “Agricultural” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Land Use Scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, not later than 18 October 2013. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850.


KENNISGEWING MARULENG GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 Ooreenkomstig Artikel 21 van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit om spesiale toestemming om ‘n gastehuis te bedryf op

Gedeeltes 9 & 10 Blyderus 596KT. Die eiendom is tans vir “Landbou” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde Grondgebruikskema. Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen asook die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit. Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, voor of op 18 Oktober 2013. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850.


GENERAL NOTICE OF 2013 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 290 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986). We, Kobus Winterbach and/ or Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorized agents of the registered owner (known as the Greater Tzaneen Municipality) of a street in Tzaneen Extension 74 that has been successfully closed, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of a street as above (to be known as Erf 5787, Tzaneen X74), situated adjacent to Erf 4594, Tzaneen Extension 74, from “Existing Public Roads” to “Business 1”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 27 September 2013 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 27 September 2013. Address of authorized agent: Winterbach & Associates, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: K1065/KW.

en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die straat soos hierbo beskryf (om bekend te staan as Erf 5787, Tzaneen X74), geleë aanliggend aan Erf 4594, Tzaneen Uitbreiding 74 vanaf “Bestaande Openbare Paaie” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 September 2013 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 September 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Winterbach & Assossiate, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. K1065/KW. Sep402___________________________


Ons, Kobus Winterbach en/of Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar (bekend as Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit), van `n straat in Tzaneen Uitbreiding 74 wat suksesvol gesluit is, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning

STEWART MARITZ BASSON Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850


IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case Number: 66511/2012 In the matter between: REDLEX INVESTMENT’S (PTY) LTD APPLICANT And KATAWA TRADING 8 CC (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2006/028575/23) FIRST RESPONDENT ELFRIEDE MARIE VAN DER ENDE (IDENTITY NUMBER: 540823 0153 08 2) SECOND RESPONDENT NOTICE OF AUCTION AS TO judgment made by above mentioned court on 17 JANUARY 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold on 10 OCTOBER 2013 at 10:00 by Public Auction to be held at SHERIFF LETABA’S

In the Estate of the late, IRIS MABEL LEPART, Identity Number 220201 0002 08 7 who resided at MACADAMIA VILLAGE, TZANEEN and died on the 28th of APRIL 2013,

STORE ROOM 31 ANTIMONY STREET, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the district of Letaba, sheriff of the High Court, to the highest bidder for cash namely: 1 2 X SINGLE BED HEADBOARDS 2 1 X DEFY TUMBLE DRYER 3 1 X HEADBOARD + PEDASTALS 4 1 X SANYO HI FI 5 2 X CHAIRS 6 2 X TABLE AND 2 CHAIRS 7 1 X FILING CABINET 8 1 X STEEL CABINET 9 1 X PRINTER 10 4 X TREKKERS 11 2 X TRAILOR 12 1 X BOSCH FRIDGE 13 1 X COCA COLA FRIDGE 14 1 X LG TOPLOADER 15 1 X OCEAN FREEZER 16 1 X NATIONAL MICROWAVE 17 1 X 7 PIECE DINING SUITE 18 3 X SIDE CABINET 19 1 X 3 PIECE CORNER LOUNGE SUITE 20 1 X SAMSUNG TV 21 1 X COFFEE TABLE 22 1 X TV STAND 23 2 X SIDE TABLES 24 1 X SONY DVD + AMP 25 1 X 4 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 26 LOGIC TV 27 4 X COFFEE TABLE 28 TECTRONIC TV 29 1 X COMPUTER 30 3 X PIECE BEDROOM SUITE AND 31 4 X DRAW CABINET AUCTION 1 This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honor-

able court 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: 4 Directives of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from Url http://www.info.gov.za/ view/downloadfileaction? id-99961 5 FICA legislation i.r.o. proofs of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 cash. 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christle Bouwer; 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT PRETORIA ON THIS THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2013. VAN DER MERWE & ASSOCIATES 41 IVY STREET CLYDESDALE PRETORIA TEL: 012 343 5432 FAX: 012 343 5435 REF: P VAN DE MERWE/yg/ PT0281 TO THE REGISTRAR FO THE HIGH COURT NORTH GAUTENG, PRETORIA Sep403___________________________

Property | Eiendomme



Estate Number 3760/2013. Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notices.

To Let Te Huur Flats / Woonstelle Luukse 2 Slaapkamer Tuinwoonstel. (Eintlik ‘n huis.) Grootste in Tzaneen – kom kyk gerus. Woonkamer/eetkamer, 2 groot slaapkamers, goed toegeruste kombuis, ruim badkamer. Parkering binne veilige pallisade omheining. R4 600 per maand, water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel 0153075950 of 0823136117 en kom kyk.

plan sitkamer en kombuis plus houtdek. R3800 per maand. Prepaid krag. Deposito betaalbaar. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2013. Skakel 082 3855 979 Sep402__________________________

Town House / Meenthuis Netjiese moderne 2 slp kamer meenthuis te huur in Letsitele by Citrus Villas, R3600 w&e uitgesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel asb vir Elzaan by 0835616062 Sep403_________________________


House / Huis Pragtige 2 Slaapkamer houthuis op ‘n plot net buite Tzaneen. 1½ Badkamer, oop-

Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest video clip

To advertise here call Lihanie at 015 307 7248


27 September 2013 Bulletin


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Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.

Services Dienste Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers. Hennie 083 651 0936


Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214


BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2013 OPGAWES HET OP 1/7/2013 BEGIN: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 6.1 Inkomstebelasting 6.2BTW 6.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320.

Spot on Cartridges We specialise in refilling ink and laser toner cartridges Up to 50 % savings on printer cartridges We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops Free delivery within 2 km radius 015 307 3173 10 Morgan Street Aug219________________________

BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106______________________

Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street Feb105_______________________

Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193


Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops



Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie

Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483


Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse Lifestyle Centre



JV Hidrolies Vir hidrouliese probleme. Skakel Johnny Verster Impalastraat 1, Industrial 015 307 5091

Sep106_______________ _________

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Healing Hands Therapy for pain + stress R600 for 9 x 1 hour sessions R1 200 for 8 x 1 hour sessions + 2 free R1 500 for 10 x 1 hour sessions + 4 free Special ends 31 October 2013 Sessions may be used after ending date as needed Aug515_________________________

Marie Helm HIPNOTERAPEUT WIL JY GRAAG OPHOU ROOK? • Koste effektief? • Binne 1 maand? •Jy kan, met hipnose Skakel Marie NOU by 082 683 2835

Marie: 082 683 2835

Aloe Ferox ‘n uitstekende produk uit die natuur vir Velsorg en al die kwale. Werklik bekostigbaar vir ‘n wonderlike produk 072 301 6901 Speedrite Matrix recovery service I dots tracking systems Mechanical services, alarms Auto electrician, immobilizers, car air cons Windscreen chip repairs Electro plating Impala Street 1, Tzaneen 015 307 7700


Lawrence P Temperature Control Visit us for all your cooling needs and problems 015 307 1533 Kudu Street 28 (behind Choice supermarket)

Sep212_______________ _________

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229


Sep305____________ _______________

YOUR PARTNER IN HOME BUILDING Best Quality / Best service Thank you for your loyal support Tzaneen/Letaba Crossing/ Letsitele 015 307 7168 Aug106________________________

Rymar Auto General car service and repairs Auto diagnostics repair services Air cons Carman scanner for resetting of service lights Willie 082 494 7985 Gideon 084 597 5940 26 Plantation Road Sep209___________________________

Kredietkaartgrootte PVC kaarte Enige hoeveelheid 1 Naamkaart vir seminaar 2 Naamkaart vir personeel 3 Lidmaatskapkaarte 4 Visitekaarte 5 Kliëntekaarte Skakel Harold of Christa 015 307 3370 / 078 686 8320 / 078 686 8331

Vision Accessed Vir al u geelektrifiseerde omheining Hekmotor en Dstv behoeftes onder een dak. Nuwe installasies en onderhoud, onderdele altyd beskikbaar Installasie van klanksisteme in enige voertuig. Maak afspraak asb Skirvingstraat 14, Tzaneen Ludi 082 847 9039 Boutiques S Cupcakes & Couture Shenaaz Moosa 083 678 5790 Faks 015 307 4276 59 Boundary Street For all your baking supplies and home baked goodies Sep221_______________________

Services Dienste Vefraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of Nagemaakte rotse waar Geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @R150 per bakkievrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 Aug403____________________

Wisani Burial society 24 hour emergency no: 015 307 6240 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 Epos: helene@wisani.co.za


Piet Dry Oogkundiges Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif enkelvisie sonbril 015 307 2439


Tzaneen Brake and Clutch For all your brake, clutch, and radiator nightmares Call Tzaneen Brake and Clutch 015 307 2879 Sep311___________________________


Gear-Tec Gearbox and DIF specialists 1 Industria Road, Tzaneen 015 307 2646 geartec@mweb.co.za Johan 082 901 0971 Sep303_______________________

Letaba Hidraulic Pipes Pipes Velddienste beskikbaar Ons doen: Enige hidroliese pype Enige tyd enige plek Hans van Rooyen 082 769 8254


Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service Contact 015 307 5010 Sep307_________________________

Services Dienste kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936


Beyers Busdiens 19 jaar diens Tzaneen - Polokwane – Pretoria Ry elke Vrydag of Sondag Pretoria en terug op selfdedag Skakel Nica 015 307 5959 Aug302____________ Rhino’s Digital Solutions Verkope, diens, en herstel van alle Samsung produkte soos: Faksmasjiene, drukkers, kameras “clocking systems” en Samsung selfone. Office: 015 307 1410 Bakkies 083 633 4150 11 Plantation Road


Poppy’s Hiring Services Kontak ons vir enige funksies en verhuring van benodighede vir funksies Aqualaan no 11 Aquapark Jackie 072 347 3408 Tel/faks 015 307 5688 Jackie@poppyshiring.co.za


Africa Jacana Protective clothing Work wear Sports wear 59 Agatha Street 015 307 2689


The Kings Engineering Specializing in Motor reconditioning Rebore and crank grinding Cylinder head overall and pressure test. Specialized welding. Metal and steelworks. Alloy casting - 467 Kudu Street, 015 307 5836

Kitchen World Entrance next to Goldwagen on way to Game parking We have moved to 12 Danie Joubert Street Shop B1A

Salary Management Services Debt Stressed We can help. Reduce your monthly installment and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assets 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street



Louis Menge Auto Trading as (PTY) Ltd Trading as S&J Auto Louis 083 272 3907 All makes of vehicles and trucks 14 Antimony Street 015 307 2064 015 307 76312 faks


Trophy Toyota Vir die beste diens in die Laeveld 015 309 9258

Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057 Fabric & Décor Centre Curtaining Upholstery Blinds Haberdashery Dress fabrics wool Bed linen 48 Agatha Street Opp NTT Toyota 015 307 4467


Paul’s Mobile Kitchen Take Aways Always Fresh

Services Dienste TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303____________________

Vehicle Voertuie Toyota FJ Cruiser for sale excellent condition 2012 model 37500km on the clock with extras, black leather seats, spot lights, bull bar, tow bar contact 0834559763 Sep314_________________________

Coastal Hire Equipment hire Industrial tools Machinery for construction Mobile toilets Marque Tents 015 307 3084 082 929 5109


Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie Kontak ons vir verkope en diens van ou en nuwe Landini trekkers en swaarvoertuie. Velddienste ook beskikbaar. Tel 015 307 5000 Faks 015 307 1471 Ou Gravelotte pad Sep409___________________________

Oasis Tzaneen For all your personilzed labels contact the experts. Labeling an water bottles and juice bottles for weddings, engagements, funerals, Birthdays, tombstones unveilings and any other functions. 015 307 2504 / 079 296 7414 Tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za.


Paint Pot Arts and Crafts Fine arts and crafts lessons for children 6 – 13 years For reservations and enquiries Please contact 015 307 3265


Bmw 116i (e87) hatchback - silver - with all std exstra’s, leather seats, mags etc. Model: 2009 km: 52385 Still have maintenance plan at bmw. Take over tracker device Price / prys r 145 000-00 Prys o/h - price neg. Contact: Marius Sel 082 493 0449 Tel 015 3952175

Wanted Gesoek Ek is dringend op soek na Hardekoolstompe om te koop skakel Mike by 082 257 6840


For Hire Te Huur Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________

Inside Out Solutions (n/t Sugarloaf ) 015 307 1616 Dstv MultiChoice Toptv Gate Motors CCTV Intercoms Alarm Systems We specialize in Spares for Centurion and DTS gate motors Maurice Coetzee After Hours 079 942 3154

Five 1 Two “Vir die beste diens met Trailers

Gesoek – Pypraam vir Toyota bakkie. Lang Bak Skakel 083 380 9859 Sep113_________________________

Animals Diere Pragtige wit Toy pom reuntjie (klein tipe) 100 % opreg R2 000 Rottweiler reun R1 300 Kontak 082 557 2326 / 071 659 9741


For Hire Te Huur VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com


For hire 3 Ton Vragmotor 4 meter valkant bak Koste @ R9.00 per lopende km Steelworks vir enige staal werk 082 890 9142

VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956


Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote 015-307-1391. Jun401________________________

For Sale Te Koop SWEETS / CHOCOLATES / CHIPS / BISCUITS / DRINKS DISTRIBUTION Start your own business at affordable cost.

Contact Myer: 012 547 5767 mberman@ telkomsa.net Ryobi 210 mm compound mitre saw 7ms812 R500.00 Skakel 078 686 8320


die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Arno 078 164 4701


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir

Wanted Gesoek





Makarios Makelaars Ons bied u: Lewensversekering Korttermynversekering Pensioen fondse Boedelbeplanning Medies fondse 015 307 3316 015 307 6631

Services Dienste




CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Torga Optical For professional Eye care and great value Eye Test R150 Full Torga Guarantee Tzaneen Mall 015 307 2299



Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275

Services Dienste

To advertise here call Lihanie at 015 307 7248

Free firewood Lushof Plotte Old mango trees – you cut and load the wood yourself. Call Stephan on 082 771 0777



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Kwakke, kwaksalwers en kopkrimpers Oubal is bra skepties oor die vermoëns van kwakke, wat oor die algemeen maar geldskeppende rondtasters is, soos dit vir hom lyk. Maar Oubal sal met ‘n rein gemoed voor in die kerk kan getuig van die vele kere dat OuDok hom op ‘n Maandagoggend met ‘n inspuiting genees het van ‘n jigaanval na ‘n naweek van harde rakbie(kyk). Oubal sal terselfdertyd uit dure ondervinding ook getuig dat gebed nie help vir jig nie! Die feit dat Oubal onlangs sy geloof aan wonderwerke hier verklaar het, beteken nie dat hy enigsins vertroue in kwaksalwers het nie. Lees Oubal mos

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

onlangs dat Suid-Afrika nou sy eie wondergeneser in Dr Anton Neethlingh het, wat Joost glo van sy siekte verlos het met “elektromagnetiese biostimulasie”. Dít ondanks die verklarings van verskeie medici dat Joost se toestand nie geneesbaar is nie. Joost, ou maat, Oubal wens van harte hierdie “behandeling” werk vir jou uit, maar hy kan nie help nie om te dink aan ‘n ou vriend van hom wat vrot van die kanker teen hoë koste Nigerië toe is, deur profeet Joshua “genees” is, en drie maande later toe hou ons begrafnis. Dáái het ons wankelende geloof in pas met Dr Neethlingh gebring! ‘Tja, die kloutjie wat Oubal sukkel om by die oor te kry, is hoekom iemand met ‘n doktorsgraad in die teologie hom tot bedenklike alternatiewe genesings sal wend. Oubal sou dink hoe hoër geleerd jy in die teologie is, hoe beter behoort jou kontakte in die geloofgenesingsveld te wees, maar nou sê die doktor self die kerk het nie vir hom al die antwoorde nie. Wantroue in jou eie opleiding so uit die boonste gestoeltes! Oubal het oor die afgelope weke naarstigtelik gesoek na daai kopkrimpdokter wat hierdie koerant so kasty oor sekere woordkeuses. Nee, daar skort niks met Oubal se kop waarvan


27 September 2013


hy bewus is nie, al praat hy soms hardop met homself in die taal wat sy oorlede moeder hom geleer het; Oubal probeer vasstel wat fout is met Heyneke Meyer se kop! Vrind Heyneke gaan so te kere in daai afrigterslosie dat verskeie waarnemers die mening uitgespreek het dat hy ‘n skroef los het. “Heineken is so waansinnig soos ons vermoorde leier!” aldus KoosKakie. “Of bosbefoeterd!” het GertGrensvegter ‘n ietwat meer kundige mening (en ietwat anders bewoord) gewaag. “Mêd myniêk!” sê ArthurIngelsman. Mal, gek, van lotjie getik, sy varkies verloor, klap van die windmeul weg, sy kop het hom verlaat, Oubal weet nie. Heyneke het Oubal egter opnuut laat verlang na oorlede Spiekeries met sy onvergeetlike, “Syddie! Syddie! Syddie!”, toe hy onlangs so “Go, Willie! Go, Willie! Go, Willie!” skree — die Bokke se grootste ondersteuner! ‘Tja, Oubal dink rakbie (en sport in die algemeen) het meer mense nodig met sulke eerlike passie, as suurpruimgesigte en groendakkies kwaksalwers! “A fool and his money, be soon at debate: which after with sorrow, repents him too late.” — Thomas Tusser (1573)

Fietsryers geniet Vula Vula Jaarvergadering Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Letaba Rugbyklub word op 8 Okober om 18:30 in die klub se saal by die rugbyveld gehou. ‘n Nuwe bestuur moet ook tydens die vergadering vir ‘n nuwe termyn gekies word. Alle rugbyliefhebbers word na die vergadering genooi. Dit is belangrik dat rugby in die platteland nie doodloop nie en ‘n dringende beroep word op spelers en ondersteuners gedoen, om die vergadering by te woon.

Ten spyte van die hitte het fietsryers verlede Saterdag die lemoenboomryke roete van die Vula Vula fietswedren geniet. Die jaarlikse padfietswedren van die NGK Letsitele het vanjaar ‘n rekordgetal van 311 inskrywings gelok. Die Vula Vula word elke jaar by die ATKVEiland Spa gehou en bied fietsryers die kans om vir groter wedrenne te oefen. Afstande het begin by die 14 km, waaraan ‘n groot groep kinders van die omgewing deelgeneem het, die 45 km, 70 km en die 100 km vir die ystermanne en -vroue. Die eerste agt fietsryers wat die 100 km getrotseer het, het binne vyf sekondes van mekaar die wenstreep oorgesteek. Mario Ferreira het met ‘n tyd van 2:43:08 die wennerskroon gevat. Colin Noel was tweede met 2:43:09 en Ricky Coetzee derde met 2:43:10. Die eerste vrou

oor die wenstreep, Louwie Dando, het in ‘n tyd van 2:47:46 klaargemaak. In die 70 km-afdeling het JP Venter eerste die wedren in 2 ure en 45 sekondes voltooi en Renata Joubert het die ander vroue uitgestof met ‘n tyd van 2:02:35. Marco Roets het met ‘n tyd van 1:27:53 sy eerste prys verseker in die 45 km-afdeling en Annaleen Visagie het die res van die vroue geklop met ‘n tyd van 1:38:40. Van die groep wat aan die 14 km deelgeneem het, was Zian van den Heever (in die afdeling jonger as 14) eerste met ‘n tyd van 27:11 min en Lilly Pohl was eerste van die meisies met ‘n tyd van 34:01 min. — Retha Nel retha@bulletin.us.com

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5 Oktober 2013


Twee van Merensky se belowende jong tennisspelers het hul staal gewys tydens Ben Vorster tennis-akademie se toernooi wat onlangs aangebied is. Stefan Pretorius, ‘n gr 8-leerling, het in sy eindstryd teen ‘n gr 11-leerling van Ben Vorster te staan gekom — en in ‘n titaniese stryd wat aan ‘n Wimbledon-eindstryd herinner het, die stel 5-4 beklink. Carissa Ivy, ‘n gr 9-leerling, het ook na twee dae se harde tennis, die skild vir die beste meisiespeler gewen. Die twee tennistiere het ook tennistoerusting ontvang.


27 September 2013

Vossie o.15A’s is Lim-kampioene

MHS se 1ste krieketspan is pure kookwater Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o.15A-krieketspan is Limpopo se nuwe kampioene in dié ouderdomsgroep, nadat hulle PHS in ‘n naelbytwedstryd met dertien lopies getroef het. Ben Vorster het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf op ’n baie kolwersvriendelike kolfblad. Kaptein Philip Bester het van voor gelei met ‘n onoorwonne kolfbeurt van 130 lopies. Hy is goed bygestaan deur Caelon Retief met 32 lopies en Gideon Coertzen met 25. Ben Vorster het 263 lopies vir die verlies van vier paaltjies in hul vyftig beurte behaal. PHS het die telling met alle erns na middagete begin jaag. ‘n Paar verbroude vangkanse het gesorg dat die wedstryd na die einde se kant toe op ‘n mespunt gebalanseer het. Die Vossie-boulers het egter mooi kop gehou en PHS vir 252 in 46 beurte uitgeboul. Jimmy Modiba met 4 paaltjies, Henkus Steenkamp met 3 en Philip Bester met 2 was die Vossies se beste boulers. Die Vossies se eerste span was egter nie so gelukkig nie en moes die knie buig met slegs een paaltjie teen PHS.

Op die foto hierby is die o.15’s. Voor is Hayden Butler, Jimmy Modiba en Jacques Kriel. In die tweede ry van voor is Henkus Steenkamp, Caelen Retief, Pierre Roos en Kobus Jansen van Rensburg. In die volgende ry is Gustav Pierre Prinsloo, Philip Bester en Tristen du Pleez en agter is Franco Oberholzer, Gidion Coertzen en Gustav Booysen.

In ‘n besondere driekuns het Merensky se eerste krieketspan vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar as die wenners van die liga die seisoen afgesluit. Nog ‘n geskiedkundige feit is dat die span die eerste en enigste krieketspan in Limpopo is wat twee opeenvolgende jare die Limpopo Pro20 sowel as die Limpopo Liga gewen het. Die span het op pad na die eindstryd en die kampioenskap eers met Frikkie Meyer afgereken. Hierna het hulle teen Stanford Lake College te staan

gekom en dié wedstryd ook heel maklik gewen. Die span sal nou op 19 Oktober in die kwarteindstryd van die Noordvaal reeks speel. Op die spanfoto hierby is, voor: Jason Rodrigues, Mubeen Patel, Johan Louw, Tlangi Mushwana, Rynard de Lange en Steven Herbst (kapt). Agter staan Suzanne Schouwstra (tellinghouer), Rassie Pretorius, Phillip Nel, Pierre Swanepoel, mnr P van der Merwe (afrigter), mnr Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof), Kulani Baloyi, Nicholas Jardim en Asad Patel.

SLC invited to Spur championship Stanford Lake College was invited as one of the top mountain bike schools in Limpopo to compete at the nationals. The top fifty schools from all over the country, Zimbabwe and Namibia were present at this prestigious event. On Saturday the inter schools finals were staged. A very technical and tough course was set up for this race. The event was on the same standard as the UCI world and Olympic championships. The riders had to complete a pre determined amount of laps of this testing 4 km course (depending on the age group). The riders from Stanford Lake College did extremely well. Tristan Schoeman managed to finish 30th in the sub youth boys (u.14) category. Kirsten Eastes came 10th in the sub youth girls (u.14) and Anke Vaughn 15th in

the same race. Sarah Pogrund finished 17th had a bad day. A broken chain hampered his in the youth girls (u.15 & 16) event and Toni chances of a good finish! Lacey 22nd. Stuart Lunt competed in a very On Sunday the Inter Provincial race was competitive youth boys event (u.15 & 16) but held, with the best riders from eight Provinces competing in this event. History was made for it was the first time ever that the school teams raced in provincial colours! Once again Stanford Lake College excelled: three of the four riders for Limpopo were from Stanford in an all girls team of Kirsten Eastes, Anke Vaughn and Sarah Pogrund. This was a fine reward for all the hard work, falls, bruises, sweat and tears during the season!

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