Bulletin 140523

Page 1

015 307 7248




R4 Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

23 Mei 2014

Darkness Fear lessl y the tr uth

Tzaneen is wrapped in

The scoreboard A crisis compromising the safety of the town’s residents. This is the long and the short of the new crisis in Tzaneen, regarding the lack of street lighting. More than three hundred street lights in Aqua Park, Premier Park, Arbor Park, Avis Park and Central were not functioning on Tuesday night and while two journalists of the Bulletin were driving around counting, more lights went out. The following statistics of non-functioning street lights confirm the seriousness of the situation: Aqua Avenue and Dr Annecke Street: 44; Voortrekker Street: 25; King Edward Drive: 28; Crown Street 10 out of eleven; Peace Street between the GTM and Dr Adams Circle: 12; Agatha Street: 37; Danie Joubert Street from the SAPS to the R71 crossing: 15; Morgan Street between FNB and Standard Bank: 4 out of 5; Kiepersol Street: 12; Tambotie Street to Essenhout Street: 12; Upper part of Essenhout: 8; Circle Road: 16; Boundary Road: 16; Bert Booysen Street: 7 out of 14; Harry Dilley Street: 6... and, and, and. We have a long list adding up

to a total of 331. This excludes Hamawasha, Flora Park, both industrial areas, Medi Park, and Pioneer Park and several streets in the CBD.

Crime & darkness It has been confirmed by the SAPS that the last more or less two months have shown an alarming increase in criminal activities in Tzaneen, especially in theft from vehicles that are not parked under lock and key. Even vehicles have been stolen recently. The criminal element in town is getting so bad that a Telkom cable serving part of the CBD was stolen on Monday night in Agatha Street! It has left a big number of businessess without all forms of communication that depend on Telkom lines stranded. The Bulletin was ons of these and we want to use this opportunity to apologise for Tuesday’s chaos when we could not take or make landline calls, we could not send or recive faxes and we had no internet. We made emergency plans and we were back on the air by Wednesday afternoon. Telkom said it could take up to a week to restore

communications in the CBD, since it is a very big cable that need to be replaced. This will no doubt cause a loss of sales to some, whilst others will loose money as a result of loss of orders, etcetera. The many and very large dark spots all over town offer ideal hiding opportunities for criminals. Residents should be vigilant in these days, since many residential premises are now rather dark at night.

GTM has no money The bad news is that budgetary constraints prevent the GTM from doing much to remedy the problem before 2015. The GTM’s electrical engineer, Mr Pierre van den Heever was not available for comment on Wednesday and yesterday. However, earlier in the week he said that the infrastructure was very old. Cables would have to be replaced and a lot of work would have to be done to fix the problem. He confirmed that there was no money for this and that the GTM was waiting for a grant form the Department of Energy. Numerous businessmen and

Bad for business professionals spoke about the problem during the past three days. A law firm was one of the places where the breakdown caused a major crisis. Lawyers were running around to organise for court cases to be remanded or to ask for short adjournments, so that they could try and find hard copies of documents needed in court. A medical practitioner in one of the dead spots also had to turn away patients who needed more than just a general examination.

Our comment The current situation is pathetic, inexcusable and scandalous and the GTM ought to jump to sort out the mess. There is money for fancy official bluelight 4 x 4 vehicles, parties, corporate gifts and many other wasteful luxuries, but us ratepayers have to live in darkness and run our businessess without essential communications equipment. Tzaneen’s future is bleak if the council and officials can’t pull up their socks. — Editor


Hundreds of streetlights in Tzaneen are out of order, casting large portions of the town into pitch black darkness at night. The impact on our town can be devastating...


Look inside our Wedding supplement to stand a chance to be a lucky WINNER! Sponsored by Tzaneen Country Lodge



23 Mei 2014



082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com

Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Michael Sakuneka 079 722 6110 michael@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com

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IT Dirk Stoltz

Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Vlieg ken ‘n Emsa. Anders as sommige van haar familielede wat Vlieg ook ken, ‘n baie aangename en oulike vroumens! Vlieg hoop nie sy neem hom kwalik hieroor nie. Natuulik nie omdat hy haar ken nie — Vlieg dink sy kan hom nogal verdra ook — maar omdat hy haar naam hier gebruik. Maar Vlieg het nog nie daai Emsa ontmoet nie. Om die waarheid te sê, Vlieg wil haar nie ontmoet nie en hoop van harte sy paaie kruis nooit met hare nie! Vlieg ken egter ouens wat daai Emsa ken. Goed ken! Moeilike meisie, hoor hy. As Vlieg alles van haar kan glo wat hy hoor, vermoed hy sy het rooi hare. Of ten minste “dye” sy dit rooi. Blykbaar vat ‘n man haar nie sommer sonder handskoentjies of beskermende drag vir ander liggaamsdele

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

Sampie En Alida Liversage Have seen... scary! And very dangerous! Peter Adele Chick Have reported 7 Street Lights not working in Valencia Estates. Watchdog Tzaneen SHOCKING! Our street lights in tzaneen. Here are just Aqua Park, Avis Park, Premier Park and Arbor Park. We drove about 60 km through each street. The street name will follow with the amount

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Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude

Middel Letaba

Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 100.8% 100.5% 102.7% 100.3%



Blyde Rivier Poort



100.6% 103.2%

Vergelegen Ohrigstad




Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 12/05/2014

Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van


Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

weg 3, Hermanus 2, Fees street 2, Essenhout 7, Moepel 3, Tambotie 3, Geelhout 5, Bendor 7, Soetdoring 4, Mopanie 6, Maroela street 4, Lead wood cres 2, Rooibos 2, Waterbessie 2, Denne str 1, Seligna 4, Sirkel weg 16, King Edward 28 and the whole Thiem street are not working. Pat Patterson King Edward drive needs attention as well. Craig John Woodward Given up reporting almost seven months (and counting) to change one streetlight globe! Ronaldo Caroto Aqualaan.. vanaf Golden Acres se hek af tot by Macadamia se hek.

of lights that is not working. Aqua laan 37, Rogermills 7, Boel Senekal 2, Amie Theron 1, Douglas 3, Johan Coetzee 2, Annecke 1, Adshade 5, Pearl man 1, Ursula 1, Jannie street 1, Frank may 1, Christ iaan Miller 4, Ben Vorster 4, Rudolf Viljoen 3, Hendrik v Schalkwyk 2, Jopie Botha 7, Allan Burman 3, Awie wessels 6, Thys marais 1, Van der Steen 2, Boet lombard 5, Pieter Joubert 1, Maritz street 6, Pikkie kemp 4, Tony law 2, Voortekker 25, Gerrit kruger 2, Erenst street 1, perry joint 1, Erick funcke 2, Koos nel 1, Tom van aard 2, Frederick street 13, Monument street 3, Boundry 16, Bert booysen 4, Harry dilly 6, short street 2, draai

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).

nie net omdat hulle van haar egskeidings vir haar behartig het nie. En opvoedkundiges, selfs skoolmeesters wat haar glo baie lankal ken. En skrifgeleerdes. Selfs die dominee wat vir Vlieg gekatkiseer het, het haar baie goed geken. En joernaliste, redakteurs en nuuspapiereienaars. Motorhandelaars, verfhandelaars, algemene handelaars. Bankbestuurders, dieselmechanics. Noem hulle, die manne wat haar ken, is baie! Dit help natuurlik altyd as daar ‘n bietjie geld is, maar vir Emsa maak dit ook nie noodwendig saak nie. Die manne wat haar ken, kom van oraloor. Vlieg moet homself seker effens gelukkig ag dat hy nou nog nie die twyfelagtige voorreg gehad het om haar te leer ken nie. Chicken, bang of versigtig? All of the above! *Emsa: Extra marital sexual affair

aan nie. Sy kan party manne glo maak, maar dit klink of sy die meeste eerder breek. En as sy jou een keer beetgehad het, laat los sy nie sommer nie. Jy kan maar probeer. Teen alle wil en dank volg sy ‘n man waar hy ookal probeer wegkruip. By die werk, by die kerk, by die huis, selfs as jy trek... sy weet waar jy is en volg ‘n man totdat hy eendag op sy klip loop sit. En as ‘n mens nou sou glo in die hiernamaals, dan kan sy nog daar ook dinge vir ‘n man lelik laat warm word. Ja, hierdie Emsa ry ‘n man lewenslank, en daarna. En die manne wat haar ken? Daar is baie! Vlieg weet van ‘n hele paar dokters wat haar ken, nie net as pasiënt nie! En regsgeleerdes, baie regsgeleerdes, en ook

Did you know that many streets in Tzaneen has street lights that are out of Is julle bewus daarvan dat menige strate in Tzaneen sonder werkende order, meaning dark and dangerous streets at night? straatligte sit wat beteken die strate is pikdonker en gevaarlik snags.?

Sê jou sê

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

Ken jy vir Emsa*

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!

Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com

Search “Bulletin”


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10 Years

Sport vandag op bladsye 14, 15 & 16


23 Mei 2014


Tennisklub is nou veiliger

Wie ken nou nie die skattige trompoppies van die SAVF se kleuterskool in Tzaneen nie! Hulle tree wyd op in ons omgewing en oral geniet hulle groot applous. Me Suné Jacobs rig hulle af en dit is byna ongelooflik wat sy uit die kleintjies kry. Die trompoppies is beskikbaar vir optredes by openbare funksies. Skakel gerus die kleuterskool vir besprekings. Dulux borg die trompoppies.

Die Tzaneen Tennisklub in Crownstraat spog met ‘n netjiese veiligheidsomheining, ter wille van die beskerming van hul lede en die veiligheid van die perseel. Die heining is onlangs teen ‘n koste van R12 000 opgerig, om ongewenste elemente buite te hou. Die klub het geruime tyd las verduur van mense wat die plek snags beset en bemors het. Mnr Henri Schoonraad, die ondervoorsitter van die klub, sê op Dinsdae en Donderdae hou ‘n groep dames jogaklasse by die klub. Hulle moes telkens sukkel om die plek skoon te kry, na die vorige nagte se gefuif van die ongenooide sluipslapers. Nou hou die omheining en hekke ongenooides uit. Die hekke word saans gesluit. Nog ‘n verbetering by die klub is die installering van nuwe kragkabels vir die

beligting van die tennisbane. Die kabels is verlede jaar deur boewe gesteel en kon nou eers herstel word. Dit is munisipale eiendom en daar is lank gewag voor versekeringsgeld daarvoor uitbetaal is. “Ons is ‘n klein klub en geld is beslis nie volop nie. Maar nou is ons weer trots op die perseel en gaan dit voortaan so hou,” sê Schoonraad.

Mediclinic Tzaneen applauds its shining lights To celebrate International Nurses’ Day, Mediclinic Tzaneen has awarded its annual Nursing Excellence Award to Bijoy Rajan in recognition of his commitment to the spirit of nursing. International Nurses’ Day is a global tribute to the profession held on 12 May, to coincide with Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Mediclinic Tzaneen therefore takes this opportunity to recognise the role our nursing practitioners play in our patient-centred culture.

“This year we want to honour our own shining lights and celebrate our nurses for being experts in their fields — for how they apply their knowledge and expertise to ensure patient safety and comfort. It is also the day where a nursing practitioner at each hospital is chosen as the Nursing Excellence Award recipient by his peers and patients,” said Ms Estelle Jordaan, Nursing Executive of Mediclinic Southern Africa. “Although we can only select one per-

son for the award, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge each of our nursing practitioners for their invaluable contribution to enhancing the quality of life of all our patients, by providing comprehensive, world-class care,” she concluded. Seen here with Tzaneen’s International Nurses Day winner Bijoy Rajan are Mr Zane Fanie (Hospital Manager) and Ms Stephanie Hermann (Nusing Manager). Rajan works in the hospital’s ICU.


23 Mei 2014



Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin” under the age of twelve for the purpose of taking them to an initiation school. “The winter is upon us and we urge parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools in their respective areas,” Selomo said. The Department of Health is said to have deployed health practitioners on standby, to assist initiation schools. Departmental spokesperson Macks Lusufi was not available for comment at the time of our going to press.

Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news


CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter

Arnold Mabunda

Pursuit for offenders

South Africa is a country with 11 official languages, hundreds of cultural groups and numerous recognised religions. Every day, families everywhere are mixing up these ingredients to create this multi-wonderful nation that we know and love. If you are thinking of adoption, have you considered adopting a child from a different race or culture? Children are just children, no matter their biological background, and all children need a loving home.

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“There is a big difference between the idea of cross-cultural adoption, and actually taking a little boy or girl into your home. We didn’t adopt an idea, we adopted Jenna! And from the first moment she has been the love of our lives, exactly the same as a proud mom and dad would reach out for their biological baby at the hospital. The only difference is that she wasn’t born from our womb, but from our hearts.” Renier and Lise-Marie Keyser – contented adoptive parents

Finansiële toestand van GODS HAVEN Ouetehuis Tzaneen



Onder die vaandel van die nuutverkose Bestuurskomitee van die vereniging, is besluit om “wyd en syd” aan die publiek bekend te maak omtrent die wel en wee van GODS HAVEN 2) Huisvesting a) GODS HAVEN huisves tans 23 bejaardes van alle taal- en etniese groeperings (dus: daar is geen beperkings met betrekking tot die opnames nie) b) `n Groot aantal bejaardes is hulpbehoewend en het eenvoudig net nie genoeg geld om die vereiste losiesgeld maandeliks te kan aansuiwer nie, wat negatief op die kontantvloei van die Sentrum reflekteer c) Verder is sommige ook sonder broer/suster en/of kinders 3) Die verbetering van die vereniging se finasiële posisie is `n onmiddellike prioriteit vir die voortbestaan van die Sentrum. Ons versoek dus hulp om die volgende dringende sake te kan aanspreek: a) Nutsman word voltyds benodig, om agterstallige herstelwerk te doen (Benodig R 5 000 tot R 5 500/maand vir sowat 12 maande) b) Die Sentrum se dak moet herstel word weens strukturele gebreke c) Dringende en noodsaaklike elektriese werk om op aanvraag verrig te word (ad-hoc) d) Uitreiking van `n Elektrisiteit-voldoeningsertifikaat e) Die implimentering van `n Dag/Nag-sentrumbestuurstelsel met behoorlike personeelgetalle om alle behoeftes van ons bejaardes aan te spreek f) Die verkryging van Verpleegkundige dienste op `n voltydse grondslag g) Opgradering van sekuriteitstelsels h) Die betaling van “markverwante” salarisse (Onthou: goeie personeel word verloor na ander instansies waar beter salarisse betaal word) i) Logistieke voorsiening van algemene items, soos voedsel, skoonmaakmiddels, medisyne, ensovoorts 4) Adopt-a-Granny a) Die tekort op ons “kontantvloei” beloop maandeliks sowat R50 000 (sien tabel) b) Hierdie projek kan ook baie help as jy `n “Bed” wil aanneem, vir die uitstaande maandtarief soos hierby aangedui word: Room


1 2-A 2-B 3-A 3-B 3-C 4 5-A 5-B 6 7 8-A 8-B 9 10-A 10-B 10-C 10-D 10-E 11-A 11-B 11-C 12 xxx

Single Share Share Share Share Share Single Share Share Single Single Share Share Frail / C Frail / C Frail / C Frail / C Frail /C Frail / C Frail / C Frail / C Frail /C Frail /C Donations

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R 116 000

R 66 730

R -49 270



Tariff 01 May`14

Actual received

(+) Surplus (-) Deficit

Vir Bydraes tot GOD’S HAVEN kan jy die volgende bank besonderhede gebruik. Spesifiseer bv “Geboue Onderhoud” of “Kruideniers”, ensovoorts as verwysing Bankbesonderhede ABSA God’s Haven Rek No. 406-646-7169 (Tjekrekening)

During the past week Tzaneen police were in pursuit of criminals who ignored various acts and 98 of them were put behind bars. Tzaneen residents will no doubt welcome the fact that eighteen suspects were locked up for shoplifting, possession of suspected stolen property, housebreaking and theft. In nearby areas ten people were nabbed for fraud, kidnapping, rape and attempted murder. Another 37 people were put behind bars for illegal gambling, prostitution and possession of counterfeit goods, while 33 suspects got nabbed for liquor and traffic offences.

Initiations: strict laws Unregistered initiation school stakeholders will be subjected to severe consequences. This is according to Department of Cooperative Governance, Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Cogsta) spokesman Motupa Selomo. The Department has set regulatory measures to ensure the success of initiation periods and stakeholders are obliged to abide by them, said Selomo.Some of the prohibitions state that no traditional surgeon may look after the initiates without certificates of registrations and that no person may abduct persons

The abuse of Tzaneen’s streets and roads by lawless motorists could be seen as a thing of the past. The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s traffic department has set harsh measures against those who disregard traffic rules. Motorists who use the Agatha Street crossing opposite Simpson Motors to stop and pick up hitchhikers are amongst those to be dealt with sooner rather than later. A hawker who sells fruit in Agatha Street at the intersection said “the intersection has become known as Bolobedu’s off-ramp. Commuters to Bolobedu wait here for lifts home”, he said, asking not to be identified. The GTM’s traffic chief, Mr Johannes Malatje, said “we are aware of motorists who stop there to pick up hitchhikers and thus causing a traffic obstruction and we are going to take harsh steps against such motorists,” he said.

No answers No one at the GTM seems to have a clue regarding the signed agreement between the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) and BCIT Property Limited, for the introduction of hand held parking meters in Tzaneen’s central business district. According to the GTM’s spokesman, Mr Neville Ndlala, BCIT was supposed to have introduced the new system on 1 May in Morgan, Agatha, Skirving and Danie Joubert Streets. The GTM expected us to get the information from BCIT and they in turn expected us to obtain the details from the GTM. In the meantime the parking meter project remains a very wellkept secret.

Bogus cops While 47 suspects got arrested in Bolobedu over the past week, an undisclosed number of bogus police officers were reportedly roaming A scene that has rather suddenly become common... Motorists stop the area. Residents in the street in the busy intersection at Simpson Motors to pick up are urged to be hitch hikers. The hiking problem in front of the Sasol Filling Station, at the main crossing coming into Tzaneen from the R71 and at the slipvigilant. Bolobedu way from the R71 to the Spur, is now becoming a rather serious safety police caught problem for both motorists and the hikers. Like with most things the thirteen suspects for problem has been allowed to get more or less out of hand. The GTM is failure to comply not prepared to motivate law enforcement, nor is the safety of people with maintenance, of any concern to law enforcement officers. assault, malicious damage to property, housebreaking and theft. Somewhere in the area 29 people were caught for drinking in public, illegal gambling and illegal trading, while five others got nabbed for murder and (Previously known as Delta Blue Plant Hire) possession of dagga.

Woman strangled toddler

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Consider adoption as an option.


GTM acts against motorists


A 20-year-old woman in Mbekwani, Ritavi, has been arrested on Friday for allegedly dumping her 20-month-old toddler into a pit toilet. Police reports state that the toddler was strangled before been dumped on Thursday night. Provincial Police spokesman Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said Police were alerted about the incident by a resident who heard the baby’s cries in the toilet. The baby had died by the time police arrived. The woman appeared in the Ritavi magistrates court on charges of murder on Wednesday. Provincial Police commissioner Lt Gen Fannie Masemola said that “whatever led to the killing of the toddler is inexcusable and as police we condemn crimes against women and children.” The case has been postponed for further investigation

10 Years Bl 6 het vandag weer sy gewone formaat

Water specialist on call Water sanitation has become a household name in Limpopo as water resources are under constant pressure, says Mr Richard Banks, a pool and pump specialist in Tzaneen. Banks is a consultant for two technology companies in Johannesburg that assist companies with their waste discharge by removing suspended solids from the water. He uses a special technique developed by the companies Diplom Chemie and Abrimix to clear effluent water at factories for reuse. Banks is also a specialist on irrigation, borehole pumps, swimming pools and water features in gardens. He was born and raised in Zimbabwe and has been involved in pump systems for longer than thirty years. He is the owner of H2O Pool & Pump and can be reached on 083 675 4064 or at rbanks@mweb.co.za.


23 Mei 2014


Vars moeilikheid vir prokureur Krüger

Voortrekkertjies van die Letaba Kommando het ‘n kamp bygewoon, waar hulle touwys gemaak is in die fynere kunsies van onder meer oorlewing. Veldkuns is ook behandel en selfs dinge soos om tuin te maak. Hier is ‘n groepie besig om ‘n eetdingetjie gaar te maak.

Letaba Voortrekkerkommando se Penkoppe en Drawwers het heerlik gekamp by die Faerie Glen kampterrein (Westfalia) die afgelope Aprilvakansie. Daar is stokbrood gemaak, op die glyklip gegly, knope aangeleer en dieregedrag bestudeer deur die jong klomp. ‘n Lekker reënbui het Sondagaand uitgesak, en daar is vinnig plan gemaak om tente dig en droog te kry. Die donkie het sy deel gedoen vir warm water en saans is daar

kampvuurkonsert gehou en lantern bekruip. Die sowat 120 kinders van sover as Ellisras en Pretoria wat kom kamp het, was dit eens dat dit ‘n avontuur 1000 was. Baie dankie aan Doringkraal (Polokwane) en Letaba (Tzaneen) kommando’s, wat seker gemaak het die reëlings verloop (seep)glad! Vir verdere navrae, of om aan te sluit, kontak vir Stephan Honiball by 082 7710 777 of besoek ons op Facebook – ‘Letaba Voortrekkers’.

Mnr Conrad Krüger wat van die een na die ander finansiële storm en ‘n reeks regsgedinge beur, het vars moeilikheid. Absa, wat die verband oor sy woonhuis in Tzaneen hou, het vonnis teen Krüger se maatskappy Blue Moonlight Properties (Pty) Ltd gekry, om die huis op ‘n eksekusieveiling te verkoop. Dit beteken dat hy nie sy verbandverpligtings nagekom het nie. Die spoggerige grasdakhuis staan op twee erwe (1901 en 1902) en is bekend as Roger Millsstraat 1D in Premierpark. Die veiling word vir 30 Mei om 10:00 voor die balju se kantoor in Peacestraat geadverteer. Die huis het onder meer twee sitkamers, drie badkamers, vyf slaapkamers, ‘n swembad en dies meer. Dit

is nie bekend of die bank ‘n reserweprys vir die eiendom het nie en indien wel, wat die bedrag daarvan sal wees nie. Dit word as ‘n uitsoekeiendom — “die regte adres” — in die dorp beskou. Verskeie regsgedinge teen Krüger is tans in verskillende stadia, maar Krüger baklei ook hard terug en hy sê eise teen hom en sy maatskappy is erg oordrewe of bestaan na regte nie eens nie. Hy is intussen na verneem word ook by die Prokureursorde van die Noordelike Provinsies verkla. Golden Acres, Tzaneen se spog-sekuriteitsoord langs die Tzaneendam, is deur Krüger geïnisieer en ontwikkel, maar Fase 2 word nou ongelukkig deur die regsgedinge vertraag.

Waterwys Geologies

Johan Barnard 082 967 4627


23 Mei 2014

Bulletin: Ons staan in diens van die gemeenskap


Ons Mening

10 Years

The Message

Vrydag 23 Mei 2014 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

Ligte en geld Die burgemeester van Tzaneen het oor die afgelope paar jaar by verskeie geleenthede gepraat van hul visie dat Tzaneen in 2020 ‘n stad moet wees. Ons het nuus vir haar. Soos Tzaneen bestuur (seker eerder wanbestuur) word het dit nie eens die potensiaal om ‘n stat te word nie. Die verval raak nou so erg dat ons eintlik reeds by stat-status verby is, na die verkeede kant toe. Die afdraande roete na ruïne-status toe. Dat in Tzaneen tans sowat 500 straatligte dood is, is ‘n skande, ‘n vernedering vir inwoners, dit laat ons met ‘n veiligheidsrisiko wat nie belastinggeld van R1 per jaar werd is nie. Die skande strek verder: daar is nie geld om die saak reg te stel nie. Ons is nou van aalmoese afhanklik om straatliggies reg te maak. Die herontplooide kader wat so droog gemaak het in Lenyenye is in beheer van die straatligte, maar hy is so besig met vakbondsake (en sy eie sake) dat hy in elk geval nie die vaagste benul het van die toedrag van sake in ons strate nie. Maar ons koop ampsmotors met blou ligte, ons eet KFC dat die vet drup, ons sit almal met ‘laptops” en ‘iPads’ en ‘n paar (van die nuutste en duurste) selfone in ons hemp-, broek- en baadjiesakke (soms is daar te min sakke). En ons bly geduldig en tevrede?

SHALOM, How often do we judge others before we actually know the facts? We hear rumours and often believe them to be a fact. In many cases when find out the truth it is too late, we have already condemned the person concerned. Is this what Jesus taught us? If we believe the Scriptures we are told not to judge others. God is the judge and will have the final say in all. Communication is the key word in any relationship and above all honesty. If we do not communicate our feelings, our fears, how can others know if we have been the cause of the problem. Often people use the excuse that they are a private person and what they do or say has nothing to do with others. I wonder what would have happened if Jesus did not go out and show His love and concerns for others? We would not have had a role model to follow. Love is what counts. Yet often it is not easy to love as Jesus did. We make promises that we fail to keep and in doing so cause pain and suffering. It is about time we stopped judging others and started to love them for who they are and not what they are. United in Christ Jesus we can achieve the impossible. Remember the second commandment. Blessings. Die natuur kan van die Herfs die mooiste tyd van die jaar maak. Die roesrooi blare van die bome maak ‘n mooi prentjie teen die berge en die lug as mens in Magoebaskloof ry. Stop gerus by die Magoebaskloof Hotel om die natuurskoon van dié omgewing mooi te bekyk.

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Moves afoot to start a long term safe haven Ms Corinne Sandenbergh from STOP Trafficking of People has been giving awareness talks at Merensky and Ben Vorster high schools in Tzaneen as well as King’s Court in Modjadjiskloof. The students are taught how to avoid pitfalls and how to browse the job section of Gumtree. The internet site often posts receptionist jobs for a starting salary of R16 000 a month. This is usually an enticement into the sex industry and the girls already start working the streets three weeks into the supposed ‘job’. Sandenbergh, who recently moved from the Cape to Haenertsburg with her husband, says the All Africa Human Trafficking conference will be held in Livingstone, Zambia, in September. Meanwhile she is part of the Tzaneen Community Forum, an established NGO, and she will be holding meetings with GTM shortly to find a suitable building to start a safe house. Mr Dave Protter from the Crisis Centre in Boundary Street, Tzaneen, has a 48 hour safe house in Maritz Street, a quiet street in suburban Tzaneen. This new safe house will be for a longer period, stretching into six to nine months. It will house victims of family abuse and violence as well as prostitutes who wish to leave the business. Workers within the safe house will teach the victims life skills so that they can go out and start new lives. They will also get counselling and spiritual guidance. Sandenbergh says there are a number of prostitutes in the Tzaneen area, mainly on the Agatha road. These prostitutes have little children and no education. She recently took food for the girls and she said they were so grateful. STOP Trafficking of People consists of two people in Tzaneen, three in Polokwane and head office is in Cape Town. The Sex Workers Union tried to legalise prostitution before

the World Cup Soccer in 2010 as it wanted to bring out 100 000 girls from China, Russia and Thailand as exotic dancers and masseurs. The Union was unsuccessful. Germany is known as the biggest brothel in Europe. The country decriminalised prostitution for their World Cup

Soccer in 2003. The prostitutes remained in Germany and many now operate from caravans parked off the main roads in the forests. A green light within the caravan denotes availability whereas the red light denotes occupation. Sandenbergh said that if prostitution is legalised there’s no control over human trafficking.

The Traffic In Person’s Bill, known as the TIP Bill, has been signed by the president. It will take another year to be passed into law. The fine for a human trafficker will then be R100m and jailed for life. The trafficker’s assets will be sold for the girl’s suffering and to get her back home. Bloemfontein is the central hotspot. The human trafficking route from North Africa winds its way down through Tzaneen and then further. Sandenbergh says pupils have been warned not to hitchhike and have been made aware of the dangers. Tammy Twaibu (18) from the village of Haenertsburg hitchhiked on the R71 after work on 9 August 2012. Despite an extensive land and air search as well as a R10 000 reward for information leading to her whereabouts, she had never been found. Sandenbergh is a social worker by profession. She studied at Stellenbosch University and went on to obtain her honours degree as a medical social worker. She went into politics and became mayor of Stellenbosch in 2006. She started a safe house in Stellenbosch in 2008 where trauma counselling and intensive healing was part of the therapy for broken women. Herkie, her husband, is a gynaecologist and lectured at the medical school in Stellenbosch. Although he is now retired, he has taken on a year contract and trains doctors and nurses to handle emergencies in rural areas. STOP Trafficking of people is involved in several facets. These include the sexual exploitation of women and children; muti; illegal organ harvesting; slave labour; child labour; child soldiers and arranged marriages. The latter is called ukutwala and it is the process whereby old men abduct 14 to 16 year old children to the mines as sex slaves. Some of them fortunately manage to escape and the issue is a hot topic in government. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Bulletin 10

Love is ...

years of loving our community


Ms Ria Krautwurst and her husband Wolfgang Today the Bulletin introduces Ms Ria Krautwurst to our readers, in yet another contribution in our exclusive series about our area’s senior citizens. Our Sue Ettmayr interviewed the grande old lady, who treasures the most fascinating memories of Tzaneen’s earlier days. Enjoy Slaghuis Butchery the read!

Ms Ria Krautwurst, the retired owner of Park Butchery in Tzaneen, was born in Germany in 1933. Her father, Mr Roberg, had left the family dairy near Munster, Germany, when Dr Hans Merensky recruited farmers for the Mopani area. Roberg returned to Germany briefly to find a wife. He did, got married, came back and the couple farmed bluegums and oranges in Boshoek near Modjadjiskloof. Ms Roberg returned to her home village in Germany, to give birth to Krautwurst. She’d lost her first child and was scared with this pregnancy. Mother and baby were fine and stayed another two months before returning to South Africa. Krautwurst was four when she went on a visit to Germany with her parents and two siblings. WW2 broke out, they were stuck, and only returned to Boshoek seven years later. The German state would have allowed

23 Mei 2014


In recognition of excellent service

Ms Roberg and the children to return, but not Mr Roberg. The Americans helped the Roberg family back to SA once the war was over. Good tenants had been on the farm and the bluegums had grown. Krautwurst’s parents helped build the Catholic Church in Modjadjiskloof and Mr Roberg started a sawmill, making tomato boxes. Krautwurst went to a convent in Mokopane and then to Pretoria to qualify as a nursing sister at the then H F Verwoerd Hospital. She met her husband, Mr Willie Esterhuizen from Pretoria, in her final year and they were married in Modjadjiskloof in 1958. Krautwurst’s brother, aged 23, was electrocuted on the farm. Mr Roberg was so shattered that the young Esterhuizen couple moved in to run the sawmill. Their first of three sons was born in 1959. Tragedy struck again when the sawmill burnt down. The young couple had a little timber farm but it was not financially viable. They sold the farm and moved to Hammanskraal. In the three years that they were there they had milk cows, chickens and planted lucerne and mealies. She drove the tractor; he milked the cows and made deliveries to the nearby township. One phone call from the late Mr Leo Senekal in Tzaneen fashioned the rest of Krautwurst’s life. Senekal told them of a butchery that was

up for sale, as the owners wished to retire. After much painting and cleaning the Esterhuizen couple became known as the owners of Park Butchery in 1968. Krautwurst says that the business grew

the age of 50 in 1979. Park Butchery got too small and the business moved to the corner where it still is today. Krautwurst says the success of the butchery was also due to the blockman, Mr Willie Luyt, who now lives in the Cape. Mr Wolfgang Krautwurst, a divorcee who had left the Cape to farm avo and macadamia nuts in Agatha, was a regular customer at Park Butchery. He was born in Walvis Bay. The couple developed a special relationship and married in Modjadjiskloof in 1995. Krautwurst retired in 2005 and Park Butchery is now owned by her son, Mr Karel Esterhuizen. When asked what’s changed in the industry she says, “things are more complicated now, as housewives are lazy and the demand is for ready-made meals that one can pop into the oven.” The couple has been at Macadamia Retirement Village for the last seven years. They enjoy travelling and have been to Australia several times, since Ria at age 12, dressed in traditional German At her graduation as a nurs- they both have children there. When asked what their plans are for the fucostume ing sister ture, they said they are going with quickly as her husband was an outgoing per- their four wheeler to the Namib Desert for son. He had a heart bypass and sadly died at two months later this year.


23 Mei 2014



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Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news and photos Hoërskool Ben Vorster | VAKANTE POSTE

Die Beheerliggaam wag aansoeke in vir die volgende poste beskikbaar:

POS 1:


Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende kwaliteite beskik: • • • •

Relevante kwalifikasies tot die betrokke pos. Algemene finansiële bestuur van beide die skool en koshuis. Finansiële verslagdoening aan die Beheerliggaam. Posting van rekeningkundige transaksies tot op proefbalans stadium.

WERKSURE: • Halfdagpos • Geen werk gedurende skoolvakansies

POS 2:


Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende kwaliteite beskik: • Relevante kwalifikasies tot die betrokke pos. • Bemarkingsondervinding sal voordelig wees. • Sal beheer neem van alle bemarkingsaangeleenthede, o.a. reünies en bond van Oud-Vossies, ens. binne die skool, sowel as borge.

Die nuwe leerlingraad van die Hoërskool Merensky is aangewys. Voor sit mnr O le Roux, me F le Roux, mnr M Steyn (skoolhoof) en mev A Venter. Agter die voorste ry is Litha Shikwambana, Neledi Mailula en Juane Fernandes. In die volgende ry is Loame van Zyl, Zunike dos Ramos, Bianca Combrink, Naomi Munduku, Melissa Steenkamp, Merisca Steenkamp, Kayla Crous, Nicole Godfrey, Clara Mashile en Kelsy-Ann Mosterd. In die tweede ry van agter is Kristie Badenhorst, Dimple Kala, Matodzi Bele, Leandi Toerien, Melany Young, Christelize Elbrecht, Carlize Katzke, Kim Maritz en Monique de Lange en agter staan Jason Rodrigues, Ricus Warmenhoven, Dylan Oosthuyse, PG Oosthuizen, MJ Mulder, Rassie Pretorius, Courtney Schlebusch en Mynhard Bouwer.

WERKSURE: • Voltyds

AANSOEKPROSEDURES: Stuur Curriculum Vitae per e-pos aan: ontvangs@benvorster.co.za en dui duidelik aan vir watter pos u aansoek doen. NAVRAE: Die Hoof: Mnr. C Denysschen hoof@benvorster.co.za SALARIS: Onderhandelbaar SLUITINGSDATUM: Vrydag, 30 Mei 2014 AANVAARDINGSDATUM: 1 Augustus 2014 of soos ooreengekom.

Open hearts to feed the poor Boet Pretorius Electrical (BPe) of Tzaneen initiated a feeding scheme in Nkowankowa, after they had been working in and around the area, noticing the desperate need for food in the community.

with an empty tummy. BPe bought various food products and they also approached businesses for joint partners/sponsors. Premjees, Miami Canners, Morokolotsi Atchar, Ruto Mills, Letaba Packers and a juice sponsor who would like to remain anonymous, contributed products to support the effort. Spur also assisted by supplying each of BPe’s workers involved in the project with a lunchbox meal for the day. The project was a huge success with the communities welcoming BPe’s team within their areas. They managed to feed almost two hundred people. BPe’s aim is for this project to grow from strength to strength. BPe would like to do this project on a quarterly basis. At a later stage BPe will be looking at the option of erectThe object of the scheme is to ing a signboard within the reduce the number of com- area, regarding the project. munity members going to bed Should businesses want to

join hands with them, they can contact BPe on 015 307 3571 and ask for Elsabe Engelbrecht. The people who were fed and given some food stuffs got mealie meal, sheba, juice, sweets, atchar, some avo’s, potatoes, tomatoes, onions and apples. Some goods were also donated to the SAVF. Unless someone like you and me care a lot, nothing is going to get better — Dewald Pretorius of BPe. • Photos: Top: The BPe team who distributed the food. Left is an old lady treasuring her food parcels and above a child can’t hide his happiness about the nice apple and sweets that surprised him


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23 Mei 2014


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Midas in Tzaneen se geesdriftige personeel het omtrent die koppe laat draai, toe hulle Vrydag op die SAVF se Hoededag met hul kleurvolle hoede by die winkel opgedaag het. Die dag is ten bate van welsyn gevier.

Huge volumes available Can be used for

Photo by: Say Cheese Photography Margareet van Tonder, oudste dogter van ds Adriaan en me Margie van Tonder, en Juan Engelbrecht is onlangs in Tzaneen in die huwelik bevestig.

Bulletin 10 years of loving our community


Ms Riana de Wet from Gail Altona Optometrist is seen here doing her bit for Hat Day, initiated and organised by the SAVF. All moneys collected will be used for charitable work amongs the needy.

cattle feed and compost

Contact: 082 826 6668


Highgrove Lodge Luxury Accommodation • Restaurant • Tavern • Conference


Special R25


* Image is for illustrative prupose only

Tel: 015 307 7242/3 • 072 150 5380 • 082 427 6888 • highgrove@tzaneen.co.za www.highgrovelodge.com • Highgrove is situated opposite Ben Vorster High School

23 Mei 2014



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This Week & Later


Die befaamde Nederlandse orrelis Martin Mans tree op 9 Junie om 18:30 in Tzaneen in die AP Kerkgebou op. Mans, wat in Rotterdam woon, tree gemiddeld in twee honderd konserte per jaar op, in Europa, Kanada, die VSA, Australie en die RSA. Hy het al aan meer as vyf honderd CD/DVD-opnames meegewerk! Hy is veral bekend en gewild vir sy besondere improvisasies op kerk- en volksmusiek. Besoek gerus sy webblad, www.martinmans.nl, en kom tot die besef dat dié optrede nie gemis moet word nie. Navrae: Ds Aubrey Hough by 082 504 2244. Kaartjies slegs R50/persoon en alle kinders gratis. Time2braai Official opening of Shisa Nyama in Tzaneen on Thursday. Tasting wine Bread & crumps in association with Vrede en Lust will be hosting a gourmet dinner and a wine tasting next Saturday night. Tickets R395/person. Info: foodloose@gmail.com or call 079 934 4385.

Plaasontbyt Begin jou dag met ‘n plaasontbyt op Saterdag 31 Mei om 07:30 by die NG Kerk Wolkberg. Ontbyt is deel van gemeentebasaar wat Vrydag 30 Mei begin en Saterdag eindig. Na ontbyt kan inkopies gedoen word. Verskeidenheid vars groente en vrugte, vleis, keurige gebak en baie vermaak en lekkers vir die kleingoed. Hondeskou. Verfbal. Veteraan- en klassieke

motors . Verskeidenheid palms, vetplante en grondbedekkers. Willie en die Wenspan. Bergfietswedren. Wegneemetes op bestelling vir self afhaal op 30 Mei. Gee massabestelling deur aan Estia Warmenhoven, van Donderdag 29 Mei af. Inligting: Estia by estia. warmen@gmail.com of 082 457 9334. Inwoners van Pioniers Woonstelle, God’s Haven, Elnatan Woonstelle, Macadamia Aftreeoord en inwoners van Macadamia Versorging-eenheid sal op Vrydag 30 Mei met ‘n bussie vervoer word. Bel Charles by 084 491 1049.

Colleen on 083 4567970.

Narcotic Anonymous

For people who struggle and need assistance with drug abuse. Narcotic Anonymous every Monday from 19:00 to 20:00 at the Methodist Church Tzaneen, 10 Peace Street (corner of Windsor Street), Tzaneen. Call 083 900 6962 or 084 642 1946. Herofield aanddiens Sondag 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Hannes Steyn by 082 309 8335 of kontak jeeuug@gmail.com.

Gerrie Pretorius Vanaand om 18:30 in die saal van

Wolkberg Akademie. Toegang R120/persoon. Snoepwinkel sal oop wees vir koeldrank, lekkernye en vars warm boereworsbroodjies. Kaartjies en navrae: Magdaleen Kleinhans by 084 811 2498, Wolkberg Akademie by 078 599 0226 of Marietjie Naudè by 083 460 0309.





Chameleon Indoor

Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/ navrae: Nate by 078 619 4546.

Aksienetbal Elke Dinsdagaand 18:00-20:00 by die skouterrein. R20 / persoon. Dames en mans welkom. Annual Sports

Round Table

Clubhouse meetings at Circle Drive, Tzaneen on the first Tuesday of every month. Information: Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.

Support Group The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group on the first and third Saturday morning every month at 09:00, Macadamia Community Centre. Information: Denise on 072 2871022 or

Little Eden Nursery School’s annual sports day takes place on 30 May 2014 from 17:30 – 19:30 at our school premises. Contact Sylvia de Beer on 083 627 3417 for info. Rugby Letaba speel more tuis teen Musina en Dendron. Eerste wedstryd begin om 15:30. Geniet lekker opwindende klubrugby. Letaba se spanne speel vanjaar oop rugby. Dit is genotvol en die spelers waardeer die ondersteuning van die kantlyn af.

Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer nuus, foto’s en ander interessante inligting. Kuier ook saam met ons vriende by Facebook (kyk op bladsy 2)

Letaba FET College 1 Claude wheatley street Tzaneen 0850

Tel: 015 307 5440 Fax: 015 307 2204

Private Bag x4017 Tzaneen, 0850

INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS TO SERVE IN THE LETABA FET COLLEGE COUNCIL 1. The Letaba FET College whose Head Office commonly referred to as Central Office is situated in Tzaneen is a public College funded predominantly by Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and has a status of a company. Its activities and practices are governed by among other pieces of legislation, the FET Act 16 of 2006 as amended, Public Finance Management Act of 1999, and the Public Service Act of 2004, Public Service Regulations 2001, Labour Relations Act of 1995, and other range legislation. 2. In terms of section 9 (4) of the FET Act 16 of 2006 as amended, Letaba FET College like any other Public FET College is required to have a College Council which is an equivalent of the Board of Directors to take care of the governance responsibilities. 3. Composition of the Public FET College Council, including that of Letaba FET College is prescribed in section 10 (4) of Act of 16 of 2006 as amended. So far the Minister of Higher Education and Training has in terms of section 10(4)(b) appointed the five College Council members of Letaba FET College. 4. This advert seeks to fulfil the provision of section 10 (6), which stipulates that the College Council in consultation with the Minister of Higher Education and Training is required to appoint four additional members from outside the College who possess skills in finance, human resources and legal services. 5. To this end the Letaba FET College is inviting individuals with adequate educational qualifications individuals who in addition have management and or have leadership skills or successfully run their own business to apply for the four vacancies of College Council members in the following functional areas: 5.1 Human Resources 5.2 Finances 5.3 Legal Services 5.4 Either Education or Information Communication Technology 6. Interested and qualifying individuals may send their application letters together with their detailed curriculum vitae to: Acting Principal/CEO, Letaba FET College, Private Bag X4017, TZANEEN, 0850. Alternatively individuals may hand deliver their applications at: Letaba FET College, Central Office,1 Claude Wheatley Street, TZANEEN 0850.

Applicants should please note that:

• Serving as a College Council member is not a remunerative or salaried work but, a voluntary to serve one’s own beloved Country. Nonetheless the College does reimburse Council members for travel and accommodation expenses that are incurred as a result of attending Council meetings. • The term of the office is five years (counting from February 2014) which may be extend for a period not exceeding six months. • Applicants are advised to show the area of their interest in the heading line of their application which must be Finance, Human Resource, Legal Services or Education. • Copies of proof of qualifications must be certified and attached to the application letter and CV. • Enquiries may be directed to the Acting Principal at the following: E-mail: manganyika@letabafet.co.za Telephone landline: 015 307 5440 Cell phone: 072 322 1918 • This is a re-advertisement therefore those who applied earlier need not re-apply since their applications will be considered together with the applications likely to be received in response to this re-advertisement. • Closing date for receiving applications is 6 June 2014. • If you do not receive any response from the College within two months after the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. bulletin©9609fet140516tb

Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House

10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Modjadjiksloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240.

GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Tel: 015 307 8000 Fax: 015 307 8049

P.O Box 24 Tzaneen, 0850


CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49(1) (a) (i) read together with section 78(2) in terms of the Local Government: Municipality Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the ‘’Act’’, that the supplementary valuation roll for the financial year 2013/2014 is open for public inspection at the Municipal Offices: Civic Centre Agatha Street Tzaneen Room 46 during office hours 08:00 to 16:00 for the period from 26 May 2014 to 30 June 2014. In addition the valuation roll is available at website: www.tzaneen.gov.za An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(l)(a) (ii) and 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the above-mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the undermentioned address: The completed forms must be handed in at: Municipal Offices Civic Centre Agatha Street Tzaneen Room 46 For enquiries phone: Mr. P Swart 015 307 8113/ Mr. P Mbiza 015 307 8128 O Z MKHOMBO ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER




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23 Mei 2014


Business directory | Sakegids


OVERNIGHT Courier Service

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za

Five 1 Two Trailers bulletin©9461f1t140314tb

071 360 3630 • 082 227 8641

Vir die beste diens met die Blou Bulspan, skakel:

Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701


Fridges • Freezers • Washing Machines Tumble Dryers • Dishwashers • Stoves AIRCONDITIONER SALES & SERVICE



COOL On site repairs

087 751 2333 • 015 386 8735


ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719

Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850


We’ll get you there safely...


“Pouse pakkies op wiele” “Breaktime meals on wheels” Delivered to school

Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.

e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za

Julene: 060 406 4638



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NOW OPEN: • Giyani • Phalaborwa

Limpopo • Since 2007

e-mail: anne@smslimpopo.co.za | www.smslimpopo.co.za


23 Mei 2014



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Eiendomme | Property To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle

1 Slaapkamer woonstel, badkamer, kombuis, sit en eetkamer, motorhuis Beskikbaar R3 000 + krag ingesluit Skakel 084 047 0954

Office/Kantoor Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Very good lighting and air conditioned. Excellent address: 61G Boundary Street. Rent very affordable! Call Jan or Stephanie on 015 307 1333 086 130 3404


Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955 Mei301__________________________

Arborpark 1 ½ slaapkamer tuinwoonstel met aparte ingang Onmiddellik beskikbaar R3,000 per maand w&l ingesluit Geen troeteldiere Deposito benodig 0713615804


Pompagalana Bachelor woonstel R2 200 pm vol deposito Water en ligte ingesluit tot en met R200 Onmiddellik beskikbaar Skakel 084 047 0954


Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa, stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwas geriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 800. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in here.


Town House/Meenthuis Moderne 2 slp kamer meenthuis in veilige kompleks beskikbaar, R3800 p/m. Koopkrag en minimale water rekening, 1 Junie beskikbaar. 0835616062 elzaan@clbfruits.co.za mei302__________________________

Medipark (huis) 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, erf agter omhein met afdak baie veilig. Dep R5 200 R4 200 Aquapark (meenthuis) 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel toesluitmotorhuis, eie tuin, middelslag troeteldier welkom. R5 500 Medipark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer (stort), aparte sitkamer, kombuis, parkering reg voor woonstel, loop afstand vanaf besighede. R2 600 Pusela plaas (huis) 3 Slaapkamers , 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, aparte opwas, groot toegmaakte stoep, pre paid gasstoof, 7 kilos op Georges Valley pad, 1 toesluitmotorhuis, erf omhein,

Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 96(1) en (3) saamgelees met Artikel 69(6)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hierby genoem, te stig ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2014. skriftelik en in tweevoud by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Bylae Naam van dorp : Tzaneen uitbreiding 69 Volle naam van aansoeker: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers namens die eienaar Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp: “Besigheid 2” 5 Straat ± 2,5km Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Deel van Gedeelte 75 en deel van Gedeelte 266 Pusela 555 LT Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Die voorgestelde dorp is geleë suid van Tzaneen Uitbreiding 12, oos van, en aangrensend tot Tzaneen Uitbreiding 52, en Noord en Oos van Tzaneen Uitbreiding 68 (Tzaneen Privaathospitaal). Opmerkings : Die aansoek het ten doel die stigting van ‘n dorp bestaande uit 5 besigheidserwe en straat wat omtrent 6ha in beslag neem.



geskik vir groot honde.

R4 800

Fauna Park Bachelor flat met eie tuin en eie ingang met toesluit hek, water en ligte ingesluit. R2 800 Pusela 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluitmotorhuis met eie tuin omhein. R3 000 Pusela plaas 2 x Bachelor flats pre-paid, groot vertrekke, erf omhein, geskik vir kleiner middelslag honde. R2 800 Fauna Park Nuut oorgedoen, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, aparte sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, balkon, dubbel motorhuis, groot erf, omhein. R7 000

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Wanted/Gesoek URGENTLY WANTED a 2 bedroom house to rent in MACADAMIA Retirement Village for the end of JUNE.The couple come highly recommended, with references. Contact Liz Botha 0153098594 or 0790170600 Mei404________________

Bulletin 10 years of loving our community

Love is ...



TOWNSHIP REGULATION 21 The Greater Tzaneen Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 96(1) and (3) read together with Section 69(6)(a) of the TownPlanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that an application to establish the township referred to in the annexure hereto, has been received. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 28 days from 16 May 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 16 May 2014. ANNEXURE Name of township: Tzaneen Extension 69 Full name of the applicant: Jacques du Toit and Associates on behalf of the owner Number of erven in proposed township: “Business 2” 5 Street ± 2,5km Description of the land: Part of Portion 75 and part of Portion 266 Pusela 555 LT Location of proposed township: The proposed township is situated south of Tzaneen Extension 12, east of, and adjacent to Tzaneen Extension 52, and north and east of Tzaneen Extension 68 (Tzaneen Private Hospital). Remarks: The application has as purpose the establishment of a township comprising of business sites and street extending over ± 6ha.


MARULENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME 65 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional

Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality for the amendment of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning of parts of Erf 215 Hoedspruit Extension 6, east of the R40, at the entrance to Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, from “Educational” to “Business 2” and “Municipal”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for a period of 28 days from 16 May 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, within a period of 28 days from 16 May 2014. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850


MARULENG GROND GEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 WYSIGINGSKEMA 65 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering van gedeeltes van Erf 215 Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6, geleë oos van die R40 by die ingang van die Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, van “Opvoedkundig” na “Besigheid 2” en “Munisipaal”.

Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850


LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be

open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 1030/2014 Surname: DE WET Name: LAMBERTUS JOHANNES Identity Number: 2709245016088 Married in community of property to JOHANNA LAVINA STEENKAMP Last Address: 20 DISA FLATS, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street Po box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel; 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R13236

Vakante Pos Finansiële en administratiewe pos beskikbaar Konstruksiebesigheid op soek na ‘n finansiële en administratiewe persoon. Vereistes: • Persoon moet sistematies en gestruktureerd wees. • Pastelondervinding sal gunstig wees. • Minstens drie jaar relevante ondervinding. • Akkurate syferwerk is ‘n vereiste. • Moet goed onder druk funksioneer. Net CV’s met werksondervinding en verwysings sal aanvaar word. Aanvaarde CV’s sal teruggeskakel word. Fax na 086 598 3713





P.O Box 24 Tzaneen, 0850

NOTICE OF THE 7TH SPECIAL COUNCIL SITTING FOR THE GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Kindly be informed that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality will hold its 7th Special Council Meeting on Tuesday, the 27th May 2014. Therefore, we hereby invite all the Community Members and other stakeholders to attend, the 7th Special Council Meeting of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to approve the final IDP and Budget as follows: Date: 27 MAY 2014 (Tuesday) Time: 11:00 Venue: Senopelwa assemblies of GOD (Senopelwa village) For further enquiries please contact Mr F Malale at 073 437 5885 or Mr N Ndlala at 073 076 2125 and Mrs W Baloyi at 073 871 1374. Kind regards

Mr OZ Mkhombo Acting Municipal Manager Bulletin©specgtm140523tb


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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy

DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110___________________________

Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406__________________________

Services Dienste

HYPNOTHERAPIST YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Th8e most economical and affordable way? • Within one month? YES! • You can – with powerful hypnosis technique! Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305__________________________

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210_________________________

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106__________________________

Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

Services Dienste

The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483


Munchies Tzaneen Nuut vir moedelose moeders “pouse pakkies op wiele” “Break time meals on wheels” R15 per kospakkie per dag afgelewer by die skool. Skakel Julene 060 406 4638 Registrasie/bestelvorms beskikbaar by Munchies. Tzaneen@yahoo.co.za Of by 14 King Edward rylaant. Apr207___________________________

King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Mar204___________________________



Your partner in home building!

015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!



Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za


Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558. Jan302________________________

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269


TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109


Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010


HIPNOTERAPEUT WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand? VERSEKER! • Jy kan – met kragtige hipnose tegnieke! Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by

MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie – Medies)

Tzaneen Tombstones For professional serive Contact Trevor Pretorius 015 307 4598 tzaneentombstones@gmail. com 2 Morgan Street, Tzaneen

Dinki Treats Beproefde Bekostigbare Natuurlike produkte Baba voedsel 32 Aqualaan dinki-treats@mweb.co.za Estie 082 826 2517


Vital Bugs Die insek plaagbeheer spesialiste Vir witluis, vals kodlingmot Stephan 082 7710 777


Rymar Auto General Car Service and repairs Auto diagnostics repair service Air cons Carman Scanner for resetting of services lights Willie 082 494 7985 Gideon 084 597 5940 26 Plantation Road Mei306___________________________

Gintec Auto Electrical and Electronic Service and repairs 072 033 5534 083 969 5487 015 306 0396 Mei308__________________________

BMR Auto Maintenance and Panel beating We do services, repairs and fleet management on forklifts, trucks Tractors, cars and LDV’s Tiaan 082 543 1570 Louis 071 615 3208 Apr302__________________________

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________

moving mountains

Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703


Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer vision Eye test R150 2 complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multi focal from R2 700 015 307 2299


Visagie Saagmeule

Vir Palette enige Hoveelheid Soort Grootte Rohan 083 557 1615 Mei103____________________________

Trellidor Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667 Feb103_______________________

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com

BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS for PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1. FILING SEASON FOR 2014 WILL START ON 1/7/2014:MAKE SURE YOURS WILL BE FILED ON TIME. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. 2. Monthly & Annual Accounting. 3. Management accounts. 4. Compiling of Financial Statements 5. Independent Reviews 6. Registration of Companies 7. BBBEE certificates for Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME) 8. Returns for: 8.1 Income tax 8.2 Vat 8.3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law. Contact Harold Butler Member of:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBA 2041 & SAIT 11055797. Registered Tax Practitioner-PR C97971B At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320.


Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanlike Finansiële dienste met integriteit Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons Unieke kantore te Windsor str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173 Mei405________

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body Treatment Bio Sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193 Mei406______________ JB Spares Motor spares Motor onderdele Batteries and Accessories Agatha Straat 54 015 307 1149 Mei407______________



For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884 Nov312__________________________

Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure

For Hire Te Huur Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956


Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com


Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928




For all upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call us Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018

Services Dienste

082 683 2835


Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre

Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email: khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770




Services Dienste

For: Bush Clearing Earthdam construction Road construction Ripping Tzaneen, Letsitele, Hoedspruit Call Rimmon 071 880 0069


The Flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pets need Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262


Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@gmail. com. Jan203_________________________

Paul’s Mobile Kitchen Vars wegneem etes] Bestellings kan geplaas word by 082 357 1058 (Voor Hi Q)


Vacancies Vakante PASTEL VACANCY Small busy office need: Full day, 5 x days a week PASTEL Lady Must be able: To work independently Under pressure with Good working knowledge of Pastel Up to trail balance & balance sheet Fax CV to 086 659 5479


HANDY MAN VACANCY Small busy office need: Experienced Handy Man Must be able: To work independently Good prioritizing skills Under pressure with Good working knowledge of Electricity / Plumbing Woodwork / Steelwork & General Fax CV to 086 659 5479


Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512____________________

Other Ander Sleepwaens te huur Vir die beste diens met die Blou bul span skakel Johan 060 437 7447




Services Dienste

23 Mei 2014

On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735


Personal Persoonlik BIBLE large black, lost in Duiwelskloof, Vicinity of Hospital, Mabel and Boltman roads. Has much sentimental value. If found please return, will reward with a new Bible. Call Attie 0829012291 Mei408_______________

Vehicles Voertuie 2003 Opel Corsa classic 1.6 Elegance for Sale. Power steering, sound system/CD/radio, aircon, central locking Air bags, electric windows full service history, accident free, excellent condition Price R44 999 Contact / WhatsApp Rines – 082 804 9788 Mei301______________________


23 Mei 2014



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Veldkampioenskappe by Merensky beslis

is en drie brons wat om Carla van Coller, Ruan Genis en Chris Venter se nekke gehang is. Merenksy se eerste Pikkie het ook ’n medalje gekry: Izelrie Die Hoërskool Merensky het verlede verskeie medaljes verower: vier goud, Warmenhoven, vier silwer wat deur Theron wat trots in haar Merenksyweek die Limpopo Boogskiet wat toegeken is aan Renart Botha, Simoné Smith, Lin-Marie Theron en drag gepryk het. Veldkampioenskappe aangebied. Beneche en Canell Jackson en Ricus Danie en Marietjie Harmse verower Renart Botha en Ricus Merensky is die enigste skool Warmenhoven het ook volle in Suid-Afrika wat met hul Limpopo-kleure by die eie veldboogskietbaan kan byeenkoms verwerf. spog. ‘n Groot voorreg was die feit dat die Springbokspan ook aan die kampioenskappe kom deelneem het, ter voorbereiding vir die Wêreldkampioenskappe. In die teenwoordigheid van sulke groot geeste het Pikkie — Izelrie Theron die Merensky-skuts hulle Ricus Warmenhoven maak gereed vir nog ‘n Simone Smith en Carla van — is duidelik trots goed van hul taak gekwyt en Coller skoot. Renart Botha in aksie

Plasie-golf still going strong The Merensky golfers took on Eric Louw and Tom Naude’s best in Musina on Friday. The players were focused and good golf was played by all three schools’ players. At the end Merensky’s first team lost against a very good side of Eric Louw. With the sights also set on Tom Naude, Merensky beat the two teams 3-1 and 4-0 respectively. In the first team Rynard de Lange, Dylan Luis and Blake Linder won their games 6/5, 1 up and 7/6. The second team, captained by Reinard Schoonbee, pulled off a good win of 4-0 over Tom Naude. Reinard Schoonbee, MJ Bench, Almo Julies and Herman Grovè played great golf to beat their opponents 9/7, 6/5, 5/4 and 3/2.

Foto: Superimage Media

Christelle Coetzer het aan die SA’s atletiek in die Paarl deelgeneem, waar sy ‘n slegte ervaring gehad het (reeds in Maart) . Sy wil egter baie graag haar hoofborg, Witkrans Vervoer van Mooketsi, bedank dat hul dit vir haar moontlik gemaak het. Sonder die borgskap sou sy nie die wonderlike ervaring kon smaak nie. Verder wil sy ook baie dankie sê aan Bubbles van Niekerk en Jane van Niekerk wat haar kom red het na haar slegte ervaring en haar die res van die tyd beskerm en bygestaan het, asook me Van Eyk wat haar deurentyd ondersteun het.


Prime Circle

28 tot 31 MEI 2014

Entrance: R60 • Kids under 1,2 m FREE

SHOW PROGR AMME Louwrens The storyteller


Elvis Blue

WEDNESDAY 28 MAY 2014 09:00 Gates open Educational show presented by EMS, SAPS, SANDF, Polokwane Traffic and Fire Department; Fun Fair Coca-Cola Road show with Bleck Cyza and Time Records Kids play park and petting zoo 13:00 Brian Capper 19:00 Boereorkes 22:00 Gates close THURSDAY 29 MAY 2014 09:00 Gates open Educational show presented by EMS, SAPS, SANDF, Polokwane Traffic and Fire Department; Fun Fair Coca -Cola Road show with Bleck Cyza and Time Records Kids play park and petting zoo 13:00 Brian Capper 19:00 Local artists/singers 22:00 Gates close

FRIDAY 30 MAY 2014 Gates Open Educational show presented by EMS, SAPS, SANDF, Polokwane Traffic and Fire Department; Fun Fair; Coca-Cola Road show with Bleck Cyza and Time Records; Kids play park and petting zoo 19:00 Will Jordan 20:00 Jakkie Louw SATURDAY 31 MAY 2014 09:00 Gates open 10:00 Senior Citizens with Alan Ladd 11:00 Strongman Competition 12:00 Miss Polokwane Show 14:00 Brian Capper 15:00 Small stage: Entertainment 16:00 Main stage: 4Werke Small stage: Mia Louw 17:00 Main stage: 4Werke Small stage: Louwrens the Story Teller 18:00 Main stage: 4Werke 19:00 Main stage: Elvis Blue 20:00 Main stage: Snotkop 21:00 Main stage: Prime Circle 09:00

Uitstallers nog welkom!!

Kontak vir Corrie 082 374 0816 of Lelane 072 369 0155

Merensky hockey versus SLC

Merensky se eerste seunshokkiespan het Davis, Jordan Stevens en Samuel Modiba Stanford Lake College in hul jaarlikse aangeteken. JJ Davis is as speler van die ligawedstryde aangedurf. Die wedstryd was wedstryd aangewys. redelik gelyk, totdat Jason Moore ‘n pragtige ‘n Handvol ringbalspelers alleenkans benut het. Augustine Chiloane van die Hoërskool Ben het verwarring in die sirkel veroorsaak en die Vorster gaan Limpopo tweede doel van die eerste helfte aangeteken. Ringbal in die SA toernooi In die tweede helfte het Jason Moore met die in Julie in Mbombela wendoel vorendag gekom en die wedstryd verteenwoordig: Mariska finaal in Merensky se guns beklink. Die Lourens (o.15A-meisies); Anilia Erasmus (o.15APlasies het dus met 3-0 gewen. meisies); Christiaan Die o.15 seuns het hul wedstryd van die Erasmus (o.15A-seuns); eerste afslaan oorheers en het vinnig drie Stefan Paulse (o.15A-seuns) doele aangeteken. Stanford het kort voor en Nadia Paulse (o.17Ahalftyd met ‘n doel verras. Die tweede meisies) Dié spelers het ook ‘n kans om gekies te helfte het die Plasies weer oorheers en nog word vir die SA spanne, ‘n drie doele aangeteken, om die wedstryd 6-1 groot eer vir enige speler. Nadia Paulse te wen. Doele is deur Richard Coleman, JJ

Alles wat jy nodig het is in Christus Dit is die Tema van die vroeë Pinkster by die Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk H/v Douglas- en Adshadestraat. Prediker: Ds Etienne Maritz van die N.G. Kerk Weltevrede Koppies Wanneer: 25 en 29 Mei 2014 Sondagoggend 09:00 | Sondagaand 18:00 Maandag - Donderdagaand 19:00

Kom geniet die Geestelike Feesmaal Navrae Ds Hendrik v. Rensburg 082 322 5430


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Search “Laeveldbulletin”


23 Mei 2014


Ringbal hou lekker gholfdag

Die Tzaneen Ringbalklub het ‘n gholfdag by die Tzaneen Buiteklub gehou en ‘n mooi klomp spelers het die dag en die spel geniet. Verskeie pryse is gewen. Willie McCallagan en Die volgende spelers het ook prestasies Karel Buitendag het die dag se spel gewen en Fanie van Rensburg en Migael du Plessis was behaal: Zane Kader vir naaste aan die pen by in die tweede plek. Diek Coetzee en Gert van putjie 6, Bennie van der Berg vir die langste dryfhou by putjie 1 en Sven Hedin vir die Zyl was derde. langste dryfhou by putjie 16. Die klub bedank die volgende borge, sonder wie se ondersteuning die dag nie moontlik sou gewees het nie: Miami Canners, Gazebo King, Labels Die wenners was Willie Die naasbestes was Fanie van Rensburg, S&J McCallagan en Karel Buitendag. Migael du Plessis, Karel Buitendag. and Printing,

Erna van die kombuis by Tzaneen Buiteklub vir die vingerete. Die klub bedank graag Elsie van der Berg en Jackie Steyn vir hul bydraes en dat hulle die dag gereël het. Navrae oor Vleis Sentraal, Westfalia, GD, Integrifin, C P die klub: Borries Bornman by 084 222 4950 of Minnaar Boerdery, Afri Drilling, Johan du Toit, Jenny Meyer by 079 695 7523. Hotel@Tzaneen en Crawdaddy’s, Letaba Snax, Ansinique, Harmonie Slagpale, Harmonie Slaghuis, Jagtersdrift Abattoir, Overland Bottelstoor, Junction Bottelstoor, Tzaneen Dierekliniek, Dale Michler, Netstar, Midas, Fairview River Lodge en Fairview Earth Spa. Ook dankie aan Brenda van Gert van Zyl en Karel Buitendag was derde. Hier is hulle saam met Elsie Tzaneen Buiteklub vir van der Berg (Tzaneen Ringbalklub). Diek Coetzee was ongelukkig die reëlings, sowel as afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Lim colours for ringball The following Merensky ringball players have been rewarded for their hard work and dedication with Limpopo colours: Girls: Jance Geldenhuys (u.19A), Charlene Geldenhuys (u.17A), Bianca Combrinck (u.17A), Elzette van Dyk (u.17A), Melissa Steenkamp (u.17A0 and Merisca Steenkamp (u.17A). Boys: MJ Bench, Etienne Slabbert and Armand Steyn. Former Plasies Charissa Bench and Clarissa Combrink were also selected for their respective provincial teams. Charissa for Limpopo and Clarissa for Northwest.

Merisca Steenkamp, Bianca Combrink, Elzette van Dyk en Melissa Steenkamp

Gholf in Vossieland

Plasie-netbal maak skoonskip Die netbalspanne van Merensky het teen Stanford Lake College gaan speel en die gasheerskool se netbalmeisies op Stanford se bane uitgestof. Dit was ‘n koue middag en die wedstryde was hard en is in ‘n haastige tempo gespeel. Die Plasies was te sterk vir hul maats in Magoebaskloof en die volgende tellings is aangeteken: eerste spanne: Plasies wen 20-8; tweede spanne: Merensky wen 16-12; o.16A’s: Merensky wen 14-8 en o.14A’s: Merensky wen 17-7.

Was Vossies rustend in Rustenburg? Die afgelope naweek het die rugby- en netbalspelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster teen die Hoërskool Rustenburg in Rustenburg te staan gekom, maar dit was nie die gewoonlike goeie dag op kantoor vir die Vossies nie. Die netbaluitslae was: o.14B: BV wen 31-18; o.14A: BV wen 31-18; o.15B: BV verloor 7-21; o.15A: BV verloor 18-25; o.16B: BV verloor 20-27; o.16A: BV wen 26-18; o.17B: BV verloor 15-28; o.17A: BV verloor 1012; o.19B: BV verloor 22-32; eerste span: BV wen 32-30. Die Vossie-meisies het dus vier van die tien wedstryde teen Rustenburg gewen. Die o.14spanne (A & B) bied iets waaroor die Vossies opgewonde kan raak. Hulle speel baie doelgerig en kan ontwikkel om in die toekoms ‘n groot netbalkrag te wees. Die eerste span het weer met goeie aanval en vaardighede gewys hoe akkuraat hulle in hul bewegings kan wees. Die wedstrydtellings het die ganse wedstryd wipplank gery en die Vossies moes alles uithaal om eers in die laaste minuut die wendoel aan te teken. Die rugby was ‘n baie gelykop stryd tussen die twee skole. Die o.14A-span was redelik gou agter en toe rustyd aangebreek het, was die telling 1510 teen die Vossies — nadat hulle die eerste kwart van die wedstryd gesukkel het. In die tweede helfte

het die telling wipplank gery, maar die Vossies het die laaste drie gedruk om naelskraap met 22-20 te wen. Die B-span het 22-17 verloor. Die o.15A-span het weer beter gespeel, na verlede week se insinking teen Helpmekaar. Hulle wen 41-21. Die o.15B-span het ook net-net met 1514 gewen, danksy ‘n strafskop in die laaste minuut van die wedstryd. Die o.16A’s het een van hul swakste wedstryde van die jaar gespeel, maar vasgebyt om tog te wen. Hulle het in die doodsnikke van die wedstryd gaan druk, verdoel en 19-18 gewen. Hulle het vir hul gebrek aan vorm met goeie karakter vergoed. Die derde span het met 25-18 verloor, terwyl die tweede span ook in ‘n naelbytstryd gewikkel was en uiteindelik met twee punte met ‘n telling van 14-12 verloor het. Die eerste span het lekker gespeel, maar sake wou nie reg vir hulle verloop nie. Tot kort voor die einde was hulle 19-18 voor, maar Rustenburg het volgehou met goeie druk en vir oulaas agter die doellyn gaan kuier. Die Vossies verloor 25-19. Die vrienskaplike wedstryde is nou iets van die verlede. In Vossieland word gesê hulle sien nou uit na volgende naweek se jaarlikse Classic Clashesbotsing teen PHS in Polokwane.

Die lede van die Vossies se eerste gholfspan is Michael du Plessis, Jannelize Bessenger, Reinard Maritz en JP Kruger.

Elandri J van Rensburg van die Laerskool Tzaneen het aan die tweede LIMA-byeenkoms deelgeneem en ‘n goeie derde plek behaal.

Die gholfspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope Vrydag teen Stanford Lake College te staan gekom en die Vossies se eerste span, met Jannelize Bessenger, Michael du Plessis, JP Kruger en Reinard Maritz, het hul wedstryd oortuigend met 4-0 gewen. Die tweede span — BJ Vorster, Wilco Jansen van Rensburg, Johan van Vuuren en Diaan van Tonder — het gelykop gespeel. Die tweede span bly egter onoorwonne in die liga. Die Vossie-gholfspelers speel vandag teen hul eweknieë van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en die Hoër Tegniese skool Tom Naudé.


23 Mei 2014 Saterdag se Boet Fick-ligakragmeting van Letaba teen Noordelikes in Polokwane het vooraf aan die senuwees geknaag, maar om die verkeerde redes. Daar was ‘n gevoel dat Noordelikes te sterk vir Letaba sou wees. Dit was toe egter nie so nie. Noordelikes het net met beter skopwerk daarin geslaag om Letaba met 20-14 ore aan te sit. Letaba 2 het egter vergoed en hul teenstanders met ‘n telling van 13-7 geklop. Dit was Saterdag maar guur in die hoofstad, met ‘n lastige wind wat oor die veld geswiep en die temperatuur wat dieper as die vlees geknaag het. Letaba 1 se wedstryd was kliphard en ons manne het die oorhand in die skrums en die lynstane gehad. Noordelikes se giftige agterlyn het egter die doellose skoppe van Letaba genadeloos gestraf. Uitblinkers vir Lebata 1 was Picaso Coetzer en Beast Mushwana, wat hul opponente behoorlik laat kreun het in die skrums. In die lynstane het Eben Fichardt uitgeblink.

Swak skopwerk sink Letaba Letaba het hopeloos te min hul gevreesde rolmaal-bewegings ingespan en die paar keer wat hulle dit wél gedoen het, het hulle meters ver gevorder. Lig gerus maar die hoede vir Riaan Louw wat op 99 moes instaan op skrumskakel, waar hy hom goed van sy taak gekwyt het. Damien van Rensburg was ook weer sy gebruiklike handvol vir sy teenstanders. Drieë vir Letaba is gedruk deur Ruan Roets en Beast Mushwana, terwyl Deano Kruger en Damien van Rensburg elk met ‘n doelskop geslaag het. Letaba 2 het in ‘n ewe klipharde wedstryd Noordelikes 2 met 13-7 geklop. Albei Letabaspanne het vanjaar gewys dat niemand hulle in die skrums en lynstane kan aanvat nie. Letaba 2 het dan ook met Noordelikes in dié

Ringbal: emosies van vreugde én trane

Vossieseuns slaan Curro hok Die seuns-hokkiespanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het teen Curro Heuwelkruin van Polokwane in ligawedstryde op die Vossies se tuisveld te staan gekom. Die Vossies was te sterk vir die besoekers en het in totaal agt doele aangeteken, teenoor ‘n enkele Nsovo Shandlala van die Hoërskool doel wat deur Heuwelkruin Ben Vorster slaan die wendoel tydens die wedstryd teen Curro Heuwelkruin. behaal is. Die Vossies se o.15As het terwyl Caelan Retief die vierde doel met 3-0 gewen, die o.16A’s met 4-1 in die hok laat beland het. en die eerste span met 1-0. Die eerste span het teen ‘n sterk Francois Louw het al drie doele groep van Curro Heuwelkruin te vir die o.15A-span aangeteken. Die staan gekom. Nsovo Shandlale o.16A’s het puik gespeel en tussen het die Vossies se wendoel in die Joshua Varrie en Heinrich van doodsnikke van die wedstryd Staden is drie doele aangeteken, geslaan.

Oubal het verlede naweek se rakbie maar redelik swartgallig tegemoet gegaan, maar daar was verrassende hoogtepunte. En natuurlik laagtepunte. Oubal deel sy grootste pluimpie uit aan Witjakkals se Haaispan wat uiteindelik ons Christchurchdroogte gebreek het — en dit nogal grootliks met net 14 man (en by tye 13) op die veld. Absoluut merkwaardig! ‘Tja, Oubal moet terselfdertyd vir Jean Deysel uitwys as sekerlik een van die grootste plebejers in ons rakbie. Nie net het sy trap in die gesig en die onvermydelike rooikaart enorme druk op sy span geplaas nie, maar ook Oubal se vermoede bevestig dat die reguit regter waarmee Jeb Sinclaire hom twee Curriebekers terug vir die volle telling planke toe gestuur het, welverdiend was! Oubal moet ook die Stormwinde meer krediet gee as wat hy tot op hede gedoen het. Vandat julle niks meer het om te verloor nie, speel julle skielik die soort kykbare rakbie wat die hoogvlieënde Force se vlerke kon knip.

gewoond is, gaan Letaba se agterlyn ook vrae aan hul teenstanders begin stel. Uitblinkers vir Letaba 2 was Quinten Kruger, Jacques Louw en Richardt Wernich. Dié driemanskap is soos wyn in ou sake wat afdelings gemors. Noordelikes het later ‘n algaande verbeter. Die drieë vir Letaba 2 is deur monster van ‘n stut opgestuur, maar Pieter Ruaan Coetzee en Moko Kgohloane gedruk, en Human het net laer gesak en voortgeskrum. Joe de Beer het met ‘n strafskop geslaag. Met die opdrafslag het die monsterstut JP O’Connell is as die Speler van die nogal ewe dapper gesê “nou sak jy teen Wedstryd vir Letaba 2 aangewys. ‘n man wat community cup gespeel Letaba speel more tuis teen het”. Letaba het hom geantwoord Musina en Dendron en skitterende met ‘n kragtige “jy speel nou teen rugby word verwag, aangesien Letaba” — en voortgegaan om met Letaba se teenstanders ook die Noordelikes se skrum te mors. naweek met Pietersburg Dorp Hansie Grobler het ‘n welkome afgereken het en die spanne terugkeer op losskakel gemaak mekaar vir die boonste plek op en sy ervare hand was duidelik te die punteleer jaag. bespeur. Gom Bvuma en Trevor Wedstryde begin more 15:30 Hope het skitterend gekombineer, en die rugbykykers kan gerus om Moko Kgohloane vir die JP O’Connell, speler maar na lekker klipharde wendrie oor te stuur en as die van die wedstryd vir klubrugby kom kyk. En kom Letaba 2 kombinasies die dag aan mekaar ondersteun ons manne tog!

Tzaneen Ringbalklub se ellende is Saterdag voortgesit, toe hulle teen Park (in Polokwane) gaan speel het. Die mans het met 83-20 verloor en die dames het met ‘n laer punteverskil met 65-48 verloor. Die dames het in ‘n taai stryd baie harder gespeel en was meer mededingend as die vorige week. Dalk sou ‘n bietjie meer ondersteuning van langs die veld gehelp het, maar dit was nie ‘n tuiswedstryd nie en die toeskouers was merendeels van Park se mense. Dit is jammer dat Tzaneen se kaptein, Tom van der Westhuizen, aan die begin van die tweede helfte van die baan gestap het. Hy het hom glo vervies vir die swak spel van sy spanmaats. Dit is nie met hom bevestig nie. Die Survivors van Haenertsburg het teen Phalaborwa gaan speel en hul oorheersing voortgesit. Die dames het met 72-9 gewen en die mans met 45-26. Alhoewel die Survivors een te veel vir die tuisspanne was, het Phalaborwa ‘n nuwe opkomende spelers, wat binnekort ‘n deurbraak kan maak — as hulle hard oefen en hul afrigtingmetodes is reg. Die Survivordames het nou na die klubkampioenskappe deurgedring, aangesien Mogol reeds punte

Pluimpies en Plebejers* Maar was dit nou nodig om weer te verval in jul saai plebejeriese verdedigingspatroon toe julle die wedstryd in die sakkie het? ‘Tja, en toe doen die sukkelende Cheetahs dieselfde met die skoppende Brumbieperde. Oubal hoop ons eie skop-en-hoop spanne het opgelet wat met jou gebeur as die teenstanders doelgerig met daardie geskopte bal teen jou begin hardloop. Oubal wonder egter wanneer die Cheetahs en ons nasionale breintrust gaan leer dat Coenie Oosthuizen niks meer as ‘n rits strafskoppe op vaskop is nie. Tydens verlede jaar se CB het die Cheetahs ‘n redelik suksesvolle proefneming met Trevor

vir hulle afgestaan het. Die Survivors se dames is nou onoorwonne in Limpopo. Die klubkampioenskappe is op 6 Junie in Kemptonpark.

Hier is die Survivors wat in Phalaborwa gewen het. Voor is La Rouchelle Schoeman, Natashja Walters en Chantelle Strydom. Tweede ry: Gerhard Smit, Natasha Smit en Elaine van Zy. Derde ry: Mari de Beer, Lynette Breedt, Pieter Roets, Freedom Nyati, Sarie Vermaak en Stoffel Vermaak en agter is Jaques van Schalkwyk, Carlien du Plessis, Abel de Beer, Francois van Wyk, John Naude, Johannes Cronje en Sanet Bergmann.

Nyakane daar gedoen, maar deesdae maak hy net korststondige gasverskynings van die plaasvervangersbank af. Seker oor hy iewers laat was vir ‘n begrafnis, of iets! Op die tuisfront probeer Oubal sy bes om self gasverskynings by ons skole se rakbie te maak, wanneer hy nie netbal kyk nie. Dis egter nie aldag baie bemoedigend nie. Teen die skool wat Mekaar die keer wel kon Help, het Oubal eers vermoed die rooies verkeer nog in ‘n mediumskole slap — maar dit was gou duidelik dat hulle ernstige probleme het, veral agterlangs. ‘Tja, Oubal kon nie verstaan dat Limpopo se beste skole-afrigters nie die onbeholpe besluitneming, swak uitvoering met die bal in die hand en afwesige taktiese skopwerk kan raaksien nie. Dit was dus verblydend om te hoor dat ‘n paar skuiwe agterlangs tot ‘n groot verbetering daar in ou Jan van Till se wêreld gelei het. Oubal se spioene sê as dit nie was vir ‘n algemene senuagtigheid oor die Marikana-onrus om die draai nie, julle op

‘n drafstap sou gewen het! Die skool oorkant die brug se eerstespanrakbie het Oubal nou al in so ‘n depressie dat hy snags wakker lê. Die meeste van julle is te jonk om Murrayfield se 44-0 te onthou, maar julle 44-13 teen die Soutpansbergers grens daaraan. Mag Oubal julle daaraan herinner dat dit ook grens aan die telling wat julle genoop het om in jul eie private liga te speel, so waarheen nou? Introspeksietyd, manne! Oubal se finale pluimpie aan Tshepiso Mahasha van die rooiskool wat gekies is om aan die Afrika Jeugspele te gaan deelneem, as lid van die SA Sewes se o.18span. Uitstekende prestasie, jongman, maar neem goeie raad van Oubal — om jou land te verteenwoordig is nie ‘n lisensie om jou agterna soos ‘n plebejer te gedra nie! (*Plebejer = Nie-adellike/onbeskaafde persoon). “When you’re a plebian you want success, and when you’re successful you want to be a plebian again.” — Paula Cole

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