20 March 2015
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
is enough!
Hawkers next to the R71 will be removed, pledged the Limpopo Department of Roads — but the Tzaneen business community and residents say hawkers are taking over in town and it must be stopped. Read our report on page 3.
annual open water swim is TOMORROW
‘n Man(netjie) en sy perd...
en baie pryse. Op bladsy 14 word sy en ander ruiters se prestasies aangekondig
Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks
10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
The Ebernezer Mile
Dit is nie aldag dat mens ‘n dokter so sien nie. Dr Gary Middleton van Tzaneen was een van die Tzaneeners wat aan die Cape Epic Bergfietswedren deelgeneem het. Lees volgende week van sy helde-optrede vir ‘n plaaslike skool
20 March 2015
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
“In a distant and second-hand set of dimensions, in an astral plane that was never meant to fly, the curling star-mists waver and part… See… Great A’Tuin the Turtle comes, swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf, hydrogen frost on his ponderous limbs, his huge and ancient shell pocked with meteor craters. Through sea-sized eyes that are crusted with rheum and asteroid dust He stares fixedly at the Destination.” The first paragraph of the Prologue of, The Colour of Magic. 1983. Or what Vlieg likes to call, the Genesis of Vlieg’s literacy. This was the first of forty novels in the Discworld series, created by sir Terry Pratchett, amongst thirty other books he wrote or co-authored. Sir Terry was cured of his Alzheimer’s disease, or as he used to call it, his embuggerance, last week when Death arrived and took him away to where-ever, at the arguable youthful age of sixty six. Therefore, Great A’Tuin the Turtle has stopped swimming with the Weight of four elephants Berilia, Tubul, Great T’Phon and Jerakeen on its back, carrying the Discworld. There
Ill memoriam
are no more mysterious moun- ing. Crivens! Even the River tains and no more water spilling Ankh has stopped stinking! over the Rimfall. The tyranny For those, like Vlieg, who lived of the city of Ankh-Morpork, in awe of the greatest author this is no more. The tyrant of the Ballworld has ever produced, in city, Lord Vetinari will never awe of how he battled with his again send his secretary, mister memory and despite his disease Drumknott, to find the day’s wrote his last few books during crossword puzzle, nor will he his clearer moments, this world be visiting Lady Margolotta will never be the same again. in Uberwald late at night any “The world is changing and it more. No more Diamond King needs its shepherds and someof Trolls or Rhys Rhysson, Low times its butchers. And in this King of the Dwarfs. No dwarf case, I’m its shepherd. Your enwill ever mine a single gem again. No troll will ever heal a wound again. The clacks are quiet and the goblins who operated them so effectively, gone. Commander Vimes will never be bothered again by the Guild of Assassins, nor will Nobby Nobbs have to make another arrest. Moist von Lipwig invented the postal service, money and banks Do you not to no avail. It seems that that a man is not Archchancellor Ridcully while his name is still of Unseen University and the other Chairs of Faculty have finally mas- Sir Terry Pratchett tered magic, for they too, have now disappeared. It seems like the Nac Mac Feegle terprise has been noted. And have stopped fighting, which all that anyone can say now is: means they are gone, because What next? What little thing will even death does not mean that a change the world because little Nac Mac Feegle will stop fight- tinkers carried on tinkering?”
The last paragraph of his fortieth and last book in the Discworld series, Raising Steam. 2013. Or, off course, the Revelation of Vlieg’s literacy. Thank you sir for your inspiration and for keeping Vlieg, albeit arguably, sane! Terry Pratchett is dead. Long live Terry Pratchett. Terry Pratchett wisdom: “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving” “Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show.” “Trouble is always easy to find when you have enough people looking for it.” “The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming around and trying to put things in it.” “Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.” “Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.” “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” “The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp.” “The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they’ve found it.”
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
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In a media release the relatively new mayor of the (‘bankrupt’) Mopani District Municipality stated “Our reputation has now been restored”. • Question: What does it really take to restore a reputation?
Sampie En Alida Liversage Much more that what has (or has not) taken place to restore their reputation. A good reputation goes hand in hand with respect and trust. Respect and trust can only be earned. So,... how has “Our reputation now been restored”? Dirk Stoltz IV Your reputation is, by definition, the estimation in which a person or organisation is held, especially by the community or public in general. Therefore
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Die relatief nuwe burgemeester van die (‘bankrot’) Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit het in ‘n mediavrystelling gesê: “Our reputation has now been restored”. • Vraag: Wat behels dit werklik om ‘n reputasie in ere te herstel?
the only thing any person or organisation can Al wat ek gaan byvoeg: kom ons hoop hulle do is to enhance their reputation by doing streef daarna om wel ‘n goeie reputasie op te the right things right. The MDM has only just bou! started doing that and due to their past it will take quite some time to build a reputation to The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views be proud of! and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of Dirk Stoltz IV My Pa, Dirk Stoltz, sê vroeër dat people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who die MDM nog nooit reputasie gehad het take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or nie, dus is hulle reputasie herstel na die to be insulting towards others. Respect the facts of a situation. Avoid gossip. beste wat dit nog ooit was!
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06:06 18:13 44%
Enkeie vespreide reën. Bewolk in die oggend.Warm
Vroeër reën buie. Hoë wolke. Warm
Hoë wolke. Warm
Sonnig en baie warm
Woensdag Donderdag Sonnig en warm
Meestal sonskyn. Warm
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 77.4%
Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
Blyde Rivier Poort
100.4% 102.8%
Tours 84.4%
Vergelegen Ohrigstad 100.7%
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 16/03/2015
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20 March 2015
Hawkers: Enough is enough
Alex Smit en Marguerite Badenhorst is onlangs by die Fairview River Lodge in die huwelik bevestig, deur ds Henk Joubert van die Ned Herv Kerk. Marguerite is die dogter van Moekie en Ben Badenhorst van Tzaneen en Alex is die seun van Nina en wyle Johan Smit van Polokwane. Die paartjie sal in Polokwane vestig.
The ruling authority in Tzaneen is the GTM and not the informal traders! If the GTM does not have the will to bring back law and order, the community — especially the formal, commercial community — will take action. Enough is enough and we will no longer be ruled by hawkers. This is how a prominent businessman with more than one business and a number of properties in Tzaneen’s central business district reacted after Monday’s meeting of Tzaneen Business against Crime. It is now clear that businessmen and -women in the CBD are not prepared to take it any longer that they are regulated, whilst hawkers do as they like. It is es-
timated that 150 to 200 hawkers that it is clear that action can are actively trading in Tzaneen, no longer be delayed. Memwith only 44 being licenced to bers of the SAPS attended the meeting and some of them also trade in designated areas. added to the frustraPavements have become inaccessible, tions that they experienced as a result pick pocketing is a huge problem in esof the out-of-control hawker situation. pecially Danie JouMr Kenny bert Street, vehicles are being damaged Makhubele from the GTM disclosed, by either greedy parking assistants much to the shock who demand monof the people in attendance, that the ey from motorists or GTM’s traffic officers by hawkers on the were unwilling to act pavements, hygiene Makhubele against the hawkers. in certain areas is at an all-time low etcetera. This will, however, be rectified, At Monday’s meeting the he said. The GTM’s environchairman of Business against mental health officer, Ms PaCrime, Mr Solly Masetla, said tience Mboweni, said the rules
and regulations to control the informal traders are in place, albeit old rules and regulations. The process to obtain the names of hawkers with permits, get an accurate description of the designated areas for hawkers and to promote proper liaison between the GTM, Business against Crime, the SAPS and other role players will be co-ordinated by Ms Mandie de Nysschen. She is acting as secretary as well and she is driving the new initiative with a lot of enthusiasm. It will be interesting to see what the next few weeks will bring, regarding the totally unacceptable situation with a free-for-all hawkers situation in and even around Tzaneen.
Strong support for Care Group The Tzaneen Care Group enjoyed excellent support at a function held at the Fairview convention centre last week, which was attended by more than 260 people. More than fifty sponsors came forward to the benefit of the group, who acquired new premises where its caregiving will be operating from in future. The house in 36 Maritz Street was gifted by an anonymous benefactor. The group also received a surprise donation of R50 000 from Smit Garrun. The Tzaneen Care Group is a non profit company with limited resources solely
reliant on the goodwill and generosity of the community. Volunteers act as caregivers in that they offer emotional, moral and financial support to local cancer patients. The group was founded in 1989 and in recent years has built up stock consisting of wheel chairs, hospital beds, mattresses, commodes, walkers and crutches to name a few. Currently it cares for more than eighty patients. Their vision for the new house is to offer and care for cancer patients at all times maintaining a sense of respect and dignity for any person being tested, says chairman Yasmeen Moosa.
Members of the Tzaneen Care Group are (front) Mss Juanine Jackson, Gerda Drewes and Sonia de Witt. At the back are Mss Salome Meyer, Magda Bootha, Yasmeen Moosa (chairperson), Evelyn Klinkert, Mia de Bruyn, Halima Gouse, Tracy Pratt, Macushla Muller, Melissa Strydom, Yolande Firaz and Wendy Coleman.
20 March 2015
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• Exploitive leases
Government will act! The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) has set out to assist beneficiaries of land reform who are being exploited by cheap lease agreements, tying them up for years (sometimes decades) in contracts without any benefit. In Limpopo it is mainly restitution farms being targeted by unscrupulous business people who lease farms for a mere fraction of the real value without any training, empowerment or partnership opportunities to the land claimants. Acknowledging that the department itself is also to blame, an official of the DRDLR said in Polokwane this week that farmer development and land reform should be better coordinated, and beneficiaries should be served with better post settlement support. Lack of support causes many beneficiaries to suffer financial and social difficulties which tempt them to abandon the farms, even to to sell it. The department’s habit of not paying market related prices in land reform transactions, also destroys access to financing for both beneficiaries and farmers remaining in the area, as collateral gets eroded. Lease agreements are then based not on true market value, but on the value payed by the state, which seldom allows for a feasible or fair income. While complementing farmers in the Mopa-
The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Elliot Mathye - elliot@bulletin.us.com
Additional time for 3 Three men accused of theft, armed robbery, hijacking and illegally possessing a firearm were sentenced to five years each by the Tzaneen Regional Court. Jean Pierie Potgieter (24) was sentenced to five years imprisonment for theft, while Karabo Desire Lebea (29) and Lisbon Bonny Ndlala (32) — both from Relela Village outside Tzaneen — were also sentenced to five years imprisonment for theft and ten more for armed robbery. The two were also declared unfit to possess firearms. The additional ten years for Ndlala and Lebea relate to their involvement in a car hijacking plot that took place last year at Makanye Village, outside Polokwane, where they fled with a white Polo Vivo which they took at gunpoint. Lebea and Ndlala reportedly also committed a planned robbery near Standard Bank in Tzaneen, where Potgieter was to deposit the stolen money. They were arrested the same day. During the arrests, part of the money and the hijacked vehicle were recovered.
Haenertsburg arrests 19 Police in Haenertsburg arrested nineteen people for various criminal activities over the past two weeks: seventeen people were arrested for contravening the Road Traffic Act, one for being in possession of dagga, and one for assault GBH.
Bolobedu detains 83 Bolobedu Police arrested 83 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week: three suspects were arrested for murder, 44 for public drinking, four for housebreaking and theft, two for rape, two for shoplifting, fifteen for assault GBH, three for common assault, two for business robbery, two for drunken driving, two for possessing stolen property and the rest for common robbery, crimen injuria, armed robbery and violating a protection order.
Child murderer arrested A 34-year-old man, Mohale David Maenetsa, was arrested late last week after he kidnapped
ni district with some of the most innovating and successful farmer development programs in the country, the DRDLR said that there is a clear distinction between farmer-to-farmer cooperation, where commercial farmers like ZZ2, Bosveld Citrus and Halls & Sons engage land reform beneficiaries in active partnerships like in Mooketsi, Georges Valley and Hoedspruit on the one hand, and exploitive lease agreements where non-farmers pay peanuts for a lifestyle break away lodge and hunting playgrounds such as Inkonka, Koedoes River Valley and Phalaborwa. At some of these farms the beneficiaries are being paid 0,4% of the value of the land per annum, and not even being paid that regularly every month. While investigating these exploitive leases, the department realized that claimants need legal assistance as they are up against some of the most notorious legal firms in the country, who were also involved in the spectacular failures in Letsitele Valley and elsewhere in Mopani where both government, banks and beneficiaries lost hundreds of millions of rands. The department also referred to offers from Game Ranching SA, the sugar industry and various other commodity organisations to render professional assistance to beneficiaries to land reform, partnering up with them and ensuring sustainable outcomes.
and murdered 9-year-old Ria Letsoalo. The incident happened at Medingeng Village in Bolobedu. The deceased and her 7-year-old brother were reportedly left in the care of the suspect while their mother attended a funeral two weeks ago. Maemetsa was reportedly dating the mother. The Police followed up on information provided by members of the community. Maenetsa was arrested along the Modjadjiskloof/Polokwane road, allegedly on his way to Gauteng. Upon his arrest, he led the police to an isolated bushy area outside the village where the body of the deceased was found buried in a shallow grave. Maenetsa appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrates’ Court early in the week on charges of housebreaking, murder and kidnapping. His case has been remanded to later in the month for a formal bail application.He was reportedly wanted for another murder, two assaults, theft, and two housebreakings in Bolobedu.The cause of the victims’ death is yet to be determined by the post-mortem and the motive behind the killing is unknown.
The SA Library Week theme for 2015 is “Connect @ Your Library.” Libraries allow people to connect with books, with ideas and with one another. The Greater Tzaneen Libraries all have free internet for the public, except the Tzaneen Library which is soon to be connected as well. In the photo librarians Mike Rameetse and Rosina Rachidi are happy to pose with voracious reader Andrew Marx. Library staff decided to give a LIASA Library Week
2015 T-shirt to the first person entering the Tzaneen Library on the first day of Library Week (16 March). Mr. Marx was just the right person to receive the gift as he loves reading and spends much of his time in the library, quietly reading. During Library Week colouring pictures with a reading theme are available free to all children entering the library. They can colour in at the library, or take the pictures home. Steadying his saligna pieces on a rock in the park near the Tzaneen Information Centre is Mr Andrew Tembo (29). While he saws his wood he explains that he has a showroom in one of the Information thatched huts but his warehouse and workshop is in Ofcolaco. Tembo left his home in Blantyre, Malawi, for greener pastures five years ago and settled in the Ofcolaco area. He’d excelled at carpentry at school and used this gift to start up what’s now a successful wicker business. He employs two South Africans and two Malawians. Using Saligna, cane and bamboo they make beautiful furniture from kists to chairs, drawers, headboards and tables. His partner Ms Mamsy Mohlala (28) from Sekororo in Maruleng is his marketing manager. Mohlala went to school in Giyani and studied Human Resources through Unisa. Tembo supplies Limpopo hardware stores from Tzaneen to Polokwane and Hoedspruit. — Sue Ettmayr
The local police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, says the damage is estimated at millions of rands. Cases of public violence, arson, malicious damage to property and assault with intend to do grievous bodily harm have been opened. Investigations are underway. — Glacier Nkhwashu
Police hunt down fraudsters
M’kloof jails 13 The police in Modjadjiskloof arrested thirteen suspects for various criminal activities over the past week: four people were arrested The Police appeal to the community at large to be wary of the four for assault GBH, three for possession of fraudsters operating in and around Tzaneen. dagga, three for prostitution and three for The police in Tzaneen have launched a contravening the Liquor Act. massive manhunt for four fraudsters who Distraught family wants have been terrorising members of the community in and around Tzaneen. answers Three women — Malwande Gxogxa The distraught family of Solly Mkansi (45) (25), Bontle Libate (26) and Zimbabwean is desperately seeking answers after he was national Vongai Beanga Tirivaviri (32) recently found lying dead at the back of his — and a man believed to be in his early one-roomed house. thirties have been linked to a number of Mkansi, who was a fisherman and sold scams in the area and are on the run from vegetables on the streets of Mandlakazi in police. According to police reports, cases N’wa-Mitwa using his old bicycle, was found dating back to last year have been opened. with stab wounds all over his body and a The four have allegedly already defrauded deep cut on his head. He was covered with people to an amount of R130 000. The suspects are committing fraud in a yellow sheet. The 45-year-old’s death triggered violence various ways through the mobile banking of in the village. His friend, a tavern owner cell-phone banking systems. Their methods who reportedly informed the family include using fake ID books to apply for and community that Mkansi was killed personal loans at banks, accessing people’s after winning a dice game at his tavern, mobile banking accounts to transfer money was brutally assaulted by the family and into their own bank accounts and promising community members. His double storey people quick personal loans in return for an house and tavern were torched, including advance payment. The Police urge anyone with information his parents’ apartments, and he is now in hospital. According to Ms Florah Mashele, that might help bust the criminal syndicate Mkansi’s aunt, the tavern owner said he was to contact D\const Andrew Ngobeni on 073 618 7850 or 082 708 3345, Col James Espach present at the killing.
on 082 451 7169, the nearest police station, the Police Crime Stop number 08600 10111 or the crime line 32211.
Missing child sparks violence An elderly woman and her family in Sekgopo outside Modjadjiskloof are seeking protection from the police after community members threatened to burn them alive. The woman is accused of orchestrating the abduction of 5-year-old Lethabile Rakubu, a Gr R pupil at Moshate Village in the area. The five-year-old reportedly left her place for school early last week. She was last seen playing outside the school with her friends. The community reportedly consulted prophets and a sangoma for help. According to Matome Mamohlale from the Sekgopo Traditional Council, the prophets and sangoma gave the community members a description of the person who kidnapped the child. “They said the kidnapper was young, light in complexion and liked wearing All Star shoes,” Mamohlale told Bulletin. “The picture painted by the sangoma was exactly of the woman’s grandson,” he added. The community reportedly looked for the elderly woman’s grandson in the area, and when they could not find him, they went to her homestead. Another one of the grandchildren told the protesting community that the elderly woman arrived home with a baby on her back the same week. “What the child said about the granny made the community believe what the sangoma and prophets predicted,” said Mamohlale. The community reportedly surrounded the elderly woman’s house and threw stones, but did not burn her as they wanted her to reveal the location of the child. “The elderly woman told the crowd that she was not carrying a child but a cat when she arrived home that evening, and that she is used to doing,” said one community member. “It was almost horrific when the community confronted her,” added the member. The Police reportedly rescued the woman and her family from being burnt alive. The family has since been taken to a place of safety. The police are also in search for the child. The Limpopo Police spokeswoman, Colonel Ronel Otto, confirmed a missing case has been opened. The Police are still investigating the disappearance of the child. — Glacier Nkhwashu
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Tzaneen se nuwe swembad net betyds klaar vir die winter!
Bouwerk aan Tzaneen se munisipale swembad in Crownstraat is reeds 64% voltooi en sal volgens die projekbestuurder, mnr Jan Ludick, op die geskeduleerde tyd van die eerste week in Junie reg wees.
20 March 2015
Die pawiljoen met sitplekke en oorhoofse dak is reeds aangebring, terwyl die betonbasis van die bad 50% voltooi is. Dit bevat 36 ton hoëdigtheid staal en sal uiteindelik 350 kubieke meter beton sluk.
Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftree Beplanning Beleggings | Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
FSP: 11184
* Beskerm jou verdienvermoë en bate-risiko’s wat jou finansieel kan ruïneer * Maak voorsiening vir mediese koste * Begin vroeg voorsiening maak vir aftrede * Werk ‘n beleggingsplan uit, sodat jou geld vir jou werk en jy nie altyd vir geld werk nie.
B: Wat behels jou kwali�ikasies en ondervinding?
B: Watse dienste bied jy?
KS: Alle verpligte lewens- en korttermynversekering-kwalifikasies JSE Safex APM. Wat ondervinding betref noem ek kortliks dat ek sedert 1987 in lewens- en korttermynversekering spesialiseer. In Aandeleverhandeling het ek eers my formele kwalifikasies in 1999 voltooi.
Koos Smit
KS: Ek tree op as makelaar vir makelaars en doen korttermynversekering-administrasie vir ongeveer 77 makelaars landwyd en staan hulle by met die volgende dienste: • Korttermynversekering • Lewensversekering • Testamente • Beleggings. • Ek het ook ‘n fonds op die Sanlam-platvorm wat bestuur word volgens my beleggingsbeleid en strategie wat ek oor jare ontwikkel het; deur eie studies en werklike verhandeling oor jare heen, eers net met my eie geld, toe vir ‘n paar vriende en familielede en nou vir almal wat belangstel (die Smit Som Fonds is ook beskikbaar vir al my makelaars se kliënte). • Aandele-portefeuljebestuur & wisselkoersverhandeling (Spot & Vooruitgedateerde termynkontrakte) • Pensioenfondse
B: Wat is jou benadering tot �inansiële beplanning?
KS: Ek het ‘n besondere uitgewerkte benadering: Beskerm eers die hoë risiko’s wat met jou kan gebeur, naamlik * Sorg dat jou testament reg is
B: Watter tipe kliënte sien jy meesal en wat wil die meeste van jou kliënte bereik?
KS: Ek sien hoofsaaklik makelaars en bedien hulle met advies asook enige kliënt wat ongelukkig is of meer linligting oor ‘n produk wil hê.
B: Sal jy die enigste persoon wees wat met my portefeulje werk?
KS: Ek het ‘n uitgebreide netwerk van makelaars wat gerugsteun word deur opgeleide administratiewe personeel wat hulle ondersteun, en kliënte word gewoonlik met hulle in kontak gebring. Ek verkies om direk met kliënte wat aandeelbeleggings wil doen, te skakel.
B: Hoeveel gaan jou dienste my as kliënt kos?
KS: Volgens die FAIS Wet op tussengangers is ons geregtig om ‘n tussengangersfooi te vra.
B: Hoe bly jy op datum met kostes wat jou kliënt se sak mag raak?
KS: Ek lees baie en word gereeld getroef, wat my dwing om skerp te wees.
B: Hoe word jy beheer?
KS: Deur die FSB, FAIS Voldoeningswet.
B: Hoe dikwels hersien jy my portefeulje?
KS: Ons het ‘n bepaalde roetine in plek, om minstens een keer per jaar alles te hersien.
10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
20 March 2015
Ons Mening
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Die oggend ná die vorige aand...
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 20 Maart 2015
Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele
‘Tzanikana’ Die ongeduld by sakelui en inwoners van Tzaneen en die omgewing oor die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit se laksheid met die ordening van die informele handelsektor laai op. Dit is ‘n drukkoker wat gevaarlik baie stoom opbou. Marikana is steeds vars in die geheue — nie net omdat dit so skokkend was nie, maar veral ook omdat Suid-Afrikaners bekommerd is oor hoe die regering steeds toelaat dat dinge verkeerd loop tot by ‘n punt waar dit handuit ruk, wat dan met ‘n mindere of meerdere mate van geweld deur die polisie onderdruk moet word. Nou sit ons in die pragtige Laeveld en hou asem op dat ons hier ‘n ‘Tzanikana’ — ‘n plaaslike Marikana — moet vrees. Die GTM se personeel wat dié broeiende storm moet bestuur om dit af te wend, is egter self tamelik leierloos. Daar is nie kontinuïteit in die hoogste amp (munisipale bestuurder) se kantoor nie, en die raadslede is met kleinpolitiek besig (en daar is in elk geval verdeeldheid wat ook dreig om uit te bars). Die sakelui wat nou besluit het genoeg is genoeg, verdien almal wat orde nastreef se ondersteuning. Want (tragies soos dit is) hier is mos nie ‘n respektabele burgerlike struktuur wat leiding kan neem of kan inskakel by pogings om die dorp ordelik en neties te hou nie.
Mishandeling Hierby is die tiende aflewering in ‘n reeks deur spelterapeut Margie van Tonder.Vandag praat sy oor kindermishandeling. Kontak haar by 084 414 6166 of 015 307 5029 vir navrae.
Kindermishandeling sluit psigiese sowel as fisiese skade en seksuele misbruik in. Psigiese skade veroorsaak deur onder meer vernedering, onbillike eise wat aan die kind gestel word, om die kind bang te maak of te terroriseer en om geen of min liefde en veiligheid aan die kind te bied. Mishandeling sluit verwaarlosing in en gebeur nie per ongeluk nie, maar word met opset gepleeg. Volgens die Grondwet (Art 28 van hfst 2) het die kind die reg: om teen mishandeling, verwaarlosing, misbruik of vernedering beskerm te word. * Wat veroorsaak kindermishandeling? Verskillende sake moet hier in gedagte gehou word. Hierdie is ook net ‘n riglyn en die genoemde sake veroorsaak nie noodwendig mishandeling nie. Omgewingen gesinsfaktore soos huwelik-
Oppression: an affront to humanity Some time ago I went to buy food at a fast food restaurant. On my turn to buy, a white man came in. Or rather, I heard a person walk in and wait for his turn. There was no queue. I was trying to get some clarity on the meal-options and possible combinations when the cashier (black) asked me to stand aside and let others buy as it seemed I was undecided on what I wanted. The other people (which really were just one person) seemed rather in a hurry according to her. I turned to check who she was referring to and saw the white man. I of course refused to stand aside,
sprobleme, armoede, werkloosheid en drank of dwelmmisbruik kan ‘n rol speel. • Die ouer is self as kind mishandel. • Onrealistiese verwagtings word van die kind gekoester, omdat die ouer nie die kind se vermoëns en ontwikkelingstadium ken nie. • Die ouer kan ook aan depressie ly, ‘n swak selfbeeld hê, ander wantrou of vyandiggesind wees. • Die kleiner kind of die kind wat anders is, soos diegene met ‘n gebrek of dalk die eenkantkind is moontlik makliker om te mishandel. Gevolge: Lae selfbeeld, leerprobleme, agressiwiteit en verhoudingsprobleme, depressie en angstigheid kan moontlike gevolge van mishandeling wees. Kindermishandeling kan onder meer aangemeld word by Child line: 08000 55 556 of by ‘n maatskaplike werker.
insisting it was my turn to buy. I was not undecided; I had enquiries which were important and as urgent to me. After paying, I pointed to her the inherent racism, in which case I could have said sexism or classism as all three applied, in how she treated me. It gets to a point where one gets tired of pointing out the prejudice, but cannot look away because it is always there. I recently read an article on everydayfeminism.com in which the writer (Toni Bell) identifies the problem as bigotry — negative perceptions assigned to people due to certain aspects (physical) of
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Wolwe en Luste Eskimo’s het ‘n baie interessante metode om wolwe dood te maak, sodat hulle die velle vir klere kan gebruik om hul teen die koue te beskerm. Hulle neem ’n lang, skerp, mes en bedek dit met bloed. As die bloed gevries is, doop hulle die lem weer in bloed. Hulle herhaal die proses totdat die skerp lem met ’n dik laag bloed bedek is. Dan druk hulle die mes se hef stewig in die grond vas, sodat die bloedbedekte lem na boontoe wys. ’n Honger wolf ruik die bloed en volg die bloedreuk vol begeerte, totdat hy by die bloedbedekte mes uitkom. Die wolf begin aan die bevrore bloed lek en die smaak op sy tong maak dat hy vinniger lek. Gretig begin die wolf al harder en harder aan die lem lek. Sy drang na bloed word so groot dat hy nie agterkom dat die vlymskerp mes besig is om sy eie tong oop te kloof nie. Nog minder kom hy agter dat sy onversadigbare dors na bloed deur sy eie
Oor homeopatie Verum Scientificus skryf per e-pos: Ek het dr Erica Coertzen se reaksie op Vlieg se rubrieke aangaande homeopatie met belangstelling (en kopskuddende verbasing) gelees. Dit getuig van ‘n gebrek aan insig van hoe wetenskap in die 21ste eeu funksioneer, soos bv haar verwysing na ‘n Switserse regeringstudie oor homeopatie wat in boekvorm gepubliseer is. Enige persoon wat vaagweg bewus is van hoe wetenskaplike bevindings aan die wêreld bekendgestel word, sal weet dat omtrent die laaste geloofwaardige bevinding wat dmv ‘n boek bekendgestel is, Charles Darwin se verhandeling oor ewolusie in ‘On the Origins of Species’ was, en dit was in 1859. Sedertdien is die weg van bekendstelling eweknie-geëvalueerde artikels in wetenskaplike tydskrifte met aansien, waarvan die tydskrif Nature waarskynlik die toonaangewendste is. ‘n Sprekende voorbeeld is Watson en Crick se artikel wat in 1953 in genoemde tydskrif verskyn het, getiteld ‘Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids – A Structure of De-
their being. According to Bell — a writer and a documentary film researcher — the problem is not that one is black, a woman or has whatever identity on the margins of mainstream capitalist society (my interpretation). As she states: “The problem [is] negative perceptions of [one’s identity] and what spaces that [identity is] “allowed” to occupy. There is nothing wrong or marginal with being
ment.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmsctech/45/45.pdf. Dis taamlik verdoemend teenoor homeopatie, maar die grootste ironie is dat die mees verdoemende getuienis voor die komitee deur die Homeopatie Vereniging self gelewer is. Hulle kon bv nie sê hoeveel sukkussie (‘succussion’) nodig is in die bereiding van homeopatiese middels nie – die navorsing hieroor was na 200 jaar glo nog aangaande. Maar dalk benodig dr Coertzen meer onlangse navorsing. Ek is seker sy is vertroud met die begrippe meta-analise en sistematiese hersiening. Dis nog verder ironies dat op dieselfde dag dat haar skrywe in Bulletin verskyn het daar juis in die dagblad Beeld melding gemaak is van so ‘n metaanalise en sistematiese hersieningstudie deur die National Health and Medical Research Council van Australië (https://www.nhmrc.gov. au/health-topics/complementarymedicines/homeopathy-review) wat so pas verskyn het. Die studie het ‘n meta-analise van 1800 gepubliseerde artikels gedoen asook 52 sistematiese
Letters | Briewe oxcyribose Nucleic Acid’. Dis ‘n wonderlike artikel van slegs een folio-bladsy lank (http://www.nature. com/nature/dna50/watsoncrick.pdf) wat die struktuur van DNA beskryf en ‘n rewolusie in ons begrip van hoe organismes op molekulêre vlak funksioneer, en hoe genetiese oorerwing bewerkstellig word, tot gevolg gehad het. Geen groot omhaal van woorde (‘n boek!), maar eenvoudig in sy kompleksiteit. Dr Coetzen raai Vlieg tereg aan om na die studies oor homeopatie te gaan kyk en ek wil graag dieselfde doen. In 2009 moes die Britse Parlement ‘n ondersoek deur hulle Wetenskap en Tegnologie Komitee laat doen om te besluit of dit geregverdig is om belastingbetalers se geld te gebruik om deur die Nasionale Gesondheid Diens (NHS) te betaal vir homeopatie. Almal het ‘n geleentheid gehad om insette te lewer, insluitend die Britse Homeopatie Vereniging. Die volledige verslag is hier beskikbaar (nee, dis nie maar net ‘n Google-soektog nie!): http://www.publications.parlia-
For crying out loud By Joy Mojela
bloed bevredig word. Hy smag net na meer en meer totdat hy homself uiteindelik doodbloei. Die Bybel waarsku ons dat ons, nes die wolwe deur ons eie luste verteer word. Dit is ’n selfvernietigende weg om onbeheersd aan die luste van ons sondige natuur toe te gee. Hoe meer ons dit doen hoe meer vernietig dit ons. Ons het die inwonende Heilige Gees se krag in ons nodig om sonde se aanspraak op ons te weerstaan. Die beste tyd om teen sonde te stry, is om aan die begin van ’n versoeking ’n mens se toevlug tot die Here Jesus te neem. Markus14:38 sê: “’n Mens wil in jou hart graag teen die versoeking veg, maar die menslike geaardheid het nie die krag om dit te doen nie.” Jakobus 4:7 het die beste raad teen die luste en versoekings. Hy beveel aan om naby Christus te lewe en jou krag in Hom te soek. Hy wat ons so goed ken en volgens Hebreërs 4:15 aan al die versoekings onderwerp is, nes ons, vir ons ’n Helper in ons stryd teen versoekings.
black, a woman, homosexual and so on. The problem is with the people who see it so and react accordingly. In the article, Bell of course focuses on the othering of black/nonwhite people, but I find it important to point to all kinds of oppression. I have come to take issue with the idea of black men and black women standing together against racial prejudice, as we seem to have different aims. I initially wanted to point to social privilege as the big and often undermined challenge we face today. In the case above, it was of course not the white man’s fault that the
• Vervolg op bl 10
cashier found him more important than me. For all I remember, the white man stood in wonder as we had our little discussion in a language he probably did not understand while looking at him. The repercussions of oppression (racism, sexism, etc) have blackness seen as second/less important/subjective to whiteness. And maybe this might never be completely undone. I know it makes a difference when individuals stand to challenge the perceptions. I also know it takes some monstrous level of ‘good heartedness’ for one to reject privilege in the name of fairness/goodness. I also know there are people from all walks of life who work to dismantle the perceptions.
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20 March 2015
‘Bikes for Smiles’ is launched two weeks later. Woodward sponsored him and in this, his first race, Freddie came second out of fifty participants! Then whilst in Lenyenye, Woodward noticed that the little sister, Queenie, also had a dilapidated bicycle. This time Ms Lallie Williams and her husband Andrew from Agatha donated a few bicycles. Queenie got the pink Barbie bicycle and another bicycle went to the granddaughter of Woodward’s domestic worker. Woodward says that one Mr Craig Woodward and his wife Angie of the nuns at the Catholic with two donated bicycles. Church asked for a bicycle Mr Craig Woodward from Tza- for a 12-year-old girl who’s had neen, known as DJ Craig (who’s a foot operation and walks five clocked almost 700 DJ events kilometres to school. This bicycle in his life) took his staffer, Mr was donated by local Mr Edmar Stranger Rabutla, home to van der Merwe. Woodward said that Boulevard Lenyenye towards the end of last year. Rabutla’s 12-year-old son Cycles has been fantastic in fixFreddie and a friend were shar- ing the bicycles and as part of ing a dilapidated bicycle with no their community deal they’re not brakes, no pedals and grass in- charging for labour. Mr Ant Bakside the tyres for tubes. Thus the er and his wife Stephanie from Tzaneen are also involved, with project ‘Bikes for Smiles’ began. A second hand bicycle came Mr Baker powder coating the bifrom within the Tzaneen commu- cycles. Woodward can do general binity. Woodward had it fixed and he and his wife Angie went and cycle repairs but new tyres and surprised a very excited Freddie brakes have to be purchased. Bicycles, in good or bad condiwith the bicycle. Freddie wanted to take part in tion, can be donated to the Bikes the Mooketsi mountain bike race for Smiles project and Wood-
ward will either fix them or send them to be repaired to put a smile on the faces of needy children. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
RIGHT: Queenie with her pink Barbie doll bicycle. FAR RIGHT: Freddie Rabutla on his ‘new’ bicycle proudly racing in the Mooketsi mountain bike race.
SAVF vier ook wêrelddag You will cry a lot Dinsdag is Maatskaplikewerkdag ”Being a Social Worker means: You will laugh a lot. wêreldwyd gevier. In Tzaneen, waar die You will never be bored You will know what it is to be human SA Vrouefederasie met hul maatskaplike You will always be frustrated And to be humane.” werkers ‘n groot en belangrike rol in die You will be surrounded by challenges Voorts het die diensbestuur ook gesê gemeenskap speel, is die internasionale So much to do and so little time. You will carry immense responsibility “mag die wete dat u ‘n verskil maak in viering ook gedenk. die lewe van ‘n weerlose kind, ouer Die SAVF Tzaneen het hulde gebring And very little authority. You will step into people’s lives of bejaarde dit vir u die moeite werd aan hul twee maatskaplike werkers, Dr And you will make a difference. maak”. Greta Bekker en me Monique van der Some will bless you, Some will curse you “We pray that the year ahead will Merwe, vir die afgelope jaar se dienste. You will see people at their worst and their best. be blessed with good health and “Dankie vir die uithou, fortune to create opportunities to bemoediging, planne maak en those who need it desperately. diensbaar wees ten spyte van “Namens die 1,7 miljoen mense omstandighede wat nie altyd wat die SAVF landwyd bereik, sê motiverend en luuks is nie. Dankie ons dankie aan elke maatskaplike vir die kere wat julle iemand ‘n werker, maatskaplike hulpwerker, tweede kans gegee het; geduldig kantoor personeel, kollegas, was met ‘n donateur of die vrywilligers, donateurs en amptenaar van die departement; ondersteuners vir volgehoue steun,” dankie dat julle die waarde van lui die diensbestuur se boodskap. vrywilligerskap besef en deel het They concluded by quoting exaan die ontwikkeling daarvan”, Minister Kader Asmal who once is deur die diensbestuur van die said: “If the constitution is the head SAVF in Tzaneen in ‘n spesiale boodskap vervat en aan hulle Ms Desiree van Wyk is seen here handing over flowers of appreciation to of a country, Welfare is the heart of a country”. Dr Greta Bekker & Ms Monique van der Merwe. opgedra.
20 March 2015
www.bulletin.us.com Die leerlingraadslede van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het danksy ‘n borgskap van Westfalia nou uitken-baadjies gekry. Hier spog die span met hul nuwe bloedrooi vere. Agter is Phetole Mahasha, Lati Makoro, Matie-Jan Willemse en Janco Coetzee. In die middelry is Saseka Ngobeni, René Wiese, Wandri Janse van Rensburg, Khutso Mohlele en Danelle Nortje en agter staan Bercha Venter, Tenia Albertyn, Maryke Basson, Tumi Sefomolo. Voor is Cindy Greyvenstein en Ruan Kruger.
Plasies attend arts festival
the sponsor of this event in all nine provinces. Two jam-packed days of superb shows, creative workshops, scrumptious meals and rubbing shoulders with other Gr 11 pupils from seven schools in Limpopo, ensured that they had the time of their lives. Apart from watching professional shows, pupils had plenty opportunity to explore their own creative abilities in the nine workshops on offer. “Build your story” assisted them in the writing process; “Vuka Vuka” woke their bodies and minds up to physical storytelling; “Wow-wowwow”, a vocal workshop, taught about harmonies, melodies and freestyles, while “Rhythm and Dance” proved to be an explosive and dySeen here are Simone Pretorius, Klarissa Nel, Ntsakie Nyathi, Ju-Nell Verster namic workshop where learners creand JP Nel who attended the festival. ated and interpreted movement with Five Plasies attended the Limpopo Arts Festival accompanying music. themed, “be colourful, be creative, be yourself” in On the last day, schools had the opportunity to prePolokwane. The festival celebrated its 40th birth- sent a one act play. Merensky’s “Creativity Rocks” reday this year, and is organised by the Grahamstown ceived the “most creative concept” award. Foundation. De Beers Diamond Mining, who also A call goes out to all Gr 11’s of 2016 — don’t miss out present the well known annual English Olympiad, is on this once in a lifetime opportunity!
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Mnr Piet Smit (Voorsitter)
Mnr Cobie Kemp (Ondervoorsitter)
SA Mathematics Olympiad... Several brainy pupils from Merensky High School once again participated in the first round of the 2015 SA Mathematics Olympiad. This olympiad is organised by the SA Mathematics Foundation. Several students from both the junior and senior grades qualified for the next round due to take place in May. In the photo are, at the back, Kulani Mathye, Cassius Machimana and Stefan Corbett. In the middle row are Xander Botha, Belinda Nzadi and Andrea Devenish and in front are Anri McLean and Carmi Venter. Absent: Kyle Baatjies.
Mnr Chris Denysschen (Skoolhoof)
Me Isolde Fasondini (Adjunk-hoof)
Redenaars praat lekker
SCHOOL NEWS | SKOLE NUUS Plasies shine at President’s Award
Four Merensky High School’s pupils attended the Limpopo Bronze and Silver Award ceremony of The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment. The auspicious function was attended by nine schools in Limpopo, and was held at The Kings Court Christian Mrs Willemien School in Modjadjiskloof. Merensky initiated the provan Niekerk. gramme under the leadership of Ms Willemien van Niekerk, towards the end of 2013. To date more than sixty Plasie pupils have enrolled for the programme and The award winners: Jenna Devenish (bronze), Palesa Matuludi (Presi- so far thirty have received the silver or bronze dent Award programme manager), Andrea Devenish (silver and awards. At the function Gr 12 pupil Andrea Devenish bronze), Nwanaga Mboveni (bronze) and Michelle Stevens (bronze).
was one of the four award winners that gave testimonials about the importance of this programme in their lives. “Personally I have felt my character develop, becoming more self-confident and outgoing as I have progressed from bronze to silver and now gold. I believe this is a journey more than a destination, and although gold is the final level in the President’s Award, I do not view this as the end of my journey of personal development,” Andrea concluded. Merensky pupils who received awards at the ceremony were Nwanaga Mboveni (bronze), Michelle Stevens (bronze), Jenna Devenish (bronze) and Andrea Devenish (silver and bronze). Ms Willemien van Niekerk received the award for the “most efficient and effective award leader in the President’s Award programme for youth empowerment in 2015”.
Deane Dent (voor) en Heinrich van Zyl en Doran Kleynhans
Voor: Mynhardt Bouwer en Loamé van Zyl en agter: Janke Jansen van Vuuren, Bianca Spies, Marlu McLean en Cara Baker
Beroepsuitstalling... Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gr 12’s en gr 9’s het die voorreg geniet om inligting te ontvang by 28 uitstallers oor moontlike beroepe en instansies waar hulle verder kan studeer. Veral die gr 12’s het daarby gebaat om ingeligte keuses oor hul toekoms te maak. Die gr 9’s kon hulself vergewis van die vele opsies vir verdere studies, veral met die oog op hul vakkeuses later in die jaar. In die foto is Zander Oosthuizen, me Linda Basson (lewensoriënteringonderwyseres en die organiseerder), Delano Prinsloo, Christiaan Bronkhorst en Gideon Joubert.
Voor: Deandra Moller en Loamé van Zyl en agter: Bianca Spies, Ruurd Jacobs en Marlu McLean
Nuwe raad vir Vossies... Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se nuwe beheerraad is verlede gekies. Mnr Piet Smit is die voorsitter, mnr Cobie Kemp is die ondervoorsitter en me Suzette de la Rey is die sekretaresse. Hierby is die foto’s van die beheerraadslede. Drie leerlinge dien as gekoöpteerde lede in die raad.
20 March 2015
Mnr Barend Vorster
Mnr Tienie Prinsloo
Every Friday at Hoërskool Ben Vorster,“Gysie”the silver spade is awarded to the Vossie newsmaker of the week — positive or negative. Last week, Gysie was awarded to Fairness Twala (Gr 12). Fairness created the Doc Shebeleza beats for hip hop artist Casper Nyovest. The song won the most requested song by listeners and the song of the year award at the Metro FM-music awards which were broadcast on national TV. The Vossies are all very proud of Fairness. Seen at the handing over were Tiaan Vorster, Fairness and Henk Blignaut.
Mnr Pieter Vermaak
Me Suzette de la Rey
Me Yvonne Streicher
Merensky hosts first chess tournament... Chess masters from three schools in the Tzaneen area met for the first chess tournament of the year this past Saturday. High School DZJ was crowned victorious with Merensky High School runner up, and Ben Vorster High School in third place. Plasie brainiacs Boikoketso Rameetse and Given Ilevo managed to win all their matches.
Mnr Mishack Mmonyane
Me Estelle van Deventer
Mnr Johan Fourie.
Voor: Kesia Pohl en agter: Mia Naude, Heinrich van Zyl, Stefan Corbett en Shani Rosslee
Die skoolronde van vanjaar se ATKV-redenaarskompetisie is die afgelope twee weke by die Hoërskool Merensky beslis. Afrikaanse idiome soos As die klou uitsteek is die leeu daaragter, Volstruispolitiek en Met jou hoed in die hand kom jy deur die hele land as temas het gesorg vir verskeie insiggewende, vermaaklike en goed beredeneerde toesprake. In die kategorie Afrikaans huistaal (juniors) het die volgende sprekers na die volgende ronde deurgedring (op 25 Maart by Curro Heuwelkruin): In die kategorie vir onvoorbereide toesprake sal Shani Rosslee, Stefan Corbett, Kesia Pohl, Mia Naude en Reinette Jacobs (almal gr 8-leerlinge) die skool verteenwoordig en in die kategorie vir voorbereide toesprake sal Doran Kleynhans en Diané Dent (grd 8) en
Heinrich van Zyl (gr 9) die woord voer. In die kategorie Afrikaans huistaal (seniors) gaan Janke Jansen van Vuuren, Mynhardt Bouwer, Bianca Spies, Cara Mia Baker en Marlu McLean aan die onvoorbereide been van die kompetisie deelneem, terwyl Deandra Möller, Loamé van Zyl en Ruurd Jacobs hul sê in die kategorie vir voorbereide toesprake sal sê. Die redenaars wat deurdring na die volgende ronde in die kategorie Afrikaans addisionele taal is Michelle Stevens en Blake Linder (seniors) en Danzi Ivy en Rose Khosa (juniors). Die beoordelaars vir die onderskeie kompetisies was, mee Hannelie Schoonraad, Martie Reynolds, Mariana du Toit en Annaline van Vreden en mnr Francois Aucamp.
Nuwe beheerraad... Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het ook ‘n nuwe beheerraad gekry. Agter is me Yolanda Nortje, mnr Jaco Verster, me Sinette van Eyk en mnre Frans le Grange en
Lambert Badenhorst. Voor sit mnr Hennie Greyling (skoolhoof), me Kowani Janse van Rensburg en mnre B J van Zyl en Andrew Ramokhola.
Me Monique Lombard
Vossies are playing chess… Ben Vorster High School has a new and active chess club. These pupils played a friendly tournament against Merensky High School and DZJ High School. The Vossies won 5 of the 26 games and ended third in the tournament. During the tournament the Vossie players were taught some valuable lessons in chess from the players of DZJ and their two coaches. Metse Lebepe and Jade Greyvenstein (right) were trapped by the camera, whilst other pupils were watching closely as the two tried to outsmart each other.
20 March 2015
Letters | Briewe Homeopatie
• Vervolg van bl 6
hersienings. Die bevindings was dieselfde as die Britse Parlement s’n: Daar is geen betroubare bewys dat homeopatie effektief is in die behandeling van enige mediese toestand nie. Werk homeopatie vir sommige mense? Ek is oortuig daarvan, maar nie op die basis van bewysgedrewendheid (‘evidence based’) nie — glo in dit wat jy nie kan sien nie is immers geloof. Of bygeloof, afhangend vanuit watter hoek jy daarna kyk.
Limpopo needs you! Derick Mosoana, DA Youth Provincial Chairperson-elect, writes: The province Limpopo is in a process of decay with skyrocketing figures of coruption, institutionalised maladministration, human trafficking and many other chronic incidents that has brought the progress of Africa’s Eden into paralysis. Which is why we the DA Youth calls to all academics, business people, spiritual leaders, politicians and ordinary people who have migrated to various provinces in a search for a better life to return home to rebuild the province. With most municipalities and all government departments struggling to cope, police personnel dismally failing to crack a whip on crime and its activities and top officials failing to develop job creating strategies it is only fair that sons and daughters return to give their services in saving the province. The DA Youth will develop a list of top politicians, academics and possible leaders who are by origin Limpopians but by practice placed in various provinces and approach them individually on what can they do and where can they volunteer to reconstruct Limpopo. The Structure is proud of Limpopo mothers for they fearlessly gave birth to worriers and who contributes immensely to the development of a better society.
Saad op vrugbare grond... Waterboer skryf per e-pos: Suiwer korporatiewe bestuursbeginsels word nie aangebore nie, dit word ingedril. In Suid-Afrika van 2015 is dit so skaars soos hoendertanne, al is een van die wêreld se grootste guru’s op die gebied, regter Mervin King, ‘n Suid-Afrikaner. Sy King III-riglyne vir goeie korporatiewe bestuur geld dwarsoor die wêreld as een van die standaardwerke oor die onderwerp, en is ewe geldig vir direksies van gelysde maatskappye, lede van BK’s, kerkrade, skole, en die
www.bulletin.us.com teeklub by die werk. As daar korrupsie, selfverryking, bevoordeling van familie en vriende, en swak finansiële- en bestuursverslae op die hoogste vlak in ‘n gemeenskap aan die orde van die dag is, kan mens verwag dat dit op provinsiale en selfs dorpsvlak ook broekskeur sal gaan. Ons dorp is natuurlik nie n uitsondering nie, en al Tzaneen se inwoners, oud en jonk, betaal die prys. Dit gaan nie net oor korrupsie in die staatsdiens en die munisipaliteit nie. Dit gaan wesentlik ook oor wanpraktyke in die kerke, skole en sakeklubs. Dit gaan oor hoe boere mekaar inloop op waterrade, hoe maatjies kontrakte kry om die skou se besigheid te skep, en hoe die laerskoolspannetjies saamgestel word. Dit is waar die saad vir more se wanbestuur op die hoogste vlakke vandag al in klein dorpies ontkiem. Om een of ander duistere rede glo bestuurders dat hulle onetiese gedrag onsigbaar is, en dat mense in die dorp dit nie raaksien, en nie daaroor praat nie. Hulle word so bedwelm in die selfregverdiging van growwe wanbestuur, dat hulle dink die res van die gemeenskap sal dit gelate aanvaar. Hulle dink selde aan die implikasies vir die toekoms, aan die groter welstand van die gemeenskap of aan die grappies wat agter hande oor hulle gemaak word, solank hulle in die onmiddellike n kortstondige voordeel daaruit kan put. Dan gebeur dit dat n laerskoolkind vyfde kom in die redenaarskompetisie omdat die juffrou, beoordelaar en beheerliggaamlid se kinders die eerste vier plekke beklee, maar eerste kom in die distrik en in Limpopo. Of dat die seuntjie wat nooit speelkans kry nie, omdat die meneer, die afrigter en beheerraadslede se kinders die span volmaak, meteens ‘n ster word as hy hoërskool toe gaan. Tzaneen het ‘n reputasie daarvoor. Dit is wat veroorsaak dat boere skinner en kla dat daar fout is by die besproeiingsraad, en dat hulle bestuurslede daarvan verdink dat hulle persoonlike voordeel trek uit swak aangekondigde jaarvergaderings, gebrekkige terugvoer, die afwesigheid van bestuursverslae en finansiële rekords, en ondeursigtige verhandeling van waterregte. Meer nog, ons raak so ongevoelig daarvoor, dat besture wat daaroor gekonfronteer word, ewe ongeërg sal antwoord dat dit niks met die gemeenskap te doen het nie, of dat watergebruikers wat navrae het, maar die wet moet gebruik om inligting uit die bestuur uit te pers. Dan het hulle verder die vermetelheid om watertariewe te verhoog, want sulke hofsake sal hulle nie uit eie sak baklei nie... En Saterdagaand om die braaivleisvure vloek hulle die korrupte regering met sy baantjiesvir-boeties mentaliteit, wat net na die sakke van sy eie amptenare omsien.
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Tzaneen Eisteddfod is coming again in May It’s time for the annual Tzaneen Eisteddfod. The Eisteddfod is a platform to promote cultural and art activities among all our school going children. The eisteddfod is a non-profit organisation organized by volunteers from the community. Judging is done by professional judges with extensive experience to promote high standards. At the end of the year, a number of floating trophies and bursaries will be awarded during the gala evening. Budding actors and actresses from Gr 00 to Gr 12 are invited to take part in this popular event. In 2014, 700 entries were received from 500 participants in the English division. In the Afrikaans division more than 550 pupils delivered
840 items. The English Division will be staged from 4 to 8 May at Merensky High School. Entry forms have already been sent to schools on our mailing list. Our judge this year is me Anriette van Rooyen. Please send your name and email address to gretha.crafford@ gmail.com if you would like to receive a form and a copy of the syllabus. Entry forms will also be available from Hairobix in Boundary Street, Tzaneen. Closing date for entries is 30 March. Contact person: Gretha Crafford on 079 490 6818. The Music Division will commence on 21 July and end on 24 July. To promote fair judging, only pupils from Gr 00 to Gr 12 will be allowed to enter this year.
Only the choir section will be open for all ages. Die Afrikaanse been van die eisteddfod sal vanjaar van 10 tot 15 Augustus gehou word. Die Hoërskool Merensky is weer die gasheer. Die beoordelaar vir vanjaar is me Louise Lachenicth. Kontakpersoon: Melaine Botha by 083 2900 737 of stuur ‘n epos na melein@ transletaba.co.za Die kunsafdeling sal van 1 tot 5 September aangebied word. Verdere inligting hieroor sal nader aan die tyd verskaf word. Die dansafdeling sal nie vanjaar aangebied word nie, maar wel weer volgende jaar. Alle algemene navrae kan aan me Melaine Botha gerig word, by 083 2900 737; of stuur ‘n epos na melaine@ transletaba.co.za.
Woman gruesomely beaten A woman is fighting for her life in hospital after she was pelted with bricks in Sekgosese outside Modjadjiskloof recently. The hair-raising attack was captured in a video that has since gone viral. The woman is seen lying on the ground while community members take turns stoning her. She’s beaten continuously with sticks. The community members are shouting in Sepedi, “She’s not dead, she’s not dead, kill her.” The attack was allegedly triggered by the death of another woman at Ga-Ramphahlelo Village in the Sekgosese area, believed to have been poisoned while drinking traditional brew. Community members allegedly accused the beaten woman, from the neighbouring Rietfontein Village, of poisoning the deceased. The woman was alleg-
edly seen sharing the brew with the deceased earlier on. The deceased’s family allegedly led the attack to avenge for their loved one. Community members who spoke to Bulletin say she was first paraded in the streets of the village before being dragged to the deceased’s homestead, where the beating took place. The local Police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Mphalelwa Mashao, says the Police were informed about the attack. They found the woman lying on the ground, naked. She was rushed to hospital. According to Mashao, five community members, believed to be the deceased’s relatives, have been arrested so far. They were granted R500 bail each after appearing in court. “We are now waiting for the post-mortem results to reveal what killed the allegedly poisoned woman,” he told Bulletin. According to one community member who refused to be named, the beaten woman was suspected of poisoning the deceased because they once had an argument over a man. “It was just too suspicious that on the day she died, they had been seen drinking together,” said the community member.
R555 per day
Operator & Chemicals included FREE delivery in Tzaneen Bookings essential *Terms and conditions apply
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20 March 2015
R71’s hawkers’ days are numbered The illegal trading by hawkers on the R71 outside Tzaneen might soon come to an end. The commanding assurance was made by the provincial department of roads and transport and supported by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Bulletin again made inquiries about hawkers arrogantly trading right next to signs that prohibit them from doing so. According to the department’s spokesperson, Ms Kagiso Mootane, the problem with hawkers was only recently realised. An urgent plan of action has been forwarded to the Mopani traffic manager, Mr Mthembi. “We were not aware that signs were there to prohibit any illegal trading, but we assure that action will be taken, as an urgent inquiry has been sent to the chief of staff and the Mopani traffic manager,” Mootane told us. Meanwhile, the GTM has claimed that the R71 is now
under its jurisdiction, after having previously denied responsibility of the route. According to GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala, the GTM has jurisdiction to execute speed law enforcement as well as general policing. “There are discussions with regard to a certain hawker doing business on the road; it is a legal issue as the individual was given a permit which was signed by one of our former municipal managers,” he told Bulletin. The matter, as Ndlala explained, needs to be approached with caution to avoid loopholes. In the meantime, Ndlala promised that traffic officials will continue to monitor the hawkers’ situation in the area.. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com
Tzaneen gets new multi workshop
New Testament studied service distance training in theology. It provides biblically based training opportunities and facilities to church leaders for church and community development in Africa. The course also develops church leadership and administrative skills in order to inspire kingdom vision and to support the growth and development of churches. An important aspect is to equip leaders, office bearers and members of churches to correctly understand and apply the Bible in their own environment. The New Testament classes start on Friday 11 April 2015. New students are welcome to join. Classes are presented every Friday afternoon at 14:00 at the Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld in Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen (Reformed Church opposite HiQ and the FET College). Please contact dr Edmund de Beer (083 3911 065) for more information. The cost per module is only R200. A number of bursaries is available.
A well-established panel beating shop that reigned in Tzaneen for nearly five decades is taken over by new management with enthusiastic plans to enlarge the business extensively within the next few months. H-Effect Multi Workshop & Panel Beaters are the new owners of Van Vreden’s Panel Beaters at 11 Plantation Road in the old industrial area. Whereas the previous owner only practiced body works and spray-painting, the new group will expand these services to include a multi workshop handling highly professional mechanical and auto electrical services as well. The company is in the final stages of getting factory approval from Nissan (who is doing a re-audit due to the takeover) and most other vehicle manufacturers and component dealers for the panel beating division, while an impressive list of brand new equipment will fill the revamped building. The manufacturer approvals are not applicable to the rest of the workshop. The owner, Mr Hennie van Rooy-
en, and his manager, Mr Hannes Craemer, (both from Secunda) aim to set the pace with the latest technology and will keep the staff up to date through training from the manufacturers.
With the restructuring all the staff of Van Vreden’s were taken in and they also added a number of new trained personnel. On hand training for general workers is regularly performed by different suppliers, for up to date trends and changing techniques in the trade. The new company offers a variety of additional services, like free computerized quotations on request, a
24-hour towing service, courtesy vehicles, rubberizing on site, number plates, the re-gas of air-conditioning and digital assessments. Completed jobs carry a three year workmanship warrantee, spares one year as per manufacturer guarantee and life time on paintwork. All paint work will be water-based as prescribed by vehicle manufacturers. Apart from extensive renovations to the workshop, the preface of the building will also take a new shape and colour. The reception staff members will apply their advanced experience to keep customers satisfied. Also coming is a field service for tractors, forklifts and other equipment which will be done wherever the customer requires. The management expect this service to be in full operation within a few months time. Owner Van Rooyen added: “We are looking forward in doing business on a permanent basis and hope to become one of your preferred auto body repairers.”
Business directory | Sakegids OVERNIGHT Courier Service bulletin8535mrg130726dm
Mukhanyo Distance in Tzaneen will be presenting an interesting module in New Testament studies in the coming weeks. In this module the following topics will be studied: how God revealed Himself in the Bible, the human authors of the Bible, what happened to the original Bible, which books were taken to be part of the Bible and the truth of Jesus in the original Gospels. Students will be introduced to textual criticism and the authority of the Bible will be discussed. The module is part of the Mukhanyo Distance diploma course in theology, but students are welcome to enroll for a single module. All students who finish the module will receive a certificate of attendance. Mukhanyo Distance has more than 200 distance students in different countries in southern Africa. Mukhanyo Distance enables students to receive relevant, high quality, holistic, affordable in-
Letsitele library hosted a Valentine’s day competition in February and the winners were announced later on. Letsitele BuildIt and Letsitele Spar sponsored the prizes for the winners, seen here with Ms Ouma Kheswa, the librarian at Letsitele. With her are Ndzalo Machimana and Vumbiwa Mashele, both pupils from Gravelotte Primary School.
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20 March 2015
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Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
Services Dienste
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157
Adele’s Slimming Clinic Biominceur And absolute revolution in body wrap Slim, firm and tone instantly No mess, no fuss, loose cm’s Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation; improve stretch mark, varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193 Dec104___________________________
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire: Front loader, ADT, Excavator, Tipper, Low bed ALSO: River sand & Building sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
Jul210 ____________________________
King Trellis
Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173
Services Dienste
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936
DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202____________________ TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________
Services Dienste Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Services Dienste Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061
Force One Fuels Diesel at wholesale Open 24/7 17 Kudu Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen 015 306 0130
Panelbeaters Multi Workshop Spraypainting Structural repair Rubberising Airconditioning 11 Plantation Road 015 307 3764 Mar203___________________________
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850
015 307 7168
For Sale Te Koop
Isuzu 5 ton truck 2008 R185 000 015 395 2112
Nika @ Do Any Art Nika Leonard 071 206 6758 Joanika.leonard@gmail. com facebook@joanikaLeonard
Isuzu Bakkie 2.8 R68 000 015 395 2335 082 490 0439
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Kokkerotgif , geld terug waarborg. Skakel Annette by 083 276 7872. Geen ander produk werk soos die nie. Feb301____________________
We will beat any written quote!!
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
VERSEKER!! • Daarom bespreek jou plek NOU by die gevorderde “Holistiese Stop Rook Program”. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gekwalifiseerdede Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies)
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
For Sale Te Koop
TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R19.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R22/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
071 063 4983 24 Hour
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Personal Persoonlik
Oppi Plasie
Mark Kom geniet n heerlike gesinsdag, met stalletjies en hope vermaak vir die kinders Elke eerste Saterdag van die maand Volgende datum sal aangekongid word. 084 261 3875 Feb201________________
Vakante Poste Factory Manager required for label printing, experience essential. Salary neg. Do not reply if no experience Please send CV to 015 307 7326 086 632 8558 Mar301___________________
R45 000
R15 000 082 490 0439 015 395 2112
Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630. Mar201___________________________
Volkswagen Polo 2010 R78 000 015 395 2112/2335 Dirk 082 490 0439
TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202_____________
Paneelklopper & Spuitverwer Minimum van 3 jaar ondervinding Goeie menseverhoudings, sober gewoontes Moet goed presteer onder druk Pakket & salaries onderhandelbaar CV: dirkgroble@mweb. co.za Faks 015 395 2175 Dirk 082 490 0439
Emergency Plumber
Let us help you get your house back in order. All upholstery cleaning done professionally. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Jan405________________
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.
Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062
JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? • Die Februarie Nasionale begroting is afgehandel en NOG MEER belasting word uit jou sak gevat. • Jy wil die onnodige belasting STOP?
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
For Hire Te Huur
Lannie Motors
Your partner in home building!
Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971
For Hire Te Huur
Services Dienste
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________
Opel Corsa - R48 000 015 395 2335 Dirk 082 490 0439
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 advertise in the classified
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20 March 2015
Property l Eiendomme
Business/Besigheide “Motor Stand” te koop met afdakke, kantore en bykomstighede te koop. Skakel 083 276 7872 of 015 307 6741 Feb301____________________
Homes/Huise Roodepoort 4 Slaapkamer huis. R890 000 Kontak Dirk 082 490 0439 015 395 2112
Mar103 ___________________________
Meenthuis/Cluster homes Townhouse available 01 April 2015 Premier Park: Neat and Modern!! 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom,
garage and carport Small garden NO pets R5 800.00 Liezl: 0828933130 Manie: 082 772 6600
To Let Te Huur Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP: 082 925 2955
motorhuise,opwaskamer, groot leef erf en braai. R9 000 pm. Pre Paid meter. Deposito ‘n vereiste. Troeteldiere is welkom Skakel 061 285 4017 of 082 641 3438
3 Slaapkamer Hoofslaapkamer en suite (vol badkamer). Gaste badkamer met stort. Ekstra gaste toilet. Stoep/lapa met dek. Valencia kompleks. Huur: R6 900.00 Beskikbaar: 1 April 2015 Kontak: (015) 307 7469
Aquapark 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan attractive house to rent. Fully fenced and large garden. Available end of March 2015 Please call 082 849 2603/079 881 8548 Mar304___________________
Flats/Woonstelle Homes/Huise Huis te huur in Aquapark 4 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 3 toesluit
Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/eetkamer en kombuis. Private balkon.
Toesluit motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen kinders onder 14. Geen katte en honde. R3 650-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar onmiddellik of 1 April 2015. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696.
Medipark (rondavel) 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer (stort), oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir 1 voertuig. Gesamentlike swembad, geen troeteldiere of kleuters. R2 950
Office/Kantoor Office or workshop space to let old Industrial area R5 500.00P/M W&l incl. Contact: Rowan 082 888 5352
My name is Moye Lazarus Ramatladi I am looking for driver work I have a license C1 with PDP or farm work, I speak English and understand Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 076 286 2431
(3) _______________________________
My name is Matome Harry Morerwa I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English contact me on 073 241 4534
(4) _______________________________
My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392
(5) _______________________________
My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908
(6) _______________________________
My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780 (7) _______________________________
a domestic work I can speak English I have grade 10. I can look after children sleep in or out I can cook contact me on 071 395 8000 (56)_______________________________
My name is Mapula M. Rababalele I am looking for a domestic, office or gardening job I speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 635 8797
My name is Busisiwe T. Shivuri I am looking for domestic or office cleaner work sleeps out, speak English part time or full time contact me on 078 403 8646
My name is Merriem Mokwena I am looking for domestic or office cleaning work sleep out, I speak English, part time or full time contact me on 073 198 6512
My name is Julia Masetla I am looking for domestic work or any general work I can speak English 3 day or full time I have 2 years experience contact me on 076 298 7978
My name is Mikhateko Mabunda I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and look after children I have 3 years experience sleep in or out I can speak English contact me on 072 770 7248
My naam is Mapula S Rapatsa ek is opsoek na huishoud werk ek praat en verstaan Afrikaans slaap uit, voltyd of 3 dae a week skakel my op 073 544 7550
My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and look after children sleep out of office cleaner full time or part time contact me on 083 861 7120
My name is Olga Twanano Maluleke I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I speak English, sleep in or out contact me on 079 851 2568
My name is Mmasabi Grace Ramokgano ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek praat Afrikaans slaap in of uit voltyds of deeltyds, skakel my op 076 570 1035
My name is Mmamodike Suzan Sekebe I am looking for domestic work or office cleaner I speak English sleep out contact me on 082 972 1268
My name is Rosina Matemane I am looking for domestic work I speak English contact me on 060 363 3708
My name is Maria Pudikabekwa I am looking for domestic work sleep out I can speak Afrikaans and English I can look after children I have six years experience full time or 3 days a week contact me on 082 433 3633
My name is Constance Hlatswayo I am looking for
My name is Manto Rosley Lepulana I am looking for any domestic or general work I speak English full time / part time sleep out contact me on 071 995 1795
My name is Rachel I am looking for a cleaning job I can look after children sleep in or out I can also work in the garden I have a code 10 licence contact me on 072 789 2538
My name is Ramadi Evelyn I am looking for domestic
work / or any general work I can also look after children I have grade 11 I can speak English sleep in or out. I have 4 years experience contact me on 072 808 8895
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property smalls
My name is Sarah M. Mafokwane I am looking for any domestic work, sewing work, or office lady, I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 4244 676 or 071 7708398 (68)_______________________________
My Name is Mafokwane Tiny I am looking for domestic work / general work or office cleaner sleep in or out I can look after children I can speak English and Afrikaans I have six years experience contact me on 072 079 5612
General My name is Bernard S. Novela I am looking for a clerk job or any other general work I am computer literate and have grade12 I speak English contact me on 072 888 6926 (28)_______________________________
My name is Tintswalo Abigail Malungana I am looking for a security work I have Grade C., or any domestic work, I speak English contact me on 074 705 0462 / 073 453 0404 (29)_______________________________
My name is Nelsiwe Moagi I am looking for a sales persons work or shop assistant I speak English full time or part time or any other general work contact me on 084 385 4634
My name is Rapatsa Stally I am looking for domestic work or general work I have 2 years experience and I can also look after children sleep out I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 073 544 7550
My name is Tintswalo Nukeri I am looking for a shop assistant work I speak English or any other general work contact me on 078 680 0185
My name is Rebecca Moloatse I am looking for domestic work or any general work, office cleaner I can speak English sleep out contact me 071 110 1201 (71)_______________________________
My name is Molatelo Melita Ratabana I am looking for domestic work , speak English sleep out, full time or part time contact me on 078 483 8497 (72)_______________________________
My name is Emely Selome I am looking for domestic work or any general work or waitress, I have grade 11 I can speak English I have 6 years experience as a domestic, one year as waitress (ref: Mrs Mashatole 073 953 7949)(ref: Miss Ngobeni manager 079 924 7219) contact me on 071 197 4190 (73)_______________________________
My name is Maite Josephina Kobela I am looking for a domestic work contact me on 072 922 9056
My name is Pricilla Sekgobela I am looking for any general work I speak English I have grade 10 and licence code 10, computer literate contact me on 076 370 5791 (32)_______________________________
My name is Ephraim Mokgomole I am looking for any general work I have experience in painting, gardening, I speak English and Afrikaans Mon – Sat or part time contact me on 072 456 2665 (33)_______________________________
My name is Fungi Betty Mabunda I am looking for work in a gym or I can do private training as well contact me on 078 258 1179 (34)_______________________________
My name is Matome Richard Mhlongo I am looking for any general work I can work with metal, wood, I speak Afrikaans. Full time or part time contact me on 072 054 9774 (35)_______________________________
My name is Evans Mokwena I am looking for painting work, tilling floors, I speak English I have experience contact me on 072 256 5295 (36)_______________________________
My name is Paulinah Mangena I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans I have 4 years experience contact me on 081 871 7812
My name is Odette Maseko I am looking for work in Journalism (BA degree), Photographic (BA degree), Media Communication (BA Honours) and I have a code 8 licence contact me on 071 813 3657
Tarentaalrand 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, nuut geboude moderne eenheid met toesluit motorhuis, eie erfie, plaas atmosfeer, koopkrag, geen troeteldiere. R5 800
Premierpark 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer (stort), oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, braai area, uitgeteel met afdak vir voertuig. R2 400
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, Besighede
Tarentaalrand 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers,
Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151
Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver
nuut geboude moderne meenthuis met 1 toesluit motorhuis, eie erfie omhein met plaas atmosfeer, koopkrag, geen troeteldiere. R4 800
Legals l Geregtelik Admin
My name is Nellah Mabasa I am looking for a work as Receptionist or administration I have BSC Agriculture (Agronamie / Plant Production) contact me on 078 830 9876
My name is Matsie B Ramsdike I am looking for Receptionist or Administration I have grade 12, Media study degree, Media study Honors, contact me on 079 932 5689
My name is Grace Milazi I am looking for a job as administration or receptionist work at a lodge I know Paste, Word, Excel and I worked as a cashier, I also work in a shop receiving stock contact me on 073 742 5831/076 093 7021 (8)________________________________
My name is Nyiko Eugene Mathonsi I am looking for work as office assistant or administration I have a diploma in marketing managing, and diploma in office assistant I have a code 10 licences contact me on 083 370 5474 (9)_______________________________ My name is Wendy Sibabelo I am looking for work in communication, or arranging and planning events, receptionist, PA I have a degree BA Journalism contact me on 076 330 9112 (10)________________________
PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF PORTION 75 PUSELA 555LT Notice is hereby given by Jacques du Toit and Associates, that an application for consent of the Board to subdivide Portion 75 of the farm Pusela 555-LT into 2 portions, has been lodged. Documents pertaining to the application lie open for inspection at the office of Brenda Louw, Room 323, Hensa Towers, c/o Rabe and Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane, and the offices of Jacques du Toit & Associates, 13 Peace Street Tzaneen, until 17 April 2015. Enquiries and/or representations may be lodged in writing by registered post to the Chairperson, Limpopo Townships Board, Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700 to reach him on or before 17 April 2015. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit Townplanners, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Mar301_______________________
VOORGESELDE ONDERVERDELING VAN GEDEELTE 75 PUSELA 555LT Kennis geskied hiermee deur Jacques du Toit en Medewerkers dat ‘n aansoek vir toestemming van die Dorperaad vir die onderverdeling van Gedeelte 75 van die plaas Pusela 555-LT in 2 gedeeltes, geloods is. Dokumente verwant aan die aansoek lê ter insae vir
Environmental authorisation for the proposed construction and installation of a Copper-ChromeArsenic Plant at 16 Impala Street within the Tzaneen Industrial Area Within the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality in Mopani District Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Reference Number: 12/9/1-M89 Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, published in Government Notice No.R544 (2010), promulgated in terms of Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), Listed Activities 13 and 42. Tzaneng Treated Timbers (Pty has been granted an
Tel: 015 307 8000 | Fax: 015 307 8049 | P.o Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850
Diesel and Oil Stock Control Clerk
If you are not contacted consider your application to be unsuccessful
Environmental Authorisation to proceed with the proposed building and installation of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic timber treatment plant. A copy of the Environmental Authorisation can be obtained from Enviro-Assess at the contact details provided below. Parties wishing to lodge an appeal against this Environmental Authorisation may do so in terms of the provisions of Chapter 7 of GNR 543. A Notice of Intent to appeal must be lodged with the MEC, within 20 days of the date of the authorisation (9 March 2015) by means of one of the following methods: Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET): By Facsimile: (015)295 5015; By Email: RamaphakelaM@ ledet.gov.za; By Post: Private Bag X9484, Polokwane, 0700; By Hand: Corner of Suid & Dorp Street Polokwane Please contact Enviro-Assess with any further queries relating to the authorisation of the project at CONTACT DETAILS: Frederick Pohl 083 7157009; Fax: (0862936325) 11 ROYAL TZANGENI TZANGENI TZANEEN 0850 Email: enviropohl@gmail.com; Post: P O Box 482 Duiwelskloof 0835,. The Public Participation Office is open during office hours from Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays.
The following position is available:
CV’s to be emailed or faxed: Fax: 086 768 9344 tanya@qph.co.za
inspeksie by die kantoor van Brenda Louw, Kamer 323, Hensa Towers, h/v Rabe and Landdros Mare Straat, Polokwane, en die kantore van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Peacestraat 13 Tzaneen, tot 17 April 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik by of tot die Voorsitter, Limpopo Dorperaad, Privaatsak X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien of gerig word om hom te berreik voor of op 17 April 2015. Adres van agent:: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850
For Sale Te Koop
Greater Tzaneen Municipality hereby gives notice to members of the public in accordance with the Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000 Section 21A and Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations Section 26, that Council has, during its Special Council Meeting on 27 February 2015, adopted the 2014 – 2015 Adjustment Budget. Copies of the Adjustment Budget are available on the Municipal website at www. tzaneen.gov.za and at Municipal offices, No 1 Agatha Street, Civic Centre, Tzaneen. For more information, you may contact the Budget Office at (015 3078061) MS NM LION ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
20 March 2015
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Vossies trap Montana
Punte! Ruben Koekemoer van die Nyatis’ druk ‘n mooi drie in die wedstryd teen Montana.
Die afgelope Saterdag het die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se rugbyspanne die lang pad Pretoria toe aangepak, vir wedstryde teen die Hoërskool Montana. Dit het besonder goed gegaan, met slegs een span wat verloor het. Die o.14A-span was eerste aan die beurt. Hulle het aanvanklik gesukkel om aan die gang te kom en was halftyd 3-0 agter. In die tweede helfte het hulle hul voete gevind en uiteindelik met 26-3 gewen. Die o.14B’s het 17-5 verloor. Die o.15 A’s was in ‘n spannende wedstryd nog kort voor die einde 17-10 agter, maar ‘n verdoelde drie het die eindtelling 17 elk
gemaak. Die o.15B’s het ook gelykop gespeel, met twaalf punte elk. Albei o.16-spanne was hopeloos te sterk vir hul opponente. Die A-span het Montana oorrompel en 53-0 gewen, terwyl die B-span met 59-5 koning gekraai het. Die derde span was baas in ‘n spannende wedstryd, met 1412. Die Nyathi’s het weer baie ondernemende rugby gespeel, om met 39-5 te wen. Die eerste span se wedstryd was ‘n taai affêre met albei spanne wat met tye puik rugby gespeel het. Montana het vroeg die voortou geneem, met twee drieë — maar die Vossies het teruggeveg met drieë deur slot Thapelo Molapo, vleuel Shima Mphalele, losskakel Danny Mokhobane en flank JJ Anker, om kort voor die einde in die naelbytstryd met 30-29 voor te loop. Losskakel Mokhobane het egter seker gemaak van die wen, deur net voor die eindfluitjie geblaas het deur te gaan vir sy tweede drie en sodoende die Vossies met 35-29 te laat wen. Môre speel die Vossies in Thabazimbi teen Frikkie Meyer.
Soutpansberg Muurbalklub was die afgelope naweek gasheer vir die Limpopo Muurbalkampioenskappe. Die toernooi is gekenmerk deur uitstaande hoë gehalte muurbal. Spelers van Tzaneen, Polokwane, Mokopane, Mogol en Louis Trichardt het meegeding. Die damesafdeling is gewen deur Ronel Welman (Louis Trichardt) en in die tweede plek was Karen Claasen (Tzaneen). In die mansafdeling het twee jong talentvolle spelers, Erik Welman (Louis Trichardt) en Tyrone Daniels (Mogol) sake uitgespook.
Two qualified... Jack Baloyi (left) from Dr Annecke Primary School in Letsitele achieved first place in the 100 m and 150 m sprints at the Limpopo Athletics championships. He has thus qualified to compete at the SA Championships in Gauteng on 20 and 21 March. Nkateko Phakula also won a gold medal in the hurdles, but was not included in the Limpopo team.
These young swimmers from Unicorn Preparatory School recently represented Limpopo at an interprovincial gala and did their school proud. In front are Keira Booth (one silver and two bronze medals) and Luca Wasley (one gold, one silver and one bronze medal). Behind them are Talent Ndzadzibaya (four silver medals), Kristen Klinkert (one bronze medal) and Jack Stewart (one gold and two bronze medals).
A great ‘Mile’ expected Tomorrow will see the fourteenth Ebenhezer Mile, ably organised and presented by Rotary Haenertsburg. The organizers have evolved the management of this event into a professional and slick operation over the years — and now they will be using the latest timing methods. If you have not attended one of the ‘Miles’ before, here is the lowdown. There are some swimmers who are fiercely competitive and super fit for
this sport and participate in the national open water swimming circuit for their own personal achievements. They either swim the exclusive 3 000 m or the popular Mile (1 600 m) or both! Then there are the large majority who come out and swim for the fun of it, choosing the Mile (if they’ve done a bit of training) or the easy 500 m ‘fun’ course. Kids of all ages can take part. Come and see/swim for your-self tomorrow (Saturday 21 March).
Genevieve van der Merwe (Hoërskool Merensky) en haar perd Makadesh Zahra, het aan die Western Mounted Games in Bela Bela deelgeneem en met drie tweede plekke en een wen weg gery! Hulle is ook aangewys as reserwe kampioen vir Vlak 1.
Two athletes of Unicorn Preparatory School, Makoma Pilusa and Kian None, have made the Limpopo athletics team and will take part in the SA’s in Germiston on March 20 and 21.
Gullis Gouws (president) with runners up team Red Devils (round 1 champs), Fred Hoffman, Mardenette Smit, Robert Morrison and Jaco van Wyk.
Business league was great The second rounds of the Summer “Barefoot in the Park” business league was played at the Duiwelskloof Bowling Club from 12 February to 12 March. The competition attracted eight teams in total and after week 3, the league was split into two categories: Open (top 4) and Plate (bottom 4). The Open teams retained their points to date, while the Plate teams restarted from scratch. In the Open section, congratulations go to the ZZ2 men’s team who played the fifth week against last year’s win-
ners, the Red Devils, and despite the Devils winning this last closely contested game, the ZZ2 men’s team won the tournament overall. In the Plate section, congratulations go to Trophy Motors’ team, who had a narrow encounter against the Vrystaat team! Both teams ended on 16 points, but the aggregate shot difference between the two teams was 12 versus 8 shots! The players and club members enjoyed great fun, food and the are looking forward to the next league later this year!
Gullis Gouws (president) presenting the Frank Lavia Twilight Business League Trophy to Team ZZ2: Wouter Matthee, Nico Swart, JJ Espach and Bart Schonken. Three of the Merensky’s archers took part in the Free State Field Archery competition in Bloemfontein over the past weekend. The archers struggled with a strong wind but still did very well. Ruan Genis (photo) and Pieter van der Merwe were respectively first and second in the junior male bowhunter unlimited category and their team mate, Beneche Jackson, was second in her section (junior female freestyle unlimited).
Mfumo Mongwe, a Gr 10 pupil from Stanford Lake College, qualified during the Limpopo Athletics championships to participate in the SA’s from 26 to 29 March (in Rustenburg). Although Mfumo is u.16, he qualified at u.17 level for the 200 m.
Hannes van der Merwe (Laerskool Tzaneen) en sy perd Vierkleur Noula, het aan die Western Mount- Theo van der Merwe (Hoërskool Merensky) ed Games in Bela Bela deelgeneem. Hulle het drie en sy perd Doc Foxtrot, het in die Western tweede plekke en drie eerste plekke verower. Hulle Mounted Games in Bela Bela twee derde is ook aangewys as kampioen vir Vlak 0. plekke en twee tweede plekke behaal.
Vossies klop Montana Die netbalspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope Saterdag goed teen die Hoërskool Montana in Pretoria gespeel en sewe spanne het gewen, twee het verloor en een span het gelykop gespeel. Die o.14A-span het hard gewerk vir ‘n oorwinning, maar moes uiteindelik tevrede wees met ‘n gelykop uitslag van 10 doele elk. Die o.15B’s het egter met 12-6 gewen. Die o.15A’s het aanvanklik gesukkel en in ‘n stadium ‘n agterstand van ses doele gehad. Hulle het egter hard gewerk en uiteindelik gemaklik met 24-16 gewen. Die o.15B’s het ook danksy harde werk met 18-14 gewen. Die o.16A-span was ongelukkig om 1615 te verloor. Afronding by die doelhok het ontbreek. Die o.16B’s het ook gesukkel en met 16-7 verloor. Die o.17A’s het goeie netbal gespeel en van die begin af druk uitgeoefen. Hulle het met 22-14 geseëvier — en die o.17B’s het ook met harde spel met 9-5 gewen. Die tweede span, wat uit junior meisies bestaan, het met 23-17 gewen. Die eerste span was in het ‘n titaniese stryd met Montana gewikkel. Die wedstryd was deurentyd baie gelykop, maar die Vossies het koelkop gebly, geleidelik die oorhand gekry en met 21-19 gewen. Môre meet die netbalspanne kragte teen Frikkie Meyer in Thabazimbi.
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20 March 2015
Winter Sports: Merensky vs Ellisras Various sports teams left Plasieland on Saturday, way before the morning star could even twinkle for the long journey to Lephalale. The Plasies did not surrender to the extreme heat, but persevered and gave their all in true blue blooded style. The netball girls battled fiercely to taste victory at the end, winning five out of eight games. The full results were (Merensky scores first): u.14A: 10-7; u.14B: 4-7; u.15A: 1311; u.15B: 4-17; u.16A: 3-18; MHS u.17A vs Ellisras 2: 17-9; Second teams: 10-8; first teams: 18-12. The rugby boys showed their mettle also winning five of the eight games. The first team’s Rasenge Kubayi scored two tries, while Dylan Janse van Rensburg and Sipho Ntsanwisi each scored a try. Tony Manamela converted three of the four tries. Rugby Results (Merensky scores first): u.14A: 10-15; u.14B: 22-5; u.15A: 10-21; u.15B: 22-5; u.16A: 12-29; second teams: 17-14; first teams: 26-15.
The Merensky’s girls hockey teams participated against Ellisras, allowing the boys a rest. The u14B team played against their u14A’s. The match ended in a draw with no score. The u14A’s played against their u15A team with the Plasies winning 3-0. Ruette Schoeman, Jenelle de Jonge and Michaela Dale each scored a goal. The u15’s played against their u16’s and triumphed over them with a huge score of 9-0. Star player Delean O’Neill scored a massive total of six goals, Andile Shikwambana scored two and Corli van der Merwe one. In the final game the Plasie second team played against Ellisras’s first team. The girls defended courageously. They drew the game with no goals scored. Hockey scores (MHS first): u14A’s: 3-1; u14B’s: 0-0; u15A’s vs u16A’s: 9-0; MHS 2nd vs ELL 1st: 0-0.
RIGHT: Merensky’s victorious first team celebrated a good performance.
Oppie Kassie On the Telly
Sharks en Chiefs kan rugby laat seëvier In sport is wen soms ál wat saakmaak. Maar partykeer oorheers genot die belangrikheid van die uitslag. Die Wêreldbekerkrieket wat dié naweek in Australië en Nieu-Seeland gespeel word, is ʼn voorbeeld van wedstryde waarin niks belangriker as die tellings is nie. Australië speel in Adelaide teen Pakistan en Nieu-Seeland in Wellington teen die Windies. Die wenspanne dring deur tot die halfeindronde; vir die verloorders is dit klaarpraat. In Durban, waar die Sharks en die Chiefs teen mekaar speel, kan die gehalte van die rugby die uitslag oorskadu. Die spanne is so te sê gebou vir hardloooprugby. Hul kragmeting kan een van die skouspelagtigstes van die jaar se Superrugby wees. Regstreekse uitsendings van die Cape Epic-bergfietsry, Sesnasie-rugby, die 161ste kragmeting tussen Cambridge en Oxford se roeispanne en motorfietsrenne in Thailand is ʼn paar van die ander plesierighede wat dié naweek op TV-kykers wag. SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 20 Maart Gholf: Arnold Palmeruitnodiging, Florida, dag 2 – 20:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Krieket: Wêreldbeker, kwarteind: Australië t Pakistan – 04:30 tot 14:00 op SS 2 en GDN Rugby: Superreeks: Highlanders t Hurricanes – 08:00 tot 10:30 op SS 1 Rebels t Lions – 10:30 tot 13:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Sokker: Nedbankbeker: Ajax Cape Town t Bloemfontein Celtic – 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Paribas-ope, Indian Wells: Vroue, kwarteind – 01:50 tot 04:00 op SS 6 Mans, kwarteind – 04:00 tot 06:00 op SS 6 en 21:00 tot 01:00 op SS 7 Saterdag 21 Maart Gholf: Investecbeker, dag 3, Millvale en Lost City – 12:30 tot 16:30 op SS 5 Arnold Palmer-uitnodiging, dag 3 – 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 7 en GDN Krieket: Wêreldbeker, kwarteind: Nieu-Seeland t Windies – 02:00 tot 11:30 op SS 2 en GDN Motorfietsrenne: Thailandse superpole en kwalifisering – 09:45 tot 12:00 op SS 6 Rugby: Superreeks: Crusaders t Cheetahs – 08:00 tot 11:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Bulls t Western Force – 16:30 tot 19:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Sharks t Chiefs – 19:00 tot 21:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Sesnasiereeks: Italië t Wallis – 14:10 tot 16:20 op SS 6 Skotland t Ierland – 16:20 tot 18:30 op SS 6 Engeland t Frankryk – 18:40
tot 21:00 op SS 6 Sokker: Nedbankbeker: Black Aces t Jomo Cosmos – 14:30 tot 17:15 op SS 4 Kaizer Chiefs t Black Leopards – 17:15 tot 19:30 op SS 4 SuperSport United t Orlando Pirates – 19:30 tot 22:45 op SS 4 Tennis: Paribas-ope, vrouehalfeind – 02:50 tot 07:00 op SS 7 Paribas-ope, mans-halfeind – 20:00 tot 01:00 op SS 8 Sondag 22 Maart Bergfietsry: Cape Epic, skof 7 (87 km) – 08:15 tot 14:00 op SS 6 Fietsry: Milaan na San Remo (298 km) – 15:20 tot 18:30 op SS 6 Gholf: Investecbeker, dag 4 – 12:30 tot 16:30 op SS 1 en GDN Arnold Palmer-uitnodiging, dag 4 – 18:30 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Motorfietsrenne: Superfietse: Thailandse wedren 1 en Thailandse supersport – 97:45 tot 10:45 op SS 7 Thailandse wedren 2 – 11:215 tot 13:00 op SS 7 Motorsport: Nascarreeks – 21:30 tot 01:00 op SS 8 Padwedloop: Rome-marathon – 09:45 tot 13:00 op SS 5 en SS 9 Roei: Oxford t Cambridge – 17:00 tot 18:00 op SS 8 Rugby: Superreeks: Waratahs t Brumbies – 06:30 tot 09:30 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Nedbankbeker: Platinum Stars t Mamelodi Sundowns – 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 4 Onder-20: Afrika-kampioenskap, eindstryd – 21:15 tot 23:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Paribas-ope, vroueeindstryd – 20:00 tot 22:00 op SS 6
Five Plasie athletes in Limpopo Team... for SA’s in Rustenburg from 26 to 28 March. Seen here are the five: in front are Christelle Coetzer and Kelsy-Ann Mostert and Phillemon Mabidilala, Tertius Kruger and Noko Malatji are standing behind them.
Vossies korrel fyn Die Vossies se skyfskietspan het die afgelope naweek aan ‘n skietkompetisie teen die volgende veertien hoërskole se skuts meegeding: Gimnasium, Birchleigh, Brandwag, Elspark, Stofberg, Eldoraigne, Garsfontein, Piet Potgieter, PHS, St Benedicts, Florida, Fochville, Zeerust en Brits. Die kompetisie het gesorg vir goeie opwinding tydens die aanloop tot die SA proewe op 27 en 28 Maart by die Hoërskool Florida.
Die Vossie-skuts wat deelgeneem het, was Thinus Vermaak, Tiaan de Jager, Renaldo van Rensburg, Hano Thinus Vermaak Sliep en Rugert Sch- Renaldo van Rensburg nell. Thinus het heel met die volgende tellings: goed gevaar met 508, 526, 337 519, 542, 334 = 1 395. = 1 371 (9de in die o.21-ouRenaldo en Thinus is gekies derdomsgroep). om aan die SA proewe deel te Renaldo was die ster by die neem (op 27 en 28 Maart). o.16-groep en het goud geDit is ‘n mooi prestasie, wen. Hy is ook vyfde in die want net veertig van die land algehele groep van 150 skuts se beste skuts word genooi.
Dit was straf vs Montana Die Vossies se hokkiespanne het die afgelope Saterdag teen die Hoërskool Montana in Pretoria gespeel. Die Vossies het strawwe, harde wedstryde teen Montana beleef. Die o.16A’s het aanvallende hokkie gespeel, maar kon net nie in die sirkel afrond nie. Hul wedstryd eindig gelykop met nul elk. Die o.15A-span het binne die eerste paar minute twee doele aangeteken. Montana het hul voete gevind en die halftydtelling was 2 elk, maar die Vossies het vasgebyt en wen die wedstryd met 4-3. Die eerste meisiespan het hul wedstryd met 2-1 gewen, met Talenta Mabunda en Amu Thuketana wat die doele aangeteken het. Die o.14A-spannetjie het baie mooi samespel getoon, met Zané Botha, wat goeie hokkievaardighede getoon het. Hulle verloor hul wedstryd 1-0. Die eerste seunspan het in ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Montana gespeel. Dit was ‘n ongelooflike aanskoulike wedstryd, met Hanco van der Merwe wat uitstekende vaardighede ten toon gestel het. Hy het ‘n baie mooi doel aangeteken en die span wen 5-1. • Die uitslae was: o.14A: BV 0 – Montana 1; o.14B: BV 0 – Montana 4; o.15A: BV 4 – Montana 3; o.15B: BV 0 – Montana 1; o.16A: BV 0 – Montana 0; o.16B: BV 0 – Montana 0; Tweedes: BV 0 – Montana 5; Eerste span: BV 2 – Montana 1; eerste seuns (vriendskaplik): BV. 5 – Montana 1.
Jenelle de Jonge from Merensky High School has been selected for the Limpopo biathlon team. She will compete in the girls u.15 age group, running 1 000 m and swimming 100 m, on 3-4 April in Stellenbosch.
Vyf Vossies vir SA’s… Vyf atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is gekies om Limpopo by die SA skole-atletiekbyeenkoms te verteenwoordig. Dié byeenkoms word in die Royal Bafokeng-stadion in Rustenburg gehou, tussen 25 en 28 Maart. Vier van die vyf is, voor: Lehlogonolo Molepo (seuns o. 15: 200 m). Agter hom sit Lara Schutte (meisies o.17: 400 m, 800 m), Niaan Taljaard (seuns o.15: diskus en gewigstoot) en Carmen Botha (meisies o.19: 400 m-hekkies, 100 m-hekkies, hoogspring en aflosse). Carmen is ook aangewys as die kaptein van Limpopo se meisiespan.Agter staan mnr Jacques Pohl, die atletiekorganiseerder by die skool Emile Kruger (seuns o.15: spiesgooi) was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650
20 March 2015
Loftus se piesangskil te veel vir Letaba Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se wintersportkragmeting teen die Hoërskool Montana van Pretoria het gewys die Vossies sal vanjaar weer op die sportveld presteer. Hier duik Danny Mokhobane van die Vossies se eerste rugbyspan sierlik oor die doellyn vir ‘n drie. Verslag op bl 14.
In ‘n wintersportbyeenkoms tussen die Hoërskool Merensky en Ellisras is hokkie gespeel dat die stof letterlik gestaan het. Die Plasies se Chanté Aucamp baklei hier tussen die stofwolke deur om besit van die bal. Sportuitslae is binne op bladsye 14 en 15.
Die gesanik en geween wat opgegaan het vanuit KwaZumaNatal na die Haaie se onlangse nederlaag teen die sukkelende Bulle noop Oubal vandag om die tyd ‘n week of twee terug te draai. ‘Tja, voor in die koor was natuurlik ArthurIngelsman wat hoogs emosioneel ontevrede was oor die “houm taun diesiesjin” wat sy geliefde Last Outpost gesink het. Na interne tug het ons gedink dis die einde van die saak, maar toe kom neef Christo Buchner met ‘n rubriek in die GAD* en gooi olie op ou Al se vuur. Laat Oubal vanuit die staanspoor sê neef Christo is na Oubal se ervaring vir die Haaie wat oorlede Quintus van Rooyen destyds vir die BB was. Van Blouen het mos soos Stief Mofmeyer geglo elke rakbiespeler in Pretoria moet ‘n Bok wees. Ten gunste van neef Christo kan Oubal darem sê sy onderrok hang nie heeltemal só ver uit nie — Quintus het skaars ‘n bo-rok gedra! Hoe dit ook al sy, neef Christo deel ou Al se mening dat dit ongehoord was dat drie van die wedstrydbeamptes aan die BB verbonde is en as sulks foutiewe beslissings in hul guns gemaak het, wat glo grens aan wedstrydknoeiery. Wat neef Christo nog meer grief was SARU
Neutrale Skeidsregters? se skeidsregterbaas wat nie antwoorde wou verskaf nie en hom na die SupeRakbiebeheerliggaam, Sanzar, verwys het. Sanzar het hom soos ‘n stopstraat geïgnoreer, waaroor Oubal hulle nie kwalik neem nie — die Woord sê immers ‘n mens antwoord ‘n dwaas nie na sy dwaasheid nie. ‘Tja, die eenvoudige waarheid is dat Sanzar al in November 2008 besluit het dat daar vanaf 2009 nie meer neutrale beamptes gebruik gaan word nie. Dit geld wanneer twee spanne van verskillende lande speel, en sekerlik per implikasie ook wanneer dit twee spanne van dieselfde land is. Soos, sê nou maar, die BB teen die Haaie. Onverbonde skeidsregters lê dus so lank in die verlede dat Oubal omtrent nog net kan onthou van waar oubaas Max Baise was. Dat ‘n gesoute joernalis dit nie weet nie en dan ‘n boHAAI opskop, spreek van uiterste dwaasheid! Dis ongelukkig nie al wat hy nie weet nie.
Northam 33 – Letaba 3 In een van hul swakste pogings in baie jare het Letaba 1 toe Saterdag op Loftus in die Assupol-eindstryd gegly, in plaas van om rugby te speel. Loftus was vir hulle soos een groot piesangskil... Letaba het weer teen Northam te staan gekom en ‘n behoorlike loesing (33-3) op die lyf geloop. Voorkant toe sal Letaba nie net baie beter teen Northam moet speel nie, maar hulle sal ook bedag moet wees op goeie sielkundige voorbereiding — Saterdag se loesing sal nie sommer net opklaar en vergete wees nie. Die span het hulself, hul goeie afrigter en sy span helpers en ook Letaba se getroue ondersteuners en borge in die steek gelaat. Die span was lusteloos en die verdediging was skokkend. Slegs enkele uitsonderings het hoegenaamd enige vasberadenheid gewys en die meeste spelers was slegs fisies op die veld; terwyl hul koppe êrens anders was. Letaba het vroeg voorgeloop, danksy ‘n strafskop van Gom Bvuma. Na die suksesvolle skop het dit gelyk of die span net gewag het vir die eindfluitjie om te blaas. Northam het by hul spelpatroon gehou; maar Letaba het heeltemal laat slaplê by
die losgemale, terwyl die voorspelers in die agterlyn gelê het, om soos senters te probeer hardloop. Die agterlynspelers het een of ander onbekende wedstrydplan gevolg, deur elke bal te probeer skop en of suinig te speel. Dit het gesorg dat Letaba ‘n liederlike pak slae op die lyf geloop het. Die kanse was daar om drieë te druk, maar met suinige spel en swak aangeë is talle kanse verbrou. Glen Mafumo was die uitsondering en hy het sy lyf op die spel geplaas. As nog net drie, vier ander spelers met dieselfde toewyding gespeel het, kon die telbord heel anders gelyk het. Letaba sal vinnig moet regruk, want more speel hulle tuis teen die baie sterk span van Mbombela. Letaba 1 en 2 speel om 15:00 en 16:30 onderskeidelik. Die span se getroue ondersteuners moet sorg da hulle more opdaag en die groenes ondersteun. Vergeet nou maar van wat die afgelope naweek op Loftus gebeur het. Ons gly almal een of ander tyd en selfs die topspanne in rugby wêreldwyd maak soms skande. Ons glo ons manne kan en wil en sál vir hul brouwerk van die afgelope naweek sake regstel.
Die Haaie se grootste grief was die vorentoe aangee van Jessie Kriel wat tot Tatoëerman se drie gelei het. Dink Oubal die aangee was vorentoe? Ongetwyfeld, beslis, sonder vrees vir teenspraak. Dink Oubal die TV-skeidsregter het dit verkeerd beoordeel? Geensins, as ‘n mens die voorskrifte van WR (voorheen IRB) volg nie. ‘Tja, WR sê daar moet gekyk word hoe die bal die speler se hande verlaat, met inagneming daarvan dat fisiese wette bepaal dat die momentum van ‘n bewegende voorwerp hom vorentoe sal neem, selfs al was die aanvanklike rigting terugwaarts. Neef Christo en mede-gebelgdes kan gerus weer gaan kyk wat gebeur het en veral luister na wat die TV-skeidsregter gesê het. Die hoek van die beeld wys Kriel van agter en met die aangee is sy hande voor sy lyf en gevolglik nie sigbaar nie. Die TV-skeidsregter sê daar is geen duidelike bewys dat die bal vorentoe aangegee word nie (want hy kon nie die hande sien nie!) en hy sê ook dat die bal na die aangee vorentoe gesweef het (wat in ooreenstemming met genoemde fisiese wet kan wees). Stem Oubal saam met hierdie interpretasie?
Glad nie, maar die TV-skeidsregter moet die voorskrifte van sy base volg en nie Oubal s’n nie. As ons dit wil verander, moet dit met WR opgeneem word eerder as om ons monde in die openbaar teen die verkeerde mense uit te spoel. Neef Christo gaan laakbaar voort deur te sê dat die TV-skeidsregter in die BB’e se guns beslis het om op te maak vir sy beslissing met Grant Hattingh se non-drie die vorige week. Askies, maar was hy nie toe ook verbonde aan die BB nie? Die vraag wat Oubal eintlik vir neef Christo wil vra, is hoekom hy niks sê van die drie Haaiverdedigers wat in posisie was om Tatoëerman te stuit, maar nie kon nie? ‘Tja, die eenoog-onderrok! *GAD – Grootste Afrikaanse Dagblad “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” — Dante Alighieri Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
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