5 June 2015
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
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GTM blows another R85k on legal cost In yet another inexplicable and indeed inexcusable move the Greater Tzaneen Municipality has to fork out R85 000 to a lawyer for a legal opinion, after the Supreme Court of Appeal (in Bloemfontein) had made a ruling. However, no legal opinion can help to reverse
the court’s finding. It is said that the GTM’s legal department should be investigated and the council be challenged to explain why Tzaneen has spent tens of millions of Rand in legal cost over the past two to three years. • Read our report on Page 3
Tzaneen se nuwe held Een van Le’Club in Tzaneen se atlete wat Sondag die moordende Comrades ultra-maraton met sukses voltooi het, het om ‘n gans ander rede sterstatus bereik. Hy het met passievolle medemenslikheid en sonder ‘n greintjie selfsug ‘n ander atleet in die pylvak (wat in ‘n maraton nogal lank is) tot oor die wenstreep aan die hand gelei en regop gehou. Die onbekende vrou, glo van Johannesburg, sou dit volgens kenners nie gemaak het as dit nie vir die hulp van Samuel Mathebula was nie. Kyk gerus na die dramatiese kort video op ons webwerf of Facebook. Besonderhede op bladsy 2, oor hoe om by ons webwerf of Facebook-groep te kom.
These models of Amone Modelling Academy staged a fashion show in the Tzaneng Mall, showing off the latest fashion trends (clothes supplied by Edgars). At the back are Leandri Schreiber (modelling coach of Amone), Bianca, Luandra, Bernice, Angela, Tayla, Shongile, Pearl and Bernice. In front are Charlise, Sharon, Uliene, Matimu, Charmaine and Yolande.
5 June 2015
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Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 060 402 1579 elliot@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com IT
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg het die onlangse poging tot ‘n taaldebat tussen die skrifgeleerde en kwaksalwer maar bra vervelig gevind. Vlieg dink beide van hulle, of is dit nou albei?, moet hulle maar liewer by hul nering hou en die nonsenspratery los vir ‘n deskundige op die gebied — soos Vlieg, natuurlik. Wat die pseudo-debat egter reggekry het is dat Vlieg weer ‘n slag sy Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal afgestof het. Die lang winternagte is hoeka nou met ons en wat is nou meer pret as om ‘n woordeboek te lees? ‘n Woordeboek wat sy sout werd is sal natuurlik ook die fonetiese uitspraak van woorde bevat. Plekname, soos Nkandla, wat nie sommer in ‘n woordeboek verskyn nie is egter ‘n probleem, en Vlieg kan voorsien dat dit dalk mag gebeur dat iemand wat nie Zulu magtig is nie, dit byvoorbeeld as Nkondla, Hingkandla of iets soortgelyks kan uitspreek. Vlieg sou verder ook dink ‘n mens moenie iemand wat Nkandla as Nkondla uitspreek, veral in ‘n veeltalige land, noodwendig in die openbaar probeer beledig en verneder
Vlieg se miskraam
nie, as jy self nie die meeste Engelse woorde wat wel met fonetiese uitsprake in woordeboeke verskyn, ook nie kan uitspreek nie. Vlieg dink sommer vinnig aan woorde soos “democracy”, “management”, “economics”, “participation”, “country”, “committee” en “common sense”.* Wat Vlieg bring by dit wat hy verder raakgelees het. ver-wag’ting snw. (-e,-s) Handeling van te verwag; hoop, swanger wees; ver-wag’ ww. 1. Te wagte wees; hoop; tegemoet sien; reken op; vooruitsien na 2. Voorsien, moontlik ag 3. Swanger wees. Vlieg merk op dat al die voorbeelde van sinne met die woorde verwag of verwagting in sy woordeboek ‘n positiewe ondertoon het… bo verwagting goed… hoë verwagtings koester… aan die verwagting voldoen… baie van iemand verwag… in blye verwagting… en natuurlik, behalwe vir party ongelukkige papies en deesdae ook sommer nog maaiers, is ‘n swangerskap ook seker ‘n positiewe ervaring! Verwagtinge lei dan natuurlik tot die een of ander volgende handeling, nadat dit wat verwag is gebeur het. ver-ba’sing s.nw. Groot verwondering,
verstomming, of te-vre’de b.nw. en bw. 1. Voldaan, nie meer begerende wees nie. 2. Waarmee ‘n mens genoeë neem, ingenome. tevre’denheid, of te-leur’stel ww. (teleurgestel) 1. In die verwagting beskaam; op niks laat uitloop 2. Iemand onthou van of nie laat ondervind wat hy gewens of verwag het nie; nie aan die verwagting voldoen nie. Vlieg sien, in sy bogenoemde navorsing, en meer so in sy alledaagse bestaan, dat ‘n verwagting dus op ‘n positiewe of negatiewe handeling, of meestal eerder emosie, veral emosie kan uitloop. Vlieg probeer sy bes om sy eie raad te volg wanneer, nie ás nie, dit dikwels gebeur dat daar nie aan sy verwagtinge voldoen word nie. Dit help om die negatiewe handelinge en emosies in toom te hou. Vlieg se raad lê weereens in sy woordeboek. be-perk’ ww. 1. Hou binne sekere perke, grense 2. Kleiner maak. b.nw. 1. Betreklik klein, eng, gering. 2. Bekrompe. Vlieg hou dus sy verwagtinge maar beperk, anders sou hy lankal swanger gewees het met te veel negatiewe emosie — en wie weet wat hy dan sou kraam! *Kyk gerus die palementêre kanaal of enige van Trevor Noah se opvoerings.
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Sê jou sê
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
This week, in anticipation of our story about the GTM’s Parks department, we asked: GTM Parke Afdeling is verantwoordelik vir die instandhouding van sypaadjies, openbare parke, munisipale ruimtes, ens. Dink jy hulle funksioneer nog? --- The Parks division of the GTM should maintain pavements, public parks, municipal spaces, etc. Do you think they are functioning? The Poll, where 100% of respondents said “No”, and comments speak for themselves: Dale Kenney No no no.....I wonder if the division even exists...its so sad that our beautiful town is crumbling. so wished GTM understood that without residents....and tourism...They would not exist... its time the Rate Payers stand together Sophia Fernandez BAD BAD BAD!!! Jones van Wyk O, is daar nog n Parke Afdeling? Soos al die openbare gebiede deesdae lyk, dog ek dit is in 1992 al ontbind. Skokkend.... Hulle vreet die fondse by KFC op! Kom kyk hoe lyk die park onder die dam by Park/Bohemiastraat. Sophia Fernandez En dit is so n mooi area waar julle bly. miskien wegdoen met rates and taxes.. konsolideer as eienaars en kry eie dienslewering vir tuindiens-sypaadjie-onderhoud in
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Tiekie Van Vuuren Glad nie want kyk ook hoe lyk die begrafplaas grond VUIL .Almal kry geld maar geen werk word gedoen nie. Doen my n guns en gaan kyk hoe lyk Duiwelskloof begrafplaas .Die kerk het laas daar skoon gemaak mens sien nie eers meer die grafte nie . a This week we also uploaded a video entitled “Samuel shows true Comradeship” to Youtube QR Code provided). The Video shows Tzaneen’s own Comrades runner Samuel Ralepelle helping Maree van Rooyen, who was obviously suffering and barely able to keep running, to cross the finish line during last Sundays race. Within hours the Video received favourable feedback including: Paul Zaayman Samuel Marathon Club proud
Besprekings en Kennisgewings
Scan QR code on the left with your smartphone to watch the video. Tracey Leppan An amazing show of true team spirit - Well done Samuel and your Tzaneen Running Club must be so very proud of you. Well done to all our runners that took part, an incredible day, whether you crossed the finish line or not.. You stood at the start and did your best. xx Wisani Burial Well done Samuel
Well done Samuel, Tzaneen salutes you!
Mathebula Oupa What a beauty. The whole world now know there is a Tzaneen and great people.
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The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others. Respect the facts of a situation. Avoid gossip.
Sonnig en koel
Sonop Sononder Humiditeit
06:37 17:23 33%
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Duidelik doen die GTM se Parke afdeling nie hul werk nie. Geen wonder dat sommige van die kommentare hierbo so negatief is nie. Daar is niks positiefs te sê nie.
Dirk Stoltz Dis ‘n tragiese situasie. Besoekers aan Tzaneen het voorheen opgemerk dat Tzaneen se tuine so pragtig is. Nou sien hulle dikwels nie die tuine raak nie omdat die algemene voorkoms so sleg is.
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
Meestal sonskyn en koel
Meestal sonskyn en koel
Sonnig en matig
Sonnig en matig
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Meestal sonskyn. Koel
Meestal sonskyn. Koel
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels
Jaques van Niekerk
Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
Woensdag Donderdag
Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
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Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
Blyde Rivier Poort
100.3% 102.5%
Tours 75.5%
Vergelegen Ohrigstad 87.4%
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 01/06/2015
Baie Dankie! Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van
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5 June 2015
GTM ‘wastes’ another R85 000 on legal costs The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has wasted another R85 000 on unnecessary legal costs. The situation regarding the GTM’s legal costs is now totally absurd and would justify a full investigation. In the latest tomfoolery the GTM asked for a legal opinion after the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein had ruled on 18 March that the GTM should employ Mr André le Grange, a previous CFO, in “a permanent position on its service register that is in proportion with his status, qualifications and experience”. The GTM‘s decision not to renew his contract was irregular and despite his numerous attempts to settle the matter with the GTM, they went ahead and refused to cooperate with him. It finally ended (after about three years) in the Appeal Court. But the ‘clever’ GTM decided that
they don’t accept the Appeal Court’s ruling (nor any other by lower courts) and commissioned Lebea & Associates Attorneys for a legal opinion on the implementation of the court judgement. The lawyers respondend by stating clearly that “Le Grange is entitled to back pay (in full) from the date of termination of his appointment as CFO, or he should be employed as manager: expenditure if the position is available, or create a position which will be in proportion to his status, qualifications and experience, or an agreement/contract must be concluded between another Public Service Department to employ him”. This simply means that the lawyers told the GTM that they had no choice. The account for this “outing” was submitted to the GTM on 14 April (we have copies of the relevant documents) and amounted to R75 200 + R10
The suspended municipal manager of Polokwane, Ms Connie Mametja, has resigned. Rumor in Polokwane has it that she has received a golden handshake of R2 million, but she refused to comment on this and referred us to her lawyer, Mr Graham Motsoana, in Johannesburg. He also refused to comment on the matter of a settlement and said there was actually nothing to say, other than that she has resigned. Mametja is a previous municipal manager of the GTM. She says she is now going to do reserach for a doctor’s degree through the University of Fort
528 for VAT + R60 for disbursements for a total of R85 788. Then... on 7 May Mushwana Inc, a law firm in Nkowankowa, wrote to Le Grange’s lawyers to confirm that he should report to the GTM’s municipal manager (to resume his job or another job). Le Grange complied... However on 22 May another letter arrived from Mushwana Inc, announcing a U-turn; all of a sudden the GTM expressed concern that Le Grange would be “unduly enriched” and declared a new dispute, despite the Appeal Court’s ruling and the R85 000’s worth of legal opinion, etcetera, etcetera. Wasteful expenditure? Irresponsible management of public funds? A scam? Ignorance? You decide! — Francois Aucamp francois@bulletin.us.com
GTM appoints new acting municipal manager Mr Pierre van den Heever, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s director of electrical engineering, has been appointed the municipality’s acting municipal manager. The move to appoint a new acting municipal manager comes after the GTM’s chief financial officer, Ms Nora Lion, had her acting term come to an end last month. According to regulations, a candidate can only act as
municipal manager for a period not exceeding three months. The council also announced that the resignation of corporate services director Elias Mugari will be advertised as per municipal regulations. Van den Heever is seen above with GTM mayor Dikeledi Mmetle. — Elliot Mathye elliot@bulletin.us.com
Mametja resigns as MM
generally seen as fruitless expenditure ahead of the short-term appointment of a candidate preferred by the powers that be in the province. In a media release by the PM it was stated that the reports the Polokwane Observer (PO). Hare. She holds several degrees. Isamao national chairperson Dan Mashitisho city council had resolved to settle the matter to The settlement between Polokwane Municipality (PM) and Ma- told PO that the current trend of suspensions avoid protracted disciplinary proceedings and metja will most likely come under and golden handshakes identified at institutions huge legal costs associated with the disciplinary the spotlight when an intended across the country was of grave concern to Isa- proceedings to further bring stability to the instifact-finding mission of the Insti- mao. The scenario pointed at a deep-seated prob- tution. PO furthermore reported that Mametja was approached to settle rather than enter into tute of SA Municipal Accounting lem, he reckoned. Connie Mametja’s symbolic send-off is seen as a drawn-out suspension battle. ”But if the allegaOfficers (Isamao) touches down in Limpopo, to investigate the high turn-over rate a costly incurrence for the taxpayer’s bill. The de- tions against her carried weight, why would the of accounting officers at various municipalities, cision that led to the costly settlement, which is municipality want to settle?”
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5 June 2015
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Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Aand-Oggendmark 5 & 6 Junie
Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen hou vandag en more ‘n moeder van ‘n Aand- en oggendmark en Wit Olifant-verkoping, waar jy van ‘n skoonma tot ‘n versamelaarsmuntstuk kan koop. Ook klere, meublement, elektriese toestelle, boeke en allerlei interessante artikels. ‘n Bonus is dat jy nie Vrydagaand of Saterdag hoef te kook nie, want daar sal ook pannekoek, yankees, vetkoek, kerrie en rys, hamburgers,gebak en vars vrugte en groente verkoop word. As jy dit misloop, is dit total en al op eie verantwoordelikheid. Onthou: spyt kom altyd te laat!
Die Eiland Boogskiet 6 Junie
Limpopo se binneshuise boogskietkampioenskappe word op 6 Junie by die ATKV Eiland Spa gehou. Alle belangstellendes van alle ouderdomme is welkom om te kom ondersteun of om deel te neem. Daar is talle pryse op die spel, onder meer ‘n boogjagpakket. Vir navrae, kontak Estia by 082 457 9334 of Marietjie by 083 276 7886.
Tzaneen Agri Forum 9 Junie
Absa AgriBesigheid nooi belangstellende uit na hul Absa Doeltreffendheidsforum in die Limpopo-streek. Die hoofdoel van die forum is om bewustheid oor doeltreffendheid in die landbou onder die streek se boere te skep. Die temas wat ondersoek sal word, sluit in: Eskom se standpunt oor aktuele sake; Huidige tendense en projekte in groen energie en hoe u energiekostes in bedwang kan hou; Bedryfstaknormstelling in die bedryf en hoe u daarmee vergelyk. Sluit by die groep aan by Merensky se Melkerysaal om 10:00. RSVP: Lientjie Botha by Lientjie.Botha@absa.co.za of 076 012 8881 teen 3 Junie om u plek te bevestig.
Tzaneen Jakkie Louw 13 Junie
Die gewilde sanger Jakkie Louw gaan op 13 Junie om 19:00 in die markiestent by Highgrove ptree en die wêreld aan die brand sing. Toegang: R80. Kinders o.13 gratis. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Highgrove se Ontvangs. Navrae: Frikkie by 072 150 5380. Kom geniet sommer ook een van ons vingerlek-lekker pizzas uit ons beproefde hout-oond. Kroeg sal heeltyd oop wees. En as die voete te erg begin jeuk, Pretoria gaan die vloer reg wees om te skuifeldans, te Mampoerfees laat waai met bokspronge of statig soos jou 6 Junie Die Mampoerfees is `n hoogte- voorouers te dans! punt op die jaarkalender van die Willem Prinsloo Landboumuseum en die KultuurstokergilLetsitele: NG Kerk de van SA. Die feesgeleentheid wat al vir bykans Manne-ontbyt dertig jaar aangebied word, word op Saterdag Saterdag 13 Junie 6 Junie gehou. Mampoer en Witblits is dié dag ‘n Baie dinamiese spreker sal die die hoofgaste. Stokers wat aan die Kultuurstok- manne se aandag geniet: Ds Hendrik Saayman ersgilde van SA behoort, kom van oor die hele van Moreletapark sal die tema “Man, jy is God Suid-Afrika om aan die nasionale kampioens- se plan” behandel. Koste is slegs R100 per man kappe deel te neem. Hierdie kampioendrank en die kaartjies is beskikbaar by Floris du Plessis sal by die fees per sopie geproe en per bot- (082 389 9093), Alex Kidson (083 627 3310) en tel verkoop word. Likeurs met `n witblitsbasis Christie Landman (083 627 9277). Moet dit nie word ook beoordeel: anys, peppermint, koffie misloop nie! en sjokolade. Roomlikeur word ook gemaak. • Gaskunstenaar: Jackie Louw; perdevertonTzaneen ing; demonstrasiea van tradisionele plaasFarm Fare en werfaktiwiteite by die ou plaaswerf, soos 20 June brood bak, kerse maak en ganse pluk; ATKV The theme for the St Peter’s fair this Centurion Sangersforum en pretkompe- year is about Fresh Produce from local people. tisies (aartappel skil, rissie eet ens; Boere- There will be a number of stalls stocked by well sport; uitstalling en demonstrasies van known local suppliers and you’re invited to veteraantrekkers en –motors; vlooimark come and do your shopping in their beautiful en koskraampies; biertuin; pap en kaiings, garden! Look out for the “Fresh Fare” (Meat gemmerbier en soetkoekies. and Dairy, Fruit and Veg); “Home Fare” HomeDie Willem Prinsloo Landboumuseum word made deli products; cakes; and sweets; crafts; bereik van die Pretoria-Witbank-snelweg (N4) and more); “Used Fare” Books and ‘Old Gold’ se Afrit 27 na Rayton en Cullinan, langs die ou (selected White Elephant); “Fun Fare” ChilBronkhorstspruit-pad (R104). Navrae: 012 736 dren’s activities; Tombola; Guess the Number 2035/6 (museum) of 076 054 5229 of 072 294 of Sweets in the Bottle competition etc — and 8856 (om ‘n kiosk te bespreek). of course, the all important “Food Fare” Tea Garden for refreshments and lunches; and food Haenertsburg stalls for Indian food; Braai; and sweet Pancakes Neighbourhood Market *Back by popular demand; St Peter’s American 7 June Auction @11:00. Bring your family and friends Minas Winter Neighbourhood and join the fun on Saturday 20 June from Market will be held on Sunday 7 June from 09:00—14:00. Enquiries: Wendy Graham on 015 10:00 till 17:00 at Minas Art Café & Farm Venue 307 3534 or stpeters@tzaneen.co.za. along the Cheerio Road, Haenertsburg. Famous for the variety of delicious authentic food Tzaneen cooked by local people, craft beer and estate Doep is nie dood nie wines, awesome music and atmosphere out 23 Junie in the country, the market offes a nice Sunday Op 23 Junie besoek Jannie outing for the family. There will also be plenty du Toit, Susan Mouton en Coenraad Rall die for kiddies to do, including an art and drama Plasies met hul nuutste verhoogstuk, “Doep is section facilitated by fun actors and actresses. Entrance R20 for adults and children u.12 free. nie dood nie”. Dit is ‘n eenman-aanbieding met teks- en musiekgrepe oor die lewensbeskouing Info: Denise on 083 980 8433. AGS Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS Letsitele Oosthuizenstr, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2 : 015 307 5112. Anglican Church Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen
241 Voortrekker Road: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld Claude Wheatleystr,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church
en werk van Koos du Plessis. Koos is in Januarie 1984 op jeugdige leeftyd oorlede, maar sy nalatenskap bly ’n bron van wysheid en onsterflike musiek. Nie net die liedjies nie, maar ook elke sinsnede wat op die verhoog gesê word, is Koos se eie. Aanhalings uit ander liedere, gedigte en selfs ’n kortverhaal wat Koos self een aand vir Jannie vertel het, word gebruik. Deur sy groot verskeidenheid tekste wat mekaar ooren-weer toelig, kry gehore ’n dieper insig in Koos se verstommende oeuvre. Die produksie is ’n herwaardering van sy werk en stel ook van sy minder bekende materiaal bekend. Geniet hierdie unieke werk op die verhoog by die Hoërskool Merensky op 23 Junie.
Hoedspruuit Mango Symposium 24 June
The SA Mango Growers’ Association (SAMGA) will host its annual Mango Research Symposium this year on 24 June, again at Forever Resort Swadini. SAMGA is fortunate to again have an international researcher presenting at the symposium. Ms Noris Ledesma, curator of the Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Florida, USA, will be the guest speaker. She will be speaking about mango cultivars and mango trends in the world. This Symposium serves as a forum for the sharing of research carried out in orchard practices, pest and disease management, maintenance of fruit quality after harvest, and new cultivar selection. To register for the symposium, contact Christa de la Port on +27 15 307 3676; email: christa@subtrop.co.za.
Haenertsburg Trail Run 11 July
Entries are open for the fifth annual Iron Crown trail run, on Saturday 11 July. The event features a 21,1 km strenuous run over rough single track mountain paths, leading to the summit of the highest mountain in Limpopo — the Iron Crown. There is also a shorter 10 km distance and a 5 km fun run/walk for families and dogs! The scenery on the trail is pristine and spectacular. Details at http://rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za and the link to enter online is: http://ironcrown2015.myactiveonline. co.za/CaptureDetails/Registration.aspx. The start and finish are on the central market square in the village. This is a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Haenertsburg in conjunction with the Ofcolaco Harriers. Food will be on sale and there will be a beer tent. Cash prizes for winners in the different age and gender categories! Funds raised will go to “Preserve Planet Earth” projects which aim to protect and promote a sustainable environment.
HTS Tom Naude Reünie 22 Augustus
Alle oud-leerlinge en -onderwysers van die Hoër Tegniese en Handelskool Tom Naude in Polokwane van 1950 tot 1962: Ons hou ‘n groot reünie op 22 Augustus in Centurion by Ridgeback Village in Jean-laan. Kontak Yvonne Pienaar by 082 626 0320.
Haenertsburg Intimate concert 23 September
An intimate (music) concert with Richard Cock and members of the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra will be held in the Haenertsburg Christian Church on the evening of 23 September at 19:h00. Tickets: R80 pp. On
Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk Pieter Joubertstraat , Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594.
Sunday 27 September the main concert will be in the Barnyard Theatre at 19:00. Price R150 pp. On Monday 28 September in the morning there will be a concert at Thusanang for children – an introduction to instruments and the orchestra. Bookings (and also to offer help with accommodation for the musicians): Stuart on 082 771 2655 or Linda on 082 575 5738.
SA Vrouefederasie Tzaneen
Die SAVF Tzaneen het ‘n winkel. Sy naam is “Dit en Dat”, King Edward-rylaan 2 Items kan afgelewer word by “Dit en Dat” of by die SAVF-kantoor in Agathastraat 1 of by Van Heerden Apteek, Life Style Sentrum As u wil hê ons moet die items by u afhaal, kontak ons gerus by 015 307 2645.
Depression & Anxiety Meetings Monthly
The Tzaneen branch of the SA Depression & Anxiety Group’s meetings: every first and third Saturday morning of the month. All welcome. No fees. For details: Denise on 072 287 1022 or Colleen on 083 456 7970.
Gemeenskapskoor Tzaneen Sondae 16:15
Die koor het weer begin oefen en hulle soek dringend mense wat lief is vir sing en optrede. Die koor fokus op Chrstelike/kerkliedere. Rina Klaver is die koorleier. Kontak Ivonne Olivier by 083 596 4144.
Vrydag 5 Junie • Eksamen: Gr 8-12 • Landloop Provinsiale Kampioenskappe te Merensky (5 tot 6 Junie) • ATKV-Redenaars: Semi Finale te Heuwelkruin Saturday 6 June • Limpopo Cross Country Inter Provincial Event at MHS @ 10:00 • Archery: Limpopo Indoor Championships at Eiland
• Netball: Provincial Championships at PHS Vrydag 12 June • Exams: Gr 8-12 • Archery: ARFAC Saterdag 13 Junie • Netbal: Limpopo Oefenkamp te PHS Monday 15 June • School Holiday Dinsdag 16 Junie • Jeugdag
Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax/of stuur ‘n faks na 015 307 7684 or call/of bel 015 307 7248
NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstr, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen SAVF Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld
Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk Pearlmanstraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Info to: editor@bulletin.us.com
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Kabeldiewe plunder wyl GTM sloer Die traak-my-nieagtige houding van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit se stadsraad oor die kabeldiefstal wat sakelui in die dorp nou al op moedverloor se vlakte het, is ‘n skande vir die dorp. So sê sakelui wat vanjaar al derduisende rand se verliese weens kragonderbrekings gely het. Eers was dit die diefstal by die nuwe Western Sub-stasie (skuins agter Unicorn Prepatory School in Tzaneen) wat ‘n lang kragonderbreking veroorsaak het; toe volg die groot diefstal by Tarentaalrand wat Tzaneen vir byna ‘n hele Saterdag sonder krag gelaat het. Hele winkelsentrums het dié dag gesluit (en Saterdag is die besigste inkopiedag). En nou moes Letsitele en omgewing (tot by Constantia en Die Eiland) dié week die prys betaal. Die GTM sloer al van voor die diefstal by die Western Sub-stasie om sekuriteit by die sleutelpunte te verseker. Die Buletin het afskrifte van briewe en voorleggings aan die GTM, waarin gewaarsku is dat die situasie besig is om te vererger en groot onderbrekings met gevolglike groot skade vir veral die sakesektor gaan bring. Die ondervoorsitter van die Community Safety Forum (CSF), mnr Dave Protter, is een van die mense wat lankal waarsku dat sake besig is om handuit te ruk. Hy sê die speaker van die GTM se raad, mnr Cassius Machimane, het nou ingegryp en dryf die saak.
Doctors in Tzaneen say enough is enough!
So het dit Maandag by Letsitele se substasie gelyk, nadat kabeldiewe toegeslaan en die omgewing sonder krag gelos het. Boere kon nie water pomp nie, pakhuise is tot stilstand gedwing en boerdery in den brede is erg ontwrig. Onder lê ‘n stuk kabel na waar dit tot by die lendelam “veiligheidsheining” gesleep is.
Employees suffering injuries whilst on duty are no longer certain that they will receive timeous and appropriate medical care. This, despite the fact that employees and their employers have paid their contributions to the Compensation Fund. The Compensation Fund (CF) is governed by the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act and is managed by die Department of Labour. All employers and employees are required by the Act to pay monthly contributions to the fund. The fund is then responsible to pay all medical expenses, including doctors, hospitals, emergency services, pharmacies, and other medical practitioners like physiotherapists, occupational therapists and orthotists. The fund also compensates injured workers for injuries sustained rendering them partially or completely unfit for further employment. Recent reports have been published about the administrative disarray at the Compensation Fund resulting in a massive backlog of payments to medical service providers. Bulletin was told that the CF introduced a new electronic system for medical practitioners to submit their claims in August 2014, but that the system has come to a complete halt and no claims are being paid. This has resulted in 65% of medical practitioners throughout the country refusing treatment to patients in-
FSP: 44595
jured on duty. This situation is also not just limited to private health care facilities, but even provincial hospitals have been turning these patients away. Locally these patients are still being treated by Mediclinic Tzaneen, although only a few practitioners are still willing to attend to them. “The situation has become unbearable and the current situation cannot persist”, said Dr Ig van Rensburg, chairman of Mediclinic Tzaneen’s board of directors. “We live and work in a small community where employers, employees and medical practitioners are inter-dependent on each other. We would not like to follow the route of refusing treatment to patients in need, but the current situation is not sustainable for medical practices. We need to find a unique solution to satisfy the needs of all stakeholders,” he told Bulletin in an interview. Mediclinic Tzaneen is hosting a public meeting to discuss the current situation and invite all stakeholders who deal with the CF to attend. The meeting will take place at Hotel@Tzaneen Conference Centre on Friday 12 June 2015 at 10:00. • Pharmacies also experience serious problems with Gems (Government Employees Medical Scheme), as well as the Compensation Fund and some have stopped supplying medication to members of the Gems/patients with CF claims.
Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftree Beplanning Beleggings | Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
• Compensation Fund adding insult to injury
Profiel: Johan Venter
Fathers Day Buffet Welcome drink Mampoer
Mini Sausage Rolls Gentleman’s Morsels Cocktail bites
Lamb on the Spit Whole Chicken on the Spit Venison Pie Served with Yellow Rice Roast Potatoes
Savoury Gravy Pumpkin Fritters Boereboontjies Cinnamon roasted butternut
“Daar is hoop dat iets nou kan gebeur, maar dit is nie duidelik hoekom die GTM se sekuriteitshoof (mnr Kenny Makhubele) nie die saak gedryf het nie,” sê hy. Machimane het vergaderings met die rolvertolkers aangelê, om vas te stel hoe vinnig iets aan die saak gedoen kan word. Daar word egter gefluister dat die GTM nie geld vir behoorlike voorsorg het nie. Protter sê daar is ‘n lang lys van sake wat uitgeklaar moet word: goeie omheinings, alarmstelsels, gewapende wagte met tweerigting radio’s, behoorlike beligting, C C T V - k a m e r a ’s , patrollies van die Polisie, reaksieplanne, ‘n ordentlike beheersentrum en die beskikbaarheid van transformators (wagtye kan tot twee jaar wees) is enkele van die sake. — Francois Aucamp
5 June 2015
Potato Salad Green Garden Salad
Milktart Cape Brandy Pudding Jan Ellis Pudding Ice Cream and Custard
Sunday 21 June • Adults - R175 pp • Pensioners - R145 pp Children under 12 - R75 pp • Children under 6 - Free
hotel | conference | spa Tel: 015 304 3290/1/2
My loopbaan in die versekeringsbedryf het Die kliënt met wie ek meesal skakel, is die kliënt in 1987 by Sanlam begin. Aanvanklik het ek in die kommersiële en agri rigting. Dit is vir my net op lewensversekering gekonsentreer. Ge‘n gemaklike terrein en dit is altyd aangenaam durende my dienstyd by Sanlam het ek alle om nuwe gesigte te ontmoet en ‘n moontlike toepaslike kursusse suksesvol afgehandel en bydrae tot mense se sukses te lewer. Vir my is gevorder tot Senior Adviseur. die uitdaging om die nodige ondersteuning aan Gedurende dié tydperk het ek onder meer in my kliënt te verskaf, ter uitbouing van sy/haar 1990 die LIMRA “International Quality Award” besigheid. (In reconition of quality life underwriting serIn vandag se era van nakoming en voldoening is vice to the public as evidenced by an excellent dit gans ontmoontlik om man alleen dienslewJohan Venter record of maintaining in force and extending ering op ‘n aanvaarbare vlak te lewer. Daarom is the benefits of life insurance) ontvang en dit in daar ‘n span mense met toegedeelde take om 1991 opgevolg met ‘n sterstatus toekening. dit moontlik te maak. Hierdie benadering verskaf dan ook die Sedert 1998 het ek as onafhanklike makelaar gepraktiseer nodige kontinuïteit binne ‘n finansiële diensteverskaffer. en soos die bedryf verander het, so het die nuwe uitdagings “There is nothing that comes for free”. My inkomste bestaan uit gekom. Die studies bly deel van die loopbaan en moet ‘n per- die huidige wetlike toegelate kommissie, wat deur die versesoon nie net daaraan voldoen nie; jy moet jouself in die proses keraar aanmy betaalbaar is. verryk, ten einde jou kliënte van die bes moontlike advies tot Die versekeringsbedryf het die afgelope paar jaar en sal nog vir jou beskiking te bedien. die afsienbare toekoms in ‘n geweldige tempo verander. Dit is Derhalwe het ek in 2002 ‘n gevorderde kursus in boedelbeplan- derhalwe vir my belangrik om op hoogte te bly met die verandering/sakeversekering suksesvol afgehandel. Dit het ek opgevolg ings en my kliënte dienooreenkomstig ingelig te hou. Die bedryf met studie om die kwalifikasie as “Geregistreerde Finansiële maak voorsiening en verplig makelaars om hulself deurlopend op Beplanner” te behaal. hoogte te hou met veranderings én produkwysigings. Dit is ook in dié tydperk dat ek myself gerig het tot korttermyn- Ek word gereguleer deur die Finansiële Dienste Raad. Ek is ‘n versekering. Ek moes van onder begin en het derhalwe eerstens geregistreerde verteenwoordiger van die finansiële diensteverdie nodige kwalifikasie bekom, ten einde te mag praktiseer. skaffer by wie ek werk. Boedelbeplanning bly vir my ‘n stimulant en daarom bly dit vir Dit is vir my belangrik om ten minste een maal per jaar by my my aangenaam om betrokke te wees in hierdie aspek van fi- kliënte uit te kom, om elkeen se portefeulje te hersien. In die nansiële beplanning. Hiermee saam gaan sakeversekering, wat praktyk gebeur dit dat kliënte ook om ander redes vir meer altyd uitdagend bly. Wat die korttermyn betref is kommersiële as een maal per jaar gesien word, afhangende van omstanen agri-versekering my gunstelinge. dighede en elke kliënt se unieke situasie. Enige finansiële beplanning moet op fundamentele feite berus. My kontakbesonderhede: Daarom is ‘n wiskundig-wetenskaplike benadering in boedel015 307 5587 en sakeversekering noodsaaklik. Sou ‘n beplanning nie hieraan 082 464 1265 voldoen nie, dan kan daar ernstige kommer wees. e-pos: johan.venter@smitgarrun.co.za
10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
5 June 2015
Ons Mening
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Fire pool, swimming pool,...?
The Message
Vrydag 05 Junie 2015
Rev Ron Reiners, Anglican Church
Geen beplanning (2)
Communication is perhaps the most important thing in life.
Ons het verlede week hier ‘n mening gehuldig dat die wavrag (soos in ‘n trein se wa, die soustreinwa) agbare raadslede en hogere amptenare van die GTM ernstig moet besin oor gebrekkige beplanning. Eers was daar die paar jaar van ellende met die moratorium op elektrisiteitsuitbreiding; toe volg die huidige probleme met waterverspreiding deur ‘n netwerk wat besig is om in te gee; en nou weet ons dat die munisipaliteit se sleutelprojekte, veral wat elektrisiteit betref, nie beskerm word nie en kabeldiewe is besig om hulself te verryk en Tzaneen se sakegemeenskap te verarm. Weereens is dit die gevolg van geen beplanning wat gedoen is nie. Nou word daar geskarrel, maar daar is nie begroot nie en die geld is min (as daar hoegenaamd geld is, wat seker in elk geval vir regskoste gehou moet word!). Steeds het Tzaneen geen burgerlike struktuur om te sorg dat die owerheid gemonitor word en druk uitgeoefen word nie. Kan ‘n mens dit glo? Wel, ons het geen keuse nie, ons moet dit glo.
In today’s world we have so many ways of communicating with others, yet often we do not use these methods effectively: jokes and trivia are often sent between the parties, but what about the serious side? Our feelings cannot be expressed in a text message. We need to communicate face to face. Here we can really see how the person feels. Talking to someone often leads to more openness. So if we fail in communicating with others here on earth, those we can see, how is our communication with God affected? How do we communicate with God whom we cannot see? We do not need modern technology to communicate with God, Jesus ensured us a “direct line” to God through prayer. No break downs occur and we can call at anytime. He is always listening. The question comes up “How do we know He has heard us, does He really answer our prayers?” We may
“There are certain issues which, as a journalist, you should rather not touch if you want to come out intact. But sometimes you just can’t help yourself ; you have to do your job.” — Stephen Grootes
Is my kind ‘n dief? Hierby is nog ‘n aflewering in ‘n eksklusiewe reeks deur spelterapeut Margie van Tonder van Tzaneen. Vandag praat sy oor regte en voorregte. Kontak haar by 084 414 6166 of 015 307 5029 vir navrae.
Wanneer ‘n kind enige probleemgedrag toon, kan ouers onthou dat hulle nie altyd verantwoordelik is vir hul kinders se optrede nie! Hierdie kan ‘n groeigeleentheid vir ouer en kind wees, waar moontlik meer as een probleem aangespreek word. Nou is dit die tyd om jou kind te wys hoe om probleme in die oë te kyk. Keuses het gevolge. Redes vir steel: Tot en met drie jarige ouderdom, besef ‘n kind nog nie dat goed aan iemand behoort nie. Hulle sal dus iets vat omdat dit vir hul aantreklik is. Vir die jong kind lyk iets klein dalk ook nie na steel nie. Kinders toets ook grense wat volwassenes vasstel. Indien ‘n kind eenkeer met iets weggekom het, kan hy dit weer probeer. Kinders mag ook uit jaloesie iets neem, omdat hulle ondervind dat ‘n ander kind byvoorbeeld meer liefde of geskenke as hulle ontvang. Steel mag dus n noodkreet om liefde en aandag wees. Ander emosionele probleme kan uiting
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vind in steel. Woede teenoor iemand of ‘n situasie, verlies van iets of iemand, egskeiding en selfs mishandeling, armoede, rebelsheid teenoor gesagsfigure, nabootsing van rolmodelle en groepsaanvaarding. Hoe moet ek dan optree wanneer my kind steel? Bly kalm. Verduidelik aan die kind wat hy/sy verkeerd gedoen het en dat sulke optrede ander mense kan benadeel. Die kind moet die gevolge van sy gedrag dra. ‘n Gesteelde item moet byvoorbeeld na die eienaar terug geneem en verskoning moet gevra word. Sorg moet gedra word dat die onderliggende probleem aangespreek word, sodat die kind nie dalk sy gedrag net aanpas of nuwe probleemgedrag aanleer nie. Gesels met jou kind wanneer die stof gaan lê het. Wanneer jy en jou kind ‘n goeie vertrouensverhouding het, kan jy moontlik by die ware probleem uitkom. Bevestig jou liefde vir jou kind en jou kind se waarde. Kry professionele hulp, indien nodig.
The circumcision that seldom gets coverage in SA Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a serious concern in many parts of Africa. The Nigerian government recently passed a law to prohibit the practice. I have also come across various campaigns, including films and documentaries, which challenge the practice in other African countries. In our country, however, the silence is almost deafening, and this is not because female initiation schools are not enough reason for alarm. DISCLAIMER 1: Fair enough, not all female initiation schools engage in genital mutilation. I have been asking around and researching online. I cannot confirm whether initiation schools in our area (at least) are definitely engaging in genital mutilation. Hence, this could be in part my usual concern and scepticism around practices that exploit women for the social privilege of men -- this I have confirmed concerning most female initiation schools. At the same time, research on the practice is pretty much limited in the country. I have come across reports on the practice discerned in some parts of the country; includ-
not always get a direct reply, but God hears our every prayer and answers them, often not in the way we expect. Suddenly we hear that someone has been healed and sometimes we thank the medical personnel, but who gave them the knowledge to heal? Who gave them the talents that they have? Was it not God? Do we thank Him or do we just say “Thank God” not really meaning it. I have had personal experience of prayers being answered in so many ways, but too have doubts that God hears my prayers. So am I communicating with Him in the “correct” manner? But more importantly do I believe in His power? What is the “correct” way? I believe there is not hard and fast rules, but the need to talk to Him daily and not only at specific times. He, is as I have said always listening. We need only to ask Him and believe He will do what He has promised. Are you communicating with Him? Blessings.
• Die mense hoor roebels (of was dit darem SA nou die span met dieselfde gene het Rand) wat uit die baie, baie meer Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! brandkluis vergesteel, as dit wat dwyn het... op die ander man • Die Venisiese se brood gesmeer word. Hulle het die brood joernalis en handelaar Marco Polo (gebore in op die water gewerp en toe kom dit sommer 1254) het ver en wyd gereis, veral met sy begekonfyt terug ... soeke aan die Mongoolse leier Kublai Khan, • So van brood gehoor, die begroting vir die kleinseun van Genghis Khan. Maar hy het glo nagmaalsbrood het glo ook deurgeloop en sy rytuie mooi versigtig uitgesoek... daar was skaars geld vir die wyn... • Dis ongesond om vetkoek en koeksisters en • En dan is daar nog die groot hoop Indiese piesangs so deurmekaar te eet....
Die mense hoor
Uiteindelik, Fibre Internet in Tzaneen! Met ons nuwe fibre infrastruktuur word ons beste nou nog beter! Ons bied nou internet wat vinniger en meer betroubaar is as ooit. 015 590 1200 • Peacestraat 21B, Tzaneen • info@uniwisp.co.za • www.uniwisp.co.za
Letters | Briewe
NG Kerk Wolkberg se saakgelastigde skryf: Dankie aan ons Hemelse Vader wat vir ons twee lieflike sonskyndae gegee het. Ons kon nie vir beter klimaat gevra het in die pragtige land en dorp van ons nie. Wolkberg gemeente sê hartlike dank ook aan die gemeenskap vir die mildelike ondersteuning tydens die afgelope Basaar. Ons sukses kan alleen toegeskryf word aan die manier waarop ons ondersteun is deur besoekers en instansies. Die gemeenskap se oop hande maak dit vir Wolkberg gemeente moontlik om op soveel plekke betrokke te raak sonder dat ons onrustig hoef te raak oor hoe dit gefinansier sal word.
For crying out loud By Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com
ing the Eastern Cape, KZN, Venda, Mpumalanga and the Western Cape (pretty much all over the country) as well as amongst immigrant groups. Surely this on its own should be enough concern, not only because culture is fluid and can easily be passed, but also because it is one girl too many, no matter her citizenship. DISCLAIMER 2: This is not to bash on culture. As a black person, I do know the burden of wanting to preserve my cultural practices due to the heavy criticism they have been subjected to over the years. At the same time, I know culture cannot be sovereign and I know culture is not without blame. It is for everyone’s benefit that culture be interrogated and if need be, trimmed or reshaped.
Ons sê dankie vir talente en gawes wat aan ons gegee is, waarmee daar gewoeker kon word. Die geleentheid was werklik baie spesiaal. Baie dankie ook aan die nuusmedia vir die publisiteit.
Nog dankie
SAVF Tzaneen se Diensbestuur skryf: Aan al ons getroue vriende en ondersteuners, julle is tops! Baie dankie vir die spontane deelname en mooi gesindheid waarmee die Tzaneeners weer ons jaarlikse Hoededag ondersteun het. Elke plakker se R10 wat met liefde gegee is, vul ‘n gaatjie en gee hoop aan iemand in ons eie gemeenskap! “Geloof gaan die • Vervolg op bl 8
Hence, in the case of FGM -- which reportedly has no medical benefits (unlike say male circumcision) and is only performed to unbelievably keep women from promiscuity and infidelity by denying them a sense of sexual pleasure -- a serious abolishment is needed. What is known in our country is that the ANC Women’s League recently vowed support to virginity tests in the name of, yes, the preservation of culture. I am not aware of any virginity testing in our area; I am not so much a cultural person (just black). However, while I do agree in individuals’ rights to choose their own course of happiness, I do think it is of concern that a mass organisation designed to protect women’s rights for a non-sexist (political) society would vow to support such a sexist practice. It is of course one thing to say young people should refrain from sexual activities. It is another thing to subject women to practices (with basis or not) that would put the burden of sexual purity only on them and ignore other ways that would render them impure and sick, including rape, and hence blame the misfortune of such only on them.
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5 June 2015
Rhodé stel ‘n voorbeeld Skenk haar mooi bos hare vir kanker Hoe onselfsugtig en meelewend kan ‘n mens wees? Rhodé Faber van Tzaneen, ‘n gr 6-leerling van die Laerskool Tzaneen, het die afgelope week ‘n puik voorbeeld van onselfsugtige deernis gestel. Sy het ‘n groot stuk van haar pragtige bos blonde hare laat afsny, om dit asan Cansa te stig. Dit sal gebruik word om ‘n pruik (of meer as een) te maak, wat deur Cansa aan kankerpasiënte geskenk word (wat dikwels al hul hare weens bestraling of chemoterapie verloor). Twee van haar niggies van Phal-
Rhodé se ma, Diaborwa en ‘n tante het hul hare vir dié doel laat nali, sê haar dogter afsny en toe Rhodé by se optrede is tipies van hoe sy is. “Sy hulle daarvan hoor, het sy besluit sy wil dit ook het ‘n groot hart en is vol deernis vir doen. Sy het dadelik begin soek en gelukkig by mense, veral dié me Christa Koekemoer wat onder swaarkry gebuk gaan.” van Hair Fusion in Tzaneen uitgekom. Die lengte van hare wat vir ‘n pruik Koekemoer, wat ook gebruik word, moet vir die Lions-klub vanjaar se Hair-a-Thon ten minstens 25 cm bate van Cansa reël (volwees — en Rhodé gende Donderdag 11 Rhodé wys die vlegsel nadat se hare was, nadat haar hare gesny is dit gewas en mooi Julie by Fairview Hotel), kon Rhodé help met al gevleg is, ‘n volle 30 cm lank. die inligting. Koekemoer se ma Rhodé is geseën met ‘n pragtige en is weens kanker dood en sy het dik dos hare, wat nou weer mooi reg sedertdien met ‘n baie sagte gesny is en kan groei vir die volgenplek in haar hart vir Cansa op de poniestert of vlegsel (en dalk nog ‘n keer geskenk kan word). allerlei maniere begin help.
Koorfees was hoogtepunt
Rhodé Faber is hier saam met me Christa Koekemoer van Hair Fusion
Die Vossies kon verlede week Vrydag nie vining genoeg al die eksamenstelle geskryf kry nie, om by die tradisionele “Big Brag” uit te kom. By dié geleentheid word die eerste netbal-, rugby- en hokkiespanne spanne aan die skool voorgestel en sterkte toegewens vir die FNB Classic Clash teen PHS (wat Saterdag was). Elke span kies dan ook ‘n lied wat vir die span spesiaal is en die spanlede motiveer. Die onderwysers het ook hul bydrae tot die gees gelewer, deur skoolklere aan te trek, saam met die skool die kreet te gil en ‘n spesiale
Vier uitsoekkore uit ons omgewing het by die Hoërskool Merensky saamgetrek, om deel te neem aan die ATKV se Applous-koorkompetisie vir skole. Dit is die eerste keer dat skole in die omgewing hier plaaslik aan dié kompetisie kon deelneem, nadat Merensky die leiding geneem het om dit te organiseer. Twee kore (junior en senior) van die Laerskool Tzaneen, die Laerskool Phalaborwa se koor en die gasheerskool se koor het deelgeneem. Drie kundige beoordelaars het in die stampvol saal geluister na koorklanke uit die boonste rakke. Die kompetisie se omvang is
vermaaknommertjie te lewer. Hulle was vanjaar “rockers”, wat vir groot pret gesorg het. Die grootste verrassing was toe die motiveringspreker aangekondig is. Mnr Piet Swart, geliefde oud-hoof van die skool, het elke persoon in die saal in die holte van sy bekwame hand gehad, terwyl hy wyshede en eie ervarings met die skool gedeel het. Hier is mnre Scheepers Lubbe, Jacques Pohl en Rickus Viljoen as die “rockers”. Dit is duidelik hoekom klein kindertjies nie by die geleentheid toegelaat is nie, want sulke gesigte kan...
baie groot, aangesien 639 kore van oor Suid-Afrika en Namibië daaraan deelneem. Elke koor kon vier werke lewer, waarvan een ‘n voorgeskrewe lied was. Die plaaslike tenoor Righard Linde, begelei deur sy vrou Ingrid, het ‘n meesterlike mini-vertoning gelewer, terwyl die beoordelaars beraadslaag het. Die Laerskool Tzaneen se junior koor het ‘n goue toekenning ontvang en het nou ‘n kans om na die eindronde later vanjaar in Gauteng genooi te word. Op die foto hierby is die Lindes, met me Mari Weber, Merensky se kultuurorganiseerder, tussen hulle. Sy het ook die organisasie vir die fees behartig.
5 June 2015
Nog dankie • Vervolg van bl 7 trappe op wat liefde gebou het, en kyk deur die venster wat hoop oopgemaak het.” Nogmaals dankie vir u troue ondersteuning.
Groot dankie Die SAVF Diensbestuur Tzaneen skryf: Namens die SAVF Diensbestuur wil ons die dames van Tzaneenomgewing, Letsitele, Modjadjiskloof en self Polokwane wat die “Downton Abbey” Oggentee bygewoon het hartlik bedank. Ons is oorweldig deur die byna 300 vroue wat spesiaal ‘n tydjie gemaak het in hul besige dagboeke om te kom “High Tea” en wie ook almal pragtig gelyk het in hul rokkies, pêrels en hoede! Ons funksie was ‘n reusesukses en wil ons spesifiek die volgende mense en besighede bedank vir hul warmhartige bydraes: Lané Barnard van Hotel@Tzaneen wat linne en kandelare vir ons geborg het; Charmaine Robenson van Ella Bella wat die heerlike kos
Letters | Briewe vir ons gemaak het; Karin van Rooyen vir die skenk van ‘n pragtige skildery; Hanlie de Jager vir die maak van die sap; Glasfit vir die sny van die glasskywe. Sulette Jordaan en Ellen Finaughty vir hul bydrae; Annette Malan vir die skenking van die blomme en kandelare; Althea Welthagen en Lidell Botha vir hul insette in die beplanning en skenkings vir dekor en opmaak van die saal; Helena Venter wat opgetree het as seremoniemeester; Christa Breytenbach vir haar reëlings met die gasspreker en gaskunstenaar. Kontant skenkings: Zonya Beukes, Ingrid Henning, Nic Human, Hennie Kleinhans, Parkslaghuis, Coreen Cloete, DH Grobler, Christa Breytenbach, Raaikie du Plessis, en Norma de Jager. Elke gasvrou wat haar tafel se kaartjies verkoop het, tafel gedek en haar gaste onthaal het; Anieke van Jaarsveld vir die ontwerp van die kaartjies en logo; Martinette en Elize vir die pret-
tige fotohoekie; Janet Landman en Leatitia O’Connel vir hul bydrae tot die dekor; Tannie Karolien Oosthuizen vir die leen van haar hoede vir die uitstalling. Geskenkbewyse: Ella Bella, Twigg’s, Highgrove Lodge, Adel’s, Zenspa, Butytute, Mosaic, Cornerhouse, Body Matters en Tzaneen Garden Centre. Marinda Thomas en Fairview Hotel wat die saal vir ons gratis beskikbaar gestel het. Weereens baie dankie!
Diefstal pla Yvonne du Toit van Tzaneen skryf: Ons doen sake met kwekerye in Mpumalanga, Limpopo en Gauteng. Tydens ‘n besoek verlede week, vertel die eienaar van ‘n kwekery in Middelburg dat hy duisende rande verloor het weens diefstal deur personeel. Die werknemers het die plante aangegee vir mense aan die die anderkant van die muur wat die kwekery omring. ‘n Bekommerde
woonstelbewoner het hom geskakel en vertel dat twee bakkies plante laai, wat oor die muur aangegee word. ‘n Hele aantal personeellede was daarby betrokke. In Witbank hoor ons van iemand wat dakkappe maak, maar dat sy onderneming net nie ‘n wins kon toon nie. Toe die diefstal uiteindelik aan die lig kom,word sy onderneming verder lam gelê, want feitlik al die personeel is betrokke. Ongeveer R5 000 se hout is elke dag onder die dakkappe uitgesmokkel en elders verkoop. So gaan die stories aan. In Limpopo vertel ‘n kwekery-eienaar dat daar van ‘n groot voorraad blikkies koeldrank en baie plante nie rekenskap
Search “Bulletin” gegee kan word nie. Sy oorweeg dit om die kwekery te sluit. Een kwekery het hul plante opgespoor by ‘n kwekery in Pretoria. Mense vertel my dat ook plaaslike ondernemings deurloop; nie net in die kwekerybedryf nie. Personeel dra duisende rande se voorraad per dag saam met vullis uit, sonder dat bestuur dit agterkom. Eers wanneer die onderneming ernstige probleme ondervind, kom hierdie soort diefstal aan die lig. Hoe gaan ons oorleef as ons mekaar nie kan vertrou nie? Ons weet almal wat dit kos om ‘n onderneming vandag winsgewend te bedryf.
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Verkeer erg ontwrig
Twee motors wat Maandagmiddag teen uitvaltyd by die kruising tussen die skouterrein en die afrit na Deerpark in ‘n ongeluk betrokke was, het die spertydverkeer erg ontwrig en verkeerslui moes geduldig bly jeens ongeduldige motoriste wat haastig by die huis wou kom. Slegs ligte beserings is aangemeld en ambulanse was gou op die toneel, waar paramedici geskokte insittendes van die motors eers gou gekalmeer het.
Buurpiesangs knou SA mark Piesangs van ‘n swak gehalte uit Mosambiek is besig om die lewe vir SA piesangboere te versuur. Dis ‘n broer teen broer-stryd wat nog na ‘n wenner soek. Verskeie Bulletin-lesers mor oor die gehalte van piesangs wat in Checkers verkoop word. Hulle kla veral oor die kern van die vrugte, wat smetterig voorkom en nie eetbaar lyk nie. ‘n Ervare piesangboer van Tzaneen, mnr Chris Ras, het gesê die lollery lê dalk by verkeerde bemesting in sekere klimaatstoestande. “Ons sit met ‘n krisis. Die piesangboere van Mosambiek kan hul piesangs teen laer pryse in SA bemark, omdat hulle ‘n hoër omset per hektaar het en die arbeidskoste baie laer is. Hulle verskaf tot 45% van die piesangmark en druk ons dood.” Die ironie is dat by verre die meeste piesangboere daar Suid-Afrikaners is. Baie het eers by Komatipoort geboer, maar na die buurland verhuis.
Die piesangmark is tans wêreldwyd onder druk weens die uitbreek van die Ras 4-verwelksiekte, wat reeds groot skade in Oosterse lande veroorsaak het. Dit het na Afrika versprei, maar is volgens ‘n kenner, prof Altus Viljoen van Stellenbosch, beperk tot die noordelike streek van Mosambiek. Streng maatreëls is getref dat die siekte nie verder in die vasteland versprei nie. Mnr Francois Vorster van Mahela Boerdery in die Politsi-omgewing, sê piesangboere hier is op hul hoede. “Voorsorg word getref, maar die skoene van ‘n immigrant kan die pes versprei.” Viljoen sê die verwelksiekte, beter bekend as Panamasiekte, kom in alle produksiestreke voor, maar is nie so aggressief soos die R4-virus nie. Navorsing word nou gedoen om variëteite te ontwikkel wat teen dié pes bestand is. —Louis Roux louis@bulletin.us.com
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5 June 2015
Hoogtepunt vir Tzaneen Rolbaklub
Die eerste sakeliga-toernooi van Tzaneen Rolbalklub en Bulletin is afgehandel en dit was, soos vorige jare, ‘n rasende sukses. Vanjaar was die grootste toernooi sover. Die aanbieders wil graag die mede-borge, die klublede wat getrou Donderdagaande gehelp het dat alles glad verloop en die spelers wat bygedra het tot die gesellige atmosfeer en die sukses van die toernooi bedank.
Sonder die ATKV Eiland Spa, Lightwise, Spur, Hi-Q, Peppadew en Vixtrix Signs se bydraes en insette sou die afgelope ronde van die gewilde sakeliga nie so suksesvol gewees het nie. Die klub moedig mense aan om by hulle aan te sluit. Die lidmaatskapgeld is baie redelik en as iemand eers die temperatuur van die water wil toets, is hy/sy welkom op ‘n Woensdag- of Saterdagmiddag om 14:00 om saam met die lede te speel.
MDM attend to problems
The Mopani District Municipality will work on a plan to get all communities to pay for the water supplied to them, as part of implementing a cost recovery plan which will assist in the sustainability and maintenance of water infrastructure. This came out of the MDM’s Water Summit held on Wednesday under the theme “Water is life and sanitation is dignity.” The summit resolved that the implementation of a ccost recovery mechanism will encourage communities to adhere to water conservation and demand management. The summit also resolved that councilors should strengthen oversight
through stakeholder engagement, public participation and awareness campaigns, to address issues of illegal water connections, vandalism and theft of water infrastructure in the district. Other resolutions include: • Tracking devices to be installed on all water infrastructure components • By-laws on water be reviewed and implemented • Provision of water at industrial areas be looked at to enable economic growth. *The summit followed shortly after the Bulletin had published alarming facts about water shortages in rural areas, in a series of exclusive news reports.
Father’s Day Specials
Massive XCountry The cross country interprovincial meeting only comes to Limpopo once every four years. Le’Club will be hosting their first interprovincial cross country in Tzaneen tomorrow (Saturday) at Merensky High School. Six provinces will take part in this event: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng North, Central Gauteng, Gauteng South and North West North. Le’Club is expecting 1 700 athletes for the event and even the hostels at Merensky are fully booked for the weekend! The event it sponsored by Spar, Phakathi Milling and Merensky High School
Special 1 - R430 30 Min Hot Stone • Back and neck massage 30 Min Reflex foot massage • Fruit Platter
Special 2 - R480 Men’s Theravine Appetizer Facial • Scalp Massage Classic Pedicure • Fruit Platter
earthspa@tznlodge.co.za 015 304 3079 Valid from 1 June to 30 June 2015 Gift Vouchers Available
Dankie vir die sakeliga se helpers
Die Tzaneen Rolbaklub het al geruime tyd die gebruik van ‘n tweede baan, maar daar was nie ligte om aandspel moontlik te maak nie. Die installasie is ‘n duur spulletjie, want daar is hoë maste wat die werk bemoeilik en hoë veiligheidvoorsorg vereis. Prinsloo & Van Wyk, elektriese ingenieurs van Tzaneen, het egter aangebied om die installasie te borg. By die inwyding van die nuwe ligte was mnre Henco Prinsloo (met klein Joe), Joachim Prinsloo, me Renate Prinsloo en mnr Wessel Pretorius van die GTM se elektrisiteitsafdeling.
5 June 2015
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5 June 2015
Commercial News • Handelsnuus
Two new shops open in Oasis Mall The revamping of the Oasis Mall in Aqua Avenue, Tzaneen, with the addition of two eye-popping shops side by side, continues. Existing wooden framed windows have been restored and the façade now lends a Mediterranean feel to jewellery and gift shop Joli Miao and clothing boutique La Dee Da. The façade and interior was the brainchild of interior decorator Anton Cloete from Art House International. Cloete, who’s been in the business for the past fifteen years, has done shop fitting in Switzerland as well as decorating Yum Yum restaurant in Tzaneen. Ms Jolene Kleynhans (26) was undecided about her life path. She’d been in the contracting business and then ventured on her own after doing a manicure and pedicure course. She set up shop in that line of work for almost two years but found it “far too personal.” It was on
the suggestion of her cousin, Ms Chanel Kleynhans, from Phalaborwa that she decided to follow in her cousin’s footsteps and do a jewellery course in Pretoria. The eight month course at Novus Design Studio consisted of three courses: beginner’s, intermediate and advanced. Kleynhans is now a qualified apprentice bench jeweller. She learnt to work in silver, mastered the basic techniques
of soldering and now makes hinges, rings, twisted wire and sets semi-precious stones. Kleynhans worked for a gifted jeweller, Ms Erica Cronje, for about two months until Cronje left for Pretoria. Erica works with gold and platinum, which wasn’t part of the course at Novus design. Cronje taught her quite a few techniques and tricks. Kleynhans’s silver jewellery is all hand crafted at her studio behind the shop. Ultimately Kleynhans wants to work with gold. The costume jewellery as well as the quirky little gifts are from Phuket in Thailand. Her mother, Ms Corina van der Merwe, and she went on a recent business trip to Thailand to bring back unusual and very different stock for both shops. Van der Merwe’s La Dee Da boutique has exquisite clothing and accessories from Thailand, Bali and Russia. Van der Merwe has always had
an eye for fashion and colour. The Van der Merwe Kleynhans clothes are thus colourful and there’s detail on most like embroidery, sequins or beading. The bathing costumes are delightfully wicked albeit expensive. There are also beaded belts and sandals made by Limpopo-based suppliers. Other accessories are trendy bags, colourful purses and bags. A trip to La Dee Da is incomplete without a visit to the cherry on the top, the change room. Step into its spacious area and you’re greeted by dove grey velvet diamond meshed wall upholstery and seating. To top it the lighting is flattering as are the mirrors. The urge to purchase is thus irresistible. Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com
Welmart Electrical, ons of Tzaneen’s well-know and established businesses, has moved their premises to 3 Loop Street next to Supa Quick. It is a better location offering ample parking space right in front and opposite the new shop, say the owners. Welmart still carries a vast variety of electrical supplies and also continues their service. The photos show the old shop and the new shop, and words are not needed to confirm the advantages of the new location.
Another eatery in Tzaneen is up and running
If you are interested in viewing our wonderful school and what it has to offer please indicate your attendance with number of adults and children to Mrs Liana Pieters on secretary@ unicornschool.co.za or 015 307 2840 by Thursday 18 June 2015.
this restaurant. Strictly a day venue, breakfast, additional dishes and lunches are served. There is adequate parking for patrons. Ms Liza van Heerden, who runs the tuck shop at Merensky High School, showcases her creative talent on the walls and her work blends in Janse van Rensburg with Ms Booysen’s quirky taste After months of building in décor. outdoor additions, Ms Rozille Garden Café is situated on the Booysen’s Garden Café, next bricked road off the Catholic to her Bluebell guest house Church. It forms part of Douglas complex, is open for business. Street. Manager, Mr Kobus Janse van Rensburg from Haenertsburg, — Sue Ettmayr left catering for tourists to run sue@bulletin.us.com
Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen het ‘n Aand en oggend Mark en Wit Olifant verkoping op 5 & 6 Junie 2015. Hier sal jy van ‘n skoonma tot ‘n versamelaarsmuntstuk te koop kry. Onder andere is daar ook klere, meublement, elektriese toestelle, boeke en alle interessanthede uit te snuffel. ‘n Verdere bonus is dat jy nie Vrydagaand of Saterdag hoef te kook nie, want ons sal ook pannekoek, yankees, vetkoek, kerrie en rys, hamburgers,gebak en vars vrugte en groente te koop aanbied! Kom loer gerus in en koop daardie item waarna jy al lank soek! 4kg Charcoal vir net R20? Net by die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen. Kom koop sommer bietjie voorraad, die winter is mos braaiseisoen!
Private Bag X4030 Tzaneen 0850 Tel 015 307 2840 • Fax 086 212 1319
Highgrove Lodge Luxury Accommodation • Restaurant • Tavern • Conference
Jakkie Louw
Laerskool Duiwelskloof Primary School
Highgrove Lodge
Dankie aan die volgende persone: Wat ‘n ukses! s T O O R G
Witkrans Transport – hoofborg RSA Markagente ZZ2 Enterprise Westfalia Van Rensburg Boerdery PNA Seedlings Martin Dale Seedlings Mooketsi Egg Stall APC Boerdery Spar Montina Boerdery Tarek Jansen Klofie Ouers Klofie Personeel
13 June 2015 19:00 Entrance fee: R80
Children u/13: FREE SAB Promotions
Food stalls will be available!
Purchace tickets at Highgrove Reception General enquiries contact Frikkie: 072 150 5380 Tel: 015 307 7242/3 • 072 150 5380 • 082 427 6888 • highgrove@tzaneen.co.za www.highgrovelodge.com • Highgrove is situated opposite Ben Vorster High School
Aand-Oggendmark + Wit Olifant verkoping
Striving to inspire a passion for learning in an environment of friendship, respect and unity, recognising the unique character of each individual.
Wit Olifante en Swart Charcoal!
The Headmaster, Board of Governors and staff of Unicorn Preparatory School invite all members of the public to attend an open day on Friday 19 June at 07:30 for 08:00. This open day will provide an opportunity for parents and children to view the school during a normal functioning day. This will include an address and presentation by the headmaster, Mr Ian Houston, a guided tour of the school and a Grade 1 Assembly. The day will end by 10:00.
5 June 2015
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eleven people were arrested for contravening the Liquor Act, five for shoplifting, four for housebreaking and theft, two for malicious damage to property, two for contravening the Road Traffic Act, two for possessing counterfeit goods, two for public drinking, two for assault GBH and the rest for crimen injuria, common assault, violating a protection order and robbery.
The Crime Scene Crime Reporter: Elliot Mathye - elliot@bulletin.us.com
Bolobedu successes
for possession of dagga, three for common assault, three for rape, two for malicious damage to property, two for violating a protection order, two for possessing dangerous weapons, two for attempted murder and the rest for murder, attempted rape, house breaking and theft, theft, armed robbery, common robbery and crimen injuria.
Foundation Phase Teacher
Dagga thieves still at large
Unicorn Preparatory School is a leading co-educational, English medium independent day school in the Limpopo Province and a member of ISASA (Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa). The school is well resourced and situated on the outskirts of the town of Tzaneen.
Maake Police are still investigating a case of theft, after ten bags of dagga were allegedly stolen from the Police Station earlier in the year. The dagga was stolen two days after it was confiscated from two men suspected of dagga dealing. The men were arrested and charged for possessing dagga. According to Maake police’s spokesperson no arrests have yet been made on the theft of the dagga. Police investigations are underway.
We seek to employ a Foundation Phase teacher in the position of Grade 2 class teacher. The position will encompass teaching a full time Grade 2 class (2015) and includes all extramural activities relevant to Foundation Phase children. Experience and sound knowledge in teaching IT at primary school level, a knowledge of PencilBox Administrative system and interactive SMART Boards as well as the ability to coach and umpire/referee all sport disciplines in the primary school would be advantageous. bulletin©10317u150605tb
The suitable candidate must possess the following: • A Recognised Teaching Qualification • Proficiency in English on a first language level • Registered SACE membership • Excellent Computer literacy and skills • Strong interpersonal and administrative skills. Interested candidates may forward a full CV by hand to Unicorn Preparatory School office, Circle Drive, Tzaneen: Attention the Headmaster, or e-mail to head@unicornschool.co.za or fax to 086 605 3818. CV’s must include at least three recent (not older than 3 years) contactable references. The closing date for applications is Friday 26 June 2015. Preferable starting date 20 July 2015. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. If you have not received any response or feedback within 14 days of your application, please consider your application as unsuccessful. The school reserves the right to withhold the appointment.
Maake successes Maake Police arrested 20 people for various criminal acts over the past week: five people were arrested for contravening the Liquor Act, four for contravening the Road Traffic Act, three for assault GBH, three for common assault, two for possessing dagga and the rest for common robbery, theft and rape.
Kruger case remanded, again
The criminal case against prominent Tzaneen Bolobedu police arrested 67 suspects for vari- lawyer Conrad Kruger will resume in the Alous criminal cases: 36 suspects were arrested Police in Tzaneen arrested 34 people for vari- for public drinking, six for assault GBH, four exandra Magistrates’ Court on June 19. This is after the case was remanded late last week. ous criminal activities over the past week: Kruger was arrested by the Germiston Organized Crime Unit in Midrand in April for allegedly stealing a helicopter worth R15 million. He was granted bail of R25 000. As part of his bail conditions, he has been ordered to hand his passport to the authorities and was warned not to travel overseas without the knowledge of the investigating officer and the senior public prosecutor. Police investigations are continuing. (Grade 2 and all extramural activities)
Tzaneen successes
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Attempted armed robbery Wednesday morning just past 03:00 a man staying in Third Avenue, Tzaneen, woke up of a noise and decided to go to the toilet. When he opened his bedroom door he looked right down the barrel of a 9 mm pistol. The intruder had forced open the safety gate and a wooden door, to gain access to the house. The man was obviously shocked and
Missing person Maake SAPS are looking for 15-year-old Ms Mahlo Sharon Matlou of Pulaneng Village who went missing earlier last month. According to her mother, Ms Mahlo Mponyane Vissy, the young girl was last seen by her aunt, Ms Maria Moagi, when she accompanied her to her school at Montsheni Primary School on the same day. Pulaneng was never seen again since. She left home without informing anyone about where she was going. She left with some of her clothing and no one knows what she was wearing at the time of her disappearance. She is slightly light in complexion with black afro medium hair, brown eyes, slendered-shape and average in height. Maake Police are appealing to anyone who might have seen or have information about her whereabouts to contact Maake SAPS Det Lt Col Machimane on 079 875 7951 or 015 355 8358 or her mother on Mahlo Sharon Matlou 073 726 5181. concerned about his family’s safety. He shut the bedroom door and used all his strength to avoid the door from being kicked down. However, the intruder kept on kicking the door. The man’s wife then pressed the panic button and the suspect fled the scene. Northern Security personnel responded in full force and first made sure that there was nobody in the house. Then the family members were allowed to leave their rooms. No one was injured and nothing was stolen. Furthermore: Tuesday night a lady was assaulted and robbed of her handbag in Maritz Street. The suspect choked her until she passed out. Neighbours came to her rescue and the suspect ran away. They searched for him but it was too late to trace him.
Business directory | Sakegids
Tel: 015 296 4304 | Fax: 086 689 9007 Email: limpopo@voidcon.co.za | www.voidcon.co.za P.O. Box 12250, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699 Registration nr: 2010/05884/23 | VAT nr: 4760256968
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
Weekly from Tzaneen to Pretoria via Polokwane on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player. www.tzanengshuttleservice.co.za
Tzaneen Polokwane Tzaneen Polokwane Pretoria Pretoria R100 one-way R250 one-way R300 one-way R200 return R450 return R550 return
Natalie Moss • 084 369 6293 • 073 110 4180
Search “Bulletin”
5 June 2015
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Property l Eiendomme For Sale Te Koop Homes/Huise Roodepoort 4 Slaapkamer huis. R890 000 Kontak Dirk: 082 490 0439/ 015 395 2112 Mar103 ___________________________
To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Netjiese 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur teen R4 100pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Elektriese omheining. Geen troeteldiere. Deposito verlang Skakel 083 276 7884 Mei102______________________
1 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur Splinternuut oorgedoen, eie ingang en onderdak
parkering, klein tuintjie R3 800 pm water en ligte ingesluit Huur is vooruitbetaalbaar en deposito word verlang. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Junie 2015 Skakel Jaco: 076 9077 626 / Erna 079 4818 563 Mei103_______________________
Ruim 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, beskikbaar by Strelitzia Vanaf 1 Junie R4 300 pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Skakel 082 551 1971 Mei104_______________________
3 x Slaapkamer huis, 2 x toilet geriewe,stort, bad. Motor afdak – gerieflik en privaat Lushof 32 081 271 3480 Mei301___________________ 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur Ruim grondvloer Elektriese omheining Huur R4 200 pm water en krag uitgesluit Deposito betaalbaar Geen Troeteldiere Kontak Corne 072 225 3960 Jun101___________________________
Meenthuis/Cluster Homes Moderne 2slp meenthuis in Letsitele te huur 2.5 badkamers, garage, veilige kompleks. R4000pm met koopkrag. bel Elzaan by 0835616062 Apr401_______________
MACADAMIA VILLAGE 2 x groot slaapkamers, 2 x badkamer (een met stort en een met bad), 3 lugversorgers, ruim sitkamer en leef area. Netjiese kombuis met in en uitgang. Aparte bediende geriewe. Dubbel motorhuis, braai area. Goeie ligging in kompleks. Pragtige stoep. Ouderdomsperk van toepassing R7 750 pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Skakel Gerhard du Toit 082 752 5456
Office/Kantoor Office or workshop space to let old Industrial area R5 500.00P/M W&l incl. Contact: Rowan 082 888 5352
3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, dubbel toesluit motorhuis met koopkrag . Gas stoof. Remote hek. Plaas atmosfeer
R5 000
Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen 2 Office spaces to rent next to each other. Sizes 85m² &31m² at excellent address. Exquisitely tiled and designed, including bathroom, kitchenette and shower in larger premises. Interior can be partitioned according to your needs. Rent negotiable on application Call Stephanie or Kyla on 015-3077008/3071333
Fauna Park 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, omhein, klein of middelslag honde welkom, braai area naby skole geleë.
R4 200
Lushof Plot
Baie mooi 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis met eetnoekie, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, houddek onderdak, geskik vir jong paartjie sonder kinders of ouerige mense sonder kinders of troeteldiere, nie geskik vir groot meubels nie, 4 kilos van dorp.
Georges Valley 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, kombuis, groot omheinde erf, koopkrag, gasstoof, +/- 7 kilos uit die dorp. Teerpad tot klein entjie vanaf woonstel.
R3 500
R3 700
Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 Kantoor: 015 307 5151
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property
Legals l Geregtelik Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 Application for: the Removal of the Conditions of Title of Erf 132 Phalaborwa, Erf 1046 Phalaborwa Extension 2, Erven 2686, 2840 Phalaborwa Extension 8 and The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: (1) the removal of the condition of title of Erven 132, 1046, 2686 and 2840 Phalaborwa which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than a dwelling house, and (2) Ba-Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme 39: The amendment of the BaPhalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 2686 Phalaborwa Extension 2, situated at 80 Tulbach Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”. (3) Ba-Phalaborwa
Amendment Scheme 39: The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 2840 Phalaborwa Extension 2, situated at 2 Janfiskaal Street from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”. (4) Ba-Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme 40: The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 1046 Phalaborwa Extension 2, situated at 14 Birkenhead Street from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”. (5) Ba-Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme 41: The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 132 Phalaborwa, situated at 17 Hardekool Street, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Director General: Dept of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, Hensa Building, c/o Schoeman and Rabe Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal
Manager, Civic Centre, Phalaborwa until 29 June 2015. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director General, CoGHSTA, at the above address or, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 29 June 2015 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Mei401___________________________
Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 Aansoek om: Opheffing van die Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 132 Phalaborwa, Erf 1046 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 2, Erwe 2686 en 2840 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 8 en die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers vir: (1) die verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 132, 1046, 2686 en 2840 Phalaborwa ,
wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir ‘n woonhuis alleenlik; en (2) Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 39: Die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 2686, Phalaborwa Uitbr 8, geleë te Tulbachsstraat 80, van “.Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2”. (3) Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 39: Die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 2840, geleë te Janfiskaalstraat 2, Phalaborwa Uitbr 8, van “.Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2”. (4) Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 40: Die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 1046, Phalaborwa Uitbr 2, geleë te Birkenheadstraat 14, van “.Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2”. (5) Ba-Phalaborwa Wysigingskema 41: Die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 132, Phalaborwa, gelee te Hardekoolstraat 17 van “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4”.
Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur Generaal: Departement Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Sake, Hensa-Gebou, h/v Schoeman en Rabestraat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Phalaborwa tot 29 Junie 2015. Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 29 Junie 2015 skriftelik by die Direkteur Generaal: CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Mei402___________________________
GENERAL NOTICE OF 2015 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 326 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner
of Erf 357 Tzaneen X 4 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the TownPlanning and Townships
Address of authorized agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307
Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment
1041. Ref No: J086
of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated at 28 Middle Drive Tzaneen, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 4”.
Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal
Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 05 June 2015 (the date of the first publication of the
Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die
notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 05 June 2015.
geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 357 Tzaneen X 4 gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as
die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te 28 Middelweg, Tzaneen, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 4”. Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 05 Junie 2015 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 05 Junie 2015 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J086 Jun102___________________________
Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392 (5)_______________________________
My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908
My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780
My name is Edwinah Rakobo I am looking for domestic work for 4 days a week I speak Afrikaans sleep out contact me on 072 265 4542
My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 I was a driver assistant checking invoicing as well or any general work contact me on 073 586 8558
My name is Malalo Diana Kgatla I am looking for domestic work, is speak English / Afrikaans, sleep out, full time or part time I can look after children or office cleaner contact me on 079 323 9496
Administrative post available at Medical Practice. To start as soon as possible. Requirements: Computer Literacy and Accounting Experience. Experience in medical administration will be advantageous.
Send CV’s to management@tznsurgeons.co.za or contact 084 556 1090 for more info.
General My name is Sibongile Zitha I am looking for any general work I speak English or any domestic, office cleaner or cashier job full time or part time contact me on 073 300 6614 (58)______________________________
My name is Tintswalo Thoko Mabunda I am looking for any general work I speak English or any domestic or office cleaning work full time or part time contact me on 072 773 5717
My name is Shimamatilani G. Nkuna I am looking for domestic work i speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri , part time I can look after children and I can cook contact me on 076 171 3996
My name is Evans Mokwena I am looking for a painting and tilling job contact me on 072 705 7930
My naam is Phukwana A Shabangu ek is opsoek na huiswerk, ek praat Afrikaans, slaap uit, Man tot Vry. Kantoor skoonmaker of tee dame kan ek ook doen skakel my op 071 026 0345 (140)______________________________
My name is Patricia Mahasha I am looking for a Security work I have grade E, D, C I speak English contact me on 060 322 7656 (62)______________________________
My name is Ngkhanana Sibongile Khosa I am looking for work at a butchery or in a store contact me on 071
My name is Kgaogelo Sekhula I am looking for store man work have experience (training on job) I speak English or any other general work contact me on 079 954 2154 (65)______________________________
My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP or any other general work I speak English contact me on 073 586 8558 (66)______________________________
My name is Pamela Manyenga I am looking for a primary school teacher job I have a diploma I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 828 3446 (67)_______________________________
My name is Makoma Adeleid Ramahlo I am looking for any general work, cahsier, office cleaner, domestic work I speak English full time or part time contact me on 078 909 8283 (68)_______________________________
My name is Sylvester Mohale I am looking for admin work I have Bridging course certificate in Business Management and Diploma in Advanced Computer I speak English contact me on 072 732 4388 (14)______________________________
My name is Thabo Chauke I am looking for any administrative work or receptionist I have computer and matrix I am a bench supervisor at KFC contact me on 078 260 8577 (15)_____________________________
My name is Sandra D Letsoalo I am looking for any receptionist work or cashier I can speak English I have matrix and computer contact me on 078 260 8577 (16)______________________________
My name is Nkhensani Mabunda I am looking for a job I have N6 in Business Management I can work as cashier, receptionist, and bookkeeper. I can speak English I have 4 years experience as bank teller at FNB (ref: Maake Rhulani 083 434 4095) contact me on 078 380 5154 (17)_______________________________
My name is Kgomotso Pilusa I am looking for clerk work I speak English I have
computer course and a code 10 licence contact me on
082 424 8318 (18)______________________________
Rental Agent
Join one of the most dynamic teams in the country. The successful candidate must have self-confidence and be presentable. The ability to work under pressure is a must. Candidate must be pleasant, reliable, confidential and professional. • • • • • • • •
Female 35 – 55 Fully bilingual Computer literate Valid driver’s license Experience in accounting Debits & Credits Competitive Salary Start A.S.A.P.
Contact: Dirkie Smit Tel: (015) 307 2755 Fax CV’s to: (015) 307 3073
387 1883
5 June 2015
Search “Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
Services Dienste
DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
Adele’s Slimming Clinic Biominceur And absolute revolution in body wrap. Slim, firm and tone instantly. No mess, no fuss, loose cm’s. Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation; improve stretch mark, varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193 Dec104___________________________
Panelbeaters Multi Workshop Spraypainting Structural repair Rubberising Airconditioning 11 Plantation Road 015 307 3764
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241
The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936
DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202____________________
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService
Services Dienste WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________
Mar109 ___________________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173
Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.
015 307 7168
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
We will beat any written quote!!
Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850
Lannie Motors
MR Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________
TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741 Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557 TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202______________________
Feel like hitting your head against a brick wall? Tired of communication downtime? Unified Network Services Wireless – Broadband – Mobile – Certified Cabling – Fiber Unified Internet Services Business Internet – Home Internet – Hosting (E-mail & Domain) DSL – Lease Lines – Managed VPN Unified IP Telco Provider IP Telephony – IP PBX – Hosted PBX – VOIP – FOIP Unified ICT Services Support – Sales – Software – Hardware – CCTV – Alarms Contact us for a variety of internet packages! Contact Details Office: 015 590 1200 Fax: 015 590 1199 Email: info@uniwisp. co.za helpdesk@uniwisp. co.za Visit www.uniwisp.co.za For more information
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
24 Hour
Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062
koop @ R15 p/sak.
Skakel 0836307304
H-Effect t/a Van Vredens panelbeaters Panelbeaters and multi workshop Tel: 015 307 3764/5 11 Plantaiton Road Hannes 082 468 2227 Hennie 082 373 4636
2 x Mini racing bikes (three wheels) 2 x Brush cutters 1 x 2.4m x 2m Cold Room R14 000 1 x Potato Peeler R 5000 1 x Deep Fryer R1 200 Multi Cross Machines R6 000 Sanding Machines R4 800 Strapping Machine R1 500 Lots more to view All Industrial machines 082 476 3939 Apr401____________________
For Hire Te Huur Your go-to-guys or fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126
Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer. Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630.
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• Letaba klop Noordelikes (en die fluitjie)
In Saterdag se kragmetings tussen Letaba en Noordelikes was daar nie plek vir genade nie. Veral die eerste spanne het genadeloos ingeklim; in der mate dat selfs die skeidsregter in die tweede helfte genadeloos geraak het, ongelukkig eenogig en Letaba moes die spit afbyt. Soos dit Letaba se manne van karakter betaam, het hulle met eerlike en harde inklimspel geantwoord en uiteindelik die stryd met 27-24 gewen — selfs nadat heelagter Ruan Roets kort voor die wedstryd weens ‘n besering, die soveelste speler wat vanjaar beseer is, moes onttrek. Sy seisoen is verby. Noordelikes was vinnig uit die wegspringblokke met twee drieë en met die telling 12-0 was Letaba se ondersteuners bekommerd, maar Letaba se gedugte pak voorspelers het hul ritme gevind en Noordelikes begin af-
5 June 2015
het, soos Sven Hedin in die eerste span, groot indruk gemaak met sy verdediging en omgekeerde besit wat hy bewerkstellig het. Hy is goed ondersteun deur sy kaptein, Bennie Kruger, Alwyn van der Lith, Jacques Griesel en Jacques Louw. Die stut Jacques Borcherds moes die veld ongelukkig vroeg verlaat, na ‘n besering. Spesiale vermelding van Tiaan Posthumus is nodig. Hy het ‘n volle wedstryd in die derde span gespeel en daarna nog kliphard in die tweede span gespeel. Losskakel Marnu Bezuidenhout het die oog gevang met puik balverspreiding, terwyl heelagter Lenis van Rooyen rotsvas was onder die hoë balle waarmee Noordelikes hom gepeper het. Vleuel Brandon Ramotsama het ‘n puik drie vir Letaba gedruk en Marnu Bezuidenhout het vir die res van die punte met sy skopskoen gesorg. Letaba se derde span het met 10-05 geseëvier in hul taaiste kragmeting vanjaar. Die span is nog onoorwonne en speel puik hardlooprugby. Terblanche Vorster is aangewys as speler van die wedstryd en Miguel Dosramos en Heinrich Pohl het die oog met hul hoë werkverrigting gevang. Wentzel Geldenhuys het weer met sterk lopies sy teenstanders probleme besorg. Vir Letaba se derde span het Heinrich Pohl gedruk en Devon Robson het vervyf. Die veteraan Gerhardus Geldenhuys het gewys daar is niks met sy skopskoen verkeerd nie en hy het met ‘n moeilike strafskop geslaag. • Letaba speel more (Saterdag) weer tuis teen die Black Panthers. Die eerste afskop is om 15:00 en Letaba se ondersteuners moet tog hul spanne kom ondersteun.
Voor- en agterspelers kliek
Oppie Kassie On the Telly Dié sport sal TV-kykers na asem laat snak Lewers tussen al die sport wat dié naweek regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai word, moet kykers wat nog nooit na “X Games” gekyk het nie ʼn tydjie inruim om te sien wat dit behels. Skouspelagtiger aksie as dié wat by die waagsport-byeenkoms in Austin, Texas, te sien sal wees, is haas ondenkbaar. Ouer mense – dié bokant 40! – verstom hulle aan waartoe die deelnemers in staat is. Sewe Superrugbywedstryde, waaronder die een tussen die Stormers en die Lions, en ses kragmetings in die wêreldtoernooi vir onder20-spanne sal ʼn stewige hap uit baie kykers se naweek neem. Daarby staan die eindwedstryde op Roland Garros ook hoog op byna elke sportliefhebber se kyklys. En vir ʼn beduidende groep is die Kanadese Grand Prix en die motorfietsrenne in Portugal dié naweek se uitsoeksport.
takel. Kragtige skrumwerk en verwoestende kortdrywe met JP Schwarz, Quinten Kruger en Scheepers Lubbe aan die voorpunt het Noordelikes se knieë lam gemaak. Glen Mafumo het koning gekraai in die lynstane en Albertus Seegers het die druk volgehou op Noordelikes, toe hy Marnus Labuschagne in die tweede helfte vervang het. Deano Kruger wat halftyd opgedraf het as losskakel, het Noordelikes met lang skoppe vaspen in hul eie gebied vasgepen en dit was duidelik dat Letaba die sterkste span op die veld was. Wat Letaba in die tweede helfte skielik verkeerd gedoen het is nou nog onduidelik. Die skeidsregter het skielik sy mes vir Letaba blink geslyp en die tuisspan genadeloos gestraf. Die strafskoppe het behoorlik op Letaba gereën. Die groot tuisskare wat opgeruk het om hul span te ondersteun, het luidkeels hul misnoeë te kenne gegee — maar dit was soos olie op die vuur vir die skeidsregter en hy het mildelik strafskoppe uitgedeel; in Noordelikes se guns. Letaba het karakter getoon en met verbete verdediging Noordelikes van hul doellyn weggehou. Kaptein Sven Hedin wat op senter moes uithelp, het die oog gevang met reuse-duikslae. In ‘n wedstryd waar die tweede helfte vyf minute langer geduur het as normale tyd, het Letaba geslaag om Noordelikes se aanslag op hul doellyn te stuit.
Spesiale melding moet van Letaba se puik pak voorspelers gemaak word: Picaso Coetzer, JP Schwarz, Tulani Mathonsi, Marnus Labuschagne, Eben Fichardt, Scheepers Lubbe en Quinten Kruger het hul groot opponente laat swaar trek. Daar was bitter min aanvalgeleenthede vir die agterlyn, aangesien Letaba die bal voor gehou het. Die nuweling vleuel Danie Erasmus het ‘n stewige debuut gemaak en hy is beslis ‘n aanwins vir die klub. Deano Kruger is aangewys as speler van die wedstryd en alhoewel hy slegs een helfte gespeel het, het hy met sy puik taktiese skopwerk en lang lynskoppe Letaba in ‘n moeilike tweede helfte in die wedstryd gehou. Quinten Kruger, Glen Mafumo en JP Schwarz het elkeen gaan druk en Leroy Ndlovu het die res van die punte met die skopskoen bygedra. Letaba se tweede span het ongelukkig die onderspit gedelf (21-13) en weereens het ‘n omstrede skeidsregterbeslissing Letaba die wedstryd gekos. ‘n Drie is toegeken, nadat daar ‘n duidelike aanslaan was. Die tweede span begin egter nou as ‘n goeie eenheid saamspeel, nadat die baie beserings waarmee Letaba sukkel dit moeilik gemaak het vir die span om as ‘n eenheid te werk. Die flank Wikus Steyn, wat weer op senter moes uitdraf, is aangewys as speler van die wedstryd en hy
Plasie riders give their all at Western Mounted Games
SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 5 Junie Gholf: Nordea-meesters, Swede, dag 2 – 11:00 tot 13:00 en 15:00 tot 18:00 op SS 7 The Mermorial, Dublin, Ohio, dag 2 – 20:30 tot 00:30 op SS 1 en GDN Hokkie: Wêreldliga, Buenos Aires: Spanje t Duitsland – 01:00 tot 03:00 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Kanadese Grand Prix, oefening 1 – 15:50 tot 17:40 op SS 6 Kanadese Grand Prix, oefening 2 – 19:50 tot 21:40 op SS 6 Rugby: Superreeks: Hurricanes t Highlanders – 09:00 tot 12:00 op SS 1 en GDN Western Force t Brumbies – 12:30 tot 15:30 op SS 1 en GDN Tennis: Roland Garros: mans-enkelspel, kwarteind – 12:45 tot 22:00 op SS 2 Waagsport: X Games, Austin – 02:30 tot 04:30 op SS 6 en 18:30 tot 23:00 op SS 5 Saterdag 6 Junie Boks: Tommy Oosthuizen t Robert Berridge, ligswaar – 19:30 tot 00:00 op SS 4 Gholf: Nordea-meesters, dag 3 –13:30 tot 17:30 op SS 7 The Memorial, dag 3 – 19:30 tot 00:30 op SS 1 en GDN Motorrenne: F1: Kanadese Grand Prix, oefening 3 – 15:15 tot 17:10 op SS 6 Kanadese Grand Pix, kwalifisering – 18:50 tot 20:00 op SS 6 Netbal: SA uitspeelwedstryde – 10:15 tot 12:00 en 15:45 tot 19:45 op Kanaal 210 Rugby: Superreeks: Rebels t Bulls – 07:00 tot 09:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Blues t Crusaders – 09:30 tot 11:30 op SS 1 en GDN Red t Chiefs – 11:30 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en GDN Cheetahs t Waratahs – 14:30 tot 17:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Stormers t Lions – 17:00 tot 19:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Onder20-wêreldkampioenskap, almal op SS 5 – Frankryk t Japan 16:15; SuidAfrika t Samoa 18:25; Australië t Italië 20:25; Ierland t Skotland 16:15; Nieu-Seeland t Argentinië 18:25; Engeland t Wallis 20:25. Skole: Glenwood t Monument – 12:10 tot 13:45 op Kanaal 210 Northwood t Kearsney –
15:55 tot 15:30 op Kanaal 210 Sokker: Konfederasiebeker: Orlando Pirates t AS Kaloum – 14:45 tot 17:30 op SS 4 Europese Kampioeneligaeindstryd: Juventus t Barcelona – 19:30 tot 23:30 op SS 3 Swem: Mare Nostrum, Frankryk, dag 1 – 18:00 tot 20:50 op SS 7 Tennis: Roland Garros, eindstryde: vroue-enkelspel en mansdubbelspel – 15:00 tot 22:00 op SS 2 Vegkuns: EFC: Bagattin t Du Plessis – 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 6 Waagsport: X Games, Austin – 01:00 tot 05:00 op SS 6 en 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 7 Sondag 7 Junie Atletiek: Diamantliga, Birmingham – 16:00 tot 18:00 op SS 7 Bergfietsry: Wêreldbeker, Fort William – 15:30 tot 17:30 op SS 5 Fietsry: Kriterium Du Dauphine, Frankryk, skof 1 (132 km) – 13:05 tot 15:30 op SS 5 Gholf: Nordea-meesters, dag 4 – 13:00 tot 17:30 op SS 1 The Memorial, dag 4 – 18:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Vroue: Manulife Classic, Kanada, dag 4 – 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 5 Hokkie: Wêreldliga vir mans, vier wedstryde – 17:00 tot 01:00 op Kanaal 210 Motorfietsrenne: Superfietse, Portugal: Wedren 1, supersport, wedren 2 en superstock – 11:00 tot 16:20 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Kanadese Grand Prix – 19:30 tot 22:15 op SS 6 Indycarreeks – 02:00 tot 05:30 op SS 6 Nascarreeks – 18:30 tot 22:00 op SS 8 Netbal: Uitspeelwedstryde – 12:45 tot 17:00 op SS 4 en 12:45 tot 17:00 op Kanaal 210 Swem: Mare Nostrum, Frankryk, dag 2 – 18:00 tot 20:00 op SS 5 Tennis: Roland Garros, vroue-dubbelspel, eindstryd – 12:00 tot 15:00 op SS 2 Mans-enkelspel, eindstryd – 15:00 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Waagsport: X Games – 02:00 tot 05:00 en 21:30 tot 00:00 op SS 7
Three Plasie equestrians painted the past weekends’ Western Mounted Games a delightful shade of blue. Siblings Genevieve and Theo van der Merwe and Anri Janse van Rensburg once again displayed their skills on horseback at Bela Bela. Anri reigned supreme with no less than twelve first places, and was crowned as the Schools Champion as well as the open
champion in Level 3. Genevieve showed her mettle in her category, with a fourth and a third place, as well as five second places. She also took a first place and was named champion in Level 1. Theo also showed his horsemanship with a third place, five second places and two first places, which made him a worthy Level 2 champion. Seen here are Anri, Theo and Genevieve, showing their rewards.
Vossies, PHS trek gelyk
Meer gelykop sal mens dit nie sommer kry nie. In Saterdag se Classic Clashes het Ben Vorster en PHS se rugby- en netbalspanne mekaar behoorlik opgekeil, behoorlik vasgepen en behoorlik gelykop getrek. Die eerste rugbyspanne se telling van 48-48 illustreer die beste hoe gelykop dit gegaan het en hoe lekker daar gespeel is. Die Vossies se meisieshokkiespanne het egter sleg gesukkel teen PHS, die hokkie-mekka in Limpopo. Al die Vossies se meisiespanne het verloor, met 34 doele teen hulle in agt wedstryde, terwyl hulle nie een doel kon aanteken nie. Die seunshokkie was meer gelykop. Die o.15A’s van die Vossies het met 4-0 gewen en die o.16A’s het met een doel elk gelykop gespeel. Die Vossies se eerste span moes die aftog met ‘n telling van 2-0 blaas. Ben Vorster se netbalspanne het ‘n goeie dag beleef, goed gespeel en vyf van die nege wedstryde gewen. Die o.14A’s het ‘n titaniese stryd met 22-21 gewen. Doele Kayla Armstrong en Zonika Stapelberg het sterk vertoon. Die o.14B’s het met 21-15 gewen. Die o.15A’s het wankelrig begin, maar teruggeveg en danksy goeie onderskeppings deur Nelia Blignaut, (kapt) met 22-21 gewen. Die o.15B’s het met 22-6 verloor, terwyl die o.16A’s van PHS met 26-20 gewen het. Die o.16B’s het 20-10 verloor. Die o.17A-span het sonder hul staatmaker hulpdoel gespeel (beseer), maar gewys hulle is ‘n afgeronde span. Vedediger Tiyani Mboweni, het uitste-kend gespeel. Vossies se doel, Prudence Lebea, was ‘n ster en het verskeie doele behaal. Die Vossies het met 26-18 gewen. PHS het nie ‘n o.17B-span gebring nie, maar wel ‘n tweede span. Die juniors van die Vossies het hard gespeel en 15-13 gewen. Die eerste span van Ben Vorster het goed gespeel, om die begeesterde PHS-span tot oorgawe te dwing. Die akkurate doelwerk van PHS en die onakkurate doelwerk van die Vossies het gesorg dat PHS met 31-25 gewen het. Met die rugby het die skole gewys hulle het goeie talent en dat daar op stuk van sake nie juis slaankragverskil tusssen hulle is nie. Die o.14A’s van die Vossies was vroeg in die wedstryd 0-8 agter. Hulle het moedig terug geveg, maar in die laaste beweging van die wedstryd het die Vossies die bal nie uitgeskop nie en PHS kon oorduik vir die wendrie. Die eindtelling: 18-17 in PHS se guns. Die o.14B’s van die Vossies het hul wedstryd 37-5 gewen. Die o.15A’s van die Vossies het in die eerste helfte uitstekende rugby gespeel en was rustyd met 17-0 voor. Die
tweede helfte het egter aan PHS behoort, en die eindtelling was 17 elk. Die o.15B’s van die Vossies het hul opponente deurmekaar gehardloop en met 50-3 geslag. Die o.16A’s het mooi hardlooprugby gespeel. PHS het geen antwoord vir die Vossies se kragspel gehad nie en die Vossies het maklik met 41-15 geseëvier. Die o.16B’s het ook hul wedstryd gewen: 26-14. Die tweede en derde spanne van Ben Vorster het albei met groot tellings gesneuwel: die derde span met 38-5 en die tweede span met 52-5. Die eerste spanne het gesorg vir een van die opwindenste rugbywedstryde wat in ‘n lang tyd in Tzaneen gesien is. Albei spanne het die bal rondgegooi en goeie hardlooprugby gespeel. Die telling het die heeltyd wipplank gery. Elke keer wat dit wou lyk of een van die spanne die voortou gaan neem, het die ander span geantwoord. Na sewentig minute se uithalerrugby en altesame 96 punte op die telbord kon nie een van die spanne werklik die oorhand kry nie — en die skouspel gelykop met ‘n allemintige 48 punte elk geëindig.
5 June 2015
Letaba trap Noordelikes
— ongeag skeidsregter wat sonde soek
Ms Ashley Murray, one of Dr Annecke Primary School in Letsitele’s teachers, did the school proud when she participated in the weekend’s Magoebaskloof Miami Mountain Bike Challenge. She won the 40 km race and she was also the first overall woman and first senior woman to cross the finish line. Murray was thus crowned the “Queen of the mountain”.
tweede helfte van die wedstryd vreemd, onverklaarbaar en onverstaanbaar. Dit behoort nie ongesiens verby te gaan nie, want dit breek spelers se moed en geesdrif as hulle so onverstaanbaar gestraf word, terwyl dit onnodig gemoedere langs die veld opsweep. Dit is sleg vir rugby, veral waar rugby in die platteland ‘n opdraande stryd voer.
• Lees binne op bladsy 15 ons verslag oor Saterdag se wedstryde. Tiaan Vorster, kaptein van die Vossies se eerste rugbyspan, en Johan du Preez, kaptein van PHS se eerste span, deel welverdiend die trofee na die FNB Classic Clash-toernooi die afgelope naweek. Mnr Frans le Grange van FNB het die trofee aan hulle oorhandig. Volledige berig op bl 15.
Oubal se getroue lesers weet al teen die tyd dat hy nie eintlik iets oor sokker sê nie, maar soos voorheen genoem, soms raak die versoeking net te groot! ‘Tja, Oubal verstaan die Hotel Baur au Lac in Zürich was verlede Vrydag dié plek om gesien te word as jy iets in sokker was, want wie wat enigsins in tel is in die sogenaamde “beautifull game” sal nou nie wil meedoen om ou Sepp Blatter (weereens) in te salf as die hoëpriester van FIFA nie. Wel, soos wat nie dikwels gebeur nie, was Oubal verkeerd hieroor, want ironies genoeg het die Amerikaanse FBI by die einste Baur au Lac toegeslaan op dieselfde dag dat die Nelson Mandela Bay Metro se nuwe burgemeester ingehuldig is. ‘n Paar gesiene manne is in hegtenis geneem op aanklagte van korrupsie, met beloftes dat nog arrestasies kom, soos wat almal nou weet. Oubal verstaan die nuwe burgemeester, wat ook die grootbaas van SA sokker is, was
There seems to be no end to Eddie Simpson’s rally achievements. He went through a very bad spell with his health during last year and the beginning of this year, and had to undergo chemotherapy for a long time. But he has made a dramatic recovery and is back in his nippy little Opel Corsa 1.4 rally car, giving the other competitors a proper run for their money. Simpson and navigator Jeremy du Plessis finished first in class and ninth overall in the 5th and 6th rounds of the North Eastern Rally championship that took place in and around Secunda. The next national/regional rally will be held on 20 June in and around Bela Bela. In this photo Simpson is seen going through a “serious” waterhole in a quarry during the Secunda rally.
Tzaneen se vier nuweling ultra-marathonatlete wat Sondag die negentigste moordende Comrades aangedurf het, het die op-wedloop voltooi en is springlewendig en gesond (net effe “gewond”) terug in die Laeveld. Walt Katzke, Zelda Katzke, Shirley Stewart en Erika Mac Connel het volgens berigte van die klub hul eerste Comrades geniet, veral omdat hulle die wedloop voltooi het en dus nou onder die uitgtesoektes tel. Namens alle sportliefhebbers van ons omgewing, baie geluk. Die ys is nou gebreek en volgende jaar gaan hulle met die af-wedloop hopelik vir hul ondersteuners (en hulself) ‘n ding of drie wys.
Oubal aanvaar dat die moontlikheid van die FBI wat nog die gange van die Baur au Lac kon bewandel niks met die burgemeester se pligsbesef te doen gehad het nie. So, terwyl Oubal nou self nie weet wie die mede-samesweerders is nie en dus nie verder kan rapporteer nie, sal hy maar in Vliegstyl sy lesers met ‘n liedjie uit vergange se bra ongeduldig om die formaliteite van sy dae probeer vermaak: eie insalwing en die daaropvolgende persDanny Boy (met apologie aan konferensie afgehandel te kry, want hy het ‘n vlug na Zürich te haal gehad. Die agbare Frederick Weatherly) burgemeester was glo veral afwysend teenoor Oh, Danny Boy, the FBI, the FBI is calling joernaliste wat probeer uitvis het of hy enige From Switzerland, and down the Caribbean kennis dra van mede-samesweerders #15 en The summer’s gone, and some heroes are falling #16 vir wie die FBI nog hulle mes in het. ‘Tis you, ‘Tis you who must go I’m afraid Maar die agbare burgemeester het blykbaar When you came back ‘twas summer in the ‘n gewete wat hom verhoed het om self by meadow die Baur au Lac te gaan aanmeld. Die ampte- Stadiums arose in our cities; the new highways like lyn is dat sy ampsbesef tov van die proofed NMBM hom op die nippertjie laat afsien het that we’re not Malawi, and how you glowed – van die planne om die Zürich-vlug te haal. Oh, Danny Boy, Oh Danny Boy, we loved you so!
Danny Boy!
But now they’ve come, and your comrades they are falling They’re dead, as dead you well may be, Just care and see this land where we are living And kneel and say I did this for me. We shall look and see the white elephant cathedrals, And the taxes we pay, perhaps, sweeter be, We will drive those roads and ignore the tolls you decree And we shall sleep in peace when they come to thee! (Oh, Danny Boy, Oh Danny Boy, they loved you so!) “Corruption is a true enemy to development.” — Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
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Queen Ashley
Letaba se eerste span het Saterdag daarin geslaag om met vyftien spelers teen sestien spelers van Noordelikes én ‘n skril fluitjie te wen. Die provinsie se skeidsregterbase behoort Saterdag se sirkus in die tweede helfte onder die vergrootglas te sit en mooi te bekyk. Sowat van onverklaarbare beslissings sien mens nie aldag nie. Wat verkeerd geloop het, sal Nugter en Jan Blom weet. Vir iemand met selfs net basiese kennis van die spel was die skeidsregter se optrede in die