20 Junie 2014
015 307 7248
There is hardly one word of truth in the supposed exposé in last week Friday’s edition of the daily newspaper The Citizen and yesterday’s Letaba Herald about a so-called scam involving the GTM, Quality Plant Hire (QPH) and Expectra 388 CC. The Bulletin has been made aware of allegations about the tender for the tarring of the road from Senakwe to Morapalala as well as certain other allegations of priority treatment of QPH and Expectra by the GTM. We started to investigate the allegations and found that internal politics played a major role in the campaign to discredit the GTM, QPH and Expectra. The Bulletin investigated the matter and then focused on obtaining documentary proof — like we always do in our in-depth investigations — to be
The Bulletin is in possession of a host of documents relevant to confirming the obvious and serious faux pas.
able to judge if there was indeed a case to be made out. We have documents to prove beyond doubt that just about every single statement in the newspapers’ reports is devoid of any truth (the Herald’s report was an obvious cut-and-paste replica of the Citizen’s report). We name a few and next week we will report in detail about the newspapers’ faux pas. • Next week we will continue to give more details about the project (and others). Don’t miss the Bulletin next week for the facts. * The lawyer for both QPH and Expectra, Mr Louis Erasmus of Thomas & Swanepoel, yesterday confirmed that their clients are considering legal action against the two newspapers.
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
‘R38m tender scam’ is completely devoid of truth and substance The newspaper report alleges that: • The GTM deviated from the tender process. Not true; we have all the relevant documents to show that the GTM followed the correct procurement process; • Expectra was awarded a R38 million tar road project without submitting any formal tender. False. The tender document (of more than a hundred A4 sheets) of Expectra has been done to the letter, submitted in time and accepted by the GTM. • The appointment of the tender or instruction was never discussed with the municipal manager.... False. There is a vast body of documentary proof with the MM’s signature proving the opposite. • Other tenders worth almost R400 00 and over R500 000 respectively were issued irregularly. False. These figures refer to on-going service agreements for maintenance work and not to tenders. • The firms are owned by Ettienne Tolmay. Rubbish. We have obtained the necessary documents for both QPH and Expectra and the two CC’s have different members. Tolmay has no interest in Expectra. • A bill, of quantities showing an increase of 76% to the initial cost... A distortion and misplaced allegation. There are documents to prove that the resident engineer (for the GTM) as well as an independent third party (appointed by the GTM) performed an audit of a certain re-measurement of quantities. Both agreed that the re-measured quantities were correct and that Expectra is entitled to payment.
20 Junie 2014
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com
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O Godzzzzzzzzz
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg is in sy lewe al ‘n slag of twee van waardevolle slaap ontneem, so hy weet hoe voel ‘n mens na ‘n paar dae van min of sleg slaap. Behalwe dat ‘n mens later nie meer ‘n duit omgee nie, is dit maklik om in die moegheid foute te maak, sonder om dit eers te besef. Wat met ‘n lang draai hierby aansluit, is dat Vlieg nog altyd ‘n mate van twyfel gehad het in die Skeppingsverhaal. Nie in die Skepping as sulks nie, maar in die letterlike vertolking daarvan dat God ‘n rush job daarvan gemaak het in ses dae. Wat Vlieg nou weer verder in sy eie ewolusionêre skeptisisme van die Skepping laat twyfel het, was toe hy verlede week êrens in hierdie nuuspapiertjie moes lees dat God nooit slaap nie. Skielik het die sesdag-, honderd-vier-en-veertig-uur Skepping weer
selfs vandag nog. Wat ook al die oorsaak, Vlieg is bereid om sy standpunt te verdedig dat die mens inherent boos is! Om Vlieg se punt te staaf kan hy enige onlangse voorblad van enige nuuspapiertjie kwoteer, soos oor die pa wat sy string kinders vir jare in ‘n huis toegesluit gehou en gemartel het. Of die seun, eie of aangeneem, wat sy sussie verkrag, haar dan saam met sy pa en ma vermoor het en dan geen berou toon nie. Of diegene wat vir hul eie politieke gewin gemeenskappe in armoede en ellende dwing, deur vol te hou met ‘n maandelange staking wat ander hul kos en huise ontneem. Ensovoorts, ensovoorts… Moord, diefstal en bedrog is vir die mens nou so alledaags soos naarheid, braking en diarree. Vlieg kan net hoop die teologiese doktor is reg, as hy sê God slaap nie… Hy watch julle…
vir Vlieg begin wetenskaplike sin maak. Sien, God moes v.i. (Vlieg’s Insiens) teen die sesde dag al so moeg gewees het nadat hy die aarde en alles daarop en die see en alles daarin geskape het, dat hy nie meer regtig ‘n duit omgegee het hoe die mens uitdraai nie. Hy wou dit net verby kry, en het dalk nie eens agtergekom van die paar foutjies wat hy gemaak het nie. Hy wou net by die sewende dag uitkom om te rus. Dit sou natuurlik vir Vlieg ‘n logiese verduideliking wees van waarom die mens so boos is. ‘n Ontwerpflater. Maar Vlieg is nie dogmaties nie, en sal ook die moontlikheid oorweeg dat die mens in sy swakheid ‘n dag of twee na die Skepping deur ‘n derde mag van soorte beïnvloed is, of selfs omgekoop is met ‘n verbode vrug of twee. Dit gebeur
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!
Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba
Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Ons webwerf is besig om ‘n nuwe Our website is currently undergoing a baadjie, hemp, das, broek, kouse en comprehensive overhaul from bumper sommer blink nuwe skoene te kry. Ons to bumper. We will be presenting our bied ons nuwe voorkoms aan in Julie ... brand new face in July ... Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
• Die Bulletin het onlangs berig oor die honderde straatligte in Tzaneen wat buite werking is. Die gebrek aan geld en die omvang van die taak om alles weer reg te kry, kan nog jare duur. Terselfdertyd is daar ‘n duidelike toename in misdaad in Tzaneen. Wat stel jy voor kan gedoen word?
Sê jou sê Watchdog Tzaneen Die GTM moet pa staan. Tzaneen se kriminele aktiwiteite groei by die dag, gewapende roof, huise en besighede word Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
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d ove em hav
Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hatespeech or to be insulting toward others.
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Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
100.4% 100.2% 102.7% 100.0%
Blyde Rivier Poort
100.5% 103.0%
Vergelegen Ohrigstad
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 16/06/2014
Baie Dankie!
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).
saam n verskil maak. Amanda Strydom Beslis nie gekleurde balle! Die maak net bloukolle! Ek is Nosey Parker wat dit aanbetref as ek iets of iemand sien by my bure skakel ek gewoonlik! Is jy by die huis of so en so is... Ons het gelukkig almal honde heel op en wakker met vreemde geluide saans. Ruil selfoonnommers uit of EBlockwatchAndre Snyman
geplunder. Terwyl jy lê en slaap word jy beroof. As publiek moet ons saam staan. Petisies opstel en teken en dit aan die GTM gee. Ons moet saam stap as n gemeenskap sodat hulle besef dit is noodsaaklik om die ligte reg te maak. Ons moet ook vra vir meer polisievoertuie. Daar is n tekort. As elke lid van die publiek oplet wat om hulle aangaan en wat langs, voor en agter hulle gebeur, kan ons wen. Dan kan ons
Koop 1 kry 1 gratis!
Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
• The Bulletin recently reported on the hundreds of street lights in Tzaneen not working. The lack of money and the extent of the problem could lead to repairs being delayed for years. At the same time Tzaneen is experiencing an increase in crime. What do you propose can be done to positively address the situation?
Meestal sonskyn. Koel
Sonop Sononder Humiditeit
06:53 17:25 52%
Brendon • 082 449 8778
Tzaneng Mall • 015 307 2299 tzaneen@torgaoptical.co.za
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Sonnig en matig
Woensdag Donderdag Meestal sonskyn. Koel
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20 Junie 2014
Salga saves the MDM The South African Local Government Association (Salga) has reportedly engaged in desperate talks with both Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) and the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) to reach consensus about the water problems in Mopani. Over the two previous weeks thousands of residents in the jurisdiction of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) and Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) were severely affected by water shortages. This situation was reportedly prompted by the MDM’s unwillingness to pay its alleged overdue R250 million bill towards LNW. Reports were that the situation worsened after the MDM failed to honor a payment agreement entered to with the water utility
last year in September. Over the past two weeks water flow pressure was reportedly reduced by 30%. Salga’s intervention saw a settlement reached between the MDM and the water utility. Water provision has been restored last week Thursday for residents in the affected areas, said Salga’s spokesman, Mr Thapelo Mathale. “An agreement has been subsequently reached between both parties. “The MDM will have to meet its obligations to the water utility,” Mathale said. He further said that in the interim, Salga will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that both parties meet their obligations as per agreement. — Arnold Mabunda
Terrific Thailand Trendsetter’s Tour Recently a group of Stanford Lake College pupils and four teachers left for an extraordinary experience in trendy travel in Thailand. Their guide, Mr Chalermkiat Kittrakulrat [you can call me Dang], met the group at the Suvarnabhumi airport. Shortly after arrival the group enjoyed their first Thai meal – and they are unanimous in that the food was fantastic! The tourists explored, by dragon boat, the Floating Market in hot, humid conditions where they had lunch at a restaurant situated partially on the water. They also visited MBK, Bangkok’s largest shopping mall, and shopped ‘till they dropped. They later discovered the night market and lost on or two members of the group in the backstreets of Bangkok; they eventually found their way back to the group, after walking in circles for hours. The next day they paid a visit to the amazing flower market with its wonderful sights and scents. Then they experienced their next form of transport in the exciting tuk-tuk ride, where they were accompanied by a traffic officer, which made them feel like royalty! They saw the Emerald Buddha in Wat Pra Kaew, regarded as the holiest place in Thailand with its beautiful, ornate buildings. Their next form of transport was the night train to Chiang Mai, the largest city in the north and in the mountains. Arriving there, they visited the 309 step temple which turned out to be a breeze for Stanfordians as they are used to steps! The children discovered coconut ice cream and thought it was delicious. At the Imm Thapae Hotel, they were
situated above a Big Mac, causing a rush for hamburgers. All the accommodation they stayed in was eco-friendly. The Thais are determined to protect what is left but so much is lost and gone already, it only survives in enclaves that are protected. That evening they attended a Kantoke Dinner in the tribal enclave, sitting on the floor and watching the Thai dancers, acrobats and the young hill tribe dancers. On Sunday they left for an elephant safari. Ox carts were the next mode of transport and the group returned to their starting point via bamboo rafts on the river. The North has many hand crafts; visiting the centres showed the visitors that the manufacture of silk is but one of many. The lacquer ware is beautiful, the silver work remarkable and the traditional clothing is unique. The following day they ventured onto the Mae Ngad Dam, kayaking to a house boat in record time where they had lunch and enjoyed swimming in the dam. The visitors then flew back to Bangkok and from there they travelled by bus to Hua Hin where the Thai king has his residence. The next day was spent exploring the town; attending the ubiquitous night market and eating fish dinners. The last day they all decamped via the “bakkie buses” to the nearby Santorini water park. And then it was time to come home and everybody felt, as wonderful as the cuisine of Thailand was, we needed to have a braai! After an uneventful flight home, they were happy to be back home. By Margaret Freestone — Tour leader
Foto: Jacques Smuts
Inwoners van Tzaneen wat reeds jare lank ongelukkig is oor hoe die Letabarivier en sy walle mibruik en besoedel word, is opgewonde oor die nuwe betonheining wat nou opgerig word om die riviergebied te beskerm. Buitelug-werktuigkundiges wat in die stof motors herstel en olie en ander nadelige stowwe in die rivier stort se dae is ook getel. Dit is egter nie duidelik waarheen hulle gaan skuif nie en die Bulletin wag op die GTM vir ant-
woorde oor hoe ver die heining opgerig gaan word (ons verneem tot in die nuwe nywerheidsgebied). Ons wil egter weet hoe lank dit gaan duur en waarheen die werktuigkundiges en ander informele handelaars geskuif gaan word. Die groot vraag is natuurlik ook waarheen hulle die twee sangomas gaan skuif, wat onwettig die rivierwal beset en alle hofbevele en ander regsoptredes gewoon minag en rustig voortgaan om daar te woon.
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20 Junie 2014
Mob justice
Prime Time & Crime Bulletin Crime Reporter: Arnold Mabunda - arnold@bulletin.us.com
Suspects caught Tzaneen Police arrested 111 suspects over the past week: 23 who were involved in theft, shoplifting, assault and malicious damage to property and 34 for attempted robbery, prostitution, illegal gambling and possession of suspected stolen property. Police held 54 suspects for drinking in public and traffic and liquor offences.
During the past two weeks a man suspected of criminal activities, one David Mukani, was faced with mob justice in Pulaneng, Maake, (Lenyenye) for attempted robbery. It is alleged that Mukani and his accomplice, one Gibson Ngobeni, entered a resident’s house in an attempt to steal. The suspects reportedly demanded a laptop and a cellular phone. The victim, whose identity remains unknown, reportedly screamed at her fellow residents for help. According to Police reports Mukani faced a mob that executed “justice” and he later died in CN Phatudi Hospital from his serious injuries. A case of murder was opened and Police investigations are ongoing. Members of the community say they will continue to fight criminals.
This woman is still missing Tzaneen police are searching for 56-year-old Ms Girly Anna Shokane who has been missing for the past six months. She was reportedly last seen on 13 January 2014 in Agatha Street near Tzaneen PriPhoto: SAPS mary School. Anyone with Ms Shokane information regarding the whereabouts of Ms Shokane is urged to contact Lt Neverdie Matwalana on 071 774 6739/086 001 0111. Police investigations are ongoing.
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Police initiate action in Tzaneen Tzaneen’s Police chief, Brig Christine Bench, has wasted no time in getting her teeth into some of the town’s most pressing criminal and social problems. She and some of her key officers sat down last week with representatives of the Department of Social Development, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) and managers/owners of big retail chain, to address prostitution, homeless people, illegal hawkers and people who unlawfully take and abuse supermarket trolleys. Stakeholders were tasked to handle their respective functions. Tzaneen Police communications officer, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, announced that homeless people, especially minors, will be checked and if they are linked to any criminal activities
they could be referred to the Department to be placed on parental custody. People who continuously engage in prostitution will be arrested and charged, added Ngoepe. Shopkeepers were urged to control their shop trolleys and also to ensure that they are collected from parking lots. The GTM’s Safety & Security Department was urged to actively enforce the by-laws to ensure that all culprits involved are dealt with. However, this Department has only one employee (Mr Kenny Makhubele) and it is not to be understood how one person could attend to all the many safety and security problems experienced by the GTM. — Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
Kyk waar werk die kabeldiewe Dit is nie net bosslapers wat skuiling onder die Nelson Mandela-brug in Tzaneen gevind het nie. Dit is nou ook die werkswinkel van kabeldiewe wat deesdae veral koperkabels onder ons neuse in Tzaneen steel en onder ons neuse stroop om die koper te herwin. Op die foto onder is die “smeltery” waar van ons personeel die stropers verlede week in aksie gesien het. Ons is egter verjaag deur ‘n span gespierde manne wat tydens die smeltery kywie hou op die brug en langs die rivier. Heelonder links is die skuiling waar een of
meer bosslapers hulle snags tuismaak. Daar is talle wat in die bosse langs die Letabarivier verblyf gevind het. Heelonder regs lê ‘n stuk opgerolde kabel in die grasse by die brug. Daar het tydens ons besoek verskeie lengtes kabel gelê, wat duidelik op “verwerking” gewag het. Dit is deesdae onrusbarend om te sien hoeveel mense loop snags in Tzaneen se (donker) strate doelloos rond. Inwoners wonder nie meer hoekom veral diefstal in die dorp so toegeneem het nie.
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20 Junie 2014
20 Junie 2014
Bulletin. 10 Years of service to the community
Ons Mening
10 Years
The Message
Vrydag 20 Junie 2014
Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church
Wie baklei so?
Die politieke binnegevegte in plaaslike regering, soos op ander vlakke van regering, is ewe getrou besig om dienslewering in die land teen te werk, terwyl dit aan die ander kant — heel rampspoedig — korrupsie bevorder, nepotisme miskyk en bedrog stimuleer. Ongelukkig lyk dit nie of daar veel plekke in die land is wat aan dié verterende kanker in die gemeenskap ontsnap nie. Dit is hier, dit is daar... en orals waar mens kom hoor jy mense kommer uitspreek dat dit endemies is. Gaan dit omgekeer kan word? Wie sal weet... die mens is in sonde ontvang en gebore en die blink van muntstukke, of die reuk van vars banknote is mos maar in die algemeen onweerstaanbaar. Ons land het nou ‘n roete-aanwyser na ‘n reguit en eerlike toekoms nodig.
Ons trek vandag die gordyn so effe weg voor die kollegegeboue in Nkowankowa wat aan die elemente oorgelaat is, terwyl amptenare sit en stry oor wie se verantwoordelikheid dit is om sake daar reg te ruk. Hoe meer dae, hoe meer dinge... en hoe minder onderhoud. Wat is dit dat ons mense nie die noodsaak van onderhoud verstaan nie? Of beteken die woord onderhoud net nog ‘n kindjie by nog ‘n vrou?
Niemand se maat nie... ‘n Leser van die Bulletin het dié foto’s van ‘n monster-krokodil wat by Hoedspruit vankant gemaak is, ingestuur. Ongelukkig sonder verdere besonderhede of name.
Overdue Anonymous from Giyani writes by e-mail: Dear Editor, the article in Bulletin about the removal of 4 Mopani Mayors is long overdue. They are a danger to the ANC. That started on the road to Mangaung. They were even visible. If ANC wait for 2016, they will regret. Their Municipalities will fall in the Party they support like what they did in the May elections. They have Field Marshals in Branches and some are Councillors. ANC should make hay while the sun shines. Even their managers should go. From anonymous for safety.
Duiwel(se) piek en kloof
Paul Lombard, Sirkelweg, Tzaneen, skryf: Die landwye geraas oor besware teen die naam Duiwelspiek in Kaapstad het betrekking. Die Kapenaars sit met ‘n piek waarop seker net een duiwel kan sit. En as hy sy balans verloor, is skerp rotse en ‘n klompie vies blesbokke met skerp horings sy voorland. Hier in Limpopo het ons ‘n kloof waarin ‘n swetterjoel duiwels kan baljaar sonder seerkry. Nêrens sien jy engeltjies nie. Hulle vlieg wye draaie om die pragtige kloofgebied waar die pylsterte soos narre baljaar. Selfs die kragtige Modjadji-koninkryk is al raadop met die satansorde. ‘n Plek kry ‘n volksnaam vir waarvoor dit bekend is. Hou dit so.
Jig-dag, dankie Roy Hurter skryf per e-pos: Sit ek vanoggend so lekker in die wintersonnetjie en “undooi” en sien nog ‘n dag wat ek nie kliënte kan sien en derhalwe nie inkomste kan genereer nie. En dis net daar (of hier) wat ek die kalender nader sleep en begin
“Time: The silent herald of life or death, success or failure: The unseen power that measures man’s destiny”. This statement is so true, we can never stop time, neither can we get it back. It seems our whole life here on earth revolves around time. “I’ll do it later” never is the answer because we never know if we will still be around later. It has also said we must organise our lives doing the most important things first. How do we classify what is the most important thing to do? It has been said we should have three piles/drawers, in the first we put what we think is the most important and needs urgent attention, the second is for the less important and the third can be for reading material. As you go through these piles/drawers often you will find that what you thought was of extreme importance is not so important after all and thus this can be placed in another pile/drawer. My Question to you is “In which pile/drawer is your Bible?” Are you perhaps, like many of us who say “I will get to it a little later, when I have more time to concentrate on it and devote my time to it” often it happens that one goes to bed before having even opened the Bible. This is our “works manual” and should be used on a regular, daily basis. Or are you like some people who say “If all else fails refer to the manual?” The gap between you and God is great and it only gets bigger the more we will “leave it till later”. As I said in the beginning “We cannot turn back time” so prioritise your spirituality and “get it right with God” Blessings.
Letters • Briewe somme maak. Ons dierbare regering het in totaal dertien (niks bygelowigs bedoel nie) vakansiedae op die kalender aangebring. Van die het sewe (‘n week) te doen met die “struggle”. Nou kyk, ek en baie ander, “struggle” ook elke dag om oorlewing, maar dit gaan nie werk as ons vakansie neem om dit te vier nie! Op ‘n daaglikse basis versoen ek my met die ongeskikte taxi-bestuurders, leef ek my reg as mens uit om my mening te lig oor kontroversiele sake (dis nou die parlement), gebruik ek my vryheid om te kom en gaan soos ek wil, werk ek want ek het niks by niemand geërf nie, respekteer ek my en ander vrouens, want dis hoe ek groot gemaak is. Een dag vat ek vir my. Vandag, 16 Junie, die een praat met my. Ek is hulle wie daarop aangedring het, ewig dankbaar. Want sien, saam met die grysheid, kom nie net nie wysheid nie. O nee, hulle roep dit skete waarvan jig een is. En dis my dag vandag: 16 Junie; Jig-dag. Ek gaan dit geniet tot en tot. So, aan almal wat vandag vir die regte rede vier; mag julle ‘n pynlose, pil-lose, kierie-lose, Vickslose dag ervaar, saam met die jeug in jul lewe (en braai, nog rooivleis gaan nie saak maak nie).
Noodfonds Lizelle Pienaar, Practising Attorney &
Conveyancer, L. Pienaar Prokureurs/Attorneys, Tel: 083 388 4640, Direct Fax: 086 600 3532, skryf: NOOD FONDSINSAMELING: Ons verwys na bostaande en bevestig dat ‘n sewentienjarige seun, Hennie Brink, (‘n leerling van Hoёrskool Tom Naude) hom tans bevind in die Provinsiale Hospitaal in Polokwane nadat hy laatmiddag op 16 Junie in ‘n motorfietsongeluk betrokke was, waartydens ‘n voertuig in hom vasgery het. Hennie het twee erge breuke aan sy regterbeen en ‘n breuk aan sy regterarm opgedoen en benodig dringend ‘n operasie/s. Die waglys by die Provinsiale Hospitaal in Polokwane is twee weke en is dit slegs ‘n moontlike aanduiding van wanneer Hennie moontlik ‘n operasie/s sal kan ondergaan. Sy ouers woon in Tzaneen. Daar is geen hospitaalplan vir Hennie nie en was Hennie se moeder in die proses om ‘n hospitaalplan te bekom, net voor die ongeluk en word Hennie tans slegs gedek vir dag tot dag mediese uitgawes. Ons wil graag vir Hennie laat oorplaas na Tzaneen Medi-Clinic sodat hy die nodige privaat mediese behandeling kan ontvang. In hierdie stadium blyk dit dat die die beraamde hospitaal-, mediese- en verwante uitgawes ten minste tussen R100 000 tot R150 000 gaan beloop. Indien u asseblief u hart kan oopmaak om ‘n barmhartigheidsdonasie te gee sal dit oneindig waardeer word en sal sodanige
donasie erken word. Ons het ons daartoe verbind om die administrasie te behartig van hierdie donasies en onderneem om die fondse te deponeer in ‘n beleggingsrekening ten bate van Hennie Brink, sodra dit in trust aan ons oorbetaal word. Ons trustrekening besonderhede is: L PIENAAR PROKUREURS ABSA Bank Rekeningnommer: 408 192 7118 Takkode: 632 005 Verwysing: Hennie Brink
Bulletin We support all actions aimed at combatting gender-based violence and the abuse of children
Bulletin 10
Love is ...
years of loving our community
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20 Junie 2014
Concern over total neglect of college
Both the Department of Education and the Department of Public Works refuse to accept liability for the maintenance of the Tivumbeni College complex in Nkowankowa. It used to be a teachers training college, but nowadays it is used for all sorts of training courses and other functions. Bulletin made inquiries over the state of the buildings and the premises after members of the public alleged serious deterioration of the property with no apparent means
of maintenance. Appointed manager of the property, Mr SE Mushwana, noted that the former college is currently a property of and used by the Department of Education. “Any form of maintenance on the property should be incited and overseen by the department,” he said. Acting spokesperson for the provincial Department of Education, Mr Jack Mokobi, would, however, not answer any questions on the maintenance of the former college
property. Mokobi instead pointed out that all government buildings belong to the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works’ acting media liaison officer, Mr Pheaha Sebyeng, on the other hand, also denied liability for maintenance of the property, stating that it is not the responsibility of the department to budget for the maintenance of buildings. Instead, the Department of Public Works provides labour for maintenance of buildings when requested to do so, explained Sebyeng. “In this case, however,” he added, “Public Works has not received any request from the Department of Education to provide labour for maintenance of colleges.” At the moment, Tivumbeni College, allegedly
closed just after the dawn of democracy in 1994 due to the mass training of educators who could not find employment, is operating as a continuing professional development centre, explained Mushwana. Current educators are further trained to adapt to new education curricula. Mushwana added that with permission, the property’s hall and other facilities are available for public use. He, however, would not explain why the college’s library, which used to serve as the sole community library in the area, was closed. “Plans to revive old teaching colleges are in consideration,” noted Mokobi, who added that Tivumbeni College is among colleges being considered. In the mean time, the property’s fitness for use if the teaching college should be revived is of great concern. — Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
The neglect is very bad. This is part Fit for visitors to Overgrown remains of the sport facili- Much needed school text books have been More needed text books in ...and even more of what was the staff living quarters the centre? ties: tennis courts and a netball track dumped and left in a semi-open store waiting text books
20 Junie 2014
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Eskom blackout
Daar skyn geen einde te wees aan die groei en vooruitgang van die MediClinic Tzaneen nie. Die neonatale saal (kindersaal) van die hospitaal is uitgebrei om meer beddens (kinders) te kan neem, nuwe en moderne toerusting is terselfdertyd in gebruik geneem en die eenheid het nou ook ‘n eie neonatale hoësorgeenheid (ICU). Die hospitaal het nou ook twee heeltydse pediaters, drs P Maredi en J Mashiane. Mnr Zane Fanie, die hospitaalbestuurder, sê die hospitaal kan nou beter sorg aan vroeggebore baba’s bied. Hier is professionele verpleegster Rebecca Swana, verpleegster Noko Mapaya, senior professionele verpleegster Lekwetjo Teffo en dr Mashiane.
Professionele verpleegster Rebecca Swana staan hier by ‘n babatjie in die hoësorgeenheid.
Fashion show for crisis centre
Municipalities which are in arrears with Eskom are reportedly faced with immediate disconnection of electricity. This is according to the power utility’s spokesperson Mr Andrew Etzinger. “We are in daily discussions with the erring municipalities. In terms of the promotion of Administrative justice Act, Eskom will first issue defaulting municipalities with notices of immediate disconnection if payments are not met. The last thing we want to do is to proceed with disconnection. We are however hoping that by 20 July all accounts will be settled,” added Etzinger. Due to Eskom’s rules of not discussing customer information with third parties, he failed to supply us with the names of the erring municipalities. However, Etzinger further
Models from the Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy displayed different styles including the exciting La Collezione Dei Conti line. On the left the charming models who staged a lovely show can be seen. Above are Particularly interesting were Mr David Protter, Ms Katryn Barwise and Messrs Stephan van Rensburg and Daan the creations by the models themselves, using only recyRoelvert. Van Rensburg was a keen driving force behind the fund raiser. cled products. The models The Tzaneen Community Forum host- also used the opportunity to voice their ed an enjoyable fashion show at the objection against domestic violence and Fairview Hotel on Friday night. This violence against women and children. was a fund raiser to assist the Tzaneen Mr Daan Roelvert, chairman of the TzaCrisis Centre, run by Mr Dave Protter. neen Community Forum explained the
said that Eskom constantly urges all defaulting municipalities to honour their commitment to pay for the electricity they use. The situation regarding the Mopani District Municipality and the municipalities within its jurisdiction (Greater Tzaneen, Greater Letaba, Greater Giyani, Maruleng and BaPhalaborwa) is as clear as mud, since nobody seems to be able to tell exactly how much is owed by whom and what exactly the MDM’s position in this literally dark matter is. The more talk there is about transparency, the less information is readily available or different stories are being told by the spokespersons of the different local governments. —Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
vision of the Forum and informed the patrons about the different projects, ranging from a feeding scheme to assisting the Crisis Centre financially. Protter thanked the Tzaneen Community Forum for their involvement and confirmed his commitment to serve the Community as far as he can with available resources. The organizers wish to express their sincere appreciation to all sponsors, and specifically Ms Katryn Barwise for her involvement and service as MC for the evening.
Cogsta is ready for initiations
Grandeur Place Hair Studio would like to welcome TRACY BENDER to our family as Head Stylist & Hairdresser, starting in June.
Graad R Die Laerskool Tzaneen sal in Januarie 2015 ‘n nuwe era betree en in splinternuwe geriewe en omstandighede kleuters vir Gr R inneem — en met ‘n vars aanslag die kinders vir die “groot” skool voorberei. Volgende maand, op 29 Julie om 18:00, sal ouers van kleuters die geleentheid kry om ‘n ingeligte keuse te maak. Kom woon ‘n spesiale voorligting in die skoolsaal by en sien en hoor wat van 2015 af aangebied gaan word.
Tracy has recently joined us from Pretoria, where she worked with Gary Rom for 2 years. Thereafter she was able to open her own salon, which she ran for 2 years, before getting married and moving to Tzaneen.
For bookings, please contact us on
015 307 7101 or 078 444 4815.
Check out our FB page for upcoming specials.
Highgrove Lodge Luxury Accommodation • Restaurant • Tavern • Conference
Breakfast & coffee
Special valid until: 28 June 2014
07:00 - 10:00 am
R2990 bulletin©9635hl140620dm
Hou die media dop vir verdere aankondigings.
Tel: el: 015 307 7242/3 • 072 150 5380 • 082 427 6888 • highgrove@tzaneen.co.za www.highgrovelodge.com .highgrovelodge.com • Highgrove is situated opposite Ben Vorster High School
The Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement, and Traditional Affairs (cogsta) is reportedly ready to commence initiations with sixty of the approved schools in Mopani. The house of traditional leaders conducted a workshop to prepare qualified participants on precautionary measures. Departmental spokesperson Mr Motupa Selomo said that the workshop will go a long way to ensure that Limpopo maintains a death free initiation season. He added that there will be zero tolerance against chance takers. Provincial police spokesperson Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said that the SAPS will not tolerate the abduction of boys into these initiation schools in the disguise of culture and tradition. Initiations were reported to commence last week Friday, but they were scheduled to commence this week to ensure that all participants comply with all relevant regulations.
—Arnold Mabunda
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news
Bed Search “Bulletin”
BAMBOO PURE NATURE IN BED ADVANTAGES *Fresh Fragrance * Anti-Fungal *Cool and Fresh
20 Junie 2014
Superior Gel Memory Foam Turn - Free
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* Adaptive GEL MEMORY FOAM built-in COMFORT TOP * Balanced support, spinal alignment & pressure relief * Increased air circulation
3 1
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20 Junie 2014
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Grondsake kry nuwe asem Die gevoelige kwessie oor grondhervorming in Limpopo kom onder ‘n nuwe loep wanneer AgriLimpopo op 25 Junie ‘n eerste slypskool daaroor hou en almal uit die landbouvlak in die provinsie daarby betrek. Dit is volgens die hoofbestuurder, mnr Willem van Vuuren, die beginpunt van ‘n reeks samesprekings oor grondsake waartydens boere self met voorstelle kan kom om die proses vorentoe voluit aan te help. Die president van AgriLimpopo, mnr Leon Borcherds, het ‘n dringende uitnodiging aan alle belangegroepe in die landbou byeengeroep om hul insette op die byeenkoms te
lewer. “Moenie dink jy is te gering om ‘n bydrae te maak nie.” Hy sê die gesprek sal handel oor die risiko’s van grondhervorming en hoe dit boere en die staat sal raak. Mandate sal ook aan onderhandelaars gegee word om sake te hanteer, terwyl ‘n proses aan die gang gesit sal word om die “angel” uit grondhervorming te haal. Borcherds het beklemtoon dat dit tot almal se voordeel sal strek om die vergadering en dié wat daarop volg, by te woon. Vir meer besonderhede kan AgriLimpopo by 015 590 1024 of admin@agrilimpopo.co.za geskakel word.
Rainbow Chickens, die nuwe eienaars van Bush Valley Chickens, het hul deel vir die plaaslike gemeenskap gedoen met ‘n mildelike bydrae van hoenderprodukte aan God’s Haven ouetehuis. Op die foto is mee Mavis Vorster en
Rina Henning (links). Sittende is mee Hantie van Niekerk, Hennie McLachlan, Sus Herman en Ria Terblanche. Agter staan mnr John Christie en me Elsie Schoeman, bestuurder van die oord.
Epilepsy South Africa celebrates National Epilepsy Week annually, with National Epilepsy Day on the 21st of June each year. This day being winter solstice (longest night and shortest day), we strive to take epilepsy out of the shadows of misconception into the light of understanding and acceptance. What is epilepsy and what causes epilepsy? • Epilepsy is not a mental illness or psychiatric disorder. • Epilepsy is not infectious or contagious. • It is a physical condition characterised by unusual electrical activity in the brain. • It is a symptom of a neurological disorder and shows itself in the form of seizures. • In approximately 66% of cases the underlying cause of epilepsy is unknown. . In the rest of the cases the underlying cause can be identified such as: - A result of head injury that can occur at any age; - Birth injury (such as lack of oxygen during birth); - Alcohol and drug abuse; - Degeneration (getting older), and - Metabolic or biochemical disturbances or imbalance.
Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition. About 1 in every 100 people in South Africa has epilepsy. People can contact their nearest Epilepsy South Africa Branch by dialling our sharecall number: 0860 EPILEPSY (0860 374 537), visiting our website at www.epilepsy.org.za or following us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/epilepsy.southafrica) or Twitter (@EpilepsySA).
20 x 4
Mercedes Benz Pre Owned Inherit only the best or nothing
C180 1.6 BE, SILVER; 2012 45 000 KM R269 900.00
C180 BE, SILVER; 2011 64 000 KM R259 000.00
C200 BE FL, WHITE; 2014 12 000 KM R468 000.00
C200 BE FL, WHITE; 2014 500 KM R389 000.00
C200 CLASSIC, BLACK; 2009 85 000 KM R189 000.00
C250 COUPE, SILVER; 2014 15 000 KM R549 000.00
C180 CLASSIC, SILVER; 2010 82 253 KM R209 000.00
C180 CGI BE, WHITE; 2010 123 000 KM R189 900.00
C180 CLASSIC, WHITE; 2010 96 112 KM R209 000.00
E200 CGI, WHITE; 2012 52 000 KM R329 900.00
Mercurius Motors Tzaneen, Box 3319 Tzaneen, Limpopo, 38 Peace Street, Tel.: 015 307 5020 , Fax: 015 307 1102, E-Mail: nmbatha@cargomotors.co.za, Nathi Mbatha, 084 401 9792 Finance is available from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no 18604) & Credit Provider (Licence no NCRCP 80). www.mymercedes.co.za
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20 Junie 2014
Business directory | Sakegids BRANCHES Tzaneen
NOW OPEN: • Giyani • Phalaborwa
Limpopo • Since 2007
e-mail: anne@smslimpopo.co.za | www.smslimpopo.co.za
Munchies TZANEEN
“Pouse pakkies op wiele” “Breaktime meals on wheels” Delivered to school e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za bulletin©9491m140411tb
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
Five 1 Two Trailers bulletin©9461f1t140314tb
We’ll get you there safely...
Vir die beste diens met die Blou Bulspan, skakel:
Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701
Fridges • Freezers • Washing Machines Tumble Dryers • Dishwashers • Stoves AIRCONDITIONER SALES & SERVICE
ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719
087 751 2333 • 015 386 8735
Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850
On site repairs
Bonanza Liquor House “Always going the extra mile”
015 307 5426 | 27 Skirving Street
Vital Bugs CC, Lushof Plot 16, Tzaneen 087 751 0279 | info@vitalbugs.co.za
Julene: 060 406 4638
Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.
André Moss
20 Junie 2014
Job Seeker Driver
I have 17 years experience in Pretoria (Executive Storage Equipment) contact me on 076 775 0455
My name is Phillip Motsayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 I have grade 11 and 2 years experience I speak English contact me on 076 699 5404
(62) _______________________________
My name is Mpho Collen Makgoba I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 + P.D.P, I also have grade 12 and I can speak English (ref: Raymond Manager 082 933 1910) contact me on 082 933 1910
(63) _______________________________
(2) ________________________________
(3) ________________________________
My name is Mpho Kgatla I am looking for a job as a driver, delivery man I have code C1 with PDP, I speak English, full time job contact me on 079 616 2526
(4) ________________________________
My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a driving job I have code B, I also can work in sales, and was a waitress I speak English, computer literate, full time job contact me on 071 984 7266
(5) ________________________________
My name is Micheal M Matlala I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 with PDP (assistant driver) I speak English and Afrikaans full time or part time I have grade 12 and 3 years experience driving contact me on 076 374 6232 (6) ________________________________
General My naam is Danie ek is op soek na n’ sekuriteits werk het Grade B of administrasie ek het 5 jaar ondervinding kode 8 lisensie. Skakel my by 061 466 0403
My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655
My name is Lydia Ramaisoma I am looking for work I have Grade D, E , C in security and firearms , I also can clean house contact me on 071 105 0840
(64) _______________________________
My name is Asmond I am looking for any general work I have matrix I can speak English and know how a computer work please call me on 078 778 4999 (65) _______________________________
My name is Margret I am looking for any general work stock taking, shop assistance, office cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I have 3 year experience 5 days or 3 days sleep in or out contact me on 079 169 7404
(66) _______________________________
My name is Johannes I am looking for any paving work or painting work contact me on 082 064 1055
(67) _______________________________
My name is Isaac Makubele I am looking for any general work shop assistant, driver or assistant driver I have code 10 (working of PDP) I speak English I have matric contact me on 060 4081 364 (68) _______________________________
My name is Phillimon Pemba I am looking for any general work I can speak English contact me on 071 984 7266 (69) _______________________________
My name is Makhuvele Eugenia I am looking for any general work in the garden I can speak English I have grade 11 contact me on 078 066 9101
(60) ______________________________
My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655
(61) ______________________________
My name is Emmanuel Mahasha I am looking for a job as Shelfin, foglift, welding, I can speak English, Afrikaans
My name is Mpho Pilusa I am looking for work as a clerk / office assistant I have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, code 10 driver licence. First aid lever one contact me on 071 461 0771
(4) ________________________________
My name is Lineliwe Rikhotso I am looking for work as a admin clerk or receptionist, I have grade 12 and N6 Human Resource management I can speak English (worked at Letaba FET contract expired) contact me on 072 784 4543 (5) ________________________________
My name is Cansley Ratlabela I am looking for as a Civil Engineer I have grade 11 I can speak English and I have code 10 drivers licence, I have N4 Civil engineering contact me on 072 926 8285 (6) ________________________________
My name is Annah Molepo I have N6 business Management. I currently working at Letaba FET College at Central Office as admin clerk (intern) (Ref no: 015 307 5440 Moseamedi M.T supply chain manager 082 500 2000) contact me on 071 188 6185 (7) _______________________________
My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is opsoek na enige amdin kantoor werk of kassiere werk, ontvangs, ek kan “data capture, credit control doen ek het matriek en is rekenaar gelettered skakel my by 079 706 3283
(8) _______________________________
Domestic My name is Agnes I am looking for as a domestic worker I can speak English, sleep out 2 or 3 days a week contact met on 083 529 5097 (34) ______________________________
My name is Malefo Monica Maenetja I am looking for a domestic work or day care I can look after children I speak English, 5 or 3 days a week, sleep out (ref: 079 517 2213) contact me on 071 734 6240 (35) _______________________________
My name is Margreth Khipa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri full day contact me on 071 078 6993 (36) _______________________________
My name is Dora Malola I am looking for a domestic work or general work I speak English Mon – Fri, sleep out (ref: Allen Finnaughty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (37) _______________________________
My name is Makumbila Reina I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans I have 1 year experience contact me on 079 159 9947 (38) _______________________________
My name is Johanna Ramalepe I am looking for a domestic work I have 3 years experience I speak English contact me on 082 540 7416 (39) _______________________________
My name is Mpho Manyama I am looking for any gardening work and I can speak English
• 5 Years supervisor experience; • Must be between 30-60 years of age; • Qualified diesel and petrol mechanic; • Able to work under pressure, work long hours and/or work overtime; • Good communications skills with workers; • Must be a qualified mechanic and; • Should be able to diagnose faults on vechiles (bakkies, tractors ect.) And give advice for repair and maintain the impliments and vechiles on a standard; • Be able to maintain all vechiles and equipment on inventory; • Control the budget, workshop tools, personnel and equipment; • Maintaining the tracker system and all technical activities; • Ensuring maintenance of spares list for the vehicles, stock control and upkeep of purchasing of spares; • Negotiating with any contractors what so ever for repair work on vechiles and machinery; • Make sure that all the work that has been done is quality and on standard; • Do a monthly inspection on all the implements, vechiles and machinery; • Coordinating all workshop activities and administration; • Train technical personnel and make sure that health and safety rules do occur.
(40) _______________________________
10 can work 2 to 3 days a week contact me on 076 749 0804
My name is Thembi I am looking for work as cleaner or domestic I can look after children, I can cook, sleep in or out Monday to Friday or any other general work contact me on 072 770 7248/078 439 5694
(57) _______________________________
(41) _______________________________
(58) _______________________________
My name is Sibongile Mohale I am looking for domestic work I can speak English and Tsonga, sleep out contact me on 071 088 7011
My name is Liza Seshoka I am looking for a general work, domestic or office cleaner, I can speak English contact me on 071 721 7739
(42) _______________________________
(59) _______________________________
My name is Grace Machethe I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can look after children and speak English contact me on 072 923 1199
My name is Relly Sekgobela I am looking for a job as a office cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I can cook, work after hours I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 792 8794
(43) _______________________________
My name is Salphinah Machete I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can speak English I can look after children and also have 3 years experience contact me on 083 8755814 (44) _______________________________
My name is Maria M Sekokotla I am looking for any general work or cleaning work I can speak English Monday to Friday contact me on 078 331 5755 (45) _______________________________
My name is Josphine Rapeulwane I am looking for any domestic work or general work I can look after children contact me on 079 585 9488 (46) _______________________________
My name is Julia Mmola I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can look after children contact me on 073 0199 358 (47) _______________________________
I am looking for domestic work or cleaner in a office I can take care of children I speak English and Afrikaans contact me Sarah Baloyi on 072 015 3906 (48) _______________________________
My name is Rcinah Makublila I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans and English. I can look after children and pets contact me on 079 159 9947 (49) _______________________________
My name is Nelson I am looking for any gardening work contact me on 072 373 7363 (50) _______________________________
My name is Ralepelle Mahlatse I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can look after children I have grade 10 I can speak English contact me on 076 466 2436 (51) _______________________________
Please forward your application to email: peet@montina.co.za
and Afrikaans contact me on 076 369 2789
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My name is Melita Mokati I am looking for a domestic work or any general work I can speak English, I can look after children I have 3 years experience office cleaning. Contact me on 082 695 1163 (52) _______________________________
I am looking for a domestic or general work I can speak English I have grade 11 my name is Olga Mookamedi contact me on 072 678 5740 (53) _______________________________
My name is Thelma Mabunda I am looking for a house keeping work or shop or laundry please contact me on 072 964 2046
My name is Beauty Baloyi I am looking for a domestic or general work I can look after children I have 1 year experience I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 6006 790
(60) _______________________________
My name is Margret Seloa, I am looking for a domestic work, sleep out, I can speak English , 3 or 5 days a week , office cleaner, general work contact me on 078 400 8271 (61) _______________________________
My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a cleaning work or looking after children contact me on 083 371 2193 (62)_______________________________
My name is Sindile Mokoena I am looking for a cleaning job or domestic work contact me on 079 325 4259 (63) _______________________________
My name is Lucy Mmola I am looking for a domestic work / gardening 3 days a week, I speak English I can look after children; sleep out contact me on 083 770 2829 (64) _______________________________
My name is Kate Mojela I am looking for a cleaning job or domestic work 5 days a week, sleep out, I speak English ( I can look after children at day care centre) contact me on 073 579 1742 (65) _______________________________
My name is Grace Motloutsi I am looking for a domestic work I have 4 years experience I can speak English contact me on 071 235 8314 (66) _______________________________
Suzen Mokgolobotho I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English I have 1 year experience I have grade 11 contact me on 071 177 1978 (67) _______________________________
My name is Annieke Makoro I am looking for job as domestic work I can look after children I can speak Afrikaans I have 4 years experience full time or 3 days (ref: Liezel 072 075 6254) contact me on 076 775 0455 (68) ______________________________
My name is Jane Malatjie I am looking for a domestic work 2 or 3 days of full time I have seven years experience I can cook and look after children (ref: Marlina Walker 082 8955 270) contact me on 072 344 7776 (69) _______________________________
My name is Maria Shibanda I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children, I speak English I clean very well, sleep out mon – fri contact me on 083 345 9600
(54) _______________________________
(70) ______________________________
My name is Suzane Monamedi I am looking for a job as a domestic worker I can speak Afrikaans I have 3 years experience contact me on 083 669 5648
My name is Machete Salphinah Mandy I am looking for a domestic work or gardening work I speak English I have two years experience contact me on 082 833 3570
(55) _______________________________
My name is Agnes I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English 2 days a week Tuesdays and Thursdays contact me on 083 529 5097 (56) _______________________________
My name is Joyce I am looking for a domestic work I have a cleaning certificate I
Years am looking for any general work, or domestic work Sleep out, I speak English contact me on 078 419 3421 (73) _______________________________
My name is Matapa Jane Makwala I am looking for a domestic work / office cleaner I can speak English and I can also look after children I have 5 years experience (74) _______________________________
My name is Ntebaleng Matemane I am looking for domestic work I can speak English / Afrikaans and look after children I have 9 years experience contact me on 071 090 3579 (75) _______________________________
Maria M Modike I am looking for two days a week domestic work / office cleaner I understand Afrikaans contact me on 079 845 6320 (76) _______________________________
My name is Melita Mokati I am looking for general work, domestic work, office cleaner 3 days of full time, speak English, sleep out contact me on 082 695 1163 (77) _______________________________
My name is Ivy Ramalepe I am looking for general or domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children. I have a security grade E D & C I have experience in Gardening (ref Caroline 073 299 0716 ) contact me on 079 5321 752 (78) _______________________________
My name is Winny Maluleke I am looking for domestic work I can speak Afrikaans and English I can also look after children I have grade 11 contact me on 073 800 8784 (79) _______________________________
I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English contact me Lesedi Mabulana on 082 414 7509 (80) _______________________________
I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and look after children I can speak English also understand Afrikaans contact me Martha Ntlemo on 083 861 7120 (81) _______________________________
My name is Ramodike Rosinah I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can also look after children I can speak Afrikaans I have 6 years experience (ref Johan Hibbert 076 255 9780) (82)_______________________________
My name is Sarah M Chilwane I am looking for a job as domestic worker / office cleaner I can speak Afrikaans and I can look after children sleep in or out contact me on 079 195 0398 (83)_______________________________
My name is Catrine Mbatsane I am looking for a job as a cleaner or domestic work I speak English I have experience contact me on 079 844 1764 (84)_______________________________
My name is Rachel Semosa I am looking for a cleaner job or domestic work I can speak English full time or couple of days I have 5 years experience contact me on 072 789 2338 (85)_______________________________
My name is Ramodike Rosinah I am looking for domestic work / general work. I can also look after children. I speak Afrikaans. I have 6 years experience (ref Johan Hibbert 076 255 9780) contact me 082 597 7973 (86)___________________________
My name is Maria Sekokotla I am looking for any general work or domestic work, I can speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri or 2 or 3 days a week contact me on 078 331 5755
My name is Dora Malola I am looking for a domestic work or any other general work, I speak English 4 days a week (ref: Me Ellen Finaughty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671
(72) _______________________________
(87) _______________________________
My name is Ruth Makwela I
My name is Melita M Mokati
(71) _______________________________
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. I am looking for any general work, domestic or office cleaner work I speak English, full time or 3 days a week, sleep out. Contact me on 082 695 1163 (88) _______________________________
My name is Beauty Baloyi I am looking for any general work, domestic work , I can speak English and I have 3 years experience contact me on 073 600 6790 (89) _______________________________
My name is Agnes M Madia any general work, domestic, office cleaner I can do food preparation, baking , I speak English, full time or 3 days, sleep in contact me on 071 906 2328 (90) _______________________________
My name is Kubayi Lasta I am looking for a domestic work or general work i can speak English and I have grade 11 I have 1 year experience contact me on 078 3628 379 (91) _______________________________
My name is Masitle adelide I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English I have 2 years experience in domestic work I have grade 12 contact me on 083 466 8588 (92)_______________________________
My name is Khosa Jeneth I am looking for a domestic work or general work, office cleaner I can look after children I can speak Eng. and Afr. I have 7 year experience contact me on 071 8381 375 (93) ________________________________
My name is Rachel Samosa I am looking for a job as cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I also can look after the garden I did work at a nursery contact me on 072 789 2538 (94)_______________________________
My name is Peta Lorraine I am looking for job in cleaning or catering I have matric certificate and cleaners certificate contact me on 072 910 2384
My name is Thembi I am looking for work as domestic , sleep in Monday – Friday I can look after the kids clean
Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. and cook contact me on 078 439 5694
(96) ________________________________
My name is Minkateko I am looking for a domestic work any general work I can look after kids clean cook , sleep in Monday - Friday contact me on 072 770 7248
(97) ________________________________
My name is Nora Maluleke I am looking for a domestic work full time or half time sleep out I speak English office cleaner as well contact me on 083 4810 354 9 (98) ________________________________
My name is Cecilia Shai I am looking for any domestic work or general work I can look after children I can speak English I have grade 11, I have experience in sales (selling food for Invisible Chef) (Ref: Elna Jacobs 083 371 9190) contact me on 081 886 7786
(99) ________________________________
Johanna Mdlaudzi I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and a little bit Afrikaans, I can work every day sleep in or out contact me on 083 528 3845
(100) _______________________________
Nomsa Nkonwane I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English and Afrikaans, 5 days a week. Sleep in contact me on 078 982 3908
(101) _______________________________
My name is Maria M Sekokotla. I am looking for a domestic work or general work. I speak English, 5 days Mon- Fri Sleep out. contact me on 078 331 5755 (102) _______________________________
My name is Ruth Makwela I am looking for any general work or domestic I can speak English, 5 days or 3 days sleep out, office cleaner as well contact me on 078 419 3421 (103) _______________________________
Sylvia M Mohale I am looking for a job as a shop assistant in clothing shop, I speak English, also domestic work, sleep out 5 days a week.Security – Urban Area Grade C, E. D contact me on 078 233 9937 (104) _______________________________
Nomsa Nkonwane is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English/Afrikaans, sleep in, 5 days Mon-Fri, office cleaner as well contact me on 071 837 5720
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Search “Laeveldbulletin”
10 Jare
Eiendomme | Property To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955 Mei301__________________________
2 Slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit/eetkamer en kombuis. Besonderse ruim hoofslaapkamer. Twee privaat buite leefareas. Deel toesluit motorhuis in tandem vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 500-00 per maand.
Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696. Jun201__________________________
Volledig gemeubileerde woonstel met kombuis, groot sitkamer, aparte slaapkamer met dubbel bed, aparte stort & toilet en voertuig afdak. Geskik vir enkel of twee volwasse persone in stil omgewing. Geen kinders en diere nie. Maandeliks: R3 000. Dep. R2 000 Beskikbaar: 1 Julie 2014 Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Gas vir geyser eie verantwoordelikheid. Volle Dstv ingesluit maar moet eie TV voorsien. Kontak Christa: 078 686 8331 of 015 307 3370 Jun202__________________________
Town House/Meenthuis Ruim netjiese opgegradeerde 2 slaapkamer meenthuis op grondvlak. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer
Legals NOTICE OF DRAFT SCHEME The Greater Tzaneen Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 28(1)(a) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that a draft town-planning scheme to be known as Amendment Scheme 303 has been prepared by it. This scheme is an amendment scheme and contains the following proposal: The rezoning of part of the street reserve (±740 sq.m.) adjacent to Erf 1523 Lenyenye, situated at the corner of Poelano and Lesedi Street, from “Public Street” to “Institutional”. The draft scheme will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 28 days from 20 June 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the scheme must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 20 June 2014. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850
KENNISGEWING VAN ONTWERPSKEMA Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 28(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat; ‘n ontwerpdorpsbeplanningskema bekend te staan as Wysigingskema 303 deur hom opgestel is. Hierdie skema is ‘n wysigingskema en bevat die volgende voorstel: Die hersonering van deel van die straatreserwe (groot ±740 vk.m.) aangrensend tot Erf 1523 Lenyenye, op die hoek van Poelano en Lesedistraat, van “Openbare Straat” na “Inrigting”. Die ontwerpskema lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 Junie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten
opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 Junie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850
NOTICE GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET CLOSURE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 67 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939) that it is the intention of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to partly close Poelano Street in Lenyenye. The purpose of the closure is to create an Institutional erf. A map showing the street
en kombuis. Volledige badkamer met aparte stort. Privaat braai area. Motorhuis vir 2 voertuie. Geen katte en honde. R3 850 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar onmiddellik. Dep betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696
stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwasgeriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 800. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955 Mei303_________________________
Moderne 3slp meenthuis in veilige kompleks in Letsitele beskikbaar, R4600 p/m. Koopkrag en minimale water rekening, 1 Junie beskikbaar. 0835616062, elzaan@ clbfruits.co.za Jun102________________________
Homes/Huise Groot netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis, groot kombuis,ingangs portaal en motor afdak. Dadelik beskikbaar. Lushof 32 Skakel 082 224 6887 Jun203__________________________
Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa,
At your sevice • Rental • Sales Manda 083 274 6136 015 307 7504 For management & administration • Body Corporates • Home Assosiations Outien 083 258 5848 015 307 7504 Manda Rabie MPRE (NQF5) Master Practitioner in Real Estate 083 274 6136 015 307 7504/9 Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the Property
10 Years concerned, as well as all the relevant particulars, lies open for inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager, Greater Tzaneen Municipality during normal office hours. Any person who has any objection to the proposed street closure or who may have any claim for compensation if such closure is carried out, must lodge such objection or claim with reasons in writing no later than 25 July 2014, with the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen. The Municipal Manager, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850
KENNISGEWING GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE STRAATSLUITING Hiermee word ingevolge Artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, (Ordonnansie
17 van 1939) bekend gemaak dat die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit van voorneme is om ’n gedeelte van Poelanostraat in Lenyenye permanent te sluit. Die doel van die sluiting is om ’n Institusionele erf te skep. ‘n Plan wat die betrokke strate aantoon, asook alle tersaaklike besonderhede, lê ter insae by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit gedurende normale kantoorure. Enigiemand wat enige besware of eis het teen die voorgestelde straatsluiting moet sy beswaar of eis met redes, sou sodanige sluiting plaasvind, skriftelik nie later dan 25 Julie 2014 by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, indien. Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850
Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede
Pusela (plaas) 1 Ruim slaapkamer, badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, groot omheinde erf , Pre-paid krag. Troeteldiere welkom. R2 500 Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis met baie kaste, eie tuin omhein met afdak, afdak vir voertuig en toesluithek, alles omhein. R3 850 Aquapark Huis 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis in veiligheidskompleks. R5 500
20 Junie 2014
Aquapark meenthuis 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis in veiligheidskompleks. R4 500 Pusela Bachelor-woonstelle met pre-paid krag, groot vertrekke en erf omhein, geskik vir middelslag troeteldiere. 7 Kilos op Georgev Valley-pad. R1 800 Faunapark 1 x Bachelor flat with small garden, water and lights included. R2 500
Letsitele 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer woonstel, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, 15 kilos vanaf Letsitele, water en ligte ingesluit. R2 700
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151
VACANCY Fear lessl y the tr uth
We require the services of a BOOKKEEPER
10 years
Salary negotiable Full time position Minimum requirements: 3 – 5 Years’ Bookkeeping experience essential Up-to-date knowledge of Pastel Accounting and E-filing State availability Please fax CV to: 086 214 2812 Please take note if no feedback received before 18 July 2014 regard your application as unsuccessful.
Bulletin turns 10 today. What a ride it has been. (Just ask Mark Zuckerberg. He will understand what we are talking about.) Big ideas. Passion and Determination.
To our readers, followers, fans, enemies and our esteemed advertisers Thank you for your faith in us. Thank you for your passion. You are the reason we want to exist. It all came together and the result has been (and still is), spectacular!
our community
Fear lessl y the tr uth
LAERSKOOL DR. ANNECKE PRIMARY LETSITELE ONDERWYSPOS (BEHEERLIGGAAM) Aansoeke word ingewag vir ‘n beheerliggaam onderwyspos POSBESKRYWING: Pos 1: Engels: Huistaal en 1e Addisionele Taal Intermediêre- en Senior Fase (Gr. 6 + Gr. 7) AANSTELLINGSDATUM: 1 September 2014 VEREISTES: 1. Toepaslike onderwyskwalifikasie. 2. Voldoende kommunikasievaardigheid in beide Afrikaans en Engels is ‘n vereiste. 3. Sportafrigting en Buitemuurse Aktiwiteite (meld bevoegdhede). 4. Ondervinding en/of opleiding in CAPS sal ‘n aanbeveling wees. 5. SACE-registrasie. SALARIS: Mededingende salaris AANSOEKE: Aansoekvorm tesame met ‘n CV moet gerig word aan: Die Hoof Laerskool Dr. Annecke Primary Posbus 16, LETSITELE, 0885 E-pos: drannecke@mweb.co.za (Aansoekvorms is by die skool beskikbaar. Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasies en SACE-registrasie moet aansoek vergesel.) SLUITINGSDATUM VAN AANSOEKE: Vrydag 27 Junie 2014 (12:00)
20 Junie 2014
Search “Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Even young people can be courageous and decide to stop smoking. • You are ready for the challenge?
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
• Affordable and easy.
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210____________________________
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekerings behoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106___________________________
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Mar204___________________________
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
015 307 7168
Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email: khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770
Services Dienste
Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558. Jan302________________________
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com
BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS for PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES FILING SEASON FOR 2014 WILL START ON 1/7/2014:MAKE SURE YOURS WILL BE FILED ON TIME. MA¬¬KE AN APPOINTMENT. Monthly & Annual Accounting. Management accounts. Compiling of Financial Statements Independent Reviews Registration of Companies BBBEE certificates for Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME) Returns for: 8.1 Income tax 8.2 Vat 8.3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law. Contact Harold Butler Member of:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBA 2041 & SAIT 11055797. Registered Tax Practitioner-PR C97971B At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320.
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Trophy Toyota Vir die beste diens in die Laeveld 015 309 9258 Jun302____________________________
The Flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pets need Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
Winter time is sunny time let us do all your upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018
Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie
Services Dienste
JS Petroleum For all your diesel requirements Jean Small 083 411 1774 Tel: 015 307 6640 Faks: 015 307 4354 17 Koedoe Street jspet@telkomsa.net Jun303____________________________
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20 Junie 2014
Merensky Archery Club hosts championships The Merensky Archery Club hosted the Limpopo Indoor Championships at the Eiland Spa. Notwithstanding cold conditions, it was a very successful day. Merensky’s archers competed in seventeen categories, for which they all won medals. No less than eleven new Limpopo Magdalena The junior boys Limpopo champions are Ricus champions were crowned: Kleinhans (AFBU), Debbie Venter (AFFU), Warmenhoven (freestyle) and Renart Botha Jan Potgieter (AMFS[R]), Rikus Harmse (Bowhunter).
(AMFU-C), Canell Jackson (CFBU), Cheney Kleinhans (JFFU), Renart Botha (JMBU), Ricus Warmenhoven (JMFU), Ockert le Roux (VMBU), Chris Venter (VMFU) and Beneche Jackson (JFFU). The archers who obtained full Limpopo colours for the year are: Renart Botha, Cheney Kleinhans and the father and son combination of Schalk and Ricus Warmenhoven. In the second competition of the Bosveld
The archers who were rewarded with Limpopo indoor provincial colours: Ricus Warmenhoven, Cheney Kleinhans, Renart Botha, Schalk Warmenhoven, Theuns Erasmus and Hennie Kruger.
The junior boys bowhunter class members who took part at Eiland were Adriaan Venter (bronze), Renart Botha (silver) and Leon Jardine (gold).
Underdogs take the cup… Blue Mountain College from the Modjadjiskloof area came out victorious winning the annual Merensky six a side soccer tournament. With thirteen teams participating, the small school did well to battle their way through stiff opposition in the group stages. Going into the semi-finals on goal difference they managed to defeat Stanford Lake College 2-1, advancing to the final where they met King’s Court. The final was hard fought going down to a nail biting penalty shootout, which Blue Mountain clinched. Seen here are the members of the winning team. Unfortunately no names were submitted with the photo.
SLC’s hockey boys win semi-finals The Stanford Lake College u.16 boys’ hockey team played and won Groblersdal Academy in the semifinals of the league. Both teams had early chances to score in the game, and although SLC worked hard to control the play, they missed some opportunities in the first half. However, they came out firing in the second half and scored two unanswered goals. The finals were played against Ben Viljoen on the PHS astro turf. SLC started off where they had left off in the previous game, scoring Seen here are the members of the team. In the back row are Aidan du Preez, Rohan a magnificent four goals in the Robinson, Mr Shane Friedrichs (coach), Adam McGaffin, Jason Wright, Michael van space of fifteen minutes in the first Zyl, Graeme Harty, Benno Prinsloo and Mfumo Mongwe. In front are Bryce Reed, Matthew Maritz, Marc Stirling and Zia Rasekhi-Casan. half, including a hat-trick from Adam McGaffin. Ben Viljoen put in a big effort in the second half by scoring early, but SLC’s u.16’s put the nail in the coffin with a fourth goal by McGaffin, to clinch a win by 5-1. It has been a great season from the u.16 boys, although it has caused a few grey hairs at times! Their work ethic and willingness to learn has been awesome. The team’s coach, Mr Shane Friedrichs, said, “we look forward to our tournament in the half term in August, since the boys really deserve it.” He also thanked the parents for their support this season.
Indoor championships, the club members also did very well. Even after shooting 150 arrows, the muscles and nerves held. The competition was hotly contested, as there was only one point separating the first three places in the Junior Boys’ Division. Only the number of x’s determined the winner. Leon Jardine won this gruelling division, with Renart Botha in a close second and Adriaan Venter third.
The rose amongst the thorns was the winner of the junior girls free style: Limpopo champion Beneche Jackson is seen here with the coach, Mr Ockert le Roux.
Tzn hosts first MTB X-country race “We are very excited to host our first MTB cross country race tomorrow (Saturday) — also a Limpopo qualifier — in Tzaneen, sponsored by Simpson Motors. The track is awesome, the day is action packed and the spectator points great, the beers are cold and the Spur-burgers delicious!” says Mr Marco Lottering, the dealer principle of Simpsons. The Track is 6 km long (shorter for younger cyclists u.14 and women) and the cyclists will be riding in timed laps per race program. The kids’ race lap is approximately 1,5 km laps and they will be riding laps in optimum time, according to their age category. The track is opposite the municipal landfill site (refuse dump) on the Agatha Road. R80 entry fee plus R35 CSA day license if applicable. New on the program is the downhill show! A few extreme downhillers are going to come and show us what downhill is about! Bring your camping chair along if you like and find one of our great spectator points on the route! Smoking on the track and forestry area is prohibited. However, there will
be demarcated smoking areas. If you are a downhiller and would like to take part in our downhill show, please contact Remi on 083 277 0101. “Please bring your children’s old clothes for Noah’s Ark Children’s Home on race day!” Lottering asked. Track is open for some pre-riding! Contact Dorothy on 083 265 0844 or Marco on 082 881 3739 or Brendon on 082 449 8778 for details/information.
The program:
06:30 — Line entries open for all categories (registration and number collection will only take place tomorrow at the race 07:15 — Entries close for sub-juniors and younger (ages 10-14) 07:30 — Sub-juniors, nippers & sprogs race start 08:00 — Entries close for all other categories 08:45 — Youth race start 10:15 — All other categories, race start 12:15 — Downhill show 13:00 — Prize giving.
20 Junie 2014
Lim kampioene Die Plasies se eerste seunshokkiespan is die nuwe Limpopokampioene. Hulle het in ‘n taai halfeindstryd teen Groblersdal Academy gespeel. In die eindstryd moes hulle toe PHS aandurf. Die Plasies was vinnig uit die blokke en Jason Moore het met puik spel die eerste doel van die wedstryd aangeteken. Kort daarna het Rynard de Lange die “doel van die seisoen” aangeteken en die halftydtelling was 2-0 in hul guns. Merensky se verdediging in die tweede helfte was rotsvas en PHS kon slegs een doel aanteken. Hier is die spanlede. Ongelukkig is geen name deurgegee nie.
Givemore Muzinganyama, a Zimbabwean from Gauteng, won the men’s category of this year’s 12 kilometre Tlhotlhokwe Marathon at Tllhotlhokwe village in Bolobedu. He completed the distance from Taulome to Tlhotlhokwe in 34 minutes. Stephen Mudzhanani from Thohoyandou came in second in 35 minutes. Elijah Mogoboya, also from Tembisa, was third and Vudzanani Mundzhelele from Thohoyandou fourth. Nobuhle Zuma, also from Tembisa, emerged the winner amongst the females. She completed the race in 40:46. Veteran Jane Mudau from Thohoyandou came second in 43:34 and Phophi Netshifhefhe, a daughter of veteran sprinter Bethuel Netshifhefhe was third. Seen here are Zuma and Muzingayama with their trophies. The Greater Letaba Municipality supports the event, in the hope that the race will become even more popular and would draw many more athletes and spectators (tourists) to the area. — Michael Sakuneka, michael@bulletin.us.com
Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele se o.9-rugbyspan is die naaswenners in die liga (Noord-groep) en more speel hulle in Bela Bela in die kampioenskappe, om te bepaal wie is Limpopo se bestes. Agter staan Zander Heydenrych, Elai Joubert, Luan Verster (k), Nkateko Ngobeni, Marno du Toit en Mahlatse Baloyi. In die middelry is Chris Snyman, Ben de Wet, Dirk Lourens, Keanu Parsons, Pedrie Minnaar en Righard Dyer en voor sit Andiza Maroleni, Ben Mashele, Tian ViljoenKrügel, Gideon Goosen en Bob Mnisi.
Oubal wil graag die los drade van Divan Serfontein se porn vs rakbie-storie bymekaar trek, maar hy hoop nie hy gaan ook so gestreep raak soos sy kollega Vlieg verlede week nie. ‘Tja, dit smaak vir Oubal neef Divan verstaan te min van die onderwerp om sinlike genot daaruit te kan put, al was hy op ‘n kol Springbokkaptein. Oubal vermoed neef Divan is so gekondisioneer om op die uitkyk te wees vir los balle en stywe arms, dat hy die res van die aksie in die gesigsveld heeltemaal miskyk! So wonder Oubal byvoorbeeld wat neef Divan daarvan sal dink as Heyneke ‘n bloedjong losskakel neem en hom in twee toetse kortstondig speelkans gee saam met die ouer spelers? Oubal is seker neef Divan sal dit ‘n hardcore oefening vind, wat sy polsspoed opjaag en hom na sy asem laat snak! Oubal sien dat die GAD* ‘n soortgelyke mening huldig, toe hulle dit goed gedink het om verlede week op die voorblad te berig
Rapsodie in Blou van ‘n 22-jarige tannie wat ‘n knapie van veertien twee speelbeurte van tien en sewe minute onderskeidelik gegee het. Toegegee, dis porn van die persoonlike verbeelding wat nou nie heeltemaal aan die BokSmartvereistes voldoen nie, maar neef Divan moet erken, ongeag is dit selfs meer speelkans per wedstryd as wat Chilliboy in sy roemryke loopbaan op die lyf geloop het. Wat ‘n coach, neef! Aan die anderkant wonder Oubal as neef Divan nou na Debbie Does Dallas sit en kyk en hy kom by die punt waar Bambi Woods van haar laaste stukkie klere ontslae moet raak vir haar magnum opus, maar sy stap van die stel af omdat sy meer geld in ou JR se Dallas kan verdien, of neef Divan dit ‘n besonder
Haenertsburg Iron Crown trail run
opwindende verandering van posisie sal vind? ‘Tja, neef, dat Frans Steyn presies dit aan ons gedoen het op die vooraand van die eerste toets teen Wallis dra nou nie almal se sedelike goedkeuring weg nie, maar dit laat beslis die gemiddelde ondersteuner se oë meer rek as Bambi Woods. “Nêwwer ei dal moumint,” sê ArthurIngelsman. Inderdaad, neef! GertGrensvegter reken hy is tot satwordens toe siek vir hierdie soort prostituering van ons rakbie en vir sy part kan Frans in sy watsenaam (self ‘n effens pornografiese woord) in vlieg, so lank hy wat Frans is net self sy kaartjie betaal. Soos dit is, sê GG, het Frans deesdae die onkykbare lyf van ‘n erg bulemiese Bambi Woods en nog swakker posisionele spel! KoosKakie het natuurlik sonder huiwering al die blaam aan SARU toegedig, omdat hulle volgens hom soos ‘n klomp pimps te kere gaan met oorsese en volksvreemde spelers, terwyl ons plaaslike talent aan die agterspeen moet suig. Dis skandalig dat hulle nou weier om ‘n straatvrou vir haar
Could there be a more pristine and spectacular scenic route for a trail run? Entries are now open for this fourth annual trail run on 12 July. The day’s event features a 21,1 km strenuous run over rough single track mountain paths to the summit of the highest mountain in Limpopo — the Iron Crown. There is also a shorter 10 km distance and a 5 km fun run for families and dogs! The details can be found at http://rotaryhaenertsburg. co.za with links to the www.myactive.co.za entries on line. The start and finish will be on the central market square in Haenertsburg. This is a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg in conjunction with the Ofcolaco Harriers. It is a festive day out for everyone. Food will be on sale and there will be a beer tent. Cash prizes for winners in the different age and gender categories!
dienste te betaal, sê KK. ‘Tja, harde woorde van Oubal se vrinne, maar hy weet nie so mooi nie. Fransie wil nie praat nie en SARU prewel onsamehangend, maar niemand wil vir ons die feite gee nie. Oubal vermoed iemand gaan opeindig met eier op die gesig as al die feite openbaar gemaak word. Maar daarsonder is daar net een ding wat staan, neef: Frans Steyn het in die middel van ‘n toetsreeks sy rug op ons gekeer. En dit laat ‘n onbevredigende smaak in die mond van die gemiddelde Bok-ondersteuner. Die ergste, neef Divan, is dat Wynand Olivier in Frans se plek opgeroep is. So, wat gaan dit wees, Debbie Does Dallas of Dallas? Of wil jy eerder na Rhapsody in Blue luister? (*GAD = Grootste Afrikaanse Dagblad) “Those Romans who perpetrated the rape of the Sabines did not work themselves up by screening Debbie Does Dallas, neither did those monkish types who burnt a million witches in the Middle Ages.” — Barbara Ehrenreich