Bulletin 150703

Page 1


3 July 2015

015 307 7248




Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Fear lessl y the tr uth


R56m spent on white elephant

Great news for

THIS DAY Lekker nuus vir

VANDAG Leandri Schreiber (a local modeling coach) left for Bulgaria over the weekend, to hand over her title as the grand prix winner of Miss Teen World 2014, to the 2015 winner. She will be the MC at the pageant and a VIP host. She also won two other titles in 2014.

Bianca Combrink (a local model) also left over the weekend for Bulgaria, to represent SA at the Little Mr & Miss World 2015 pageant. She will compete against models form other countries. She holds the title of Queen World 2014 and Face of Europe.

A staggering R56 million of ratepayers’ money turned into a white elephant in Giyani, after a paid building contractor of the new civic centre allegedly disappeared without a trace. The GGM remains numb

Patience is running out

on the issue — their official spokesperson, Mr Steve Mabunda, has failed to answer numerous telephone calls for an explanation to clear up the matter.

• Read our full report on Page 3

Tzaneen is heading for a serious confrontation between the GTM and a group of prominent and financially strong very irritated business leaders, about the ridiculousness of dozens of hawkers who show no respect for law and order. The GTM’s infamous spinelessness to institute action could soon be challenged • Read more on pg 6

The numbers just keep growing... and so Tzaneen earlier this week welcomed another specialist. Dr Oupa Shipalana, a gynaecologist, has joined dr Jackson Ndhlovu, also a gynaecologist. More on page


‘n Nuwe konsep en die bekende OK-handelsmerk maak weer sy verskyning in kleiner supermarkte. Tarentaalrand het nou een en Tzaneen sal die naam ook eersdaags op twee bekende plekke sien. Lees op bl..



3 July 2015


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 079 900 0475 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 060 402 1579 elliot@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com


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Personeel | Personnel IT Dirk Stoltz 082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjikloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg is nou nie van die soort wat sommer koue voete kry nie! Hierdie tyd van die jaar egter kan die aandluggie nogal vinnig afkoel en die badkamerteëls soggens maar koud wees. Daarom dat Vlieg maar by die winkels moes loop draai vir ‘n nuwe paar pantoffels. Die oues was vol gate en was in elk geval net van daai insteekmodelle waarin die hakskene nog koud kry as jy nie ‘n stel dik sokkies daarby aantrek nie. Wat Vlieg weer laat besef het dat dit vir hom eintlik een van die mooiste woorde in Afrikaans is: pantoffel! Dit sê so lekker, amper so lekker soos voetsek, en dis nog heel beskrywend ook. Pantoffel klink sommer so sag en warm, selfs al het Vlieg se agterent in sy maaierdae gereeld gegloei deur die toedoen van symste pantoffel. Wat Vlieg verder laat besef het dat daar met so ‘n mooi woord eintlik net drie ander dinge is wat daarmee in ons taal gedoen kan word, anders as om te verwys na ‘n ligte, los, gemaklike skoen wat binnenshuis gedra word. En Vlieg se Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal het dit bevestig! En dan is al drie maar afleidings van dieselfde ding. ‘n Pantoffelheld, wat onder die pantoffel staan, in ‘n pantoffelregering!

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Website | Webwerf Vist our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare

beide, net eenvoudig te hardegat is. Hardegat of nie, Vlieg se common sense sê vir hom dat dit nie is hoe ‘n verhouding behoort te werk nie. Nou gepraat van gatte, wonder Vlieg of die psigologie met hom sal saamstem as hy verder postuleer dat ‘n pantoffelheld, man of vrou, dan eintlik ‘n slapgat is! Veral omdat dit dikwels gebeur dat ‘n pantoffelheld wat van een pantoffelregering ontsnap het, maar net ‘n volgende keer onder ‘n ander een beland. En waarom meeste van hierdie pantoffelhelde nooit koue voete kry nie, sal Vlieg nog minder verstaan!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Sê jou sê

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke deur sake wat ons gemeenskap raak sinvol te bespreek. Soek: www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

As we’ve now reached the halfway mark in 2015 it’s a good idea to look back at the most popular articles, as measured by number of reads, on our website this year to date. Let’s start our countdown! 10. “Stanford Lake College is proud of Conrad Schmidt” 2 February. Conrad Schmidt (Grade 11 at SL in 2014) finished in the top 1% of pupils nationally in 2014’s IeBT tests in both mathematics and science. Reads: 971 9. “Doctors in Tzaneen say enough is enough!” 8 June, by Francois Aucamp. The article highlighted the fall-out of the failure of the Compensation Fund to reimburse service providers in a timely manner. Reads: 1017 8. “Total shutdown in Malamulele continues” 26 January by Orlando Chauke. The story made national headlines as residents demanded their own municipality, claiming that Thulamela Municipality’s service delivery was not up to standard. Reads: 1293 7. “Shop of Horrors now open in Haenertsburg” 4 May by Sue Ettmayr. This article told the story of the alternative natural way to control insects provided by the carnivorous plant business ‘Plant Trader’ and its owner Ms Lara Stanford. Reads: 1311 6. “Local Hero” 15 June. The article announced that a vibrant young Tzaneener, Ms Minette Prinsloo, entered the Ford Ranger

Odyssey Competition and was selected for the Boot Camp. Reads: 1416 5. “Crime Scene” 23 March. One of two surprises in our list, the reason for the popularity of this article can probably be found in the sub-article wherein we reported that the police in Tzaneen launched a massive manhunt for four fraudsters (with pictures) accused of terrorising members of the community in and around Tzaneen. Reads: 1504 4. “Foreigners chased at Sekgopo” 2 March. The Article described how foreigners was sent packing from eleven Sekgopo villages after the murder of Tonny Selaelo, which was allegedly caused by a cell phone transaction going bad. Reads: 1735 3. “Mankabidi gets R1m+ golden handshake - The land of milk & honey (Part 4)” 11 May, by Francois Aucamp. The Fourth Part of the ongoing saga of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) proved wildly popular. Reads: 2685 2. “Mawa, Ga-Wally calm after protests” 30 March, by Elliot Mathye. The article described the aftermath and fall-out after the villages in the Bolobedu area embarked on a service delivery protest regarding water and electricity. Reads: 3014

1. “Fairness wins ‘Gysie’ for hip hop beat” 23 March. The surprising leader in 2015 is the short article reporting that Ben Vorster’s Fairness Twala created the Doc Shebeleza beats for hip hop artist Casper Nyovest, which won the most requested song by listeners and the song of the year award at the Metro FM-music awards. Reads: 3860

Seen at the handing over of ‘Gysie’ the silver spade, were Tiaan Vorster, Fairness and Henk Blignaut of Ben Vorster.

What do you think of this list? Are you surprised by any of the articles on it? Based on this is there any specific topic that Bulletin should focus on in future? Do you have a great idea for an online poll? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook using the links provided.

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E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com


(Vlieg verskoon nou die Doppers; hulle hoef nie verder te lees nie, hulle sal nie weet wat dit is nie!) Maar in ‘n moderne samelewing, waar man en vrou mekaar se gelyke is, postuleer Vlieg dat ‘n pantoffelregering ook seker kan beteken dat ‘n man ‘n vrou kan oorheers, en nie net waar ‘n vrou ‘n man oorheers soos die oorspronklike bedoeling van die woord was nie. Dalk is daar ‘n ander woord daarvoor, Vlieg het maar ‘n ou woordeboek. Vlieg het al baie gewonder hoe dit werk; so ‘n pantoffelregering. Vlieg weet dat die psigologie waarskynlik al volumes en volumes van joernale en handboeke daaroor gepubliseer het, maar weet verder dat hierdie wetenskap nie maklik common sense toepas nie. So hulle sal dit ook nie maklik kan verklaar nie. Vlieg en sy wyfie is darem nou al ‘n paar somers saam deur, en winters… koue winters, bitter koue winters, maar nog nooit was dit nodig of het dit so gebeur dat die een die ander voorgesê het nie, en dat die ander een maar slaafs gevolg het nie. Of dat die een die ander se gedrag voorgeskryf het en die ander te bang was om te oortree nie. Miskien omdat Vlieg en sy wyfie albei, of is dit nou

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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06:46 17:26 55%

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Sonnig en Matig

Sonnig en warm

Sonnig en warm

Oggend wolke en koel

Woensdag Donderdag Meer son as wolke. Koel

Sonnig en koel












































Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 66.9%

Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude

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Vergelegen Ohrigstad 93.6%


Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 29/06/2015

Baie Dankie! Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van

Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za


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White elephant contractor has gone missing with millions

Oupa comes home Dr Oupa Shipalana (32) — an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist — joined the highly rated dr Jackson Ndhlovu, also an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, in practice in Tzaneen on Tuesday (1 July). Shipalana was born and grew up in Nkowankowa. He studied medicine at Medunsa, did his community service and internship at Letaba Hospital. He then continued studies at the University of the Witwatersrand to qualify in obstetrics and gynaecology. Drs Ndhlovu and Shipalana’s rooms are in the Proforum Building on the corner of Agatha and Short Street, Tzaneen.

A building contractor whose tender was allegedly accepted by the Greater Giyani Municipality (GGM) to build a multi-million civic centre seems to have vanished without leaving a trace of where he could have gone. One of the GGM’s councillors, Mr Richard Shivambu (DA), told the Bulletin that the contractor has vanished without completing the project. No measures were taken by the municipality to trace the contractor, he said. It has been reported that so far, the project has cost the tax payers an amount estimated at R56 million. Allegations are that the GGM has opted to abandon the building project due to the cost which was inflated over time. In the 2013/2014 financial year, the municipality reportedly allocated a staggering R40 million for the extension of the municipal civic centre. In March 2014, a further R16 million was allocated to complete the project, without first seeking a comprehensive report regarding the delay in the construction schedule. Shivambu said that despite the extra R16 million, the project has been abandoned for more than eight months now and there are no signs that it will be completed. “It is absolutely unacceptable that the GGM can erect a multi-million rand building that has no use and cannot be completed on time. It is also clear that the viability of the project was not properly tested before being put out on tender. The people of Giyani continue to suffer while

Koorsang raak gewild danksy skole Tzaneen se twee hoërskole en twee van die laerskole is besig om plaaslike musiekliefhebbers se ore vir koorsang “ingestel” te kry. Die kinderstemme van laerskoolkinders wat nog so ongeskonde en suiwer is, is iets besonders. Die hoërskoolkinders kan weer meer gevorderde musiek in koorsang aanbied en die meer gereelde optredes van die kore het die afgelope twee jaar of so begin sorg dat koor-


3 July 2015


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sang meer gewild raak. By die onlangse ATKV Korefees by die Hoërskool Merensky was dit duidelik dat die belangstelling in die skoolkore in Tzaneen toeneem en die fees was ‘n eerste (en suksesvolle) vir die omgewing. Op die foto hierby is lede van Merensky se koor. Voor is Danzi Ivy, Mare-lize van Staden en Riette Warmenhoven en agter is Limeryn Steyn, Tswarelo Masaralala en Thato Pheeha.

individuals enrich themselves out of the municipal coffers instead of accelerating services. “We will urge the office of the Public Protector to start probing this incomplete project and the inflated prices and further establish the reasons why the project is being delayed,” Shivambu said. The GGM’s spokesperson, Mr Steve Mabunda, failed to answer numerous calls from us and he did not respond to our messages asking him to return our calls, hence the Bulletin could not hear the GGM’s side of the saga. — Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com


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3 July 2015



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Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Healthcare train 29 June to 10 July Residents of Tzaneen and surrounding areas should be set and ready for this year’s annual visit by the Phelophepha Health Train. The train will arrive in Tzaneen on 27 June and will be fully operational from 29 June to 3 July and again from 6 to 10 July. Tzaneen was chosen as the first station in Limpopo. The Phelophepha Healthcare Train was established in 1994 as an initiative by the Transnet Foundation. It provides poor community members with affordable, accessible, mobile healthcare services, while supplementing and supporting existing health services and facilities in the poorest rural communities of our country. The Train consists of eighteen coaches and covers four provinces each year with a total of 35 stops. Services provided on the train range from dental clinic, eye clinic, psychology/counselling clinic and basic health education for community volunteers. It brings with it twenty contracted staff members, supported by 39 final year students from various disciplines. While the train will serve as a healthcare centre, it will also serve as an economic injector in the Greater Tzaneen area. Residents of the Greater Tzaneen area will be equipped with skills, to empower them to step up and take more challenges. The healthcare clinics will give preference to very poor people, people who cannot afford basic life sustaining commodities, communities that cannot be reached easily and aged people who are prospective recipients of social grant.

features a 21,1 km strenuous run over rough single track mountain paths, leading to the summit of the highest mountain in Limpopo — the Iron Crown. There is also a shorter 10 km distance and a 5 km fun run/walk for families and dogs! The scenery on the trail is pristine and spectacular. Details at http://rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za and the link to enter online is: http://ironcrown2015.myactiveonline. co.za/CaptureDetails/Registration.aspx. This is a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Haenertsburg in conjunction with the Ofcolaco Harriers. Food will be on sale and there will be a beer tent. Funds raised will go to “Preserve Planet Earth” . Tzaneen Alleenlopers 11 Julie Tzaneen se gewilde Alleenlopersklub se volgende byeenkoms is Vrydagaand 11 Julie om 18:00 by Kojeske Pompagalana. Hoop om sommer ‘n skare te verwelkom.


*Free 250MB Data available on Power Bundles, not available for use between 6pm and 9pm daily. || Handsets support social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. Consumers must download these applications should they wish to use them. Data costs apply. || While stocks last. Prices may vary without prior notice. All prices are inclusive of VAT. ID or passport, as well as proof of address is required for RICA registration. Network conditions apply. E&OE.

Haenertsburg Holistic, Health, Wellness Fair 11 & 12 July Therapists, Holistic Trade, Food Meanders. Special Focus on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Friday 10 July at 19:00 A Proper ‘Dinkum’ Sweat Lodge at Hilltop Wellness Centre. Limited space only 10 seats available – soup, fresh bread and butter served afterwards. R130 pp – Bookings Essential Saturday Afternoon 11July at 16:00 At Hilltop Wellness Centre - ‘In Conversation with Dr. Charles Lubbe’ and the ‘Big Banting Haenertsburg Debate’. Banting snacks and drinks incl. R100 Trail Run pp. Only 30 seats available. Bookings Essential 11 July Entries are open for the fifth annual Iron Saturday Evening 11 July at 19:00 Crown trail run, on Saturday 11 July. The event A Cosmic evening of stargazing with kos co-


ronaios - deep space telescopes presented on a big screen. Spectacular deep space viewing, a warm fire, soup, fresh bread & butter. An evening for the whole family at Hilltop Wellness Centre. R100 pp. Only 50 seats available. Bookings Essential Saturday Evening 11July at 17:00 A Spiritual fire-walk, drumming, singing and dancing in the park. An unforgettable experience that remains with you for life. The only limitations are those we set for ourselves. R150 pp – Only 30 walks available. Check in before 12:00 for details and briefing. Bookings Essential. FOR BOOKINGS AND MORE INFORMATION: Louise 0840878759 or Megan 0824797285

Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax/of stuur ‘n faks na 015 307 7684 or call/of bel 015 307 7248



Boltman Str, Modjadjiskloof

WHEN: Friday 3 July 2015 TIME: 17:30 to 19:00

For menu details…contact: Liz: 0153060080 / 0790170600 Val: 0828944434 Pat: 0826726430


Mobile Tracker


It’s FRIDAY evening, the weekend, & no-one wants to cook, so why not give MOM the evening off… AND come & get a delicious “take-away” supper for the family!


FM Radio

Haenertsburg Intimate concert 23 September An intimate (music) concert with Richard Cock and members of the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra will be held in the Haenertsburg Christian Church on the evening of 23 September at 19:h00. Tickets: R80 pp. On Sunday 27 September the main concert will be in the Barnyard Theatre at 19:00. Price R150 pp. On Monday 28 September in the morning there will be a concert at Thusanang for children – an introduction to instruments and the orchestra. Bookings (and also to offer help with accommodation for the musicians): Stuart on 082 771 2655 or Linda on 082 575 5738.




Tzaneen Community Forum Golf day 25 July For more information please contact Daan Roelvert at daanroelvert@gmail.com, or myself at stephpro@mweb.co.za.




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StoreS in your area City express Giyani 1 City express Giyani 3 City express Giyani 2 City express thohoyandou 2 City express thohoyandou 6

7 Giyani Shopping Centre, Giyani, Limpopo 26 Masingita Mall, Giyani, Limpopo 19 Giyani Shopping Centre, Giyani, Limpopo 35 Mvusuludso Shopping Centre, Thohoyandou, Limpopo Shop 7Ab, Thohoyandou Shopping Centre, Thohoyandou, Limpopo

City express Messina 2 City express Polokwane 5 City express Bela-Bela City express Messina 1 City express Jane Furse 2 City express Polokwane 4 City express Duiwelskloof

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. 083 964 9859. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. 015 307 1874. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: German Evangelical Lutheran Church 015 307 4634. Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

Shop 27, Great North Road Plaza, Messina, Limpopo Shop 1516, City Centre, Polokwane, Limpopo Shop 1, 42 Chris Hani Road, Limpopo Limpopo Building, National Road, Limpopo Shop 24, Jane Furse Plaza, Burgersfort, Jane Furse, Limpopo 119 And 120 The Taxi Centre, Polokwane, Limpopo Shop 3, Basil Building, Botha Street, Duiwelskloof, Limpopo

St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat,

Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat,

Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com


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3 July 2015

Nuwe leiers by Vossies 072 569 2114

S oon

083 407 8061

Secret Garden Nursery


Die nuwe leerlingraad vir 2015/2016 is by die Hoërskool Ben Voster gekies en sal voortaan “regeer”. Die span seuns is, voor: Ruben Jordaan, (onderhoofseun), Johan Buitendag, Stefan Engelbrecht en Hanco van der Merwe. In die middelry is Jay-Jay Hlongwane, Reuben Ragolane, Duan Schoeman, Tjokkie Jacobs, Joshua Varrie en Abel Nortjé (onderhoofseun). Agter staan Eduan Smit, Jacques Kriel, Shima Mphahlele, (hoofseun), Welmar Pieterse en Hardu Pretorius.


All @ Bluebell Guest House bulletin©10355bb150612tb

Die meisies wat gaan lei is, voor: Beauty Maake, Bernice Claasen, Nadia Paulse, Karisia Dohse, Jenna Auret en Marli Burger. Agter hulle sit Talenta Mabunda, Niki Thompson, Gretchen Bekker (onderhoofmeisie) en Anicha Engelbrecht. In die derde ry is Deidré Viljoen, Mariska de la Rey, Lané Roos (onderhoofmeisies) en Delmé Barkhuizen. Agter staan Prudence Lebea, Juliana Croukamp(hoofmeisie), Camilla Phakula en Carmen Botha.

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Inspired by the rugged beauty of Africa and the legendary performance of the KB bakkie. If ever there was a place which summed up the mystical wildness of Africa, in all its natural glory, that place would have to be the Serengeti. In the spirit of this remarkable place, Isuzu has created the brand new Isuzu KB Serengeti. This distinctive bakkie is based on the flagship KB 300 LX, but also boasts an array of unique chrome- and silver-trim extras.


*On-the-Road and Registration Fees Excluded. All offers subject to finance approval. Terms and Conditions Apply. Model shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted. 89346




3 July 2015


Ons Mening


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03 Julie 2015

From The Horses Mouth Greece

Greece is in the news. Big time. The country is bankrupt, by definition. There are people who seem to think that Greece has not much more than a few romantic islands, the Acropolis and a few other tourist attractions to offer. Think again! A few things you may not know about Greece and the Greek people: 1. Greece is a country that controls a combined land and sea mass equal to Germany and Austria together. (450 000 square kilometers). 2. Greece receives 16 million tourists a year. 3. Greece has three very large ship building facilities capable of turning out every kind of vessel. 4. Greece produces trucks, buses, train carriages and other heavy industrial vehicles. 4. Greece is the No 1 ship-owner in the world with 2 400 supertankers and other large vessels. Cyprus is fifth with 1 500. 5. Greece is third in the world in producing olives, kiwi and peaches. 6. Greece is the biggest producer of nickel and aluminium in the world. 7. According to NATO, their airforce is rated 2nd (quality wise) in that organisation after the US with Turkey second from last. their Navy is also rated second while the Turks hold last place. 8. South of the Island of Crete, within the Greek EEZ, are the world’s third largest oil reserves (according to the US Geological Institute worth in excess of US$ 10 trillion).

Die Boodskap Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele

Peperduur lesse

Elke sterfling op hierdie ondermaanse kry sy/haar kwota lesse op die lewenspad. Ons landsregering is waaragtig ver verby die kwota wat as redelik beskou sou kon word. Kyk vlugtig na van die lesse en dink hoekom daar nie rede tot ernstige kommer behoort te wees nie: • Die wapenaankope les • Die Nkandla les • Die Marikana les • Die Eskom les • Die Gupta les • Die SA Polisiediens se kommissarisse les • Die Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir les • Die munisipale wanbestuur les • Die skoolhandboekkrisis les • Die eindelose mislukte tender lesse • Die tenderpreneur (bedrog en diefstal) lesse • Die mislukte landbou (grondherstel) lesse. Die lys bly groei en as daar nie uiters versigtig te werk gegaan word nie, wag die Griekse les ook op ons. Die Grieke het oor die afgelope dekades ‘n luilekkerland geskep. Lae produksie, ‘n gulsige en onversadigbare welsynsgemeenskap, uitspattige lenings, ‘n staatsdiens waar dienslewering op geen manier in verhouding tot die salarisrekeing bereken kon word nie, gewoon lui werkers, ensovoorts. Elders op dié bladsy bied ons ‘n baie bondige oorsig van sommige van Griekeland se bates wat ons jaloers kan laat. En tog, Griekeland is bankrot. Per definisie. Ons leiers leef in die waan, ook op grondvlak (lees: plaaslike bestuur), dat daar ‘n fonteintjie is wat nie kan en sal opdroog nie. Die Grieke het ook gedink die geld sal aan hul olyfbome groei.

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‘n Onverwagse middernag-reënbui het Tzaneen se voëlbevolking Woensdagoggend laat kajuitraad hou oor die seisoen vorentoe. Die streek het vanjaar heelwat minder reën gehad as die vorige klompie seisoene, terwyl die winter nog nie regtig sy koue tande gewys het nie. Die Tzaneen-dam se watervlak wek ook kommer by boere en wateradministrateurs, wat reeds ‘n 50% beperking op waterverbruik uit die dam geplaas het.

Die Ster van Suid-Afrika, is `n diamant van 83.5 karaat, wat in 1869 op die plaas Sandfontein, in Hopetown distrik, naby die Oranjerivier deur `n Griekwaskaapwagtertjie opgetel is. Die diamant is later vir elf duisend pond in London verkoop. Die Ster van Suid-Afrika, soos dit opgetel is was wel reeds baie kosbaar, maar nog nie kroongehalte nie. Die diamant wat uiteindelik in ‘n kroon in Engeland gemonteer is, moes eers vrygemaak word van die dowwe dopsteen wat van nature om `n diamant is. Die diamant kom nie skitterend uit die grond nie. Die dowwe omhulsel moet eers afgekap of weggeslyp word voor dit die glansende, skitterende juweel is wat ons in verloofringe, borsspelde en krone ken. Die diamant wat kroon toe sou gaan, is weke lank deur die steensnyer bestudeer, totdat hy al die nate van die steen geken het. Toe sit hy dit in sy kapinstrument en gee dit een hou. Die dofsteen het afgespring en die skitterende diamant het te voorskyn gekom. Na dit nog verder tot ’n peervorm geslyp

en gepoleer is, het net 47.69 karaat o o r g e b l y. Toe was dit perfek geslyp vir ’n koning se kroon. Die bekeerde mens is reeds vir God `n kosbare diamant. Die mens se sondige natuur is, soos die diamant se natuurlike dofrots, om `n mens se kosbare siel gevou. Dit is hierdie sondige aard wat die Christen van sy glans beroof. Die Here Jesus is die steensnyer, wat elke naat van ons menswees ken. Hy weet hoe om ons te slyp en te poleer, of dit deur versoekings is wat op ons pad kom, of beproewings wat ons tref. Hy bestuur ons lewens, sodat alles ten goede meewerk, om die glinsterende diamant te voorskyn te bring wat Hy in ons sien, sodat ons uiteindelik kroongehalte diamante word. Jakobus 1:2 – 4 stel dit mooi: ”Julle moet baie bly wees wanneer allerlei beproewings oor julle kom, want, soos julle weet, as julle geloof die toets deurstaan het, stel dit julle in staat om te volhard. En volharding moet end-uit volgehou word sodat julle tot volle geestelike rypheid kan kom, sonder enige tekortkoming.”

GTM should get their priorities right “We are running dangerously low on patience and we have alrady run out of time — the GTM better get their act together, or face the dire consequences of a confrontation.” These words were uttered by a prominent businessman with established and big business interests in Tzaneen, in a closed meeting attended by only a handful of people to discuss the growing problem of hawkers enjoying “the freedom of the town to do as they please”. It is clear that the arrogance of the GTM to ignore the business community’s concerns is going to be challenged; and the even bigger arrogance of officials who don’t show up at scheduled meetings to discuss the deteriorating situation is further cause for concern and an irritation that cuts deep into residents’ patience reserves. In the mean time the Tzaneen Community Forum has submitted the following document,

putting their concern on record and to make it public, in anticipation of what could be the last attempt to get the GTM to cooperate. The Tzaneen Community Forum was called together on May 27th, 2015, by representatives of a variety of Forums, all having one common problem: The Greater Tzaneen Municipality. A second meeting was held on June 4th, 2015. Members of the Tzaneen Community Forum represented: South African Police Services (SAPS), Business against Crime, Safety & Security Forum, Community Policing Forum (CPF), SPCA, Tzaneen Chamber of Commerce, Broll (owner of 3 malls in Tzaneen), Concerned Private Citizens & Businessmen. The meetings were chaired by Mr Cassius Machimane, and various members of the GTM Management attended the two meetings: Director Obby Mkhombo; Mr Kenneth Makhubele; Mrs Xoliswa Gala; Mr Pierre van den Heever; Mr Andre Liversage; Mr Andrew Laubscher; Ms R RSelomo and Ms Nora Lion.

Matters under discussion and of critical importance to our community included: The security of the electrical substations; the hawkers’ problems and associated crime in the town of Tzaneen; overgrown open stands in Florapark; faulty streetlights; animal cruelty in the taxi ranks and hawkers’ areas. Since the first meeting in May, great progress was made in getting the responsible authorities and persons in charge to accept responsibility and ownership of their representative rolls. The last meeting on the 4th of June was left with an air of expectation because so many promises were made. However, what followed was rather disappointing and we were left with an old disillusioned feeling. During the Tzaneen Community Forum meeting held on 4 June 2015 at the SAPS Cluster Commander’s Boardroom, the secretary was tasked to schedule meetings for the next six months. These schedules were mailed to all members of the meeting on June 8, together with invitations to the next

meeting to be held on Wednesday 24 June 2015. A reminder mail was sent again, and followed up with telephone messenges to various GTM offices by a variety of Forum members. On Wednesday 24 June at 10:00 all members representing the above mentioned eight Forums were present and prepared to report... all except the members from the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The representative for Mr Andrew Laubscher showed up. Although the Chairman, Mr Machimane, was not present, the decision was made to go ahead with the meeting and the first matter on the agenda was to address the disrespect the GTM showed towards the community represented by the above organisations. Disrespecting co-members in a Forum representing the community shows a complete lack of commitment to the job and to the community. It is unprofessional and unacceptable. The question remains: Is the GTM showing their true colours or is this unfit individual in office?”


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3 July 2015



Stopped operating a couple of years ago — Manager & staff on leave until retirement

Is al geruime tyd nie meer operasioneel nie — Bestuurder & personeel met verlof tot aftrede

Die doen en late van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Die dorp se suidwestelike hoofingang se versiering is GTM wou skenk (met arbeid om dit te verplant) vir die se Parke-afdeling is een van dié munisipaliteit se deesdae beperk tot vrugtesmouse se manko- strook tussen die nuwe Lifestyle-sentrum en die R71, het bes bewaarde geheime. Bygesê, as daar hoelieke “gazebo’s” en toe ‘n weldoener in die GTM hul neuse daarvoor opgetrek. genaamd doen en late is! Madame burgemeester sal dit hopelik onthou, alhoewel Tzaneen ‘n paar duisend gesogte volDie onderhoud van parke en toeruswasse Mandela strelitzias aan die sy nooit opgevolg of navraag gedoen het nie. Moontlik ting (hoofsaaklik swaaie, wipplanke het die blote gedagte dat daar werk veren rondomtalies vir kinders se genot) bonde sou wees aan die onderhoud en verin Tzaneen, Nkowankowa, Lenyenye sorging van die “Mandela Gedenktuin” die en ander groter nedersettings in die droom in ‘n nagmerrie laat verander. GTM se gebied lê verwaarloos en Adam’s Sirkel wat ‘n sterk fokuspunt op toerusting is eerder ‘n gevaar as ‘n Tzaneen se suidoostelike hoofingang is, het speelgenot vir kinders. tot ‘n fokusverleentheid verval. Laer af in In Nkowankowa kla inwoners dat Agathastraat is ‘n oop perseel van die GTM ‘n gerieflike vullishoop vir middedorpse indie parkruimtes ‘n versamelplek woners. Bome wat verwyder word — weens vir gevaarlike leeglêers is en kinders nie eens onder toesig daar veilig is nie. ouderdom of omdat dit ‘n bepaalde gevaar Van lekker skaduryke bome en sierstruike skep of in die pad van uitbreiding is, enis daar nie sprake nie. In Tzaneen, waar soovoorts — word nie vervang nie. Die parke-afdeling se elegante en weldie burgemeester en van haar raadslede dagdroom dat dit die tuindorp van die sprekende hoof het verlede jaar laat weet, Limpopo Laeveld is en oor ‘n handjievol jare via die GTM se praatbaas, mnr Neville Nd‘n pronkstad moet wees, is die versorging lala, dat bome wat verwyder (moet) word, van die dorp ‘n nagmerrie. stiptelik met nuwe aanplantings vervang Diegene wat ‘n semitropiese “tuindorp” word. Sy, of die praatbaas, het egter vergeet in hul geestesoog sien, is ylhoofdig en kan om by te voeg dat die aanplantings tydens gerus eerder vir die belastingbetalers sê hul verbeeldingsvlugte gedoen word. waarheen die geld vir die sogenaamde • Ons het nou gevra vir ‘n afskrif van die parke-afdeling gekanaliseer word. Parke-afdeling se kort-, medium- en langterNog foto’s van die verval op bladsy 8 Waar eens ‘n pragtige kwekery in Tzamynplan, sodat mens kan sien wat beplan word neen was (by die ou kragstasie in die ou Van die eens mooi spuitfonteintjie op die Adam’s Sirkel is net verroeste metaal en stuk- vir die pad vorentoe na die Tzaneen wat die nywerheidsgebied) wapper verflenterde ke elektriese kabels oor en die dammetjie staan leeg en ewe verwaarloos. Die brood- burgemeester en haar droomgenote as ‘n tropiese bome word elke jaar minder en word nie juis versorg nie. Van nuwe aanplantings is daar skadunette in die wind en wurg ‘n paar ge- nie sprake nie. Die sirkel is as ‘t ware aan die genade van die elemente oorgelaat. Dit utopie sien. harde vetplantjies en verwaarloosde brood- is tekenend van hoe dit toenemend in die dorp gaan waar infrastruktuur verval en die — Francois Aucamp francois@bulletin.us.com bome op oorlewing. verwaarlosing van sypaadjies en middelmannetjies die dorp esteties armer laat.



3 July 2015



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Tzaneen, die eens mooi versorgde dorp LINKS: Bome en struike wat om welke rede ook verwyder word, word volgens die parke-afdeling vervang. In hul drome...? Daar is handevol sulke leë boomakkertjies. Bo: so lyk die middelmannetjie in King Edward-rylaan, waar doringbome tussen ander onkruid toeneem... Reg bo is die verflenterde oorblyfsels van die nethuise in wat eens op ‘n tyd die munisipale kwekery was. Regs is die perseel neffens die GTM se hoofgebou in Agathastraat wat ‘n openbare vullishoop in die hart van die dorp geword het. Die perseel is die eiendom van... wag vir dit... die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit!

Genadiglik gebeur iets darem hier en daar FUN for the whole family

Links is hoe die kinderpoel gelyk het en regs spuit die water in die nuut-oorgedoende kinderpoel wat reeds gereed is om gebruik te word.

Swembad nader nou voltooiing



& Dressage

Bouwerk aan Tzaneen se munisipale swembad staan nou vinnig einde se kant toe, met die laaste afrondingswerk wat binne die volgende paar weke gedoen sal word. Die voltooiingsdatum was eergister (30 Junie), maar weens ongunstige weerstoestande vroeër in die bouprogram is die kontrakteurs ‘n verdere vyftien dae gegun as deel van die oorspronklike ooreenkoms. Die projekbestuurder, mnr Jan Ludick, sê verskeie klein struikelblokke het konstruksiewerk soms vertraag, maar die ervare span kon dit vinnig onder die knie kry. “Ons het elke dag ‘n gemiddeld van 35 mense in diens gehad, waarvan 28 plaaslike werknemers was.

Hulle was daagliks getrou op hul poste, wat ons in staat gestel het om die projek suksesvol aan te pak.” Benewens die nuutgeboude swembad, wat reeds met teëls uitgelê is, is die terrein ook verfraai met grasperke en plantegroei, opgeknapte ablusiegeriewe, ‘n afdak en sitplek vir toeskouers, ‘n kiosk en kantoorgeriewe. Die laaste groot taak is die koppeling van die pomp- en filtreerstelsel op die terrein, terwyl afrondingswerk aan die oppervlakte rondom die swembad ook nog aandag nodig het. Die swemseisoen open op 1 September. “As alles volgens plan verloop, behoort die water binne ‘n week blinkskoon in die bad te borrel,” sê Ludick.

11 & 12 July 2015 Everyone Welcome!

Family day with food stalls available.

Tzaneen Equestrian Centre

(700m past Steffi’s Sun Lodge on the Lushof road)

Contact Ilse 082 886 6627


Die nuwe swembad se groot “vloer” is reeds met teëls uitgelê.


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3 July 2015


Commercial News • Handelsnuus

Tarentaalrand: Nuwe OK Minimark Bakkery • Slaghuis • Kiosk • Kruideniers • Wegneem-etes


Slaghuis: Deborah Motimela

Bakkery: Cathrine Khumalo

Bestuurders Andries en Ilse Engelbrecht saam met Loraine Blessie, Johannes Malatjie en Deborah Motimela

Bakkery: Calvin Nukeri

Betaalpunt: Harry Maila en Frederick Ngobeni


3 July 2015



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The Crime Scene

Reg: 2007/008144/07

PO Box 2420, Tzaneen, 0850, South Africa | Office No. 63 • Cascades Building, Tzaneen Tel: +27 15 307 3296 • Fax: +27 15 307 4954 | Email: info@gteda.co.za | Website: www.gteda.co.za GTEDA is a Municipal entity established by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in terms of Chapter 10 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) (MFMA) with the mandate to facilitate and promote economic development within the Greater Tzaneen Municipal area. Its operations are therefore in accordance with the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality as its Parent Municipality and shareholder. Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) on a five (5) year fixed term performance based contract for the following vacant position.

1 X CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) Based in Tzaneen R1 071 290 – R1 260 340 – R1 449 390 per annum (package will be paid as per determination of upper limits circular released by the Minister of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs dated 29 March 2014). The role of the CEO position is to be ultimately responsible for managing and monitoring the implementation of GTEDA’s corporate strategy, business plan, objectives and growth plan.


• A Bachelor Degree in Public Administration / Political Sciences / Social Sciences / Law; or Equivalent. • A Postgraduate qualification in Business/Management will be an added advantage. • 5 Years relevant experience at a senior management level. • Proven ability to communicate (verbal and written) and negotiate at all spheres and levels of Government. • Proven ability to provide strategic and innovative leadership. • Sound financial skills. • A qualification relating to the National Treasury Competency Requirements for Senior Officials e.g. CPMD/MFMP/ELMDP will be an added advantage. • Computer literate in Word, Excel and Windows 2007 programs. • A Code EB driver’s license. • Understanding and application of marketing, communications and public relations best practice. • Understanding and application of the five strategic objectives of the Limpopo Province as per the Growth Development Strategy. • Knowledge and understanding of contracts and contract management. • Knowledge and understanding of Company Law and prescripts governing the Local Government environment. • Knowledge and understanding of Economic Development and Financial Structuring, various Funding Models, Investment and Trade Facilitation Best Practice. • Knowledge, experience and understanding of the implementation of economic strategies. • Customer relationship management. • Facilitation skills.

Key Responsibilities:

• Derive, develop and implement GTEDA’s corporate strategy in consonance with national, provincial and local development strategies and priorities. • Develop and implement policies and procedures to provide a complete framework for the execution of business objectives. • Create a conducive environment for investors, trade partners and relevant stakeholders through existing legislation and other acceptable means and develop well thought documented impact assessments. • Develop and maintain effective business systems, policies and procedures that enable business goals to be effectively achieved. • Managing, fostering and inspiring the team and maintaining the values and culture. • Introduce measures to create and maintain favourable working conditions. • Sound management of GTEDA in accordance with Financial Management Best Practice and Corporate Governance and ensuring that financial targets are met. • Direct actions of the GTEDA team and create a climate conducive for the attainment of business objectives. • Oversee the establishment of adequate governance structures to support the attainment of business objectives. Interested persons must submit their applications on a covering letter, accompanied by certified copies of qualifications (it is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA), ID as well as a comprehensive CV. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being considered. Shortlisted candidates will be screened for criminal records and /or any pending criminal cases and their qualifications will be verified. The recommended candidates will be required to undergo competency-based assessment. The successful candidate will be required to sign an employment contract, to enter into a performance agreement and sign a disclosure of financial interest annually, and to undergo security vetting. If posted: PO Box 2420 Tzaneen 0850

If Hand Delivered: Sapekoe Avenue, GTEDA, Office No.63 & 64, Human Resource Management Tzaneen, 0850

NB: 1. No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted. 2. Applications submitted after the closing date will not be considered. 3. Applicants who are not contacted within 30 days from the closing date should deem their application unsuccessful.

Enquiries: Ms MM RABOTHATA - 015 307 3296/5312 Closing Date: 20 July 2015 at 12:30 All applications must be clearly marked for the attention of MR. M.Z MAWASHA, BOARD CHAIRPERSON: GREATER TZANEEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency reserves the right not to appoint.

Mr. M.Z Mawasha Board Chairperson

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Crime Reporter: Elliot Mathye - elliot@bulletin.us.com

Car overturns, 3 killed

Photo: supplied

The Police in Lestitele are investigating a case of culpable homicide after three people were killed when a motor vehicle which was transporting six people overturned. The surviving three were seriously injured and taken to hospital for medical treatment. The cause of the accident is not clear. Police investigations are underway. Two of the decease d were identified as Thomas Chabangu (35) and Antonio Khosa (30). The third one has not yet been identified.

Modjadjiskloof Modjadjiskloof Police arrested twenty suspects in connection with various criminal cases over the past weekend: nine suspects were arrested for contravening the Liquor Act, six for contravening the Road Traffic Act, three for possessing dagga and two for assault GBH.

Shops set alight Three shops were burnt to ashes in Relela and Moleketla Villages over the weekend. The motive of the arsonists is unknown, but it is alleged that the communities had gone on rampage and started burning shops. Community members reportedly also attacked police members and fire fighters with stones when they arrived at the scene. The situation is being monitored. There were no arrests and Police investigations are continuing.

The Police in Tzaneen arrested 94 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week: 38 for contravening the Road Traffic Act, eleven for common assault, eight for possessing counterfeit goods, seven for drinking in public, seven for illegal gambling, five for theft, four for housebreaking and theft, four for shoplifting, two for contravening the Liquor Act, two for theft under false pretence and the rest for housebreaking, house robbery, malicious damage to property, possessing dagga and pointing a firearm at someone.


Kidnapping suspected

Bolobedu police arrested 66 suspects for various criminal cases over the past week: 43 for drinking in public, seven for assault GBH, two for common assault, two for rape, two for murder and the rest for common robbery, theft, shoplifting, house-breaking and theft, possessing an illegal firearm, negligent and reckless driving, drunken driving, malicious damage to property, intimidation and crimen injuria.

Suspect in hiding Police in Tzaneen recently launched a manhunt for a stock theft suspect who was arrested in February. Ntwanano Andries Chauke (picture) faces ten counts of stock theft in Tzaneen and surrounding areas. The Police asked the residents to assist with information which could lead to Chauke’s arrest, by contacting the nearest police station, Det/W/O Jimmy Mbhalati on 015 355 8306 or 073 886 2763 or the crime stop number 086 100 10 111.


Twelve-year-old Sekiti Ngoamorei (picture) of Flora Park in Tzaneen is reported to be missing. A case of kidnapping was recently reported to the Tzaneen Police. Sekiti was last seen over a week ago. His father, whose name cannot be disclosed for safety reasons, had reportedly planned to take him to an initiation school during the school holidays. A woman, claiming to be Sekiti’s aunt, reportedly called the initiation school and told teachers that Sekiti did not want to go for initiation, but his father was forcing him to go. The father, however, said he has no idea who the alleged aunt could be and denies that his son was against going to initiation. The Police ask anyone with information regarding Sekiti’s whereabouts to contact D/W?O Mafumo on 082 729 0391 Photo: supplied


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3 July 2015


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Suné Engelbrecht (BO) en me Anneke Lubbe (ONDER) van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Rocking Voices-sangskool het die Trinity College se internasionale sangeksamen met sukses afgelê.

dergo intensive training in their various roles and responsibilities awaiting them from the third term. They will also play a leading role in planning next years’ 80th anniversary celebrations. Merensky look forward to the contribution they will make towards the school’s continued growth and school spirit that makes being a learner at Plasieland such an unique experience, said headmaster Magnus Steyn. Seen in the photo are, front row: Ntsakiso Nyathi, Ali-

New leaders elected at Merensky The new SRC (scholars’ representative council) at Merensky High School for 2015/2016 has been elected. All nominees attended compulsory leadership training sessions from as early as Gr 8. In order to qualify as a candidate in the election the learners also had to provide evidence of their involvement in a broad spectrum of school activities. During the annual executive leadership camp the newly elected leaders will un-

cia Prinsloo, Michelle Stevens, Gerty van Jaarsveld, Carmen Nagel, Angie Nel, Adinda van Wyk, Laryn Prins, Bernice Cronjé and Altacia Gubitz Middle row: Micaela Ball, Michaela Viljoen, Gwendy Botha, Xané du Toit, Simoné Pretorius, Taytum Cawood, Bianca Spies, Chantelle Wilson, Precious Setwaba and Klarissa Nel. At the back: Ms Fransie le Roux, Mr Ockert le Roux, Chrisjan Rebel, Joe Raspel, Ivan Botha, MJ Bensch, Ruurd Jacobs, Armand Steyn, JP van den Bergh, Blake Linder, Wian Brits, Freddie Lubbe and Ms Ada Venter.


Andries Ockter van Wyk ‘n Bekende man van Tzaneen en Duiwelskloof Andries Ockter van Wyk is Vrydag 26 Junie 2015 oorlede. Sy familie en vriende sal hom onthou as n nederige mens met baie omgee vir ander. ‘n Gedenkdiens sal Vrydag 10:00 uit die NG Wolkberg kerk vir hom gehou word. Die familie bedank graag almal vir gebede, oproepe, ondersteuning, besoeke, boodskappe, ens.

Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftree Beplanning Beleggings | Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele


SMIT GARRUN FSP: 11184 info@smitgarrun.co.za

In moeilike ekonomiese tye is dit noodsaaklik dat veral sakelui beter toegang tot finansiële nuus en die ekonomie se stand kry. Kundiges van die Smit Garrun-groep (wat hul dienste aansienlik uitgebrei het en steeds uitbrei) het ingewillig om gereeld deur die Bulletin finansiële nuus aan ons lesers beskikbaar te stel en die stand van die ekonomie te bespreek. In vandag se tweede aflewering in die nuwe reeks gesels ons met mnr Retief Jacobs. Ons (B) stel vrae aan hom en hy (J) beantwoord dit kort en kragtig.

reg bestuur. Risiko’s wat ‘n entiteit finansieel kan ruïneer geniet voorrang. B: Watse tipe kliënte sien jy meesal en wat probeer bereik die meeste van jou kliënte? J: Kommersiële kliënte. Om seker te maak dat daar na baterisiko’s volgens die regte benadering omgesien word, en dat risiko’s reg bestuur word om finansiële verliese te kan beperk. B: Sal jy die enigste persoon wees wat met my sake werk? J: Ons het ‘n unieke benadering tot persoonlike diens. Ek en my B: Wat is jou kwalifikasies en assistente hanteer al die navrae en werksondervinding? diens vir kliënte wat aan my porteJ: BComm Hons in risikofeulje toegeken is. Ek is in my eie bestuur. My werksondervinding hoedanigheid 24/7 beskikbaar. behels my vorige loopbaan van B: Hoe sal ek vir jou dienste ses jaar by die JSE Safex APM betaal en wat vra jy? B: Watse dienste bied jy aan? J: Volgens die FAIS Wet op tusJ: Korttermynversekering, Lesengangers is ons geregtig om ‘n Retief Jacobs wensversekering, Beleggings, tussengangerfooi te hef. Aandele-portefeuljebestuur B: Hoe bly jy op die hoogte van en wisselsake met fooie/koste wat jou kliënte kan raak? koersverhandeling (spot en vooruitgedateerde J: Deur gereelde kommunikasie en goeie vertermynkontrakte) houdings met versekeraars en gepaardgaande B: Hoe benader jy finansiële beplanning? maatskappye by wie ons kliënte se risiko’s J: Elke kliënt se situasie is uniek aan hom of bestuur word. haar en moet dus op ‘n eie manier benader en B: Hoe word jy gereguleer? oorweeg word. Dit is van belang om ‘n omvatJ: Deur die FSB, FAIS Voldoeningswet. tende kliënte-behoeftebepaling te doen, om B: Hoe dikwels hersien jy my as kliënt se die nodige risiko’s te ontleed en aan te spreek, situasie?J: Jaarliks of soos die behoefte mag om seker te maak die risiko’s word uiteindelik ontstaan.

10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


3 July 2015



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Commercial News • Handelsnuus

American to produce a vervet movie

New Lion President elected... The new Letaba Lion President Ms Debbie du Preez (middle) succeeded Mr Martin Froise at a function at Fairview Lodge. She is flanked by Ms Hester Robinson (treasurer) and the new secretary, Ms Rome Malan right). — Photo supplied

A young (27-year-old) film maker from Los Angeles, Mr Kyle Salazar (photo right), is in Tzaneen to conduct preliminary shooting that will continue for the next two years. In between Salazar will return to LA to head up the fund raising campaign for this film with a working title of “The Vervet Forest”. Fifteen percent of all proceeds will go to the Vervet Monkey Foundation in Letsitele. These proceeds will go towards purchasing a large tract of virgin land to create “The Vervet Forest.” Many of the 600 sanctuary vervets will then be returned to the wild.

Salazar volunteered at the VMF when he was only nineteen and it left such an impression that eight years later he’s back to create a movie. Salazar works with four others and they call themselves “High 5 Collective.” They’ve been featured in Rolling Stone magazine and Huffington Post. One of them is Limpopoborn Mzonke Maloney (23) who’s studying film making at the New York Film Institute in LA. Salazar was with the VMF at their drive to explain the ways of vervets at the Tzaneng Mall last week. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

LFPA vra paraatheid vir die brandseisoen

Die Letaba-distrik is in sy brandseisoen en rookwolke sal vir die volgende paar maande sporadies oor die seisoen hang totdat die reëntyd later vanjaar aanbreek. ‘n Dringende beroep word deur die Letaba Brandbestrydingseenheid (LFPA) op boere in die gebied gedoen om hul toerusting vir brande in orde te kry. Na elke brandseisoen beland dié toerusting gewoonlik in die pakhuis en vergader stof, al is van die harke, pikke en brandslaners gedaan.

‘n Bakkiesakkie bly steeds die doeltreffendste toerusting om veld- en bosbrande mee te beheer, maar dit het ook instandhouding nodig. Die aanbring van brandbane moet behoorlik gedoen word. Volgens die LFPA gebeur dit dikwels dat brandbane inderhaas gemaak word en nie breed genoeg is vir brandspanne om te gebruik nie.

Dit het al gelei tot verskeie onnodige brandbeserings. Die LFPA se span is gereed vir vanjaar se brandseisoen. Die vlieëniers van die helikopter en opsporingsvliegtuig, mnre Paul Bester en Siem Venter, is reeds sedert 1 Junie op hul poste, terwyl grondpersoneel onder leiding van die bestuurder, mnr Rouan Snyman, met die nodige hulptoerusting ook reg staan vir onvoorsiene brandtoestande.

Business directory | Sakegids Weekly from Tzaneen to Pretoria via Polokwane on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays.

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Natalie Moss • 084 369 6293 • 073 110 4180

For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955


Tel: 015 296 4304 | Fax: 086 689 9007 Email: limpopo@voidcon.co.za | www.voidcon.co.za P.O. Box 12250, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699 Registration nr: 2010/05884/23 | VAT nr: 4760256968

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com






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3 July 2015


Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property

Meenthuis/Cluster Homes Moderne 2slp meenthuis in Letsitele te huur 2.5 badkamers, garage, veilige kompleks. R4000pm met koopkrag. bel Elzaan by 0835616062 Apr401_______________

MACADAMIA VILLAGE 2 x groot slaapkamers, 2 x badkamer (een met stort en een met bad), 3 lugversorgers, ruim sitkamer en leef area. Netjiese kombuis met in en uitgang. Aparte bediende geriewe. Dubbel motorhuis, braai area. Goeie ligging in kompleks. Pragtige stoep. Ouderdomsperk van toepassing R6 950 pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Skakel Gerhard du Toit 082 752 5456


Put your property in

the spotlight

Office/Kantoor Office or workshop space to let old Industrial area R5 500.00P/M W&l incl. Contact: Rowan 082 888 5352


Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen 2 Separate office spaces to rent. Sizes 92m² &31m² at excellent address. Exquisitely tiled and designed, including bathroom& kitchenette in both premises. Interior can be partitioned according to your needs. Rent negotiable on application Call Stephanie or Kyla on 0153077008/3071333

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede 231 2307

Driver My name is Moye Lazarus Ramatladi I am looking for driver work I have a license C1 with PDP or farm work, I speak English and understand Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 076 286 2431 (3)________________________________

My name is Matome Harry Morerwa I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English contact me on 073 241 4534 (4)________________________________

My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392 (5)________________________________

My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908 (6)________________________________

My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780 (7)________________________________

Domestic My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 I was a driver assistant checking invoicing as well or any general work contact me on 073 586 8558 (8)________________________________

My name is Prince Sekgobela I am looking for a scooter driver work I speak English I have experience and grade 12 contact me on 083 403 0118 (9)________________________________

My name is Jabu Elizabeth Ntimbana I am looking for any general work or domestic or office cleaner, I speak English, work full time or part time contact me on 073 716 0824 (151)______________________________

My name is Malata Emily Modipa I am looking for domestic work sleep in or out, speak English. Mon – Fri, office cleaner. Contact me on 079 378 9264 (152)______________________________

My name is Julia Maake I am looking for any domestic work, office cleaner, I speak English (Experience working at Wesbank) or Tea lady contact me on 079 287 2094 (153)______________________________

My name is Maria M. Pilusa I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner, I speak English, sleep out full time or part time contact me on 072


My name is Nkhensani Mabunda I am looking for a job I have N6 in Business Management I can work as cashier, receptionist, and bookkeeper. I can speak English I have 4 years experience as bank teller at FNB (ref: Maake Rhulani 083 434 4095) contact me on 078 380 5154 (17)_______________________________

My name is Kgomotso Pilusa I am looking for clerk work I speak English I have computer course and a code 10 licence contact me on 082 424 8318 (18)_______________________________

My name is Tiny Shikwambana I a looking for a receptionist work or office assistant I speak English I have matirc and computer literate full time or part time contact me on 072 661 7527 (19)_______________________________

My name is Nyiko Eugene Mathonsi I am looking for administration work I have N4 Marketing Communication, Diploma or a office assistant drivers licence code 10 contact me on 083 370 5474 (20)_______________________________

My name is Tshepo Lucy Malesa I am looking for a receptionist work, or cashier I have computer literacy and grade 12 (NQF1 qualification Plant Production) contact me on 078 583 6383 (21)______________________________

Admin My name is Hellen Malatjie I am looking for a cashier, admin, receptionist work, I can work on pastel, cashbook, filing, customer serv. Is my first priority as ell four years experience working in admin. Code 10 driver’s licence I am 36 years old. Contact me on 079 3109754 / 083 481 7180 (22)______________________________

My name is Eullender H Chauke I am looking for administration or general work I have computer diploma and code 10 licence have grade 12 I speak English. Contact me on 078 266 9812 (23)_______________________________

My name is Anna H. Kgatle I am looking for a administration job or PA or any office work, I have a diploma in computer I have a drivers licence code 10 4 years experience working in a office contact me on 076 026 9631 (24)_______________________________

My name is Gezani Christophere Baloyi I am looking for a plumbing job I have 10 years experience I have matrix and I speak English contact me on 078 093 8694 (51)_______________________________

My naam is Rassie Erasmus ek is opsoek na enige opsigters werk of enige ander soort werk kontak my op 072 811 9860

General (52)_______________________________

My name is Thomas Samuel Ngobeni I am looking for paint work, plaster, building or tiling I speak Afrikaans job can be full time or part time contact me on 078 785 5257 (53)_______________________________

My name is Phetole Edward Kgatla I am looking for building work, roofing, ceiling work I speak Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 083 619 0131 (54)_______________________________

My name is Diboko John Makwela I am looking for any construction work, building, plastering, I speak English contact me on 082 740 9286 (55)_______________________________

My name is Nyiketani Olive Tshavalala I am looking for work in catering (cook) or cleaning I have certificate in both and have computer certificate I speak English or any other general work contact me on 078 657 8262

any general work I speak English or any domestic or office cleaning work full time or part time contact me on 072 773 5717 (59)_______________________________

My name is Khomotso Ishmael Pilusa I am looking for any general work have experience with picking on farms I can do gardening is speak English I have Grade 12 contact me on 079 292 3813 (60)_______________________________

My name is Edward R. Raoleka I am 30 years old matriculated in 2007 I have a certificate in Basic Ambulance Assistant, including First Aid. I have a code 10 licence with PDP. I speak English, Afrikaans, Pedi, Tzonga, Venda, Zulu & Sotho, I am computer literate communicate very well with people contact me on 079 594 2470 (61)_______________________________

Mahasha I am looking for a Security work I have grade E, D, C I speak English contact me on 060 322 7656



My name is Sibongile Zitha I am looking for any general work I speak English or any domestic, office cleaner or cashier job full time or part time contact me on 073 300 6614

My name is Evans Mokwena I am looking for a painting and tilling job contact me on 072 705 7930


My name is Tintswalo Thoko Mabunda I am looking for


My name is Ngkhanana Sibongile Khosa I am looking for work at a butchery or in a store contact me on 071 387 1883



My name is Kgaogelo Sekhula I am looking for store man work have experience (training on job) I speak English or any other general work contact me on 079 954 2154

My name is Thapelo Moyagabo Malobadihlare I am looking for any general work or office cleaner or domestic sleep in or out I speak English Mon. – Fri. Contact me on 079 852 2517


My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP or any other general work I speak English contact me on 073 586 8558 (66)_______________________________

My name is Pamela Manyenga I am looking for a primary school teacher job I have a diploma I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 828 3446 (67)_______________________________

My name is Makoma Adeleid Ramahlo I am looking for any general work, cahsier, office cleaner, domestic work I speak English full time or part time contact me on 078 909 8283 (68)_______________________________

My name is Sibongile M. Khosa I am looking for any general work office cleaner or domestic worker I speak English full time or part time contact me on 071 387 1883 (69)_______________________________

My name is Mohlatlego Elliot Manyama I am looking for a mechanic work I also have a code 10 drivers licence I speak English contact me on 079 373 5946


My name is Nkomi Reginah Mawasha I am looking for a cashier work, I have experience I packing (worked at Westfalia), and I worked with machine making boxes. Contact me on 072 999 6267 (72)_______________________________

My name is Antonia Shai I am looking for any general work, cashier, I am computer literate, admin work as well ( have paramedic diploma) contact me on 076 280 4645 (73)_______________________________

My name is Linda Jansen ek is opsoek na werk as ‘n oppasser vir berjaardes (privaat) of gestremde volwassenis ook het ondervinding CV beskikbaar Maandag – Vrydag skakel my by 073 872 7082 (74)_______________________________

My naam is Rassie Erasmus ek is opsoek na enige opsigter werk ek het ondervinding. Skakel my by 072 811 9860 (75)_______________________________

Legals l Geregtelik

Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit. Any person having any

objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, not later than 31 July 2015. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850. 015 - 3073710 Jul101____________________________

KENNISGEWING MARULENG GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 Ooreenkomstig Artikel 21 van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit om spesiale toestemming om ‘n bed en ontbyt onderneming te bedryf op Erwe 99 & 102 Kampersrus. Die eiendomme is tans vir “Residensieël

Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen asook die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit.


Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, voor of op 31 Julie 2015. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850. 015 3073710

AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN granted on 05 DECEMBER 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 24 JULY 2015 by public auction to be held at Sheriff Ritavi’s Office,1 Bankuna Road, Limdev Building by the sheriff for the Magistrates Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely:

1” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde Grondgebruikskema.


1 X SLIDING GATE 1 X COMPRESSOR 1 X INVENTOR 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff Ritavi’s Office, 1 Bankuna road, Limdev Building. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.za/view/ ownloadfileaction?id-99961)

5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff wil conduct the sale with

the auctioneers being Mr. William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 30th day of JUNE 2015 (sgd) A. H.BURGER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE BUILDING 11 LOOP STREET P O BOX 720 TZANEEN Tel: 015 – 307-4458 Fax: 015-307 1253 Email: invorderings@vanrensburgprok.co. Ref: WN0147 / ar / AB Jul103____________________________

High commission Vacancies at Sukuma Training Academy Sukuma Training Academy is looking for strong individuals that are self-motivated with very good communication skills that can work for us as Sales Consultants. Minimum requirements: • Age between 22 and 40 • At least 2 years sales experience • Own transport • Own cell phone • Honest, reliable and hard working Please submit your CV at your local Sukuma Training Academy branch or Fax or Email to the following: cv@sukumatrainingacademy.co.za Fax: 086 665 8271


NOTICE MARULENG LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Maruleng Land Use Scheme, 2008, that we Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Maruleng Municipality for Special Consent to operate a Bed and Breakfast on Erven 99 and 102 Kampersrus. The land is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Land Use Scheme.


3 July 2015



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Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

We will beat any written quote!!

Services Dienste Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269 Mei206____________________________

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________

Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za Mar108___________________________

The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936 Sep405___________________________

DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202____________________ Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Cakes & Cupcakes for any occasion. From Wedding cakes to Birthday cakes.

Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317

Services Dienste WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

For Sale Te Koop

Borehole Investigation

Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Underwater video camera With us nothing goes down the drain! Groot moederplante – system to observe the Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955 R500.00 general condition of your Mandela’s gold geel borehole i.e. blockages, acquitters, water levels, Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, With us nothing goes down the drain! Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs condition of castings.Foretc. Saailinge – R4.00 plante all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955 in blom – R30.00, Contact Renier de Jager @ Moeder plante in Jan205___________________________ With079 us nothing down the drain! 883goes 5655 blom – R300.00 of Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs Jul101___________________________ For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 (R1, kom haal self per blom) For2955all your Solar, Kham A Valante Travel & (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) Tours Shuttle Coaches Plumbing and Aircon 082 466 9884 Matsebane Nomvela needs contact: Nov312___________________________ Mille Flora (managing director) HP Pretorius Vir tuininstandhouding Instant Lawn 072 795 1770 082 925 2955 en tuinuitleg. Kitsgras van hoogstaande 087 150 1775 skakel ons. Jy sal gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Fax: 086 583 5379 verbaas wees oor die Vierkante meter. www.kgomozadrivingschool. verskil wat ons aan jou Aflewering ekstra co.za tuin kan maak. info@kgomozadrivingschool. Skakel: Hennie Maartens Skakel Riesl op co.za 015 307 4562 of 083 407 8061 Tzaneen, Polokwane, 073 872 8031 all ure Jan512____________________________ Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, DASS Witbank, Pretoria, Refrigeration, air Naboomspruit, conditioning. Repairs, Johannesburg, spares and services to Franna Lamprecht OR Tambo International all makes of domestic Call Lihanie on 015 Airport. Sales Executive: appliances. Speed 307 7248 Jan406____________________ Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Franna Lamprecht to advertise Kham A Valante Travel & Bosch, etc. We collect Cell: 082 739 1297 Tours Shuttle Coaches and deliver. Tel: 015 307 5016 in the Matsebane Nomvela 11 Plantation Rd, Fax: 015 307 2753 classifi ed (managing director) Tzaneen. franna@lanniemotors.co.za 015 307 1798 072 795 1770 www.lanniemotors.co.za 082 8980 468 087 150 1775 Lannie motors Services Offered Tzaneen 0850 Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Feel like hitting your Braaihout (swarthaak) Johannesburg) head against a brick Lannie Motors te koop @ R15 p/sak. Pack & Drive wall? H-Effect t/a Van Vredens Minimum van 10 Touring (Tour Operators) panelbeaters sakke vir aflewering in Airport Transfers Panelbeaters and multi Tzaneen. Picnic, workshop/ group workshop Skakel 0836307304 travelling Tel: 015 307 3764/5 Mei201_____________________ Tour Guides (on Board) 11 Plantation Road Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Hannes 082 468 2227 Radio & CD. Hennie 082 373 4636 Air conditioned For Hire Tired of communication Jan407____________________ downtime? Te Huur Unified Network Services Wireless – Broadband Trok met arbeiders te huur – Mobile – Certified Meubels/Rommel/Algemene Cabling – Fiber vervoer. Tzaneen en omUnified Internet Services liggende area. Business Internet – Home Internet – Hosting Kontak: 082 838 8630. (E-mail & Domain) DSL Mar201___________________________ – Lease Lines – Managed Your go-to-guys on VPN Unified IP Telco Provider fireplaces and braais VERVOER & VERPAK IP Telephony – IP PBX Contact us on VAN MEUBELS – Hosted PBX – VOIP 015 297 8964 SKAKEL MELODY BEST QUALITY! – FOIP 083 417 6126 VIR KWOTASIE Unified ICT Services 015 345 1192/ BEST SERVICE! Support – Sales – Soft084 627 0956 ware – Hardware – CCTV THANKS FOR 076 410 9503 – Alarms 082 851 7139 Contact us for a variety YOUR LOYAL Epos:troktrek@mweb. of internet packages! Concrete slabs co.za Contact Details SUPPORT!! Phone Hans for a Web: www.steynbergOffice: 015 590 1200 quotation nd 2 HAND SHOP meubelvervoer.com Fax: 015 590 1199 082 804 5282 Bargains Galore Email: info@uniwisp. Your partner in We buy, sell and pawn. co.za Wisani Burial Society Ons koop, verkoop home building! helpdesk@uniwisp.co.za 24 hour emergency no en pand enige iets Visit www.uniwisp.co.za 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 7168 van waarde. Meubels, For more information 015 307 6719 Branches in Letaba Crossing toebehore, juwele, e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za kombuisware, gereedbulletin©10329tp150612tb





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3 July 2015


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Merensky se boogskuts wys wéér ‘n keer hul staal Die Vossie-skuts wat so goed gevaar het in Mokopane: Voor is Sean Fourie, Zack Verster en Johandre le Roux en agter staan Renaldo van Rensburg, Thinus Vermaak en Belinda Kruger.

Vossies vuur voor...

‘n Span skuts van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan ‘n skyfskietkompetisie in Mokopane deelgeneem en die skuts — Thinus Vermaak, Renaldo van Rensburg, Tiaan de Jager, Hano Sliep, Belinda Kruger, Johandre le Roux, Sean Fourie en Zack Verster — het gekorrel en gevuur vir die vales. Die Vossie het behoorlik skoonskip gemaak: Renaldo was in die o.16-groep eerste

en het goud gewen in die 3P asook in die 10 m-staankompetisie. Thinus was tweede in die o.21-ouderdomsgroep in al die posisies! Belinda het algeheel ‘n vierde plek losgeskiet! Die o.14-seuns — Johandre, Sean en Zack — het die eerste drie plekke oorheers en met die louere weggestap. Johandre was die algehele wenner in die ouderdomsgroep.

Oppie Kassie On the Telly Eindstryd in Nieu-Seeland bly koningskos op TV Wimbledon, die Tour de France, die Britse Grand Prix en ʼn T20-wedstryd tussen Suid-Afrika en Bangladesj se krieketspanne word dié naweek regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai. En die eindstryd van die Superrugbyreeks, natuurlik. Te midde van al die ander kookwater sport bly die uitsending van die wedstryd tussen die Hurricanes en die Highlanders steeds boaan die voorkeurlys van talle SA sportgeesdriftiges. Die kragmeting in Wellington, Nieu-Seeland, kan een van die bestes in die geskiedenis van die reeks wees. En van geskiedenis gepraat: die Franse Ope-gholftoernooi, wat ook dié naweek uitgesaai word, is al nege keer deur Suid-Afrikaners gewen. Sid Brews, Bobby Locke en Retief Goosen het die titel elk twee keer gewen en Dennis Hutchinson, Vincent Shabalala en Dale Hayes elk een keer. Dis is omtrent tyd dat iemand hulle dit nadoen. SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 3 Julie Gholf: Franse Ope, dag 2, Parys – 10:30 tot 13:30 en 15:30 tot 18:30 op SS 1 Greenbrier Classic, dag 2, White Sulphur Springs – 22:00 tot 01:00 op SS 1 en GDN Hokkie: Mans: Wêreldliga, Antwerpen: halfeind 1 en 2 – 18:00 tot 22:30 op SS 7 Krieket: Karibiese Premierliga: Guyana t St Kitts en Nevis – 21:50 tot 01:50 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Britse Grand Prix, oefening 1 –10:50 tot 12:40 op SS 6 Britse Grand Prix, oefening 2 – 14:50 tot 16:40 op SS 6 Tennis: Wimbledon, dag 5 – 13:45 tot 22:00 op SS 2 en 12:30 tot 22:00 op SS 5 Saterdag 4 Julie Atletiek: Diamantliga, Areva – 19:50 tot 22:00 op SS 4 Bergfietsry: Wêreldbeker, Switserland – 14:30 tot 16:30 op SS 8 Fietsry: Tour de France, skof 1, tydtoets, 14 km – 13:10 tot 17:50 op SS 6 Gholf: Franse ope, dag 3 – 14:00 tot 18:00 op SS 1 Greenbrier Classic, dag 3 – 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Hokkie: Wêreldliga, Antwerpen: Vroue-eindstryd – 18:00 tot 20:00 op SS 5 Krieket: Karibiese Premierliga: Barbardos t St Lucia – 01:50 tot 05:50 op SS 6 St Kitts & Nevis t Jamaika – 17:50 tot 21:50 op SS 6 Trinidad & Tobago t Guyana – 21:50 tot 01:40 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Britse Grand Prix, oefening 3 – 10:50 tot 12:10 op SS 6

Britse Grand Prix, kwalifisering – 13:50 tot 15:10 op SS 5 Rugby: Superreeks, eindstryd: Hurricanes t Highlanders – 09:00 tot 12:00 on SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker, eerste liga: Griekwas t Griffons – 15:10 tot 17:15 op SS 5 Seiljagvaart: Extremevaart, dag 3 Hamburg – 16:00 tot 17:30 op Kanaal 210 Sokker: Amerikasbeker, uitspeel om derde plek – 01:50 tot 03:30 op SS 6 Amerikasbeker, eindstryd – 21:45 tot 03:30 op SS 3 Tennis: Wimbledon, dag 6 – 13:45 tot 22:00 op SS 2 en 12:30 tot 22:00 op SS 7

BO: Die presteerders was, voor: Pieter van der Merwe en Janco Theron; in die middelry is Simoné Smith, Lin-Marie Theron, Braam de Klercq, Canell Jackson en Cornelius Oosthuizen; en agter staan Ricus Warmenhoven, Renart Botha, Ruan Genis en Adriaan Venter.

eerste span met Canell Jackson, Cornelius Oosthuizen en Braam de Klercq, wat ook by Merensky se klub geaffilieer is, het met die silwer medalje in die afdeling vir laerskole weggestap. Die skuts het ook drie individuele medaljes verower: Canell Jackson (goud), Pieter van der Merwe (goud) en Schalk Warmenhoven (silwer). Vyf van die skuts (Renart Botha, Canell Jackson, Ricus Warmenhoven, Schalk Warmenhoven en Pieter van der Merwe) het provinsiaal-kwalifiserende tellings vir 2015 geskiet en is goed op pad om aan die einde van die jaar weer provinsiale kleure te verwerf.

BO REGS: En hier is die hele Merensky-groep. Voor is Heinrich Pieterse, Pieter van der Merwe en Cornelius Oosthuizen; in die middelry is Megan Meyer, Carla van Coller, Canell Jackson, Armand Cronje, Lin-Marie Theron, Braam de Klercq, Simoné Smith en Yolandi Potgieter. Agter staan Dawie Theron, Adriaan Venter sr, Ricus Warmenhoven, Adriaan Venter, Ockert le Roux, Ben van Coller, Renart Botha, Schalk Warmenhoven, Janco Theron en Ruan Genis.

Ten Merensky High School netball girls were selected for provincial teams this season. The eight players who are now part of Limpopo teams are, (front) Tzundzukani Mthombeni, Kgabo Mamrobela AND Dineo Shokane and at the back are Musa Hlungwane, Naomi Munduku, Micke Venter and Noko Mabilo, Mpho Mokwena. The twins Merisca and Melissa Steenkamp are the other two members of the group (their photo is on the back page).


Sondag 5 Julie Bergfietsry: Wêreldbeker, Olimpiese veldren, vroue, Switserland – 11:00 tot 13:00 op SS 6 Wêreldbeker: Olimpiese veldren, mans – 14:00 tot 16:00 op SS 8 Fietsry: Tour de France, skof 2, 166 km – 13:05 tot 18:00 op SS 6 Gholf: Franse Ope, dag 4 – 13:30 tot 18:00 op SS 1 Greenbrier Classic, dag 4 – 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Hokkie: Wêreldbeker, eindstryd vir mans, Antwerpen – 18:00 tot 20:00 op SS 7 Krieket: T20: Bangladesj t Suid-Afrika, Mirpur, eerste wedstryd – 14:00 tot 18:30 op SS 2 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Britse Grand Prix – 13:30 tot 16:15 op SS 5 Nascarreeeks – 01:00 tot 04:00 op SS 7 Seiljagvaart: Extremevaart, Hamburg, dag 4 – 16:00 tot 17:30 op SS 7

Soos meeste Saterdae het 22 Merensky-boogskuts om 00:30 in die pad geval om teen 07:30 in Gauteng aan te meld vir ‘n kompetisie: dié keer vir die ABO/3di “Triple crown Leg 2-kompetisie. Nagenoeg 260 skuts van regoor die land het aan die kompetisie deelgeneem. Merensky se eerste span met Ricus Warmenhoven, Renart Botha, Ruan Genis en Pieter van der Merwe het die senior skole-afdeling gewen. Die tweede span met Janco Theron, Lin-Marie Theron, Adriaan Venter en Simoné Smith het brons in die senior skole-afdeling gewen. Die Laerskool Drakensig se

PLAY AREA for your kids while you train

Nadine Jacobs

Imke en Nadine Jacobs, twee sussies van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het aan die Pondarosa Graded and Recreational Skou in Mbombela deelgeneem. Imke het twee klasse gewen, die kompetisie klas op 70 cm, asook die Accumulator klas vir 80/90 cm.



Will be supervised between 4-7pm Monday 5:15am






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Boot Camp


Power Pump





Sweat Cross

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3 July 2015

Enter now for trail run

Play for Limpopo... The twins Merisca and Melissa Steenkamp are members of Merensky High School’s ten member group of netball girls who were selected for provincial teams this season.

Entries are open for the fifth annual Iron Crown trail run in the Haenertsburg area next Saturday (11 July). The day’s event features a 21,1 km strenuous run over rough single track mountain paths, which goes to the summit of the highest mountain in Limpopo — the Iron Crown. There is also a shorter 10 km distance and a 5 km fun run/walk for families and dogs! The scenery on the trail is pristine and spectacular. The start and finish are on the central market square in Haenertsburg. This is a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg in conjunction with the Ofcolaco Harriers. It is a festive day out for everyone,

from the hard core trail runners to the not so adventurous racers, to leisurely strollers and families. Food will be on sale and there will a beer tent. Cash prizes for winners in the different age and gender categories are up for grabs! Funds raised will go to “Preserve Planet Earth” projects, which aim to protect and promote a sustainable environment, as well as other community projects. The details can be found on http://rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za and the link to enter online is: http:// ironcrown2015.myactiveonline. co.za/CaptureDetails/Registration. aspx.

A jubilant trail runner shows his delight at reaching the top of the mountain, in this photo from our archives.

Vossies speel nou ook rolbal Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vanjaar twee spanne ingeskryf vir die Bulletin/Tzaneen Rolbalklub se onlangse jaarlikse sakeliga, wat oor vyf weke beslis is. Dit was vir die Vossies ‘n nuwigheid en twaalf tot veertien spelers het vanjaar goeie ondervinding op die baan opgedoen. Elkeen van die spanne het vyf wedstryde gespeel, waarvan HBV 1 in een wedstryd gelykop gespeel en een gewen het. HBV 2 het ook een wedstryd gedeel en twee gewen. Die weg is vanjaar gebaan vir goeie rolbal in die Vossies se toekoms. Hou hulle gerus dop. Desree Mohononi, Andries Swart, Junior Smit en Janais Delport bespreek hier ‘n strategie voor hul volgende rolpoging.

Abseiling supervisor’s course for outdoor adventure staff... The senior Outdoor Ad-

venture staff at Stanford Lake College took part in a five day abseil supervisor’s course. This was to brush up on some old climbing and abseiling skills, as part of their continuous qualification process. This is in order to ensure that the staff always keep the school’s pupils safe and happy when participating in the wide range of outdoor activities. Tiaan Fullard (left) is seen here performing an abseil rescue procedure on Steve Willson as the ‘victim’ in an abseiling incident.


gaan uitsien — kies jy ‘n 18/13- of ‘n 17/14-verdeling tussen voor- en agterspelers? En hoe verdeel jy dié twee groepe volgens spelerposisies? Besluit jy byvoorbeeld om 18 voorspelers te kies, is dit ‘n gegewe dat jy drie hakers gaan saamneem en waarskynlik vier slotte, wat jou met die keuse laat van 5 stutte en 6 losvoorspelers. Watter 6 losvoorspelers kies jy uit Vermeulen, Whiteley, Alberts, Burger, Louw, Brüssow, Coetzee, Kolisi en Mohojo? Drie van hulle gaan dit alreeds nie maak nie, wat verklaar hoekom dit nie so vreemd is dat Jaco Kriel nie oorweeg is nie. Agterlangs is dit net so ‘n dilemma, want met die beste scenario kies jy 14 spelers waarvan 3 skrumskakels gaan wees, waarskynlik 3 losskakels (waarvan een die reserwe heelagter is), 4 senters, 3 vleuels en ‘n heelagter. Wie van Jean de Villiers, Jan Serfontein, Damian de Allende, Frans Steyn, Jaques Fourie en Lionel Mapoe vat jy saam as senters en wie bly? En

Juig, Ween en Hoon onder die voorste kandidate. Vir die onmiddellike is daar vyf toetse wat oor die volgende aantal weke gespeel moet word, waarskynlik sonder meeste van die genoemde beseerdes. Oubal voorspel dat die meeste van die nuutbeloondes net daar is om ons deur hierdie tydperk te dra, maar darem die kans gegun gaan word om ‘n moontlike kleim af te steek vir die Wêreldbeker wat later volg, en daarna. Oubal wil aanbeveel dat die onvergenoegdes (nou en later) moet gaan sit en dink oor hoe ‘n Wêreldbekergroep moet lyk. In die eerste plek kan die groep net uit 31 spelers bestaan, wat alreeds beteken dat agtien van die huidige 49 dit nie gaan maak nie. Die volgende dilemma is hoe die WB-groep daar

watter losskakel los jy as jy net 13 agterspelers vat? Kopseer op kopseer! Die gehoon het natuurlik na middernag verlede Saterdag van die Vetsjef in Auckland gekom. “Ons” het twee spanne in die S15finaal, sê hy, en soveel diepte dat ons twee spanne van gelyke sterkte kan kies om die WB mee te wen. Ons lag vir Heyneke se groep! ‘Tja, sê Oubal, jy’t vergeet dat julle daai triek verlede November teen Skotland probeer het en na rustyd gedwing was om die grofgeskut in die veld te stoot, om met 26-17 te kon deurskuur. En jy’t vergeet dat julle in 2007 vasgeval het teen Frankryk toe julle ook gedink het julle het twee spanne van gelyke sterkte. Droom voort! “A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.” — Grantland Rice Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!



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Oubal geniet altyd die emosies wat los kom wanneer ‘n Bokspan of -groep aangekondig word, want daar is altyd die verdienstelikes, die gelukkiges, die ongelukkiges en dan pleinweg die wat ingedoen is en die wat hul beurt gehad het. ‘Tja, kom ons wens nou maar vir Heyneke geluk dat hy (vir die oomblik) goeie spelpeil tydens die S15 beloon het — manne soos Jesse Kriel, Lionel Mapoe, Elton Jantjies, Faf de Klerk, Rudy Paige, Heinrich Brüssow, Franco Mostert, Steven Kitshoff en Vincent Koch. Die gepeupel se juigkrete hieroor is amper net so hard as oor die weglating van Pierre Spies. Die geween gaan meestal oor die afwesigheid van Jaco Kriel en (in ‘n mindere mate) Francois Hougaard en natuurlik die terugroep van eertydse wonders soos Zane Kirchner, Morné Steyn, Jaque Fourie, Heinke van der Merwe en Frans Steyn, laasgenoemde oor wie selfs Oubal voorbehoude het. Oubal dink egter dat daar ‘n bietjie perspektief verkry moet word op die taak op hande vir Heyneke. Dié is tweërlei van aard en word bemoeilik deur ‘n taamlike lang beseringslys

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