6 December 2013
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
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Kruger National Park will now have an upper hand against poachers after the donation of an advanced military helicopter by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, the owners of the Paramount Group, leaders in African Aerospace and Defence. Read the rest of this amazing act of philantropy on page 8. Photo and text submitted by Orlando Chauke.
Land grabs There will be no Zimbabwean style land grabs in Limpopo as long as he is in the chair, Limpopo’s premier, Mr Stan Mathabatha, assured the farming community of Tzaneen this week. Mathabatha v i s i t e d
AgriLetaba on Wednesday to hear complaints and other issues concerning agriculture in the Tzaneen area. The meeting was facilitated by Mr Danie Botha from Polokwane at the request of the premier and attended by several local farmers, officials and members of the SAPS. He was accompanied by Ms Joyce Mahlanga, MEC for Safety, Security and Liaison in the province. She stood in for the MEC for Agriculture, Ms Rosina Semenya, who could not attend. A memorandum of challenges facing the farming community was presented by Mr Dries Enslin, CEO of AgriLimpopo, to the premier. Issues on the agenda included safety, land claims, municipal rates, mentorship programmes and cemeteries on farms. Mathabatha said the issues will be taken
Wisani trek nuwe 12 pak klere aan
“Not while I
am in charge”
says Premier
up with the relevant state and provincial departments, while a meeting between the agricultural sector and the police are scheduled for today at the show grounds. Enslin pointed out several weaknesses in the handling of criminal cases by the SAPS, which will be brought before the area commander this morning. As far as land claims are concerned, negotiations will follow the normal route, but land grabs are nowhere on any agenda, said Mathabatha. Mr Fanie van Jaarsveld, vice-chairman of AgriLetaba, said the organization is apolitical and rely on the assistance of the provincial government. “We are farmers who want to make a profit in order to uplift the community
Blitsvinnige Eddie nou kampioen! 14 we live in.” Another matter brought up was the raising of the Tzaneen Dam wall and the proposed Nwamitwa Dam. Mr Louis van Rooyen, entrusted with water issues in this area, said there is a lack of purpose in these projects. Authorities were inactive for the past eight months and keep on postponing the projects, notwithstanding the fact that the money and workforce are available. He expected the Nwamitwa dam would only become a reality in 2019.
6 December 2013
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Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best. / Man.) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design David Morrison (hoof)
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• Ons land is tans in die 16 dae-tydperk van Aktivisme teen geslagsgedrewe geweld. Wat gaan jy doen om hierdie hartseer probleem in ons land teen te werk? • At the moment our country is in the period of 16 days of Activism against gender based violence. What are you going to do to counteract this heart breaking problem? Laeveld Bulletin Aandag: Ons gereelde Facebookvrae is nie bedoel om in oop debat uit te lok nie, maar slegs ‘n enkele kommentaar per deelnemer op die vraag. Attention: Our regular Facebook questions are not meant to bring forward an open debate, but only a single comment per participant on the question. Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.
Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
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Johan du Toit Sal vir selfbeskikking beywer, dan is alles opgelos. Nadia Herbst Ek weet nie hkm hulle tyd mors nie, want ons SAPS werk nie saam aan die probleem nie. Kyk daai pragtige vrou wat vrydag aand in haar kar dood geskiets is, en dit terwyl sy brandstof in haar voertuig gooi... Amanda Strydom Jammer julle dit gaan sekerlik oor my skrywe, oor my en my klagte oor die balju wat skreeu maak oop jou bek. Ek was nie verantwoordelik vir die skuld maar ‘n werker. Ek voel net dat ek as ek dan die titel van vrou dra mag ek seker kla omdat ek soos ‘n dier behandel word ! Om as vrou verskreeu te word asof ek ‘n rondloper dier is. Jammer Bulletin as dit oor my gaan! Nee, dit gaan nie oor ‘n enkele persoon (u) nie, maar oor die neiging by deelnemers om heeltemal van die punt (vraag) af te dwaal en ‘n nuwe debat te begin. Omdat ons nie onbeperkte ruimte in die koerant het nie, moet ons die debat op vrae kort tot die punt hou — Redakteur Adri Giliomee amal praat net daar word tog op
die einde van die dag niks gedoen nie ek was ook n slagoffer gewees! Mans maak net wat en hoe hulle wil! Joey White Belstead Sal nie help nie dis mos “Tradition” dat vroue en kinders onderdruk moet word! Hoppie Herbert Not murch wew can do, Govement must minimise the building of taverns in our area’s nd the justice system must do away with bail for people abusing children nd women because they can. Erika Faurie soms kan vroue ook baie lelik en ongeskik wees, onthou dit, n vrou moet soos n vrou optree Amanda Strydom Jy is reg Erika maar soms word jy nie toegelaat om soos een op te tree veral as jy gekrap word en die waarheid word verdraai om ander te pas Bernard Nel Respek. Doen aan ander wat jy aan jouself gedoen wil he. Amanda Strydom Bernard dan moet ek hom ‘n taai klap gaan gee!
Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.
The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.
skis). So die handelsaktiwiteite neem toe, maar daar is ‘n slegte verskil. Die handel bestaan net tussen twee van die drie partye. Die een party ontvang nooit enige geld nie. Hy/hulle skenk, onwetend dat daar ‘n skenking gemaak gaan word, die fiets of ponie, die tweede partye verkoop dit dan aan die derde party. Nee, maar dit is dan mos diefstal, sê die skenkers. Einste. Maar terwyl hieroor ge-hanna-hanna word, ly mense verliese.Die mense hoor nou dit is nie net die skenkers wat hanna-hanna nie, by die polisie word daar ook ge-hannohanno...
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie!
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
• Die skool se mense kyk nou of die kerk se mense nie met ‘n geldjie kan help nie. Nou nie eintlik ‘n geldjie nie; eintlik ‘n tamelike groot geld. Met al die Nkandla-gelde en die ander miljarde wat op die verkeerde maniere in die verkeerde sakke beland, tot frustrasie van die belastingbetalers van die land, het die waardebesef van geld natuurlik erg verflou. Maar ‘n miljoen is vir ons
Keeping the Dream alive in Tzaneen Keep the Dream 196, or KTD196, is a Tzaneen-based organisation helping make youngsters’ dreams come true by providing support and care, particularly for orphans, caregivers and vulnerable children. KTD work in areas where communities are under extreme pressure from unemployment, lack of healthcare, growing poverty and high rates of HIV/Aids infections. The training programme also helps children develop their self-discipline and team work skills and introduces first aid. Many children are their families’ sole breadwinners, after parents have succumbed to the illness, or have travelled to look for work. “We work with orphans and vulnerable children in particular,” says Ms Louise Batty, one of the organisation’s founders. She is a professional nurse employed by the Department of Health and was seconded to a local home-based care organisation in Tzaneen. “These children enter the programme with low self-esteem, [low] self-confidence and a hopeless outlook towards life. Seeing all of this change quickly as the kids progress
Tel: 015 307 3703 15 Letaba Boulevard, Tzaneen
Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
projects, training caregivers and children in communication and leadership skills. It also tackles reproductive health, teaches caregivers and children about their legal rights and responsibilities, and facilitates group therapy developing “circles of support” with the children. The three-year KTD196 Food for Life training programme teaches young people how to harvest water, to make compost and cook, practise subsistence farming, and marketing and basic bookkeeping. Other projects: training caregivers and children in communication and leadership skills, helping children to develop their selfdiscipline and team work skills, first aid, remedial classes for those who have had to drop out of school to care for younger siblings or sick family members, helping families apply for social grants, and helping older children apply for scholarships and bursaries by providing access to information and computers. Information on KTD: Contact Louise Batty on 074 274 2080.
through the programme is awe-inspiring. They become so confident and purpose-filled in their outlook and their actions.” KTD196 took off in 2003 when a Choice Trust focus group, comprising 180 home-based care volunteers, expressed concerns over problems facing the orphaned and vulnerable children in their villages in the north of Limpopo. Batty, with primary school teacher Elizabeth Mabuza, laid the organisation’s foundations, with thirteen girls participating in their initial programme. By the end of the year they had managed to train fifty new volunteers and had more than a thousand kids in the programme. “We have been in existence for ten years in November; we started with thirteen girls and now we have 2 456 children in 91 different sites around Greater Tzaneen Municipality,” says Batty. “We see the impact of our work every day and it is so encouraging to see these kids go on to become contributing members of society after overcoming so much.” The organisation runs a number of
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels
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Baie Dankie!
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).
gewone mense nogal baie geld en of die kerk se lidmate tevrede gaan wees, want boerderysake lyk tans maar bedroewend, wel “that remains to be seen”... • Daar’s ‘n huis in Mpumalanga waar die bure gedink het dit is ‘n motorfietshandelaar. Dan’s daar ‘n huis in Pretoria. En dan’s daar die huis in Tzaneen. Benewens die motorfietse is daar ook waterponies (jet
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We welcome the Premier’s assurance — Page 6
6 December 2013
Debunking the myths
Die SAVF-kleuterskool in Tzaneen het hul Kerskonsert gehou, met bypassende kostuums en selfs ‘n kameel, ‘n donkie en ‘n paar skape uit karton vir die dekor. Die spannetjie het omtrent
keel opgesit toe hulle vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar ‘n trampolien van die eienaar van Misty Silver Spur, mnr Riaan Heine en sy vrou Bessie, as geskenk ontvang het.
Die Toerisme-inligtingsentrum in Tzaneen is op die beste ‘n wit olifant. Die dak is onlangs vervang en die stoep is reggemaak. Maar dit bly ‘n oogseer met ‘n onversorgde tuin en rommel wat gereeld daar gelaat en vir dae nie verwyder word nie.
God’s Haven het nuwe sentrumbestuurder
Me San-Marie Grobbelaar (50) is as die nuwe sentrumbestuurder van God’s Haven in Tzaneen verwelkom, nadat Me Valerie Niemandt, haar voorganger, verhuis het. Grobbelaar en haar man, past Paul Grobbelaar, het ses maande gelede van Witrivier na Tzaneen verhuis. In Witrivier was hulle betrokke by die Africa School of Missions met sendingwerk. Past Grobberlaar is nou by die Lighuis-gemeente in Premierpark betrokke. Me Grobbelaar het met die soeke na iets by God’s Haven aangesluit en voel dat dit tot haar bediening bydra. Haar mikpunt is om die naam van God’s Haven verder bekend te maak, mense betrokke te kry en die gedagte te plant van “daar is altyd plek hier”, sê sy. Sy verwys na haarself as die moeder van ‘n groot huishouding — met baie liefde en aandag aan die dag gelê. Daar woon sowat twintig bejaardes in God’s Haven. Grobbelaar bedank die gemeenskap vir al die skenkings en vir hul oop harte jeens God’s Haven en Tzaneen se senior burgers.
“Is there malaria?” is the question on every stranger’s lips visiting Limpopo or the Kruger National Park. This coupled with the recent spate of malaria cases in Limpopo led to the Malaria Institute in Tzaneen. This was followed up by a statement released by Media Liaison Officer, Adele van der Linde, at Limpopo Department of Health. The once killer seasonal disease was rampant in Limpopo more than a century ago. When gold was discovered in Limpopo, prospective gold diggers arrived in droves falsely believing the gold ridge to be a continuation of the reef mania. Many died of malaria. They thought the disease was spread by a yellow-barked indigenous tree that they then aptly named Fever Tree. So they settled in the Haenertsburg area, where neither Fever Tree nor malaria reigned. A total of 132 malaria cases were reported in September and 34 in October (until the 21st) this year in Limpopo. The cases were from Musina, Mutale and Thulamela muONDER: Dansers, oud en jonk, van dansskole in Tzaneen het in die afgelope tyd hul dansers se passies vertoon en wenners aangewys. Hier is ‘n spannetjie van Linda Pienaar Dansakademie. • Volgende week meer foto’s en info hieroor.
nicipalities in Vhembe, Greater Giyani and Ba-Phalaborwa and Maruleng in Mopani. The Department of Health says delay in seeking treatment will result in death. The symptoms are headaches, body pains, fever and vomiting. The Department of Health is half way through its annual indoor residual insecticide spray programme. Forty-two malaria spray teams are spraying 990,000 high-risk homes. Teams are also visiting the affected communities to raise the awareness of malaria. Tourists visiting malaria high risk areas like Mozambique or Zimbabwe during the summer months, from September to April, should take medication as well as mosquito coils, wash with anti-mosquito soap (obtainable at Oliver Tambo and most pharmacies) and use anti-repellent body sprays. People on chronic medication are not advised to take the anti-malarial tablets. — Susan Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
Tim Maake is still unwanted The SA Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) in Mopani are still unhappy with the alleged lack of administrative skills of the Mopani District Municipality’s manager, Mr Tim Maake. They say Maake failed to claim money from a grant and added that the MDM’s affairs have deteriorated. Samwu still say the MDM should be placed under administration. However, the GTM’s spokesperson, Mr Neville Ndlala, says our reports about Samwu’s action against Maake is because Bulletin doesn’t like Maake and we are making up stories about him. Ndlala regularly insults the Bulletin and our staff when we make enquiries. He clearly has no clue what is expected of an official who is serving the public (who pay his salary).
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CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter
Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
Manhunt follows mob killing The manhunt for a group of residents who were involved in the brutal mob killing of a suspected rapist is still on by the Bolobedu Police. The incident happened in the bushes outside GaMokgwathi village, Bolobedu, when a 12 yearold girl was raped by a 35 year-old man. When the victim screamed for help, members of the community ran out in numbers to help her. The rapist tried to run for his safety, but he was caught by a group of people who assaulted and stoned him until he died.The suspect was identified as Bongani Terrence Mkansi from Makosha village, Giyani. The rape victim is being treated for injuries she sustained during the rape. The SAPS warn people who are taking the law into their own hands that it is illegal.
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Bad incident
Door to door
The unsavoury incident when Police officers allegedly disrupted exams in a bid to arrest students at the Helmeg Academy in Tzaneen last week, is still being investigated. Col Ronel Otto, spokesperson for the SAPS in Limpopo, confirmed that a case of common assault was opened by the principal (Mr Jeffrey Nkuna) against the police officers, led by warrant officer Nelson Mkhwanazi. “A full investigation will be done and when finalised, the docket will be sent to the senior state prosecutor for a decision. Statements from all witnesses are currently being obtained. An internal investigation into the alleged Police misconduct is also ongoing” Otto said.
Letsitele Police together with the Gravelotte joint operation team held a door to door campaign at Mulati and Mafarana villages respectively. The idea was to get an evaluation from the community members on the service which is being rendered by Letsitele police in their respective areas. The communities were visited because of prevalent cases of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Police are said to have conducted informative sessions in a bid to create awareness on criminal hints. Community members are advised to report criminal activities at 015 345 8600.
Consequences Police in Tzaneen have captured 95 culprits for criminal conduct in the past week: six for drunken driving, assault and assault GBH, six were taken in for crimen injuria, urinating in public and prostitution. Three people were held for house breaking and four more for theft, nine people were taken in for robbery, possession of suspected stolen property, malicious damage to property and shop lifting. Seventeen culprits were captured for reckless driving, illegal hunting and contravening the Road Traffic Act and 29 people were held for drinking in public, two for drunkenness and eighteen others for illegal gambling.
Sixty nabbed Letsitele Police have nabbed sixty perpetrators for violating the rule of law: Six for rape, robbery, and assault GBH, 25 for contravening the Road Traffic Act and 25 more for drinking in public. Six more culprits were also nabbed for separate counts of theft, possession of dangerous weapons, dagga, malicious damage to property and for accusing other people of being involved in witchcraft.
Haenertsburg – wanted 007 If you can identify this man, please call the
Diensnommers Service Numbers
6 December 2013
CC 2008/245829/23 Member of ITC COC/530/ERE Category A
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Algemene praktisyns | 015 307 2854 Pharmacy / Apteek | 015 307 1096 34 Peace Street, Tzaneen Werksure Office hours
Maan. - Vry: 08:00 - 17:00 Sat: 08:00 - 12:00 | Son/Sun: 10:30 - 11:30
Search “Laeveldbulletin” Haenertsburg Police immediately, or your nearest Police station. Do not approach him but rather contact your nearest Police or dial the emer-gency number.
Handcuffed Police in Ritavi have handcuffed 37 offenders found to be undermining the rule of law over the past week: 39 offenders were held for assault, assault GBH and house breaking with intent to steal. Five offenders were captured for malicious damage to property, three for contravening the Liquor Act and two others for violating the Road Traffic Act. Four more offenders were apprehended for theft, attempted murder and robbery.
Unlawful dealings Police in Modjadjiskloof have apprehended a group of 66 people for unlawful dealings over the past week. Thirty perpetrators for contravening the Road Traffic Act, the liquor act and for being in possession of dagga were apprehended. Police also caught four perpetrators for theft, three for assault GBH and three others for illegal gambling. Nine perpetrators were taken in on separate counts of murder, illegal hunting and possession of stolen properties, and fourteen were held for possession of dangerous weapons and illegal immigration.
Huldeblyk aan wyle Kerneels & Ilse vd Merwe — Bl 8
6 December 2013
Miss Nkowankowa...
The contestants entering and participating in the Miss Nkowankowa 2013 beauty pageant to be held tomorrow at 17:00 at the Nkowankowa Community Hall posed for us earlier this week. Tickets are sold at R15 at High Point restaurant or at the gate for R20. The show in its third year running has yielded amazing results with one of the previous contestants being a top five finalist in the Miss Limpopo pageant last year. This year Vutomi Tshabalala and Lelo Mkansi are in the Miss Limpopo finalists. Nsovo Shiandlale, Mr Nkowankowa 2012, a pupil at Ben Vorster, is currently in America after winning a Rotary competition that he had entered into. This year the organisers promise a glitz and glamour show with a tropical theme. A true Vantshwa Va Xivono fashion will exceed the levels of the previous year. For more information: Isabel Shimange (organiser) on 072 798 7014. Seen here are Tevin Nghodzweni, Cindy Mabuza, Amukelani Mabuza, Penelope Mathebula, Sonto Ngobeni, Jessica Mukansi, Sasekani Mushwana, Tshuxekani Mongwe and Edith Mongwe. Dr Jan en me Lottie de Jager se jongste dogter, Jana (2006 se hoofmeisie van Ben Vorster)), is met Daniël, enigste seun van Pieter en Rianette Marais van Johannesburg, op die Hermansdal Landgoed in Witbank getroud. Die egpaar gaan in Johannesburg woon. Foto: Annaline van Vreden
Veearts soek groen slange Dr Gert Kruger, veearts van Tzaneen wat ook veral bekend is dat hy baie met wilde diere werk, doen navorsing oor die voorkoms van groen mambas. Hy vra dat enige groen slang wat mense teëkom —, moontlik eerder dood as lewendig, want die goed kan gevaarlik wees — by sy spreekkamer in Grensweg afgegee word.
Headman in hot water over sale of RDP houses Residents of Morapalala Village in Ward 1 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality are up in arms with their headman, Ngwako Mathekga, whom they accused of selling government RDP houses meant for the poor. They said since the year 2004, Mathekga had manipulated every government housing and sanitation project in order to favour certain families and individuals who are related to, or had no issues against him. Some members of community said he would chase them away or refuse to assist them whenever they need royal assistance. The situation unfolded in the past three
weeks when a group of angry young people decided to summon the induna and members from different committees in the village to give their financial accounts for inspection. This after the community realized that there were allegedly financial misappropriations. According to Mr Mokgobathe Malabela, the youth are tired because a lot of money for community projects is misused by the headman and some members of committees. He said the youth want every committee to be transparent and give financial statements every end of the year. — Michael Sakuneka michael@bulletin.us.com
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6 6 December 2013
Our Opinion Friday 06 December 2013
Thanks, Mr Premier It came as quite a surprise to many, when the Premier of Limpopo notified the AgriLetaba community that he would like to meet with them. The new Premier has clearly shown his hand in a couple of affairs and situations. That he is prepared to meet with all people and not only with his party followers is a certain sign of political maturity. Equally so is his attitude towards farming and food production to be commended. The assurance from him that he would never allow landgrabs in the province is also commendable and sure to be welcomed. He should be forgiven for arriving late with his entourage, since we realise that there are still one or two stop and go’s in Magoebaskloof! We sincerely hope that the relationship which was cemented on Wednesday will last and that more such meetings will be held in the future. It is a pity that, at least as far as could be gathered, the invitations to the meeting were sent to a smallish group of people. One look at the invitation list was enough to make one wonder why a more representative sample of small, medium and big farmers could not have been invited. The big farmers were shining in their absence and that is another cause for concern. Hopefully things will be organised better next time.
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The Message Rev Ron Reiners We have entered the “silly season”, December is the season when we consider what we must spend. Christmas presents for all, what we are going to eat on Christmas day, if we are going to go on holiday and all that jazz. Spend, spend, spend.
In the Christian calendar December is the start of Advent. Advent starts on the Sunday closest to the 30th November and last until the 24th of December. What does Advent mean? It is the preparation for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Now one might argue that Jesus came some 2000 years ago, so why must we prepare for His birth? Advent is a time we should spend in spiritual preparation for His second coming, once again this can be considered as His birth, for God in His mercy sent Jesus to save us all. As a follower of Christ we should be ready to celebrate His return. Now this does not mean just going to church every Sunday, especially on Christmas day, but that we are true followers of Christ. We need to obey Him in all we do and say, every day, always. The crux of obeying is in loving others just as He loves us. This is problematic, as how can we love those who have harmed us, those who have committed crimes which we abhor? Jesus loved every-one but hated their actions, it is the actions we should abhor and not the persondifficult. God will come again and when He comes will we be the ones He chooses? Or will we be the ones left behind? Are you ready for His second coming or will you wait until it is too late? Brothers and sisters, let us all this Advent prepare ourselves spiritually, for His coming, Let us put Christ back into Christmas. Blessings
6 December 2013
“We love our job”
Today we introduce another interesting couple in Bulletin’s exclusive series about young entrepreneurs/achievers. Our Annemieke Maritz interviewed Billy and Minette McKechnie, the new owners of Kings Walden. Talk to Annemieke on 015 307 7248 or write to her at annemieke@bulletin.us.com if you have a comment or suggestion. The Royal Couple of Kings Walden, Billy (33) and Minette (30) McKechnie, are originally from Pretoria where they met, grew up and studied. Minette has a BA Communication and Politics degree which she obtained through the University of Pretoria. Billy has a diploma in Culinary Art and Hotel Management (course of City and Guilds) which he did through Centurion Academy. They have been close friends for nineteen years; they eventually got engaged and moved to Botswana. They worked at a five star lodge at one of the concessions, Jao Reserve in the Okavango-Delta, for two years as concession managers. While still in Botswana they decided to start a family. They felt their location was wrong for this, but didn’t quite know where to move to. One thing they knew for certain was that it wasn’t going to be a city lifestyle. “We wanted a happy, natural environment without the haste and pace of the city”, says Minette. They got married in 2011 and welcomed their son, William, into the world only five months ago. Next thing they heard from dear friends that Kings Walden was for sale. They looked into it and in July 2012 they moved to Tzaneen as the new business owners of this Boutique hotel and restaurant.
Billy has been in the hospitality industry his whole life and Minette joined in almost four years ago. What they love most about their job is to work at Kings Walden, a very inviting and beautiful scenic place and that they can spend time with each other and their son as much as they want. Minette’s responsibility is seeing to all the things associated with back of house (marketing, bookings, administration, payments, etc.). Since William has been born her sister, Leoni, has been helping with the back of house at Kings Walden. As for Billy, he is taking on the role of front of house and as chef. On top of all that Billy and his sisters own a restaurant, Ciao-Italian Mediterranean kitchen and has recently started a new business venture — farming with Macadamias. He also sees to his own vegetable garden. “Never thought I will be a gardener, but I have fallen in love with it”, he says. To them both consistency of standard is a very important factor in the challenging industry they find themselves in. “Delivering
the best food and service at Kings Walden”, Billy adds. Minette lets me in on a little secret; they import their meats, such as fish and duck. The meat arrives in Tzaneen on ice and only gets frozen once to insure the best taste. Furthermore everything is fresh; from fruit juice, to greens and meats. Minette refers to Billy and herself as very intertwined with one another and enjoy each other’s company very much. Billy enjoys pin shooting when he has the chance and Minette likes to exercise often. At Kings Walden they cater for everyone that wants to escape to the beauty of nature. They offer picnic baskets, a fantastic cocktail menu and ever so often do wine tastings with wellknown wine experts. Their clientele consists of 80% foreigners. From the age of eighteen years Billy has been dreaming about owning his own lodge and doing a bit of farming. It seems that Billy is not just dreaming about it anymore, but actually living his dream. “I wake up, feeling excited to go to work”, says Billy.
Minette on the other hand was dreaming about marrying Billy, she laughs (I guess she is also living her dream). “My dreams have changed a lot since having William— now it is all about family”, she says. Minette says that in the beginning the challenge was making it. “Working together for sixteen hours a day, we were either going to make it or kill each other.” They laugh with a sigh: “Luckily we made it.” The challenge now is to gain knowledge and experience in both winning and failing. Loose a lot to gain a lot is the motto that Billy carries around. The key lies in what you are doing with your win or fail…”Get up and try again until you achieve,” says Billy. Their parents are a big inspiration to them, although they like to do their own thing. Billy describes his business partner and wife as the ‘boss’; and Minette chuckles and says that Billy is a real character — an entertainer. What is your secret to success I asked? Billy answered with “What defines success, because success is different for everyone.” Billy uses the following example: “It might seem that a person is successful but at the end of the day people want bigger and better as time goes by.” The three musketeers (McKechnies) are happily living their dream — one for all and all for one.
6 December 2013
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Heli donated to KNP to combat poaching support the park, but that other parties too should join in to boost the efforts that are already in place. “Now the time has come for every corporation in South Africa to follow our lead and dig deep and look at what they can provide to help win this war,” he said. Meanwhile SANParks’ CEO, Dr David Mabunda, welcomed the donation, saying the Gazelle would help bolster the park’s efforts for fighting poaching. “Rhino poaching as you understand it… is an understatement. We are in a state of war and in a war, you don’t deploy broomsticks and knobkerries. For too long the poachers have been pointing the middle finger at us because they owned the night. Things have changed; we will now own the night,” he said. Mabunda added that although the population of the rhinos in the park has been reduced to fewer than 10 000, it could have been worse if it weren’t for the efforts that were in place in the park. “Given the statistic of more than 200 incursion a month, we would have lost many by now since the poaching started in 2008. When you convert those incursions into successful missions by poachers we would be losing between 200 and 250 rhinos a month,” he said.
Met soete herinnering Kerneels van der Merwe
Gesprekke met Kerneels die afgelope 23 jaar. Elke Woensdag maak ek tyd om net alleen met Ilse deur te bring. Sy (Ilse het groen vingers (alles wat sy plant, groei). Sy is my beste vriend en staan my altyd by. Na die afsterwe van my hond in 2007 gaan gesels ek met Kerneels. Kerneels, ek sit al ‘n week in sak en as en huil oor my hond. Hy bel sy dogter Rezl: “Pa vra jou nou mooi, jy het reeds vyf honde; gee asseblief vir tannie Regina jou klein hondjie, sy sal hom mooi oppas. Ag asseblief, my kind.” Vandag hardloop Charlie Brown ons werf vol, ‘n lewende getuie van die goedheid in wyle Dr Kerneels van der Merwe se sagte hart. Kerneels se liefde taal: omgee vir diere, behandeling van diere. Daar is so baie mense in Tzaneen wat saam met hierdie brief kan en sal getuig oor die “die goedheid en omgee van sy goeie hart en geaardheid”.
Aan ‘n besonderse man en vrou wat liefdespore in ons gemeenskap nagelaat het. Ek weet nie watter uur of verredag jul lewe stil in Tzaneen se gemeenskap ingevloei en ingesink het nie. Al sal die jare in hul seker gang ons ver verwyder, julle anders of selfs vreemd laat word (die dood) niks kan ons ooit weer laat vergeet (elkeen wat ‘n pad met hulle gestap het sal die gedig van Ernst van Heerden, Herinnering, self voltooi met ervarings wat julle met hierdie goeie mense gedeel het). Ilse en Kerneels van der Merwe, julle en Tzaneen se gemeenskap het voorwaardelik Agape liefde (onvoorwaardelike liefde) volgens 1 Korinthiërs 13 gedeel. (Dankie, Ds Johan Botha). Ons dank God vir julle lewens. Rus in vrede. Amen Naskrif: Johannes 15:1 — Ek is die ware wingerstok en my Vader die boer. Ilse is nou daar by die GROOT TUINIER! So bly vir jou, Ilse. Lukas 15:20 — Toe hy nog ver aankom, het sy pa hom al gesien en hom innig jammer gekry. Kerneels, so was jy in jou spreekkamer met die diere. Nou is jy by die God van genade so bly vir jou.
Ilse van der Merwe
Die sagte glans van ware pêrels is ‘n stiller skoonheid, waardevol en baie sagter as ‘n blink diamant. Dit was sy Ilse van der Merwe, Kerneels se beste vriend en vertroueling. Ons het haar orals gesien, gebukkend in tuine, hard aan die werk met haar span. ‘n Ware voorbeeld vir die mense wat vir haar gewerk het. “Ek skree nie bevele uit nie; kyk, ek doen saam met julle, alles wat ek verwag julle moet doen”. Wat ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n werkgewer! ‘n Diamant skoonheid in ‘n vrou, sag en aangenaam op die oog en oor soos die maan se sagte strale: Voorbeeld: diamante-skoonheid = Dr Erika Coertzen. Voorbeeld: pêrelskoonheid = Karin du Plessis. My laaste gesprek met Ilse was tydens hospitalisasie. “Regina, ek kan nie verder gesels nie, die dokter het so pas ingestap.” Ilse, is hy darem jonk en mooi? Vra hom of hy soms after shave op sy knieë spat. Sy bars uit van die lag en sê vir die laaste keer totsiens. Terg haar so bietjie om die skerp reuk van ontsmettingsmiddel in die hospital te versag. Laat haar lag om die alleenstryd van kanker vir ‘n oomblik te vergeet.
The Gazelle helicopter that has been donated to KNP, although modified to suit a civilian environment, boasts advanced technology that enables the operators to spot poachers at night. It has a maximum speed of 310 km/h with a range of 670 km per tank and a service ceiling of 5 000 meters which boosts its surveillance coverage. It is the favourite in the combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Speaking at the handover Ivor Ichikowitz the Foundation’s chairman, said Poachers were not just common criminals but highly trained Special Forces. “These people own the night, and this is why most rhinos are poached at night,” he said, adding that one cannot own the night using civilian equipment. “No matter how many civilian helicopters or aircraft you have, you cannot own the night without advanced equipment.” He said the park was in the midst of a terrible conflict, which “has turned into a high intensity war” needed to be counteracted with special equipment. “With the deployment of the Gazelle, SANParks now has the opportunity to take these poachers at night when they are most dangerous,” he went on saying the foundation would continue to
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Vir al ons kliënte wat ons deur die jaar ondersteun het ‘n baie geseënde Kerstyd en baie voorspoed vir 2014. Build it Tzaneen 015 307 7168 | Letaba Crossing 087 944 4328 Letsitele 015 345 1491
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6 December 2013
6 December 2013
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Tito clinches another deal
sukkel uit Tzaneen Limpopo se skole het Woensdag amptelik gesluit, maar derduisende handboeke vir volgende jaar moet nog by etlike skole afgelewer word. Die depot in Tzaneen vanwaar die boeke versprei word, was dié week nog dag en nag besig om vragte te ontvang en te versend. Groot maatskappye het die boeke hierheen vervoer, waarna dit aan plaaslike subkontrakteurs uitgedeel word, om dit by skole te gaan aflewer.
Die sperdatum was vandag, maar die pakhuis is nog propvol kartonne met boeke. Intussen kla omliggende sakelui om die pakhuis in die ou nywerheidsgebied dat die wagtende subkontrakteurs en hul helpers die sypaadjies met papiere, plastiek en ander rommel bemors (foto regs onder), én swaar trokke draai in die straat voor die pakhuis en vernietig die plaveisel op die sypaadjies. Langs die pakhuis het ‘n groot stapel stukkende Die besendings kom op trokke wat netjies met seile bedek en waterdig is, maar worde dan op kartondose gelê. Dit oop trokke gesmyt (nie gelaai nie) en na skole kilometers ver vervoer. In die reënseisoen is dit is volgens ooggetuisoos ‘n ongeluk wat ‘n plek soek om te gebeur. es kartonne wat van die subkontrakteurs se voertuie afgeval en gebreek het. Die boeke daarin is dan net so los opgelaai voor die voertuig na sy bestemming vertrek het. Die man in beheer van die aflewerings, mnr Robert Ritsen, was met ons besoek aan die perseel nie beskikbaar nie. Hy was glo met amptenare in Polokwane in gesprek.
One of Tzaneen’s most famous sons, Mr Tito Mboweni, will be expanding his listed company portfolio on December 12 when Accelerate Property Fund, of which he is chairman, makes its JSE debut. Recently formed, the retail propertyfocused fund is in the process of raising R2 billion through
the private placement of 480 million shares. Almost 90% of the cash has already been committed by investors with the balance secured through an R300m underwriting agreement. Accelerate has 51 properties in a portfolio valued at R5,9 billion with just over a third invested in the Fourways Mall, north of Sandton. M b o w e n i said: “We are excited by the listing on the JSE and have been extremely encouraged by the interest and support
shown by investors.” This is his latest business venture since leaving his Governorship of the SA Reserve Bank. Mboweni is currently chairman of SA-based global gold mining company, AngloGold Ashanti Limited, and non-executive chairman of Nampak Ltd, Africa’s largest packaging company and energy prospector Sacoil. He is also an international advisor to Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banks based in New York.
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Die Wysneusie-kleuterskool in Tzaneen verras elke jaar ouers en vriende van die skool met ‘n jaareind-konsert. Vanjaar was die tema “Skepping en Herwinning.” Bo is die kinders en hul
6 December 2013
toesighouers en leermeesters tydens die opvoering en links is ‘n klompie van die kinders op een van die speelapparate. Kontak Leonie Loots by 082 372 2153 vir besonderhede oor die skool.
6 December 2013
6 December 2013
Wisani’s beautiful new face Classy reception area welcomes clients.
Service kiosks allows personal contact with clients when making funeral arrangements.
The Head Office (also the first and oldest branch) of Wisani Burial Society has moved to its new and spacious state-of-the-art building on the corner of Agatha Street and the Old Gravelotte Road in Tzaneen. It is a beautiful modern two storey building with a large reception area on ground level, a flower shop and a coffee shop called Take a Break, where customers can relax. The branch manager, Ms Helene dos Ramos, says the directors aimed at creating a “feel at home” atmosphere in the design of the new facility. Upstairs are spacious offices where the company’s administration work is done. Wisani was established in 1995 by Kobus and Maatje Venter, to give an affordable funeral service to the population in the rural areas of Limpopo and Mpumalanga. It has since grown to thirteen branches from Polokwane to Graskop. The company employs 365 people, of which 52 are in Tzaneen. Another branch is planned for Lydenburg in the near future. Wisani’s main goal is to bring an outstanding
Branch manager Helene dos Ramos
service to its clients, but also to create jobs and uplift the standards of its employees to a higher level. The offices and branches are linked with a sufficient computer network whereby member details are available at any given time. The company is self-sufficient and manufacture its own coffins and cross plates. It also has a fully equipped mechanical workshop with qualified staff to service the fleet of vehicles. It provides a 24 hour service and has staff members at all mortuary branches — ready to do a collection of the deceased at any time. Losing a family member is an extremely emotional experience. An untrustworthy funeral supplier can turn an already sad situation into a disaster for the bereaved family. Wisani’s people say they are working towards helping the family the best they can in times of need. • The new building features many unique elements and it is worth a visit to experience the special atmosphere and the amazing décor.
Receptionists Lerato Mahasha, Millicent Sebopetsa and Rose Khosa.
Baie geluk Wisani met die pragtige nuwe gebou. Baie dankie dat julle van ons dienste gebruik gemaak het.
Baie geluk Wisani met die groot mylpaal! Full Colour Work
Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.
Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111
015 307 4044
Flower shop manager Johanna Rabutla
A flowershop is a wonderfule and practical addition to the variety of services on offer at Wisani.
Funeral arrangements are done by Mr Codesa Masete, Ms Mary Raphela and Mr Silas Raphela.
Welgedaan Wisani
Build it Tzaneen - 015 307 7168 Letaba Crossing - 087 944 4328 Letsitele - 015 345 1491 bulletin8985bi131229wb
Ons bedank graag alle lokale besighede, die gemeenskap en ander rolspelers vir al die oproepe, briefies en ruikers met die opening van ons nuwe perseel.
Hv Sapeko & Claude Wheatley, Tzaneen
Baie geluk Wisani welgedaan
Baie Dankie
Liezl 082 893 3130 bulletin8986fp131206wb
Baie geluk Wisani met die pragtige perseel
6 December 2013
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Special Feature
Our man Eddie is new champion! Eddie geared to go!
Eddie Simpson, our local champ!
The Tzaneen based Simpson Motors Rally Team, with driver Eddie Simpson and his national navigator Henry Dearlove, are the new Northern Regions rally champions in their class for 2013! The final round of the championship for 2013 was held on very wet and slippery farmlands around Heidelberg and Alberton last Saturday. A very enjoyable and successful rally was organised by the Sports Car Club (SCC) East
Rand. This rally was the final rally of the year to determine who had won the championship in various classes. Simpson Motors Rally Team, Simpson and Dearlove with service crew of Louis Menge and Nicolaas Jordaan from S&J Auto entered the rally in their (1400 cc) S1 Opel Corsa. The area where they had to race had received more than 100 mm rain the previous day, which made driving conditions rather difficult, said
Some of the spectacular shots depicting Eddie in full force on the slippery and wet red gravel of Heidelberg and Albberton. Photos: David Ledbitter
Ex-navigator, Marco Lottering, showing the winning finger in a previous rally.
Eddie. “ For the first time in our fourteen years of rallying we experienced problems with our gearbox during the second last stage. We then unfortunately had no second gear during the final stage. We eventually finished third in class to win the championship in the 1400 cc class by one point!” S&J Auto prepared the car before the race. • Well done, Eddie, old chap!
Commercial News
Tzaneen is in for the high jump Ilse Pieterse (27) and her husband David moved to Tzaneen from Polokwane in 2005. While working for David’s business, BF Distributors, Ilse followed her passion for horses that began in her early teens, when her mother sent her to a pony camp called Divine Stables in Polokwane and bought her first horse called Sir George. In Tzaneen Ilse moved from private yard to private yard and did freelance instructing. She got Shelly, a school pony, for the children as it’s easier to teach kids to ride a pony. Ilse says that they find horses formidable. She stopped lessons three years ago, “I didn’t have time. I was riding three times a week and working for David. That’s when I began dreaming of my own yard.” “David is the brains and the bank. He’s very supportive and has always let me follow my passion. He doesn’t get on the horses but looks after them. He said that building a private yard just for me wasn’t worth it. His idea was to find land, develop it, give lessons and rent out stables. I didn’t want to make my hobby my work, so I decided to get this yard going and then let someone else take over.” In July this year the foundation for the Tzaneen Equestrian Centre was laid. The couple bought a 4 ha property outside Tzaneen on the R71 towards Phalaborwa. They employed professionals like architect Robin McIntosh from Magoebaskloof for the structural designs and a Johannesburg draftsman to design the show jumping arena. There are now ten occupied stables, ten children in the riding school, a well appointed club house
Bulletin closes for the holidays on 20 December 2013 and opens again on 6 January 2014.
Bulletin sluit vir die vakansie op 20 Desember 2013 en open weer op 6 Januarie 2014.
and a natural little dam where the children play with the ponies. Besides Shelly there are also two ponies on loan from Anni Wolff from Magoebaskloof. The show jumping arena was a major expense as 300 tons of special silica sand was trucked in from Brits. Without silica sand the arena can stay waterlogged for up to three weeks in the rainy season. Besides silica sand, there had to be sufficient slope, compaction and drainage. Revil Stables in Polokwane and Blouberg Ryskool are the only other show jumping arenas in Limpopo. More stables and a paddock will be built and completion of the Centre is estimated at ten years. The Centre also plans to start a free community project for special needs children. The instructor taking over from Ilse is her long time friend, peer and fellow rider Bernardo van Heerden. “B”, as Bernardo’s affectionately known, is from Hoedspruit. His love for horses began at 12 when he lived with his parents near the Hoedspruit Air Force Base stables. He met Ilse at a show fourteen years ago, worked in a Middelburg yard and then studied part time at Beaulieu College in Johannesburg, whilst giving riding lessons and managing stables to finance his studies. Two years later he qualified as a Sandef (South African National Equestrian Federation) Level One instructor. B has a young horse called Doxalight. Ilse and David were slightly delayed for our interview as both had been with baby catcher, Dr Gary Middelton, discussing the imminent birth
6 December 2013
of their first child, a baby girl. Dr Middelton had advised Ilse that the first three months were crucial for the baby’s well being. So Ilse decided to take no chances and also stopped riding in the last two months. Shirley Schriven from Letsitele, an ex A-grade show jumper like Ilse, comes to the Tzaneen Equestrian Centre twice a week to school Ilse’s two show jumping horses, Gaetano and Brandenburg Seychelles. Ilse laughingly says, “Seychelles is in foal just like her mum.” A stallion, Rendement (from Germany), had represented SA in the world equestrian games. Looking through all possible matches Ilse decided Rendement had the best genes for Seychelles’ offspring. She says he’s got an impeccable bloodline, is an excellent show jumper and well tempered. As the mare was too small for the large stallion Seychelles was inseminated. The procedure, involving Rendement mounting a phantom mare, took place at the Equine Fertility Clinic under vet Carl de Bruin. There were four unsuccessful inseminations in April. However, in September a successful insemination took place and Ilse has a scan of the foal at 45 days and it’s due in October next year. Ilse has high hopes for the foal and says, “This foal is my Derby prospect”.
Susan Ettmayr
Merry Wishes to all!
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6 December 2013
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Trek saam Onder leiding van die Bloedrivier-Geloftefeeskomitee is daar van Maandag af tot Donderdag ‘n trek met drie Voortrekkerwaens vanaf Wasbank tot by Bloedrivier, ter herdenking van die Groot Trek. Daarna span die waens by die Bloedriviermonument uit vir drie dae, tot Geloftedag op 16 Desember. By elke uitspanning sal geleef en gewerskaf word op ‘n wyse om tipiese voortrekkerlewe te vertoon (foto links bo). Die Carolus Tregardtwa van Tzaneen is gereed gekry vir die trek. Dié kakebeenwa is ‘n noukeurige replika van ‘n egte Bloedrivierwa en is in 1988 vir die herdenking van Groot Trek 150 by Tzaneen gebou. As mense saam by Bloedrivier wil kom deelneem: daar is ‘n behoorlike kampterrein met geriewe. Om met die trek saam te beweeg met u eie voertuig, is ook moontlik. Kontak mnre Boetman Duminy by 083 659 3843 of Frans Schutte by 083 375 5198.
Councillor ignores streets Residents of Shihoko village outside Tzaneen are reported to be furious with the current terrible state of the streets in their area. Ward councillor Maria Mola is accused of having turned a blind eye to streets. People say it has become common knowledge that community services are only rendered when it suits the councillor. One of the residents said that “the only time we see a grader fixing the streets we know a funeral is to be held.”. Mola is fighting for her third term in office and is also accused of giving preferential services to ANC members only. The branch treasurer of the DA in the area, Mr Tiyani Shibambu, said that “the councillor is supposed to be serving all the people despite their affiliations or groupings”. Attempts to get Mola’s comments on the allegations were unsuccessful. — Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
Ms Sarah Motshoane went on an all inclusive cruise to the Portugese islands on the MSC Opera luxury cruise liner, compliments of Oasis Water, Tzaneen. Motshoane won the cruise for being a regular Oasis Water refill client and after she had entered their in-store national refill client competition. She said the cruise was an awesome experience and she thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.
Visit www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news
Gaan saam aanbid
Die NG Kerk Wolkberg sal op Kersdag ‘n gesamentlike Kersdiens met Tzaneen hê by die Tzaneen-gemeente. TORGA’S LATEST TECHNOLOGY Die Kersdiens sal om 08:30 gehou word. Op 31 Desember sal daar ook nie ‘n Torga Optical @ Tzaneng Mall • 015 307 2299 • tzaneen@torgaoptical.co.za tradisionele midderEYE TEST R150* nagdiens in Wolk2 COMPLETE PAIRS - Frame and Lenses for you or berg-gemeente wees SINGLE VISION from R950* share with a nie, maar wel ‘n gesafriend High Definition Digital mentlike diens by die MULTIFOCALS from R2700* Tzaneen-gemeente. *Terms and conditions apply Die Oujaarsdiens sal FREE SUNGLASS TINT - on one pair om 18:30 begin.
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6 December 2013
Mr Arnold and Ms Terssia de Wet.
It’s summertime and in the hot and humid days the swimming pool is the best place to be. If not well kept though, the pool can be a headache and a source of frustration for the whole family. A new shop opened in the Oasis Mall (in September) which will take care of all those problems at once. Pools@Home is a one stop shop with a complete range of products and equipment for garden pools of all sizes and shapes. With the logo “Perfectly Priced Professionals” the shop offers a series of services
New kids on the pool block...
to give you a hassle-free swimming pool for the rest of summer. This include monthly services, a once-off cleaning of problematic pools, filter services, pump and motor repairs, safety net, salt water chlorinators installations, professional water testing and expert advice. They also offer the installa-
Expert pool assistance offered
Waterwell 1.5kg Chlorine Feeder FOR ONLY
tion of heat pumps and solar panels. Pools@Home is part of a new franchise and is run by branch manager Arnold de Wet and his wife Tersia. They do not install/build pools, but they have listed pool contractors and are well stocked with anything needed for a pool. At this stage they concentrate on pool owners in Tzaneen and Modjadjiskloof, but will expand their services as the demand grows. Pool owners are invited to bring a sample of their pool water and receive a free complete water analysis. They are in Shop 15, Oasis Mall, Aqua Park, and can be contacted on 015 307 2552.
Waterwell Sudden Shock 500g FOR ONLY
R29-90 Waterwell 4kg Granular Chlorine 458 FOR ONLY
Kreepy Krauly Sandshark FOR ONLY
6 December 2013
Grandparents are special in so many different ways, Their hearts are filled with love and they brighten up our days. Grandparents are great listeners when we need them to advise, Because they’re always understanding and are truly very wise. Grandparents have great smiles because they’ve been smiling for so long, And they even make us smile when everything is going wrong.
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Events Gebeure
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Annemieke Maritz | E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘13
This week
Modjadjiskloof Unity Walk
Tomorrow (Saturday 7 December) from 09:00. Everyone is welcome to join the peaceful walk (with non-political and Christian banners) through the main street (Botha Street) to the Municipal building. Meeting place: Duiwelskloof Junior School at 09:00. We will pick up litter as we walk. For more information contact Pst Attie at 082 901 2291
Gholfdag more by Orangedene. Almal is welkom. Vir meer inligting kontak Nataniel by 073 486 5067.
Kersverrassing vir die gryses Help om dié Kersfees ‘n verskil te maak aan die lewens van ons senior burgers in God’s Haven. Ons wil vir elke bejaarde, Ouma en Oupa in die versorgingsoord ‘n geskenkpakkie vir Kersdag opmaak en sorg dat ieder en elk die nuwe jaar met ‘n glimlag ingaan!
Geen skenkingsbedrag of item is te klein of te groot nie
Elke geskenkpakkie bevat:
Tandepasta Tandeborsel Waslap (reeds ‘n borg wat elke ouma en oupa se naam op waslappe sal borduur) Badseep Lyfpoeier Handeroom (oumas) Aqua Cream (oupas) Koekies (bv. Lemoen Creams, Marie-beskuitjies, Tennisbeskuitjies, ens) Lekker sagte lekkergoed (Marshmallows, All Sorts, Jelly Babies, ens). Droëvrugte Snesies
Indien jy jou hart wil oopmaak teenoor hierdie “Geskenkpakkieprojek vir GOD’S HAVEN, skakel asseblief Elmarie Jacobs by 082 731 6268 of skryf na elmariejac@ gmail.com, of Juanita Harmse by 082 929 8907 of skryf vir haar by juanitajc@ mweb.co.za, of Marie van Staden by 082 922 2377 of skryf na mangomagic@ vodamail.co.za. Dit is noodsaaklik dat alle skenkings voor 10 Desember ontvang word, sodat dit uitgesoek en geskenkpakkies mooi opgemaak kan word. Tree asseblief met God’s Haven se sekretaris (Henk Mienie by 083 294 1960) in verbinding as jy op enige manier wil betrokke raak — daar is ook verskeie projekte waar vrywilligers kan help. As jy eers die sentrum wil besoek sodat jy eerstehands kan ervaar wat ons doen, is jy meer as welkom. God’s Haven is afhanklik van die welwillendheid en finansiële steun van die publiek en borge! Maak asseblief jou hart oop teenoor geliefde oumas en oupas
Kom trek saam van 9 tot 13 Desember vanaf Wasbank na Bloedrivier — vier dae, 75 km. Lekker volkskultuurprogram saans om die kampvuur met ’n herhaling van die Gelofte elke aand. Verdere feesverrigtings te Bloedrivier vanaf 13 tot 16 Desember. Besoek www.bloedrivier.org vir registrasies en meer. Navrae: Boetman Duminy by 083 659 3843 of Frans Schutte by 083 375 5198.
Round Table
Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.
Support Group The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meet the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise on 0722871022 or Colleen on 0834567970. Herofield aanddiens Sondae 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn by 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. ‘13
Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546 Aksienetbal
Elke Dinsdagaand 18:00-20:00 by die skouterrein. R20/persoon. Dames en mans welkom.
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Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.
Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Nobody does it “SUPA QUICK” and hassle free like SUPA QUICK.
Free tyre insurance on certain bridgestone and all passenger tyres.
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Search “Laeveldbulletin”
6 December 2013
Business directory | Sakegids
Louis Menge Auto (pty)Ltd trading as:
An Absolute Revolution in Body Wrap!
Tel: 015 307 2064 | Tel/Fax: 015 307 7631 Email: louis.menge@yahoo.com 14 Antimony Street, Loretto Park, Tzaneen
All makes
Home care trio - NOW AVAILABLE IN SA!
of vehicles and TRUCKS
Contact: Shenaaz Moosa Cell: 083 678 5790 Tel/Fax: 015 307 4276
59 Boundary Street, Tzaneen • email: boutiqueboundary@gmail.com
Home-made ICE-CREAM in delicious flavours
OVERNIGHT Courier Service
071 360 3630 • 082 227 8641
Labeling on: Water bottles & Juice bottles for weddings, engagements, funerals, birthdays, tombstone unveilings and other functions.
015 307 2504 • 079 296 7414 tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za
For all your personalized labeling contact the experts!
We’ll get you there safely...
Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.
Louis Menge: 083 272 3907
Slim, Firm & Tone - Instantly No mess, No fuss, Lose cm’s, Reduce cellulite, Eliminate toxins, Increase circulation Improve stretch marks, Varicose & Spider veins
6 December 2013
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Job Seeker / Vacancies
Notice is hereby in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA), 28 of 2002, of the intent to carry out the activities, as described below. Given the nature of the project, an Environmental Management Programme procedure will be followed. DMR Reference Number: GME 200/959/25 Name of the proponent Rooiberg Minerals (Pty) Ltd Description of the proposed activity
Driver My name is Willie Mbhobmi I am looking for a driver job I have code ECi 04 with 15 years experience and with PDP (ref: Barry Petersons 071 889 6692) contact me on 073 861 2994 (25) ______________________________
The Buffalo Fluorspar started in the 1970’s and the mining operations involved open cast mining for fluorspar from four opencast pits. The operations included processing facilities through which fluorspar was produced and waste discarded in two tailing disposal facilities. The Buffalo Fluorspar mine was mothballed in 1994. The land and operations were at a later stage sold to Rooiberg Stone which currently operates a crushing and screening operation located on portion 16 whereby waste material is sold to local market as construction material. The Buffalo Fluorspar Mine intends to expand its operations by extracting acid grade and metallurgical grade fluorspar from the existing TSF’s for sale to local and export markets. The East pit will be mined on an open cast basis, recovering fluorspar for treatment at the existing process plant, and aggregate and sand as bye-products.
Location of the Proposed Project
The Buffalo Mine is located on the remainder of the farm Buffelsfontein 347KR approximately 7km North-west of the Mookgophong in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The property is served by good infrastructure (power and water) and is readily accessible. The mine comprise a series of inactive pits, tailings storage facilities (some of which have been partially re-mined), a number of rehabilitated waste dumps and concentrator plant and related infrastructure.
Name of consultant to contact
Asande Projects Consulting and Engineering Contact person: Mr Precious Vilakazi Address: 217 Nupen Crescent, Palms Office Park Midrand 1685 Tel: 011 315 6794 Fax: 0866190460 Email: preciousv@asandeprojects.co.za
Notice of public meeting
A public meeting has been planned as follows: Date: 14 December 2013 Time: 11:00 Location: Panorama Country House, Mookgopong, Portion 41
Date of publication of this notice
My name is Andrew I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 PDP and have grade 10 I can speak English, have 3 years experience in Batlhabine Brickyard as a driver contact me on 072 8610 102 (26) ______________________________
My name is Themba Majozi I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 with PDP contact me on 071 712 6466
(27)___________________________ ____
My name is Walter I am looking for a driver job I have a code 10 with PDP, 5 years experience, I can speak English, full week (ref: Wearcheck Africa company Quntin Ras 013 230 9929 or 082 381 3321) contact me on 076 066 0290
ek is opsoek na ‘n huishoudster werk ek praat Afrikaans 5 dae slaap uit of in skakel 071 743 6350
speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 773 5717
(185) _____________________________
My name is Annikie Mahash I am looking for a domestic work I have 5 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and look after children (ref: Cate 078 681 3231)
My name is Margareth Morerwa I have grade 11 I can speak English I have foodpreperation & cooking, computer literacy looking for domestic work or any general work contact me on 073 0218 742
My name is Phanuel Maswanganyi I am looking for a driver job or general work I have a code 10 licence contact me on 083 956 0886
My naam is Selena Nkwani
(191) _____________________________
(192) _____________________________
(186) _____________________________
My name is Mosa Madikhole Loseilane I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner, general work I can speak English I have Abet level four contact me on 060 461 4191 (187) _____________________________
Joyce Ramaselela is my name I am looking for domestic work I can speak English, I have 3 years experience contact me on 082 452 1760 (188) _____________________________
My name is Suzane Monamedi, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, I can speak Afrikaans and English. Sleep in or sleep out. I have 9 years experience contact me on 083 669 5648 (189) _____________________________
(28) ______________________________
(29) ______________________________
06 December 2013 Registration of IAP’s and submission of comments To ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter in writing to the contact person (s) given above within 14 days of the publication of this advertisement. bulletin9138ap131206dm
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My name is Willhemina I am looking for domestic work I can sleep in or out 5 days a week understand and speak Afrikaans, understand English can cook and look after children contact me on 082 584 7231 (190) _____________________________
My name is Thoko Mabunda I am looking for general work, waitress, receptionist, domestic work 5 days a week I
My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 507 0673 (61) ______________________________
My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV. My name is Rassie I am looking for any general work I have a good CV. Phone me on/ Skakel my op 072 811 9860 (62) ______________________________
My name is Godfrey K. Ramodipa I am looking for any general work for five days a week I speak English I did work at Westfalia contact me on 076 756 3421 (63) ______________________________
My name is Ngwako Glen Mokhomole I am looking for a security job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398 (84) ______________________________
My name is Mogale Mack Letsoalo I am looking for a secu-
rity job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398 (85) ______________________________
My name is Solomon Shai I am looking for some work in merchandising, gardening, helping school children do homework or teaching contact me on 073 399 6584 (86) ______________________________
My name is Melly Makama I am looking for general work, filing system, I can speak English, computer literate or cleaning contact me on 082 048 0300 (87) ______________________________
My name is K.S. Mkgapele I am looking for a general worker, filling system, computer and can speak English I can make copies and faxing documents contact me 079 947 8564 (88) ______________________________
My name is Micheal Seroto, I am looking for a general work, I can speak English and have two years experience Contac me on 073 036 5792 (95) ______________________________
My name is Johannes Shai, I am looking for general work in building, paving, painting, water proofing and carpentry Contact me on 072 568 6604 (96) ______________________________
I am looking for a job as electrical engineer I have N4 N6 I am good in English I also am looking for any job even a shop assistance or a cashier. Contact me on M.F. Letsoalo on 074 961 5056 (89) ______________________________
GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Financial Assistance for Academics 2014 The Mayor of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Her Worship Dikeledi Josephine Mmetle, invites applicants for financial assistance (Bursary scheme) from well-performing matriculants who wish to further their studies at any South African University, University of Technology or FET Colleges. Financial assistance will be awarded to financially needy and academically deserving students who will enrol for their full time first year of study in 2014.
Excellent pass in Grade 12 or Recent Academic Records. Be financially needy( from disadvantaged background). A detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copy of Identity Document. Provisional admission letter or proof of registration. Proof of parent(s)’s / guardian’s income in the last three(3) months.
Send motivation letter with certified copies of ID, proof of residence, Grade 12 Certificate/latest report from school and proof of parent(s)’s / guardian’s income. Complete the application form obtained from municipal offices, office 102, at Tzaneen Civic centre , Thusong service centres, libraries and municipal satellite offices. Previously disadvantaged and designated groupings are encouraged to apply.
All Applications should be forwarded to: 13 December 2013
The Municipal Manager, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 Closing date: 03 January 2014 (Friday) For more information please contact Tiny Ramatseba at 015 307 8007/8004
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Legals GENERAL NOTICE OF 2013 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 294 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorised agents of the registered owner of Remainder of Portion 15 of the farm Doornhoek 535-LT hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of a part of the property described above, situated adjacent to the Deerpark Road, directly adjacent and to the north of Tzaneen X75 from “Agriculture” to “Special” for “Vehicles Sales Lot” and “Commercial” uses with Annexure 168. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 29 November 2013 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 29 November 2013. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J017. Nov505__________________________
ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2013 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 294 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1) (b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar van Gedeelte 15 van die plaas Doornhoek 535-LT gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van
within a period of 28 days from 29 November 2013. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J018.
Date of Death: 2013-05-27 Name of Executor or authorised agent: MOTLOUTSI TEMANA LYDIA Address of Executor: HOUSE NO: 1105 HOME 2 000 KGAPANE, BOLOBEDU DISTRICT
Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 29 November 2013 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing).
MALOKA ATTORNEYS PO BOX 868 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 Maponya/CIV/49/13
Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 29 November 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: OmniPlan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J017 Nov506__________________________
GENERAL NOTICE OF 2013 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 293 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorized agents of the registered owner of Remainder of Erf 120, Tzaneen X2 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the TownPlanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated in Thiem Street, Tzaneen from “Business 4” to “Business 2”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 29 November 2013 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850
Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar van Restant van Erf 120, Tzaneen X2 gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te Thiem straat, Tzaneen vanaf “Besigheid 4” na “Besigheid 2”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 29 Novemnber 2013 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 29 November 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE All persons having claims against the under mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 4350/2013 Master’s Office: POLOKWANE Surname: MOTLOUTSI First Name: MOSERI ELLIOT Date of Birth: 1963-04-05 Identity no: 6304055470082 Last Address: HOUSE NO: 1105 HOME 2 00 KGAPANE, BOLOBEDU DISTRICT
6 December 2013
Property | Eiendomme
die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë aangrensend tot die Deerpark Pad, direk aangrensend en noord van Tzaneen X75 vanaf “Landbou” na “Spesiaal” vir “Motorhandel” en “Kommersiele” gebruike met Bylae 168.
IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NO: LP5685/11 In the matter between: MATLAKALA MS Execution Creditor And 3E TOMAN T/A QUALITY PLANT HIRE Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a Judgment and Writ of execution of the above mentioned Court, a sale in execution of the under mentioned property is to be held without reserve, in SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN on 16th JANUARY 2014 AT 10:00. Goods be sold for only cash to the higher bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer protection act upon instructions from the execution creditor. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the sheriff’s office 1b Peace Street, Tzaneen. The office of the sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bower. 1 X COLT BAKKIE WITH REG NO BSY982L (WHITE) Take note of the following requirements for all prospective buyers: 1. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia 2. Presentation of the sheriff of the following FICA legislation 2.1 Proof of identity and address particulars 2.2 Payment of the registration deposit of R5 000 in cash DATED AT TZANEEN ON THIS THE 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER 2013. (SG) SHIRINDA B.J BALOYI AND SHIRINDA INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF OFFICE NO: 101 – 102, 1ST FLOOR MORGAN BUILDING, 10 MORGAN STREET PO BOX 2975, TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3545 / FAX 086 590 3818 REF: BS0387/11/BJS/HTM
For Sale Te Koop House / Huis Townhouse Private Sale Aquapark Awesome dam view Very neat 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathroom Lock up garage and Carport Dog friendly Very Private R820 000 Contact Ivan 083 458 1651 Or 015 307 6273 Nov505____________
Van der Steenstraat 32 4 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, Studeerkamer, Kombuis, Sitkamer, 2 Motorhuise, Swembad Omhein met elektriese motorhek. Huur – R9 514 pm (Tuin en Swembad dienste ingesluit). W&L uitgesluit. GEEN Honde Kontak Elsa (gedurende kantoorure) by 015-307 7469 om te reël vir besigtiging Des101_________________
To Let Te Huur House / Huis
3 Slaapkamer huis te huur 7km uit dorp. Baie netjiese graniet afwerking, met mooi uitsig. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie. Huur R4750.00. Skakel 082 925 2955 Des108____________
Huis te huur op plaas. Ongeveer 2km op Georges Valley pad 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers Oopplan kombuis, eet- en
Flats / Woonstelle
Studio garden flat to rent: 3 Km from town. Available from 1 December 2013 R2 500 per month plus electricity Deposit required. Please no children and no pets. Contact 082 578 0442
Strelitzia Ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur. R3 900 pm (water en ligte uitgesluit). Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2014. Skakel 082 551 1971 Des109___________
Office / Kantoor
Plot 28 Pompagalana “Bachelor flat” R2 000 pm krag uitgesluit Deposito benodig Beskikbaar Skakel 084 047 0954
KANTORE TE HUUR sentraal 62m² - deel toilette & tee-kombuis. Kontak Koos 0828080810
2 Slaapkamerwoonstel met 1 ½ badkamer te huur teen R3 900 pm Geen troeteldiere. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2014. Sleutel deposito Water en ligte uitgesluit Skakel 083 276 7884 Des106____________
Arborpark 1 bedroom flat R2 500 pm. Water and lights incl. No pets, no smokers. Available – 1st January 2014. Contact 084 580 8177 Des107_____________
Secure store room / Factory Space to let 2 000m² Next to Orangedene Golf Club Close to Nkowankowa Industrial Site Contact Brian 082 300 5040 Nov503_________________
Old Industrial area Offices to let R7 000 pm Available - 1st January 2014. Contact 084 580 8177 Des104____________
Job Seeker / Vacancies Domestic My name is Matene Joyce I am looking for general work, domestic work or office cleaner I have 5 year experience in Health and safety, I work in SWIFT Limpopo (ref Gerda Drewe mamanger 082 721 7210) contact me on 079 016 2164 (193) ____________________________
I am looking for an office cleaning or general job I can speak English I have 8 years experience (ref Gerda Drewe 082 721 7210) contact me Lydia Matene on 071 860 7529 (194) ____________________________
My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English and I also can look after children contact me on 083 371 2193 (195) ____________________________
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news and photos
sitkamer. Groot stoep en mooi tuin. R4 500 per maand krag uitgesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar Kontak: Judy 083 488 3887
Sarah Mahlo is my name I am looking for domestic work I can cook and I speak English, sleep in or out I have 3 years experience at Tzaneen Spar contact 084 435 3237 (196) ____________________________
My name is Selinah Madia I am looking for domestic work / general work 2 or 3 days or full time. I can speak English and Afrikaans (ref: Arma Prinsloo 082 896 7761) contact me on 072 192 4762 (197) ____________________________
My name is Winny Maluleke I am looking for a garderning job or domestic work I speak English and Tsonga contact me on 073 800 8784 (198) ____________________________
My name is Maggie Pudikabekwa I am looking for domestic work I can look after children I can speak English and Afrikaans, sleep out, I have 5 years experience (Ref: Dr Chauke 079 711 0598) contact me on 072 048 0362 (199) ____________________________
My name is Sesilia Shayi I am looking for domestic or ge-neral work, office cleaner, I can speak English, I have 2 years experience in domestic work (Ref: Conny 072 696 7705 or 083 764 1535) contact me on 081 886 7786 (200) ____________________________
Margareth Selowa I am looking for domestic work, I can speak Afrikaans, I have 4 years experience, sleep in or sleep out contact me on 078 400 8271
(201) ____________________________
Mapula Meriam Shokane I am looking for domestic work or cleaning offices I speak Afrikaans and English 4 days a week please contact me on 079 014 9334 (202) ____________________________
My name is Mpho Moseamedi I am looking for domestic work, I speak English, understand Afrikaans 5 or 3 days a week, sleep out contact me on 079 980 2559 (203) ____________________________
ing, waitress, chartering, decora-ting or domestic work contact me on 073 492 3940 (92) _____________________________
My name is Johannes I am looking for a painting, grass roofing contact me on 072 568 6604 (93) _____________________________
My name is Micheal M. Seroto I am looking for a general work 5 days a week I can speak English contact me on 073 036 5792 (94)_____________________________
General I am K.g. Mehlape I am looking for a general work, filing system, I can speak English and alos have grade 12 contact me 079 934 8753 (90) _____________________________
I am S.E Letsoalo I am looking for a general work, shop assistance or cashier, I can speak English I have grade 12 and I am a student office administration at Letaba FET College. Contact me on 074 408 0531 (91) _____________________________
My name is Mapula I am looking for a sewing, cook-
My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker contact me on 076 246 8518 (57)_____________________________
I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798 (58)_____________________________
My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on 082 537 5776 (59)_____________________________
6 December 2013
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Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998
Hydraulic Pumps and Cylinders Engines, Gearbox’s repairs and services of all.. 24 hour Field service Contact Johan 083 632 5115
Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2013 OPGAWES HET OP 1/7/2013 BEGIN: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 6.1 Inkomstebelasting 6.2BTW 6.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320. Des102______________
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie
Makarios Makelaars Ons bied u: Lewensversekering Korttermynversekering Pensioen fondse Boedelbeplanning Mediese fondse 015 307 3316 015 307 6631
Sep305____________ _______________
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
King Trellis Retractable Security Barriers Under New Management and ownership Onder nuwe Bestuur en Eienaarskap 071 342 9241
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie Kontak ons vir verkope & diens van ou en nuwe Landinitrekkers en swaarvoertuie. Velddienste ook beskikbaar. Tel 015 307 5000 Faks 015 307 1471 Ou Gravelotte pad Sep409___________________________
Crazy Cakes Decoration cakes for birthday parties and other functions Mareyna 015 307 4836 076 376 6783
HYPNOTHERAPIST YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • The most economical and affordable way? • Within one month? YES! • 5 EASY steps Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)
Sep106_______________ _________
Adele’s Slimming Clinic Bio minceur An absolute revolution in body wrap Sum, firm and tone instantly No mess, no fuss, loose cm Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation, improve stretch marks, Varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193
Vision Accessed Skirvingstraat 14, Tzaneen Ludi 082 847 9039 Vir al u geelektrifiseerde omheining Hekmotor en Dstv behoeftes onder een dak. Nuwe installasies en onderhoud, onderdele altyd beskikbaar Lid van die Vison Group Sep208__________________________
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________
YOUR PARTNER IN HOME BUILDING Best Quality / Best service Thank you for your loyal support Tzaneen/Letaba Crossing/ Letsitele 015 307 7168
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre Nov202________________________
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
TVR Panel beaters Motor herstelwerk Geen stamp te groot of te klein nie. Skakel 306 0186
Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit Ons verhuis tydelik na: Doornhoek Gedeelte 24 Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking Skakel Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173
Vefraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @R150 per bakkievrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
Louis Menge Auto Trading as (pty) ltd trading as SJ AUTO Louis 083 272 3907 All makes of vehicles and trucks 14 Antimony Street 015 307 2064 Faks 015 307 7631
Boutique S Cupcakes and Couture 083 678 5790 Fax 015 307 4276 59 Boundary Street For all your baking supplies and home baked goodies.
Alle herstelwerk Plumbing Bouwerk aan u huis Skakel Johan 083 632 5115 Kantoor: 081 409 2003 Nov302_______________
Wenkem Mikro Element blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Swamdoders Citrosol waks Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Fabric & Décor Centre Curtaining, upholstery, blinds Haberdashery, dress fabrics, wool Bed Linen 48 Agatha Street Opp NTT Toyota 015 307 4467
Services Dienste
For Sale Te Koop
WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand? VERSEKER! • 5 MAKLIKE stappe Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835
MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies)
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Kitchen World We have moved to Tzaneen Crossing Mall Shop CS6 For house wares, electrical appliances and catering equipment Cheap Affordable Quality
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________
TRELLIDOR Going on holiday? Secure your home before you go Trellidor The Ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667 Nov407_________________
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229 Wysneusie Kleuterskool Letsitele 015 345 1264
Vacancies Vakante
Watermaat Die Boorgatpomp Spesialiste Vir vriendelike en flinke diens. 1ste Laan 12 015 307 1530 Des110___________________________
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928 JB Spares Motor spares Motoronderdele Agathastraat 54 Email jbspares1@telkomsa. net Skakel 015 307 1149
Aansoeke word ingewag vir ‘n skoolverlater wat belang stel in ‘n Tegniese rigting (elektries en verkoeling). Afrikaans, Engels en bestuurslisensie ‘n vereiste. Skakel 083 380 9859 vir ‘n onderhoud Nov503________________________ ___
Personal Persoonlik KERSFEES AANBOD !!! Vir alle graad 12’s en ouer Nasionale bestuurskool bied fantastiese pakkette aan. Skakel ons so gou as moontlik, beperkte spasie en tyd. Gideon 083 262 0363 Giane 083 279 2343 Bonita 072 152 6329
Gear Tech Gearbox and DIF specialists 1 Industrial Road Tzaneen 015 307 2646 geartec@mweb.co.za Contact Johan 082 901 0971
Lowveld Labels For quality labels Vir kwaliteit ettikette Skakel 015 307 7325
Basie Brand Baltimore Voer te koop Mielie en Koringreste Strooi @ R45.00 Bloubuffel en eragrostus @ R 50.00 Hawer @ R55.00 Tef en Smutsvinger @ R60.00 Lussern @ R65.00 082 968 1998 Nov408_________________________
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Kitchen World We have moved to Tzaneen Crossing Mall Shop CS6 For house wares, electrical appliances and catering equipment Cheap Affordable Quality
PG Glass We are glass No job to big or to small Tjaart 082 374 0906
For Hire Te Huur
Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512__________________________
For Hire Te Huur Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973
Vehicle Graphics Vehicle Wraps Vehicle door magnets Contra vision Signboard and frames PVC Banners Wall Paper info@pcdigital.co.za 015 306 0160 Des104____________
Services Dienste
PC Digital
JV Hidrolies Vir hidrouliese probleme. Skakel Johnny Verster Impalastraat 1, Industrial 015 307 5091
Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Services Dienste
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018
Services Dienste
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884 Nov312__________________________
CROCODILE MEAT ON PROMOTIONAL SALE Agatha Crocodile Ranch (TZANEEN) Crocodile Tails Sosaties Fillets Hamburger Patties Feeding shows daily 9am – 4pm Braai facilities available Educational school shows www.agatha-crocodile.co.za agathacroc@vodamail.co.za Tel: 015 307 4398 082 562 5004 072 114 0132
SUZUKI ALTO GL 2012 met radio & anti-smash-ngrab R80 000 onka. Kontak Koos 0828080810 Nov506___________________________
Verskeie visstokke & katrolle te koop Prys onderhandelbaar Harold Butler 015 307 3370 078 686 83 20
Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote For hire 3 Ton Vragmotor 4 meter valkant bak Koste @ R9.00 per lopende km Steelworks vir enige staalwerk 082 890 9142
Grondverskuiwing Bulldozer, TLB, en Excavator te huur. Goeie pryse Skakel Gerhard 072 699 8765
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
BUSINESS CHOCOLATES / SWEETS / BISCUITS / DRINKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION Start your own business. Affordable Cost [R8750] Myer 012 5475767 mberman@telkomsa.net. Des101_____________
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Sleepwaens te huur Huur en herstel van enige fabrikaat sleepwaens Piggy back trailer Hennie 083 651 0936
Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin. us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerken sosiale geleenthede
Five 1 Two Trailers
“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Luzaan 078 164 4701
Call Lihanie to advertise here 015 307 7248
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Kamoe-Flippen-Barbare! Oubal huiwer nie om te erken dat daar passede naweek met ons spanpraatjie erge verdeeldheid was oor die BB se nuwe kamoefleerdrag nie. GertGrensvegter het meer geblom as destyds na Brug 14 en Kooskakie was sigbaar verlig dat die pienk-era verby is, tot hewige ontsteltenis van die tantes! ‘Tja, eers het hulle gevry na die vroulike geslag en die verfyndes,
maar dit smaak vir Oubal hulle het nou hul oë op die militêre veterane en bittereinders. Die enigste plek waar die “Invisibulls”-trui van nut behoort te wees, is as hulle iewers tussen Skukuza en Malelane speel, maar Oubal weet nie of dit as ‘n wegwedstryd tel nie! Oubal twyfel of dit andersins gaan help. Pierre Spies was so onsigbaar die afgelope twee seisoene, dat hy beslis nie ‘n trui nodig het om hom
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
daarmee te help nie. Minstens, as die BB verdwyn op die veld soos wat so dikwels die afgelope seisoen gebeur het, sal niemand dit eintlik agterkom nie! “Y nadder millitirrie ridjiem ies on hênds ênd soen wiel hêf konskriptsjin end battirmilk kemps ôl ouwer ygên!” sê ArthurIngelsman gebelgd. Hoewel Oubal dink ou AI oordryf so ietwat, moet hy saamstem dat iemand die kluts kwyt is in BBland. Oubal twyfel of daardie “iemand” Saterdag gekyk het toe die Barbarians gespeel het, maar as hy het, hoop Oubal hy het skaam gekry tot in sy kleintoontjie. Oubal sal
graag wil hê dat hulle HUB, Barend van Graan, moet kyk na meegaande foto wat onlangs met die Bokke se wedstryd teen Wallis geneem is. Oubal is seker hy behoort vir Bakkies met die groen baadjie te herken, maar Oubal weet nie of neef Barend genoeg van ‘n rakbieman is om die grys ou mannetjie te eien nie. Daai mannetjie is die legendariese Gareth Edwards van Wallis. Wat Bakkies en Edwards in gemeen het, behalwe dat hulle albei internasionale rakbiespelers is, is dat albei lede van die Barbarian klub is. Die foto is simbolies van daai broederskap, die ware gees van rakbie. Oubal weet egter nie of neef
“Rugby Football is a game for gentlemen in all classes, but for no bad sportsman in any class.” — The Barbarian motto
Photo: Orlando Chauke
Bilika All Stars began the Castle League season with a 6-0 win against Timangweni FC in a match played at Khakhala village, Giyani. The match was crucial for both sides, as they sought to register more points in their early matches to keep them afloat in the league. However, to Bilika All Stars, who are currently the champions of the Nedbank Cup challenge in the Castle League category in Mopani, the game was more of a practice as they prepared for bigger battles. According to their coach, Tshikani Nkondo, they are currently preparing to secure a place in the last 32 teams to play in the Nedbank Cup for a lucrative prize at the national level. However, before they reach that stage they still have to win at provincial level; a prospect that Nkondo describes as daunting.
Pizza •
Highgrove Perfect
• •
Wood fired clay oven
Salami, ham, mushroom, onion, green pepper and garlic - R69 Cajun chicken, haloumi cheese, avo, fresh basil - R79
Mushroom, calamata olives, green pepper, onion, garlic, peppadew - R69
Ham, salami, bacon, russian - R79
Barend dít verstaan nie, want as hy het, sou hy nie so dom-onnosel gewees het om Flip van der Merwe die geleentheid te ontneem om ‘n lid van die uitgelese klub te word nie! ‘Tja, Oubal gee regtig nie om hoeveel duisend geldige redes die BB daarvoor het nie, maar om vir die Barbarians te kan uitdraf is ‘n besondere eer en ‘n kans wat dikwels net een keer in ‘n leeftyd kom. Om ‘n speler dit te ontneem is ongevoelig, barbaars en ‘n bewys dat hulle spelers niks meer ag as gebruiksartikels nie! ……………………………….
Le’Club-atlete presteer wyd en syd
‘n Groepie van Le’Club se atlete het aan die Manor Trail Run deelgeneem. Die atlete het groot pret geniet, maar terselfdertyd het almal puik gepresteer. Oor die 4 km het Christelle Coetzer gewen, Sancha van Niekerk was tweede, Janco Coetzee derde en Zonica van Niekerk vierde. Op die foto hierby is, voor: Christelle Coetzer, Janco Coetzee, Zonica van Niekerk, Magdi Kasselman. Agter staan Natasha Smit, Zelda Katzke, Sancha van Niekerk en Dawie van Niekerk. Aan die einde van November het Christelle Coetzer (foto van haar op die fiets hierby) aan die Makoppa Duathlon (by Schoemansdal) deelgeneem. Dit het bestaan uit 2 km hardloop, 10 km fietsry en 1 km hardloop. Christelle het nie net gewen nie, maar ook ‘n nuwe rekord van 33:44 min opgestel.
6 December 2013
And many MORE!
Highgrove Lodge Luxury Accommodation • Restaurant • Tavern • Conference Tel: 015 307 7242/3 • Fax: 086 509 7971 • highgrove@tzaneen.co.za www.highgrovelodge.com • Highgrove is situated opposite Ben Vorster High School
Bulletin New Arrivals - Soft Style Buy one get one free on selected items! www.vitalbugs.co.za
015 307 2856
087 751 0279
6 December 2013
Danie Joubert Straat (Langs Ickinger)
Achievers in 2013 To be continued next week
Andries Bruwer is vanjaar as die Vossies se beste senior rugbyspeler aangewys. Bruwer het dié toekenning verdien, vir sy bestendige spel. Hy het as agterlyn-skakel en spelskepper beïndruk in ‘n span wat weereens vanjaar goed gespresteer het.
Japke Engelbrecht van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan die einde van die jaar ‘n spesiale toekenning vir buitengewone prestasies in swem ontvang. Sy het die hele jaar deur met haar kragtige hale in die swembad die oog gevang.
Merensky’s soccer players can look back at a good year at the end of 2013. They played some good soccer and earned the respect of a number of so-called
soccer schools in the province. Their message at the end of this year was short, simple and crystal clear: ”Watch us in 2014”.
Three of Merensky’s u.16 cricket girls were selected to represent the Limpopo Province in 2013. Kathleen Horn, Jeandri van Wyk and KelsyAnn Mostert showed that they could give some of the boys a go for their money with batting as well as bowling.
Ntsanwisi welcomed back home
Die Tzaneen Rolbalklub het by die eindstryd vir Limpopo se enkelspelkampioenskap in Mokopane deelgeneem en mooi gepresteer. Pat Maggs (bo) is as die kampioen in die senior dames-afdeling aangewys. Nicky Viljoen (regs) het as kampioen in die opedames-afdeling uitgestap. Carine Engelbrecht (regs bo) het ‘n derde plek in die dames ope verwerf, terwyl Peter Maggs met die tweede plek en Wells Payne met die derde plek onder die senior mans weggestap het.
Durban University of Technology (DUT) video technology graduate, Samuel Ntsanwisi, finally arrived safely back home in Nkowankowa outside Tzaneen, after running more than 1 850 km from Cape Town to Nkowankowa as part of an awareness of the Sixteen Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Ntswanwisi received a hero’s welcome from Chief Samuel Mohlaba 11 as well as Greater Tzaneen Municipality Mayor Dikeledi Mmetle. Ntsanwisi was accompanied by three runners and cyclists, Vusi Chabalala, Makgobe Masufi, Mikya Mushwana and Peter Mabela. They completed the journey in 32 days. The aim was to raise R3 million for the two organizations where he works as a social development worker. Ntsanwisi said an Evangelical Presbyterian Church at Nkowankowa donated R15 000 and they also received a lot of pledges from people and two corporates — but the final amount will only be calculated when all the pledges have been honored. “We came to realize that people loved our project. At every town on the long route where we had a welcoming function and the attendance
and support was overwhelming,” Ntsanwisi said. “Statistics show that teenage pregnancies, alcohol abuse, suicide, unemployment, crime and HIV-Aids are on the increase among the youth. I want to bring change to my society by tackling the challenges that young people face, including the lack of resources.” According to Ntsanwisi, the funds raised through this initiative will be used towards youth development. He appealed to people who could be interested in making a donation to call him on 079 194 8023. In the photo herewith Hosi Samuel Mohlaba (second from right) congratulates Samuel Ntsanwisi (far right), while the other runners and cyclists who accompanied and supported Ntsanwisi look on. Michael Sakuneka michael@bulletin.us.com