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Krüger hits back
4 April 2014
015 307 7248
The gloves are off and there will be no pulling punches. In the one corner is flamboyant Tzaneen attorney Conrad Krüger, and in the other corner are a number of people: Messrs Tolstoi Kruger, Etienne Tolmay, Jan Fourie, a commercial bank, legal teams, people who bought erven in Tzaneen’s prestigious Golden Acres high security residential estate, even the Law Society etcetera. In the next ten days they will enter the ring — being the Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA
— to slug it out, with Krüger saying, “I don’t owe that man any money whatsoever” and “that” man saying “I am owed money“. And in “that” man’s corner is a host of other people making various claims against Krüger, waiting to proceed with legal action against him. This could become the fight of the year, even the decade. Lees meer oor die hoeke in hierdie saak op bladsy 3
Conrad Krüger.
Plaasaanval: Skurke gebruik warm Pretorius en sy stewig verbinde been wat herhaaldelik met ‘n warm strykyster gebrand is.
strykyster om slagoffer te martelbrand; aanvallers verkeer nog op vrye voet
Hulle was skraal gebou en kon deur ‘n skrefie beweeg wat skaars wyd genoeg was vir die deurgang van ‘n worshond. Dis waar hulle toegang gekry het tot die waskamer, waar hulle die strykyster warm gemaak het. Hierna het hulle ons daarmee op die bene gebrand, geskop, rondgestamp en met messe gesteek en aanhoudend geskreeu om die kluis uit te wys. Hier is nie ‘n kluis in die huis nie… Dit is wat twee vroue in die huis van mnr Lood Pretorius onthou, toe twee rowers hulle Saterdag in die huis op die Deerparkpad oorval het. Pretorius, sy vrou Bets en sy skoonsuster Ellen is met warm strykysters gebrand, toe die rowers geld geëis het. Pretorius is ‘n kleinsakeman, maar het nie ‘n kluis of vuurwapens in die huis nie. Volgens me Pretorius het haar man en suster in die sitkamer na rugby op TV gekyk, toe die twee aanvallers geruisloos ingesluip het. Die twee is eers oorval, waarna me Pretorius eenkant toe geskop en vasgebind is. “Hulle het ons met messe gesteek, maar dit was klein wonde. Dis net deur die genade van God dat ons van ‘n groter ramp beskerm is.” Die aanvallers het Pretorius herhaaldelik met die warm
strykyster gebrand. Hulle het hom met messe gesteek en hom met ‘n leeubeeldjie agter die kop geslaan, wat hom duiselig gelaat het. Die Pretorius-egpaar en Ellen se selfone het begin lui en die boewe is daar weg met ‘n onbekende bedrag geld. Hierna het Pretorius met sy bure kontak gemaak en die polisie was binne enkele minute op die toneel. Die sektorvoorsitter van die gemeenskapspolisieforum, mnr Uwe Kroh, sê hy was verbaas oor die vinnige reaksie van die polisie. Niemand is nog oor die voorval aangekeer nie, maar die polisie volg sekere leidrade op. ‘n Beloning van R10 000 is deur die polisiehoof in Tzaneen, genl Maggie Mathebula, aangebied, vir die aankeer van die aanvallers. Dit is die tweede keer dat die Pretorius-gesin deur inbrekers aangeval is. Die vorige keer het me Pretorius daarin geslaag om die inbreker met die veiligheidsdeur weg te druk, terwyl haar honde die aanvaller se voete gekarnuffel het. Sy sê hulle kon nie die aanvallers van Saterdag eien nie, omdat hulle klapmusse gedra het. Sy het egter ‘n vermoede dat een van hulle dalk by die Die ingang na die huurhuis waar die Pretorius-egpaar deur rowers oorval is. vorige aanval betrokke kon gewees het.
4 April 2014
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Vlieg moet heel eerste die paar Vlieglaaikers op boekgesig bedank, wat Dinsdag sy verjaarsdag onthou het. Hy het, per ongeluk, sy eie verjaarsdag vergeet. Hy het toe maar die nag in die hondehok gaan bedmaak, want dis gewoonlik waar hy beland as hy belangrike datums vergeet! Vlieg ken nou nie sy kollega Oubal op die agterblad van hierdie nuuspapiertjie persoonlik nie, maar Vlieg is baie bly dat die Oubal al ‘n pensioenaris is. Want as hy dalk in werkende lewe iets soos ‘n tandarts of ‘n dokter moes gewees het, sou hy sweerlik baie seergemaak het. Vlieg dink hy is ‘n aarts-sadis! Dit nou natuurlik na aanleiding van die poging tot ‘n Aprilgekgrap wat hy verlede week opgedis het. Vlieg ken gelukkig darem die verskil tussen dinges* en pampoen. Wat Vlieg die meeste bekommer van Oubal se storie, is die hoeveelheid mense wat hierdie dinges*-
Vlieg het verjaar op ‘n aardige dag. Ja, 1 April! Hier is wat hy te sê gehad het +*op sy profiel:
Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Vlieg Vlieg is skoon emosioneel vandag! Eerstens oor al die nuwe Vlieglaaikers, en tweedens omdat hy skoon sy eie verjaarsdag vergeet het! Vlieg wil daardie Vlieglaaikers wat onthou het van harte, longe en lewer bedank George Kinnear Baie skerp! Vlieg, ek laaik jou skerp humor! Pat Patterson Grote griet, verjaar selle dag as ons
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wat die storie geglo het. Hy weet van ‘n skoolmeester wat baie teleurgesteld is omdat hy nie meer ons skole in Durban in aksie sou sien nie. Hy weet selfs van ‘n nursie wat Saterdag skool toe is om haar rugbypapie by die bus te gaan haa,l omdat die toer gekanselleer is. Aldus sê Oubal. Wanneer Vlieg nou regtig ontsteld raak, soos wat hierdie Oubalslenter nou weer uitgewys het, is as slim mense dom is. Wat is tog fout met die mensdom? Kan hulle nie meer lees nie? Verstaan hulle nie wat hulle lees nie? Het ons nou al so gewoond geraak aan die hope vol dinges* wat elke dag vir ons aangebied word, dat niemand meer weet wanneer dit feit of flater is nie? Spring ons op ons perdjies nog voor ons gedink het? En nog erger… dink ons nog hoegenaamd? “One cries when one is sad! For instance, Vlieg cries when others are dumb, because that makes Vlieg sad!” — Met dank aan Dr Sheldon Cooper, PhD.
storie van hom geglo het. Vlieg aanvaar al vanmelewe dat dom mense dom is. Dit is nou maar so. En so het hierdie wêreld, v.i.(Vlieg Insiens) ook sy dom mense nodig. Dink nou net vir ‘n oomblik hoe vervelig sou dit gewees het as ons almal doktorsgrade gehad het, veral in teologie of selfs opvoedkunde… maar dis ‘n heel ander storie. Dom mense is nodig, en dikwels handig! Vlieg wens hy het Dinsdag voor die rooiskoolhek gaan sit met ‘n kamera en al die sogenaamde slim mense afgeneem wat opgedaag het vir die groot rugbydag. (Dalk het hy, dalk plaas hy die foto’s op sy boekgesigmuur, dalk nie!). Vlieg weet van ontstoke ouers wat van heinde en verre gebel het om hul maaiers se toergelde terug te eis. Dit terwyl die maaiers dit reeds al ‘n slag op die Kwaaizulus se strande gewaag het. (Wys vir Vlieg wat hulle weet!) Vlieg weet selfs van slim mense soos dokters
* Poefies
Karin Hattingh Baie, baie geluk. Jammer ons is
vir die goeie wense. Veral van lewer, om vanselfsprekende redes, natuurlik. Vlieg kom agter julle Vlieglaaikers is maar stil hier teen sy muur! Omdat Vlieg van nature ‘n stil en teruggetrokke persoon is, wat net praat as daar met hom gepraat word, beteken dit nie dat julle ook so moet wees nie. Vlieg het wel ‘n enkele versoek gehad om kommentaar te lewer oor die werkende dames op die Agatha-pad. Met respek, maar v.i. (Vlieg’s Insiens), is daardie onderwerp al holler gery as die dames self! Kom ons traai iets anders! Vlieg
laat. Sal volgende keer maar oppi stoep opmaak daarvoor.
Sampie En Alida Liversage Geluk, Vlieg! Chrissie Flaum Bantjes Baie geluk met jou
verjaardag, mag jou toekoms gevul wees met Vrede, Vreugde en Liefde!!!!
Adinda Wright Baie gelukkige verjaarsdag
Vlieg, hoop daar›s nog baie jare voor... hoop jy word sommer baie bederf vandag...
Martie Dreyer Baie geluk met die verjaarsdag. Anton Viviers Happy Birthday! Nicolette Coetzee Baie geluk met jou b-day!! Johannetjie Scheepers Happy birthday enjoy your day
Raaikie Lindeque du Plessis Baie geluk met
oudste een, veels geluk, Vlieg, en aangesien jy dit tot hier gemaak het mag jy dit nog baie, baie verder maak. Ja, v.i. (volks insiens) is dit nogal knap.
jou verjaarsdag.
Marna Van Der Walt HAPPY BDAY
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
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10 Years
4 April 2014
Krüger word nou van alle kante gelóóp Krüger ontken skuld “R1,3 miljoen is vir my ‘n relatiewe klein bedrag en is beslis nie die rimpels werd wat dit nou veroorsaak het nie. Ek ontken in elk geval ten sterkste dat ek King Trade Investment (Pty) Ltd van mnr Tolstoi Kruger iets skuld. So sê mnr Conrad Krüger na aanleiding van die beslaglegging deur King Trade op twintig erwe van Krüger; drie waarop sy woonhuis staan en sewentien in die weelderige Golden Acres-sekuriteitslandgoed langs die Tzaneendam. Krüger sê verder die erwe in die landgoed se Fase 2 is in die proses om aan die kopers daarvan oorgedra te word. “Die kopers is bewus van die feite en is gerus gestel dat hul eiendomme nie in gevaar is nie. ‘n Klomp is al oorgedra, maar ‘n paar moet nog deur mnr Rayaan Hassim ‘afgeteken’ word en ek vra geduld,” voeg Krüger by. Hassim het ‘n ruk gelede die dekkingsverband van Investec Bank oor Golden Acres oorgeneem. Ons verneem ‘n bedrag van sowat R30 miljoen is ter sprake. ‘n Aansoek om die beslaglegging waaroor Bulletin verlede week ekslusief berig het ter syde te stel, in die Hoë Hof van SA se Gautengse afdeling, sal op 15 April dien, terwyl daar op 10 April oor die dispuut oor die beweerde skuld in dieselfde hof geargumenteer sal word. Krüger wou nie verder kommentaar lewer of uitbrei nie. “Die sake is sub judice en ek wil niks verder sê nie, behalwe dat ek mnr Tolstoi Kruger en/of sy maatskappy niks skuld nie.”
Nedbank slaan toe Nedbank het pas ook op mnr Conrad Krüger toegeslaan, nadat die bank aansoek om likwidasie van Krüger in die Hoë Hof gedoen het. Die partye het egter geskik en die
skikking is ‘n bevel van die hof gemaak (Saak nommer 56412/2013). Volgens die skikking skuld Krüger die bank R28 591 242,50, maar die bedrag is per ooreenkoms met R665 000,00 verminder tot R27 926 242,50. Krüger moet nou dié bedrag plus rente soos volg aan die bank terugbetaal: • R1 miljoen op of voor 30 April vanjaar; •R40 000 per maand vir twaalf maande vanaf 30 Mei vanjaar tot en met 30 April 2015; •R50 000 per maand vanaf 31 Mei 2015 tot 30 April 2016; •R60 000 per maand vanaf 31 Mei 2016 tot 30 April 2017; • R70 000 per maand vanaf 31 Mei 2017 tot 30 April 2018 en dan • R75 000 per maand vanaf 31 Mei 2018 tot en met 30 April 2019. As enige paaiement nie gemaak word nie, sal die ooreenkoms vir afbetaling verval en sal die bank onmiddellik die volle balans van die skuld kan op eis.
Nog ‘n likwidasie-aansoek Nog ‘n aansoek om mnr Conrad Krüger te likwideer, wag op die rol van die Hoë Hof se Gautengse afdeling. Mnr Etienne Tolmay, die eienaar van Quality Plant Hire, het reeds in die tweede helfte van verlede jaar ‘n aansoek om Krüger se likwidasie gebring. Krüger het egter toe ooreengekom om sy kantoorgebou, die Fortum Gebou op die hoek van Peace- en Crownstraat, Tzaneen, aan Tolmay oor te dra. Die ooreenkoms is glo nie nagekom nie en Tolmay se prokureur, mnr Stephan van Rensburg (wat ook vir mnr Tolstoi Kruger en sy maatskappy optree) sê die likwidasaie-aansoek teen Krüger is weer op die hofrol. Krüger skuld Tolmay glo in die omgewing
van R4 miljoen vir konstruksiewerk wat laas- dit voorkom dat Krüger te kenne gee dat genoemde in Golden Acres gedoen het, en die oordragproses voor 18 Maart by die Akteskantoor begin het. waarvoor Tolmay nie betaal is nie. Hy sê die Akteskantoor sal nie ‘n oordragproses begin as alle vrystellings nie aangebied word nie. Hy stem saam dat as die GTM Volgens die rekords van die Companies and vrystellings op die erwe uitgereik het terwyl Intellectual Property Commission (voorheen daar uitstaande bedrae was, dit onreëlmatig die Registrateur van Maatskappye genoem) sou wees. is mnr Conrad Krüger direkteur van 27 Die onduidelikheid hiermee sal na verwagting maatskappye, waarvan agtien (18) aktief is. in die komende hofgedinge opgeklaar word. Een van die maatskappye is Jagersfontein Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, wat die eienaar is van die plaas Rheebokfontein van 1 479,8447 ha in die jurisdiksie van die Lepele-Nkumpi Een van die mense wat ‘n erf/erwe in Golden plaaslike owerheid. Die titelakte hiervan Acres Fase 2 gekoop het en steeds nie is T17629/1974 en ‘n verband van R250 000 oordrag gekry het nie, is die eggenote van word deur Absa hieroor gehou. mnr Jan Fourie, ‘n boer van Gravelotte. Hul Krüger se mede-direkteur is mnr Ernst- prokureur, mnr A B Burger van Hoedspruit, Georg von Finckenstein, wie se woonadres het vroeër dié week aan ons bevestig dat hy in Oudtshoorn en posadres in Polokwane is. opdrag het om eerskomende Dinsdag met ‘n advokaat oor die huidige toedrag van sake te konsulteer. “My kliënt is verstaanbaar ontsteld. Haar Oordrag van erwe kan nie geskied as alle geld is nie in ‘n trustrekening nie en sy munisipale heffings nie betaal is nie. Terwyl bevind haar in dieselfde bootjie as sommige mnr Conrad Krüger beweer die oordrag van ander mense wat erwe gekoop het en steeds erwe in Golden Acres is ver gevorder, is dit op oordrag wag. nie duidelik hoe erwe oorgedra kan word as “Ons sal Dinsdag konsulteer en daarna sal daar agterstallige dienstegelde is nie. besluit word watter stappe om te doen. Ek Volgens die rekords van die Groter Tzaneen kan in dié stadium ongelukkig niks meer sê Munisipaliteit was daar op 18 Maart vanjaar nie,” het Burger gesê. ‘n totale bedrag van R202 934,83 uitstaande op die erwe waarop beslag gelê is, en kon en sou die GTM nie uitklaringsertifikate ten Die prokureursorde van die Noordelike Provinsies is versoek (met ‘n “klagstaat”) opsigte van die erwe kon uitgereik het nie. Ons kon nie vastel of die bedrag of ‘n om die sake van mnr Conrad Krüger, wat deel daarvan intussen betaal is nie, maar as prokureur praktiseer, te ondersoek. dit beteken in elk geval dat die proses van Ons kon nie voor ons druktyd bevestiging oordrag nie voor 19 Maart sou kon begin het van die Orde kry nie, maar ons verneem nie. Die prokureur wat vir mnre Tolstoi Kuger gesaghebbend dat so ‘n ondersoek formeel en Etienne Tolmay optree, mnr Stephan versoek is, na aanleiding van die gebeure in van Rensburg, sê uit sekere dokumente wil Golden Acres met die oordrag van erwe.
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4 April 2014
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CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter
Arnold Mabunda
Court releases protestors Thirteen violent protestors from the Lorraine area in Sekororo were released by the Naphuno Magistrates Court, after they had appeared on charges of public violence. This follows weeks of lawlessness in the area where residents took to the streets and blocked the main road with burning tyres, trees and rocks. They are demanding a new shopping mall and a new block of classrooms to be built at the local school. Seven of the suspects were released on R500 bail each, three on a warning and three others in parental custody. Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi has condemned those who were involved in unlawful acts in the area.
More traffic offences Over the past week police in Haenertsburg arrested motorists for contravening the traffic rules; 29 people were nabbed in connection with traffic offences, while three others were held for possession of dagga.
Outlets target social grants The South African Social Security
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Agency (SASSA) is said to be receiving lots of complaints of business outlets that are allegedly targeting social grants. Beneficiaries are said to have lodged their complaints against institutions which are transacting loans, airtime vouchers and funeral policies to grant beneficiaries. It remains unknown at the moment which financial institutions are involved. SASSA’s provincial spokesperson, Mr Zwanga Khutama, was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.
Uncontrollable behaviour Forty-five people were arrested in Ritavi over the past week, after law-abiding residents in the area had alerted the police. Police apprehended twenty people for their involvement in traffic offences, assault GBH, housebreaking, robbery and for contravening the Liquor Act. Police nabbed fifteen people in connection with rape, illegal immigration, contravening a protection order and accusing someone of witchcraft, while nine people were apprehended on various counts of possession of dagga, illegal gambling, assault, malicious damage to property and for possession of dangerous weapons elsewhere in the village.
Convictions Chauke Thomas Hasana (47) from Nkowankowa has been found guilty on charges of fraud in the Ritavi District Court. He has been sentenced to two years imprisonment without an option of a fine.
Vrou raak oornag soek Die vrou wie se saak van bedrog verlede week in haar afwesigheid in Tzaneen se landroshof uitgestel is, het oornag verdwyn. Valencia Jacobs (foto hierby), ‘n oud-werknemer van Foodlovers in Tzaneen, waar sy glo minstens R700 000 gegaps het, het van Tzaneen na Empangeni in KZN verhuis. Daar het sy ‘n nuwe werk aanvaar. Haar nuwe werkgewer het nou laat weet dat hulle verlede week gevind het daar is kontant weg in hul besigheid. Hulle het na Jacobs se huurhuis gegaan om haar oor die tekort te konfronteer, maar toe hulle daar kom was die huis dolleeg en was daar geen teken van Jacobs en haar man en kinders nie. Die gesin was die vorige middag nog by die huis en het letterlik oornag padgegee. Dit is nie bekend hoe groot die kontanttekort by die nuwe werkgewer is nie. Die jongste voorval waarin Jacobs betrokke skyn te wees, is by die Polisie aangemeld en die staatsaanklaer in Tzaneen is ook in kennis gestel van die probleem en die feit dat Jacobs tans soek is.
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4 April 2014
New Police chief for Tzn The former officer commanding of the Bolobedu police station, Brig Christine Bench, will soon join the Tzaneen Police as the new officer commanding. She will replace Tzaneen’s current chief of police, Brig Diana
Mashele, who will take over the command in Bushbuckridge. Bench is currently a police station commander in the Mpumalanga area. — Joy Mojela
Avuxeni cares
44 and the number of children arriving kept increasing.” For a child to be on the register of Reholegile the family of the child must be impoverished with a household income of less than R1 500 per month. Recently a fiveyear-old girl passed away after choking on a marula pip. Instead of being upset about the lack of basic first aid, Avuxeni decided to step in and change the lives of the children that stay in the areas where Avuxeni operate.“We are in the business of education, and education is nothing more than information. As we all know information is power. “To give these children access to power is the best tool they can use to fight poverty of the body, soul and mind,” explained Ms Renet van Brakel, CEO of Avuxeni Computer Academy. “We believe Tzaneen is filled with so many amazing caring individuals and companies that are willing to take part in these type of events — if only they are invited. So see this as your personal invitation to join us in our quest to change lives.”
Letaba FET College
1 Claude wheatley street Tzaneen 0850
Tel: 015 307 5440 Fax: 015 307 2204
Private Bag x4017 Tzaneen, 0850
INVITATION TO SERVE ON THE LETABA FET COLLEGE COUNCIL BACKGROUND Letaba FET College has three Campuses (Giyani, Maake and Tzaneen). The 2013 head count was 5 302 (National Certificate Vocational [NCV] and Report 191 [N1 to N6]). The College also has very successfully rolled out the National Skills Fund initiative from the Ministerial Office of Higher Education and Training. As a result of that the College has 3 Short Courses and 3 Learnerships that are currently running at the College. There are also various SETA’s that are funding a large number of Interns within the College and other Government and Public sector. INVITATION Letaba FET College is inviting members of the Public to apply to become members of the College Council for a period of five years as prescribed in Section 10 (6) of the FET Act 16 of 2006 and its amendments in FET Act 3 of 2012. The Minister of Higher Education and Training has already appointed five members of the College Council and they have the obligation to co-opt four additional members of the Public Sector who specialize and/ or have experience in the following fields: Finance, Human Resource, and Legal and Infrastructure developments. Knowledge of the FET Sector will be an added advantage. Citizens who wish to make a contribution towards social and economic development via our colleges with the aforesaid competencies are invited to apply. Kindly take note that the appointments are subjected to the approval of the Minster of Higher Education and Training. EXPERTISE AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES: Expert knowledge of further education and training and the role FET Colleges and the overall post schooling sector is supposed to play in South Africa; Experience in strategic planning and decision making; Understand the linkages between the ‘world-of-work’ and the post schooling sector in order to give relevant strategic advice and/or is able to synthesise relevant strategic issues; Understands the importance of the Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) and how the right PQM can support employability of students (ability to assess and translate client needs); Experience in governance structures of public institutions and/or private enterprises; Analytical competencies (to be able to analyse socio-economic developments and translate those into relevant information for strategic decision making); Systematic-methodological competency.
Please submit your application on or before 11 April 2014 comprising of the following documents on the prescribed templates to Ms L Williams, The Governance Officer, Letaba FET College, 1 Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen or Private Bag X4017, Tzaneen, 0850 or fax (015) 307 4493 or email • Prescribed CV Template of Higher Education and Training including a Declaration of Interest, declaring that at no time there was or are business interests with the college and/or the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). Prescribed templates can be obtained from Ms Lorencia Williams, Governance Officer at the Corner of Sapekoe Drive and Claude Wheatley Street or (015) 307 5440 or or from the website of the College at: The 5 Ministerial appointed Council Members reserves the right to conduct verification activities on an applicant’s CV and may invite an applicant for an interview. Successful applicants will be notified as soon the outcome of the appointment process has been completed.
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL COMPETENCIES: Cooperation skills, ability to network; Ability to prioritize; Loyal and reliable; Ability to think holistically; Ability to work in a team and mentor and guide others; Ability to support conflict resolution; Self-management; Positive attitude to change. Council must have one member per specialized field as: • At least 5 years’ experience in a senior position in finance, human resources or the legal field; further: • Financial experience: Comprehensive content knowledge; a financial degree (preferably a Chartered Accountant); experience as a financial auditor. • Human Resources: Comprehensive content knowledge; at least a degree in Human Resources or similar. • Legal field: Comprehensive content knowledge; preferably a degree in labour law or similar. • Any further expertise that may be relevant to the college.
Members of the Warrior Rotaracters are hosting a RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) training camp during this month. The Rotaracters who are responsible for this are (left to right) Tumi Matlou, Sebastiaan van der Kun, Warren Marsh, Francois van Schalkwyk, Renske Hagg, Ruan Viljoen and Rowena Viljoen. Ms Bonnie Buthelezi is the new Market Development Manager at Subtrop in Tzaneen. She will do the marketing side for the avocado, mango, litchi and macadamia growers associations in the future, as well as market access programs for these products. She will also be handling exhibitions, trade shows and other market related functions for Subtrop. She hails from KwaZulu-Natal but grew up in Johannesburg. After spending some time abroad, she decided to settle in Tzaneen’s vast fruit industry.
H2O Pool & Pump Professional Services:
irrigation koi ponds water features pools landscaping CONTACT:
Richard Banks 08325 years 675 4064 experience
The Care Team from Avuxeni Computer Academy reached out to educate 158 children basic First Aid, while spending a fun-food-filled afternoon with the children from Reholegile Drop-in Centre in Lenyenye. The afternoon was made possible due to the kind hearts and purses of Sunbake Tzaneen, Summerland, Sugarloaf, Nomi Dada, ER 24, FMS Academy, Miami Canners, JD Botha and Venbeck. Reholegile Drop-in Centre is an ongoing passion-project for everybody at Avuxeni. This centre does not receive any state or national funding and the care-moms look after the 167 children from their own meagre resources. One of the care-moms said, “I had difficulty finding a job and was at home one afternoon, desperate to do something. Sitting under a tree in front of my house I noticed the many children running in the streets. I started to speak to them. They had no place to go. I invited them to my house to help them with their homework. Not long after the initial ten children, the number rose to
4 April 2014
Ons Mening
Ons vier ons tiende verjaarsdag.
Petrol is nou die duurste wat dit nog was
Vrydag 4 April 2014 Die gemeenskap van Tzaneen het ‘n haas ongekende lojaliteit jeens die dorp en omgewing se skole. Dit is opnuut bevestig toe ruim bygedra is om die nood aan klaskamers by die Laerskool Tzaneen te verlig. Dit strek egter verder as lojaliteit, om onselfsugtigheid en ruimhartigheid in te sluit. Hier word geskenk op ‘n skaal wat nie baie skole bevoorreg is om te geniet nie. Dit lyk soms of mense se beursies sommer vanself oopgaan as gevra word. En dan lyk dit verder of propvol beursies ter wille van die geleentheid leeg geskud word. Dit is dus jammer dat kleiner groepe steeds toelaat dat afguns soms tussen die onderskeie skoolgemeenskappe onnodig gemoedere laat opvlam. ‘n Gemeenskap wat so bevoorreg is met puik skole, behoort in dankbaarheid alle negatiewe gevoelens en gedrag opsy te skuif en eerder solidariteit met mekaar te beoefen.
God waak oor ons
Pot bou stoom op
Die politieke verkiesingspot is besig om stoom op te bou en die druk gaan nog by gevaarlik in die rooi draai in die volgende klompie weke. Maak gerus gereed vir ‘n rit wat erg stamperig sal raak. Mense gaan uitgedaag word, geterg word, getoets word vir geduld en kalmte en gedryf word tot naby aan moedeloosheid of angs of woede. Die toets gaan daarin lê dat mense kalm moet bly, en nie te veel waarde heg aan politici se hol beloftes, skeltaal, dreigtaal, verwyte, beskuldigings, komplimente en dies meer nie. Vanjaar se algemene verkiesing gaan baie selfdissipline vra en kiesers moet hulle nou al daarop begin voorberei.
Letaba and Tzaneen Lodges write: A golf day was held in aid of institutions in need such as God’s Haven, Golden Years and Dinamus School. The owners of the two lodges would like to thank all the sponsors who made the day extra special.
They are Simpson Motors, Rodney Cooper Estate, Quality Plant Hire, BMG, Lannie Motors, EPX, Limpopo Tyres, NTT Toyota, Lowveld Agri Chem, Insect Science, Cape Span, Trophy Motors, Glasfit, JD Fastners, Label Pro, Jacks Paint, Van Wyk and Prinsloo, Budget, PPS Fuels, X Fuels, Discovery, Tzaneen Truck Spares, PMBH Service Centre, Voltex, Ben Ferreire, Letaba River Lodge, Lombards Outfitters, Spur, SA breweries, Bonanza Bottle Store, N Pirie, P Faul, B Schults, C van der Schyff, Bassan Farm and B McDonald.
The winners of the beterball American scramble handicaps added and divided by two were Alan Bissett and Willie McCallaghan. They would also like to thank Tzaneen Country Club for allowing them the privilege to use the venue.
Tree konsekwent op Bernard Nel skryf per e-pos: Ek verwys na die foto en beriggie van die buitelug kerkie op bladsy 7 van julle 7 Maart-uitgawe. Die kerkie se ligging is heel moontlik in stryd met wetgewing. Dit lyk baie netjies en skoon in teenstelling met die buitelug werkswinkel wat op die oewer van die Letaba Rivier in Claude Wheatley-straat bedryf word. As daar teen hulle opgetree word moet daar ook opgetree word teen die sypaadjie sendelinge van die wagtoring brigade. Die vals lering van hierdie kult doen baie meer skade.
Thanks to community The manager, Tzaneen Circuit, Department of Basic Education, writes: Sincere thanks to business people in Tzaneen, who made it possible for the Tzaneen Circuit to
The Message Dr Jan Truter Herv Kerk Letsitele
Steun vir skole
Thank you
10 Years
om bestellings te plaas. Kerrie-en-rys, vetkoeke, worsbroodjies en pap-en-vleis kan bestel word. Boekwurms kan winskopies maak uit dosyne boeke. Talle gebruikte CD’s van immergroen treffers word teen bekostigbare pryse aangebied. Kinders kan die mark saam kom geniet. ‘n Springkasteel sal die kleintjies besig hou. Reusesonbrille, kleefhande, rekvere wat teen trappe afklim, gloeiende vingerpunte en nog ‘n skatkis vol katoetertjies is vir die jonges beskikbaar. Hulle kan ook deelneem aan lekker speletjies. Drawwers en stappers is baie welkom om 18:00 aan die gewilde Dopperdraf deel te neem en 5 km kaf te draf. Die wins van die pretloop gaan aan die Tzaneen Hospitium. Almal wat die wedloop voltooi, kry ‘n medalje. Inskrywings vind voor die wedloop plaas. Almal is welkom om Vrydag 11 April vanaf 16:00 die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld se Aandmark te ondersteun. Die word op die kerkterrein in Claude Wheatley-straat, oorkant Hi Q, gehou.
Letters • Briewe honour schools that performed well in the 2013 Gr 12 examination.
The function was sponsored by TFD Insurance Brokers and Fairview Lodge. The top learner in the Circuit Ernst Buys received a Weber Braai sponsored by Van Heerden’s Pharmacy. The top educators received cash prizes from KM Bolts and Nuts and Lannie Motors as well as gifts and vouchers from: ATKV Eiland Spa, Blue Dot, Blomskuur, Captain Dorego’s, Daleen v Wyk Beauty Parlour, Dr Sonja vd Mescht, Eric Hyde from Avuxeni, Fabric and Decor, Ferreira Property Group, Food Lover’s Market, Gasman, Giramundo’s, Grandeur Place, Ickinger, The Junction, High Grove Lodge, Magoebaskloof Canopy Tours, Magoebaskloof Ruskamp, Manor Pub and Grill, Something Fishy, Sugar Loaf, SupaQuick, Tzaneen County Lodge, Tzaneen Koelkamers, Waltons, and Zen Spa and Rasul at Fairview Village. A special word of thanks to Wegraakbosch Cheese Farm, for sponsoring the trophy in honour of Ben Vorster who achieved the top results.
Almal welkom by mark Die kerkraad van die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld skryf: Ons kerkraad nooi die Laeveldgemeenskap uit na ons gewilde Aandmark op Vrydag 11 April. Kom geniet die heerlike herfsweer in ‘n gesellige atmosfeer waar oud en jonk snuffel, kuier en smul.
Heerlike kerrie-en-rys (volgens ons smaaklike geheime resep), vetkoeke (gebak deur meester), pannekoek (smaak onverbeterlik), worsbroodjies (onder wakende kennersoë gebraai), pap-en-vleis (soos net ouma dit kan doen) Yankees (kundige toesig), smaaklike gebak, vleis teen billike pryse en kraakvars groente en vrugte sal te koop wees. Die snuffelkoffiekroeg is net die plek om dik stukke met ou kennisse te gesels en jou kafeïntoleransie te toets. Sakemanne is welkom om hul werknemers te bederf en wegneemetes vir Vrydagmiddag te bestel. Skakel asb Sina Hermann (072 485 1407)
Dankie vir Toeka tot Nou
Chris van Coller, Professionele Rekenmeester - SA, Tzaneen, skryf: Dankie vir die bylaag van Toeka tot Nou in die afgelope week se Bulletin. Waardeer dit baie dat julle plek afstaan vir die geskiedenis en die navorsing wat julle daaraan doen. Daar is egter nog BAIE ou geskiedenis — hoop daar kom later weer so ‘n bylaag. • Dankie vir die dankie! Ons beplan beslis ‘n opvolg. Dit was mos ons tweede Toeka tot Nou en die derde een sal kom — Uitgewer
Enjoyed supplement Fred Motloutse, Spokesman of Van Velden Hospital, Tzaneen: I would like to thank the Bulletin for the educational supplement, Van Toeka tot Nou. It was a well-informed supplement and the rest of Tzaneen is now informed. I enjoyed reading it a lot.
“Die Here beskerm jou…Hy bewaar jou van alle gevare” (Psalm 121:5) Een oggend neem ’n Christen boer twee sakke koring met sy wa na die meule toe om dit te laat maal vir huislike gebruik. Die pad loop oor ’n lae brug sonder reëlings. Hy en die perde ken die brug goed. Net toe hy in die middel van die brug is, begin die perde terug rem. Hulle dwing agteruit asof hulle gevaar voor hulle sien. Die boer gebruik al sy vaardigheid om die perde te laat voortgaan, maar hulle beur so agteruit dat die kar se een wiel van die brug afglip en die sakke koring beland in die waterstroom. Toe bedaar die perde. Gewillige hande help hom om die kar weer op die brug te kry en die twee sakke kosbare koring uit die water te haal. Teleurgesteld en ook verskrik draai hy terug huis toe. Vroeër die oggend het hy en sy vrou na gewoonte gebid en die Here se beskerming oor die dag se gebeure gevra. Nou verstaan hy nie wat gebeur het nie. Hy sny die twee nat sakke koring oop en gooi die koring op ’n sementvloer oop om weer droog te word. Toe kom hy agter hoekom die Here sy sake so teleurstellend laat verloop het. In die een sak vind hy tot sy uiterste ontsteltenis ’n paar klein stukkies glas. Die glas sou saam met die koring gemaal gewees het en die glas sou met die meel wat hulle sou gebruik, gemeng geword het. Watter ramp sou dit nie oor hulle gebring het nie! Dr Andrew Murray skryf oor ons ervaring van teëspoed: “Dit is God wat my op hierdie plek gebring het. Dit is sy wil, wat ek nie nou verstaan nie, dat ek my in hierdie noute moet bevind. Tweedens sal Hy my hier in sy liefde bewaar, en aan my die genade skenk om my soos Sy kind te gedra. Derdens sal Hy die beproewing omskep in ’n seën en my die lesse leer wat Hy vir my wil leer, en wat ek nie op ’n ander manier sou kon leer nie. Eindelik sal Hy my dan op Sy eie goeie tyd weer uit hierdie benoudheid bring – hoe en wanneer, dit weet Hy. Ek is dan hier deur God se bestelling, in Sy bewaring, onder Sy opleiding en so lank as wat Hy dit goed ag vir my. Ek gaan my dus nie ontstel of bekommer nie.”
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Wat vir ‘n bruid, so beeldskoon mooi in rooi getooi, kom aangestap sonder haar handruiker? Die bruid wat steeds so dolverlief is op haar mooie man, sy’s die een. Blommetjies en lintjies is nie vir haar as haar ridder in sy wit Prado so Visible op haar wag nie... • Die lang man wat stry gekry het met skoene en langbroeke toe hy nog jonk was, dans toe daar langs Hamawasha se dam dat die graspolle spat. Maar hy kla die dae daarna dat sy rug nie meer die passies wil vat nie. Anthony, ‘n man moet jou jare respekteer. Rûe is nie klippe nie… • Tzaneen het nou so baie gimnasiums wat so baie verskillende dienste en oefeninge aanbied, dat sommige mense goeters oefen wat nie geoefen behoort te word nie. Beslis nie in ‘n gim nie… • Die uitvinder van die Bulletin se Aprilgekkedagstorie oor die skolerugby wat verlede Vrydag op die agterblad was, sal voortaan ‘n visum of permit nodig hê as hy die tweelingbrug wil oorsteek. En as hy dit waag om ‘n voet anderkant die brug te sit sonder die nodige dokumente, sal sy tande een vir een getrek word, sonder enige narkose of inspuiting. Sjeim, die arme kêrel... • Dis die einde van die glanspad...
4 April 2014
Life of a successful old timer revealed
Lancefield has long been a respected name in Tzaneen. Ms Susie Lancefield is one of the last people in the area to bear that name. Sue Ettmayr spoke to her about the golden old days, in another article about our area’s older pioneers in our exclusive series about our founding fathers and mothers.
Ms Susie Lancefield (84) says her most treasured memory and three daughters. of Tzaneen was when she was crowned Carnation Queen at The couple settled in the mountains of Politsi, where they the age of 17 at the Town Hall Ball in 1947. The Town Hall, a were surrounded by numerous farmers in an area of plenty big shed, was opposite the now FNB. Her aunt had entered water and fertile soil. She started a very profitable and sucher in the competition. Lancefield says she wore a long light cessful nursery called Summit Nursery. It was thus named green evening dress. She smiles and says, “I’ve got knock because it was right on top of the hills, hundreds of meters knees, so wouldn’t have won if I’d worn higher than Tzaneen and also ten degrees cooler than the town. One of her biggest customers was a short dress. My mother, the late Ms Top Ten in Johannesburg. Lettie Alberts, made my outfit.” There were numerous carnation growHer main line at Summit Nursery was azaleas. She bought a lot of azaleas initially from the ers from Tzaneen to Polokwane. The late Ms Box Thompson from Cheerio Gardens carnation business died when carnaoutside Haenertsburg. She sold many azaltions went out of fashion. The late Mr eas that were converted into beautiful bonsais. Alan Duffus from Merkel Motors, who took the photograph, was the only phoLancefield’s husband was involved in building dams while she built up their avocado plantatographer in Tzaneen in those days. The tion. Town Hall was also the place where peoShe also had an extremely successful small ple went to spend an evening dancing. shop in Politsi. There she sold blankets, materiLancefield recalls that the Tzaneen main als and beads to the Sotho and Shangaan people. street was not tarred and often vehicles got stuck and chains had to be attached She learnt a lot about traditional colours and built up invaluable sources. to the wheels. In between she talks about her love for her Lancefield, a third generation TzaneenThe Carnation Queen champion pedigree Maltese Annie Annabel. The ite, went to school at the little “laerskool” in Tzaneen and then on to Polokwane for a shorthand course. dog lived to the age of 19 and waited for her to return from She worked briefly at the magistrate’s court. She married the her holiday in Maputo before dying in her arms. late Mr Bill Lancefield at the age of 20 and they had one son Lancefield was in Johannesburg for a foot operation when
her son Charlie was misdiagnosed with a cold. It was malaria and he sadly died at the age of 31. Two of her daughters, Elizabeth and Joan, live in Elgin in the Cape. Elizabeth has a farm with apples and pears, is involved in wedding venues and produces olive oil. Joan recently sold her restaurant business and is about to launch another venture. The third daughter, Jennifer, lives in Edenvale and works at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
The daughters are Elizabeth, Jennifer and Joan.
Lancefield’s ‘party animal’ husband died on the Politsi farm in 1995. She sold the farm eleven years ago to move to Macadamia Retirement Village. She loves her life there and spends her days playing bridge and having tea parties with her many friends.
4 April 2014
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VLU-dames hang weer uit
Mee Miems Odendaal, Hannelie Schoonraad, Santie Venter, Elna Fourie (agter), Marlise Kasselman, Riana Jooste (agter), Manja Loots, Thea Malan (agter), dr Erna Visser, mee June Robbinson (agter) Stephanie Pretorius, Henriette Beukes, Laetitia Botha (agter), Daneke Coetzer (agter) en Noelene van Wyk klink hier ‘n glasie op ‘n suksesvolle streekkonferensie.
• Lavender-tak skop stof in die res se oë Die VLU se Koraalstreek het onlangs hul streekkonferensie gehou en dit was, soos altyd, ‘n gesellige en suksesvolle byeenkoms. Die Tzaneen-tak, die Lavender-tak (ook in Tzaneen), Louis Trichardt se twee takke, Hanglip en Aandblom, die tak van Blyde Klaserie, die Pietersburg Noord-tak en die Finesse-tak, ook van Polokwane, en die takke van Alldays, Legkraal en Messina het teen mekaar te staan gekom om te wys hoe vlytige
hande puik eindprodukte uit die kombuis of die hekelmandjie of die naaimasjien kan optower. Tzaneen se Lavender-tak was die algehele wenner. Me Riana Jooste het skoonskip gemaak met haar inskrywings.
Hondeskou kom weer Alle diereliefhebbers in en om Tzaneen moet gerus hul dagboeke nader trek en ‘n vet nota maak: die NG Kerk Wolkberg hou weer ‘n pret hondeskou. Die datum is Saterdag 31 Mei, en dit word op die kerkterrein gehou. Lekker groot pryse word aangebied. Sorg solank dat jou hond se hare geborsel en die leiband sterk genoeg is.
r o i r e p u S
Gel Memory Foam Turn - Free
Dr Erna Visser en mee Riana Jooste (takvoorsitter) en Thea Malan het trofeë ontvang.
JOUBERT ST 40 DANIE JOUBER (next to Dulux) 015 307 4855
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Ntindani to be honoured
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4 April 2014
Renosterstropers aangekeer
Vyf vermeende renosterstropers wat verlede Donderdag op Gravelotte aangekeer is, het Woensdag in Phalaborwa in die landroshof verskyn. Polisielede het Donderdag omstreeks 17:00 ‘n verdagte swart BMW X5 in Gravelotte opgemerk en vyf verdagtes daarin voorgekeer, waarna hulle na die polisiekantoor geneem is. By nadere ondersoek is verskeie wapens — onder meer ‘n .375-jaggeweer, twee tuisgemaakte knaldempers, drie slagtersmesse en twintig rondes harde ammunisie — in die motor gevind. Hulle is toe aangehou. Hulle het die volgende dag vlugtig in die landdroshof in
Phalaborwa verskyn, waarna die saak tot Woensdag uitgestel is. Die verdagtes is Doctor Nbuso Ngwenya (30), Nicol Given Mashaba (36), Robert Fondlani (38), Vusi Matsana (45) en Tolani Sowela (29), almal Suid-Afrikaners van Mpumalanga. Hulle was klaarblyklik op pad na ‘n private wildplaas in die Gravelotte-omgewing, om renosters te stroop. Die naam van die plaas word om verstaanbare veiligheidsredes nie genoem nie. Die verdagtes het Woensdag weer in die hof verskyn, waar Ngwenya om borgtog aansoek gedoen het. Die aansoek is tot gister uitgestel. Die ander vier word aangehou tot die verhoor op 10 April.
Beware of malaria!
Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani said it was necessary that the municipality honoured their first mayor, Rev Solomon Ntindani, who recently passed away in his home at Khakhala village after a short illness. Ntindani (64) was mayor of Greater Giyani from 2000 to 2005. Speaking at the former mayor’s funeral, Hlungwani said Ntindani had done well for the community of Giyani by paving the way for the current leaders at the time when things were fragile. “The Chinese say ‘One generation plants a tree, but another generation comes and enjoy the seeds’,” he said. “I don’t think the current generation could have managed to start transformation from around 2000 when Ntindani became the mayor. Before 2000 the communities were governed by Transitional Local
Councils which were later transformed into municipalities. “Things were not easy then because he had to transform the old governing institutions into a municipality, former Gaza Nkulu government or the newly formed municipality,” continued the mayor. “I will push that we honour Rev Ntindani in some of our projects so that we could remember his good work. We would be happy if one of our streets could be named after Rev Ntindani,” the mayor said. The late Rev Ntindani was a pastor and the president of the Healing Ministry Church [HMC], which has twelve branches around the country. He is survived by his wife Tintswalo and six children. Orlando Chauke
The Department of Social Development has announced that Limpopo experiences a seasonal increase in malaria — with the Mopani district the worst affected, with 111 cases of malaria recorded in Ba-Phalaborwa and 132 in Greater Giyani since 15 March. These numbers are still below historic epidemic thresholds. The northern and eastern areas of Limpopo are malaria endemic areas. In these areas, malaria transmission is seasonal, with cases normally at their highest
during the summer rainy season. During a normal malaria season, Limpopo has incidents of malaria at two different times. The first is in January. This is associated with travelling patterns and behaviour change during the December festive period. A second peak is towards the end of the malaria season in March and early April. This increase is associated with the climatic patterns, namely
Die nood aan klaskamerruimte by die Laerskool Tzaneen het die afgelope jaar of wat kritiek geraak. Daar is al selfs in die koshuis klaskamerruimte geskep, uit nood. Maar Tzaneen se gemeenskap, wat reeds so ruimskoots bydra om die plaaslike skole ter wille te wees, het hul sakke geskud en ‘n hele vleuel is by die skool aangebou, tot groot verligting vir die skool se akademiese program. Die nuwe klaskamers is onlangs amptelik in gebrjuik geneem. Hier staan die hoofmeisie, Thylene Rossouw, hoofseun James Vorster en skoolhoof Vic Rijnen in die nuwe gebou by die bord waar erkenning aan donateurs gegee word.
high rainfall, humidity and temperatures. It remains important for communities to be aware of symptoms of fever, body pains, headache, nausea and diarrhoea. If any of these symptoms are present, patients should go to the nearest clinic for a malaria test. All provincial health facilities are prepared to test and treat malaria. The Department encourages visitors to these areas to stay indoors from dusk to dawn and to use insecticides, bed nets and mosquito repellents.
4 April 2014
Letaba FET College 1 Claude wheatley street Tzaneen 0850
Tel: 015 307 5440 Fax: 015 307 2204
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South Africans are lazy
Private Bag x4017 Tzaneen, 0850
Invitation to bid Tender No.
Service Description
Compulsory Site Visit
Closing Date
LET 2014-009
Request for proposal / Tender: • Security Services-Giyani Campus
Yes 11 April 2014 at 09:00am
25 April 2014 at 11.00am
LET 2014-010
Request for proposal / Tender: • Gardening Services -Central Office & Tzaneen Campus
Yes 11 April 2014 at 02:00pm
25 April 2014 at 11:00am
LET 2014-011
Request for proposal / Tender • Gardening Services - Maake Campus
Yes 11 April 2014 at 12:00pm
25 April 2014 at 11:00am
LET 2014-012
Request for proposal / Tender: • Gardening Services - Giyani Campus
Yes 11 April 2014 at 09:00am
25 April 2014 at 11:00am
• Bid documents available from 11 April 2014 at the Central Office of Letaba FET College, 1 Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen at a cost of R150-00 which is non-refundable. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheques made payable to Letaba FET College will be accepted. • Bids are to be submitted in the bid box at Letaba FET College, Central Office, 1 Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen on dates indicated above. • Letaba FET College does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other Bids and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of a bid. • Bidders will be evaluated and adjudicated in line with Letaba FET College’s Supply Chain Management Policy and where the policy is silent, will apply National Treasury Regulations. • Suppliers who previously registered; to submit an original valid tax clearance and B-BBEE certificate by SANAS or registered Auditor (if previously submitted has expired ) and any other documents as stated on bid documents failing which it will invalidate their bids. NO LATE, TELEPHONIC, FAXED, EMAILED OR UNSIGNED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
For further enquiries contact Mr Sehlapelo at 015 307 5440
Events l Gebeure
Members of the Vangama cooperative project seen here are Mss Dollen Maluleke, Brenda Singo and Nancy Simango, with some of the products produced by their cooperative.
“The most problematic thing in South Africa is the feeling of entitlement. People don’t want to work, they want things delivered to them on a platter because they feel they deserve it,” said Greater Giyani acting mayor Mr Million Rikhotso. He was speaking at Ngove during the relaunch of phase two of the Vangama Cooperative project, which was established in the village in 2011 to empower unemployed people with practical skills. The cooperative consists of fifteen members who do woodcarving, beadwork, jewellery etcetera. When the project started in 2011, the members were trained on skills development. In phase two they will be trained on how to access the market to sell their products. Rikhotso warned the owners of the project against relying on aids from donors, but rather to stand up and market the project on their own with the little resources they have. “If you look at taxi drivers and farmers, you’ll realise those people don’t cry much about aid. They just get up and go to work. They only cry about bad roads,” he said. Rikhotso warned that if the nation continued to live with the same mindset of not wanting to work, the country might end up being led by foreigners. “Today if you look at the youth that trade in our town, you’ll re-
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Roelien Vorster— E-pos/e-mail: Windpompfees Kom geniet die Fees saam met ons op 1 - 3 Mei in Euphoria Golf Estate en Hydro Landgoed. Vir meer inligting gaan besoek gerus die webtuiste: boomwindpompLaerskool Naauwpoort reunie Die reunie word beplan vir 5 April om 11:00 by die Supersportpark in Centurion, op die hoek van Support Group The Tzaneen Depression Lenchen- en Weststrate. Ingang is in Weststraat and Anxiety Support Group meet on the first by die jukskeibane. Alle oudleerlinge en onder- and third Saturday mornings of every month at wysers word uitgenooi om dit by te woon. Kon- 09:00, Macadamia Community Centre. For more tak vir Chris Smit by 082 793 7538 of Tobie van information, contact Denise on 072 2871022 or Colleen on 083 4567970. Dyk by 084 207 6223. ‘14
This Week
intervals. The entry fee per team is R400 and all the proceeds will be donated to organizations that care for children in need. Entry forms for the event are available at Aïda Lowveld, Van Heerden’s Pharmacy, Gym @ Ben Vorster and Trophy Toyota. Pre-entries at Aïda Lowveld, 38 Boundary Street, today from 13:00 to 18:00 and at Coach House from 05:00 tomorrow. Johan Thiart (083 2702 416) and Wicus van Vuuren (083 3910 172) can be contacted for any further information.
Myra Jacqueline Harms Herofield aanddiens Sondae 18:00, AdDie Gereformeerde Kerk will be sharing dirty-laundry stories from across shadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Skakel Dopperdraf the globe in Tzaneen on 11 April. It will take Hannes Steyn by 082309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail. Laeveld bied op Vrydag 11 April om 18:00 ‘n vyf place from 18:30 at the Waterbessiebos Venue com. kilometer pretloop aan. Alle deelnemers sal in Georges Valley. Tickets cost R50. Bookings can medaljes ontvang. Kategoriewenners sal goue be made with Myra Visser on 083 630 7692. medaljes ontvang en deelnemers wat tweede Sport ‘14 Tzaneen Eisteddfod Die Tzaneen Eieindig in hul onderskeie kategorieë sal silwer steddfod vind vanaf 8 tot 10 Mei in die saal van medaljes ontvang. Daar sal een waterpunt wees Unicorn Preparatory School plaas. Vir meer inna 2.5km. Die pretloop maak deel uit van die ligting, kontak die organiseerder me Mareli van Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Be- kerk se aandmark en daar sal hope pret wees vir der Walt by 084 247 4558. oud en jonk. Inskrywingsgeld beloop R30 per sprekings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546. Aksienetbal Elke Dinsdag aand 18:00- deelnemer en inskrywings kan vanaf 17:00 op Other ‘14 20:00 by die skouterrein. R20 / persoon. Dames die terrein van Letaba Verkoeling langs die kerk en mans welkom. gedoen word. Vir meer besonderhede skakel Round Table Clubhouse meetings at The 4 in 1 Tuffy It will take place tomor- 015 307 3891. Circle Drive, Tzaneen, are on the first Tuesday row. There will be a 42.2 km, 21.2 km, 10 km, 5 of every month. For more information, contact km fun run and a Business Relay Challenge. The Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce starting time for the 42.2 km race is 06:00 and years Mogg on 082 824 4291. the rest of the events will start with 10 minute
Dirty Laundry
alise that they either come from Zimbabwe or Mozambique... our kids are nowhere to be seen, because they are lazy and want free stuff,” he said. He emphasised that the municipality would help the cooperative where it could, but the owners should learn to make the cooperative generate money on its own. Mr Pat Motshweneng, the project manager from Ifa Lethu, the agency that funded the establishment of the project, said the project was targeting Information Centres and lodges around Giyani as their main markets.
Greater Giyani acting mayor Million Rikhotso is seen here viewing some of the products produced by the Vangama cooperative project during its re-launch.
Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.
Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Modjadjiksloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240.
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Volgende boerefees is op droër grond Die organiseerders van die Aan die Oever-boerefees is heel in hul skik met die geleentheid en beskou dit as die suksesvolste een tot dusver. Tussen 3 000 en 3 500 mense het die twee feesdae glo bygewoon, buiten die nagenoeg een duisend uitstallers en hul helpers. Mnr Dawie Grobbelaar, die voorsitter van die reëlingskomitee, sê die meeste groot uitstallers het goeie besigheid gedoen, hoewel hy nie bekend is met die opbrengste van die kleiner deelnemers nie. Hy sê daar is reeds voorlopig besluit om volgende jaar se Aan die Oever ‘n week of wat later te hou, sodat dit aan die einde van die maand (betaaldag) en na die reënseisoen geniet kan word. “Die nat weer van die afgelope tyd het ‘n besliste invloed op die bywoningsyfer gehad,” sê hy. “Ons moes noodgedwonge sekere uitstallers hervestig en die provinsiale ploegkampioenskappe moes ook weens die nat toestande afgestel word.” Dit is ook die plan om toegangsgeld, wat vanjaar R50 per persoon was, volgende jaar te halveer. Grobbelaar sê van die hoogtepunte was die rasbekendstelling van tien topbeesrasse, waarvan drie hul oorsprong in
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Mnr Frans Meintjies, boer en sakeman van Gravelotte, was in ‘n vrolike bui met ‘n nuwe vriendin, Ilze, aan sy sy.
Ouers hoef nie meer te wonder watse kospakkie om vir hul kinders voor te berei en in te pak vir skool nie. Met Munchies Tzaneen kan die kopseer uit die pak van kospakkies gehaal word. Munchies Tzaneen skop die tweede kwartaal — Maandag 7 April — af en vervang die kosblikke wat die ouers daagliks moet pak. Ouers betaal vooruit vir ‘n maand en die pakkies word by al die kleuter-, laer- en hoërskole by spesifieke punte afgelaai. Daar is tans ses spyskaarte, wat deeglik deur ‘n sjef oor- met spesiale behoeftes, soos byvoorbeeld dié met diabetes, weeg en uitgewerk is. Die resepte sal daagliks geruil word, uit te werk. Die kospakkie kos R15 stuk en is vooruitbetaalbaar. sodat die kind nie twee dae na mekaar dieselfde kosblikMunchies Tzaneen is in King Edwardrylaan 14 en hul telegereg kry nie. Munchies Tzaneen is ook besig om spyskaarte vir kinders foonnommer is 060 406 4638.
Beagle General Dealers is bigger and better Should anyone want more information regarding the Beagle General Dealers, in 12 Impala Street, Old Industrial Area, Tzaneen, has expanded the company by obtain- product, quality and the service, do not hesitate to call ing a bigger truck to ensure better and speedy service. 015 306 0359, Hannie on 084 581 3302 or Cassie on 082 The truck can carry up to 4,5 ton. 371 2177. The owners of Beagle General Dealers would like to thank Six Star Milling for the branding of the truck and they look forward to increased business opportunities through this form of advertising. The owners of Six Star Mills also decided to make Beagle General Dealers their sole agent in Limpopo. Mr Morris Mkhabela has been appointed as the new sales representative and he can be contacted on 074 038 8223 for quotes. Due to the quality of the product, the demand has increased quite substantially. Clients can now decide whether they want to buy wholesale of if they prefer to purchase Mr Rohan Marais is the sales manager of Six Star Mills. Seen with him are Ms Hannie Joubert and Mr Cassie Marais, the owners of Beagle. smaller quantities.
“Pouse pakkies op wiele” “Breaktime meals on wheels” •
Munchies. Tot u diens!
Munchies •
4 April 2014
Mnre Theo Dicke (Brahmane) en Piet Warren (Swartwitpense) was van die verskeie boere wat by die fees lekker gekuier het.
Limpopo het. Hulle is die Pinz²yl, Bonsmara en Hugenote. Wat landboutoerusting betref, was Case se Magnum die grootste trekker by die uitstallings, met Landini se babatrekker met 12 kW die kleinste. Ander hoogtepunte was ‘n .22- skietkompetisie, perde-uithoutritte en die Mercedes-Benz Dynamic Driving-span wat met Unimogs ‘n grootse 4x4-vertoning gelewer het.
Ons kinders is alreeds pakesels met swaar tasse, skaars skaars nog plek vir ‘n kosblik! • Ons verskaf kospakkies en lewer dit by jou kind se kleuterskool/laerskool/hoërskool kleuterskool/laerskool/hoërskool af! • Ons 6 deeglik uitgewerkte spyskaarte (met nog baie wat wat kom!) wat elke week roteer dek alle voedselgroepe; Basiese • Basiese spyskaart spyskaart bestaan uit coctail broodjie, joghurt, vrug van die dag, 250ml vrugtesap en ‘n lekkertjie. Ouers se lewens is reeds ‘n gejaag, @ net R15 per kind per dag, is dit verseker bekostigbaar! Streng vooruitbetaalbaar per maand - geen kospakkies word vanuit afleweringsvoertuig verkoop nie.
Registrasievorms kan aangevra word via e-mail: Stuur terug na 086 275 8601. Registrasievorms ook beskikbaar by 14 King Edward rylaan.
Julene: 060 406 4638
4 April 2014
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Job Seeker | Vacancies Domestic I am looking for a domestic or general work I can speak English I have grade 11 my name is Olga Mookamedi contact me on 072 678 5740 (53) ______________________________
My name is Thelma Mabunda I am looking for a house keeping work or shop or laundry please contact me on 072 964 2046
My name is Suzane Monamedi I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I can speak Afrikaans I have 3 years experience contact me on 083 669 5648 (55) ______________________________
My name is Agnes I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English 2 days a week Tuesdays and Thursdays contact me on 083 529 5097 (56) ______________________________
My name is Joyce I am looking for a domestic work I
have a cleaning certificate I can work 2 to 3 days a week contact me on 076 749 0804 (57) ______________________________
My name is Beauty Baloyi I am looking for a domestic or general work I can look after children I have 1 year experience I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 6006 790 (58) ______________________________
(59) ______________________________
My name is Relly Sekgobela I am looking for a job as a office cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I can cook, work after hours I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 792 8794
My name is Grace Motloutsi I am looking for a domestic work I have 4 years experience I can speak English contact me on 071 235 8314 (66)_______________________________
Suzen Mokgolobotho I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English I have 1 year experience I have grade 11 contact me on 071 177 1978 (67)______________________________
My name is Liza Seshoka I am looking for a general work, domestic or office cleaner,
(54) ______________________________
I can speak English contact me on 071 721 7739
Delta Blue Plant Hire now operating as Penta Toro Plant Hire in Louis Trichardt, requires the following: • Code 14 drivers with valid PDP • 12 Ton roller operator • Excavator operator All with relevant experience
Contact Lourens at 073 996 0764
My name is Margret Seloa, I am looking for a domestic work, sleep out, I can speak English , 3 or 5 days a week , office cleaner, general work contact me on 078 400 8271 (61) ______________________________
My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a cleaning work or looking after children contact me on 083 371 2193 (62) ______________________________
My name is Sindile Mokoena I am looking for a cleaning job or domestic work contact me on 079 325 4259 (63) ______________________________
My name is Annieke Makoro I am looking for job as domestic work I can look after children I can speak Afrikaans I have 4 years experience full time or 3 days (ref: Liezel 072 075 6254) contact me on 076 775 0455
(64) ______________________________
My name is Betty I am looking for a cleaner or domestic work 3 to 1 day contact me on 078 503 0828 (33)______________________________
My name is Dora Malola I am looking for a domestic work or general work I speak English Mon – Fri, sleep out (ref: Allen Finnaughty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (37)______________________________
My name is Makumbila Reina I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans I have 1 year experience contact me on 079 159 9947
I am looking for a job any general work cashier, shop cleaning, full day Mon – Fri, I speak English domestic work as well sleep out contact me Esther Ngobeni on 073 140 7690 I am looking for a job as bar lady / deli or any general work I worked at Ocean Basket I can speak English I have grade 12 contact me
My name is Natty Khosa I am looking for work in a restaurant I can cook or clean contact me on 072 181 5893
My name is Nkhensa Khosa I am looking for work in a guest house I can cook and clean making breakfast sleep in or out or domestic work contact me on 078 778 2450
(44) ______________________________
My name is Maria M. Sekokotla I am looking for general work, speak English, 5 or 3 days a week or domestic work contact me on 078 331 5755 My name is Dennis Mnisi I am looking for a general work in gardening / plumbing, 5 days a week, I can install garage motor doors contact me on 078 857 7881
Person should be fully computer literate and speak English and Afrikaans fluently, third language an advantage.
Please fax CV to: 086 214 2812 bulletin©9482ea140404tb
My name is Ester Ngobeni I am looking for Care take work (old people) shift work 7 days a week, sleep out I speak English, I went to the college Saint Ignatious FET
Office Assistant needed
Salary would be market related.
My name is Funny Mahasha I am looking for a job in construction and I can do house planning very well, I studied at Letaba FET college for financing.Contact me on 083 923 0725 (53) ______________________________
My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a job as driver I have code B or waitress or in sales I can speak English 6 days a week, computer literate contact me on 071 999 4771 / 071 984 7266 (54) ______________________________
(48) ______________________________
Pastel accounting experience would be an advantage.
My name is Robert Seshoene I am looking for a job as paver, builder and I can speak Afrikaans or any other general work contact me on 083 088 3282 (55) ______________________________
Requirements: Between 23 and 28 years old Technically minded Drivers lisence and own transport Matric certificate Interested applicants can e-mail CV’s to or deliver CV to the shop: 10 Skirving Street, Tzaneen. Contact person: Liesl de Lange 015 307 5999 Closing date for applications: 10 April 2014
My name is Micheal Seroto I am looking for a general work,. Pia Education, 5 days a week contact me on 073 036 5792 (51) ______________________________
(41) ______________________________
Qualifying requirements
Closing date: 17 April 2014 Only suitable CV’s will be considered
My name is Tinny Molamodi I am looking for general work or domestic work, office cleaner 5 or 3 days a week contact me on 084 982 5924
(46) ______________________________
My name is Khanyisa Mongwe I am looking for a shop assistant, clerk contact me on 079 097 7265
We are looking for a young man with sober habits to join our workforce.
Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: For more information contact: Ilze Goosen at 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website:
(50) ______________________________
(40) ______________________________
Grade 12 with 3 years relevant experience Computer literacy (MS office package: Excel, Word & Outlook E-mail) Background in logistics and production Experience in client services & liaison Good communication skills A meticulous and well-structured person The ability to integrate with a team Fluent in Afrikaans & English Drivers licence
(43) ______________________________
My name is Maria Shibanda I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children, I speak English I clean very well, sleep out mon – fri contact me on 083 345 9600
(39) ______________________________
Letaba Locksmith
• • • • • • • • •
My name is Leslie Nkouwana I am looking for work in hardware store I previous worked at Magic Build in the plumbing department for 10 years contact me on 083 736 8840
My name is Sabah B. Mokoti I am looking for any general work, I can speak English 5 or 3 days a week, domestic contact me on 078 657 0884
(65) ______________________________
Coordination of related duties in production Communicate with clients and relevant managers Daily update of ERP system Filing & ad hock tasks
My name is Gladys I am looking for any work cashier, I am computer literate, I have matric certificate and Stanford College certificate in child care have experience contact me on 076 387 9580
My name is Latitia Baloyi I am looking for a job as shop assistant, clerk contact me on 078 767 8165
• • • •
(49) ______________________________
My name is Jane Malatjie I am looking for a domestic work 2 or 3 days of full time I have seven years experience I can cook and look after children (ref: Marlina Walker 082 8955 270) contact me on 072 344 7776
My name is Machete Salphinah Mandy I am looking for a domestic work or gardening work I speak English I have two years experience contact me on 082 833 3570
Primary responsibilities
(42) ______________________________
(45) ______________________________
or cashier or self packer work contact me on 071 140 7690
My name is Kate Mojela I am looking for a cleaning job or domestic work 5 days a week, sleep out, I speak English ( I can look after children at day care centre) contact me on 073 579 1742
Josephine Maphosa on 073 515 9081
(68) ______________________________
(69) ______________________________
My name is Lucy Mmola I am looking for a domestic work / gardening 3 days a week, I speak English I can look after children; sleep out contact me on 083 770 2829
PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate for the District of Letaba held at Tzaneen, given on 13 February 2014, the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 24 APRIL 2014 by public auction to be held at MAIN STORE NR 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, Letaba to the highest bidder for cash namely: 1 X SENSATION SPEED BOAT TRAILOR WITH REG NR: BGI682L 1 X ROUND TABLE 6 X CHAIRS 1 X BLACK LOUNGE SUITE 1 X STATIONARY BIKE 1 X HISENSE TV 1 X TV STAND 1 X LG DVD PLAYER 1 X CARPET 1 X ROUND TABLE 5 X PAINTINGS 1 X SAMSUNG FRIDGE 1 X KIC FRIDGE 1 X DEFY MICROWAVE 1 X DESK 1 X KIC BOX FREEZER 1 X HISENSE FREEZER 1 X SAMSUNG WASHING MACHINE 1 X WALL UNIT 1 X 8 CORNER TABLE WITH 4
CHAIRS 1 X 7 SEATER LOUNGE SUITE 1 X SAMSUNG TV 1 X OTTOMAN 1 X ELECTRIC FAN 1 X MERCURY ENGINE 1 This sale is sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honorable Court. 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace street, Tzaneen. 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia; 4 Directive of the Consumer protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http: /// view/down loadfileaction?id-99961) 5 FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 2nd day of APRIL 2014. (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Tel 015 307 6797 Docex: 18 Ref; FHUMAN File No: BB0183
Late legal Laat regskennisgewing
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4 April 2014
Business directory | Sakegids
Facials, body treatments, slimming, Bio Sculpture, waxing, airbrush tan, TCA & glycolic peels, Feetish spa pedicures, make-up, Gelish & acrylic nails. 24 King Edward Dr. Tzaneen 0850 Telefax: 015 307 2193
Five 1 Two Trailers
Vir die beste diens met die Blou Bulspan, skakel:
Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701
Agathastraat 54, Tzaneen 015 307 1149
Pieter Botha
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126
072 506 9413
22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699
Paul’s Mobile Kitchen
W E&STEEL Palisade Fencing
Vars wegneemetes
Dankie vir die ondersteuning
We’ll get you there safely...
Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.
We also stock b-grade steel
Tel: 015 307 7705
082 357 1058
5 Duiker Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen, 0850 We specialise in refilling ink & laser/ toner cartridges
10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen
015 307 3173
ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719
Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850
4 April 2014
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Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Eiendomme To Let Te Huur
Sleutel deposito vooruit betaalbaar. Kontak Marthinus by 082 805 6167
Aquapark Bachelor flat available.
Meenthuis / Cluster Home 2 Bedroom rondavel 4 km from town Old Station road Immediately Available R3 500 pm + electricity Phone Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018
3 slp kamer meenthuis in Letsitele te huur. R4700 p/m. Koopkrag, minsipale waterrekening. Einde April beskikbaar. 2 slp kamer meenthuis in dieselfde kompleks, R3800 p/m. Koopkrag en minsipale waterrekening, onmiddellik beskikbaar. Elzaan 0825616062 Apr102__________________________
Flats/ Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in kompleks. sekeruteits omheining met elektriese hekke. Prepaid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel tydens kantoorure: 015 307 7031 Apr103_________________________
Two charming bachelor cottages in a garden setting. Full kitchen + bathroom, verhanda. Available immediately. Will suit couple or single person. Rent R3 200 water and lights included. Call Andre 071 928 9075 toe view. Apr104___________________________
2 Slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar einde April. Dubbel garage, veilige erf, R4000.00 water en ligte uitgesluit.
For Sale Te Koop
Tzaneen Properties 800m² Stand for Sale in Golden Acres Security Estate. Approved for double story building plans. Now selling @ R370,000 Tzaneen Properties Lushof Plot for sale! 2Ha Stand in LUSHOF @ only R695,000 Electricity in place and borehole in daily use. 3 x small outbuildings for storage… Tzaneen Properties Townhouse in Aqua Park Extremely neat in small complex. 3 x Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, 2 x Bathrooms and private garden. Double garage R1,070,000 Tzaneen Properties Build your dream house near town. 2ha bordering the Letabarivier @ R880,000 Tzaneen Properties 13Ha Plot with river front close to town. 4 x Bedroom house 2 x bathrooms and spacious living areas. Swimming pool, 2 x garages, Irrigation system, Staff quarters and a large store room. 2 x boreholes – 1 equipped. 300 Mango trees now selling @ R1,950,000-00. Tzaneen Properties Stands at Ebenezer Selling R280 000 plus vat – Ideal for get away weekends. Jorrie 082 695 5626 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464 Apr108__________________
Tzaneen Properties Business premises on a good location. Next to main Road! R2 200 000 Tzaneen Properties Bedroom, 3 ½ bathrooms, beautiful kitchen 3 entertain areas with swimming pool and sleeper bar, alarm. 3 Lock up garages, electric fence and gate, borehole and irrigation system, servant quarters and 1bedroom cottage on a 3800m² Stand. R4 400 000. Ideal for a lodge. Tzaneen Properties LODGES 17ha Lodge in the Agatha mountains 44 en suite rooms , 10 staff quarters, 3 conference halls, Restaurant, 3 houses and 3 swimming pools, , all for R14 500 000 Tzaneen Properties In town. 4,5ha plot with 3 houses. A 9 Bedroom house, a 6 bedroom house and a 2 bedroom house. 2 Garages one for 2 cars and one for 3 cars that can easy changed into another house. Big soil dam for fishing, conference facility for 150 people plus a swimming pool. Can be used for guest house. R 4 950 000 Tzaneen Properties Lodge: 2 ha near town 13 bedroom onsuite, 3 self catering units, small conference room and a restaurant , covered swimming pool and chapel, ladies bar 1 ha water allocated out of canal. R 7 7000 000 Jeanette 083 258 5862 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464 Apr109______________________
Tzaneen Properties Beautiful up mark semi double Storey 4 star Lodge in town: 8 en suite bedrooms with swimming pool and lots more R4 400 000. Popular guest house for sale: 12 en suite rooms, lots of parking, ladies bar and swimming pool. R4 950 000 Tzaneen Properties New Listing: Phalaborwa – 6 000m² Business stand. R1, 2m. Commercial Building with good rental income in Phalaborwa. Phone me for more information. Tzaneen Properties 4 Bedroom all on-suite bathrooms, walking in safe, linen room, beautiful kitchen, scullery, laundry, 3large entertainment areas, cottage, servants quarters, swimming pool on a 200m² stand near school and Mosque. R2 400 000.00 Tzaneen Properties 3-4 Bedroom house with lots extra entertainment area with swimming pool plus a 1 bedroom flat on a huge 2 600m² stand. R1 300 000.00 Tzaneen Properties Neat Tlc 3 bedroom house with huge living areas and swimming pool. R1 370 000 Jeanette 083 258 5862 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464
Private Seller Florapark Tzaneen 2 Bedroom house. Open plan kitchen, living area. Bathroom, washroom, big stoep. Bachelors flat with own entrance. Double parking secure.
R2 200 – R2 500
Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, geskik vir ourige persone, lang termyn kontrak, geen troeteldiere of kinders. R2 800 Premierpark (Pearlman Place) 3 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, kombuis, eie erf omhein en 1 toesluit motorhuis in kompleks, middelslag troeteldier welkom, agter omhein. R4 800 Medipark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan kombuis en sitkamer, loop afstand vanaf besighede, stil omgewing, geen troeteldiere of kinders. R2 700
(Vorm vir publikasie kragtens Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937) Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937, ek DIE PLAAS STYLDRIFT 192 EIENDOMS BEPERK REGISTRASIENOMMER 1995/009064/07 Van voornemens is om ‘n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Akte van Transport T116133/2007 gepasseeer deur DIE TRUSTEE VAN TYD TOT TYD VAN WINTER FAMILIE TRUST REGISTRASIENOMMER IT7302/1995 Ten gunste van DIE PLAAS STYLDRIFT 192 EIENDOMS BEPERK REGISTRASIENOMMER 1995/009064/07 Ten aansien van RESTERENDE GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 2 VAN DIE PLAAS ZWARTKOPPIES 388, REGISTRASIE AFDELING LT, PROVINSIE LIMPOPO GROOT 171, 3064 (EENHONDERD EEN EN SEWENTIG KOMMA DRIE NUL SES VIER) HEKTAAR
GEHOU KRAGTENS TRANSPORTAKTE T116133/2007 Wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Akte te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. GETEKEN TE PRETORIA OP HEDE DIE 18 DAG VAN MAART 2014. REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES Apr101__________________ GENERAL NOTICE OF 2014 GREATER LETABA AMENDMENT SCHEME 58 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME (LUMS) IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of the Remaining Extent
of Portion 5 of the farm Gemsbokspruit 349-LT (known as Quantum Fruits (Pty) Ltd) hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Greater Letaba Municipality for the amendment of the LUMS known as Greater Letaba LUMS, 2008 by the rezoning of a part of the property described above, situated ±12.5km north east of Mooketsi town and adjacent to Road R81 from “Agricultural” to “Business 3” with an Annexure. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Modjadjiskloof for a period of 28 days from 28 March 2014 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 36, Modjadjiskloof, 0835 within a period of 28 days from 28 March 2014. Address of authorized agent: Omniplan CC Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN,
0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: J026. Apr102_________________ ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2014 GROTER LETABA WYSIGINGSKEMA 58 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N GRONGEBRUKSBEHEER SKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van die Restant van Gedeelte 5 van die plaas Gemsbokspruit 349-LT (bekend as Quantum Fruits Edms Bpk), gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Letaba Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Groter Letaba Grondgebruiks Beheer Skema, 2008 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë ±12.5km noord oos
Vliegveld 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, afdak +/- 15 km vanaf Letsitele, water en ligte ingesluit. R2 700 Arborpark 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 2 kuierplekke, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, loopafstand vanaf BenVorster hoërskool, groot erf omhein met elektroniese hek. R8 500 Fauna Park 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, stoep met ingeboude kroeg, swembad, boorgat, motorhuis geskik vir 4 motors, omhein, groot erf. Loopafstand vanaf skole, bediendekamer. R6 500 Arborpark 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, eetkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, motorhuis, groot erf omhein met tuin Reg oorkant Hoërskool Ben Vorster. R6 500
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Burglar proofing. Vacant land, Unit 1292m² R950 000 neg Phone Renett at: 072 445 8276 after hours
For Sale Te Koop
Tzaneen Properties Buy Business stand with installments ideal for cars or hardware. R2 200 000 Installments can be made over 3 years. Tzaneen Properties An opportunity once in a lifetime 12,79Ha plot near Tzaneen. Lots of water 140 Mango trees, 120 Litchi trees, spacious house overlooking a dam. Plot is divided in 4 camps. Phone me to view this Gem. Theo 082 381 3577 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464
Tzaneen Properties Aqua Park need 3 bedroom house in Aqua Park, kitchen, study, Tv, dining and lounge, Jacuzzi in house, lapa, swimming pool and as a bonus a 1 bedroom (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and lounge) Cottage R 1850 000 Tzaneen Properties 3 Bedroom house plus a 2 bedroom house for a giveaway R1 220 000 Theo 082 381 3577 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464
Tzaneen Properties Nkowankowa B, 4 Bedroom house, 2 living areas, 2 bathrooms and double garage. R660 000.00
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise for properties
10 10
van Mooketsi en aangrensend tot Pad R81 vanaf “Landbou” na “Besigheid 3” met ‘n Bylae. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Munisipale Kantore, Modjadjiskloof vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 28 Maart 2014 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 28 Maart 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 36, Modjadjiskloof 0835 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J026 Apr103_________________ NOTICE IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 15 OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 FOR A SPECIAL CONSENT USE APPLICATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF A CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATION MAST We, Urban Energy Town &
Regional Planners CC being the authorized agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below hereby give notice in terms of clause15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 that an application has been submitted to the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality forspecial consent to allow for a cellular telecommunication mast, on a portion of Erf 1971, Tzaneen Ext 18 (Located within the confines of Kobus Minnaar Transport premises, Industria Street, Industria). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Director: Planning & Economic Development, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, and corner of Pienaar& Agatha St, Tzaneen Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 3April2014 (being the first day of publication). Address of agent: Urban Energy Town& Regional Plan-
Homes / Huise
Jim 076 144 5195 or Tzaneen Properties 015 307 4464
ners, PO Box 307,Bendor Park 0713, Tel: 079 886 3414, Fax: 086 565 8531, e-mail rowan@ Apr104_________________ KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN KLOUSULE 15 VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 VIR ‘N SPESIALE TOESTEMMINGSAANSOEK VIR ‘N SELFOON TELEKOMMUNIKASIEMAS Ons, Urban Energy Town & Regional Planners CC, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema van 2000 kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoekgedoen het vir ‘n spesiale toestemmingsgebruik vir ‘n selfoontelekommunikasiemas op ‘n gedeelte van Erf 1971, Tzaneen Ext 18 (Geleë binne die gronde van Kobus Minnaar Vervoer, Industriastraat, Industria). Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Beplanning en EkonomieseOntwikkeling, Groter Tzaneen Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, hoek van
years of loving our community
Jare Pienaarstraat & Agathastraat, Tzaneen. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 3 April 2014 (synde die eerste dag van publikasie) skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Urban Energy Town & Regional planners CC, Posbus309,Bendor Park 0713, Tel: 0798863414, Faks: 086 565 8531, e-pos: Apr105__________________ Legal Notice Please note that SHADRACK TSHUKETANA intends making an application to the Registrar of close corporations for the Restoration of SOLANI CONSTRUCTABILITY & PROJECTS. Registration no: 2007/093774/23. Please further note that any objections regarding the application must be lodged with the Registrar within 21 days of date of publication. For further details call: 082 636 0081 Apr106__________________
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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406__________________________
YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Because you are serious about giving up PLUS you get 20 motivational sms messages FREE, if you book your first session in April 2014 – THIS is not an April fool’s joke!
• Then stop fooling around and contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835. MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210_________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre Nov202_________________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106__________________________
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229 The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
Services Dienste
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos:
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 083 472 8483
071 268 2543
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email:
Sebokeng Fuels Distributors For Shell fuels Brandstof Aflewering Martin Jacobs 083 390 3026
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928 Salary Management Services Debt Stressed We can help Reduce your monthly installments and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assets 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street Mar304___________________________
Roentes 4D-Ultrasound Medi 24. Cnr Thabo Mbeki & Plein Street, Polokwane Tel: 015 291 2275
Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703
015 307 7168
Health Shoes Big Sizes Ladies and gents New stock coming soon Danie Joubert Str. Langs Ickinger 015 307 2856
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverse-kering) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
HIPNOTERAPEUT WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? • DIT is nie ‘n April-grap nie – jy WIL ophou rook PLUS jy kry 20 motiverings-boodskappe GRATIS as jy in April jou eerste sessie bespreek. VERSEKER! • Alle grappies op ‘n stokkie. Skakel jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut by NOU by 082 683 2835 skakel. Dis so maklik! MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie – Medies) Calie Lombard Consultancy Services Changed their name to HR Professional Interventions PTY Ltd As of 1 March 2014. Offices at Arborpark Lodge in Tzaneen 015 307 1743 Calie Lombard 082 802 4748 De Wet Geldenhuys 083 272 9682 Alwyn van der Lith 072 015 7742 Mar401__________________________
JB Spares Motorspares Motoronderdele Batteries and Accessories Agatha Straat 54 Email:
4 April 2014
Services Dienste
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com
Blomskuur Bederf jou geliefde met ‘n geskenkie of ‘n bos blomme. Ons het wat jy soek 015 307 2176
The Clean Team MOPING UP Rain / storm damage For all upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call us Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018
Services Dienste
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
Services Dienste
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241
Your partner in home building!
Services Dienste
The Flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pet care needs Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262
Simpson Motors For best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010
Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558. Jan302________________________
Kgomoza Driving School Driving Licence a Multiple Solution for Your Future Needs! Matsebane 0727951770 Kgomoza 0871501775 Web: Apr101___________________________
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Deycon Precast We manufacture and supply lintels, kerbs and other concrete products 015 307 2429 Rietbok Straat, Tzaneen
Mercurius Motors Tzaneen For the best deals visit us at 38 Peace Street Tzaneen for new and used vehicles and parts 015 307 5020 Apr103__________________________
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110___________________
Ickinger Vir geskenke juweliersware, musiek benodighede Unieke meubels 015 307 4448
Other Ander Sleepwaens te huur Vir die beste diens met die Blou bul span skakel Johan 060 437 7447
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________
Services Dienste
CROCODILES FOR AFRICA AGATHA CROCODILE RANCH (TZANEEN) Feeding shows daily 9 am – 4 pm Braai facilities available Educational school shows Tel: 015 307 4398 082 562 5004 072 114 0132 Mar307__________________________
Tzaneen Brake and Clutch For all your brake, clutch and radiator nightmares Call Tzaneen Brake and Clutch 015 307 2879
For Sale Te Koop
Trellidor Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667 Feb103_______________________
Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer Vision Eye test R150 2 complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multifocal from R2 700 015 307 2299
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@gmail. com. Jan203_________________________
Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512____________________
For Sale Te Koop
Nissan Sentra 1.4 Colour Blue. Bargain, price negotiable Contact Foster 082 633 5166 or Maria 076 0202 168
For Hire Te Huur Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036 Mar210__________________________
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. Web:
Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884 Nov312__________________________
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classifieds
Personal Persoonlik
Surrogate Mothers urgently required for many desperate couples. Contact me on 0828891861 or email to elanabannier@gmail. com Please note that strict South African law applies. Ons is op soek na iemand in Duiwelskloof wat sy tuin jong met ons kan deel, wat hom nie al die dae van die week gebruik nie. Kontak Johan 082 426 3610
Sleutel opgetel in Geelhout straat in Arborpark. Hy het ‘n groen speedrite sleutelhouer aan dis ‘n Toyota sleutel Skakel Speedrite 015 307 4721
4 April 2014
Letaba hol verby, oor en deur LT!
BRBF rol die wenbal in sakeliga Die Bulletin Sakeliga-rolbal het verlede week tot ‘n einde gekom en BRBF het vanjaar met die wenbeker weggeloop. In die tweede plek was Bissett Real Estate, terwyl die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in die derde plek geeïndig het. Keyshop in Tzaneen het die geesbeker gewen en die boebieprys het na Postnet
gegaan. Benewens die hoofborg (Bulletin) het die Silver Mist, Spur, die ATKV Eilandvakansieoord en Venbeck as mede-borge gesorg dat die toernooi gewild bly en die ideale geleentheid bied om sakeverhoudings te versterk. — Roelien Vorster
Die wenspan van BRBF: Gielie de Kock, Piet van Zyl, Jan de Kock en Wilhelm Groenewald. Oubal was nog sy hele volwasse lewe lank (ja, toemaar!) nog ‘n groot aanhanger van klubrakbie. Verskeie seisoene lank klubkaptein en later klubsekretaris daar by Westelikes gewees. En, nee, die gerugte dat daardie ampte jou outomaties ‘n Broeder gemaak het, kan Oubal getuig is van alle waarheid ontneem! Dit is gevolglik vir Oubal verblydend om te sien hoe dinge woel hier by ons plaaslike klub, al verstaan hy daar was so ‘n ligte paleisrewolusie. Die raakrakbietoernooi wat Oubal vroeër so stil-stil bygewoon het, was een van die beter planne in jare en Oubal gee applous daarvoor! ‘Tja, Oubal het tydens die toernooi gesien dat hier nog baie talent op die platteland is. Raakrakbie is natuurlik ‘n sport vir glibberige karakters en na dese het Oubal ‘n goeie indruk van met wie hy nie sake op ons dorp moet doen nie! Op die rug hiervan het Oubal ook kennis geneem
Klappe vir die Klubs! van die tienman-toernooi van die noordelike streek — nóg ‘n goeie idee, na Oubal se onbeskeie mening. Oubal moet julle egter daarop wys dat dit niks nuuts is nie, want tienman-rakbie is jarre terug deur wyle kol Buurman van Zyl en Naas Botha vervolmaak en julle sal bars om daarby te kom. Bygesê, Naas was ook die grootste eksponent van raakrakbie wat Oubal ooit gesien het! Wat Oubal so effens ontstel het met die nuus van die tienman-toernooi is hoe min klubs daar in ons ge-
Letaba, julle is ysters! Die eerste span het Saterdag in ‘n snikhete Louis Trichardt as die algehele wenners van die tienmanrugbytoernooi gewys hulle gaan nie sommer ore aangesit word nie. Letaba het al drie hul wedstryde gewen en in totaal 86 punte aangeteken en slegs 26 afgestaan. Letaba se taktiek om twee losvoorspelers, Wikus Steyn en Riaan Louw, om die beurt as skrumskakel in te span het skitterend gewerk, aangesien hulle menige balle van hul opponente gesteel en/of hul opponente tot strafskoppe gedwing het. Letaba se teenstanders het nie raad gehad met die skitterende hardlooplyne en goeie ondersteunende spel nie en Letaba het die drieë ingeryg. Hierby het klipharde verdediging gesorg dat slegs vier drieë die dag afgestaan is. Letaba het vanjaar nie fisiese groot spelers nie, maar hulle maak daarvoor op met “guts” en spangees. Wanneer die hitte en moegheid die oorhand wou kry, het taktiese plaasvervangings
nuwe ywer op die veld gebring en die druk op hul teenstanders volgehou. Die ervaring van kaptein Sven Hedin en losskakel Deano Kruger het die span mooi bymekaar gehou en Letaba het weer komplimente vir hul goeie spangees en skitterende hardlooprugby gekry. Damien Janse van Rensburg was dié speler in die toernooi met ses drieë wat agter sy naam pryk. JP Schwartz en Heinrich Badenhorst het ook die oog gevang met hul harde werk voor en Cornell Jacobs het beïndruk met sy goeie balverspreiding. Daneel Retief en JP O’Connel het ook onselfsugtig gespook om balle by die vinnige manne te kry. Letaba het Louis Trichardt 1 met 26-12 geklop, Messina met 27-7 en Louis Trichardt 2 met 33-7. Letaba se eerste en tweede spanne speel more vir die eerste keer tuis, en dié keer is dit weer klipharde vyftienmanrugby. Die eerste wedstryd is vir 15:00 op die program. Alle ondersteuners van Letaba en alle rugbygeesdriftiges word genooi om more ons manne te kom ondersteun, lekker rugby te geniet en gesellig saam te kuier.
Entries open for Kremetart Entries are open for the 25th Kremetart one-day, four-stage cycling race on 7 June, sponsored by PPC. The race turns 25 this year and calls on all competitive cyclists and enthusiasts to participate in it. This year marks the tenth year that PPC has been involved in its sponsorship and the third year that they are the main sponsors of the race. The Kremetart attracts cyclists from all over the country and over 10 000 visitors will be hosted in the region. The weekend is geared towards the whole family, with activities for cyclists of different ages and fitness levels. Friday (6 June) late afternoon will kick off with a 10 km mountain-bike fun ride. On Saturday, the main attraction will be the famous one-day, four-stage race, as well as a 70 weste oor is. Waar is die dae toe Westelikes naweektoere na plekke soos Dwaalboom, Hermanusdorings en Levubu onderneem het! Dit is gevolglik vir Oubal ‘n riem onder die hart om te verneem dat daar ‘n rakbieherlewing by Letsitele aan die gang is. ‘Tja, Oubal het lankal gewonder hoekom die kranige spelers daar langs die Letabarivier af nie hul aansienlike gewig by plaaslike rakbie ingooi nie, maar Oubal besef terdeë dat klubrakbie deur tyd, geld en afstand (wat eintlik maar dieselfde ding is) gekortwiek word. Verskeie van die jong manne het egter op skool en daarna op ‘n hoër vlak gespeel en as hulle nog kan speel soos wat hulle deesdae op visvangekspedisies gaan en partytjie hou, dan kan ons groot dinge van die lemoenboere verwag! Oubal huldig die mening dat ‘n ouer sy kind kan noem wat hy wil, solank dit fatsoenlik is, maar hy verstaan nie mooi hoekom die lemoenboere nou juis hul
km road race. For the more adventurous, there is a mountain-bike cross-country olympic race with scenic routes through the Soutspansberg Mountain, to be held on Sunday (8 June). This event offers amateur cyclists an opportunity to ride with professionals and, at the same time, experience the beautiful Soutpansberg region. The first Kremetart Race was held in 1990, with only fifty cyclists. The popularity of the race has grown annually and continues to do so. The organisers set a limit of 2 000 entries in order to provide an enjoyable and quality experience. Kremetart is rated as the best road race and one of the top three road races amongst cyclists in the country. Enter online at Entries close on 31 May at midnight. klub “Letsitele Boere” moet noem nie — veral as hulle saam met die aankondiging dit duidelik moet maak dat die klub nie net vir boere is nie. Oubal se vrees is dat die jagters van die Boeremag kort voor lank jul partytjies gaan infiltreer! Hoe dit ookal sy, Oubal is opgewonde oor jul toetrede en wil julle alles van die beste toewens, soos ook vir die plaaslike manne. ‘Tja, en Oubal sal ook sy plig versuim om julle nie te waarsku dat die dae van uitdraf voor ‘n leërskare jillende skoolmeisies julle nie beskore gaan wees nie. Klubrakbie kan ‘n eensame spel wees, voor twee ouens en ‘n hond! “I think there should be a club in which preachers and journalists could come together and have the sentimentalism of the one matched with the cynicism of the other. That should bring them pretty close to the truth.” — Reinhold Niebuhr