Bulletin 140829

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29 Augustus 2014

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Georges Valley se inwoners het genoeg gehad van die swak wetstoepassing teen swaarvoertuigverkeer op die pad deur die vallei. Hulle waarsku daar kom oorlog. Lees verder op bl. 8

Minister strips Mopani (MDM) of water authority p 5

Ongeluk besoedel Letabarivier

Tenkwa vir drinkwater laat wenkbroue lig

p 10

Lees op bl 8

Nuwe koningin... bl 5 Mnre Boere Nel, voorsitter van die Georges Valley SAS, en Danie Viljoen, se geduld is op. Onder dryf olie/diesel in die Letaba se water.

Buffeltjies gaffel hul pad oop na Beeld Trofee p 20 Meet Tzaneen’s first ever black female pilot p7

Stanford Lake College was awarded the PMR Diamond Award as the Best Independent School in Limpopo for the third year in a row. Seen here are the head girl, Gaba Monyepao, the school’s sports director, Mr Shane Friedrichs, and the head boy, Alex Revelas.



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29 Augustus 2014




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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


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Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

The Real Vlieg Revolution

world. One truth at a time.” vandeesweek laat publiseer. Dit is blykbaar Intussen drink Vlieg maar die pille wat net so goed vir sy besigheid as virusse, sy dokter vir hom voorskryf, want dit lyk bakterie, alkoholmisbruik, sigaretrook en darem of dit werk (hy lewe nog) en daar is huweliksprobleme. darem ‘n mate van wetenskap agter dit. Spyskaart A La Noakes En Vlieg hou maar by sy gebalanseerde * Ekstra vet Damarastert dieet, hy is mos hoeka * Ngunipotjie in volroomsous ‘n baie gebalanseerde * Dorpernek met Kolbroekkaiings persoon. ‘n “Chip” * Meatmasterribbetjies met botter op albei skouers! * Ile de France Kaiings gebraai in Landrasvet Tog het Vlieg se * Kolbroektjops, diepgebraai in Groot Wit-vet dokter by navraag * Gesoute Brahmanskof met skeenmurgsous tydens sy navorsing * Bonsmarabeeshaas toegedraai in Landrasspek gevra dat hy die * Simmentaler kruisskyf met Swartkoppersiesous volgende “al la * Groot Wit-boud, gestop met Drakensbergervet en ekstra sout Noakes” spyskaart





Sonnig en koel

Sonnig en matig

Sonnig en matig

Sonnig en matig

Woensdag Donderdag Sonnig en warm

Sonnig en warm













































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Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Rys, vleis, aartappels en pampoen! Dis waarop Vlieg grootgeword het. Darem nie net pampoen nie, siestog, ander groente ook. Boontjies, wortels, patats, ertjies, selfs kool en spinasie. En slaai, allerhande slaai. En onder die vleis, en nie die groente nie, tel darem hoender en vis ook. Hoender, met die vel! En brood, baie brood, vars, warm witbrood! Vrugte! Appels, pere, piesangs, naartjies, lemoene en selfs pomelo’s. Darem poeding ook, nou en dan. En koeksisters as die tannies by die kerk gebak het, en vetkoek en melktert, baie melktert! Om nie van die Coke te praat nie; baie Coke, en koffie en tee, met suiker, en die een en ander gefermenteerde gars- en druiwedrankie natuurlik, maar eers van sy papie-jare af en darem nie al as maaier nie! Ten spyte daarvan is Vlieg nou al middeljarig… en gesond. As Vlieg sy familiegeskiedenis in ag neem, behoort hy darem vroeë bejaardheid te haal, al is sy voorgeslagte vrot van beroertes, hartaanvalle en suikersiekte. Dalk middel- tot laatbejaardheid as hy gelukkig is, want Vlieg steur hom nie aan foefies nie! As Vlieg hom moes steur aan alles wat “hulle” sê, sou hy sweerlik al van die honger doodgegaan het. Of van te veel pille! So het “hulle” vantevore gepredik dat dit al die diervette is wat ons doodmaak. Koolhidrate is net die ding om lank te lewe. Nou het “hulle”, hul “mind ge-change” en is dit die koolhidrate wat ons doodmaak en ons moet meer vet eet. Gelukkig is Vlieg se buikomtrek ook nie meer as 104 cm nie, anders was hy dalk insulienweerstandig en moes hy skaamkry vir sy liggaam en boonop ‘n sekere “instituut” se pille drink. Net vandeesweek lees Vlieg verder dat die lae-sout dieet wat “hulle” al die jare aanbeveel het ook nou as snert bewys is en ons moet nou meer sout vreet as wat ‘n bees kan lek. Nee wat, foefie, foefie, foefie, reken Vlieg. Net ‘n foefie om boeke te verkoop! Vlieg dink as hy (dalk) naby sy pensioenjare kom gaan hy ook so ‘n boek skryf. Miskien iets soos “The Real Vlieg Revolution – Changing the


Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com

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Beware: Criminals seem to target the Mall Criminals have molested a number of people in the Tzaneng Mall in recent weeks and people are warned to be extra vigilant when visiting the Mall, especially in the areas of the escalators. The Mall’s manager, Ms Suzette Dippenaar, said she was not aware of any incidents and when asked about allegations that security personnel on duty in the Mall close their eyes for such incidents, she was surprised. In the meantime she has appealed to people to report any assault, mugging or theft encountered in the Mall to her office.

Bulletin made enquiries to Dippenaar after we received a number of complaints of muggings in the Mall. A teacher (a lady) from Merensky High School reports to have been threatened and robbed at knife point while using the escalator. She said that at the time, the security personnel saw what was happening, but did not react to it. This was the second time that she had been molested by thugs in the Mall. We have been made aware of seven other ladies that have experienced thuggery in the Mall. Two ladies have agreed to be identified, but the others


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fear revenge. We have decided not to identify any of them, respecting the fact that they could fall prey to thugs’ revenge when they walk in the streets or visit the Mall. Dippenaar says her office has not received any reports of muggings and/ or assault in the mall recently. Her security department also says it never received any such reports. She urges members of the community to report all criminal activities in the mall as soon as possible, in order for her office to take action. — Joy Mojela



29 Augustus 2014


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Ontbytsake (‘n program op M-Net se Afrikaanse kanaal) het verlede week TV-opnames in en om Tzaneen gedoen, vir ‘n program oor die dorp en omgewing. Een van die akeondernemings wat hulle besoek het, is die Food Lovers’ Ronel, dogter van Dawid en Dina Botes van Tzaneen is in Market. Die mede-eienaars van die winkel en een van die die eg verbind met J P, seun van Ina en Wyle Werner Kardos, bestuurders is hier saam met die TV-span se kameraman ook van Tzaneen. Die huwelik het plaasgevind by Mohatjane en joernalis. Me Karin Hartting (mede-eienaar), haar seun A C Kin4 Dendron. 5 7 9 _ 9 J_PMen AA K E gaan - hulle 1 2in0 Hoedspruit 1 4 - 0 8 - 1 1Ian, T 1mnr 4 : 2Nel 9 :Joubert 5 9 + 0 (bestuurder 2 : 0 0 Lodge Ronel van die slaghuis en vestig. JP is een van die rugbyspelers wat diep spore by die vleisafdeling) en mnr Christie Hatting (mede-eienaar — regs) Letaba-rugbyklub getrap het. is hier saam met die TV-personeel.


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29 Augustus 2014


www.bulletin.us.com for murder and the rest for house breaking, shoplifting and cultivation of dagga.

Arrested for wrongful activities

Crime in Modjadjiskloof dropped last week when only 25 perpetrators got arrested for disobeying the law, against 55 the previous week. Eleven people are now facing charges of failure to comply with the Liquor Act (no trading licence), eight for drinking in public, two for theft and four for traffic offences.

Police in Tzaneen have arrested 58 people for various criminal activities over the past week: eleven suspects for contravening the Road Traffic Act, nine people for shoplifting, eight for assault GBH, five for reckless and negligent driving, four for prostitution, eight for drinking in public, three for common assault and theft, one for theft from a motor vehicle, one for being in possession of suspected stolen property, one for stealing out of motor vehicle and eleven for contravening the Liquor Act.

More arrests

Seventeen arrested in H’burg

The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Rethabile Maake - rethabile@bulletin.us.com

Crime decreasing in M’kloof

Maake police arrested 66 people between 18 and 25 August for various serious offences: twenty for Road Traffic Act offences, fifteen for Liquor Act offences, five for malicious damage to property, four for assault, five for illegal gambling, ten for assault GBH, one

The police in Haenertsburg arrested seventeen suspects for criminal activities over the past week. According to Haenertsburg police spokesperson, Const Bongi Malungane, fifteen people got caught for contravening the Road Traffic Act and two for theft.

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Pupils protest for new school

Learners at Malamulele High School downed pens in a protest for a new school. The learners, supported by parents and members of the SGB, said their school, which was built in 1977, was dilapidated, and that toilets were no longer usable. They also claimed that their school was situated in a noisy area and

therefore compromised their concentration and learning ability during classes. According to the chairperson of the SGB, Mr Hasani Hlungwani, the government has been promising to move the school since 2005. “We have done everything by the book to remind them but nothing is happening; this is why we decided to take to the streets to try and force the government to honour its promise,” he said. A memorandum giving the government fourteen working days to respond, was handed to Lt Col Thifhelimbilu Mapungo of the Malemulele Police, who promised to pass it on to the relevant structures.

Police need community to win war against crime

and set alight in a mob justice incident in National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega called on the community to help the SAPS April. Speaking about her death, Phiyega to win the war against crime, during a visit warned the community against taking the to Thomo villaged outside Giyani. Her visit law into their own hands or accusing people coincided with a crime awareness campaign of being witches, saying this led to the death against ritual of innocent people. murders, witchcrafts The commissioner and mob justice. later handed over She also appealed groceries to the to the public not family of the late to hide criminals Nkovani. In respond in their homes or to this, her husband, neighbourhoods, Mr Petrus Chauke since it played who works at directly into the Marikana, thanked hands of criminals. the commissioner “As long as the MDM mayor Nkankareng Rakgoale, Greater Giyani mayor Pat saying it was an murderer, the Hlungwani, Limpopo Police commissioner Fannie Masemola and honor that such an thief or the rapist National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega accompanied by new Senior Police officers dance during crime awareness campaign at Gen Riah Phiyega hand over groceries to Mr Petrus Chauke (with important event was is still our child, Mopani District mayor Nkankareng Rakgoale Thomo village white hat). held in the memory our husband or of his late wife. see people close to you involved in criminal than them in numbers,” she said, urging neighbour whom we “We as a family are most thankful for the do not report to the police... crime cannot activities... we cannot be held captive by just everyone to report criminal activities. a small number of individuals who choose The campaign was held in memory of groceries which would take us through to be eradicated,” she said. “We need you not to keep quiet when you to be involved in crime, because we’re more Catherine Nkovani who was brutality beaten December,” he said.


Events l Gebeure Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com

Church l Kerk AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371.

Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele

We make an impact... Fear lessl y the tr uth

H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240.


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Minister responds to Mopani water crisis

29 Augustus 2014


Mall of the North offers a dream

The minister for Water Affairs, Ms Nom- anything that has to do with water and vula Mokonyane, has suspended the sanitation in the district. We will ask Greater Giyani Municipality mayor Pat water authority granted to the Mopani Lepelle to take over with help for addi- Hlungwani and the minister for water afDistrict Municipality. Complaints and tional capacity from the national level,” fairs, Ms Nomvula Mokonyane, are seen here listening to complaints about water allegations of corruption which has seen she said. services in the Giyani area. millions of Rand being wasted on pro“On top of that, we want to audit jects and boreholes that never existed, everything called “borehole”, the money from community structures, including were drilled at ridiculous costs or don’t spent on it and whether it is working or the ANC Mopani sub-region, that water function. not. This audit should be completed by authority should be given to the local municipalities in order to Speaking to the comimprove service efficiency. munity of Giyani, the “Minister, let me put it to minister said Lepelle you that for a number of Northern Water would years the MDM has been take over while she infailing to provide the comvestigated the problem munity with much needed that led to the failure of water services,” said Mr boreholes and the conThom Mkhari, the secretary troversial Nandoni pipeof the ANC task team in the line project which has Mopani region. cost the government so “This is why we have a situfar more than R300 milation at Nkhensani Hospital lion. where relatives are asked to “It is very painful that bring water to help bath the somebody would benefit patients… it is therefore our from a tender to provide belief that if water authorwater services while our The pump at this installation where water is purified is almost never ity could be shifted to local people go thirsty, and running properly, leaving residents without water. municipalities this problem yet some official would write a report to say everything is okay,” the second week of September. We want might be avoided in future,” he said to she said, referring to officials whom she everybody to account, because when loud cheers of the people who attended said have been telling lies about water people are given jobs and they don’t per- the meeting. The minister apologised and promised progress in Giyani and the district as a form, it is the President’s head that’s on whole. the block… and that cannot be allowed to send a team to assess the situation at the hospital, while she is busy to try an “We have therefore concluded with all to happen,” she said. the stakeholders that we’re taking over The minister’s move comes amid calls solve the overall situation.

With Spring just around the corner, Mall of the North in Polokwane is ready to celebrate the wedding season in true style. On Friday last week, Mall of the North’s wedding competition officially kicked off. One lucky bride-to-be stands the chance of winning a dream wedding to the value of R150 000 and a brand new set of wheels with a sporty VW Polo TSi, valued at R200 000! Entry forms for the competition will be available in Beeld today and next week Friday. The competition is open to anyone within Beeld’s distribution area, while the dream wedding itself will take place in stunning Polokwane and can be redeemed until September 2015. The not-to-be missed wedding competition will culminate in the Mall of the North bridal fair from 26 October to 2 November, showcasing the latest trends in planning the perfect wedding. Rene van der Merwe, Marketing Manager of Mall of the North said: “We are delighted to be able to spoil our shoppers. Our wedding competition and bridal fair are just even more fantastic reasons to come to the mall.”

Katryn Barwise van Tzaneen is vroeër die week in Barbados as Miss Humanity International 2014 gekroon. Sy en haar ma, wat haar vergesel het, het gisteroggend weer in Suid-Afrika aangekom. Sy is die eerste Suid-Afrikaner wat dié titel gewen het. Katryn is ‘n oud-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky.



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29 Augustus 2014


Ons Mening Vrydag 29 Augustus 2014


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Moeilikheid is as mens se planne opraak

Landbouskoue: Deel 2 Ons het verlede week as ‘t ware profetiese woorde hier neergepen, oor die verspotte ding dat Tzaneen nou drie agri-skoue het. En dat die derde een slegs sowat twee weke na die tradisionele jaarlikse skou aangebied word, is werklik belaglik. Ons het verlede week ook gewaarsku dat dit op stuk van sake noodlottig vir die tradisionele Letaba-skou, die Langs die Oever Boeredag en die jongste ekspo kan wees. Die gebrek aan besoekers het vandeesweek gewys dat laasgenoemde dood gebore kan wees. Wat ook jammer is, is dat die expo — wat deur ‘n Johannesburgse maatskappy wat skoue en uitstallings vir ‘n wins vir hulself organiseer — die beeld het van ‘n apartheidskou. Die teikenmark behoort boere te wees, nie ‘n sekere groep boere nie.

Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer nuus, foto’s en ander interessante inligting.

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The Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

“There is always more grace in God than there is sin in us” This is a very powerful statement and so true. We often rely on our own power and think that we can do things without any help. After all we have been trained to do this, we are too self-centred and not God-centred. If we look at the word sIn we see that it is we who sin, yes, I sin not God. We all experience obstacles to grace when we sin. Sin comes in many forms and often we don’t see it as sin, rather, we see it as common practice e.g. “everyone swears, so why shouldn’t I” This amazing God we serve forgives us time and time again and He never condemns us, because He truly loves us: A love that we often find hard to believe. Yet, if we have given our lives to Christ and believe He is our Father, why do we still have doubts? Is it because we cannot believe that we are saved, that Christ died for each one of us? Or is it because we are weak? Prayer is the most powerful tool we have, how often do we use its full potential. Miracles still happen today if only we believe Blessings.


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29 Augustus 2014

Tzaneen’s first female pilot honoured The Tzaneen area’s first female pilot, Ms Nhlamulo Sandra Mashele, was recently honoured by Letaba Life Savers — a community non-government organisation. Mashelo is a former Stanford Lake College pupil. The Nkowankowa born and bred 25-year-old obtained her pilot’s licence from Loutzavia Flight Training Academy in April. She is currently working towards obtaining a commercial pilot’s licence, for which she will need hundred hours experience of flying. She told Bulletin earlier this week that at the moment she has thirty hours experience of flying on her own, without an instructor by her side. She is currently residing in Pretoria, so she could train further and obtain more flying hours. Mashelo says she loves flying so much. “Flying was not my out-right career choice after high school, but it was always at the back of my mind,” she says.

After high school, Mashele enrolled at the University of Johannesburg. She started studying to fly in November 2012. “I’d dropped out of UJ. I didn’t like what I was doing. A friend of mine told me about the flight academy and I thought it’d be interesting to try it out,” she said.

Aviation is a very male-dominated industry. As one of a very few females and one of a few black people in the industry, Mashele says she was often under-estimated and thought of as incapable to fly planes. “I had to practise and work very hard to prove I can also qualify for this and be good at it as well,” she said. Training to fly is also very expensive. The 25-year-old says she is grateful her parents could pay her tuition fees. However, some flight schools in the country, like Loutzavia Flight Training Academy, do offer bursaries for those who cannot afford their fees. Other than Stanford Lake College, Mashele went to Kings Court Christian School in the primary grades. She has two younger brothers and a three-year-old daughter, Hlomisa. She advises all young people working towards a career to follow their dreams. “Don’t follow the same old thing everyone is doing. Think out of the box and keep on going.” — Joy Mojela


Deborah McGaffin

3 August 1967 — 21 August 2014. Ms Deborah McGaffin died at the Letaba Hospital after a short illness. She will be remembered for her fun loving ways, her raucous laughter and the incredible love and learning that she poured into her children Daniel (10) and Simone (8).


Décor shop opens its doors

The quaint sign outside the shop

A tasteful décor shop called Catherine Rose has opened next to Tenby Gardens on the Georges Valley Road by Ms Wyldy Chapman. Her mother, Ms Pini Chapman, ran a shop by the same name at Leeways Nursery in Johannesburg. The nursery was sold recently and was the brain-

child of the late Mr Jeff Parsley, Chapman’s uncle and godfather. Parsley was well-known in the Magoebaskloof area. Chapman says she inherited her love for interior decorating from her talented mother and grandmother. She herself was in sales and also owned a corporate promotion

company when she lived in Johannesburg. Chapman moved to the Magoebaskloof area after Parsley’s death some two years ago. Catherine Rose is open daily except on Mondays. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Ms Chapman in her shop Catherine Rose


29 Augustus 2014



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GV se mense waarsku: Nou’s dit oorlog Nou’s dit oorlog tussen hulle en verkeersowerhede wat te vrot is om swaarvoertuie tussen Polokwane en Tzaneen te beheer, sê die inwoners van Georges Valley na die soveelste swaarvragmotor-ongeluk op dié roete. Inwoners van die gebied moes Woensdagoggend self inspring om olieen dieselbesoedeling in die Letabarivier te bestry, nadat ‘n voorhaker met twee sleepwaens van Zebediela Bricks die vorige nag sowat sewentien kilometer van Tzaneen in die rivier beland het. Dit het eers ‘n Bellstomplaaier getref en daarna van ‘n brug in die rivier gestort. ‘n Paar beamptes van rampbeheer van die GTM het lank na die ongeluk opgedaag, maar was volgens helpers “net toegerus met ‘n flou flitsliggie en ‘n paar selfoonkameras.” Die hoof van die Mopani Die voorste deel van die vragmotor lê in die rivierbedding, terwyl die agterste sleepwa oor die brug se reling hang. Distriksmunisipaliteit se rampbeheer, mnr gevolg, met die departemente van waterwese van plan om ‘n ander roete as dié van So lyk die verwronge kajuit nadat dit deur ‘n kragtige Hannes Steyn, sê egter die regte protokol is insleepvoertuig uit die rivier gesleep is. en omgewingsake wat hul volle gewig Georges Valley te gebruik nie. “Dit is Valley en Magoebaskloof. ingegooi het. Rampbeheer sal voortaan die die kortste roete en ons sal voortgaan Bulletin het sowat twee maande gelede rivier se water vir weke lank toets tot hulle om dit te gebruik,” sou die man volgens ‘n reeks berigte oor die verkeersituasie in tevrede is dat die water 100% skoon is. omstanders gesê het. ‘n Senior verkeersbeampte van Tzaneen, Intussen het olie en diesel in die rivier Georges Valley en Magoebaskloof geplaas en gewys op die gevare en die geweldige superintendent Francois Peyper, het beland op ‘n dryftog na die Tzaneendam. Dinsdagaand haastig bevel op die Mnr Francois (Boere) Nel, voorsitter van skade wat aan die paaie aangerig word; ongelukstoneel oorgeneem om die die Georges Valley SAS, het gesê hulle het veral die nuwe Magoebaskloofpad wat teen opruimingswerk te laat vlot. Die Georges vroegoggend keerstroke (booms) laer af in die groot koste herbou is en op plekke reeds Valley-pad was vir langer as drie ure vir rivier aangebring, om die ergste besoedeling tekens begin toon van hoe swaarvoertuie die verkeer gesluit, terwyl reddingspanne die te keer. By die ongelukstoneel en verder af het pad verniel. Daar is ‘n beperking van nege wrakstukke met groot moeite verwyder het. plaaslike lede van die Sustainable People’s ton op die roete, maar niemand steur hulle Zebediela Bricks se swaargelaaide Project (SPP) sakke vol bio-steenkool in die daaraan nie en die owerhede stel nie belang vragmotors is feitlik daagliks op dié roete besoedelde water gegooi. Me Janine Abrams om wetstoepassing te bevorder nie. Die groot te sien. Volgens veiligheidsbeamptes het ‘n van die omgewing en lid van die SPP, het gesê vragmotors soos die een wat Dinsdagaand in werker van Zebediela Bricks Dinsdagaand op die bio-koolstof neem die diesel en olie in die die rivier beland het, dra glo vragte van tot Die Bell-stomplaaier is eers getref voor die 40 ton. die toneel gesê die maatskappy is geensins water op en takel dit stelselmatig af. stenevragmotor by die brug af is. Nel het namens die SAS-lede uitgevaar teen die swaarverkeer wat deur Georges Valley beweeg. “Dis nie net vir ons as boere ‘n gevaar nie, maar ook vir ons vroue en kinders wat daagliks die pad moet gebruik.” Hy het gesê hulle gaan daarop aandring dat instansies soos RAL, die department van vervoer van Limpopo en die provinsiale verkeersafdeling reeds in Polokwane moet toesien dat swaar vragmotors die Mooketsi-roete gebruik, waar ‘n “duur weegbrug ingespan word om ons paaie te beskerm”. Peyper het vroeër gesê die Mooketsiroete na Tzaneen is sowat twintig km langer, maar dit is ‘n beter roete wat Die onmiskenbare herkoms van die gedoemde vinniger afgelê word as dié oor Georges vragmotor.

Soos ‘n metaalpaling lê die wrak in die rivierbedding.

‘n TLB is ingespan om die agterste sleepwa van die vragmotor van die brug in die rivierbedding te stoot.


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Starter and salads Spinach & Biltong Salad Chakalaka Salad Magoebas Three bean Salad Spicy noodle Salad Mountain Fresh Greek Salad Potato & Chive Salad Carrot, Cabbage & Raisin Slaw Marinated Mussels in a Herb Vinaigrette Smoked Rainbow Trout & light Horseradish cream Spiced Buffalo wings Mini Chili meat balls Bread Spread Fire baked biltong pot bread & variety of other breads served with Fresh Chicken Liver pate or butter


29 Augustus 2014

Main Spit Roasted Lamb Glazed with a red wine, rosemary & honey Infusion Saucy Grilled Chicken & sun dried fruit Kebabs Sirloin Steak Beef Borewors White fish baked in a tin packet Seafood Jambalaya Jacket Potatoes with sour cream and/ or butter Delicious Pap and tomato & onion gravy Baked Onion in fire Freshly picked creamed spinach Honey Baked Butternut Piping Hot Mixed Veggie Potjie


Dessert Traditional Baked Malva Pudding served with Homemade custard Fresh fruit salad & cream Citrus Creamy cheese cake Koeksisters Individual Kloof Lemon Meringue


29 Augustus 2014



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Marumofase still tops for green produce

Mr George Ramodike, members of the staff of Marumofase and pupils.

Marumofase Full Service School in Lenyenye is still topping the list of schools growing vegetables. According to the school’s principal, Mr George Ramodike, his school is still on top in growing vegetables in the Ritavi and Thabina Cluster. He said, “for the past five years, our school has managed to supply cabbages to local supermarkets in Tzaneen. Amongst them, Tzaneen SuperSpar, Boxer and all schools in the Thabina Circuit as requested by the service providers.” Ramodike adds that the school has raised funds for their 89 learners living with disabilities and is appealing to any business or stakeholder to adopt these learners. “We have raised funds for our 89 learners living with disabilities and we will celebrate them through an annual event scheduled on Casual Day at our school on 5 September at 10:00”, he said. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com

‘n Tenkwa van die departement van waterwese en bosbou suig water uit die Letabarivier net onder die oorloopkanaal van die Tzaneendam. Op die tenkwa staan duidelik “Portable Drinking Water” geskryf. By navraag het die Bulletin by die kantoor van mnr Jakkie Venter van waterwese vasgestel die voertuig behoort aan die departement se plaaslike konstruksiespan. Ons kon egter nie die beampte in beheer van konstruksie, mnr Neels Osmers, telefonies opspoor nie. Mense vra nou of die water in die tenkwa vir konstruksiedoeleindes of vir menslike gebruik is. As die tenkwa tydelik vir ander doeleindes as die vervoer van drinkwater ingespan word, vra mense of die tenk dan gesteriliseer word. Indien wel, hoe en deur wie?

Hoogste toekenning vir Anisca Anisca Croucamp, ‘n gr 12-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky en lid van die Letaba Voortrekkerkommando, is vir haar kulturele leierskap met die Presidentsverkennertoekenning vereer. Dié eerbewys word op nasionale vlak toegeken en is die hoogste toekenning wat ‘n skoolleerling in die Voortrekkers kan behaal. Sy is ook die eerste Verkenner in die Letaba Kommando wat dié hoogste toekenning ontvang. Anisca het die afgelope vakansie saam met

ongeveer twee honderd matriek-Voortrekkers van regoor Suid-Afrika en Namibië byeengekom, vir die toetskamp in die WesKaap. Om te kwalifiseer vir die kamp, moes sy verskeie provinsiale kampe bywoon, bewys lewer van bepaalde vaardighede en ʼn nasionale vraestel suksesvol aflê. Die Verkenners se standpunte oor verskeie aktuele sake en persoonlike leierskapsvaardighede is geëvalueer. Oud-president FW de Klerk het tydens die afsluiting van die kamp met die jong leiers oor leierskap, identiteit en die uitlewing van hul roeping gepraat. Die toekenning word by ‘n glansryke geleentheid by die Voortrekkermonument aan haar oorhandig.

The following Stanford Lake College pupils participated in the English Eisteddfod that was held at Duiwelskloof Primary School and won several medals: Tondani Makwarela (2 gold), Mabule Matjie (1 gold), Somisa Shingwenyana (1 silver), Nkateko Muyimane (1 gold), Kate Anderson (1 silver, 2 gold, 1 double gold), Makungu Valoyi (1 gold, 1 diamond), Makgomo Modiba (1 diamond), Reneilwe Komape (2 gold), Kulani Holeni (2 silver, 1 double gold) and Tamaryn Burns (1 gold). The following pupils were absent when the photo was taken: Atiyah Kalla (1 silver), Stephen Nyamutora (1 silver), Kgabo Manyathela (1 gold, 1 double gold), Mika Chipana (1 diamond) and Amy Burman (1 silver).


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29 Augustus 2014


Medical team flies in to treat primates at VMF Two Spanish veterinarians, Dr Héctor Sanz Cabañes and Dr Ana Navarro Serra, stumbled across the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) on Facebook. The Vervet Monkey Foundation (VMF), a member of PASA, caught their eye. This resulted in their first trip to the VMF in Letsitele in December last year. They assessed the medical needs of the 550 vervet monkeys and have now returned with a team of eight. There is a dentist whose patients had only been primates of the human kind, two student vets, four experienced vets and one major of human psychology who is studying vervets in relation to humans. During this three week stay they are doing 25 vasectomies and whilst under anaesthetic, the monkeys’ teeth are being checked. The team has brought all surgical equipment including a donated autoclave which is an expensive and vital piece of sterilising equipment. The remainder of the medical supplies were donated by Vetplan, a vet insurance company. Mr Matt Akister, a volunteer from the UK and part of the VMF integration staff, had the tricky task of trapping most of the monkeys for their procedures. Du Toit says, “we cover monkeys in a blanket once trapped and sedated so other monkeys can’t see them. Monkeys get nervous and very stressed if they see their fellow monkey under

anaesthetic as they may think the monkey is dead.” Ms Twyla Dresler, the vet nurse who assists during the surgeries and organises the vet team, studied in Canada. She only treated dogs and cats in her home country so loves this unique experience to work with vervets. She says one can’t castrate wildlife as the hormonal change of this operation ousts the castrated animal from the rest of the troop. A vasectomy doesn’t interfere with a vervet’s life nor does it downgrade it in the troop hierarchy. There are unfortunately two ex-pets that were castrated. They are in a separate cage as castration has made them abnormally docile. It’s a delicate process doing a vasectomy on a 6 kg primate with skin that’s a lot thicker than human skin. Arnica is used to help with healing and bruising in addition to veterinary medicine. The vets are also running theory lessons on primates. The European team intends coming out annually to learn, research and help the VMF with medical issues. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

The Spanish team: at the back are Dr Ana Navarro Serra (vet and course organiser), Ms Begoné Fernandez Blanco (psychologist), Mr Antonio Torres Corbi (dentist), Ms Natàlia Carbonell Vallès (vet student) and Mr Matt Akister (VMF integration staff). In the front are Ms Jullie Capdevielle Buesa (vet student from France), Dr Héctor Sanz Cabañes (vet and course organiser), Dr Fernando Jesus Garcia Gonzalez (vet), Ms Twyla Dresler, Dr Vincente Benavent Domingo (vet), Ms Lisa Kubotera (VMF Sickbay staff from the USA, responsible for looking after the patients in sickbay), Ms Ainhoa Alares Garcia (biologist) and Ms Josie du Toit (VMF co-director/rehabilitator).

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Navrae: 015 307 4496 Members of the team are seen here operating on Lil Elg (for his vasectomy).


29 Augustus 2014



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Hawkers demand that public toilets be opened The hawkers in Tzaneen, close to the bus terminal, have had enough of the bad urine smell and are now demanding that the public toilets be opened. Bulletin recently visited the area to find out if the grievances of the hawkers were genuine, only to be greeted by a bad, sickening smell caused by public urination. The most worrying part is that there are hawkers who prepare cooked food right next to the orange tin kiosks. According to concerned hawkers, the bad

smell is affecting their food businesses. They said: “We are fed up with people using these kiosks to hide and urinate near us. How are we going to dish up for people with this bad smell? The municipality must open those toilets for us to use... we are suffering”. One hawker, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he pours diesel on the tarred surface near his stall to minimise the bad smell of urine. “Every morning and during the day, I pour diesel around my stall to try and minimise the bad odour caused by the public urination. It is not a solution, but at least It helps for a few hours, allowing me to serve my customers”, he said. The Hawkers Association has been in talks with the GTM to urgently make public facilities available. According to GTM Neville Ndlala, the GTM has identified the issues and a team is working around the clock to

• Agri Expo Was Maar Stil •

address the challenge. Ndlala said, “we have continuously provided maintenance services to all our public ablution facilities, however there are individuals or group of individuals who are bent on vandalising our plumbing system through theft”. Ndlala also mentioned the problems they

are experiencing with theft of flushing systems in the toilets. “Theft and vandalism cost the municipality a lot of money each year. We urge members of the public, including the hawkers in that vicinity, of public toilets to be vigilant and assist us to root out this behaviour. We cannot tolerate public indecency and it must be condemned at all cost.” In the meantime he said that the GTM cannot deal with the problems, including littering, alone. He says residents need to assist the GTM. In conclusion, Ndlala said that the public toilets will be fixed in the next few days and strict measures will be put in place to combat vandalism and theft, in partnership with the hawkers. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com

So hardloop Tzaneen se drinkwater maar op genade Mss Josephine Khosa and Azizipho Ntsenge attended the Mr KT Nyamazama and Ms ML stall of the University of Limpopo, with a model airplane Sewapa took part as exhibitors on the front desk. They were part of a team working with Dr of their Hlokomela Herb Garden Chris Bal, who gave demonstrations of model airplanes used in Hoedspruit. for collecting information on crops and livestock on farms.

‘n Gat is ‘n jaar gelede gegrawe om ‘n bars in die waterpyp na Tzaneen te herstel, maar is eers onlangs opgevul.


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Miljoene liters uit die lewenslyn van drinkwater tussen reservoirs in Georges Valley en Tzaneen het vir twee weke lank nutteloos in Die water uit die gebarste pyp het in die maka- ‘n makadamiaboord langs die pad by Vergelegen uitgespoel, voor dit onlangs deur die mudamiaboord opgedam. nisipaliteit herstel is. Inwoners van Georges Valley, wat nie eens van dié pypleiding afhanklik is nie, het langer as ‘n jaar oor die verwaarlosing van die pyplyn wat water aan die dorp moet voorsien, gekla. ‘n Groot gat langs die pad wat vir langer as ‘n jaar na die herstel van ‘n lekkasie oopgestaan het, is nou toegegooi, maar waar die jongste lekkasie herstel is, het ‘n nuwe groot gat verskyn. Dit lê oop en bloot vir beskadiging deur enigeen wat die watertoevoer wil saboteer. Een van die inwoners, mnr André Albertyn, sê ‘n vorige verduideliking wat hy van die amptenare gekry het, was dat die GTM se werktuig weens ander take nie beskikbaar was nie. “Dis seker nou weer die geval. Gee twee werkers elk ‘n graaf en die gat is binne drie ure toegegooi,” het Albertyn gesê.


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29 Augustus 2014



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29 Augustus 2014



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Microcars putter-putter through Tzaneen A somewhat different sound filled the Tzaneen airwaves early on Sunday morning when a group of car enthusiasts passed through on route to the Kruger National Park. Instead of the expected roar of powerful engines, it was a high pitched putter-putter created by the small two-stroke engines. The drivers all have membership of the SA Microcar Club, which celebrated its 25th anniversary with an outing to the KNP. The cars included names such as Goggomobil, Autobianchi, Messerschmitt and the famous A red Autobianchi in full “flight” in the KNP. “bubble car”, the BMW Isetta. They all date back to the 1950’s and early 1960’s, an era affordable solutions for cash-strapped when the motor industry was on its knees consumers. following World War II. Car manufacturers Microcars are very collectable worldwide had to be inventive and come up with and there are active clubs in the UK, Germany,

The blue Goggomobil was photographed not far from Letaba Rest Camp.

Australia and the USA. Normally these cars have an engine capacity of no more than 700 cc and date back to the pre-1970’s. The SA Microcar club’s outing started in Polokwane ont Saturday from where they travelled to Haenertsburg. The group passed Tzaneen on Sunday and made a short stop next to the Food Lovers Market where they regrouped. From Tzaneen they travelled via Phalaborwa to the Letaba Rest Camp in the KNP. The group of microcars’ journey took them to Shingwedzi Camp and then Punda Maria. Today they plan on travelling to Tshipise via Pafuri and after sleeping over at this holiday resort the road will take them past Makhado for a final night’s rest at the Lalapanzi Hotel.

Two Messerschmitt KR200’s photographed between Mopanie Rest Camp and Shingwedzi. The red one is a 1956 model while the silver one is a somewhat later 1960 model.

The SA Microcar Club regrouped in Tzaneen on Sunday morning before embarking on the trip to Letaba Rest Camp via Phalaborwa.

Meanwhile in the rest of our country and the African continent...




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29 Augustus 2014


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29 Augustus 2014



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Job Seeker l Werksoeker (98) _______________________________

Driver My name is David Masetla I am looking for driver work I understand Afrikaans, code 14 -10 contact me on 082 635 8549 (1) ________________________________

My name is Phillip Motsayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 I have grade 11 and 2 years experience I speak English contact me on 076 699 5404 (2) ________________________________

My name is Mpho Collen Makgoba I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 + P.D.P, I also have grade 12 and I can speak English (ref: Raymond Manager 082 933 1910) contact me on 082 933 1910 (3) ________________________________

My name is Mpho Kgatla I am looking for a job as a driver, delivery man I have code C1 with PDP, I speak English, full time job contact me on 079 616 2526 (4) ________________________________

My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a driving job I have code B, I also can work in sales, and was a waitress I speak English, computer literate, full time job contact me on 071 984 7266

(5) ________________________________

My name is Micheal M Matlala I am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 with PDP (assistant driver) I speak English and Afrikaans full time or part time I have grade 12 and 3 years experience driving contact me on 076 374 6232 (6) ________________________________

My name is Cecilia Shai I am looking for any domestic work or general work I can look after children I can speak English I have grade 11, I have experience in sales (selling food for Invisible Chef) (Ref: Elna Jacobs 083 371 9190) contact me on 081 886 7786

(93) _______________________________

My name is Rachel Samosa I am looking for a job as cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I also can look after the garden I did work at a nursery contact me on 072 789 2538 (94) _______________________________

My name is Peta Lorraine I am looking for job in cleaning or catering I have matric certificate and cleaners certificate contact me on 072 910 2384 (95) _______________________________

My name is Thembi I am looking for work as domestic , sleep in Monday – Friday I can look after the kids clean and cook contact me on 078 439 5694 (96) _______________________________

My name is Minkateko I am looking for a domestic work any general work I can look after kids clean cook , sleep in Monday - Friday contact me on 072 770 7248 (97) _______________________________

My name is Nora Maluleke I am looking for a domestic work full time or half time sleep out I speak English office cleaner as well contact me on 083 4810 354 9

My nane is Rosalia Malemela I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children, sleep out, I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 591 2303

Johanna Mdlaudzi I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and a little bit Afrikaans, I can work every day sleep in or out contact me on 083 528 3845

My name is Mosibudi Melita Mokati I am looking for a domestic work sleep out, I speak English full time or part time, office cleaner as well contact me on 082 695 1163

My name is Rasah Ralepelle I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English, sleep out, I can also look after children contact me on 078 866 8674

(100) ______________________________

(115) ______________________________

(132) ______________________________

Nomsa Nkonwane I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English and Afrikaans, 5 days a week. Sleep in contact me on 078 982 3908

My name is Joana Mabaso I am looking for a domestic work full time Mon – Fri I speak English/Tsonga sleep out or in contact me on 072 367 9411

My name is Mosibudi M Mokati I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I speak English full time or part time sleep out or any other general work. Contact me on 082 695 1163

(101) ______________________________

My name is Maria M Sekokotla I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can speak English, 5 days Mon- Fri Sleep out contact me on 078 331 5755 (102) ______________________________

My name is Ruth Makwela I am looking for any general work or domestic I can speak English, 5 days or 3 days sleep out, office cleaner as well contact me on 078 419 3421 (103) ______________________________

Sylvia M Mohale I am looking for a job as a shop assistant in clothing shop, I speak English, also domestic work, sleep out 5 days a week. Security – Urban Area Grade C, E. D contact me on 078 233 9937 (104) ______________________________

Nomsa Nkonwane is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English/ Afrikaans, sleep in, 5 days Mon-Fri, office cleaner as well contact me on 071 837 5720

My name is Munyaradzi Macheka I am looking for a job as a bulldozer or front loader operator I can service them, I can do land cleaning, road making, plaguing fields, I speak English contact me on 078 412 0399

My name is Khosa Jeneth I am looking for a domestic work or general work, office cleaner I can look after children I can speak English and Afrikaans I have 7 year experience contact me on 071 8381 375

(130) ______________________________

(131) ______________________________

(106) ______________________________


My name is Martha Shiburi I am looking for work in a guesthouse I have a certificate for cleaning full time or pat time , I speak English sleep in or out contact me on 072 230 7805 (114) ______________________________

(105) ______________________________

(8) ________________________________

(113) ______________________________

or any general work or cashier or sales contact me on 071 984 7266/071999 4771

(99) _______________________________

My name is Ronnie Shikwanbana I am looking for a job I can drive a fork lift have experience 4 years I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 083 514 6619

(7) ________________________________

speak English contact me on 082 819 6077

My name is Euginia Mushwana I am looking for a domestic work or general work 5 or 3 days a week I speak English and Tsonga sleep out contact me on 071 763 3458 My name is Mosibudi Magdeline Mmachaka I am looking for a domestic work, cleaning, ironing ect. Gardening work as well talk Afrikaans and understand, English understand but cannot speak it, sleep out contact me on 076 359 9109 (Suzane) (107) ______________________________

(116) ______________________________

I am looking for domestic work I have 5 years experience and I can speak Afrikaans, and I can also look after children sleep out contact me Marie Pudikabekwa on 082 4333 633

(117) ______________________________

My name is Magdeline Mokhwelepa I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English I have 10 years experience (ref Hunter Louis 074 889 1809 ) contact me on 076 526 5123

(118) ______________________________

My name is Sarah Baloyi I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 015 3906

(119) ______________________________

My name is Rebecca Raholane I am looking for domestic work I can speak English and I have 3 years experience and I can also look after children sleep in or out (Ref: Japie Pienaar 072 252 6693) contact me on 072 365 5273

(120) ______________________________

My name is Sylvia Mohale I am looking for domestic work I can speak English and I have grade 12 contact me on 078 233 9937 (121) ______________________________

My name is Morris Sekgobela I am looking for a gardening job I can speak Afrikaans or any general work contact me on 071 394 4655

(122) ______________________________

My name is Tjelane S. Mailula I am looking for domestic work full time or part time, I speak English I can cook and look after children as well contact me on 083 800 8926

Wendy Maladjie is my name and I am looking for a domestic work full time or 3 days a week I can speak English and I can look after children, sleep out I have 6 years experience (ref: Erica Miybakk – 082 8075340) contact me on 083 999 1377

(123) ______________________________

(108) ______________________________

My name is Dikelede F. Maake I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I can speak English contact me on 071 596 1304

My name is Mapasa Gerly I am looking for a domestic work / office cleaner or general work I can speak Afrikaans and I can also look after children I have 8 years experience contact me on 072 446 6915 (109) ______________________________

Lisbeth Malungana is my name I am looking for a job as office cleaner, tee lady I can speak Afrikaans, I can also look after children any general work as well contact me on 073 403 6282 (110) ______________________________

My name is Linah Baloyi I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can look after children I can speak Afrikaans and English. I have 5 years experience in domestic work contact me on 078 471 7065 (111) ______________________________

My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a job as domestic worker, I can speak English, cook and look after children, full time , sleep out. Contact me on 083 861 7120 (112) ______________________________

My name is Nkhensani Nomasonto Mashaba 3 days, gardening service full time I

My name is Thabo Sathekge I am looking for a domestic work I can also look after children. I have grade 11,I can speak English 3 day a week of full time. Monday to Friday contact me on 072 569 9543

(124) ______________________________

(125) ______________________________

My name is Thandi S Maake I am looking for domestic work I speak English full time or part time sleep out or shop cleaner contact me on 073 299 0423 (126) ______________________________

(133) ______________________________

My name is Sannie Ramawela I am looking for any general work of domestic work I can sleep in or out. I speak English, I have 4 years experience as domestic in Pretoria and I can baby cit. Contact me on 071 900 9043

(134) ______________________________

My name is Gloria Shikwambana I am looking for any general work or babysitting I can speak English I have 3 years experience, sleep out contact me on 078 1612 694

(135) ______________________________

My naam is Rosina Ramodike ek is opsoek na huishulp werk twee dae a week Dinsdag en Donderdag (verwysing 076 255 9780) skakel my op 082 597 7973 (136) ______________________________

My name is Josephina Ralebala I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner and I can also look after children, I can speak Afrikaans, I have 8 years experience, sleep in or out contact 071 756 5007 (137) ______________________________

My name is Maite Julia Mmola I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I can speak English and Afrikaans full time or part time, sleep out contact me on 072 356 7187 (138) ______________________________

My name is Melita Ratabana I am looking for a domestic work I can look after children I can speak English and Afrikaans, 3 days or full time sleep out I have four year experience (ref Robert Kuber/ Robyn Kuber 074 121 4634) contact me on 078 483 8497

My name is Phillimon Pemba, I am looking for a cleaner job

(147) ______________________________

My name is Melita Ratabana I am looking for a domestic work I can look after children I can speak English and understand Afrikaans, 3 days or full time sleep out I have four year experience (ref Robert Kuber/Robyn Kuber 074 121 4634) contact me on 078 483 8497

(148) ______________________________

My name is Josephina Ralebala I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner and I can also look after children, I can speak Afrikaans, I have 8 years experience, sleep in contact 071 756 5007 (149) ______________________________

(140) ______________________________

My name is Jane Malatjie I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans I have 15 years experience I can look after children, full time of 2 or 3 days a week, sleep out (ref: 073 2033 872 Esther / ref 078 681 3231 Cate) contact 072 344 7776

(141) ______________________________

(142) ______________________________

(143) ______________________________

My name is Moruti Samuel Phalane I am looking for a job as a gardener or garden services, I speak English, full time or part time contact me on 073 674 9836

(144) ______________________________

My name is Nephtally Nkhwashu I am looking for a job as gardener for 2 days a week Monday and Wednesday, I speak English contact me on

planning very well, I studied at Letaba FET college for financing I can speak English contact me on 083 923 0725 (53) _______________________________

My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a job as driver I have code B or waitress or in sales I can speak English 6 days a week, computer literate contact me on 071 999 4771 / 071 984 7266 (54) _______________________________

My name is Robert Seshoene I am looking for a job as paver, builder and I can speak Afrikaans or any other general work contact me on 083 088 3282 (55) _______________________________

My naam is Elisa ek is opsoek na ‘n kasiere, werk of ontvangs van voorraad, of voorraad opname selfs by ‘n kleuters kool ek praat Afrikaans en Engels, voldag skakel my by 071 069 3873 (56) _______________________________

My name is Elias Mashatola I am looking for gardening work, I can also do painting, plastering, paving I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 078 173 1223 (57) _______________________________

General My name is Gladys I am looking for any work cashier, I am computer literate, I have matric certificate and Stanford College certificate in child care have experience contact me on 076 387 9580 (43) _______________________________

My name is Tinny Molamodi I am looking for general work or domestic work, office cleaner 5 or 3 days a week contact me on 084 982 5924 (44) _______________________________

My name is Natty Khosa I am looking for work in a restaurant I can cook or clean contact me on 072 181 5893 (45) _______________________________

My name is Sabah B. Mokoti I am looking for any general work, I can speak English 5 or 3 days a week, domestic contact me on 078 657 0884 (46) _______________________________

My name is Maria M. Sekokotla I am looking for general work, speak English, 5 or 3 days a week or domestic work contact me on 078 331 5755 My name is Dennis Mnisi I am looking for a general work in gardening / plumbing I can speak English 5 days a week, I can install garage motor doors contact me on 078 857 7881

My name is Lydia Mohlago Mokati I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner, I speak English, full time, sleep in or out can cook contact me on 076 976 2792

(129) ______________________________

Nelson Masilo Modiba is my name I am looking for a domestic work or gardener work I can paint, I speak English and Afrikaans Monday to Friday full time or part time contact me on 072 373 7363

(47) _______________________________

(127) ______________________________

My name is Annah Shabangu I am looking for a domestic work sleep out, I can speak Afrikaans I have 8 years experience and I can also look after children contact me on 071 026 0345

(146) ______________________________

My name is Jane Makwala I am looking for a domestic work and any general work, office cleaner I can speak English and I can also look after children, sleep out I have 5 years experience (ref Maritza van Tonder 081 561 8693) contact me on 076 972 1969

My name is Lucy Phalana I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English, sleep in or out I have 4 year s experience contact me on 073 039 8869

(128) ______________________________

Makole Reineth Ramodipa is my name I am looking for work as domestic or office cleaner, I speak English, can look after children, full time, part time, sleep in or out contact me 072 870 3025

(139) ______________________________

My name is Mohlao Malatji I am looking for a domestic work I can look after children, I can cook, sleep in or out I have 2 years experience contact me on 081 871 6374 My name is Sinnah Shai I am looking for a office cleaning job or domestic work full time or part time I speak English and a little bit of Afrikaans please contact me on 073 403 7141/ 076 016 4862

072 2323 033

(145) ______________________________

(48) _______________________________

My name is Ester Ngobeni I am looking for Care take work (old people) shift work 7 days a week, sleep out I speak English, I went to the college Saint Ignatious FET or cashier or self packer work contact me on 071 140 7690 (49) _______________________________

My name is Leslie Nkouwana I am looking for work in hardware store I previous worked at Magic Build in the plumbing department for 10 years contact me on 083 736 8840 (50) _______________________________

My name is Micheal Seroto I am looking for a general work, I can speak English I have Pia Education, 5 days a week contact me on 073 036 5792 (51) _______________________________

My name is Nkhensa Khosa I am looking for work in a guest house I can cook and clean making breakfast sleep in or out or domestic work contact me on 078 778 2450 (52) _______________________________

My name is Funny Mahasha I am looking for a job in construction and I can do house

My name is Eliza Pemba I am looking for a job in hospitality I have a certificate in hospitality of Malawi Institute of Tourism contact me on 071 984 7266 (58) _______________________________

My naam is Danie ek is opsoek na n’ sekuriteits werk het Grade B of administrasie ek het 5 jaar ondervinding kode 8 lisensie. Skakel my by 061 466 0403 (59) _______________________________

My name is Makhuvele Eugenia I am looking for any general work in the garden I can speak English I have grade 11 contact me on 078 066 9101 (60) _______________________________

My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655 (61) _______________________________

My name is Emmanuel Mahasha I am looking for a job as Shelfin, foglift, welding, I can speak English, Afrikaans I have 17 years experience in Pretoria (Executive Storage Equipment) contact me on 076 775 0455 (62) _______________________________

My name is Mahlatse Malatji I am looking for any general work, clerk, I have grade 11 and diploma in computer literacy I can speak English contact me on 079 7031 655

(63) _______________________________

My name is Lydia Ramaisoma I am looking for work I have Grade D, E , C in security and firearms , I also can clean house contact me on 071 105 0840

(64) _______________________________

My name is Asmond I am looking for any general work I have matrix I can speak English and know how a computer work please call me on 078 778 4999 (65) _______________________________

My name is Margret I am looking for any general work stock taking, shop assistance, office cleaner or domestic worker I can look after children I have 3 year experience 5 days or 3 days sleep in or out contact me on 079 169 7404

(66) _______________________________

My name is Johannes I am looking for any paving work or painting work contact me on 082 064 1055

(67) _______________________________

My name is Isaac Makubele I am looking for any general work shop assistant, driver or assistant driver I have code 10 (working of PDP) I speak English I have matric

contact me on 060 4081 364

(68) _______________________________

My name is Phillimon Pemba I am looking for any general work I can speak English contact me on 071 984 7266

(69) _______________________________

My name is Rodney Machimane I am looking for work as a waiter, driver I have 5 years experience code 10 with PDP, full time I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 897 2033

Ratabana I am looking for any general work, I speak English, driver licences code 10 with PDP, full time or part time contact me on 0744247968

(83) _______________________________

My name is Welhemina M. Malemela I am looking for any general work, domestic work or office cleaning, I speak English, sleep out full time or part time contact me on 079 744 5529

(84) _______________________________

(70) _______________________________

My name is Dorah Pilusa I am looking for a job as shop assistant, cashier, packer and general work I have grade 12 and I can speak English and Afrikaans I have 2 years experience at Shoprite and 1 year at Leshabae Bushvel (ref Mr M Bezuidenhout 015 307 6060) Contact me on 073 889 3592

(71) _______________________________

My name is Sophy M Makola i am looking for a security job I have E. D. C I also have a computer literacy diploma, Abet level 4, I can work in administration or any general work contact me 072 954 2768

(72) _______________________________

My name is Mashnye D. Nwanandzheko I am looking for a job as security guard I have qualification Grade B I am also qualified as a nursing auxiliary or any other domestic or general work I speak English sleep in or out please contact me on 072 477 0648 (73) _______________________________

My name is Rosina S. Makondo I am looking for any general work cleaner or shop assistant I can speak English I have grade 10 I have six months experience in shop assistant contact me on 072 159 0445

(74) _______________________________

My name is Munyaradzi Macheka I am looking for work as a Bulldozer , front end loader operator or any welding work I speak English full time contact me on 078 412 0399

(75) _______________________________

My name is Ivy Ramalepe I am looking for a security work I have GRADE E, D, C full time , I speak English contact me on 079 532 1752 (76) _______________________________

My name is Tinyiko Ntimbane I am looking for a Security work I have GRADE C D E or any general work I speak English contact me on 071 821 8166 (77) _______________________________

My name is Syliva Mohale I am looking for work as a shop assistant I speak English and N.Sotho I have GRADE E D C security contact me on 078 233 9937 (78) _______________________________

My name is Costance Mkhabela I am looking for a job in sale and marketing, or security I am computer literate I can also look after children and clean contact me on 07719847266 (79) _______________________________

Ny name is Lucy Malesa I am looking for work as a Plant Supervisor and office clerk I have grade 12 , computer literacy and National certificate of Plant Production (NQF1) one year course work on a farm or nursery contact me on 078 583 6383 (80) _______________________________

My name is Sekokoto Phumzile I am looking for a job as office clerk and also as cashier I can also do domestic work and is computer literate contact me on 079 552 8137 (81) _______________________________

My name is Lucy Malesa I am looking for a job in Plant production level I have a National Qualification ,I can supervise or facilitator in pant production I am computer literate I can also do domestic work, contact me on 078 583 6383

(82) _______________________________

My name is Hendric Sello

Admin My name is Mpho Pilusa I am looking for work as a clerk / office assistant I have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, code 10 driver licence. First aid lever one contact me on 071 461 0771

(4) ________________________________

My name is Lineliwe Rikhotso I am looking for work as a admin clerk or receptionist, I have grade 12 and N6 Human Resource management I can speak English (worked at Letaba FET contract expired) contact me on 072 784 4543 (5) ________________________________

My name is Cansley Ratlabela I am looking for as a Civil Engineer I have grade 11 I can speak English and I have code 10 drivers licence, I have N4 Civil engineering contact me on 072 926 8285

(6) ________________________________

My name is Annah Molepo I have N6 business Management. I currently working at Letaba FET College at Central Office as admin clerk (intern) (Ref no: 015 307 5440 Moseamedi M.T supply chain manager 082 500 2000) contact me on 071 188 6185

(7) ________________________________

My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is opsoek na enige amdin kantoor werk of kassiere werk, ontvangs, ek kan “data capture, credit control doen ek het matriek en is rekenaar gelettered skakel my by 079 706 3283

(8) _______________________________

My name is Cynthia Mboweni I am looking for a job at a call centre, cashier I have a drivers license Code 10 , I speak English and Tsonga 5 or 3 days a week contact me on 076 1902 276 (9) ________________________________

Gladys Usiba is my name I am looking for a job as admin clerk or general work, I have grade 12 and computer literacy I can speak English and Afrikaans I have 7 years experience in Swift Limpopo Factory as a pre-packer, cleaning / tea lady (ref: Gerda 082 721 7210 / Shoke 071 860 7529) contact me on 073 1425 680 (10 _______________________________

My name is Sylvia Mohale I am looking for a shop assistant job I have six months experience , I also have Security certificates E, D, C contact me on 078 233 9937 (11) _______________________________

My name is Neo Sylvia Maponya I am looking for work in admin, receptionist I speak English I have matric, computer course NQF level 3 full time, have a certificate in Road Marking contact me on 071 984 0448

(12) _______________________________

My name is Mankwana Thanea Modipane I am looking for a admin, cashier or receptionist work I speak English, I have matric, computer literacy, End user computer course I have a certificate Radio broadcast course – Damelin, full time I have a drivers licence code 10 contact me on 083 875 0426

(13) _______________________________

My name is Styn Mokone I am looking for a admin work or driver work I have a code 10 licence I speak English , full time, I have a N6 business management certificate contact me on 073 331 0775

(14) _______________________________


Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”


29 Augustus 2014


Property l Eiendomme


Heritage Village, Tzaneen A 370m2 house with a distinctive character, finished in quality materials throughout. Not your everyday home! Six bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, double garage with extra room. Large and sociable stoep with permanent blinds, heated swimming pool and hardwood deck. Lots of storage space and built-in cupboards. An exceptional deal @ R2,5 million. No agents.

Lushof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 vol badkamers, groot oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel afdak, omhein, troeteldiere welkom. Koopkrag beskikbaar 7 kilos uit dorp. Geen rokers, kinders nie, verkieslik bejaarde paar. R4 400 Pusela 3 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, stoep met tralies toegemaak, ekstra groot hoof slaapkamer, 1 toesluit motorhuis met omheinde erf. 7 kilos op Georges Valley pad ½ kilometer grondpad. Pre-paid krag. R4 400

Pusela Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, gasstoof, gas en krag ingesluit, 1 toesluit motorhuis, geen troeteldiere of kinders +/- 2 kilos uit dorp. R5 200 Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir voertuig, beskikbaar 01/10/2014. R4 050

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Phone Chris at 083 630 3605 To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/ kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteits-

kompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955 Mei301 ___________________________

2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom in secure complex in Arborpark R4 400 pm 082 441 9024 072 938 4042

Aug203 ___________________________

Bachelor tuinwoonstel te huur. R1 500 pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Onderdak parkering.

Geen troeteldiere. 083 305 3717

Aug503 ___________________________

house to let on small farm Contact owner 083 293 3443

Cluster homes/Meenthuise

21 King Edward naby skole. 5 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamer ekstra: groot granny flat. Swembad, tuin met boorgat. Geen troeteldiere. Ook te huur as moontlike besigheid. Huur R9 500 pm Skakel 072 044 5322 of 083 628 2283

Ruim netjiese opgeradeerde 2 slaapkamer meenthuis op grond. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis. Volledige badkamer asook stort. Deel motorhuise vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte of honde. R4000 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2014.

Aug201 ___________________________

Homes/Huise 5 Slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, swembad, lapa, stoep, sitkamer, eetkamer en TV kamer, aparte opwasgeriewe, bediende kwartiere en vier motorhuise te huur R10 000. Skakel HP by 082 925 2955 Mei303___________________________

Magoebaskloof – 4 bedroom

Aug301 _________________________

Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696


Royal Palm 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, fully fitted kitchen. R3 990 pm Contact 081 168 5488 083 664 9262


Moderne 3slp kamer meenthuis beskikbaar in LETSITELE. R4600pm. Koopkrag. Kontak Elzaan by 0835616062


Wanted Gesoek Meenthuis/duplex/woonstel gesoek om te huur in Tzaneen. Veiligheid belangrik.

Minimum 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer met tuintjie vir 1 Jack Russel hondjie. Vir so gou as moontlik. Prysklas: R3 500.00 tot R4 000.00 per maand vanaf +/20 September 2014. Kontak: Ilze Goosen op Tel: 071 085 6913 of 015 – 395 4034

Aug504 ___________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classified

Legals l Geregtelik


Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242 TZANEEN, 0850 Ref: WFB/EM/N418

Aug501 ___________________________


SECOND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a Judgment by the Magistrate POLOKWANE given on the 07th of JANUARY 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at: SHERIFF’S LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD NO.20, TZANEEN, at 10:00 on 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court POLOKWANE to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X ROUND MIRROR CIRCLE MIRROR & FRAME 1 X A SUSAWN PAINTING


Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede

VAKANTE POS Posisie: Boekhouer Vereistes: Kandidate moet ondervinding hê in Pastel Halfdag of voldag pos beskikbaar, salaris ondelhandelbaar. Stuur CV na jhbarnard4@gmail.com

VACANCY Position: Book keeper Requirements: Candidates must have experience in Pastel Half day or full day position available, salary negotiable. Send your CV to jhbarnard4@gmail.com bulletin©9572c140829wb

Position available ACCOUNTING OFFICER / CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT / TAX PRACTITIONER Position available at a fast growing business. Note that only fully qualified persons may apply. Experience of at least 3-4 years in the above field is a requirement. Excellent business opportunity for a driven person.

Send CV’s to: zelnagevers@gmail.com Tel: 015 307 1646


LEGAL NOTICE In the estate of the late MOKGADI JOYCE MALATSI, Identity Number 6912090379 082, who resided at MATSHWI VILLAGE, GA-KGAPANE and died on the 26th of OCTOBER 2013, Estate Number 338/2014. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof.


29 Augustus 2014



Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798


Roentes 4D Ultrasound Polokwane 015 291 2275

Aug405 ___________________________

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie


• The most economical and affordable way? • Within one month? YES! • 5 EASY steps Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532


JB Spares Motorspares Motoronderdele Batteries and Accessories Agatha Street 54 015 307 1149 Jul403 ____________________________

King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998

Feb106 ___________________________

Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214

Mei308 ___________________________

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936

Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za



Up to 50% savings on printer cartridges


Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3

We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops. Free delivery within 2 km radius Shop Address: 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen. Contact: Matthew Theron 015 307 3173

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269

JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand?


WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705


VERSEKER! • 5 MAKLIKE stappe Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835


MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie-medies)

TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109


Trophy Toyota Vir die beste diens in die Laeveld 015 309 9258


2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483


Your clean home is our business You phone. We deliver. For free. 078 294 7272 071 153 1634 082 881 1914 info@rhinochem.co.za

Aug403 _____________________

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Aug303 ___________________________

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Aug404 ___________________________

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Aug304 ___________________________



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Aug503 ___________________________

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Aug504 ___________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classified


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Vossie korrel haarfyn in Engeland Die SA-skolespan het in Engeland by die British Junior International Championships die ander elf internasionale spanne wat aan verskillende skietkompetisies deelgeneem het, ‘n skietles gegee, die kompetisie gewen en 29 medaljes huis toe gebring! Jan-Daniël Griesel van die Hoërskool Ben Jan-Daniël Griesel en sy ma (en afrigter) Vorster se skietspan was een van die SA span Anel is hier tydens een van die medaljese grootste staatmakers en hy het persoonlik oorhandigings

twee silwer medaljes verower. Sy afrigter by die skool (ook sy ma), me Anel Griesel, was die SA span se mede-afrigter en ‘n toerbestuurslid. Die militêre kamp by Bisley was die span se tuiste vir die duur van die verblyf in Engeland. Die baan waarop daar geskiet is (wat by die pas afgelope Statebondspele gebruik is), is van Olimpiese standaard met toerusting wat net die beste is.


29 Augustus 2014


Christiaan Smit van die Laerskool Tzaneen is die enigste rugbyspeler van die skool wat genooi is om aan die provinsiale sewes-rugbyproewe deel te neem. Hy is in Limpopo se Sewesspan vir o.13’s opgeneem, en is die enigste seun van Tzaneen wat in die provinsiale span opgeneem is.

SLC too strong for Tom Naude Stanford Lake College Fraser Thompson played cricket against (an exchange student Tom Naudé at home from Australia) who recently. The day scored 48. Jonty Brown started with some light and Matthew Maritz showers, but after the finished off the match, rain had stopped, the successfully chasing firts team managed to down the required play a 35 over game. runs in 29 overs and They won the toss and winning by three Seen in this photo are the two Schmidt decided to bowl first. brothers who both managed to score wickets. Tom Naudé scored 236 The u.15 team were ninety and over. for 7 in their 35 overs. able to play a 50 over Jonty Brown was the game. Stanford won pick of the bowlers taking 3 for 37 in his the toss and elected to bat first, scoring seven overs. Stanford then went in to bat, 270 all out. Christian Schmidt made a facing a tough task of needing to score over well played ninety runs, being strongly 7 runs per over. supported by Bryce Reed who scored 78. Conrad Schmidt soon took control of Tom Naudé scored 218 all out in reply, with the match, scoring a fantastic 91, and Christian again rounding off a good game sharing in a partnership of over 100 with taking two wickets.

Stanford performs well during Noordvaal hockey clash The Stanford Lake College u.16 hockey team travelled to Potchefstroom to take part in the Noordvaal hockey tournament. The team had an exceptional start, winning both group games and ending on top of their group. They beat Eldoraign 2-1 and Transvalia 3-2. The highlight of the two games was that the team managed to convert three short corners in the five goals they scored. In the play-offs, they lost to Nelspruit, but fought back to beat

Die drie landloopatlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen het medaljes verower by die Lemoenfees-landloop wat Saterdag in Letsitele gehou is. Hulle is Duncan Watson, Lia Revelas en Elandri J van Rensburg. Die volgende atlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen is landlopers in die ouderdomsgroepe o.12 en o.13 en die meisies het aan die spankompetisie deelgeneem by die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele deelgeneem. Agter is Johan Haynes en Juan-Jacques Möller en voor sit Daniëlle Kasselman, Lia Revelas en Zanika v Niekerk. Toe die foto geneem is was Armand Cronje afwesig.

Die volgende seuns van die Laerskool Tzaneen is opgeneem in die Letabaspan wat vandag en more aan die finale proewe deelneem. Voor sit Henro de Bruin, Johan Harms, Rinus Jacobs en Sean Roulston. In die middelry is Zaeb Mohammad, Mubin Patel, Pieter Engelbrecht en Gideon Engelbercht, en agter is Hussein Dagra, Mohammed Patel en Franco Broodryk.

Krugersdorp 6-2. On the last morning, they played Sasolburg for 5th and 6th place. Although some good hockey was played, unfortunately they could not convert the chances and drew the game 1-1. They then lost on the eight second shoot out and ended 6th out of twelve teams.

Stanford Lake College’s Mountain Biking team travelled to Hartbeespoortdam to take part in the second race of the Spur Anatomic Series. It was an exceptionally successful outing, with the team managing to secure three podium finishes. Kirsten Eastes became the first SLC rider to win a race in this series since 2011, with Anke Vaughan in a close second place. Kirsten is also the series leader in her age group, wearing the coveted ‘Pink Jersey’ in the next race. Sarah Pogrund continued her good form with a third place in her race. All other riders managed very respectable finishes. The Mountain Biking Team will next travel to Magaliesberg for the third and final race in the series. Seen in the photo are the team’s coach, Mr Steve Willson, Sarah Progrund, Anke Vaughn and Kirsten Eastes.

Ezri Hugo of Merensky High School competed in the Gold Reef Rhythmycal Gymnastics. She was awarded an overall first place, winning gold medals for her ribbon, clubs, freedance and rope routines. She thus qualified for the Limpopo championships tomorrow in Pretoria, where only two gymnasts will be chosen to represent Limpopo at the national event in Cape Town in October.

Pfunanane Academy, Modjadjiskloof, had another successful cross country meeting at Dr Annecke in Letsitele, winning sixteen medals and nine team competitions. In front are Rachel Serakwana, Angel Serakwana, Nyasha Mazodze, Matome Rabothata and Wanga Ramatshila. In the middle row are Kenny Ramapuputla, Gracious Ramokgola, Lendra Mashale-Terwey, Bridget Modika and Lucy Malatja; and at the back are Tinashe Mazodze, Louis Letsoalo, Tumi Sekhula and Thabang Mahasha. Unfortunately Nyeko Mbombi was absent when the photo was taken.

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Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650


29 Augustus 2014

Vossie-buffeltjies gaffel Frikkies Soet is die wraak… Nog nooit kon ‘n o.14rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster die Beeld Trofee wen nie, terwyl die skool se bekeruitstalling spog dat die erkenning al in elke ander ouderdomsgroep die Vossies te beurt geval het. Die skool se o.14’s het ook vyf jaar gelede die laaste keer in ‘n Beeld-einsdstryd gespeel. Vanjaar het hulle weer tot die eindstryd deurgedring en moes hulle teen Frikkie Meyer speel, teen wie hulle vanjaar reeds twee keer naelskraap verloor het (elke keer met slegs twee punte). Vir die ander span van die Vossies, die o.16’s, wat ook na die eindstryd deurgedring het (teen PHS), was daar by baie ondersteuners nogal hoop, alhoewel almal weet dat ‘n eindstryd nooit voorspelbaar en die uitslag nooit ‘n uitgemaakte saak is nie. Die geesdrif oor die o.14’s was egter maar skraal… En toe verras hulle vriend en vyand. Die twee spanne moes na Klerksdorp reis, waar die eindstryde vir groot skole op die velde van die Hoërskool Klerksdorp beslis is. Die o.14’s was natuurlik eerste aan die beurt en Die o.14A-rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat die Beeld Trofee in hul ouderdomsgroep die spanning was voelbaar. Die spannetjie van vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis Tzaneen toe gebring het, is hier saam met hul afrigters na die Vossies het egter haas ongekende karakter die soete oorwinning. gewys, teen ‘n span waarvan die voorspelers man vir man baie groter en swaarder as die Die o.16A-rugbyspan van Ben Vorster wat as Vossies was. Die eerste helfte het die Frikkies se naaswenners uit die stryd getree het. groot pak die Vossies aan die kreun gehou, maar die Vossies se giftige agterlyn het hul balbesit, waarvoor hulle bitter hard moes werk, beter gebruik en die Vossie-senter Ofentse Maubane was die eerste speler wat agter ‘n doellyn kon gaan afrond. Erik Meintjies het verdoel en met die telling 7-0 het rustyd aangebreek. In die tweede helfte het die Vossies van die afskop af begeesterd ingeklim en langs die kantlyn het ondersteuners begin fluister oor geskiedenis wat gemaak gaan word. Selfs die kleiner en ligter pak voorspelers van die Vossies het begin om die Frikkies se agttal stadig maar seker met durf en moed ore aan te sit. Die balbesit was nou nie net beter nie, maar inderdaad het die Vossies baie meer besit gewen Saterdagaand sit en dink Oubal weer aan daai onvanpaste Yskor-grappie, “Wat is mooier as ‘n mooi vrou?” Net, hierdie keer het Oubal probeer onthou wat die lelikste ding is wat hy al gesien het. ‘Tja, daar is niks wat in Oubal se gedagtes opgekom het wat ‘n verbrokkelende Bokskrum op maksimale snelheid in trurat naastenby kan ewenaar nie. Soos met jou krieketspan wat afstuur op ‘n loesing, het Oubal na die tweede skrum gesit en bid dat die vorige week se monsoen Salta min of meer op daardie oomblik sou tref — dan het ons darem soos vriend VetPêl ‘n verskoning gehad. Oubal se gebed is jammerlik nie verhoor nie en hy moes maar in skaamte die verloorwen sit en aanskou. Soos Oubal onlangs daarop gesinspeel het, is dit nou bevestig dat Heyneke nie ‘n oomblik langer kan wag om die Leeus se Julian Redelinghuys op vaskopstut nader te trek nie. Dok Jannie was nog nooit die wêreld se voorste

vaskop nie, maar met sy onlangse houding van redekawel met die skeidsregter oor die deugde van stutspel, sonder om dit met dade op te volg, dink Oubal hy moet eerder tyd gaan bestee met dit waarvoor hy regtig opgelei is. ‘n Dag se eerlike, harde werk het immers niemand nog ooit kwaad gedoen nie! Oubal dink sy kleinboet moet liefs ook maar gaan kyk hoe sake staan met die beeste se kondisie op die plaas daar in die Oos-Vrystaat. Bismarck is deesdae soos ‘n sekere advokaat (nie van die Staat nie): ‘n groot, argumenterende boelie, maar grootliks oneffektief. Vir die tweede agtereenvolgende week was dit vir Oubal duidelik dat die Bokke se lynstaanwerk aansienlik verbeter wanneer Adriaan Strauss hom vervang, en boonop het Strauss met sy koelkop leierskap ‘n beter aanslag met die skeidsregter. ‘Tja, en wat Heyneke nog in Gürthro Steenkamp sien, gaan Oubal se verstand te bowe. Wat Oubal nie kan kleinkry nie, is dat

Bajada, sjoe! Trevor Nyakane een week op die bank sit, glad nie speelkans kry nie en die volgende week haal hy nie eers die begin 23 nie. Heyneke het seker sy redes, maar Oubal kan maar net bespiegel dat Trevor dalk, soos die Yskor-vrou, lelik gesit het op die bank! Dit alles gesê, Oubal is nie honderd persent oortuig dat die Argentynse skrumwerk altyd wettig was nie. Oubal is die eerste om te erken dat die Poemas ‘n trotse skrumtradisie het, iets waarop hulle nog altyd geroem het. In der mate dat hulle Saterdag per geleentheid die inskop aspris oor die kantlyn geskop het om ‘n middelkolletjie skrum af te dwing — so smaak dit vir Oubal!

Ofentse Maubane, die speler van die wedstryd, is hier saam met die trotse kaptein van die o.14’s, Niaan Taljaardt.

en hul goeie agterlyn het gedy met die baie meer balbesit. Die Vossies het nog twee puik onverdoelde drieë — deur vleuel Shima Molapo en heelagter Melvin Maake — gaan druk. Die span is ook skitterend gelei deur slot Niaan Taljaardt. Die einde van die wedstryd het aangebreek sonder dat die Vossies ‘n enkele punt afgestaan het, wat bevestig dat hulle soos Trojane verdedig het vir ‘n wentelling van 17-0. Die o.14-span het dus inderdaad geskiedenis gemaak, deur die eerste o.14-span van Ben Vorster te wees wat die Beeld Trofee wen. Dit is moeilik om een speler in so ‘n groot spanpoging uit te sonder, maar Ofentse Maubane is welverdiend as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Hierna was dit die o.16’s wat teen PHS moes uitspeel. PHS se span is ewe gedug en het as o.14’s en o.15’s die Beeld-kompetisie gewen. Die Vossies het briljant weggespring en was halftyd 22-13 voor. In die tweede helfte beleef hulle egter ‘n insinking en PHS vat die voortou met 25-22. In die laaste paar minute het die Vossies permanent op die aanval gebly, maar PHS se verdediging het gehou en toe die eindfluitjie blaas was dit PHS wat as kampioene gekroon word. Nogtans moes ons voorbereid gewees het daarop, in sowel terme van tegniek as mannekrag. Maar anders as vir skeidsregter Steve Walsh, wat na bewering albei kante van die skrum gelyktydig kan sien, was dit vir Oubal in die tweede helfte duidelik dat Marcos Ayerza inskrum op ons vaskop en dus eerder die een was wat gestraf moes word. Hoe dit ook al sy, Oubal dink ons was baie, baie gelukkig om hierdie een te wen. ‘Tja, die Poemas het gewys hulle is baie meer as net ‘n bajada-skrum. Hul inklimspel in die los was van hoogstaande gehalte en anders as in die verlede het hulle dit gekomplimenteer met uitstekende hantering en hardlooplyne. Oubal hoop van harte dat hulle die Kiwi’s en Aussies hierdie jaar net soveel hel sal gee. Vir die Bokke is dit terug tekenbord (en skrummasjien) toe! “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” — Colin Powell

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