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R4 Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
19 September 2014
Fear lessl y the tr uth
“We want our money!”
She’s a local high school pupil, she is beautiful, she is intelligent and now she is a beauty ambassador. • Full story on page 5
Vlieg is omgekrap
Letaba Hospital’s renovations
He’s 90 and still plays bowls
p 16
Special (three) Braai pages
Spring Festival in Haenertsburg: Pg 5
Students of FET Colleges (recently re-named FVET Colleges) in Limpopo refused to attend classes this week, demanding that moneys owed to them (for transport etc) be paid immediately. • See page 6: “From the horse’s mouth”
A future Protea player? Page 15
19 September 2014
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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“Jealous Guy” John Lennon
“The Reason” Hoobastank
I’m sorry, so sorry That I was such a fool I didn’t know Love could be so cruel Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-yes You tell me mistakes Are part of being young But that don’t right The wrong that’s been done (I’m sorry) I’m sorry (So sorry) So sorry Please accept my apology But love is blind And I was too blind to see Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-yes You tell me mistakes Are part of being young But that don’t right The wrong that’s been done Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-yes I’m sorry, so sorry Please accept my apology But love was blind And I was too blind to see (Sorry)
I was dreaming of the past and my heart was beating fast I began to lose control I began to lose control I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m sorry that I made you cry Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you I’m just a jealous guy
I’m not a perfect person There’s many things I wish I didn’t do But I continue learning I never meant to do those things to you And so I have to say before I go That I just want you to know I’m sorry that I hurt you It’s something I must live with every day And all the pain I put you through I wish that I could take it all away And be the one who catches all your tears That’s why I need you to hear I’m not a perfect person I never meant to do those things to you And so I have to say before I go That I just want you to know
I was feeling insecure You might not love me anymore I was shivering inside I was shivering inside Oh I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m sorry that I made you cry Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you I’m just a jealous guy I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m sorry that I made you cry Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you I’m just a jealous guy
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
“Sorry seems to be the hardest word” Elton John What do I say when it’s all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word It’s sad, so sad It’s a sad, sad situation And it’s getting more and more absurd It’s sad, so sad That sorry seems to be the hardest word When sorry seems to be the hardest word
“I’m sorry” First Lady I know you know that I’m sorry And I never meant to hurt you Is there anything that I can do? To make it up to you I’d do anything baby Cause I’m sorry I never meant to make you cry I don’t want to say goodbye I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I lied I’m sorry I’m sorry that I lied
After all that we’ve been through, I will make it up to you. I promise to. And after all that’s been said and done, You’re gonna be the lucky one.
Omdat dit oënskynlik so eenvoudig is om net om verskoning te vra as ‘n fout begaan is, moet Vlieg vandeesweek sy lesers miskien eerder om vergiffenis smeek, net vir ingeval. Vlieg het vroeër vanjaar, of dit kon dalk al verlede jaar gewees het, in ‘n ongewone oomblik van retrospektiewelike swakheid en/of dwaling, die lof besing van ene prof Jonathan Jansen, die Rektum van die Perversiteit van Oranje! Vlieg moes van beter geweet het! Die probleem met Rektums is mos maar dat daar nie net altyd “klankies” uitkom nie! So was dit dan ook die geval toe hierdie betrokke Perversiteit in Februarie vanjaar twee studente, Cobus Muller en Charl Blom
One of us must know (sooner or later) Bob Dylan I didn’t mean to treat you so bad You shouldn’t take it so personal I didn’t mean to make you so sad You just happened to be there, that’s all
geskors het — na ‘n “rassevoorval” waarin hulle ‘n mede-student, ene Damane Muyzi Gwebu, glo sou raakgery het. Muller en Blom is aangekla van allerhande onmenslike dinge teenoor Gwebu, summier geskors en hulle moes hul studies staak. En toe bevind streeklandros Rasheed (nogal) Matthews dat die twee veroordeelde rassiste onskuldig is. Verder het Vlieg veral daarvan gehou dat hy Gwebu as ‘n onbetroubare getuie uitgewys het; en erger, dat Gwebe ‘n rasbehepte leuenaar is. Verder moet die Perversiteit vir die onskuldiges om verskoning vra! Daar is in die afgelope week al soveel oor
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Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
• The garden and water fountain in front of the GTM building in Agatha Street once presented a pretty face. Lately weeds have taken over the garden and the water fountain has seen better days. Is this fair comment or do you think the grounds at the GTM building does not look so bad? What do you say?
Nic en Gwenn Van Schalkwyk Dink die fontein se salaris word vir motorbestuurders aangewend. het die Straatslapertjies se badhuis geword Gwenn daarom is dit nie meer n fontein nie. Dit lyk sleg. Nadia Venter Dit moet seker lyk soos die res Sonder n tuinier het die hele parkie ook verval. van Tzaneen. Die begroting vir die instandhouding is deur die Marie Swanepoel Dit is teleurstellend weeldemotor-handelaars opgeslurp en die tuinier
Meestal Sonskyn. Baie Warm
dié storie geskryf, geskinder, geboekgesig, getwitter en ge-alles, dat Vlieg eerder gaan volstaan deur ‘n paar liedjies ter ondersteuning aan die twee manne op te dra. Vlieg is seker hulle sal daarin ‘n paar berustende woorde vind. Dit, natuurlik nadat Vlieg op sy gebruiklike stemmige manier sy eerlike mening oor die hele petalje opgesom het! Sorry se gat!
Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook.
Sê jou sê
• Die tuin en waterfontein voor die GTM se gebou in Agathastraat was eens op ‘n tyd ‘n fraai gesig. Deesdae neem onkruid die tuin oor en die waterfontein lyk ook nie aldag op sy beste nie. Is dit billike kommentaar of lyk die terrein nie so sleg nie? Wat sê jy?
Sorry se gat!
“I’m Sorry” Brenda Lee 1960
Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
“Hard To Say I’m Sorry / Get Away” Chicago
• Ofcolaco • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa • Giyani
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.
Vroeë reënbuie. Gedeeltelik bewolk. Koel
Bewolk in die oggend. Koel
Bewolk in die oggend. Matig
Sonnig en warm
Woensdag Donderdag Meestal Sonskyn. Warm
Sonnig en warm
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net
Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
Blyde Rivier Poort
Vergelegen Ohrigstad 98.0%
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 15/09/2014
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Tzaneng Mall • 015 307 2299 tzaneen@torgaoptical.co.za
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Renovations to re-commence at Hospital
Die NG Kerk se Wolkberggemeente in Tzaneen het onlangs ‘n spesiale bederf-oggend vir hul senior lidmate gehou. En bederf is die senior burgers bederf, met die heerlikste eetgoedjies, lekker mak drinkgoedjies en opregte belangstellende geselskap. Hier is die gemeente se herder, ds Adriaan van
Tonder, en me Sulette Jordaan. Agter hulle sit me Margie van Tonder, Ilza Roelofs en Sonja Pienaar en agter staan mee Wilma Steyn, Elsa van der Westhuizen en Desireè van Wyk. Hulle was gasvroue wat met deernis na die seniors se belange omgesien en gesorg het dat die bederf plaasvind.
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Bulletin 19 September 2014
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Renovations of the Letaba Hospital should start (again) in about three months’ time, says Mr Max Lesufi, Limpopo’s department of health’s provincial spokesperson. Lesufi recently confirmed that plans to renovate the regional hospital are in process after Bulletin inquired with the department on allegations that the national health minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, ordered the once began and ceased renovations of the hospital to continue. Lesufi, who explains the previous renovations took place in 2012 and were ceased when the department went under administration, refutes that the health minister made orders in regard to the matter. “The renovations will indeed be a continuance of the previously halted ones; however, this was not an order from the minister,” he said. According to Lesufi the renovations are merely a part of the department’s plans of “restructuring”. He predicts that once started, the renovations may go on for a year. — Joy Mojela
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The SA Municipal Workers Union in Tzaneen met with the new GTM Executive Committee yesterday, but the union’s deputy chairperson, Mr Moses Malatjie, said details of the meeting cannot be communicated to the media or any other outside party. The meeting was called to outline issues which the union sought to be prioritised by the council. — Elliot Mathy elliot@bulletin.us.com
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19 September 2014
The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Rethabile Maake - rethabile@bulletin.us.com
High crime in Tzaneen
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community reacted to their screams and surrounded the house. The man tried to run when he realised that he was being cornered. He was caught and assaulted with various objects, until the Police arrived. They arrested him and took him to Van Velden Hospital in Tzaneen, where he later died. Tzaneen Police spokesperson, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said “the intention of the deceased to enter the house is still unknown, but our investigations will clarify everything and more arrests are expected — and Police investigations are continuing”. He added: “Community based crime prevention initiatives must be strengthened at all times and members of the community are allowed to arrest anybody who commits a crime and hand him or her to the Police, for the law to take its course. But don’t assault a suspect before arresting him and calling the Police”, Ngoepe warned.
The police in Tzaneen seem to be kept rather busy. During the past week they arrested 93 perpetrators for various criminal activities: 22 for prostitution, 21 for contravening the Road Traffic Act, twelve for drinking in public, seven for assault, four for fraud, three for assault GBH, six for shoplifting, two for theft, one for housebreaking, one for possession of dagga, one for possession of an unlicensed firearm, one for possession of a dangerous weapon, three for drug trafficking, Few arrests three for robbery, five for interfering with the duties of police officials and one for murder. Crime in Haenertsburg reached a welcome low over the past two weeks and only Numerous suspects nineteen people were arrested for less Bolobedu police arrested 32 people during serious crimes, according to Const Bongi the past week: fifteen for drinking in public, Malungane: fifteen people were arrested six for possession of dagga, four for assault for contravening the Road Traffic Act, two GBH, another four for business robbery, one for assault GBH and two for possession of for possession of firearm, one for drunken dagga. driving, one for failure to appear in court, Crime at Lenyenye one for suspected stolen property and one Maake police arrested 48 people during the for calling someone a witch. past week: thirteen for liquor related offences, Suspect killed seven for traffic offences, six for assault, Tzaneen police arrested a 40-year-old man three for environmental related offences, who was attacked by a mob at Sethone two for intimidation, two for shoplifting, village in the Bolobedu South area in the eight for possession of dagga, one for theft early morning hours of Tuesday. He later out of motor vehicle, two for murder, one for died in hospital. It is alleged that the man attempted murder and two for assault GBH. was found inside a house where two elderly SAPS visit school women were sleeping after he had gained SAPS in Bolobedu and K9 joined their entry by breaking a window. Upon noticing him, the women screamed resources in a project to fight crime in schools. continuously for help. Members of the They visited three schools in the Bolobedu
policing area. The police searched pupils and seized dangerous weapons, dagga and stolen cell phones. This action to promote safety in schools in the area was a follow-up
on a project that was started at Mokwakwaila last month. Capt Seunane also addressed the pupils and warned them against the danger of using drugs.
Some of the cell phones found by the police
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R1899 R1999
The renovated Iron Crown Pub & Bistro
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Village and Kloof celebrate Spring Festival
Bianca comes second Seventeen-year-old Bianca Combrink won the prestigious Peace Ambassador award at the Little King and Queen World Competition in Burgas, Bulgaria. The Merensky High School pupil won this award for her speech and stunning national outfit that she designed herself. The overall winner was Turkey in the 17-27 year category with Combrink coming second. There were thirty contestants from countries such as Israel, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Russia and Hungary. Combrink says Burgas is a very civilized and polite society with no crime.
The contestants visited disabled orphaned children in a nearby home, played with them and brought toys. Combrink says, “The pizzas in Bulgaria are way better than here. It’s got something to do with the delicious base. I also indulged in the interesting Fanta flavours like peach, lime and coconut”. This award will pave the way for a possible future career in modelling. Combrink hopes to edge into the cut-throat world of modelling in Italy when she finishes her schooling at the end of 2015. —Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
Bulletin 19 September 2014
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The thirtieth Spring Festival kicks off in the Magoebaskloof and Haenertsburg today. The crab apple blossoms, azaleas and flowering cherry trees are in full bloom. There’s the orchid exhibition at the Magoebaskloof Hotel. There are craft markets at both the hotel and village hall. There’s gourmet food up and down the village main street and on the surrounding farms. Rissik Street also has quaint and interesting shops including a museum on the history of the area. Vehicle aficionados can view the newest and the classics. There’s also a photographic and a potjiekos competition. There will also be live music at most venues ranging from classical to modern. The village restaurant, The Red Plate, has been extended and refurbished. The Iron Crown Pub & Bistro, under new management, has undergone a facelift in every way. Ms Linda Halkon and her son James, a qualified chef, have refurbished and renovated this village landmark. Their latest feature is Sunday lunch under the Oak Tree at the back. The Iron Crown prides itself on the best hamburgers in Limpopo. Picasso’s restaurant, at the village entrance on the R71, is to reopen its doors after being vacant for almost a year. The rickety wooden bridge has been replaced with sturdy planks and a new feature is thatching inside and out. If you miss the Festival this weekend, it’s still on until 28 September. — Sue Ettmayr
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19 September 2014
Ons Mening
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No problem, bring more...
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 19 September 2014
Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele
Swaarkry Die land se ekonomie is onder druk en die tekens lyk nie goed nie; inflasie is aan die galop, die tekort op die handelsbalans is slegter as wat verwag is, die wisselkoers bly nie lekker nie, die Amerikaners wil rentekoerse verlaag, wat ons ekonomie verder onder druk gaan plaas (met veral staatseffekte), Eskom moes weer ‘n stewige reddingsgordel van die sentrale regering kry en dit is duidelik dat beurtkrag weer aan die kom is, ensovoorts. In Tzaneen gaan dit ook nie goed nie. Die destydse moratorium op elektrisiteituitbreiding het die dorp nou ingehaal. Noodsaaklike kapitaalbeleggings deur die private sektor moes noodgedwonge uitgestel word en is intussen afgestel. Die beleggings is elders gedoen (hoofsaaklik in Polokwane) en vir altyd verlore vir ons. Meer as ‘n dosyn sakeondernemings het reeds vasnjaar hul deure gesluit, wat bittter slegte nuus vir die dorp is. ‘n Week gelede se sluiting van ‘n supermark het die dorp geruk. Daar is sprake dat die winkel oorgeneem sal word en weer sake sal doen, maar dit moet maar eers gebeur alvorens ons te opgeweonde raak. Tzaneen se sakesektor is onder druk en selfs professionele mense kla oor die “stilte” — met sakelui wat getuig dat mense se koop- en veral hul betaalgewoontes wys dat die voorspoed tans nie geil is nie. Inteendeel. Tzaneen se verbruikers moet nou regtig sorg dat hulle sterk plaaslik koop en alle versoekings tot die teendeel weerstaan. Terselfdertyd moet plaaslike sakelui egter ook sorg dat hulle puik diens lewer. Want selfs al gaan dit moeilik om die beursie of die kredietkaart uit te haal, soek verbruikers steeds goeie gehalte produkte en goeie diens. Kom ons staan saam...!
Where do we draw the line on domestic violence? In her verdict on the Oscar Pistorius murder charge, Judge Masipa said the state’s evidence is not enough to prove Pistorius guilty of murder for shooting his girlfriend dead on Valentine’s Day last year. When I was in my first year of university, I sort-of witnessed a rape situation at res. I was about to take my usual nap after a long day of classes before studying, when I heard my neighbour next door sobbing. Being unashamed of a good relieving sob after some hectic time myself, I immediately assumed my neighbour was only collecting her emotions — loudly. I, however, became worried when I awoke some three hours later and heard her still sobbing, now with a male voice trying to soothe her. The boyfriend, who I had seen visiting a few times, finally came out of the room when I knocked on the door to check if everything was well. I found out the following day that there had been a rape at our res. I recently recalled the situation when I heard a couple arguing in a similar res situation I was in; the boyfriend threatening the girlfriend, and she, seemingly try-
Ons behoort... twee maal!
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die Super Hero’s se hoofheld (main hero) se klere-uitruster het lelik klei getrap met die groot held se uniform. Dit is blou en rooi in plaas van swart en rooi. En “to add insult to injury” is daar nog ‘n titseltjie geel ook! Sónde... • Gerugte dat dit alles op ‘n Plaaslike samesmelting dui, word kategories ontken. Dit is on-Chris-telik om net aan soiets te dínk, hoor die mense... • Die kilometers word nou afgerol tusssen Tzaneen en die buurdorp, vir ‘n bietjie sport(s?) met balle, vir ‘n bietjie Fariseërsgebede op Sondae, om gereeld ‘n vars tamatietjie te kom aflewer, om tussendeur bietjie kwaad te stook, en so meer.
Sou lekker gewees het as van die ryers gedeporteer kon word, ver weg na ‘n afgeleë plek soos Bothaville in die Vrystaat... • Die weglopery en oorlopery het ‘n rits hartsake-kraaineste veroorsaak; dit los hier en vat daar, bly apart en bly saam, knoei hier en konkel daar, skinder by dié en praat kwaad by daai, vry in die bondel en vry skelm-skelm dat die biesies bewe... • Met al die jongste gebeure kan mens maar sê die duiwel is nou behoorlik los en tussen Tzaneen en Modjadjiskloof... • Die kerk en die “bar” sit langs mekaar, die manne en die vroue is lief vir mekaar, MAAR...
For crying out loud By Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
ing to save face, cheekily telling him he is full of nonsense. There were other people close-by who heard the fight/argument, but did not react. It seemed like something usual — girlfriend and boyfriend fighting, couples fight. Unable to sleep, together with flashes on my mind of the rape I once sort-of witnessed, I stayed up until I could no longer hear noises or movements from their room. In reality, I did not know what to do. I was waiting for the situation to get out of hand, so I could put on my wonderwoman suit, go break down their door and point something at him. In reality, the boyfriend threatening the girlfriend did not seem enough reason for me to barge into the room and ask/see if there was any violence. In reality, the boyfriend did not see a problem in threatening his girlfriend out loud and the girlfriend strolled around the next day with him, laughing, and we
Die verhaal word vertel van ‘n klein seuntjie, wat by ‘n speelgoedwinkel ‘n modelskippie gekoop het om te bou. Ure en dae lank het hy gesit, totdat die skippie klaar en volmaak gebou was. Toe hy klaar was, het hy na die rivier naby sy huis gehardloop om te sien of hy bevaarbaar was? Toe hy hom in die water sit, het die skippie pragtig in die water gedryf en sjoe, was hy nie trots op sy handewerk nie! Terwyl hy nog so gespeel het, het die rivier skielik afgekom en voor sy oë, word die skippie deur die massawater weggevoer. Hy het oral na die skippie gesoek en dae lank hartseer rondgedwaal, maar kon hom nêrens kry nie. Die dae het verbygegaan en die seuntjie het hartseer verlang na die pragtige skippie, wat hy met soveel sorg gebou het. Op ‘n dag het hy weer by die speelgoedwinkel verbygeloop en toe skielik, daar staan sy skippie! Hy het by die winkel ingehardloop en die eienaar ingelig, dat daai skippie in die venster eintlik syne is! Nee, het die eienaar gesê, hy het hom opgetel en dis syne, maar dat die seuntjie hom kan kry, as hy die prys wat daarop is, betaal. Die seuntjie het nie genoeg geld gehad nie en het toe besluit om ekstra werk te doen om weer die skippie te koop. Hy het gras gesny en motors gewas, totdat hy genoeg geld gehad het. Toe hardloop hy na die speelgoedwinkel en sit die geld voor die eienaar neer en sê: “Ek soek my skippie!” Toe hy by die winkel uitloop, druk hy die skippie so teen sy bors vas en sê: “Nou is jy twee maal myne... eers het ek jou gemaak en nou het ek jou duur gekoop!” Is dit nie maar presies waar van ons ook nie? Eers het die Here ons gemaak, soos Dawid dit in Psalm 139:15 laat weerklink: “Geen been van my was vir U verborge toe ek gevorm is, toe ek aanmekaar geweef is, diep in die moederskoot”. Daarna is ons vrygekoop. 1 Korintiërs 6:20: “Julle is gekoop en die prys is betaal”. Die prys, wat God vir ons betaal het, het Hom sy eie Seun, Jesus Christus gekos. Soos hierdie seuntjie, wil God ook elkeen van ons teen sy bors vasdruk en sê: “Eers het ek jou gemaak en nou het Ek jou gekoop... nou is jy twee maal myne!!
all pretended we had heard nothing. Furthermore, in reality, Steenkamp stating, “I’m scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me and of how you will react to me,” to Pistorius on whatsapp seemed not enough to prove Pistorius shot her intentionally. The war on domestic violence seems to be a no end in our society. On the one hand, according to Women in Action — a non-governmental organisation — research shows compiling statistics on domestic violence is hard because cases often go unreported. On the other hand are the victims who are further discouraged because conviction rates are low. On top of it all, one would argue, society’s response towards domestic violence is failing the war. I myself am looking down on my inability to stand-up when alarmed towards a likely violent situation. Our attitudes towards couples threatening each other should stop sending an assurance that they are acceptable and in the right if a woman is on the receiving end. In a perfect society, men should be ashamed of even thinking they can be violent towards women.
From The Horse’s Mouth Look at Maruleng
The DA has laid a charge with the Public Protector to probe the financial misconduct in the Maruleng Municipality. Allegedly the municipality paid close to R1 million to two companies that were not registered, to repair municipal sewerage pipes and pumps. Also: the municipality has occurred irregular expenditure of R6,5 million. RAF at your doorstep An office of the Road Accident Fund was officially opened in Polokwane yesterday. FET’s mismanaged Alleged mismanagement caused student uprises at least two FET Colleges (now called FVET); Tzaneen and Sekhukhune. In Tzaneen students said the senior staff of the college can buy luxury cars, but don’t worry about the students’ subsidies. Students leave for Cuba The premier of Limpopo and the Health MEC will bid farewell to another 110 students who received scholarships to study medicine in Cuba. So far 341 students have been sent to study medicine in Cuba.
Bulletin 10
Love is ...
years of loving our community
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Ms Audrey Rea Pharoah celebrated her 87th birthday at Macadamia Frail Care Centre on 12 August. Too frail to conduct an interview about her life, this report was compiled together with her daughter, Ms Sharon Smith from Shelley beach in KZN. Ms Pharoah was Ms Audrey Pharoah delivering born in Armagh in her 80th birthday speech. northern Ireland in 1927. The eldest of three daughters, Ms Pharoah arrived in South Africa with her parents at the age of ten. The family lived in Johannesburg and Ms Pharoah began her working life at Anglo after doing a secretary course. Anglo had offered all ex war soldiers jobs and thus she met her first husband, a South African Mr Arthur Raine, at Anglo. Her father was a Presbyterian minister who became the moderator of the Presbyterian Church. Mr Raine was Catholic and this religious leaning did not sit well with the Irish Presbyterian side of the family. Mr Raine dreamt of farming and the couple moved to Tzaneen in 1965 and bought a small orange farm at Broederstroomdrift. Ms Pharoah worked at Ledzee estates. They sold the farm and Mr Raine was offered the post of manager at the Duiwelskloof Hotel which later became known as Imp Inn in Modjadjiskloof (Duiwelskloof) for a lawyer Mr Nic Maritz. Mr Raine was born with a heart defect and, as his condition worsened, his wife took over the running of the hotel. Mr Raine died in 1979 at the age of 55. Ms Pharoah then took total control of Imp Inn. Ms Smith remembers, “Mom would go into that pub. The women would come to her and sit in their candlewick dressing gowns waiting for their husbands. The pub was only for men initially. She would often send errant husbands home
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and she learnt a good few swear words from the men in that pub.” The Imp Inn became renowned for its old hotel full menus. Ms Pharoah had three daughters with Mr Raine, Patricia, Diane (who died of cancer in 2010) and Sharon. All went to school at Capricorn High in Polokwane. Ms Pharoah was a strong but compassionate woman and drew people to the 20-roomed Imp Inn. She had a wonderful head waiter called Samuel who now works at Highgrove in Tzaneen. She gave half of all her earnings to charities such as Boys’ Town and the Salvation Army. No matter until what time she ran the pub on a Saturday night, she would always be in Church on Sundays to play the organ for any religious denomination. She then met her second husband, Brigadier General Stanley Pharoah, who had been an air force pilot during the war. He came to the Imp Inn for dinners after his wife died and had two sons Noel and Hugh. The couple married in 1991 and they lived in his lovely home in Panorama, Modjadjiskloof. The Imp Inn changed hands and Ms Pharoah stopped work when she remarried. Mr Pharoah, 13 years her senior, died five years later when he had a heart attack at a dinner party. She moved to Macadamia in 2004. —Sue Ettmayr
Bulletin 19 September 2014
24 September is Braai Day Braai burger patties • Lamb chops with salad • Waterslide for kids
Ms Sharon Smith.
Audrey Pharoah with Dr Noel Pharoah (her step son).
Bookings@082 789 2633 | 3 Saligna Street, Tzaneen
19 September 2014
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Real world shown to pupils
Businesses open in Arbor Park had organised festivals like Inibos and Aardklok. Lila’s (in the party room, photo right) has an able and creative cook in Ms Petunia Sekwela. The kitchen can handle thirty customers and the entire area can hold sixty to seventy people for an event. The restaurant consists of an interior that spills out onto a stoep and down into the garden where there are tables and chairs. There is entertainment for children in the garden. A further six rooms display items for sale. There is clothing for children and adults, paper accessories for fun parties and knick-knacks. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
New Ackermans store opened A new Ackermans store has opened at Maake Plaza, Lenyenye. The new store has been welcomed by the community, since this wil further help people to do their shopping locally. The new store had a busy opening day and has been very busy ever since. The members of the staff are young and dynamic and the stock covers the chain’s range. The manager has told us that a large number of people have already opened accounts and the shop enjoys a steady daily number of local shoppers. — Rethabile Maake
The new store’s staff members are Mr Edia Kekana (store manager), Ms Selina Letsoalo and Retha van der Walt (regional audit manager), Mr Advice Kubayi and Ms Lawrance Madia.
Unity’s pupils introduced to the future
Dressed-up like their aspired professions, the Gr 7 pupils of Unity Primary School in Tzaneen were set to prove to their teachers and parents that they already have ideas of the careers they would like to follow one day. The school recently hosted what it called a “Career Dress-up Day” for its senior pupils on Friday. The pupils presented their aspired careers to a panel of judges and in front of their parents, teachers and other invited guests for their Life Orientation marks. According to Ms Baloyi, their Life Orientation teacher, the pupils were rated according to how they demonstrated knowledge of the presented profession, the personal and educational requirements needed to attain the profession and the expected dress code of the profession. Along with the parents, the school also invited a few real life professionals to speak about their professions. — Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
The ODOUR-FREE toilet is here! Cost effective • No maintenance • Hygienic • No chemicals
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Mnr Dawid van Vuuren is die dryfveer agter reuklose toiletstelsels in Tzaneen, die res van Limpopo en tot in Mpumalanga, waar ‘n reiniger benadering met toilette gevestig word. Hy is die alleenagent vir Toilet Friend, ‘n produk wat latrines tot ‘n hoër status verhef. Dawid Van Vuuren is bereikbaar by 082 798 4231.
The area around the Minitzani four-way stop in Arbor Park, Tzaneen, has enjoyed a welcome boost with two new businesses. An interior decorating company called Newton & Strever plus a restaurant called Lila’s are now just off Saligna Street. Newton & Strever is a joint operation by Mr Nick Strever from Haenertsburg and Mr Shane Newton from Cape Town. The company specialises in floor, window and paint finishes as well as wall paper. Owner of Lila’s is Ms Aliscia du Preez (26). Du Preez, whose nickname is Lila, moved to Tzaneen with her husband and baby son Mihan eighteen months ago. They came from Mbombela where she
Contact: Dawid 082 798 4231 015 307 3447 www.toiletfriend.com
Bulletin 19 September 2014
Braai Day 24 September 2014
The history of Braai Day In the past 24 September was known as Shaka Day in KwaZula-Natal, in commemoration of Shaka, the legendary Zulu King. Zulu Kings and warriors gather at his grave in Stanger and honor him on this day each year. As this day was not included in the Public Holidays Bill, the IFP, who has a large Zulu membership, objected to the bill. As a compromise the day was declared a public holiday, but named Heritage Day. A day that “South Africans celebrate the diverse cultural heritage that makes up a rainbow nation. It is the day to celebrate the contribution of all South Africans to the building of South Africa.” In 2005, a passionate young man decided to transform the image of this day into National Braai Day. As most South Af-
ricans barbeque meat in their backyards, from over a small fire next to a shack to a roaring barbeque in the suburbs of Johannesburg, this made perfect sense. Jan Scannell, or as he became known as, Jan Braai, wanted South Africans to unite and celebrate the culture we all share – braaiing. He also stated his intention was for friends and family to have a small braai, instead of a massive gathering. To promote this campaign, Archbishop Desmond Tutu was brought on board in 2007. Since then more and more South Africans have celebrated this day by taking up a pair of braai tongs and grilling boerewors and juicy meat over hot coals. Sources: www.braai.com, http://mediaclubsouthafrica.com/index. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1969:braai-240910&ca tid=43:culturenews&Itemid=112, http://www.sahistory.org.za/ cultural-heritage-religion/national-heritage-day
Grilled Chicken, Pancetta and Dried Apricot Skewer Ingredients: • 8 thigh fillets, about 350g • 1/4 cup verjuice • 1/3 cup olive oil • Sea salt and milled black pepper • About 250g dried apricots • Fresh bay leaves or rocket for garnishing • Soaked bamboo skewers for threading Prep Time: 10min Serves: 4-6 Cooking Time: 20min Instructions: - Cut each fillet into 4 pieces.
Mix the verjuice with the olive oil and some seasoning, and add the chicken and apricots. - Leave to marinate for about 20 minutes. - Wrap the chicken in bits of pancetta and thread onto skewers. - Slide under a preheated grill (or over coals outside) until just cooked and starting to catch. - Serve on fresh bay leaves, if you have them. If not, use rocket. Source: http://www.tastemag.co.za/Recipe-1184/Grilledchicken-pancetta-and-dried-apricot-skewer.aspx
Simple Braai Marinade
Pap & Sauce Pap Ingredients: • 6 cups maize-meal • Cold water • Salt for taste
Method: Pour 3 cups of water into a pan and bring to a rapid boil on a hot plate - Remove the pan from the hot plate - Add 1 cup of maize meal and stir until all the maize meal is dissolved, add more water if necessary - Return the pot to the plate, reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes
• • • • • • • • • •
Method: Lightly cook onion in olive oil till onions turn clear. - Add remaining ingredients and cook until the onion is cooked and you have a thick sauce.
Pap Sauce Ingredients:
Here’s how to create a DIY marinade for your meat. What You Need: • 1 cup All Gold Tomato Sauce • 50ml Worcestershire Sauce • 50ml Mrs Ball Original Chutney • 1 tsp aromat or barbecue spice • 1 tsp Vinegar (white or brown) • 1 Can Stoney Ginger Beer • Salt and pepper to taste
1 Grated apple 1 Chopped onion 2 Crushed garlic cloves 1 Finely chopped tomato Olive oil 1 Tbs sugar 1 Tbs tomato sauce 2 Tbs soya sauce 1 can of chopped tomatoes Salt and pepper
Source: http://braaiandbiltong.co.za/category/ braai-recipes/veg-braai/
Instructions: Mix all ingredients together and then marinade for 3-4 hrs before braaing. This recipe is great on chicken, ribs, lamb or steak! Source: http:// braaiandbiltong. co.za/2011/05/ simple-braai-recipe/
19 September 2014
Surviving the Braai •
Fuel for the Fire
Wood is always best. Make sure it’s dry and alien. Rooikrans and black wattle are good options.
Shopping List
Make sure you look the part with all the right tools: firelighter, matches, long tongs and a stainless steel braai grid.
Bread & Butter
Season big brown mushrooms with the hot spice combination, topped with cheese and packaged in tinfoil. Pop it on the braai to enjoy juicy and aromatic mushrooms!
Chicken or Beef?
Quality vs. Quantity
braaied. The fatty layer on the grid protects it Fire Starter Look for the split pieces of wood in the bun- from the elements. dle and use them to start the fire as they will • Some like it Hot! burn easier than whole logs. Spice up your favourite store-bought mari• Mutton dressed as Lamb nade with some hot spices. To get chops really tender, squeeze fresh lem- • Squeaky Clean on juice over the raw meat. Add your favour- Get your grid clean by heating it over the ite herbs at this stage too. flames and then rubbing half an onion or lemon against it. • More is More If you’re new at braaing, add loads of fire- • Let it Rest lighter. The more there is, the more likely Any chef will tell you that meat needs to rest; your fire takes first time round. this prevents all the delicious juices from spilling out when you cut into the meat. • Building a Fire Kind of like Jenga, place two pieces of wood • Lekker Mielies parallel to one another, and then two more Add some mixed herbs and garlic salt to parallel logs on top of that, but facing the oth- butter, refrigerate and melt a knob of it over er way. Carry on stacking until you’ve used braaied mielies. 10 – 12 pieces of wood.
Be Prepared
If you’re a novice, it’s a good idea to avoid Before you put the meat on the grill, get evechicken. It’s the one meat you should never rything you need ready, including seasoning, eat raw; and overcooked, it’s dry and taste- the marinated meat, tongs, a torch if it’s dark and a clean dish to put all the meat into once less. all is cooked.
The Dirty Work A R20 steak will taste like a R20 steak, no • matter how talented you are at braaing. So fill It’s best to clean the grid just before braaiing instead on cleaning it just after you’ve your trolley with quality meat.
Sprinkle sea salt to the skin of salmon. Cook, take the fish off the heat and remove the skin and put the skin back on the grill with more salt, the result is a delicious crispy skin!
Steak Out
Herb Infusers
Playing with Fire
Steak should be at room temperature before you put it over the coals. So take it out of the fridge about 20 minutes before getting started. You can add a herby flavour to lamb by chucking a few sprigs of rosemary onto the coals.
To get that flame-grilled taste to ribs, braai the meat until cooked and then pour a dash • The Braai Timeline of sunflower oil over the coals to get the Chicken takes a long time to braai as it has to flames to flare. Remove straight after slightly be completely cooked; steak only needs a few charred. minutes. Start with chicken and end off with • Apple Braai Pie steaks and other red meat. Why not try a sweet treat on the braai? Pre• Sausage Savvy pare your favourite apple pie recipe in a Just before putting boerewors on the braai, potjie. Remember to sprinkle it with loads of dip it in water, this makes the skin more elas- cinnamon before putting it over the coals. tic and prevents it from bursting open. Sources: https://secure.robertsons.co.za/braai-day
Something Fishy
Potjie BEEF BRISKET AND BRAAI SAUCE POTJIEKOS What you need: • 1.5 kg beef brisket or stewing steak, in large cubes • 3-4 courgettes, thickly sliced • 200g button mushrooms, thickly sliced • 15 ml cooking oil And the sauce: • 2 large onions, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 15 ml cooking oil • 1 x 410g can of tinned tomatoes, coarsely chopped • 125ml beef stock • 125ml malt vinegar • 2 ml grated nutmeg • 1ml ground ginger • 5 ml smoked paprika • 2 whole cloves • 2 bay leaves • 15ml Worcestershire sauce • 15ml brown sugar • 5 ml salt • 30ml Mrs Balls chutney • 2 celery stalks, sliced
Instructions: - Prepare the braai sauce first. Over medium heat, heat the oil and then sauté the onion and garlic in it until onion is light brown and translucent. Add the remaining sauce ingredients, cover with lid and allow to simmer for 30-45 minutes so the flavours combine and the sauce thickens. - Heat 15ml cooking oil in a no. 3 size potjie (or a large Dutch oven) until very hot. Add the meat in batches, stirring so that the meat browns on all sides. Add the courgette slices in a layer on top of the meat, then add the mushroom slices in a layer on top of the courgettes. Carefully pour the sauce over everything, trying not to disturb the layers. - Cover tightly with a lid and simmer slowly for 2-2.5 hours, or until meat is tender. Serve on creamy mashed potatoes. Source: http://www.cooksister.com/2011/06/beef-brisket-withbraai-bbq-sauce-potjie.html (Adapted from Potjiekos Favourites by Sannie Smit)
Vegetarian Barbecue Wraps Ingredients: 1 x 25g Tenderstem broccoli, packet 1/2 butternut, cut into thin disks 1 red onion, sliced Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 T olive oil 6 T mascarpone 6 T blue cheese 1 x 40 g packet of rocket 6 soft flour wraps Pesto, for serving
Prep Time: 20min Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 2min Cooking instructions: - Rub the broccoli, butternut
and onion with salt, pepper and olive oil. Grill lightly on all sides over smouldering coals for 8 minutes. Set aside to cool. - Cover one side of each wrap with a thin layer of mascarpone. - Lay the grilled vegetables, along with the crumbled blue cheese and rocket, in the centre of each wrap – be fairly generous – then roll up tightly. - Return to the grill and lightly brown. - Slice at an angle and serve with pesto. Source: http://www.tastemag.co.za/recipe-2352/vegetarian-braaiwraps.aspx
Bulletin 19 September 2014
Whole Fillet of Beef over the Coals with Four Sauces What you need: • 1.5kg-2kg beef fillet, double over the thin tail end and tie with string • 4 T (60 ml) olive oil • 3 t (15 ml) Ina Paarman’s Garlic Pepper Seasoning • 1 T (15 ml) Ina Paarman’s Beef Stock Powder Prepping: - Rub the steak with oil. Mix the seasoning and stock powder. Sprinkle over the meat and pat it firmly into the oiled meat. Leave to rest at room temperature for 1 hour. - For the best flavour, add extra smoky flavour via soaked wood chips. Instructions: - Brown the meat all round over the heaped up coals. Turn it with tongs and don’t close the lid. - When the meat has been browned all round, move it over to the cooler side of the braai and put the foil wrapped smoke bomb on the hot side of the braai, on top of the grid. - Close the lid and open the top vent 2/3 of the way and position the vent opposite the side where you have your smoke bomb, so that the smoke is drawn across the meat and not straight up and out. - Calculate cooking time at about 15
minutes per 500g. To be accurate, you could insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat when about three quarters of the cooking time has elapsed. Medium- rare will register 7071ºC. NB. DO NOT OPEN THE LID too often or much of the smoke will be lost! Four Sauces: 1. PEPPER SAUCE - 1 x 200 ml ready to serve pepper sauce. Thin down with a little cream and warm before serving. 2. PREGO SAUCE 1 x 200ml coat and cook sauce mixed with ½ cup (125 ml) fat reduced cream. Serve warm or at room temperature. 3. MEXICAN SAUCE - 1 x 200ml ready to serve tomato and chilli sauce mixed and garnished with 3 T (45 ml) snipped fresh coriander leaves. Serve at room temperature. 4. MUSHROOM SAUCE - 1 x 200ml ready to serve mushroom sauce. Thin down with a little cream and warm before serving. When the internal temperature of the meat is to your preference remove it from the fire and leave to stand, covered with foil, for 10 minutes to settle the juices before carving. Source: http://www.paarman.co.za/recipe_search/whole_fillet_over_coals.aspx
Braaibroodjies Breakfast Don’t wait until everyone’s gathered together to celebrate braaiday. Start your day with a simple braai sandwich for breakfast. What you need: slices of fresh sourdough bread French style mayonnaise whole grain mustard Gypsy ham 18 months matured cheddar sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil spring onions olive oil What to do: - Go for an oval shape sourdough bread as opposed to a round one. This way, all the slices will be the same size. Slice the bread fairly thin, the same thickness as normal toaster bread – one has a natural tendency to slice these types of bread thicker, so be conscious of that. - Lay out half of the bread slices on a cutting board and liberally spread with the French style mayonaise and whole grain mustard. - Add the gypsy ham, slices of cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and chopped spring onions. Do not be stingy with any of the ingredients, this is a super luxury braaibroodjie. Not only should the quality of ingredients reflect it, but also the quantity. - Add the top layers of bread and drip or spread olive oil on them. - Place in a hinged grid
(toeklaprooster) and braai over medium-low heat coals. After the first turn, also spread olive oil on the other outside, the side which was at the bottom when you assembled the units. Continue to braai over the gentle coals, turning very often, until the cheese is melted and the braa-
ibroodjies are golden brown on the outside. It goes without saying that you serve these beauties with glasses of ice cold Methode Cap Classique. The South African – vastly superior – version of what the French call Champagne. Source: http://braai.com/braai-recipes/
Get your
Braai Day fires burning!
Fire-starting for Beginners You will need: Stiff wire brush Charcoal Lighter fluid Matches or Lighter Tongs - Before you even think about starting a fire, it’s essential to clean out the braai-stand and grill. Leftover grease and food particles will make your food stick to the grill and marinate it with ash! Steel grills are much easier to clean when they are still warm, so be diligent and clean it after braaing. A soak in hot water and dishwashing liquid will easily remove all the gunk left behind from the last braai! - The fire will need air circulation to heat up nicely. Make sure that all ash is removed from the bottom of the braai-stand and the air-vents. Opening the air vents allows the air to circulate to keep the coals burning once lit. - Pop a couple of broken up firelighters in the centre of
the braai-stand. Arrange the charcoals in the form of a pyramid on top of it. - Have a long taper, matches or a braai lighter that will easily reach into the pile to light the firelighters and light the firelighters in several different spots so the heat will evenly distribute. This will take about 20-30 minutes until properly heated. The coals will burn quickly at first and then die down. Even if it doesn’t look like the coals are lit, they are. Give them time. - Once most of the coals are covered with white ash, destroy your pyramid using tongs to spread the coals evenly across the surface. - Place the top grill in position and clean off any of the stuck on gunk that wouldn’t come off before. There’s an easy method for telling how hot your fire is. Hold your palm 10 centimetres above the fire. You should be able to hold it there for 5 to 6 seconds for a medium heat perfect for almost all meats. Braai Away!
R9995 /kg
Rump Steak bulletin©09838js140919tb
R75 /kg
For those of us who haven’t had much training in fire-starting, here’s a little “how to” to get us going.
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19 September 2014
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Business directory | Sakegids BRANCHES Tzaneen
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Property l Eiendomme l Tenders To Let Te Huur
Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, stoep, afdak vir voertuig, nie geskik vir kleuters en bejaarde mense nie as gevolg van trappe en geen troeteldiere. R 3 850 Lushof Plot 3 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, dubbel toesluit motorhuis en afdak, uitsig op gronddam, mooi tuin +/- 3 kilos uit dorp R7 300 Pusela Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, +/- 2 kilos uit dorp, water en ligte ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere of kinders (kleuters). R5 200
Faunapark 1 x Bachelor woonstel met omheinde erf en afdak met toesluit hek, water en ligte ingesluit. R2 500 Plaas California 1 x 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, sitkamer , eetkamer, kombuis, buitekamer, afdak, swembad omhein asook 1 x 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, sitkamer , eetkamer, kombuis buitekamer R10 500
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TSIBISO YA KOPANO KA KWANO LE SETSHABA LETšATšI: LABOBEDI, 22 DIBATSELA 2014 | NAKO: 10:00 LEFELO: MO BA GA TIVANI BA šOMELAGO GONA, “MOHLABA’S LOCATION” KABORIPANA: Tivani (Pty) Ltd (“Tivani”) e mema batho ka moka ba ba nago le kgahlego go ba gona Kopanong ya go ahla ahla le go tšea dipheto tša go šomiša ga di hektara tsa go lekana 21.5169 tša di minerale tsa bobedi (godimo ga mmu wa boraro), mo mmung wo o setšeng mo polaseng ya Mohlaba’s Location 567LT e ehwetsegang ka Mmasepala wa Greater Tzaneen. Tivani e rata go neela di hektara tše 21.5169 tša legato la pele tša mmayini.
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151
MAIKEMIŠETŠO: Go thoma tumelelano ya setlamo sa setšhaba ka fase ga nako le ditsela tse di laolang kgetho ya tlhabologo ye e tshwanetšeng tumelelo ya ministara wa kgoro ya tlhabologo ya selegae le naga go molaodi wa naga ka nako ya tšhireletso ya ditokelo tša naga Act, 31 ka 1996, ka bopaki bjo bo itšeng go boemo bja mathomo bja mokoti ye e boletšweng ka godimo. BATHO BAO BA TSHWANETŠEGO GO BA GONA: Badudi ba Rigorigo le Lefara, maloko a setšhaba sa Bankuna, mekgahlo ya basadi, mekgatlo ya selegae, mekgatlo ya baswa, mantona, mekgatlo le ya meago, mekgatlo le ba tsa maphelo, ka moka le bao ba nago le kgahlego ya go duma tšwetšo pele ya badudi ba mafelo ao go boletšwego ka ona le bao ba leng bohlokwa mo go projeke ye. DITABA KA BOTLATO: Letšetša yo mongwe wa ba ba latelago: Mr Tony Long, Tivani: 083 630 3594, gomme/goba Mr Edzisani Thathana, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Noromo: (015) 297 3539 Letšatši la tsibiso: 19 Diwedi 2014 bulletin©9832t140919wb
Royal Palm 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, fully fitted kitchen. R3 990 pm Contact: 081 168 5488 083 664 9262
Flats/Woonstelle Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP 082 925 2955
Ruim netjiese opgegradeerde meenthuis op grond met private buite leef area. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis. Volledige badkamer asook stort. Toesluit motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 850 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2014 / 1 November 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Debbie: 083 305 7979 Sep302_____________________
Mei301 ___________________________
Homes/Huise Magoebaskloof – 4 bedroom house to let on small farm Contact owner 083 293 3443
Aug201 ___________________________
Wanted Gesoek Meenthuis/duplex woonstel gesoek om te huur in Tzaneen. Veiligheid belangrik. Minimum 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer met tuintjie vir 1 Jack Russel hondjie. Vir so gou as moontlik. Prysklas: R3 500.00 tot R4 000.00 per maand vanaf +/- 20 September 2014. Kontak: Ilze Goosen op Tel: 071 085 6913 of 015 – 395 4034 Aug504 ___________________________
Moderne 3slp kamer meenthuis beskikbaar in LETSITELE. R4600pm. Koopkrag. Elzaan: 0835616062 Aug502____________________
Ruim netjiese opgegradeerde meenthuis op grond met private buite leef area. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis. Volledige badkamer asook stort. Toesluit motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 850 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2014 / 1 November 2014. Deposito betaalbaar. Kobus: 083 442 3696 Sep301_____________________
Tivani (Pty) Ltd (“Tivani”) va rhamba hinkwavo lava nga na ku navela na mavandla hinkwawo lawa ya khumbhekaka eka hlengeletano ya xiboho xa vaaka tiko eka ku hirha ka 21.5169 ya tihekitara eka ximphemu xa ndhawu ya swicelwa ya vumbirhi (ndhawu ya vunharhu ya xiphemu xa swicelwa) eka ndhawu leyi nga sala ya purasi ya Mohlaba’s Location 567LT leyi kumekaka eGreater Tzaneen Municipality. Tivani yi navela ku barisa 21.5169 ya tihekitari ku yisa emahlweni emigingiriko ya xiphemu xo sungula xa mugodi wa le handle.
Tivani (Pty) Ltd (“Tivani”) hereby invites all interested and affected parties to the community resolution meeting for the lease of 21.5169 hectares on a portion of Mineral Area 2 (a portion of Mineral Area 3) on the Remaining Extent of the Farm Mohlaba’s Location 567 LT which lies within the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Tivani wishes to lease the said 21.5169 hectares to carry out its phase 1 opencast mining operations.
To formulate a community resolution under the interim procedures governing land development decisions which require the consent of the Minister of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, as the nominal owner of the land in terms of the Interim Protection of Land Rights Act, 31 of 1996, with particular reference to the phase 1 opencast mining operation as referred to above.
Ku simeka xiboho xa vaaka tiko ehansi ka maendlelo ya nkarinyana lawa ya fumaka swiboho swa nhluvukiso wa misava, ku laveka mpfumelelo wo huma aka Holobye-nkulu wa Ndzawulo ya nhluvukiso wa matiko-xikaya ni ku hundzuluxiwa ka misava ku ya hi laha a nga hlawuriwa ku va mulawuri wa misava ku ya hi “Interim Protection of Land Rights Act, 31 of 1996” ya nkarhinyana ya xiphemu xo sungula xa migingiriko ya mugodi wa le handle lowu boxiweke laha henhla. LAVA FANELEKE KU VA KONA: Vaaka tiko va miganga ya Rigorigo na Lefara, swirho swa miganga ya Vankuna, minhlangano ya vamanana, minhlangano ya swa vaaka tiko, minhlangano ya vatirhi, minhlangano ya swa miganga, minhlangano ya vantshwa, minhlangano ya swa ndhavuko, minhlangano ya swa nhluvuko, mihlangano ya nsirhelelo wa vaxavi, minhlangano ya swa rihanyo ni va nkoka lava nga ni xiave eka project leyi. VUXOKO-XOKO BYIN’WANA:
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Residents of Rigorigo and Lefara Villages, members of the Bakuna Community, women’s organisations, civil organisations, trade unions, community based organisations, youth organisations, traditional organisations, development forums, consumer organisations, social welfare organisations and potential beneficiaries of the project. FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact one of the following: Mr. Tony Long, Tivani: Cell. 083 630 3594, and/or Mr. Edzisani Thathana, Dept. of Rural Development and Land Reform: Tel. (015) 297 3539
Hlangana ni wun’wana wa lava landzelaka: Nkulukumba Mr.Tony Long wo huma eka Tivani: cell. 083 630 3594, na Mr. Edzisani Thathana, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform: Tel. (015) 297 3539. Siku ra xitiviso: 19 Ndzati 2014
Date of notice: 19 September 2014
19 September 2014
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Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
Kwik fit For one week only Wheelalignment for cars bakkies and taxis only R200 Also for Exhaust, towbars, batteries, shocks Tyres and disk skimming 015 307 1610
Jacques van Niekerk Registered Optometrist Koop 1 kry 1 gratis 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building Loopstraat
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale services 015 307 5010
Aug304 ___________________________
Feb106 ___________________________
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations 071 342 9241 YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • Spring time! A time for new things, new decisions, new resolutions? • And you are ready to stop smoking?
Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)
SPOT ON CARTRIDGES We specialize in refilling ink and laser / toner cartridges. Up to 50% savings on printer cartridges
Winter time is sunny time let us do all your upholstery/ carpet cleaning You know us and our work Call Eugene or Yvonne 081 701 6151 081 301 6018 Mar302_______________________
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops. Free delivery within 2 km radius Shop Address: 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen. Contact: Matthew Theron 015 307 3173
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Mecurius Motors For the best deals visit us at 38 Peace street, Tzaneen For new and used vehicles and parts Sep306____________________________
Torga Optical Summer vision Eye Test R150 2 Complete pairs (frame + lenses) Single view from R950 Multifocal from R2700 015 307 2299 Sep307____________________________
Roentes 4D Ultrasound Polokwane 015 291 2275
Aug405 ___________________________
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment Mechanical Erectors Ventilation Carports General welding Alf Wandrag 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
Grabba Cycles Winter Clearance Sale For all your bicycle needs visit our shop at 35 Boundary Street grabbasports@gmail.com Brendon 082 449 8778
We will beat any written quote!!
Your partner in home building!
015 307 7168
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!! Kham Avalante Travel and Tours Arrive Safely and on Time Tzaneen to Hoedspruit R150 single R250 return Tzaneen to Phalaborwa R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Polokwane R100 single R150 return Tzaneen to Pretoria R300 single R550 Return Polokwane to Pretoria R250 single R450 Return 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 SMS 072 795 1770 Email:khamshuttle@kgomozadrivingschool.co.za WhatsApp: KHAMAVALANTE’SHUTTLE @072 7951770
BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS for PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES FILING SEASON FOR 2014 WILL START ON 1/7/2014:MAKE SURE YOURS WILL BE FILED ON TIME. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Monthly & Annual Accounting. Management accounts. Compiling of Financial Statements Independent Reviews Registration of Companies BBBEE certificates for Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME) Returns for: 8.1 Income tax 8.2 Vat 8.3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law. Contact Harold Butler Member of:- SAIPA 17832, SAIBA 2041 & SAIT 11055797. Registered Tax Practitioner-PR C97971B At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320. Sep302_____________________
Toilet Friend Odour Free Toilet Toilet Friend removes odours from your toilet Cost effective No Maintenance Hygienic No chemicals Dawid 082 798 4231 Sep111 ___________________________
Services Dienste
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com. Jan203________________________
Plumbwise Don’t think twice call Plumwise Service is our pride Bathroom renovations and make-overs Geyser repairs and replacements Leak repairs – Unblocking of drain system General Plumbing maintenance 083 289 5235 Roelof 015 307 7168
Aug206 ___________________________
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com
071 063 4983 24 Hour
Emergency Plumber
Your clean home is our business You phone. We deliver. For free. 078 294 7272 071 153 1634 082 881 1914 info@rhinochem.co.za
Aug403 _____________________
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Services Dienste
YES! • Do it with hypnosis – the tried and tested way.
Vyna Tarpaulins No job too big or too small Picking bags, citrus trailer covers Truck boat and pool covers Cargo nets Ect. Contact us on 015 293 2778 Fax 015 293 0057
Services Dienste
Jul210 ____________________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998
Services Dienste
Salary Management Service Debt stress We can help Reduce your monthly installment and interest rates Stop legal action against you Protect your assist 015 307 2772 16 Morgan Street
Mei507 ___________________________
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061
Christies Inn Guesthouse Bed en Ontbyt Spesiale ontbyte (vooraf bespreek) Konferensie fasiliteite vir klein groepe 015 306 0243 / 082 826 2517 32 Aqualaan Faks 015 306 0243 www.christiesinn.co.za christiesinn@telkomsa.net
Sep208 ___________________________
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Contact: Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936
JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Lentetyd! ‘n Tyd vir nuwe lewe, nuwe besluite, nuwe idees? • En jy is gereed om op te hou met rook? VERSEKER! • Doen dit met hipnose – die beproefde manier. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie-medies)
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
Cuentas Accounting + Tax Services For all your accounting & taxation needs Taxation Accounting Debtors New companies Payroll Creditors Financials Audit prep. 083 753 2084 / 072 231 0522 info@cuentas.co.za www.cuentas.co.za
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________
For Hire Te Huur
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
For Sale Te Koop
Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956
Bruce Allan - 083 417 4026 3.0 TOYOTA Highlux 4x4 2012
R285 900
2.4 Nissan NP 300 4x4 2010
Vakante poste Accounting Officer/ Chartered Accountant Tax Practitioner Position available at a fast growing business. Note only fully qualified persons may apply Experience 3 – 4 years at least in above mentioned field required Excellent business opportunity for a driven person Send CV’s to zelnagevers@ gmail.com
Vleiskombuis BK is op soek na die dienste van ‘n kantoor dame wat die verantwoordlikheid ten volle kan behartig. Pastel kennis is ‘n aanbeveling maar nie ‘n vereiste. Salaris onderhandelbaar. E-pos CV’s na wswanepoel@ xpn.co.za / rabad@mweb. co.za Skakel: 071 206 4371
Sep301 ___________________________
LETABA SPCA/DBV VACANCY: INSPECTOR 1. 2 Page cv 2. S a citizen id 3. Must have compassion for animals 4. Be able to work with animals 5. Valid drivers license 6. Police clearance 7. Training contract 8. Salary will be discussed with approved applicants during interview 9. Closing date 30th September 2014 10. Submit applications to fax: 086 671 0768 or email letabaspca@mweb.co.za
For Hire Te Huur
Services Dienste
VEEBOER ‘n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ‘n Veeboer met bewese kennis en ondervinding in die praktiese toepassing van veeboerdery beginsels, asook kennis van veesiektes en die behandeling daarvan. Kandidate met ‘n tersiêre landbou kwalifikasie of beroepsgerigte opleiding sal voorkeur geniet. Rekenaarvaardigheid en ‘n geldige rybewys is ‘n voorvereiste terwyl kennis van Afrika-tale as aanbeveling sal dien. Indien u kwalifiseer stuur u CV na werwing@zz2online.com of per faks na 086 608 4824. Die maatskappy bied ‘n markverwante vergoedingspakket, ingeslote huisvesting, aan. Die poste is in die Limpopo Provinsie beskikbaar. Navrae: Johan Du Plessis by 083 676 0390 of Piet Dreyer by 083 628 0443. Sluitingsdatum 26/09/2014 Besoek ons webtuiste by: www.zz2.co.za
R165 900
Lannie Motors Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
1 Set 4 Genuine Ford/Maz mag alloy rims 15inch 4 hole as new with 205 50 R15 Tyres 50% used R5 000 O.N.C O 082 576 7980
Nuwe Nissan
Skakel my gerus vir goeie en vriendelike diens.
Mauritz Deysel 072 615 2146 Canopy for Nissan NP 300 with doors R8500-00, Canopy for land Cruiser lwb R6500-00, Canopy without windows for Nissan 1400 R3000-00 and 1 Canopy For Isuzu doubble cab with doors R2000-00 and 1 Canopy for Isuzu dubble cab with side doors and built with metal for R3500-00. 4x mags with 3 X 205/60/R13 tyre’s for Ford Bantam for R3900-00 VERY GOOD CONDITION and 4 x R14 mags for R2000-00 Skakel Anette 083 276 7872 015 307 6741
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the classified
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Bulletin 19 September 2014
Dié atlete van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het vir die skool se landloopspan (LLSV) gekwalifiseer, wat beteken dat hulle na al die byeenkomste in die toptien geëinding het. Agter is Mark Mafambe, Christelle Coetzer en Joné du Toit. In die middelry is Drikus du Toit en Anika du Toit en voor staan Junior Marobela en Fortune Sehlabane.
Reg: 2007/008144/07
PO Box 2420, Tzaneen, 0850, South Africa | Office No. 63 • Cascades Building, Tzaneen Tel: +27 15 307 3296 • Fax: +27 15 307 4954 | Email: info@gteda.co.za | Website: www.gteda.co.za About GTEDA: GTEDA is a Municipal Entity established by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in terms of Chapter 10 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) with the mandate to facilitate and therefore promote economic development within the Greater Tzaneen Municipal area. GTEDA receives additional financial assistance from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and its operations are in accordance with the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality as its Shareholder. Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) on a five (5) year fixed term performance based contract subject to an Annual Performance Agreement in the following vacant position.
1 X CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) Remuneration: Remuneration package will be paid as per determination of upper limits of salaries, allowances and benefits as set out by the Minister Responsible for Local Government from time to time in line with Bargaining Council Agreement signed with the South African Local Government Association (SALGA). Responsibilities: The CEO will be responsible for directing, consolidating and managing GTEDA’s corporate strategy, business plan and objectives. Requirements: • Postgraduate qualification in Business/Management. • Five (5) years’ experience in a senior management of which at least two (2) years should have been within the public or local government services sector. • Understanding and application of marketing, communications and public relations best practice. • Understanding and application of the five strategic objectives of the Limpopo Province as per the Growth Development Strategy. • Knowledge and understanding of contracts. • Knowledge and understanding of Company Law and Prescripts governing the Local Government environment. • Knowledge and understanding of Economic Development, Financial Structuring, Investment and Trade Facilitation Best Practice. • Knowledge, experience and understanding of the implementation of economic strategies. Key Responsibilities: • Derive, develop and implement GTEDA’s corporate strategy in consonance with national, provincial and local development strategies and priorities. • Develop and implement policies and procedures to provide a complete framework for the execution of business objectives. • Monitor compliance of investors, trade partners and stakeholders through existing legislation and initiate well documented impact assessments. • Manage individual and team performance and compliance with all relevant policies and procedures. • Develop individual and team competence. • Introduce measures to create and maintain favourable working conditions. • Sound management of GTEDA in accordance with Financial Management Best Practice and Corporate Governance. • Direct actions of the GTEDA team and create a climate conducive for the attainment of business objectives. • Oversee the establishment of adequate governance structures to support the attainment of business objectives. Interested persons must forward their comprehensive CVs accompanied by a covering letter clearly marked for the attention of Mrs MF MUSHWANA, BOARD CHAIRPERSON: GREATER TZANEEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency reserves the right not to appoint. If posted: PO Box 2420 Tzaneen 0850
If hand delivered: Sapekoe Avenue, GTEDA, Office No.63 & 64, Human Resource Management Tzaneen, 0850
NB: 1. No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted. 2. Applications submitted after the closing date will not be considered. 3. Applicants who are not contacted within 30 days from the closing date should deem their application unsuccessful. Enquiries : Ms MM RABOTHATA Tel: 015 307 3296/5312
Closing Date: 19 September 2014 at 12:00
Vyf van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se landloopatlete het aan die ASA se landloopkampioenskappe in George as deel van die Limpopospan deelgeneem. Voor is Joné du Toit, Drikus du Toit en Anika du Toit en agter staan Janco Coetzee en Christelle Coetzer.
Plasies vs Vossies lewer taai stryd die oorlogspad en het net 46 beurte nodig gehad om die besoekers vir 191 uit te boul. Asad Patel (4 paaltjies) en Kulani Baloyi en Johan Louw (2 paaltjies elk) was die Plasies se grofgeskut met die harde rooi bal. Vir die Vossies het Don Radebe weer die oog gevang, met sy stewige bydrae van 58 n.u.n., wat ongelukkig nie sy span kon deurtrek nie. Merensky het dus die wedfstryd gemaklik met 56 lopies gewen. Die o.15A’s het op Ben Vorster se veld gespeel, waar die tuisspan eerste gekolf en 166 lopies almal uit aangeteken het. James Modiba het 35 lopies aangeteken en WC Kriel 25. Merensky is daarna ingestuur om die wilgerlat te swaai en is almal uitgeboul vir 135. Tristin du Preez en Gustav Prinsloo het elkeen 3 Plasie-paaltjies laat kantel. Die Red Caps het die wedstryd met 29 lopies gewen. Richard Coleman met 56 lopies was die Plasies se beste kolwer en Viraj Devdhara (6 paaltjies) en Pieter van Rooyen (2 paaltjies) was die Plasies se beste boulers. Plasieland se tweede span het ook Rynard de Lange van Merensky het weer die tuis teen die eerste span van die naweek gewys dat hy baie tuis is op ‘n krieketveld. Sy boulaksie bewys steeds dat hy baie potensiaal Hoërskool Frans du Toit gespeel. het. Hier koes hy vir ‘n wipbal van Merensky is ingestuur om eerste die Vossies. Die twee spanne het nie te kolf en teken 287 almal uit aan. gehuiwer om alles in die stryd te werp Hierna is Frans du Toit vir slegs 101 in hul kragmeting nie. lopies uitgeboul. Merensky het dus die wedstryd op ‘n drafstap met 186 lopies gewen. Die tuisspan se beste kolwers was Alex Jardim (56) en S Ishani (32), terwyl Ruurd Jacobs (5 paaltjies) en Alex Jardim (3 paaltjies) hul beste bouers was. Die Vossies se tweede span het PHS se tweeds ook die naweek gemaklik met 8 paaltjies gewen. Die Vossies het PHS vir 136 lopies uitgeknikker. Eben Roos het 67 lopies aangeteken. Caelen Retief het 39 n.u.n. aangeteken.
Die eerste krieketspanne van Tzaneen se twee hoërskole het mekaar die naweek in ‘n spannenede wedstryd goed opgekeil. Merensky het die kragmeting uiteindelik loshande gewen. In die jaarlikse derby tussen die twee “vyande” het hul o.15-spanne mekaar ook gepak en in dié wedstryd het Merensky die onderspit teen ‘n begeesterde Vossie-elftal gedelf. Die eerste spanne het op Merensky se gesellige ovaal gespeel. Die gashere het die loot verloor en is ingestuur om eerste te kolf. Merensky se kolwers het ‘n stewige 247 lopies in die toegelate 50 beurte vir die verlies van 7 paaltjies aangeteken. Die besoekers se Don Radebe en Phillip Bester was die Black Caps se beste boulers en het elkeen drie paaltjies laat kantel. Merensky se beste kolwers was Johan Louw met 53 lopies en Rynard de Lange met 37. Na middagete het die Vossies toe voor die penne gaan staan, maar Merensky was op
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Don Radebe van die Vossies se Black Caps was uitstekend met die bal én die kolf, maar sy bydraes was nie genoeg om sy span deur te trek nie.
19 September 2014
Binneshuise gholf maak buiging by Merensky
Graeme Harty (wicket keeper) of Stanford Lake College’s first cricket team notched up his first ton with some brilliant batting, in their match against PHS in Polokwane. He scored 104 off only 70 balls. Graeme was really excellent to watch with the bat, as he was striking the ball to all corners of the field, and also managing to keep the strike while batting with the number 11. His 104 included 19 fours and 2 sixes. Well done on a great knock! Despite his contribution SLC lost the match by 5 wickets.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se nuwe gholfklubhuis — “The Bunker” — is tydens ‘n spogfgeleentheid amptelik geopen. Borge, ouers, onderwysers en leerlinge kon nie wag om die nuwe geriewe te beskou en te toets nie. In The Bunker is daar van navorsingsboeke tot nabootsers wat presies toon wat met jou tegniek skort, en hoe elke hou verbeter kan word. Ruan Roets van NTK het die aand se kompetisie vir die verste dryfhou gewen, toe hy die wit balletjie 274 meter laat trek het. The Bunker sal oop wees vir die publiek tot en met 30 September. Almal is welkom om hul gholftegniek hier te kom opknap. Vir ‘n gratis oefensessie op die nabootser, bel die skool se gholforganiseerder, mnr Stefan Nawrattel, by 072 196 2812. Regs: Rynard de Lange (onderkaptein van die skool se gholfspan), mnr Stefan Nawrattel (afrigter), mnr Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof) en Dylan Mnr S Nawrattel, die afrigter van Luis (kaptein van die skoolspan) is hier tydens die Merensky se gholfspeler, maak hier reg seremonie waar die skoolhoof die lint geknip het, om ‘n oefenhou na die net te moker. om die nuwe klubhuis amptelik te open.
An inspiration to all! Bowls, it is often said, is for all ages, from nine to ninety! Duiwelskloof Bowls Club’s eldest member, Mr Cliff Atherstone, turned 90 on Saturday 13 September. A celebration in his honour was held at the club. One of the club’s loyal and longstanding members, Leon de Wet, showed another of his talents and wrote the following poem as a tribute to a remarkable bowls player.
Oubal wil vandag vir Eerwaarde Vlieg om verskoning vra dat Oubal in sy handelinge met sportpersoonlikhede dikwels ‘n gebrek aan Christelike naasteliefde toon. Oubal reken hy is nogal skuldig daaraan dat hy boekhou van sportsondes, maar hy wil die Eerwaarde verwys na 1 Samuel 4:18 ter illustrasie van wat kan gebeur as ‘n mens jou geliefdes die roede spaar! ‘Tja, Oubal het self nie gedink Heyneke sal Oubal se woorde so ter harte neem dat hy sommer self vir Morné Steyn metafories gesproke op die dorpsplein teregstel nie. Om Pollie van die Paarl teen die magtige AB’s te verhef tot begin-losskakel met Morné nie eers op die bank as rugsteun nie, was volgens Oubal die dapperste daad van Heyneke tot op hede. Maar Oubal dink dit was ‘n logiese gevolg — Pollie spog in sy kort loopbaan met vier agtereenvolgende oorwinnings oor die Junior AB’s en is gevolglik nie geknelter deur vrees vir Kiwi’s nie. Oubal dink hy was Saterdag
True scholar & gentleman! I was asked to put a few words together About a man who will hopefully live forever If not on this earth that prides his name Then in the hearts & minds of those that remain. It has been my privilege to have known this man For the past 3 years of his 90 year lifespan. Although it’s only been for a very short time The honour of his acquaintance is entirely mine! I understand that he joined the Duiwelskloof Bowling club in 2004 A stalwart member of 10 years, so say we all, As we witness how he is the first to greet members
uitstekend vir die Bokke en hy kan maar sy tasse pak vir 2015 se Wêreldbeker in Engeland. Koebaai, Morné! Oubal kan egter nooit ‘n verloor as ‘n wen beskou nie, al was dit ook hoe naby. Tog dink Oubal ons kan groter tevredenheid put uit die Bokke se vertoning teen die AB’s as met enige ander wedstryd vanjaar. Hulle bly die maatstaf en die tekens is daar dat ons binnekort die bordjies kan verhang. Oubal is redelik seker dat nog een of twee veranderings aan die span die Bokke onstuitbaar kan maak. Oubal hoop dus dat Heyneke nou Oubal se ander raad ook sal volg. Oubal het reeds uitgewys watse remskoen Bismarck vir die Bokke geword het, wat Saterdag bevestig is toe hy Strauss as haker vervang het. Tot op daardie punt het die Bokke die lynstane oorheers en gehalte balbesit verseker. Hulle was in ‘n dominerende posisie om die AB’s die nekslag toe te dien, maar met Bismarck se patetiese ingooie het ons onsself vir die tweede agtereenvolgende week gekelder.
at the club, And not a single person does he snub. A gentler man you will be at lengths to find A man of endless smiles and a face so kind An inspiration to each and every single one of us To have simply known him is a huge plus. On the green this man bowls from the hip Much to the amazement of his bewildered skip But don’t doubt his forearm or back hand attack As 9 times out of 10 his wood will be on the jack! Always ready to share a laugh & a smile This man has definitely gone that extra mile A bit hard of hearing on the green
Die Bismarck het ges(t)ink! Oubal dink Heyneke behoort sy plaasvervangerbeleid ook in heroorweging te neem en tydens die wedstryd slegs veranderings aan te bring as die omstandighede daarvoor vra. Dit sou ons Saterdag die Bismarck-fiasko gespaar het. Oubal wil verder aanbeveel dat Heyneke die Leeus-WiePie?-wedstryd van verlede Saterdag noukeurig gaan bestudeer, want dit was ‘n bloudruk van hoe die spel gespeel kan word. Dit was vir Oubal ‘n genot om te aanskou hoe twee spanne tagtig minute lank ‘n hoëtempo wedstryd speel, die bal dra en nie verval in ‘n knaende hoogskop-en-hoop benadering nie.
But no greater sportsman have you ever seen. A scholar & a gentleman oh that is for sure A true inspiration, I stand in absolute awe My father would be the same age now as you You are my new role model I now follow too! This gentle giant is truly an honour to have known This incredible man called Mr Cliff Atherstone! And I am certain you will all agree & concur When I simply say... “We Salute You Sir!” As you celebrate this milestone of your birth We wish you many more happy years on this earth To Cliff Atherstone happy, healthy 90th Birthday, I sincerely hope you have a stunning day!
Albei spanne verdien gelukwensing daarvoor. ‘Tja, dit het nie Oubal se aandag ontsnap dat spelers met 7’s-ervaring deurslaggewende rolle in dié skouspel gespeel het nie, en daar is in albei spanne spelers wat hard aan die Bokdeur klop. Oubal dink byvoorbeeld Heyneke sal nie ‘n fout maak deur daai hondsdol bosvark, Armand van der Merwe, in Bismarck se plek nader te trek nie! Ten slotte dui alles vir Oubal daarop dat ‘n Bok nie in ‘n honderdste toets moet speel nie. Tot dusver het ons vyf gehad en slegs Victor Matfield was aan die wenkant. Oubal stel dus voor dat net soos wat sommige wolkekrabbers nie ‘n dertiende verdieping het nie, ‘n speler na sy 99ste toets direk spring na nommer 101. Oubal deel gevolglik Richie McCaw se siening oor Jean de Villiers in sy huldeblyk — geluk met die 101ste, ou Grote! “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.” — Jim Rohn