Bulletin 150327

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27 Maart 2015

015 307 7248




Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Fear lessl y the tr uth

10A Morgan Building Morgan Street, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3255 www.tzaneendentists.co.za


Kabeldiewe was erg waaghalsig

Vingers wys na die GTM oor ‘traagheid’ om wagte aan te stel ‘n Wonderwerk! So sê die mense wat meer van elektrisiteit weet as Jan Alleman, oor die waaghalsige kabeldiefstal by die hoofsubstasie in Tzaneen (foto links). Dit was donker en hoogspanningkabels is niemand se speelmaat nie. Dat niemand geskok en erg gebrand is of selfs dood is nie, is ‘n wonderwerk. Die kragtoevoer in die dorp is ongeveer 22:45 Maandagaand onderbreek en eers om en by 10:00 Dinsdagoggend herstel. Die helde in die stryd om sake so gou as moontlik reg te kry, was die span van

die GTM se elektristeitsafdeling. Hulle het deurnag koorsagtig gewerk om die toevoer te herstel, en Tzaneen se inwoners kan gerus wees dat dié departement se mense dienslewering voorop stel (binne die begrotingsbeperkings waarmee hulle ook maar sukkel). Intussen word gesê die GTM sleep voete met die aanstel van sekuriteitswagte by die substasie, en daar sal nou dringend aandag hieraan geskenk moet word. Die kabeldiewe gaan nie nou ophou met hul strooptogte nie.

ZZ2 se ankervrou laat leemte 3

New record for the Ebenezer mile side n i t a t i Hab

Nicolo is back from Chile



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27 Maart 2015


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 082 075 3031 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 060 402 1579 elliot@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com IT


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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Website | Webwerf Vist our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare

Miljoen nog van aandag. Daarom sing ek nog die Stem en staan die Boere dan op aandag. Ek speel ook graag met poppe. Nie die soort met rubber koppe. Soos Chester Missing wat my spot oor al my floppe. Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Ja, ek sal myself en jou vir ‘n ewigheid verdoem, ja! Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Dis hoe dit is… met Steve!

Ja, ek sou myself sien net wit babatjies kan soen, ja! Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen.

Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen.

Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen.

Want daarmee sal ek die politiek-ding nou kan doen, ja!

Want daarmee word Malema en sy trawante sweerlik groen, ja!

Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Ek is moeg vir die gesukkel as ‘n nietige randfiguurtjie. Die gewonder oor die geld omdat ek nie Inniebos toe kan gaan nie. En geen Land Rover of Pick ‘n Pay nie maak my werklik

Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Ek soek nie net baie geld nie maar ek hou ook

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Sê jou sê

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Sakelui in Tzaneen sê die munisipaliteit moet nou optree teen die hordes ongelisensieerde smouse en die vryheid wat smouse geniet om na willekeur op enige plek handel te dryf, of ernstige konflik kan ontstaan. • Wat dink jy? / Sal daar iets van kom?

Rodney Sabatier This municipality does not have the back bone to sort it out. But should there be conflict, I bet you the SAPS will be quick to act against the legitimate business owners Bosman Kruger Ek het ‘n probleem met die smouse. Nie net die onooglikheid daarvan nie maar die dubbel staandaard wat hierby betroke is en deur wetstoepassers gebruik word. Ry op die R71 uit Tzaneen uit dan staan die smouse vlak by die geen smous borde. 5meter verder is ‘n spoed kamera. Dis makliker en minder moeite vir die wetstoepassers om my die bestuurder van ‘n voertuig wat 71km/h in ‘n 60km/h zone ry te vang as wat dit is om die mense te verjaag. Die 11km/h oor die perk is verseker baie veiliger as die ou wat skielik dood in die pad stop om mangos te koop. Tweedens moet my besigheid aan streng “health and safety” standaarde voldoen maar die smous op my stoep kan maak en mors na harte lus. Willem Steynberg Nogal gewonder

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Vespreide reën later. Namiddag wolke. Baie warm


Sonop Sononder Humiditeit

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Business people in Tzaneen say the municipality must act now against the hordes of unlicensed hawkers and peddlers and their freedom to trade anywhere at will, or serious conflict may arise. • What do you think? / Will anything be done?

hieroor moet sekere plekke in Dannie Joubert str al in die pad loop omdat smouse sypaadjie oorvat! Izette Izzi Chaplin En wat van die ouens wat dink ons motors is hulle office-drivethru?? Natasha Bezuidenhout Nee wat vegeet maar dis maar hoe dit is. Christa Koekemoer Die munisipaliteit sal niks doen nie. Of daar sal omkoopgeld gevra word, en dan het almal lisensies. Vicky Smith Vir wat is daar borde op wat se geen smouse maar sit sit hulle sommer by die borde en word niks aan hulle gedoen nie try jy as boer dit en kyk wa slaap jy vinaand as jy nie omkoop geld betaal nie. pffft Martie Dreyer ja ek stem saam Vicky , dan koop die polisie en verkeersbeamptes almal by hulle. daar word niks aan hulle gedoen nie, kan nie een behoorlik op die sypaadjies loop nie,hulle sit die hele plek vol. Anneri Potgieter Swael reen...een blits straaltjie...en woooof...problem solved

Dirk Stoltz IV Solank as wat korrupsie hoogty vier kan mens nie die burokrate vertrou om die reël konsekwent toe te pas nie. Vir die rekord: in Tzaneen was daar al 3 pogings om my beursie uit my broeksak te steel terwyl ek tussen die smouse deur beweeg het. Gelukkig tog vir die rekkie (rubber band) truuk! Claudia de Bruyn Wat is die rekkie truuk? Dirk Stoltz IV Die rekkie truuk: as jy van daai breë rekkies óm jou beursie sit kan die beursie nie uit jou sak uitgly nie. Die diewe maak daarop staat dat die beursie uitgly, as die beursie vashak dan los hulle dit dadelik Claudia de Bruyn Dankie, iets geleer The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others. Respect the facts of a situation. Avoid gossip.

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Besprekings en Kennisgewings


Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...


Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjikloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

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nou gedaan. Vlieg verneem dat Steve Vroteyr se twyEn ou Dan Roodt het jou waarlik. felagtige vrinne nou ‘n hele miljoen stemme Deur dik en dun by my gestaan. wil werf by sy eweneens verdagte aanhangEk sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. ers in die anti-sosiale media. Steve sou Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. blykbaar te sê gehad het dat hy die politiek sal betree as ‘n miljoen mense (?) daarvoor Ja, ek sou myself met prof. van Schalkwyk kon versoen, ja! stem! Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. Dit lyk vir Vlieg dus of dit slegs een-entwintig jaar geneem het vir wit kiesers om Ek Stem en ook Pampoen net om belasting te betaal. En nou is ek ook hoeka by die Front Nasionaal. ook politieke leiers te verkies met bedenklike Ja, ek verlang na die Transvaal, en die tuisland ideaal. morele waardes! Maar die feeste hou my nou oor die algemeen maar Vlieg het vir ou Steve ‘n lied geskryf wat kaal. hy kan sing op sy verkiesingsveldtog, terEk sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. wyl arme Lucas Maree sweerlik in sy graf Ek sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen. gaan omdraai.

Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha

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Bly op hoogte met nuus op ons blad. Deel gerus jou nuusbrokkies met ons en pos foto’s met nuus en gebeurlikhede wat die gemeenskap raak. Indien jy egter anoniem wil bly op die blad se nuusvoer, ‘inboks’ ons gerus en deel jou storie.

Nuus en Kennisgewings


06:08 18:07 36%





Swaar reën. Meestal bewolk. Matig

Vespreide reën. Meestal bewolk. Matig

Vespreide reën. Mooiweer. Matig

Enkeie vespreide Reën. Bewolk. Warm

Woensdag Donderdag Gedeeltelik bewolk. Matig

Meestal sonskyn. Matig

















































Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 76.8%

Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude

Middel Letaba





Blyde Rivier Poort


100.4% 102.8%

Tours 83.3%

Vergelegen Ohrigstad 100.3%


Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 23/03/2015

Baie Dankie! Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van

Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril



Jaques van Niekerk *Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen


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27 Maart 2015


Verdwaalde muskiet slaan toe in Haenertsburg ‘n Vrou van Haenertsburg sterk tuis aan nadat sy vir malaria in die Tzaneen Mediclinic behandel is. Die nuuswaardigheid hiervan is dat dit die eerste geval in twintig jaar is dat malaria in Haenertsburg by die malaria-instituut in Tzaneen aangemeld is. Mnr Philip Kruger van die instituut sê dit was moontlik ‘n verdwaalde muskiet wat in ‘n voertuig uit ‘n besmette gebied vasgevang was en in Haenertsburg uitgevlieg het. Dit is jare al bekend dat malariadraende muskiete dit nie in dié bergdorpie oorleef nie. Die vrou en haar man, wat graag anoniem wil bly, is Tzaneeners wat onlangs na Haen-

ertsburg verhuis het. Hulle was nie onlangs in enige streek waar die siekte endemies is nie. Kruger sê dit gaan ook heelwat beter met me Judith Jacobs van Tzaneen, wat na ‘n ruk in die waakeenheid weens malaria nou tuis aansterk. Hy sê die verspreide voorkoms van malaria in die eerste twee maande van die jaar het nou tot bedaring gekom en drasties in getalle afgeneem. Einde Februarie is 153 gevalle per dag in die provinsie se 42 hospitale en klinieke aangemeld. Dié syfer staan nou op twintig per dag en sluit die hoogs besmette gebiede in. Dit is nie waar dat mnr Conrad Krüger, ‘n prokureur van Tzaneen, sonder ‘n Getrouheidswaarborgfonds-sertifikaat praktiseer nie. Die sertifikaat word aan prokureurs uitgereik as hul trustrekening(s) in orde is. Links is ‘n afdruk van Krüger se sertifikaat wat deur die Prokureursorde aan ons gelewer is.

Sypaadjieboere is onwettig Die sypaadjieboere van Tzaneen, wat grondboontjies op die randakkers langs die strate plant, doen dit onwettig. ‘n Inwoner van Aquapark, mnr Paul Swanepoel, is Woensdag weens openbare saakbeskadiging in die landdroshof onskuldig bevind, nadat hy onkruid op die sypaadjie voor sy huis met gif gespuit het. In die proses het van die boontjie-aanplantings glo ook gevrek. Die landdros het aan die twee klaagsters in die saak gesê die plant van grondbone en ander gewasse op sypaadjies is onwettig as hulle nie die

nodige toestemming daarvoor het nie. Swanepoel het na die tyd gesê die hele petalje het hom sowat R10 000 uit die sak gejaag weens regskoste, voorbereiding en werkdae wat weens die hofsake in die slag gebly het. Hy het ander inwoners gemaan om op die uitkyk te wees vir die planters. “Volgens wet moet ek die munisipaliteit vra om my sypaadjie van oortollige groei skoon te maak, maar ‘n nasionale bepaling verplig my om self verbode onkruid soos lantana en ander soorte self te verwyder.”

MS Leandri Schreiber, the manager of Amone Modelling Academy in Tzaneen, travelled to Europe with twelve delegates and companions to represent South-Africa on the international panel of judges of the international Little Miss and Mister Galaxy 2015 contest. Of the five delegates who entered the contest to represent SA, three won their overall age categories. The results were: Leruo Nape: winner age group 9-11 years, Mmoke Nape: winner age group 4-13 years; Rethabile Molepo: winner age group 12-15 years; Ulien du Plessis: second princess age group 4-8 years; Solly Lebea: first prince age group 13-18 years. South Africa also won the award for special contributions to the contest.


27 Maart 2015


www.bulletin.us.com She was later found dead. Her mother was also away. Police are still to determine the cause of the fire. An inquest case has since been opened and investigations are underway.

The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Elliot Mathye - elliot@bulletin.us.com

Life for gang rapists The Naphuno Regional Court sentenced three rapists to 25 years in jail for the gang rape and kidnap of a 14-year-old girl. The incident took place at Lephepane Village, near Lenyenye, in 2012. David Sekgobela (26), Samuel Maponya (24) and Masedi Isaac Makomela (25) allegedly met the victim on her way home. She tried to flee but they overpowered her. They then took her to a house in the area, where she was raped continuously until she was released in the early hours of the following day. They reportedly also assaulted her repeatedly with a broom stick during the ordeal and a towel was put in her mouth to prevent her from screaming or calling for help.

Infant dies after fire A 5-year-old girl was burnt to death inside the shack she shared with her mother over the weekend. Lebogang Ramahlo of Ga-Kgapane Township in Bolobedu was home alone when the incident took place. Her mother was away at the time of the tragedy. Police reports suggest that Ramahlo died in her sleep after her caught fire from a burning stove. The incident comes after 9-year-old Ria Letswalo was kidnapped while sleeping within the same week and in the same area.

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Police campaign for youth was a success

Bolobedu arrests 87 Police in Bolobedu arrested 87 suspects for various criminal activities during the past week: 45 suspects were arrested for public drinking, six for assault GBH, five for robbery, three for malicious damage to property, three for rape, two for murder, two for possession of dagga and the rest for assault, house breaking and theft, theft from a motor vehicle, theft of firearms, theft, business robbery, drunken driving, dealing with dagga, possession of stolen property and violating a protection order.

H’burg detains 25 Police in Haenertsburg detained 25 people for various criminal activities for the past two weeks: nineteen people were arrested for contravening the Road Traffic Act, three for being in possession of dagga, one for public indecency and two for assault GBH.

Members of Tzaneen SAPS with learners Rhoda Ngobeni (left) and Samuel Modiba (right) of Fobeni High School during the campaign.

Tzaneen arrests 96 The Police in Tzaneen arrested 96 people for various criminal activities over the past week: 28 people were arrested for prostitution, sixteen for contravening the Road Traffic Act, twelve for assault GBH, eight for contravening the Liquor Act, seven for illegal trading, five for drunken driving, three for attempted murder, three for possession of dagga, three for shoplifting, three for armed robbery, two for theft and the rest for rape, housebreaking and theft, malicious damage to property, possession of suspected stolen property, possession of unlicensed firearm and possession of counterfeit goods.

Lieutenant Colonel Baratang Maja searching the learners in class during the campaign by the Tzaneen SAPS.

The South African Police Service in Tzaneen, together with members of Victim Empowerment Group (VEP), recently conducted a school campaign as part of

Youth Violence Prevention Week at Fobeni High School in Bolobedu South. The campaign went on for two weeks. According to Const Glenda Maimele, the spokesperson of the Tzaneen police station, the Police approached the school after receiving complaints about challenges in the school. The challenges included the pupils’ drug-use, fights, assaulting each other, disruption of lessons, vandalism and bullying. During the campaign, the SAPS visited the school on each morning with members of the dog unit to search learners. According to Maimele, 24 cell phones were confiscated. The police also donated school uniforms to two underprivileged pupils. They promise to continue monitoring the school.

Tzaneen se smouse word meer, maar die munisipaliteit kyk anderpad Een van die lesse uit die Arabiese Lente wat die Midde-Ooste nou al vir ‘n jaar of wat in ‘n oorlogsone laat verval het, is dat onrus by mense opbou en dan eensklaps in anargie uitbars. In Tzaneen bou die druk op, oor smouse wat na willekeur vir hulle ‘persele’ beset en handel dryf. Dit blyk dat daar geen wil by die GTM is om die orde te herstel nie. Wettige handelaars in die sakekern is keelvol, maar ook Jan

Alleman waag dit al hoe minder in die sakekern; want sakkerollers is daar bedrywig, mense se voertuie word beskadig en voetgangers word gedwing om in die straat te loop, omdat sypaadjies deur smouse en hul ware versper word. Foto 1: Kunsleerprodukte en namaaksels word reg voor Tzaneen Winkel, een van die dorp se oudste winkels, verkoop. Dié winkel spesialiseer in leerprodukte van gehalte! Foto 2: Onwettige smouse word opgeruim (deur die GTM), maar dit het meer as twee jaar gelede laas gebeur. Foto 3: Tot in die straat... en parkeerplekke word beset of deels beset en voertuie word beskadig. Foto 4: Nog ‘n voertuig in gevaar om beskadig te word. Foto 5: Die oulike en netjiese kiosks wat die GTM vir smouse agter die ou Checkers gebou het, het nie gehelp nie. Dit is

steeds ‘n seer oog. Foto 6: Sit maar in die straat... en versper Price & Pride Style se uitstalvensters en ingang. Foto 7: Die fotograaf met sy toerusting vir ID-foto’s versper die ingang na die Jacaranda-gebou waar vier ander besighede op die eerste verdieping sake probeer doen (het?). Tien meter na regs is Lombards Apteek, waar ook IDfotos geneem word! Daar is plekke waar dit erger lyk en gaan!


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27 Maart 2015


Sonnige ankervrou van ZZ2 laat ‘n groot leemte Die boerdery bekend as ZZ2 is deur baie mense se sweet en toewyding gebou tot die voortreflike reusebesigheid wat dit vandag is. Min mense verdien egter die spesiale vermelding wat aan Lettie van Zyl verskuldig is. Sy het in 1955 as dorpsmeisie uit Ladysmith in Natal die groot liefde in haar lewe in Pretoria ontmoet. Lettie was ‘n verpleegster toe sy en Bertie van Zyl in 1956 getroud is en by Mooketsi gevestig het. Die boerdery was klein en eenvoudig en die pad tussen Munnik en Duiwelskloof was nog ongeteer. Bertie en Lettie se eerste huis was ‘n kamer wat Bertie spesiaal aan sy ouers se huis op Boekenhoutbult gebou het. Lettie het haar eerste baba met liefde in haar skoonmoeder se huis grootgemaak, terwyl Bertie lang ure buite in die boerdery bestee het. Lettie se bydrae tot die boerdery en die familieverhoudings was uit die staanspoor gekenmerk deur liefde, warmte en vriendelikheid. Lettie het dikwels in desperate en moeilike omstandighede daarin geslaag om ‘n atmosfeer te skep waarin almal meer doeltreffend kon wees. Terwyl Lettie kinders grootgemaak het was sy ook verantwoordelik vir die byhou van die boerdery se administrasie en boekhouding. Sy het vir meer as twintig jaar byna eiehandig ZZ2 se eerste administratiewe- en finansiële de-

partement gevestig. Sy het veral ook ‘n spesiale verhouding met die plaaswerkers gehad. Sy moes dikwels haar kundigheid as verpleegster inspan, om noodsituasies op die plaas te hanteer. Lettie was ‘n skoonmoeder soos min. Sy het haar kinders se lewensmaats met groot eerbied en respek behandel en hulle het almal gou baie lief vir haar geword. Lettie se sonnige geaardheid het gemaak dat haar een skoondogter vir meer as dertig jaar as baie gewaardeerde buurvrou langs haar kon woon. In haar latere lewe was sy die Ouma om van te droom. Haar twaalf kleinkinders was haar trots en sy het vir elkeen ‘n spesiale plekkie in haar hart gehou. Lettie is Maandag 23 Maart in die Tzaneen Mediclinic oorlede. Sy het in die week voor haar afsterwe vir oulaas groot vriende gemaak. Die personeel wat haar versorg het is vol lof vir haar en beskryf haar as ‘n engel en model pasiënt. Dit is met groot hartseer dat ons almal vir Ouma Lettie vir oulaas groet. Familie, vriende en die mense van ZZ2. * Lettie van Zyl (néé Aletta Dreyer) laat twee seuns, Philé en Tommie en twee dogters, Irma (Coetzer) en Amri (Gericke) en twaalf kleinkinders agter. Die begrafnis van wyle Lettie van Zyl is more (Saterdag) om 10:00 vanuit die NG Kerk in Modjadjiskloof.

Mawa, Ga-Wally calm after protests

Jeweller leaves town... Ms Erika Cronje, a talented Tzaneen jeweller, who has won significant awards in the industry, is leaving Tzaneen at the end of this month. She will be based in Pretoria. Photo: Sue Ettmayr

Mopani’s annual report heard by MPAC Mopani District Municipality’s 2014/15 annual report was heard by the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on Monday. This public hearing was attended by different stakeholders, including representatives from the Auditor General, the SA Local Government Association (Salga) and the Department of Corporative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta). During the public hearing, chaired by MPAC chairperson Pat Nkanyane, issues regarding the establishment of an anti-corruption forum, an integrated waste management plan to formalise a site in Ba-Phalaborwa and challenges with Moshupatsela farm, to mention but a few, were outlined. During the question and answer session, Mr Nare Ngoepe, the acting municipal manager and accounting officer of the MDM, remained composed despite a series of rather tricky questions and other comments by members of the committee. Some of the questions raised were: • Why was the CFO allowed to act for longer than provided, contrary to legislative provisions; Does the MDM have an established anti-corruption forum? MPAC will give recommendations and resolutions on all the issues that were discussed at a later stage. The MDM will host its next strategic planning meeting on Friday (today) and tomorrow at Karibu, starting at 08:00. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com

Residents of Mawa and Ga-Wally villages in the Bolobedu area ments, aimed at uplifting communities. It is therefore necessary embarked on a service delivery protest regarding water and elec- that all protests are conducted in a peaceful manner”, Ndlala said. tricity last week. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com The residents in Wards 2 and 3 of Mawa, which is under the jurisdiction of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, demanded that electricity be connected to their newly built Mediese fondse homes (extensions). Korttermynversekering An urgent request for government to Lewensversekering calm the situation was responded to Aftree Beplanning by Corporative Governance, Human Beleggings | Testamente Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC, Ms Makoma Makhurupetsa, Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en the Mayor of the Mopani District SMIT SMIT voorsorgfonds Municipality, Ms Nkakareng Ragoale, Dooden ongeskiktheidsversekering GARRUN ADVISEURS and the Speaker of the GTM, Mr Aandele Cassius Machimana. FSP: 44595 FSP: 11184 According to GTM spokesman Neville Ndlala, a solution to the electricity info@smitadvisors.co.za info@smitgarrun.co.za problem faced by residents in the three villages has been found. He said that cois gestel en hier is dit met sy antInsurable interest is the principle in the next two weeks, Eskom will woorde: which requires that there be a legally recognised link between the begin with the surveys, designs and all B: Wat behels jou kwalifikasies en person wishing to obtain insurance ondervinding? necessary processes that must precede and the financial loss he will suffer F: Ek het alle kwalifikasies soos the actual physical connection. in the event of a claim. Only goods deur die FAIS Wet vereis en is ‘n “Work to connect electricity in the in which a person has a legally remakelaar sedert 1988 three villages will commerce on 1 cognised financial interest may be May. It must also be stated categoricalinsured. B: Watter se dienste bied jy aan? ly that this is a special intervention for If you have such an interest, you F: Korttermynversekering en ook must therefore suffer a direct and a special case and that no changes will Oesversekering measurable financial loss if the Francois du Toit be made to the electricity priority list goods are stolen, damaged or deof the GTM. All the areas that are to B: Wat is jou benadering tot kortstroyed. You must also benefit from the unimbe connected in the 2015/16 financial termynverskering? paired continued existence of goods. year will be connected as planned,” In the case of short-term insurance, the in- F: Maak seker dat jy teen vervangigswaarde said Ndlala. surable interest must exist at the time of the verseker loss. If someone takes out a policy without an He added that with regard to the insurable interest, that policy is null and void. B: Wat is die profile van jou kliënte? water challenge, the MDM will immeA simple example: your DVD player worth R4 F: Hoofsaaklike kommersiële kliënte, boere, diately conduct an assessment of the 500 is stolen from your home. As the owner of besighede en ook individue wat persoonlike current water infrastructure and chalthe player you suffered a measurable loss of bates verseker. lenges, while water tankers deliver R4 500 because you had an insurable interest water as an interim solution. “It must in the DVD player. B: Sal jy die enigste persoon wees wat met The requirements for establishing an insur- my portefeulje werk? also be noted that the connections that able interest were spelt out again in a High F: Nee, Estelle Allen is my regterhand wat te are being done are for new extensions Court case in 1999. In the case a son, who alle tye by die kantoor beskikbaar is. and that all villages in the GTM now was already earning his own salary, bought have electricity. himself a car. He registered it in his name and B: Hoeveel gaan jou dienste my as kliënt “Representatives of the GTM have paid the monthly instalments himself. After kos? been engaging with community leaders, being involved in an accident and experien- F: Soos bepaal en voorgeskryf deur die FAIS specifically protest leaders with a view cing difficulty in obtaining insurance, the car Wet was insured by his father. of resolving the situation”, he said. A few months later the son’s car was stolen Ndlala urged residents to engage with and the insurance company refused to pay B: Hoe word jy beheer? the GTM before resorting to protests, out, saying that although the father believed F: Deur die FSB- en FAIS Wet. citing that residents must abstain from he had a moral duty to help his son, he did damaging public infrastructure when not have an insurable interest in the car. The B: Hoe dikwels word my portefeulje hersien? they embark on service delivery protests. F: Soos ooreengekom maar ten minste een policy was therefore null and void. Die Bulletin (B) het ‘n paar vrae aan Fran- keer per jaar. “Repairs to damaged government property cost the municipality a lot 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587 of money intended for new develop-


27 Maart 2015



Our Opinion

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The morning after the night before...

The Message

Friday 27 March 2015

Rev Ron Reiners, Anglican Church

A long walk... The long walk to freedom — the late Nelson Mandela’s autobiography — is a best seller. But to discover and understand the man’s clear vision of an united and reconciled nation as well as a prosperous and successful country, reading the book is not a sine qua non. Mandela lived his vision, he applied his mind to it in practice when he was the President and he promoted it in almost every possible way on on every forum after his release from Robben Island. Could what we now experience in our beloved country be anywhere near what he had in mind? We don’t think so. Our country’s economy is in serious trouble, Eskom is in tatters, SAA can fly but only thanks to the umptienth capital injection (billions) from government, the Post Office’s future looks bleak, Telkom is riddled with problems, corruption is running out of control (also and especially in the poublic sector), nepotism is said to be a major problem in the public sector, xenophobia is growing, there is grave concern about deteriorating race relations, and, and, and... Our local authorities could be the launching pad for a new initiative to restore law and order, discipline and good governance on local level. However, we can’t see this happen anytime soon. It is indeed a worrying situation.

How fickle we are! We love a party of any kind and readily join in, some of us will caste-off all inhibitions and join the frivolities not giving a second though as to what the possible consequences of our actions might lead to.

This was the scene when Jesus came riding in to Jerusalem so many years ago. However, there was a slight difference, He didn’t come riding in a flashy car with an entourage of “blue lights” around Him, He came humbly riding on a donkey. The crowds went wild, casting palm branches in front of Him. Although, it can be argued that they were not palm branches but ordinary tree branches, there was a joyous celebration and everyone around was calling His name and swept up in the moment hailed Him as king. These very same people would later turn against Him and call for His blood. “Crucify Him” they would cry. Sunday is “Palm Sunday” when some of us will re-in--

Die vloermoer...

Nee, Vlieg

Hierby is die elfde aflewering in ‘n reeks deur spelterapeut Margie van Tonder.Vandag praat sy oor kindermishandeling. Kontak haar by 084 414 6166 of 015 307 5029 vir navrae.

‘n “Tantrum” of vloermoer is ‘n spul emosies soos woede, frustrasie, verlies en teleurstelling wat uiting vind in skree, skop, neerslaan op die vloer, huil, byt, slaan en selfs kopstamp of asem ophou.

Hierdie emosionele tantrums vind plaas bloot omdat die kleiner kind tussen 2 en 3 jaar ontsteld is, maar nie kan redeneer of manipuleer nie. ‘n Ouer kleuter kan tantrums gebruik om iets te kry, afhangende van hoe ouers opgetree het tydens vroeër tantrums. Redes: Eintlik is tantrums natuurlike gedrag as gevolg van onvervulde behoeftes van die jong kind. Die kleiner kind begin homself onafhanklik van sy ouers sien. Die 2-jarige het so pas leer loop en ondersoekende gedrag is vir hulle natuurlik. Hulle verwag hulp, troos en deel van vreugde van ouers, maar ouers reageer met: Nee! Los! Die 2- tot 3-jarige kan nog nie emosies voldoende beheer nie, maar ervaar geweldige emosies weens teleurstelling. Die kleuter se woordeskat ontbreek om dié emosies uit te druk en daarom vind sy frustrasie uiting in ‘n tantrum. ‘n Tantrum is dus ‘n hulpkreet weens diep emosionele pyn. Dit is belangrik dat die kleuter leer hoe om emosies te hanteer gedurende tantrums, sodat die regte breinselverbindinge gevorm word.

Regte hantering van tantrums: 1. Aandagafleiding. Gee ‘n ander speelding of die keuse van ‘n ander kossoort en betrek so logiese denke voordat emosies oorneem. 2. Bly kalm. Deur kalm te bly, stel die ouer die voorbeeld hoe emosies en probleme hanteer moet word. Die jong kind na-aap graag die ouer se optrede. 3. Moenie redeneer nie. Denke word oorheers deur emosies, tydens ‘n tantrum. Om te redeneer sal dus nie nou help nie. 3. Herstel balans. Hou die kind vas en kalmrer hom met woorde soos: “Ek verstaan jy is ontsteld”. Dié optrede laat die kind veilig voel. 4. Moenie straf nie. Die kind verkeer in intense pyn en deur hom te straf of te isoleer, veroorsaak dat hy jou gaan wantrou wanneer hy in nood verkeer. 5. Leer woordeskat aan. Gesels na die tantrum met die kind en leer hom hoe om woorde te gebruik om sy emosies uit te druk. 6. Voorkom tantrums. Honger, woede, eensaamheid en moegheid kan lei tot tantrums. Probeer die kind in roetine hou en enige onnodig frustrasies uitskakel. Lees meer oor tantrums by:


When we care more about unborn babies than actual living people! I am a few hours before the desirable time for submitting my column, and I still have not started. I want to focus on abortions, but I do not know where to start. I cannot speak of any experience of my own, as there is none. However, I feel strongly about the subject. In my opinion, it says a lot about the way women are regarded in society. I recently saw a very moving poetry performance by Layla Josephine, a girl who had an abortion and owned up to it. “I am not ashamed,” she says at least four times during the performance. “I had to cut down the little

cherry tree that had blossomed in my brain a responsibility I did not have the energy or age to maintain.” My introduction into the subject was one in which the act of a woman claiming her body, taking responsibility for her life, the quality there of, and making assertive decisions about her future/situation was seen as evil. It was really just to say, although women can go to school and find employment, they still have to be women and put their natural role as child bearers first, regardless of any logic behind the childbearing and any capacity to care for the child.

For crying out loud joy@bulletin.us.com

Furthermore, I dare say, amongst others things, pregnancy is also seen as a way to either punish women for having sex deemed unacceptable by society (think promiscuity or infidelity) or to tame them to the domestic. As Josephine explains, all kinds of things are said “to keep you out of parliament and stuck on maternity leave”. I searched on line for other poems about abortion and the same message of carelessness towards the


alternatiewe medikasie en behandeling. Met prosesse soos TRE (Trauma Release Experiences), het ek vir die eerste keer in ‘n lang tyd weer kans gesien om voluit te lewe. Ek gee nie om vir Prof Google of Dr Google en al hulle “links” nie of om allerhande “websites” te besoek nie, ek weet wat ek weet, want ek het die verskil self in my lyf en emosies ervaar. Ek is vandag ‘n heel mens, gesond, emosioneel op ‘n wonderlike plek, danksy Homeopatie, Dr Erika en die TRE proses wat sy aan my blootgestel het. Baie dankie, Dr Erika.

Letters | Briewe

June du Plessis skryf per e-pos: Nadat ek die brief aan Vlieg van Dr Erika Coertzen gelees het, asook die brief in laasweek se koerant. Het daar soveel emosies deur my gegaan. Eerstens wil ek net se, ek is nie ‘n “airy fairie” kop in die wolke mens nie, ek is plat op die aarde, maar Vlieg se artikel oor homeopatie het my net laat besef: Vlieg, jy weet nie waarvan jy praat nie! Ek is seker veronderstel om na al die gemelde “links” te gaan kyk, maar eintlik maak dit nie saak nie, want tot vandag het ek nie gaan kyk nie. Hoekom nie? Want ek weet wat Dr Erika en haar behandeling vir my beteken het. Ek weet wat ek in my lyf ervaar en beleef het. ?n Hele paar jaar gelede het ek by ‘n vriendin gekla oor my hormoon wanbalans wat die GP nie onder beheer kon bring nie en sy beveel toe aan dat ek na Dr Erika gaan. Op daardie stadium het ek niks van homeopatie of Dr Erika geweet nie, net geweet ek was desperaat om gehelp te word. Dr Erika het my gehelp, nie net op fisiese vlak nie, maar ook emosioneel. Sy het my gehelp om op ‘n vlak te kom wat my vriende en familie verstom het, ten goede. Daar het ‘n nuwe wereld oopgegaan wat moeilik is om te beskryf, maar wel in my daaglikse handel en wandel baie duidelik is. My lewe het handomkeer verander danksy

By Joy Mojela

act this scene, albeit on a lesser scale. Our churches will be decorated with palm branches and we will all be caught up in the euphoria of the time. We too will forget what it is supposed to mean, the next day and continue to live our lives as normal. We often forget that this was the start of the road which would ultimately lead to Jesus’ death on Calvary, or Golgotha. For many Palm Sunday has a very significant meaning, those there thought it was the start of the reign of a king who would deliver them from the hands of the Romans, we Christians, know now that it was the start of Christ reign here on earth after His death. He was going to establish a new kingdom by dying on the cross for our redemption of sins. A new kingdom which would be open to all believers in Christ. So I urge you all to believe that you are loved by Christ and accept Him as your king and Saviour

No, no, no, Joy Yvonne Du Toit skryf per e-pos: For crying out loud Joy, you walked into a fast food restaurant. You could not make up your mind what to order . The cashier gave you more time to ‘get clarity on the meal options’,and assisted the next customer. End of story. You then created a mole hill and turned it into a racial, sexist mountain in your head. Do not underestimate your readers. • Geskok se brief: Bespreek darem eers die saak met die skoolhoof. — Redakteur • Kragteloos se brief: Geen (onwettige) mark, geen kabeldief. Of hoe? — Redakteur

pregnant woman is reiterated. The voices spoken of are of unborn babies. There is so much concern for unborn babies than for actual living people. Who should take care of these unborn babies, I asked myself? In her research on child abandonment in South Africa, Dee Black — a consultant to the National Adoption Coalition South Africa (NACSA) — found that although studies on child abandonment in the country are limited, more and more children are being abandoned. Fewer people are willing to adopt children in the country and aban-

doned children are less likely to be adopted. Moreover, in her research paper (2014), Black explains that although there are no formal studies on this, it is very likely that many abandoned children end up dying. Furthermore, Black explains that women often choose to abandon their children due to “desperate situations” they find themselves, often due to being abandoned by their own families and partners because of the pregnancy. Now, I am not saying abortion is always the answer to unplanned pregnancies or failed family planning, but can we also look at the other end of the straw — what happens to both the mother and unborn baby once it is born.


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27 Maart 2015


SANParks unveils second anti-poaching helicopter The South African National Parks recently donated in March last year. unveiled a new helicopter to assist in the In thanking the foundation for the donafight against poachers at the Kruger Nation- tion, chairperson of SANPark’s board Kuseni al Park. Dlamini, noted that more funds are needed to fight poaching in the country. Donated by the Howard G Foundation, the R39m helicopter Maj Sipho Ndlangamandla of the has advanced capabilities such as SA National Defence Force, which operates in KNP, recently noted flying at night and other features that poachers constantly employ which will improve the park’s new tactics to enter the park. response to contact at night. The helicopter is the second Speaking during a simulation one given to the park by Howard of how the park responds to the presence of poachers and contacts, G Foundation. The first one with similar capabilities was Ndlangamandla said SANParks’ improved counter-attack strategy of emMaj Sipho Ndlangamandla ploying more police and soldiers speaking at the simulation of at border gates is failing. how the SANDF responds to “Poachers are now infilcontacts (poachers) in the KNP.

trating the park through the civilised world,” he said, explaining that the poachers enter the park from its urban neighbourhoods, which include Kindfisher and Pretoriuskop in Mpumalanga. “They camp within the communities and plan their strategies while in there,” he added. According to him, the number of poachers that go into the park via the border posts or through the fence bordering Mozambique and Zimbabwe has decreased. Ndlangamandla urges communities bordering the park to be on high alert for suspicious people. — Orlando Chauke

The CEO of Airbus SA, Mr Arnuad Montalvo, officially handed over the new helicopter to the chairperson of SANParks Board, Mr Kuseni Dlamini, during the demonstration of new technological devices at Skukuza.


ABOVE: Mr Robert Hannaford, a Technical Director at SANParks briefing the media about the UAV’s. The two devices are still undergoing a test to see if they are viable. LEFT: Mr Graham Dyer explained to the media how the new tracking device works.

SANParks recently revealed new technological devices such as electrical powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), which can be flown at night and used to monitor the park at a lower cost than the current method of big airbuses, to assist in the fight against poachers. Here are Mr Graham Dyer and a colleague fixing up an UAV before it was flown as a demonstration to the media.


27 Maart 2015



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Brandgevaar is hoog weens min reën Die gevaar van bos- en veldbrande in 2015 is hoog weens die min reën wat die Letabagebied die afgelope tyd ontvang het, sê die Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) in sy jaaroorsig. Verlede jaar het betreklik stil verloop, behalwe aan die einde van die jaar, toe enkele groot brande by Sarala, Iron Crown en Koedoesvallei uitgebreek het. Probleme word ondervind met munisipaliteite, wat steeds nalaat om voorbrande in hul gebiede te maak. Die voorsitter van die LFPA, mnr Trevor Philips, het by die organisasie se jaarvergadering gesê die voorlopige aanstelling van ‘n brandbestuurder, mnr Rouan Snyman, het groot verligting in die werksaamhede van die LFPA gebring. Hy is nou permanent aangestel. Die LFPA beskik nou ook oor ‘n sleepwaentjie met telefoonlyne en ‘n datastelsel

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LINKS: Mnr Trevor Philips van die LFPA staan by die sleepwa wat voortaan by groot brande as kommunikasiesentrum ingespan sal word. ONDER LINKS: Me Maritza Swanepoel (sekretaresse) gesels met me Wietzke van Tol van Westfalia, tydens die LFPA se jaarvergadering. ONDER REGS: Mnr Brian Homewood van die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye gesels met me Margaret Brown by die LFPA se jaarvergadering.

wat voortaan by groot brande ingespan sal word om bestryding uit alle oorde te koördineer. Twee helikopters teen brande is op die oomblik in Letaba en Bela-Bela beskikbaar, met die hoop om ‘n derde helikopter in Louis Trichardt gestasioneer te kry. Onderhandelings is steeds aan die gang om die Working on Fire-brandspanne na die rampbeheersentrum in Tzaneen te skuif. ‘n Sleutelgroepie sal egter in die sentrum by Westfalia gevestig bly. Philips is herkies as voorsitter en mnr Tony Long as voorsitter, met me Maritza Swanepoel as sekretaresse.

Critical vaccine shortage Stock farmers in South Africa are deeply concerned about animal health this year, as there are a critical shortage of vaccines for the treatment of major animal diseases due to underperformance at Onderstepoort. An urgent appeal was made to the department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by the National Animal Health Forum (NAHF) to do a complete financial, performance and competence audit on Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) within the next month. This will ensure that stock farmers can consider alternatives if vaccines are not going to be available by the spring of 2015. The appeal was endorsed by AgriSA and all members of the NAHF.

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Rits toekennings vir ons span se goeie werk Vyf lede van die Bulletin se span is by die jaarlikse LiN Media-toekennings vereer. Sue Ettmayr is vir haar artikels oor “Human Interest” as wenner aangewys en Louis Roux was derde in dié kategorie. Winnie Baloyi en David Morrison* is vir advertensieontwerp vereer (vier toekennings tussen die twee). Francois Aucamp het ‘n toekenning gekry in die kategorie “Harde Nuus”. Die Bulletin is ook vereer in die kategorie “Beste Bylae” vir


Me Alice McDonald van Capro in Johannesburg het die toekennings in een van die kategorieë vir “Beste Advertensie” aan Winnie Baloyi en mnr Willie Nel van Die Pos in Bela Bela oorhandig. Op die foto onder is me Helena Raats, die Bulletin se Louis Roux, mnr Tobie van der Berg (redakteur van die Middelburg Observer en een van die beoordelaars), mnr Andries van Zyl (redakteur van die Zoutpansberger) en die Bulletin se Sue Ettmayr. Raats se Noordelike Nuus is vereer vir die beste webwerf en Van Zyl vir “Harde Nuus” en hy was ook tweede vir sy “Human Interest”-bydraes (wat deur Ettmayr gewen is). Louis Roux se prestasie word in die berig bo die foto’s genoem.

die AgriBulletin (maandeliks, met Louis Roux as redakteur) en “Wedding”(verskyn twee keer per jaar). Die toekennings is by ‘n weelde-gholflandgoed by Modimole gehou. Die Pos van Bela Bela is as die beste koerant in die LiN Media-groep aangewys. * Morrison het intussen as grafiese ontwerper uit die Bulletin se diens getree.


27 Maart 2015

9 Delicious Braai Recipes • 16 The low-down on load shedding • 10

Inside & around the house

Graphic Design: Tamryn Branch & Winfred Baloyi • Editorial: Joy Mojela & Louis Roux • Marketing: Jacques Smuts

Surviving without power • 14

In & om die huis •

Dream bathrooms with Dulux • 11

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27 Maart 2015


The low-down on load shedding

with Pierre van den Heever R555

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Perhaps it is easier to think of it as a ghost that sneaks-up on us and takes away our power. Load shedding is becoming part of our daily schedules. We plan our events mindful that at any moment we may be forced to go without electrical power. Bulletin spoke to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s director of electrical engineering services, Mr Pierre van den Heever, for a deeper insight into the energy crisis ghosting over the country. • Mr Van den Heever, this might seem obvious but first things first, why are we loadshedding? There is actually not one reason, but a combination of reasons. Amongst others things, our power stations are half-way through their lives. They don’t function as well as they used to. The demand for electricity is also exponentially increasing and much over what the stations can and were created to handle. We also don’t have enough power reserves. The country is currently building new power stations; however, it takes time (about seven to ten years) and a lot of money to build power stations. The way things are going, the country will run out of electrical energy before the new power stations are done and running. We therefore need to load-shed to deal with the country’s electrical demand

• How does load shedding work? The way it works is that there is a certain amount of energy set for use for a given period of time. If the country’s use peaks or exceeds the set amount, we then need to load-shed to restore the energy. Eskom will contact the various sub-stations and municipalities to declare a load-shedding. Basically, the more energy we use, the more we need to load shed. • What do the different stages mean – Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3? The stages are levels of emergency. They denote the urgency of the situation, level of use and amount of power needed to be restored. Stage 1 load shedding means the crisis is minimal. Only about 1000 mega-watts need to be restored. Depending on the municipality, the load shedding can either cover a small area or last for a short period of time. Stage 2 is intermediate. Stage 3, on the other hand, means the system is about to collapse. About 4000 megawatts need to be restored. The load shedding can either cover a large area or go on for a long period of time. • How long should we expect the load shedding to go on? Perhaps, importantly what people need to

understand is that load-shedding is not necessarily a temporal situation. The country is in a serious energy crisis that should have been foreseen a whole lot earlier. However, it’s no use pointing fingers now. Preserving energy should be an ongoing process. • How about alternative energy sources like solar energy, and others? The problem with alternative sources at this point is that they are not so much economically viable. Solar panels, for example, are very expensive to install and they are mostly used to replace geysers. • What then can we as residents do to alleviate the situation, except perhaps what we have already been told about saving energy? Unfortunately, there is nothing more. We all need to limit our use of energy. It’s the small things we know we should do that can save power. Use energy efficient lighting, switchoff electrical appliances when they are not in use, don’t boil a kettle full of water when you only need a little, etc. Businesses, especially, should also be graceful with their use of energy – they should minimise their use of air-conditioners and lights.


27 Maart 2015


Verbeel jou vertrekke vol Die mens se verbeelding het geen perke nie en kan lei tot vindingrykheid wat andersins verlore sou wees. Dit was die resep vir die binne-afwerking in die huis van Jean Meintjes, metaalkunstenaar van Gravelotte, en sy vrou Helga. Feitlik alles kom uit selfdoenprojekte en los materiaal sonder om ten duurste vir ander se skeppings te betaal. Hout is op groot en klein skaal ingespan en tot die geringste houtblokkie is verwerk as versiering teen die mure en in oop vertoonkaste. Klippe van alle soorte op die plaas is ingespan as deel van die binneversiering, terwyl droë stukke bosveld-

hout saamgevoeg is tot kandelare wat jy nêrens in ‘n winkel sal kry nie. Die woonvertrekke skep ‘n indruk van weelde, maar dit was alles eie werk uit oorblyfsels wat met verbeelding byeengebring is. “Jy moet weet wat jy teen die muur of in die hoek wil hê. Dan kan enige materiaal ingespan word om jou skepping te voltooi.” Meintjes is bekend vir sy kunswerke uit metaal wat oor die hele land en selfs in die buiteland pryk. Hy is juis dié week in Oudtshoorn waar sy kunswerke by die KKNK te sien sal wees.

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Summer Time Energy-Saving Tips With the energy crisis facing the country, we all need to chip-in to save energy. Here is a re-cap on basic things anyone can do to save energy; read ‘especially this summer’: • Be a speedy chef - Nothing is more energy efficient for cooking than your microwave. It uses two-thirds less energy than your stove. • Push a button to wash your dishes - Surprise! Your dishwasher uses less water than washing dishes by hand. Let the dishes air-dry to save even more! • Fill up the fridge - Having lots of food in your fridge keeps it from warming up too fast when the door is open. So your fridge doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool. • Turn up your thermostat - Set your thermostat to 25 degrees

Celsius when you are home and 29 degrees Celsius or off when you are away. - Using ceiling or room fans allows you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room. Always take into account health considerations and be sure to drink plenty of fluids in warm weather. • Use your appliances wisely To help prevent power outages, avoid running your appliances during peak hours, or anytime an electricity emergency is declared. • Do your laundry efficiently by using the warm or cold water setting for washing clothes. Always use cold water to rinse. • Line dry clothes whenever you can. - When you need to use the dryer, run full loads, use the moisture-sensing setting, and clean the clothes dryer lint

trap after each use. • Conserve energy by running your dishwasher only when it is fully loaded. Turn off the dry cycle and air dry dishes instead. • Operate swimming pool filters and cleaning sweeps efficiently Reduce the operating time of your pool filter and automatic cleaning sweep to four to five hours, and only during offpeak time. • Eliminate wasted energy - Turn off appliances, lights and equipment when not in use. - Unplug electronic devices and chargers when they are not in use – most new electronics use electricity even when switched “off.” Turn computers and printers off at the power strip. - Unplug and recycle that spare refrigerator in the garage if you don’t really need it.


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27 Maart 2015


Sunscreen & Blackout Curtains

There are so many ways to save energy. Sometimes choosing the right kind of curtains or window-shields for a particular season can make a big difference on the energy you use to adjust the climate in your room. Blackout curtains

Pleated blinds

Blackout curtains Pleated blinds are work for all kinds of a very simple and windows and proelegant form of invide a softer impresterior sunscreen. sion than blinds, louThey give a bright vres and blinds. and light impresThere are blackout sion when closed. curtains for dimThere are a variming (fade out) or ety of fabrics with for complete black- different technical, decorative and blackout out – you choose the properties. With the different qualities, you one that suits your can regulate light and heat.

purposes best. Blackout curtains work very well in rooms that need a more subdued light or total darkness.

Sunscreen for windows

Interior sunscreens are today a part of the interior design of a room; they are smart, stylish and multifunctional. Advantages: Lighting – interior sunscreens help to create the right light intensity in your room Darkness – visors can filter the sun’s rays so that the room can be darkened without sacrificing the view. Energy savings – interior sunscreens can also be insulating and energy saving as they help to maintain a good indoor climate.

Wooden blinds

Aluminum blinds give a modern, elegant and clean impression. The blinds are available in a variety of colours and with different width of slats. Wooden blinds add very a stylish interior detail to a room. They filter light beautifully and create a warm atmosphere in the room.

Roller blinds

Roller blinds are a very simple solution that suits most types of windows and they are very discreet when not in use. There are a vari-

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ety of fabrics with different technical, decorative and blackout properties for roller blinds. Roller blinds can be easily maneuvered and pulled down to shield the whole window or only a part of it.

Vertical blinds

Vertical blinds can effectively control the amount of light entering a room. They can be closed completely to shut out direct sunlight, angled to give a soft light or completely open to give a full natural light. Vertical blinds do not take much space and they work very well inside offices for conference rooms, in glass partitions and as room dividers. There are a variety of fabrics with technical, decorative and blackout properties.

Aluminum blinds

With blinds you can easily regulate both transparency and natural light in a room, by tilting the slats so you can personally control the amount of light in the room.

Safety Tips on Using Candles More often than not, people reach out for candles to scare away the dark when the power goes off. Although, candles are one of the oldest lighting methods, they have been associated with too many preventable home fires to make them quiet a risk for light source. They are also not environmentally safe. At the same time, candles are cheap and easy to use. Here are some tips to fire-proof yourself when nothing else but candles is in the reach to light-up your home during the dark moments: 1. Never leave burning candles unattended. 2. Keep candles away from any flammable materials. 3. If your candle is in a candle holder, it should be sturdy enough to avoid being easily knocked over. 4. Candles should be placed where children and pets can’t reach. 5. Trim your candlewicks at least half a centimetre each time before burning. Long wicks can cause uneven burning and dripping. 6. Keep the pool of wax in the candle clear of debris such as wick trimmings. 7. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for candle use. Most candles should be burned for only a couple of hours at a time. 8. Extinguish candles with a candle snuffer rather than blowing them out, as hot wax can splatter.

After its establishment in March of 1998, Sleebok is an approved stockist of Caesarstone and other engineered brands. These products do Sleebok Granite and Tombstones have not have colour and pattern variagrown from strength to strength, boasting seven retail outlets in GRANITE MARBLE bles so it is safe to buy off small Limpopo and their own producsamples. tion factory in Tzaneen. They Sleebok CC has three granite installation teams, headed up by are well known throughout the 015 307 6005/1205 Manager, Arnold Kok who has Province for quality and service both in the granite kitchen top SERVICE & QUALITY GUARANTEED been with the company for 15 and tombstone markets. Give Sleebok a call on 015 307 1205 or pay years. Many various projects Keeping abreast of trends and a visit to them at their factory situated at have been tackled all over the interior design is of paramount 20 Koedoe Street Tzaneen (behind CTM). Province from hospitals, hotels, schools, restaurants, health spa’s importance to this dynamic, family-owned business as materials, colours as well as appli- and private homesteads to name a few. Sleebok works closely with various kitchen- unit companies forming a symbiotic cations often change according to world trends. Granite and marble colours change constantly due to avail- relationship of great benefit to the customer. ability. Sleebok CC prefers their customers to choose their Sleebok has also got the design latitude to go with the own full slabs of granite from their slab yard situated at their wide choice of materials they offer. Pool surrounds of sandfactory in Tzaneen. This ensures that the customer knows ex- stone, staircases of marble, granite fish tanks and benches actly what is to be installed into their home and guarantees are but a few of the projects completed over the past 17 that “what you see is what you get”. Far too often, people get years. “When it comes to kitchens and bathrooms, it is not caught out buying from small granite samples, only to find necessary for customers to go for plain straight tops. We like on installation that the colour they thought they had chosen to assist our customers in creating a beautiful environment is completely different to what the final delivery turns out to and are capable of making stunning shapes and curves to be. This is because the product may have unexpected natural make projects look far more appealing and up-market,” says Guy van Heerden, owner and designer of Sleebok. colour or pattern variations in the full slab. The development of new man-made materials such as He adds, “When it comes to service and quality, there is Caesarstone and engineered quartz, means that the custom- simply no compromise. We have survived and thrived in the er has a much wider choice of materials, colours and designs. business for 17 years as a result”.


27 Maart 2015



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27 Maart 2015


Surviving without power – Alternative Light Sources

Load-shedding is here and very likely here to stay. (For more on the country’s energy crisis, read the low-down with Pierre van den Heveer on page). At this stage, the only way forward is to brace ourselves for whenever we may be required to go without power. Here are simple ways to keep the lights on when the power goes off: charging solution that enables you to charge two phones at the same time, including any smartphone and iPhone.


LED Strips

LED strip lights are commonly used in lighting applications such as wall features, stairs, shelves, cupboards, advertising, motorcars, hotels and decorations. LED strip lights are not only extremely energy efficient but also waterproof and offer a stylish solution to all task and ascent lighting requirements. They are also available in a wide variety of colours and installation is as very easy. http://www.oznium.co.za/leds/products/led-strip-lights/

Solar Jars

Solar jars are LED lights powered by sunlight charging the solar panelling fitted in the lid, and provide bright, long-lasting light. They are ideal for communities living without electricity and off-grid. On a clear sunny day, a full charging offers six hours of light. On an overcast day, a full charging offers approximately one to three hours of light. Think of them as bottled sunshine. They store energy during the day and release light at night. file:///E:/Habitat1%202015/Light%20up%20your%20home%20 with%20solar%20lights%20-%20Going%20Green,%20Lifestyle.html http://www.suntoy.co.za/index.php/products/ consol-solar-jar

G2 Lantern

G2 lanterns are a power solution to charge your phone and light-up your house inside and out. They have an integrated FM radio with speaker, headphone socket and volume control, with a dual phone

miHome Solar Lighting

miHome solar lighting is a versatile small home solar lighting kit. The solar kit produces extensive and powerful to light your entire home. The extension cables allow you to have lights up to 8 meters away from the box, ensuring you have light in various rooms of your house. The kit often comes with a battery box, solar panels with bracket, various cell phone adaptors and extension cables for lamps.

file:///E:/Habitat1%202015/Light%20up%20your%20home%20 with%20solar%20lights%20-%20Going%20Green,%20Lifestyle.html http://www.sustainable.co.za/misolar-mihome-2-solar-lights.html

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za



27 Maart 2015


Alternative Cooking Sources Now that you know the serious energy crisis the country is facing (see our interview with GTM’s Pierre van den Heever), make sure you know what to do when the power goes off while you are cooking. Here are a few creative ways from readynutrition.com to ensure you don’t delay your meals for hours. For a start, make sure you always have the following items in your supplies for an immediate going: • Stock-up on fuel for your cooking methods. (Be sure to store your fuel properly and in accordance with local fire regulations.) • Store matches in waterproof containers. • Lighters • Dry wood • If you have a place to store them, tightly roll newspapers and magazines to use for fuel. • Fireproof cooking vessels Here are some options to cooking without your kitchen stove. Outdoors: • Solar Funnel Cooker • Propane BBQ Grill • Charcoal Hibachi (you can burn nearly anything in this as long as it is non-toxic) • Outdoor Fireplace • Can Cook-stove • Sun Oven (commercial or DIY) Indoors: • Votive cooker (like a buffet pan – some use votive candles and others use Sterno) • Kerosene heater with a flat surface • Toilet Paper Stove • 1 burner camp stove • Woodstove How-Tos: Solar Funnel Cooker - This simple cooker is very efficient, easy to make and can be constructed from very common, everyday items.

You will need: - A large piece of cardboard that is pliable enough to be shaped into a cone shape - A box of aluminium foil - A large glass jar with a wide mouth - Black paint - A block of wood - A non-toxic plastic bag that is big enough to hold the jar and the block of wood (cooking bags work well) - A sturdy box to hold the entire set up

Outdoor Fire Place – An outdoor fireplace can be as simple as an old tire rim containing your wood fire or as elaborate as a brick and mortar creation. This is for something in between the two. You will need: - Concrete blocks - A reclaimed grill from an old barbecue Directions: Make an open square on the ground from one layer of concrete blocks. You should be able to lay the grill all the way across the back two thirds of the foundation. The front third should not be covered by the grill so that you

can tend to the fire. 1. Remove the grill and build up three sides of the fireplace with blocks until you reach the desired height for your cooking surface. 2. Lay your grill atop the back two thirds of the fireplace. Hold it in place by adding another layer of blocks on top of the grill. Now you are only building up the area around the grill. Add one to four more layers of blocks. 3. You can use any type of cooking implement that you would use over an open camp- source. This will also provide heat for your fire. If you happen to come across something room in the winter. You will need: like an old hibachi, the top can be placed over - A roll of unscented toilet paper anything you are cooking directly on the - A bottle of rubbing alcohol grill. Cast iron works beautifully for this type - A clean, empty can of cooking. - A metal rack (something used for cooking 4. Be very careful to use long handled utensils and to use heavy towels and oven mitts so it is heat proof) Directions: for anything taken off of an open fire. 1. Remove the cardboard centre from the toilet paper and place the toilet paper down into the can. 2. Pour rubbing alcohol into the can to saturate the tp. Wait for a few minutes to allow the toilet paper to act as a wick and soak up the alcohol 3. Light your toilet paper on fire. This burns hot and does not create dangerous carbon monoxide, but any fire creates gases – use in a ventilated room. 4. Place the grill on top of the can. Put your Toilet Paper Cooker - There are times when food or water in a pot with a lid on top of the we have to use what we have on hand and grill. http://readynutrition.com/resources/alternative-cooking-sources-fortoilet paper is a great alternative cooking shtf-planning_09102012/

Could solar energy be the alternative source? Soliaredirect Southern Africa (soliaredirect. co.za) – one of the biggest solar manufacturers in the country – says researchers at the Stellenbosch University say yes. In fact, according to Soliaredirect, the researchers say this is so possible, solar energy can entirely meet the country’s energy demands – as of course the country’s monstrously graced with sunshine. According to the solar manucturing company, senior researcher and director of the Solar Thermal Energy Research Group (STERG) at the university, Paul Gauché, says solar energy can be highly viable in the country if the sector was sufficiently funded and supported. “The potential for [solar energy] is immense: If we put [solar cell] farms up everywhere we could easily get more than enough power generated in the country,” Gauché is

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quoted to have once said. The way it works is that solar panels convert light and heat from the sun into electricity. On a large scale, companies that produce solar energy assist in meeting the country’s energy demands by selling the electricity they generate to the national power grid. On a smaller scale, people with solar panels installed on their homes pay less for electricity as they produce some on their own. The electricity from solar panels is mainly used for heating water and lights. According to Soliaredirect, solar panels have the capacity to provide 100% electricity demands for homes. This can then mean low-cost, renewable energy, which does not negatively impact the environment.

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Ekonomiese Oorsig So werk dit met beleggings

Hoogste / Laagste groei in een jaar

Bateklas Riële groei afwyking sedert 2000

die batesamestelling (Bate-allokasie) en die onderliggende beleggings (indien nodig). In dié sin moet die totale beleggingsplan van elke individu gereeld hersien en geherbalanseer word. Ek het sedert 1987 met my eie geld ‘n unieke beleggingsfilosofie geformuleer, waardeur optimum groei verkry kan word, deur die regte kombinasie van bateklas-alokasies, gegewe jou unieke omstandighede. Koos & Riekie se beleggingstrategie haal die emosie uit die keuse van wanneer om te koop en te verkoop, deur gebruik te maak van wiskundige en ekonomiese syfers en deur konsekwent die verskillende bateklasse te herbalanseer. Deur te herbalanseer doen ons twee dinge, naamlik: 1) Ons bly binne die risikoprofiel van die gekose belegging, en 2) dit dwing ons om op ‘n gereelde basis hoog te verkoop en laag aan te koop. Hoe doen ons dit? Ons het nie die wiel herontwerp nie en het ‘n samewerkingsooreenkoms met RMD Finasiële Dienste (‘n lid van die JSE) gesluit en ons kan hulle ook vra om die fonds te bestuur. Ons koop bestaande genoteerde aandele op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs. Ons versprei die belegging oor al die sektore in die mark. Ons bly by die bron van beleggings en maak selfs gebruik van Sanlam se platvorm waar my eie beleggingsbeleid en strategie in “die Smit Som Fonds” bestuur word, saam met die kundige beleggingspan van Sanlam Glacier l.

Kort verduideliking van aandele

net R90 000 werd. Die probleem wat ons met dit het: nou is al jou geld in een mandjie en dit kan goed of sleg wees. Om die risiko tussen aandele effektief te versprei, het ons ten minste so R500 000 aanvangskapitaal nodig. Die belegging moet gereeld hersien word en daarvoor het mens kundigheid nodig. Dit is presies die diens wat ons bied. Hoe werk dit? Die geld word in die kliënt se eie naam in die genomineerde rekening van die Johannesburse Effektebeurs belê, met al die nodige waarborge in plek. Alle ontrekkings mag net na die kliënt se bankrekening oorbetaal word en geen derdeparty-oorplasings mag gedoen word nie. Ons kry net ‘n mandaat om die geld namens die kliënt te bestuur en daarvoor vra ons ‘n fooi van 1,6% per jaar. Ons vra ook geen aanvangsfooi nie. Dit mag dalk hoog klink, maar onthou daar is geen platformkostes nie, omdat ons direk op die beurs sake doen. Voordeel van Private Portefeulje: Geld word nie gepoel nie.

‘n Goeie belegging moet hieraan voldoen



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A skills training programme aimed at training the most rural women who own projects in the Greater Giyani Municipality area was recently launched. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), in conjunction with Greater Giyani Municipality, launched the programme to train thirty women on skills such as financial management, marketing and product branding. The women will be trained through a programme called Faranani, which empowers women around the country with business skills. “With the in-

The thirty women selected for the training.

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126

Kliënt weet te alle tye waarin sy geld belê is. Kan eie risikoprofiel bepaal. Kan self navorsing doen oor die maatskappy waarin belê is. Kry direkte aandelemark-blootstelling. Die fondsbestuurder het direkte belang dat die belegging goed moet presteer. Kapitaal word beskerm deur die JSE se waarborg fonds teen bedrog of wanaanwending. Nadeel van Private Portefeuljes: Maak hoofsaaklik staat op die kundigheid van die bestuurder. Is blootgestel aan markskommelings. Effekte Trust werk op dieselfde beginsel as hierbo. Die verskil is net dat jou geld saam met ander kliënte s’n gepoel word, om die aankope te doen. Ons belê gewoonlik so vir mense wat net maandeliks kan spaar en nog nie ‘n groot genoeg belegging het vir ‘n eie aandeelportefeulje nie. Ons het ook ‘n metode om jou pensioenfonds op dieselfde wyse te bestuur.

Naas jouself of eie besigheid is jou opsies beperk tot die volgende:

Karakter eienskappe

Veronderstel jy het R100 000 en koop Sasol-aandele, sê teen R1 elk. Dan het jy 100 000 Sasol-aandele en nie meer R100 000 nie. As die prys van Sasol styg na R1,25 het jy steeds 100 000 aandele maar dit is werd R125 000. Die teendeel is ook waar: val die prys na 90c het jy steeds 100 000 aandele, maar dit is



Beleggings & Aandele

Deur: Koos Smit: Koos en Riekie Smit Makelaars Die goue reël is dat ‘n belegging (enige belegging, alle beleggings) moet inkomste en kapitaalgroei gee. Die beste belegging is jy self — Hoe meer jy jouself ontwikkel, hoe beter word jou verdienvermoë. Dan het jy surplus kapitaal om groeibates te koop. Elke belegging het sy eie karaktereienskappe. Ons kan dan sien dat daar nie net een belegging is wat aan al die vereistes voldoen nie. Dus sal ‘n kombinasie-belegging gedoen moet word, tussen al die bateklasse. Verder beweeg die mark deur siklusse en sal deurentyd aanpassings gemaak moet word. Dieselfde oefening sal herhaal moet deur buitelandse blootstelling, om wyer diversifikasie te bied. Verder moet ook nog tussen die verskillende tipes beleggings vir elke bateklas gekies word. Hiervoor is spesialiskennis nodig en kan duim suig en of die “ek hoor” of “ek lees” metodes nie gevolg word. Laastens sal daar dan ook gereeld veranderings aangebring moet word, ten opsigte van

27 Maart 2015


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

itiative, PwC aims to uplift the most poverty stricken women who run businesses but do not have enough skills to sustain them,” explained one of PwC’s managers. The training lasts for five days, after which the women are given certificates of attendance. After the training PwC assist those that need further clarification on how to write business proposals or draft their financial statements. Speaking on behalf of Mayor Pat Hlungwani, Ms Sasavona Mathebula welcomed the project.

s e p i c e braai r


27 Maart 2015


Easy sosatie recipes

The password is sosatie. Braai away with these simple sosatie recipes:

Marinated Steak Sosaties Ingredients: - 1 cup chopped onion - 1/2 cup vegetable oil - 1/2 cup lemon juice - 1/4 cup soy sauce - 1 tablespoon Worcesteshire sauce - 1 teaspoon mustard - 1 medium sized sirloin steak cut into cubes - 1 large green pepper cut into pieces - 2 medium onions quartered - 2 medium tomatoes, quartered - Skewers Method:

1.) Braai onion in oil and remove from heat. 2.) Stir in lemon juice, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce and mustard – pour over meat and vegetables. Cover and marinate overnight in refrigerator. 3.) Remove meat and vegetables from marinade, reserving marinade. 4.) Alternate meat and vegetables on skewers. 5.) Braai sosaties 5 minutes on each side over coals, brushing frequently with marinade.


Easy Chicken Sosaties

Hot Tip!

Using chicken thighs ensures a succulent and juicy kebab and the minimal marinade avoids ‘flame flare’, which burns the meat.

Ingredients: - 1 small pack boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into 2cm pieces - 1 orange pepper, seeded and cut into 2cm pieces - 1 yellow pepper, seeded and cut into 2cm pieces - 1 red onion cut into quarter wedges - 1 tbsp olive oil For the marinade: - 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil - 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice - spring of fresh oregano - sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper Method:

1.) Whisk together the extra-virgin olive oil and lemon juice and add the oregano. Add the chicken, toss well and leave to marinade – not for more than 30 minutes. 2.) Add a tablespoon of olive oil to a pot and cook the peppers and onions until glossy but not browned or cooked through – this is just to give them a head start on the cooking process. 3.) Thread the chicken onto skewers alternating with the peppers and pieces of onion, season well, and cook for 4 – 5 minutes a side on the braai.


Courgette and Halloumi Sosaties Ingredients: - ½ tsp chilli powder - small handful mint , chopped - zest and juice 1 lemon - 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil - 2 courgettes , cut into 1cm rounds - 225g pack halloumi cheese , cubed Method: 1.) Mix the chilli, half the mint, lemon zest and juice, oil, courgettes and hal-

loumi. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. 2.) Soak 8 wooden skewers for 20 minutess. 3.) Thread the courgettes and halloumi onto the skewers. 4.) Braai for 7-8 minutes, turning halfway through and basting with the remaining marinade. Scatter over remaining mint.

Pork and Veg Sosaties

http://www.portfoliocollection.com/Blog/ Top-5-Simple-Vegetarian-Braai-Recipes

Boerewors and Veg on Sticks

Ingredients - 500 – 750 pork cubes from the leg or shoulder, cut into 20 – 25 mm pieces - 350 – 375 ml (one and a half cup) butternut cubes - 2 – 3 red and/or green peppers, seeds removed and cut into cubes - One packet of wooden skewers, soaked in water for one hour or longer - Braai spices, salt and pepper (for seasoning the sosaties on the braai grid) - Marinade - 250 ml apricot juice - 250 ml olive oil - 5 – 10 ml French mustard - 15 ml chutney Method 1.) Blend everything for the marinade in a liquidiser/blender, put pork cubes in a plastic zip lock bag and pour marinade over. Leave in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

2.) Skewer pieces of pork, onion and green and/or red peppers alternatively onto the wooden skewers. 3.) Braai over medium-hot coals and season with salt, pepper and braai spices. 4.) Turn frequently and baste with the left over marinade.

Hot Tips!

Add a different look and taste with vegetables or fruits of your choice. Use pineapple pieces, chunks of baby marrow, prunes, pieces of butternut, whole mushrooms or firm cherry tomatoes to add texture and colour to your sosaties.

Ingredients - 600g boerewors cut into 2cm pieces - 1 onion, peeled and cut into chunks - ½ red pepper, cubed - ½ green pepper, cubed - 4 baby marrows cut into large pieces - Small skewers For the dipping sauce: - 60 ml sweet chilli sauce - 30 ml soya sauce - 5 ml olive oil Method: 1.) Thread pieces of boerewors onto the sosatie stick, alternating with the vegetables. 2.) Braai the sticks on medium coals until they are done to your preference. 3.) Mix all the ingredients for the dipping sauce together and serve on the side with the Boerewors sticks. http://www.pinkpolkadotfood.com/ boerewors-and-vegetables-on-sticks/


Braai Pack Small 500g 1kg 500g 500g 500g 1

Rumpsteak Boerewors T-Bone Lamb Loin Chops Club Steak Chicken Flatie

R250.00 Braai Pack Large “From the farm to your plate” 240 Delta Street, Nkowankowa (next to Mega Hardware) Tel: 087 940 3285/6/7/8 • Fax: 086 772 4768 • email: mym@mweb.co.za

VALLEY BEEF SPECIALS (Valid from 27 March 2015 to 31 March 2015) Stewing Beef R44.95 p/kg T-bone R64.95 p/kg

Boerewors R54.95 p/kg Rump R79.95 p/kg

Chuck R49.95 p/kg

Brisket R49.95 p/kg Shortrib R49.95 p/kg

500g 1.5kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1

Rumpsteak Boerewors T-Bone Lamb Loin Chops Club Steak Chicken Flatie



27 Maart 2015



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SKOLE NUUS Josua Retief en Drikus du Toit van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het verlede naweek aan die Munnik Meerkat Bergfietsren deelgeneem. In die o.10-ouderdomsgroep was Josua algeheel eerste en Drikus tiende. Josua het ook sy provinsiale kleure (en sertifikaat) vir bergfietsry ontvang, vir seuns 8-10 jaar oud.

Jack Baloyi of Dr Annecke Primary School in Letsitele took part in the SA Primary Schools Athletics Championships and came fifth in the 100 m Sprints and fourth in the 150 m Sprints.

Die Hoërskool Merensky het ook ‘n nuwe beheerraad vir 2015 tot begin 2018 gekry. Voor staan mnr Juan Slabbert (sport) en mee Annemarie van Zyl (kultuur), Fransie le Roux (adjunkhoof), Henriëtte Haar (onderwyspersoneel), Liezel Hermann (nie-onderwyspersoneel) en Christelize Elbrecht (leerlingraad-verteenwoordiger). In die middelry is me Theresa Erasmus (sekretaresse), Naomi Monduku (leerlingraad), me Dalene Hawthorne (funksies & dissipline), dr Christo Pretorius (ondervoorsitter) en mnr Riebert Pretorius (koshuise). Agter is past Johan Labuschagne (voorsitter), mnre Hein van Heerden (adjunkhoof), Paul Gubitz (landbou), me Connie Koster (bemarking) en mnr Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof). Op die inlas is mnr André le Grange (vervoer).

Plasieland lewer twee SA boogskietkampioene Twee knap susters van die Merensky Boogskietklub, Benéchè en Canéll Jackson, het ‘n baie bedrywige naweek agter die rug. Die twee skuts het aan die SA Nasionale Veldboogskietkampioenskappe (SANFAC) deelgeneem. Vir doeleindes van die kompetisie het die twee susters ongeveer vyf ure per dag in die veld deurgebring. Benéchè en Canéll het egter hul staal getoon en seëvierend huis toe gekom met ‘n goue medalje vir elk. Hulle albei het tellings was 464/441/519 en Canéll ook ‘n provinsiale kwalifiserende (CFBU) se tellings was 512/490/547 telling geskiet. Benéchè (YAFFU) se uit ‘n moontlike 560.

Reaching new heights... This pair of highjumpers from Unicorn Preparatory School — Makoma Pilusa and Kian None — took part in the SA Athletics Championships in Germiston. Makoma finished 14th and Kian 6th in their respective groups. They deserve to be congratulated for excellent achievements on a national level.

Nicolo Rech returned from Chile after spending a year as Rotary Youth Exchange Student. Nicolo delivered a speech at the Tzaneen Rotary Club, sharing his memories. He also exchanged a banner with club president Neels van der Merwe. Nicolo was the first student that exchanged to Chile and he was rather excited about the lifestyle, culture and the high standard of living in a country that is not highly rated as a travel destination. They eat avocados for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He told how he would buy an avo and a freshly baked bread on his way to school — and how they would eat it there and then. Nicolo’s host family is planning a visit to South Africa later this year, confirming that he was a very good ambassador for South Africa. Die drie gr 1’tjies van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof (al drie minus ‘n paar wisseltande) het ook ewe dapper aan die Munnik Meerkat 10 km-bergfietsren deelgeneem. Baie geluk, Nauta van der Gryp, Diné Booyse en Luandie Marx.

Plasie wen by nasionale kampioenskap

Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele se nuwe beheerraad bestaan uit, agter: mnre Eugene Bouwer, Peter Maroleni, Gerhard Venter (skoolhoof), Emile O’Connell, Marthinus van Vreden, Carel Minnaar en Ben Vorster (voorsitter). Voor is mee Dawn Zaayman, Elana Goosen (ondervoorsitter), Freda Mathebula en Patrys Davis (sekretaris).

Wilmarie Moller het verlede week aan die nasionale National Offroad Championships vir vierwiel motorfietse in Mbabane, Swaziland, deelgeneem en letterlik stof in haar mededingers se oë gejaag. Sy was die wenner in die ope afdeling vir professionele vroue. Wilmarie moes 400 km met haar fiets aflê en daarna nog ‘n 60 kmtydtoets aandurf, voordat sy met die louere kon wegstap. Volgens Wilmarie ry sy al motorfiets vandat sy agt jaar oud is. Sy het in 2012 ernstig aan wedrenne op hoë vlak begin deelneem. Haar volgende nasionale wedren is op 25 April in Mooirivier.


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Vossies vat vlam teen Frikkie Meyer Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se rugbyspanne het die afgelope Saterdag in Thabazimbi teen die Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer kragte gemeet en keiharde wedstryde is verwag, veral nadat Frikkie Meyer die Vossies verlede jaar in die Limpopo-haldeindstryd mewt die kous oor die kop terug Tzaneen toe gestuur het. Die o.14A’s was eerste aan die beurt en alhoewel hulle gemaklik gewen het, sal daar indringend gekyk moet word na hul dissipline. Hulle het met 27 – 8 gewen. Die o.14B-span het ook hul eerste wedstryd van die jaar met 31 – 0 gewen. Die o.15A-span, in ‘n herontmoeting met verlede jaar se wenners van die Beeld-eindstryd, was gou 0 – 7 agter, maar dit het hulle laat wakker skrik en aanvallende rugby laat speel. Hulle het met ‘n oortuigende telling van 41 – 7 gewen. Die O/15B’s het ook maklik met die Frikkies afgereken met 51 – 0. Die o.16A’s het met tye briljante rugby gespeel en hul wedstryd met 41 – 0 gewen. Die O/16B’s was ook baas met ‘n telling van 38 – 3. Dieselfde Vossie-oorheersing is by die seniors gesien. Eers was dit die derde span wat met 40 – 5 geseëvier het, en toe het die Nyathi’s vir die derde week agtereenvolgend puik rugby gespeel om met ‘n almintige van 64 – 0 te wen. Frikkie Meyer se hoop was toe op die eerste span gevestig. Die Vossies se eerste span was egter eerste op die telbord, nadat die vleuel Sibusiso Mhlangeni oorgegaan het vir die eerste drie. Dit is deur Gideon Joubert vervyf om


27 Maart 2015



die telling 7 – 0 te maak. Kort daarna was dit die ander vleuel, Shima Mphalele, wat oorgegaan het om die Vossies te laat voorloop met 12 – 0. Frikkie Meyer het egter nie gaan lê nie en hulle het ‘n fout van die Vossies uitgebuit, om ook ‘n verdoelde drie aan te teken en die telling 12 – 7 te maak. Die Vossies se agsteman, Stefan Engelbrecht, wat die hele wedstryd die Frikkies behoorlik geterroriseer het met sy stormlopies, het die volgende drie aangeteken. Telling 17 – 7. Frikkie Meyer het egter die laaste sê in die eerste helfte gehad, om die halftydtelling ‘n spannende 17 – 12 te maak. In die tweede helfte het die Vossies egter vlamgevat en ‘n rooi golf het Frikkie Meyer verswelg. Eers was dit skrumskakel Eduan Smit wat oorgegaan vir ‘n drie. Dit het die sluise laat oopgaan en die Vossies het met briljante samespel tussen voor- en agterspelers nog ses drieë gedruk — deur senters Dirkie Coetzee en Ruben Ragolane (2), plaasvervanger-vleuel, Pule Molokomme (2) en flank JJ Anker. Gideon Joubert het al sewe die drieë vervyf, wat in die tweede helfte gedruk is. Die Vossies het behoorlik wraak geneem na verlede jaar se nederlaag, deur met ‘n oortuigende oorwinning van 66 – 12 terug in die bus te klim en huis toe te kom. Tydens die skoolvakansie gaan die o.14’s en die tweede span na die Hansie-week in Mookgopong. Die o.15’s toer na Potchefstroom, die o.16’s na Lichtenburg en die eerste Dit was Saterdag in Thabazimbi ‘n algemene gesig... toe die Vossies met span gaan aan die KES-paasnaweektoernooi in Johannes- hoë tellings die Frikkie Meyer-spanne op hul tuisvelde ore aangesit het. burg deelneem. Takkies Esterhuyzen van die Nyathi’s gaan hier oor vir nog ‘n drie. Die junior redenaars van Ben Vorster wat na die ATKV-streekuitdunne by Curro Heuwelkruin in Polokwane in die afdeling vir onvoorbereide toesprake deurgedring het, het heel goed gevaar en Juané Croucamp is as die Junior Vossie-Redenaar vir 2015: Onvoorbereid aangewys. Hier is Janet Smit, Anzeret Scheepers en Sky Lambrecht (voor) en Juané Croucamp en Anneri Stassen wat agter staan.

Pfunanane Academy in Modjadjiskloof held their first invitational athletics meeting, against Song Christian Academy and Lighthouse Academy. Pfunanane’s athletes won 117 medals and the overall high point trophy, as well as having the top boy athlete and the top girl athlete. Pictured are Modjadji Masondo-Terwey (top girl) and Thabang Mahasha (top boy) with the overall team trophy.

Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news and pictures

Bernard Vermaak van die Vossies se o.16A-rugbyspan het Saterdag mooi geskop. Hier is hy in aksie in hul wedstryd teen Frikkie Meyer.

Die Mej Vossie 2015/2016-finaliste is die afgelope week aangewys. Voor sit Talenta Mabunda, Bernice Claasen en Nyeleti Chauke en in die middelry is Yolandé Strydom, Nikki Thompson, Karisia Dohse, Jeanette Auret en Suné Engelbrecht. Agter is Juliana Croucamp, Mariska de la Rey, Anichia Engelbrecht en Lané Roos.

Die Mnr Vossie 2015/2016-finaliste is ook die afgelope week aangewys. Voor sit Joshua Hlongwane en Tiyani Mhlongo en in die ry agter hulle is Jannes van der Merwe, Hanco van der Merwe, Eduan Smit en Hardu Pretorius. In die derde ry is Caelen Retief, Ruben Jordaan en Stefan Engelbrecht, en agter staan Rikus Jacobs en Johan Buitendag. Toe die foto geneem is was Johan van Vuuren ongelukkig afwesig.


27 Maart 2015



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Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede

Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir meer inligting oor komende sport-, kultuur-, skool-, kerk- en sosiale geleenthede

Domestic My name is Euginia Mushwana I am looking for domestic work or office cleaner, I speak English , sleep out, full time

Notulesekretaris/esse ZZ2 – Limpopo

’n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ’n Notulesekretaris of -sekretaresse in Mooketsi by ZZ2 se hoofkantoor. Die hoofdoel van die pos is om die Maatskappysekretaris te ondersteun deur die daarstelling van tydige en akkurate notules en alle administratiewe en logistieke take uit te voer wat betref die reël van vergaderings.


My name is Manto Rosley Lepulana I am looking for any general work, domestic work, office cleaner, I speak English, sleep out contact me

on 071 995 1795



My name is Motsebore Evelyn Ramadi I am looking for any general work, domestic or office cleaning, I speak English, sleep in or out contact me on 072 808 8895

My name is Moyagabo Priscilla Sekgobela I am looking for any general work, domestic or office cleaning I speak English sleep in contact me on 071 772 7238


My name is Maatlale Olivia Moagi I am looking for any general work, domestic, office cleaning, I speak English, sleep out contact me on 071 519 9906 My name is Rasinah Sejaphala I am looking for work as domestic work or general work I can look after children I can speak English sleep in or out I have 4 years experience contact me on 078 224 2110 (87)_______________________________

My name is Daisy Baloyi I am looking for domestic work or general work I can also look after children sleep out or in I can speak English contact me on 073 545 4385 (88)_______________________________

My name is Motsebare Evelyn Ramadi I am looking for domestic work or any general work I speak English full time or part time contact me on 072 808 8895

Aansoekers moet oor ’n minimum van Graad 12 of gelykwaardige sertifikaat beskik met ’n naskoolse kwalifikasie of B-graad as sterk aanbeveling. Kandidate moet tweetalig wees en selfstandig en onafhanklik kan werk, maar ook in spanverband, oor goeie kommunikasieen leierskapsvaardighede beskik en ʼn geldige bestuurslisensie besit. Indiepte kennis in die gebruik van elektroniese oudiovisuele tegnologie en rekenaarvaardigheid in die Microsoft Office pakket (met bewese ervaring in die gebruik van die pakkette) is noodsaaklik.


My name is Prince Sibenda I am looking for any general work or gardening, work I have grade 12, I speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 631 1203 bulletin©10143zz2150327tb

Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 3824 vir die aandag van Retha Botha of per e-pos na werwing@ zz2online.com. Navrae kan gerig word aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390.

or part time contact me on 071 763 3458


Daar sal ook van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word om agendas vir formele vergaderings saam te stel, notules van die vergaderings te neem, sommige vergaderings volledig te hanteer, agtergrondsdokumentasie vir vergaderings saam te stel asook om oudio-visuele hulpmiddels tydens vergaderings te hanteer. Die kandidaat moet ook deurlopende navorsing doen rakende elektroniese vergaderingsteun en elektroniese bergingsisteme van dokumentasie. Reis- en verblyfreëlings asook reël van verversings vir vergaderings vorm ook deel van die suksesvolle kandidaat se pligte.

Die Maatskappy bied ʼn markverwante vergoedingspakket aan.

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My name is Emily Modipa I am looking for domestic work or any general work I can speak English I can look after children sleep in or out I have 4 years experience contact me on 079 378 9264

Sluitingsdatum: 8 April 2015



Ketelmaker/ Meulmaker

DEPARTEMENT: MENSLIKE HULPBRONNE DOEL VAN DIE POS: Die posbekleër se primêre verantwoordelikheid is die administratiewe reëlings en koördinasie van alle statutêre opleidingsvereistes van die Maatskappy. Bykomend daartoe is daar administratiewe pligte betreffende die beurshouers, vakleerlingopleiding, nasorgsentrum en bystand aan die Menslike Hulpbronne Bestuurders.

ZZ2 - Limpopo Aansoeke word ingewag vir ʼn gekwalifiseerde ambagsman (Ketelmaker of Meulmaker) wat vir alle Ketelmakeraspekte, watervoorsiening en implemente op ʼn tamatieproduksie-eenheid verantwoordelik sal wees. Dit sluit in die herstel en instandhouding van sleepwaens, implemente, boorgate, pomp- en filterstasies asook herstelwerk in pakhuise. Daar is ook ontwikkelingsprojekte waarby die vakman betrokke sal wees soos nethuise, pakhuise en waterontwikkelingsprojekte.

VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE & PLIGTE: • Bestuur van die Nasorgsentrum, en skoliere se busvervoer • Uitgebreide algemene administratiewe verpligtinge • Voorbereiding van voorleggings, agendas en notules • Dagboek bestuur • Skakeling en koördinering met ander relevante departemente • Reisbeplanning en –organisasie. • Reël van vergaderings en funksies • Aankoop en beheer van kantoorvoorrade • Bywoning van vergaderings

Aansoekers moet ʼn gekwalifiseerde ambagsman in ʼn toepaslike dissipline wees wat oor bewese praktiese ondervinding en oor ʼn wye ervaring beskik in meganiese herstelwerk, algemene sweiswerk, die trek van boorgate en die instandhouding van boorgattoerusting. Kandidate moet selfstandig en onafhanklik kan werk, maar ook in spanverband en beskik oor goeie kommunikasie- en leierskapsvaardighede met verkieslik ʼn kode EC (14) swaarvoertuiglisensie.

Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 3824 vir die aandag van Retha Botha of per e-pos na werwing@zz2online.com. Navrae kan gerig word aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390 of Jan Bekker by 078 800 5730 Sluitingsdatum: 2 April 2015 www.zz2.co.za


Die Maatskappy bied ʼn markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Die pos is in ʼn plattelandse omgewing en huisvesting word voorsien.

KWALIFISERENDE VEREISTES: • Minimum Graad 12 of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie. • Verkieslik ’n naskoolse sekretariële kwalifikasie. • Sistematiese en professionele optrede tydens die uitvoering van pligte. • Goeie kommunikasie en taalvaardighede in Engels & Afrikaans. • Rekenaarvaardigheid in die gebruik van Microsoft Office pakket is ʼn vereiste. • Vorige administratiewe of sekretariële ondervinding op senior vlak sal as aanbeveling dien. • ʼn Geldige rybewys en eie vervoer is noodsaaklik.

VERWYSINGS PERSOON: Johan du Plessis of Nic Claasen TELEFOON NOMMER: 015 395 8243/8250 FAKS: 086 608 4824 EPOS ADRES: werwing@zz2online.com SLUITINGSDATUM: 8 APRIL 2015


Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal bystanddiens en noodherstelwerk verrig, werksplek-dissipline en standaarde handhaaf, beroepsgesondheid en -veiligheid toepas en werkskaarte en tydstate voltooi.


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Search “Laeveldbulletin”


27 Maart 2015


Property l Eiendomme For Sale Te Koop Homes/Huise Roodepoort 4 Slaapkamer huis. R890 000 Kontak Dirk 082 490 0439 015 395 2112

Mar103 ___________________________

Meenthuis/Cluster homes Townhouse available 01 April 2015 Premier Park: Neat and Modern!! 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, garage and carport. Small garden NO pets R5 800.00 Liezl: 0828933130 Manie: 082 772 6600 Mar301_______________________

To Let Te Huur Te huur - KINGSPARK. Veilig & netjiese 1 slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm. Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP: 082 925 2955


082 641 3438


3 Slaapkamer Hoofslaapkamer en suite (vol badkamer). Gaste badkamer met stort. Ekstra gaste toilet. Stoep/lapa met dek. Valencia kompleks. Huur: R6 900.00 Beskikbaar: 1 April 2015 Kontak: (015) 307 7469


Aquapark 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan attractive house to rent. Fully fenced and large garden. Available end of March 2015 Please call 082 849 2603/079 881 8548 Mar304___________________


Homes/Huise Huis te huur in Aquapark 4 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 3 toesluit motorhuise,opwaskamer, groot leef erf en braai. R9 000 pm. Pre Paid meter. Deposito ‘n vereiste. Troeteldiere is welkom Skakel 061 285 4017 of

Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/eetkamer en kombuis. Private balkon. Toesluit motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen kinders onder 14. Geen katte en honde. R3 500-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar onmiddellik of 1

April 2015. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696.


Baie netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel op grondvlak met klein tuintjie. Oopplan kombuis/sit-/ eetkamer, badkamer met stort. Toesluit motorhuis vr 1 voertuig. Geen troeteldiere. R3 650-00 per maand. Deposito. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2015. Skakel Kobus 083 442 3696.


Office/Kantoor Office or workshop space to let old Industrial area R5 500.00P/M W&l incl. Contact: Rowan 082 888 5352


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property smalls

Job Seeker Driver My name is Moye Lazarus Ramatladi I am looking for driver work I have a license C1 with PDP or farm work, I speak English and understand Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 076 286 2431

(3) _______________________________

My name is Matome Harry Morerwa I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English contact me on 073 241 4534

(4) _______________________________

My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392

(5) _______________________________

My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908

(6) _______________________________

My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780 (7) _______________________________


My name is Nelsiwe Moagi I am looking for a sales persons work or shop assistant I speak English full time or part time or any other general work contact me on 084 385 4634


My name is Tintswalo Nukeri I am looking for a shop assistant work I speak English or any other general work contact me on 078 680 0185


My name is Pricilla Sekgobela I am looking for any general work I speak English I have grade 10 and licence code 10, computer literate contact me on 076 370 5791


My name is Ephraim Mokgomole I am looking for any general work I have experience in painting, gardening, I speak English and Afrikaans Mon – Sat or part time contact me on 072 456 2665


My name is Fungi Betty Mabunda I am looking for work in a gym or I can do private training as well contact me on 078 258 1179 (34)_______________________________

My name is Fungi Betty Mabunda I am looking for work in a gym or I can do private training as well contact me on 078 258 1179 (35)_______________________________

My name is Matome Richard Mhlongo I am looking for any general work I can work with metal, wood, I speak Afrikaans. Full time or part time contact me on 072 054 9774 (36)_______________________________

My name is Petience Mpenyana I am looking for work as Cashier and receptionist I have grade 12, end user computing, social auxiliary, six month project manager I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 082 966 2727 or 073 307 9962


My name is Sandra Letsoalo I am looking for work I have grade 12, I have computer literacy , I have E.D.C Security I can speak English I can also work as a cashier. Contact me on 078 260 8577


My name is Bernard S. Novela I am looking for a clerk job or any other general work I am computer literate and have grade12 I speak English contact me on 072 888 6926


My name is Tintswalo Abigail Malungana I am looking for a security work I have Grade C., or any domestic work, I speak English contact me on 074 705 0462 / 073 453 0404


My name is Evans Mokwena I am looking for painting work, tilling floors, I speak English I have experience contact me on 072 256 5295 (37)_______________________________

My name is Odette Maseko I am looking for work in Journalism (BA degree), Photographic (BA degree), Media Communication (BA Honours) and I have a code 8 licence contact me on 071 813 3657 (38)_______________________________

My name is Khanyisa Nkuna I am looking for any general work, shop assistant, cashier, or domestic work, office cleaner I speak English contact me on 078 937 2669 (39)_______________________________

My name is Linah Nukeri I am looking for any general work, shop assistant, office cleaner or domestic work, speak English contact me on 078 053 5195 (40)_______________________________

My name is David Mathonsi I am looking for a baker job I

Premierpark 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, erf omhein, loop afstand vanaf skole R5 200

toesluit motorhuis, eie erfie, plaas atmosfeer, koopkrag, geen troeteldiere R5 200 Tarentaalrand 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, nuut geboude meenthuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, eie erfie, koopkrag, geen troeteldiere R4 400

Premierpark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer (stort), oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, braai area, uitgeteel met afdak vir voertuig R2 400

Duiwelskloof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot erf toegemaak, afdak vir voertuie R4 700

Tarentaalrand 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, nuut geboude moderne eenheid met

Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Legals l Geregtelik

work for 2 years at Butterfield and 3 years at Tarentaalrand Friendly I speak English, Grade 10 contact me on 071 767 2671 (41)_______________________________

My name is Tiyani Muhlarhi I am looking for work at a butchery I do packing and wrapping I speak English or any other general work I have Grade 11 contact me on 073 883 977 (42)_______________________________

Admin My name is Hellen Malatji I am looking for a cashier job/ receptionist job/ admin clerk job/ debtors and creditors job I have 4 years experience in pastel I have grade 12 I have code10 drivers licence I can also do cashbook and journal as well as filling customer service is my challenge contact me on 079 310 9754 (5) ________________________________

My name is Nellah Mabasa I am looking for a work as Receptionist or administration I have BSC Agriculture (Agronamie / Plant Production) contact me on 078 830 9876 (6)________________________________

My name is Matsie B Ramsdike I am looking for Receptionist or Administration I have grade 12, Media study degree, Media study Honors, contact me on 079 932 5689 (7)________________________________

My name is Grace Milazi I am looking for a job as administration or receptionist work at a lodge I know Paste, Word, Excel and I worked as a cashier, I also work in a shop receiving stock contact me on 073 742 5831/076 093 7021 (8)________________________________

My name is Nyiko Eugene Mathonsi I am looking for work as office assistant or administration I have a diploma in marketing managing, and diploma in office assistant I have a code 10 licences contact me on 083 370 5474 (9)_______________________________ My name is Wendy Sibabelo I am looking for work in communication, or arranging and planning events, receptionist, PA I have a degree BA Journalism contact me on 076 330 9112 (10)________________________

IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT BRAAMFONTEIN Case Number: MIPT14113 In the case between: MIBCO EXECUTION CREDITOR And OFCOLACO BUSINESS CENTRE R26 OFCOLACO EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to an award granted by the Dispute Resolution Council of the Motor Industry and duly certified by a commissioner of the CCMA in terms of Section 143 of the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 am on 9 April 2015 by public auction to be held at the sheriff office, by the Sheriff for the High Court, Balju/Sheriff Letaba to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x 2 Door Steel Cabinet 1 x File Cabinet 3 x Wooden table 1 x Panasonic DP1515P printer & scanner 1 HP printer LaserJet 3055 1 x Wooden file cabinet 6 x Chairs 1 x Small Cabinet with wheels

en in tweevoud by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Bylae Naam van dorp : Tzaneen Uitbreiding 88 Volle naam van aansoeker: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers namens die geregistreerde eienaar Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp: Residensieël 1 : 1 Residensieël 2: 2 Beskrywing van grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Gedeelte van R/129 van die plaas Pusela 555 LT, groot 0,86 ha. Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Die voorgestelde dorp is ge-

leë aangrensend tot Tambotiestraat aan die suidwestkant van Tzaneen Uitbreiding10. Opmerkings : Die doel van die aansoek is om die grond voor te berei vir die oprigting van 14 wooneenhede buiten die bestaande woonhuis. Mar402____________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP REGULATION 21 The Greater Tzaneen Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 96(1) and (3) read together with Section 69(6)(a) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that an application to establish the township referred to

in the annexure hereto, has been received. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 28 days from 27 March 2015. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 27 March 2015. ANNEXURE Name of township: Tzaneen Extension 88 Full name of the applicant:

Jacques du Toit and Associates on behalf of the registered owner. Number of erven in proposed township: Residential 1: 1 Residential 2: 2 Description of the land: Part of Portion R/129 of the farm Pusela 555 LT, extending over 0,86 ha Locality of proposed township: The proposed township is situated adjacent to Tambotie Street to the south west of Tzaneen Extension 10. Remarks : The purpose of the application is to prepare the land for the development of 14 townhouses in addition to the existing dwelling. Mar403____________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property smalls



SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THE 19 DAY OF MARCH 2015 SHERIFF OF THE COURT ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR LINGENFELDER BALOYI ATTORNEYS ATTERBURY ESTATE, BUILDING 7 19 FRIKKIE DE BEER STREET MENLYN, PRETORIA Tel: 012 348 8624 Fax: 012 348 5908 Ref: CLINGENFELDER/KP File No: MP1065 Mar401____________________ KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM DORP TE STIG - REGULASIE 21 Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 96(1) en (3) saamgelees met Artikel 69(6) (a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hierby genoem, te stig ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 Maart 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 Maart 2015 skriftelik

Tel: 015 307 8000 | Fax: 015 307 8049 | P.o Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850

NOTICE OF THE 3RD SPECIAL COUNCIL SITTING FOR THE GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY Kindly be informed that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality will hold its 3rd Special Council Meeting on Tuesday, the 31st March 2015. Therefore, we hereby invite Ward Committee representatives and other stakeholders to attend, the 3rd Special Council Meeting for the adoption of the Draft Budget and Draft IDP for 2015/2016 financial year as follows: Date : 31st March 2015 (Tuesday) Time : 12H00 Venue : Council Chamber For further enquiries please contact Mr F Malale at 073 437 5885 or Mr N Ndlala at 073 076 2125 and Mrs W Baloyi at073 871 1374 Kind regards Mrs NM Lion Acting Municipal Manager



27 Maart 2015



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Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Adele’s Slimming Clinic Biominceur And absolute revolution in body wrap. Slim, firm and tone instantly. No mess, no fuss, loose cm’s. Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation; improve stretch mark, varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193 Dec104___________________________

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Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire: Front loader, ADT, Excavator, Tipper, Low bed ALSO: River sand & Building sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532

Jul210 ____________________________

King Trellis

Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173

Services Dienste


DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202____________________ TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________


WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705


Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

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Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za

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Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850

Services Dienste

Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971

For Sale Te Koop

Isuzu 5 ton truck 2008 R185 000 015 395 2112


Isuzu Bakkie 2.8 R68 000 015 395 2335 082 490 0439

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036

Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

For Sale Te Koop

TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R19.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R22/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557



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Kokkerotgif , geld terug waarborg. Skakel Annette by 083 276 7872. Geen ander produk werk soos die nie. Feb301____________________

We will beat any written quote!!

Force One Fuels Diesel at wholesale Open 24/7 17 Kudu Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen 015 306 0130


2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483

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Te koop Gebruikte Sigma 150-500 F5F6.3 APO OS lens vir Nikon Skakel 0836287744 Mar402_______________________

Personal Persoonlik

Oppi Plasie


Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630. Mar201___________________________

Volkswagen Polo 2010 R78 000 015 395 2112/2335 Dirk 082 490 0439

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Vakante Poste


Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.

Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884

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Let us help you get your house back in order. All upholstery cleaning done professionally. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Jan405________________

For Hire Te Huur


Lannie Motors

Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za

For Hire Te Huur

Opel Corsa - R48 000 015 395 2335 Dirk 082 490 0439


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Persoon gesoek met ondervinding in die herstel van huishoudelike toerusting (yskaste, wasmasjiene, ens). Skakel Johann by 083 380 9859


Paneelklopper & Spuitverwer Minimum van 3 jaar ondervinding Goeie menseverhoudings, sober gewoontes Moet goed presteer onder druk Pakket & salaris onderhandelbaar CV: dirkgroble@mweb. co.za Faks 015 395 2175 Dirk 082 490 0439


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 advertise in the classified


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27 Maart 2015


Vermeulen breaks Ebenezer record Ockert Vermeulen (17) from Polokwane broke the Ebenezer Mile record on Saturday by 23 seconds in a time of 19:07:42 and thus walked away with the Kenneth Smith trophy (photo left). The previous record went to Smith in 2006. When Smith was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Thailand, his family set up a trophy for the Mile in his name. His father, Mr Neville Smith, was a well-known swimming coach in Tzaneen. Vermeulen went on to also win the 3000 m males open in another record time of 36:45:73. It was a sunny day and not the usual misty, cold weather that so often marks the Ebenezer Mile. A record number of 457 swimmers took part. Before the race began, MC Morris Stander from Haenertsburg Rotary requested a minute’s silence.

This was in tribute to 90-year-old local Ms Gub Turner who’d died earlier that week. Turner was the oldest person to ever swim the Ebenezer Mile at the age of 80. She and another local, Ms Fiona Stumbles, were instrumental in launching the Ebenezer Mile more than two decades ago. Stumbles was at Saturday’s race to watch her young grandson, Jack Stewart from Unicorn Primary, swim his first Ebenezer Mile. Jack came 7th in the u.13’s. Ms Kerry Spratt, a teacher at Mitchell House in Polokwane, not only swam in the race but brought along several Mitchell House learners to swim as well. For all the results: http://www.facebook.com — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Vasbyt pulled Gary & Rhoan through

Oppie Kassie On the Telly

Sportnaweek wat nog lank onthou sal word Een van die hoogtepunte op 2015 se sportkalender word dié naweek regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai. Die Bulls se Superrugbywedstryd teen die Crusaders begin Saterdagaand seweuur. Maar dit is nié die naweek se vernaamste sport nie, al sê die Pretorianers ook wát. Die Wêreldbeker-eindstryd wat Sondag in die Melbourne-krieketstadion beslis word, is loshand een van die grootste geleenthede van die sportjaar; ʼn kragmeting wat nog lank onthou sal word. Miljoene mense in talle lande sal kyk na die tweestryd wat Suid-Afrikaners al skuins voor sonop op SuperSport 2 sal laat inskakel en tot so tweeuur se kant vasgevang sal hou. Die rugby, met inbegrip van die Blitsbokke se vertoning in die sewestoernooi in Hongkong, sal óók wavragte opwinding verskaf. Daarby saai SuperSport dié naweek oor die 30 uur se tennis regstreeks uit Miami uit, asook die Maleisiese Grand Prix en die motorfietsrenne in Katar. SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 27 Maart Fietsry: Harelbeke, België (210 km) – 16:00 tot 18:30 op SS 7 Gholf: Hassan-trofee, Marokko, dag 2 – 13:00 tot 15:00 en 16:30 tot 19:30 op SS 5 Texas-ope, San Antonio, dag 2 – 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 5 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Maleisiese Grand Prix, oefening 1 – 03:50 tot 05:40 op SS 5 Maleisiese GP, oefening 2 – 07:50 tot 09:40 op SS 5 Muurbal: Canary Wharf Classic, eindstryd – 21:30 tot 23:00 op SS 7 Rugby: Superreeks: Hurricanes t Rebels – 08:00 tot 10:45 op SS 1 en GDN Reds t Lions – 10:45 tot 13:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Vodacombeker: Grens t OP – 19:00 tot 21:05 op SS 1 Engelse Premierliga: Northampton t Wasps – 21:40 tot 23:55 op SS 1 Sewes: Hongkong-toernooi – 07:20 tot 15:15 op SS 6 (SA t Argentinië 14:00) Sokker: Future Champions, Gauteng (drie uitspeelwedstryde) – 13:15 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Tennis: Miami-ope, dag 3 – 17:00 tot 03:00 op SS 6 Saterdag 28 Maart Atletiek: Wêreld-veldloopkampioenskappe, China – 06:00 tot 09:30 op SS 7 Gholf: Hassan-trofee, dag 3 – 15:00 tot 19:00 op SS 5 Texas-ope, dag 3 – 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 5 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP: Katar-GP, kwalifiserend – 19:20 tot 20:30 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Maleisiese Grand Prix, oefening 3 – 07:50 tot 09:10 op SS 5 Maleisiese GP, kwalifisering – 10:50 tot 12:10 op SS 5 Perdewedrenne: DoebaiWêreldbeker – 13:30 tot 17:05 en 15:35 tot 20:00 op Kanaal 210

Classic-dag, hoofwedren, Turffontein – 17:05 tot 17:35 op Kanaal 210 Rugby: Superreeks: Chiefs t Cheetahs – 05:00 tot 08:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Highlanders t Stormers – 08:00 tot 10:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Waratahs t Blues – 10:30 tot 13:00 op SS 1 en GDN Sharks t Force – 16:30 tot 19:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Bulls t Crusaders – 19:00 tot 21:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Vodacombeker: Blou Bulle t Pumas – 16:25 tot 18:30 op SS 8 Engelse Premierliga: Saracens t Harlequins – 17:10 tot 19:15 op SS 7 Sewes: Hongkong-toernooi – 03:00 tot 13:40 op SS 6 (SA t Japan 06:18 en SA t Frankryk, 11:04) Sokker: Future Champions, 2 uitspeelwedstryde en eindstryd – 10:15 tot 15:00 op SS 4 Tennis: Miami-ope, dag 4 – 17:00 tot 04:30 op SS 6 Sondag 29 Maart Fietsry: Gent-Wevelgem (219 km) 13:50 tot 17:30 op SS 8 Gholf: Hassan-trofee, dag 4 – 15:00 tot 19:30 op SS 1 en GDN Texas-ope, dag 4 – 19:30 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Krieket: Wêreldbeker-eindstryd – 04:30 tot 14:30 op SS 2 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP, Katar – Moto3, Moto 2 en Grand Prix – 16:45 tot 21:00 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Maleisiese Grand Prix – 08:30 tot 11:15 op SS 6 Indycarreeks, St Petersburg-GP – 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 7 Nascarreeks – 18:30 tot 23:00 op SS 8 Rugby: Sewes: Hongkongtoerrnooi – 03:30 tot 13:40 op SS 1 (Eindstryd 13:00) Engelse Premierliga – Sale t Gloucester – 14:55 tot 16:55 op SS 5 Tennis: Miami-ope, dag 5 – 17:00 tot 05:30 op SS 6

Annelize Mentz won the ladies’ race

Team Stanford Lake College came 328th out of 600 starting teams. The race covered 740 km in seven days over extremely rugged, rocky and sandy terrain. Over the seven race days and the one prologue day, the course involved climbing a total of 16 000 vertical metres! As great as the race was, it didn’t come without its challenges. The pair suffered a few mechanical issues as well as illness. But even during the difficult times, they kept going with determination to complete the race, knowing that they were doing it for charity. They managed to raise an incredible R45 000 for the “Dream an’ Do” Foundation charity. The Absa Cape Epic is the most televised mountain bike race in the world with 27 countries being represented in the event. The race generated R300 million for the Western Cape economy. Rhoan Abbott and ous adventure sports such as, Kayaking, Rock Garry Middleton would like to thank everyone for their amazing support. Climbing, Trekking and Mountain Biking. The programme also covers environmental issues and conservation and culminates with the students spending a day at the KNP. As outdoor sport’s enthusiasts and educators, we have seen first-hand the benefits of outdoor education. Children who are pushed out of their comfort zones through adventure activities become more confident adults, and it is our aim to provide this opportunity to less privileged children in our local communities. Through riding this event, Rhoan and Gary raised R45 000 for the school’s Foundation. Some of the proceeds will also go towards the development and training of an Adventure Racing Team, which will then take part in the annual Adventure Race for schools.

Heroic action by Dr for school Team Stanford Lake College finished the gruelling, world-famous Absa Cape Epic (report above photo), a gruelling seven stage mountain bike race covering over 700 km of challenging terrain. Initially two Stanford teachers, Rhoan Abbott and Steven Willson teamed up to ride for the schools outreach programme, the ‘Dream an’ Do’ Foundation. Unfortunately Steven was injured on a training ride only four weeks before the event but luckily ex-Stanford parent and local doctor Gary Middleton, a past Epic finisher, was available to step into the breach. The ‘Dream an’ Do’ Foundation enables groups of less fortunate children to experience a week long programme each year at Stanford Lake College, where they are introduced to Thinking skills programmes as well as vari-

Pupils from far discover Stanford Lake College and enjoyed it Stanford Lake College hosted their Open Weekend for Grade 6’s and 7’s. Local pupils and others from as far away as Bulawayo, Botswana, Mozambique and Gauteng, all joined in the fun which was a two day event including a sleepover. The prospective pupils started with an art project, a science experiment and a talk on invader plants. Activities such as hockey, netball and cricket coaching, a night hike and an adventure challenge made sure that the students were exhausted and happy by the time they left. The Saturday ended with all the youngsters rafting and kayaking on the dam in true Stanfordian style! A very successful weekend was had by all.


Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650


27 Maart 2015

The one that didn’t get away Friday 20 February 2015: after three days of hunting for the big one with not even a kirr out of a reel, the mood was sombre on the Montego; to say the least. Leon van der Vyver, one of the team members on the Montego, recalls: “We were there as part of the Letsitele Boere Bonanza, a social gathering of farmers. Thursday night Francois Engelbrecht came to me and asked if we can’t load the light rods, seeing that the following day would be our last and he had never caught a fish in the ocean. I told him to get on another boat or come Marlin fishing with us. “The next day we launched a bit late and I decided to try and go for the big one. There was light rain and a breeze from the South when we went through the surf, so I decided to fish at Diepgat. I asked Johan du Toit to take over the controls, while Frits Steyn and I started putting out the spread of conas. “As we reached 60 m at Diepgat, I told Johan to turn and head for deep water. It was Francois’ turn on the chair. At the 78 m mark all hell broke loose. A monster had taken our port long and was peeling off line. All of a sudden it was very, very busy on board the Montego, with orders running to Johan at the helm and the crew on deck to clear the other four lines. Then I heard Francois say we better hurry since the reel was nearly empty. I realised that Francois was dressed up and in the chair, waiting for us to clear the deck and not to help and shout orders. “The big fight was on... for two hours and fifteen minutes we could not turn the monster. He had one thing in mind and that was to take us deep. The pulsator marlin magnet was stuck solid and did its job and as long as we did the same, this one was not going to get away. Francois was battered

Al weer ek, Oubal. Moenie so hartseer wees nie, dis nie heeltemal die einde van die wêreld nie. ‘Tja, AB, soos Oubal al voorheen gesê het, hoe korter die weergawe, hoe ‘n groter dobbelspel is dit. Toe daai reën kom met jy en Faf opgestel om ‘n groot aanslag te lewer, toe sê my vriend ArthurIngelsman: “Iets naaintie twoe ôl ouwer ygên!”. En toe die reën oor is en julle met ‘n skamele vyf beurte gelaat word vir daai aanslag, toe sê my ander vriend, KoosKakie: “Ons is alweer die slagoffers van die verdomde Luckless-Dewis!” Maar as julle hartseer is daar oorkant en dinge moeilik gevind het, moet jy nie dink dit was veel anders hierdie kant nie. Vir eers moet jy verstaan, AB, dat Oubal en sy vriende ‘n taamlike lang en half aaneenlopende spanpraatjie gehad het, want voor julle begin het moes ons ons eers vermoei met Varsitybekerrakbie. Ek dink dit sal dalk jou gemoed so effens lig om te weet dat die

and bruised and his first deep sea fish was giving him a run for his money. “Finally the monster was next to the boat, but unfortunately the fight was too much for the majestic black marlin and he died next to the boat — so release was not an option. Then we had the mammoth task of loading the beautiful monster fish. Francois was more or less out on his feet, totally drained. With the help of fellow anglers who came to our rescue, we boated the fish”.

• The big beauty pulled the scale at a whopping 396,6 kg — caught on 37 kg line!

Beste AB (2) Brooklyn-takhare darem bo aan die punteleër geëindig het en Dok Craven se beweerde erfgename (weereens) uitgeskakel is. ‘Tja, AB, ons het beplan om die spanpraatjie sommer te laat deurloop na jul belangrike tweestryd toe. Ook maar goed, want toe word ons dorp se kragkabels mos gesteel en daar in die middernagtelike ure sit ons in die duisternis. Kan jy dink hoe dit sou gegaan het sonder ons ondersteuning? Gelukkig het dit ons genoeg tyd gegee om seker te maak die Lister is vol diesel — ons is die diewe dus ewig dankbaar vir hul

Letaba skrik toe nie vir spiere Die bultende spiere van ‘n klomp spelers van Nelspruit — wat lyk asof hulle ure in die gimnasium deurbring — het Letaba se ‘boere’ nie Saterdag ‘n aks laat wyk van hul voorneme om nie die vorige naweek se lusteloosheid op Loftus te herhaal nie. Nelspruit se spelers is groot en beslis sterk manne en verskeie van hul spelers was reeds vanjaar in die Pumas se oefengroep. Na Letaba se teleurstellende vertoning die vorige naweek, wou die spelers wys dat hulle met trots en passie rugby kan speel. Hulle het verwoed onder die manne van Nelspruit ingeklim en in seker een van die hardste wedstryde die afgelope paar jaar in Tzaneen, het Letaba net-net die onderspit met 14-8 gedelf. Mooi so kêrels, jul ondersteuners is trots op julle en ons weet die vorige Saterdag se flou wedstryd was maar een van daai dinge wat soms gebeur. Ons het geweet julle sal regruk en julle hét. Dit was ‘n taai wedstryd en die bloed het letterlik gevloei. Die noodhulpbeamptes het oortyd gewerk en die skeidsregter het die geel kaarte uitgedeel asof dit Kersfees was. Letaba het die veel groter en swaarder skrum van Nelspruit laat knor en Nelspruit het gereeld die skrum laat val. Vreemd genoeg was die strafskoppe min in Letaba se guns. Op ‘n kol het Letaba in drie skrums byna reg onder die pale Nelspruit se skrum uitmekaar laat spat, maar was daar geen sprake van ‘n strafskop of ‘n strafdrie vir Letaba nie. As gekyk word hoe strafskoppe by die skrums in Superrugby gegee word, kan Letaba se gewillige voorspelers hulle uiters ongelukkig ag om nie voordeel te gekry het in hierdie faset van die spel nie. tydsberekening. Maar as Oubal jou goeie raad kan gee, AB, kies jou bure goed. Jy sal nie glo watse lawaai hulle opgeskop het toe ons die Lister om drieuur opstaart om die generator aan die gang te kry nie. Mense het nie meer ‘n sin vir patriotisme nie, AB! Maar terug na die krieket, Oubal verstaan nie hoekom belangrike wedstryde alewig op plekke gespeel word waar dit knaend reën nie. Nog minder verstaan Oubal hoekom juis ons telkens aan die ontvangkant daarvan moet wees nie. Jy en Faf was goed op pad om ‘n telling van ver oor die driehonderd te slaan en boonop was die Kiwi’s se voorste boulers in daai stadium feitlik klaar geboul. Met net die raap-en-skraap boulers oor, was ‘n groot telling omtrent ‘n gegewe. ‘Tja, AB, julle behoort julself eintlik op die skouer te klop, gegewe dat julle in moeilike

Daar moet spesiale melding gemaak word van Letaba se voorry — Picasso Coetzer, JP Schwarz, Beast Mushwana en later Thulani Mathonsi — wat hul teenstanders behoorlik opgekeil het. Die drie voorste manne is goed ondersteun deur die slotte, Eben Fichardt en Marnus Labuschagne. Letaba het vroeg hulle sterflank, Glen Mafumo, met ‘n besering verloor. Sy plaasvervanger, Jannes Van Loggenberg, het egter sy kant deeglik gebring en beïndruk. Kaptein Sven Hedin was aan die voorpunt van Letaba se verdediging en het menige belowende aanval van Nelspruit gestuit. Hy is goed ondersteun deur agsteman Willem Snyman, wat nou net fiks moet word. In die agterlyn was Slang Sibanda sy teenstander oor en na ‘n lelike rassistiese aanmerking weet die losskakel van Nelspruit wat dit in rugbytaal beteken as gesê word die bus is vol, nadat Sibanda bo-oor hom gehol het. Plaasvervanger Ruan Roets het self ‘n skitterwedstryd gespeel en is beloon met ‘n drie. Losskakel Gom Bvuma was effens siekerig, maar het sy kant gebring en ook geslaag met ‘n strafskop. Vleuel Alec Mhlanga, ook gewys waarom hy so hoog aangeslaan word en skrumskakel Henke Snyman het die agterlyn weer flink weggestuur. Dit was ‘n veel beter vertoning van Letaba en met die harde wedstryde wat hulle gespeel het voor die liga begin, hoop Letaba op ‘n goeie seisoen. Letaba speel nie môre nie en daar word nou hard gesoek na nog vriendskaplike wedstryde voor die liga in Mei begin. Die volgende wedstryd sal in die media aangekondig word.

omstandighede tot die bittereinde bly veg het. Oubal dink egter nie julle is heeltemal sonder blaam nie. Kyk, julle het vir Oubal geluister met Ripley, Parnell en Behardien, maar julle wou nie hoor met Kokkie aan die begin van die beurt nie. Daarvoor het julle ‘n prys betaal. Ongelukkig kon Oubal jou nie betyds waarsku teen prima donnas nie. Kyle Abbott het mos bewys hy moes in een van Steyn of Philander se plek gespeel het, of hoe? Hoe dit ook al sy, AB, moenie jou steur aan die sotte wat alweer “tjouk” skree nie. Hierdie was alles behalwe. Hierdie was net nog ‘n hoofstuk in die geskiedenis van ons wye en droewe land. “Die Here het gaskommel en die dice het verkeerd geval vi’ ons, daai’s ma al” — Adam Small Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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