22 August 2014
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
GTM’s Eskom account settled The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has settled their outstanding account of R38 million with electricity service provider, Eskom. This after it came to light that many municipalities in Limpopo were in arrears with the electricity giant, the GTM being one of them. A communications officer of the GTM, Mr Neville Ndlala, assured Bulletin this week that their electricity account has been settled in full and that they do not owe Eskom a cent. A month ago the GTM did not pay Eskom, since payment would have caused the GTM not to be able to pay salaries and wages. The cash flow must have improved to the extent that they could pay this month. Ndlala was not prepared to be drawn into a discussion on the details and initially refused to disclose the amount that was in arrears. — Elliot Mathye, elliot@bulletin.us.com Ditsem, so moet mos met ‘n renosterhoringstroper se gal gewerk word! Veldwagters van ‘n private wildreservaat naby Vaalwater is hier besig om vermeende renosterstropers op die reservaat vas te bind, totdat polisie-hulp opdaag. Drie verdagtes is op die plaas vasgetrek en nog vyf ander mense, wat glo deel van die komplot was, is buite die reservaat in hegtenis geneem. Die veldwagters se wakker optrede het gesorg dat die Polisie ’n groot deurbraak gemaak het in die stryd teen renosterstropery. Die agt vermeende stropers, onder wie ’n polisie-reservis van Johannesburg en ’n vrou, is in hegtenis geneem. Sewe word in Modimolle se gevangenis aangehou en die agste een in die dorp se staatshospitaal, waar hy vir ‘n skietwond behandel word. Twee van die agt is Mosambiekers, een is ‘n Zimbabwiër en die ander vyf is SA burgers. — LiN Media Nuus/Die Pos
GTM se verkeersplan is nes tref-en-trap-ongeluk Lees verder op bl. 3
Sal Mankabidi die valbyl kan vryspring? Meer hieroor op bl. 3
What is so bad that’s worth hiding at the Mopani District Municipality?
Read of our failed efforts to get an interview with the new mayor on page 3
At long last! Work to refurbish Tzaneen’s dilapidated Post Office building has started, albeit on a small scale. Read our full report on page 3
22 August 2014
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com
082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 072 392 4138 elliot@bulletin.us.com Rethabile Maake 074 913 5653 rethabile@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg is alewig verstom…! Eintlik kon Vlieg maar hier opgehou het, want hy is alewig verstom, hoewel een sinnetjie seker nou nie by Vlieg se redakteur so goed sou afgegaan het as vandeesweek se bydrae nie! Vlieg is egter alewig verstom as hy die bohaai hoor en lees oor ontgroenings! Die karnuffeling van groentjies is so oud soos die berge! Op hoërskool, in koshuise, op universiteite en kolleges, vir nuutverkose prefekte, soos Vlieg hulle nog geken het, en enige ander plek waar iemand by ‘n groep inskakel deur onder te begin. Vlieg self is al in sy lewe op ‘n paar van voormelde terreine nie net ontgroen nie, maar ook van ontgroening onthef, wat weer ‘n karnuffeling van ‘n anderster water is. En so het Vlieg, en al die groentjies voor hom, en al die groentjies na hom, dit oorleef. Die hare het weer uitgegroei, die velle het
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
tra-di’sie s.nw. (-s) 1 Die oordra van geslag aan (op) geslag, mondelings of in geskrif, van geestelike besittings, kultuurgoedere; ook, wat so oorgedra is; oorlewering. 2 Die navolging van vaste, oorgelewerde gebruike, menings, gevoelens, beginsels ens. 3 Wat binne ‘n groep oorgelewer is. Heil Vlieg!
Michelle-Lea Jenny-Lee Piercing Wel ek was die jaar by die skou, het piercings en tattoos gedoen, was in Saal A gewees. Kan eerlik sê skou sal my nie weer sien nie en nie net vir my nie maar hele paar ander ook. Ek was agter in die hoek gedruk, my stalletjie was tussen Eskom en GTfm, hul musiek het later so hard geraak dat die mense nie eers verder by die gang afgegaan het om ons te sien nie. Baie het omgedrai en gegaan, die beoordeelaars het glad nie eers na my stalletjie toe gekom nie om eers te kyk of alles daar is wat gesê is moet daar wees nie. Nee wat,
Facebook GROUP | GROEP
• The Mopani District Municipality (MDM) is in a state of chaos, especially relating to misspending of funds and alleged corruption. The MDM has just landed a new mayor. Would you like to hear what she has to say about turning things around at the MDM?
n half miljoen Rand gesluk, ons besigheid se naam gebruik en hul bank besonderhede daarop. Johan du Toit Min gespin. Die opvolger is maar net so goed as die voorganger. Die regering
het dit reeds bewys, dit terwyl die belastingbetaler aanhou moet betaal!
Sê jou sê: www.facebook.com/Bulletin The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hatespeech or to be insulting toward others.
Bly op hoogte met nuus op ons blad. Deel gerus jou nuusbrokkies met ons en pos foto’s met nuus en gebeurlikhede wat die gemeenskap raak. Indien jy egter anoniem wil bly op die blad se nuusvoer, ‘inboks’ ons gerus en deel jou storie.
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Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
en perde ens bemark en uitstal met paar kosstalletjies. Kinderskou kan jul die rides, springkastele, toys, klere ens bemark en dan vir tieners, bikes, fietse, klere, cool stuff ens. Nie alle mense is in landbou in nie, selfs kids, ja die perdjies was cool en om ‘n groot bees te sien, maar ‘n kind is nie geintreseerd in om net dit die hele tyd te sien nie en weet baie mense ook nie. Maar ja, dis net my mening en voorstel. En ja, die kunstenaars en die Stoei ou’qs was goed, jul moet meer sulke mense hê in die dag, kids het die stoei gelove.
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Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).
• This year’s Letaba show has been touted as having a different feel and look. Did you visit the show this weekend? If so, what comments do you have and what did you think of the show in general?
Besprekings en Kennisgewings
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol
Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
as julle ons van die begin af nie daar gesoek het nie moes julle dit gesê het! Voorstelle vir die skou? Wel ek sal eerstens voorstel dat die “kinderstalletjies” wat by die rivier is weggeskuif word. Veiligheidsrede: kinders hou van water en verminder geval van kind in die rivier! Versprei dai rides, dan is dit nie ‘n hoop mense op 1 plek dat j nie eers asem kan haal nie. As jul dit landbouskou wil maak, doen dit, maar moenie landbou en kinder/ tienerskou probeer meng nie. Landbouskou kan jul trekkers en vee, groente en vrugte, blomme, honde
• Die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM) se sake lyk bra vrotsig, veral wat betref die wanaanwending van geld en beweerde korrupsie. Die MDM het pas ‘n nuwe burgemeester gekry. Sal jy graag wil hoor wat sy sê oor hoe sake reggeruk kan word? Sanet Joubert Deysel Net so! Groot tenders word toegestaan aan sekere kontrakteurs, vals eise word ingedien en ja hulle kom weg daarmee, ons was amper deur so n kontrakteur vir meer as
Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook.
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Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
grootste bohaai oor ontgroening opskop, diegene is wat self nooit deel van ‘n groep kon wees nie, en wat moontlik self nooit op universiteit was nie. Vlieg reken hulle verstaan nie tradisie nie, en nog minder die hegtheid en trots wat dit teweegbring. Maar oudergewoonte kom Vlieg weer tot hul redding, deur aan te haal uit sy betroubare Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal:
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
Heil Vlieg!
weer losgekom, die bloukolle het weer weggegaan, die stywe en seer spiere het weer genees en die een of ander tyd het die Duiwelsdrek ook uitgewas. Maar wat bly sit het, was die gevoel van tuishoort, samesyn, eienaarskap en trots. Of dit nou ‘n skool was, ‘n leerlingraad, ‘n koshuis of ‘n universiteit. En so het elkeen van hierdie plekke sy eie maniere, gebruike, giere, en selfs vergrype om sy groentjies nie net te help inskakel nie, maar om deel van die groter groep te word en ‘n trots te kweek. En vir baie jare het dit gewerk. En vir baie jare was daar diegene wat nie daarvan gehou het nie, en dus nie soontoe gegaan het nie, of daarvan padgegee het. En dit was toe en is ook nou hul goeie reg. Maar los dan daardie uit wat daarvan hou en daarheen wil gaan. Vlieg wil homself verstout om te sê dat die maaiers en papies wie se ouers die
• Vanjaar se Letaba skou is geadverteer as een wat ‘n nuwe baadjie aangetrek het. Het jy die skou vanjaar besoek? Indien wel, wat is jou kommentaar? En wat het jy gedink van die skou in die algemeen?
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Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
IT Dirk Stoltz
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Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
Blyde Rivier Poort
100.6% 103.2%
Tours 98.1%
Vergelegen Ohrigstad 100.0%
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 18/08/2014
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Verkeer: Geen plan vir Tzaneen Dit is soos ‘n tref-en-trap-ongeluk! Tzaneen het nie ‘n verkeersplan nie, daar word nie aan een gewerk nie en niemand blyk bekommerd te wees oor die toenemende verkeersprobleme in die dorp nie. Veral in die middedorp gaan dit deesdae al hoe slegter, veral as groot vragmotors by winkels goed moet aflaai. Na sowat 27 maande sedert die Bulletin by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteuit (GTM) navraag oor die dorp se verkeersplan gedoen het, het die leuens wat aan ons opgedis is, opgeraak en die waarheid is uiteindelik ontbloot. Na ons eerste navraag aan die einde van 2011 is vir ons gesê daar word gewerk aan ‘n omvattende verkeersplan. Ons het agt maande later gevra hoe vorder die plan en toe is gesê dit vorder fluks. Ons het ‘n verdere vyf maande gewag en weer gevra. Die GTM se segsman mnr Neville Ndlala, het toe selfvoldaan bevestig dat die plan reg is en net wag om aan die stadsraad vir goedkeuring voorgelê te word. Dit was die soveelste leuen. Aan die einde van verlede jaar het ons weer navraag gedoen, omdat twee stadsraadsvergaderings toe reeds gehou is en die plan nie op die sakelys was nie. Aan die begin van vanjaar is ons weer verseker dat
die plan wag om deur die raad goedgeur te word. sou dien. Maar soos die spreekwoord lui, ‘n leuen het maar ‘n kort been. Toe ons die afgelope week weer vra oor die versluierde verkeersplan en terselfdertyd vra watter amptenaar by die GTM is die kontakpersoon as ons met behulp van die Wet op die Bevordering van Toegang tot Inligting bepaalde inligting wil bekom, het die einste Ndlala met die sak patats na vore gekom: Daar is geen plan nie en daar word ook nie aan een gewerk nie! — Francois Aucamp francois@bulletin.us.com
• Hierop kan mens maar net jou hande in skok en ongeloof inmekaarslaan, want hoe lank nog dink die stadsvaders kan Tzaneen se verkeerskanale die opbouende druk weerstaan? En waarom is daar oor ‘n tydperk van langer as twee jaar skaamteloos hieroor gelieg? Keur die stadsvaders dié vorm van bedrog teenoor die inwoners goed? As die regerende groep in die stadsraad dink dit is oulik dat die belastingbetalers — én hulle wat nie belastingpligtig is nie — so klakkeloos om die bos gelei word, waar is die opposisie in die raad an? Weliswaar kan gevra word: Is daar ‘n werkende opposisie in die GTM se raad? Of ry almal saam op een soustrien? — Redakteur
22 August 2014
The acting MM is staying on According to a GTM spokesperThe acting Manager of the son, Mr Neville Ndlala, “council Greater Tza- decided to extend his term to the Obby Mkhombo neen Munici- end of September” . “On 27 June council sent an applicapality (GTM), Mr Obby Mkhombo, has been granted an extension as tion to the MEC for the extension of acting municipal manager, pend- Mkhombo’s term to act, since in that ing the suspension of Mr Masiye position a person is supposed to serve Mankabidi. for a maximum of three months. “The application was successful, Mkhombo started acting after a hence Mr Mkhombo special council meeting on 4 April. In that meeting will act until the end of it was decided to suspend September”, said Ndlala. Mankabidi. The charges Meanwhile, said Ndlaagainst him relate to his la, the disciplinary proinvolvement in the handling of the construction cess regarding Mankaof tar roads at Sasekani to bidi’s suspension is still ongoing. Nkowankowa, Senakwe — Elliot Mathye to Morapalala and Thapelliot@bulletin.us.com Masiye Mankabidi ane to Murutji.
No time with new MDM mayor
Tzn gets ‘new’ Post Office Plans for a major upgrading and refurbishing of Tzaneen’s post office building are now in the final stages, says the Post Office’s structural manager, Mr Peter Naicker. “The project is set to be started during the current financial year,” he said Bulletin again asked about the promised renovations after the recent fire that could have gutted the building. Tzaneen’s residents are fed up with the conditions in and around the building. The property has become a dumping-site for especially people living on the streets especially at night.
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It is not a safe place at night, the smell of urine is at times overwhelming, the building is visually disgraceful and Tzaneen really deserves better. Naicker said at the moment they are busy to allocate the necessary budget for a major project. It has been said before that the building is likely to be enlarged and modernized. In the mean time minor renovations, such as the re-panting of walls and the re-tiling of some floor areas will be continued.
A number of attempts by Director in the office of the Bulletin at setting a meetmayor, Mr NP Lebepe, who ing with Mopani District said he would not give us Municipality’s new mayor, time with the mayor unless he receives a preview of our Ms Nkakareng Rakgoale, for an interview on her questions for her, promised new position and objecto “sms” us his e-mail adtives in the MDM have dress so we could send him thus far been unsuccessful. the questions. It has been alRakgoale was appointmost a week ago since, and ed as the new executive Bulletin is yet to receive mayor of the MDM after the sms. Our explanations that an former mayor Joshua Matlou was recalled by the ANC after the interview with set questions was not general elections. what we had in mind, since that will
— Joy Mojela
result in a “rehearsed show” did not sit well with Lebepe and he insisted that he wanted a list of questions. Bulletin tried to get an open interview and then settled to do the “show” thing, in the interest of transparency and to give the new mayor an opportunity to share her vision for the MDM with our readers. However, we failed and have to accept that we are back to square one, where the MDM will continue to be run as an autocratic institution. — Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
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22 August 2014
The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Rethabile Maake - rethabile@bulletin.us.com
‘Orange killers’ Two suspects said to be between 27 and 30 years old, were arrested in connection with the death of a 38-year-old man after he had allegedly been bombarded with oranges! The deceased was identified as Babanto Chauke from Thomo Village outside Giyani, but originally from Mozambique. The incident took place at Lakota Farm, Letsitele on Tuesday. Police say there was a heated argument between the men and the two suspects allegedly started throwing oranges at Chauke. He died after a while. Tzaneen’s Police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe
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Ngoepe, said “while the real cause for the Seventeen arrested argument is still unknown, we continue our Police in Haenertsburg arrested seventeen investigation and a murder docket has been people for various criminal activities over opened. The two suspects appeared in the the past week. According to Haenertsburg’s Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday. Police spokesperson, Const Bongi Malungane, fourteen people were arrested Many caught for contravening the Road Traffic Act, one Maake police in Lenyenye arrested 32 people for common assault and two for drinking in over the past week in connection with rape, public. murder, house breaking; assault GBH, malicious damage to property, common Bolobedu arrests assault, Liquor Act offences, Road Traffic Act Bolobedu police arrested 54 perpetrators in offences, theft, shoplifting and for possession connection with various offences: one for of dagga. the alleged theft of a motor vehicle, seven for common assault, one for house breaking and Murder suspect theft, twenty for drinking in public, fourteen The three suspects who were arrested for illegal gambling, one for drinking and in connection with the brutal murder of driving and seven for assault GBH, one for a 55-year-old liquor outlet owner on 16 theft, one in connection with a house robbery August at Ga-Masoma appeared in Naphuno and one for interfering with the police. Magistrate’s Court on Monday. Two of the Criminals everyday suspects were found innocent, while the third suspect’s case was remanded until 25 August. Modjadjiskloof police arrested 55 people in
Search “Laeveldbulletin” and around the town over the past week: 25 for allegedly contravening the Road Traffic Act, eighteen for illegal gambling, prostitution, driving while under the influence of liquor and for being in the possession of dagga.
Pastor behind bars A 50-year-old pastor of a church in Lenyenye, Lesibana Johannes Magoro, was sentenced to an effective six years imprisonment for raping a 17-year-old girl. The incident occurred in Lenyenye 16 July last year at the victim’s house when her mother was not at home. The pastor went to the victim’s home after the girl’s mother had asked for him to come and pray for her, as she was sick. He was arrested and detained in the Police cells. He appeared in the Naphuno Regional Court on a charge of rape and was convicted. This sentence is highly welcomed by the Police. “It will help to scare off men who consider rape as not a very serious act,” Tzaneen’s Police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said.
Events l Gebeure
Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com Nou se dinge
Lemoenfees Die bekende Letsitele Lemoenfees (voorheen Oesfees genoem) word more op die Laerskool Dr Annecke se terrein gehou. Dit begin om 08:00 en toegang is gratis. Daar sal weer landloop en mini-hokkie wees. Heelwat buite-uitstallers met juwele, klere, handgemaakte artikels, bykomstighede, winskopies, asook handgemaakte koekversierings sal weer hul kraampies hê. So tussen die watertand aartappelstokkies (chipstix), biefburgers (hamburgers), mini-donuts, pannekoek, vetkoek en yankees is daar oorgenoeg sitplek vanwaar die aktiwiteite dopgehou kan word. Kom probeer gerus ook ons nuwe gebraaide mielies en pynappels! Kinders sal kan baljaar op die groter glybaan, springkastele en met blikkie-rol. Die snoepie, spookasem en geluksakkies is elke kind se droomkraampie. Om weg te neem is daar biltong, pragtige plante, tuisgemaakte gebak en vars plaasgroente en vrugte.
Fun run St Peters Anglican Church, Tzaneen, will host a Fun run tonight, for runners and walkers. Bites and drinks will be on sale. The run will start at 18:00 and registration will start at 17:00. R45 for adults and R25 for children under 16. Cal 015 307 3534 for more info. info, contact Shaun Mhlongo on 083 541 9815.
Agricultural Expo Tzaneen will host the inaugural Provincial Agricultural Expo at the Letaba Showgrounds in Tzaneen next week on Tuesday and will be open until Thursday. The event has been organized with the financial help of the department of agriculture and land reform and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The idea of the expo is to allow farmers from Limpopo to showcase their products. Wednesday evening a gala dinner will be held. There will also be exhi-
bitions and workshops that would benefit people in small agricultural businesses. It is expected that the expo will benefit farmers representing co-operatives, small holder and commercial farmers, as well as land reform beneficiaries.
Anderdag se dinge
Piesangfees Die lente is om die draai en dis tyd vir die jaarlikse Piesangfees! Vanjaar word die fees herskep met ‘n paar guitige nuwelinge vir groter vermaak. Die fees word op 5 en 6 September by die NG Moedergemeente in Agathastraat gehou, waar kiosks reeds vanaf Vrydag om 13:00 sal reg wees met vars pannekoek, kerrie-en-rys, boereworsrolle en meer. Kaasborde in ‘Antipasto’-styl is deel van die fees-spyskaart en kos net R80 vir twee persone. Kaasborde kan as wegneemetes bestel word of kan Vrydagaand van 17:00 tydens die ‘Kaas-en-wyn’ in die Piesang Piazza geniet word.Wyn sal per bottel/glas verkoop word en musikante sal sorg vir genoeg atmosfeer.Kaartjies is reeds beskikbaar by die kerkkantoor. As deel van die kindervermaak sal Lolliepop die stuitige nar reeds van 14:00 ronddans tussen die kleuters, terwyl ‘Boeresport’ (15:00) en ‘Die Spookhuis’ (open 17:00) vir genoeg aksie sal sorg. Saterdag sorg ook vir ‘n vol program rondom die Teetuin en Piesang Piazza! Van die nuwighede is die ‘Koekedoor-kompetisie’, waarin die manne uitgedaag word om koeke te versier, asook die ‘Kolwyntjie-koningin’ waar dogtertjies kan wys hoe mooi hulle ‘n kolwyntjie kan versier. Soos altyd soek die groente- en vrugtetafel die swaarste piesangtros in die kontrei! Die wentros se baas kan ‘n prys wen. Die Wille-Winskoop-Winkel sal sorg vir oulike tweedehandse winskopies en in die saal sal buite-uitstallers hul tuisgebak, dekor en handwerk ten toon stel. As daar nog uitstallers is wat ruimte soek of vir navrae, bel die kerkkantoor by 015 3074496.
Letsitele se Kersmark Vanjaar word die vyfde Kerskuiermark aangebied en die komitee wat net uit dames
bestaan, met Anneri Vorster as voorsitter, werk reeds hard om die dag weer ‘n groot sukses te maak. Die doel van die Kerskuiermark is om mense en spesifiek kinders in nood finansieel by te staan. Die Kerskuiermark is nie die gewone skoustalletjie of vlooimark nie. Elke uitstaller word vooraf gekeur en so maak hulle seker dat daar eksklusiewe produkte te koop is vir almal — vrouens,mans, kinders, oud en jonk. Heleen de Kock hanteer die NG Kerk se engelfabriek en die vrouens in die gemeente is reeds besig om die mooiste handgemaakte produkte en lekkernye voor te berei. Vanjaar se tema is “Somerkersfees”. Karen van Rooyen help maak als mooi. Daar gaan weer ‘n teetuin wees met sout en soet — die bekende dadelkoek en sjokoladekoek, asook heerlike Quiche en nog meer. Die aand sal ligte musiek deur musikante gespeel word. Die meester sjefkompetisie word weer gehou, plus ‘n junior meester sjefkompetisie. Vir die mammas met kleiner kinders: Anel sal sorg dat daar kindervermaak is. Die Kerskuiermark vind plaas op 24 en 25 Oktober in en om die Letsitele NG Kerk se amfiteater.
Vossies soek kunstenaars Oud-Vossies wat musikante, sangers, of goeie dansers is en/of ander uitvoerende kunste beoefen, word gesoek. Alle oud-Vossies van álle ouderdomme, wat in die uitvoerende kunste betrokke is, of oor ‘n spesiale talent op die verhoog beskik, word genooi om kontak te maak met me. René Mynhardt, die kultuurorganiseerder by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster by 015 307 4490 of 079 376 7485, met die oog op deelname aan ‘n spesiale oud-Vossie opelugkonsert op Vrydag 19 September. Die Vossies is opgewonde oor die moontlikheid om u weer te sien optree!
Visit our friendly website @ www.bulletin.us.com for news and photos
Allerhande ander dinge Stuur gerus u inligting oor u klub of organisasie se program en aktiwiteite aan ons vir plasing hier. Na ‘n onderbreking weens ‘n tegniese probleem, is ons weer weekliks reg om die sosiale kalender aan te bied.
Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729.
Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240.
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22 August 2014
22 August2014
Ons Mening
Ons dien die gemeenskap met die nuus wat saak maak.
Times are tough...
10 Years
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 22 Augustus 2014
Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele
Landbouskoue Ons het mos bekendheid verwerf as dwarstrekkers (elkeen moet maar self besluit wie almal by die “ons” ingesluit is). Ons stig graag af by die geringste verskilletjie (lees: kerk), ons open graag ons eie inrigting (lees: skool), ons organiseer gou-gou ons eie groep (lees: politieke party), ons trek sonder huiwering laer (lees: kultuur), ensovoorts. Dit blyk erg aansteeklik te wees, want dit gebeur toenemend en is lankal nie meer beperk tot die vroeë nageslagte van die Voortrekkers nie! Die jongste gekheid in ons omgewing is dat ‘n derde landbouskou nou in Tzaneen gehou word. Dit word ‘n ekspo genoem, ter versagting van die feit dat dié een op die oog af meer op ‘n rasgeskeide basis aangebied sal word. Die derde een het die naam Boeredag verwerf. Dus is dit nou skou, boeredag en ekspo. Hoe jammer tog. In plaas van een ordentlike groot skou, is dit nou drie splinterskoue wat elkeen vir ‘n bestaansreg (gaan) stoei en op stuk van sake waarskynlik nie daardie bestaansreg gaan smaak nie. Die aanloop tot hierdie absurditeit word volgens ons waarneming en inligting gevind in verskille wat oor die formaat en omvang van die skou ontstaan het. In plaas daarvan om die verskille om ‘n tafel te gaan sit en uitpluis en tot ‘n vergelyk te kom, word afgestig. In plaas van om betrokke te raak en te help om uit te bou en ’n meer bevredigende, opwindende en finansieel sinvolle skou aan te bied, word afgestig. Intussen dra die GTM geldelik by tot die ekspo (en indirek ook tot die skou). Die einste GTM wat bietjiedag moes kies tussen Eskom betaal, of salarisse en lone; dieselfde GTM wat nie die dorpe (dit sluit Tzaneen, Lenyenye, Nkowankowa en ander in) se parke in stand kan hou nie; daardie GTM wat toelaat dat Tzaneen — tot so onlangs as vyftien jaar gelede ‘n tuindorp, een van die mooiste in die land — stelselmatig verval (strate, sypaadjies, ingange, straatligte, leë persele, ensovoorts op ‘n lang lys af). Dit maak net nie sin nie. Dit getuig nie van visie nie en dit is ekonomies onverantwoordelik. Veral in ‘n ekonomie wat vinnig op ‘n resessie afstuur. Hopelik is daar mense met visie wat kan slaag om die verskillende partye tot ‘n vergelyk te lei. Die alternatief gaan uitloop op drie verloorders!
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die raadslid wat so lekker saam kla oor die smouse in die dorp, moet haar jammerklag darem in die praktyk uitleef en nie self vrugte by die smouse
koop nie... • Die koop van ‘n plek in die skool (enige skool) se eerste span (rugby, krieket, netbal, hokkie...) is nie meer so snaaks nie. Die koop van die posisie van hoofseun (of -meisie) bly maar snaaks. Mens kan ‘n preek maak daaroor... • Generaal De la Rey het vir hom ‘n mooi orgideetjie gekry...
Slagskaap Wat is ‘n mens werd? Iemand het eenmaal die mens se waarde chemies bepaal en in eenvoudige terme klink dit min of meer so: ‘n Gemiddelde persoon se liggaam bevat genoeg suiker om ‘n koppie koffie te versoet. Genoeg sout om ‘n soutpotjie mee te vul. Genoeg yster vir een groot spyker. Genoeg kalk om ‘n hoenderhok mee af te wit. Genoeg koolstof om as bestanddeel vir sowat 9 000 potlode te dien en genoeg vet vir ‘n paar stene seep. As dit in geldwaarde bereken moes word, is die mens materieel gesien minder as ‘n slagskaap werd. Ons is eintlik maar niks werd nie. Dit is egter die wonder van dit alles. Ons kan God met niks omkoop of ons verlossing verdien nie, maar God het ons, sonder dat ons dit verdien, uit louter genade gered. Ons was vir Hom soveel werd dat Hy sy ereposisie aan die regterhand van sy Vader prysgegee het, om as die minste tussen ons te kom woon. Hy het sy geestelike wese opgegee, om in ‘n fisiese liggaam vasgevang te word. Hy was tydloos maar het sy tydlose bestaan opgeoffer, om aan tyd gebonde te wees. Hy wat alles besit, het nie eers ‘n plek gehad om sy kop op neer te lê nie. Dit het Hy alles gedoen om ons te red. Ons wat minder as ‘n slagskaap werd is, is ten duurste vrygekoop. Christus het dit alles gedoen om aan ons waarde te gee. Die prys van God se genade was sy eie Seun Jesus Christus. Wat ‘n wonderlike voorreg, om aan so ‘n God te behoort! Hebreërs 2: 9 — Christus is vir ‘n kort tydjie minder gemaak as die engele, sodat Hy deur die genade van God vir almal sou sterwe!
Inwoner skets Bali se hartseer storie Die verhaal oor die tragiese verval van die Bali-atjarplaas met sy duur palissadeheining in Broederstroomdrift het nou na vore gekom. Dit behoort aan die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, maar feitlik alles op die eens florerende mangoplaas het in duie gestort. Die plaas is sowat tien kilometer buite Tzaneen op die R71 na Letsitele. Met die verbyry kan ‘n deel van die palissadeheining duidelik gesien word. Dit het destyds aan Evert Steyn Boerdery (Edms) Bpk behoort. Steyn was een van drie seuns wat elk ‘n plaas in die gebied van hul ma, me Christina Johanna Oceana Stiemens, gekry het. Die grootste
deel van Broederstroomdrift het in die vroeë 1930’s aan haar behoort en as Oceana bekend gestaan. Haar derde naam het sy gekry omdat sy op ‘n Hollandse skip onderweg na Suid-Afrika gebore is. ‘n Familielid van die Steyns wat graag anoniem wil bly, vertel die plaas is in 1998 aan ‘n groep met die naam PKS van Mooketsi verkoop. PKS het ‘n lening van R40 miljoen by Landbank bekom. PKS kon egter nie die lening terug betaal nie en Landbank het op die plaas beslag gelê. Hierna het twee swart beamptes van die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM)
na bewering skenkergeld van ‘n Sweedse maatskappy gebruik om die plaas oor te neem. Die geld was eintlik vir die opheffing van minderbevoorregtes bedoel. Toe die beamptes hieroor betrap word, is die plaas deur die MDM oorgeneem en later aan die GTM oorgedra. ‘n Kontrakteur is deur die GTM aangestel om ‘n palissadeheining van tien kilometer reg rondom die plaasgrens teen R2 miljoen op te rig. Volgens ons bron is net twee kilometer se heining voltooi, maar die kontrakteur is glo ten volle betaal. Die bron sê daar was ses woonhuise en drie woonstelle op die plaas, waarvan enkele strukture
van net drie huise oorgebly het. Die res en al die skure vir die verwerking van mango’s en atjar, asook ‘n weegbrug, is alles vir skroot verkoop. Die plaas het in sy tyd 44 000 mangobome in volle produksie gehad. ‘n Paar jaar gelede het ‘n brand die helfte van die boorde verwoes, terwyl die res nou toegegroei staan onder lantana en ander onkruid. Van die talle plakkers wat op die plaas bly, se strukture is deur die GTM gesloop, maar hulle het tente in ruil daarvoor gekry en woon steeds daar. Van die oorspronklike florerende boerdery het daar egter niks oorgebly nie.
Make a choice, assist CHoiCe
CHoiCe Trust, the Tzaneen based health focused nongovernment organization (NGO), is calling for people to make a difference in the community and donate to support Mopani’s childheaded households and guardians in need. The organization, which runs a number of outreach and fundraising programs to help communities in need in the area, started the Friends of ChoiCe programme for
the community to contribute to the organization. By pledging monthly donations, ChoiCe staff and board members have showed support for the programme. The programme has since helped a children’s home by donating baby formula and disposable nappies after an appeal for help. CHoiCe has also run other
outreach and training projects in the community since the beginning of the year. In February, it expanded its HIV counseling and testing programme and tested 44 people living with disabilities in Runnymede. They also joined with Westfalia to host a wellness awareness event, a first of its kind, at the fourteen farm sites of
Westfalia. Other programs include first aid training to businesses and farms and a charity shop in which women appointed as sales agents for CHoiCe buy goods at competitive prices and resell it in their communities. People can join ChoiCe Trust and make a difference by contacting the office on 015 307 6329. — Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
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22 August 2014
Orchids are under pressure South Africa’s orchids are being driven to ex- angraecum Stella Africa. It has big white flowtinction as indigenous forests are annihilated ers about 4 cm across. The Society found sevto make way for agriculture. Man made forest en plants in the forests in our area. fires add to the destruction. Mr Willem Cloete, The angraecum Stella Africa is epiphytic as it grows on a particular tree, in a keen collector of orchids this case the Stemfruit and at and also a member of the Wolkberg Orchid Society, 1,500 m plus altitude. Only 20% of South Africa’s orchids voices his concern. He says that he’s apare of the small to medium sized flower. The rest are proached Nature Conserminute. vation. The Society would like to be informed of forest Cloete and Mr Etienne Bosremovals so that members man from Magoebaskloof Ruskamp, also a member can retrieve the orchids. of the Society, have reBy law South Africa is procently found more angraehibited from growing and selling indigenous orchids. cum Stella Africa. They are Cloete says he wants trade germinating the seeds in their hot houses and hope on South African orchids to relocate them back into lifted, so as to preserve what the few remaining forests. is left. An orchid now exPolystachya bella Cloete estimates that the tinct is called oberonia, a yellow-hued minute plant spanning a mere 10 cm. reintroduction will take four or five years. One of the main terrestrial orchids, the disa He has been involved with orchids for uniflora that only grows in the Cape, is the more than three decades. He sold and gave Western Province’s official emblem. Terrestri- away his first collection and now concenal orchids grow in the ground or in peat moss. trates on indigenous species and in particuThe emblem for the World Orchid Show is the lar the smallest species. He’s excited about
Angraecum Stella Africa
finding a small orchid that is not yet listed. Of the more than 500 indigenous orchids in Cloete’s two hot houses, these visuals depict but a slice of his minute indigenous collection. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
Mr Willem Cloete
Angraecum chamananthus
Women are born managers “Women are managers by nature, whose in the country to advance themselves. “Let us all stand up and show the world that management skills start at home before expanding to the outside world.” So said Ms we can do it... that just because we’re women Nkhensani Ndhaba, the Greater Giyani Munic- does not mean that we’re inferior and cannot ipality’s acting mayor during a recently held do what men are capable of doing,” she said. Meanwhile Sgnt Tinyiko HlungWomen’s Day celebration. wani from the SA Police in Gi“They manage their families — yani, who spoke about the abuse husbands and children — and of women, said there were 135 ensure that things run well in the house, because management cases of rape reported between January and August in the Giyani skills run in their blood,” she cluster. The cluster is made up of said, adding that this was why four police stations: Malamulele, things did not run well in families Sekhusese, Hlanganani and Githat were run by single men. She said the fact that we have yani. “in 52 of these rape incidents a woman leading the African Unthe victims were under the age of ion Commission, Ms Nkosazaeighteen, while 83 were adults,” na Dlamini-Zuma, and a woman as Police Commissioner for the she said, adding that the SAPS had managed to secure sevencountry, was a sign that women Ms Nkhensani Ndhaba teen convictions; two of which could manage as well. “It is just unfortunate that at the beginning were life sentences. we were marginalised... most of us were giv“We also had ten family violence incidents, en secretarial jobs and earned less than men, claiming the lives of breadwinners and left because the system then dictated that a wom- some kids orphaned,” she said, urging woman could not be above a man,” she said, urg- en to report abuse and family violence to the ing women to use the opportunity of equality police before it would be too late.
22 August 2014
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Ontwerpers geniet pret met plastiek en papier
Kry goud Laborious Bopape, ‘n gr 11-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het aan die Distrikte Eskom Expo deelgeneem. Laborious het puik gepresteer en ‘n goue medalje verower. Hy dring ook deur na die streekronde wat vandag in Phalaborwa beslis word.
NOTICE NOTICE Closing of Library Closing of Library The Tzaneen Library will beclosed on The Tzaneen Library will beclosed on 28 and 29 August 2014 28 and 29 August 2014 for stocktaking purposes. for stocktaking purposes. The library will re-open on The library will re-open on Saturday 30 August. Saturday 30 August.
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Die inwonende personeel van die Toekie Vorster-meisieskoshuis van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het hulle spesiaal vir die jaarlikse prysuitdeling en dinee in Meksikaanse vere getooi. Voor is mee Dané Atkins, Hannecke Janse van Rensburg en Ilona Redelinghuys. Agter is mee Ilze Meyer, Isolde Fasondini en Ané Kelly. Two pupils of Stanford Lake College have been awarded for their achievements. Josh Selfe (right) received an honours re-award for his academic achievements and Gabba Monyepao was awarded full colours for her cultural activities.
Christine Nel Christine Nel Library Services Manager
Library Services Manager Greater Tzaneen Municipality Greater Tzaneen Municipality
Die Hoërskool Merensky se onlangse jaarlikse Kunsteweek is met ‘n gala-aand afgesluit. Vanjaar was die tema ”Herwinning” en die wenners in elke afdeling is in die saal uitgestal. Rommelmonsters, plakkate, gedigte, seepkis-redenaars en “flash mobs” het die gehoor vermaak. Die hoogtepunt was egter toe meer as dertig modelle die loopplank in hul herJade Barnatt Precious Setwaba winde skeppings aangedurf het. Daar was kreatiewe turistiese gemaksdrag van niks anrompies van koeldrankdoppies, ders nie as koerantpapier. uithangskeppings met behulp van Die pryswenners in die ontwerpdie immer gewilde swartsak en fu- kompetisie was Naledi Molewa.
KENNISGEWING KENNISGEWING Sluiting van Biblioteek Sluiting van Biblioteek Die Tzaneen Biblioteek gaan op Die Tzaneen Biblioteek gaan op 28 en 29 Augustus gesluit wees om 28 en 29 Augustus gesluit wees om voorraadopname van kinderboeke voorraadopname van kinderboeke te doen. te doen. Die biblioteek sal weer op Die biblioteek sal weer op Saterdag 30 Augustus oop wees. Saterdag 30 Augustus oop wees. Christine Nel Christine Nel Bestuurder: Biblioteekdienste Bestuurder: Biblioteekdienste Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit
Die toptien presteerders in akademie in gr 12 van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is aangewys. Agter is Keabetswe Tshepe (83%), Elma Pohl (81,6%), El-Louise van der Merwe (83,1%), Talitta Smit (82,4%), Nareanka Lombaard (82,1%), Anika Pienaar (84,6%) en Confidence Tshikhovhokhovho (82,3%). Voor is Karabo Moremi (83,3%), Lunghile Hlatshwayo (84,0%) en Nsovo Shandlale (84,7%). Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele se toptien presteerders in gr 7 is, voor: Nyiko Baloyi, Vida de Marillac, Nina Grové, Candy Mathebula en Megan Meyer. Agter is Lize Mostert, Lianca Pieterse, Kabelo Shikwambana, Michelle Shikwambana, Milané Smit en Meyer Vorster.
Plasie Woordmakers skep gedigte Die kwartaallikse byeenkoms van “Wonderwoorde”, die Hoërskool Merensky se woordkunsklub, is deur twee oudleerlinge, mnre Alan Troskie (2006) en Michael Smit (2003) bygewoon. Hul het die aspirant-woordkunstenaars begelei tydens ‘n praktiese gedigskryf-slypsessie. Troskie het ook die lede se opdraggedigte beoordeel en Blake Linder (gr10) as die wendigter aangewys, met Marlu McLean (gr 9) in die tweede plek. Die skrywers ontvang elke kwartaal ‘n opdrag, wat na evaluering die kans staan om in die jaarlikse spog-publikasie at uitgegee word, opgeneem te word.
Larrie se redenaars is beste in Limpopo Slegs ses laerskoolleerlinge is gekies om Limpopo by die ATKV se nasionale redenaarskompetisie te verteenwoordig. Die Laerskool Tzaneen het drie van die ses wenners opgelewer! Tzaneen se drie sprekerpresteerders is Waldo de Kock, LT de Jager en Keynan Fox.
Voor: Laryn Prins, Fumo Chabalala, Micaela Ball, Moniq van Wyk, Marlu McLean en Janke Jansen van Vuuren. Agter is Blake Linder, mnre Alan Troskie en Michael Smit, Elzette van Dyk en Xanthè Joubert.
Plasies wen Limpopo ronde in Verenigde Nasies-debat
Kim Maritz
Loame van Zyl
Loamé van Zyl and Kim Maritz, albei gr 11-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky het die naweek debatskragte saamgesnoer met Ingrit Malatjie en Rhandzu Mhlarhi. Dié span het die probleme van Saudi-Arabië in die
opindende “National UN Debate”, ‘n nasionale projek van Education Africa, verteenwoordig. Hulle het besonder goed gevaar en het skoonskip in die Limpopo-ronde gemaak. Die nasionale kompetisie word in Kaapstad aangebied en al die Plasies hou styf duim vas dat hierdie flinkdink-praters ook daar met die louere sal wegstap. Hul word vergesel van mnr Matlou Matome Abia en me Yolandi Potgieter.
Me Yolandi Potgieter, Ingird Malatjie, Kim Maritz, Rhandzu Mhlari, Loame van Zyl en Mnr Matlou Abia
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22 August 2014
Sangoma relocates to his motherland The sangoma who illegally occupied a piece of land along the Letaba River in Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen, has voluntarily moved back to his hometown of Giyani. His move came as a result of the erection of a concrete security
fence along the banks of the river, to prevent anyone from gaining access to the river — which was badly polluted by the motor mechanics. According to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s spokesman, Mr Neville Ndlala, the sangoma “indicated that he is voluntarily going back home in Giyani and we hope that no other Sangoma shall emerge under the water as the area will be highly protected”. — Elliot Mathye
The “residence” of the sangoma was cluttered with a weird collection of rubbish
elliot@bulletin. us.com
Ms Virginie Albrecht from Bread & Crumb in Tzaneen has baked these delightful edible animal figurines. They are to hang up on your Xmas tree and proceeds go towards the Letaba SPCA. Albrecht will be selling them at Mina’s Neighbourhood Market outside Haenertsburg on 31 August and at the Magoebaskloof Spring Fair on 24 and 25 September.
Lina Troskie ook weg Net sewe weke na haar man se dood, is me Lina Troskie van Tzaneen Saterdagoggend na ‘n kort siekbed oorlede. Haar dogter Linda sê “slegs sewe weke na pa se dood wou ma liewer by hom wees”. Wyle Lina Troskie laat twee seuns (waarvan een in Engeland woon) en een dogter (Linda), sewe kleinkinders en drie agterkleinkinders agter. “Sy sal altyd onthou word vir haar liefde vir haar gesin, wye kennis van plante en liefde vir die natuur. Haar kunswerke pryk in menige huis en haar hande was nooit stil nie. Sy was altyd besig om iets nuut te skep. Sy sal altyd in ons harte wees,” het Linda gesê.
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Checkers se boerewors-braaikompetisie is voluit aan die gang. ‘n Streekronde is verlede Saterdag in Tzaneen gehou, waar mnr France Mong met die eerste plek weggestap en na die provinsiale kompetisie deurgedring het. Hier is hy by hoofbeoordelaar van die dag, mnr John van der Horst.
Mercurius Motors Polokwane & Tzaneen Only valid till 30 September 2014
R1350.00 R2890.00
To make a booking call: 015 299 9500 or e-mail kventer@cargomotors.co.za for Polokwane or Call: 015 307 5020 email rsmith@cargomotors.co.za for Tzaneen
22 August 2014
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GTM: removal of illegal posters on track
The illegal posters, which plagued the Tzaneen over a long period of time, may soon be well out of sight, for good. This assurance was made by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in an effort to clean up the town and rid off all illegal posters.
In an article (27 June 2014), Bulletin reported on the people who violate the GTM bylaws on advertising by putting up illegal posters and those who do not remove their advertisements in time. A GTM spokesperson, Mr. Neville Ndlala said that they are still removing some of the postDraw a picture of someone reading ers, which were left behind, during the 1. Draw on the back of the entry form, or on a separate sheet of paper. election, which took 2. Draw in any medium, incl. pencil, coloured pencil, ink, pastels, etc. place on May 7 this 3. Entries are judged on creativity and originality, not on artistic merit. year. He said it is just a matter of time until 4. Hand in your entry at the Tzaneen, Letsitele, Haenertsburg or all illegal posters are Shiluvane Library by 3 October 2014. taken off the streets. 5. A winner will be chosen in each grade, from grade 1 to grade 11. Ndlala said: “We are
Enter the GTM
Library Competition 2014
6. Winners will be announced and prizes distributed in November 2014. 7. Enquiries: 015 3078050. 8. Please fill in the following: Name: School: Grade:
Tel. no: School’s tel. no:
busy working on the removal of these illegal posters. But one should bear in mind that this cannot just happen overnight. Our teams are working tirelessly and the town will soon be free of the illegal posters”. The bylaws of the GTM state the period that posters are supposed to be removed, is three days after an election/event. In an event where one fails to remove the posters within the specified period they forfeit their deposit. Ndlala could not state as to how many organisations had
Two women from Tzaneen who have after a plea agreement which Sleebok had agreed to. She was sentenced to five years imprisonment, suspended for five years. This means she has to pay back R70 000 over five years, plus to pay over her provident fund to the company. If she defaults at any given moment during the five years, she will go to jail for five years, without any further ado. had been entered into. Library Services Manager of fraud in the amount of R830 000. She I the other incident Valencia Jacobs Greater Tzaneen Municipality was, however, entered into a plea agreement with found guilty the state to repay an amount of R350 on an amount 00. However the owner of the Food of R196 500 Lovers Market in Tzaneen, Mr Christie
During the month of September 2014 no fines will be levied for books brought back late. Please make use of the opportunity to return all outstanding books from the Tzaneen; Haenertsburg and Letsitele Libraries.
Geen boetes vir boeke wat laat teruggebring word gaan in September 2014 gehef word nie. Maak gerus van die geleentheid gebruik om alle uitstaande boeke by die Tzaneen; Haenertsburg en Letsitele biblioteke terug te bring.
Library Services Manager Greater Tzaneen Municipality
Two ‘swallowed’ almost R2m NOTICE
During the month ofbeen September 2014 of fraud in the found guilty past couple no fines will be levied for of weeks defrauded their Reading helps us understand the world we live in, brought employers to the tune of approximately books back late. and words are everywhere! R2 million, but after Please make use of the opportunity to they had entered into plea agreements with the State return all outstanding books from the Your picture may be of someone reading anything at all! they were found guilty on much lesser Tzaneen; and Letsitele Here are some suggestions: Books • Computer Haenertsburg screens amounts. In the most recent case Linda Street signs • Medical prescriptions • NewspapersLibraries. Shingwenyana who was employed by Magazines • Maps • Letters • Recipes • Food labels Sleebok at their head office in Tzaneen, Christine Nel Notice boards • Posters • Product information faced an original charge sheet offence
Christine Nel
forfeited their deposits due to violating the bylaws, but explained that most of the advertisers had not come to query about forfeiting a deposit. “we have not received any queries in this regard as these organisations know very well that they had a period of time to remove their posters to avoid forfeiting”, Ndlala added. Ndlala is still appealing to residents, especially business people, to abstain from undermining the GTM bylaws by continuously putting up illegal posters, as they will be heavily panelised. —Elliot Mathye
Hattingh, said that their books show an amount of “at least R1 million that has gone missing”. Jacobs worked for the Food Lovers Market. She has escaped imprisonment by entering into the plea agreement — and she has to pay Food Lovers R5 542 per month for the next five years. If she fails to pay, even just one month, or pays after the 7th of the month, she will be arrested and send to prison, to serve a suspended five years imprisonment sentence. * After Shingwenyana’s sentencing, an unknown person outside the court was overheard referring to the two cases saying: “So… Crime really does pay!” — Editor
Christine Nel
Bestuurder: Biblioteekdienste Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit
Geen boetes vir boeke wat laat teruggebring word gaan in September 2014 gehef word nie. Maak gerus van die geleentheid gebruik om alle uitstaande boeke by die Tzaneen; Haenertsburg en Letsitele biblioteke terug te bring. Christine Nel
Bestuurder: Biblioteekdienste
Tel:Groter 015 307 8000 • Fax: 015 307 8049 • P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 Tzaneen Munisipaliteit
NOTICE OF THE 9TH COUNCIL SITTING FOR THE GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Kindly be informed that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality will hold its 9th Council meeting on Thursday, the 28th August 2014. Therefore, we hereby invite all the Community Members and other stakeholders to attend, the 9th Council Meeting of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality as follows: Date : 28 August 2014 (Thursday) Time : 11:00 Venue : Ramotshinyadi HIV/AIDS Youth Guide Hall (Next to Ramotshinyadi clinic) For further enquiries please contact Mr F Malale at 073 437 5885 or N Ndlala at 073 0762125 and Mrs W Baloyi at 073 871 1374. Kind regards Mr OZ Mkhombo Acting Municipal Manager /mm
Multiple Sclerosis sufferers live in a frightening reality where parts of the body can shut down without warning. Help the search for a cure, visit www.multiplesclerosis.co.za
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22 August 2014
Vossie Netball 2014 Die Beste
Vossies wat Provinsiaal verteenwoordig
Vossies wat Nasionaal verteenwoordig
PUK-reeks Kampioene
Amongst the country’s
Puntestand Ben Vorster Oos Moot Lichtenburg Montana Frikkie Meyer Standerton
Vossie-netbal se eerstes is sedert die ontstaan van die FNB Classic Clashes in 2009
• Onbetwiste Provinsiale Kampioene 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Best
60 47 39 36 28 19
TOP 20 schools
Achievers in the Coke Tournament
‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 -
o.14 A
o.14 A o.15 A
o.15 A o.16 A
o.14 A o.15 B o.16 B o.17 A o.17 B
o.14 B o.15 B o.16 B o.17 A o.18 A
Provinsiale Wenspanne
o.14 A o.15 A o.15 B o.16 B o.18 A o.18 B
o.15 A o.15 B o.17 B o.18 A o.18 B
o.16 A o.17 A o.19 B o.19 A
o.14 A o.14 B o.15 B o.16 A o.16 B o.17 A o.17 B o.19 A o.19 B
Nasionale Spelers
‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14
Provinsiale Spelers
‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14
Ben Vorster eindig 4de uit 17 skole 1
Die o.14’s bly onoorwonne en verower goud
Afrigters: Voor: mee Nadia Norval, Charmaine Beetge (hoofafrigter) en Monique The First Team: Ms Elsana Denyschen, Thandeka Mathye, Nsuku Makelana, Tsholofelo Bulala, Khanyisa Chawane, Shonny Lombard. Agter: mee Nienne Barnard, Verena van Heerden en Ilona Redelinghuys Thuketana, Katie Morgets, Prescious Mhlari en mnr Chris Denyschen (skoolhoof)
Hierdie bladsy is deur ‘n trotse ondersteuner van netbal geborg • A proud netball supporter sponsored this page
22 August 2014
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Business directory | Sakegids W E&STEEL Palisade Fencing
Facials, body treatments, slimming, Bio Sculpture, waxing, airbrush tan, TCA & glycolic peels, Feetish spa pedicures, make-up, Gelish & acrylic nails.
We also stock b-grade steel
Tel: 015 307 7705
5 Duiker Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen, 0850
24 King Edward Dr. Tzaneen 0850 Telefax: 015 307 2193 adelesclinic@vodamail.co.za
Agathastraat 54, Tzaneen 015 307 1149
Pieter Botha 072 506 9413 jbspares1@telkomsa.net
OVERNIGHT Courier Service bulletin©9184ts140808tb
Weekly from Tzaneen to Pretoria via Polokwane on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.
Tzaneen Polokwane Tzaneen Polokwane Pretoria Pretoria R100 one-way R250 one-way R300 one-way R200 return R450 return R550 return
Natalie Moss • 084 369 6293 • 073 110 4180
071 360 3630 • 082 227 8641
Munchies TZANEEN
“Pouse pakkies op wiele” “Breaktime meals on wheels” Delivered to school e-mail: munchies.tzaneen@yahoo.co.za
Julene: 060 406 4638
Five 1 Two Trailers bulletin©9461f1t140314tb
Vir die beste diens met die Blou Bulspan, skakel:
Johan 060 437 7447 • 078 164 4701
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
Cell: 082 490 9719 Fax to email: 086 6714 363 E-mail: awandrag@mweb.co.za
We specialise in refilling ink & laser/ toner cartridges
Refill & Remanufacturing Experts
10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen
015 307 3173
sales @spotoncartridges.co.za
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22 August 2014
Property l Eiendomme
Lushof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 vol badkamers, groot oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbelafdak, omhein, troetel diere welkom. Koopkrag beskikbaar 7 kilos uit dorp. Geen rokers, kinders nie, verkieslik bejaarde paar. R4 400
Heritage Village, Tzaneen A 370m2 house with a distinctive character, finished in quality materials throughout. Not your everyday home! Six bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, double garage with extra room. Large and sociable stoep with permanent blinds, heated swimming pool and hardwood deck. Lots of storage space and built-in cupboards. An exceptional deal @ R2,5 million. No agents.
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede
Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Phone Chris at 083 630 3605 To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet
afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955 Mei301 ___________________________
2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom in
secure complex in Arborpark R4 400 pm 082 441 9024 072 938 4042
Aug203 ___________________________
Large self-contained rondawel available as from 1st August on the R71, close to the Letaba Airfield. Please contact 082 849 2603 079 8818 548 to view. No cats or dogs.
Aug204 ___________________________
Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa, stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwasgeriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 000. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955 Mei303___________________________
Magoebaskloof – 4 bedroom house to let on small farm Contact owner 083 293 3443
Huur R9 500 pm Skakel 072 044 5322 of 083 628 2283
Aug301 _________________________
Aug201 ___________________________
21 King Edward naby skole. 5 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamer ekstra: groot granny flat. Swembad, tuin met boorgat. Geen troeteldiere. Ook te huur as moontlike besigheid.
Cluster homes/Meenthuise Ruim netjiese opgeradeerde 2 slaapkamer meenthuis op grond. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis.
Volledige badkamer asook stort. Deel motorhuise vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte of honde. R4 250 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696
Moderne 2slp en 3slp kamer meenthuise beskikbaar in LETSITELE. R3800 en R4600pm. Koopkrag. Kontak: Elzaan by 0835616062
GARNISHEE DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to an emolument attachment order granted by the magistrate RITAVI on 21 January 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF RITAVI’S OFFICE, 1 BANKUNA ROAD, LIMDEV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA, on 12 September 2014 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the
Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X VOLVO – BHR765L – WHITE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff Modjadjiskloof. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a
5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest
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VAKANTE POS Van Vuuren Prokureurs benodig die dienste van ‘n Prokureur en/of kandidaat-prokureur. Geliewe CV te epos na: rethia@tznlaw.co.za
specific condition, inter alia. 4Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008;
Stuur CV na radiocntr@mweb.co.za of faks na 015 307 4802
RADIO CENTRE 58 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 PO Box 580, Tzaneen, 0850
bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN on 8 AUGUST 2014 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE NO 206, 2ND FLOOR OLD MUTUAL BUILDING, GIYANI
hereby give notice that we have applied to the Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs for the issue of an excision certificate in respect of each of the abovementioned properties.
We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, being the agent for the owners of: Holdings 39 and 41 Pompagalana Agricultural Holdings within the Greater Tzaneen Municipality area,
Documents relating to the excision applications are available for inspection at CoGHSTA, Hensa Building, c/o Rabe and Hans van Rensburg Streets, Polokwane, the Civic Centre,
Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: JS/sdj/AA9852
Aug401 ___________________________
Agatha Street, Tzaneen and the offices of Jacques du Toit & Associates, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen until 12 September 2014. Comments or representations must be forwarded in writing to the Agent by registered post to reach him on or before said date. ADDRESS OF AGENT: JACQUES DU TOIT & ASSOCIATES, PO BOX 754, TZANEEN, 0850
Aug402 ___________________________
URGENT NOTICE This notice serves to inform the general public and the legal fraternity that Mr N.D. Kgatla is no longer the serving Sheriff for the areas of Ritavi and Nkowankowa High and Lower Courts. Mr Kgatla’s term ended on 1 October 2013. Kindly refrain from utilising his services as any process served by him after the abovementioned date will be unlawful and illegal. Further be advised that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development appointed Mr A.W.O. Mkhonto as the permanent Sheriff for the areas of Ritavi and Nkowankowa High and Lower Courts. You may contact his office on 015 303 004 or 079 133 1429 for service of processes. For any queries, please contact our Investigating Officer Ms Z. Dimande or our Legal Case Officer, Ms B. Goniwe on tel. 021 426 0577 or via email: zinhle@sheriffs.org.za / bgoniwe@sheriffs.org.za
our community
22 August 2014
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Smouskous l Classifieds
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Roentes 4D Ultrasound Polokwane 015 291 2275
Aug405 ___________________________
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie
Services Dienste YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • The most economical and affordable way? • Within one month? YES! • 5 EASY steps Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
JB Spares Motorspares Motoronderdele Batteries and Accessories Agatha Street 54 015 307 1149 Jul403 ____________________________
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998
Feb106 ___________________________
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214
Mei308 ___________________________
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
Up to 50% savings on printer cartridges
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops. Free delivery within 2 km radius Shop Address: 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen. Contact: Matthew Theron 015 307 3173
Services Dienste Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
Torga Optical Latest Technology Summer Vision Eye test R150 2 complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multi Focal from R2 700 015 307 2299
Services Dienste
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 015 307 5010
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Your clean home is our business You phone. We deliver. For free. 078 294 7272 071 153 1634 082 881 1914 info@rhinochem.co.za
Trophy Toyota Vir die beste diens in die Laeveld 015 309 9258
Agribox Ons betall kontant vir ou of stukkende plukkaste R4.50 afgelewer by ons R3.50 opgelaai by u binne 50km van Tzaneen 015 307 1863 Cherryll 071 672 1570 5C Rietbokstraat
Aug303 ___________________________
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale services 015 307 5010
Aug304 ___________________________
Voidon Slabsa Limpopo Hannes 082 804 5282
Aug403 _____________________
Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facial Body Treatment Bio sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193
Aug404 ___________________________
BDM Diesel Centre We specialise in: Repairs of all turbo chargers Repairs, services Calibration of diesel pumps and injectors 20 Plantation Road 015 307 3774
Aug402 ___________________________
JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand? VERSEKER! • 5 MAKLIKE stappe
Northern Roof Erectors Oprigting van nuwe dakke Instandhouding van bestaande dakke Donovan Beukes 082 966 1451
Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835
Your partner in home building!
015 307 7168
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!! Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email:khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770
Salary Management Service Debt stress We can help Reduce your monthly installment and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assist 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street
Plumbwise Don’t think twice call Plumwise Service is our pride Bathroom renovations and make-overs Geyser repairs and replacements Leak repairs – Unblocking of drain system General Plumbing maintenance 083 289 5235 Roelof 015 307 7168
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061
Services Dienste
For Sale Te Koop
We will beat any written quote!!
Bruce Allan - 083 417 4026
071 063 4983
3.0 TOYOTA Highlux 4x4 2012
24 Hour
Emergency Plumber
For Hire Te Huur
R285 900
2.4 Nissan NP 300 4x4 Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956
R165 900
Lannie Motors
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Fold-up camper trailer Sleeps 5 – good conditions R14 000 082 403 8842
Nuwe Nissan
Skakel my gerus vir goeie en vriendelike diens.
Rymar Auto General car service and repairs Auto diagnostics repair services Aircons Carman Scanner for resetting of service lights Willie 082 494 7985 Gideon 084 597 5940 26 Plantation Road
Secure your home before you go Trellidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2014 OPGAWES BEGIN OP 1/7/2014: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK MET ONS. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Onafdhanklike Nasiener. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 8.1 Inkomstebelasting 8.2 BTW 8.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler Lid van:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBR 2041 & SAIT 11055797 Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320.
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.
MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie-medies)
Mei507 ___________________________
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22 August 2014
Hokkiemeisies vorm sterk eenheid Die o.16-meisieshokkiespan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het ‘n goeie hokkieseisoen agter die rug. Hulle het die seisoen as PUK-wenners afgeskop en is met ‘n oorwinning oor die PHS as Limpopowenners gekroon. Daarmee het hul deurgedring na die Noordvaal-kompetisie. Die Vossies het kookwater-hokkie teen die Hoërskool Marais Viljoen en die Hoërskool Die o.16A-hokkiespan (meisies) van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat aan die Noordvaal-kampioenskappe deelgeneem het staan hier saam met mnr Naas Botha, (oud-Springbokrugbykaptein). Voor is Talenta Mabunda, Marize Rautenbach, Alison Rudder, Marli Burger, Delmé Barkhuizen en Kagiso Malatje. Agter is Nikki Thompson, Bernice Claasen, Deidre Viljoen, Botha, Jenna Auret, Lané Roos, Gretchen Bekker en Beauty Maake.
Noordheuwel gespeel en het albei wedstryde oortuigend gewen. Teen die Hoërskool Eldoraigne was dit egter in die eerste helfte ‘n moeilike stryd, maar die spelers het na rustyd hard gespeel om in te haal; ongelukkig was dit te laat en kon hulle nie die wedstryd wen nie. Die span het toe tweede in hul groep geëindig en deurgedring na die kwarteindronde. Daar het hulle weer teen PHS te staan gekom en dié keer het PHS gewen (2-1). Die span het die seisoen as eenheid gespeel en individuele spelers kan nie juis uitgesonder word nie. Elke doel wat aangeteken is, was danksy ‘n spanpoging. Die spelers wat wel in die posisie was om af te rond, is Delmé Barkhuizen, Marlé Burger, Bernice Claasen en Beauty Maake.
Krieket-meisies triomfeer teen Pepps Merensky se o.19-meisieskrieketspan het op hul tuisveld teen Pepps van Polokwanwe te staan gekom en die besoekers oorrompel. Merensky se boulers het hul opponente vir slegs 26 lopies pawiljoen toe gestuur en die wedstryd in slegs drie beurte met nog tien paaltjies staande sonder seremonie afgehandel. Kelsey-Ann Mostert het agtien lopies van twaalf balle (nun) geslaan. Sy het ook vier paaltjies vir slegs sewentien lopies laat kantel. Kathleen Horne het vier paaltjies plat
getrek en slegs vyf lopies afgestaan. Na dié slagting het Merensky teen Hans Strydom te staan gekom. Merensky het Hans Strydom almal uitgehaal vir 95 lopies, en toe voort gegaan om die besoekers se totaal verby te steek en die wedstryd gemaklik met ses paaltjies te wen. Kelsey-Ann Mostert het drie paaltjies vir twintig lopies in ses beurte gevat en Merisca Steenkamp het ook drie paaltjies gevat en slegs sewentien lopies in vyf beurte afgestaan.
Die seëvierende meisieskrieketspan van Merensky. Voor is Jeandri van Wyk, Naledi Mailula, Kathleen Horne, Carlize Katzke en Jezza-Rae Larson. Agter is Gwendy Botha, Melissa Steenkamp, Izel Pieterse, Merisca Steenkamp en Kelsey-Ann Mostert.
Pfunanane Academy continued their winning streak at the cross country meeting hosted by Laerskool Tzaneen, bringing home fifteen medals: seven gold and eight silver. They also won nine team competitions. Pictured are (front) Kenny Ramapuputla, Rachel Serakwana, Wanga Ramatshila and Matome Rabothata. In the middle row are Solly Banda, Ditebogo Mashatola, Lucy Malatja, Lendra Mashale-Terwey, Angel Serakwana and Thabo Mohale and at the back are Louis Letsoalo, Tinashe Mazodze, Thabang Mahasha, Tumelo Sekhula and Modjadji Masondo-Terwey.
Stanford u.16’s excelled in Noordvaal Stanford Lake College’s u.16 hockey team travelled to Potchefstroom to take part in the Noordvaal hockey tournament and performed quite well. The team had an exceptional start, winning both group games and ending on top of their group. They beat Eldoraigne 2-1 and Transvalia 3-2. The highlight of the two games was that the team managed to convert three short corners
in the five goals they scored. In the play-offs, they lost to Nelspruit but fought back to beat Krugersdorp 6-2. On the last morning, they played Sasolburg for 5th and 6th place. Although some good hockey was played, they could not convert the chances and drew the game 1-1. They then lost on the eight second shoot out and ended 6th out of twelve teams.
Members of SLC’s u.16 boys team. In front are Madala Honwana, Matthew Maritz and Bryce Reed, and at the back are Rayhaan Tayob, Tristan Schoeman, Mfumo Mongwe, Michael
van Zyl, Akani Baloyi (staff), Adam McGaffin, Rohan Robinson, Aidan du Preez, Mr Shane Friedrichs (coach), Benno Prinsloo, Jason Wright, Graeme Harty, Marc Stirling and Zia Rasekhi.
Contact Hans for quotation
082 804 5282
Voidcon SLABS in Limpopo
‘n Groep van 61 atlete het aan ‘n LLSV-byeenkoms by die Laerskool Drakensig by Hoedspruit deelgeneem en die volgende atlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen het medaljes gewen: Carlo Moller, Dubcn Watson, Sharice Smit, Lia Revelas en Mohau Makgoba. Intussen het Elandri Janse van Rensburg (foto) tweede in die Limpopo Kampioenskappe gekom.
22 August 2014
Ses van Sewes gaan sweef met Arende
Stanford Lake hosts world class field Last weekend saw the running of the inaugural Clemengold Wolkberg 2-day trail run hosted by Stanford Lake College and Clemengold. The run attracted a world class field, with a number of professional trail runners making the journey north from Gauteng to tackle the tough two-day race. Day 1 saw runners leaving the start hosted by the Magoebaskloof Canopy Tours and making their way down into Georges Valley before heading up the tallest peak in Limpopo ‘The Iron Crown’. The summit played host to the Clemengold King and Queen of the mountain with Vivobarefoot pro-runner Anita O’Brien and Naas Janse van Rensburg stealing honours in the dash to the top.
The runners then headed down the mountain and along the Louis Changuion trail before finishing day 1 in Haenertsburg. Day 2 was a busy affair at SCL with runners of all kinds joining the 2-day runners for various events. A 25 km 1-day run as well as 10 km and 4 km trail runs in and around the stunning scenery of SLC, Cheerio Gardens and Broederstroom, made for an enjoyable family day. Mina’s Market, a mountain favourite, as well as a host of other stalls and a kiddies play area ensured that the day was a memorable one for the entire family and and is set to become a must on everyone’s social calendar in the years to come. Bennie Roux, another Vivobarefoot pro-
runner, dominated the men’s 2-day event, winning both days and finishing with an overall time of 04:58:00 with Anita O’Brien maintaining her pace throughout the event going wire to wire with an impressive winning time of 06:01:00. Feedback from the athletes is exceptional and this race should no doubt go from strength to strength in the years to come. The winners: 2-Day Run - Men: Bennie Roux (04:58:00); 2-Day Run - Ladies: Anita O’Brien (06:01:00); 25 km 1-Day Run - Men: Thomas Therma (01:49:00); 25 km 1-Day Run - Ladies: Anita O’Brien (02:12:00); 10 km - Men: Alan Gordon (00:48:05); 10 km - Ladies: Naomi Snyman (00:53:32). Full results: http://swillson.wix.com/slctrichallenge#!thewolkberg-trail-run/
Philip Nel
Lehan Nel
Dyllan Janse van Rensburg
Ses van Merensky se Sewes-rugbyspelers is pas deur die Eastern Eagles Rugbyklub in Pretoria gekies om in Desember die klub in Dubai by ‘n toernooi te verteenwoordig. Dit is ‘n merkwaardige prestasie, aangesien slegs ses spelers uit Limpopo jaarliks hiervoor in aanmerking kom en al ses spelers vanjaar Plasies is!
Tony Botha
Mikyle le Roux
Sean Lombard
Twee Vossie-rugbyspanne in Beeld-eindstryd Twee van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se junior rugbyspanne — die o.14A’s en die o.16A’s — speel more in die Beeld-eindstryd vir groot skole in Klerksdorp, nadat hulle die afgelope naweek op hul tuisveld gewen en na die eindstryd deurgedring het. Die o.14A’s het met die Hoërskool Randburg afgereken en die o.16A’s was te sterk vir Potchefstroom Volkskool. Dit was ‘n uiters spannende wedstryd en met minder as vyf minute se speeltyd oor, was die As daar nou een nasie is wat meer kan kerm en kla as Oubal se eie mense, dan is dit die klomp Kiwi’s. Skaars het Oubal verlede Saterdagnag sy seer hoof neergelê of die Vet Sjef van Auckland bel hom wakker. Dis ‘n bleddie skande dat die Magtige All Blacks deur ‘n patetiese SA ref van die wêreldrekord vir die meeste agtereenvolgende toetsoorwinnings beroof is , bulder ou Vettes in Oubal se oor in dié ongoddelike uur. Waar in jou lewe het jy gesien spelers op daai vlak kry geelkaarte vir onbenullighede in ‘n wedstryd van daai omvang? Dit lyk my “julle” refs het geelkaarttrieggherhêppie geraak ! Oubal vra om kalmte en verneem of die naam Bryce Lawrence iets vir Vettes beteken. Minstens het ons (nog nie) vir Jaco Peyper as skeidsregter van die jaar aangewys nie, voeg Oubal by. Maar julle dink mos julle het
Dryf, Manne! vrypas om “op daai vlak” die reëls van rakbie te verbreek soos wat dit julle pas, so moenie nou in Oubal se ore kom huil nie. Buitendien, jy verstaan niks van geelkaarte as jy nie gister se wedstryd op Nuweland gesien het nie, vryf Oubal dit in. As dit nie vir die reën in Sydney was nie, sou die MAB’s die Aussies van hul voete af gehardloop het en dan was julle lot nie nog steeds mede-houer van die rekord nie en nog minder bo aan die 4N punteleër na jul gelukkige wen oor die Argies nie, speel Vettes sy laaste troefkaart in ‘n swak hand. Reën? Reën? Noem jy dit reën! Dis vir
telling 13-12. Die vleuel Shima Molepo was die held van die wedstryd, toe hy in die doodsnikke van die wedstryd vir sy derde drie oorgeduik en die Vossies met ‘n oorwinning van 20-12 hul sake vir die eindstryd kon begin pak. Die o.16A-span het Potchefstroom Volkskool behoorlik afgestof, met ‘n telling van 41-27. Die Vossies se vuurvreter flank, Ruben Koekemoer, het twee keer in die eerste helfte gaan druk en baie bygedra tot die
Oubal duidelik jy’t nie aandag gegee aan wat op Loftus gebeur het nie, VetPêl, anders sou jy nie so ‘n nietigheidjie by jou argument ingesleep het nie. Julle was dêm gelukkig om nie te verloor het nie. Toe sit die verloopte Kiwi die foon in Oubal se oor neer en Oubal slaap verder die slaap van die regverdige met ‘n smaail op sy bakkies! ‘Tja, toe die Bokke aantree vir Nkosi te midde van die monsoenseisoen en die Argies hier neffens hulle staan en tjank, wis Oubal hierdie gaan ‘n toets wees wat nie in kalm waters gespeel gaan word nie. In een van daai grênd losies sal die ouens vandag warm mengeldrankies moet drink, sê KoosKakie, want dit smaak hom hul ysmasjien het nou net ontplof. Hy dink ook nie ‘n bonuspunt vir vier drieë gaan haelbaar wees nie, voeg KK flouerig by. Maar toe die verguisde Klein Gysie daai
momentum wat die rooies kon opbou. Senter Hardu Pretorius,was die ander Vossie-uitblinker in ‘n span waar vyftien spelers hul kant gebring het. Die o.15A’s wat in die ander kwarteindwedstryd gespeel het, is deur Helpmekaar oorrompel en met ‘n telling van 38-3 is dit duidelik dat die Vossies eintlik nooit in die wedstryd was nie. • Die o.14’s speel more teen die Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer, terwyl die o.16’s teen PHS te staan kom.
eerste (en enigste) drie druk, het ons nog hoop gehad dat die Bokke se twak nie te nat sal wees nie. Heyneke moes nooit na jou geluister het met sy spankeuse nie, Oubal, sê GertGrensvegter kort daarna. Pollie van die Paarl kom nie die mas op nie en as dit so aangaan gaan ons skip sink. “Aai ygrie wiff DjieDjie”, sê ArthurIngelsman, “dhei shoeld hêf hêd y Natal boikie et pivvit. Tjaad le Klou whoeld hêf dan matsh better ander de sirkumstaanses. End fôr dat mattir, Kêmmeron vên den Bûrgh and Reik Neitlieng whoeld hêf bien better propposieshens on de whiengs.” ‘Tja, as dit nie was dat Oubal gekant is teen vrouerakbiespelers nie, was Penny Heyns en Natalie du Toit ook seker keuses, maar gelukkig kon ons kop bo water hou! “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” — Dolly Parton.