Bulletin 140801

Page 1

1 Augustus 2014

015 307 7248




R4 Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Women’s Month

Clean up

Fear lessl y the tr uth

The Tzaneen Working on Fire team worked under difficult conditions to extinguish the fire in the Iron Crown mountain in the Haenertsburg area. Because of the steep hill, the pine needles do not decompose properly and spot fires occur easily.

People are reminded that the fire season is upon us and that the utmost care should be taken to prevent unattended fires spreading and causing huge losses to property. Read report on page 3 inside.

Irregularities in the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) that led to corrupt activities resulting in poor service delivery will be fixed. This pledge to fix the problems was made by the MDM’s new mayor, Ms Nkankareng Rakgoale. Speaking during a special council sitting on Tuesday, marking the beginning of her new term as mayor, she expressed her concern that to obtain a clean audit was proving too much for many municipalities. According to her, “this is a concern for everyone because municipalities are strategic spheres of government that focus on growing local economies, providing local infrastructure and driving service delivery”. She identified several challenges such as non-compliance with the accounting management officer, wasteful expenditure, ineffectiveness on government’s structures, non-payment of municipal accounts etcetera. Asked how she would resolve the Nandoni Dam project, especially the multi-million Rand pipeline that was supposed to bring water from Nandoni to Giyani, which is currently on hold for the High Court’s judgement, she said she needed time to familiarise herself with the facts before she could act. “I need to study the reports first, but in general, I will ensure that all the people of Mopani have access to water and sanitation,” she said. Rakgoale is replacing Mr Joshua Matlou and is the youngest and also the first

woman to occupy the MDM’s hot seat. Commenting on her appointment, the opposition parties supported her vision of the district and urged her to root out corruption. “It is fortunate that the new mayor came in at the start of a new financial year. We hope she keeps to what she promised,” said Mr Gareth Fleming, a DA councillor. Rakgoale is the regional treasurer of the ANC in Mopani and a former senior manager responsible for community development workers at Limpopo’s department of cooperative governance, human settlements and traditional affairs. — Orlando Chauke orlando@bulletin.us.com

The brains trust behind the Grade R iniative. Page 9

Letaba Show kicks off next week. Don’t miss a show with a different flow!


Saterdag 2 Aug 08:15 - 13:30 Dr. Annecke Laerskool

Trots geborg deur:

Sien jou daar! Vir enige navrae kontak gerus vir: Gerhardt Vorster 083 457 8824


NG Kerk Letsitele

Meer as ‘n 1000 deelnemers van skole ooral oor kom stoot kaskarre dat die stof staan oor Letsitele. Kom neem deel in die opwindende dag vol pret & plesier met verskeie stalletjies en vermaak vir oud en jonk...


1 Augustus 2014




Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com

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Vlieg: M.I.A.

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...


Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 072 392 4138 elliot@bulletin.us.com Rethabile Maake 074 913 5653 rethabile@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292

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The lights are on but the Vlieg’s not home...

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but should be back next week!

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Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie! Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Sonette Jacobs Ja!! Ons water vrot! Ons waag nie eers om dit te drink nie! Lanese Fox En die water lyk ook vuil. Dis bruin!!

Facebook GROUP | GROEP Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

Besprekings en Kennisgewings

Nuus en Kennisgewings

Martie Dreyer Het hulle ontslae geraak van die met die lang vingers, ek glo nie, so gaan maar net van vooraf begin. Johan du Toit Nee, Afrika-ideologie is hier om te bly ongeag wie oorvat, kwessie van tyd en alles verval in dieselfde groef as voorheen. Die 20j se sogenaamde “demokrasie” of die reënboognasie (‘n mite) het dit bewys. Noordwes Provinsie is maar net so beroerd! Sou al die korrupsiegeld (miljarde rande) sedert 1994 tot op datum bymekaar kon getel wees sou dit vele werskepping bewerkstellig het. Die RSA staatsdiens is groter as die VSA staatsdiens... dit alleen spreek boekdele hoe slim ons eie regering is ! The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hatespeech or to be insulting toward others.

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Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 28/07/2014

Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van


Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

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Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

• Die nasionale regering se taakspan wat moes inspring by vyf departemente in Limpopo om die provinsie letterlik van bankrotskap te red, het nou onttrek en Limpopo bestuur nou weer die provinsie se geldsake self. Is jy hoopvol dat dit nou beter sal gaan, veral wat betref deursigtige finansiële bestuur en vroeëre probleme met tenderbedrog en korrupsie? • The national government›s task team that had to intervene in five departments in Limpopo to save the province from liquidation has withdrawn and Limpopo is managing its own finances again. Do you believe things will turn out for the better, especially regarding transparency in financial management and the resolution of problems with tender fraud and corruption?

• Toenemende voorvalle van munisipale kraanwater wat sleg ruik en proe doen die rondte. Wat is jou ervaring daarmee? • Increasing reports of bad tasting and smelling municipal tap water are surfacing. Are you experiencing the same thing?

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

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Sonnig en matig

Sonnig en matig

Sonnig en warm

Sonnig en warm

Woensdag Donderdag Gedeeltelik bewolk. Matig

Gedeeltelik bewolk. Matig














































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Veld fires keep heli’s busy

Inspectors enforce compliance During the past week provincial labour inspectors embedded a labour inspectorate on the various organisations within the hospitality sector in Mopani, with the aim to assess fair labour practices. Part of the inspection was on non-compliance with the minimum wage of R2 601,88 per employee. The department of labour’s chief inspector, Mr Phaswane Tladi, said, “we projected that some employers would drag their feet in complying with legislation. However, we are going to deal decisively with those not complying as compelled by the law”. Other areas of non-compliance included non adherence to working hours, failure to issue payslips, failure to register employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and failure to issue overtime payment. Tladi failed to reveal the names of the culprits involved, but said that “undertakings were issued with notices which would give them less than a month to fix the various areas of non-compliance. Failure will result in the matter being taken to the labour court for prosecution”.

Tzaneen Country Lodge is celebrating

ping it on the affected areas. Mr Trevor Phillips, chairperson of the LFPA, encouraged landowners to take photos of neglected power lines. He said there was a definite increase in power line fires due to it not being maintained properly. All landowners should note that as of today no open fires are allowed until the end of October. Although landowners are under no obligation to report fires, they are encouraged to do so for statistical purposes. Fires can be reported to the Ops Centre at 076 550 2260. The LFPA on behalf of Stevens Lumber Mills, Silicon Plantations and Allandale Timbers wish to thank a number of businesses and individuals for their assistance during the fires of 18 and 19 July. See our new special Thank You column on page 8 for details.

Die Gospelfeeskomitee wat nog na elke fees geld aan verdienstelike organisasies in Tzaneen geskenk het, het weer gehelp waar die nood hoog is. Tydens ‘n funksie by die Platform is vanjaar se finansiële verslag met borge en belangstellendes bespreek. Geld is aan die Krisissentrum en aan God’s Haven geskenk. Op die foto bo is me Adri Kruger, een van die twee dryfkragte agter die fees, mnr Dave Protter van die


Women’s Day Female staff members at Tzaneen Country Lodge

1 Free Cocktail/Dessert

Tzaneen Krisissentrum en me Elize Caroto, die ander dryfkrag agter die fees. Op die foto onder is me Adri Kruger, mnr George Kinnear van Gods Haven, me Elize Caroto en mnr Henk Mienie, ook van Gods Haven se bestuur.

for all ladies at the bar or restaurant from 1 - 10 August 2014


A total of 48 hours, costing an estimated R400 000, were flown by four aircraft the past weekend to combat fires in Haenertsburg, Georges Valley and Politsi. The fire at Iron Crown, Haenertsburg, started under a municipal power line and lasted for about a week before it was extinguished completely. The helicopter at the Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) started flying at 07:00 on Friday morning in Haenertsburg and about 10:00 a secondary helicopter was called in from Bela-Bela. The spotter aeroplanes were constantly in the air relieving one another. An estimated 600 ha of grassland, 5 ha of plantation and regrowth in plantations were lost during that fire. The strong wind and air turbulence made it very difficult for the pilots to fly and the helicopter pilots had to climb about 2 000 feet after collecting water before drop-

1 Augustus 2014


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* T&C’s apply

— Arnold Mabunda

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1 Augustus 2014



Culprit tracked down

and Thohoyandou for some time. Madala appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrates Court on charges of car hijacking and business robbery. He has been denied bail and his case has been remanded to Monday”. His accomplice (24) was caught in Mahonisi, Malamulele. He was in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. She will also appear in court soon. Further investigations are said to be underway.

A special team of the SAPS tracked down Madala Daniel Mhlongo (30) who has been linked to eleven cases of business robbery in Tzaneen and surroundings. He is also believed to have been involved in other criminal activities and Police investigations are ongoing. Tzaneen Police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said that “Daniel and his 24-year-old accomplice have been terrorising residents in Tzaneen, Giyani

As many as 110 people who were involved in criminal activities in Tzaneen during the past week had to face with the long arm of the law. Police held 21 people involved in theft, assault, housebreaking, fraud and possession of stolen property. Another 22 people were held for malicious damage to property, robbery, murder and prostitution while 67 people were arrested for traffic

Prime Time & Crime Bulletin Crime Reporter: Arnold Mabunda - arnold@bulletin.us.com

Many criminal activities

Man rapes girl while mom watches The community of Nkomo village, Giyani, were tracking him down. beat a 26-year-old rapist to almost pulp after He was found and beaten up. He was he had allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl in rescued by police who took him to a the presence of her mother in hospital, where he was the early hours of Monday. admitted with multiple According to witnesses, the injuries. Apparently he suspect broke into the woman’s worked with other people house around 04:00, grabbed and their modus operandi the girl and threatened to stab was to break into houses and kill her with a screw-driver occupied by single women if her mother, who was in the or women whose husbands room with her, did anything to were working away from stop him from raping her. home. After he had raped the girl he Giyani Police spokesperson, allegedly took two cell phones, W/o Thomas Makhubele, a small amount of cash and a said “he’s currently under blanket. He fled into the nearby police guard, while we still bushes, but made a fatal mistake: investigate the case”. he fell asleep, not knowing that Badly beaten up by members of the — Orlando Chauke members of the community community. orlando@bulletin.us.com

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and liquor offences.

himself in the head. Police reports indicate that the suspect has only endured a bad Against unlawfulness gunshot wound. He has been admitted to Last week police fought against fifteen a hospital (no name given). The motive criminals who engaged in unlawfulness of this incident remains unknown. Police in Modjadjiskloof and nearby areas. They investigations are ongoing. arrested nine people who were involved in possession of dagga, drinking in public, Violence curbed prostitution, assault and urinating in Throughout the past week Bolobedu police public. At least six more people were held curbed violent activities and apprehended for theft and malicious damage to property. fifty people for their involvement. At least twelve people have been caught in Shot dead On Monday morning a 25-year-old man connection with fraud, possessing dagga, reportedly shot and killed his 19-year- assault, malicious damage to property and old girlfriend at Mopje village outside traffic offences. In the same area eleven Tzaneen. According to police reports the people involved in burglary, rape, murder, deceased, Annah Makiti, was shot by her robbery and illegal gambling were held. In boyfriend outside Mopje Primary School the nearby areas 27 peoeple were arrested and later ran away to his home. Upon for culpable homicide, theft, illegal trading his arrival at home he reportedly shot and offences in terms of the liquor act.

Man facing murder charge Samuel Marothi Moagi appeared in the magistrate court on the 29th July. He’s facing a charge of murder after pleading guilty. The case was postponed to the 04 of August due to the accused’s health matters. Samuel had

to go to the hospital for certain treatment he needs to be given by the doctor. The court and the magistrate shall wait for the reports and continue with the trial until the 04 of August. – Rethabile Maake, rethabile@bulletin.us.com

Will combat crime at shopping centres

What is hepatitis? Hepatitis is inflammation or infection of the liver that can lead to liver cancer, liver failure and death.

Members of the new Mall of the North/SAPS Initiative

What viruses cause hepatitis? Mainly Hepatitis A, B, and C How are these viruses transmitted? Hepatitis A virus is spread directly from person to person, through putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with the stool of a person infected with hepatitis A virus. This type of spread is called “faecal-oral.” The virus can also spread by drinking contaminated water/ice, eating contaminated foods (especially undercooked shellfish) and is more easily spread in areas where there are poor sanitary conditions and personal hygiene. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are transmitted: • through infected blood and blood products, • sexual contact, • dirty surgical equipment • sharing needles for injecting drug use. • Mother to child

Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis C virus

The South African National Blood Services ensures blood is safe as testing is rigorous. What are the symptoms of hepatitis? • Fever • Tiredness • abdominal pain • nausea • Vomiting • jaundice (yellow colouring of the skin and white of the eyes) 80% of infected people usually show no signs and symptoms of disease but can pass the disease on to others. Are there any vaccines? Yes. Hepatitis A and B vaccines are readily available in SA. The Hepatitis B vaccine is included in the routine immunisation programme for all children in South Africa.

Parents should ensure that children receive all 3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses. No vaccine is available yet for Hepatitis C. How is hepatitis tested for? Hepatitis A, B and C are diagnosed by doing blood tests. Can hepatitis be treated? For Hepatitis A, treatment is supportive and symptomatic, such as fluid replacement and rest. For hepatitis B and C, antiviral tablets and other medications may be given, depending on laboratory tests and other investigation.


Making a strong stand against criminals, a new initiative is taking crime prevention at shopping centres to the next level in Polokwane. Launched by the SAPS and shopping centres in the capital, the initiative is aimed at creating a safer environment for residents and visitors alike, both inside and outside the city’s shopping centres. A special group including Col Kotze of the

SAPS, who heads the initiative, shopping centre managers and mall security managers are staying in constant contact to prevent crime across the city. Group members keep abreast of any crimes that occur on a daily basis and share photographs and descriptions of suspects and suspicious vehicles as they become available. By doing this, shopping centre security officers can be on the lookout for suspicious activity and immediately take the necessary precautions. The initiative has already experienced significant successes, catching culprits redhanded. Ms Sumari de Ridder, the general manager of Mall of the North (MOTN), said, “since its inception, thanks to better understanding and communication, shopping centres have experienced improved response times from SAPS in emergencies. In addition, members from the correct SAPS divisions are now being dispatched for the relevant type of crimes.” This new initiative has already proved its effectiveness when an ATM fraudster was trapped at MOTN.


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1 Augustus 2014


Vonnis teen prokureur

Pfunanane excel at Tritech Several Gr 6 and Gr 7 pupils from Pfunanane Academy in Duiwelskloof competed with good results in the regional Tritech science competition held at Ben Vorster, with four of them moving on to the nationals to be held at

Merensky next month. They are Kamogelo Dikgale, Adelate Motau (bronze), Elmon Lebea (gold), Modjadji Masondo (gold), Paulina Motlau (bronze) and Julia Malatja.

Water safe to drink — assures GTM The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has assured the residents of Tzaneen and surroundings that the water they drink is safe and clean. We asked them about the water situation after numerous residents called us and complained that the water tasted “off ” and looked muddy. A communications officer of the GTM, Ms Vutivi Makhubele, assured the Bulletin that the water is clean. “We have our own lab, qualified nationally, where the water is tested every two hours. Apart

from that, a blue drop station is there to ensure that the water that our residents drink is safe and clean and harmless”, said Makhubele. According to Makhubele, the only time the water would look muddy or have a different taste is when a reservoir is being cleaned or if a pipe is being fixed. “The water will look slightly out of colour for a few minutes, thereafter it will run smoothly,” she concluded. — Elliot Mathye


Summiere vonnis is in die Hoë Hof in Pretoria toegestaan vir R5,3 miljoen teen ‘n prokureur van Tzaneen, mnr Conrad Krüger, en sy maatskappy Blue Moonlight Properties 82 (Pty) Ltd sowel as Krüger in sy hoedanigheid as trustee van Mafunyane Trust. Fillsant General Trading CC van Pretoria is die eiser. Hulle het aanvanklik in Mei aansoek gedoen vir summiere vonnis vir ‘n bedrag van R16 699 318,16. Volgens Fillsant se prokureur, mnr Dawie de Beer van Dawie de Beer Prokureurs, gaan hulle voort met vonnisaansoek vir die balans van die eis (min of meer R11,3 miljoen). In nog ‘n saak tussen Krüger en mnr Tolstoi Kruger se maatskappy King Trade Investment 211 (Pty) Ltd is ‘n tegniese aspek (‘n eksepsie) in die landdroshof in Tzaneen geargumenteer en het landdros Molabatsi van Lulekani die saak uitgestel om sy uitspraak voor te berei. In ‘n onlangse onderhoud met Krüger het hy bevestig dat hy die finansiële probleme wat hy ondervind, stelselmatig pak en oplos. Hy praktiseer nou weer heeltyds as prokureur in Tzaneen. Ons pogings om voor ons druktyd met hom te praat, vanweë swak telefoonverbindings misluk.

Ministry forced to intervene in Ga-Kgapane water crisis only once a week on Sundays. Khumalo said the situation is totally unacceptable. He said in order to fast track the restoration of water reticulation in the township, a task team consisting of stakeholders from the GLM, Water Affairs, Lepelle North Water, the Mopani District Municipality and the Minister’s office have been set up and agreed that as part of a relief mechanism, the number of water tankers should be increased for now, so that every

resident in the township would get water. Khumalo said the task team would jointly ensure that the entire water reticulation infrastructure in the township is upgraded. “We have agreed during a meeting with stakeholders in the past few weeks that as part of a long term solution to the water crisis the two reservoirs should be fixed,” he said.

GLM mayor Modjadji said they welcome an intervention by the department. They also want to upgrade the Politsi Water Scheme, which is a main source of water for the people of Ga-Kgapane and Modjadjiskloof. — Michael Sakuneka, michael@bulletin.us.com

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Following the continuous water shortage at Ga-Kgapane outside Modjadjiskloof, in the Greater Letaba Municipality’s jurisdiction, the department of water and sanitation deployed a team of experts in the area to help find a solution to the problem. Disgruntled members of the community wrote to Minister Nomvula Mokonyane to lodge their complaints. They accused the GLM for failing to address the crisis which has been a nightmare for many years. The team met with different stakeholders like the mayor, Mr Godfrey City Modjadji, the municipal manager, the GLM’s technical staff and community leaders of the township. These role players agreed to devise a short term relief. Mr Themba Khumalo, the spokesperson for the department, said the team have discovered that there is a great stench in the township resulting from non-flushing household toilets, due to lack of water. They also discovered that people in Ext 7 and other high lying areas enjoy water in their pipes


1 Augustus 2014

Bringing the news that matters to our community



Ons Mening Vrydag 01 Augustus 2014

The Message Rev Ron Reiners

Doen verslag

Anglican Church

Dit sou darem lekker gewees het as die munisipaliteite in ons kontrei — die GTM, die GLM, die GGM en veral die MDM — volledig verslag gedoen het (wou of moes doen) oor hul geldsake. Maar dit is mos geen geheim nie, dat die meeste senior amptenare en arrogante raadslede byna verstik in hul misplaaste selfvoldaanheid en gewaande belangrikheid. Hulle is al so gekondisioneer om vaag te wees, om selektief inligting aan te bied en om selfs te lieg oor inligting wat die publiek toekom, dat hulle glo hulle het onaantasbaar geraak en het niks aan niemand te verduidelik nie. Maar die uurglas het baie naby aan uitgeloop en daar is ‘n duidelike gebrek aan geduld besig om by mense te groei. Eweneens is die regering duidelik bewus van die gevare wat skuil en wat voor die 2016-verkiesings vir plaaslike regerings uitgevee sal moet word. Moenie ‘n wonderwerk verwag nie; moenie verwag dit gaan om morele verantwoordelikheid nie. Dit bly deel van die partypolitieke spel en as sodanig sal dit steeds fyn gemonitor moet word.

Die smouse

Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit sê nou hulle is besig met ‘n plan met die informele handelaars (smouse) wat in Tzaneen heeltemal buite beheer doen wat hulle wil, waar hulle wil, wanneer hulle wil en hoe hulle wil. Dit is nodig dat die plan op die tafel kom, sodat die inwoners kan weet en self sien of daar hoop is om die dorp op te ruim.

10 Years


We support any lawful action to end violence against our women & children

Hawkers’ lawlessness Reader from Tzaneen writes by e-mail: An observation by a reader: Reading the recent spate of articles on crime, reminded me of an experiment that was conducted years ago in England. A window envelope which you could see contained money was placed in the mouth of a postbox on the pavement. A passerby then had the choice of taking it or pushing it into the post-box. I forget the exact figures but somewhere in the region of 30% took the envelope with the rest being honest and pushing it into the box. The experiment was then repeated but the pavement was left unswept with litter lying around. The percentage that now took the money rose to 60%. How does this affect us? What if the town council saw fit to use the money that its tax-payers pay every month to keep the town tidy and hawker free actually use it for that purpose. If there was not this perception of lawlessness by the hawkers in particular it would bring down the levels of other crimes as well.

Madiba-dag Roy Hurter skryf per e-pos (die pos het êrens in die kuberruim rond gesweef en eers tien dae gelede by die Bulletin aangekom): En so breek die dag aan. Ek het al lankal begin dink aan hoe ek 67 minute kan aanwend vir die goed van ander. Dis mos die idee, of hoe? Soos oorle Johannes Kerkorrel gesing het’ “ gee, gee, gee jou hart vir Hillbrow”, wou ek toe maar net die naam aan die einde verander het. Maar die hoe gedeelte het my bly ontwyk, so asof daar n “ jy moet iets leer uit die gee” gekoppel wees. En ek laat toe maar die gedagtes hul loop neem (onthou ek het mos baie tyd om te dink) en kyk om my rond na ‘n geskikte geegeleentheid. Maar ek het nie mooi gekyk nie! In Burgersfort se hoof-

Letters | Briewe straat, tussen honderde mense, elkeen besig met sy /haar eie soektog na wat ook al, word die “gee” vir my besluit. Ek is besig op die selfoon, op pad na my bakkie, toe ek van agter teen die kop geslaan en van my foon beroof word. Niemand “gee” tyd om my te help nie. Almal staan verslae en toekyk hoe die nemer tussen die taxi’s in hardloop en in die niet verdwyn. Nouja, nodeloos om te sê, is my wêreld op sy kop gedraai. James Bond se “shaken, not stirred” het in albei verander. My kliënt help om my bril te fix, ek drink ‘n Oupa-poeier en Coke, en ek kan die wêreld skewerig-vierkantig in die oë kyk. Toe ek daar wegtrek, klingel iets agter op my bakkie. Ek stop en inspekteer en sien ek het sommer die spaarwiel ook geskenk! So my 67 oom Nelson-minute spandeer ek vandag om my nuwe selfoon en kaart te kry en ‘n spaarwiel vir my bakkie. En die ou wie gister jou oproep met “Dumelan, this is Sipho speaking” geantwoord het, was tien teen een genuine, Sipho. Dit was seriously nie ek wat ‘n grap probeer maak het nie. Die les wat ek geleer het? 1. Ek is nie meer n jong, vol guts vir enigiets, man nie 2. Sulke dinge gebeur nie net met ander mense nie 3. Statistiek ken geen grense 4. Ek moet Sipho vergeef! Spandeer jy jou 67 minute wys. Daar is regtig ‘n behoefte.

Wrong address Kind Edward Street resident writes by e-mail: I would like to correct a fault in the latest Bulletin. 20 King Edward Drive is not the address where the latest attempted robbery took place. I have no idea of the address mentioned above. Please note that I am not shouting, raving or going ballistic, mistakes happen and I have a high regard for the Bulletin

How often do we expect the church to comply with what it is mandated to do? The church as a body of Christ is expected to baptise, confirm, marry and bury a person. But who is the church? Is it just those who are ordained, the clergy, or is it all of the congregants as well? How often do we expect the church to carry out these rituals yet we have or play a little part in the life of the church. It is often been said “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian” then am I really a part of the church and therefor can I insist that these rituals be performed? Yes it is the church’s duty to see to the spiritual well- being of people, in the broader sense of the word. Yet it is up to us as individuals to form part of this “training”, to seek enlightenment from those trained as church leaders. Often personal likes and dislikes play a major role in our attendance at church, yet why should we go to church? It is not to honour the preacher or the worship leaders. It is to pay homage and honour to God. When we set aside our differences and concentrate on God and God alone then we find upliftment for our spirits, for it is God alone who should be given the glory and not the individual. Therefore, I believe that before we can expect all the services offered by the church we need to be part of it. Many a time I have heard the ministers berated for not being willing to carry out some ritual or the other, but how can they rightly perform these rituals if they have little or no knowledge of the actual person for whom these services are requested. Perhaps we all should re-assess our priorities. Blessings. as a newspaper. If you correct the statement please do not mention any names for security reasons. Thank you.

Vermorsing Gefrustreerde inwoner van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Hiermee wil ek graag die Munisipaliteit se vermorsing onder jul aandag bring. By herhaaldelike onsuksesvolle oproepe na hulle het ek gedink julle sal dalk reaksie kry! Ons moet beurtkrag gebruik om geld en elektrisiteit te bespaar maar ons straatligte brand dag en nag. Van die ander strate se ligte bly ook deurentyd aan. Bennet en St Julianstrate en ook hoër op in Premierpark is dit permanent aan.

By die vermorsing van oortyd en mannekrag is daar ook nie ‘n tekort nie. Die prosedure op ‘n Saterdag lyk soos volg: Net voor 10:00 kom ‘n voertuig met werkers en hulle word afgelaai in die parkie; daarna volg die vragmotor/trekker en sleepwa met die grassnyers en dit word afgelaai; dan vertrek die eerste voertuig om “ontbyt” van KFC en wat-nog-alles te gaan koop; die ontbyt begin so 11:00 se kant en die piekniek hou aan deur en na middagete; so teen 15:00 word al die grassnyers aangeskakel en elk doen mee aan een rondte (seker net vir ‘n alibi, sou iemand navraag doen); die grassnyers word nou afgeskakel en op die sleepwa gelaai; die werkers word deur die voertuig weggeneem; net voor 16:00 vertrek die vragmotor met die sleepwa en grassnyers; wat agterbly is ‘n parkie met een baan kort gras, en gestrooide rommel van leë kospapiere en -houers en koeldrankbottels (reg by die kennisgewing wat deur die Munisipaliteit opgerig is oor verbode rommelstrooi en dat oortreders vervolg sal word!); Maandag is die Munisipaliteit se mense terug om die heeldag die gras te sny (die Rommel word gewoonlik deur die inwoners-self verwyder omrede geeneen met so ‘n gemors op jou voorstoep kan lewe nie).

Die hele storie van naweekdienste is net ‘n klugspul en vermorsing van die belastingbetaler se geld. Selfs die straatveërs lê en slaap of kuier iewers op ‘n naweek want Maandag is nog ‘n week om te werk! Gewoonlik kry julle baie meer reaksie as die individu. • Ons sal weer by die GTM navraag doen — Redakteur

Bulletin 10

Love is ...

years of loving our community


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1 Augustus 2014


Multi-Tasking – Breaking the Myth Being sentimental about it or applying the honey brush, is not our idea of celebrating Women’s Month and paying homage to the women of our area. We’d much rather acknowledge their essential role and contribution in strengthening the fibre of our society. Joy Mojela, who obtained her BA degree in Media and Film Studies from the University of Cape Town and is doing her internship with the Bulletin, has a keen interest in the behavioural conduct of men and women and how they complement each other. She has researched and compiled today’s eye-opening — maybe for some controversial — contribution; and she will surprise our readers with interesting articles in celebration of Women’s Month for the rest of August.

A colleague and I recently had a debate on the notion that women are natural multi-taskers, which, according to my colleague, means women have a special natural ability to multi-task. While it is true that women across the world do often multi-task — from the more traditional women staying at home, doing household work, making sure the kids are fine and happy, and that the husbands come home to a well cooked meal; to the more modern women juggling work and making sure the household and kids stay in order — and are believed to be good at it, research shows that the notion could be no further from the truth. After using functional magnetic resonance to examine the brains of sixteen men and sixteen women while they simultaneously work at two simple letter matching tests, neuro-surgeons at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research did not only prove that it is utterly impossible for the human brain to perform more than one task at once, but they also proved that there is no difference between women’s and men’s abilities to multi-task. Published in Science in 2011, the research found that the medial frontal cortex of the brain’s hemispheres take turns between tasks. “If we exclude innate tasks such as walking or over-learned sensory-motor tasks like drumming, humans cannot perform two tasks at once: one task is always put on hold, while the other is performed,” says Dr Etenne Koechlin, director of the cognitive neuroscience laboratory at the institute. Moreover, a 2004 study of students trying to identify shapes and simultaneously identify either letters or colours at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that multi-tasking also greatly increases stress. In the study, published in the June issue of Psychological Science, co-author and Psychologist Yuhong Jiang says the students, who were some of the brightest in the world, became very distressed as they worked on the tasks. “They’d be hitting keys very hard and trying to figure out. And they’d be committing a lot of errors... and these were very, very simple tasks”. “Multi-tasking, almost by its very nature of course, creates stress,” says Dr Jordan Grafman, a neuropsychologist and chief of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the National Institutes of Health. “If you are multi-tasking and it’s very stressful... you’re not going to get better at it,” he adds.

Furthermore, research also shows that even after decades of campaigns fighting for gender equality in the workplace, men are still largely dominating management positions in companies and still earn higher than their female counterparts with the same qualifications. In an article titled “Why Men Still Get More Promotions than Women”, Herminia Ibarra et al report that a 2008 Catalyst survey of at least 4 000 men and women with MBA degrees from some of the best programs in the world shows that women earn about 4,6% less in entry-level MBA jobs, are in lower positions of management and are less satisfied

1. Admit that multi-tasking is bad. For all reasons given above, get off your high-horse, take a deep breath and say it. You only have one brain which can only focus on one thing at a time. Super powers do not exist. 2. Effectively manage your time. This includes lots of planning. In 2010, Professor Keith Laws from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK studied a group of fifty men and fifty women on a range of real life tasks. The tasks included finding restaurants on a map, solving simple arithmetic and drawing a plan to find a lost key while simultaneously being interrupted by telephone calls. Although the men and women equally performed well on the maths and map reading tasks while answering calls, 70% of the women outshone the men in finding a lost key. According to Laws, because women are often tasked with multi-tasking, they had a much better planning and strategy for finding the key, whereas the men mostly jumped into the task and were less organised and thorough. Thus, while juggling two things at once will not get you the best result, planning will. 3. Prioritise. Focus on what is most important at a time. 4. By all means, delegate. If you are not living alone, you don’t have to do all the work by yourself. If it’s household related, ask your co-inhabitants to help you — that’s what they are there for. 5. At the end of the day, sleep. Take breaks in between tasks. Nap a little. At night, sleep. There is no better way to start a new day than waking up from a well refreshing sleep. Sleep is good for you, your body and your brain. with their careers than men. PS: For all the reasons stated above, never say to a woman, In her presentation at the American College of Greece, or any other person, that they are good/supposed to be good/ Associate Professor Olga Epitropaki argued that family re- created to be good at multi-tasking. It is more an insult than sponsibilities were amongst some of the main things hold- a compliment to say so. Sources: Photo courtesy of Shutterstock ing women back in the work place. “Women’s domestic http://www.multitaskingtest.net.au/the-science/are-women-better-multi-taskers responsibilities exceed men’s 2:1,” she said. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/many-women-are-in-lowpaidIn other words, although the matter goes deeper than this, jobs-and-are-far-less-likely-than-men-to-be-in-charge-ons-study-says-progress-to-g M. Healy. 2004. “We’re All Multi-Tasking, but What’s the Cost”. LATimes the pressure to multi-task — juggle work and domestic reH. Ibarra, N.M. Carter & C. Silva. 2010. “Why Men Still Get More Promotions sponsibilities — has also severely affected the ability of womthan Women”. Harvard Business Review en to progress in the work place. Hence in this case, it is clear O. Epitropaki. “What Holds Women Back? Gender Barriers at Work” multi-tasking is not meant for the human brain — male or female. However, in today’s fast pace world, multi-tasking seems like the only way to survive. In honour of women’s month, here are ways you can avoid multi-tasking and get the best job done:

“Today’s science, tomorrow’s world”

DATE Thursday 31st July Friday 1st August Saturday 2nd August Sunday 3rd August Monday 4th August Tuesday 5th August Wednesday 6thAugust Thursday 7th August Friday 8th August Saturday 9th August

VENUE Makhado Show, Makhado Makhado Show, Makhado Mall of the North, Polokwane Savannah Mall, Polokwane St. Brendans School, Matoks Lemana High School - Elim School tba, Vhembe District Letaba Show, Tzaneen Letaba Show, Tzaneen Makhado Crossing, Makhado

Activities: Telescope viewing, discussions and demonstrations, handout material

Kos Coronaios - 079 148 4934

TIME 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 09:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will be at various northern Limpopo venues from 31st July to 9th August.


1 Augustus 2014



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GTM to create ‘germ-free’ trading zone

The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has now promised to deliver on its pledge... a more hygienic trading zone for hawkers around the town. This comes after many businesses operating near the “old” Checkers building complained that the bad smell of urine and rotten foodstuffs were affecting their businesses. These include Simpson Motors on the corner of Loop and Danie Joubert Street, whose cars

are sometimes damaged by the hawkers. The constant yelling while selling their products, makes it very difficult for people in offices and shops in the area to communicate with their clients. There are lawyers, doctors and other professional people with consulting rooms and offices in the area. According to GTM communications officer Vutivi Makhubele, the problem with hawkers has been long noted by the GTM. She said that the GTM is busy with an ongoing process to create a nonlittering and hygienic environment for the hawkers to operate. “We have started with a process to alleviate the number of unhygienic trading zones to reduce other businesses from being affected. One example is the removal of the bush mechanics from the Letaba River. We are hoping to equip the permitted hawkers with hygienic gas-stoves and proper sanitation facilities. However, it should be noted that this will be a process and the business community should be patient”, said Makhubele.

KASKAR Dr. Annecke Laerskool Saterdag 2 Aug 08:15 - 13:30 Meer as ‘n 1000 deelnemers van skole ooral oor kom stoot kaskarre dat die stof staan oor Letsitele. Kom neem deel in die opwindende dag vol pret & plesier met verskeie stalletjies en vermaak vir oud en jonk...


Trots geborg deur:

Vir enige navrae kontak gerus vir Gerhardt Vorster by: 083 457 8824



excuses. They do this to boycott attempts to address the problems. They are losing clients, but the GTM’s interest is limited to the hawkers. Makhubele explained: “It is a very big problem when people are not informed about certain issues. The postponement of meetings between the GTM, the business community and hawkers was due to stakeholders being absent from these meetings, hence meetings needed to be cancelled”. Makhubele concluded by saying that the plan to demarcate hawkers to proper trading zones is on track. In the meantime, a GTM contracted company is busy putting in place new steel structures for hawkers to conduct their small businesses. — Elliot Mathye


Al die dankies

Kerke, skole, diensklubs, liefdadigheidsorganisasies en dies meer geniet deurlopend ondersteuning uit die gemeenskap, in die vorm van borgskappe en skenkings en wil dan graag dankie sê en wil hê die dankie moet so wyd as moontlik gesien word. Die Bulletin het besluit om voortaan ‘n spesiale ruimte daarvoor af te staan en soos dit nodig is die dankies te publiseer. Ons doen dit om die dankies te skei van gewone beriggewing, omdat dit bepaalde probleme vir ons skep — terwyl ons egter graag almal ter wille wil wees. • Die Letaba Voortrekkers bedank graag Sr Anne Botes (Westfalia Fruit), mnr Leo Kruger (Westfalia Fruit) en me Udette Kruger (Westfalia Fruit en Letaba Voortrekkers: Admin) vir die opruimdag se reëlings. • Mazfor Motors Tzaneen (lid van die BB Groep) het splinternuwe hempies vir die Tzaneen Ringbalklub se juniors geborg. Hier is die span in hul nuwe vere. (Geen name is verskaf nie). • Little Eden: The following local businesses opened their hearts and supported the event to ensure that all the children and families had a fun filled sports day. Thank you for supporting our event: Silicon Smelters, Mac Machines, Sunbake, Cola-cola, PNA, Smit Garrun Brokers (Pty) Ltd, Magoebaskloof Birders Cottage, Rodney Cooper Estate Univeg ,LCP, Fairview Hotel, Paint Pot, Jachtdrif Slaghuis, Gasman, Bulletin, Josefs Spar, Bodo & Helen, Tzaneen Koelkamers, Parents and Family, Magdaleen Wilders, Letaba Verkoeling, Letaba Snack, Teachers and Governing body. All funds raised will be used to improve the facilities in the school. • Merensky High School would like to thank the sponsors for making the cricket week a huge success. Your continued support of Merensky cricket is highly valued. We also thank the personal, coaches and umpires who contributed their skills and time during the week as well as Tzaneen Laer-

NG Kerk Letsitele

Sien jou daar!

Meanwhile, many owners of businesses said to us that they were fed-up and have had enough of empty promises. “Why has it taken so long for the GTM to wake up and how long will it now take to re-organise the hawkers? How are they now going to move and remove the people?” “What will the GTM do if we decide to stop paying our rates and taxes? We are legally here and have licences but we are being pushed out by illegal hawkers. We try to communicate with the GTM but they seem to favour the illegal hawkers. They arrange meetings but keep on cancelling the meetings with us. Who do they think they fool?”, asked one of the prominent business managers in the CBD. Another one said the meetings are cancelled because the hawkers don’t show up or have

skool, Unicorn, Stanford and Kings Court for the use of their fields. We are looking forward to continue this great cricket tradition next year. • Die Vossies sê dankie aan mnr. Frans Kruger, van Malelane, vir die skenking van ‘n buffeltrofee wat trots in die kafeteria pryk. • The Plasie Hockey girls would like to thank everyone for their support throughout the season. Thanks to all the sponsors and parents as well who made this a great season. A special thanks to Mr Zander Ernst from Allesbeste, for their continuous sponsorship. • Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster sê graag dankie aan almal wat van die kriekettoernooi ‘n reusesukses help maak het: Xco-Sport, Coke Fortune, Gravelotte Charcoal en elke Vossie krieketouer. • The LFPA on behalf of Stevens Lumber Mills, Silicon Plantations and Allandale Timbers wish to thank a number of businesses and individuals for their assistance during the fires of 18 and 19 July: Paul Bester, Fred Viljoen, Siem Venter, Simon Venter, Fanie Venter, Maritza Swanepoel, Rouan Snyman, Haenersburg Foodzone, T-Mart, Pot & Plow, Minkies Coffee Shop, Iron Crown Pub and Grill,Haenertsburg Liquor Store, Sugar Hill, Coke a Cola Fortune, Park Slaghuis, Gem Turner,Irene Hutchison,Poppie Froneman,Phyllis Schoonbee ,Roger and Moira Penrose ,Jenny Glodek, Joan Provis, Barbara Wilkinson, Jacky Patrick, Phyllis Schoonbee, Irene Hutchison, Shelley Millstein, the Haenertsburg Fire Team, Tzaleba Timbers, Georges Valley Association and all other people who assisted unnoticed.


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Hospitals desperate for specialists It seems clear that many patients in public hospitals in Limpopo, especially Tzaneen, are not receiving adequate health care or have to be put on waiting lists due to a lack of specialised practitioners or hospital equipment. This relates to an incident that took place in Agatha Street, Tzaneen, where a man, Mr Mohammed Ali, was injured after a car pushed over a wall onto him, leaving him badly injured. Ali was taken to Van Velden, transferred to Letaba and later brought back to Van Velden. Apparently he was put on the waiting list for a number of days for Mankweng Hospital. According to Provincial department of health senior communications manager, Mr Macks Lesufi, the shortage of specialist practitioners in hospitals is the main cause

The brains behind next year’s new Grade R campus at Tzaneen Primary School are Mr Eddie Vorster, chairman of the governing body, future Grade R teachers Mss Andrika Nagel and Gerda Steenkamp and the principal, Mr Vic Rijnen. Future Grade R’s and their parents attended a presentation at the school on Wednesday evening. Read all about it in next week’s issue of the Bulletin. Photo: Sue Ettmayr

— Elliot Mathye


ba Voortrekkers bedank graag Sr. Anne Botes (Westfalia Fruit), mnr Leo Kruger (Westfalia Fruit) en me Udette Kruger (Westfalia Fruit en Letaba Voortrekkers: Admin) vir die dag se reelings.

Tzaneen se Lions-klub het ‘n nuwe bestuur gekies en die nuwe president, mnr Martin Froise, is tydens ‘n ete en saam kuier-geleentheid ingehuldig. Froise het by me Lorette Pretorius oorgeneem en sy termyn sal oor die volgende twee jaar strek. Die klub het ook vier nuwe lede ingehuldig. Die president van Polokwane se klub, mnr Karl Varkevisser, het die inhuldiging waargeneem. Mnr Gruschenke Boswell van die Magalies-klub en me Marian Duxbury van Wilro Park het ook die geleentheid bygewoon.

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The movers...

for most of the delays in patients being treated in time. Lesufi said: “I should indicate that it is important for the public to appreciate and acknowledge that our country has shortage of specialist practitioners. This shortage will always cause backlogs. However, we will always make sure that we refer patients to our two tertiary institutions, being Mankweng and Polokwane. In this specific case an assessment has already been done by our doctors in Van Velden.” Lesufi added that Ali would be booked in for treatment. He said that the delay does not mean he is not a priority, but there are other critical cases.

Lede van Letaba Voortrekkers het op 18 Julie hande gevat met Westfalia Fruit-werknemers en die Choice Trust, om ‘n skoonmaakpoging in Makgoba Village buite Tzaneen van stapel te stuur. Makgoba Village is geleë op die Tzaneen-Modjadjiskloofpad, slegs 300m van die teerpad, maar min mense weet van die bestaan daarvan. Nagenoeg 3500 mense woon daar, en dis hoofsaaklik ‘n toevlugsoord vir immigrante uit naburige state. Die toestand van behuising en dienste kort aandag. Die skoonmaakpoging was goeie blootstelling vir die betrokkenes aan die nood in die gemeenskap, en gemeenskapslede het fluks meegedoen. Die rommel is in sakke bymekaar gemaak en verwyder. Die vriendelike glimlagte op die kinders se gesigte, ten spyte van die armoede om hulle, was ‘n inspirasie vir die vrywilligers, sê mnr Stephan Honiball, wat deel was van die span. Leta-

1 Augustus 2014

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1 Augustus 2014


Deadlock in salary talks At least 63 emergency medical personnel employed by the department of health in Limpopo in 2011 have not been paid the stipend that was advertised for the posts. Allegations are that wage negotiation adjustments have come to a deadlock. Departmental spokesman Macks Lusufi was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press. — Arnold Mabunda, arnold@bulletin.us.com


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Voel jy vandag dankbaar? Dalk wil jy dit op ‘n kennelike wyse bevestig... Haar naam is Wilette Engelbrecht (Lombard). Sy is’n maatskaplike werker wat terug Tzaneen toe verhuis het in 2009. Sy het hier groot geword (haar nooiensvan verraai dit). Sy het ook hier skool gegaan. Sy het aan die einde van 2009 by die Laerskool Tzaneen as hul skoolberader met ons kindertjies begin werk. In 2010 het sy ook leerlinge by Stanford Lake College begin help. Tans werk sy drie oggende

per week by die laerskool en een middag per week konsulteer sy met privaat kliënte by SLC. Maar dit gaan nie elke dag maklik nie... In April 2011 is Wilette op 38-jarige ouderdom met Graad 4-kolonkanker gediagnoseer. In Mei is ‘n gewas uit haar kolon verwyder en drie dae later is nog ‘n klein tumor uit haar linkerlong verwyder. Na twee maande se herstel het sy nog ses chemoterapiebehandelings onvang. Teen einde Oktober het ‘n CT-skandering gewys sy is “skoon”. Presies een jaar later het ‘n tumor aan haar baarmoeder ontwikkel. Binne vier dae is ‘n vol histerektomie gedoen en die professor het haar linker nierpyp verwyder en ‘n nuwe pyp opgebou. Die CT-skandering het gewys dat die kanker terug is in die longe en ook ‘n gewas in die lewer. Voor enige verdere chemo moes sy eers herstel. Die onkoloog het beoog om teen die einde April 2013 weer ses chemobehandelings te doen. In begin April het Wilette erge hoofpyne gekry. Sy is gehospitaliseer en na’n brein-CT het die dokters ontdek daar is drie gewasse op haar brein. Sy moes onmiddellik met radiasie- en chemoterapie begin. Na tien radiasiesessies, twaalf chemosessies en ses chemotabletsessies wys die laaste skandering die breintumors is onaktief en net die buitewand is oor van die tumor, die grootste tumors in die long en lewer is albei kleiner. Wilette getuig: “Dit is net deur die Here se genade en Sy genesing dat ek deur hierdie moeilike tye kom — en natuurlik ‘n wonderlike man, kinders, familie, vriende en kollegas. Die onkoloog wil graag nou vir my ‘n rustyd van so twee maande gee, maar omdat die tumors in die long en lewer nog daar is, kan ons nie ophou nie. Daar is nuwe terapie wat beskikbaar is in Suid-Afrika, maar ons sukkel

om die mediese fondse te kry om hiervoor te betaal. Die terapie beweeg alles weg van die gewone chemoterapie wat die liggaam se immuniteit verswak en wel goeie werk doen, maar ongelukkig ook al die goeie selle afbreek. Hierdie terapie word in Duitsland en Engeland as nuwe biologiese terapie aanvaar.” Dié terapie beloop ‘n intensiewe kursus van twee weke, waar hulle nie net die kanker teiken nie, maar ook jou liggaam opbou en na chemoterapie help herstel. Die biologiese terapie fokus op middels wat die kanker beveg en nie die hele stelsel nie. Die twee weke se terapie kos R70 000. Dit is moeilik om na alles nog dié duur terapie te bekostig. Dit is egter waar u en ek in die prentjie kom. Ons kan bydra om ‘n vegter te help. Lees wat sê mnr Vic Rijnen, die hoof van die Laerskoot Tzaneen, oor die moedige Wilette: “Wilette is ‘n gekwalifiseerde en uiters bekwame maatskaplike werker wat ongelooflike en broodnodige berading en hulpverlening aan ons kinders, ouers en personeel lewer. Sy is ook ‘n steunpilaar wyer in die omgewing. Haar diep gelowigheid en dapperheid het ons as skool saam met haar deur al hierdie trauma beleef. “Sy is ’n voorbeeld vir almal, glo steeds volkome in haar volkome herstel. Hierdie radikale nuwe behandeling is volgens spesialiste nog ‘n laaste uitweg en het ons as skool besluit om die vrymoedigheid te neem en die breë gemeenskap te nader. Bydraes kan gedeponeer word in die trustrekening wat by Flippie Coetzer Prokureurs vir dié doel geopen is: Coetzer Prokureurs Trust, Nedbank, Rekeningnommer 1419049976, Takkode 141949. Kom mense, kom ons help...

Anize Basson en Luandra Geldenhuys van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het elkeen silwer gewen by die streeksronde van die Tritech wat by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gehou is. Hulle dring deur na die nasionale ronde wat op 22 en 23 Augustus by die Hoërskool Merensky gehou sal word.


Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”


1 Augustus 2014



1 Augustus 2014



Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Business directory l Sakegids


Vir die beste diens met die Blou Bulspan, skakel:

Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701


On site repairs


Fridges • Freezers • Washing Machines Tumble Dryers • Dishwashers • Stoves AIRCONDITIONER SALES & SERVICE




Five 1 Two Trailers

087 751 2333 • 015 386 8735

NOW OPEN: • Giyani • Phalaborwa

Limpopo • Since 2007

e-mail: anne@smslimpopo.co.za | www.smslimpopo.co.za

We’ll get you there safely...

Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.

André Moss


t The natural choice  eco friendly  safe  affordable

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za


ALF WANDRAG: 082 490 9719

Fax to email: 086 6714 363 • E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za 34 Pompagalana, PO Box 3181, TZANEEN 0850

Vital Bugs CC, Lushof Plot 16, Tzaneen 087 751 0279 | info@vitalbugs.co.za


“Pouse pakkies op wiele” “Breaktime meals on wheels” Delivered to school e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za

Julene: 060 406 4638



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1 Augustus 2014


Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955


2 Slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit/eetkamer en kombuis. Besonderse ruim

hoofslaapkamer. Twee privaat buite leefareas. Deel toesluit motorhuis in tandem vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 500-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696. Jun201____________________________

1 Bedroom studio garden flat to rent. 3km from town. No children Deposit required. R2 500 per month water and electricity included. 082 578 0442

Town House/Meenthuis Ruim netjiese opgegradeerde 2 slaapkamer meenthuis op grondvlak. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis.

Volledige badkamer met aparte stort. Privaat braai area. Motorhuis vir 2 voertuie. Geen katte en honde. R3 850 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar onmiddellik. Dep betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696

Moderne 2slp en 3slp kamer meenthuise beskikbaar in LETSITELE. R3800 en R4600pm. Koopkrag. Kontak: Elzaan by 0835616062


Cluster homes/Meenthuise



Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa, stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwasgeriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 000. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classified

Pusela (plaas) 2 x Ruim bachelor woonstel, oopplan met gasstoof, eie omheinde erf en pre-paid krag, 7 kilos op Georges Valley pad ½ kilometer grondpad. R1 500 Aquapark 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, oopplan eetkamer, tv kamer, lapa, swembad, met afdak vir 3 voertuie, toesluit hek en omhein. (Granny flat) geskik vir ouers wat by kinders inwoon. Boorgat beskikbaar 01/09/2014. R 9 500

Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, baie ingeboude kaste, braai area, afdak vir 2 voertuie omhein, middelslag troeteldiere welkom, loopafstand van skole. R4 160 Lushof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 vol badkamers, groot sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel afdak, omhein, troeteldiere welkom. Koopkrag beskikbaar, 7 kilos uit dorp. Geen rokers, kinders nie, verkieslik bejaarde paar. R4 200

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Legals l Geregtelik Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 Application for: the Removal of the Conditions of Title of Portion 10 of Erf 2983, Phalaborwa Extension 7, and The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: (1) the removal of the condition of title of Portion 10 of Erf 2983 Phalaborwa

Ext 7, situated at 25 Knoppiesdoring Street which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than a house, and (2) the amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Portion 10 of Erf 2983 Phalaborwa Ext 7 from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”. This application will be known as Ba-Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme 35. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of

the Director General: Dept of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, Hensa Building, c/o Schoeman and Rabe Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Phalaborwa until 18 August 2014. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director General, CoGHSTA, at the above address or, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 18 August 2014 and shall reach this office

not later than 14:00 on the said date. Aug101___________________________

Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 Aansoek om: Opheffing van die Titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte 10 van Erf 2983, Phalaborwa Uitbr 7 en die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur

die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers vir: (1) die verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van Ged 10 van Erf 2983 PhalaborwaUitbreiding 7, geleë te Knoppiesdoringstraat 25, wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir ‘n woonhuis alleenlik; en (2) die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Ged 10 van Erf 2983 Phalaborwa Uitbr 7, van “.Residensieël 1” na

“Residensieël 2”. Die aansoek sal bekend staan as Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 35. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur Generaal: Departement Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Sake, HensaGebou, h/v Schoeman en Rabestraat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Phalaborwa tot 18 Augustus 2014. Besware teen die aansoek

kan voor of op 18 Augustus 2014 skriftelik by die Direkteur Generaal: CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie.

Aug102 ___________________________

In the estate of the late Barend Jacobus van Wyk, Identity number 3204095017088, married in community of property to Christina Gertruida Magdalena van Wyk, identity number 3810140055087 ,

Master’s reference number 21794/2014, who was ordinarily resident at Bateleur flats, Aqua Avenue, Tzaneen, who died on 28/05/2014. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys PO Box 35 Tzaneen Ref: A E Rech/avs/R13401 Aug103 ___________________________

Logistic Fleet Responsible

Maintenance Assistant



Primary responsibilities • • • • •

Primary responsibilities • GH Structure maintenance • Electrical knowledge • Mechanical knowledge • Project Management Skills • Implementing safety Procedures in the work place • Manage Maintenance team under his supervision • 24 Hour breakdown & assistance • Execute preventative maintenance plan

Manage of all vehicles in our fleet Manage of Fleet Drivers Organise daily loading of deliveries to Customers Communicate with relevant Managers Daily update of ERP System

Qualifying requirements • • • • • • • • •

Grade 12 with 3 years relevant experience Background in fleet logistics and production Computer literacy (MS office package: Excel, Word & Outlook E-mail) Experience in client services & liaison Good communication skills A meticulous and well-structured person The ability to integrate with a team Fluent in Afrikaans & English Drivers licence Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen at 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 06 August 2014 Only suitable CV’s will be considered


Qualifying requirements • Grade 12 with 3 years relevant experience • Computer literacy (MS office package: Excel, Word & Outlook E-mail) • Good communication skills • A meticulous and well-structured person • The ability to integrate with a team • Fluent in English & Afrikaans • Drivers licence Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen at 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 7 August 2014 Only suitable CV’s will be considered bulletin©09753h140801tb


1 Augustus 2014



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Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

YOU WANT TO STOP DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie


SMOKING? • Even young people can be courageous and decide to stop smoking. • You are ready for the challenge? YES! • Affordable and easy. Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180


Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3

Jul403 ____________________________

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269



WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705


2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483



Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214


Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109___________________________

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936

Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za



Up to 50% savings on printer cartridges





We specialize in refilling ink and laser / toner cartridges.

Winter time is sunny time let us do all your upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018


We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops. Free delivery within 2 km radius Shop Address: 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen. Contact: Matthew Theron 015 307 3173

Louis Menge Auto trading as (pty) Ltd Trading as S&J Auto Louis 083 272 3907 All makes of vehicles and trucks 14 Antimony Street 015 307 204 Fax 015 307 7631

TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109

Welman Woodworks Solid wood kitchen cupboards Solid wood bars Build in cupboards Bathroom cabinets 0836381455


Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer Vision Eye test R150 2 complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multi Focal from R2 700 015 307 2299

JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Selfs jongmense kan die regte ding doen! • Jy is reg vir die uitdaging? VERSEKER! • Bekostigbaar en maklik. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076


Mercurius Motors Tzaneen For the best deals visit us at 38 Peace Street Tzaneen, for new and used vehicles and parts 015 307 5020


Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703 Jun404____________________________

Vital Bugs Die natuurlike keuse Die insek plaagbeheer spesialiste 087 751 0279 info@vitalbugs.co.za Lushof plot 16 Jul202____________________________

Watermaat Die boorgatpomp spesialiste Vir vriendelike en flinke diens. 1ste Laan 12 015 307 1530 Jul203____________________________

Salary Management Service Debt stress We can help Reduce your monthly installment and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assist 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061

JJ Britz Orthotics & Proshetics Kunsbene, borsprosteses, kompressiekouse, krukke, Voorskrif binnesole, looprame, rolstoele en vele meer. 015 307 2704


For Hire Te Huur Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956


R157 950

Polo 1.4 Comfortline, 2012

Adele’s Beauty and Slimming clinic Facials Body Treatments Bio Sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193

For all your bicycle needs visit our shop at 35 Boundary Street grabbasports@gmail.com Brendon 082 449 8778


Jul307 ____________________________


Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460


On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________

The Flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pets need Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262 Mei404___________________________

Dinki Treats Beproefde bekostigbare Natuurlike produkte Babavoedsel 32 Aqualaan Dinki-treats@mweb.co.za Estie 082 826 2517

Jul403 ____________________________

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036


Metallic grey

R155 950

Lannie Motors Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure


Gekerfde beesbiltong Vir navrae skakel 082 576 7980 084 320 4924

Nuwe Nissan

Skakel my gerus vir goeie en vriendelike diens.

Mauritz Deysel 072 615 2146


015 307 7168

Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email:khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770

Polo 1.4 Comfortline, 2012


Your partner in home building! Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!

BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2014 OPGAWES BEGIN OP 1/7/2014: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK MET ONS. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Onafdhanklike Nasiener. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 8.1 Inkomstebelasting 8.2 BTW 8.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler Lid van:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBR 2041 & SAIT 11055797 Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320. Aug104_____________________

Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.



Bruce Allan - 083 417 4026


MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie-medies)


BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998

Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com

For Sale Te Koop



Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010

Services Dienste



King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241

Services Dienste

Jul402 ____________________________



JB Spares Motorspares Motoronderdele Batteries and Accessories Agatha Street 54 015 307 1149

Services Dienste

Personal Persoonlik Experienced Psychic card reader now available in Tzaneen. Have insight in your future. Phone 084 734 7983


Die Hervormde Kerk is op soek na Boeke vir hulle boekwinkel. Die Hanekraai Karnaval is 30 en 31 Augustus. Asb lewer boeke af weeksoggende Voor 13:00 by die Kerkkantoor of skakel Annie Botha 083 407 6921


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com


Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971


Animals Diere Canine geregistreerde Great Dane ouers asook kleintjies Geboortedatum: 29/05/2014 Reeds geënt en ontwurm Registrasie en inenting sertifikate ingesluit. 3 reuntjies beskikbaar Telefoonnommer: 083 448 5429 (Andre Lategan) 083 280 9235 (Joy-Milly Kotzee) R2 000 per hondjie

Aug106 ___________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classified


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Vossies laat wilgerlat al te lekker swaai

Etienne Botha en Girvacques de Jager van Ben Vorster het sportbeurse van die SSE- krieketinstituut ontvang. Hier is hulle by die prysuitdeling waar die beurse aangekondig is. Agtr is Mark Charlton (SSEkrieketinstituut), Etienne Botha, Girvacques de Jager en Chris Cardoso (SSE-krieketinstituut). Voor is Tyron Webster (Benoni High) wat ook ‘n beurs ontvang het.

teen Waterkloof (13-20), teen Volkskool (1013) en teen Marais Viljoen (11-16). Die o.17-span se uitslae was: wen Vereniging Gim 13-6, Garsfontein 18-5, Sandveldt 17-10, en Potch Gimnasium 17-16. Hulle verloor teen Menlopark, maar eindig steeds derde uit sestien spanne. Die eerste span het Volkskool, Garsfontein, Goudveld, Nelspruit en HTS Middelburg gewen. Hulle het egter teen Afrikaans Hoër (17-31) verloor en eindig derde uit vyftien skole. Ben Vorster eindig algeheel vierde uit sewentien skole by die toernooi, naas Afrikaans Hoër, Waterkloof en Garsfontein. Die Vossies speel more in die topskole toernooi, waar die beste skole van die land deelneem.

his debut for the National team. The following awards were made: Best senior bowler of the week: Heidelberg; Best junior bowler of the week: PHS; Best senior batsman of the week: Waterkloof; Best junior batsman of the week: HPC TUKS; Best all rounder of the week: HPS TUKS (this player received a full kit including Bass Vampire bag, gloves, leg pads and a bat); Most improved player of the week: Waterkloof;

MHS hockey girls end good season Three Plasie girls hockey teams played in the Limpopo semi-finals; the u.15’s lost against Ben Viljoen, the 2nd team lost 1-0 against Piet Potgieter in the semi-finals. The first team semi-final match was lost in the final minute of the game, when Piet Potgieter scored the winning goal.

Vossies spog met vier kampioene en twee naasbestes

Die o.14-netbalspan van Ben Vorster het al hul wedstryde by die Coke-netbaltoernooi in Potchefstroom gewen. Voor is Nelia Blignaut, Tsidi Monyane en Nandipha Rikhotso en agter staan Lerato Hutamo, Mokete Malete, Micke Venter, Kagiso Mapiti, me Monique Lombard (afrigter), Chanel Dohse en Tsepang Pilusa.

Merensky hosted another great cricket week Excellent cricket was on display most of the time, during Merensky High School’s eighteenth cricket week. Matches were played in a 50 overs format and in some nail biting matches the difference between a win or lose rested upon the last ball bowled. Participating schools included PHS, Penryn, Waterkloof, HPC Tukkies, Garsfontein, Montana, Randburg, Heidelberg Volkskool, Pretoria-Noord, Stanford and Heuwelkruin. A formal prize giving function and dinner rounded off the cricket week. Zander de Bruyn, a recently retired Protea player, was the guest speaker at the formal function. De Bruyn was the first SA test cricketer after Barry Richards to score a 1 000 runs in a domestic first class international cricket season. He was also awarded as the best run scorer in SA during that year. He played in four test matches for the Proteas and his last test was played in the same match where Dale Steyn, a former Plasie, made


Tennisspelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan ‘n tennisrondomtalie op hul eie bane deelgeneem. Die senior wenners was Christelle Smit en Gerhard Bezuidenhout (foto nie beskikbaar nie).

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het ‘n suksesvolle kriekettoernooi in die skoolvakansie aangebied, waaraan veertien spanne deelgeneem het — agt o.15- en ses eerste spanne van onder meer Montana, Dr E G Jansen, Florida, Dinamika, Benoni High, Wonderboom, Kempton Park en Penryn College. Ben Vorster se eerste span het ál vyf hul wedstryde oortuigend gewen en het ook as die enigste onoorwonne eerste span in die toernooi uit die stryd getree. Kaptein Etienne Botha het twee honderdtalle aangeteken en Aubrey van Renen is as die beste senior kolwer van die toernooi aangewys. Etienne Botha het ook ‘n 100%-krieketbeurs ontvang en Girvacques de Jager ‘n 50%-beurs aan die SSE-krieketinstituut in Pretoria. Gedurende die toernooi het die Noordelikes se amateurafrigters, Mark Charlton en Chris Cardoso, tussen die velde rondbeweeg en die spanne en afrigters gehelp. Mark Charlton was ook die gasspreker tydens die prysuitdeling.

BV se netbal wys spiere by Coke-toernooi Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se netbalspanne het die naweek by die jaarlikse Coke-prestige toernooi in Potchefstroom bevestig dat hulle saam met die bestes in die land kan gesels. Die junior spannetjie (o.14) het teen die volgende skole gespeel en al hul wedstryde gewen: Afrikaans Hoër Meisies 17-7, Volkskool 2511, Goudveld 15-5, Diamantveld 12-10 en HTS Middelburg 18-11. Die o.15-span het Diamantveld gewen met 17-6, Volkskool met 11-6 en Monument met 15-12. Hulle het gelykop gespeel teen Marais Viljoen (10-10) en verloor teen Waterkloof (817) en Afrikaans Hoër (12-17). Hulle eindig uiteindelik sewende uit agtien spanne. Die o.16-span wen teen Diamantveld (16-11) en Martin Oosthuizen (18-11). Hulle verloor

1 Augustus 2014

Best senior coach of the week: PTA-Noord; Best junior coach of the week: Garsfontein; Team with the best spirit on the field: PTA-Noord. Best players from various schools were selected for the Merensky Cricket Week team. The following players from Merensky were selected for this team: Senior team of the week: Rassie Pretoruis, Rynard de Lange, Johan Louw and Junior team of the week: Sebastiaan van Rooyen. Seen here are the members of Merensky’s Powerade first team. In front are Phillip Nel, Jason Rodrigues and Rassie Pretorius. In the next two behind them are Mr Pieter van der Merwe (coach), Tlangi Mushwana (capt) Nyiko Shikwambana, Johan Louw and Mubin Patel. At the back are Riaan Venter, Rynard de Lange, Kulani Baloyi, Alex Jardim, Sadmaan Shaikh,Timothy Alphinstone and Asaad Patel.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster kan na Saterdag se eindstryde om Limpopo se rugbykampioene vir groot skole te bepaal, met vier spanne spog wat as kampioene gekroon is; terwyl twee spanne die naaswenners in hul afdelings was. Die o.14A’s moes teen Frikkie Meyer speel en in ‘n taai wedstryd het die Vossies eerste punte aangeteken. Teen rustyd was dit steeds die enigste punte. Die tweede helfte is in dieselfde trant voortgesit, met albei spanne se verdediging wat waterdig was. Tien minute voor die einde het Frikkie Meyer ‘n verdoelde drie aangeteken (7-5 vir Frikkie Meyer). Die Vossies het woes aangeval, maar Frikkie Meyer het woester verdedig en toe die eindfluitjie blaas, was 7-5 ook die eindtelling en Frikkie Meyer die Limpopo-kampioene. Die o.15A-span het ook teen Frikkie Meyer te staan gekom en met die afskop was dit duidelik dat Frikkie Meyer nie raad met die kragspel van die Vossies had nie. Met senter Muzi Nyakane aan die spits (vier drieë), het die Vossies sirkels om hul teenstanders gehol en die wedstryd met 43-6 beklink. Die o.16A-span het teen hul ‘aartsvyand’, PHS, te staan gekom. Ongelukkig vir die Vossies is hul ster losskakel Vrydagmiddag in die hospitaal opgeneem en is ‘n paar posisionele veranderings noodgedwonge gemaak. PHS het eerste punte aangeteken. Die Vossies het egter geantwoord met ‘n drie, maar kort voor rustyd het PHS weer gedruk. Na halftyd het die Vossies vir vyf minute ‘n insinking beleef, waarop PHS gekapitaliseer en vinnig twee drieë gaan druk het: die telling is toe skielik 24-5 en alles dui daarop dat die Vossies ‘n groot loesing gaan kry. Die jong buffeltjies het hulle egter reggeruk weer met mening rugby gespeel. Hulle gaan druk twee drieë en met vyf minute oor is die Vossies slegs sewe punte agter (17-24). Eindtelling: - vir PHS.Al drie die Vossies se spanne dring nou deur na die Beeldtrofee. Die o.15A span het die naweek ‘n loslootjie, terwyl die o.14A’s teen Transvalia en die o.16A’s teen Heidelberg Volkskool speel. Albei die wedstryde word Saterdag op Ben Vorster se veld gespeel. Die wedstryde sal om 09:00 begin en die dorp se rugbyliefhebbers kan gerus ons plaaslike spanne gaan ondersteun. • Die Vossies spog dus nou met die o.15A’s, o.15B’s, o.14B’s en die derde span span wat Limpopo-kampioene is, terwyl die o.14A’s en die o.16A’s naaswenners is.

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1 Augustus 2014 Ben Vorster het ‘n maer rugbyjaar agter die rug. Die skool se o.15A-rugbyspan het egter die vlam hoog laat brand en is die naweek as Limpopo se o.15-kampioenspan in die afdeling vir groot skole gekroon. Die Vossies het hul teenstanders van die Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer in die eindstryd deeglik afgestof, toe hulle met 43-6 gewen het. Die vreugdevuur het behoorlik geknetter, toe die o.15’s na die wedstryd die beker kon ontvang. Hier is die spelers en afrigters na die stryd: voor is Pieter Haasbroek, Jonathan Viljoen, Tumi Mononyane, Stefan Paulse en Nyiko Ntlemo. In die middelry is mnr Hein Wagner (hoofafrigter), Wilhelm Roos, Mounie Rolls, Muzi Nyakane, Heini Fereirra, Dewet Vorster (kapt), Etienne Burger (afrigter) en Franco Oberholzer. Agter staan mnr Stephen Cremore (afrigter), Barend Lombard, Ferrol Harmse, Bertus Jordaan, Comfort Shingange, Gustav Lamprecht, Bernard Vermaak, CJ Erasmus, Danie Heckroodt, Shama Manzini, Werner Roets, Pieter Coetzer en Karabo Maake.

Nine SLC bikers in Lim Cross Country Team

Mynhardt Bouwer, Clariska Venter and Tian Venter (no photo available) received their minilevel 1 grading for hockey umpiring during the past holiday at different provincial tournaments.

Verlede Sondagaand bel Nostrofredamus Pohl (ja, dis sy regte naam!) vir Oubal uit die Kaap uit oor die GASK** se voorbladberig dat SARU daarop aandring dat 50% van die SA Skolespan swart, bruin of Indiër moet wees. Ou Fred is ‘n eks-Yskor-kollega wat in die sestigerjare saam met die SA navorsingspan Antarktika toe is as ketelmaker, dieselwerktuigkundige en deeltydse radio-operateur. “ Maltietaasker”, sê Fred. Oubal het redes om te vermoed dat die suidpoolkoue destyds ou Fred se brein ernstig aangetas het. In die eerste plek oorwinter hy toe mos sommer twee jaar agtereenvolgens daar. Asof dit nie erg genoeg was nie, vestig hy hom met sy terugkeer permanent in die Kaap van alle plekke. Vishoek, om presies te wees. En hy weet ook te vertel dat hy heeltemal verleer het om Afrikaans te praat. Behalwe as hy vloek, wat blykbaar dikwels is. Die ergste is dat ou Fred tot Oubal se afgryse

Nine Stanford Lake College mountain bikers were chosen to represent the Limpopo Cross Country Team at the annual XCO national championships. The riders performed exceptionally well on an extremely demanding and technical course. Lachlan Truesdale could not attend due to illness, and Toni Lacey was forced to withdraw from her race. The other riders finished in the following positions in their age categories: Reese Bain (7), Kirsten Eastes (8), Anke Vaughn (6), Sarah Pogrund (7), Abigail Joubert (9), Stuart Lunt (31), despite a broken chain, and Benno Prinsloo (22). Seen here are Benno Prinsloo, Stuart Lunt, Abigail Joubert, Toni Lacey, Kirsten Eastes, Sarah Pogrund, Reese Bain and Anke Vaughn.

Jan-Daniël Griesel en me Anel Griesel van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster vertrek die naweek na Engeland, waar Jan-Daniel aan die British Junior International Championships gaan deelneem. Me Griesel rig skyfskiet by die skool af en sy reis as Jan-Daniel se afrigter/bestuurder saam.

hartaanvalle en gebarste are in hul koppe te gee. En dít, sê Fred, is die plan waarmee die regering wil verseker dat ons almal uitgewis word! ‘Tja, Oubal dink dat ou Fred dalk die keer ‘n punt beet het. Oubal kyk nou al jare lank Cravenweek en hy word by die dag meer oortuig daarvan dat spelers van kleur van die opwindendstes by die week is. Hierdie jaar was geen uitsondering nie en spelers soos Keanu Vers, Jerry Danqua, Duncan Saal, Curwin Bosch, Jaywinn Juries, Embrose Papier, Junior Pokamela, Victor Maruping, Aston Fortuin en selfs ons eie Madot Mabokela was uitstaande. Oubal is redelik seker dat daar genoeg gehalte spelers is om die 50% kwota vol te maak, sonder dat ons ons koppe daaroor hoef te breek. Soos die GASK self berig het, was dit al in 2009 die geval met spelers soos Siya Kolisi, Nizaam Carr en Scarra Ntubeni in die skolespan, wat SARU so ietwat mosterd na die maal maak.

Hoewel SARU later ontken het dat hulle so ‘n opdrag gegee het, is daar meesal nie ‘n rokie sonder vuur nie. Oubal wonder of hulle al ooit gaan sit en dink het oor wat hulle doen deur die etiket van kwota om die kinders se nekke te hang. Besef hulle dat hulle hulle nie alleen beledig nie, maar onwillekeurig ook ‘n saadjie van vertwyfeling in hul jeugdige gemoedere saai, wat slegte gevolge vir hul toekomstige ontwikkeling inhou? ‘Tja, Oubal hoop die ou spul het Sondagaand gekyk toe ons rakbie 7’s-span die goue medalje by die Statebondspele gewen het. Die meeste van ons het nie kleur raakgesien nie, maar SuidAfrikaners wat ons land se naam hoog gehou het! **GASK = Grootste Afrikaanse Sondagkoerant “The world is a constant conspiracy against the brave. It’s the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other.” — Douglas MacArthur

Kwotas gaan ons doodmaak! ‘n aanhanger van samesweringsteorieë geword het. So vertel Fred vir Oubal oor die foon dat die regering van die dag uitgewerk het plaasmoorde neem te lank om permanent van wit mense ontslae te raak, nou gebruik hulle metodes wat vinniger werk. Sportkwotas is volgens die Kaapse siener die nuutste wapen in hulle arsenaal. Nee, sê Fred op ‘n vraag van Oubal, hy voorsien nie grootskaalse emigrasie van wittes weens verpligte kwotas nie, maar net die noem van die woord is genoeg om wittes apopleksie,

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