Bulletin 140509

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‘Road abuse’ to end

The abuse of the R71 via Georges Valley and Magoebaskloof by heavy vehicles might soon be halted by the provincial government. This commanding announcement was made by the Department of Road and Transport’s spokesperson, Mr Jimmy Machaka. The Bulletin approached the Department after concerns expressed by numerous people that heavy vehicles were still using these routes and will soon “destroy” the new Magoebaskloof Road. Georges Valley is currently becoming a nightmarish and rather dangerous route. Up till about eight years ago there was a prominent road sign outside Polokwane, showing that vehicles heavier than 9 tons were prohibited from using either Magoebaskloof or Georges Valley. The sign was badly rusted and it finally fell over. No sooner had the sign disappeared when the flow of overloaded trucks down Georges Valley and Magoebaskloof started to increase. A weigh bridge that was built at great cost at Mooketsi was

supposed to monitor heavy vehicles and to control the weight of loads between Polokwane and the Lowveld. But for some or other unknown reason the traffic authorities just turned a blind eye when heavy trucks started using Magoebaskloof and Georges Valley, avoiding the Mooketsi route. Those with a good memory will remember that the Georges Valley route became extremely bad and had to be upgraded about three years ago. It is now falling apart, again! According to Machaka, the Department was not aware that trucks were still using the Georges Valley and Magoebaskloof routes, instead of the Mooketsi route and in so doing avoiding the weigh

The hawker who illegally takes up a parking bay in Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen, could face prosecution, sooner rather than later. The GTM reacted to enquiries from the Bulletin regarding this situation. Read our report inside on page 3.

Jong vandaliste vasgevat Ses skoolseuns van Tzaneen se doppies is geklink, nadat hulle weens vandalisme uitgevang is. Twee of drie van die seuns is minderjarig en mag nie geïdentifiseer word. Die Bulletin het egter al ses se name en woonadresse. Twee van die seuns is in matriek en die een is ‘n puik en bekende atleet wat al internasionaal meegeding het. Sy matriekmaat is deur die polisie in hegtenis geneem (verderaan meer hieroor). Hul vernielsugtigheid is verlede week Woensdagaand onderbreek, toe patrolliepersoneel van Northern Sekuriteit agterdogtig geraak en die seuns dopgehou het. Die seuns het vroeër drie motors (waarvan ons weet) se ruite uitgegooi, waar die motors in die eienaars se persele geparkeer was: twee in Arborpark en een in Perry Joynt-straat. Later het hulle ligte op omheinings/grensmure met ‘n krieketkolf stukkend geslaan, in Parkstraat en in King Edward-straat. Vroeër is onder meer die moskee in Agathastraat beskadig, toe duur vensters stukkend gegooi is.

Tzaneen word erg gepla deur vandaliste en een van die gewildste teikens van die booswigte is straatnaamborde wat gebuig en selfs afgebreek word. Dit veroorsaak groot ongerief vir inwoners en besoekers aan die dorp en selfs die nooddienste word soms hierdeur ontwrig. Volgens ‘n prokureur wat deur die ouers van een seun om hulp genader is, is die skade van verlede week se vernieltoer deur die ouers betaal. Die bedrag is onbekend, maar moet nogal aan die hoë kant wees. In die geledere van die Polisie is daar glo onmin oor die voorval, toe die seun wat in hegtenis geneem is, later die nag nadat ‘n skulderkenning van R1 000 betaal is, vrygelaat is. Sommige polisielede voel die ondersoek na verskeie voorvalle was in daardie stadium nog nie afgehandel nie en die seun moes nie die geleentheid gekry het om vry uit te stap nie. Na verneem word, word nog sewe voorvalle ondersoek en kan die Polisie die seun weer aankeer. Die seuns, of van hulle, het vroeër die aand by ‘n kroeg in Agathastraat

bridge. Machaka said “we were not aware that certain trucks were still using the two routes in question, but our Department has since been made aware of the situation and we have already put in place traffic officials to monitor the two routes”. Machaka added that they have started investigating the matter. “An inquiry will be launched in due time but an investigation into the matter is underway. Apart from forcing these heavy vehicles to use the weigh bridge, officers will always be on standby to act, should truck drivers violate the law.” The investigation is to last for seven working days from the day of the inquiry. Special operations will be run time from to time to ensure that heavy vehicles adhere to the rules and regulations of the road. Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com

We wish all mothers, young and old, a wonderful

Mothers’ Day. Thank you for the role that you play to care for your families. We salute you! gekuier en die lawaaiwater het glo gevloei. ‘n Vriend van die ouer seuns, wat ook ‘n plaalike oud-leerling is en deesdae aan die Noordwes Universiteit in Potchefstroom studeer, se bakkie is deur die ouers seuns geleen om mee rond te ry. Die student het nie geweet waarvoor die seuns sy voertuig wou gebruik nie en hy was salig onbewus van hul kwaaddoenery. Sy bakkie se nommer is deur ‘n inwoner van King Edwardstraat geneem en aan die sekuriteitspersoneel gegee. Die Polisie het die nommer nagegaan en so op die eienaar se spoor gekom, wat die Polisie weer op die spoor van die jong vandaliste gesit het. • Die Bulletin het besluit om in dié stadium nie die seuns wat ouer as 16 is te identifiseer nie. Ons wil nie jong seuns se toekoms bederf ter wille van sensasie nie, maar ons steun die gedagte wat deur baie mense uitgespreek word (lees ons Facebook-debat op bladsy 2), naamlik dat die seuns terapie behoort te ontvang en dalk ook gemeenskapsdiens behoort te doen. Vir die pa’s om die skade te betaal, bied bloot finansiële troos aan mense wat skade gelei het, maar dit swaai nie noodwendig die kinders se koppe om meer verantwoordelik te dink en op te tree nie. Ons sal metteryd besluit of dit in die belang van die breë gemeenskap is om hulle te identifiseer en of dit nodig is om as waarskuwing aan ander kinders te dien — Redakteur


9 Mei 2014




Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com

082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com

Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Michael Sakuneka 079 722 6110 michael@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com

Ontwerp / Design David Morrison (Bestuurder/Manager) 078 709 7032 david@bulletin.us.com Yvonne Ndlovu (Koördineerder/Co-ordinator) 078 987 1411 yvonne@bulletin.us.com Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Winfred Baloyi 082 082 0837 winfred@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com

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IT Dirk Stoltz

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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Watchdog Tzaneen Wel, dit het so 4 ure geneem om hulle op te spoor. Hulle moet n les geleer word. Dit is hoe kriminele aangan nie net stout kinders nie. Hulle moet alle skade betaal en gemeenskapsdiens doen, maar ek glo nie daar is meer soiets nie. Dit gan oor opvoeding en die invloed wat hulle het. Hulle moet hulp ook kry. Geen kind doen dit net vir ‘fun’ nie. Hendra Gouws Openbare gemeenskaps-

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Facebook GROUP | GROEP Besprekings en Kennisgewings

Facebook PAGE | BLAD Nuus en Kennisgewings

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

systap en te probeer om twee keer te stem, totdat hy besef het nog een ou enkele wit stemmetjie gaan geen hond haaraf maak in hierdie provinsie nie. Waarskynlik ook nie ‘n hoender veeraf of ‘n skaap wolaf nie. Toe maak hy haar maar wakker. Daar was net ‘n oomblik in die stemhokkie toe Vlieg die stembrief oopvou, dat hy gevoel het soos ‘n eerstekeer ma wat haar babaseuntjie bad en nie ‘n clue het wat om met sy voorvel te doen nie. Het Vlieg maar geweet daar was soveel partye het hy hom baie beter vir stemdag voorberei. Die stembrief lyk toe vir hom kompleet soos Josef se kleed, of miskien eerder ‘n hanswors se broek. Al wat Vlieg nou maar voor kan hoop, is dat hy sy kruisie agter die regte nar se gevreet getrek het. En die res van die kiesers ook!

• A couple of hooligans were apprehended last week after they vandalised the property of people in town. Vandalism of street name signs, lights on walls, concrete bins on pavements and even vehicles on private property has become a major problem in our town. Do you agree that it is a big headache and secondly, what kind of punishment should be meted out to the young boys that creates the havoc?

diens soos borde opsit wat hulle verniel het. Jong mense moet iets in Tzaneen kry om te doen. Ledigheid is die duiwel se oorkussing! Marina Blignaut Maybe these hooligans need to be given two years of community service, where they have to repair all the damage they have done. But, they have to pay for everything they have damaged! Did they do these things at their own homes! Antionette Botha Dit is krimineel en hulle moet beslis gestraf word en betaal vir die skade wat hulle aangerig het. Gemeenskapdiens! Marie Swanepoel Gemeenskapsdiens aan diegene wie se eiendom beskadig is

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Amanda Strydom Kyk ek wil so ou se alie skop. My vensters is so gegooi! Dit kos nie een en twaalf pennies om te vervang! Hoekom stukkend gegooi? Die dames van die nag is deur my verjaag omdat hulle so mors en die gemors net so los! Vieslike spul. Mense wat geen respek het vir ander se eiendom? Vat maar wat in jou rigting kom! Vensters was? Wagstaan vir twee maande by die eiendom wat deurgeloop het? Siessaaaa julle! Sampie En Alida Liversage As dit ‘n eerste keer is, vat hulle op ‘n toer deur die tronk en laat hulle gemeenskapsdiens doen, verder moet betrokke ouers kompenseer vir die skade. The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.

Share your view on our weekly discussions about issues that affect us locally, provincially or even nationally. If you wish to air your opinion on matters other than the topics of discussion, feel free to post in our group.

Bly op hoogte met nuus op ons blad. Deel gerus jou nuusbrokkies met ons en pos foto’s met nuus en gebeurlikhede wat die gemeenskap raak. Indien jy egter anoniem wil bly op die blad se nuusvoer, ‘inboks’ ons gerus en deel jou storie.

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Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

nog aan die gang is, of die Superrugbyspanne vir Saterdag nog oorwegend wit is nie. Want Vlieg het geweet dat al die beloftes en praatjies voor die verkiesing juis net dit was: verkiesingsbeloftes en -praatjies! Ook het Vlieg nog tien vingers. Twee piepie-in-die-kooie, twee fielafooie, twee langerade, twee duimpie se maats, een duimpie en ‘n perse! Ja, weliswaar het Vlieg toe maar gaan stem. So kwart voor nege se kant, net voor die tellery sou begin. Die arme “inker” was teen daardie tyd al so uitgeput, sy het vas op haar arms gelê en slaap. Dit was seker uitmergelend om die hele dag mense se duime te moes sit en “ink”. Vlieg het dit eers oorweeg om haar te

• ‘n Paar jong belhamels is verlede week in Tzaneen aangekeer, nadat hulle uitgevang is dat hulle mense se eiendom gevandaliseer het. Vandalisme van straatnaamborde, ligte op tuinmure, beton-vullishouers op sypaadjies en deesdae sommer ook mense se voertuie wat in hul erwe staan, is ‘n groot probleem in die dorp. Stem jy saam dat dit ‘n probleem is en tweedens, watse straf dink jy behoort aan die jong seuns wat so kwaad doen en skade aanrig, uitgedeel te word?

Blyde Rivier Poort



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Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 05/05/2014

Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za



Vlieg raak toe stemmig

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!

Sê jou sê

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Anders as Oubal, glo Vlieg nie meer in wonderwerke nie. Al sedert hy laas die Maaierbybel gelees het nie meer nie. Vlieg was dus nie verbaas toe hy gisteroggend wakker word en nie ‘n blou kappie dra nie. Die hemele het toe nie geval nie. Hy was ook nie verbaas toe hy by sy oprit uitry en die slaggat voor sy huis nog daar is nie. En ook nie oor al Lampopo se maaiers en papies nog nie skoolboeke het nie. Ook nie oor daar nie oornag ses miljoen nuwe werksgeleenthede geskep is of ‘n miljoen nuwe huise gebou is nie. Nog minder toe hy sien daar word nog steeds maatskaplike toelae uitgedeel, of dat inflasie nie verdwyn het nie en die land se ekonomiese groeikoers nog dieselfde is nie. Ook nie oor die mynstakings

Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba

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Sonop Sonnig en warm. Sononder Humiditeit


06:36 17:33 42%





Sonnig en warm.

Bewolk in die oggend en mitag.

Gedeeitelik bewolk en mitag.

Meestal sonskyn en mitag.

Woensdag Donderdag Sonnig en warm.

Meestal sonskyn en mitag.

















































10 Years

Waarskubrief van ‘n ma op bladsy 6



9 Mei 2014

Illegal main street hawker to face the law An illegal hawker operating at the corner of Danie Joubert Street and Lannie Street will finally face the iron fist of the law. Residents, motorists and other hawkers have been complaining for years about the man in his shiny silver Volkswagen Amarok Double Cab who takes up a parking bay unlawfully to run his business. He sells mainly clothing and other materials from his “private” parking bay — and that in a street where a serious shortage of public parking frustrate motorists daily. When the Bulletin enquired about this man’s privileged treatment, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality suddenly “decided” that it was time to act. According to the GTM’s chief traffic officer, Mr Johannes Malatjie, the hawker is indeed trading unlawfully. He says the hawker was told to apply for a permit to run his business of selling T-shirts, political party flags and other items. “We have approached this man in the past, but he refuses to listen to us. He was told to apply for the permit which would allow him to run his business at the free trading zone”, said Malatjie. Bulletin also spoke to GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala about the unlawful trader. He confirmed what Malatjie had said. “There are

designated areas where hawkers can trade and these areas are under constant monitoring by our health inspectors and law enforcement officers. “There are also free trading zones such as bus and taxi ranks where hawkers trade free of charge under strict supervision of GTM officials,” Ndlala said. He eluded the fact that the municipality will soon take serious action through their law enforcement division, but said at this moment they are not in a position to confirm the exact time of such action. “We are currently working on reviewing our bylaws in order to effectively render services to our communities. This process will include redrafting and public consultation. It must also be noted that there is a need for the realignment of our bylaws with amendments, as well as new and current

legislation” added Ndlala. When asked what the GTM could do to intervene, Ndlala said that they will be working with parking meter assistants who will monitor the parking areas of the CBD. “We expect the process to kick start this month, provided we do not experience any challenges in the interim. We are hopeful that the commencement of this project will bring some level or degree of order in our CBD,” he said. He concluded by saying “this vacuum resulting from bylaws not gazetted has caused the GTM to fail in effectively dealing with those who contravene our policies, processes and procedures”. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com

What do these have in common?

Wyle Faan de Swardt en sy vrou Jo

Mnr Faan de Swardt (69), ‘n gerekende ekonoom in kommersiële landbou in Limpopo, het Sondag in Tzaneen se Mediclinic beswyk, nadat hy die afgelope tyd probleme met diabetes gehad het. ‘n Herinneringsdiens sal vandag om 14:00 deur die Tzaneen Rotariërs vir hom gehou word. Hy was ‘n toegewyde Rotariër en ‘n vorige president van die klub De Swardt was die eienaar van Measured Farming (Edms) Bpk en het volgens mnr Tommie van Zyl van ZZ2 diep spore in landbou-ekonomie getrap. Hy het na sy studies in Stellenbosch ‘n dosent in landbouekonomie aan die Universiteit van Fort Hare geword, totdat hy Measured Farming in 1987 gestig het, om as projekbestuurder en ekonomiese ontleder in die boerderybedryf ‘n diens te lewer. In dié tyd het hy ook positief betrokke geraak by ZZ2 in samewerking met wyle mnr Bertie van Zyl, as deel van die groep se dinkskrum en verskeie ander projekte. In 1997 het hy ‘n direkteur van ZZ2 geword en was onder meer voorsitter van hul ouditkomitee. Hy het ook in die direksie van verskeie ander maatskappye in die ZZ2-groep gedien. Ander projekte wat hy met Measured Farming behartig het, was Ledzee Estates vir die Cooperfamilie, Rechs Nurseries en vroeër ook die Ontwikkelingskorporasie. Van Zyl sê De Swardt sal veral onthou word vir sy hoë syferkundigheid. Sy pa, mnr Black de Swardt, was die direkteur-generaal van landbou in die Verwoerd- en Vorster-eras. De Swardt laat sy vrou, Jo, en twee seuns, Faan (woon in Amerika) en Chris (woon in Johannesburg) agter.


Syferman Faan sterf

SANRAL That seems a surprising answer, but at SANRAL we understand how many things are interrelated. While doing the environmental impact analysis during construction on the R71 near Moria, it became apparent that the trout in the local river were finding it difficult to access breeding grounds upstream. One of our engineers thought we could lend a hand, building a fish ladder to make it easier for the breeding trout to navigate the weir. More fish means better tourism. More tourists translate into additional work opportunities, and that means more families with housing, food and education. You see at SANRAL we’re good at connecting things.


9 Mei 2014



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selling and consumption of liquor. Fifteen Suspect’s houses burnt people where held for murder, rape and On Saturday residents in Giyani’s KaDzingihousebreaking and police also apprehended six people suspected of robbery, attempted Dzingi (Bode village) area burnt down ten houses belonging to the families of three theft and rape. criminal suspects in the area. Provincial Police spokesperson Lt Col Ronel Otto said these inReckless motorists caught As many as 53 motorists were caught by cidents were sparked off by the assault of Mr police over the past week around Tzaneen, Dennis Chabalala by three suspects, while he CRIME SCENE for traffic offences and 41 others for criminal was walking home from a local tavern. Bulletin Crime Reporter He was reportedly beaten up by the susbehaviour. Eleven others were arrested Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com for illegal gambling and possession of pects who apparently intended to rob him. counterfeit goods. A group of 24 suspects Brought to book were held for assault, shoplifting, theft and Ritavi police made tireless efforts over the robbery, while six others were locked up past week to fight crime and they arrested 76 for malicious damage to property, rape and suspects: 55 for traffic offences, assault, illegal murder.

Strike continues due to water shortage The community of Tickyline, in the Lenyenye and Maake areas, is still on strike because of not having water. They are destroying parts of the main road by digging holes and burning tyres and trees. This is how they hope to be heard by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The strike disrupts various businesses, such

as shops in the Maake Plaza, and public transport like taxis and buses that have to use R37 route. The GTM’s spokesperson, Mr Neville Ndlala, said no agreement between the community and the GTM could be reached during a meeting, as the community members were very violent and not paying attention to any discussions. “Not every corner can have water, but some parts of the community have illegal water connections,” said Ndlala. “Some of these people who have a hand in the strike seem to have other excuses for looting small tuck shops.” The Maake Plaza’s entrance has been closed for a few days since the strike started, causing a slowdown in business activities. Even the taxis are no longer allowed inside the fenced-off area of the Plaza. They park outside and wait there for commuters. The vehicles of shoppers are also not allowed inside, as the police are trying to control the situation. There were also threats to set the Maake Plaza alight. Members of the community who do not condone the strike These photos show burnt tyres and the melted and damaged tar road in said they are now relying on the police for further protection. Tickyline, where residents protested for water.

Chabalala reportedly died in hospital after sustaining serious injuries, said Otto. Young people from the village reportedly mobilised in an effort to burn down the houses of family of the suspects. Police were deployed to the scene. A case of assault was opened against Prince Mabunda (23) and later changed to murder, while the search for the two others suspects continues. No one was reported injured. However, Police investigations are ongoing. Chabalala’s death has definitively sparked a tit-for-tat retaliation by his friends and community members, angered by how he died, reports Orlando Chauke. On Saturday, a day before the deceased was laid to rest, his friends backed by community members retaliated by torching the houses. The retaliation was fuelled by the fact that the deceased was appreciated as a good man who would not hurt a fly. Speaking at his funeral on Sunday, his friends said the retaliation was actually a fit of anger, something that they said was beyond their control. “We heard one of the uncles said it was not proper to destroy property… yes, we agree with him, but anger is like happiness. When one is happy you cannot control how that person should act or laugh,” said Mr Dan Mhangani one of the deceased’s friends. Another friend, Mr Oscar Khosa, defended the torching of houses and said “the destroying of property is part of the country’s law to force the government to obey… what happened to those families will at least leave us at peace.” Mourners applauded and clapped hands when he said so.. Mr Thomas Makondo, who spoke on behalf of the siblings, appealed for peace, saying violence would distract police work on the case. “As much as we appreciate your support in our time of grieve, we’re not happy with what is happening in the name of this Houses belonging to family of the suspects in the murder of Dennis funeral. As family we have no intention to Chabalala were still burning on Saturday night, after the deceased’s retaliate… we leave everything to God,” he friends had taken revenge by torching them. said.






10 Years

Sport op bladsye 15 & 16


9 Mei 2014



9 Mei 2014

Bulletin: Ons staan in diens van die gemeenskap


Ons Mening

10 Years

The Message

Vrydag 02 Mei 2014 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church


Many of us will pay the best prices for tickets to see some famous artist/singer; we want to be in the front, have the best seats in the house no matter what it costs! Yet when we go to church, or should I say if we go to church we sit at the back. Is this paying respect to one who died for us? I have heard many excuses for sitting at the back yet none of them really carry weight. If we are not part of the Body of Christ who are we then? I often think of writing a book on the excuses people make for not attending church. I know I will find a lot of valid excuses, like being in hospital or bedridden perhaps these are the only two excuses that seem plausible,

Bulletin 11 January 2013

015 307 7248



Fear lessl y the tr uth

Schools in the Tzaneen area can boast yet another good year as far as matric results are concerned. Top performing school is Stanford Lake College with a 100% pass rate. Merensky is in second place with a 98,9% pass rate — slightly down from 2011, when the school had a rather strong



(academic) group. Ponani Phumla Mabunda (left) of Kwangulatilo High School in Giyani was the Mopani District’s top matriculant for 2012, with seven distinctions. Orlando Chauke (who also took the photo) reports that she didn’t shy away from showing her happiness and excitement after she had received her results. She is one of Limpopo’s top pupils and obtained distinctions in Xitsonga, English, mathematics, physical science,

agricultural science, life science and life orientation. “I have my parents to thank for my success. They provided me with the necessary support and study material to help me out during my studies,” she told Bulletin. • The collection of the information pertaining to the matric results was done by Bulletin’s Retha Nel, Beaunice Mnisi, Amelia de Ridder and Martina Jege. * Turn to page 3 for the full details of the matric results of ten high schools in our area.



Well done! We congratulate all the 2012 matrics who passed.

Top of the heap! 8




Top 3

from 6 schools


Myhammad Tyob Stanford Lake College



Hajira Hassim Stanford Lake College


community 6

Anja Revelas Stanford Lake College



Top IT in Limpopo Top in Tzn circuit Simon Merenkowitz Merensky

Vincent Kruger Merensky


Hanri Marais Merensky


Charlene Muhlarhi Ben Vorster

Basani Bambisa Ben Vorster



Fumani Mongwe Ben Vorster


Rixongile Mabunda St George College


Fumani Maluleke St George College


Top Maths Literacy in Limpopo

Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com of kuier saam met ons op Facebook. Kry ons by www.facebook.com/Bulletin Khanyisele Bvuma St George College

Lekker droom Roy Hurter skryf per e-pos: So met die baie tyd wat ek op die pad deurbring is ek geneig om soms te droom. Lekker drome, mind you, dit laat die pad verby gaan, sommer so tjop-tjop. Soos enige ander werkende man, droom ek ook van die “groot wen” Dis nou die Lotto, net om seker te maak ons is almal op dieselfde bladsy. Kyk, ek glo met alles in my dat, ongeag wie of wat jy is, die R15miljoen sal nie te versmaaie wees nie. Kruisig my, ban uit die kerk, maak van my persona non grata, ek wil dit wen! Ek weet presies wat ek daarmee gaan doen. Nou nie tot op die sent nie, maar tot die naaste miljoen, ten minste. Ons jongste reken as ek alles gekoop het, sal hy die helfte van wat oorbly neem vir ‘n shopping-trippie by die groot R-speelgoedwinkel! My anner helfte reken die wen het ‘n baie belangrike element: ‘n kaartjie! So besluit ek toe ek gaan die groot stap neem: ek gaan ‘n kaartjie koop. Niks ekspen-

Well Easter has come and gone! What was Easter like? Was it just another long weekend or did you perhaps remember what the true meaning of this period is all about? Jesus p aid the supreme sacrifice for each and everyone of us some 2000 years ago. Does it still hold the same significance today or has it become meaningless?

Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Praat van reaktiewe optrede en niemand kan dit beter verduidelik as regerings nie, veral dié op plaaslike vlak. Vir ‘n paar jaar al kla mense oor ‘n smous wat onwettig ‘n parkeerruimte in Tzaneen se hoofstraat beset. Niemand doen niks nie, tot die Bulletin aan die saak roer. Nou is daar groot stories oor nuwe verordeninge en word hoog opgegee oor hoe die saak beredder gaan word... Intussen is dit maar net wetteloosheid wat ewe lamsakkig toegelaat word. Daar is nie vir alles in die lewe spesiale en toegewyde wette nodig nie. Vir ongeveer ‘n dekade lank al word Magoebaskloof en Georges Valley deur oorlaaide voertuie misbruik en flenters gery. Niemand doen niks nie. Toe die Bulletin by die provinsie se paaie-afdeling gaan vra wat nou eintlik aan die gang is, vertel hulle hoe verbaas hulle was om hiervan te hoor, hoe hulle dit gaan monitor, hoe die verkeerslui nou gaan optree, ensovoorts. Ons sal sien... Ons kan die koerant vol skryf oor die lamsakkigheid waarmee wetteloosheid toegelaat word. Die misbruik van duur winkelwaentjies, smouse orals in die strate en langs die paaie, kosbereiding in die ooptes, hoenderslagterye op sypaadjies, geen bou-inspeksies nie... Ons sal maar bly kla en dophou.

Joy Ngobeni Meridian College

Kamo Ntjie Meridian College

Ntsako Magamana Meridian College

Chanty Mathebula DJZ Mthebule

Ehleketani Mthombeni DJZ Mthebule

Jamela Shikwambana DJZ Mthebule

Phillip ter Beest Merensky

Letters • Briewe sief nie, nee, net R20. Dink nie aan nommers nie, nee wat, sommer ‘n “quick-pick “sal die ding doen. Ek het net so ‘n goeie kans as die ou wat die nommers droom, uitwerk, kry, steel van sy vriend of sy kind se geboortedatum gebruik. By die masjien aangekom is ek tweede in die ry. Man, kan ek so gelukkig wees! Die dame voor my gee twintig voltooide kaartjies in en ek lag saggies in my mou. “Jy kon maar die R680 in jou sak gehou het, ek gaan die wenkaartjie nou vir twintig bokke koop, my girl”. En sy maak klaar en ek stap kordaat nader met die olifantnoot in my hand. “R20 quick- pick, please”, seg ek. Nou wat nou gebeur is die waarheid, die hele waarheid en niks anners as die waarheid nie. Die bleddie masjien gaan van lyn af! Ek staan vas, gaan nêrens nie, wag vir die ding

• Mense word soms op vreemde maniere gestraf. Vat nou byvoorbeeld die man wat so lekker vir almal tong uitgesteek het, omdat hy/hulle die uitstekende herfsweer in die Kaap getref het, heerlike seekos vir ‘n week lank geëet het, goeie wyn kon sluk, ou vriende kon opsoek en besoek en dies meer. Maar soos eie honde wat die seerste byt, het ‘n Kaapse hond op ‘n strawwe manier gebyt. Hy’t sy vriend uit Limpopo op ‘n uitstappie geneem, om Tafelberg te klim! Vat jou straf, Nasie, vat dit soos ‘n man. Jou kuite sal weer eendag beter voel... • Die hoenderboer wat nou nie meer so baie geld oor het vir die boerdery nie, omdat mamma daarmee vort is, het ook ‘n ander probleem. Hy kan nou nie meer so gereeld die salonne in Pretoria en Johannesburg besoek nie... • Genááde, wanneer gaan die Vroueliga se hoendervleis

om aan te kom, maar twintig minute later gee ek die stryd gewonne. Ry huis toe en op pad is daar nog’ n masjien waar ek stop. Die lyn is nog steeds af! Ek het nie n kaartjie nie, ook nie R15miljoen nie. Maar ek droom nog steeds as ek ry. Wie weet, sê nou is ‘n lekker sê, alles wat ‘n mens wil hê, alles wat jou hart begeer... PS: Ek wonder of die wenner nog droom?

Waarskuwing Jeanette skryf per e-pos: Ek wil graag hê julle moet die jong meisies waarsku. My dogter het maandag 5 Mei van Ben Vorster af huis toe gestap na skool en was aangeval deur twee mans. Hier is haar storie: ”Ek het van Ben Vorster af huis toe gestap en daar was twee mans wat onder ‘n boom op die brug op pad na Sugarhill gesit het. My selfoon was in my

Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! eendag opraak? Eers was dit net stukkies, nou is dit al stukke. Maar dis reg, Een, bied vir KFC ook so ‘n bietjie mededinging... • Ons het toe nie almal Woensdag gaan stem nie... • Daar is nie net in Nkowankowa met ongedissiplineerde honde probleme nie. In Tzaneen is daar ook heelwat honde wat maar uiters onnadenkend is met hul blaf-tye. Sommige weet ook nie hoe lank om aan te hou nie en gaan dan som-

others are just not acceptable. Yes, we are human and I don’t expect everyone to attend all the time, because then one could argue that it is a habit which has no real meaning. We are all searching for some meaning in our lives and having met Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my reason for living a whole new perspective was shown to me. A song I once heard many years ago whose words go something like this: “So He created all the earth… So He was the nativity? What is that to me? Till I met Him face to face one day and felt the wonder of all His grace, now He walks beside me each day ever watching lest I stray…” has a new found meaning to me. Yes I found a new way of life, a life worth living. Things still go wrong and I know nothing is perfect in this world, but I pay homage to Him in church as well as on my own. It is communion with others that we find true peace and harmony. So I invite you to attend church more regularly. Blessings.

sak. Ek het verby die twee mans gestap en so ‘n minuut daarna het ek iemand agter my hoor loop. Toe ek omkyk was dit een van die mans. Voor ek kon hardloop het hy my teen die grond vasgedruk en die tweede man het my mond toegedruk toe ek begin skree het. Hulle het my bene vasgehou sodat ek nie moet skop nie en toe steel hulle my foon. Daar het een man langs my gestop en agter die twee mans aangehardloop, maar dit was te laat. Ek het daarna Sugarhill toe gegaan en hulle het my ouers gebel. Baie dankie aan die mense van Sugarhill wat my gehelp het, asook die man wat langs my gestop het.” Ek wil nie eens dink wat met my dogter sou gebeur het as die verbygaande motoris nie gestop het nie. Asseblief, meisies, moet nie alleen stap nie kry iemand om saam met jou te stap.

Baie dankie Jan Jacobsz van El Natan skryf per e-pos: Die inwoners van El Natan wil graag die man en sy kinders wat die avokadopere afgelaai het, hartlik bedank. Dit was ‘n uiters bedagsame gebaar.

mer die grootste deel van die nag aan. Die Koning se straat is een so ‘n plek, maar die mense hoor iemand het ‘n plan om die honde se tande te laat trek. Gaan glo ‘n spesiale tandarts daar by die Berg (of is dit berge?) kry... • Om nuut getroud te wees kan soms met ‘n ontdekkingsreis vergelyk word. So hoor die mense van die nuutgetroude paartjie van Tzaneen wat Kaap toe is vir ‘n vakansietjie. Die man het nie geweet sy vrou is jaloers nie. Toe hulle Drie Susters (in Beaufort-Wes se kontrei) nader, het die man sy voet van die versneller afgehaal en begin regmaak om by die diensstasie en restaurant langs die pad te stop. Vroulief het volstrek geweier, want sê nou net haar nuwe mannetjie maak ogies vir een van die drie susters; of hulle maak ogies vir hom! Soos Oubal sou sê, ‘Tja...

Bulletin 10

Love is ...

years of loving our community


9 Mei 2014


The best bird was Ms Lilian van Reenen with the bush baby feeder

his wife

Ms Lilian van Reenen turns 83 in a few one in Pretoria. She went to a party at King’s months time. Speaking from her home at Walden in Agatha and Archie was there. He Macadamia Retirement Village in Tzaneen enquired about this attractive young girl, she reminisces about her life, her happy mar- only to be told “she’s taken”. Not to be riage and her bush babies. phased van Reenen replied, “I’m going to Van Reenen was born in Pietermaritzburg marry that girl.” The rest is history. and came to Tzaneen in 1934 at the age of When Ms Edwards died, the young married three. Her father, Mr Frank Edwards, known couple took over the family farm Loretto in as Teddy, was sent to Tzaneen to start and Hamawasha outside Tzaneen. The farm was manage Troye’s Garage, not productive so van the first Ford agency. Reenen supplemented One of van Reenen’s earthe family income by sellliest recollections is playing cars and houses. Liling in the foundations of ian raised two boys and Troye’s garage. two girls. She said that She attended Tzaneen the farming years were Laerskool and then St hard with many fires and Pius Convent in Polokdroughts. wane. She did a secreShe was secretary at tarial course in Pretoria Unicorn Primary School and returned to Tzaneen for twelve years, then Ms Lilian van Reenen and her late when her father died. secretary to Mr Jay Branhusband Archie Van Reenen, who is fluson’s at Sapekoe for four ent in Sotho, said that an interview without years, returned to Unicorn for another two suitable accolades to her late husband would years and then retired. The Van Reenen sports not be possible. Mr Archie van Reenen was born field at Unicorn is named after the family for in Kroonstad in the Free State. His parents were their contribution to the school. teachers. He studied agriculture at Cedara in Birds’ eggs were Archie’s first love. From KZN and came to Tzaneen in 1951 to run a farm. his early Free State school days his mentor Lilian was about to get engaged to some- was Professor Prozesky, the ornithologist at

Another senior citizen who was deeply involved in shaping today’s Tzaneen is Ms Lilian van Reene. Her husband, the late Archie van Reenen, played a major role in introducing Tzaneen to an international community of ornithologists and oologists. Our Sue Ettmay interviewed the wellknown Ms Lilian, who allowed us a peep into her life. This is yet another contribution in Bulletin’s exclusive series about our senior citizens.

the then Transvaal museum. He instructed The couple moved to Macadamia some five van Reenen how to collect eggs scientifically years ago and left the farm to their son. Arand oology became his passion. In 1980 when chie died shortly thereafter at the age of 79. legislation and the tide of public sentiment Eighteen months ago, Van Reenen’s son-inturned against oologists, Van Reenen sold law was sitting on her veranda and spotted a his collection of over 4 000 eggs covering 438 thick tailed bush baby, Galago crassicaudatus SA bird species to the Western Foundation of or “bosnagaap” in Afrikaans. He set about Vertebrate Zoology in Los Angeles, USA. making a trolley feeder contraption from the Van Reenen captured many of the interest- veranda to a nearby indigenous tree. ing stories in his book For the As night falls Van Reenen placLove of Birds. He rewrote the es fruit in the wire basket, sends book fourteen times with the it to the tree, and some seven late Mr Peter Williams as his nocturnal bush babies come to backbone, Ms Daphne Bender feast. The Macadamia Governone of the main proofreaders ing Body granted her permisand his wife Lilian as his unsion as she brings the leftovers in wavering supporter. later, so that the vervet monkeys Besides writing poetry, he aren’t tempted in the mornings. also wrote another book for Van Reenen enjoys coloured the family. Titled Two sides of pencil art and beadwork. She the Coin, it is the history of his no doubt took that cue from her The late Archie van Reetwo grandfathers who fought god daughter, Ms Bev Gibson, nen’s book about birds against each other at the battle from Nottingham Road in KZN. of Koffiefontein near Kimberley in the Free Gibson’s beadwork company, Ubuhle Beads State during the Anglo Boer War. The grand- (means beautiful beads), is world renowned. fathers were the McDonald clan from ScotVan Reenen can’t explain her longevity as land and the Afrikaans Van Reenen family. genetically she comes from family who did Archie started a home museum. Soon he’d not live long. She, however, attributes her collected worthwhile memorabilia and histori- long life to taking a keen interest in the world cal items that drew visitors from far and wide. around her and in everyone whom she meets.


9 Mei 2014



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Village burst at the seams The Kiwi Festival in Haenertsburg was an unprecedented success this past weekend. Thousands of tourists flocked to the event. Parking was at a premium and the main street was full of people walking, taking in the sights and popping in to the many stalls and businesses. The Red Plate restaurant, owned by Ms Colleen Pirie, was extended almost a year ago to accommodate double the original number of guests. However, this weekend the restaurant was full inside and out on the wooden deck. People were queuing to get a seat. The Iron Crown Pub, under the new management of Ms Linda Halkon and her son James, pumped from Friday to Sunday. Extra staffers were on hand to cope with the masses. The open space in front of the Haenertsburg Post Office was alive with a variety of stalls and entertainment for the children in the form of jumping castles. Cooking competitions that inclu-

The professional cooking competition underway.

ded kiwis as The professionals get cooking in the Village Hall an ingredient were held inside the Village Hall and on the Village Hall pavement. Another cooking competition for amateurs was held on Sunday. Two of the judges were well known retired Dutch chef Mr Eric de Jonge from Haenertsburg and Mr Peter Vereecke from Bread and Crumb in Tzaneen. Wine tasting was held every few hours in the inner room of the Village Hall. Ms

Workers upset about overalls Recently Bulletin received a number of complaints from Greater Tzaneen Municipality street sweepers about the municipality’s alleged inefficient delivery of working overalls. According to one street sweeper who has been working for the GTM for quite a number of years, the GTM sometimes “takes years to deliver uniforms to workers”. Municipal workers are supposed to be issued with overalls at the beginning of each year. Sweepers claim they spent the whole of 2011 and 2012 without being issued with new overalls, whilst the GTM’s budget provides for this. When Bulletin contacted the SA Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) to understand the depth of the situation and how the union is responding to the matter, the union’s shop stew-

ard at the GTM, Mr Kenny Makhubela, refused to speak to “the media”. GTM head of communications, Mr Neville Ndlala, refuted claims of sweepers spending years without receiving overalls. Ndlala, who confirmed that the municipality budgets for sweepers’ overalls, agreed that there have been delays in sweepers receiving overalls at times. Unforeseen and more urgent needs do sometimes grant the budget insufficient to do so. “However, it’s never been a case where the workers would go for years without receiving new overalls,” he said. At the same time, Ndlala confirmed that for the current year sweepers only received overalls three weeks ago.

— Joy Mojela


Junel Vermeulen of Cape Wine Masters presided over the wine tasting, with Ms Mona Runkel at the bar. Ms Peggy Murray, wife of the late Duke of Atholl, runs the Village Morning Market. She was still open three hours beyond her normal time on Saturday, as tourists simply flocked to buy the Market produce. Prof Louis Changuion, one of the village’s famous residents, said the new rebuilt road between Polokwane and Tzaneen impacts favourably on motorists who consider travelling to Haenertsburg and down the mountain into the Lowveld. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Man’s best friend turns wild on residents The community of Nkowankowa is in shock and many live in fear, after recent attacks on residents by stray dogs. The news of stray dogs attacking residents in section B of the township has some people fearing for their safety whenever they have to go to the nearest spaza or even to use certain streets. Nobody wants to be mauled by the vicious canines. The most gruesome of the recent attacks saw an eleven-year-old and his grandmother being attacked. According to the victim, Ms Sannie Mhlongo, she was at home when a neighbour came screaming that her grandson was being attacked. “In panic I ran out as fast as I could. When I got to the scene, about fifteen dogs were mauling and biting my grandson”. She ran to the aid of her grandson

and before she could reach him, she was attacked and sustained serious injuries. Said Ms Mhlongo: “They bit me on my legs, my ear and other parts of my body. Some people nearby came to our rescue, but the pain was unbearable. We were admitted at Letaba Hospital for two weeks and we are still on medication”. According to Ms Ellie Potgieter of Letaba SPCA, they have been called in connection with a number of cases of stray dog attacks in the Nkowankowa area. “We have since been to that area where the attack took place, and at some point had to capture five dogs reported to have been violent”. Potgieter reiterated that for the SPCA to assist communities with similar problems, the SAPS and the GTM should report cases to them and work together with the community at large. She also said that communities around Tzaneen need to be educated on what the SPCA is really about. “The SPCA’s main objective is to protect animals against cruelty. It is not the task of the SPCA to chase these stray dogs or to kill them. We can only intervene once an animal is contained in a specific area. We do not chase after animals, let alone stray dogs which can be dangerous to us also” added Potgieter. Since her ordeal, Mhlongo has opened a case with the Ritavi Police, but according to her little has been done so far. “At the moment, no one has taken responsibility for the stray dogs and they remain to grow Can be used for in numbers”. cattle feed and The Ritavi Police compost could not be reached for comment on the case before our deadline. — Elliot Mathiye


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9 Mei 2014


GTM deal to regulate parking Ndlala said. Many people have been left unemployed since the termination of the previous contract.. One of the voluntary parking attendants said “I only get a few cents for assisting motorists to park and look after their vehicles.” Ndlala said motorists are not compelled to give parking attendants any money. “The new deal signed between the GTM and a company only known as BCIT Pty (Ltd) will monitor and regulate parking bays in the busiest streets in Tzaneen,” said Ndlala. The GTM is said to receive 26% of the income from parking to maintain roads and create work

opportunities for unemployed people. GTM traffic chief Johannes Malatjie said that BCIT Pty (Ltd) is finalising its logistical issues and should commence their work soon. Very little is known about this company and neither Ndlala nor Malatjie could provide any information about the company or the procedure that will be taken to ensure compliance by motorists. It is still unclear how the parking system would be monitored as no response from the GTM were received regarding this aspect. — Arnold Mabunda A volunteer parking assistant in Tzaneen’s Danie Joubert Street arnold@bulletin.us.com


Public works must build to save costs Limpopo’s MEC for Public Works, Mr Namane Dickson Masemola, said the government would in future consider the use of an internal structure to build government infrastructures, as opposed to a tendering system, in an effort to save costs and create jobs. Masemola was speaking at Nkuri in Giyani at a sod turning ceremony to mark the commencement of construction of ten tribal offices in five district municipalities in the province. “We decided that we were not going to use the tender system to build the tribal offices, but our own internal staff in order to cut cost,” he said. He added that if they were going to use the tender system, they would probably be able to build only five of the ten offices. According to him, the project at Nkuri, which is said to employ

Holding the spade at the sod turning ceremony are Hosi Nkuri, Mopani District Municipality mayor Joshua Matlou, Greater Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani, MEC for Public Works, Mr Dickson Masemola (in white shirt) and Mr Morris Shiviti, a PR councillor in the area.

thirty external workers from the village, will cost almost R3m to complete over twelve months, instead of R8,9m had they opted for the tender system. — Orlando Chauke


ANC Women’s League President and Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga, together with Limpopo premier Stanley Mathabatha, attended the league’s prayer meeting for social cohesion in Nkowankowa. As guest speaker for the event, she thanked the community and representatives of the various religions in the area for responding to the event, as well as for the continuous support bestowed on the ANC and events thereof. She then reminded everyone of the works and achievements of the ruling party since its reign, including the impressively improving matric pass-rate, and promised much more to be done with another term in power. Arriving from all over the township and surrounding areas, the crowd was treated to a performance by the award-winning gospel artist Winnie Mashaba.

— Joy Mojela


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“This is a warning shot”… The community of Gon’on’o village in Giyani has warned the Greater Giyani Municipality of dire consequences if their demands for service delivery were not met. The community members marched to the GGM’s offices to demand clarity on a number of problems, including false promises, which they alleged were made by the GGM. Mr Robert Maluleke, the community’s representative, said that the GGM lied during the IDP midterm report back meeting, that it had electrified six villages whereas it had only electrified two. “The question now is, where’s our R12 million which you claimed to have spent on the project?” he asked. The mayor was also accused of cadre deployment and nepotism.


is seen taking his tip from a motorist

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The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has apparently signed a new contract to install parking meters in the busiest parking bays in Tzaneen’s CBD. This comes after the contract with Diversified Parking System expired at the end of March. According to the GTM’s spokesman, Mr Neville Ndlala, motorists who park in Morgan, Danie Joubert, Skirving and Agatha Streets will be compelled to buy parking cards at the GTM’s offices, in order to be permitted to park in these streets. Parking attendants will be deployed to monitor motorists. Motorists will be fined if they abuse the system to park without paying,


9 Mei 2014



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Vyf ingenieurs kry graad

Vyf van die Hoëeskool Merensky se matrieks van 2008 en 2009 het onlangs hul ingenieursgrade aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf. Thomas van der Meulen, dux-leerling van 2009, het bedryfsingenieurswese gestudeer. Hy Franus werk tans by ZZ2 en het Winterbach nou ingeskryf om sy honneursgraad te voltooi. Sy neef, Dirk van der Meulen, het siviele ingenieurswese saam met Franus Winterbach voltooi. Franus het ook met die Jones & Wagner-prys vir die beste finalejaar-navorsingsprojek in die spesialisveld geotegniese inge-

Candice D’Almeida

Tunet Koekemoer


nieurswese weggestap. Franus werk tans as terreiningenieur in Midrand en Dirk het ‘n pos in Bloemfontein aanvaar. Die twee slimkoppe van die skonere geslag, Tunet Koekemoer en Candice D’Almeida, albei uit die klas van 2008, spog elk met ‘n graad

in chemiese ingenieurswese. Candice het haar graad met lof voltooi en werk haar beursverpligtinge by Sasol af. Tunet het ingeskryf vir haar nagraadse kwalifikasie by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Me Fransie le Roux, Dirk van der adjunk-hoof: akadMeulen emie by Merensky, sê die toepaslike ondervinding wat die Plasies jaarliks deur hul deelname aan Tritech opdoen, waar vakgerigte navorsing in fisiese wetenskap en inligtingstegnologie van jongs af gedoen word, dra grootliks by tot hul latere prestasies.

Drummies excel

Praat dat die biesies bewe Ses redenaars van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het by die LimpopoNoord-streekkompetisie van die ATKV in Polokwane goed gevaar en deurgedring na die halfeindronde (op 30 Mei) by die Hoërskool Pietersburg. Die junior presteerders is Kara Greyling, Wian Jacobs en Eduard O’ Reilly en die drie beste seniors is Gretchen Bekker, Zonica Lombard en Talitta Smit. Op die foto hierby is Zonica Lombard, Talitta Smit, Gretchen Bekker, Kara Greyling, Wian Jacobs en Eduard O’ Reilly.

A resounding accolade goes to the drum majorettes of Tzaneen Primary School. They have been chosen to take part in the Nationals in Cape Town in October. The 29 girls, from ages eight to thirteen, practise four hours per week minimum and up to three hours a day. There are three categories: flag, pom-pom and large drill. The adults involved in honing the girls’ skills are Mss Lome Vice, Emsa Nel and Lana Botha and the seamstress is Ms Marlien van Zyl. The head leader, with the mace, is 12-year-old Lin-Mari Theron. She was born with a deformed left hand at the then Duiwelskloof Hospital. There is no medical explanation and her siblings do not have any physical defects.

Groet na dertig jaar Me Gretchen Brett, ‘n geliefde Engels onderwysers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het die Vossies na 24 jaar in die tuig gegroet. Brett sal ten seerste gemis word, sê die skool, en wens haar ‘n rustige aftrede toe. Sy het duisende kinders se lewens aangeraak in die jare wat sy onderwys gegee het. Die hoofmeisie en die skoolhoof het Brett Maandag tydens ‘n seremonie groot lof toegeswaai, vir die uitstaande werk wat sy in die klas gelewer het. Sy is ‘n passievolle mens wat die Vossies met geesdrif geleer het om Engels te praat en ‘n waardering vir Engelse letterkunde te hê.

Confident Theron (Gr 7) says, “I don’t ever want an operation as my deformity causes me no physical pain. My older brother and little sister help me if I have to confront people with my disability. However, once we tell them I was born this way, they accept that. I can’t throw the mace as high as I would like though. “Besides being head leader, I came second in the world at the bow and arrow competition held in Potchefstroom last year.” The drum majorettes came ninth at Nationals in Polokwane last year. This is an excellent record as they’re under the top ten in South Africa! There are four Provincials coming up with a first ever to be held in Tzaneen on 14 June and two in Polokwane. Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Lin-Mari Theron

Design by Bullz-i, a division of Bulletin. 015 307 7248

Ms Lome Vice

• Year-end functions • Weddings • Birthday parties • Office lunches Elna 083 371 9190 | Cindy 079 692 1180 | Email: elnajacobs@mweb.co.za

Introduction WATCHDOG is a non-profit neighbourhood watch. We are an open organisation for all Tzaneen residents. We provide the opportunity for the community to partake in the prevention of crime by assistancing the SAPS. By working hand in hand with the SAPS, Northern Security and the community, we have the advantage of being everywhere at all times. We urge the community to partake in keeping our streets safe and lend a hand in this process. We have tried and always will endeavour to have a good working and professional relationship with both the community and the SAPS. We are an ever-growing organisation, with over 500 members in and around Tzaneen. We are mainly based in the greater Tzaneen with our biggest faction in sector 5. Through cooperation with the SAPS we have had great success in other sectors too.

Mission We strive to improve the crime rating in our town by working closely with the SAPS and the community and building a strong relationship with our members and

the SAPS. Through this we want to contribute in making Tzaneen a better and safer place. Our mission is to build a strong enough organisation to replicate the successes of sector 5 within the other sectors. We strive to make the community aware of the surrounding areas and what to be on the lookout for. WATCHDOG wants to strengthen their relationship with the SAPS in every sector. We offer our services to the community free of charge and want to keep it that way.

Standard procedures WATCHDOG will always involve the SAPS in all neighbourhood operations by supplying relevant information provided by the community; WATCHDOG will however not misuse the services of the SAPS. The Safety of the community and WATCHDOG members is of the utmost importance to us. This is why communication with the SAPS is imperative.

Advantages WATCHDOG acts as an information collection centre where members can add and obtain information about their respective areas, bringing all the sectors into one

place. With the WATCHDOG’s ever-growing members, we have eyes and ears all over Tzaneen. Crimes and so forth are thus reported quicker and more effectively. The community gets the opportunity to be involved in other community issues by assisting each other. We have communication with a greater part of the Tzaneen community using WATCHDOG, active 24/7.

WATCHDOG Successes With great pride we can say that we have had much success within our community. Recently we helped the SAPS to make arrests for theft and theft out of vehicles. All reports were made by the community of WATCHDOG. We have assisted in reporting house break-ins, suspicious activity and drug abuse.

Non-profitable WATCHDOG is a non-profit organization that strives solely to improve our community. We have received small donation amounts in appreciation of our services, but most of our expenses are covered solely by WatchDog.



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9 Mei 2014


Business directory | Sakegids


Five 1 Two Trailers

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087 751 2333 • 015 386 8735 We’ll get you there safely...


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Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.

e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za

Julene: 060 406 4638



t Die natuurlike keuse

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Vital Bugs CC, Lushof Plot 16, Tzaneen 087 751 0279 | info@vitalbugs.co.za


NOW OPEN: • Giyani • Phalaborwa

Limpopo • Since 2007

e-mail: anne@smslimpopo.co.za | www.smslimpopo.co.za


ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719

Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850


Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701


9 Mei 2014



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Events l Gebeure



Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com ‘14

This Week

Tzaneen Eisteddfod Die Tzaneen Eisteddfod het gister begin (afdeling: musiek) in die saal van Unicorn Preparatory School. Inligting: 084 247 4558. Tritech Eerste ronde eindig vandag. Plaasontbyt Begin jou dag met ‘n plaasontbyt op

Saterdag 31 Mei om 07:30 by die NG Kerk Wolkberg. Die spesiale ontbyt is deel van die gemeentebasaar wat Vrydag 30 Mei begin en Saterdag eindig. Na ontbyt kan inkopies gedoen word. ‘n Verskeidenheid vars groente en vrugte, vleis, keurige gebak en baie vermaak en lekkers vir die kleingoed sal aangebied word.


Tzaneen en omgewing se veteraan- en klassieke motors sal te sien wees in Tzaneen se strate op 30 Mei. Die motors sal ook te sien wees by Wolkberg se basaar op 31 Mei. Daar gaan ook ‘n groot verskeidenheid palms, vetplante en grondbedekkers te koop wees. Die ywerige tuiniers moet dus kom draai by dié basaar. Willie en die Wenspan, die Pret Hondeskou asook die Bergfietswedren gaan vir groot pret sorg en moenie misgeloop word nie.

Onkoloog praat Amone Modelling Academy hou op Saterdag 17 Mei om 09:30 vir 10:00 `n oggendtee in die NG Kerk Tzaneen se saal. Kaartjies kos R60

en sluit `n vingerete in. Dit is `n geldinsameling vir die Laerskool Tzaneen se behoeftigheidfonds en al die geld wat die dag ingesamel word, sal aan die fonds geskenk word. Ongebruikte klere kan ook saamgebring word, om aan die SAVF te skenk. Dr Lourens de Jager gaan oor “Kankerbewusmaking en fisiese gesondheid” by kinders praat. Hy is ‘n onkoloog (spesialiseer in kanker by kinders) van Pretoria. Hy sal oor die verskillende kankers, vroeë simptome en behandeling van babas tot tieners praat. ‘n Paar ander sprekers gaan ook optree en daar sal ook ‘n modeparade wees. Kontak Leandri Schreiber by 078 387 6838 of 076 423 4192 of by jcschreiber@lantic.net vir navrae.

Dawerende Donderdag Die Hoërskool Merensky se Musiek-, Dans-, Drama- en Kunsskool (MDDK) sal op 15 Mei om 18:30 hul eerste Dawerende Donderdag aanbieding in die skoolsaal oopstel. Vir R60/persoon kan mense die aanbieding geniet, plus ‘n tweegangmaal wat deur die skool se gasvryheidstudie-leerlinge bedien sal word. Bespreek vroegtydig by bl@hsmerensky.co.za of 074 888 5975 of 074 888 6042 of 074 888 6165. Wegneemetes Die NG Kerk Wolkberg bied sakelui die geleentheid om wegneemetes op bestelling vir self afhaal te bekom, tydens die basaar op 30 Mei. Al wat gedoen moet word is om die onderneming se massabestelling deur te gee aan Estia Warmenhoven, vergesel van die tyd wat die bestelling gereed moet wees. Bestellings kan reeds van Donderdag 29 Mei

af geplaas word. Bestellings moet Warmehoven minstens twee uur voor afhaaltyd bereik. Spesiale versoeke sal sover moontlik aandag geniet. Inligting: Estia by estia.warmen@gmail.com of 082 457 9334.

Busry basaar toe Inwoners van Pioniers Woonstelle, God’s Haven, Elnatan Woonstelle, Macadamia Aftreeoord en inwoners van Macadamia Versorgingeenheid — Die Wolkberg-gemeente stel ‘n bussie beskikbaar op Vrydag 30 Mei, sodat diegene wat graag by die gemeentebasaar wil kuier, nie vervoerprobleme sal hê nie. Charles van Niekerk sal agter die stuur wees. Hy sal reël by die bestuur/verteenwoordigers en laat weet hoe laat passasiers gereed moet wees om in te klim. Charles se telefoonnommer is 084 491 1049. Kinderfees

Die AGS Modjadjiskloof se kinderkerk, Dynamite Kidz, bied weer hul jaarlikse Kinderfees aan en nooi alle kinders van gr 1 tot gr 7 om saam hope pret te kom hê. Dit word van Maandag 19 Mei tot en met Woensdag 21 Mei om 18:30 tot 20:00 in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se saal aangebied. Toegang gratis. Onthou ‘n kussing om op te sit. Ouers wat van ver ry is welkom om by die fees te wag. Ouers kan hul kinders na Sondag 20 Mei se diens by AGS Modjadjiskloof om 09:00 bring, vir ‘n voorsmakie van wat die daaropvolgende drie dae wag. Navrae: Carol Biewenga by 082 571 6576.

Grasdak-basaar Vandag hou die AP Kerk in Tzaneen hul jaarlikse basaar, van 09:00 tot vanaand


GREATER LETABA MUNICIPALITY Experienced as well as emerging bidders are hereby invited to bid for the following: Bid number

Project name

GLM034/2014 Supply and delivery of Refuse Compactor Truck

CIDB Grading


GLM035/2014 Supply and delivery of LDV N/A for Waste Management GLM036/2014 Supply and delivery of N/A Skip Bins GLM037/2014 Supply and delivery of N/A Skip Truck GLM038/2014 Supply and delivery of N/A Printers GLM044/2014 Microsoft Software licence N/A renewal GLM041/2014 Feasibility study of potential LED projects


GLM042/2014 Feasibility study for N/A establishment of an AgroProcessing project

Date for compulsory site inspection

Point Closing date NonTechnical Queries scoring Refundable system Amount

Date: 16 May 2014 Time: 12:00 Venue: Modjadjiskloof Library N/A


30 May 2014



30 May 2014




30 May 2014


Date: 16 May 2014 Time: 11:00 Venue: Modjadjiskloof Library N/A


30 May 2014



30 May 2014




30 May 2014


Date: 19 May 2014 Time: 10:00 Venue: Modjadjiskloof Library


2 June 2014



2 June 2014


Shoroma M.L at 015 309 9246/7/8

Besoek ons by www. bulletin. us.com

19:00. Daar sal produkte van hoë gehalte wees, by die kerkgebou met die grasdak. Besoek die kunsmark en gesellige teetuin en koop plante, vars groente, vleis, gebraaide boerewors- of romerige biefstukrolle, smaaklike kerrie en rys, jaffels, pannekoek, stokworsies, gebraaide mielies, spiraal-skyfies, allerlei gebak en talle ander lekkernye. Speletjies en ‘n springkasteel vir die kinders. Debiet- en kredietkaartmasjien vir die gerief van basaargangers. Round Table Clubhouse meetings at Circle Drive, Tzaneen on the first Tuesday of every month. Information: Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.



Support Group

The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group on the first and third Saturday morning every month at 09:00, Macadamia Community Centre. Information: Denise on 072 2871022 or Colleen on 083 4567970. Narcotic Anonymous For people who struggle and need assistance with drug abuse. Narcotic Anonymous every Monday from 19:00 to 20:00 at the Methodist Church Tzaneen, 10 Peace Street (corner of Windsor Street), Tzaneen. Call 083 900 6962 or 084 642 1946.

Herofield aanddiens Sondag 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Hannes Steyn by 082 309 8335 of kontak jeeuug@gmail.com. Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/ navrae: Nate by 078 619 4546. Aksienetbal Elke Dinsdagaand 18:00-20:00 by die skouterrein. R20 / persoon. Dames en mans welkom.



Vakante Pos Finansiële en administratiewe pos beskikbaar Konstruksiebesigheid op soek na ‘n finansiële en administratiewe persoon.

Kgatla M.G at 015 309 9246/7/8

Rababalela M.E at 015 309 9246/7/8

GLM043/2014 Landfill Site (Site clearance 3SQ or 2SQPE Date: 16 May 2014 and construction of steel Time: 12:00 palisade fencing) Venue: Modjadjiskloof Library


30 May 2014


Shoroma M.L at 015 309 9246/7/8

Vereistes: • Persoon moet sistematies en gestruktureerd wees. • Pastelondervinding sal gunstig wees. • Minstens drie jaar relevante ondervinding. • Akkurate syferwerk is ‘n vereiste. • Moet goed onder druk funksioneer. Net CV’s met werksondervinding en verwysings sal aanvaar word. Aanvaarde CV’s sal teruggeskakel word. Fax na 086 598 3713


GLM045/2014 Integrated Roads and Transport Plan


Date: 19 May 2014 Time: 11:00 Venue: Modjadjiskloof Library


2 June 2014


Molokomme C.W at 015 309 9246/7/8

GLM046/2014 Revamping of municipal workshop

2CE or 1CEPE

Date: 16 May 2014 80/20 Time: 10:00 Venue: Modjadjiskloof Workshop

30 May 2014


Van Vuuren L.D.P at 015 309 9246/7/8

GLM047/2014 Fencing of Ga-Kgapane Cemeteries

3 SQ or 2 SQPE

Date: 16 May 2014 Time: 09:00 Venue: Kgapane Cemetery

30 May 2014



Ngobeni H. at 015 309 9246/7/8

Bid documents will be obtainable as from the 16 May 2014 at 44 Botha Street, Greater Letaba Municipality in Modjadjiskloof, upon payment of non-refundable amount for a bid in question. Only cash payable to Greater Letaba Municipality will be accepted. Bidders will be disqualified for failure to attend a briefing session. NB: Bid document for GLM041, GLM042 and GLM045 will be available from the 19th May 2014. All bids will remain valid for a period of 90 days after the time and date of opening. Late submissions, telegraphic, telefax or email transmission bids will not be accepted. Greater Letaba Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept the bid as a whole or in part. All bids and supporting documents must be sealed in a cover clearly marked “the relevant bid number and project name above” and must be deposited in the bid box, at Greater Letaba Municipality foyer not later than 12:00 midday on the closing date when they will be opened in public. All Supply Chain Management queries will be directed to Mr Thoka B.J at 015 309-9246/7/8 at Greater Letaba Municipality.

MUNICIPAL MANAGER T.G Mashaba bulletin©9554glm140509tb


Ben Vorster more tuis teen Helpmekaar van Johannesburg. Dit kan taai wees. Merensky teen Louis Trichardt, ook tuis. Motortydren More is die groot nasionale tydren hier in en om Tzaneen. Begin by Politsi. Groot opwinding wat geen motorsportgeesdriftige moet misloop nie. Drie plaaslike tydrenjares neem ook deel: Eddeie Simpson in sy Corsa, Erik de Jager in sy VW en Peter Pilusa, wat dalk in ‘n nuwe motor kan jaag.


Letaba speel more tuis met twee spanne teen Pietersburg Dorp in die eerste van die Boet Fick-liga se rondes. Die klub se rindkoppe sê mense wat vir ‘n slag lekker hardlooprugby wil sien, kan gerus van 15:00 af kom kyk.

VAKANTE POS ‘n Toonaangewende Kombuiskasvervaardiger in Tzaneenomgewing benodig die dienste van ‘n

PRODUKSIEBESTUURDER / VOORMAN (Salaris onderhandelbaar) Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal betrokke wees by kombuiskasvervaardiging, produksiebeplanning en organisering, en toesig oor produksie. Die ideale kandidaat is iemand wat selfstandig is, oor toepaslike produksie-ervaring beskik, die vermoë het om te organiseer en tydskedules kan handhaaf. Indien u oorweeg wil word, faks ‘n aansoek / CV van hoogstens 3 bladsye aan DIE ADVERTEERDER, 086 612 8719. INDIEN U OORWEEG WORD, SAL U VIR ‘N ONDERHOUD GENOOI WORD.



Job Seeker Domestic

eral work, or domestic work Sleep out, I speak English contact me on 078 419 3421 (73) ______________________________

My name is Grace Motloutsi I am looking for a domestic work I have 4 years experience I can speak English contact me on 071 235 8314 (66) ______________________________

Suzen Mokgolobotho I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English I have 1 year experience I have grade 11 contact me on 071 177 1978 (67)______________________________

My name is Annieke Makoro I am looking for job as domestic work I can look after children I can speak Afrikaans I have 4 years experience full time or 3 days (ref: Liezel 072 075 6254) contact me on 076 775 0455


My name is Ntebaleng Matemane I am looking for domestic work I can speak English / Afrikaans and look after children I have 9 years experience contact me on 071 090 3579 (75)______________________________

Maria M Modike I am looking for two days a week domestic work / office cleaner I understand Afrikaans contact me on 079 845 6320 (76)______________________________

My name is Jane Malatjie I am looking for a domestic work 2 or 3 days of full time. I have seven years experience I can cook and look after children (ref: Marlina Walker 082 8955 270) contact me on 072 344 7776

My name is Melita Mokati I am looking for general work, domestic work, office cleaner 3 days of full time, speak English, sleep out contact me on 082 695 1163

My name is Maria Shibanda I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children, I speak English I clean very well, sleep out mon – fri contact me on 083 345 9600 (70) ______________________________


My name is Ivy Ramalepe I am looking for general or domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children. I have a security grade E D & C I have experience in Gardening (ref Caroline 073 299 0716 ) contact me on 079 5321 752 (78)______________________________

My name is Machete Salphinah Mandy I am looking for a domestic work or gardening work I speak English I have two years experience contact me on 082 833 3570 (71) ______________________________

10 after children I can speak English also understand Afrikaans contact me Martha Ntlemo on 083 861 7120 (81)______________________________

My name is Matapa Jane Makwala I am looking for a domestic work / office cleaner I can speak English and I can also look after children I have 5 years experience

(68) ______________________________

(69) ______________________________

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My name is Winny Maluleke I am looking for domestic work I can speak Afrikaans and English I can also look after children I have grade 11 contact me on 073 800 8784

My name is Maria Sekokotla I am looking for any general work or domestic work, I can speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri or 2 or 3 days a week contact me on 078 331 5755


(72) ______________________________


My name is Ruth Makwela I am looking for any gen-

I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and look

I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English contact me Lesedi Mabulana on 082 414 7509

My name is Ramodike Rosinah I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can also look after children I can speak Afrikaans I have 6 years experience (ref Johan Hibbert 076 255 9780


My name is Sarah M Chilwane I am looking for a job as domestic worker / office cleaner I can speak Afrikaans and I can look after children sleep in or out contact me on 079 195 0398 (83) ______________________________

My name is Catrine Mbatsane I am looking for a job as a cleaner or domestic work I speak English I have experience contact me on 079 844 1764 (84) ______________________________

My name is Rachel Semosa I am looking for a cleaner job or domestic work I can speak English full time or couple of days I have 5 years experience contact me on 072 789 2338

(85) ______________________________

Admin My name is Mpho Pilusa I am looking for work as a clerk / office assistant I have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, code 10 driver licence. First aid lever one contact me on 071 461 0771 (4) ______________________________

My name is Lineliwe Rikhotso I am looking for work as a admin clerk or receptionist, I have grade 12 and N6 Human Resource management I can speak English (worked at Letaba FET contract expired) contact me on 072 784 4543 (5) ______________________________

My name is Cansley Ratlabela

Jare I am looking for as a Civil Engineer I have grade 11 I can speak English and I have code 10 drivers licence, I have N4 Civil engineering contact me on 072 926 8285 (6) ______________________________

My name is Annah Molepo I have N6 business Management. I currently working at Letaba FET College at Central Office as admin clerk (intern) (Ref no: 015 307 5440 Moseamedi M.T supply chain manager 082 500 2000) contact me on 071 188 6185 (7) ______________________________

General My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a job in hospitality I have a certificate in hospitality of Malawi Institute of Tourism contact me on 071 984 7266

In the Estate of the late, CORNELIUS DE RUIG, Identity Number: 300220 5022 08 3 who resided at PORTION 13 OF THE FARM MEYERSRUS 619 LT. DISTRICT TZANEEN and died on the 29th of SEPTEMBER 2013, Estate Number 1086/2014. Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notice. STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242 Tzaneen, 0850


IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG Case Number: 2012/21336 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Plaintiff And DITUBATSE BUSINESS ENTERPRISES CC (REG NO 2002/033448/23) First Defendant MANNYA, BERNICE MAKGORO (ID NO: 721006 0421 08 6) Second Defendant


FRIDGE 1 X COFFEE TABLE 1 X LG TELEVISION AND STAND 2 X PLASTIC CHAIRS 1 X ELECTRIC 2 PLATE STOVE 1 X ROUND TABLE AND 5 CHAIRS 1 X 6 SEAT COUCH 1 X DVD PLAYER 4 X BLACK CRATES 2 X WATER TANK TRAILORS 10 X BLACK CRATES 2 X MANGO SAK HOUERS 1 X TRAILOR HAND MADE 1 X SHUFFEL 4 X STAINLESS STEEL TABLES 9 X MANGO CRATES 1 X STRYDOM TRAILOR REG NO: CFB802L WITHOUT TYRES AND RIMS 13 X MANGO CRATES 1 X TREKKER BODY 1 X ACHAR MACHINE 1 X QUANTITY ROUND GRASS BALE IN STOCK 8 X STEEL MAGO BAG CONTAINERS TERMS: Cash – no cheques accepted. 14% VAT to be added. 1 This sale is sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honorable Court. 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia; 4 Directive of the Consumer protection Act 68


10 Years

Eiendomme Medipark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, aparte sitkamer, kombuis, parkering reg voor woonstel, loopafstand vanaf besighede en skole. R2 600

Bachelor Beskikbaar klein een vir R2 000 en een vir R2 300

Op soek na woonstelle, meenthuise, huise om & uit te verhuur Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

(58) ______________________________

My naam is Danie ek is op soek na n’ sekuriteits werk het Grade B of administrasie ek het 5 jaar ondervinding kode 8 lisensie. Skakel my by 061 466 0403

To Let Te Huur

(59)) ______________________________

My name is Makhuvele Eugenia I am looking for any general work in the garden I can speak English I have grade 11 contact me on 078 066 9101 (60)) ______________________________

My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655

Town House/Meenthuis Moderne tweeslaapkamer meenthuis in veilige kompleks beskikbaar, R3800 p/m. Koopkrag en minimale water rekening, 1 Junie beskikbaar. 0835616062 elzaan@clbfruits.co.za mei201__________________________

Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel tydens kantoor ure: 015 307 7031


Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in kompleks. Sekuritietsomheining met elektriese hekke.


Pompagalana Bachelor woonstel R2 200 pm vol deposito Water en ligte ingesluit tot en met R200 Onmiddellik beskikbaar 084 047 0954

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the Property


(61)) ______________________________

My name is Emmanuel Mahasha I am looking for a job as Shelfin, foglift, welding, I can speak English, Afrikaans I have 17 years experience in Pretoria (Executive Storage Equipment) contact me on 076 775 0455



years of loving our community

(62)) ______________________________

Regakennisgewings | Legals LEGAL NOTICE

9 Mei 2014


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of 2008 can be downloaded from: Url http: /// www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961 5 FICA registration in respect of proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor DATED AT JOHANNESBURG on this 15th day of April 2014 JAY MOTHOBI INCORPORATED Plaintiff’s Attorneys 9 Arnold Road Rosebank PO Box 87160 Houghton, 2041 Tel: 011 268 3500 Fax: 011 268 3535 Ref: MAT35656/M Kozlowski/ Lc





PURSUANT to costs taxed by the magistrate TZANEEN on 7 March 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN on 29 MAY 2014 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X ISUZU KB 200 FLEET SIDE REG NO. CHB490L 1. This sale is sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honorable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia; 4. Directive of the Consumer protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from: Url http: /// www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961 5. FICA registration in respect of proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with

the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor DATED AT TZANEEN ON 29 APRIL 2014 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1, AGATHASTREET TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: JS/sdj/AA6264


NOTICE FOR INSPECTION IN THE ESTATEOF LATE MASHAO KORANTA. Identity number; 540211 0546 085, address; Stand no: H18 RAPHAHLELO VILLAGE, in the SEKGOSESE DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account of the estate will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court Polokwane, and the office of the Magistrate SEKGOSESE, for a period of 21 days from the 09th MAY 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE EXECUTOR: MASHAO TEBOGO BELVIOUS duly assisted by MALOKA ATTORNEYS, 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET, TZANEEN, 0850

10 TEL: 015 307 7496 CELL: 073 886 2593 REF: Maponya/CIV/47/2013


IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 2523/2013 In the matter between: DOORNHOEK EQUESTRIAN ESTATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR And IMANUEL TLHAME SEKGOBELA EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF AUCTION In pursuance of a Judgment dated 3 April 2014 and a warrant of execution in the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Letaba, the following goods will be sold on THURSDAY 29th day of MAY 2014 at 10:00 by Public Auction to be held at the Sheriff’s Letaba’s store room, Main store no 2, Industria Road 20, Tzaneen by the sheriff for the district of Letaba, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X Toyota Minibus with registration number BHF 095L 1 X Toyota Minibus with registration number: BHF 088L 1 X Toyota Minibus with registration number: BGJ 910L 1 X Toyota Minibus with registration number: BGJ 908L 1 X Toyota Minibus with reg-

Jare istration number BHH 977L 1 This sale is sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honorable Court. 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia; 3.1 Directive of the Consumer protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from: Url http: /// www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961 3. 2 FICA registration in respect of proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 4 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 5 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor DATED AT TZANEEN on this the 5th day of MAY 2014 THOMAS & SWANEPOEL ING THOMAS & SWANEPOEL BUILDING 19 PEACE STREET TZANEEN REF: L J ERASMUS/MV/D1501



9 Mei 2014



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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy

DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110___________________________

Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406__________________________

Services Dienste

HYPNOTHERAPIST YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Th8e most economical and affordable way? • Within one month? YES! • You can – with powerful hypnosis technique! Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305__________________________

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210_________________________

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106__________________________

Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

Services Dienste

The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936



Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705

Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email: khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770



2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 083 472 8483


Munchies Tzaneen Nuut vir moedelose moeders “pouse pakkies op wiele” “Break time meals on wheels” R15 per kospakkie per dag afgelewer by die skool. Skakel Julene 060 406 4638 Registrasie/bestelvorms beskikbaar by Munchies. Tzaneen@yahoo.co.za Of by 14 King Edward rylaant. Apr207___________________________

King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Mar204___________________________



TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109


Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010


WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand? VERSEKER! • Jy kan – met kragtige hipnose tegnieke! Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie – Medies)


015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!! Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za

Absolutely Water Domestic and semi industrial Revere osmosis purifiers Whole house filtration Water softeners – Elsie – 083 458 4746 Danna 083 560 8636 Apr401___________________________

Paul’s Mobile Kitchen Vars wegneem etes Bestellings kan geplaas word by 082 357 1058 (Voor Hi Q)


Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za



Hishtil South Africa We produce and distribute grafted and un-grated vegetable seedlings country wide Why Hishtil Best possible start Greater uniformity Consistent quality Updated Technology Technical back up Professional services Country wide delivery 015 395 4034/43 BMG Bearing man Group Bearings, seals, power transmissions drives & motors Belting, fasteners Filtration 015 307 7334


Mercurius Commercial Polokwane Mercedes-Benz Feeightliner Fuso Japie 083 645 9380 015 297 3726

Tzaneen Tombstones For professional serive Contact Trevor Pretorius 015 307 4598 tzaneentombstones@gmail. com 2 Morgan Street, Tzaneen


Compost Matters We are leaders in the design and manufacturing of specialised and custom built Agricultural Machinery that is not otherwise available in the market. We build any machine to order Lighty Bootha 082 800 1895 Francois van der Poll 082 928 5809 lighty@compostmatters. co.za

BMR Auto Maintenance and Panel beating We do services, repairs and fleet management on forklifts, trucks Tractors, cars and LDV’s Tiaan 082 543 1570 Louis 071 615 3208 Apr302__________________________

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________


Een oproep na 071 927 6909 kan jou loodgieterprobleme in ‘n kits oplos. Bertus de Neysschen doen ook skrynwerk, verfwerk en meganiese herstelwerk.


Visagie Saagmeule Vir Palette enige Hoveelheid Soort Grootte Rohan 083 557 1615


Carton Erecting Centre Vir al jou kartonverpakingoplossings Skakel Bibi Britz 082 882 7511 Gerda Britz 084 391 7039 Lushof Plot 83, Ou Stasieweg Tzaneen


Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za



Trellidor Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667 Feb103_______________________

Services Dienste

On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735


TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com



Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703


Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer vision Eye test R150 2 complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multi focal from R2 700 015 307 2299

Other Ander Sleepwaens te huur Vir die beste diens met die Blou bul span skakel Johan 060 437 7447


For Sale Te Koop


Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Louis Menge Auto Trading as (Pty) Ltd Trading as S + J Auto Louis 083 272 3907 All makes of vehicles and trucks 14 Antimony Street 015 307 2064 Faks: 015 307 7631


Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512____________________

Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@gmail. com. Jan203_________________________

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269

Chicken Litter Huge volumes available Can be used for cattle feed and compost Contact 082 826 6668


Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com


Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________

Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557


Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers Hennie 083 651 0936 May212_________________________


Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure



Dinki Treats Beproefde Bekostigbare Natuurlike produkte Baba voedsel 32 Aqualaan dinki-treats@mweb.co.za Estie 082 826 2517


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

For Hire Te Huur Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956


Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558.



Services Dienste On Tap For all your bathroom and kitchen renovations, Showers, taps, baths, toilets ext. 015 307 2991



For all upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call us Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018

Services Dienste


Your partner in home building!


Services Dienste


Services Dienste


‘n Volledige Defy Magic 73S Koolstoof te koop. Volledig , in goeie werkende toestand. R3 500 Skakel Pieter 082 9555323


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the Classified


Search “Bulletin”

Business league was a success Duiwelskloof Bowls Club concluded a highly successful business league tournament on Tuesday. Twelve teams competed over the five week event. Congratulations to the winners from the ZZ2 Green Team (photo above), comprising Ruan Bosch (skip), Wouter Matthee (third), Jaco Liebenberg (second) and Nico Swart (lead). The members and committee of the club thanked the businesses that supported the tournament. A further business league will be planned later in the year. The teams that played were (in order of where they finished): ZZ2 Groen, Supaquick DWK, Buffelsberg, ZZ2 team 2, Rob Spices, Trophy Motors 1, Agribox, Complete Gardens, NTS Bosbou, Trophy Motors 2, Adam’s Cafe and Limpopo Tyres.

Tzaneen archers excel again Merensky High School’s active archery club competed in two separate competitions recently. At the WC Indoor Championships, Chené Kleinhans obtained a score of 280 from a possible 300, thereby qualifying for the third time for provincial colours (Limpopo Indoor Championship colours). Fifteen archers participated at the 2014 ABO/3d Limpopo Championships. The club now boasts with nine archers who qualified


9 Mei 2014


Hokkiemeisies presteer

Don’t miss rally action tomorrow The opening round of the Northern Regions Rally Championship will be decided in the Tzaneen area tomorrow. This unique event is the only round in the championship that offers real forest rallying. It is a must for any motoring enthusiast and will feature rally cars from years past to modern day rally machines. The thrill of seeing rally cars driven in excess of 140 km/h on a narrow forest track over bumps and around turns is an awe inspiring sight, and with Tzaneen’s scenery as a backdrop this will truly be any motorsport enthusiast’s dream. The event starts at Letaba Packers at Politsi, only about 12 kilometers from Tzaneen on the R36 towards Modjadjiskloof. There fans and spectators will be able to get to know the drivers and see the service crews in action. The cars will leave at 10:00 for the first of five timed special stages in the plantations. Stage one is only 8 km from the start and will offer serious action and great viewing possibilities for spectators at the bottom of an 800 m firebreak followed by two 90 degree corners. There are spectator points at stages two and three as well, which are repeated as stages four and five5, with cars visible for 2 km as they negotiate forestry roads through cleared plantations at one of the spectator points. All spectator points are within 10 km from the service park and no more than 15 km from each other. Detailed spectator guides with a map will be available at the start or can be downloaded from www.rallyworld.net - (http://www.rallyworld.net/ index.php/rally-docs) For more information, call David Brown on 015 307 5165 or 083 560 8622.

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

for their ABO provincial colours, namely Ockert le Roux, Dirk Botha, Renart Botha, Ruan Genis, Benèche Jackson, Erich Mosterd, Lin-Marie Theron, Pieter van der Merwe and Adriaan Venter. Schalk Warmenhoven qualified for ABO national colours and Ricus Warmenhoven for ABO Protea colours. Father and son also broke the Limpopo records with Ricus obtaining 196 and Schalk 194 points. The triumphant Medrensky team returned with two gold medals while Benèche Jackson, Lin-Marie Theron and Dirk Botha won a silver medal each. Ockert le Roux and Renart Botha won bronze.

The arch medallists: In the front are Lin-Marie Theron, Ricus Warmenhoven and Dirk Botha and in the back are Benèche Father Schalk and son Ricus Warmenhoven. Jackson, Renart Botha, Ockert le Roux and Schalk Warmenhoven.

Merensky’s ABO team members are: kneeling in front, Leon Jardine, Janco Theron, Erich Mostert and Adriaan Venter. In the middle row are Benèche Jackson, Simone Smith and Lin-Marie Theron. Standing in the back are Ruan Genis, Renart Botha, Pieter van der Merwe, Ockert le Roux, Schalk Warmenhoven, Dirk Botha, Dawie Theron and Ricus Warmenhoven.

Die Hoërskool Merensky se hokkiemeisies het uitstekend gevaar tydens die hokkieproewe wat by PHS gehou is. Bianca Elbrecht, Risana Lambane, Delean o‘Neill (o.14), Michelle Stevens, Pat Madelane (o.16), Marike Smith, Demi-Lee Mostert, Juane Fernandes, Clara Mashele en Jeandri van Wyk (o.18) het na die Marike Smith, Juane Fernandes, Jeandri van Wyk, Clara Mashele volgende ronde proewe en Demi-Lee Mostert deurgedring.

Pat Madelane, Michelle Stevens, Bianca Elbrecht, Risana Lambane en Delean o’Neill

Tuffy set to be annual qualifier In preparation for the Comrades Mararthon in of the hills and flats. On behalf of the Club, I would June, hundreds of runners braved a bit of cold like to thank each runner who supported the race Tzaneen weather to participate in the and I would like to wish them well on the training for the Comrades,” he said. first Tuffy Marathon. The race, hosted by the Tzaneen The event, started and ended at the Coach Running Club in conjunction with House Hotel and Spa. General Manager for the hotel Dean Pitt said he was ecstatic to Aïda and the Coach House Hotel and Spa, consisted of a 5 km, 10 km, 21,1 help host the event at his establishment. “What a great honour to have the first km and for the willing a 42,2 km run, which was also a Comrades Marathon Tuffy Marathon start and end at the Coach House. The atmosphere was awesome and qualifier race. A total of 450 runners took to the tarmac at the start of the the spirit of camaraderie was ever present. One of our staff members, Thomas Sekqula race. Tzaneen Running Club chairman Musilo, made us proud by running the 42,2 Johan Thiart said he was grateful to all km race. “He has been with the hotel since its who made the event possible.”I would like to thank our sponsors. We had a inception in the early 1980’s. This was an Thomas awesome event and we cannot wait for the great race day and this was a good way Sekqula Musilo next one,” he said. to prepare for the Comrades, because


9 Mei 2014

Plasie-boogskuts korrel fyn by SA’s

Renart Botha het nasionale kleure in boogskiet gekry.

Die SA Boogskuts se 2014 binneshuise kampioenskappe is in Kemptonpark gehou en 156 topskuts uit al nege provinsies het mekaar die stryd aangesê om te bepaal wie se hand-oog-koördinasie die beste is. Merensky Boogskietklub se negentien spanlede het besonder goed gevaar en spog nou met drie SA kampioene: Cheney Kleinhans, Rikus Harmse en Arno Harmse. Al drie het goue medaljes verower. Twee skuts het silwer medaljes verower: Canell Jackson en Simone Smith. Brons medaljes is deur Beneche Jackson en Ricus Warmenhoven verower, terwyl Renart Botha ook sy nasionale kleure en

Cheney Kleinhans, Ricus en Schalk Warmenhoven hul provinsiale kleure verwerf het. Intussen het Plasie-skuts ook aan die De Neck 3D Shoot deelgeneem. Hulle sê dit was een van die lekkerste kompetisies sover vanjaar. Die kompetisie is goeie voorbereiding vir die jagseisoen wat voorlê. Die skuts is in afdelings ingedeel, op grond van pylgewig. Al die skuts wat die kompetisie bygewoon het, het dit baie geniet en nie een van die skuts het leë hande huis toe gegaan nie. Ricus Warmenhoven was tweede in die Bafdeling (pylgewig: 420-519 g) en as prys kan hy ’n koedoekoei skiet. In die C-afdeling (pylgewig: 300-419 g) was Renart Botha tweede en Ruan Genis derde. Merensky se span wat aan die SA’s deelgeneem en puik gepresteer het: Agter staan Adriaan Venter (jr) Schalk Warmenhoven, Adriaan Venter, Jan Potgieter, Rikus Harmse en Pieter van der Merwe. In die tweede ry van agter is Morné Kleinhans, Magdalena Kleinhans, Arno Harmse, Leon Jardine, Danie Harmse, Marietjie Harmse en Ricus Warmenhoven. Tweede ry van voor: Cheney Kleinhans, Simoné Smith en Canelle Jackson en voor is Beneche Jackson en Ruan Genis.

Die tennisspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het in liga-wedstryde teen PHS, Merensky, Louis Trichardt, Curro Heuwelkruin, Frans du Toit en Stanford Lake College gespeel en algeheel tweede na PHS geëindig. Hier is GC Botha, Iseldri Janse van Rensburg, Eben Roos, Elma Pohl, Michael du Plessis, Juané Gubitz, Mauritz Pohl en Christelle Smit.

Lekker rugby more

Letaba Rugbyklub se eerste en tweede spanne kom more in hul eerste wedstryde in die Boet Fick-liga teen Pietersburg Dorp te staan. Die wedstryde word tuis op Letaba se veld beslis, om 15:00 (tweedes) en 16:00 (eerste span). ‘n Bestuurslid van die klub het Vrydag gesê die wedstrydplan vir albei spanne is om lekker hardlooprugby te speel. “Ons is almal voos vir skoprugby en Letaba se spelers het self die lus vir hardlooprugby uitgespreek.” Rugbyliefhebbers kan dus moremiddag gerus opruk na die skouterrein en agteroor gaan sit om lekker plaaslike rugby te geniet. Ons spanne en die klub het ondersteuning nodig, want almal weet dat rugby in die platteland maar sukkel om kop bo water te hou.

Vossies sit gedugte Menlopark ore aan

Nsuku Makalana, die woelwater doel van Ben Vorster se eerste netbalspan, in aksie teen Menlopark.

Hoede af vir die Vossies se eerste netbalspan! Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se wintersportspanne het hul jaarlikse afspraak met die Hoërskool Menlopark in Pretoria weer nagekom — en die Vossies se eerste netbalspan het gekiedenis gemaak, toe hulle die stadsjapies oortuigend met 35-27 geklop het. Dit was die Vossies se eerste oorwinning teen Menlopark, wat in die nommer 1-posisie onder die toptwintig netbalskole in die land is! Van meet af aan was dit ‘n baie gelykop stryd. In die eerste kwart van die wedstryd het Menlopark met een doel voorgeloop.

Oubal is KoosKakie ewige dank verskuldig dat hy verlede naweek tydens ons spanpraatjie ‘n uiters plofbare situasie met takt, insig en tydsberekening kon beredder. ‘Tja, die moeilikheid het begin toe ArthurIngelsman oplet dat GertGrensvegter ‘n seisoenale sinusaanval met homeopatiese druppeltjies probeer bestry. Raak ou AI toe heel ballisties en wys GG daarop dat die Britse Parlement (“bêk houm”!) al in 2010 bevind het dat daar geen wetenskaplike bewys bestaan dat homeopatie enigsins werk nie. GG het daai Clint Eastwood trek op sy gesig gekry en onwillekeurig sy hand op die .44 Magnum op sy heup gesit, terwyl hy in ‘n hewige argument met ou AI verval het. Gelukkig het KK tussenbeide getree en verontwaardig opgemerk dat die Britse Parlement nie meer seggenskap het oor hoe sinusaanvalle hier in Afrika behandel moet word nie. Boonop, het KK bygevoeg, Klipdrift

In die tweede kwart van dié wedstryd het die Vossies die voortou geneem en met twee doele voorgeloop. Gedurende die tweede helfte van die wedstryd het die Vossies hul voorsprong vergroot, met byna foutlose spel deur Nsuku Makalana. Die ander netbalspanne se tellings was ook aansienlik kleiner as in die verlede, en soos volg: o.14A: 21-30; o.14B: 12-23; o.15A: 11-27; o.15B: 6-18; o.16A: 12-19; o.16B: 21-33; o.17A: 10-26. Die Vossies het die groot gaping tussen hulle en die netbalspanne van Menlopark begin verklein en sien uit na volgende jaar se kragmetings.

Homeopatiese Superrakbie wat so met water verdun is dat dit nie meer die Hoofleier tot ‘n inval in Bophuthatswana kan inspireer nie, dien ook geen doel nie. Oubal kon sien hoe dié stukkie filosofie die “myk maai dei”-uitdrukking van GG se gesig af vee en ons kon ons tot belangriker sake wend, soos die uitgelekte voorgestelde nuwe formaat vir Superrakbie vanaf 2016. ‘Tja, dit blyk dat die Aussies en NZ uiteindelik vir SARU hul politieke sin gegee het, om die Kings as ons sesde Super(!)span toe te laat — en op die koop toe sommer ‘n

Ook die Vossies se hokkiespanne het beter tellings behaal as verlede jaar. Hulle moes op Menlopark se Astro-hokkieveld speel, wat ‘n nuwe uitdaging bied. Danksy goeie samespel en veggees het die Vossies se o.15Aspan (meisies) hul wedstryd met een doel gewen, aangeteken deur Ntsakisi Maluleke. Die o.16A-span het vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar gelykop gespeel. Die eerste seunshokkiespan het ook goed gespeel en met slegs een doel verloor. Die Vossies se rugbyspanne het goeie oefening teen Menlopark gekry. Menlopark se eerste rugbyspan is op

Argentynse span ook ingegooi het, tesame met ‘n tot-nou-toe ongeïdentifiseerde span wat nugter weet waarvandaan gaan kom. Welkom by die Super18 in 2016! Oubal verwelkom natuurlik die vermindering in plaaslike derbies wat die nuwe formaat gaan meebring, want hoeveel keer wil ons dan die Curriebeker in een jaar oor speel? Oubal kan hom ook tot ‘n mate met die spelers vereenselwig, dat daar (dalk) minder oorsee gereis gaan word, maar andersins dink hy die ANZAC’s het ons ‘n .44 Magnum in die hand gestop om onsself in die voet mee te skiet. Met die nuwe formaat gaan die helfte van ons spanne in ‘n gegewe jaar nie teen NZ’e spanne speel nie en die ander helfte nie teen die Aussies nie (behalwe vir die uitspeelrondes). Soos sake staan bevind vier van ons vyf spanne hulle tans in die onderste helfte van die Super15-punteleer, wat beteken dat ons

die oomblik nommer drie in die land op Rugby 365 se ranglys. Die Vossies se o.14A’s het 39-5 verloor. Die B-span het egter die bordjies verhang en met 27-24 gewen. Die o.15A’s het 15-0 verloor, maar die B-span wen met ‘n spoggerige telling van 25-7. Die o.16Aen -B-spanne het met onderskeidelik 17-3 en 50-0 verloor. Die derde span het in ‘n taai wedstryd net-net met 3-0 verloor, terwyl die tweeds met 24-10 die onderspit moes delf. Die eerste span het in die eerste helfte van hul stryd mooi gehou en toe rustyd aanbreek was die telling slegs 5-0 teen hulle. Menlopark het egter laat in die wedstryd twee drieë gedruk, om 29-5 te wen. Die Vossies speel more tuis teen Helpmekaar Kollege van Johannesburg.

onsself hoofsaaklik gaan meet aan ons eie ondergemiddeldheid. Dít bo en behalwe die feit dat ‘n bykomstige SA span ons beperkte talent net nog verder gaan verdun! ‘Tja, Oubal moet bieg dat ‘n homeopatieargument vir hom en sy vrinne deesdae meer opwinding inhou as ‘n sogenaamde superrakbiewedstryd (behalwe vir iets soos ‘n skaars ScallaBill Burger-aangee!). Superrakbie was op sy beste toe daar net twaalf spanne was en met elke daaropvolgende verdunning het die belangstelling gekwyn. Oubal hou dus nie asem op vir die Super18 nie. ArthurIngelsman sê hy is nie heeltemal gekant teen homeopatie nie — “Klipdrift daailoetid toe die ekstent dat dêr ies naffieng left ien de konkoksjin bat wôtir woeld bie ên eksillint fieks fôr elkôlissem!” “There’s a certain power in a three piece band. The more people you put on stage, the more diluted it becomes.” — Greg Lake

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