13 June 2014
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Heksejag op prokureur Mense is besig met ‘n heksejag op mnr Conrad Krüger, bekende en soms ook omstrede prokureur en eiendomsontwikkelaar van Tzaneen. So het Krüger gister in ‘n persoonlike onderhoud met die Bulletin gesê, nadat ons vasgestel het dat nog ‘n groot eis — die bedrag is R16.669 miljoen — teen hom ingestel is.
Die eiser in die jongste geval is Fillsant General Trading BK van Pretoria en die verweerders is Blue Moonlight Properties 82 (Edms) Bpk (Krüger se maatskappy wat onder meer die Golden Acres-sekuriteitslandgoed in Tzaneen ontwikkel het), Krüger in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid as tweede verweerder
Lowveld’s Duke is back The Duke and Duchess of Atholl are back, following a trip to Blair Castle in Scotland during which the Duke officially opened the annual Atholl Gathering
en Krüger in sy hoedanigheid as trustee van Mafunyane Trust as derde verweerder. Die eis spruit uit ‘n lening van R7 miljoen aan Blue Moonlight in Februarie 2010. Volgens die hofstukke moes die bedrag binne ses maande terug betaal gewees het, maar slegs twee betalings is gemaak, nadat oor ‘n verlenging van die termyn ooreengekom is. Die eerste betaling moes binne dertig dae geskied het en die balans daarna in paaiemente elke dertig dae. Daar is egter net twee betalings gemaak: R990 849 op 20 Augustus 2010 en R600 000 op 12 Desember 2011. Intussen het Fillsant bereken dat rente daartoe bygedra het dat die skuld nou R16 669 318.16 bedra. Hulle eis derhalwe dié bedrag. Krüger sê dié eis word teengestaan en hy is “besig met skikkingsvoorstelle wat waarskynlik sal slaag”. Die veiling van Krüger se woonhuis waarop Absa ‘n beslaglegging verkry het, is ‘n week gelede afgeweer, toe Krüger ‘n dag voor die tyd sowat R18 000 wat aan die bank verskuldig was, betaal het. Hy sê dit was weens ‘n misverstand tussen hom en die bank dat die saak so ver gevoer is. Tydens die onderhoud het Krüger gesê mense probeer om hom “te sink”. Hy vind dit vreemd en frustrerend dat sy sake in die media oopgevlek word, terwyl mense nie met hom hul probleme kom bespreek nie. “Daar is altyd twee kante aan ‘n saak en ek het antwoorde op alle vrae wat mag opduik. “Ek het niks om weg te steek nie en is besig met ‘n klomp litigasie om sake reg te ruk. Ek lees in die media dat ek by die Pokureursorde verkla is, maar ek het niks van die Orde gehoor en niks is op my beteken nie. My praktyk se trustrekening is al ‘n paar keer ge-oudit en dit is 100% in orde. Daar is geen fout nie. “Die teenspoed wat ek gehad het met ‘n maatskappy in Phalaborwa wat aan die mynbedryf voorsien het en weens die Marikana-stakings in duie gestort het, moet ook nog afgehandel word. Dit was ‘n groot finansiële terugslag,” sê Krüger. Hy het ook gesê dat hy in die verlede dalk ‘n fout gemaak het met ‘n te hoë lewensstyl. Hy praktiseer nou weer heeltyds as prokureur en kan dus nie bekostig om nie ‘n reguit pad te loop nie. “Daar word baie bewerings gemaak, maar bewerings wat nie getoets is nie of net by bewerings bly, is onredelik en onaanvaarbaar,” sê hy.
7 Mayors to be axed 13 Treat your pet well Councillors’ tongues are tied 7 The twelveth Duke of Atholl, Bruce Murray, described this year’s event as very pleasant, especially seeing that the weather played along and the sun shone on Blair Castle when Europe’s only private army underwent its annual inspection. This is a task Bruce, as colonel-in-chief, has to perform every year. Two of the Murray sons, David and Michael, formed part of the procession (Bruce’s late father [the 11th Duke], John Murray, lived in Haenertsburg for many years). Both joined this 175-year-old regiment a few years ago. The regiment was formed after Lord Glenlyon first took a bodyguard of men to a medieval tournament at Eglinton in Ayrshire in 1839. Five years later, the Atholl Highlanders mounted guard for Queen Victoria’s stay at Blair Castle and were granted the queen’s colours. They also were granted the right to legally bear arms as a private force — an honour that remains in place today. This year’s parade attracted widespread interest and the
media houses that attended the event included the world’s second largest newspaper, Asahi Shimbun from Japan and the French daily newspaper, Le Figaro. Saturday’s parade was followed by a day of sport on Sunday as the Atholl Highlanders officially opened the Highland Games to massed pipes and drums. Events included solo piping, tossing the caber, throwing the hammer, highland dancing and the heavy-weights competition. Seen here are the 12th Duke of Atholl, Bruce Murray (centre),and his two sons during the recent Atholl Gathering. On the left is Lieutenant Lord David Murray, holding the Queen’s Colours given to the regiment by Queen Victoria in 1845, and on the right is Captain Michael Murray, who also has the title of The Marquis of Tullibardine, holding the regimental colours. — LiN News/Zoutpansberger
Groen mambas pik dodelik Skandes & skades by die Poskantoor
Sport op bl 20
13 June 2014
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg het weliswaar nie arm grootgeword nie, hoewel hulle nou nie dik daarin was nie. Hy sou eerder sê sy herkoms is nederig! Dit beteken noodwendig dat hy as maaier nie alles gehad het wat ander maaiers gehad het nie. So moes hy by maatjies gaan Pack Man of Space Invaders speel, want hy het nie self ‘n Atari gehad nie. Of hy moes tevrede wees om Pin Ball op die stoep voor die Griek se kafee te speel, terwyl hy darem ‘n “drink here” Coke kon geniet. Vlieg moes ook nog lank met sy straight handle Raleigh ry, terwyl ander maaiers al drop handle Peugeots gehad het. Vlieghulle het ook nie ‘n videomasjien gehad nie, nie eers ‘n Beta nie, wat nog van VHS. Vlieg dink dit was dalk, of dalk nie, vir dieselfde ekonomiese redes dat sy ouers ook nooit vir hom daai boek gekoop het wat al die ander maaiers se ouers vir hulle gekoop het nie: Wat Maaiers Wil Weet, of so iets! Dit was in elk geval nie nodig om daai goed in boeke te lees nie. Daarvoor het Vlieg ‘n ouer nefie gehad, en sy pelle ouer broers. By hulle kon ‘n maaier of ontluikende papie
tussen rugby en porn as wat hy besef. Die meeste manlike maaiertjies begin al op ‘n jong ouderdom daarmee. Albei maak hulle sweterig en laat hulle harte vinniger klop. Baie doen dit skelm, omdat hulle skaam is daaroor. Almal geniet dit, maar sal dit nooit erken nie, en almal voel na die tyd skuldig daaroor en besluit om dit nooit weer te doen nie. En daai besluit hou gewoonlik nie lank nie! Gelukkig vir die moeders is die Superrugby vir die volgende maand eers op ys terwyl rondebolkoors uitgebreek het in die Portugese plakkerskamp in die skadu van Cristo Redentor. Dit behoort lank genoeg te wees om die asem terug te kry, boetie se kamer te deursoek vir onbehoorlike tydskrifte en ongemerkte video’s, en ‘n slag of twee op die dominee se skouer te gaan huil! • Ai, dié Vlieg darem. Ons het oorspronklik ooreengekom dat sy bydraes nie gesensor sal word nie, maar elke kort-kort toets hy ons. Terwyl hy nou wel nie onder sensuur geplaas is nie, moes ons noodgedwonge dié week die sensor se sker, of eerder: die sensor se dik swart pen, inlê — Redakteur
meer leer as wat hy wou. Dis ook by hulle wat Vlieg sy eerste porn gekyk het. En geleer rook het. En draadtrek! Vlieg kan sommer hoor hoe slaan al wat Calvinistiese moeder is nou haar hande saam en snak na haar asem. Porn en draadtrek! Ja tannie, Vlieg is van baie dinge in die lewe baie onseker, maar oor een ding sal hy met albei sy vlerke op jou Bybel kom sweer. Dit maak nie saak hoe groot jou hoed is wat jy Sondae dra nie, jou mees voorbeeldige, skoongesig, goedgemanierde, welopgevoede en selfs teruggetrokke maaiertjie het al, of gaan binnekort, porn kyk. En hy trek draad! Dis wat hulle doen! Vra maar vir Divan Serfontein se ma. Haar maaiertjie het nie net ‘n dokter geword nie, maar was ook Springbokkaptein, en hy kyk porn! Hoe anders sal hy weet dat om deesdae se Superrugby te kyk dieselfde is as om ‘n blou film te kyk? Hy reken die ooreenkoms tussen die twee is dat dit dieselfde ding is wat oor en oor gebeur. Vlieg stem saam, maar dink daar is egter meer ooreenkomste
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie! • Die toestand by die Poskantoorgebou in die middedorp is • The sight that greets you at the Post Office in the CBD is atrocious. bedenklik. Wat dink jy kan/moet gedoen word? What do you think can/should be done?
Sê jou sê Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
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Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Hendra Gouws Span toe en sluit deure. Sluit oop gewone kantoorure. Naweke ook toe. Dawie Botha net julle klomp whiteys wat nou al weer kla ! Die res van die bevolking sien nie die probleem nie. Die padtekens op hoek oorkant SAP is onleesbaar agv die nuwe groentemark op sypaadjie. Die arm man met Amarok doen nog steeds besigheid op n parkering in hoofstraat.Welkom in Afrika ! Helena Brümmer As jy vroeg in die oggend wil gaan pos uithaal, kry jy hulle daar en nog slaap of net opgestaan en besig om te was. En stink verskriklik. Mens is even te bang om te gaan pos uithaal. Jy weet nie of dit veilig is of nie. Charl Hattingh Raak ontslae van die straatmense. Toe ek ± 18 jaar terug in die Kommando was, was Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
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besigheid. Hoekom nie..? Cath Bruce Jankowitz Die was n spogplek 20jaar terug... toe kom die verkiesing... Sophia Fernandez Ja ons sal hokke om als moet bou om die goeie te behou! Lizelle Harmsen Die meeste plekke in die middedorp lyk so, dan nie? Vuil! Mens is bang om aan iets te raak! Sies! Annaline Gouws Van Vreden Dink nou: waaaaaar is die Posmeester? Is sy direkte omgewing nie vir hom belangrik nie? Hy kan mos delegeer en laat skoonmaak, nie waar nie? Dis deel van organisasie en BESTUUR! Duidelik het hy nie ‘n idee dat sy instansie OOK bemark moet word. Uiters swak beeld van die baas wat daar in beheer is, sou ek sê. Kan jul onthou hoe’t die Poskantoor gelyk so ‘n paar jaar gelede: binnenshuise tuine en lekker om in te gaan, want die klerke was aan die gang en vinnig? Dit KAN weer so wees. Posmeester kort ‘n dringende bestuurskursus, of ‘n... Dit gaan maar beroerd in die binnekant ook.
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Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).
een van ons takies snags om hulle te verwyder. as jy vroeg in die oggend gaan pos uithaal ruik en lyk dit soos ‘n openbare toilet daar binne. Sheenaugh-lee Thompson OMW this is awful what on earth is happening to our beautiful town? Nicky Altenroxel How does Tzn win the award for cleanest town? Shocking! Dawn Zaayman Skokkend! Jan Van Heerde Het ons nog n munisipaliteit en polisie? Douglas Paul Hamilton I have three questions: 1. How can the Postmaster let this happen? 2. What is the SAPD doing to complete the buildings next to their station as it belongs to them? 3. What and when are the GTM going to act on this mess? Rolien Du Toit Swart Ek sou voorstel dat posbusse in die gebou na buite uitgeskuif word en deure gesluit word na ure soos enige ander
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13 June 2014
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Civic Centre garden needs TLC Concern over the appearance of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s garden at the Civic Centre in Agatha Street has raised questions — the most pressing being: Who is responsible for the garden’s maintenance? Bulletin approached the GTM to find out who was responsible for the maintenance. According to the GTM’s assistant communications officer, Ms Vutivi Makhubele, the GTM’s Parks Division is responsible for maintenance of the garden at the Civic Centre. Makhubele told us that, “the GTM’s Parks Division previously had a contractor who was responsible for the maintenance at the Civic Centre, and maintenance was done five times a week. Parks is currently doing the maintenance while we are in the process of publishing adverts to appoint another contractor to take over. At this moment we are unable to work on a proper maintenance programme, due to the division’s shortage of manpower. The workers rotate from place to place”. She added that the division tries to keep the irrigation system in as good a condition as
GTM is looking for a Comms Manager The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s corporate services department has advertised the vacant post of Manager in their Communication and Marketing Divison. The advertisement comes two years after its former Manager, Mr Thulani Twala, resigned, following his alleged “refusal to collude with the Union (SAMWU) for personal expediency at the expense of Council”. This he expressed in a media statement. A GTM Communications Officer, Mr Neville Ndlala, has been acting as head of the department since Twala’s departure. It is not known if Ndlala plans to apply for the job.
possible, to water the garden and lawns once a week. Bulletin has found this not to be true, since the garden and lawns were watered more than one day during the past week. — Elliot Mathye, elliot@bulletin.us.com
Dit is weer feestyd in Hoedspruit Op 11 en 12 Julie is dit tyd vir die 28ste Hoedspruit Wildsfees. Dit word weer aangebied op die Blyde Wildlife Estate, net buite Hoedspruit. Vanjaar is daar iets vir die hele gesin. Vir pa is daar ‘n 4x4 pretren, motorfietsrenne, demonstrasies met kragsae, Spes-maglede in aksie en vele meer. Ma kan ontspan by die jaarlikse Oggendtee ten bate van die Bosveldvreugde Senior Burgers, talle kiosks besoek met iets van dekor, klere, juwele, en snuisterye. Vir die fikses is daar die jaarlikse MBR- fiestren en -pretdraf. Vir die jongspan is daar die Kids Zone, waar die kinders onder toesig van opgeleide personeel sal wees, en die aktiwiteite sal die kinders ure se genot verskaf. Kunstenaars vir die fees sluit in Matrin Bester en Arod van Jacaranda FM sowel as Die Heuwels Fantasties wat hulle debuutvertoning in die Laeveld maak. Bring die hele gesin en kom geniet die Wildfees saam met ons. Vir meer inligting: www. hoedspruitwildsfees.co.za of e-pos of info@ hoedspruitwildsfees.co.za
Hondemoles rig groot skade aan Geen vordering is nog gemaak in die ondersoek na die diereslagting by ‘n troeteldierwinkel in Tzaneen nie, waar duisende rande se skade verlede maand deur ‘n hond aangerig is. The Flower Pot & Pet Shop naby Die Blomskuur het op 1 Mei lelik deurgeloop toe ‘n hond deur die palissadeheining geglip en by die dierehokke “ingebreek” het. Die klein Jack Russell het sestien hase en elf hoenders vrekgebyt. Twee duiwe en ‘n lovebird het ook in die slag gebly, terwyl etlike duiwe uit een hok ontsnap en weggevlieg het. Die eienaars van die winkel, mnr Philip en me Louise Jacobs, sê hul skade beloop
minstens R10 000. Hulle het die volgende aand in die winkel geslaap en daarin geslaag om die hond op sy herbesoek te vang. Jacobs het die hond aan die DBV oorhandig, wat dit ‘n paar dae later aan die regmatige eienaar teruggegee het. Die voorval is ook by die polisie aangemeld as saaknommer 19/05/2014. Volgens hom was die samewerking van die polisie nie na wense nie. Hy moes self die aanval in die voorvalleregister (OB) invul. Sedertdien het hy nog nie weer van die polisie gehoor nie. Die Jacobs-egpaar het ‘n vermoede wie die eienaar van die hond is, maar allerhande teenstrydighede verhinder hulle om teen hom op te tree.
— Elliot Mathye, elliot@bulletin.us.com
IEC allegedly withheld staff payments
— Arnold Mabunda, arnold@bulletin.us.com
Father’s Day Die Polisie in Tzaneen het nog tot Woensdagmiddag ontken dat hulle iets weet van die rooftog vroeër die week by ‘n gruisgroef tussen Tzaneen en Nkowankowa. By die Bulletin is niemand slim genoeg om dié geheim te ontrafel nie. Die ganse kontrei se mense praat van die rooftog waarin ‘n vragmotor en ‘n LAW gesteel is, van die rowers SAPD-glimbaadjies gedra het, hulle met R5-aanvalsgewere gewapen was en die speurhoof glo op die toneel opgemerk is. Die vragmotor is (glo deur polisielede) opgespoor en na die Polisiekantoor in Tzaneen gebring, waar dit geparkeer is (teen die verkeer).
Welcome drink Freshly squeezed fruit juice South African Full cream sherry Soup Mulligatawny soup Breads Assorted savoury breads Butter & margarine Homemade assorted jams, marmalades & cheese platter Starters Mini riblets Beef samosas Chicken sauté Country style tuna quiche Main Lovely jacket potatoes with several fillings or toppings
Mediterranean grilled vegetables with balsamic and thyme spice Three bean salad Green garden salad Savoury Rice North Indian chicken curry Oven baked yellow tail with a hollandaise sauce Homemade venison pie Chakalaka & brown sauce On the spit African braised lamb Dessert Jan Ellis pudding with custard Ice cream bomb Red velvet cake Selection of tea & coffee
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A rather big number of contracted IEC staffers who were deployed to facilitate the 7 May general elections accuse the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of having withheld their payment. The workers say some of them waited for five weeks and still had to go without money. One of the people said that before they started working for the IEC they were told to expect payment within two weeks. The same person said he has still not seen a single cent. The IEC provincial office was not available for comment at the time of going to print. However, we have learnt from a reliable source that the IEC has encountered a number of challenges with the payment of contract workers — one being that the accounts submitted by some of the workers were invalid.
13 June 2014
Prime Time & Crime Bulletin Crime Reporter: Arnold Mabunda - arnold@bulletin.us.com
Culprits handcuffed Bolobedu police never hesitated to handcuff fifty culprits who aimlessly instigated violence in the nearby areas over the past week. Police also took in sixteen suspects involved in rape, assault, malicious damage to property, housebreaking and theft. In the same area 34 more people were locked up for contravention of protection orders and drinking in public.
Reckless motorists held As many as 24 alleged reckless motorists and
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three other culprits who opted to break the Robbed at gunpoint law were arrested by Haenertsburg police Last week Saturday morning a 27 year over the past week. Police also arrested one old Ethiopian businessman was robbed at person for being in possession of dagga and gunpoint at Mugwazeni, Ritavi by three two others for drinking in public. unknown men. This happened after the three men believed to be between the ages of 21 and To appear for rape 25 years invaded the shop under false pretence The 61-year-old owner of the Pot & Plough of being customers. The businessman whose restaurant in Magoebaskloof, Gary Barnes, name remains confidential was robbed an has to appear in court again in Polokwane on amount of R1 600 and R300 worth of airtime 2 September in connection with the alleged vouchers. The victim was reportedly rescued rape of a minor. by customers who informed the police of the incident. No arrest or injuries were reported. Taken into custody However, an investigation of housebreaking As Letsitele police were busy monitoring and theft has been launched. their area, 37 people who might have been busy with criminal activities were taken into Suspected pervert caught custody. Police caught 22 people for their Residents of Thibeng in the Bolobedu area involvement in rape, assault, Liquor Law were happy last week Friday night after an offences and violating a protection order, 84-year-old suspected pervert, one Nakampe while fifteen others were jailed for traffic Solomon Mohale, was arrested for the rape of offences. an eleven-year-old girl. It is alleged that the suspect gave the girl R2 after he had raped her. The girl’s mother, whose identity still remains confidential, sent her daughter to a local shop to buy bread. According to police reports the suspect warned the teen not to inform anyone of the ordeal. The suspect was reportedly arrested
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cattle feed and compost
on a charge of rape. He appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court on Monday, and was granted bail of R1 000. The case has been remanded to 8 July, to allow for further police investigations.
Department condemns rape The Department of Social Development has condemned the rape of a one-year-old girl by her two cousins aged 10 and 15 years at Shihoko, Ritavi. The incident reportedly occurred on 1 June, but was only reported to the police on Tuesday last week. This incident happened just four days after the end of the National Child Protection Week. Departmental spokesperson Adele van der Linde said that “we condemn this kind of an act of violence against vulnerable children in the strongest possible terms. The Department implores communities to seek professional help from social workers” said Van der Linde.
Vier vas danksy samewerking Nog vier vermeende renosterstropers is agter tralies, danksy goeie samewerking onder boere. Skaars twee weke nadat drie vermeende renosterstropers vasgetrek is by Eckland Safari’s, het boere van die Alldaysomgewing gewys hulle kan goed saamwerk, toe hulle vier stropers op die plaas van mnr Johan Kruger gevang het. Bure, vriende en die polisie het tot Kruger se hulp gekom, nadat ‘n dragtige renosterkoei op sy plaas gedood is vir haar horings en nog een gewond is. Die vier verdagtes wat op Kruger se plaas aangekeer is, is tussen die ouderdomme van 36 en 41 en drie is Suid-Afrikaners, terwyl een glo van Mosambiek kom. Die verhoorafwagtende Dawie Groenewald het gehelp met die soektog. Groenewald, ‘n goeie vriend van Kruger, het sy helikopter beskikbaar gestel vir ‘n soektog vanuit die lug. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder Ronel Otto bevestig dat ‘n .375-jaggeweer met ‘n knaldemper, ammunisie, ‘n bebloede jagmes en twee renosterhorings by die mans gevind is. — LiN Nuus/Zoutpansberger
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“Our Opinion” — Turn to page 6
Tzaneen se Poskantoor-skande
Tzaneen se nuwe Polisiebevelvoerder, brig Christene Bensch, sou gistermiddag (Donderdag) samesprekings met die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit oor onder meer die probleme om die dorp se vieslike Poskantoorgebou en -terrein gevoer het. Dit was te laat vir ons om voor ons druktyd oor die uitslag van die samesprekings navraag te doen. Straatslapers, baie van wie meesal bedwelmd is omdat hulle gom, petrol en ander middels snuif, het Saterdagnag (weer) vuur gemaak in die gebou en redelike groot brandskade is aan houtdeure, vloerteëls en glas veroorsaak. Ons het Woensdag navraag hieroor gedoen en vreemd genoeg gevind dat die posmeester, mnr Rodger Makgoboya, nie die voorval en die skade aan sy provinsiale hoofkantoor deurgevoer het nie. Mnr Johan Kruger van die Poswese se streekhoofkantoor in Polokwane het gesê hulle is onbewus van die brand en gepaardgaande skade. Die Polisie se woordvoerder in Tzaneen, lt-kol Ngoepe, het eweneens kennis van die
brand ontken. Die Poskantoorterrein is reeds lank ‘n doring in die vlees vir Tzaneen se inwoners. Die reuk van urine hang menige dag swaar in die lug en in die gebou. Die terrein lyk ook baie dae soos ‘n opelug-veldtoilet. Verder lê rommel buite om die gebou, baie daarvan papier en kartonne wat die straatslapers as komberse gebruik. Mense sê die vieslike terrein rym nie met ‘n dorp wat onlangs as die TV-program Kwêla se “Dorp van die Jaar” benoem is nie. Dit rym ook allermins met die gereelde “Skoonste dorp in Limpopo”-toekennings wat Tzaneen ontvang nie. Dit dui daarop dat die toekennings nie op meriete gedoen word nie, of dat die res van die provinsie se dorpe in ‘n ellendige toestand moet wees. Bensch het duidelik ‘n nuwe aanslag en ‘n mening oor al die verkeerde dinge in die dorp. Benewens die straatslapers en gomsnuifers pla die misbruik en diefstal van winkelwaentjies haar ook. Dit blyk dat die bestuurders van die groot afdelingswinkels in die dorp min gepla is met die skade aan
waentjies. ‘n Winkelwaentjie kos deesdae heelwat meer as R1 000 en die verbruikers moet maar daarvoor opdok. In die verlede het die Polisie gesê die winkeleienaars moet die diefstal en/of onregmatige gebruik van die waentjies aanmeld en dan kan dit ondersoek word. Maar die winkeleienaars doen dit nie en staan onverskillig teenoor die probleem. Bensch is ook bekommerd oor die informele handelaars (smouse) wat die dorp, veral in die sakekern, stelselmatig en toenemend beset en onwettig handel dryf. Dit is die GTM wat moet optree en hul wetstoepassers hiervoor moet gebruik, maar hulle kyk met gevoude arms hoe die probleme toeneem en besig is om buite beheer te raak. • Foto’s deur Louis Roux, Arnold Mabunda & Maureen Knoesen. Die foto’s is Maandag geneem, nadat brandskade aan die gebou Saterdagnag aangerig is. — Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
& Francois Aucamp
13 June 2014
13 June 2014
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Our Opinion
Die Boodskap
Friday 13 June 2014
Dr Jan Truter Herv Kerk Letsitele
What are the secrets?
Slaap God? In `n afgeleë huis het `n ma en haar vier-
How lucky can you be! One very lucky customer at Modjadjiskloof Spar was the winner of a brand new Polo Vivo! Ms Lucy Ngobeni is in the photo with the store manager, Mr Darren Smith!
Bulletin 11 January 2013
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
What is it that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s councillors would like to hide from their ratepayers and the public at large? Could it be the exorbitant legal fees that they (have to) pay to defend their poor decisions? Or the fact that certain attorneys are being paid excessive fees? Could it be the fact they allow their own by-laws to be ignored and challenged by informal traders, people occupying land illegally and the appalling conditions at the Talana Hostel complex? Could it be the fact that infrastructure in Tzaneen (the hen that lays the golden eggs as far as revenue is concerned) has been neglected to the point that systems now begin to collapse? Could it be that they feel guilty — which is unlikely — about the wasteful and fruitless expenditure on eats and drinks, functions, luxury vehicles, corporate gifts, golden hand shakes etcetera? Could it be that they have failed so miserably (service delivery) that they can’t afford the populace to hear the facts? Could it be that nepotism, tender corruption, favouritism and other shady practices have come back to haunt them? Whatever it is, we will be there to watch over their activities and behaviour and we will continue to report on it without fear or favour; in the interest of our community.
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Schools in the Tzaneen area can boast yet another good year as far as matric results are concerned. Top performing school is Stanford Lake College with a 100% pass rate. Merensky is in second place with a 98,9% pass rate — slightly down from 2011, when the school had a rather strong
(academic) group. Ponani Phumla Mabunda (left) of Kwangulatilo High School in Giyani was the Mopani District’s top matriculant for 2012, with seven distinctions. Orlando Chauke (who also took the photo) reports that she didn’t shy away from showing her happiness and excitement after she had received her results. She is one of Limpopo’s top pupils and obtained distinctions in Xitsonga, English, mathematics, physical science,
agricultural science, life science and life orientation. “I have my parents to thank for my success. They provided me with the necessary support and study material to help me out during my studies,” she told Bulletin. • The collection of the information pertaining to the matric results was done by Bulletin’s Retha Nel, Beaunice Mnisi, Amelia de Ridder and Martina Jege. * Turn to page 3 for the full details of the matric results of ten high schools in our area.
Well done! We congratulate all the 2012 matrics who passed.
Top of the heap! 8
Top 3
from 6 schools
Myhammad Tyob Stanford Lake College
Hajira Hassim Stanford Lake College
community 6
Anja Revelas Stanford Lake College
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news, photos, video clips, events etc Top IT in Limpopo Top in Tzn circuit Vincent Kruger Merensky
Simon Merenkowitz Merensky
Khanyisele Bvuma St George College
Hanri Marais Merensky
Joy Ngobeni Meridian College
Basani Bambisa Ben Vorster
Kamo Ntjie Meridian College
Charlene Muhlarhi Ben Vorster
Ntsako Magamana Meridian College
Fumani Mongwe Ben Vorster
Chanty Mathebula DJZ Mthebule
Rixongile Mabunda St George College
Ehleketani Mthombeni DJZ Mthebule
Fumani Maluleke St George College
Jamela Shikwambana DJZ Mthebule
Top Maths Literacy in Limpopo
Phillip ter Beest Merensky
jaaroue dogtertjie reggemaak om te gaan slaap. Die kind was bang vir die donker in die groot huis. Weens hul eensaamheid was die ma self huiwerig en bang. Die ma maak uiteindelik die lig dood. Buite waai die wind en dit is donker. Albei lê bang in die bed. Deur die oop venster sien die dogtertjie die vol maan skyn. “Is die maan God se lig?” vra die kind. “Ja,” antwoord die ma, “God se lig skyn altyd.” Die kind se volgende vraag: “Sal God ook netnou sy lig doodmaak en gaan slaap?” Die ma antwoord: “Nee, my kindjie, God slaap nooit nie.” Die dogtertjie antwoord met kinderlike vertroue: “Mamma, as God wakker is, is ek nie bang nie.” Sy sê dit met so `n oorgawe en vertroue dat die ma ook sommer dadelik gerus voel. God waak en Hy sal hulle bewaar. Dit is `n ou en bekende storie, maar die waarheid daarin is so kosbaar, dat ons dit weer kan oordink. As ons aan God behoort, is ons vir Hom kosbaar en Hy bewaar ons. Sy waaksaamheid verslap nooit nie. Gedurig kan ons in Hom vertrou en na Hom toe vlug as ons bedreig voel. Die bekende prediker Charles Spurgeon het per geleentheid gesê: “How often we allow fear – of darkness, of failure, of suffering, of death – to rob us of our sleep and of our joy in life? God’s light never goes out; He is ever awake to our needs.” “Waarlik, die Beskermer van Israel sluimer nie in nie en Hy slaap nie. Die Here beskerm jou” (Psalm 121:4,5).
SAVF Tzaneen se kleuterskool is ‘n wenner Die SAVF kleuterskool in Tzaneen, wat pas aangewys is as die beste kleuterskool van die groep in die land, spog met nog ‘n eerste waarvan die publiek nie kennis dra nie. Kragtens die nuwe gewysigde Kinderwet moet alle kleuteren bewaarskole in 2015 by die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling geregistreer wees. Dié registrasie is onderwerp aan ‘n lang lys van reels en verpligtinge waaraan voldoen moet word. Tzaneen se kleuterskool was twee weke gelede die heel eerste in die streek wat sy registrasie ontvang het. Die hoof, me Annette Eastes, sê sy het vroeg reeds aansoek gedoen om geregistreer te word en is deur ‘n hele proses voor dit goedgekeur is. Die skool is deur beamptes besoek en die klaskamers is onder meer gemeet om te bepaal hoeveel kinders onder ses jaar in een klas mag wees. So mag kleuters onder agtien maande nie meer as twaalf in een klas wees nie, terwyl kleuters van drie tot vier jaar tot ‘n maksimum van twintig per klas beperk is. Kinders tussen vyf en ses jaar word beperk tot dertig per klas.
Die skool se grondwet en dagprogramme moes voorgelê word, terwyl elke personeellid ‘n beëdigde verklaring by die polisie moes gaan aflê dat geen kriminele of siviele klagtes ooit teen hulle of die skool ingedien is nie. Eastes sê volgens wet moet elke klas ‘n klasassistent hê, vir gevalle waar die juffrou aan diens se aandag elders benodig word. Sy weet van ‘n bewaarskool in Tzaneen waar tot sestig kinders deur een mens in ‘n motorhuis gehuisves word. “Hier is soveel fasette waarop die Kinderwet aandring. Ons kleuterskool is in 2002 laas deur ‘n gesondheidsinspekteur besoek. Ek moes deur politieke kanale werk om ‘n gesondheidsinspeksie van die skool te kry. Die bevinding was: “Uitstekend”. Die hoof oor dagsorgsentra by die SAVF in Pretoria, me Nelie Viljoen-Toet, sê hul organisasie het reeds twee jaar gelede vir die registrasies begin voorberei. Sy skat nagenoeg die helfte van die 33 kleuterskole in die SAVF het reeds ver gevorder met die voorbereiding vir registrasie. Volgens haar sal elke provinsie die proses op hul eie hanteer,
maar die koordinasie daarvan sal uiteindelik nasionaal geskied. “Alle dagsorgsentrums sal moontlik nie aan al die streng vereistes kan voldoen nie, maar die strewe van die wet om beter standaarde te kry, sal ‘n groot verbetering in dagsorg van kleuters daarstel.” LINKS ONDER: Die SAVF kleuterskool in Tzaneen is landwyd as die SAVF se Kleuterskool van die Jaar aangewys. Hier is die onderwyseresse en ander personeellede wat danksy harde werk en toewyding ‘n wenskool bedryf. Voor is mee Luitha Herfurth, Marlize Schutte, Ina van Rensburg, Annette Eastes (hoof) en Ria Smit. In die tweede ry is mee Salomé van Schalkwyk, Engela Burger, Liana van Niekerk, Marietjie Prinsloo, Rina Swanepoel en Hester Verryne. Agter staan mee Juanita Moller, Althea Welthagen, Annelize Bekker, Christa van der Hyde, Irma Prinsloo, Ora Jacobs, Irene de Bruin en Sune Jacobs. ONDER: Die skoonmaakpersoneel: mee Violet Mbeve, Selinah Madia, Lassy Matsetla, Emely Kobela en Rachel Letsoalo. Voor is mee Christa van der Hyde en die hoof, Annette Eastes.
Bulletin 10
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13 June 2014
GTM councillors’ tongues are tied! No more talking to the media. This is the latest law of the Medes and Persians in the GTM — at a time when the ANC has pledged more transparent government and even passed laws like the Promotion of Information Act (commonly known as PAIA) to stimulate and promote openness in government. The GTM’s council passed a motion which would prevent councillors from leaking information about issues discussed during council meetings to the media. The move was initiated in a meeting of the Executive Committee (Exco) and taken to the
council for a final rubber stamp adoption. Councillors who transgress and get caught out will have to face disciplinary procedures. After a closed door meeting, the motion was passed by the council. It was quite remarkable to experience the tight-lipped councillors after the adjournment of the meeting, reports Bulletin’s Michael Sakuneka. One councillor, who obviously wanted to remain anonymous, later said that a lot is happening in the GTM and not all councillors are happy with what’s happening. He said members of the EXCO at
Four Mayors facing the axe Rumors were rife this week that the ANC in Mopani is about to redeploy (the ANC’s euphemism for fire) four of its mayors, because their relationship with the current party leadership is not “healthy”. The four mayors are Mr Pule Mafologele of the Maruleng Municipality, Ms Annah Sono of BaPhalaborwa, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and Mr Joshua Matlou of the Mopani District Municipality (MDM). According to sources within the ANC, the process of recalling the four mayors is long overdue and was put on hold while the party was still preparing for last month’s general elections. Two of the mayors who will allegedly survive the chop are Messrs Pat Hlungwani of Greater Giyani and Godfrey City Modjadji of Greater Letaba — with Modjadji tipped to replace Matlou as Mayor of the MDM. Modjadji is the most experienced administrator and he is also a member of the ANC’s Mopani Regional Executive Committee. It is said that the party was still waiting for the
times take decisions which have repercussions and often bear serious consequences for the GTM’s finances. “The media is there to serve as watch-dog and should never be a lapdog. The media — unfortunately not every media player lives up to it — plays a vital role in making us pull up our socks when it comes to service delivery and the responsible spending of the public’s money,” he said. The councillor did not vote for the motion. He said he expects this decision to come back and ‘bite’ the council. — Michael Sakuneka
premier (who is the ANC provincial chairman) and his members of the executive committee (MEC’s) to settle in. In some circles it is said that the party should stop re-calling the mayor’s and leave them until 2016’s municipal elections, for the sake of unity. Approached for comment, the ANC’s provincial spokesperson, Ms Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, denied the rumors and said she had not heard of a reshuffle. “We have not heard anything along these lines from Mopani’s regional leadership or the PEC,” she said. The ANC’s Mopani regional secretary, Mr Bioskop Makamu, could not be reached for comment before the Bulletin went to print. — Michael Sakuneka, michael@bulletin.us.com
Gteda’s leaders to stay on The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s council has extended the contract of Mr Kwena Maphoto, the Chief Executive Officer of its development wing, the Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency (Gteda) by another three months. The council also extended the contract of
Seen here are the Mopani District’s mayors. At the back are Mr Pule Mafologele of Maruleng, Mr Pat Hlungwane of Greater Giyani, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle of Greater Tzaneen and Ms Anah Sono of BaPhalaborwa. In front are Mr City Modjadji of Greater Letaba, a previous MEC for cooperative governance and human settlement, Mr Soviet Lekganyane, and Mr Joshua Matlou of the Mopani District Municipality. The big question now is: who will stay and who will go?
Gteda board members by six months. Their term expired several months ago and this resulted in a dysfunctional entity. Maphoto’s contract is due to expire at the end of this month and the extension will be with effect from 1 July. “It is imperative that Gteda cannot be left without leadership and that is why we have decided to extend their contracts until such time we would have advertised and appointed a new CEO and the Board,” Machethe said. The council also decided to extend the contract of the GTM’s manager of the Project Management Unit, Mr Anton Killian, by twelve months. Killian’s contract would have expired at the end of this month. — Michael Sakuneka, michael@bulletin.us.com
Another golden handshake... The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has paid a settlement amount of close to R3 million to Mr Hannes Muller, who was dismissed from work about seven years ago. His dismissal came after a disciplinary hearing resulted in a
recommendation that he should be fired. The labour court overturned the decision and ordered the GTM to reinstate Muller as well as pay him all moneys that he would have earned during his suspension. According to GTM spokesman Neville Ndlala the GTM complied with the court order and they appointed Munro Consulting Actuaries to calculate the amount payable to Muller. “They found that the GTM owed Muller R2 779 014 of which R1 336 544 was paid to him on 6 December 2013 — leaving an outstanding amount of R1 442 470. The total amount owed to Muller on 11 April 2014 stood at R1 555 700. The GTM then paid an amount of R1 546 214, leaving a shortfall of R9 486 which was paid after legal and financial advice had been obtained,” Ndlala said. Because of short paying him, Muller was granted a Warrant of Execution by the court against the GTM on 19 May this year, which nearly resulted in some of the GTM’s assets being attached. — Michael Sakuneka, michael@bulletin.us.com
13 June 2014
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New life for Bonanza Liquors Bonanza Liquors has been a favourite shopping experience for the community of Tzaneen for many years. The liquor store had been around for more that ten years, before it was taken over by Mark Stevens in February 2001. Bonanza Liquors has always been at Tzaneen Crossing, formerly known as Sanlam Centre. When the mall changed to Tzaneen Crossing, the taxi rank was moved to the back parking area, and parking became very limited for customers who wanted to shop at the various stores. However, Bonanza Liquors managed to keep strong, luckily having an entrance on the Skirving Street side, and another entrance to the taxi rank. And their services has been so good that most of their customers still kept coming. Last year, their rental contract came to an end, and the landlord proposed that they would renew their contract — but the shop had to move to the end of the mall into new premises that was going to be built where the car-
wash used to be, next to the BP filling station. After looking around for a new shop, Mark felt he had no other choice but to stay at Tzaneen Crossing and move to the newly built shop. There was nothing else suitable and available. So the building and alterations began; and Bonanza started to feel the pinch on the business, caused by the inconvenience of the renovations. The new shop was ready for occupation by the end of August 2013. So the big move began, and of course this too was a financial strain — because of the cost of moving all the stock and equipment and to do the new shop fitting, as well as to install the walk-in fridge and cold room. Eventually, Bonanza was all settled in, and then sales started to drop even more! The reason for this was that now customers were struggling to get to the new store, as the new parking area was not complete. Taxi’s started taking over the unfinished parking area and kept blocking everyone off. Bonanza even found it difficult to continue with business as normal, like doing their usual deliveries to their customers everyday, because they could not get in and out of the parking area. Even their new delivery yard was inaccessible, because vehicles kept parking in front of the gate, and a huge pile of rubble stood in the way for months. During December last year, it was so grid locked with vehicles, that even their suppliers struggled to deliver stock to the store, which had a huge effect on sales. They have
had to let some staff go and cut down on other running costs, to try and keep head above water. Then in this year, the landlord started with tarring and fixing up the parking area. The tractors came and dug very large holes right in front of the entrance of Bonanza. To add insult to injury, so to speak, the rain started to come down and it rained for weeks, and the holes filled up with water. After many weeks the contractors continued with the parking area, when the rain had stopped. The parking area has finally been tarred, and for the time being the security of Tzaneen Crossing will be controlling the parking area so that customers will have better access. It has been a difficult journey for Bonanza, and they appeal to all their customers new and old, to come and support local. Their shop offers all customers good prices, free ice on big orders and good service. They also do helium for balloons, which is great for party décor, in a range of different colours. They are also offering all bars, restaurants and guest houses list price for self collection on a cash basis. Talk to Mark on 015 307 5426 or 073 000 5558 or send an e-mail to bonanza@tzaneen. co.za. “Please also ‘like’ our Facebook page. Just search for Overland Bonanza Liquors. I would like to thank all the people who have stood by me over these past months, giving me support and encouragement to keep positive and to keep strong,” Mark said.
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Bonanza Liquor House “Always going the extra mile”
Mark & Sheneem Stevens Tel: (015) 307-5426 Fax: (015) 307-2735 Email: bonanza@tzaneen.co.za
Trading Hours: Mon - Sat 09:00 - 19:00 Sat 09:00 - 17:00 Open public holidays
Shop 33, Tzaneen Crossing Mall, 27 Skirving Street, Tzaneen Vat # 4670262577
10995 HUNTER’S GOLD / DRY CANS 6x440ml
Extended Father’s Day Special | 13 - 21 JUNE while stocks last!
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13 June 2014
13 June 2014
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P.O. BOX 24 , TZANEEN 0850
Press release
TEL: 015 307 8000 • FAX: 015 307 8049
GTM calls on residents to save electricity The Greater Tzaneen Municipality is calling on residents to reduce their consumption of electricity. Residential electricity consumption is usually responsible for up to 40% of a municipality’s total electricity consumption. With the winter season just around the corner, Eskom’s national grid will again be under strain and every contribution to save energy will assist in keeping the electrical supply stable and reliable.
The above initiatives indicate the beginning of an era in 2) Insulate your geyser which the Greater Tzaneen Municipality will also count Install geyser blankets to maximise heat retention. If amongst the South African cities setting the trend in your geyser feels hot on the outside it is busy radileaving a low carbon footprint in the environment. ating heat and wasting energy. The hot water pipes from the geyser to the bathrooms/kitchen should also be insulated for the first 3 metres at least. It is suggested to use approved suppliers for the material and installation obtained from the Eskom website listed above.
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality will launch a marketing campaign calling on all residents to reduce their consumption by 20-40%. It is intended to encourage No-cost options-behavioural change energy efficiency awareness amongst the general public including all spheres of the community. 1) Turn geyser temperature down to 60 degrees C Reducing hot water temperature geyser settings reThe marketing campaign is a result of practical induces energy consumption mainly as a result of reputs from energy management consultants actively duced radiation from the geyser and hot water pipes. involved in the field, as well as research done by the For health reasons the setting should not be reduced Municipality in association with Eskom’s Integrated Deto below 60 degrees C. mand Management program. Energy savings can vary from costless behavioural changes such as turning off 2) Use less hot water and unplugging electrical appliances after use and reFor example, shower instead of bath, only fill the ketducing geyser thermostat settings, to replacing electritle with as much water as required, wash a full load of cal appliances with energy-efficient technology, which dishes and use cold water whenever possible. will have cost implications. However, certain devices that make use of energysaving technology will pay for 3) Switch off equipment not in use itself shortly after installation due to the immediate Turn appliances off at the power socket when not in savings in electricity costs. Examples of energy-efficient use as some still consume about 20% of the energy appliances and equipment are compact fluorescent normally used for the specific appliance. Geysers lamps (CFL) and light emitting diodes (LED) lighting, as should be turned off when going on holiday. well as solar- and heat-pump based hot water systems, which are slowly replacing conventional geysers. 4) Reduce pool pumps’ operating hours Pool pumps’ operating hours should be reduced to The marketing campaign is also aimed at informing the approximately 6 hours per day, preferably not bepublic with regards to the latest available energy-savtween 07:00-10:00 and 18:00-20:00 as these are the ing technology, and to eliminate common misconcepEskom peak operating intervals. tions, such as turning geysers on and off during the day to save energy. According to Dr Pierre van Rhyn 5) Reduce excessive heating and cooling from MVM Africa Consulting Engineers, one of the MuThe heating of rooms during winter and cooling nicipality’s energy efficiency consultants, “if hot waduring summer consumes large amounts of energy. ter consumption usage patterns are not changed, the Only heat or cool occupied rooms. It is suggested same amount of energy will be used. This must not be that electrical fans are considered during summer confused with maximum demand load management rather than air conditioning for cooling purposes. where geysers are programmed to be turned off during The best no-cost saving option is wearing warmer the Eskom evening peak from 18:00-20:00.” clothing during winter and opening windows during summer. Over the next 6 months, home owners will receive promotional flyers enclosed with their electricity accounts. In addition, the marketing campaign will also feature Low cost options-under R1000 in the printed media as well as on streets with poster 1) Energy-efficient shower heads campaigns. It is suggested that shower flow rates be limited to no more than 10 litres per minute. This can easily be According to Dr Van Rhyn, the Greater Tzaneen Mumeasured at home with a bucket and stopwatch. Ennicipality’s public lighting infrastructure, traffic lights, ergy-efficient shower heads can be obtained from cooling and ventilation of offices, hot water installaEskom-approved service providers, which will save tions and water pump stations will all be refitted with energy and repay the investment within a few weeks energy-efficient technology over the next 3 years. The Department of Energy has awarded an amount of or months of installation. This appliance will not R7,000,000 to the municipality to initiate this process compromise your showering experience. See www. during this first cycle of 3 years. eskomdsm.co.za for approved suppliers.
3) Install energy-efficient lighting CFL light bulbs use 75% less power than the old incandescent lamps. However, care should be taken when handling these lamps as they contain small amounts of harmful chemicals and therefore has to be disposed of with care. Some retailers, e.g. Pick n Pay, have safe drop-off points where these lamps can be disposed of safely. The new generation energy saver in lighting technology is undoubtedly the LED light bulb, which is slowly but surely being offered in all sizes and shapes. These light bulbs are even more efficient than CFLs, with an average lifetime of about 130 times longer than CFLs. Unfortunately, they are still currently a bit expensive but as technology develops they will become cheaper. It is however an option to consider this technology from early stages when building new homes. Of course, the switching off of lights in unoccupied rooms is still the most obvious way to save electricity.
Investment options 1) Install a solar geyser Solar water heaters can save up to 50% of your energy bill with a payback period of no more than 5 years. Eskom-approved installers and suppliers of material will ensure that you qualify for the Eskom subsidy to help reduce the cost. Please refer to the Eskom website for more details. 2) Install a heat pump Heat pumps can achieve similar savings, but it requires an electrical supply for its compressor. This appliance heats water for 24 hours per day, unlike the solar panels which only heats water during the day. One of the positive features of heat pumps is the fact that a family would generally not have to adapt their showering or bathing routine to accommodate hot water availability. No solar panels are visible on roofs as the unit will typically be wall mounted, similar to an air conditioner. Eskom subsidies are also available for heat-pump technology. 3) Ceiling insulation Research has shown that insulation in the ceiling can keep homes 5 degrees C warmer during the winter and 10 degrees C cooler during the summer. Insulation will therefore result in less energy required for indoor heating or cooling. Bulletin©9559gtm140613tb
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13 June 2014
Archie’s 60-year-old tree re-imagined One of the oldest known baobab bonsai trees in the country was the centre of attention during the Tzaneen Garden Clubs’ recent visit to Hennie Smit’s bonsai garden. Smit presented an informative talk on the art of bonsai and also treated the sixteen inquisitive green-finger ladies to a demonstration in styling and shaping a bonsai tree. The tree used for this purpose was the baobab which was dug out by the late Mr Archie van A 60-year-old baobab (left below) dug up by the late Mr Archie van Reenen was transformed by bonsai enthusiast Hennie Smit into a beautiful specimen styled in the formal baobab bonsai style (left above), during a recent demonstration at Hennie’s home for the ladies of the Tzaneen Garden Club. Ms Lilian van Reenen (wife) brought the tree to the demo and was thrilled and deeply moved by the tree’s transformation, in honour of her late husband.
Reenen six decades ago. Van Reenen at one time had a collection of over 4 000 eggs from 438 SA bird species. His wonderful tales about his passion for our feathered friends were published in his book ‘For the love of birds’. Archie’s wife Lilian, now in her eighties, brought her late husband’s tree which was transformed into a perfect bush specimen mirroring its elephantine cousins, by a masterful Smit who is widely known and respected in Bonsai circles for his skill with baobabs. Twelve years ago Smit helped the late Van Reenen to repot the tree. Bonsai as a hobby was only just gaining popularity in the area and one of the largest pots available at the time was used. The tree was again repotted as part of the demonstration and this time, in a pot perfectly suited to it. At times the demonstration
‘n Gerekende blommekenner van Tzaneen, me Hendra Gouws van Die Blomskuur, vertrek op 15 Junie na Dublin, Ierland, waar sy aan die Wêreld Blommeskou gaan deelneem. Sowat 33 lande sal daar deelneem. Gouws het ingeskryf vir ‘n rangskikking in afdeling drie van die skoukompetisie. Sy sal al haar blommemateriaal in Ierland kry en neem net enkele toebehore saam Die tema vir haar rangskikking is “Forgotten place”. Sy het al voorheen deelgeneem, toe die Wêreldskou in Durban gehou is. “Ek het sewe jaar lank gespaar om aan dié een deel te neem.” Vanjaar se hooftema vir die skou is “A floral odyssey”. Nog twee inskrywings van Limpopo sal haar vergesel. Hulle is van Polokwane en Louis Trichardt.
Letaba FET College 1 Claude wheatley street Tzaneen 0850
Tel: 015 307 5440 Fax: 015 307 2204
Private Bag x4017 Tzaneen, 0850
INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS TO SERVE IN THE LETABA FET COLLEGE COUNCIL 1. The Letaba FET College whose Head Office commonly referred to as Central Office is situated in Tzaneen is a public College funded predominantly by Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and has a status of a company. Its activities and practices are governed by among other pieces of legislation, the FET Act 16 of 2006 as amended, Public Finance Management Act of 1999, and the Public Service Act of 2004, Public Service Regulations 2001, Labour Relations Act of 1995, and other range legislation. 2. In terms of section 9 (4) of the FET Act 16 of 2006 as amended, Letaba FET College like any other Public FET College is required to have a College Council which is an equivalent of the Board of Directors to take care of the governance responsibilities. 3. Composition of the Public FET College Council, including that of Letaba FET College is prescribed in section 10 (4) of Act of 16 of 2006 as amended. So far the Minister of Higher Education and Training has in terms of section 10(4)(b) appointed the five College Council members of Letaba FET College. 4. This advert seeks to fulfil the provision of section 10 (6), which stipulates that the College Council in consultation with the Minister of Higher Education and Training is required to appoint four additional members from outside the College who possess skills in finance, human resources and legal services. 5. To this end the Letaba FET College is inviting individuals with adequate educational qualifications individuals who in addition have management and or have leadership skills or successfully run their own business to apply for the four vacancies of College Council members in the following functional areas: 5.1 Human Resources 5.2 Finances 5.3 Legal Services 5.4 Either Education or Information Communication Technology 6. Interested and qualifying individuals may send their application letters together with their detailed curriculum vitae to: Acting Principal/CEO, Letaba FET College, Private Bag X4017, TZANEEN, 0850. Alternatively individuals may hand deliver their applications at: Letaba FET College, Central Office,1 Claude Wheatley Street, TZANEEN 0850.
Applicants should please note that:
• Serving as a College Council member is not a remunerative or salaried work but, a voluntary to serve one’s own beloved Country. Nonetheless the College does reimburse Council members for travel and accommodation expenses that are incurred as a result of attending Council meetings. • The term of the office is five years (counting from February 2014) which may be extend for a period not exceeding six months. • Applicants are advised to show the area of their interest in the heading line of their application which must be Finance, Human Resource, Legal Services or Education. • Copies of proof of qualifications must be certified and attached to the application letter and CV. • Enquiries may be directed to the Acting Principal at the following: E-mail: manganyika@letabafet.co.za Telephone landline: 015 307 5440 Cell phone: 072 322 1918 • This is a re-advertisement therefore those who applied earlier need not re-apply since their applications will be considered together with the applications likely to be received in response to this re-advertisement. • Closing date for receiving applications is 20 June 2014. • If you do not receive any response from the College within two months after the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. bulletin©9632fet140606tb
pulled on the heartstrings and an emotional Lilian said “I wished Archie was here to be able to ap-
preciate the tree’s improved appearance. (See photos and descriptions on the left of the page)
13 June 2014
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13 June 2014
Troeteldier Pets Keeping your pets healthy and happy!
Graphic Design: Tamryn Branch Winfred Baloyi & David Morrison
Editorial: Joy Mojela Marketing: Jacques Smuts & Thinus van Deventer
Equestrian Supplies @ Tzaneen Midas Grooming equipment, tack, saddles and more!
• Hoof Pick
1900 • Grooming Brushes
• Fly Repellent 4000
• Dip
6400 19000 • Bimectin
• Hoof Treatment
• Panacur Paste
Visit Tzaneen Midas for all your equestrian needs! For more information contact: Kathleen Smit 015 307 1842 or kathleen@midastzaneen.co.za
Horse health and welfare Owning a horse is a tremendous responsibility, not just in flies. Clean water must always be available to the horse terms of ensuring proper nutritional needs for the horse and only fresh hay which is free from dust and mould are met, but in meeting his / her welfare needs too. should be fed. The quantity of food and supplements Daily grooming of horses is essential, and should in- your horse requires will depend on the breed, age and size clude brushing the coat to remove dust and mud, as well of the horse, as well as the type and amount of work it as cleaning of the hooves does. Maintaining a proper and the application of a suitdeworming and regular vacable fly repellent. This not cination program, especially only helps to keep the horse against the dreaded African in good condition, but also horse sickniss, is a must. helps to identify any poTack should be properly fittential problems, such as ted to avoid it causing pain small cuts which need to or discomfort to the horse be treated, thorns and ticks through chaffing, bruising which need to be removed or pinching. An improperly or small stones which are fitting saddle, for example, lodged in the hooves. The can cause severe pain for regular application of a suitthe horse and may lead to able treatment to kill ticks is behavioural problems such also advisable. Bear in mind as bucking or rearing. Bits however that, even with which are broken, damaged the regular application of a For all you equestrian supplies visit the Tzaneen Midas or rusted must be discarded. Equestrian supplies section where Kathleen Smit will astick treatment, daily checks To meet all the needs of sist you. Pictured is Kathleen with little Ethan Miller at last should still be done to re- years Western Games Equestrian Day which also featured your equine friend, visit move any ticks which may Midas Tzaneens’ Equestrian her adorable miniature horses. have settled on the horse. supplies section today for a For horses which are stabled, stables must be lined with comprehensive range of grooming equipment, tack, sadsuitable, dust-free bedding and must be cleaned on a regu- dles and more. lar basis. Failure to do so is likely to result in health and For more information call Kathleen Smit on 015-307-1842 welfare problems for the horse and dirty stables will attract or email her at kathleen@midastzaneen.co.za
Keeping your cat happy indoors While confining your cat to the indoors is often seen as cruelty and restricting the animal’s nature to hunt, stalk, scratch, and mark their territory; allowing your cat to roam the outdoors is synonymous with many risks and dangers. Outside, your cat can get hit by a car, fight and pick up parasites and diseases during contact with other animals, and many more. Studies show that when given proper care, cats kept indoors often outlive their counterparts allowed to roam the street by more than 10 years. At the same time, wheth• Plant a few pots of cat grass and catnip er your cat has always been indoors or was in a sunny window. Or create a jungle of catonce an outdoor kitty, try giving it as many of pleasing plants in big and small pots. Make the joys of the outside world as you can. sure the plants you offer are cat-safe. Many Here are a few ways to ensure your cat greens can be toxic to cats, including amarylgets the most of its long life indoors: lis, chrysanthemums, English ivy, iris, lilies, and tulips. • Provide lots of solo diversions – TVs, computers and games. Most of us are happy to stay indoors when we have fun things to play with. Cats are no different. It’s also very cheap to amuse felines. • Scratching posts
Caring for senior dogs It might seem like only yesterday when you brought home your adorable, playful puppy, but time flies! It is often said that a dog ages seven years for every human year. However, this is somewhat inaccurate. The rate at which a dog ages depends on its lifestyle, environment, and size. Large dogs generally age faster than smaller ones. Large and giant breed dogs (over 23 kg) are considered “senior” by the time they are six to seven years old. Medium breeds (09-23 kg) reach their golden years at around age nine. Small dogs and toy breeds become seniors as late as their early teens. • Good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy plan for your dog’s golden years. Feed your dog a high quality, reduced calorie diet made especially for seniors. Senior diets have better digestibility, and contain extra fiber and vitamins to accommodate slower digestive function. They also contain antioxidants for improved immune function, and omega-3 fatty acids for joint health and a better hair coat. Nutritional supplements can also be beneficial. Be sure to consult your veterinarian for specific advice about the best nutrition for your older dog. Consider also an elevated feeder to make mealtime easier. Don’t forget to provide plenty of fresh water daily too. • Decreased activity levels and mobility challenges often lead to weight gain. This in
and cardboard scratch pads give cats the chance to expend energy, remove worn claw bits, and play. Make these spots even more enticing with a sprinkle of catnip. • Offer lots of toys. To keep the cat’s interest, rotate through the stash, removing some toys and re-introducing others every week or two. Cats don’t need fancy play things. Paper bags, boxes, or a few balls of wadded paper are great entertainment. • Hide a few dry treats throughout the house. Cats will hunt for these hidden treasures for hours. You can also buy treat-dispensing toys. • Some cats love “cat videos” full of bird and small mammal closeups. Pop in one of these DVDs specially made for cats and see if yours starts tracking the motions of the other animals and talking at and swatting the screen. You can also try computer screen savers of flapping butterflies, scur-
turn aggravates any mobility challenges, and the vicious cycle ensues. Do not neglect your regular dog walks. Moderate daily exercise aids with weight control, prevents injury, and keeps him limber. Hide-and-seek games with toys or treats help keep him mentally sharp. • Grooming your dog helps improve the hair coat and promotes circulation. • Provide a warm, well-padded orthopaedic bed on each level of your home so your dog can rest her bones and joints comfortably without having to climb a flight of stairs. If your dog is used to sleeping on your bed, provide a ramp or doggy stairs to prevent the need for jumping. Cover slippery wood or tile floors with non-slip mats. • Try to limit environmental stressors like extreme heat or cold, unfamiliar surroundings, curious children, or a rambunctious new pet. • And finally, preventive veterinary care is critical, even if your dog looks and seems perfectly healthy. Senior dogs should see the vet for a routine health screen at least twice every year. Remember: Your dog’s senior years are precious. One-on-one bonding and special attention to details will deepen your friendship and help it thrive. With luck and conscientious care, your old dog can live for many happy years . . . and even learn some new tricks! http://www.doghealth.com/senior/ caring-for-your-senior-dog
rying mice, burbling fish, or bouncing balls. • Try feeding your cat several small meals a day instead of two big ones. • Also (if possible) the companionship of another animal may be beneficial (another cat is ideal, though a new kitten can upset older cats). • Build a strong bond with your cat. A positive relationship with its owner is crucial to a cat’s emotional well being. Discipline with a squirt bottle can alienate your cat and make it nervous around people. With cats the best form of discipline is prevention and every care should be taken to avoid “bad habits”. If you move house or your cat becomes stressed it is a good idea to give him/her their own space, a quiet room that is not often used, with access to a litter tray is ideal. • Keep your cat’s litter box clean. Cats are very clean animals. Change litter regularly. They appreciate clean toilet facilities as much as we do. Some cats prefer different types of litter in. If your cat is used to one specific type of litter, it is a good idea to stick to it. This will also prevent soiling in the home.
Complete Dog Food 8kg R11053 incl.
13 June 2014
Complete Dog Feeder 10kg R24550 incl.
http://pets.webmd. com/features/ keeping-indoor-cat-happy and http://www. wikihow.com/ Make-Your-Cat-Happy
13 June 2014
Do’s: 1. Do set up their aquarium before you buy any goldfish Don’t buy goldfish and their home in the pet store on the same day. Set up the tank – with gravel, decorations and a filter – in good spot, preferably one that is quiet, away from a window or radiator and near a power supply. Fill it with water and switch on any pumps you’re using. It takes time for chlorine and other chemicals in tap water that can harm your fish to be expelled. 2. Do consider maturing your tank in advance A new aquarium takes time to ‘mature’. Tank filters and gravel are capable of breaking down waste before it pollutes the water. You can buy products to start this process off from the fish store. Such ‘cycling’ usually takes about two weeks and prevents your new fish being ex-
posed to pollution. 3. Do regularly change the water The very best thing you can do to keep your goldfish healthy is to regularly change some of the water. Using a siphon tube, remove about a fifth of the water once a week and replace it with new water, preferably water that you’ve left stand overnight. Changing water like this dilutes down the pollution, and adds fresh minerals to the tank.
Don’ts: 1. Don’t keep goldfish in a bowl Yes, some people keep their pets alive for years in a bowl, but many more lead short, unhappy lives. Goldfish are inquisitive fish that like to swim about and explore. Give them a tank at least two-foot long. Also, goldfish bowls pollute easily
and the design hinders the transfer of fresh oxygen into the water. 2. Don’t overfeed your goldfish Your fish should eat all the food you add within five to ten minutes. If there is food lying about on the floor of the aquarium, you’re overfeeding. This excess food will rot down and pollute the tank. 3. Don’t overstock your tank An aquarium can only hold so many fish before it starts to get polluted too quickly, or before the oxygen level in the water drops. A three-foot long aquarium will hold about four fully-grown goldfish happily - you can add a couple more if you must, especially if you’ve got an air pump, but it’s not advised. Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/1799050
Standard bred poultry in SA Poultry shows are the ideal place for the newcomer to the fancy to learn about poultry and the showing of them. They are usually friendly affairs with plenty of time for chatting and discussing fowl! It is at these shows that judges are usually prepared to discuss problems and give advice and information, after the judging has been done. The exhibition of Standard Bred Poultry is the most rewarding part of the fancy. It is also relatively cheap compared to some other fancies, sports or hobbies. Showing poultry used
to be dominated by men, but it now involves many women and juniors too. Many of the ladies are top exhibitors in their own right. Show poultry is without doubt a wonderful hobby: one in which the whole family can be involved, one that you can spend a lifetime doing and one in which you will make wonderful friendships, for a lifetime. The aim poultry shows are to preserve the breeds of poultry in their original form. Originally, then, standards were set out to describe the breeds - to the next generations.
Fun Facts about Avians and Exotic Pets • To survive, every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day. • A bird’s heart beats 400 times per minute while they are resting. • Larger parrots such as the macaws and cockatoos live more than 75 years. • Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time. • Armadillos have four babies at a time and they are always all the same sex. They are also the only animal besides humans that can
get leprosy. • Iguanas are able to hold their breath for up to 30 minutes. • A garter snake can give birth to 85 babies. • Ferrets are currently the third most popular pet in the US. There are an estimated eight to ten million ferrets in the United States being kept as pets. • A goldfish can live up to 40 years. http://www.petinsurance.com/ healthzone/pet-articles/pet-owner-topics/ Fun-Facts-About-Pets.aspx
TZANEEN 7-9 August
HEILBRON 28-29 August
Visit www.poultryclubsa.co.za for more information on: SHOWS • BREED STANDARDS GALLERY • MEMBERSHIP
Goldfish Care: Three do’s and don’ts
Jaco 082 804 4158
13 June 2014
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24 King Edward Dr. Tzaneen 0850 Telefax: 015 307 2193 adelesclinic@vodamail.co.za
Five 1 Two Trailers bulletin©9461f1t140314tb
OVERNIGHT Courier Service
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Refill & Remanufacturing Experts
Delivered to school
10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen
e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za
Julene: 060 406 4638
W E&STEEL Palisade Fencing
015 307 3173
sales @spotoncartridges.co.za
We also stock b-grade steel
Tel: 015 307 7705
5 Duiker Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen, 0850
We’ll get you there safely...
Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.
André Moss
Agathastraat 54, Tzaneen 015 307 1149
Pieter Botha 072 506 9413 jbspares1@telkomsa.net
ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719
Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850
Facials, body treatments, slimming, Bio Sculpture, waxing, airbrush tan, TCA & glycolic peels, Feetish spa pedicures, make-up, Gelish & acrylic nails.
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Eiendomme | Property To Let Te Huur Wanted/Gesoek URGENTLY WANTED: 2 bedrooms Simplex to rent, 1st July, in a secure Complex with a small garden, where a small dog is allowed. Couple comes highly recommended Liz 0790170600
URGENTLY WANTED: 2 bedroom house in Macadamia Retirement Village to rent for 1st July, where small dog is allowed. The couple comes highly recommended. Contact Liz 0153098594 or 0790170600. Jun105_____________________
Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk.
Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955 Mei301__________________________
2 Slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit/eetkamer en kombuis. Besonderse ruim hoofslaapkamer. Twee privaat buite leefareas. Deel toesluit motorhuis in tandem vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 500-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696. Jun201__________________________
Volledig gemeubileerde woonstel met kombuis, groot sitkamer, aparte slaapkamer met dubbel bed, aparte stort & toilet en voertuig afdak. Geskik vir enkel of twee volwasse persone in stil omgewing. Geen kinders en diere nie. Maandeliks: R3 000. Dep. R2 000 Beskikbaar: 1 Julie 2014 Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Gas vir geyser eie verantwoordelikheid.
Volle Dstv ingesluit maar moet eie TV voorsien. Kontak Christa: 078 686 8331 of 015 307 3370 Jun202__________________________
Town House/Meenthuis Ruim netjiese opgegradeerde 2 slaapkamer meenthuis op grondvlak. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis. Volledige badkamer met aparte stort. Privaat braai area. Motorhuis vir 2 voertuie. Geen katte en honde. R3 850 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar onmiddellik. Dep betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696 Jun101____________________________
Moderne 3slp meenthuis in veilige kompleks in Letsitele beskikbaar, R4600 p/m. Koopkrag en minimale water rekening, 1 Junie beskikbaar. 0835616062, elzaan@ clbfruits.co.za
Homes/Huise Groot netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis, groot kombuis,ingangs portaal en motor afdak. Dadelik beskikbaar. Lushof 32 Skakel 082 224 6887 Jun203__________________________
Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa, stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwasgeriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 800. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955 Mei303_________________________
At your sevice • Rental • Sales Manda 083 274 6136 015 307 7504 For management & administration • Body Corporates • Home Assosiations Outien 083 258 5848 015 307 7504 Manda Rabie MPRE (NQF5) Master Practitioner in Real Estate 083 274 6136 015 307 7504/9
My name is Peta Lorraine I am looking for job in cleaning or catering I have matric certificate and cleaners certificate contact me on 072 910 2384 (95)____________________________
My name is Thembi I am looking for work as domestic , sleep in Monday – Friday I can look after the kids clean and cook contact me on 078 439 5694 (96) ____________________________
My name is Minkateko I am looking for a domestic work any general work I can look after kids clean cook , sleep in Monday - Friday contact me on 072 770 7248
English, 5 days or 3 days sleep out, office cleaner as well contact me on 078 419 3421
(103) _____________________________
Sylvia M Mohale I am looking for a job as a shop assistant in clothing shop, I speak English, also domestic work, sleep out 5 days a week. Security – Urban Area Grade C, E. D contact me on 078 233 9937 (104) ____________________________
Nomsa Nkonwane is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English/ Afrikaans, sleep in, 5 days Mon-Fri, office cleaner as well contact me on 071 837 5720 (105) ____________________________
(97) _______________________________
My name is Nora Maluleke I am looking for a domestic work full time or half time sleep out I speak English office cleaner as well contact me on 083 4810 354 9
(98) _______________________________
My name is Cecilia Shai I am looking for any domestic work or general work I can look after children I can speak English I have grade 11, I have experience in sales (selling food for Invisible Chef) (Ref: Elna Jacobs 083 371 9190) contact me on 081 886 7786 (99) _____________________________
Johanna Mdlaudzi I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and a little bit Afrikaans, I can work every day sleep in or out contact me on 083 528 3845
(100) _____________________________
Nomsa Nkonwane I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English and Afrikaans, 5 days a week. Sleep in contact me on 078 982 3908 (101) _____________________________
My name is Maria M Sekokotla I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English, 5 days MonFri Sleep out contact me on 078 331 5755 (102) _____________________________
My name is Ruth Makwela I am looking for any general work or domestic I can speak
My name is Phillip Motsayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 I have grade 11 and 2 years experience I speak English contact me on 076 699 5404 (2) _____________________________
My name is Mpho Collen Makgoba I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 + P.D.P, I also have grade 12 and I can speak English (ref: Raymond Manager 082 933 1910) contact me on 082 933 1910
(3) _______________________________
My name is Mpho Kgatla I am looking for a job as a driver, delivery man I have code C1 with PDP, I speak English, full time job contact me on 079 616 2526 (4) _______________________________
My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a driving job I have code B, I also can work in sales, and was a waitress I speak English, computer literate, full time job contact me on 071 984 7266
(5) _______________________________
My name is Micheal M Matlala I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 with PDP (assistant driver) I speak English and Afrikaans full time or part time I have grade 12 and 3 years experience driving contact me on 076 374 6232 (6) ______________________________
General My naam is Danie ek is op soek na n’ sekuriteits werk het Grade B of administrasie ek het 5 jaar ondervinding kode 8 lisensie. Skakel my by 061 466 0403 (59)_______________________________
My name is Makhuvele Eugenia I am looking for any general work in the garden I can speak English I have grade 11 contact me on 078 066 9101
(60) _______________________________
My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655
(61) _______________________________
My name is Emmanuel Mahasha I am looking for a job as Shelfin, foglift, welding, I can speak English, Afrikaans I have 17 years experience in Pretoria (Executive Storage Equipment) contact me on 076 775 0455 (62) _______________________________
My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655
(63) _______________________________
My name is Lydia Ramaisoma I am looking for work I have Grade D, E , C in security and firearms , I also can clean house contact me on 071 105 0840
(67) _______________________________
My name is Isaac Makubele I am looking for any general work shop assistant, driver or assistant driver I have code 10 (working of PDP) I speak English I have matric contact me on 060 4081 364 (68) _______________________________
My name is Phillimon Pemba I am looking for any general work I can speak English contact me on 071 984 7266 (69) _______________________________
Admin My name is Mpho Pilusa I am looking for work as a clerk / office assistant I have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, code 10 driver licence. First aid lever one contact me on 071 461 0771 (4) _____________________________
My name is Lineliwe Rikhotso I am looking for work as a admin clerk or receptionist, I have grade 12 and N6 Human Resource management I can speak English (worked at Letaba FET contract expired) contact me on 072 784 4543 (5) _____________________________
My name is Cansley Ratlabela I am looking for as a Civil Engineer I have grade 11 I can speak English and I have code 10 drivers licence, I have N4 Civil engineering contact me on 072 926 8285 (6) _____________________________
My name is Annah Molepo I have N6 business Management. I currently working at Letaba FET College at Central Office as admin clerk (intern) (Ref no: 015 307 5440 Moseamedi M.T supply chain manager 082 500 2000) contact me on 071 188 6185
(66) _______________________________
My name is Johannes I am looking for any paving work
Aquapark (meenthuis) (Bateleur) 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis in veiligheidskompleks. R4 500
Letsitele 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer woonstel, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, 15 kilos vanaf Letsitele, water en ligte ingesluit, beskikbaar einde van Junie 2014. R2 700 Aquapark meenthuis 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel motorhuis, klein erf omhein. R5 500 Pusela Bachelor woonstelle met pre-paid krag, groot vertrekke en erf omhein, geskik vir middelslag troeteldiere. 7 Kilos op George Valley pad. R1 800
Premierpark Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer,
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151
or painting work contact me on 082 064 1055
My name is Asmond I am looking for any general work I have matrix I can speak English and know how a computer work please call me on 078 778 4999 My name is Margret I am looking for any general work stock taking, shop assistance, office cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I have 3 year experience 5 days or 3 days sleep in or out contact me on 079 169 7404
Faunapark 1 x Bachelor flat with small garden, water and lights included. R2 500
kombuis, braai area, buitekamer, onderdak parkering. R4 700
(64) _______________________________
(65) _______________________________
Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, eie tuin omhein met afdak, braai area, baie sentraal. R4 200
Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede
Job Seeker Domestic
Pusela (plaas) 1 Ruim slaapkamer, badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot omheinde erf, toesluit motorhuis , Pre-paid krag, 7 kilos uit Tzaneen op Georges Valley pad. Troeteldiere welkom. R2 500
13 June 2014
(7) ____________________________
My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is opsoek na enige amdin kantoor werk of kassiere werk, ontvangs, ek kan “data capture, credit control doen ek het matriek en is rekenaar gelettered skakel my by 079 706 3283 (8) _____________________________
KENNISGEWING Kennisgewing ten opsigte van ‘n lisensie-aansoek ooreenkomstig die Petroleumprodukwet, 1977 (Wet nr 120 van 1977) Hierdie kennisgewing dien as inligting vir partye wat belang het in of geraak word deur KAAP AGRI BEDRYF BPK, hierna verwys as die “aansoeker”, in sy aansoek om ‘n KLEINHANDEL lisensie, aansoek nommer F/2014/06/06/0002 PLAAS PARMA 211 KT HOEDSPRUIT AGRIPARK PERSEEL PLAAS PARMA HOEDSPRUIT Die doel van hierdie aansoek is om die aansoeker in besit te stel van ‘n lisensie om in petroleumprodukte handel te dryf soos in die aansoek uiteengesit. Reëlings vir insae in die aansoekdokumente kan getref word deur in verbinding te tree met die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte by: Tel: (015) 287 4735 Faks: (015) 297 5045 E-pos: Lawrence. Ramukosi@energy.gov.za Enige besware teen die uitreiking van ‘n lisensie ten opsigte van die aansoek moet gerig word aan die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte binne twinting (20) werksdae van die datum van publikasie van dié kennisgewing, met duidelike vermelding van bostaande aansoeknommer. Die besware moet gerig word aan die volgende fisiese of posadres:
Fisiese Adres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte Departement van Energie Dorpstraat 101 Polokwane 0700
Posadres: Die Kontroleur van Petroleumprodukte Departement van Energie Privaatsak X9712 Polokwane 0700 bulletin©9657kag140613tb
13 June 2014
Search “Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Even young people can be courageous and decide to stop smoking. • You are ready for the challenge?
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
• Affordable and easy.
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)
Services Dienste Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210____________________________
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekerings behoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106___________________________
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre Nov202_________________________
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Mar204___________________________
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
015 307 7168
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
Winter time is sunny time let us do all your upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018
Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email: khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Gintec Auto electrical and electronic service and repairs 072 033 5534 083 969 5487 015 306 0396
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com
The Flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pets need Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262
On Tap For all your bathroom and kitchen renovations Showers, taps, baths, toilets etcetera 015 307 2991 34 Skirving Str. Jun209__________
JJ Britz Orthotics & Prosthetics Kunsbene, borsproteses, kompressiekouse, krukke, Voorskrif binnesole, looprame, rolstoele en vele meer 015 307 2704
Rock Solid For; Precast Walling Palisades Pump Houses Tzaneen, Letsitele, Hoedspuit Call Petro 073 909 9200
rock solid
Gail Altona Oogkundiges Discovery Health Members Get up to 20 % off on frames and lenses 015 307 1243 12 Peace Street Jun210__________
Vital Bugs Die insek plaagbeheer spesialiste Vir witluis, vals kodlingmot Stephan 082 7710 777 Mei506___________________________
Salary Management Service Debt stress We can help Reduce your monthly installment and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assist 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street Mei507___________________________
Mercurius Motors Tzaneen For the best deals visit us at 38 Peace Street Tzaneen, for new and used vehicles and parts 015 307 5020
Maranatha Paneelkloppers Vir vinnige vriendelike diens na stampe of stote Kom na die kundiges Charles 071 1693 506
Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer Vision Eye test R150 2 Complete pairs (frames + lenses) Single view from R950 Multi focals from R2 700 015 307 2299
Paul’s Mobile Kitchen Vars wegneem etes] Bestellings kan geplaas word by 082 357 1058 (Voor Hi Q)
Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667Feb103_____________________
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________
For Hire Te Huur Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie-medies)
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2014 OPGAWES BEGIN OP 1/7/2014: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK MET ONS. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Onafdhanklike Nasiener. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 8.1 Inkomstebelasting 8.2 BTW 8.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler Lid van:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBR 2041 & SAIT 11055797 Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320
For Sale Te Koop
Pekoe View is Open again Under new management Come enjoy our famous pancakes Open from 10:00 till 17:00 Bookings at Ryno 079 514 1129
Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835
Services Dienste
JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Selfs jongmense kan die regte ding doen! • Jy is reg vir die uitdaging?
• Bekostigbaar en maklik.
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946
Beagle General Dealer Suppliers of Brenco feeds, Silgo feeds A-Team dog food, Shaya maizemeal Best supper maize meal Six Star Super, Parrot feed, Koi feed 015 306 0359
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Services Dienste
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180
Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558. Jan302________________________
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie
Services Dienste
Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@gmail. com. Jan203_________________________
moving mountains
For: Bush Clearing Earthdam construction Road construction Ripping Tzaneen, Letsitele, Hoedspruit Call Rimmon 071 880 0069
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010 Mei108_________________________
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Damara ram for sale National champion blood line. R1900 Jip: 083-274-4827
Vacancy Vakantepos Tzaneen Country Lodge A vacancy exists for a Waiter (Casual) The Position requires assisting in managing the following areas of the Hotel to standard: Restaurant/s Pool Areas G&C (Including TCC) Bar/s The incumbent would be required to comply with the following minimum requirements Matriculation /Grade 11 Be able to work shifts No experience needed – training will be provided 1 x week training to take place & an additional 45 x hours of practical on a “no pay” basis before commencement of work. Interested? Contact Person: Thabo Mathe Telephone Number: 015 304 3290 Date application close: 13/06/2014 close of day Jun202____________________________
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the Classified
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512_____________________
JCB 3CX 4X4 TLB 6 Cub Tipper Truck Contact 083 580 2078
Personal Persoonlik Op soek na baie betroubare hardwerkende huiswerker (bediende) Werk al vyf jaar vir my. Nog nooit iets verdwyn uit huis. Baie spaarsamig met verbruikbare items. Verhuis na Plot en sy wil graag in dorp werk. Skakel gerus by 083 611 6292 Jun201__________
Search “Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Bittereinders pak mekaar
Verlede week was ‘n baie besige week vir Merensky-netbal. Dinsdag het die eerste spanne van Merensky en Frans du Toit mekaar op Merensky se bane gepak. Dit was ‘n titaniese stryd van die eerste afgooi en het so aangehou totdat die eindfluitjie geblaas het. Die telling van 27-25 in Merensky se guns dui aan dat elke speler van albei skole tot die bitter einde gespeel het. Merensky se wen beteken dat die Plasies die naaswenners in die Mopanie-liga is.
Donderdag het Merensky en King’s Court mekaar op die bane van King’s Court aangedurf. Dit was buitengewoon warm vir dié tyd van die jaar en die spelers het behoorlik gesweet. Die tellings was (Merensky eerste): o.14A: 28-3; o.15A: 40-5; o.17A: 16-6; o.18A: 30-8. Die o.17A- en -18A-spanne van Merensky neem aan die Limpopokampioenskappe by Hoërskool Ben Vorster deel.
13 June 2014
Plasies se gholfers troef die Vossies
Hier is die Plasies se eerste netbalspan saam met hul afrigter. Ongelukkig is geen name aangebied nie.
Plasies draf stadsjapies kaf Die Merensky se seunshokkiespelers is vanjaar aan die brand! Drie van die vier spanne het aan die bopunt van die punteleer geëindig. Die o.14 seuns het verlede week teen ‘n sterk PHS-span te staan gekom. Die span het puik verdedig, totdat ‘n strafhou teen hulle toegeken is. Die span het kort daarna nog ‘n doel laat inglip en toe vasgebyt tot halftyd. Na halftyd het hulle puik verdedig en die spangees was goed. Donovan van Tonder het meer as twintig doele gedurende die wedstryd gekeer en is as Speler van die wedstryd aangewys.
Die Plasies verloor egter 7-0. Merensky se onoorwonne o.15 seuns het hul oorwinningstog voortgesit, toe hulle PHS met ‘n goeie telling van 6-0 getroef het. Matthew Oosthuyze en Estian Botha het elk twee doele aangeteken en Wayne Coppen en Samuel Modiba het elkeen een doel geslaan. Matthew Oosthuyse is as Speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Die Plasies se tweede seunshokkiespan bewys hulself vir die derde jaar agtereenvolgend as die topspan, deur die seisoen onoorwonne af te sluit. Hulle het hul
laaste ligawedstryd teen PHS met 2-0 gewen. Die witwarm Dylan Oosthuyse het weer ‘n doel aangeteken en kaptein PG Swanepoel het PHS se doppie met ‘n mooi doel geklink. Merensky se eerste span het bewys dat hulle ‘n span is om mee rekening te hou, toe hulle PHS se onoorwonne tweede span met 2-0 geklop het. In die eerste helfte het die twee spanne mekaar tot stilstand vasgehou, en die halftydtelling was 0-0. In die tweede helfte het Jason Moore uiteindelik deurgebreek en die eerste doel aangeteken. Met PHS skielik op die agtervoet, het Mahlatse Mahlaka ‘n wonderhou gespeel, om die telling te verdubbel. Merensky het uiteindelik met ‘n telling van 2-0 gewen en gaan beslis na die eindronde as gunstelinge.
Zanis skitter by Limpopo Ritmiese kompetisie Zanis Tzaneen se ritmiese gimnaste het by Limpopo se Ritmiese Limpopo-span opgeneem. Zanis Tzaneen het ook vyftien medaljes Kompetisie weer geskitter. Die kompetisie is deur Zanis Gymnastics ingepalm, ses silwer en nege brons. Academy in Polokwane aangebied. Die Limpopo-span sal op 27 en 28 Junie aan die SA Kampioenskappe Tien van Tzaneen se gimnaste het deelgeneem en al tien is in die deelneem.
Die gholfspelers van Merensky het Vrydag weer hul staal teen Ben Vorster én PHS gewys. Die baan van PHS was in ‘n baie mooi toestand en die spelers het die dag baie geniet. Merensky het ongelukkig vasgeval teen PHS, maar het baie goed teen Ben Vorster gepresteer. Merensky het Ben Vorster se eerste span met 3-0 geklop en die tweede spanne het gelykop gespeel. Die spelers sien baie uit na die laaste week van gholf en veral na die interhoër wat op 1 Augustus 2014 deur Merensky aangebied word.
Vossies 10 - PHS 6 Die Vossies se netbalspelers het Saterdag in die derby teen PHS in Polokwane weer tande gewys en ses uit die tien netbalwedstryde gewen. Die Vossies se kookwater eerste span het PHS behoorlik die loef afgesteek en met 44-9 gewen!
Die o.14As van BV het met 26- 20 gewen; o.14B: BV 21-PHS 11; o.15A: BV 22–PHS 33; o.15B: BV 11-PHS 10; o.16A: BV 22-PHS 25; o.16B: BV 11PHS 26; o.17A: BV 31-PHS 9; o.17B: BV 10-PHS 18; o.19B: BV 19-PHS 7; Eerste span: BV 44-PHS 9.
Die eerste span het sedert hulle die eerste keer aan die FNB Classic Clashes deelgeneem het, nog nie die wenbeker afgestaan nie. Die Vossies het weer Saterdag sommer al in die eerste helfte gewys dat hulle nie maklik hul onoorwonne status gaan prysgee nie en teen rustyd met 13-2 voorgeloop. Die hele wedstryd was ‘n vertoning van pragtige spel en blitsige en vaardige spelers. Die hele span verdien ‘n pluimpie vir ‘n uitmuntende wedstryd. Nou wag die provinsiale kampioenskappe more. Al die Vossie-netbalspanne het deurgedring en die Vossies speel ook gasheer vir die toernooi.
Die Vlak 2-gimnaste is (voor) Shane Bronkhorst (Limpopo-kleure, derde met Hoepel en algeheel derde). In die middel is Lane Kruger (Limpopo-kleure, tweede met Bal en tweede met Hoepel, algeheel tweede), Brigette Combrink (Limpopo-kleure, algeheel sesde), Elzine Kotze (Limpopo-kleure, derde met Bal en algeheel vierde). Mnr Willem de Bruyn (afrigter: ritmies) is saam met hulle op die foto.
Die gimnaste van Tzaneen wat op Vlak 1 deelgeneem het, is (voor) Aliza Engelbrecht (verwerf Limpopo-kleure, tweede in “Free Dance” en derde met Tou, algeheel tweede). In die middel is Clarissa Combrink (verwerf Limpopokleure, algeheel vyfde), Abegaile Botha (verwerf Limpopokleure, derde in “Free Dance” en derde met Tou, algeheel derde). By hulle is hul ritmiese afrigter, mnr Willem de Bruyn.
Winners from Tzn Health & Fitness
“The biggest loser”
Individaul category: Maggie du Toit (left). Winners of the team events: Green team. Tsakani Shivambu, Modjadji Leseilane, Suzanna Mashele.
13 June 2014
Letaba nou soos groen mamba Letaba I (33) — Noordelikes I (26) Mambas — groen en swart — is mos maar ook skugter slange wat eers gepla moet word, alvorens hulle sal aanval. Letaba se rugby is nogal soms ook so, maar Saterdag was dit veral so. Die manne in groen moes eers gepla word, alvorens hulle tot die aanval oorgegaan het — en toe was hulle giftig. Dodelik giftig. Miskien was dit die koue wat ons manne eers terughoudend gemaak het, toe hulle Noordelikes die stryd aangesê het. Ons bure anderkant die berg ken mos laer temperature as ons en hulle het dalk gouer die koue uit hul gebeendere gekry. Vandaar dat albei Noordelikes se spanne eerste punte aangeteken het. Maar toe die groen masjien eers begin loop het, was hy onstuitbaar. Letaba 1 het met 3326 gewen en Letaba 2 met 15-7. In die eerste span se wedstryd, het Noordelikes die eerste helfte totaal en al oorheers en het ‘n bekommerde afrigtingspan in lemoensuigtyd hard met die manne gepraat. Toe die fluitjie vir die tweede helfte geblaas het, was dit asof die groen span soos ‘n John Deere net een pad vorentoe geken het. Met Letaba se kenmerkende veggees het hulle begin terugveg en het die voorspelers stadig maar seker beheer van die wedstryd oorgeneem. Met kort kragtige dryfspel — met Picaso
Coetzer, JP Schwartz, Scheepers Lubbe en Quintin Kruger aan die voorpunt — het hulle Noordelikes op die agtervoet gehad. Twee briljante drieë deur vleuel Gideon Modiba en senter Alec Mhlanga het Noordelikes laat besef dat jy nie net opdaag by Letaba om te wen nie. Noordelikes is egter nie verniet vir die afgelope paar jaar die voorste span in Limpopo nie. Hulle het swak verdediging deur Letaba uitgebuit en onder die pale gaan druk. In daardie stadium was Noordelikes met 12 punte voor en het dit nie gelyk of Letaba die agterstand sal uitwis nie. Letaba het egter vasgebyt en nooit gaan lê nie en met nog twee drieë deur onderskeidelik kaptein Sven Hedin en Scheepers Lubbe, het Letaba die voortou geneem. Die groen mamba se gif het begin werk, maar Noordelikes het vasgebyt en as teengif met die een aanval na die ander gekom. In tien uiters senutergende minute het Noordelikes meedoënloos met die een na die ander desperate aanval op Letaba se doellyn gekom — maar met die Speler van die Wedstryd, Quintin Kruger, aan die voorpunt en met die ondersteuning van sy spanmaats, is Noordelikes telkemale teruggeduik. Die skeidsregter het Letaba se ondersteuners se harte byna laat staan, toe Noordelikes aanslaan vanaf ‘n vinnige strafskop-tikskoppie op Letaba se doellyn en hy die skop oor
gegee het. Letaba het vasgebyt, karakter getoon en as wenners van die taai wedstryd afgestap. Dit was beslis ‘n spanpoging duisend en met die uitstekende ondersteuning van die toeskouers, het Letaba hul hardste wedstryd sover dié seisoen gewen. Drieë vir Letaba 1 is gedruk deur: Gideon Modiba, Alec Mhlanga, Sven Hedin en Scheepers Lubbe en Damien Janse van Rensburg het al vier doelskoppe netjies deur die pale gejaag en ook met ‘n strafskop geslaag. Netjies, man! Letaba 2 (15) — Noordelikes 2 (7) Letaba 2 het in ‘n uiters harde wedstryd hul teenstanders met 15-7 geklop. Net soos die eerste span, was Noordelikes eerste op die telbord. Letaba 2 het gewys dat hulle nie terugstaan vir hul groter teenstanders nie en het met kragtige skrumwerk en harde dryfwerk deur Stoffel Vermaak, Heinrich Badenhorst, Marnus Labuschagne en Bennie Kruger het Letaba 2 stadig maar seker die oorhand begin kry. Skrumskakel Joe De Beer het met slim spel Letaba op die voorvoet gehou. Hy moet nou net fiks word, dan gaan
hy die wêreld aan die brand speel. Righart Wernich het weer uitgeblink en is hy ook welverdiend as Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys. Agterlangs het Cornel Jacobs en Riaan Louw die oog gevang en het die plaasvervanger JP O’Connel self ‘n uithalervertoning gelewer. Letaba 2 se drieë is gedruk deur Heinrich Badenhorst en Hope Hlaize en Joe de Beer het met ‘n straf- en ‘n doelskop geslaag. Letaba Rugbyklub se bestuur het laat weet dat hulle besonder dankbaar is vir die ondersteuning van rugbygangers Saterdae. Dit kan nog beter (sê ons, nie hulle nie) en met die goeie rugby wat Letaba vanjaar speel, is dit lkker om na die manne te gaan kyk en hulle te ondersteun. • Letaba se president, mnr Tinus Nel, word geluk gewens met sy sewentigste verjaarsdag. Letaba geniet die langnaweek ‘n welverdiende ruskans, waarna hulle weg teen Musina gaan speel.
Survivors is SA se naasbestes! Die Tzaneen-omgewing se nuwe ringbalklub, die Survivors met hul “hoofkantoor” en baan in Haenertsburg, is amptelik Suid-Afrika se naasbeste klubspan — slegs enkele maande nadat die klub die lig gesien het en dit hul eerste deelname aan die SA kampioenskappe was. Wat die prestasie nog meer merkwaardig maak, is dat die Survivors met ‘n skamele vier punte teen die SA kampioenspan verloor het! Dinge het sommer in die eerste groepwedstryde
Nie sedert Oubal op ‘n dag Halley se komeet met sy eerste verskyning gesien het, kan hy onthou dat ons land al twee nasionale sportkapteins op een dag aangekondig het nie. Soos een van Oubal se aanhangers laat weet het, was hy 1 000% in die kol met Matfield as instaan Bokkaptein, maar ou GertGrensvegter sê selfs ‘n helikopterpiloot kon daai een sien kom het, want Bismarck was geheel en al te stamperig en stoterig in die Haaie se grappige verloor teen die Stormertjies die vorige week. En buitendien, sê hy, jou span doen baie beter as sy kaptein nie twee geelkaarte in dieselfde wedstryd kry nie! ‘Tja, gelukkig het Oubal nie in die openbaar ‘n mening uitgespreek oor wie die Proteas in Biffie se plek gaan aanvoer nie, maar in sy privaatheid was hy oortuig die
warm geraak, toe die Survivors met een van die gunstelinge, Lynx van Pretoria, afgereken en vir die skok van die dag gesorg het. Ander spanne het in ongeloof gekyk hoe die nuwelinge met hul sterk opponente afgereken het. Intussen het die klub in die provinsiale bepalings (Limpopo) ook hul stempel baie stewig afgedruk. Die bepalings het soos volg verloop: Dames: Survivors , Jakaranda, Parke, Tzaneen, Mogol, Phalaborwa. Mans: Mogoll,
Kapteins, seil die spanne! eer sou AB toeval. Nie dat Oubal beswaard is oor baardman Amla se aanstelling nie, hy is mos ammal se pêl en dis dalk net tyd dat ons krieket gelei word deur iemand wat die woord nederigheid verstaan. Soos Oubal se ondersteuners weet, leen hy nie sommer sy ore uit aan skinderstories nie, maar hy verneem Amla se aanstelling was ‘n soort van kompromisbesluit, omdat die wedywering tussen AB en Faf glo te groot is. Oubal het nog altyd gedink hulle is twee goeie skoolvriende en vind dit moeilik
Parke, Survivors, Jakaranda, Phalaborwa, Tzaneen. As besef word dat die Suvivors teen al die ander klubs deelgeneem het , wat reeds tien jaar en langer bestaan, is hul prestasie niks minder nie as fenomenaal. Vier van die dames-Survivors, Carlien du Plessis (ook kaptein van Limpopo A), Sanet Bergmann, Lynette Breedt en Natashja Walters), is vir Limpopo se A-span gekies (slegs nege in ‘n span), een is vir Limpopo se o.19-span gekies en een is vir die provinsie se B-span gekies.
om die gerug te glo, so moet asb nie Oubal in die openbaar aanhaal nie! Maar internasionale krieket is nie ‘n Sondagskoolpiekniek nie en Oubal is bitter jammer dat hulle destyds die Aussiekommintator wat Amla ‘n terroris genoem het, geskors het. In gevegte van daai aard dwing ‘n kaptein met ‘n naam soos Hitler of Attila net meer gesag af as, sê maar, Percy, en as die bynaam “Terroris” toe inslag gevind het, was ons dalk nou nog beter daaraan toe! ‘Tja, daar is min dinge so lekker as om die Kiwi’s in hul eie agterplaas op hul neuse te laat kyk, en so het Oubal en sy vrinne verlede Vrydagoggend hul vervroegde naweekspanpraatjie terdeë geniet. Pollie vannie Pêrel en sy Junior Bokkiesmanskappe het met ‘n besonder kordate vertoning die Baba AB’s so te sê uit die
Die trotse Survivors-vrouespan: Voor is Lorinda Kruger, Natashja Walters en La Rouchelle Schoeman, en agter staan Natasha Smit, Elaine van Zyl, Sanet Bergmann, Carlien du Plessis, Sarie Vermaak (afrigter), Mariesa None, Mari de Beer en Lynette Breedt.
toernooi gespeel, wat ons goedkeuring 1 000% wegdra! Van Pollie gepraat, soos die man Vrydag gespeel het, is Oubal genoop om sy katin-die-sak uitlating van ‘n vorige rubriek terug te trek. Oubal wil so half en half dink Heyneke moet die knapie maar so gou as moontlik nader trek vir die Bokke. Aan die ander kant, soos KoosKakie opgemerk het, selfs hy en Oubal sou blink vertoon het agter daai monsterpak van die Klein Bokkies! Daar wag eilande, vol manne rooi, blou en swart Kaptein! Kaptein! Kapteins, seil die spanne! Kapteins, julle’s manne! “No captain can do very wrong by placing his ship alongside that of the enemy.” — Horatio Nelson